1921 Index City Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE IOWA FOR THE YEAR 1921 Telegraph - Herald, Printers and Binders Dubuque, lows. CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1921 COUNCILMEN JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor LOUIS H. BREDE HARLAN G. MELCHIOR THEODORE GABRIEL MAGNUS B. ROONEY City Clerk —JOHN STUBER City Solicitor —M. H. CZIZEK City Manager —O. E. CARR Secretary to Manager —J. W. LAWLER City Treasurer— City Assessor — OTTO F. PULS GEORGE BENNETT City Auditor— Deputy Assessor — FRED GANTERT PETER J. KIES City Engineer— Chief of Police — WALTER CULLEN JOHN GIELLIS Assistant City Engineer — J. J. RYAN Health Director — DR. D. C. STEELSMITH Fire Chief— Meat and Milk Inspector — JOSEPH FISHER DR. 'J. N. GRAHAM City Electrician— Sanitary Inspector — JOSEPH CORRELL JOS. SCHARRY Plumbing Inspector — Market Master — GEORGE MASTERS CHAS. McCARTHY Regular meetings of the City Council are held the first Monday of each month at 4:30 P. M. L INDEX -BOOK 51 1921 SUBJECT Page A Mar. 15— Allison- Henderson Memorial Fund 43, 46, 95 " 25— Appropriation, resolution for ensuing year 45, 71 " 25 American Legion, Dubuque Post, No. 6, petition for Fourth Street Engine House 52 " 25— Automobile Ordinance, recommended to be made by City Manager 54 " 25 —Ann Street, bids be received for storm sewer, report of City Manager 55 May 5— Alpine Street, petition of property owners to improve street 99 July 5— Appel, John, Jr., resolution to construct sidewalk 150, 180 " 21— Allen, James, remonstrance against sewer in alley be- between Locust and Bluff, from Dodge Street to about 75 ft. S. of Jones Street 169 Aug 29— Aureden, Emily, petition for reduction of taxes 218, 254 " 29— Angella, Pierce, East Catherine, Catherine and Eliza- beth Streets, petition of property owners for sewer and water 220 Sept. 6— Appel, J., Estate, resolution to construct sidewalk 246, 262 " 12— American Railway Express Co., communication of D Cassat, Secretary, relative to free delivery zone 248 " 19— Albrecht, Rosalie, resolution to construct sidewalk 259, 271 Nov. 1— American Legion, invitation to City Council to par- ticipate in Armistice Day Parade 312 1921 INDEX -BOOK 51 SUBJECT Page B Jan. 3- Boyer, Chas. J., petition asking for reduction in as- sessment for improving Southern Avenue 3 " 3 -Board of Health, report, bills to County 5 " 15- Beitzel, Mary and Tuton J., warranty deed 8 " 15- Becke, Christ and Florence, warranty deed 8 " 26 -Board of Health, bills to County 9, 10 -13 -15 Feb. 7 -Bee Branch Sewer, petition of property owners to ex- tend same 17 " 7- Bower, E. H., petition relative to delinquent taxes 19 " 7- Birner, Mary and Joseph, report of City Manager rela- tive to assessment 1 9 " 7 -Board of Health, report of Health Officer and bills to County 20 Mar. 2- Beutin,` Frank, petition relative to extra pay, Valeria Street and Pfotser Street 28 " 7 -Board of Health, bills to County 29 " 7 -Bray, Dr. Nicholas, petition for new bonds to take place of bonds that were stolen 30 " 7- Budget, City of Dubuque, fiscal year, April 1st, 1921, to April 1st, 1922 34 -42, 60 -69 " 15- Budde, Ida, warrant for personal injury 43 " 25 -Board of Health, sewer connections ordered made in Dodge Street 53 " 30 -Board of Review, appointed 55, 57, 72 May 2 -Board of Health, report 95 2- Byrne, Seymour & Duggan, bond 99 " 2- Birndorf, Morris, bond 99 " 5 -Bell, John, petition asking for extension of time to connect with sewer 99 " 20 -Bluff Street, recommendation of City Manager to re- pair from Eigth Street to Locust Street 111, 124, 136, 137, 140, 146, 160, 183, 278, 314, 335, 343 " 20- Blake, E. C., petition asking Council to grade Sem- inary Street 112 " 31 -Board of Health 114 June 6- Bresse, Frank, petition relative to assessment on stock 125 " 6 -Board of Health, report of Dr. Steelsmith 128 " 23 -Board of Review, report 135, 139 " 23 -Berk, A., pawn broker, bond 136 July 5- Bissell, K. P., resolution to construct sidewalk 150, 180, 235 " 5- Brownson, J. J., resolution to construct sidewalk 150, 180 " 5- Burns, W. J., resolution to construct sidewalk 141, 179, 180, 235, 328 " 21- Bowen, Peter, addressed Council relative to Mer- chants Lane and Gold Street 158 " 21- Bonds, Sewer Bonds 163, 235 " 21- Bonds, City Water Works, resolution to issue 167, 235, 239 Aug. 29- Bayless Business College, bond to maintain display sign 220 " 29- Bradley, J. H., sidewalk 236, 329 Sept. 6 -Bell, W. J., resolution to construct sidewalk 246, 262 " 6- Blocklinger, Mary E., resolution to construct side- walk 246, 262, 331, 359 " 12- Boyle, J. E., petition asking permission to remodel front of Dreamland Theatre 254 " 19- Bradbury, C. E., engaged by City Manager on house numbering 256 " 19 -Board of Health, session 260 Oct. 28 -Boys' Welfare Association, petition for additional room in City Hall 293 1921 B 28 -Bade, Mrs. Theresa, petition asking permission to remodel barn Nov. 1- Brasher, Ed., contractor's bond 7- Burke, Joe, awarded contract for cleaning vaults 22 -Berk, Max and W., sidewalks If INDEX -BOOK 51 SUBJECT Page 295 312 316 331, 359 1921 C Jan. 3- Council Proceedings for month of October, 1920, ap- proved " 15- Council Proceedings for month of November, 1920, approved 6 " X 15- Cooley, Lydia, appointed stenographer in City Man- ager's Office " 15 -City Auditor's report for December 8, 20 Feb. 7- Connolly, Susan, petition as Administratrix of Leik Estate, asking for cancellation of taxes 18 7 -City Auditor's report for Month of January 20 7 -City Treasurer's report for month of January 20 " 21- Council Proceedings for month of December, 1920, approved 21 " 21- Council Proceedings for 1920, bids for binding 21, 60 " 21- Cardiff Street, petition of property owners remon- strating against change of name 21 " 21- Crawford, J. L., petition asking for soldier's exemp- tion of taxes 21, 30, 53 Mar. 7- Council Proceedings for month of January, 1921, ap proved 29 7 -City Treasurer's report for month of February 30 7 -City Auditor's report for month of February 30 7- Curtis, A., & Son, bond 30 " 15- Cahill, Mary, warrant for personal injury 43 " 25- Council Proceedings for month of February, 1921, ap- proved 53 " 25- Chestnut Street, petition of property owners asking for sewer 54, 77, 99 April 15 -City Treasurer's report for month of March 82 " 15 -City Auditor's report for month of March 82 May 2- Concord Add.; Lot 13, report of City Manager rela- tive to assessment against this lot for improve• ment of Coates Avenue 95 2- Central Avenue, resolution to repair between street car tracks 96, 105, 