1858 March Council ProceedingsFebruary 22, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Resolution Subscribe $1000 to assist the Dubuque Emigrant Association in defraying expenses March 1, 1858 Petitions Thomas Yates open Henion Street M Dewald, drayman carcasses of dead animals on 7th St endanger the health of the city March 1, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Petitions Philip Sage Dewald Mathew McNear, residents of the 1st Ward change of boundary line between 1st Ward and 4th Ward Communication of D S Wilson in the city paper, Express and Herald March 1, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Reports Engineer 14th St sewer Main St Pine St George Webb Temporary fence on each side Eliza M Rodgers, teacher in the public schools salary March 1, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Eliza M Rodgers, teacher in the public schools salary Board of Education donation travel around the corner of 1st St and Locust St sidewalks of Mrs. Seire J P Evans, Marshal March 1, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Notice to F Weigel, ground on Julien Avenue Notices of special taxes on opening of Windsor Avenue A Levi township Edward Pfotyer Charles Stafford William Lawther J P Evans City Collector, certified copy of the assessments Maturity of bond to W H Robbins March 10, 1856 March 1, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb A Gillespie John Adam Koch Sexton Report, interments in the cemetery Bill of Sheridan for loss on city scrip location of 50 lamp posts Bluff St Locust St White St March 1, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb location of 50 lamp posts Court House Iowa St Clay St Odd Fellows Hall Alley between Bluff and Locust P A Lorimer Locust St 10th St 11th St 13th St Bluff St Couler Ave A Keesecker's Charles Roses Eagle Point Avenue J J E Norman House of Refuge March 1, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Report on House of Refuge patients improving fast Health Officer and nurses Proposition of M Wierman, 50 lamp posts bonds due April 1, 1859 in New York Petition of M McNear curbing J Ogilby city scrip Resolutions Mrs. Louisa Axly, Lot No. 43 in Kelly's Subdivision Stone troughs put under the spouts of the Market House March 1, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Stone Troughs 1st Ward Market House water through spouts Resolutions Temporary sidewalk Locust St 1st St to Dodge St Fire Department bills Couch and Gilbert stationary Otto Van Dochran S U Carpenter loss on scrip Henry Kroll digging graves Johnson and Ryan Main St and Locust St 1st St to Jones St John Hurley lower Market House P Gill Bluff St McDaniels Property A Jungk curbing on Main St E Linehan March 1, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Resolution bids for troughs for 1st Ward Market House\ Marshal to send Mrs. Lacrosse to Chicago Provisions for House of Refuge March 8, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Petitions Ward and Monahan loss on city scrip, Spruce St sidewalks J C Jennings and others plank sidewalks on Mineral Street near Coats Spice Mill Michael Cosgrove, Julien Avenue Abry and Guthrie settlement for contract on Central Market, City Hall Rague architect Ira Hanson grade of Rose St and Race St J Rosenbaum sale of lots for delinquent city taxes J B Dorr and Company fill cisterns March 8, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb J B Dorr cisterns corner of Main St and 5th St A McDaniel curbing in front of his property John Clifford for use of City Hall for benefit hall Kyran Gorman Claim of Johnson and Ryan 3rd Ward School House J P Evans fencing in 14th St sewer Elm St, Pine St March 8, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Fencing in 14th St sewer George Webb Monthly report of the Auditor for February Grade of Rising Avenue plat of date February 15, 1858 Payment of Claim of Henry Miller Dubuque Harbor Improvement Bonds October 14, 1857 J L Langworthy and brothers March 8, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Langworthy Brothers Claim of Henry Miller paid J O'Meara petition for sidewalks on Washington St 11th St, 14th St Clay St plank sidewalk Berry, Playter and Co 5th Ward School House Resolutions supplies for House of Refuge March 8, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Salaries of Officers Resolutions Revision of Market Regulations Market Ordinances, public grounds Land from Jackson Square Privy for City Hall J Boland macadamizing 5th Ward C Walsh 17 cords J B Waddick basement of lower market W E Minot paiting signs for City Hall H Van Valkingburg firemen and City Council George Koch Barr and Co, oil cloth and other articles John C Gain blacksmith work for street commissioner Andrew and Treadway John Chamberlain, House of Refuge M Weisman gas for Engine House March 8, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Engineer estimate of amount of rock by laborers Eagle Point Avenue White st John Bittman printing Communications Claim of Rawdon, Wright, Hacth, and Edison Finance Committee N A McClure and others, Horse Railraod Charter March 8, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Horse Railroad ordinances An Ordinance to provide for carrying persons and travellers in the City of Dubuque J C Goodhue omnibus privilege Street Commissioner Bills M Harran bill Resolution Chief Engineer of the Fire Department purchase oil March 15, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Petitions J G Zimmerman and other property holders on Washington Street 11th St and 14th St Clay St Washington St Temporary plank sidewalks J Boland on 14th St sewer A Kaufman and Stobel and Rath on macadamizing Clay St 6th St McDonough and Williams, macadamizing White St between 7th St and 9th St Johnson and Ryan city scrip Patrick Walsh , temportary plank sidewalks 17th St to Eagle Point Avenue March 15, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Reports of Officers Survey of Eagle Point Avenue Burton's Addition to the corporation line 5th Ward system of grade for the cemetery Natural diversity of surface in that plat of ground Variety of ornamental monuments interments delicate matter to alter the grades keeping the streets, avenues and alleys free from brush and weeds March 15, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Grades for cemetery George Webb Taking of sand from Jackson Square J B Waddick filling basement of lower Market taking sand from the square Repair of Main St macadamizing 1st St to 8th St B Mohan, Street Commissioner curbing around lower Market Claim of Michael Cosgrove removal of dirt on Julien Avenue March 15, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb B Mohan Street Commissioner Inner slough between 2nd St and 3rd St John Bittman publishing proclamation of the mayor Subscription to Staats Zeitung Claim of U S Trust Company of New York payment of semi-annual interest on $200,000 city bonds issued to the Dubuque and Pacific Rail Road Company County Clerk April 10, 1856 March 15, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb U S Trust Company bill correct city scrip not taken John Adam Koch Committees An Ordinance for carrying persons and travellers in the City Omnibus privilege J C Goodhue March 17, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Reports of Committees Claims Street Commissioner bills, employment of foremen and clerks Pay of lamplighter increased Petition of James Murphy March 17, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Claim of Thomas Ward work done on Spencer Street Street Commissioner use of private property holders not allow loss on scrip Claim of James Murray for loss of horse cut Julien Avenue March 17, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Claim of James Murray loss of horse Claim of Dennis Ganghan for loss of horse 14th St sewer Goughan left horse on the street at an unseasonable hour of the night and without hitching him to something to keep him safe Sections 21 and 22 of ordinance in relation to streets and sidewalks March 17, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Petition of Michael Ryan wood at 1st Ward School House J C Jennings plank sidewalk made on Mineral Street property holders opposed to improvements Abry and Guthrie settlement Central Market Building public grounds March 17, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Abry and Guthrie Arbitration John F Rague architect of building F Weigel proposition, purchase ground between street and property Julien Avenue Lorimer House stip of land belonging to city M Mullen Plapp and Weigel Brennan S M Langworthy H Hollingsworth March 17, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Finance Funding of City Scrip bonding at 90 cents on the dollar, 10 per cent interest stop to speculation Resolution Resolved March 27, 1858 issue of bonds for city scrip March 17, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Printing bills Supplying the city with water estimates supply water at the corner of the streets through hydrants protection against fire and supplies families with water Erection of a reservoir near Dodge Street small engine pipes 14th St, Bluff St to Jackson St Neighborhood of Eagle Point Messrs Cain and Can Spring of the Catfish March 17, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Spring of the Catfish Creek conduct it to the City through wooden pipes Supplying the city with water Examination of the springs Water Companies W R Hopkins C H Booth C A Lull John Parker John Hurley March 17, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Reports of Committees Petition of B Sheridan loss on scrip Contract on Windsor Avenue cash payment March 17, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Mayor's purchase of wood George Zumhof L Nightingale Communications D M Cooley on sidwalks in front of Lot No. 314 and Lot No. 309 Claim of John Hurley Proposition of M Wierman, lamp posts March 17, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Resolutions 50 lamps to be put up Dubuque Western Rail Road company Extension of time for connection of depots Dubuque County Dubuque and Pacific Railroad Company Compensation of City Collector basement of City Hall, armory for use of the City guards March 17, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Armory for City Guards Resolutions Bridge over slough on Jones street Sidewalks on Bluff St, Jones St to Dodge St notify property holders Sidewalks on Washington Street between 11th St and 14th St 12th St and 13th St between Clay St Increase in pay of Street Commissioners men March 17, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Polls for election of municipal officers 4th Ward in the Lorimer House, corner of 8th St and Bluff St Judges and Clerks of April Election L L Wood, Wm Stratton, George Cummings, G R Foster, R O Anderson Resolutions Emigrant Association subscription