1859 March Council ProceedingsMarch 1, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Resolutions Deed in accordance with the terms of the contract with Gelpcke, Kentgen, Reichelt Ordinances duties of the City Collector performed by City Treasurer Charter Election Marshal to act as Market Master, Wharf Master, and Captain of Police Taxes assessed on John W Markle Kentgen Fund James Rowen execute a good and sufficient title to the Market House property Deed of trust instead of a mortgage March 1, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Communication of James Rowan Notice to be inserted in the Sun for one week, present claims against the city Money from M Kentgen Legal charter of the City of Dubuque W T Baker and William Vandover Presentation of Bills Kentgen Fund E James Jr J B Howard Chief Fire Department John W Markle Milton, Lans and Co gas fixtures for City Hall J B Goldsbury C Leckies J Herod Edward A Lull March 7, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Petitions and Communications Elizabeth Hopkins release from payment of taxes Mrs. Edwards, remit taxes City Attorney Bridget McNamee J D Abry Kentgen Fund J L Langworthy and Brothers city bonds Wood, Morill, can Co of Philidelphia B P Power and Co collection of wharfage blank receipts West and Hopkins collector of Wharfage Sol Rauh March 7, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Gelpcke, Winslow and Co L Button, Button and Blake pay notes Anthony Jordan, balance due setting curbing Main St and Bluff St Reports of Officers Engineer hands employed Samuel Nicholas Dennis Murphy Michael Corbit P Campbell John L McMahon Pat Kelly Carts Pat Donough George Webb March 7, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Charles H Mix, Market Master Drafts weighed on the Central Market scales November 8, 1858 Lambert for wood Treasurer Henry Kroll, City Sexton burials Pay roll Michael Brown Tim Driscoll John Murphy John Brown Richard Corcoran Stephen McGrath Simon Treanor Fernando McCraney John Gleason Jacob Swivel C Mix M Walmsley Kentgen Fund Injunction granted by the County Judge in the case of Thomas Levins vs. the City of Dubuque Clayton County, Elias H Williams, District Judge John Doud Jr, City Attorney March 7, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Thomas Levins, et al vs. City of Dubuque, et al Residence of District Judge Clayton County, Iowa at Chambers Elias H Williams dissolve injunction Central Improvement Company and Jesse P Farley principal and interest of the bonds of the city to W W Corcoran and F S Jesup Thomas Updegroff, Clerk of the District Court hand and seal of the Court City Attorney An Act for revising and consolitdating the laws incorporating the city of Dubuque and to establish a court March 7, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham City Attorney An Act for revising and consolitdating the laws incorporating the city of Dubuque and to establish a court Sec 44, Article 3 Sec 30, Article 8 Sections 1 and 12 of the Constitution Adjudication by the Supreme Court City Court, clerks and judges John Doud Jr W T Basker William Vandover H S Hetherington Proclamation for the election of a judge and clerk School District, school election George W Scott Elias H Williams Supreme Court of the State of Iowa March 7, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham L D Randall and John D Bush withdrawing a petition J L Langworthy and Brothers Edward A Lull, Recorder March 10, 1859 Reports of Officers Chief Engineer for Fire Department Ordinance passed November 23, 1858 fire companies, engines and apparatus Washington Company No. 1 Protection Company No. 2 March 10, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Reports of Officers Chief Engineer for Fire Department Ordinance passed November 23, 1858 fire companies, engines and apparatus Mechanic's Company No. 3 hook and ladder, engine axes truck is old and dilapidated List of Fires since the adoption of the ordinance December 24, 1858 Carpenter's shop of Keenan and Mullany Bluff St, loss no insurance January 4, 1859 Cigar Store, L E Wright Main St February 4, 1859 Store of T A Cochran, Main St Shoe store of H Saur, Main St, fire from stove pipe passing through the roof February 5, frame house near 16th St Frame house owned by M Blair, Jackson St Swing the bell of the City Hall double clapper new truck and complete set of hooks and ladders