110, 118, 129, 151 2- Carter, Mary, recommendation of City Solicitor that settlement be made 98 " 20 -City Electrician, report of City Manager recom- mending that an automobile be purchased for this department 112 " 20- Cummings, Eliza, petition asking for extension of time to connect with sewer 112, 128 " 20 -City Treasurer's report for month of April, 1921 113 " 20 -City Auditor's report for month of April, 1921 113 " 20- Collins, W. J., bond 113 June 6- Catherine Street, petition of residents asking for steps between Angella Street and West 17th Street 123 6 -Cox Street, petition of property owners asking for sidewalk 125 6 -City Water Works, report for month of May 128 " 15 -City Auditor, report for month of May 130 " 15 -City Treasurer, report for month of May 130 " 23 -City Council Proceedings for month of March, ap- proved 135 " 23- Carnivals, coming to City, no gambling, games of chance, etc. 136 " 28 -City Manager, bond relative to 136 " 28- Cigarette Permits issued and bonds filed 139, 157 July 5- Cleaves, Mary, resolution to construct sidewalk 150, 180, 236, 328 5- Cooper, A. A., Inc., resolution to construct sidewalk 150, 180 if INDEX -BOOK 51 SUBJECT Page 1 7 INDEX -BOOK 51 1921 SUBJECT Page C July 5- Cunningham, John A., resolution to construct side- walk 151, 180 " 21- Cooley, Mrs. L. J., petition to oil West,l4th Street 160 " 21 -City Water Works, valuation of 165 " 25- Corcoran, E., Estate, resolution remove building 178, 212, 217, 247 " 25- Condemned buildings, return of service 180 " 25 -City Water Works report for June 181 " 25 -City Treasurer's report for June 181 " 25 -City Auditor's report for June 181 Aug. 12- Cottage Place and Woodward Street, petition of resi- dents to cut weeds 210 " 12- Cunningham, John A., communication suggesting changes in traffic rules 211 " 12 -City Auditor's report for month of July 211 " 12 -City Treasurer's report for month of July 211 " 12 -City Water Works report for month of July 212 " 12 -Cole, Elizabeth, resolution to remove building 215, 242, 247 " 12- Council Proceedings for April, May and June, ap- proved 217 Sept. 2- Council, regular meeting September 5 postponed to September 6th, being Labor Day 241 6- Carney, Winifred, petition relative to tax penalties 242, 254 " 19- Considine Martha, engaged by City Manager on house numbering . 256 " 19 -City Water Works report for month of August 258 " 19 -City Auditor's report for month of August 258 " 19 -City Treasurer's report foie month of August 258 " 19 -Civil Service Commission appointed 259 " 27 -Carr, Ryder, Adams Co., petition relative to con- structing concrete tunnel in alley 260, 269 " 27 -City Water Works, extensions and improvements 262 Oct. 7- Correll, J. T., appointed City Electrician 270 7 -City Water Works report for month of September 272 " 14- Cadillac Co., bond for maintaining street sign 277 " 24 -City Treasurer's report for month of September 283 " 24 -City Auditor's report for month of September 283 " 28 -City Council Proceedings for months of July and August, approved 296 Nov. 7 -City Manager's Convention at Chicago, City Man- ager, Mayor and Councilmen authorized to attend 317 " 22 -City of Dubuque, sidewalk 329 " 22- Catholic Women's League, petition asking for ex- emption of taxes on property known as "The Neighborhood House" 329, 348 " 22- Cutts, Mrs. Lizzie, petition asking for soldier's ex- emption of taxes 332, 348 " 22 -City Auditor's report for month of October 332 " 22 -City Treasurer's report for month of October 332 " 22 -City Water Works report for month of October 332 Dec. 14 -City Treasurer's report for month of November 353 •" 14- Council Proceedings for month of September adopted 353 " 14- Condemned buildings, must be removed, notice be given 354, 368 " 20 -City Solicitor's report on collections of delinquent personal taxes 367 " 20 -City Auditor's report for month of November 368 " 20 -City Water Works report for month of November 362 1921 ft Mar. ft ft it ft ft INDEX --BOOK 51 SUBJECT Page D Ian. 3- Dubuque Electric Co., Articles of Agreement rela- tite to delinquent special assessments 3, 4, 5 15- Doyle, Mary J., petition asking for reduction in as- sessment for construction of sewer and improve- ment of street, Lot 306, Delaware Avenue 6, 164 - Feb. 7 -Delhi Street Water Tank, committee appointed to in- vestigate water supply ' 20 21- Dubuque Daily News, no longer an official paper 21 21- Dubuque National Bank, bond 22 2- Dubuque Benevolent and Humane Society, petition asking for donation 28 7- Dietrich, C., petition to construct sidewalk 30 15 -Dodge Street, resolution of necessity 44, 53, 59, 73, 74, 76, 85, 88, 97, 100, 102, 103, 113, 271, 279, 297, 304 25 -Dodge Street, sewer connections ordered made 53 25- Dubuque Electric Co., return of service for improve- ment of Dodge Street 54, 108 April 15- Dawson, Margaret, petition asking remission of taxes 82, 126 " 15- Dubuque Kiwanis Club, communication favoring day- light saving plan 82 15- Dubuque Retail Merchants, communication favoring daylight saving plan 82 15- Dubuque Office Equipment Co., bond 83 21- Dubuque Hide & Fur Co., petition asking City to abolish license on their business 83 21- Dubuque Park Board, report from April 1, 1920, to April 1st; 1921 84 May 2- Dubuque Electric Co., communication relatives to re- pairing Central Avenue 97 2 -Dodge Street, bids for improving 97, 98, 100, 102, 103, 109, 118, 279, 297, 304 June 2- Dubuque Electric Co., communication relative to re- routing cars 131 6- Daniels, John, petition relative to license for pop- corn stand 125 July 5- Delaney, May, resolution to construct sidewalk 150, 180, 235, 328 5- Dubuque National Bank, sidewalk resolution 150, 180 5- Deming,- Lewis B., sidewalk resolution 151, 180 6- Dubuque Hotel Co., resolution to remove building 153, 180 Aug. 1- Dubuque Park Board, communication 187 1- Dubuque Electric Co., agreement for improving Cen- tral Avenue 191 1- Dubuque Bridge Co., petition to repair approach to bridge 192 Sept. 19- Dubuque Electric Co., communication relative to new franchise 253 " 19- Dubuque Chamber of Commerce, asking for dona- tion for municipal fireworks 255 " 19- Delinquent tax penalties, report of the City Manager 255, 256 Oct. 7- Dolan, Annie M., petition asking for reduction in taxes 267, 329 7- Dolan, Miss, Parochial School Nurse, raise in salary 270 24 -Dodge Street improvement, from Bluff to Locust, resolution 279, 319, 323 24- Delinquent tax penalties, report of City Manager 280, 315 Nov. 7- Dorgan Place, petition of Mr. Mullen et al, report of City Manager 315 1921 INDEX -BOOK 51 SUBJECT