1868 March Council ProceedingsMarch 5, 1868 Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining Bills paid A Y McDonald Asa Horr Dubuque Cabinet Association T C Roberts, assignee of H Markell William Rebman Newburgh and Crummer Joseph Schucart Grosvenor and Harger A Cragin D A Mahony Kane C Nitterauer M M Hayden C J Richards Howard and McArthur John McMahan Martin Canning duties of sealers of weights and measures March 5, 1868 Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining Auditor's report March 12, 1868 Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining petition by parties on 15th St, macadamized between Bluff St and Main St assessed against the owners of abutting property Petitions P A Lorimer, correction of assessment, Mineral Lot Southern Avenue Addition John S Williams, privilege to land coal on the public wharves for the use of steamboats harbors Allison and Crane in reference to overflow of lot insufficiency of sewer at the crossing of Locust St and 5th St John Hodgdon against macadamizing Bluff St north of 14th St William Rebman F R Bissell, establishment of a proper grade on Chestnut and Walnut St John T Hancock, Pearl St and Grove St M Ham, taxes on his lots March 12, 1868 Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining M Ham, taxes on his lots Ham's Addition Lots Nos. 1 to 612 inclusive Petitions George Hograve, refunded for illegal tax collected delinquent taxes S M Langworthy, sidewalks removed on Hill St in 1867, macadamize completion of sidewalks 3rd St, Hill St, Alpine St Charles Klingenberg, planking sidewalks on Eagle Point Avenue P M Guthrie removing dirt from the streets 15th St, Pine St Petition signed "A Fireman" Redemption of City Bonds Auditor report, receipts and expenditures Weigh master T O'Donald 1st Ward Hay scales during January and February West Dubuque Scales Market Master Strasser March 12, 1868 Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining Central Market Scales receipts from sales of lots in Linwood Cemetery Mrs. M Levi City Sexton report, interments Special interest fund special assessment for improvements on alleys, streets, and highways S M Langworthy, sidewalks on Hill St Diamond House to 3rd St Hill St and Alpine St Petition of Mrs. Mulligan Petition of A A Cooper, building destroyed by fire cancelling taxes assessed against H Heinsheimer on monies and credits March 12, 1868 Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining Petition of Edward Langworthy, cancelling taxes on lots East Dubuque Petition of John Reichman, remission of taxes on steam tug, Petition of Schiller and Lodge Claims Abel E Skinner, difference between Treasurer Dr. T Mason Ordinance relative to the petition respecting steam boilers Bills Joseph Platz John Blake George Garrett J S Williams James Crawford Charles Klingenberg Barnes and Ryan James Kelly Philip Sage George Strasser Edward Metz McGhie brothers Howard and McArthur S Elmer M Eagan J P Quigley B Beck March 12, 1868 Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining Bill of E Ratcliff for steam engine McGhie brothers, committee on fire department Kempf's bill Claims, petition of T Murphy, taxed in Dubuque and Jackson County Margaret Fanning, remission of interest Daniel Sheehan, John McCoy A Y McDonald Minshall, Thompson and Co Collection Wallet Petition of C Collins, improvement of 5th St legal right to amount due him March 12, 1868 Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining Enlarging the sewer at crossings of Couler Avenue and 20th St Resolution Resolved, grade of 7th St extension Prospect St to the center of Hill St profile annexed grade of street Fire Department in favor of paying Philip Sage, Engineer of the Steam Fire Engine E Ratcliff, furnish team for steam fire engine Petitions of William Rebman Fred Weigle, John Carr, J Beck Andrew and Treadway wall Koehler Brothers, erect packing slaughterhouse Dunleith and Dubuque Railroad Bridge March 12, 1868 Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining Railroad Bridge Resolutions read Resolved welfare and prosperity of the City of Dubuque imperatively require that the birdge now being built across the Mississippi River opposite the City should be a free and public highway as well as a general railroad bridge Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge Company fair and reasonable value of all privileges Apply to the legislature of the state of Iowa for the passage of law authorizing City Council to contract with the bridge company free or toll public highway March 12, 1868 Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining Railroad Bridge Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge Company Resolutions Resolved Advice of City Attorney, Counsel Ordinance granting bridge company use of certain streets, lanes, alleys, and public grounds for railroad and other purposes inoperative and partially void Bridge for all time be open to the use of all railroads equal rights and privileges and the utmost possible facilities to all free public highway for all kinds of travel terminate in or opposite Dubuque March 12, 1868 Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining Railroad Bridge Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge Company Resolutions Resolved equal use and benefit of any and every railroad company Railroad tracks and improvements free public highway for all kinds of wagon and foot travel Directors of the Bridge Company Illinois Central Railroad Company is opposed to the use of said bridge as a free public highway Dubuque and Dunleith Ferry not be as profitabloe an investment toll bridge March 12, 1868 Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining Resolutions Board of Supervisors, amount of money expended on bridges within the corporate limits Petition of A McDaniel, vacating any part of Grove St Resolved that it would be unwise and suicidal to the interests of Dubuque for the City Council to make any futher agent of right or privilege to the Bridge Company free and public highway for all kinds of wagons and foot travel equal terms to all railroad companies March 