1861 October Council ProceedingsOctober 3, 1861 Stout, Quigley, Treanor, Lane, Torbert, Connell, Wood, Mathews, Freund, Weigel, Ruegamer Petitions William Rebman sewer on 14th St Peter Verdin and Henry Kohn, butchers in market J L Dickinson and William C Chamberlain use of City Court on each Sunday afternoon Peter Hoffman and his butchers Mission Sunday School October 3, 1861 Stout, Quigley, Treanor, Lane, Torbert, Connell, Wood, Mathews, Freund, Weigel, Ruegamer T Murphy, repairing South Dodge St Henry S Jennings, Walnut Street William Gilbert, fireman of Protection Company No. 3 City Scrip Reports of Officers Receipts City taxes Interest Road Tax Poll Tax Special Interest Delinquent Tax October 3, 1861 Stout, Quigley, Treanor, Lane, Torbert, Connell, Wood, Mathews, Bittman, Weigel, Ruegamer . School Tax Delinquent Tax October 3, 1861 Stout, Quigley, Treanor, Lane, Torbert, Connell, Wood, Mathews, Freund, Weigel, Ruegamer Petitions William Rebman quarry 14th St Sister Hospital Peter Virden, Henry Cahn stall rent Central Market House Butchers J L Dickinson, William C Chamberlain City Court room, Mission Sunday School Peter Coffman butchers October 3, 1861 Stout, Quigley, Treanor, Lane, Torbert, Connell, Wood, Mathews, Freund, Weigel, Ruegamer T Murphy, repairing Dodge St Henry S Jennings Walnut St N J Gilbert foreman of Protection Co. city scrip Reports of Officers Ordinance duty of Auditor, semi-annual report Receipts and Expenditures Delinquent tax interest road tax poll tax special interest October 3, 1861 Stout, Quigley, Treanor, Lane, Torbert, Connell, Wood, Mathews, Freund, Weigel, Ruegamer Receipts and Expenditures Delinquent tax interest road tax poll tax special interest Clerk of City Court, city tax wharfage Jones St Inner Levee fines sale of lots City licenses Auction Billiard Tables Livery Stables Carts, Wagons, Drays Pedlers Shows Butchers Central Market Stall Rent Saloon Hay Scales House of Refuge October 3, 1861 Stout, Quigley, Treanor, Lane, Torbert, Connell, Wood, Mathews, Freund, Weigel, Ruegamer Expenditures Fire Department Salaries Fire Companies Rent of Engine House Repairing Engine Repairing Cistern Salaries of officers Treasurer Recorder Auditor Attorney Marshal Deputy Marshal Market Master Assessor Watchman Printing Elections Judge Clerk Jury Wharfage Central Market James Rowan October 3, 1861 Stout, Quigley, Treanor, Lane, Torbert, Connell, Wood, Mathews, Freund, Weigel, Ruegamer Expenditures Auditor's Semi-Annual Report Interest Coupons City Bonds Interest on Scrip and bonds Interest refunded Street Department 5th St City Expenses calaboose killing and removing dogs J Armstrong C J Cummings J H O'Neill F Jennings C H Booth Schools School House rent Recapitulation Thomas Faherty October 3, 1861 Stout, Quigley, Treanor, Lane, Torbert, Connell, Wood, Mathews, Freund, Weigel, Ruegamer City Marshal Central Market Hay Scales wharfmaster Marshal wood for City Hall blankets, comforts, bucket use of calaboose taken and pounded hogs redeemed and sold J E Frith City Expense Fund October 3, 1861 Stout, Quigley, Treanor, Lane, Torbert, Connell, Wood, Mathews, Freund, Weigel, Ruegamer workers for Marshal Mathew Coffman Jacob Burk Thomas Nells McCarty William McGowan Frederick Conner Mathias Graff Michael O'Rayin John Lanihan John P Buchler Samuel Upton hauling Schroeder work done on streets Julien Avenue 11th St Locust St between Jones St and 2nd St Bluff St Plank Road Main St Dodge St 7th St Mineral Street Central Market City Expense Fund October 3, 1861 Stout, Quigley, Treanor, Lane, Torbert, Connell, Wood, Mathews, Freund, Weigel, Ruegamer Salaries of City Officers due City Officers as salaries Frank Jennings Thomas Faherty J Swivel Samuel Upton Andrew Hoerner J H O'Neill L Kneist R G Herron George Schunk S S Palmer Clerk of City Court Paper and envelopes George N J Karrick October 3, 1861 Stout, Quigley, Treanor, Lane, Torbert, Connell, Wood, Mathews, Freund, Weigel, Ruegamer Standing Committees tax books Assessments Bill of Schaff and Co J T Janell City Expense Fund Petition of Rixton and West, plank on 7th St October 3, 1861 Stout, Quigley, Treanor, Lane, Torbert, Connell, Wood, Mathews, Freund, Weigel, Ruegamer Petition of John Fitzpatrick Main St between 15th St and 16th St excavating sickly season R McMohan curbing stone on Locust St City Expense Fund lots in Dubuque Printing Mahony and Co, C Richter October 3, 1861 Stout, Quigley, Treanor, Lane, Torbert, Connell, Wood, Mathews, Freund, Weigel, Ruegamer C H Merry abatement on wharfage appropriations for repairs on Diagonal Street land for Blocklinger Alley Wharfmaster collect wharfage landing barge goods of coal on the levee Resolution Resolved planks on 7th St Eagle Point Avenue markets, roof, City Hall October 3, 1861 Stout, Quigley, Treanor, Lane, Torbert, Connell, Wood, Mathews, Freund, Weigel, Ruegamer 23rd St and Jackson St open a gutter or ditch damage to garden Bills Westphal and Hinds S S Hoke painting engine J G Mondult Andrew Hoerner W DeWald Bobtert Meyer F M Freund Fire Department October 15, 1861 Stout, Quigley, Treanor, Lane, Torbert, Connell, Wood, Mathews, Freund, Weigel, Ruegamer Finance Assessment of the year 1861 city scrip and the tax list Special Assessment George W Scott, Kelly's Addition James Kelly Dubuque and Pacific Railroad October 15, 1861 Stout, Quigley, Treanor, Lane, Torbert, Connell, Wood, Mathews, Freund, Weigel, Ruegamer Preambles and Resolutions wharfage collected M Allison M Connor, watchman J : i