1858 September Council ProceedingsSeptember 6, 1858 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Fire Company citizens of Guttenberg Railroad Convention at St. Charles, Floyd and Co delegates E Jarrett to transcribe Assessor's book taxes and rates September 13, 1858 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham No Quorum. September 14, 1858 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Petitions John Moser property holders on Iowa St between 16th St and 17th St William Rebman soil call on police Joseph C Jennings, Angela St John Bell, Lake St proposed change of grade September 14, 1858 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham William Johnson, Johnson and Ryan macadamizing Clay St from 12th St to 18th St Farley, Rouse and Co Fire Company No. 2 old iron S S Hand, 14th St M Robilliard Lewis Broad contract with companies to fill and grade a levee original design W H White Clay St, 17th St currency or city scrip at par value Communications City Attorney, injunction to stop opening of lake St dissolved J M Robinson September 14, 1858 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Central Improvement Company opening Iowa St City Attorney Henry Jordan bid Reports of Officers Grimm work not done according to directions E R Shankland City Sexton interments Claim of A Jungk E James Jr Cooley and Robinson B Mohan Street Commissioner P O'Connor September 14, 1858 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Auditor receipts and expenditures E James Reports of Standing Committees Claim of C Leckie glass 14th St east of Prairie water in alley Gas Company for setting lamp posts D Dorgan drift into bluff contract of William Johnson filling Iowa St September 14, 1858 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Pumps, wells and cisterns Daily Times Newspaper printing and binding police regulations Select Committees Jackson Square Mr. Peabody to furnish materials and build the fence settle accounts late Collector September 14, 1858 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Railroad meeting holden at St. Charles, Floyd County Dubuque and Pacific Railroad Company plats and profiles of steets Lake St, High St, Division St, and Peosta St D A Mahony, Thomas Felming drainage and travel record book of grades in his office September 14, 1858 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Jno Markle, Recorder September 14, 1858 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Rules suspended to read report Committee on Streets, petition of H Heeb Mechanic's Company No. 3 low state of City finances improve 13th St coating of broken stone Clay St to Engine House No. 3 William Rebman Unfinished Business Collector collecting interest on taxes Resolutions payment in scrip for special assessments Gas Company September 14, 1858 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Gas Company Resolutions 1st St, Iowa St Council ceases to employ the Volks Tribune Official printing given to the National Demokrat (German) proprietor of the paper city printing Dubuque Times Joseph Sage, hose cart Engine Company No. 3 Central Market Master purchase standard scale Propagation of religious views constitute no part of the legitimate objects of a Common School System Attempts to teach religion by reading the Bible or otherwise in the public schools has only resulted in creating dissensions Religious doctrines ought not to be taught, religious text books ought not to be used Religious worship ought not to be exercised in public schools Officers of the School District September 14, 1858 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Decision of the Supreme Court, religion in public schools Rules suspended to hear report Bid of Jordan paving and macadamizing Clay St from 12th St to 18th St Council decide upon furnishing all broken rock George Webb 225 coupon bonds ground north side of market with brick September 14, 1858 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Presentation of Bills Marshal pay roll Engineer City Police and officers Dubuque Lime Co Gas, Light, and Coke Co Adam Fingle, Lorimier Avenue, Jackson St, Washington St William Cantillon Cobey and McDonough Anthony Jordan and Henry Jordan Alley in King's Addition Walter Bourke blacksmith bill William OHern hauling Cameron and Fry, three trumpets Doolittle and Chamberlain harvest pails J Borland, grading sidewalks R S Fanning Co, hardware for Fire Co C Perry oil and Co Michael Burke blacksmith bill M Moriarty city scrip telegraphing George McHenry William Gleason class City Hospital C H Mix P Welsh E Linehan for hauling Mehlhop and Meyer merchandise Referred Bills John Bittman printing Ronse and Williams P Sage J B Howard public grounds and buildings Dubuque Gas Light and Coke Co lamp posts William Rebman 14th St and 17th St September 20, 1858 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Petitions William S Wilde, Southern Avenue brought up to proper grade old furnace to top of hill coat of broken rock Reductions in assessments of property N C Ryan James Reddan Patrick O'Connor bill to leave the city M Beaubien iron sewers down Main St Borland, Jordan and Co city collector to collect the amount due them from property holders macadamizing between 19th St and Eagle Point Avenue on Couler Avenue A Gleed, 13th St September 20, 1858 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Petitions A Gleed, 13th St between Clay St and Iowa St Henry Geeseman reduction of taxes Patrick Norton bill of lumber, take city scrip Charles Ferry bill for painting for the Fire Department Communications Henry Jordan contract Clay St Reports of officers Auditor due to P Gill 20 per cent of claim E James mature 2 notes of the city, Ebenezer Miller and James Rowan purchase of market grounds in 3rd Ward Ham and Sherman curbing Main St J Borland, Main St in front of the Baptist Church Robilliard William Johnson contract Johnson and Ryan September 20, 1858 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham 17th St to 18th St Jno Doud City Attorney Standing Committees Finance special tax levied to pay interest on outstanding bonds $75,000 assessments amount to between 7.5 million and 8 millions on the dollar to be levied on all taxable property Claim of Madam Louisa Lavelle, note and interest due Petition of Joseph Jennings, P Quigley, and others grade established on Angela Street temporary