March 10, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Appropriation for oil for oiling hose Engine House occupied by Washington and Protection Fire Companies prompt and faithful manner the firemen discharge their duties J B Howard Chief Engineer Claims George L Nightingale, Board of Education against the city Schools applied to taxes March 10, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Wilson and Utley, services in District Court Supreme Court of Iowa, Board of Education against the City of Dubuque M Doud elected City Attorney School House fund H W Sanford petition, property assessments real estate between 3rd St and 4th St Julien House March 10, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Petition of Thomas Mellon, property on Lorimer Avenue Bill of C Leckie, glass for street lamps Kentgen fund Claims Petition of Catharine Morgan taxes remitted W J Gilbert stationary Widow Farley, Lot No. 574 on Locust St City Attorney opinion as to weather the Council has the right under the Kentgen contract to remit taxes or receive bonds as payment John Hurley contract March 10, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Claims Col McHenry, issue of scrip to John Hurley no claim against the city, founded in justice or equity Streets price to be paid to laborers, carts, and teams Common laborers horse, cart, driver grades of Broadway St and Diagonal St grade lines March 10, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Committee on Fire Departments Claim of Rob M McKinley damage done to property by firemen Kentgen contract Booth and Shine E Janatt F A Kniffke H B Welsh M Haran Bissell, Moser and Co J D Abry G L Torbert Charles Rattray Waples and Walmsley George Webb E Spottswood Thompson Statemen M M Nayden H S Hetherington B B Richards Ham and Shamon John Chamberlain D U Lee Duty of selecting bills to be paid March 10, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Unfinished Business Committee on Ordinances, amend existing ordinances Offices of Treasurer and Collector Marshall, Market Master, Wharf Master, Captain of Police Gelpcke, Winslow and Company City Treasurer balance Petition of J L Langworthy and Brothers Ordinance relative to weighing hay March 10, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Communication of James Rowan Deed to the property purchased City Hay Scales, location on Clay St, south side of Central Market Ground Settlement of differences between the City of Dubuque and the Dubuque Central Improvement Company profitless litigation filling and paving streets and levees main channel Mississippi River 2nd St, grade of 4th st real estate and land conveyed alternate third lots March 10, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham City of Dubuque and Central Improvement Company settlement pay the principal and interest of the bonds of the City W W Corcoran F S Jesup and Co discharge of Jesse P Farley, F V Goodrich, A J Goss, F E Bissell, R C Waples R M Walmsley, C Pelan, A Anderson January 20, 1857 Dubuque Central Improvement Company deed Horatio W Sanford released from liability to pay March 10, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Dubuque Central Improvement Company Mayor place upon the record his protest Presentation of Bills D E Morgan, clerk of election on District Separation Patrick Hinds 1st Ward Market Ambrose Gleed calaboose Palmer, Gilmore publishing Mayor's Proclamation Henry Jordan T Nicholas Kriechbaum and Fanning, 11 wood buckets St Cloud Hotel Guthrie appointed Clerk of next school election Booth and Shine, condition of 7th St below White St E A Lull March 14, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Petitions and Communications Jeremiah Boland pay for paving Baptist Church, block on White St between 3rd St and 6th st Special Kentgen Fund J H Sulkamp payment of City Bond No. 110 exchanging coupon bonds Nicholas C Ryan West and Hopkins, collecting wharfage Clement Smyth, Bishop of Dubuque Lot No. 642 St Patrick's Church exempt from taxation Collector to refund taxes for 1858 L A Thomas, amend or modify existing ordinances to prohibit the keeping of stud horses and jacks for the use of mares City Limits Rule suspended to allow M Thomas to address the Council March 14, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Petitions and Communications D Mauer, heavy rains swept away bridges streets impassable Settlement of