J F Rague and the Daily Times S Sanderson House of Refuge H L Cooper E Linehan M Beaubien Bills L D Thomas walls of St Cloud Hotel A Jaeger spikes M Liddy r S Fanning and Co for Powder, digging well House of Refuge Barr and Co George Webb Engineer March 17, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Bills George Zumhof wood for poor and school houses M Wierman street lamps Andrew and Treadway pipes for House of Refuge Wm Churchill A Jaeger City Hospital G L Nightingale Am Express Co A Jordan H Jordan grading Iowa Street 14th St, 15th St March 22, 1858 Petitions M Hogan on Pay of Board of Patients at Hospital scrip cash March 22, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb J A Koch salary as auditor A Williams and others purchase 20 acre tract of ground west of cemetery market houses and public grounds E Sullivan bear expenses to Amboy on the Illinois Central Railroad destitute and unable to work in the city Faherty and Gray lamp posts John McLaughlin pay of teams and carts John Coan laying plank sidewalks Chief and Assistant Engineer of the Fire Department unprotected state of new City Hall and 3rd Ward School House cisterns March 22, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb supply of water for City Hall cistern holding 400 barrells of water J B Howard C H Bowman Fire Department Committee on pumps, wells, and cisterns Bill of J F Rague Erection of Central Market House superintending and drawing plans and specifications of the above building John Adam Koch March 22, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Auditor Dubuque Times Company, publishing notice Daily Times Marshal lumber in Jones Street Bridge Jones Street Harbor Company Harbor Improvements Resolution Dubuque Harbor Company use the bridge across the slough in Jones Street Rail Road Avenue March 22, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Marshal on Jones Street Bridge J P Evans Claims Mark Beaubien carrying a case of small pox to the City Hospital Profiles of Rose St and Race St George Webb Kelly's Addition alley F Gottschalk assess damages by opening alley March 22, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Assess and apportion the following described property Alley in Kelly's Addition Silas Brown I M Hanison S M Kyne Sam C Kearsley R S Silena J Gunn jury notify property holders Arbitrators between Abry and Guthrie, contractors for City Hall March 22, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Arbitrators with Abry and Guthrie construct Market House and City Hall in the 3rd Ward contract between firm and City Council $42,500 when the building has been completed John F Rague David Armstrong March 22, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Settlement with Abry and Guthrie Bill of Edward Linehan J Boland Claim on extension of 14th St sewer Jeremiah Boland build side walls House of Refuge committee March 22, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb House of Refuge Sanford Sanderson order drawn on Treasury Report of the Printing Committee Majority Report North West Newspaper contract Rates of Advertising in the North West March 22, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Majority Report of Printing Committee The Tribune and National Democrat Each square Each additional square 75 cents per square double rates March 22, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb City Incorporation Advertisements Wrong to charge men with improper motices for entertaining different opinions as to the construction of language charged extra for special advertisements City Printing Bill North West publication Platt Smith, A Gillespie Minority Report March 22, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Investigate City Printing Minority Report North West newspaper, Official Paper 75 cents for each insertion of the same square Advertisements in a special column Business column large amount of improvements and directed liberally to railroads and other internal improvements March 22, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Minority report of the printing committee Official paper City Scrip which is so low in the market city printing done in the business columns N A McCLure March 22, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Communications Alfred Cornell Alfred Comet proposing a plan for decorating City Hall C Walsh sale of city scrip for work done for the City Resolutions Municipal Election in the 2nd Ward held at Court House Judges and Clerks Wm P Allen, J Walsh, F Shoemaker Otto Rothlander, A N Fuller Finance Settlement with J L Langworthy and Brothers Paid due interest New York Central Island Company March 22, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Resolution Resolved polls be held at the new Market House Polls for election in the 5th Ward Antony Herb's brewery Judges H McKinnly, Charles Rose Doctor Bengal George Rath, F Ries City Collector for collecting taxes and setting up his books Claim of Johnson and Ryan M O'Conner, Janitor of the City Hall Harbor Improvement Co Peosta House P Fanning, A McCann, Ed Keas Den Langton, M B Mulkern Bills H C Pierce Deputy Marshal Soap, Sugar and other supplies for House of Refuge B F Davis March 22, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Bills Andrew Cummings, House of Refuge W Todd, J Todd Adam Werner, hauling 7 loads of wood Patrick Tibay B Flynn P Cavanagh G W Bond Fire Department Rock broken in the 