1851 August Council ProceedingsJuly 28, 1851 No quorum August 4, 1851 Lorimier, Farley, Ogilby, Booth, Wood, Molony, Bush Ordinance weighing of hay T Davis ground for hospital purchased $625 Ordinance duties and powers Assessor and Collector August 4, 1851 Lorimier, Farley, Ogilby, Booth, Wood, Molony, Bush rates of ferriage between Dubuque and shore footman man and horse led horse wagon and two horses or oxen horse and wagon children under 16 hog, sheep, or calf gig or sulky, without horse head loose cattle under 10 head freight of 100 lbs in wagon or cart Assessment John Blake McDaniels Petition R Rittenhouse alley beginning at point north side of 14th St. south 67 30 west 155 ft 6 inches southwest corner of lot No. 667 Lot(667) official plat of city north 22 30 west 153 ft north 67 30 east 260 ft August 4, 1851 work on streets Michael O'Hern, Pat O'Hern, John Flynn Bluff St. grading August 15, 1851 Lorimier, Farley, Ogilby, Booth, Wood, Molony, Bush Dredge Boat contract A Hawley August 18, 1851 Lorimier, Farley, Ogilby, Booth, Wood, Molony, Bush loan balance due Dredge Boat contract Harbor improvement Peter Brennan mason work B M Samuels M McNear market master Ordinance arresting vagrants compelling them when convicted of the offence and unable to pay the fine, to work it out on the streets August 25, 1851 Lorimier, Farley, Ogilby, Booth, Wood, Molony, Bush Memorial M Loras grading Bluff St. Reduced assessment D Ernst surveyor line of northern boundary plant a stone at the point where said line strikes the Mississippi F McCraney watchman