Fiscal Year 2011 Budget Second AmendmentMasterpiece on the Mississippi September 10, 2010 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FROM: Michael C. Van Milligen, City Manager SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2011 Second Budget Amendment Budget Director Jennifer Larson is recommending approval of the second Fiscal Year 2011 Budget Amendment, which amends the Fiscal Year 2011 budget for City Council actions since the beginning of the Fiscal Year and includes items which City Council has expressed support. Second, the amendment includes Fiscal Year 2010 budget carryovers to Fiscal Year 2011 of encumbrances totaling $20,990,780, capital projects totaling $69,855,059 that were not completed during the prior Fiscal Year, and associated revenues totaling $60,394,542. There are operating budget appropriation carryovers of $952,135 and operating receivables of $4,171,654. Also, total transfers between funds of $6,094,302 are reflected. I concur with the recommendation and respectfully request Mayor and City Council approval. MCVM /JML Attachment cc: Barry Lindahl, City Attorney Cindy Steinhauser, Assistant City Manager Jennifer Larson, Budget Director Michael C. Van Milligen Dubuque hail t*U America city 2007 Masterpiece on the Mississippi TO: Michael C. Van Milligen, City Manager FROM: Jennifer Larson, Budget Director SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2011 Second Budget Amendment August 31, 2010 Dubuque hgbil AN-America City 11111 ! 2007 The purpose of this memorandum is to provide an explanation regarding the second amendment for Fiscal Year 2011. This amendment is two fold. First, it amends the Fiscal Year 2011 budget for City Council actions since the beginning of the Fiscal Year and includes items which City Council has expressed support. Second, the amendment includes Fiscal Year 2010 budget carryovers to Fiscal Year 2011 of encumbrances totaling $20,990,780, capital projects totaling $69,855,059 that were not completed during the prior Fiscal Year, and associated revenues totaling $60,394,542. There are operating budget appropriation carryovers of $952,135 and operating receivables of $4,171,654. Also, total transfers between funds of $6,094,302 are reflected. CARRYOVER AMENDMENT TO FISCAL YEAR 2011 During Fiscal Year 2010, a large number of projects were completed, which include Shot Tower Rehabilitation, Police Handgun Replacements, Fire Truck Replacement, Fire Station #4 Interior and Exterior Improvements, Fire VHF Narrow Banding Radios, Fire Foam Trailer, Playground Improvements, Northwest Arterial Bike /Hike Trail Phases I &II, Park Maintenance Headquarters Improvements, Eagle Point Park Improvements, McAleece Storage Building, Burden Park Renovation, Trolley Line Trail, Park Sidewalk Snow Machine, Veterans Memorial Plaza, Ham House Cupola Roof Replacement, Water Shallow Well Rehab, Water Main Extensions and Replacements, Water Vacuum Filter Back -Up, Water Utility Relocate for Downtown Parking Ramp, Water Pollution Control Plant Cedar Station Pump Electrical Replacement, Water Pollution Control Automatic Bar Screens, Water Pollution Control Terminal Street Station Improvements, Water Pollution Control Portable Sump Pump, Locust Street Parking Ramp Sidewalk Replacement, Fifth Street Parking Ramp Stair Door Replacement, Airport Administration Carpet Replacement, Airport Runway Safety Area, Airport Field Drain Replacements, Airport Diesel Tank Replacement, Airport Chlorine System Update /Replacement, Airport Hanger Repairs, Airport Terminal Boiler Replacements, Airport Runway Painting, Transit Roof Repairs, Public Works Asphalt Milling Program, Public Works Salt Dome Project, Public Works Snow and Ice Control Camera, Sewer Pipeline Inspection Equipment, Public Works Truck Mounted Vacuum, Public Works Fleet GPS Project, Floodwall Levee Slope Repair, Flood Control Levee Certification, Refuse Dual Packer Recycling Vehicle, Oak Grove Sanitary Sewer, North Fork Sanitary/Storm Improvements, Louise Street Bridge Replacement, Montrose Steps Reconstruction, Highway 52 Resurfacing, Green Alley Pilot Program Phase I, Locust 9 to 17 Kephart Building Improvements, North Siegert Farm Phase II, Purchase of Former Tri -State Building, Finance Community Plus Software Upgrade, Finance Purchase Card Software Component, and Finance Plus Software Upgrade. Many other enhancements are reflected throughout the community. Some significant projects were started and remain in process, which are carried forward into Fiscal Year 2011. The most significant of the capital project expenditure carryovers, including associated revenue, are: Water Pollution Control Plant Upgrade ($11,848,340); 10 and Central Parking Ramp Construction ($9,639,719); Bee Branch Restoration ($8,723,186); Millwork District Street Improvements ($5,082,095); Transient Boat Docks ($3,769,544); Downtown Housing Incentives ($2,465,000); Airport Terminal Runway 31 Construction ($2,686,100); Sanitary Sewer Improvements ($2,333,220); Northwest Arterial Capacity Improvements ($1,718,952); Water Annexation Study /Implementation ($1,505,528); US 61/151 Corridor Improvements ($895,403); North Siegert Farm ($870,764); Community Development Block Grant funded projects ($615,148); Fire Station Expansion /Relocation ($603,059); Rivers to the Sea Exhibit ($553,268); Kaufmann Avenue Resurfacing ($518,761); US 52 /Central Traffic Improvements ($486,039); EB Lyons Expansion Project ($479,970); and Main Street Sidewalk Improvements ($467,276). OPERATING BUDGET CARRYOVER AMENDMENT The most significant operating budget carryovers into Fiscal Year 2011 include such items as Police Department Grants ($246,486); Federal Building Maintenance ($85,396); Section 8 Voucher Software ($69,585); Housing Administration Every Child I Every Promise Grants ($50,000); Human Rights Grant Appropriation ($57,799); Building Services Washington Neighborhood Alley Light Grant Program ($35,000); Refuse Collection Carts ($32,500); Police Patrol Training ($31,585); Fire CPAT Costs ($31,160); Purchase of Service Every Child 1 Every Promise ($25,000); Building Services Software ($20,782); Transit Equipment ($16,000); Airport Radar Maintenance Fee ($25,000); and Community Development Block Grant ($23,531). FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE FISCAL YEAR 2011 CERTIFIED BUDGET There have been numerous actions by City Council and changes requiring amendments for the Fiscal Year 2011 budget. The capital budget amendments total $9,912,103, with an increase in associated revenue of $11,501,757. The amendment items include: Market Rate Downtown Housing Loan Pool ($4,350,000) funded by Iowa Finance Authority; Bee Branch Construction and Property Acquisition ($3,416,936) from General Obligation Bonds abated with Stormwater User Fees; Airport Hangar Replacement and Repair ($589,200) from Insurance Reimbursement; US 52 /Central Traffic Improvements ($500,000) from Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant; Home Rehab Loan Program Grants ($250,000) funded by Iowa Finance Authority Our Home Grant; Affordable Housing Assistance Grants ($234,700) funded by Iowa Finance Authority I -JOBS Affordable Housing Assistance Grants; Northwest Arterial Hike /Bike Trail Phase 3 ($200,000) funded by an Iowa Department of Natural Resources REAP grant; Housing Trust Grants ($157,250) funded by Iowa Finance Authority Housing Trust Grant; Market Rate Downtown Housing Loan Interest Repayment ($135,000) funded by repayments from developers; Green Alley Pilot Project ($91,182) funded by Community Development Block Grant - Recovery ; Kephart Building Improvements ($76,259) funded by Community Development Block Grant; and Street Improvements Related to the Closing of Cox Street ($50,125) funded by the purchase of Cox Street by Loras College. OPERATING BUDGET AMENDMENT The operating budget amendments total $981,872, with associated increase in revenue of $992,764. The amendment items include Public Works Salt Operations at Purina Drive ($769,986) funded by salt partner purchases; Library Reorganization of Staff ($15,354) funded with City -Wide General Liability Premium Savings; Arts and Cultural Affairs Coordinator Additional Hours ($13,022) funded with Iowa Community Cultural Grant; Water Department Debt Service for Additional Borrowings ($90,974); and Transit Division Grant Match and Contract Custodial ($57,540). The action step is for City Council to adopt the attached resolution approving the FY 2011 second budget amendment. Attachments JML CITY BUDGET AMENDMENT AND CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION To the Auditor of DUBUQUE 31 -288 County, Iowa: The City Council of DUBUQUE in said County /Counties met on 9/20/10 ,at the place and hour set in the notice, a copy of which accompanies this certificate and is certified as to publication. Upon taking up the proposed amendment, it was considered and taxpayers were heard for and against the amendment. The Council, after hearing all taxpayers wishing to be heard and considering the statements made by them, gave final consideration to the proposed amendment(s) to the budget and modifications proposed at the hearing, if any. thereupon, the following resolution was introduced. RESOLUTION No. 3 8 0 -10 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE CURRENT BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, (AS AMENDED LAST ON JULY 19, 2010 .) Be it Resolved by the Council of the City of DUBUQUE Section 1. Following notice published Signature City Clerk/Finance Officer Passed this , 20th day of Septe(nber, 2010 (Month/Year) mitt_ a Signature Mayor 2011 and the public hearing held, 9/20/10 the current budget (as previously amended) is amended as set out herein and in the detail by fund type and activity that supports this resolution which was considered at that hearing: Total Budget as certified or last amended Current Amendment Total Budget after Current Amendment Revenues Other r e enues & Ot er Sou ce s 19,177,697 : 0 19,177,697 Taxes Levied on Property 1 Less: Uncollectted Property Taxes -Levy Year 2 0 0 0 Net Current Property Taxes 3 19,177,697 0 19,177,697 Delinquent Property Taxes 4 0 0 0 TIF Revenues 5 9,080,612 0 9,080,612 Other City Taxes 6 14,628,325 0 14,628,325 Licenses & Permits 7 1,187,750 0 1,187,750 Use of Money and Property 8 17,204,673 135,000 17,339,673 Intergovernmental 9 41,810,047 33,533,137 75,343,184 Charges for Services 10 29,537,134 739,427 30,276,561 Special Assessments 11 229,000 857,809 1,086,809 Miscellaneous 12 6,930,645 2,178,512 9,109,157 Other Financing Sources 13 51,008,769 45,711,134 96,719,903 Total Revenues and Other Sources 14 190,794,652 83,155,019 273,949,671 Expenditures Financing Uses x enditures &OtherFina c Use P 9 23,226,178 618,728 23,844,906 Public Safety 15 Public Works 16 11,236,376 1,129,909 12,366,285 Health and Social Services 17 864,254 98,118 962,372 Culture and Recreation 18 9,392,532 117,954 9,510,486 Community and Economic Development 19 11,678,675 380,312 12,058,987 General Government 20 6,912,832 272,989 7,185,821 Debt Service 21 5,716,743 90,974 5,807,717 Capital Projects 22 37,105,080 50,390,346 87,495,426 Total Government Activities Expenditures 23 106,132,670 53,099,330 159,232,000 Business Type / Enterprises 24 61,034,759 49,592,589 110,627,348 Total Gov Activities & Business Expenditures 25 167,167,429 102,691,919 269,859,348 Transfers Out 26 23,426,759 6,094,302 29,521,061 Total Expenditures/Transfers Out 27 190,594,188 108,786,221 299,380,409 Excess Revenues & Other Sources Over (Under) Expenditures/Transfers Out Fiscal Year 28 200,464 - 25,631,202 - 25,430,738 Continuing Appropriation 29 0 N/A 0 Beginning Fund Balance July 1 30 23,257,306 26,483,909 49,741,215 Ending Fund Balance June 30 31 23,457,770 852,707 24,310,477 CITY BUDGET AMENDMENT AND CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION To the Auditor of DUBUQUE 31 -288 County, Iowa: The City Council of DUBUQUE in said County /Counties met on 9/20/10 ,at the place and hour set in the notice, a copy of which accompanies this certificate and is certified as to publication. Upon taking up the proposed amendment, it was considered and taxpayers were heard for and against the amendment. The Council, after hearing all taxpayers wishing to be heard and considering the statements made by them, gave final consideration to the proposed amendment(s) to the budget and modifications proposed at the hearing, if any. thereupon, the following resolution was introduced. RESOLUTION No. 380-10 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE CURRENT BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, (AS AMENDED LAST ON JULY 19, 2010 .) Be it Resolved by the Council of the City of DUBUQUE Section 1. Following notice published Signature City Clerk/Finance Officer Passed this , 20th day of Septe(nber, 2010 (Month/Year) mitt_ a Signature Mayor 2011 and the public hearing held, 9/20/10 the current budget (as previously amended) is amended as set out herein and in the detail by fund type and activity that supports this resolution which was considered at that hearing: FiSCAL YEAR 2011 AMENDMENT #2 CITY COU'NCI1. Department Program Description FY 11 FY 11 Expense Revenue Amount Amount Page 1 Fund Activity /CIP Account Explanation 09 Sep - 10 GENERAL FUND Police Departmei IC Dbq Police Firearms Range - R.O.W. 7,500 101 1011589 73113 C/O Police Departmei IC Dbq Police Firearms Range - Construction 20,000 101 1011589 73211 C/O Police Departmei 1C Police Admin Office Remodel - Construction 46,932 101 1011863 73210 C/O Police Departmei 1C Police Wireless Data Trans System - Computer Peripherals 327,000 101 1012092 71120 CIO Police Departmei 1C Police Wireless Data Trans System - Consulting 10,500 101 1012092 62712 C/O Police Departmei 1 Records and ID - Part-time Employee 21,477 100 10011220 61020 Approved in FYI 1 Budget Police Departmei 1 Records and ID - Social Security 1,643 100 10011220 61320 Approved in FYI 1 Budget Police Departmei 1 Records and ID - IPERS 1,493 100 10011220 61310 Approved in FYI 1 Budget Police Departmei 1 Staff Services - Desks /Chairs 15,698 100 10011190 71211 C/O Police Departmei 1 Staff Services - Partitions 1,480 100 10011190 71224 C/0 Police Departmei 1 Police Training - Training for Early Hires 15,284 100 10011250 62360 C/O Police Departmei 1 Criminal Investigation - Vehicle Replacement 2,310 100 10011300 71310 C/0 Police Departmei i Criminal Investigation - Lighting Equipment 2,400 100 10011300 71310 C/O Police Departmei 1 Police Patrol - Police Honor Guard Dress Jackets 1,680 100 10011700 62011 C/O Police Departmei 1 Police Patrol - Training 31,585 100 10011700 62360 C/0 Police Departmei 1 Police Patrol - Vehicle Replacement 11,000 100 10011700 71310 C/O Police Departmei 1 Police Patrol - Lighting Equipment 2,180 100 10011700 71510 C/0 Police Departmei 1 Police Patrol - Visibars 8,526 100 10011700 72210 C/0 Police Departmei 1 2009 Justice Assistance Stimulus Grant - Reimbursable OT 104,381 100 10011740 61051 C/O Police Departmei 1 2009 Justice Assistance Stimulus Grant - Misc Op Supplies 87,847 100 10011740 62671 CIO Police Departmei 1 2009 Justice Assistance Grant - Reimb OT 3,638 100 10011775 61051 C/O Police Departmei 1 2009 Justice Assistance Grant- Misc Op Supplies 11,772 100 10011775 62671 C/O Police Departmei 1 2008 Justice Assistance Grant- Reimb OT 8,360 100 10011774 61051 C/0 Police Departmei 1 2008 Justice Assistance Grant - Police Equipment 5,159 100 10011774 72218 C/O Police Departmei 1 2007 Justice Assistance Grant - Reimb OT 2,688 100 10011752 61051 C/O Police Departmei 1 2007 Justice Assistance Grant - Police Equipment 46 100 10011752 72218 C/O Police Departmei 1 Domestic Abuse Grant- Reimb OT 2,041 100 10011754 61051 CIO Police Departmei 1 Domestic Abuse Grant- Federal Grant 2,041 100 10011754 44135 C/O Police Departmei 1 Domestic Abuse Grant- Reimb OT 307 100 10011754 61051 Increase based on new grant award Police Departmei 1 Domestic Abuse Grant- Federal Grant 307 100 10011754 44135 Increase based on new grant award Police Departmei 1 Helping Services of IA Grant - Underage Alcohol - Reimb OT 1,820 100 10011324 61051 C/0 Police Departmei 1 Helping Services of IA Grant - Underage Alcohol - Grant 1,820 100 10011324 45771 C/O Police Departmei 1 2009 Meth Hot Spots Grant 6,409 100 10011319 61051 C/O Police Departmei 1 2009 Meth Hot Spots Grant 6,617 100 10011319 45771 C/0 Police Departmei 1 2010 Multijurisdictional Drug Law Enforcement Grant 54,258 100 10011320 61051 C/0 Police Departmei 1 2010 Multijurisdictional Drug Law Enforcement Grant- Stimulus 54,258 100 10011320 44176 C/O Police Departmei 1 Bulletproof Vest Grant - 2009 3,045 100 10011704 44125 C/O Police Departmei 1 Governor's Traffic Safety Bureau Grant - 2009 14,865 100 10011771 44125 C/O Police Departmei 1 Governor's Traffic Safety Bureau Grant - 2009- Reimb OT 7,233 100 10011771 61051 C/O Police Departmei 1 Governors Traffic Safety Bureau Grant - 2009- Training 1,250 100 10011771 62360 C/0 Police Departmei 1 Drug Task Force Grant - Stimulus Grant 8,379 100 1001 1321 45771 C/O Emergency Comi 1 Emergency Communication Center - Desks /Chairs 1,200 100 10012100 71211 C/O Fire Department 1C Pumper Replacement 106,617 100 1001016 71318 C/O FISCAL YEAR 2011 AMENDMENT #2 ('1T1 COUNCIL Department Fire Department Fire Department Fire Department Fire Department Fire Department Fire Department Fire Department Human Rights Human Rights Human Rights Human Rights Human Rights Human Rights Human Rights Health Services Health Services Health Services Health Services Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Program Description 1C Station #4 Improvements 1C Exterior Imprv- Station #4 1C Fire Station Expansion/Relocation 1C Fire Station Expansion/Relocation 1 Administration - Miscellaneous Services - CPAT costs 1 Fire Training - Education and Training 1 Suppression - Software - GIS Link Drawing 3 Human Rights Grant -Misc Services 3 Human Rights Grant -Fair Housing Training 3 Human Rights Grant - Training & Education 3 Human Rights Grant - Printing & Binding 3 Human Relations - Travel & Conferences 3 Human Relations - Consulting Services 3 Human Relations - Travel & Conferences 3 Health Services Administration - Travel & Conferences 3 Animal Control - Computer 3 Community Health Service - Preparedness Grant 3 Lead Paint Program - Childhood Lead Poisoning Grant 4C HWY 20 Landscape Design 4C Flora Park Storm Sewer Extension - Construction 4C Westbrook Park Development - Eng. Division Svcs 4C Westbrook Park Development - Construction 2C NW Hike/Bike Trail - REAP Grant 2C NW Hike/Bike Trail - Construction Not Building 2C NW Hike/Bike Trail - REAP Grant 2C NW Hike/Bike Trail - Construction Not Building 2C Trolley Line Trail - REAP Grant 4C Dubuque History Trail - Federal Grants 4C Dubuque History Trail - Consultant Services 4C Dubuque History Trail - Equipment Acquisition 4C Marshall Park - Pool Repair 4C Erosion Control Study 4C Catfish Creek Hike -Bike Trail Study - Consultant Services 4C Dubuque Community Ice Arena - Pay to Other Agency 4C EPP - Replace Fence - Const Cont - Not Bldg 4C BMX Bike Course 4C Roosevelt Property - Repair Rd - Const Contr - Supplement 4C Greenhouse - Addition - Consulting Engineers 4C Greenhouse - Addition - Const Contr - Bldg 4C Security Cameras - Equip Acquisition 4C Old Park Blueprint Preservation - Consultant Services 4C Grandview/Rockdale Park Dev - Const Cont Not Bldg 4C Grandview/Rockdale Park Dev - Private Participant 4C Mines of Spain Exhibit - Private Participant 4C Mines of Spain Exhibit - Federal Grant FY 11 Expense Amount 16,175 49,674 603,059 31,160 (705) 7,000 10,897 36,740 8,092 21,059 13,000 5,000 (10,983) 500 5,500 17,987 5,000 17,000 62,200 1,447 200,000 14,850 133,650 20,000 31,240 15,400 50,000 10,000 8,209 10,000 9,000 85,400 3,541 6,436 55,680 Page 2 FY 11 Revenue Amount Fund Activity/CIP Account 101 1011460 73210 101 1011555 62712 650,000 101 1011864 54205 101 1011864 73211 100 10013100 62731 100 10013100 62360 100 10013400 71123 100 10016200 62731 100 10016200 62753 100 10016200 62360 100 10016200 62090 100 10016100 62310 100 10016100 62310 100 10016100 62310 100 10017100 62310 100 10017200 71124 4,488 100 10017400 45771 10,728 100 10017500 45771 100 1001114 73310 101 1011211 73211 101 1011582 62811 101 1011582 73211 20,000 100 1001157 45707 100 1001157 73211 200,000 100 1002273 45707 100 1002273 73211 17,940 100 1001989 45707 148,500 100 1001956 44170 100 1001956 62716 100 1001956 73411 101 1011983 73211 100 1001987 62712 101 1012078 62716 100 1002084 62761 101 1012096 73211 102 1021871 73211 102 1022103 73510 102 1022104 62712 102 1022104 73210 102 1022105 73410 100 1002176 62716 100 1002181 73211 84,225 100 1002181 53102 125,000 100 1002056 53102 100,000 100 1002056 44170 09- Sep -10 Explanation C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O - Prespend FY 11 C/O C/O Fair Housing Grant Exp C/O Fair Housing Grant Exp C/O Fair Housing Grant Exp C/O Fair Housing Grant Exp C/O C/O C/O - Prespend FY 11 C/O C/O C/O C/O - Childhood Lead Grant C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O - Shift from Flora Storm Sewer New REAP Grant Grant Appropriation C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O Fr CIP 1002101 - $5,000 1022105- $3,20! C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O FISCAL YEAR 2011 AMENDMENT #2 CITY COUNCIL Department Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Civic Center Div Recreation Divis Recreation Divis Library Departmg Library Departing Library Departing Library Departmg Library Departing Library Departing Library Departing Library Departing Library Departing Library Departing Library Departing Library Departing Library Departing Library Departing Library Departing Library Departing Library Departmg Library Departing Library Departmg Library Departing Library Departing Library Departm Library Departing Library Departing Library Departing Library Departmg Library Departing Library Departing Library Departing Library Departing Library Departing Library Departmg Library Departing Library Departmg Program Description 4C Mines of Spain Exhibit - Construction 4C EB Lyons Expansion - Private Participant 4C EB Lyons Expansion - Vision Iowa Grant 4C EB Lyons Expansion - State Legislation 4C EB Lyons Expansion - State Solid Waste Alternative Program 4C EB Lyons Expansion - Const Contract Bldg 4C Dubuque Water Trail - State DNR Grant 4C Dubuque Water Trail - Signage 4C Theater- Refurbish Brass - Const Contr -Bldg 4C Flora Pool Paint Filter Tank - Construction Not Building 4C Flora Pool - Sand Playground - Construction Not Building 4 Adult Services - Full -Time Employee 4 Adult Services - Social Security 4 Adult Services - IPERS 4 Adult Services - Health Insurance 4 Adult Services - Life Insurance 4 Circulation Services - Part-Time Employee 4 Circulation Services - Social Security 4 Circulation Services - IPERS 4 Adult Services - Part-Time Employee 4 Adult Services - Social Security 4 Adult Services - IPERS 4 Technical Services - Part-Time Employee 4 Technical Services - Social Security 4 Technical Services - IPERS 4 Library Administration - Part-Time Employee 4 Library Administration - Social Security 4 Library Administration - IPERS 4 Library Administration - Overtime 4 Library Administration - Social Security 4 Library Administration - IPERS 4 Technical Services - Part-Time Employee 4 Technical Services - Social Security 4 Technical Services - IPERS 4 Circulation Services - Part-Time Employee 4 Circulation Services - Social Security 4 Circulation Services - IPERS 4 Library Administration - Part-Time Employee 4 Library Administration - Social Security 4 Library Administration - IPERS 4 Adult Services - Full -Time Employee 4 Adult Services - Social Security 4 Adult Services - IPERS 4 Adult Services - Health Insurance 4 Adult Services - Life Insurance FY 11 Expense Amount 50,000 479,970 6,000 10,000 35,549 80,000 (54,935) (4,203) (3,818) (8,700) (110) (7,355) (563) (511) (21,077) (1,612) (1,465) (4,839) (370) (336) (4,750) (363) (330) (3,000) (230) (209) 16,078 1,230 1,117 21,077 1,612 1,465 24,116 1,845 1,676 48,097 3,679 3,342 8,700 96 Page 3 FY 11 Revenue Amount 776,994 58,806 100,000 20,000 6,000 Fund Activity/CIP Account 100 1002056 73210 100 1002171 53102 100 1002171 45761 100 1002171 45701 100 1002171 45701 100 1002171 73210 100 1002277 45701 100 1002277 73411 102 1022119 73210 101 1011999 73211 102 1022120 73211 100 10036200 61010 100 10036200 61320 100 10036200 61310 100 10036200 61410 100 10036200 61416 100 10036220 61020 100 10036220 61320 100 10036220 61310 100 10036200 61020 100 10036200 61320 100 10036200 61310 100 10036500 61020 100 10036500 61320 100 10036500 61310 100 10036100 61020 100 10036100 61320 100 10036100 61310 100 10036100 61020 100 10036100 61320 100 10036100 61310 100 10036500 61020 100 10036500 61320 100 10036500 61310 100 10036220 61020 100 10036220 61320 100 10036220 61310 100 10036100 61020 100 10036100 61320 100 10036100 61310 100 10036200 61010 100 10036200 61320 100 10036200 61310 100 10036200 61410 100 10036200 61416 Explanation C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O New Grant New Grant Appropriation C/O C/O C/O FY1 1 Reorganization of Staff FY I1 Reorganization of Staff FY11 Reorganization of Staff FY11 Reorganization of Staff FY11 Reorganization of Staff FY11 Reorganization of Staff FY I 1 Reorganization of Staff FY11 Reorganization of Staff FYI 1 Reorganization of Staff FY11 Reorganization of Staff FYI 1 Reorganization of Staff FYI 1 Reorganization of Staff FY11 Reorganization of Staff FY11 Reorganization of Staff FYI 1 Reorganization of Staff FYI 1 Reorganization of Staff FY11 Reorganization of Staff FY11 Reorganization of Staff FYI 1 Reorganization of Staff FYI 1 Reorganization of Staff FYI 1 Reorganization of Staff FYI 1 Reorganization of Staff FYI 1 Reorganization of Staff FY11 Reorganization of Staff FYI 1 Reorganization of Staff FYI 1 Reorganization of Staff FY11 Reorganization of Staff FY11 Reorganization of Staff FYI 1 Reorganization of Staff FYI 1 Reorganization of Staff FY11 Reorganization of Staff FYI 1 Reorganization of Staff FYI 1 Reorganization of Staff FY11 Reorganization of Staff 09- Sep -10 FISCAL YEAR 2011 AMENDMENT #2 CIT) COUNCIL Library Departmi Library Departmi Library Departim Library Departim Library Departim Library Departrm Library Departim Library Departml Library Departmi Library Departmi Library Departm( Library Departmi Library Departm Library Departmi Library Departim Library Departm4 Library Departm Library Departim Library Departmi Airport Departm Airport Departim Airport Departim Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Department Program Description 4 Technical Services - Misc Op Supplies 4 Adult Services - Mileage 4 Adult Services - Conferences 4 Adult Services - Promotion 4 Adult Services - Library Video Materials 4 Library Administration - Mileage 4 Library Administration - Travel Conferences 4 Library Administration - Travel City Business 4 Children Services -Misc Op Supplies 4 Children Services - Conferences 4 Adult Services - Library Books 4 Adult Services - Audio/Visual 4 Adult Services - Video Material 4 Adult Services - Periodicals 4 Youth Services - Library Books 4 Youth Services - Pool Rental 4C Library Window Treatments 4C Audio - Visual Listening/Viewing Stations - Equip. Acquisition 4C Library Landscaping 2C Safety Mgmt Systems Grant - Construction Not Building 2C Safety Mgmt Systems Grant - Safety Mgmt Systems 2 Airport Operations Misc Services - Radar Maint Fee 2 Street & Traffic Lighting - Traffic Control Equipment 2C Heritage Trail - Principal Route - Consultant Services 2C Underground Tank Removal - Construction Not Building 2C Bi- Lingual Trail Signage - Signage 2C Bi- Lingual Trail Signage - State Grant 2C PW Fleet GPS Project - Pager/Radio Equipment 2C PW Fleet GPS Project - Pager/Radio Equipment 2 Public Works Salt Ops Purina Drive - Salt Storage Revenue 2 Public Works Salt Ops Purina Drive - Salt Handling Revenue 2 Public Works Salt Ops Purina Drive - Salt Sale Revenue 2 Public Works Salt Ops Purina Drive - Handling Fees 2 Public Works Salt Ops Purina Drive - Scale 2 Public Works Salt Ops Purina Drive - Handling Fees 2 Public Works Salt Ops Purina Drive - Tarping Fees 2 Public Works Salt Ops Purina Drive - Salt Purchase 2 Public Works Salt Ops Purina Drive - Hauling Fees 2 Public Works Administration - Typewriter 2 Public Works Administration - Conferences 2C Sewer Conn Asst - Low/Mod - Miscellaneous Services 2C Fiber Optic Con - Priv & Misc - Eng Division Svc 2C Fiber Optic Con - Priv & Misc - Construction 2C Recon Signals /JFK- Wacker - Eng. Division Services 2C Recon Signals /JFK- Wacker - Construction FY 11 Expense Amount 148 100 (200) 63 24 261 1,210 88 9 (360) 1,553 258 391 39 1,423 (225) 253 7,716 36,080 48,156 25,000 4,902 (348) 28,000 15,271 14,947 5,546 150,000 60,000 55,665 13,627 487,092 3,602 700 (974) 15,000 66,614 138,506 19,283 123,843 Page 4 FY 11 Revenue Amount Fund Activity /CIP Account 100 10036500 62671 100 10036200 62340 100 10036200 62310 100 10036200 62140 100 10036200 62659 100 10036100 62340 100 10036100 62310 100 10036100 62320 100 10036210 62671 100 10036210 62310 100 10036200 62651 100 10036200 62652 100 10036200 62659 100 10036200 62653 100 10036400 62651 100 10036400 62671 100 1001570 73410 101 1011786 73410 100 1002006 73211 100 1001969 73211 48,156 100 1001969 44105 100 10051400 62731 100 10054430 71411 100 1001028 62716 100 1002152 73211 100 1002169 71227 29,239 100 1002169 45701 100 1001935 72410 101 1011935 72410 60,000 100 10054425 51977 150,000 100 10054425 51976 604,802 100 10054425 51975 100 10054425 62782 100 10054425 71530 100 10054425 62782 100 10054425 62783 100 10054425 62640 100 10054425 62780 100 10054100 71112 100 10054100 62310 100 1001067 62731 102 1021609 62811 102 1021609 73211 101 1011919 62811 101 1011919 73211 Explanation C/O C/O C/O - Prespend FY11 C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O - Prespend FY11 Lost book money Lost book money Lost book money Lost book money Lost book money C/O - Prespend FY11 C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O Purchase Order Budget Canceled C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O Morton Agreement Morton Agreement Partner Salt Agreements Morton Handling Fees Scale for Salt Ops Partner Handling Fees Partner Tarping Fees Partner Salt Purchases Partner Permit Fees C/O C/O - Prespend FY11 C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O 09- Sep -10 FISCAL YEAR 2011 AMENDMENT #2 CI'fl COUNCIL Department Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Building Service: Building Service: Building Service: Building Service: Building Service: Economic Devlol Economic Devlol Economic Devlol Economic Devlol Economic Devlol Economic Devlol Economic Devlol Economic Devlol Housing & Comr Housing & Comr Housing & Comr Program Description 2C 5 Points Intersection Signal - Eng. Division Services 2C 5 Points Intersection Signal - Construction 2C Safes Routes to School - Const Contract Not Building 2C Hempstead Safety Improvements - Const Contract Not Bldg 2C Hempstead Safety Improvements - State Traffic Grant 2C Hempstead Safety Improvements - Private Participation 2C Derby Grange Intersection - Construction Not Building 2C Shot Tower Restoration - Construction 2C Shot Tower Restoration -State Grant 2C Riverfront Leasehold Improvements - Consultant Services 2C Sidewalk Repair/Maintenance 2C Decorative Concrete Maint - Construction 2C Heeb Street Wall - Construction 2C Loras/Cox Street - Land Sales - Loras College 2C Loras/Cox Street - Construction Not Building 2C Accessibility Barriers - Construction 2C Tourism Signage Program - Signage 4C Library Renovation - Construction 4C Library Renovation - Contributions 4C Library Renovation - Sale of Assets - Heade Painting 2C Rivers to the Sea Exhibit - Construction 2C Rivers to the Sea Exhibit - State Grant 2C Transient Docks - Main Channel - Consulting Engineers 2C Woodward Museum Restoration - Fed Pass Thru Grant 2C Woodward Museum Restoration - Private Part. -DCHS 2C Woodward Museum Restoration 2C Railroad Depot Phase II -Fed Pass Thru Grant 2C Railroad Depot Phase II - Private Part. -DCHS 2C Railroad Depot Phase II 6 1157 Central Ave Maint - Utility Exp - Electricity 1 Building Services Admin - Eng Division Services 1 Building Services Admin - Education and Training 1 Building Services Admin - Software 1 Building Services Admin - Pager/Radio Equipment 5C IFA Downtown Loan Pool - Loan Proceeds 5C IFA Downtown Loan Pool - Interest Repayments 5C IFA Downtown Loan Pool - Interest Expense 5C IFA Downtown Loan Pool - Loans to Developers 5C Brownfields Grant - Consulting Engineers 5C Port of DBQ- Develop.Standards (Int Write Down) 5C Port of DBQ- Develop.Standards (Int Write Down) SC Warehouse Master Planning - Private Participant 5 Housing Administration - Consultant Services 6 Federal Building Maintenance - Property Maintenance 5 445 Loras - Property Maintenance FY 11 Expense Amount 7,478 85,000 19,733 152,164 157,536 12,076 12,000 (10,987) 37,827 (40,000) 50,125 19,537 25,553 253,710 553,268 620,135 241,929 17,430 4,000 35,000 (958) 20,782 12,750 135,000 4,350,000 3,865 35,353 15,000 50,000 85,396 15,720 Page 5 FY 11 Revenue Amount Fund Activity/CIP Account 102 1021920 62811 102 1021920 73211 101 1011922 73211 101 1012077 73211 500,000 101 1012077 45701 47,602 101 1012077 53102 101 1012077 73211 100 1001854 73211 100,000 100 1001854 45701 101 1011053 62716 100 1001108 73211 102 1021630 73211 100 1002086 73211 50,125 100 1002076 54105 100 1002076 73211 101 1011034 73210 102 1021512 71227 100 1001141 73210 318,318 100 1001141 53103 253,710 100 1001141 54104 100 1001856 73210 1,286,964 100 1001856 45771 101 1011861 62712 185,849 100 1001967 45771 58,271 100 1001967 53102 100 1001967 73210 15,179 100 1001968 45771 3,795 100 1001968 53102 100 1001968 73210 100 10057540 62411 100 10057100 67765 100 10057100 62360 100 10057100 71123 100 10057100 72410 4,350,000 100 1002279 54205 135,000 100 1002279 43105 100 1002279 74112 100 1002279 62764 100 1001111 62712 100 1001207 62764 102 1021207 62764 15,000 100 1002081 53102 100 10061100 62761 100 10061150 62431 100 10061710 62431 09- Sep -10 Explanation C/O C/O C/O C/O New Grant Dubuque Community School District C/O C/O C/O C/O - Shift from Police Admin Remod C /O- Prespend FYI 1 C/O Purchase Order Adjustment Cox St Sale to Loras Improvements related to Cox Street C/O C/O C/O CIO - Pledges Receivable C/O - Heade Painting Receivable C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O - Paid by School District in FY10 C/O C/O - Prespend FYI 1 C/O C/O