D Dec. 1- Delinquent taxes, report of City Solicitor 1- Dubuque County vs. Dubuque City, report of City Solicitor stating he had settled case, relative to City's shares of taxes collected by the County 1- District Court, bills ordered paid Page 346 348 349 1921 INDEX -BOOK 51 SUBJECT Page E Jan. 15— Engineer's Convention at Des Moines, City Manager and City Engineer authorized to attend 8 " 26— Egelhof, F. L., addressed City Council relative to St. John's Evangelical Church, petition 9 Mar. 7— Eichman, Clara, report of Assessor, relative to taxes on Lot 393, Ham's Add. 30, 54, 56 7— Eleventh Street, resolution of necessity 32, 51, 52, 60, 70, 74, 271, 305, 308 25— Enright, C. K., petition asking for reduction in as- sessment 54, 109 April 15— Eleventh Street, bids received for improving 81, 220 May 2— Entringer, Julia, recommendation of City Solicitor, settlement bemade 98 June 23 —Elm Street property owners, petition for sanitary sewer in Elm Street from Twentieth Street to to Twenty -First Street 132, 192 Sept. 19— Ernsdorf, J. E., appointed on Civil Service Commis- sion 259 Oct. 3— Even - Uhlrich- Staner Co., contractor's bond 263 " 24— Even - Uhlrich - Staner Co., sidewalks completed 279 " 28— Even - Uhlrich - Staner Co., petition to sublet contract for storm sewer in Hamilton Street 298 Nov. 8— Even - Uhlrich - Staner -Co., awarded contract for storm sewer in Jackson and Nineteenth Streets 318 22— Eleventh Street, petition of property owners asking for a reduction in assessment for improvement of street 331, 352 1921 SUBJECT Feb. 7 —First National Bank, bond 20 " 15— Fisher, Jos., appointed Chief of Fire Department 7 Mar. 2 —Fire Department, report of City Manager relative to raising salary of Assistant Chief 29 " 25— Fries, Henry E., petition asking for soldier's ex- emption of taxes 53 " 25— Firmen, recommendation of City Manager to reduce 54 " 30— Fischer, Mrs., relative to opening of. Rhomberg Ave- nue, report of City Manager 56 " 30— Fitzgerald, Dr. L. M., report of City Solicitor to in- struct County Treasurer to cancel taxes for year 1920 57 April 15— Fischer, Mrs. Anna, petition asking for exemption of taxes 82, 125, 284 June 6— Frith, E. E., addressed Council, relative to garbage contract 123, 132 July 5— Fischer Investment Co., resolution to remove building 149, 158 5— Farley - Loetscher Co., resolution to construct sidewalk 150, 180 6— Frith, E. E., contract for collecting garbage amended 152, 187 Sept. 2— Firemen's Picnic, invitation to Council 239 " 2 —Fire apparatus, recommendation of City Manager to advertise for new pumping engine 240, 261 2 —Fire Alarm Station 240, 269 2— Fluetsch, A., addressed Council relative to making sewer and water connections at West Third Street 240 2— Federal Bank & Trust Co., bond 241 6— Ferris, S., resolution to construct sidewalk 246, 262 IC 6— Flynn, Leo J., resolution to construct sidewalk ' 246, 262 6— Frost, Nick, petition asking damages for personal injury 247 " 12— Fischer, Jos., Chief of Fire Department, communica- tion, relative to attending Convention of Fire Chiefs at Atlanta, Georgia 248 " 19— Faherty, F. W., engaged by City Manager on house numbering 256 Oct. 24— Fritsch, Joe, petition to excavate on Central Avenue to make water. connections 280, 296 " 28— Finley Hospital, petition asking permission to put up signs stating this is a quiet zone 294 Dec. 1— Frick, Ottilia, placed at work with Health Department 344 " 14— Fourth Street, Municipal Garage, resolution to offer for sale 353, 355 " 20— Fischer & Co., Inc., highest bid for Fourth Street Municipal Garage 355 " 20— Friedell, Elizabeth, soldier's widow, petition for ex- emption of taxes 361 CC CC INDEX -BOOK 51 F Page 1921 INDEX -BOOK 51 SUBJECT G Jan. 15- Governor Greys, Lease and Agreement for Armory " 15- Genzig, Walter and Anna, warranty deed Feb. 21- Gengler, Mrs., resolution ordering her to clean vault and connect with sewer Mar. 2- Grandview Avenue, assessment for gas connections " 30- Glynn, James, petition asking for soldier's exemption of taxes May 2- Glynn, F. T., petition, Council to accept $25.00 (half of license fee) for popcorn wagon 2- Governor's Greys, bond " 20- Gatena, H., bond June 23- Glover, Adele, Estate, petition by J. K. Deming, agent, relative to buying strip of land for opening street " 23- Grandview Avenue and Delhi Street, report of City Manager to buy strip of land for opening street July 5- Grommersch, J. J., resolution to construct sidewalk 5- Goldthorpe, S, J., resolution to construct sidewalk " 25- Gregory, James, resolution to remove building " 25- Gordon, C., sidewalk Sept. 6- Goldthorpe, Sarah A., resolution to construct sidewalk 6- Gregor, C., resolution to construct sidewalk Oct. 3 -Globe Indemnity Co., Stipulation and Agreement rela- tive to bond of Jas.. F. Lee for extension of time on contracts - Jackson Street, Washington Street, Eleventh Street " 24- Gantenbein, Geo., & Son, contractor's bond Nov. 7- Gildea, Anna, petition asking for suspension of taxes Dec. 1- Glover, H. B., Co., petition relative to Lot 225, Davis Farm Add. 20- Gribben, John, settlement for personal injuries Page 7, 263 23 25, 27 57 95, 125 99 113 131 150, 180 150, 180 180 236, 329 246, 262 246, 262 263 283 313, 349 1921 INDEX -BOOK 51 SUBJECT Page H Jan. 3- Haxineier, G. L., report of City Manager relative to 8 assessment, Lot 21, Rosedale Add. 1 " 15- Higgins, Mrs. Ida M., petition asking Council to ac- cept principal without interest on improvement of Fifth Avenue 7 " 26 -High Bluff Street, petition by property owners to im- prove 9 " 26 -Hood Rubber Co., bond 10 Feb. 7- Hutchins, Gilbert, petition asking for soldier's ex- emption of taxes 18, 30, 53, 57 " 21- Herron, Ed. W., petition asking to lower light in Con- cord Street and Coates Avenue 21 130 " 21 -High Bluff Street, recommendation of City Manager to improve same 22 " 21 -High Bluff Street, resolution to widen and improve 22 Mar. 2 -Holz, Henry, petition asking for soldier's exemption of taxes 28, 30, 53 7- Hamel, A. L., bond 30 7 -Heeb Street, resolution of necessity 31, 50, 58, 70, 79, 114, 115 if 7- Hillard, Peter and Wife, warranty deed 33 April 4- Health report for the month of March 75 " 15 -High Bluff, notice to widen 78, 79, 84, 85, 106 " 15 -Heeb Street, bids received 80, 114, 115, 132, 133, 134, 135, 140 May 5 -Hill Street, petition of property owners to improve street 99 5- Huber, Mrs. H., relative to salary for Dentention Hospital 106 " 20- Hughes, Chas., petition asking that his name be with - 344 drawn from petition to improve Langworthy Ave. 113 368 20- Houston, Hattie M., warrant