matters between Dubuque and Central Improvement Company Resolution Central Improvement Company accept the settlement Board of Directors F V Goodrich, President R M Walmsley, Secretary seal objection, Richards being directly interested Release of Central Improvement Company from liability, conveyance of property to the company March 14, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Objection to the vote of alderman Richards Central Improvement Company Dubuque Gas, Light, and Coke Company Reports of Officers Attorney legal authority to remit taxes contract with Messrs Gelpcke, Kentgen, adn Reichelt Council have no power or authority to remit any taxes properly laid upon taxable property charter March 14, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Attorney opinion on remitting taxes Contract with Messrs Gelpcke, Kentgen, Reichelt special interest taxes assessed shall be collected levy a special tax John Doud Jr right to receive short bonds or any other evidences of debt List of hands, carts, and teams employed for repairs on the following streets Eagle Point Avenue, two sewers, bridge and opened side ditches 10th St, Clay St, Jackson St, Mineral St, sidewalks 14th St, Bluff St to Iowa St Laborers Pat Kelly Michael Corbit Dennis Murphy P Campbell P Glenn Florence McCarty William M Laughlin Adam Zingel R Mariz Dennis O'Connell James Hunt James Finn John McMahon March 14, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham List of hands, carts, and teams employed for repairs on the following streets Eagle Point Avenue, two sewers, bridge and opened side ditches 10th St, Clay St, Jackson St, Mineral St, sidewalks 14th St, Bluff St to Iowa St Laborers David Fitzgerald Jerry Cavanaugh James Corbit Jerry Pickoldy Martin Flannigan Nick Feely William Londergan Jerry Griffin Stephen Canigg Pat Lovett Nick Flynn Pat O'Brien Michael Dunn John L McMahon Carts Jerry Driscoll Adam Zingel Pat Donough Mrs. Flannigan Mrs. Halpin Felix Agnew Teams James Hays M Guthrie George Webb Kentgen Fund Ordinances hay weighing, define duties of treasurer March 14, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Rule 29 suspended An Ordinance to provide for weighing hay in the City of Dubuque weighing of hay, cattle, hogs, or whatever else may be offered to be weighed Pay City Treasurer all money received for weighing on said scales Ordinance to define duties of the Treasurer keep true and correct accounts of all receipts and disbursements from the Treasury only orders drawn upon him by the Recorder March 14, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Ordinance to define duties of the Treasurer An Ordinance to levy taxes and defry current expenses June 12, 1854 An Ordinance regulating the collection of taxes October 25, 1858 payment on the tax list An Ordinance to define the duties of treasurer July 17, 1854 Appointment of Collector repeal ordinances Ordinance blending the offices of Marshall, Captain of Police, and Market Master Committee on Claims Petition of P A Lorimier, property on Lorimier Avenue and Bluff St assessed to high Lorimer Hotel is not finished City Attorney March 14, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Committee on Printing Kentgen Fund Unfinished Business removal of city hay scales office of hay weigher Resolutions Central Improvement Company papers Sale of Central Island Bonds Chief Engineer, double clapper placed on the Alarm Bell at the City Hall bell rung at fires March 14, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Chief Engineer of the Kentgen Fund, oil for oiling the hose Dubuque Central Improvement Company Resolution of Ald Richards E A Lull March 21, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Ald Richards Resolution to refer papers of Central Improvement Company motions to reconsider lost Correct the minutes so that they will show a full and complete record of the proceedings of the last meeting Petitions and Communications Adam Jaeger, bonds March 21, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Petitions Adam Jaeger bonds pledge them for indebtedness Leonard Berg, Treasurer of Washington Fire Company Charles H Bowman Kentgen Fund Petition of Charles Lubeck, sinking a shaft for mineral on 3rd St above Bluff Catharine Funcheon, unable to pay taxes on her lot Walnut St and 11th St John Fitzgerald, Harbor Master collections of wharfage P Gill, curbing contract with the