1921 July Council Proceedings144 ordinance shall be in force and ef- fect ten (10) days from and after its final passage by, the City Council and publication in the official news- papers as provided by law. Passed upon first reading, May 31st, 1921. Passed upon final reading, June 15th, 1921. (Signed) JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, HARLAN G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Published officially in the Tele- graph- Herald and Dubuque Times - Journal, newspapers, June 19th, 1921. JOHN STUBER, 6 -19 -1t City Clerk. OFFICIAL NOTICE, Notice of Special Assessment: Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a special assessment as provided by law will be levied at a session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to be held July 21st, 1912, to pay for construct- ing a six -inch tile sanitary sewer in Chestnut street from the end of the present sewer westerly for a dis- tance of about two hundred feet, Wm. Singrin, contractor. Amount of special assessment $587.02, same to be assessed against the property legally subject to as- sessment upon and along said street. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City of Dubuque, show- ing the street in which said sewer was constructed and the separate lots and parcels of ground or speci- fied portions thereof subject to as- sessment for such improvement, the name of the owner thereof as far as practicable and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule are subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons ob- jecting to said special assessment or to said plat must file his or their objections in writing with the City Clerk of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Coun- cil to be held July 21st, 1921, or to appear at said session of the Council to show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, June 29th, 1921, 6 -29 -2t JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. OFFICIAL NOTICE. Notice of Special Assessment: Notice is hereby given to all con- Official Notices cerned that a special assessment as provided by law will be levied at a session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to be held July 21st, 1921, to pay for construct- ing a six -inch tile sanitary sewer in the alley between Locust street and Bluff street from the present sewer in Dodge street to a point about seventy -five feet south of Jones street. Even, Ulrich, Staner Co., contractors Amount of special assessment $544.67, same to be assessed against the property legally subject 'to as- sessment upon and along said alley. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City of Dubuque, show- ing the alley in which said sewer was constructed and the separate lots and parcels of ground or speci- fied portions thereof subject to as- sessment for such improvement, the name of the owner thereof as far as practicable and the amount to be as- sessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule are subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons ob- jecting to said special assessment or to said plat must file his or their ob- jections in writing with the City Clerk of said City of Dubuque on or 'fore said session of the City Coun- cil to be held July 21st, 1921, or to appear at said session of the Council to show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, Juno 29th, 1921. JOHN STUBER, 6 -29 -2t City Clerk. CITY COUNCIL (Official). Regular Session July 6th, 1921. Council met at 4:30 P. M. Mayor Alderson, in the chair. Present —City Manager Carr, May - or Alderson, Councilman Brede, Ga- briel, Melchior, Rooney. Petition of property owners on Pickett street asking for the con- struction of a sanitary sewer in Pickett street from Cornell street to a distance of about 200 feet West, Presented, Councilman Brede mov- ed that the petition be referred to the City Manager for investigation, to report back to the Council, seconded by Councilman Rooney, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- man Brede, 'Gabriel, Melchoir, Roon- ey. Nays Petition of Hawkeye Oil Co. and J. H. Rhomberg, stating that the Hawkeye Oil Co., have leased lots in Block (5) ;fronting on Wall street and hereby %ask the City to fill Wall street up to grade from the Levee front to East Fourth street to make it accessable 'to their tanks and buildings 'which they are about to erect. Councilman Brede -moved that the petition be referred to the City' Manager to investigate and re- .port back to the Council. 'Seconded by Councilman Gabriel.. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- man Brede, 'Gabriel, Melchoir, Ron- ey. Nays —None. City Manager Carr made the fol- lowing recommendation: City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: —At a meeting held June 23rd petition of residents on Elm street between Rhomberg Ave- nue and Twenty -first street asking for eewar and water, was referred to the City Manager for investiga- tion and report. Due to the congested condition of our main sanitary sewer, I felt some- what averse to recommending an extension in this street. At the pre- sent time the sewage stands well up in the manhole throughout this en- tire district. The property owners after having 'been advised of the conditions are Still desirous of having 'sewer and water. This is one of the oldest streets in the city and is well built •uii. I would therefore recommend that the city proceed with the con- struction of a sanitary sewer in this Regular Session, July 5th, 1921 145 street ,water also to be installed as soon as possible. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Councilman Brede moved that the recommendation of the City Mana- ger be approved, seconded by Coun- cilman Gabriel. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Moyor Alderson, Council- man Brede, Gabriel, Melchoir, Rooney. Nays —None. City Manager Carr made the fol- lowing recommendation: City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: —An inspection of side- walks in our down town districts shows some sixty -seven conditions in need of repair. I have also a list of some thirty -six in which new walks are recommended. I would therefore request that the City Council direct by proper resolutions new side-walks to be constructed along the following lots, the resolution also providing that in case they are not built with- in fifteen days of the service of the notice, the city will award a con- tract and will have new walks con - structed at the expense of the own- er of the abutting property. This is the first list of new walks to be constructed, but probably not the last, as we wish to ;get away from the annual injury to persons and 'expense to the city on account of defective walks in the city. City lots 312 and 313, Farley -Loet scher Mfg. Co., White street. City lots 199 and 200, lots 1 and 2 C. A. Morris, Iowa street. City lots 199 and 200, lot 3 G. M. Staples estate, Eleventh street. City lot 289, N. J. Loes, Seventh street. E. 70 ft. of N. 23 ft. 10 in. City Lot 105, Mary Cleaves, Fifth street. W. 44 ft. 6 in. of N. 23 ft. 10 in., City Lot 105, May Delaney, Fifth street. S. % 'City lot 112, M. J. Powers, 'Cor. Third and Locust. City lot 87 and 88, A. A. Cooper (Inc.) Locust street. S. 1 /2 City 'lot 249, Eliz and Madg. Pier, Seventh street. City lot 318, Sanitary Milk Co., Cor. Seventh street and White street. City lot 309 Kassler Fur. 'Co. (Inc.) Cor. Fifth and White streets. City lot 319, John J. Grommersch, Cor. Seventh and White streets. City lot 328, John Appel Jr., Sixth and Clay. S. % tof S. 1/5 City lot 441, Orioles Bldg. Assn. Sixteenth street. 146 Regular Session, City lot 212, J. H. Rhomberg, Iowa street above Eighth. City lot 215A, Sarah E. Kemler, Iowa street. N. 1 /2 City lot 216, Z. B. Hoffman, Iowa street. S. % City lot 216, J. H. Rhomberg, Iowa street. City lot 627, Dubuque National Bank, Cor. Eighth and Locust. City lot 752, W. 89 ft. and E. 25 ft. of N. 10 of City lot 753. J. R. Wallis, Cor Sixth and Lo- cust. City lot 466, S. 1/5 Mrs. K. P. Bis- sell, Eleventh street. S. E. 25x118 ft. City lot 753, S. J. Goldthorpe, Sixth and Locust. Lot 85, Glendale No. 2 Anna L. Pfiffner. Lots 9 and 10, Smedleys sub., J. H. Rhomberg, Cor. Rhomberg and Kneist. City lot 98, John Lagen, Locust street. City lot 634, D. J. J. Brownson, Ninth street and Locust street. Lot 1 of City lot 635, Lewis B. Deming, Locust street. Lot 2 of City lot 635, Frederick & Mazie Leonard, Locust street. City lot 636 and Und. 1 /2 of City lot 637, W. J. Burns, Locust street. Und. 1 /2 of City lot 627, Grace Pro- vost, Locust street. Lot 89 Burden Lawther add. John A. Cunningham, Burden Avenue. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Councilman Brede moved that the recommendation of the City Manager be approved. Seconded by Council- man Gabriel. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- man Brede, Gabriel, Melchoir, Rooney. Nays —None. A Resolution of Necessity. Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that, upon recommendation of the City Mana- ger, it be deemed necessary and ad- visable to improve Bluff street from the North property line of Eighth street to the intersection of Bluff street and Locust street by curbing new cement curb where necessary and by paving said portion of street with a bituminous wearing surface on the present foundation. Said work to be done in accord- ance with the plans and specifica- tions to be prepared by the City Engineer. The cost and expense of said im- provement will be assessed against all of the property subject to as- July 5th, 1921 sessment for the improvement as is provided by law. Be it further resolved that the above and foregoing improvement is hereby proposed to be mdae and con- structed as hereinbefore set forth and that this proposed resolution (ex- cept this paragraph) be and the same is hereby set down for further and final hearing consideration and de- termination at a meeting of the City Council to be held the 28th day of June 1921 at 4:30 p. m., in the Coun- cil Chamber and that the City Clerk be and is hereby instructed to cause notice of the pendency of the above resolution and the time and place, when and where said resolution will be considered for passage and ob- jections heard, to be given by publi- cation in the official newspapers of the city, in manner and for the time provided by law. The above resolution was approved and ordered placed on file for final action and the notice of the pendency ordered given this 6th day of June, 1921. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, H. G. MELCHOIR, THEO. GABRIEL, M. B. ROONEY, ' L. H. BREDE. Councilmen Attest: JOHN STUBER„ City Clerk. The foregoing resolution of neces- sity was adopted and passed by the City Council and approved this 5th day of July, 1921. JAMES ALDERSON, HARLAN G. MELCHOIR, M. B. ROONEY, THEO. GABRIEL, L. H. BREDE. Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Melchoir moved that thhe resolution be adopted. Second- ed by Councilman Brede. Carried 12y the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- man Brede, Gabriel, Melchoir, Rooney. Nays —None. A Resolution. Be it resolvedby the City Council of the City of Dubuque that pursuant to a resolution of Necessity, pro- posed at a meeting of this Council on theh 6th day June, 1921 and duly passed and approved on the 5th day of July, 1921, it is hereby ordered that the improvement described in said resolution of Necessity provid- ing for the improvement of Bluff street from the North property line of Eighth street to the intersection of Bluff street and Locust street by curbing with new cement curb where necessary and by paving said por- tion of said street with a bituminous wearing surface on the present foundation, be and the sdme is here- by ordered constructed. Be it further resolved that the City Clerk be and he is hereby in- structed to advertise for proposals for the construction of the improve- ment above described, the said im- provement to be constructed in strict accordance with the plans and specifications thereof, prepared by the City Engineer, and approved by the City Manager and now on file in the office of the City Clerk, the work to be completed on or before the 1st day of October, 1921. The cost and expense of said work as is by law assessable against the property abutting upon or ad- jacent to said improvement will be assessed, and payment will be made to the contractor to the amount of the assessment out of funds to be created by the sale of improvement bonds, to be issued in anticipation of the collection of said special as- sessment under the provisions of Chapter 8, Title V of the Code of Iowa, and amendments thereto; and any deficiency between the amount of the contract price and the amount of said bonds will be paid from the proceeds of a special tax to be lev- ied upon the provisions of Section 831 of the Code of Iowa, in anticipa- tion of which bonds will be issued under the provisions of Section 912 of the Code of Iowa and Section 912A of the Code Supplement. This resolution be deemed of im- mediate importance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and adoption of the City Council. Adopted July 5th, 1921. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, M. B. ROONEY, HARLAN G. MELCHIOR, THEO. GABRIEL, L. H. BREDE, . Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Melchior moved to adopt the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Brede. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council- man Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney. Nays —None. A Resol ution. Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that pursuant Regular Session, July 5th, 1921 147 to a resolution of necessity, pro- posed at a meeting of this Council on the 6th day of June, 1921, and duly passed and approved on the 28th day of June, 1921, it is hereby ordered that the improvement de- scribed in said Resolution of Neces- sity providing for the construction of a 6 -inch tile sanitary sewer in West Seventeenth street from the end of the present sewer in said street to Cox street be and he same is here- by ordered constructed. Be it further resolved that the City Clerk be and he is hereby in- structed to advertise for proposals for the construction of the improve- ment above described, the said im- provement to be constructed in strict accordance with the plans and spec- ifications thereof, prepared by the City Engineer, and approved by the City Manager and the State Board of Health, and now on file in the office of the City Clerk, the work to be completed on or before the 15th day of September, 1921. The cost and expense of said work as is by law assessable against the property abutting upon or adjacent to said improvement will be assess- ed, and payment will be made to the contractor to the amount of the as- sessment out of the funds to be created by the sale of Sewer Bonds, to be issued in anticipation of the collection of said special assessment under the provisions of Chapter 8. Title V of the Code of Iowa and amendments thereto; and any defic- iency between the amount of the contract price and the amount of said bonds will be paid from the proceeds of a special tax to be lev- ied under the provisions of Section 331 of the Code of Iowa, in anticipa- tion of which bonds will be issued under the provisions of Section 912 of the Code of Iowa and Section 912A of the Code Supplement. This resolution being deemed of immediate importance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Adopted July 5th, 1921. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON. HARLAN G. MELCHIOR, M. B. ROONEY. THEO. GABRIEL, L. H. BREDE, Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved to adopt the resolution. Seconded by Council- man Gabriel. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Ayes — Mayor Alderson, Council- man, Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney. Nays—None. An Ordinance An ordinance establishing a grade on West Seventeenth street from the West curb line of Catherine street to the East curb line of Cox street. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That an ordinance es- tablishing a grade on West Seven- teenth street from the west curb line of Catherine street to the east curb line of Cox street, be and the same is hereby established- and adopted as shown by the profile prepared by the City Engineer, being profile No. 1026 B. M. on the door sill of 223 West Locust street, elevation 69.82. Said grade begins at Station 0, west curb line of Catherine street, south curb elevation 123.1; thence to sta- tion 0 +15, west curb line of Cath- erine street, north curb elevation 124.6; thence to station 0+50, south curb elevation 127.8; north curb elevation 128.2; thence to station 2+10, west alley line, south curb elevation 150.9; thence to station 3, south curb elevation 166.7, north curb elevation 166.4; thence to sta- tion 3+60, east curb line of Pierce street, south curb elevation 173.5, north curb elevation 173.4; thence to station 3 +90 west curb line of Pierce street, south curb elevation 177, north curb elevation 176.8; thence to station 4 +50, south curb elevation 181.3; thence to station 5 +50, south curb elevation 185.8, north curb elevation 185.8; thence to station 6, south curb elevation 186.2, north elevation 186.2; thence to sta- tion 6 +50, south curb elevation 185.9, north curb elevation 185.9; thence to station 7, south curb elevation 185, north curb elevation 185; thence to station 7+65, east property line Cox street, south curb elevation 181, north curb elevation 181. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect 10 days from and after its final passage and adoption by the City Council and its publica- tion in the officials papers. Passed first reading July 5th, 1921. Councilman Brede moved that this he considered the first reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Coun- cilman Gabriel. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Ayes — Mayor Alderson, Council- man Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney. Nays —None. An Ordinance. An ordinance establishing a grade on Bluff street from the North prop- erty line of Eighth street to the South property line of Twelfth street and on Bluff street from the North property line of Fourteenth street to a point 498 feet North. 148 Regular Session, July 5th, 1921 Be it ordained by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That an ordinance es- tablishing a grade on Bluff street from the North property line of Eighth street to the south property line of Twelfth street and on Bluff street from the North property line of Fourteenth street to a point 498 fe. North,. be and the sane is here- by established and adopted as shown by profile No. 1025, as prepared by the City Engineer, B. M. on the wa- ter table at the Northwest corner of Eleventh and Main street, eleva- tion 49.03. Said grade begins at the North property, line of Eighth street which is station 0, East curb elevation 63.6, west curb elevation 64.8; thence to station 1+80, south curb line of Rob- inson street east curb elevation 63.5; thence to station 2, north curb line of Robinson stret, east curb eleva- tion 63.5; thence to station 2 +57, the south property line of Ninth street, east curb elevation 62.6; west curl) elevation 63.2; thence to sta- tion 3 +21, north property line of Ninth street, east curb elevation 62.4, west curb elevation 63.1; thence to station 5 +78 6, south prop- erty line of Tenth street, east curb elevation 62.25, west curb elevation 63.05; thence to station 6+42, 6 north property line of Tenth street, east curb elevation 62.7, west curb elevation 63.4; thence to station 9, south property line of Eleventh street, east curb elevation 68.2, west curb elevation 69.2; thence to sta- tion 9 +64, north property line of Eleventh street, east curb elevation 69.3; west curb elevation 69.9; thence to station 12 +20.04, south property line of Twelfth street; east curb elevation 71.2, west curb ele- vation 71.7; thence to station 0 the north property line of Fourteentn street, east curb elevation 77.7, west curb elevation 78.8; thence to sta- tion 2+70 the south property line of Fifteenth street, east curb eleva- tion 73.5, west curb elevation 75; thence to station 3 +34, north prop- erty line of Fifteenth street, east curb elevation 72.8, west curb eleva- tion 73.9; thence to station 4 +98, the end of the brick pavement, east curb elevation 69.9, west curb eleva- tion 71.1. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect ten days from and after its final passage by the City Council and its publication in the official newspapers. Passed first reading July 5th, 1921. Councilman Brede moved that this be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Coun- cilman Melchoir. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- man, Brede Gabriel, Melchoir, Rooney. Nays —None. Resolution of Necessity for Sewer. Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that it be deemed necessary and advisable to construct a sanitary sewer in Elm street; an six -inch tile sanitary sewer in Elm street; from the sewer in Rhomberg Avenue to Lincoln Avenue. Said sewer to be provided with manholes and any other appurten- ances that may be necessary. Said sewer to be constructed in accordance with the plans and speci- fications prepared by the City Engin- eer and now on file in the o..ce of the City Clerk having been duly ap- proved by the City Manager and sub- mitted to the State Board of Health for its approval. ' That the cost and expense of mak- in and constructing said sanitary sewer shall be assessed against the property abutting upon the same and also against all adjacent prop- erty benefitted thereby. Be it further resolved that the above and foregoing sanitary sewer is hereby proposed to be constructed as hereinbefore set forth, and that this proposed resolution except this paragraph, be and the same is here- by set down for further and final hearing, consideration and determin- ation at a meeting of the City Coun- cil to be held July 25th, 1921, at 4:30 o'clockp, m., and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to cause notice of the above resolution, and of the time and place when and where said proposed resolution will be considered for passage, and ob- jections to the passage thereof and to the construction of said sanitary sewer heard, to be given by publica- tion in the official newspaper of the City of Dubuque in the manner and for the time provided by law. The above resolution was ap- proved and ordered placed on file for final action, and notice of the pendency thereof ordered given this 5th day of July, 1921. Approved. JAMES ALDERSON, HARLAN G. MELCHOIR, M. B. ROONEY. Regular Session, July 5th, 1921 149 THEO. GABRIEL, L. H. BREDE. Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved the adoption of thhe resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Melchoir. Carried by thhe following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- man Brede, Gabriel, Melchoir, Rooney. Nays —None. A Resolution. Whereas, the building situated on the Nort side of Robinson street in the City of Dubuque, and owned by D. E. Lyon Estate, being further de- scribed as lot 10, Lorimier sub. and E 14 ft. of lot 6 Central add has been investigated by the Chief of the Fire Department, and Whereas, the chief of the Fire de- partment has found said building to he in a dangerous and hazardous condition and a menace to public life and property, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire de- partment has reported the conditions as existing, now therefore Be it resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that D. E. Lyon Estate, the owner of the building on lot 10 Lorimier's sub. and the E. 14 ft. of lot 6 Central add sit- uated on the North side of Robinson street, be notified to remove the above described building by the 21st day of July, 1921, or to appear be- fore the City Council on the ,21st day of July 1921 and show reason if any there be why said building should not be removed. Be it further resolved that a writ- ten notice on the passage of this resolution together with a copy of thhe same be served on D. E. Lyon Estate by the Chief of Police or a police officer appointed, by him. Adopted July 5th, 1921. JAMES ALDERSON, HARLAN G. MELCHOIR, M. B. ROONEY, THEO. GABRIEL, L, H. BREDE. Councilmen Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. A Resolution. Whereas, the building situated on West side of Central Avenue in the City of Dubuque and owned by Fischer Investment Co., being furth- er described as lot 2 of City lot 524 has beep investigated by the Chief of the Fire department(and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire de- partment has found said building to be in a dangerous and hazardous con- Glendale No. 2, Anna L. Pfiffner, lot 85. Rhomberg Ave., J. H. Rhomberg, lots 9' and 19 Smedley's sub. Locust St., John Lagen, City lot 98. Locust St., Dr. J. J. Brownson, City lot 624. Locust St., Lewis B. Deming, City lot 634 of 1ot 1. Locust St., F. & M. Leonard, City lot 635 of lot 2. Locust St., W: J. Burns, City lot 636 & Und. 1/2 of City lot 637. Locust St., Grace Provost, City lot 637 Und. 1 /2. Burden Ave., J. A. Cunningham, lot 89. Said sidewalk to be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications as prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the o.. ce of the City Clerk, having been duly approved by the City Man- ager. Be it further resolved that in each of the above cases notices be served on the property owner, advising of the adoption of this resolution in which to construct said sidewalk themselves in the event they desire to do so. Be it further resolved that in the event the property owner fails to construct said sidewalk in the time set out in the notice that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to advertise for bids for the con- struction of said sidewalk, and that the cost and expense of said work shall be assessed against the var- ious lots or parcels of real estate as provided by law. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, HARLAN G. MELCHOIR, M. B. ROONEY. THEO GABRIEL, L. H. BREDE. Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. July 5th, 1921. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: —I beg to advise that the contract recently entered into be- tween the City of Dubuque and James Lee for paving of Central Ave- nue between Fourth street and Twenty- second street, has been com- pleted. I would recommend the ac- ceptance of this work. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Councilman Brede moved that the recommendation of the City Mana- Regular Session, July 5th, 1921 ger be approved and the work be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Melchoir. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- man Brede, Gabriel, Melchoir, Rooney. Nays —None. Petition of Mrs. Nellie McCabe, by her attorney Walter Koerner, claim for damages for personal injuries re- ceived by falling on an icy sidewalk February 13, 1921,on West side of Villa street, and claiming that she sustained a severe fracture of the right foot and ankle, referred to the City Solicitor for investigation at the meeting of City Council held June 28, 1921. City Solicitor reported verbally that the case has no merit and recom- mended that the petition be received and filed. Councilman Gabriel moved that theh petition be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Brede. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas —Moyor Alderson, Council- man Brede, Gabriel, Melchoir, Rooney. Nays —None. Councilman Brede moved that the rules be suspended to allow anyone present to address the Council. Sec- onded by Councilman Melchoir. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- man Brede, Gabriel, Melchoir, Rooney. Nays —None. Chas. A. Whitney of the Chicago office of the National Board of Un- derwriters, addressed the Council relative to an in favor of the new proposed City ordinance prohibiting theh use of wood shingles within the City limits, stating and showing by exhibits the danger of having wood shingled roofs in the congested part of thhe City in case of fire. Messrs John Kerper, C. McCarthy, and D. Hodges, local lumber mer- chants spoke against the abolition of wood shingles outside of the pres- ent city fire limits. Mr. Kerper stated that he had no objection to prohibiting the use of wood shingles within the fire dis- trict, but claimed that the so- called fire -proof roof coverings and shin- gles are expensive and not yet per- fected and will work a hardship on the small builder. Messrs McCarthy and Hodges spoke along the same lines. Mr. Hodges then presented a fire -proof shingle and demonstrated to the 150 Regular Session, July 5th, 1921 dition and a menace to public life and property, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire de- partment has reported the conditions as existing, now therefore Be it resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that Fischer Investment Co., the owner of the building on lot 2 of City lot, 524 situated on the West side of Cen- tral Avenue, be notified to remove the above described building by the 21st day of July, 1921, or to appear before the City Council on the 21st day of July, 1921, and show reason, if any there be, why said building should not be removed. Be it further resolved that a writ- ten notice on the passage of this resolution together with a copy of the same be served on Fischer In- vestment Co., by the Chief of police or a police officer appointed by him. Adopted July 5th, 1921. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, HARLAN G. MELCHOIR, M. B. ROONEY, THEO. GABRIEL, L. H. BREDE. Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. A Resolution. Whereas the building situated on the Southwest corner of Fourth and Iowa streets in the City of Dubuque and owned by J. J. Nagle, being fur- ther described as City lot 189 and N14.3 of City lot 190 has been in- vestigated by the Chief of the Fire department, and Whereas, the chief of the Fire de- partment has found said building to be in a dangerous and hazardous condition and a menace to public life and property, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire de- partment has reported the conditions as existing, now therefore Be it resolved by the City Council of theh City of Dubuque that J. J. Nagle, the owner of the building on City lot 189 and N. 14.3 of City lot 190, situated on theh Southwest cor- ner of Fourth and Iowa streets, be notified to remove the above de- scribed building by theh 21st day of July, 1921, or to appear before the City Council on the 21st day of July and show reason if any there be why - said building should not be removed. Be it further resolved that a writ- ten notice on the passage of this res- olution together wit ha copy of the same be served on J. J. Nagle by Chief of police or a police officer ap- pointed by him. Adopted July 5th, 1921. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, HARLAN G. MELCHOIR- M. B. ROONEY, THEO. GABRIEL, L. 11. BREDE, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. A Resolution. Be it resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that it be deemed necessary and advisable to construct permanent sidewalks on the following streets abutting the following described property: White St., Farley Loetscher Mfg. Co., City lots 312 and 313. Iowa St., C. A. Morris, City lots 199 and 200 lots 1 and 2. Eleventh St., G. M. Staples Est., City lots 199 and 200 lot 3. Seventh St., N. P. Loes, City lot 289. Fifth St., Mary Cleaves, City lot 105, E70' of N. 23' 10 ". Fifth St., May Delaney, City lot 105, W 44' 6" of N. 23', 10 ". Locust St., M. J. Powers, City lot 112, S.%. Locust St., A. A. Cooper (Inc.) City lots 87 and 88. Seventh St., Eliz & Magd. Pier, 'City lot 249 S. 1 /2 Seventh St., Sanitary Milk Co., City lot 318. Seventh St., J. J. Grommersch, Ci- ty lot 319. Fifth St., Kassler Fur Co., (Inc.) City lot 309. Fifth St., J. E. & Thos Melchoir, City lot 238. Sixth St., John Appel, Jr., City lot 243. Sixteenth St., Orioles Bldg, Assn., City lot 441, S. 1 / 2 of S. 1/5. Iowa St., J. H. Rhomberg, City lot 212. Iowa St., Sarah E. Kemler, City lot 215A. Iowa St., Z. B. Hoffman, City lot 216, N 1 /2. Iowa St., J. H. Rhomberg, City lot 216 S. Eighth St., Dubuque National Bank, City lot 627. Sixth St., J. R. Wallis, City lot 752, W89' & E. 25' ogN. 10 of City lot 753. Sixth St., S. J. Goldthorpe, City lot 753, S. E. 25x118 ft. Eleventh St., Mrs. K. P. Bissell, City lot 466 S. 1.5. 152 Regular Session, July 6th, 1921 Council that it would burn, by set- ting fire to it with / a match. Councilman Brede moved to ad- journ. Carried. JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Adopted , 1921. Approved , 19A1. Councilmen Attest: City Clerk. CITY COUNCIL Special Session July 6th, 1921. Meeting called by order of Mayor Alderson and Councilman Melchoir. Council met at 4:65 P. M. Mayor Alderson in the Chair. Present: City Manager Carr, May- or Alderson, Councilmen Brede, Ga- briel, Melchoir, Rooney. Mayor Alderson recd the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made, and this meeting is called for the purpose of acting on matters pertaining to the Board of Health and any other business that might come before a regular meeting of the Council. The matter of E. E. Frith asking additional compensation for collect- ing garbage in the city, .claiming that he was losing money and hoping that the Council would take favor - able action in his case, was taken up by the Council. Councilman Brede moved that by lmutual consent of the parties, the contract between the City of Du- buque and E. E. Frith for the col- lection ,of garbage be amended so as to allow E. E. Frith an additional compensation of Fifteen ($15.00) dollars per day; provided, however that said E. E. Frith place in opera- tion and use, six vehicles for the collection of garbage and for each day that a lesser number of vehicles is used, there shall be deducted the sum of Nine dollars and sixteen and two-thirds cents ($9.16 2 -3) for each day each vehicle less than six used, said compensation to cover the months of July, August September, and October of 1921. And the City Solicitor is instructed to draft an amendment to the . con- tract accordingly. Seconded by Councilman Rooney. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchoir, Rooney. Nays —None, A Resolution. Whereas, the building situated on the East side of Iowa street, in the City of Dubuque and owned by J. H. Rhomberg being further described as City lot 223 has been investigated by the Chief of the Fire department, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire de- partment has found said buildings to be in a dangerous and hazardous condition and a menace to public life and property, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire de- partment has reported the conditions as existing, now therefore Be it resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that J. H. Rhomberg, owner of the building on City lot 223, situated on the East side of Iowa street, be notified to remove the above described build- ing by the 23rd day of July, 1921, or appear before the City Council on the 25th day of July, 1921, at 4:30 P. M., and show cause if any there be why said building should not be re- moved, Be it further resolved that writ- ten notice of the passage of this res- olution together with a copy of the same be served on J. H. Rhomberg by the Chief of police of a police officer appointed by him. Adopted July 6th, 1921. , Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, H. G. MELCHOIR, M. B. ROONEY. THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, , City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved to adopt the resolution. Seconded by Coun- cilman Gabriel. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchoir, Rooney. Nays —None. A Resolution. Whereas, the building situated on the West side of Iowa street, in the City of Dubuque and owned by Du- buque Hotel Co., being further de- scribed as City lot 196 has been in- vestigated by the Chief of thhe Fire Department, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has found said building to be in a dangerous and hazardous condition and a menace to public life and property, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire Department has reported the con- ditions as existing, now therefore Be it resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the Dubuque Hotel Co., owner of the buildin gon City lot 195, situated on the West side of Iowa street( be noti- fied to remove the above described building by the 23rd day of July, 1921, or appear before the City Council on thhe 25th day of July, 1921, at 4:30 P. M., and show reason if any there be why said building should not be removed. Be it further resolved that a writ- ten notice of the passage of this resolution .together with a copy of the same be served on Dubuque Ho- tel Co., by the Chief of Police or a Regular Session, July 6th, 1921 153 police officer appointed by him. Adopted July 6th, 1921. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, H. G. MELCHOIR, M. B. ROONEY, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk, Councilman Brede moved to adopt the resolution. Seconded by Coun- cilman Gabriel. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men, Gabriel, Brede, Melchoir Rooney. Nays —None. A Resolution. Whereas, the building situated on the West side of Central Avenue, in the City of Dubuque and owned by Fridolin Heer, being further 110- scribed as the North 1/2 of City lot 239 has been investigated by the Chief of the Fire Department, and Whereas, theh Chief of the Fire Department has found said building to be in a dangerous and hazardous condition and a menace to public life and property, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has reported the conditions as existing, now therefore, Be it resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that Fri - dolin Heer, owner of the building on the North 1 /2 of City lot 239, situated on thhe West side of Central Ave- nue, be 'notified to remove the above described building by the 23rd day of July, 1921, or appear before the City Council on the 25th day of July, 1921, at 4:30 P. M., and show reason if anw there be why said building should not be removed. Be it further resolved that a writ- ten notice of the passage of this resolution together with a copy of the same be served on Fridolin Heer by the Chief of Police or a police officer appointed by him. Adopted July 6th, 1921. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, H. G. MELCHOIR, M. B. ROONEY, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved to adopt the resolution. Seconded by Coun -- cilman Gabriel. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Gabriel, Brede, Melchior,. Rooney. Nays —None. 154 Regular Session, July 6th, 1921 A Resolution. Whereas, the building situated on East side of Central Avenue, in the City of Dubuque and owned by A. W. Kemler Estate, being further de- scribed as City lot 281 has been in- vestigated by the Chief of thhe Fire Department, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has found said building to be in a dangerous and hazardous condition and a menace to public and property, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De, partment has reported the conditions as existing, now therefore Be it resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that A. W. Kemler Estate, owner of the East side of Central Avenue, be notified to remove the above described building by the 23rd day of July, 1921, or to appear before the City Council on the 25 th day of July, 1921, at 4:30 P. M., and show reason if any ther be why said building should not be removed. Be it further resolved that a writ ten notice of the passage of this resolution together with a copy of theh same be served on A. W. Kem- ler Estate by the Chief of Police or a police officer appointed by him. Adopted: July 6th, 1921. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, H. G. MELCHOIR, M. B. ROONEY, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved to adopt the resolution. Seconded by Coun- cilman Gabriel. Carried by theh fol- lowing vote: Ayes —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Gabriel, Melchoir, Brede, Rooney. Nays None. A Resolution Whereas, the building situated on the South side of Second street, in the City of Dubuque and owned by Mrs. Harry Troy, being further de- scribed as East 20 ft, of East 40 ft. of City lot 84 has been investigated by the Chief of the Fire Department, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has found said building to be in a dangerous and hazardous con- dition and a menace to public life and property, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has reported theh condi- tions as existing, now therefore Be it resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that Mrs. Harry Troy, owner of the building on East 20 ft. of East 40 ft. of City lot 84, sitauted on the South side of Second street be notified to remove the above described building by the 23rd, day of July, 1921, or to ap- pear before the City Council on the 25th day of July, 1921, at 4:30 P. M:, and show reason if any there be why said building should not be removed. Be it further resolved that a writ- ten notice of the passage of this resolution together with a copy of thhe same be served on Mrs. Harry Troy by the Chief of Police or a po- lice officer appointed by him. Adopted: July 6th, 1921. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, H. G. MELCHIOR, M. B. ROONEY. THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved to adopt the resolution. Seconded by Coun- cilman Gabriel. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Ayes —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Gabriel, Melchoir, Brede, Rooney. Nays —None. A Resolution. Whereas, the building situated on the West side of Central Avenue, in the City of Dubuque and owned by J. H. Strobel & Sons, being fur- ther described as City Lot 236 and South '12 of 237, has been investi- gated by the Chief of the Fire de- partment, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has found said building to be in a dangerous and hazardous condition and a mnace to public life and property, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has reported the conditions as existing, now therefore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that J. H. Strobel & Sons, owner of the build- ing on City Lot 236 and South '/2 of 237, situated on the West side of Central Avenue, be notified to re- move the above dscribd building by th 23rd clay of July, 1921, or to ap- par before the City Council on the 25th day of July, 1921, at 4:30 P. M., and show reason if any there be why said building should not be removed. Be it further resolved that a writ- ten notice of the passage of this resolution together with a copy of the same be served on J. H. Strobel & Son by the Chief of Police or a police officer appointed by him. Adopted: July 6, 1921. Approved. JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. Brede, H. G. MELCHIOR, W. B. ROONEY, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede, moved to adopt the resolution; seconded by Council- man Gabriel, caried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas: Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Roon- ey. Nays, none. A Resolution. Whereas, the building situated on the West side of Central Avenue, in the City of Dubuque and owned by J. H. Rhomberg, being further 'des- cribed as City Lot 257 and South 11 ft. of 258, has been investigated by the Chief of the Fire Department, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has found said building to be in a dangerous and hazardous condition and a menace to public life and property, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire Department has reported the condi- tions as existing, now therefore Be it resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that J. H. Rhomherg, owner of the building on City Lot 257 and South 11 ft. of 258, situated on the West side of Central Avenue, be notified to re- move the above described building by the 23d day of July, 1921, or to appear before the City Council on the 25th day of July, 1921, at 4:30 P. M., and show reason if any there he why said building should not be removed. Be it further resolved that a writ- ten notice of the passage of this re- solution together with a copy of the same be served on J. H. Rhomberg, by the Chief of Police or a police officer appointed by him. Adopted: July 6, 1921. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, H. G. MELCHIOR, W. B. ROONEY, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved to adopt the resolution: seconded by Coun- cilman Gabriel, carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas: Mayor Alderson, Council- men, Brede. Gabriel, Melchior, Roon- ey. Nays: None. Regular Session, July 6th, 1921 155 A Resolution. Whereas, the building situated on the East side of South Main Street, in the City of Dubuque and owned by Geo. Marshall, being further describ- ed as Dule Harbor Co.'s Add. Lot 7 of West 'h Block 1, has been inves- tigated by the Chief of the Fire De- partment, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has found said building to be in dangerous and hazardous con- dition and a menace to public life and property, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has reported the conditions as existing, now therefore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that Geo. Mar- shall, owner of said building on Du- buque Harbor Co.'s Add. Lot 7 of West I/z Block 1, situated on the East Side of South Main Street, be noti- fied to remove • the above described building by the 23rd day of July, 1921, or apear before the City Coun- cil on the 25th day of July, 1921, at 4:30 P. M., and show reason if any there he why said building should not he removed. Be it further resolved that a writ- ten notice of the passage of this re- solution together with a copy of the same be served on Geo. Marshall by the Chief of Police or a police offi- cer appointed by him. Adopted: July 6th, 1921. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, H. G. MELCHIOR, W. B. ROONEY. THEO. GABRIEL, Councilman. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved to adopt the resolution; seconded by Council- man Gabriel, carried by the follow- ing vote: Ayes: Mayor Alderson, Council- men Rrede, Gabriel, Melchior, Roon- ey. Nays: None. A Resolution. Whereas, the building situated on the South side of Seventh Street, in the City of Dubuque and owned by Chas. Pfotz and J. H. Rhomberg, being further described as City Lot 248, has been investigated by the Chief of the Fire Department, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has found said building to he in a dangerous and hazardous con- dition and a menace to public life and nroperty. and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partmnnt has rported the condition as existing. now therefore Be it resolved by th City Council of th City of Dubuque that Chas. Pfotzer and J. H. Rhomherg, owners 156 Regular of the building on City Lot 248, sit- uated on the South side of Seventh Street, be notified to remove the above described building by the 23rd day of July, 1921, or to appear before the City Council on the 25th day of July, 1921, at 4:30 P. M., and show reason if any there be why said building should not be removed. Be it further resolved that a writ- ten notice of the passage of this re- solution together with a copy of the same be served on Chas. Pfotzer and J. H. Rhomberg by the Chiefg of Po-, lice or a police officer appointed by him. Adopted: Aproved: JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, H. G. MELCHIOR, W. B. ROONEY, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved to adopt the resolution, seconded by Council- man Gabriel; caried by the follow- ing vote; Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- man Brede, Gabriel, Melchor, Roon- ey. Nays -None. A Resolution. Whereas, the building situated on the South side of Main Street, in the City of Dubuque and owned by In- ternational Harvester Co., being fur- ther described as Sub. 1, Dubuque Harbor Co.'s Add. Lot 2 West 3z of Block 10, has been investigated by the Chief of the Fire Department, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- parment has found said building to be in a dangerous and hazardous condition and a menace to public life and property, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has reported the conditions as xisting, now therefore Be it resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that In- ternational Harvester Co., owner of the building on Sub. 1, Dubuque Harbor Co.'s Add. Lot 2 West of. Block 10, situated on the South side of Main Street, be notified to remove the above described building by the 23rd day of July, 1921, or to appear before the City Council on the 25th day of July, 1921, at 4:30 P. M., and show reason if any there be why said building should not be removed. Be it further resolved that a writ- ten notice of the passage of this re- solution together with a copy of the same be served on International Har- vester Co. by the Chief of Police or a police officer appointed by him. Adopted: Session, July 6th, 1921 Adopted: July 6, 1921. Aproved: JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, H. G. MELCHIOR, W. B. ROONEY, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved to adopt the resolution; seconded by Council- man Gabriel, carried by one vote: men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Roon- ey. Nays -None. July 6th, 1921. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: -Some time ago the Council approved my recommenda- tion for the renumbering of houses in Dubuque in accordance with the plans as outlined, I have delayed in carrying out the instructions, think- ing that we would be able to use one our own men in the Engineer's office for this purpose. Time has pased on and I find that ft is impracticable and for that reason I engaged Ed- ward J. Hornick, at the rate of one hundred and thirty dolars ($130.00) per month to look after the asigning of new numbers to the various build- ings in Dubuque which are now with- out numbers or which have wrong numbers. It is my hope that by the middle of September this work will be suffi- ciently advanced so that it can be completed by someone in connection with the Engineer's office. It will probably be necessary this season or the early part of next year various streets, both for the benefit to put up the proper names on the of strangers and for the benefit of our residents who do not know the new names assigned to the various streets. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Councilman Brede moved that the action of the City Manager be ap- proved, and that he procure and have new street signs put up as soon as possible, seconded by Councilman 14tE)chior, carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Roon- ey. Nays -None. City Manager Carr presented the following: July 6, 1921. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: -I am handing you herewith, bonds as filed by following fifty -four Dubuque firms in connec- tion with the sale of cigarettes. Per- wits have been issued in accordance with your instructions in every case where satisfactory bonds have been filed. No. Name Address. 1. Wm. P. Anderson, 1706 Central Ave. 2. D. C. Glasser Tobacco Co., 402 Main Street. 3. Fitzgerald Cigar Co., 155 Eighth St. 4. Fitzgerald Cigar Co., Hotel Jul- ien. 5. Fitzgerald Cigar Co., 923 Main St. 6. Fitzgerald Cigar Co., 850 Iowa St. 7. Stanley N. Meyers, 391 Hill St. 8. C. H. Snyder, 119 Julien Ave. 9. M. E. Briggs, 1850 Central Ave. 10. W. G. Smith, 336 Main St. 11. Falkenhainer Drug Co.,679.Jul- ien Ave. 12. United Cigar Store Co., 805 Main St. 13. George Miller, 375 Fourth St. 14. Wm. C. Laik, 501 Rhomberg Ave. 15. Mrs. Clara Eichman, 2197 Rhom- berg Ave. 16. J. D. Flynn, 144 West Locust. 17. Chas. Hos, 502 Rhomberg Ave. 18. The Cave Cigar Co., 720 Main St. 19. The Cave Cigar Co., 132 Ninth St. 20. The Cave Cigar Co., 893 Main St. 21. The Cave Cigar Co., 401 Main St. 22. F. W. Herbert, 93 Julien Ave. 23. John J. Grommersch, 455 Sev- enth St. 24. R. A. W. Krueger, 3106 Central Ave. 25. Anton Fortman, 253 Main St. 26. Oscar Haas, 1266 Central Ave. 27. D. J. Haas, 2519 Central Ave. 28. E. C. Keating, 580 Julien Ave. 29. John L. Kies, 1348 Central Ave. 30. Chas. F. Meyer, 801 Central Ave. 31. Jay Luckey, 438 -466 Main St. 32. W. J. Madden, 378 Main St. 33. Murphy & Chalders, 475 Central Ave. 34. Myers Cox Co., 409 Iowa St. 35. Potterveld Drug Co.,242 Delhi St. 36. Petrikis & Vlahoo, 1958 Cen- tral Ave. 37. Buckley & Lungwith, 1197 Iowa St. 38. Alois Glab. 3195 Central Ave. 39. T. F. McCoy, Eighth St and Iowa St. 40. Wm. Horne, 416 Rhomberg Ave. 41. John Wesetrcamp, 1696 Central Ave. 42. A. A. Agard, 651 Main St. 43. Trapp Bros.,2400 Central Ave. 44. Geo. L. Johannson, 1395 Central Ave. 45. W. J. Krayer, 321 Eighth St. 46. Dub. Fruit Co., 136 Main St. Regular Session, July 6th, 1921 157 i 47. E. C. Hubert, 129 Julien Ave. 48. John C. Beck, 1509 Central Ave. 49. Western Grocer Co4620 Main St. 50. N. L. Harwood, 605 Delhi St. 51. J. J. Fettgather, 1044 Clay St. 52. Elks Club, Seventh and Main. 53. H. Poole, 330 Main St. 53. H Poole, 330 Main St. 54. C. P. Linehan, 1618 Ave. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. City Solicitor Czizek reported verb- ally that he had examined the bonds and found the properly executed, and recommend their acceptance. Councilman Brede moved that the boadh of the above Dubuque firms in ':cnnection with the salo of cigar- ettes, being properly executed be ap- proved and placed on file, sconded by Councilman Melchior, carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Roon- ey. Nays -None. Councilman Gabriel moved to ad- journ, carried. Councilmen Attest: Central JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. f -_ City Clerk. • Special Session, locations to move into. �Pliis bui�d- ing is &orated on, City lot 189 and N. 14.8 of. City lot 190 Action deferred. Mr., Riley„ agent for Mary.114iey:.9- tate addressed the Council relative to building . No. a7$. Central avenue, on City lot 294, stating that,he would put the building in safe condition, providing the City Council allowed hire to do so. Councilman Brede moved that ac- tion be deferred ,until Mr. Riley pre- sents specifications to be gone over by. the Council. Seconded by Coun- cilman Melchior. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: . Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney. Nays —None. Absent, Mayor AldersOb.. ;July :21, 1921., City Manager Carr made the fol- lowing ; recommendation: City Council, Dubuque. Iowa, Gentlemen: ---At a meeting of the City Council on July 5th, petition of property owners for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Pickett street :from Cornell street two hundred feet West, was referred to the City Mana- ger. I have investigated the matter and would recommend that the legis- lation be passed necessary to permit the construction of this sewer. •Most o_ f the property on the North side of the street is improved and the North side alone, would be as- sessed for this irriprovement and I believe all the property owners are ,desirious of having the sewer con- structed. Respectfully submitted, 0... EL CARR, City Manager. Councilman Melchior moved that the „ recommendation of the City Manager, be approved. Seconded by Councilman Brede, Carried by the following, vote; ,,,Yeas— Councilmen Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney, Nays - -None. Absent, Mayor Alderson, Notice of Resolution of Necessity. Notice is ,hereby given by the di- rection of - the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the following resolution of Necessity is proposed for passage, and adoption by the City Council having been approved by said Council on the 21st day of July, 1921. Resolution of Necessity for Sewer. Be it resolved by the 'City ,Council of the City of Dubuque that it be deemed necessary and advisable to construct a sanitary sewer in Pickett street; a six -inch tile sanitary sewer in Pickett street from Cornell street July 21st, 1921 159 Westerly for ` a ' of about '260 feet,. S aid sewer ,,C"� Vie ,p rowij1 I with manholes and a ` ,Other 'appurtances May ay be n Said sewer ,to .,be co}}structed, in accordance with the plans •nd,speci- ficatioe ,Prepared ,by the,City Engin- eer and now on flie i11 tl }e .office Of the City Clerk having been duly, ap proved by the City Manager and,sub- mitted to the State Board 'of Health for its approval. , That.the cost and _expense of mak- iing and constructing said sanitary sewer shall be assessed against the property :abutting npou the same and also against all adjacent property benefitted thereby. Be it further resolved that the above and foregoing 'sanitary sewer is hereby proposed to be construeted as hereinbefore set forth, and that this proposed resolution except this paragraph, be and the same is Here - by set down for further and final hearing, 'consider and determin- ation at a 'meeting of the City, Coun- cil to be held August 12th, 1921. at 4:30 o'clock P. M., and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby'instruct- ed to cause notice of the above reso- lution, and of the time and 'place when and where said proposed reso- lution will be considered for 'passage, and objections to the passage there- of and to the 'construction of said sanitary sewer heard, to be given by publication in the official newspa- pers of the City of Dubuque in the manner and for the time provided by law. . The above resolution , was ap- proved and ordered placed on - fpr final actin}}, and notice of the -Pendency thereof ordered given this 21t day of July, 1921. Approved:, H. G. MELCHIOR, M. B. ROONEY, LT . H . BRE HEO. GABRIE Coun cilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER City Clerk. The above resolution will be con - sidered by said City Council ' for passage at a 'meeting to be held on the 12th day of August, 1921, at 4:30 o'clock p. m:, in the Council Cham- ber, at which time the owners of property subject to assessment for the cost and expense of the said 'im- provement may appear and make ob- jections to the contemplated im- provement, and 'the 'passage of said proposed resolution May at that time be `amended and passed or pass- ed as proposed. Dated this 22nd .day. of July, 1921. Published officially in Telegraph- 158 Special CITY COUNrnL (Official), Special Session July 21st, .1921. 'Meeting called ; by order of Coun- cilmen Gabriel and Brede.. Council met at 4:50 P. M. Councilman Gabriel in the Chair. Present —City Manager Carr,.Coun- cilmen Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney. Ab sent - Mayor Alderson. HCoiincilman Melchior moved that Councilman Gabriel act as chairman of this meeting, seconded- by Coun- cilman Rooney, carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney. Nays — None. ,Absent —Mayor Alderson. Chairman Gabriel read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly. made, and this meeting is call- ed for the purpose of levying epecial assessments to pay for constructing a sanitary sewer in Chestnut street trim the end 'of the present sewer, Westerly for, about 200 feet, and the Sanitary Sewer in the alley between Locust and Bluff streets from the sewer in Dodge street to a point about 75 feet south of Jones street. Acting on any business that might properly come before a regular meet- ing of the City Council. Councilman Brede moved to sus- pend the rules to allpw any one pres- ent to address the Council, seconded by Councilman Rooney, carried by the following vote: , Aygs Councilmen Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney. Nays —None. Absent —Mayor Alderson. Reinhart Ris addressed the Coun- cil remonstrating against the assess- ment against his property for con- struction of sanitary sewer in Chest- nut street, stating that his property is already connected with a sewer. Councilman Rooney moved that this be referred to the City Manager to investigate and report back to the Council, seconded by Councilman Brede, and carried by the following vote: Ayes — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney. Nays —None. Absent —Mayor Alderson. Peter Bowen addressed the Coun- cil, stating that the condition of the street at the intersection of Mer- chants Lane and Gold street is in poor condition and at times almost impassible, and asked City Council to have same repaired. Councilman Brede moved that the City Manager and City Council view the grounds. Session, July 21st, 1921 seconded by Councilman Melchior, and carried by the following vote: Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney. Nays —None. Absent —Mayor Alderson. Gee . Lyon, agent for the D. E. Ly- on Estate, addressed the Council re- lative to condemned barn on Robin - son Street, having received notice by direction of the City Council to remove same, stating that he had a tenant using it at the present time and asked that the time, be extended to November 1st.._ - Action deferred. J. H. Rhomberg addressed the Can- cil relative to�the'building on Central Avenue, on City Lot 257 and South 11 ft. 258 occupied by the Hottman boiler shop,.haying received notice t� remove the. ,Same,, stating that he was perfectly satisfied to ;remove it but wanted a little more time. On mo- tion of , Councilman Brede, he was `given to December let, 1921 to re- move same.. Seconded by Council- mall Melchior, and 'carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas. - Councilmen Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney. Nays— None., . bsent Mayor. Alderson. Mr. Rlomberg also stated that in regards to the building on the East s id e of Iowa street, situated on city Lot 212. that he would remove this as soon as he possibly could, He al- so promised to repair sidewalks in front of ,said property. Coucilman Brede moved that the City Engineer be instructed to ex- mine all brick Sidewalks which were condemned and notice served on ,owners, 4114 see if they can be prop- erly re then they must, be replaced with new cement„ walks. All side walks in each block must be of „uniform, width, seconded, by, Coun- cilman ,Roor}ey, and carried by the following vote:.. Yeas— Councilmen Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney. Nays- -None. Absent—Mayor Alderson. William Hammond, agent for Geo. Marshall, addressed the Council, rela- tive to the ,huiiding No. 52 South Main street on lot.7 of W %.ef block 1 Dubuque Harbor Co.'s add stat- ing that Mr., Marshall was willing to put this building in safe condition. Action deferred. , The City Manager states that the Fischer Investment Co., had remov- ed the building on lot 2 of City lot 524, after having received notice by order of the City Council to do so. Also that he had received a letter from J. , J. Nagle stating that he would remove the building on the S. E. corner of 4th and Iowa streets as soon as his tenants could find other 160 Herald and Times - Journal news- papers July 22nd, 1921. JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Melchior moved to adopt the resolution, seconded by Councilman Brede, and carried by the following vote: Yeas - Councilmen Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney. Nays -None. Absent -Mayor Alderson. Petition of Mrs. L. J. Cooley, ask- ing that Algona street be oiled from West 14th street to Delhi street. Councilman Brede moved to refer this to the City Manager. Seconded by Councilman Melchior, and carried by the following vote: Yeas - Councilmen Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney. Nays -None. Absent -Mayor Alderson. The following bid for the improve- ment of Bluff street from the north property line of 8th to Locust street, by laying a wearing surface of a sur- face of asbestos bithulic paving on top of the present street surface, presented: July 21st, 1921. City Manager Carr made the fol- lowing recommendations: City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Some time ago, I was requested to receive bids for the im- provement of Bluff street from 8th to Locust street, by the laying of a wearing surface of asbestos bitu- lithic paving on top of the present street surface. The following bids were received at 2 o'clock p. m. Thursday, July 21st. James Lee - Asbestos bitulithic paving, $1.21 per sq. yd.; curb and gutter, $1.10 per lin. ft.; binder, $16.75 per ton; crushed rock, $2.25 per cu. yd.; extra concrete, $13.50 per cu. yd. Even- IThlrich- Staner Co.- Asbestos bitulithic paving, $1.25 per sq. yd.; curb and gutter, $1.75 per lin. ft.; binder, $17.50 per ton. Wright Construction Co.- Asbes- tos bithulithic paving, $1.34 per sq. yd.; curb and gutter, $1.43 per lin. ft.; binder, $17.25 per ton. Des Moines Asphalt Paving Co.- Asbestos bitulithic paving, $1.28 per sq. yd.; curb and gutter, $1.26 per lin. ft.; binder, $18.25 per ton. I would respectfully recommend that this contract be awarded to James Lee, as their bid is the lowest bid received for this improvement. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Councilman Brede moved that rec- ommendation of the City Manager be approved and the contract be award- Special Session, July 21st, 1921 ed to James Lee, he being the low- est bidder, seconded by Councilman Melchior and carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas- Councilmen Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney. Nays -None. - Absent-Mayor Alderson. The following bids for the con- struction of a sanitary sewer in West 17th street: A 6 -inch tile sanitary sewer in West 17th street from the end of the present sewer in Cath- erine street to Cox street, presented. July 21st, 1921. City Manager Carr made the fol- lowing recommendation: City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Some time ago, bids were requested on the construction of a 6 -inch sanitary .sewer in West 17th street from Catherine street to Cox street. Bids were received. at 2:00 o'clock p. m. Thursday, July 21st. The following bids were re- ceived: Dorgan, Uhlrich & Co.- Six-inch sanitary sewer, $2.25 per lin. ft.; rock excavation, $6.00 per cu. yd.; manholes, each $49.00. William Singrin- Six -inch sanitary sewer, $2.50 per lin. ft.; rock excava- tion, $7.00 per cu. yd.; manholes, each $65.00. Engineer's Estimate- Six -inch tile pipe, $5.00 per lin. ft.; manholes, each $60.00. I consider both of the above bids to be excessive and way beyond the amount which any property owner would pay for this improvement, and would therefore recommend their rejection. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Councilman Brede moved that the recommendation of the City Manager be approved, all bids be rejected and certified checks returned to bidders, seconded by Councilman Melchior and carried by the following vote: Yeas - Council Brede, Gabriel, Mel- chior, Rooney. Nays -None. Absent -Mayor Alderson. Bids for the construction of a storm water sewer in Hamilton street (formerly Second avenue) from Lincoln avenue to Lake Peosta, presented. July 20th, 1921. City Manager Carr made the fol- lowing recommendation: City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Bids were received on Tuesday, July 19th, for the con- struction of a storm water sewer in Hamilton street (formerly Second avenue) from Lincoln avenue to Special Session, Lake Peosta. The following bids were received: Even - Uhlrich- Staner Co. - Twelve inch V. T., $1.50; 12 -inch concrete, $1.55; 36 -inch re- conc., $8.95; 36 -inch concrete pipe, $9.95; 36 -inch Seg. block, $8.54; 24 -inch Corr., $5.20; M. H., $18.00; C. B., $14.00; concrete arch, $16.15 per cu. yd.; concrete H. wall, $24.25 per cu. yd. J. J. Leonard- Twelve -inch V. T., $1.50; 36 -inch concrete pipe, $16.00; 36 -inch Seg. block, $16.00; 24 -inch Corr., $25.00; M. H., $40.00; C. B., $40.00; concrete arch, $30.00 per cu. yd.; concrete H. wall, $30.00 per cu. yd Kruse Construction Co. - Twelve - inch V. T., $2.25; 12 -inch concrete, $2.55; 36 -inch Seg. block, $9.00; 24- inch Corr., $4.00; M. H., $50.00; C. B., $30.00; concrete arch, $25.00 per cu. yd; concrete H. wall, $25.00 per cu. yd. Anton Zwack- Twelve -inch V. T., $3.85; 36 -inch Seg. block, $11.68; 24- inch Corr. $9.00; M. H., $36.00; C. B., $1800; concrete arch, $30.00 per cu. yd.; concrete H. wall, $30.00 per cu. yd. Mankato Construction Co.