be drawn in favor Hurd, Lenihan, Smith & O'Connor, in settlement of per- sonal injury claim 113 " 31- Herron, Edward W., renewal of bond 116 June 23 -Heim, John and his sister, petition protesting against assessment for improving Peru Road 131 " 23 -Hotel Julien Dubuque, valuation for taxation 132 July 5- Hawkeye Oil Co., petition to grade Wall Street 145 5- Hoffman, Z. B., resolution to construct sidewalk 150, 180 5= Hodges, D., addressed Council relative to fire -proof shingles 151 6 -Heer, Fridolin, resolution to remove building 153, 180 " 21- Halpin, Mrs. Mary A., remonstrance against sewer in alley between Locust and Bluff from Dodge to about ft. S. of Jones Street 169, 187 Aug. 12- Henkels, A. L., claim for personal injuries 214 " 12 -Heim, Agatha, resolution to remove buildings 215, 244, 245, 247, 261 " 29- Helbing, petition for gasoline station 217, 240 Sept. 6- Hargus, Lilian, resolution to construct sidewlak 246, 262 " 6- Haggerty, H. &. & R. E., resolution to construct side- walk 246, 262 6- Heery, Marcella, resolution to construct sidewalk 246, 262, 331 6- Herget, A., and J. Pilmaier, resolution to construct sidewalk 246, 262 di 6- Hanson, Sophia, resolution to construct sidewalk 246, 261 if 6 -Hird, R., resolution to construct sidewalk 246, .262 " 19- Hemmi, Theresa, petition stating her property was damaged by flood 254 Oct. 3- Hillyard, L. 0., petition to vacate May Place 263, 295 3 -High Bluff Street, petition relative to water and sewer mains 264 INDEX -BOOK 51 1921 SUBJECT Page I Jan. 26 —I. C. R. R. Co., petition asking to place bell at Cas- cade ,Crossing and remove watchman - 9 Feb. 7 —lowa Trust and Savings Bank, bond 20 " 21— International Harvester Co., report of City Assessor relative to assessment 22 Mar. 15 —I. C. R. R., return of service notifying, proposed im- provement of Washington and Jackson Streets 44, 108 " 15— International Harvester Co., report of City Attorney relative to assessment 58 " 20 —I. C. R. R. July 6— International Harvester Co., resolution to remove building 156, 175, 180, 217 INDEX -BOOK 51 1921 SUBJECT .. Page H " 14— Heery, Mrs. John and Marcella, petition for reduc- tion in assessments 276 " 28 —Hug, Anna, petition for cancellation of taxes 294 Nov. 7 —Hird, petition objecting to special assemment 313 - 1921 INDEX -BOOK 51 SUBJECT J Page Jan. 15- Jennie, Fred and Augusta, warranty deed 8 7- Jackson Street, resolution of necessity 32, 48, 49, 58, 70, 74, 285, 289, 292 April 15- Jackson .Street, bids received 80, 220, 265, 266, 285, 289, 292 21- Jacobson Iron & Metal Co., petition asking City to abolish license on their business May 20- Jaeger, Mrs. Emma, petition asking for reduction in assessment for improvement of Bluff Street in 1910 Sept. 6- Jaeggi, A. M., resolution to construct sidewalk 246, 262 Nov. 17- Jacobs, Morris, et al, petition remonstrating against against assessment for Eleventh Street improve- ment 319, 346 83 112 1921 3- Kerper Electric Co., bond for electric sign 15- Knoernschild, Herman and Lucy, warranty deed 26- Kremer, Mrs. Wilhemina, petition asking for interest to be cancelled for assessment of Couler Avenue improvement 7- Klein, Albert E., petition asking for soldier's ex- emption of taxes 18 7- Klauer Mfg. Co., petition asking permission to con- struct side track 18 7 -Key City Gas Co., acceptance of work 'for installation of service lines from gas mains to property line along Grandview Avenue 19, 23 " 21- Kuhnle, J. G., report of City Manager relative to as- sessment for improvement of West 17 Street 22 2- Kortmeyer, Theodore and Anna, warranty deed 15- Kingsley, Wm., petition for reduction of taxes 30, 44 25- Krueger, Win., petition for soldier's exemption of taxes 53 25- Kelly, James J., petition asking for soldier's exemp- tion of taxes 53 30- Kassler Fur Co., petition asking for reduction in as- sessment of taxes 57 April 4- Kemps, Theo. D., petition asking for exemption of taxes 73 " 21- Kassler Fur Co., Inc., petition asking City to abolis license on their business 83 May 2 -Key City Gas Co., excavation bond 99 June 6- Kuhnle, Mr., addressed Council in favor of sewer in West Seventeenth Street 123 July 5- Kassler Fur Co., resolution to construct sidewalk...150, 177, 180, 197, 217 5- Kemler, Sarah E., resolution to construct sidewalk 150, 180, 183 5- Kerper, Mr., addressed Council relative to fire -proof shingles 151 6- Kemler, A. W., Estate, resolution to remove building 154, 174, 180, 184, 1.8 qA, 187, 197, 217, 242, 257, 253, 259, 261, 354 " 25- Keane, J. J., resolution to remove building 178, 197, 213, 217, 247 Aug. 12- Knights of Columbus, petition for exemption of taxes 211, 248 Sept. 6- Kringle, Oliver, addressed Council relative to build- ing corner Fourth and Iowa Streets 243 C- Kingsley, Wm., Estate, resolution to construct side- walk 246, 259, 262, 271 6- Karsch, 'Chas., resolution to construct sidewalk 246, 262 6- Keane, R. M., resolution to construct sidewalk 246, 261, 317, 331 6- Klein, louisa, resolution to construct sidewalk 246, 261 12- Klauer Estate, resolution relative to dangerous struc- ture 251, 253, 259 12- Keogh, Peter, resolution to construct sidewalk 259, 271 27- Kemler, J. E., petition relative to personal taxes as- sessed against M. L. and J. E. Kemler 260 27- Kringle, Oliver, return service, sidewalk 261 Oct. 14- Kennedy, Bessie, petition relative to reduction in as- sessment 277 Nov. 7- Keane, Mrs. R. M., waiver and stipulation relative to constructing sidewalk • 316, 331, 359 1 -King, John C., paid for strip of land, corner Delhi and Grandview Avenue 345 14- Kretschmer Mfg. Co., remonstrance against assess- ment for improving Washington street 351 Jan. If Feb. ti Mar. ft if if Dec. INDEX -BOOK 51 SUBJECT X Page 9 L Nov. 22— Lawther, Wm., Jr., report of City Manager on petition relative to assessment on Lots 153 and 154, Wood - lawn Park Add. Dec. 1— Langworthy Avenue, petition of residents for electrict street light 1 —Lee, John M., petition remonstrating against special assessment against Lots 17, 18, 19, Buseman's Sub , for construction of sewer in Leibnitz Street 1— Leuthold, petition against special assessment 14— Library, report of Manager, relative to assessment for improving Bluff Street INDEX -BOOK 51 SUBJECT 331, 332 346, 351 346, 367 1921 L Jan, 3 —Loan Warrant Redemption Bonds, resolution author- 1, 10, 24 izing issuance 21 Feb. 21— Lightcap, Chas., notice of claim for personal injuries Mar. 2— Lonergan, James, petition asking for soldier's ex- 28, 30, 53 emption of taxes 7— Lancer, Frank, & Son, bond, eceltric sign 43 25— Lincoln Avenue, bids be