City March 21, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Petitions David Dillon emplotyed to fill sidewalks, Lot owned by Charlotte Corriell McDonough and Coby, special tax for paving Main St between 1st St and Jones St George Zumhof, holder of bond No. 356 George Webb Ann Carlan, complaint against Mr. Bekler, stable on 11th St Farley's Addition Theodore Loring boat load of wood at new levee Fitzgerald, Justice Nagle selling wood issuing Proclamation for the Charter Election March 21, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Places for holding next Charter Election Appoint judges and clerks 1st Ward Election, house of W Henobury Henebery 1st St and Main St Pat Callahan, William Newman, John Kelly, Thomas Haran, Charles Cannon 2nd Ward Election, Beaubien House on 4th St between Main St and Iowa St M Mobley, Joseph Beaubien, A Kaufman, Cyrus Hetherington, Charles Jones 3rd Ward Election, Police courtroom Mark Murphy, Henry Koch, E S Norris, G L Dickinson, P M Guthrie 4th Ward Election, Lorimer Hotel, Bluff St and Lorimer Avenue C Corkery, C J Richards, and William Stratton, Benj Rupert and John P Davis 5th Ward Election, Framed School House John King, Mathew Hubert, Joseph Gerig, Doctor Bengel, Peter Ellwanger H S Hetherington protest in accordance with previous notice against the action of the council Reports of Officers John Doud Jr, City Attorney unfinished building in process of completion is subject to taxation law looks to the value and not the to the condition of the property March 21, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Reports of Officers John Doud Jr, City Attorney unfinished building in process of completion is subject to taxation law looks to the value and not the to the condition of the property List of expenditures for teams, carts, laborers, and lumber repairs on 12th St, 13th St, Main St to the Bluff 7th St from Jackson St to slough 10th St from Washington St to slough on 14th St Bluff St to Henion St Mineral St side ditches Laborers George Webb, Engineer Kentgen Fund John L McMahon Patrick Kelly Jerry Griffin P Campbelll David Fitzgerald Florence McCarty Michael Corbit Dennis Murphy Terry Cavanaugh William McLaughlin R Marz Dennis O'Connel James Hunt James Finn Jerry Picholdy Michael Flynn Pat O'Brien Pat Glenin Martin Flannigan Timothy Ryan John Stearn Peter Steiner John Steindel Frank Stearn Daniel Ryan Murt Tinney James Daley Pat Lavzy Peter Haas Nicholas Willert Andrew Fanber James Quigley Michael Dunn Jerry Murray Mathew Cronian Teams Pat Donaughue Pat Conners Carts Jerry Driscoll Adam Zingel Mrs. Halpin Mrs. Flannigan Felix Agnew lumber J L Langworthy J M Robinson March 21, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Copy of a Deed of Trust to F S Winslow under the Kentgen Contract Mr. Barker, the Attorney for Winslow E A Lull Gelpcke, Kentgen, and Reichelt contract Warantee Deed from James Rowan market purposes submit the papers for the approval of the Council Policies of Insurance County of Dubuque Finance Claim of Jeremiah Borland paving sidewalks in front of Baptist Church on Main St Kentgen Fund March 21, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Alderman Ham and the City Attorney March 10, 1859 deed from Dubuque Central Improvement Company Trust Deed, Horatio W Sanford contract executed Report Map of the grounds Recorder of Deeds of Dubuque County John Doud Jr, City Attorney March 21, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Deeds and Contract Deed to the City Dubuque Central Improvement Company to the City of the Dubuque Pay the principal and interest of the bonds to W W Corcoran, F S Jesup and Co bonds secured by mortgage Jesse P Farley, Franklin V Goodrich, A J Goss, F E Bissell, R C Waples, R M Walmsley, C Pelan, and A Anderson Sell and convey to the city described pieces, lots, and parcels of land warrant and defend the premises against lawful claims of all persons March 21, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Deeds and Contract Deed to the City Dubuque Central Improvement Company to the City of the Dubuque Pay the principal and interest of the bonds to W W Corcoran, F S Jesup and Co bonds secured by mortgage Jesse P Farley, Franklin V Goodrich, A J Goss, F E Bissell, R C Waples, R M Walmsley, C Pelan, and A Anderson Sell and convey to the city described pieces, lots, and parcels of land warrant and defend the