IFA Loan Proceeds Developer Interest Repayments IFA Interest Repayment Developer Loans C/O C/O C/O CO - John Gronen C/O - Every Child/Every Promise C/O C/O FISCAL YEAR 2011 AMENDMENT #2 ('1'1'1 COIUNCI1. Department Program Housing & Conn 5 Housing & Comr 5 Housing & Comr Housing & Comr Housing & Comr Housing & Comr Housing & Comr Housing & Comr Housing & Comr Housing & Comr Housing & Comr Housing & Conn Housing & Comr Housing & Comr Housing & Comr Housing & Conn Housing & Comr Housing & Comr Planning Service; Planning Service, Planning Service Planning Service, Planning Service, Planning Service, Planning Service, Planning Service Planning Service City Mgr-Person: City Manager City Manager City Manager City Manager City Manager City Manager City Manager City Manager City Manager City Manager City Manager City Manager City Manager City Manager City Manager City Manager City Manager 5 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4C 4C 5C 6C 6C 6C 6C 6C 6C 6C 6C Description Shelter Plus Care Grant - Federal Grants Receivable Bridges Out of Poverty - Program Fees Bridges Out of Poverty - Seasonal Employees Maint of Vacant/Abandoned - Property Maintenance Maint of Vacant/Abandoned - Property Maintenance Housing Trust - IA Finance - Grants Historic Preservation Revolving Loan Historic Preservation Revolving Loans Homeless Prevention Grant - Federal Stimulus Grant NBHD Stabilization Grant - State Grant NBHD Stabilization Grant - Land Acquisition with lmprov. IFA Our Home Grant - Grants IFA Our Home Grant - Iowa Finance Authority IFA Housing Trust - Grants IFA Housing Trust - Iowa Finance Authority 1FA I -Jobs Affordable Housing Assist - Grants IFA I -Jobs Affordable Housing Assist - Ia Finance Authority Homeownership Grants - Target Historic District Improvements - Construction Historic District Improvements - Construction Annexation Study/Implementation- Consultant Services Riverfront 2000 Plan - Consulting Engineers City Planning - Full -time employees City Planning - Social Security City Planning - IPERS City Planning - Health Insurance City Planning - Life Insurance Personnel - Travel - Conferences Administration - Conferences Arts and Cultural Affairs Office - Consultant Services Arts and Cultural Affairs - ICCG Grant Arts and Cultural Affairs - Part-time Wages Arts and Cultural Affairs - Social Security Arts and Cultural Affairs - IPERS Art Museum CAT Grant Art Museum CAT Grant - Pay to Other Agency Neighborhood Grants GIS Implementation - Consultant Services GIS Implementation - Software RAGBRAI - Pay to Other Agency RAGBRAI - General Reimbursement - Chamber Consultant Services - Lyle Sumek GIS Enhancements - Peripherals, Computer City of Dbq 175th Birthday Americas River Fest Equip FY 11 Expense Amount 5,263 830 23,045 151,717 200,000 313,680 250,000 157,250 234,700 350,610 46,575 121,143 35,002 2,333 (16,246) (1,243) (1,129) (2,610) (33) 248 (381) 3,263 11,363 869 790 10,000 2,079 11,127 4,500 25,000 40,664 3,124 7,032 14,587 Page 6 09- Sep -l0 FY 11 Revenue Amount Fund Activity/CIP Account Explanation 8,816 100 10061915 44170 C/O 4,000 100 10061920 51950 CIO 100 10061920 61030 C/O 101 1011002 73210 C/O 100 1001002 73210 CIO 100 1001021 62765 C/O 200,000 100 1001247 54210 C/O 100 1001247 62764 C/O 373,222 100 1002175 44175 C/O 372,513 100 1002180 45771 CIO 100 1002180 73111 C/O 100 1002269 62765 New Grant Appropriation 250,000 100 1002269 45703 New Grant Appropriation 100 1002270 62765 New Grant Appropriation 157,250 100 1002270 45703 New Grant Appropriation 100 1002271 62765 New Grant Appropriation 240,000 100 1002271 45703 New Grant Appropriation 101 1011595 62765 CIO 100 1001010 62711 C/O 102 1021010 73210 C/O 102 1021012 62716 C/O 102 1021015 62712 C/O 100 10062700 61010 CDBG Amend #1 100 10062700 61320 CDBG Amend #1 100 10062700 61310 CDBG Amend #1 100 10062700 61410 CDBG Amend #1 100 10062700 61416 CDBG Amend #1 100 10072700 62310 C/O 100 10072700 62310 C/O - Prespend FY 11 100 10072500 62761 C/O 13,021 100 10072500 45701 New Grant 100 10072500 61020 Grant Appropriation 100 10072500 61320 Grant Appropriation 100 10072500 61310 Grant Appropriation 10,000 100 1002275 45671 New Grant 100 1002275 62761 Grant Appropriation 100 1001238 62765 C/O 100 1001070 62716 CIO 100 1001070 71123 C/O 101 1012278 62761 Shift from Police Remodel 14,329 101 1012278 53620 Reimb from Chamber for Police & Fire 100 10072100 62716 C/O - 2008 & 2009 Goal Setting 102 1021946 71120 C/O 100 1001948 62734 C/O 100 1002050 72115 C/O FISCAL YEAR 2011 AMENDMENT #2 ('17'1 COUNCIL Department City Manager City Manager City Manager City Manager City Manager City Clerk Information Sery Information Sery Information Sery Purchase of Sery Purchase of Sery Purchase of Sery TRANSIT FUND Transit Division Transit Division Transit Division Transit Division Transit Division Transit Division Transit Division Transit Division Transit Division Transit Division Transit Division Transit Division Transit Division Transit Division Transit Division Economic Devloi Economic Devloi Program 6C 6C 6C 6C 6C 6 6C 6C 6C 0 0 0 ROAD USE TAX FUND Engineering 2C Engineering 2C Engineering 2C Description GIS Training Generation Green EPA Grant Electric PILOT Program Power Fund Grant Electric PILOT Program Power Fund Grant Electric PILOT Program Power Fund Grant City Clerk - Code Supplements Internet, Micros & Printer - DRA Distribution Internet, Micros & Printer - DRA Distribution Multi - Function Copier - Copier Machine Pay to Other Agency - NE IA Community College Pay to Other Agency - Every Child Every Promise Pay to Other Agency - Burlington Trailways TOTAL GENERAL FUND 8C Intermodel Feasibility Study - FTA Capital 8 Transit Admin - FTA Capital 8 Transit Minibus - FTA Capital - ED RTA Amount 8 Transit Minibus - FTA Capital - ED RTA Amount 8C Intermodel Feasibility Study - State Grants 8 Transit Minibus - FTA Capital - ED RTA Amount 8 Transit Admin - Advertising Revenue 8 Bus Operations - Promotion (Estate $) 8C Intermodel Feasibility Study - Consultant Services 8 Transit Minibus - Contract Custodial 8 Bus Operations - Pay to Other Agency 8 Bus Operations - Pay to Other Agency 8 Bus Maintenance - Security Cameras 8C Exterior Keyline Windows - Construction 8C Keyline Facility Improvements - Construction TOTAL TRANSIT FUND GREATER DOWNTOWN TIF - TIF FUND Economic Devloi 5C Downtown Rehab Consultant - Financial Consultant TOTAL GREATER DOWNTOWN TIF - TIF FUND DOWNTOWN LOAN POOL - TIF FUND 5C Loan Pool, Downtown TIF - Loans 5C Downtown Rehab Grant Program TOTAL DOWNTOWN LOAN POOL - TIF FUND NW Arterial Capacity Imp - State Grant - ICAAP Traffic Signal Coordination - Consulting Engineers NW Arterial Capacity Improvements - Consulting Engineers FY 11 Expense Amount 12,100 14,386 (2,000) (4,575) 5,000 (61,254) (35,000) 5,000 25,000 5,600 13,432,889 5,410 450,000 6,540 34,000 17,000 16,000 2,000 13,000 543,950 25,000 25,000 317,733 29,889 347,622 66,681 48,490 Page 7 FY 11 Revenue Amount Fund Activity/CIP Account 100 1002165 62360 100 1002182 62731 100 1002272 62716 100 1002272 62761 1,325,000 100 1002272 45701 100 10073100 62120 102 1021069 71124 20,000 102 1021069 46205 100 1002057 71116 100 10079450 62761 100 10079450 62761 100 10079195 62761 13,614,174 150,000 879,668 102,434 44,000 300,000 (44,000) (51,048) 1,381,054 600 6001614 44150 600 60053100 44150 600 60053500 44150 600 60053500 44150 600 6001614 45701 600 60053500 51715 600 60053100 51730 600 60053400 62140 600 6001614 62716 600 60053400 62733 600 60053400 62761 600 60053400 62761 600 60053700 72417 600 6001217 73210 600 6002045 73210 240 2402157 62721 C/O 241 2411033 241 2411942 448,086 250 2501814 250 2501228 250 2501814 62764 C/O 62765 C/O 45701 C/0 62712 CIO 62712 CIO Explanation C/O C/O C/O - Prespend FY11 CIO - Prespend FY11 C/O Increased cost in code updates C/O - Prespend FY11 C/O - County Cancel Purchase Order Budget C/O - NE IA Community College C/O - Every Child Every Promise C/O - Burlington Trailways C/O C/O - FTA C/O - FTA Shift from Contract Revenue C/O Shift to FTA Reduce to Estimated C/O C/O Custodial Svcs for Minibuses ECIA Sprinter Van Match Match on FTA 2.5 Buses C/O C/O C/O 09- Sep -10 FISCAL YEAR 2011 AMENDMENT #2 ('1Tl COUNCIL Department Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Public Works Information Sery Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Public Works Engineering Program Description 2C Traffic Consultant Sery - Consulting Engineers 2C Traffic Consultant Sery - Consulting Engineers 2C Signalization Program -Eng Division Sery 2C LED Re -Lamp Schedule - Eng. Division Services 2C Brunskill Rd Bridge Repl - Eng Division Sery 2C Snow & Ice Control Camera - Projector /Camera 6C Internet, Micros & Printer - Road Use Tax Fund 2C Traffic Signal Coordination - Right of Way Acquisition 2C Fiber Optic Conduit Project - Construction 2C NW Arterial Capacity Improvements - Construction 2C NW Arterial Capacity Improvements - Construction 2C NW Arterial Capacity Improvements - Construction 2C NW Arterial Capacity Improvements - Construction 2C NW Arterial Capacity Improvements - Construction 2C Traffic Signal Video Detection - Construction 2C LED Re -Lamp Schedule - Construction 2C Brunskill Rd Bridge Repl - Construction 2C Railroad Cross Improvement - Construction 2C Stone Retaining Walls - Construction Not Building 2C Railroad Signal Line - Construction 2C Traffic Controller Battery Pack - Equipment Acquisition 2C Traffic Controller Replacement - Equip Acquisition TOTAL ROAD USE TAX FUND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND 2C Special Assessments - Sidewalk Liens 2C Special Assessments - Principal Payments 2C Special Assessments - Interest Payments TOTAL SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND Engineering Engineering Engineering COMMUNITY Housing & Comr Housing & Comr Planning Service. Planning Service Planning Service, Planning Service. Planning Service, Housing & Comr Recreation Divis Economic Devel< Economic Deveh Housing & Comr Housing & Comr Housing & Comr DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND 5 CDBG Admin/Monitoring -CD Block Grant Receivable 5 CDBG Admin/Monitoring -CD Block Grant Receivable 5 City Planning - Full -time employees 5 City Planning - IPERS 5 City Planning - Social Security 5 City Planning - Health Insurance 5 City Planning - Life Insurance 5 Housing Rehab Sery & Staff - Software License Exp 4 CD Target Area Prog - Pay to Other Agency 5C Commercial/Industrial Rehab Loan - CDBG 5C Commercial/Industrial Rehab Loan - CDBG 5C Lead Paint Abatement Program - Loans 5C Rental Rehab - Loans 5C First Time Homebuyer Program -Loans FY 11 Expense Amount (97,611) (117,383) 3,519 3,000 48,089 1,609 18,624 44,316 91,158 97,611 42,919 70,000 59,236 448,086 5,822 33,810 128,000 107,475 4,574 45,000 (1,500) 72,008 1,223,533 16,550 1,129 1,243 2,610 33 5,878 8,076 72,535 108,218 40,653 40,000 43,136 Page 8 FY 11 Revenue Amount 448,086 15,673 786,450 71,359 873,482 Fund Activity/CIP Account Explanation 250 2501815 62712 250 2501815 62712 250 2501011 62811 250 2501916 62811 250 2501077 62811 250 2502183 71118 250 2501069 71124 250 2501228 73113 250 2501017 73211 250 2501814 73211 250 2501814 73211 250 2501814 73211 250 2501814 73211 250 2501814 73211 250 2501816 73211 250 2501916 73211 250 2501077 73211 250 2502026 73211 250 2501029 73211 250 2502143 73211 250 2501229 73410 250 2501274 73410 255 25510255 255 25510255 255 25510255 510,543 260 26061800 44205 107,824 260 26061800 44205 260 26062700 61010 260 26062700 61310 260 26062700 61320 260 26062700 61410 260 26062700 61416 260 26061300 