received for storm sewer, - 56 report of City Manager April 21 —Lee, James, report of City Manager, relative to special 83 assessments for improving Angella Street..., May 2 —Lee, James, petition for plank crossing, gong or gates, be placed at the crossing of C. G. W. tracks at Pine and Eighteenth Streets 96 5— Langworthy Avenue, petition of property owners to improve street 99 20— Luchterhand, Ernest, petition asking for extension of time to connect with sewer 112, 128 20— Langworthy Avenue, petition of property owners ask- ing City to postpone improvement of said street until prices of Material and labor come to normal 113 June 15 —Lee, James, supplemental contract, paving Central Avenue between car tracks 129 28— Linehan & Molo, plumber's bond 136 5 —Lyon, D. E., Estate, resolution to remove building 149, 158, 176, 217, 355 5 —Loes, N. P., resolution to construct sidewalk 150, 180 5— Lagen, John, resolution to construct sidewalk 151, 180 Leonard, F. & M., resolution to construct sidewalk 151, 180, 183 5— Lightfoot, Mr., claim for injury 171, 192 25 —Lentz & Neuwohner, petition relative to personal taxes 173 Aug. 1— Lowell Street, petition of property owners to repair street 187 1— Lenihan, D. J., remonstrance against sewer in Pickett Street 197 12— Langworthy Avenue, petition of property owners ob- jecting to the improving of said street from Ne- vada to Alpine Streets 210 12— League of Iowa Municipalities, City Manager Carr and Councilman Rooney to attend 214 12 —Levi, Gustav, resolution to construct sidewalk 216, 245, 247, 261 6 —Lee, J. M., resolution to construct sidewalk 246, 262 27— Lawlor, J. W., appointed Clerk Civil Service Com- mission 262 Oct. 3 —Lee, Jas. F., petition asking for extension of time to finish Bluff Street improvement 264, 267, 278 3— Linwood Cemetery Association, asking for cancella- tion of taxes 266, 329 3 —Lee, Jas. F., communication relative to improving Sev- enth Avenue 269 7— Lighting streets, report of City Manager 270 28— Lenehan, Judge D. J., remonstrance, sewer in Pickett Street 285, 316 Nov. 1— Lights, Cora and Curtis Streets 311. 1— Lorenzen, Oeke, et al, petition for lights in Cora and Curtis Streets 311 1— Larkin, Margaret C., petition for soldier's exemption of taxes 311, 349 July CC CC CC CC Sept. 1( CC INDEX -BOOK 51 SUBJECT Page Sept. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. Ce ee INDEX -BOOK 51 SUBJECT M 27- Maury, D. J., recommendation of City Manager that he make plans for City Water Works improve- ments and extensions 7 -Mail Carriers, petition asking for free transportation on street cars 24- Mueller, Ernst, petition, soldier's exemption of taxes 24- Messerknecht, Frank, petition, soldier's exemption of taxes 14- McLean, W. A., petition for reduction in assessment ment for improving Dodge Street 22- McGreavy, Elizabeth, petition asking for reduction in taxes 1 -May Place, notice of vacation 1- Meehan„ Helen, petition relative to sidewalk 20- Milligan, Ed. E., W. F. Neaman, et al., petition against assessment for West Seventeenth Street sewer 20- Mangner, John A., petition for reduction of assessment 262 266 283, 312 284 352 332, 345 344 345, 359 355, 361 361 1921 Jan. Mar. de Mar. INDEX -BOOK 51 SUBJECT M 3- Meuser, W. H., report of City Manager relative to assessment, Lot 6, Brewery Add. 7- Muntz, Ed. L. and Wife, warranty deed 15- Muntz, Ed. L. and Wife, stipulation and agreement 25- Messerknecht, petition for soldier's exemption of taxes 25- McFadden Building Co., petition asking for, correction in assessment 25- McDonald, A. Y., Mfg. Co., petition to improve Twelfth Street April 4- McCarthy, M. H., Estate, warrant ordered drawn in favor of Estate for Allison- Henderson Memorial Park April 21- Magdal, H., petition asking City to abolish license on his business May 20- Motulsky Bros., bond May 31- McEvoy, renewal of bond 31- Merchants Hotel, under decree of Court, assessment of furniture and fixtures reduced from $7,000.00 to $5,000.00 June 6- Moyer, Mrs. Mary, petition, City to have sewer con- nections made and assess to property 6- McCarthy property, Standard Lumber Co. Add., City declined to buy 28- McCabe, Mrs. Nellie, claim for personal injury, petition 23- Mathis, Mrs. Caroline, petition asking for exemption of special assessment for improving Heeb Street 23- Mutschler, Fred, petition remonstrating against ap- praisal for widening High Bluff Street 23- Mueller, Ernest, petition asking for soldiers' exemp- tion of taxes July 5- McCarthy, C., addressed Council relative to fire -proof shingles June ft Aug. ee de Page 1 33 33 53, 82 54 55 75 83 113 116 115 128, 309, 310 128 137, 161 130 130 131 151 July 5- Morris, C. A., resolution to construct sidewalk 150, 180, 236, 328 5- Melchior, J. E. and Thos., resolution to construct sidewalk 151, 180 6- Marshall, George, resolution to remove building 155, 158, 176, 180, 216, 217 25- Murphy, John, petition for cancellation of taxes 181, 210 12- Marlin, Harriett, petition for reduction in assessment 211, 276 12- Married Ladies' Society of Holy Trinity Parish, pe- tition objecting to the showing of the film "Wild Oats" at a local theatre • 211 29- Musser, Mr., et al, remonstrance against tearing up West Third Street 217 29- Millius, Geo., petition for soldier's exemption of taxes 217, 241, 259 Sept. 6- Muntz, Edward, petition relative to sewer in Victoria Street 242 6- Moore, E., resolution to construct sidewalks 246, 259, 262, 271 6- Meehan, Wm., resolution to construct sidewalks 246, 262, 331, 359 6- Myers, Cox & Co., resolution to construct sidewalks 246, 262 12- Meuser, Margaret, Estate, resolution relative to dan- gerous building 249, 252, 259, 355 12- Martin, Margaret, resolution relative to dangerous buildings 250, 251, 252, 259 27 -Mt. Pleasant Avenue, petition of property owners to have street repaired 260 1921 N Jan. 3- Noonan, John F., petition for soldier's exemption of taxes, Lots 3 and 4, Buseman's Add. " 15- Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., petition asking per- mission to set three poles on Jackson Street Feb. 21- Nagle, J. J., report of City Treasurer relative to war- rant 22, 79 May 20- Nolan, Bertram, warrant be drawn in his favor for personal injury 5- Nagle, J. J., resolution to remove building150, 158, 179, 180, 5- National Board of Underwriters, Agent, addressed Council 161 Aug. 12- Nesler, W. J., resolution to remove building 216, 242, 247 29- National Refining Co., petition for gasoline station 217, 240 Sept. 6- Nagle, J. J. resolution to construct sidewalks 246, 328 6- Norton, J. W., resolution to construct sidewalk 246, 259, 262, 