roadway W H White, change of grade on the corner of Clay St and 17th St 18th St September 20, 1858 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Standing Committees Printing bill of John Bittman for official advertising in the Volks Tribune advertisements in both official papers occupy an unnecessary amount of space Fire Department bill of P Sage Petition of M Beaubien Engineer crossings on 1st St, 5th St, 6th St, and 7th St sewers in city scrip September 20, 1858 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham J B Howard paying in city scrip Resolutions Marshal to suspend repairs on streets, alleys, except cleaning Auditor report amount of bonds issued in lien of city scrip Attorney right to levy a school tax Captain of Police report names of good and efficient men for the approval of the Council regular police force September 20, 1858 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Resolutions salaries of mayor and aldermen in city scrip Office of City Physician and Keeper of Hospital disposed with no city scrip be issued in payment of any claim against the city depreciation of city bonds street crossings September 20, 1858 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Rules of order suspended, petition from M Heeimsheimer, reduce taxes Dubuque and Dunleith Ferry Company maintain ferry at present rates Presentation of Bills city scrip at par Pay roll Engineer Marshal P M Guthrie rock in repairs of sewers McDonough and Co sidewalks Coney and Dundley contract P Welsh market house telegraphing Referred Bills John Crone Hiram Tomlinson Beaubiens Livery Stable E Linehan William Johnson City paying for more gas than consumed September 27, 1858 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Petitions H W Sanford and John Stiles suit pending in District Court opening of Lake St Mrs. Nagle money for family passage to Memphis Tennessee Directors of the County Poor House J Brock taxes Andrew and Tredway merchants reduce fees of Market Master Communications James Breen fall down an embankment on Julien Avenue damages, lawsuit with the city Charles Marsh notes now due J D Abry claim against the city Reports of Officers Attorney right of the City to levy a school tax September 27, 1858 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Auditor Cooley and Robinson, agents for Borland and Priest balance on account Petition of Boland, Jordan and Welsh collect amount due from property holders Bonds issued in lieu of scrip Time falling due 1858 1859 1861 1862 1863 bonds Petition of Boland and Jordan September 27, 1858 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Auditor note to James Rowan Engineer in relation to grading of Clay St covered sewers Main St and Jones St Named persons for police force Michael Brown, Tim Driscoll, Simon Trenor, Richard Corcoran, John Gleason Fernando McCraney, Stephen McGrath, John Brown, Jacob Swivel as Detective, and John O'Loughlin P C Morhiser Reports of Standing Committees lamp posts Petition of F Kempf, Thomas Cavanagh Southern Avenue raised to grade and broken rock September 27, 1858 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Thomas Kavanaugh narrow track Standing Committees public grounds and buildings furniture at City Hospital J D Abry roof trusses and skeleton frame of belfry in Central Market private property September 27, 1858 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Committee on printing papers in circulation by the National Democrat and Volks Tribune 415 subscribers, 200 subscribers Select Committees adjudicate appeals Petitions of N C Ryan, James Reddan, George M Samuels, H Gessman, and M Heinsheimer reduction of city assessment property of the petitioners with other property in the vicinity cannot recommend any change in their assessment plats, profiles, grade lines Lake St, High St, Division St Captain of Police September 27, 1858 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Assessments Real Estate Personally Polls Dogs Unfinished business rates of amounts of taxes Special Interest Tax amount of taxes levied for the current year Bill of William Johnson William Rebman Washington Hose Company No. 1 use City Hall for a Ball October 12, 1858 September 27, 1858 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Washington Hose Company No. 1 use City Hall for a Ball October 12, 1858 proceeds go to purchase hats for the company C Bels M McCarty H Thompson N R Lines J Ragan Resolutions and Motions Gas Company C Mix have Hall in readiness Office of Market Master of the 1st ward market, discontinued Official printing done by the papers having the largest circulation Express and Herald to do printing The Daily Times cease to employ all the official papers Property holders on White St between 18th St and Eagle Point Avenue grade sidewalks gord bluff September 27, 1858 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham . September 29, 1858 levying a special interest tax Central Improvement co Western Rail Road Company defalcation interest of the city attended to additional tax for interest on bonds issued to said Rail Road Company September 29, 1858 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Resolutions rates to be levied for all purposes taxes offices of wharf master and wood measurer National Demokrat official organs of this council Dubuque Times newspaper recommended grades Lake St High St Division St Peosta St Johnson Avenue Reed Street alteration of grade lines September 29, 1858 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Resolutions Jackson Square Marshal infrom owners of property Main St, 11th St, fill up sidewalks Reports of the Auditor, E James printing in scrip expense of publication of ordiances claims of David Dillon and Bernard Sholte September 29, 1858 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Presentation of Bills City Scrip at its face Pay roll Engineer Marshal Bissell, Moser and Co George Martin, water to fill cisterns F Agnew water to fill cisterns J N Kelly for scales William Knable E H Moore for medicines Tutwilder and Woods Gill and Hays Clay St J Borland 14th St sewer William Cantillon Lorimer Avenue B F Smith P Welsh M Morgan Gas Co October 4, 1858 Communications B Buechler assessment of Mineral Lot No. 360 amount overpaid be refunded Harbor Improvement Co City Sexton, road leading to city cemetery Reports of Officers Number of interments