62663 260 26034500 62761 260 2601235 62764 260 2601746 62764 260 2601232 62764 260 2601233 62764 260 2601234 62764 C/O 09- Sep -10 Shift to NW Arterial Capacity Improv C /O- Prespend FY 11 C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O Shift from Traffic Consultant Sery Shift from City Hall to Locust Improv Shift from Signalization Program C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C /O- Prespend FY 11 51911 C/O Special Assessment Revenue 52101 C/O Special Assessment Revenue 52102 C/O Special Assessment Revenue C/O CDBG Funds Increased FY11 CDBG Allocation CDBG Amend #1 CDBG Amend #1 CDBG Amend #1 CDBG Amend #1 CDBG Amend #1 C/O CDBG Funds C/O CDBG Funds C/O CDBG Funds C/O CDBG Funds C/O CDBG Funds C/O CDBG Funds C/O CDBG Funds FISCAL YEAR 2011 AMENDMENT #2 ('1T1 COIUNCI1. Department Program Housing & Comr 5C City Manager 5C Housing & Comr 5 City Manager 4 Building Service, 6C Housing & Comr 5C Housing & Comr 5C Engineering 2C COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT - RECOVERY FUND Housing & Comr Housing & Comr Engineering UDAG FUND Economic Devlol 5C Economic Devloj 5C Economic Devloj 5C STATE RENTAL REHAB FUND Housing & Comr 5 LHAP Grant - Loans TOTAL STATE RENTAL REHAB FUND LEAD PAINT GRANT FUND Housing & Comr Housing & Comr Housing & Comr SECTION 8 VOUCHER FUND Housing & Comr Housing & Comr CABLE TV FUND Cable TV Information Sery Cable TV Cable TV Information Sery Description Historic Preservation Rehab Grant -Loans Neighborhood Grants Housing Rehab Sery & Staff - Software Neighborhood Development - Computer Kephart Building Improvement - Construction Homeownership Rehab Program -Loans Purchase/Resale /Rehab - Construction Accessible Curb Ramps - Construction TOTAL CDBG FUND 5 CDBG -R Admin/Monitoring-CD Block Grant 5 CDBG -R Admin/Monitoring -CD Block Employee Expense 2C Green Alley Pilot Project TOTAL CDBG - R FUND Airport Revenue Guarantee - Pay to Other Agency Job Creation - Loans Historic Preservation - Revolving Loans TOTAL UDAG FUND 5 Lead Paint Abatement Program -HUD Lead Paint Grant 5 Lead Paint Abatement Program - General Reimbursements 5 Lead Paint Abatement Program - Grants TOTAL LEAD PAINT GRANT FUND 5 Section 8 Voucher - Software 5 Section 8 Voucher - Micro Computer TOTAL SECTION 8 VOUCHER FUND 6 Cable TV Administration - Software 6C Internet, Micros & Printer - Cable TV 6 Cable TV Administration - Servers 6 Cable TV Administration - Desks /Chairs 6C Structured Wiring Update TOTAL CABLE TV FUND FY 11 Expense Amount 34,459 25,867 6,877 2,700 76,259 93,318 52,842 11,830 644,213 1,108 91,182 92,290 150,000 21,480 59,097 230,577 18,958 270 27061320 62764 C/O 18,958 FY 11 Revenue Amount 618,367 95,794 262 262 262 95,794 Fund 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 265 265 265 49,687 275 12,064 275 (76,069) 275 (76,069) 61,751 69,585 3,797 73,382 15,880 290 2,837 290 4,585 290 2,000 290 4,700 290 30,002 Page 9 Activity /CIP 2601237 2601238 26061300 26072800 2601976 2601065 2601231 2601236 26261800 26261800 2622044 2651796 2651246 2651247 27561200 27561200 27561200 280 28061600 71123 C/O 280 28061600 71124 CIO 29075100 2901069 29075100 29075100 2902167 Account 62764 62765 71123 71124 73210 73210 73210 73211 44175 CDBG -R Funds 61010 CDBG -R Funds 73211 CDBG -R Funds 62761 C/O 62764 C/O 62764 CIO 44310 CIO 53605 FY11 Actual Reimbursements 62765 C/O - Prespend FYI 1 71123 71124 71125 71211 73210 Explanation CIO CDBG Funds C/O CDBG Funds C/O CDBG Funds C/O -CDBG Funds CDBG Amend #1 CIO CDBG Funds C/O CDBG Funds C/O CDBG Funds C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O 09- Sep -10 FISCAL YEAR 2011 AMENDMENT #2 ('1'1'1' COI MIL 09 Sep - 10 FY 11 FY 11 Expense Revenue Department Program Description Amount Amount Fund Activity/CIP Account Explanation STREET CONSTRUCTION FUND Engineering 2C Southwest Arterial -STP Funding 3,946,090 300 3001287 44145 C/0 Engineering 2C Southwest Arterial - DOT/Federal Highway Sec 330 950,000 300 3001287 44170 C/O Engineering 2C Southwest Arterial - Federal Stimulus State Pass Thru Grant 10,566 300 3001287 44176 C/0 Engineering 2C US 61/151 Corridor - State Grants 400,000 300 3002028 45701 C/0 Engineering 2C US 52 /Central Traffic Improvements EECBG Grant 500,000 300 3002274 45701 New Grant Engineering 2C White Water Creek Bridge - State Grant 85,250 300 3001634 45701 C/0 Engineering 2C Bridge Repairs/Maintenance - IDOT Funding 31,000 300 3001258 45725 State Share of 3rd St Overpass Engineering 2C HWY 52 Resurfacing - State Highway Assistance 1,895 300 3002025 45725 C/0 Engineering 2C Locust - 9th to 17th St - DMATS Funding 92,204 300 3002068 45725 C/O Engineering 2C Cedar Cross Reconstruction - State Highway Assistance 280,000 300 3002139 45725 CIO Engineering 2C Traffic Signal Operations Center -State Pass -Thru Grant 6,232 300 3001852 45771 C/O Engineering 2C US 61/151 Corridor - Federal Pass Thru Grant 354,545 300 3002028 45771 C/0 Engineering 2C NW Arterial Capacity Imp - Federal Pass Thru Grant 1,000,000 300 3002029 45771 C/0 Engineering 2C NW Arterial Capacity Imp - Federal Pass Thru Grant - USTEP 110,000 300 3002029 45771 C/O Engineering 2C Kaufmann Ave Resurfacing - Fed Pass thru State Grant 480,000 300 3002140 45771 C/O Engineering 2C Southwest Arterial -County Match 194,085 300 3001287 46205 C/0 Engineering 2C White Water Creek Bridge - Private Participant 10,000 300 3001634 53102 C/0 Engineering 2C FY 2008 Annual St Program- Private Participant Loras College 13,756 300 3001953 53102 C/0 Engineering 2C US 61/151 Corridor - Consulting Engineers 115,403 300 3002028 62712 C/O Engineering 2C NW Arterial Capacity Imp - Consulting Engineers 163,140 300 3002029 62712 C/O Engineering 2C Southwest Arterial- Consulting Eng (1,661,006) 300 3001287 62712 C /O- Prespend FY11 Engineering 2C Main St Sidewalk hnpr - Consulting 1,278 300 3001633 62712 C/0 Engineering 2C N Cascade Road Reconstruction - Consulting Engineers 49,507 300 3002021 62712 C/O Engineering 2C Sub - Divisions Subdrains - Consulting Engineers 28,125 300 3002023 62712 C/0 Engineering 2C Special Assessment Assist 30,000 300 3001256 62761 C/0 Engineering 2C Fiber Optic Conduit - Misc - Engineering Division Services 5,000 300 3002144 62811 C/O Engineering 2C US 52 /Central Traffic Improvements - Eng Division Services 5,296 300 3002274 62811 C/O -Shift from FY10 Traffic Sig Mastei Engineering 2C US 52 /Central Traffic Improvements - Eng Division Services 7,910 300 3002274 62811 C/O -Shift from FY10 Traffic Sig Mastei Engineering 2C Main St Sidewalk Impr - Eng Division Services 71,878 300 3001633 62811 C/O Engineering 2C Cedar Cross Reconstruction - Eng. Division Services 26,427 300 3002139 62811 C/O Engineering 2C Kaufmann Ave Resurfacing - Engineering Division Services 3,377 300 3002140 62811 C/O Engineering 2C Sunset Ridge Reconstruction - Engineering Division Services 16,546 300 3002141 62811 C/O Engineering 2C US 52 /Central Traffic Improvements - Traffic Equipment 73,426 300 3002274 71411 C/O -Shift from FY10 Traffic Sig Inter Engineering 2C US 52 /Central Traffic Improvements - Traffic Equipment 100,000 300 3002274 71411 Shift from Traffic Signal Interconnect Engineering 2C US 52 /Central Traffic Improvements - Traffic Equipment 105,000 300 3002274 71411 Shift from Traffic Signal Masterarm Engineering 2C Cedar Cross Reconstruction - Land Acquisition 300,000 300 3002139 73111 C/0 Public Works 2C Concrete Section Repair - Construction Not Building 1,313 300 3001006 73211 C/0 Public Works 2C Curb Ramp Program - Construction Not Building 437 300 3001227 73211 C/O Engineering 2C Street Light Replacement - Construction 14,487 300 3001549 73211 C/O Engineering 2C Signal Intersect Reconstruct- Construction (42,026) 300 3001615 73211 C /O- Prespend FY 11 Engineering 2C Traffic Signal Fiber Optic Net - Construction 16,335 300 3001631 73211 C/0 Engineering 2C US 61/151 Corridor - Const. Contr Not Building 780,000 300 3002028 73211 C/0 Engineering 2C NW Arterial Capacity Imp - Const. Contr Not Building 1,000,000 300 3002029 73211 C/O Engineering 2C Fiber Optic Conduit - Misc - Construction 25,000 300 3002144 73211 C/O Page 10 FISCAL YEAR 2011 AMENDMENT #2 Cffl C01'NCI I. Department Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering SALES TAX FUN Engineering Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Engineering Engineering Parks Division Civic Center Div Civic Center Div Civic Center Div Civic Center Div Civic Center Div Civic Center Div Parks Division Parks Division Civic Center Div Engineering Engineering Building Service: Program Description 2C US 52 /Central Traffic Improvements - Construction 2C Traffic Signal Interconnect - Construction Not Building 2C US 52 /Central Traffic Improvements - Construction 2C US 52 /Central Traffic Improvements - Construction 2C Traffic Signal Mastarm Rep. - Construction 2C US 52 /Central Traffic Improvements - Construction 2C US 52 /Central Traffic Improvements - Construction 2C Pennsylvania at Radford Intersection Signal - Construction 2C US 52 /Central Traffic Improvements - Construction 2C Guardrail Replacement - Construction 2C Brunskill Rd Bridge Repl - Construction 2C Bridge Repairs/Maintenance - Construction 2C Bridge Repairs/Maintenance - Construction 2C Main St Sidewalk Impr - Construction 2C White Water Creek Bridge - Construction 2C Sub - Divisions Subdrains - Construction Not Building 2C Locust - 9th to 17th St - Construction Not Building 2C Kaufmann Ave Resurfacing - Construction Not Building 2C Street Const General - Construction Not Building 2C Signalization Program - Equipment Acquisition 2C Signalization Program - Equipment Acquisition 2C Traffic Signal Operations Center - Contract 2C Traffic Signal Operations Center - Contract TOTAL STREET CONSTRUCTION FUND D (20 %) 2C Transient Docks - Main Channel - Big Tier Grant 4C Renovate Park Sidewalks - Consulting Engineers 4C EPP Replace Walkway - Consulting Engineers 4C Grand River Center Level Floors 2C Riverfront Leasehold Improvements - Consultant Services 2C Sidewalk Financial Assist - Pay to Other Agency 4C Grand River Center Chairs 4C Replace Portable Chairs 4C Replace Tables 4C Pipe & Drain - Misc Equip 4C Floor Scrubber - Misc Equip 4C Espresso Machine & Kiosk - Concession Equip 4C Meeting Room AV Equip - Video Equip 4C Grand River Center Level Floors 4C GRC - Paint Meeting Rooms - Const Cont Bldg 4C Step & Aisle Lighting - Construction 2C Accessibility Barriers - Construction 2C Federal Building Renovation - Construction 6C City Hall Annex Maintenance - Construction FY 11 FY 11 Expense Revenue Amount Amount 500,000 (100,000) 12,544 24,771 (105,000) 262,092 100,000 (60,000) 60,000 28,408 94,555 31,000 10,314 394,120 135,280 173,360 (115,337) 515,384 (60,293) 73,830 (70,000) (42,919) 60,148 3,159,110 8,465,623 700 7,000 2,000 (835) 12,451 16,437 90,231 31,500 24,310 25,000 21,250 24,440 22,000 20,000 12,562 23,458 37,663 19,897 Page 11 Fund Activity/CIP Account 300 3002274 73211 300 3001266 73211 300 3002274 73211 300 3002274 73211 300 3001133 73211 300 3002274 73211 300 3002274 73211 300 3002256 73211 300 3002274 73211 300 3001027 73211 300 3001077 73211 300 3001258 73211 300 3001258 73211 300 3001633 73211 300 3001634 73211 300 3002023 73211 300 3002068 73211 300 3002140 73211 300 3002142 73211 300 3001011 73410 300 3001011 73410 300 3001852 73510 300 3001852 73510 3,037,802 350 3501861 44170 C/O 350 3501438 62712 CIO 350 3501453 62712 C/O 350 3501991 62712 C/O 350 3501053 62716 C/O 350 3501727 62761 C/O 350 3501990 71212 CIO 350 3501998 71212 C/O 350 3502115 71213 C/O 350 3502263 71550 C/O 350 3502265 