271 Oct. 14 -Ney, Albert, petition to recover old platform and - struct steps, corner First and Main Streets 273 July CI INDEX -BOOK 51 SUBJECT Page 3 7 113 217, 250, 259 1921 0 Mar. - Ordinance No. 99, changing names of streets and ave- nues within the City of Dubuque April 4- O'Cohnor, E., petition, asking to have sanitary sewer installed 4- Ordinance establishing grade on Jackson Street 4- Ordinance, establishing grade on Eleventh Street 4- Ordinance establishing grade on Washington Street 4- Ordinance No. 63, regulating and licensing hotels, boarding houses, soft drink saloons, eating houses, etc. 15- Ordinance establishing 2- Ordinance relating to dogs 2- Ordinance No. 102, prohibiting parking of etc. 2- Ordinance a grade on Dodge Street licensing and regulation of 98, 108, vehicles, 98, 107, (repealing) Ordinance to regulate, license and tax junk dealers 98, 108, 2- Ordinance requiring roof covering to be of standard quality, etc. ' May 5- Ordinance establishing grade on Seventh Street 5- Ordinance establishing grade on Washington Street 5- Ordinance establishing grade in alley between Lo- cust and Bluff Streets June 6- Ordinance providing for the repair, removal or abate- ment of dangerous structures 6- Ordinance to suppress and prevent riots, disturb- ances, disorderly assemblies July '5- Ordinance establishing grade in West Seventeenth St 5- Ordinance establishing grade on Bluff Street from Eighth to Twelfth and from Fourteenth to Lo- cust Streets 5- Orioles, resolution to construct sidewalk 21- Ordinance to issue bonds for City Water Works 21- Ordinance establishing grade on West 17th Street 21- Oiler, Edel, bond display sign • 25- Ordinance, repealing an Ordinance, entitled An Ordi- nance providing for the appointment of an in- structor of plumbing, etc. " 25- Ordinance, repealing an Ordinance, entitled An Ordi- nance in relation to plumbing and drainage in the City of Dubuque Aug. 1- Ordinance No. 104, providing for the appointment of a Civil Service Commission 1- Ordinance No. 103, providing for issuance of bonds for the extensions and improvements of the Water Works 1- Ordinance No. 105, providing for the issuance of bonds to pay for construction and building of sewers 1- Ordinance No. 106,- granting I. C. R. R. Co. permis- sion to maintain and operate a sidetrack on Washington Street 190 1- Ordinance No. 107, creating a Board of Examiners for plumbers 192, 202, 226 1- Ordinance No. 108, providing for the appointment of a plumbing inspector 192, 204, 228 12- Ordinance, Klauer Mfg. Co., to construct and main- tain sidetrack on Washington Street 210, 243 -May CC it CC CI it CC Ci INDEX - -BOOK 51 SUBJECT Page 54, 73, 82, 91 73 74, 85 74, 85 75, 85, 106_ 75, 82, 90 82, 98, 117 109, 119, 120 114, 129, 143 109, 119, 121 98, 123 106, 108, 119 106, 108, 118 106, 108, 118 126, 141 127, 142 1,48, 167 148, 167, 185 150, 180 167 167, 186 172 181, 201, 235 181, 201, 235 188, 198, 223 188, 221 190, 199, 224 1921 INDEX -BOOK 51 SUBJECT Page Jan. 15 —Puts, Otto, appointed City Treasurer 7, 10 Mar. 7— Palmer, Louisa, warranty deed 33 " 25— Paley, Amos, petition for soldiers exemption for taxes 53 " 25— Papin, Oscar, petition asking for correction of as- sessment 54 " 25— Parking ordinance, recommended to be made by City 54 July 5— Pickett Street, petition of property owners for sani- tary sewer 145 5— Powers, M. J., resolution to construct sidewalk 150, 180 5 —Pier, Elizabeth and Magd., resolution to construct sidewalk 150, 180 5— Pfiffner, Anna L., resolution to construct sidewalk 151, 180, 184 5— Provost, Grace, resolution to construct sidewalk 151, 180, 184, 235 6— Pfotzer, Chas., and J. H. Rhomberg, resolution to remove building 155, 180 Sept. 2— Postal Telegraph Cable Co., bond for maintaining display sign 241 6— Peterson, J. G., resolution to construct sidewalk 246, 261 6— Peabody, Hattie, resolution to construct sidewalk 246, 262 di 2— Pfotzer, C., and J. H. Rhomberg, resolution to con- struct sidewalk 246, 262 " 12— Palen, John, resolution relatives to dangerous building 249, 253, 259 Oct. 3— Pfotzer, Charles, and J. . RhHomberg, stipulation and agreement 263 " 14 —Poe Street, petition of residents to have name of street named Pine Street 277 Nov. 7— Pfalsgraf, Ida, petition protesting against special as- sessment 313 " 22— Papin, Oscar, County Treasurer, instructed to cor- rect assessment 332 1921 Aug. Oct. Dec. CI INDEX --BOOK 51 SUBJECT 0 12— Ordinance granting the I. C. R. R. Co. the right to construct and maintain a track on Washington Street from Fourth to Tenth Streets 210, 7— Ordinance establishing grade on Cottage Place 7— Ordinance establishing grade on Mont Crest Street 7— Ordinance establishing grade on Woodworth Street 1— Ordinance changing name of Shields Street to Main Street 1— Ordinance changing name of Cora Street to South Hill Street 1— Ordinance regulating sale and distribution of milk and cream 20— Ordinance vacating 50 feet of May Place 20— Ordinance changing name Shields Street to Main Street 20— Ordinance changing name of Cora Street to South Hill Street 20— Ordinance regulating sale of milk, cream and ice cream 20— Ordinance giving name of Chappel Court to alley • running East and West between Kaufman Ave- nue and Klingenberg Terrace 20— Ordinance changing name of Poe Street to Pinard Street 220, 243, 257, 272, 281, 272, 281, 272, Page 258 282 282 282 350 350 350 361 361 362 362 367 367 '1921 R Jan. 3— Rellihan & Mullin, petition offering $40.00 in full for back taxes 1 15— Reservoir, Third Street, report of City Manager rela- tive to plans and bids 6 " 26— Ragatz, Geo., Jr., warrant for damage to automobile 10 Feb. 7— Rhomberg Avenue, petition of property owners to struct sewer 17 7— Renumbering Streets, report of City Manager 18, 156 21— Rellihan & Mullin, bond 22 Mar. 15— Rosecranz, Ida, warrant for personal injury 43 di 25— Reinecke, Dr. E. L., claim for personal injury 54 Reed Street, bids be received for storm sewer, report of City Manager 55 30— Roedell, Attorney R. P., addressed Council relative to hotel licenses 55 30— Rottler, addressed Council relative to location of Dorgan Place 55 April 4— Rhomberg, J. H., relative to delinquent taxes for Pfotzer - Rhomberg property, Star Brewing Co. property, etc. 75 15— Report of City Manager, of deficit Mar. 1st, 1920, etc 79 " 15— Resolutions, ordering parties to connect with sewer 82, 123 May 2— Resolutions, ordering parties to connect with sewer 95 " 20— Retail Merchants, petition in favor of Parking Ordi- nance 107 " 20— Rider, Mrs. S. P., report of City Manager on petition for reduction of