12, 1868 Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining Grant of right of way over, across, or along any street, lane, alley, whard, landing, or public ground Bridge Company City Council, right to regulate and control the use secure equal rights to railroad tracks use of tracks, switches, or other contrivances tolls Illinois Legislature highway March 12, 1868 Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining control the amount of coal Resolution Resolved bridge with frair and equal resources of Northern Iowa confer with freeholders to represent the interests of the people jury to examine witness and receive other testimony constructing bridge for common highway contract March 12, 1868 Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining Resolutions Resolved application to the legislature of Iowa for the passage of an act similar to the following An Act authorizing and empowering municipal corporations to contract for the use of railroad bridges as public highways Enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Iowa incorporated cities and towns situate on the Mississippi river or Missouri River invested with power and authority to contact with any company railroad bridge across rivers toll bridge foot passengers and vehicles public highways Contracts Common Council, Board of Trustees municipal corporation levy and collect toll for transit Resolved that the Senators and Representatives in the legislature from Dubuque County be requested to use their influence to secure the enactment of the foregoing bill copy of bill representatives in Congress amendment of the laws of the U.S. March 12, 1868 Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining construction of bridges across the Missouri and Mississippi rivers in Iowa Proposed legislative bill Resolutions Resolved Council be requested when making a contract giving the right of way through the streets to railroad or bridge company public welfare cars drawn through streets and alleys within limits of the City by horse power running of steam locomotives through the streets confer with a like number appointed by the citizens Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge published in the Dubuque Times, Dubuque Herald, National Democrat, and Iowa Staatz Zeitung A E Skinner An Ordinance amending the ordinance establishing the amount of license to be charged upon Billiard Tables March 12, 1868 Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining Ordinance relating to wharfage on lumber ] Resolution Resolved all wharfage for lumber of all descriptions, lath and shingles shall be double the present rates charged as wharfage steamboats and wood boats, barges and all steam craft improving and clearing obstructions from out harbor sidewalk on lot on Jackson St, White St washing away Stafford St Eagle Point Avenue, Linwood Cemetery wing wall near the culvert across 3rd St junction with Hill St 5th St gutters March 12, 1868 Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining City Attorney sue all claims for the special assessments now unpaid work done by private parties for the improvement of High St and propose to futher improve St 11th St House of Refuge rented to James Hughes 1st Ward Market House, V J Williams Bridge on Dodge St near the gas house Sol. Raugh and Co, redemption of city bond Mayor's Proclamation 1857 P C Morhiser, scaler of weights and measures Petition of J Boland, 3rd St improvement March 12, 1868 Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining several wards and appoint judges and clerks for the election 1st Ward William Ahern, T C Roberts, John Linehan and A B Lewis Robert Jess' House 2nd Ward F Schumacher, William Ruff, James Collier, G W Scott Court House 3rd Ward William Rebman, Adam Koch, Frank Deggendorf, C T Shields City Hall 4th Ward Robert Mitton, Thomas Hardie, I M Preston, Adam Koch Trudell Block, 8th St and Bluff St 5th Ward Godfried Blocklinger, Peter Elwanger, George Fengler, Patrick Morgan Heeb's Brewery Plan for the payment of City bonds Sol. Raugh and Co, bonds tax book and assessors book March 26, 1868 Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining Petition of E R Shankland, grade of Seminary St Engineer Potter, grading and filling street from 17th St to Main St Petition of Julia Lewis, assessment against her lot for macadamizing Locust St be remitted Peter Kiene, executor of the state of Elizabeth Singer, remission of taxes S L Tibballs, assessment against property Grading and macadamizing 13th St from Iowa St to Locust St Edward Keas Bills P C Sampson C Mason W C Alexander A Kaufman John Kinna R E Graves, refunded money for tax tittles James Crawford repairing sidewalks March 26, 1868 Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining James Rowan to R G Herron, interest on Central Market House ground Petition of J Reichman execution for costs in case of City of Dubuque vs. R Bonson H A Littleton cancelling taxes Charles Klingenberg, assessment against property George Hograve, taxes overpaid Margaret Fanning for remission of interest on taxes receipt of original tax, interest cancelled P A Lorimer, double assessment of Southern Avenue Addition William Meyer, J P William Rebman, John Hodgdon March 26, 1868 Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining Bluff st from 14th St to Locust St Resolution Resolved Petitions Graham, foot sidewalk on 3rd St Hill St Report on Bissell, Palmer and Co grading Chestnut St and Walnut St Petition of J T Hancock, grading of Pearl St and Grove St John S Williams, landing and leaving coal on the levee for use of steam boats Fire Departments A Y McDonald for cylender Waller and Simpson damages Barnes and Ryan publishing fire ordinance March 26, 1868 Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining Fire Department, bill of P C Morhiser McGhie Brothers torches Mayor purchased at public sale acres of Central Island L D Randall Building of A A Cooper remit taxes Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge Company March 26, 1868 Graves, Ryan, Lucas, Smith, Fassitt, Pleins, Shiras, Ward, Kingman, Jaeger, Weining .