1st Ward Bills of Daily Tribune, North West printing Gas Company, street lamps March 25, 1858 Claims for loses on scrip Booth and Shine lumber March 22, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Loss on Scrip A McCann Johnson and Ryan A Jordan, H Jordan, C Walsh H L Stout Berry, Playter and Anderson M Schunk Fred Mall Joseph Decker Thomas Cavanaugh Light Street Sewer, east of Iowa St March 22, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Reports on City Printing Minority Report Resolutions North West Tribune, Staats Zeitung, and National Democrat Auditor for examination Petition Henry Grimm, loss sustained on scrip Foreman for Street Commissioner Scrip received for wharfage Dubuque and Minnesota Packet Company Central Improvement Company bonds Abry and Guthrie Claim against the City March 29, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Resolutions No petitions for improvements or any other purpose, except such as relate to the settling of old business, be received or presented laid over until the incoming of the new board Petitions John Mulligan against appointment of James Walsh as one of the Judges of the election some other person in his place who will do justice to the candidates and voters Thomas Ward paid in scrip, grading sidewalks on Spruce Street Catharine Flynn, grant the use of City Hall for a benefit ball Frederick Beck election in the 5th Ward, held at the public school house March 29, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Petitions Henry Sonntag and Peter Oeth, grant priviledge of digging a well in front of their property at the corner of Couler and Eagle Point Avenue 5th Ward Cooley and Robinson, assignees James Borland and Co curbing 7th St, front of Lot No. 757 Joseph Bently and other property holders in Cox's Addition refund the taxes paid on certain lots Committee on Claims S Sanderson, loss on scrip House of Refuge Reports of Officers Memorial to General Assembly on filling sloughs D S Wilson present to Senate Legislature to grant right Topographical Bureau of Washington, government could cease dredging in the sloughs Attorney General of the U. S. March 29, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Report of Auditor on settlement with Abry and Guthrie Award of the Arbitrators contract for building Central Market House decline final settlement Cash contract City Scrip City Bonds 7th Street Improvement Co vouchers March 29, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Auditor on Settlement with Abry and Guthrie City Bonds above mentioned price on books Loss on scrip Auditor on printing bill North West Tribune, National Democrat, Staats Zeitung March 29, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Auditor on printing bill North West printing overcharge Tribune National Democrat more than claimed in the bill Iowa Staats Zeitung paper had not been ordered by the Council to do any printing March 29, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb John Adam Koch Bill of John Bittman (Staats Zeitung) referred to City Attorney Bill of H J Cooper, plank sidewalks on Locust Street special tax levied on property Flour on hand belonging to the city 113 half sacks, 68 quarter stacks Flour is stored in Mueller's building, corner of Iowa and 6th Street J P Evans Edward Sullivan sufficient funds to take himself and family to Amboy on the Illinois Central Railroad Curbing done in front of E Spottswood property on Locust March 29, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb P Kiene was Marshal A McCann contractors balance due Remitting all taxes J P Evans An Ordinance supplemental to An Ordinance granting to certain persons the right to construct certain Horse Railroads in the City September 14, 1857 March 29, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb D S Wilson, Ex-Mayor memorial to the Legislature on the subject of filling the sloughs Dubuque Delegation Express and Herald, no intention of censuring the Council Resolutions Kindly friendship between D S Wilson and Council will continue to exist Claims Widow Brunner remission of taxes March 29, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Grades of Rose St and Race St grade book Communications Johnson and Ryan claim loss on city scrip Paving and macadamizing Clay St 7th St and 12th St John Hurley loss on scrip Central Improvement Co, flag stones on Central Improvement Levee Ring botts Resolutions Harbor Improvements Resolutions Berry, Playter and Co heating the 5th Ward School House with furnace March 29, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Resolutions Jeremiah Boland per perch in city scrip extension of 14th St sewer Rock-breaking stopped Printing of memorial to Legislature General Assembly official paper Department at Washington Col. Albert Bills A Levi cost of repairing cistern Firemen at Barney's fire E Sullivan laying sidewalk B Flynn Gas House Andrew and Treadway tools per Street Commissioner Knapp, Stout and Co for lumber March 29, 1858 Nightingale, McNamara, Norman, Virden, Woolnough, Nadeau, Lewis, O'Kerrick, Mitton, Jager, Heeb Henry Kroll burying 3 bodies Marshal and Deputy John Chamberlain repairing cisterns, calaboose M Hogan boarding patients at hospital B P Power and Co use of team at House of Refuge P McMahon hauling dead animals E W Nagle horse wagon J P Evans E Linehan J Boland P Cavanaugh J Pichell William Lonergan Rock broken in 5th Ward H H Heath printing, John Flynn