1864 June Council ProceedingsJune 2, 1864 Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid Petitions and Communications Nicholas Theyes, rent of stalls in Central Market P M Guthrie received from Joseph Helwood, guardian of Mary Burton lot sold for taxes George Blocklinger stating City lot No. 277 was sold for special tax Joe Rhomberg Romburg license on billiard tables Rich and Merrill, lease put up 2 ports in front of Main St June 2, 1864 Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid W M Becker, leave to sell the Close Ringer as a peddler, without being subject to taking out license Catharine Fincher, taxes remitted, subdivision D Harrinton, construction of road Denis Flanery remuneration for damages done by the water undermining part of his house Austin Adams, use of City Hall building for the Sanitary Fair Margaret Dogle, taxes remitted P Morgan, repairing road between the City of Dubuque and Catrfish Mills John Blake, sale of his land for taxes city indebted to him June 2, 1864 Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid Margaret Brady, remission of her taxes C H Merry paying wharfage fees Packet Company, fix landing Philip Pier, large shed on the corner of Iowa St and 5th St A Bunting, leave to sink a shaft on 5th St N C Ryder, Locust St grade 12th St and 15th St June 2, 1864 Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid Reports of Officers salaries of city officers A E Skinner J H Shields P M Guthrie F J Cromer C J Richards R E Bishop A Hoerner George Schunk M Donell L Brown H Kroll amount for cemetery lots hay scales J H Shields, contract between the City and Bourgeois in relation to Linwood Cemetery Minette Levi legally authorized person to recieve Cemetery funds Dubuque and Sioux City Railroad June 2, 1864 Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid City Sexton number of interments Henry Kroll C J Richards, money expended on streets, sewers and bridges C Gilliam wharfage collected C J Chapline Linwood Cemetery, City Attorney June 2, 1864 Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid Communication of Lawrence Kearney maps in reference to Lot No. 144 Petition of Murphy, repair road in front of residence Petition of Peter Klein, construction of bridge on Jackson St Petition of Armstrong and others, old corporation line June 2, 1864 Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid Petition of V Herancourt alley, official plat of the City Petition of H W Sanford, course of Bee Branch be changed to run along Peru Road benefit to the property holders culvert built along the road G W Martin deeded to the City 7 feet on lot No. 8 on Alpine St for sewerage Petition of Hugo Miller to sell meat on White St Stalls in the Central Market prohibiting sale of meat within certain limits June 2, 1864 Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid Agent of the North West Packet Company relating to the amount of wharfage Resolution June 2, 1864 Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid Motions and Resolutions Levee between Jones St and the Dubuque and Sioux City Frieght Depot C H Merry pay expense of railroad fill of levee contract lowest bidder destruction of shade trees in the parks and cemeteries trees and shrubbery fines and imprisonment assistance of competent engineers, grade on Locust St N C Ryder streets and alleys, public health June 2, 1864 Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid Resolutions Recorder mark and endorse on each paper handed to him for the action of the City Council repairing, cleaning Market building draw on City Expense fund Road known as the Military road from Whisky Hill to the levee Table Mound Township County Board of Supervisors Appoint special police to serve during the week of the sanitary fair June 2, 1864 Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid Bills S Hutchkins, stationary Herman Tuegel work hauling William McLennan deeds Waller, Calaboose Ruegamer and Ade, meat for pest house Dr. Belden, pest house M Terrency, hogs and dogs J Cromer J Richmond wood for pest house J G Menkel special police John Jennings Bissell, Milles and Shiras, attorney fees credits Margaret Oday attending small pox patient Margaret Clay James McClay, goods for pest house Joseph Bratt and Co G Meehen June 1864 Thompson, Quigley, Emerson, Russ, Mulkern, Stout, Cummings, Mathews, Hetherington, Ruegamer, Schmid Proposition for the adjustment of the City Debt indebtedness Bills of Bissell, Mills and Shiras legal services in the Gelpcke case Auditor issue scip for bonds and coupons