1849 September Council ProceedingsSeptember 3, 1849 Lewis, Shields, Gunn, Norman, Goodrich, Hardie, Powers Memorial of the School Directors of School District No. 1 of Julien pay L Clark on City Orders No. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 June 1, 1848 house rented of T Davis for a cholera hospital be now given up September 3, 1849 F Yager John Goldsbery Edward Peck Wm L Johnson Woodward fees in case of the State of Iows for the use and benefit of the City of Dubuque vs. Levi September 11, 1849 Lewis, Shields, Gunn, Norman, Goodrich, Hardie, Powers P O'Shea for hauling M Considine for work City Attorney ordinance relation to market fine George Cannon violation of market Ordinance September 11, 1849 subject of interest on city scrip October 8, 1849 Lewis, Shields, Gunn, Norman, Goodrich, Hardie, Powers M Flynn work B F Davis bury a man who died of cholera C C Hewitt salary marshal and market master H Estes salary city recorder