premises against lawful claims of all persons F V Goodrich, President of Dubuque Central Improvement Company R M Walmsley, secretary Resolution of Board of Directors Franklin V Goodrich hand and notarial seal Charles H Perrigo Deed of Trust, H W Sanford Trustee Horatio W Sanford lots, parcels, and tracts of land 2nd St, 4th St sell and convey March 21, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Deed of Trust, H W Sanford Trustee Horatio W Sanford lots, parcels, and tracts of land 2nd St, 4th St sell and convey Dubuque Central Improvement Company warrant and defend premises against lawful claims contract executed principal or interest damages sustained daily paper published at Dubuque public auction F V Goodrich, President Robert M Walmsley Board of Directors March 21, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Deed of Trust, H W Sanford Trustee Horatio W Sanford Notary Public of County of Dubuque F V Goodrich, President Dubuque Central Improvement Company Robert M Walmsley notarial seal Charles H Perrigo Agreementor Contract release Jesse P Farley, F V Goodrich, H J Goss, F E Bissell, R C Waples, R M Walmsley, C Pelan and H Anderson liability on account Agree to pay principal and interest of certain bonds W W Corcoran F S Jesup and Co filling and paving entire levee on main channel Fill to grade 2nd St, lots of the old levee 4th St March 21, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Suitable side slope for embankment Signature of the secretary and seal of company Board of Directors Dubuque Central Improvement Company F V Goodrich Robert M Walmsley Notary Public Notarial Seal Charles H Perrigo Ordinances continuance of the office of the City Collector F M Freund performing duties as collector tax lists for the year 1858 March 21, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham An Ordinance in addition to an Ordinance to define the powers and duties of the Marshal An Ordinance to amend an Ordinance to prevent nuisances Suitable place for hay scales Market operation on Iowa St 13th St near Clay St Claim of Waples and Walmsley Central Improvement Company Bonds March 21, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Settlement with Waples and Walmsley Special Committee sale of bonds of the Central Improvement Company J W Hull leave soon for New York Central Island Bonds representation of Hull and Co sales of bonds letters and telegraphic dispatches March 21, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Similar imports sale of bonds sale of bonds of the Central Improvement Company J W Hull leave soon for New York total receipts March 21, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Allowance for time and travelling expenses Commissions payment in New York J W Hull suppress a newspaper report names of purchasers of the bonds travelling, writing, telegraphing, effecting sales, "out of pocket" profits of shrewd financial operation Unfinished Business salary of the Treasurer March 21, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Mayor stated necessary the City have an official paper as the charter required Proclamation for the charter election should be published in the official paper of the City of Dubuque the Sun newspaper the Times newspaper Express and Herald Resolutions Mayor is not a member of the City Council Dubuque and Dunleith Ferry Company to run boats from 3rd St to the Illinois Shore Jones St Central Improvement Company repair 3rd St March 21, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Galena, Dubuque, Dunleith, and Minnesota Packet Company to station their wharf boat Collector to receive all past due indebtedness Steam Boat "Hope" removed Wood Ordinance Bills Reid and Murdoch for powder and fuse Judges for school election P M Guthrie J M Hannan Dubuque Gas, Light, and Coke Company Kentgen Funds M Brown wood at engine house C H Mix Henry Jordan P Welsh City Hall Adam Zingel B F Davis express waggon E A Lull, Recorder March 28, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham reconsider the vote of the Central Island papers Unfinished Business city scrip for wharfage Amos Mathews Treasurer scrip in payment of wharfage by the Packet Company William Bichel March 28, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Petitions George Zumhoff, lease 3rd St on the levee, buying the lot at the expiration of the lease Committee on public grounds L J Axley taxes