71550 CIO 350 3502262 72310 CIO 350 3502264 72416 CIO 350 3501991 73210 C/O 350 3502109 73210 C/O 350 3501887 73210 CIO 350 3501034 73210 C/O 350 3501841 73210 C/O 350 3501757 73210 CIO 09- Sep -10 Explanation New Grant Appropriation Shift to US 52 /Central Traffic Improv C/O -Shift from FY10 Traffic Sig Mastei C/O -Shift from FY10 Traffic Sig Mastei Shift to US 52 /Central Traffic Improv C/O -Shift from FY10 Derby Grange Int( C/O -Shift from Rockdale Corridor Studl Shift to US 52 /Central Traffic Improv Shift from Penn. At Radford Intersect C/O C/O State Share of 3rd St Overpass C/O C/O C/O C/O C /O -FY11 Prespend C/O C /O- Prespend FY11 C/O Shift to NW Arterial Capacity Improv Shift to NW Arterial Capacity Improv C/O FISCAL YEAR 2011 AMENDMENT #2 ('I'l'l" COUNCIL Department Parks Division Parks Division Parks Division Public Works Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Parks Division Engineering Public Works Engineering Building Service: Engineering Economic Devloj Building Service! Economic Devloj Economic Devlol Economic Devloj Economic Devloi Economic Devloj Engineering Engineering Economic Devlol Economic Devloj Program Description 4C Renovate Park Sidewalks - Const Contr - Not Bldg 4C EPP Replace Walkway - Const Cont - Not Bldg 4C Pet Park Terminal Street - Construction 2C Cold Storage Building Mezz - Construction Not Building 2C Curb /Catch Basin Replacement - Construction 2C Sidewalk Program City Owned 2C Steps, Railings and Fencing - Construction Not Building 2C Decorative Concrete Maint - Construction 2C Cooper Place Wall - Construction 2C Stone Retaining Walls - Construction Not Building 2C Rehab Railroad Tracks 2C Ice Harbor Maintenance/Dredging 2C Transient Docks - Main Channel - Construction 4C Playground Improvements - Equip. Acquisition 2C Streetscape/Plaza Amenity - Equip Acquisition 2C Port Amenities Maint TOTAL SALES TAX FUND GENERAL CONSTRUCTION FUND 2C Millworking District Street - TIGER Grant 6C 2C 5C 6C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 2C 2C 5C 5C AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND Airport Departim 2C Pavement Condition Index -FAA Funds Airport Departma Airport Departmi Airport Departim Airport Departnn Airport Departim Airport Departim Airport Departim Airport Departim 18th Street Building Improvement - CHC Stimulus Grant Millworking District Streetscape - Iowa Great Places Industrial Site Development - North Siegert - RISE Grant Kephart Building Improvement - General Reimbursements D1C W - Synergy Court - Consulting Engineers DICW - Wildflowers - Consulting Engineers Millwork District Parking Imp - Consuting Engineers Downtown Housing Incentive- Pay to Other Agency DICW - Purchase former Tri -State Bldg - IDOT Contract Port of Dubuque Parking Ramp - Construction Millworking District Street - Construction Industrial Site Development - North Siegert - Construction DICW - Wildflowers - Landscaping Contract TOTAL GENERAL CONSTRUCTION FUND 2C Runway Safety Area -FAA Funds 2C Terminal - Land Acquisition - FAA Funds 2C Terminal - RW 31 Parallel -FAA Funds 2C Terminal - Sche /Site Design -FAA Funds 2C Terminal Sitework - FAA Funds 2C Terminal Utility Improvements - FAA Funds 2C Terminal Water Reservoir - FAA Funds 2C Terminal - Sche /Site Design -State Grants FY 11 Expense Amount 6,536 57,524 101,000 20,297 (42,867) (83,079) (1,986) 182,122 146,803 19,280 79,507 123,764 3,149,409 15,192 18,197 3,837 4,185,600 5,220 10,000 (29,701) 2,465,000 282,752 175,318 5,082,095 870,764 154,970 9,016,418 Page 12 FY 11 Revenue Amount 3,037,802 5,600,000 180,000 134,668 285,002 6,500 6,206,170 Fund 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 Activity/C1P 3501438 3501453 3501978 3502037 3501041 3501425 3501432 3501630 3502088 3501029 3501465 3501466 3501861 3501048 3501273 3502038 3602137 3601976 3602136 3601943 3601976 3601687 3602158 3602250 3602267 3602159 3601957 3602137 3601943 3602158 Account 73211 73211 73211 73211 73211 73211 73211 73211 73211 73211 73211 73211 73211 73410 73410 73510 44175 44175 45701 45741 53620 62712 62712 62712 62761 73113 73211 73211 73211 73310 28,500 390 3901060 44105 C/0 97,344 390 3901788 44105 C/O 257,071 390 3901795 44105 C/0 2,551,795 390 3901891 44105 C/0 511,087 390 3901892 44105 C/O 228,380 390 3902009 44105 C/0 309,510 390 3902010 44105 C/O 72,580 390 3902011 44105 C/O 347,327 390 3901892 45701 C/0 09- Sep -10 Explanation C/O C/O C/O C/O C /O- Prespend FY 11 C /O- Prespend FY 11 C /O- Prespend FY 11 C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/0 plus $5,000 from CIP#3501427 C/O C/O C/O New Grant C/O C/O C/0 - Alliant Rebate C/O C/O C/0 - Prespend FY11 C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O Includes Bergfeld Trail C/O FISCAL YEAR 2011 AMENDMENT #2 ('1"1') ('OI'N('1 L Department Airport Depart Airport Departmc Airport Departmc Airport Departmc Airport Departmc Airport Departmc Airport Depart Airport Departmc Airport Departmc Airport Departmt Airport Departmc Airport Departmc Airport Departmc Airport Departmc Airport Departmc Airport Departmc Airport Departmc Airport Departmc Airport Departmc Airport Departmc Airport Departmc Airport Departmc Airport Departmc Airport Departmc Airport Departmc DEBT SERVICE FUND Debt Service 0 GO Bond Proceeds TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUND WATER OPERATING FUND Water Departmet Water Departmet REFUSE FUND Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Program Description 2C Terminal Utility Improvements - State Grants 2C Pavement Condition Index - Consultant Engineers 2C Terminal - RW 31 Parallel - Consulting Engineers 2C Terminal - Sche /Site Design - Consulting Engineers 2C Extend Gen? Aviation Ramp - Consulting Engineers 2C Asphalt Parking Lots - Consulting Engineers 2C Terminal Sitework - Consulting Engineers 2C Terminal Utility Improvements - Consulting Engineers 2C Terminal Water Reservoir - Consulting Engineers 2C Terminal - Land Acquisition - Relocations 2C Hangar Repair - Construction 2C Hangar Repair - Construction 2C Hangar Repair - Engineering 2C Hangar Repair - Insurance Claim 2C Runway Safety Area - Construction 2C FBO Hanger Heating System - Construction 2C Iowa Hanger Heater Replacement - Construction 2C Paint Hangar Exteriors - Construction 2C Terminal Boiler Replacement - Construction 2C Chlorine System Update - Construction 2C New T -Hanger Ramp - Construction 2C Terminal - RW 31 Parallel - Construction 2C Extend Gen? Aviation Ramp - Construction 2C Asphalt Parking Lots - Construction Not Building 2C Airport Runway Painting - Construction TOTAL AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND 7 Water Debt Service - Principle Payment 7 Water Debt Service - Interest Payment TOTAL WATER OPERATING FUND 8 Recycling - DMASWA Grants 8 Refuse Collection - Printing and Binding 8 Yard Waste - Printing and Binding 8 Recycling - Printing and Binding 8 Refuse Collection - Legal Notices and Ads 8 Yard Waste - Legal Notices and Ads 8 Recycling - Legal Notices and Ads 8 Refuse Collection - Promotion FY 11 FY 11 Expense Revenue Amount Amount Fund Activity /CIP Account 16,290 390 3902010 45701 30,000 390 3901060 62712 248,100 390 3901891 62712 407,865 390 3901892 62712 5,000 390 3901893 62712 7,356 390 3902007 62712 240,400 390 3902009 62712 325,800 390 3902010 62712 76,400 390 3902011 62712 213,998 390 3901795 73112 355 390 3902276 73210 552,135 390 3902276 73210 37,065 390 3902276 62712 599,975 390 3902276 53610 52,666 390 3901788 73210 14,543 390 3902123 73210 1,377 390 3902124 73210 8,040 390 3902125 73210 1,669 390 3902126 73210 14,027 390 3902127 73210 12,000 390 3901690 73211 2,438,000 390 3901891 73211 49,000 390 3901893 73211 64,063 390 3902007 73211 2,568 390 3902128 73211 4,802,427 5,019,859 Page 13 2,500,000 440 44010440 54210 C/O 2,500,000 CIO CIO C/O C/O CIO C/O C/O C/O 10,265 670 67054530 46110 1,782 670 67054500 62090 500 670 67054510 62090 528 670 67054530 62090 400 670 67054500 62130 686 670 67054510 62130 2,000 670 67054530 62130 1,783 670 67054500 62140 30,908 640 64042100 74111 Increase Debt Service 60,066 640 64042100 74112 Increase Debt Service 90,974 09- Sep -10 Explanation C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O -Shift from Replace Carpet Actual Bid on Hangar Replacement Actual Bid on Hangar Replacement Actual Insurance Reimbursement C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O FISCAL YEAR 2011 AMENDMENT #2 ('ITN COUNCIL FY 11 FY 11 Expense Revenue Department Program Description Amount Amount Fund Activity/CIP Account Explanation Public Works 8 Yard Waste - Promotion 1,350 670 67054510 62140 C/O Public Works 8 Recycling - Promotion 1,556 670 67054530 62140 C/O Public Works 8 Refuse Collection - Misc Service 2,000 670 67054500 62731 C/O Public Works 8 Refuse Collection - Carts 32,500 670 67054500 71221 C/O Public Works 8 Recycling - Recycling Container 6,114 670 67054530 72818 C/O Public Works 8C Dual Packer Recycle Vehicles 363,499 670 6701533 73410 C/O TOTAL REFUSE FUND 414,698 10,265 AMERICA'S RIVER PROJECT FUND Engineering 8C Shot Tower Restoration - Federal Grant 173,694 700 7001854 44170 C/O Public Works 2C Heritage Trail - Principal Route - Consultant Services (16,954) 700 7001028 62716 Purchase Order Budget Canceled Engineering 8C Shot Tower Restoration - Consultant (126,456) 700 7001854 62716 Purchase Order Adjustment Engineering 8C Art in Port of Dubuque - Consultant Services 200,034 700 7001853 62731 C/O Engineering 8C Shot Tower Restoration - Engineering Division Services 25,623 700 7001854 62811 C/O TOTAL AMERICA'S RIVER PROJECT FUND 82,247 173,694 SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND Engineering 8C North Fork Sanitary Sewer Improvements - FEMA Public Assist 974,089 710 7102178 44405 CIO Engineering 8C Catfish Inter Recon - State Grant 191,425 710 7101802 45701 C/O Engineering 8C Sanitary Sewer Intemal Main - Private Participant 92,683 710 7101293 53102 C/O Engineering 8C Annexation Study / Implementation - GO Bond Proceeds 1,498,000 710 7101012 54210 C/O Engineering 8C Sewer Extensions New Development - GO Bond Proceeds 212,420 710 7101350 54210 C/O Engineering 8C Annexation Middle Road - GO Bond Proceeds 433,000 710 7101641 54210 C/O Engineering 8C Sunset Ridge Sanitary Sewer - GO Bond Proceeds 68,000 710 7101801 54210 C/O Engineering 8C Southfork Interceptor - GO Bond Proceeds 125,000 710 7101899 54210 C/O Engineering 8C Historic Millwork - Sanitary Sewer - GO Bond Proceeds 110,000 710 7102129 54210 CIO Water Pollution ( 8C WPC Plant Facility Study - SRF Bond Proceeds 12,058,360 710 7101837 54230 C/O Engineering 8C Catfish Inter Recon - SRF Bond Proceeds 310,350 710 7101802 54230 C/O Water Pollution ( 8C Perry St Pumping Upgrades - Consulting Engineers 8,500 710 7102212 62712 C/O Water Pollution ( 8C Terminal St Sluice Grates - Consulting Engineers 5,000 710 7102034 62712 C/O Water Pollution ( 8C Standby Generator Catfish - Consulting Engineers 10,000 710 7102149 62712 C/O Engineering 8C Sunset Ridge Sanitary Sewer - Consulting Engineers 121,577 710 7101801 62712 C/O Engineering 8C Southfork Interceptor - Consulting Engineers 44,462 710 7101899 62712 C/O Water Pollution ( 8C WPC Plant Facility Study - Consultant Services 11,848,340 710 7101837 62716 C/O Public Works 8C Sanitary Sewer Root Foam - Miscellaneous Services 947 710 7101341 62731 CIO Engineering 8C Sewer Conn Asst - Low/Mod - Miscellaneous Services 34,717 710 7101067 62731 C/O Engineering 8C Lateral Repl Asst. Low Inc - Pay to Other Agency 25,000 710 7101297 62761 C/O Engineering 8C Lateral Repl Asst. Low Inc - Eng. Division Services 