1860 June Council ProceedingsJune 7, 1860 Stout, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Connell, Wood, Weigel, Matthews, Bittman, King Petitions and Communications Henry Heeb lease of part of City Hall basement Wheeler and Campbell reduction of lot Chatrina Ragatz remit taxes on Iowa St between 5th St and 6th St Catarina Susan A Lawrence and C G Lawrence taxes on lots Claims H S Hetherington damages opening Madison St in 1857 Evans, late Marshal June 7, 1860 Stout, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Connell, Wood, Weigel, Matthews, Bittman, King Butchers of Central Market Impossible to retain stalls if outside shops allowed to monopolize the trade Committee on markets language disrespectful to a portion of the late Council Bissell, Moser and Co Scaler of weights and measures Joseph Wittmer dwelling house and furniture assessed Claims William Ahern nuisance on lot Reports of Officers Wharf master levees and landings of the city June 7, 1860 Stout, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Connell, Wood, Weigel, Matthews, Bittman, King City Marshal sale of stalls in Central Market 1st Ward Market House F McCraney, House of Refuge amount collected salaries of city officers R G Herron F J Cromer William McLenan D O C Quigley Andrew Hoerner Street Commissioner taking down street lamps material and labor, cleaning streets payments to D Berry, P Smith, G McGraw Kentgen Fund June 7, 1860 Stout, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Connell, Wood, Weigel, Matthews, Bittman, King City Attorney salaries of judge and clerk of City Court pay in currency or equivalent Employ an attorney to defend some suits against the City as O'Neill, before his term of office begun, been employed on the opposite side City case, Kentgen fund City Sexton number of interments hay weigher, West Dubuque Commissions P O'Hare Clerk of City Court C J Leist R G Herron June 7, 1860 Stout, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Connell, Wood, Weigel, Matthews, Bittman, King Insurance on Public School Houses apply to the School Board Claims Mark Beaubien and J R Duncan rooms for election purposes City Attorney revision of Ordinances J B Lane and Charles Corkery Printing Times Newspapers Fire Department foreman of No. 2 co, charts of cisterns John Blake city scrip Resolutions assist in collating and revising the Ordinances in force An Ordinance in relation to streets and sidewalks in the City June 7, 1860 Stout, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Connell, Wood, Weigel, Matthews, Bittman, King Ordinance to regulate the rate of wharfage of steamboats Public Grounds and Buildings City Hall associations Resolutions execution and sale of property, school lot on Bluff St An Ordinance to prevent the violation of the Public Peace suspended on the 4th of July Marshal receive from the Butchers holding stalls in Central Market refusing or neglecting to pay the same City Court sell stalls in central market at public auction Cleaning streets, collecting licenses, awnings, sidewalks, dogs, hogs, and markets Ordinance to define powers and duties of City Marshal June 7, 1860 Stout, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Connell, Wood, Weigel, Matthews, Bittman, King Marshal prosecute any persons violating City Ordinances Pay of Wharfmaster Bills Andrew Hoerner M Roche Wharfage Fund, Kentgen Fund Charles J Leist General Fund George L Torbert books A Schaefle Assesor A Woolers, taking down Street Lamps M McNear Harrison Perrin gutter West Dubuque F A Gniffke printing William Bickel bond passage to home in Minnesota June 13, 1860 Stout, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Connell, Wood, Weigel, Matthews, Bittman, King Amend Market Ordinances Ordinance to regulate the sale and occupancy of stalls in Central Market House 1st Ward Market Houses Resolutions Resolved regulation of markets, Ordinance fixing alternate days between the 1st and Central Markets for the exclusive sale of butter, eggs, poultry, vegetables, fish, and regulation of butchers and sale of fresh meats June 13, 1860 Stout, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Connell, Wood, Weigel, Matthews, Bittman, King Ordinance to amend an Ordinance to prohibit hucksters from purchasing anything in market during market hours for the purpose of selling again A C Pearson remission of taxes, stock of goods Bell in public square June 19, 1860 Stout, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Connell, Wood, Weigel, Matthews, Bittman, King Absentees sent for City Markets Ordinance to regulate the sale of vegetables Bought and paid for a stall in the Central Market shall have the privilege to open a shop for the sale of any kind of meat F Weigel June 19, 1860 Stout, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Connell, Wood, Weigel, Matthews, Bittman, King Ordinances regulating markets Live poultry, chickens, turkeys, being brouht to market in crippled and diseased condition, limbs tied before offered for sale Prohibiting the evil complained, bringing poultry in coops Ordinance to regulate the sale and occupancy of stalls in the Central Market and 1st Ward Market person having license and holding lease June 19, 1860 Stout, Treanor, Quigley, Lane, Kauffman, Connell, Wood, Weigel, Matthews, Bittman, King Ordinance Section 3 peacefully vacate and surrender such stalls Preamble and resolution Ordinance regulating vegetables