assessment 109 " 20— Report of City Manager Carr, recommending that sewers be constructed in streets that are to be improved in 1922 111, 112, 123 " 20 —Ross, F. B., resignation as Trustee of Library Board 112 June 6— Retail Merchants Association, committee asking to revise license for soda fountains, etc. 123 6— Resolution, ordering all property owners on streets that are to be improved in 1922 to connect with sewer, water and gas mains 723 6— Rhomberg, J. H. resolution to remove building 126, 127 ,129 16— Report of City Manager relative to strip of land ad- joining Eighteenth Street Engine House 129 23— Resolution of Dubuque Electric Co. to use loop at South Dodge Street and Grandview Avenue 132 23— Ryder, Phil, addressed Council relative to valuation of Hotel Julien property for taxation purposes 132 2— Rezuick, Max., petition asking for reduction in special assessment 138, 163 2— Regular meeting of Council, to be held July 5th in- stead of July 4th 139 5— Rhomberg, J. H., resolution to construct sidewalk...150, 151, 158, 180, 236 6— Rhomberg, J. H., resolution to remove building 152, 155, 174, 179, 180, 212, 214, 217, 186b, 247, 240, 252, 259, 354 6— Renumbering houses 156 21 —Ris, Reinhart, remonstrance against sewer in Chest- nut Street 158, 193, 241 21— Riley, Mary, relative to condemned building 159, 176, 217 21— Rogers, May, petition relative to personal taxes 163 21— Rhomberg, J. H., petition relative to Wall Street 164 Ruete, T. W., Drug Co., bond, display sign 172 25— Reynolds, C. H., appeared for Wiegel Estate 197 id July if INDEX -BOOK 51 SUBJECT Page 1921 INDEX --BOOK 51 SUBJECT Page Q Jan. 3— Quade, Frank L., petition asking soldiers exemption of taxes on E. 1 /2 of S. 1 /2 of Lot 23 3, 99 1921 July Sept. If ft Oct. ft Dec. INDEX -BOOK 51 SUBJECT Page R 25 -Ryan, S. D., appeared for Gertrude and Anna E. Ryan 197, 217 25 -Ryan, Gertrude and Anna, resolutions to remove buildings 186A 2- Rockdale Viaduct, resolution 238 6 -Rea, Catherine, resolution to construct side walk 246, 262, 331, 354 6- Rider, J. V., resolution to construct sidewalk 246, 262 6- Rhomberg, J. H., resolution to construct sidewalks 246, 262, 331, 359 6 -Roth, John, resolution to construct sidewalk 246, 262 19 -Ryan, E. J., appointed on Civil Service Commission 259 3- Rhomberg, J. H., and Pfotzer, Charles, stipulation and agreement 263 7 -Ryan, Miss May, appointed Assistant Parochial School Nurse 270 28- Rhomberg, A. L., petition asking for cancellation of taxes on Detention Hospital property 294 14 -Reid, Ida M., petition asking for reduction in assess- ment for improvement of Angella and Cox Streets 352 1921 S Jan. 3- Streets, recommendation of . City Manager to appoint committee for purpose of renaming streets 5, 8 3- Purpose of renaming streets 5, 8 3- Sanitary Officer Neumanns report for month of De- cember 5 15- Sisters of Visitation, petition asking for cancellation of taxes 6, 10 15- Sewers, report of City Manager on sewers in the dif- ferent parts of City 6 15- Scollard, Thos. J. and Henry, petition asking refund 7 of taxes for 1918 and 1919, soldiers exemption 7 26 -St. Johns Evangelical Lutheran Church, petition ask- ing permission to extend building six inches over alley 9 26- Schulte Estate, City Managers report recommending settlement 9 26- Second National Bank, bond 10 7- Sanitary sewer, petition of property owners to con- struct in Rhomberg Avenue 17 7- Sewer, Bee Branch, petition of property owners to extend same 17 7 -Spahn -Rose Lumber Co., petition asking permission to construct sidetracli 18 7- Streets, renumbering of, report of City Manager 18 21- Schuster, Leonard, petition relative to changing name of Leibnitz Street 21 21- Steelsmith, Dr. D. C., City Solicitor instructed to draw up contract and committee be appointed to arrange suitable office space 22 2- Sewer, Kniest Street, report of City Manager 28, 43 2- Sewer, Bee Branch, report of City Manager 28 15- Sommerfield, warrant for personal injury 43 15- Sewer, Kniest Street, bids 43, 59 25- Schollard, Thomas J. and Henry, report of City So- licitor relative to refund of taxes, soldiers ex- emption 53 25- Sewer, connections ordered made in Dodge Street 53, 309, 310 25 -Signs in front of business houses, report of City Manager relative to 54 30- Sisters of Holy Ghost, report of City Manager rela- tive to improvement of St. Ambrose Street 56 30- Somers Shoe Co., petition to reduce valuation of stock for taxation purposes 57 April 4 -Sewer connections, ordered made, see Health report month of March 75 15- Seventh Street, resolution of necessity, to improve 77, 88, 100, 101 15 -Sewer in Chestnut Street, resolution of necessity 77, 87, 99, 101, 102, 110, 117, 138, 144, 158, 168, 170, 185, 193 15 -Sewer in alley between Locust and Bluff, from Dodge to 75 ft. S. of Jones St, resolution of necessity 78, 87, 99, 100, 101, 109, 117, 138, 144, 158 168, 169, 170 15 -Sewer connections, resolutions 82 15- Schelter, S., bond 83 15- Stampile, J., bond 83 20- Swift, Sam, et al, remonstrance against Parking Ordi- nance 107 20- Sewer, West Seventeenth Street 108, 123, 124, 136, 140, 147, 183, 197, 234, 237, 330, 354, 355, 357 20,-Street Department report of City Manager recom- mending purchase of additional truck 111 It ft 1 ( if Feb. If Mar ft If May INDEX -BOOK 51 SUBJECT Page INDEX -BOOK 51 SUBJECT S Oct. 28 -Storm sewer, Jackson and Nineteenth Streets, recom- mendation of City Manager Nov. 7 -St. Mary's Church, petition for cancellation of taxes on Outlot, City No. 454 7 -Storm sewer, Jackson and Nineteenth Streets, bids 22- Sidewalk, contract of G. Gantenbein & Son, com- pleted 22- Sidewalk, resolution 1- Sandry, Clarence, petition to install gasoline filling station " 14- Schlueter Motor Co., bond for display sign 20- Slattery, Dr. Wm. P., petition relative to delinquent taxes and assessments 295, 317 331, 358 331, 359 345 353 360 1921 May June July di CC Aug. Sept. di Si ri IC it CI Oct. di id 5- Sewer, Elm Street, INDEX -BOOK 51 SUBJECT S 20- Schadler, John, petition asking extension of time to connect with sewer 31 -Sewer connections, ordered made, see Board of Health 6- Scanlon, J. P., petition for reduction in assessment 5- Sewer, Pickett Street 145, 159, 184, 193, 196, 234, from 20th to 21st Streets 145, 149, 172, 182, 234, 5- Sidewalks, resolutions to construct 5- Staples, G. M., Estate, resolution to construct side- walk 5- Sanitary Milk Co., resolution to construct sidewalk 6- Strobel, J. H., & Son, resolution to remove building 21 -Storm sewer, Hamilton Street 21 -Storm sewer, Lincoln Avenue, Kniest Street 21 -Storm sewer, Lincoln