19,951 710 7101297 62811 C/O Engineering 8C Sewer Lateral Assistance - Eng Division Services 41,948 710 7101309 62811 C/O Engineering 8C Hwy 20 Annexation Sanitary Sewers - Eng Division Sery 20,326 710 7101336 62811 C/O Engineering 8C Annexation Middle Road - Eng Division Services 56,594 710 7101641 62811 C/O Engineering 8C Monroe St Sanitary Sewer - Engineering Division Services 942 710 7101797 62811 C/O Engineering 8C Century Sewer Manholes - Engineering 4,000 710 7101905 62811 C/O Engineering 8C Laurel St Sanitary Sewer - Eng Division Services 30,827 710 7102130 62811 C/O City Manager 8C GIS Enhancements - Peripherals, Computer 5,291 710 7101946 71120 C/O Page 14 09- Sep -10 FISCAL YEAR 2011 AMENDMENT #2 CITY ('OUN'('I1. Department Information Sery Water Pollution ( Water Pollution ( Water Pollution ( Water Pollution ( Water Pollution ( Water Pollution ( Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Water Pollution ( Water Pollution ( Public Works Public Works Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering STORM WATER Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Program Description 8C Internet, Micros & Printer - Sewer Fund 8C Scada System Upgrade - Construction - Not Building 8C 02 Plant Mixers/Repair - Construction Not Building 8C Standby Generator - Term St - Construction 8C Standby Generator - Term St - Construction 8C Switch Gear Pumping Station - Construction Contract 8C Standby Generator Catfish - Construction Contract 8C Annexation Study / Implementation - Construction Not Bldg 8C I &I Reduction Program - Construction Not Bldg 8C Sewer Lateral Assistance - Construction Not Bldg 8C Cox Street Sanitary Sewer - Construction 8C Alley Washington- Jackson Sewer - Construction 8C Loras/Walnut to Prairie St Sewer - Construction 8C Hwy 20 Annexation Sanitary Sewers - Construction 8C Sewer Extensions New Development - Const Not Bldg 8C Sewer Clearing/Grubbing - Const. 8C Sanitary Sewer Lining Program - Const Not Bldg 8C Street Program/Related - Const Not Bldg 8C Annexation Middle Road - Construction Not Bldg 8C Monroe St Sanitary Sewer - Construction 8C Sunset Ridge Sanitary Sewer - Construction 8C Catfish Inter Recon - Construction Not Building 8C Southfork Interceptor - Const Cont - Not Bldg 8C Century Sewer Manholes - Construction 8C Four Mounds Septic Replacement - Const Not Bldg 8C Historic Millwork - Sanitary Sewer - Const Not Bldg 8C Laurel St Sanitary Sewer - Const Not Bldg 8C Sanitary Utility Relocate - 10th and Central Ramp - Const 8C Pumping Station Telemetry - Equipment Acquisition 8C 02 Plant Mixers/Repair - Equipment Acquisition 8C Sewer Pipeline Inspection Equipment - Equipment 8C PW Fleet GPS Project - Pager/Radio Equipment 8C Sanitary Sewer Internal Main - Construction 8C Lateral Repl Asst. Low Inc - Const Cont Supp 8C Rockdale Road Sanitary Sewer - Construction 8C Laterals - I &I Reduction - Construction 8C Sewer Extensions New Development - Construction Supp TOTAL SANITARY SEWER CONST FUND CONSTRUCTION FUND 8C Keyway Channel & Culvert Imp - State Stimulus Grant 8C Bee Branch Alignment - GO Bond Proceeds 8C Bee Branch Alignment - GO Bond Proceeds 8C Millwork District Storm Sewer - GO Bond Proceeds 8C Bee Branch Alignment - State Revolving Loan Funds FY 11 Expense Amount 3,339 34,923 14,000 6,519 61,000 13,283 120,000 1,748,913 43,280 25,216 62,000 130,000 54,572 401,116 181,291 11,504 (1,324) 290,415 376,000 6,005 450,000 100,000 125,000 15,000 42,148 82,763 206,000 13,427 55,000 135,114 (15,523) 3,194 584,307 15,000 167,447 18,771 172,131 18,030,253 Page 15 FY 11 Revenue Amount 16,073,327 183,402 2,850,000 1,408,426 115,250 5,588,521 Fund Activity/CIP Account 710 7101069 71124 710 7101339 73211 710 7101931 73211 710 7102035 73211 710 7102035 73211 710 7102036 73211 710 7102149 73211 710 7101012 73211 710 7101294 73211 710 7101309 73211 710 7101326 73211 710 7101327 73211 710 7101328 73211 710 7101336 73211 710 7101350 73211 710 7101636 73211 710 7101637 73211 710 7101638 73211 710 7101641 73211 710 7101797 73211 710 7101801 73211 710 7101802 73211 710 7101899 73211 710 7101905 73211 710 7102014 73211 710 7102129 73211 710 7102130 73211 710 7102261 73211 710 7101930 73410 710 7101931 73410 710 7101840 73410 710 7101935 73410 710 7101293 73510 710 7101297 73510 710 7101307 73510 710 7101320 73510 710 7101350 73510 720 7201662 45790 720 7201654 54210 720 7201654 54210 720 7202131 54210 720 7201654 54230 C/O C/O - Lower Bee Branch Bridges C/O - Property Acquisitions C/O C/O 09- Sep -10 Explanation C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O - Shift from Centrifuge scroll C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O - Prespend FYI 1 C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O FISCAL YEAR 2011 AMENDMENT #2 ('fl'1' ('OUMCII. 09 Sep - 10 FY 11 FY 11 Expense Revenue Department Program Description Amount Amount Fund Activity/CIP Account Explanation Engineering 8C Bee Branch Alignment - State Revolving Loan Funds 2,341,436 720 7201654 54230 Increased Cost for Dredging Public Works 2C Flood Control Levee Certification - Consulting Engineers (10,103) 720 7202155 62712 C/0 - Prespend FY11 Engineering 8C Stormwater System Assessment 275,596 720 7202015 62712 C/0 Engineering 8C Hillcrest/Keyway Storm Sewer - Consulting Engineers 4,300 720 7202016 62712 C/0 Engineering 8C NPDES Program - Consultant Services 6,135 720 7201355 62716 C/0 Engineering 8C Bee Branch Alignment - Engineering Division (404,000) 720 7201654 62811 Shift to Property Acquisitions Engineering 8C Storm Sewer Cleaning - Eng. Division Serv. 67,347 720 7201659 62811 C/0 Engineering 8C Amy Ct Storm Sewer Impry - Eng. Division Services 1,800 720 7201666 62811 C/0 Engineering 8C 32nd & Grandview Storm Improvements - Eng Division Service 38,378 720 7201808 62811 C/O Engineering 8C Villa St Storm Sewer Proj - Eng Division Services 11,579 720 7201809 62811 C/0 Engineering 8C NPDES - Public Education - Eng. Division Services 3,143 720 7202066 62811 C/0 Engineering 8C NPDES - Public Participation - Eng. Division Services 13,207 720 7202067 62811 C/0 Engineering 8C Iowa Street Storm Sewer - Engineering 3,500 720 7202132 62811 C/0 Engineering 8C Kane Kaufman Storm Sewer - Engineering 21,000 720 7202133 62811 C/0 Engineering 8C Peru Road Storm Sewer - Engineering 3,000 720 7202133 62811 C/0 Public Works 8C GIS Mobile Mapping - Pager/Radio Equipment 161 720 7202043 72410 C/0 Engineering 8C Bee Branch Alignment - Right -of -Way Acquisition 404,000 720 7201654 73113 Shift from Engineering Division Engineering 8C Bee Branch Alignment - Right -of -Way Acquisition 1,075,500 720 7201654 73113 Increased Cost for 151/61 Property Engineering 8C Bee Branch Alignment - Right -of -Way Acquisition 975,017 720 7201654 73113 C/0 Engineering 8C Stormwater Ditch Remediation 40,117 720 7201004 73211 C/0 Engineering 8C Catch Basin/Westside - Construction Not Building 56,504 720 7201081 73211 C/0 Engineering 8C Streambank Rehab - Construction 32,729 720 7201352 73211 C/0 Engineering 8C W 32nd Street Detention Basin - Construction 1,002 720 7201357 73211 C/0 Engineering 8C Gunite Rock Stormsewer - Construction 112,942 720 7201363 73211 C/0 Engineering 8C Bee Branch Alignment - Construction 2,341,436 720 7201654 73211 Increased Cost for Dredging Engineering 8C Bee Branch Alignment - Construction 7,748,169 720 7201654 73211 C/0 Engineering 8C Storm Sewer Cleaning - Construction 114,917 720 7201659 73211 C/O Engineering 8C Amy Ct Storm Sewer Improv - Construction 12,000 720 7201666 73211 C/0 Engineering 8C Villa St Storm Sewer Proj - Construction 95,000 720 7201809 73211 C/0 Engineering 8C Hillcrest/Keyway Storm Sewer - Construction 30,000 720 7202016 73211 C/0 Engineering 8C Millwork District Storm Sewer - Construction 114,829 720 7202131 73211 C/0 Engineering 8C Iowa Street Storm Sewer - Construction 35,509 720 7202132 73211 C/0 Engineering 8C Kane Kaufman Storm Sewer - Construction 148,382 720 7202133 73211 C/0 Engineering 8C Peru Road Storm Sewer - Construction 10,486 720 7202133 73211 C/0 Public Works 8C Sewer Pipeline Inspection Equipment - Equipment 6,871 720 7201840 73410 C/0 Engineering 8C Detention Basin Maintenance - Construction Cont Supplem 6,874 720 7201359 73510 C/O TOTAL STORM WATER CONST FUND 13,397,327 12,487,035 PARKING CONSTRUCTION FUND Parking Division 8C 10th/Central Parking Ramp - EDA Grant 1,500,000 730 7302179 44115 C/0 Parking Division 8C Major Maintenance on Ramps - Architectural Serv. 14,405 730 7301385 62711 C/O Parking Division 8C Parking Ramp Occ Cert - Consulting Engineers 16,250 730 7302046 62712 C/O Parking Division 8C 7th St Pedestrian Walkway - Consulting Engineers 10,000 730 7302163 62712 C/0 Parking Division 8C Seal Coating Parking Lots - Consultant Services 13,451 730 7301380 62716 C/0 Parking Division 8C POD Ramp Special Expenses - Consultant Services 522 730 7302260 62716 C/0 Page 16 FISCAL YEAR 2011 AMENDMENT #2 ('IT1 ('0111(11. Department Program Description City Manager Information Sery Parking Division Parking Division Parking Division Parking Division Parking Division Parking Division WATER CONS Water Departmer Water Departmer Water Departmer Water Departmer Water Departmei Water Departmer Water Departmei Water Departmer Water Departmer Water Departmer Water Departmer Water Departmer Water Departmer Water Departmer Water Departmer Water Departmer Water Departmer Water Departmer Water Departmer Water Departmer Water Departmer City Manager Water Departmer Water Departmer Water Departmer Water Departmer Water Departmer Water Departmer Water Departmei City Manager Information Sery Information Sery Water Departmei Water Departmer 8C GIS Enhancements - Peripherals, Computer 8C Internet, Micros & Printer - Parking Fund 8C Major Maintenance on Ramps - Construction 8C 10th /Central Parking Ramp - Construction 8C 10th /Central Parking Ramp - Construction 8C 10th/Central Ramp -Fire Headquarters - Construction 8C Seal Coating Parking Lots - Construction Contract 8C Port of Dubuque Ramp Maint - Construction Not Building TOTAL PARKING CONSTRUCTION FUND TRUCTION FUND 8C ADA Improvements -Water Plant - Water Rev Bond Proceeds 8C Water Main Replacements - Water Revenue Bond Proceeds 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C Water Main Replacements - Water Revenue Bond Proceeds Shallow Well Rehab - Water Revenue Bond Proceeds Roosevelt Rd. Main Ext. - Water Revenue Bond Proceeds Annexation Study/Implementation - Water Rev Bond Proceeds Vacuum Filter Back -Up - Water Revenue Bond Proceeds Warehouse Dist Water Main - Water Revenue Bond Proceeds Annexation Study - Phase II - Water Revenue Bond Proceeds Annexation Study - Phase 1I - Water Revenue Bond Proceeds Drinking Water Study - Water Revenue Bond Proceeds Fluoride Tank Upgrade - Water Revenue Bond Proceeds Ramp Water Utility Relocate - Water Revenue Bond Proceeds Water Conservation - Water Revenue Bond Proceeds Water Meter Replacement Program - SRF GO Bond Proceeds GIS Maintenance/Upgrade - Consulting Engineers Water Main Extension /Annexation Related- Consult Eng Roosevelt Rd. Main Ext. - Consult Eng Drinking Water Study - Consulting Engineers GIS Maintenance/Upgrade - Consulting Services Service Line Assistance - Misc Services GIS Implementation Service Line Assistance - Consulting Engineers Water Internal Lines/Loan - Eng. Division Services Water Main Extension/Annexation Related -Eng. Division Annexation Study/Implementation - Eng Division Warehouse Dist Water Main - Eng Division Services Warehouse Dist Water Main - Construction Not Building Annexation Study - Phase II - Eng Division