due on her lot in Kelly's Addition Claims C Street, assessment on Lot No. 356 Martin Kanivan bond held by him, watchman Nathan James, move the city hay scales Dennis O'Connor holds Bond No. 369 W J Barney, bond from New York bond No. 354 Communication of C Welch and Henry Jordan contract paving and macadamizing Couler Avenue, 18th St to Eagle Point Avenue T Belfield, Ordinance to prevent keeping of stallions at the Washington Stables M McMaster in lawful pursuit of his legitimate business L A Thomas postpone action upon the foregoing petition March 28, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Reports of Officers Engineer, George Webb Hill St, South Dodge St, Eagle Point Avenue sewer Pay roll, Kentgen Fund John Doud Jr. Deed of Trust to T S Winslow Claim of William Bickel Dubuque Central Improvement Company Bonds Pat Kelly Tim Ryan Florence McCarty Thomas Barry P Campbell Martin Flanagan Pat Considine Michael Karn Thomas Kelly John Scanton John Conolly Pat Code Ed Ryan Mich Ranchford Thomas Callahan Pat Lavy Carts Mrs. Halpin Mrs. Flanagan Mrs. Conway Jerry Driscoll Teams Michael Burke March 28, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Central Island Bonds Gelpcke, Kentgen, Reichelt Claim of Waples and Walmsley Central Island Improvement Bonds Petitions and Communications of P Gill, Adam Jaeger, David Dillon, Leonard Berg, George Zumhoff Special Kentgen Fund Washington Fire Company Patrick Gill claim on the books of the Auditor March 28, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Kentgen Contract cash proceeds of Central Island Bonds E A Lull, Recorder Report of H S Hetherington, Mayor City of Dubuque agrees to pay over all other Revenue received, collected, or falling due to the City Webster defines the term revenue reference to the public or the state annual produce of taxes, excise customs, duties, rents collected and paid into the treasury for public use March 28, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Claims of Adam Jaeger, Leonard Berg, Treasurer of Washington Fire Company, David Dillon, Patrick Gill Claims Dubuque Gas, Light, and Coke Company bill J M Hannan carriage hire McDonough and Coby city scrip General Fund P M Guthrie, clerk of election A McDaniel, J J E Norman, Joseph Gerig School House Fund, Kentgen Fund George W Jones, removal of the Ferry port of 3rd St Central Island Company Wharf boat of the Ferry Company March 28, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Public Grounds inventory of goods belonging to the city at the House of Refuge Poor House renting of the House of Refuge Recorder receive sealed proposals plat of new cemetery grounds preliminary survey for streets unnecessary crooks and curves in the streets variety of ornament, located to provide for vaults March 28, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Fire Department resignation as Chief Engineer of the Fire Department J B Howard Police Court Room election Unfinished Business An Ordinance to prevent nuisances and for other purposes An Ordinance to define the powers and duties of the Marshal Marshall act as market master of the 1st Ward, Central Market, Captain of Police, March 28, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Ordinance to define the duties of the Marshall An Ordinance to divide the City into wards and to define the qualification of Alderman North Boundary of the 1st Ward, South Boundary of the 4th Ward Boundaries of city wards Main St 5th St suspension of rule 29 March 28, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Resolutions line between 1st Ward and 4th Ward Validity of claim of Mr Crome against the City for labor on School House fence Justice Nagle, Conger Anthony Jordan curbing on 1st St between Main St and Bluff St scrip for exchanging bonds General Fund Assessment special tax for paving and macadamizing Jones St Dubuque Harbor Company, Block No. 11 Harbor Company's Addition March 28, 1859 Hetherington, McNamara, Treanor, Lane, Virden, Hinds, Nadeau, Richards, Mitton, Jaeger, Ham Assessment Special tax for paving and macadamizing Main St between 1st St and Jones St defray cost of improvement Roach Edwards, Raisin and Co Stephen Hempstead Estate of Aaron Baptiste John Lovell, Agent Richard Bennett R Cox Kennedy Gray Burt Armond Reilly Okeson H J Goff John Hoey Smith and Newberry Stohlman Marshal to collect foregoing assessments E A Lull, Recorder