Streets 21- Seubert, Irvin R., plumber's 25- Simones, Victoria, Estate, building 25- Sidewalks, return of service 12 -South Alta Vista Street, petition straighten street 12- Sidewalk, bids 25- Sanitary Milk Co.,' resolution to remove building 2- Standard Oil Co., petition to install gasoline filling station at Kaufman Avenue and Central Avenue 6 -Storm sewer, Ninth Street. and Iowa Streets, to alley between Central Avenue and White Street, rec- ommendation of City Manager to enlarge from a 6 in. to a 12 in. sewer 6- Sidewalk resolution 6- Stapleton, Sarah, resolution to construct sidewalk 6- Skelton, Thos., resolution to construct sidewalk 6 -St. John's Parsonage, resolution to construct sidewalk 6- Schmidt, Rosa, resolution to construct sidewalk 6- Simpson, R., resolution to construct sidewalk 6- Smyth, F., resolution to construct sidewalk 12- Sullivan, James, resolution relative to dangerous building 19- Street numbering, report of City Manager from Humboldt to Avenue, from Farley to Ann of residents to Page 237, 265, 285, 286 237, 150, 112, 128 114, 128 125 265, 287, 288 145 180, 235, 328 150, 180, 217 154, 180 160, 189 162, 182 162, 182 bond 172 resolution to remove 177, 212, 217, 245, 247, 261 180 211 235, 2$8 186A 239, 269 243 246 246, 259, 262, 271 246, 261 246, 262 246, 262 246, 262 246, 262 250, 253, ; 259 256 19- Sidewalk resolution 258, 259, 271, 276 19- Steelsmith, Dr., Health Physician, addressed the Board of Health relative to engaging an addi- tional nurse for Parochial Schools 260 3- Sitterly, Jos., petition relative to accidental shooting of Geo. Bitterly 263 7- Stuber, John, City Clerk, bond 269 14- Sidewalk, in various parts of the City, bids 276, 279, 331 14- Sitterly, Charles, contractor's bond 277 24- Shiras Avenue, be improved from present improve - provement to Park entrance 280 24- Sanitary sewer in Wood Street, petition of property owners 280 24- Stoner - McCray System; bond, for maintenance of Street sign 283 24- Seleine, Harold E., bond, for maintenance of street sign 283 INDEX -BOOK 51 U Sept. 6— Upton, S•. W.,, resolution to construct sideNalk Nov. 1— University of Dubuque, petition for exeniption of taxes 1921 SUBJECT Page 246, 261 311, 315 1201- INDEX -BOOK 51 SUBJECT Page T Jan. 15 —Third Street reservoir, report of City Manager rela- tive to Warts and bids 6, 23 CI 15— Thimmesch, ;Chas. and Mary, warranty deed 8 Feb. 7— Temple Hall, Trustees, petition asking for reduction in taxes 18 7 —Town Clock, advertise for bids for repairing and winding 20, 24 21— Telegraph - Herald representative addressed Council relative to advertising matter during Elks' Con- vention 21 21— Thill, Chas. T., petition asking for soldier's ex- emption of taxes 21, 30, 53 Mar. 2— Tigges, John and Theresa, warranty deed 28 2 —Town Clock, contract let for repairing and winding 29 7 —Third Street reservoir, bids received for covering top 30 April 15— Treasurer be instructed to distribute all moneys from taxes, etc., to the various funds 81 May 20— Termawald, Mrs., petition asking for extension of time to connect with sewer 112, 128 July 5 —Troy, Mrs. Harry, resolution to remove building 154, 175, 180, 217 " 25— Trost, Nick, petition asking damages for personal injury 180 Aug. 29 —Tax resolutions 218, 219 " 29 —Tax resolution, levy certified to and filed with the County Auditor 219 " 29 —Tax resolution levying taxes for 1921 219 Oct. 24— Tuegel, Mrs., petition to excavate on Central Avenue to make water connections 280, 296 Dec. 1 —Trade Home Shoe Stores, bond, display sign 347 " 14— Thomas Street, petition of property owners asking for grade on said street 353 1921 W Jan. 15- Wasser, Christina, petition asking for reduction of taxes 7, 20 15- Weeds, cutting of 13, 17, 43 7- Washington Street, resolution of necessity 31, 47, 60, 70, 75, 76, 89, 100, 104, 118, 278, 324, 326 April 15- Warren Bros., communication, price of bitulithic paving 1, 79, 108 " 15- Washington Street, bids received for improving...80, 97, 104, 110, 118, 278 " 15- Wallabillig, J. B., petition asking for sidewalk on West side of Stafford Avenue 84 May 2- Wieland, Dr. F. W., resignation as Health Physician 95 " 20 -West Fourteenth Street, petition of residents to oil street 108 " 20 -West Seventeenth Street, petition of residents to construct sanitary sewer 108 June 28- Witte, C. H., bond 136 July 5- Wallis, J. R., resolution to construct sidewalk 150, 180 " 21 -Wells to be drilled 165 " Water Works, valuation of 165 " 25- Warren Bros., communication of, relative to prices for bitulithic 174 " 25- Weigel Estate (Fred), resolution to remove build- ing 177, 214, 217, 243, 244, 247 " 25- Washington Street, from Eighth to Eleventh, im- provement of, extension of time 220 Sept. 6- Winall Building Co., resolution to construct sidewalk 246, 261 6- Weigel Estate, resolution to construct sidewalk 246, 261 12 -West Sixteenth Street, petition of residents asking for sanitary sewer 248 19- Wallis, J. R., Trustee, and Sarah 0 Neil Wallis, pe- tition relative to cancellation of taxes 253 19- Waller, Richard, Estate, petition relative to cancella- tion of personal taxes 254 19- Washington Street improvement, from Seventh to Eighth 256, 257, 273, 274 19- Woodward, Robert, appointed on Civil Service Corn- 'mission 259 Oct. 24 -Wood Street, property owners' petition for sanitary sewer 280 Nov. 7- Walker, Rose M., petition objecting to special assess- ments 313 7- Wagner, Pauline, petition for suspension of taxes 314 1 -West Main Street, petition of business men to change name to Main Street 345 " 14- Waller, J. R., petition for reduction in taxes on Lots 1 -2 -3 -4 in Block 27, Dubuque Harbor Co.'s Addition 351 elf Mar. it el Dec. INDEX -BOOK 51 SUBJECT Page 1921 INDEX -BOOK 51 SUBJECT V Jan. 3- Vitzthum, Mrs. John, asking reduction in assessment, Lots 119 and 120 Mar. 15 -Van Duelman, Wallburga, warrant for personal injury 25- Veterans of Foreign Wars of U. S. A., petition for Fourth Street Engine House Sept. 2- Viaduct at Rockdale, resolution, etc. " 19- Voting machines, to be insured Oct. 24 -Venn, Jesse, petition for refund of taxes on grounds of being a Civil War Veteran Nov. 7 -Vault cleaning, bids • Page 1 43 52 238 259 294 316 INDEX -BOOK 51 SUBJECT Page Z Feb. 7— Zollicoffer, Geo., petition for cancellation of personal taxes 18, 22 Mar. 15— Zwack, Anton, bond covering construction Third Street reservoir 43, 106 Aug. 12— Zwack, Anton, resolution to remove building 213, 217, 186b, 247 INDEX -BOOK 51 1.921 SUBJECT Page Y April 15 —Y. M. C. A., petition asking for the refusal Of rooms at Fourth Street Engine House 82, 116