Services GIS Enhancements - Peripherals, Computer Internet, Micros & Printer - Water Fund Internet, Micros & Printer - Water Fund ADA Improvements -Water Plant - Construction Chlorine Sample Stations - Construction FY 11 Expense Amount 5,291 11,178 67,810 10,710 9,086,557 542,452 190,993 145,846 10,115,465 45,853 5,500 8,668 45,000 470 64,412 2,503 2,500 20,000 41,976 65,500 16,575 198,925 45,000 2,841 2,000 42,785 66,090 2,469 Page 17 FY 11 Revenue Amount 1,500,000 30,000 599,780 155,000 200,220 25,000 655,000 28,000 215,500 200,000 100,000 45,000 63,540 150,000 500,000 1,527,194 Fund Activity/CIP Account 730 7301946 71120 730 7301069 71124 730 7301385 73210 730 7302179 73210 730 7302179 73210 730 7302266 73210 730 7301380 73211 730 7302162 73211 740 7401402 54210 740 7401405 54210 740 7401405 54210 740 7401415 54210 740 7401672 54210 740 7401954 54210 740 7402030 54210 740 7402052 54210 740 7402146 54210 740 7402146 54210 740 7402147 54210 740 7402148 54210 740 7402261 54210 740 74010740 54210 740 7402052 54230 740 7401389 62712 740 7401411 62712 740 7401672 62712 740 7402147 62712 740 7401389 62716 740 7401390 62731 740 7401070 62731 740 7401390 62811 740 7401398 62811 740 7401411 62811 740 7401954 62811 740 7402052 62811 740 7402052 62811 740 7402146 62811 740 7401946 71120 740 7401069 71122 740 7401069 71124 740 7401402 73210 740 7401832 73210 Explanation C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O Additional Borrowing C/O Additional Borrowing C/O C/O C/O Additional Borrowing C/O Additional Borrowing Additional Borrowing Additional Borrowing Additional Borrowing Additional Borrowing C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O 09- Sep -10 FISCAL YEAR 2011 AMENDMENT #2 ('ITV COUN('II, Department Water Departmei Water Departmet Water Departmei Water Departmei Water Departmei Water Departmei Water Departmei Water Departmei Water Departmei Water Departmei Water Departmei Water Departmei Program 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C GARAGE SERVICE FUND Information Sery 8C Internet, Micros & Printer - Garage Service Fund TOTAL GARAGE SERVICE FUND LANDFILL FUND Information Sery 8C Public Works 2 FY 2010 Encumbrance Carry Over's - Continuing Appropriation Authority TRANSFERS Parks Division Parks Division Civic Center Div Civic Center Div Civic Center Div Civic Center Div Recreation Divis Recreation Divis Water Departmei Water Departmei Water Pollution ( Water Pollution ( Parking Division Parking Division Airport Departmt Airport Departmm Airport Departmm Trans01 Trans01 Trans02 Trans02 Trans03 Trans03 Trans04 Trans04 Trans05 Trans05 Trans06 Trans06 Trans07 Trans07 Trans08 Trans08 Trans09 Description Water Service Repair - Grants Fluoride Tank Upgrade - Construction Water Internal Lines/Loan - Construction Water Main Extensions - Construction Water Main Extension/Annexation Related - Construction Roosevelt Rd. Main Ext. - Construction Annexation Study /Implementation - Construction Vacuum Filter Back -Up - Construction Olympic Heights Pump Station - Construction Water Meter Replacement Program - Const Not Building Annexation Study - Phase II - Construction Not Building Ramp Water Utility Relocate - Const Not Bldg TOTAL WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND Internet, Micros & Printer - Landfill Fund Landfill - Recycling Containers TOTAL LANDFILL FUND GRAND TOTAL AMENDMENT #2 Transfer from General Fund to Sales Tax Construction Transfer from General Fund to Sales Tax Construction Transfer from General Fund to Sales Tax Construction Transfer from General Fund to Sales Tax Construction Transfer from DRA Distrib. Fund to Sales Tax Const. Fund Transfer from DRA Distrib. Fund to Sales Tax Const. Fund Golf Activities(Profit) -Trans General Fd to Golf Constr Golf Activities(Profit) -Trans General Fd to Golf Constr Transfer from Water Operating to Water Construction Transfer from Water Operating to Water Construction Transfer from WPC Operating to WPC Construction Transfer from WPC Operating to WPC Construction Transfer from Parking Operating to Parking Construction Transfer from Parking Operating to Parking Construction Transfer from PFC Fund to Airport Construction Fund Transfer from PFC Fund to Airport Construction Fund Transfer from PFC Fund to Airport Construction Fund FY 11 Expense Amount (400) 63,540 240,504 58,607 503,052 12,751 589,500 2,895 18,558 (330,150) 255,000 (282,487) 1,810,437 7,011 7,011 500 940 2,325 940 2,825 20,990,780 102,691,919 77,060,717 Transfer Out Transfer In 3,000 100 3,000 350 8,336 100 8,336 350 11,518 102 11,518 350 49,499 100 49,499 370 (464,150) 640 (464,150) 740 500,000 610 500,000 710 550,000 630 550,000 730 1,500 390 1,500 391 17,939 390 Page 18 FY 11 Revenue Amount 4,494,234 Fund Activity /CIP 740 7401832 740 7402148 740 7401398 740 7401399 740 7401411 740 7401672 740 7401954 740 7402030 740 7402031 740 7402052 740 7402146 740 7402261 810 8101069 9401069 94054200 10010100 3501978 10010100 3501998 10210102 3501998 10010100 37010370 64010640 74010740 61010610 71010710 63010630 73010730 3901060 39110391 3901788 Account 73210 73210 73211 73211 73211 73211 73211 73211 73211 73211 73211 73211 71124 C/O 71124 C/O 72818 CIO 91350 59100 91350 59100 91350 59102 91370 59100 91740 59640 91710 59610 91730 59630 59391 91390 59391 Explanation C /O- Prespend FY 11 C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O C/O - Prespend FY 11 C/O C/O - Prespend FY 11 Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds 09- Sep -10 FISCAL YEAR 2011 AMENDMENT #2 ('1'1') CO('N('ll. Department Airport Departmc Airport Departmc Airport Departm( Airport Departmc Airport Departrnc Airport Departmc Airport Departmc Airport Departm( Airport Departm( Airport Departm( Airport Departm( Airport Departmc Airport Departm( Airport Departmc Airport Departm( Airport Departm( Airport Departmc Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Program Description Trans09 Transfer from PFC Fund to Airport Construction Fund Trans 10 Transfer from PFC Fund to Airport Construction Fund Trans10 Transfer from PFC Fund to Airport Construction Fund Trans 11 Transfer from PFC Fund to Airport Construction Fund Trans I 1 Transl2 Transl2 Transl3 Transl3 Trans14 Transl4 Trans 15 Transl5 Trans 16 Transl6 Transl7 Transl7 Transl8 Transl8 Trans 19 Trans 19 Trans20 Trans20 Trans2l Trans2l Trans22 Trans22 Trans23 Trans23 Trans24 Trans24 Trans25 Trans25 Trans26 Trans26 Trans27 Trans27 Trans28 Trans28 Trans29 Trans29 Trans30 Trans30 Trans31 Trans3 1 Transfer from PFC Fund to Airport Construction Fund Transfer from DRA Dist Fund to Airport Construction Fund Transfer from DRA Dist Fund to Airport Construction Fund Transfer From Sales Tax 20% Fd to Airport Const. Fund Transfer From Sales Tax 20% Fd to Airport Const. Fund Transfer from PFC Fund to Airport Construction Fund Transfer from PFC Fund to Airport Construction Fund Transfer from PFC Fund to Airport Construction Fund Transfer from PFC Fund to Airport Construction Fund Transfer From Sales Tax 20% Fd to Airport Const. Fund Transfer From Sales Tax 20% Fd to Airport Const. Fund Transfer From General Fd to Customer Facility Charge Fund Transfer From General Fd to Customer Facility Charge Fund Transfer from DRA Gaming Fund to Sanitary Sewer Fund Transfer from DRA Gaming Fund to Sanitary Sewer Fund Transfer from Spec. Assessment Fd to Sewer Const Fund Transfer from Spec. Assessment Fd to Sewer Const Fund Transfer from Spec. Assessment Fd to Sewer Const Fund Transfer from Spec. Assessment Fd to Sewer Const Fund Transfer from Spec. Assessment Fd to Sewer Const Fund Transfer from Spec. Assessment Fd to Sewer Const Fund Transfer from Spec. Assessment Fd to Sewer Const Fund Transfer from Spec. Assessment Fd to Sewer Const Fund Transfer from Spec. Assessment Fd to Sewer Const Fund Transfer from Spec. Assessment Fd to Sewer Const Fund Transfer from Spec. Assessment Fund to Stormwater Fund Transfer from Spec. Assessment Fund to Stormwater Fund Transfer From Sales Tax 20% Fd to Stormwater Const. Fund Transfer From Sales Tax 20% Fd to Stormwater Const. Fund Transfer From Street Const Fd to Road Use Tax Fund Transfer From Street Const Fd to Road Use Tax Fund Transfer From Street Const Fd to Road Use Tax Fund Transfer From Street Const Fd to Road Use Tax Fund Transfer from General Fund to Street Const Fund Transfer from General Fund to Street Const Fund Transfer from General Fund to Street Const Fund Transfer from General Fund to Street Const Fund Transfer from General Fund to America's River Fund Transfer from General Fund to America's River Fund Transfer from Special Assessment Fund to General Fund Transfer from Special Assessment Fund to General Fund FY 11 Expense Amount 17,939 134,305 21,876 54,000 21,462 12,020 3,820 14,027 17,436 28,498 60,000 124,000 58,042 531,246 110,000 3,026 13,800 42,919 70,000 17,840 100,000 194,041 26,565 Page 19 FY 11 Revenue Amount Fund 391 134,305 390 391 21,876 390 391 102 54,000 390 350 21,462 390 12,020 390 391 3,820 390 391 350 14,027 390 100 17,436 252 28,498 710 101 255 60,000 710 255 124,000 710 255 58,042 710 255 531,246 710 255 110,000 710 255 3,026 720 350 13,800 720 42,919 250 300 70,000 250 300 17,840 300 101 100,000 300 100 194,041 700 100 255 26,565 100 Activity/CIP 39110391 3901891 39110391 3901892 39110391 10210102 3901893 35010350 3902007 3902009 39110391 3902011 39110391 35010350 3902127 10010100 25251400 7101067 10110101 25510255 7101307 25510255 7101336 25510255 7101638 25510255 7101801 25510255 7102130 25510255 7201359 35010350 7201666 2501814 30010300 2501814 30010300 3002274 10110101 3002274 10010100 7001853 10010100 25510255 1001108 Account 91390 59391 91390 59391 91390 91390 59102 91390 59350 59391 91390 59391 91390 91390 59350 91252 59100 59101 91710 91710 59255 91710 59255 91710 59255 91710 59255 91710 59255 91720 59255 91720 59350 59300 91250 59300 91250 59101 91300 59100 91300 59100 91700 91100 59255 Explanation Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds Trans Funds 09- Sep -10 FISCAL YEAR 2011 AMENDMENT #2 CITY ('ODUNCII, Department Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Economic Devloi Economic Devloj Economic Devloi Economic Devloi City Mgr- Person City Mgr- Person Program Description Trans32 Transfer from Spec. Assessment Fund to Street Const. Fund Trans32 Transfer from Spec. Assessment Fund to Street Const. Fund Trans33 Transfer from Spec. Assessment Fund to Street Const. Fund Trans33 Transfer from Spec. Assessment Fund to Street Const. Fund Trans34 Transfer from DRA Distrib. Fund to Sales Tax Const. Fund Trans34 Transfer from DRA Distrib. Fund to Sales Tax Const. Fund Trans35 Trans35 Trans36 Trans36 Trans37 Trans37 Transfer from DICW to General Transfer from DICW to General Transfer from Bond Proceeds to Transfer from Bond Proceeds to Transfer from CDBG to General Transfer from CDBG to General TOTAL TRANSFERS GRAND TOTAL WITH TRANSFERS Construction Fund Construction Fund General Construction Fund General Construction Fund Fund Fund FY 11 Expense Amount 471,000 FY 11 Revenue Amount Fund Activity /CIP Account Explanation 255 25510255 91300 Trans Funds 471,000 300 3001633 59255 Trans Funds 318,053 255 25510255 91300 Trans Funds 318,053 300 3001972 59255 Trans Funds 186,417 102 10210102 91350 Trans Funds 186,417 350 3501861 59102 Trans Funds 282,752 240 24060240 91360 Trans Funds 282,752 360 3602159 59240 Trans Funds 2,500,000 360 3602267 59440 Trans Funds 2,500,000 440 44010440 91360 Trans Funds (485) 260 26061700 91100 Trans Funds (485) 100 10072700 59260 Trans Funds 6,094,302 6,094,302 108,786,221 83,155,019 Page 20 09- Sep -10