- Twelve- inch V. T., $2.00; 36 -inch Seg. block, $9.00; 24 -inch Corr., $11.50; M. H., $50.00; C. B., $25.00; concrete arch, $30.00 per cu. yd:; concrete H. wall, $28.00 per cu. yd. Oliver Kringle- Twelve -inch V. T., $1.85; 12 -inch concrete, $2.15; 36- inch concrete pipe, $21.00; 36 -inch Seg. , block, $5.00; 24 -inch Corr., $5.00; M. H., $50.00; C. B., $40.00; concrete arch, $25.00 per cu. yd.; concrete H. wall, $25.00 per cu. yd. An examination of the bids, based upon the estimate quantities as de- termined by the City Manager, using vitrified pipe for the 12 -inch catch basin connections, segment block for the 36 -inch, the bids total as follows: Even - Uhlrich - Staner Co. $8,107.65 Kruse Construction Co. 8,785.00 Mankato Construction Co 9,520.00 Anton Zwack 11,662.40 J. J. Leonard 16,350.00 Oliver Kringle 17,426.00 I would respectfully recommend that authority be given for the exe- cution of a contract between the City of Dubuque and the Even - Uhlrich- Staner Co., as their bid was the lowest hid received on this piece of work. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Councilman Brede moved that the recommendation of City Manager Carr be approved and the contract be awarded to Even - Uhlrich - Staner Co., they being the lowest bidder. Seconded by Councilman Melchior July 21st, 1921 161 Ayes - Councilmen Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney. Nays -None. Absent -Mayor Alderson. Bids for the construction of storm water sewer in Lincoln avenue, from Humboldt street to Kniest street, al- so replacing 8 -inch sanitary sewer from Johnson street to Elm street with a 15 -inch sewer, presented. City Manager Carr made the fol- lowing recommendation: July 20th, 1921. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: In accordance with your instructions given some time ago, bids were received on July 19th, for the construction of various sewers which should be built prior to the improvement of Lincoln ave- nue, which is contemplated next year. Storm 'water sewer in Lincoln avenue from Humboldt street to Kniest street, also replacing 8 -inch sanitary sewer from Johnson street to Elm street with a 15 -inch sewer. The following bids were received: Even - Uhlrich- Staner Co.- Twelve- inch tile, $1.50; 12 -inch concrete, $1.55; 15 -inch tile, $2.24; 15 -inch concrete, $2.24; 18 -inch tile, $2.24; 18 -inch concrete, $2.32; 24 -inch tile, $3.44; 24 -inch concrete, $3.79; man- hole, $15.24; C. B., $14.00; syphon, $24.00. J. J. Leonard - Twelve -inch tile, $1.10; 15 -inch tile, $3.00; 18 -inch tile, $3.50; 24 -inch tile, $5.00; manhole, $30.00; C. B., $30.00; syphon, no ex- tra charge. Kruse Construction Co. - Twelve - inch tile, $2.00; 12 -inch concrete, $2.30; 15 -inch tile, $2.75; 15 -inch con- crete, $3.05; 18 -inch tile, $3.50; 18- inch concrete, $3.80; 24 -inch tile, $4.50; .24 -inch concrete, $4.80; man- hole, $40.00; C. B., $30.00; syphon, $100.00. Anton Zwack - Twelve -inch tile. $2.38; 15 -inch tile, $3.60; 18 -inch tile, $2.84: 24 -inch tile, $3.56; manhole, $30.00; C. B., $18.00; syphon, $50.00. Mankato Construction Co.- Twelve- inch tile, $2.00; 15 -inch tile, $4.00; 18 -inch tile, $3.00; 24 -inch tile, $4.50; manhole, $50.00; C. B., $25.00; sy- phon, $100.00. Oliver Kringle - Twelve -inch tile, tile, $1.65; 12 -inch concrete, $1.95; 15 -inch tile, $4.25; 15 -inch concrete, $4.90; 18 -inch tile, $3.93; 18 -inch concrete, $4.67; 24 -inch tile, $4.95; 24 -inch concrete, $5.95; manhole, $37.00; C. B., $35.00; syphon, $100.00. July 20th, 1921. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Based on the Engineer's estimate of approximate quantities, these bids 162 Special Session, total as follows, using vitrified tile in figuring costs: Even - Uhlrich- Staner oC. .._ 8,192.52 Kruse Construction Co. 11,381.65 Anton Zwack ... ..... 10,155.90 J, J. Leonard 11,735.80 M ankato Construction Cq 12,047.40 Oliver Kringle 15,354,55 I would respectfully recommend that authority be given for the execution qt the contract between the City of Dubuque and Even -Uhl- rich- Staner Co„ as their bid of $8,132„52 is the lowest bid received for this piece of work. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Councilman Brede moved that the recommendation of the City Man- ager be approved and the contract be awarded to Even - Uhlrich- Staner Co., they being the lowest bidder. Carried by the following vote: Ayes - Councilmen Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, tt.oeney. Nays -None. Absent Mayor Alderson. Bids for the construction of a storm water sewer in Lincoln ave- nue from Farley street (formerly Middle street) to Ann street and in Ann street from Lincoln avenue to Lake Peosta, presented. July 20th, 1921. City Manager Carr made the fol- lowing recommendation: City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, bids were received on Tuesday, July 19, for the construc- tion of a storm water sewer in Lin- coln avenue from Farley street (for- merly Middle street) to Ann street and in Ann street from Lincoln ave- nue to Lake peoste. The following bids were received: J. J. Leonard - Twelve -inch tile, $1.50; 15 -inch tile, $2.85; 36 -inch re- inforced concrete, $10.55; 36 -inch concrete pipe, $10.55; 36 -inch seg- ment block, $10.55; 42 -inch concrete pipe, $16.50; 42 -inch segment block, $16,50; 54 -inch concrete pipe, $26.00; 54 -inch segment block, $26.00; 60- inch reinforced concrete pipe, $26.00; 42 -inch corrugated pipe, $32.00; man- hole, $40.00; C. B., $40.00; arch, $30.00; wall, $30.00. Kruse Construction Co. _ Twelve - inch tile, $3.00; 12 -inch concrete, $3.30; 15 -inch tile, $3.50; 15 -inch con- crete, $3.80; 36 -inch segment block, $9.00; 42 -inch segment block, $12.00; 54 -inch segment block, $17.00; 60- inch reinforced concrete. $25.00; 42- inch corrugated pipe, $12.00; man- hole, $60.00; C. B., $30.00; arch, $25.00; wall, $25.00. Anton Zwack - Twelve -inch tile, 83.$5; 15 -inch tile. $4.00; 36 -inch seg- ment block, $12.50; 42 -inch segment July 21st, 1921 block, $14,QQ; 54 -Mob segment Welt, $19.00; 60 -inch reinforced concrete pipe, $30.00; 42 -inch corrugated. pipe, $30,40; man - hole, $36.00; C. „ $13,00; arch, $30.00; wall, $30,00. Mankato Construction Co.: Twelve inch tile, $2,00; 15 -inch tile, $2,50; 36 -inch Segment block, $0.00; 42 -inch segment block, $11.00; 54 -inch seg- ment block, $17.00; 60 -inch reinfpro- ed concrete pipe, $22.00; 42 -inch cor- rugated, $17.00; manholes, $50.00; catch basins, $25.00; arch, $30.00; wall, 328.00. Oliver Kringle: Twelve inch tile, $1.70; 15 -inch tile, $3.00; 12 -inch concrete, $2.00; 15 -inch concrete, $3.50; 36 -inch reinforced concrete, $21.50; 36 -inch concrete, $22.50; 36 -inch segment block, $20.00; 42 -inch reinforced concrete, $25.00; 42 -inch concrete, $23.95; 42 -inch seg- ment block, $21.95; 54 -inch reinforc- ed concrete, $26.50; 54 -inch concrete, $25.00; 54 -inch segment blocks, $23.75; 604teh reinforced concrete, $33.50; 60 -inch reinforced concrete pipe, $29.50; 42 -inch corrugated, $10.00; manholes, $50.00; catch bas- ins, $40.00; arch, $25.00; wall, $25.00 Taking the above unit prices and using their prices given on 12 -inch tile for catch basin connection, 15- inch tile, 36 -ihch segment block, 42, inch segment block, 54 -inch segment block and 60 -inch reinforced con- crete, in any case where quotations were received for more than one material for any part of the work and using the estimate quantities as determined by the City Engineer, the above bids give the following totals for this improvement: Mankato Construction Co $26,707.50 Kruse Construction Co 27,312.50 Anton Zwack J. J. Leonard Oliver Kringle 31,633.50 39,346.50 40,346.50 The Mankato Construction Co. are experienced contractors in this class of work and are now engaged in sim- ilar work in LaCrosse. I would re- spectfully recommend that authority be given for the execution of a con- tract between the City of Dubuque and the Mankato Construction Co., as their bid was the lowest bid re- ceived on this piece of work. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Councilman Rooney moved that the recommendation of the City Man- ager be approved and the contract be awarded to the Mankato Construc- tion Co., they being the lowest bid- der. Seconded by Councilman Mel - chier. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Councilmen Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and Rooney. Nays -None. Absent - Mayor Alderson. Special Session, Communication from the City Mam ager recommending that the neces- sary legislation be prepared and bowls issued, dated August , in order to meet the cost of the three contracts awarded, presented. City Manager Carr made the fol- lowing recommendation: July 20, 1921. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: I have today reported bids on storm water sewers neces- sary to be constructed prior to the improvement of Lincoln Avenue. These bids total $53,087.67. In ad- ditien to this the City is to furnish the catch basin and manhole cast- ings, as well as the brick for use in the construction of catch basins and manholes. The total of these im- provements will therefore amount to $45,000.00, We still have another storm sewer whioh should be built prior to the improvement of Jackson Street, the outlet, of which will be in the Bee Branch Sewer and will be construct- ed in Nineteenth Street at the Bee Branch Sewer •to White Street and in White and Jackson Streets in order to carry the storm water off the streets. The City has built storm water sewers in Jackson Street from Ninth to Eleventh Streets and in Tenth Street from Jackson to White Streets, and in Jackson Street from Eleventh to Thirteenth, in Twelfth Street from Jackson to White Streets, and in Thirteenth Street from Jackson to White Streets. It will also be necessary to con- struct some storm water sewers on the hill district prior to paving cer- tain streets next year. I therefore feel that it will be necessary to is- sue bonds to the amount of $50,000 to take care of these various storm water sewer projects and would rec- ommend that the necessary legisla- tion be prepared and bonds issued and dated August 1st, and disposed of by the City Treasurer from time to time, in order to meet the cost of. the three contracts awarded. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Councilman Brede moved that the recommendation of the City Manager be approved and the City Solicitor be authorized to prepare the neces- sary legislation, authorizing the is- suance of bonds for the payment of said sewers. Seconded by Council- man Melchior. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas - Councilmen Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and Rooney. Nays -None. Absent - Mayor Alderson. July 21st, 1921 163 Cpnnoiln}an Melchior left his peat at 6:30 o'clock. Communication of City Manager Carr, relative to a letter received by him from H. A. Koester, Agent for May ROMP, stating that on the Treasurer's Books he finds that May Rogers is assessed on $6,500.00 on moneys and credits, and as he under, stands it, there would be due on this amount $32.50, but in addition to thip amount the City has assessed her $91.00, which he thinks is an error. He hereby asks the Council to have this corrected, and the Treasurer in- structed to take this amount off his books. Councilman Brede moved that the prayer of the petition be granted and the County Treasurer be notified to cancel the $91.00 personal taxes against May Rogers. Second- ed by Councilman Rooney. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Councilmen Brede, Gabriel and Rooney, Nays -None. Absent - Mayor Alderson and Coun- Gilman Melchior. City Manager Carr made the fol- lowing recommendation: July 20, 1921. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: On June 28th, the petition of Max Reznick, through Walter Koerner, his attorney, acking for a reduction of special assess- ments on Lots 4, 5 and 6, in. Cush - ing's Addition, levied on account of the construction of a sewer and side- walk last year, was referred to the City Manager. The assessments as levied July 22, 1920, on account of the construction of a sewer against these lots are as follows: Lot 4, $91.77; Lot 5, $75.74; Lot 6, $108.20. A further assessment of $46.74 was levied against Lot 4 Oil acccount of the construction of a sewer and turbine gutter. I have as- certained from the City Assessor that these lots are given 011 the city tax books at a value of $200.00 each. A fair valuation to be used in con- nection with special assessments would perhaps be $250.00 each, one - quarter of which, or the amount to be levied for any one assessment would be $62.50. The above state- ment would be true had the peti- tioner protested against the assess- ment on the date of its levy. At that time we should have levied, under the law, only $187.50 against these three lots on account of the sewer, instead of $275.21, which would have been a reduction for Mr. Reznick of $81.28. In view, however, of the fact that this assessment was levied one year ago and that it is impossible for the city to continue to adjust assess- ments indefinitely, I would room- 164 Special Session, July 21st, 1921 mend that the petition be received and filed. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Councilman Brede moved that the recommendation of the City Manag- er be approved and the petition be received and filed, Seconded by Councilman Rooney. Carried by the following vote: Yeas— Councilmen Brede, Gabriel and Rooney. Nays —None. Absent —Mayor Alderson and Coun- cilman Melchior. City Manager Carr made the fol- lowing recommendation: July 20, 1921. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: At the meeting of July 5th, a petition signed by J. H. Rhomberg for the grading of Wall ,Street from the levee front to East Fourth Street, was referred to the City Manager for investigation and report. Our city map shows this particular block to be vacated, but I can find no vacation notice. I, therefore, think the map to be in eror and that this is a dedicated street. The petitioner, J. H. Rhomberg, has paid no city taxes on this proj- erty since 1907. I feel, therefore, that it is not fair and just to the tax- payers of the City of Dubuque to spend any money for the improve- ment of this property until such time as Mr. Rhomberg has cleaned up his account with the city. I would there- fore recommend that the petition be received and filed. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Councilman Rooney moved that the recommendation of the City Man- ager be approved and the petition be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Brede. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel and Rooney. Nays —None. Absent —Mayor Alderson and Coun- cilman Melchior. July 21st, 1921. City Manager Carr made the fol- lowing recommendation: City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Last January a peti- tion, signed by Mrs. Mary J. Doyle, asking for a reduction in special assessment as levied against Lot 306, Woodlawn Addition, on account of the improvement of Delaware ave- nue, was referred to the City Man- ager. Shortly after, I reported to the Council, verbally, on this matter. Mrs. Doyle is not satisfied and for that reason I am reporting again in this connection, in writing. The assessment for the improve- ment of Delaware avenue was levied on October 4, 1919. The assessment against Lot 306 amounted to $127.88. The records show that on February 7, 1919, Mrs. Doyle petitioned the Council for a reduction in this as- sessment, which petition was re- ceived and filed. Mrs. Doyle has paid to date $76.82 on account '+of this improvement, leaving a balance now due of $51.06 with interest from the date of the last payment, which was made Au- gust 28, 1920. Mrs. Doyle also owns the small home, where she lives at 83 St. Mary's street. Undoubtedly had Mrs. Doyle peti- tioned the Council for a reduction in this assessment at the time the as- sessment was levied and taken the other necessary steps in order to protect herself as required by law, she would have been granted a re- duction in her assessment of not less than the balance now due. I am not in position to advise the Council as to the proper policy to pursue in the way of making a re- duction in this assessment at this time. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Councilman Brede moved that the balance due on Mary J. Doyle's as- sessment for the improvement of Delaware avenue, amounting to $51.06 and interest on same from date of last payment, August 29, 1920, he cancelled and the Treasurer be so instructed. Seconded by Coun- cilman Rooney and carried by the following vote: Ayes— Councilmen Brede, Gabriel, Rooney. Nays —None. Absent —Mayor Alderson, Council- man Melchior. July 21st, 1921. City Manager Carr made the fol- lowing recommendation: City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: It is quite necessary that additional water be procured at Eagle Point, as at the present time the production of water is very lit- tle above our actual consumption needs. I have conferred with Mr. Maury in Chicago, with reference to, the best way to increase our supply, arid after discussing the matter with him, I am fully convinced that the logical thing for the City to do is to put in at once say three six -inch driven wells. which will increase our water supply very quickly. As these wells are being driven, a very accurate record will be kept of Special Session, July the nature of the soil through which the drill passes. In this way we will determine as to the location of the best grade of soil, and later if the test shows a satisfactory strata of soil above the hard ground a large diameter well can be put in which will itself practically take care of our present consumption. These shallow wells will go down to a depth of between ninety to a hundred feet and will cost, complete with strainer aria other accessories, about five hundred dollars each. If this proposition meets with the ap- proval of the Council we will ar- range to go ahead with the work in a few days. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Councilman Brede moved that the recommendation of the City Man- ager be approved and the City pro- ceed immediately to drill three shal- low wells. Seconded by Councilman Rooney. Carried by the following vote: Ayes — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel, Rooney. Nays —None. Absent —Mayor Alderson, Council- man Melchior. July 19th, 1921. City Manager Carr made the fol- AS OF JULY, 1921. Mains - 4.88 miles 4 -inch C. I. pipe 43.18 miles 6 -inch C. I. pipe 4.29 miles 8 -inch C. I. pipe 2.35 miles 10 -inch C. I. pipe 4.89 miles 12 -inch C. I. pipe 3.09 miles 16 -inch C. I. pipe miles 20 -inch C. I. pipe .38 miles 24 -inch C. I. pipe .34 miles 1, 2 and 3 -inch Galvanized pipe... Fire H ydrants - 449 6 -inch hydrants Valves and Valve Boxes - 51 4 -inch valves and valve boxes 351 6 -inch valves and valve boxes 23 8 -inch valves and valve boxes 17 10 -inch valves and valve boxes 31 12 -inch valves and valve boxes 5 16 -inch valves and valve boxes 14 20 -inch valves and valve boxes 1 24 -inch valves and valve boxes 21st, 1921 165 lowing recommendation: City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: I am handing you herewith estimated value of the Du- buque City Water Works as of July 1, 1921. This valuation has been worked up very carefully by the Wa- ter Works Superintendent, and I be- lieve it is an accurate and conserva- tive valuation of the plant at this time. I would therefore recommend that this value of $1,119,367 be set by the City Council as the value of the City Water Works Plant, to be used in connection with the determ- ination of the limit of indebtedness of the City. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Councilman Brede moved that the recommendation of the City Man- ager be approved and that a resolu- tion fixing the, actual value of the Dubuque City Water Works at $1,119,367.23 be prepared by the City Solicitor. Seconded by Councilman Rooney. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Councilman Brede, Gabriel, Rooney. Absent —Mayor Alderson, Council- man Melchior. VALUATION OF DUBUQUE CITY WATER WORKS. $ 28,692.75 309,537.80 46,142.62 29,572.95 69,655.03 65,526.00 52,227.84 14,774.28 885.20 $ 948.60 9,030.00 800.40 856.80 1,860.00 516.00 2,352.00 240.00 Standpipe — Standpipe on Delhi street Reservoirs- - West Third., 7,500,000 gal. $120,000.00 Eagle Point, 650,000 gal. 10,400,00 Level, 1,080,000 gal. 10,800.00 West Third Reservoir Cover 36,000.00 $617,014.48 23,050.00 16,603.80 9,200.00 177,200.00 166 Special Session, July 21st, 1921 Buildings — Eagle Point Station 31,799.76 Level Station _._...._......._._ ............ ...._...._...._...._........... 9,070.90 Eighth Street Station ....._...._...._ ................_............... ........_...._..........,...... Pumping Engines and Pumps, Eagle Point — Snow (cost 1913) _....,....._._...._...._ 17,608.00 Holly 14,673.34 Buffalo and pit (cost 1907) 4,600.00 Allis Chalmers Centrifugal .....- 1,000.00 Smedley pumps (1893) 4,600.00 Jackson Centrifugal and 100 H. P. Motor 1,368.00 Reserve Allis Chalmers Steam Engine 4,500.00 Levle Pumps — Prescott Pump and 150 H. P. Motor 8,203.00 Dean Pump and 60 H. P. Motor 2,500.00 Real Estate — Eagle Point 17,400:00 Level 3,800.00 West Third street 10,000.00 Delhi street 2,000.00 Eighth street Station 1,800.00 A Resolution. Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that the act- ual value of the Dubuque City Water Works be and the same is hereby fix- ed and determined at $1.119,367.23; and, Be it Further Resolved that for the purpose of fixing the limit of indebt- edness for the City of Dubuque for the year 1921, that the actual value of the Dubuque City Water Works be fixed and determined at $1.119,- 367.23, which together with the pres- ent legal existing indebtedness shall Mayor. 44,424.61 48,349.34 10,703.00 Eighth Street. Pump — Allis Chalmers Centrifugal Pump, 100 H. P. Motor 2,400.00 2,400.00 Electrical Equipment — Turbine 300 K.W. and Condensor 10,735.00 Generator 75 K.W. and Switch Board 1,200.00 Transmission line E.P. to Level 8,000.00 19,935.00 Miscellaneous machinery 8,310.00 Boiler Plant - 2 126 H. P. Boilers and 1 100 H. P..._ 3,300.00 1 Water tube 3,235.00 i 6,535.00 Smoke Stack 4,650.00 Coal Conveyor 10,000 Steam water and drain pipes 4,241.00 Wells- 4 Artesian ..._ 26,930.00 20 6 -inch Shallow ' 16,000.00 2 12 -inch Shallow 3,073.00 1 8 -ft. well 7,500.00 Level Tunnel 10,098.00 63,601.00 Office Fixtures 33,350.00 .. 1,295.00 Tools 1,295.00 Stock —pipe, hydrants, fittings 9,760.00 Stock hydrants, valves, meter parts, packing 1,005.00 Chlorine equipment . 1,190.00 Automobiles 1,550.00 183,525.00 Grand Total, $1,119,367.23 be the limit of indebtedness for said City of Dubuque. Adopted this 21st day of July, 1921. Signed: M. B. ROONEY, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Rooney. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel and Rooney. Nays —Nons. Absent —Mayor Alderson and Coun- cilman Melchior. A Resolution A resolution declaring the neces- sity for making extensions and im- provements in the Dubuque City Water Works and authorizing and directing the issuance of bonds to pay for the same. Whereas, it is deemed necessary and advisable by the City Council of the City of Dubuque to make exten- sions and improvements in the water works owned and operated by said City, in order to provide water and adequate fire protection to the inha- bitants of said City; and, Whereas, there are no funds avail- able with which to make or cause to be made such extensions and im- provements; Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That in order to pay for the mak- ing of necessary extensions and im- provements in the water works of said City, there is hereby authorized and directed to be issued water works bonds in the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) and bearing interest at the rate of Five Per Cent (5%) Per Annum, payable semi- annually, the form of such bonds as well as the maturity there- of to be determined as provided for in an ordinance regularly passed by the City Council pursuant hereto. Be it further resolved, that the Mayor be and he is hereby authoriz- ed to sign said bonds on behalf of said City of Dubuque and act in all things as provided for in said ordi- nance and the Clerk shall affix his signature to said bonds as directed under said ordinance. Dated this 21st day of July, 1921. Adopted this 21st day of July, 1921. Signed: Mayor. M. B. ROONEY, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Rooney. Carried by the following vote: Yeas— Councilmen Brede, Gabriel and Rooney. Nays —None. Absent —Mayor Alderson and Coun- cilman Melchior. Special Session July 21st, 1921 167 ORDINANCE NUMBER 103 An Ordinance providing for the is- suance of bonds by the sale of which to raise money to pay for extensions and improvements in the water works owned and operated by the City of Dubuque, prescribing the form of bond to be issued and pro- viding the method of redeeming such bonds at maturity, presented. Coun- cilman Brede moved that this be con- sidered the first reading of the Ordi- nance. Seconded by Councilman Rooney. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel and Rooney. Nays —None. Absent —Mayor Alderson and Coun- cilman Melchior. AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE .ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON WEST SEVEN- TEENTH STREET, FROM THE WEST CURB LINE OF CATHER- INE STREET TO THE EAST CURB LINE OF COX STREET. Be it ordained by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That an ordinance es -. tablishing a grade on West Seven- teenth street, from the west curb line of Catherine street to the east curb line of Cox street, be and the same is hereby established and adopted as shown by the profile prepared by the City Engineer, being profile No. 1026. B. M. on the door sill of 223 West Locust street, elevation 69.82. Said grade begins at station 0, west curb line of Catherine street, south curb elevation 123.1; thence to station 0+15, west curb line of Catherine street, north curb eleva- tion 124.6; thence to station 0 +50, south curb elevation 127.8, north curb elevation 128.2; thence to sta- tion 2+10, west alley line, south curb elevation 150.9; thence to sta- tion 3, south curb elevation 166.7, north curb elevation 166.4; thence to station 3 +60, east curb line of Pierce street, south curb elevation 173.5, north curb elevation 173.4; thence to station 3+90, west curb line of Pierce street, south curb ele- vation 177, north curb elevation 176.8; thence to station 4 +50, south curb elevation 181.5, north curb ele- vation 181.5; thence to station 5, south curb elevation 184.3, north curb elevation 184.3; thence to sta- tion 5+50, south curb elevation 185.8, north curb elevation 185.8; thence to station 6, south curb ele- vation 186.2, north curb elevation 186.2; thence to station 6 +50, south curb elevation 185.9, north curb ele- vation 185.9; thence to station 7, south curb elevation 185, north curb elevation 185; thence to station 7 +65, east property line Cox street, 168 Special Session July 21st, 1921 south curb elevation 181, north curb elevation 181. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect 10 days from and after its final passage and adoption by the City Council and its publica- tion in the official newspapers. Passed first reading July 5th, 1921. Passed second reading July 21st, 1921. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Approved: L. H. BREDE, M. B. ROONEY, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Councilmen Brede moved the ad- option of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Rooney. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel and Rooney. Nays —None. Absent —Mayor Alderson and Coun- cilman Melchior. AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON BLUFF STREET, FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF EIGHTH STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF TWELFTH STREET•AND ON BLUFF STREET FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF FOURTEENTH STREET TO A POINT 498 FEET NORTH. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1, That an ordinance es- tablishing a grade on Bluff street, • from the north property line of Eighth street to the south property line of Twelfth street and on Bluff street from the north property line of Fourteenth street to a point 498 feet north, be and the same is here- by established and adopted as shown by Profile No. 1025 as prepared by the City Engineer. B. M. on the water table at the northwest corner of Eleventh and Main streets, eleva- tion 49.03. Said grade begins at the north property line of Eighth street, which is station 0, east curb elevation 6.36, west curb elevation 64.8; thence to station 1 +80, south curb line of Rob- inson street, east curb elevation 6.35; thence to station 2, north curb line of Robinson street, east curb elevation 63.5; thence to station 2 +57, the south property line of Ninth street, east curb elevation 62.6, west curb elevation 63.2; thence to station 3 +21, north property line of Ninth street, east curb elevation 62.4, west curb elevation 63.1; thence to station 5 +78.6, south property line of Tenth street, east curb elevation 62.25, west curb elevation 63.05; thence to station 6 +42.6 north, prop- erty line of Tenth street, east durb elevation 62.7, west curb eleva- tion 63.4; thence to station 9, south property line of Eleventh street, east curb elevation 68.2, west curb elevation 69.2; thence to station 9+64, north property line of Elev- enth street, east curb elevation 69.3, west curb elevation 69.9; thence to , station 12+20.04, south property line of Twelfth street, east curb eleva- tion 71.2, west curb elevation 71.7; thence to station 0, the north prop- erty line of Fourteenth street, east curb elevation 77.7, west curb eleva- tion 78.8; thence to station 2 +70, the south property line of Fifteenth street, east curb elevation 73.5, west curb elevation 75; thence to station 3 +34, north property line of Fif- teenth street, east curb elevation 72.8, west curb elevation 73.9; thence to station 4+98, the end of the brick pavement, east curb elevation 69.9, west curb elevation 71.1. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect ten days from and after its final passage by the City Council and its publication in the official newspapers. Passed first reading July 5, 1921. Passed second reading July 21, 1921. Attest: JOHN STUBER, Approved: City Clerk. M. B. ROONEY, L. H. BREDE, THEO, GABRIEL, 7 -22 -1t Councilmen. Councilman Brede moved the ad- option of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Rooney. Carried by the following vote: Ayes — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel and Rooney. Nays —None. Absent - -Mayor Alderson and Coun- cilman Melchior. Notice, certified to by the publish- er, of special assessment for con- structing a sanitary sewer in Chest- nut street from the end of the pres- ent sewer westerly for a distance of about 200 feet, presented. Wm. Sin - grin, contractor. Councilman Brede moved to re- ceive and file the notice. Seconded by Councilman Rooney. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Councilman Brede, Gabriel and Rooney. Nays —None. Absent —Mayor Alderson and Coun- cilman Melchior. Notice, certified to by the publish- er, of special assessment for the con- struction of a sanitary sewer in the alley between Locust and Bluff streets, from the sewer in Dodge street to a point about 75 feet south of Jones street, presented. Councilman Brede moved that the notice be received and filed. Sec- onded by Councilman Rooney. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas — Councilman Brede, Gabriel, Rooney. Nays — None. Absent —Mayor Alderson, Council- man Melchior. Remonstrance against the assess- ment levied against the property of James Allen for said sewer, stating that he had already paid' for a san- itary sewer in South Bluff street, presented. Councilman Brede moved that the remonstrance be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Rooney. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel, Rooney. Nay s —None. Absent- -Mayor Alderson, Council- man Melchior. Remonstrance of Mary A. Halpin, stating that she is the owner of City Lot 589 in the City of Dubuque, Ia., against which the City Council in- tends to levy a special assessment for the construction of a sanitary rower in the alley between Locust and Bluff streets, from the sewer in Dodge street to a point about 75 feet south of Jones street. Said assess- ment to be levied against said lot and Thos. Robinson et al, as owners thereof, as per assessment plat on file in the office of the City Clerk. That she hereby remonstrates and objects to the levy of said assess- ment for the following reasons: (1) Because said Lot abuts Bluff Street in said City in which street there is now a sanitary sewer for which said Lot has been assessed, and which sewer is in a serviceable condition, and serviceably sufficient to serve said Lot. (2) Because said assessment con- templated is not based upon the ben - efit derived by the property sought to be assessed, and is, therefore, il- legal and void. (3) Because the sewer abutting said Lot in Bluff Street is amply suf- ficient to serve said Lot and build- ings located thereon, or buildings which may be erected thereon, and the sewer for which said assessment is contemplated is not beneficial to said Lot or necessary therefor. (4) Because said assessment contemplated against said Lot for said sewer in said alley designated, shall be in so made, in the nature of a double assessment for an unneces- sary "improvement" and shall be rea- son thereof be illegal and void. (5) Because the use if any, which said Lot could, or would, derive from said alleged sewer so constructed in said alley designated, would be sup- erfluous, as the said sewer in Bluff Special Session, July 21st, 1921 169 Street is sufficient for said Lot. Respectfully submitted, MARY A. HALPIN, Remonstrant. Councilman Brede moved that the remonstrance be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Rooney. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel and Rooney. Nays— None. Absent —Mayor Alderson and Coun- cilman Melchior. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing a 6 -inch tile sanitary sewer in the alley between Locust Street and Bluff Street, from sewer in Dodge Street to a point about 75 feet south of Jones Street, by Even - Uhlrich- Staner Co., Contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Key City Gas Co., City Lot 584, interest at 6 %, 53c; 50 lin. ft. 6 -inch tile pipe and manholes at $1.21765, $60.88; extra expense at .43826%, $2.68 $ 64.09 James Allen, City Lot 586, interest at 6 %, 79c; 75 lin. ft. 6 -inch tile pipe and man- holes at $1.21765, $91.32; ex- tra expense at .43826 %, $4.00 96.11 James Allen, City Lot, S /2 Lot 587, interest at 6 %, 79c; 75 lin. ft. 6 -inch tile pipe and manholes at $1.21765, $91.32; extra expense at .43826 %, $4.00 96.11 J. J. Robinson, City Lot, S. 1 /2 Lot 588, interest at 6 %, 40c; 37.5 lin. ft. 6 -inch tile pipe and manholes at $1,21765, $45.67; extra expense at .43826 %, $2.00 48.07 J. J. Robinson, City Lot, N. 1 /2 Lot 588, interest at 6 %, 40c; 37.5 lin. ft. 6 -inch tile pipe and manholes at $1,21765, $45.67; extra expense at .43826 %, $2.00 48.07 Thos. Robinson, et al., City Lot 589, interest at 6 %, 79c; 75 lin. ft. 6 -inch tile pipe and manholes, at $1,21765, $91.32; extra expense at .43826 %, $4.00 96.11 Wm. Houpes, City Lot 590, Lot 2, interest at 6 %, 79c; 75 lin. ft. 6 -inch tile pipe and manholes at 41.21765, $91.32; extra expense at .43826 %, $4.00 96.11 Total $544.67 170 Special Session, July 21st, 1921 473.6 lin. ft. 6 -inch tile pipe at 89c per lin. ft. $421.50 2 manholes at $48.00 per man- hole 96.00 Interest at 6% 4.49 Extra expense at .43826 %.....- •••••• 22.68 Total $544.67 All of which is assessed in propor- tion to the special benefits conferred. Adopted —July 21, 1921. Approved —July 21, 1921. Mayor. M. B. ROONEY, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Rooney. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel and Rooney. Nays —None. Absent — Mayor Alderson and Coun- cilman Melchior. A Resolution. Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that the previous action taken by the City Council, ordering the levying of a special assessment to pay for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Chestnut Street, from the end of the present sewer, westerly for a dis- tance of about 200 feet, be and the same is hereby rescinded, and the Engineer is hereby instructed to pre- pare a schedule showing the assess- ments proposed to be made against all property subject to assessment and proper notices published of the time when such assessments will be levied. Adopted July 21, 1921. Signed: Mayor. THEO. GABRIEL, L. H. BREDE, M. B. ROONEY, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Rooney. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel and Rooney. Nays —None. Absent —Mayor Alderson and Coun- cilman Melchior. A Resolution. Whereas, the contract heretofere entered into by the City of Dubuque for the construction of a sanitary sewer in thhe alley between Locust Street and Bluff street hereinafter described has been completed and thhe City Engineer has computed theh cost and expense of said im- provement amounts to $544.67; Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that to provide for the cost of con- structing a sanitary sewer in the alley between Locust Street and Bluff Street from thhe present sew- er in the alley between Dodge Street to a point about seventylfive feet South of James Street, there be issued sewer bonds to the amount of $544.67, Said bonds shall be is- sued under the provisions of Chap- ter 8, Title V of the Code of Iowa and the amendments thereto, shall bear date as of thhe 20 th day of August A. D. 1921, shall be in theh denominations og $100.00 each, ex- cept that there shall be one bond to the amount of $44.67; they shall be numbered from 6784 to 6789 inclu- sive, and shall be divided into six series of which the bond numbered 6784 shall constitute the first ser- ies;; and shall be payable on thhe first day of April A. D., 1922; the bond numbered 6785 shall consti- tute the second series and shall be payable on the first day of April A. D. 1923; the bond numbered 6786 shall constitute the third series and shall be payable on the first day of April A. D., 1924; the bond num- bered 6787 shall constitute the fourth series and shalll be payable on the first day of April A. D., 1925; the bond numbered 6788 shall consti- tute the fifth series and shall be payable on thhe first day of April A. D. 1926; and the bond numbered 6789 shall constitute the sixth ser- ies and shall be payable on the first day of April A. D. 1928. Said bonds shall bear interest at the rate of five per cent per an- num which interest shall be pay- able semi- annually, in accordance with the terms of the coupons there- to attached; and said bonds shall be payable out of the proceeds of the special assessment levied for said improvement. Both principal and interest shall be payable at the oce of the City Treasurer in the City of Dubuque. Said bonds shall be substantially in the following form: No. $100.00 Series No CITY OF DUBUQUE SEWER BOND The City of Dubuque in the State of Iowa promises to pay as herein- after mentioned to the bearer here- of, on theh first day of April A. D. 19.... or at any time before that date, at the option of the City, the sum of One Hundred ($100.00 dollars with interest thereon at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable on the presentation and surrender of the interest coupon hereto attached. Both principal and interest are pay- able at the office of the City Treas- urer in the City of Dubuque in the State of Iowa. This bond is issued by the City of Dubuque persuant to and by virtue of Chapter 8, Title V of thhe Code of Iowa and amend- ment thereto, and in accordance with a resolutions of the City Coun- cil of said City, duly passed on the 21st day of July A. D. 1921. This bond is one of a series of six bonds, five for One Hundred Dollars each, numbered 6784 to 6788 both inclu- sive and one for Forty -four and 67 -100 dollars, numbered 6789 all of like tenor and date, and issued for the purpose of defraying the cost of constructing a sanitary sewer in the alley between Locust Street and Bluff Street from the present sewer in Dodge Street to a point about seventy -five feet South of James Street, and described in said resolu- tion; which cost is assessable and levied along said improvement, and is made by law a lien on all abutting or adjacent property, and payable in seven annual installments, with interest on all defered payments at the rate of five per cent per annum, and this bond is payable only out of the money derived from the collec- tion of said special tax, and said money can be used for no other pur- pose. And it is hereby certified and re- cited that all the acts and condition and things required to be done pre- cedent to and in the issuing of this series of bonds, have been done happened and performed in regular and due form as required by said law and resolution; and for the as- sessments, collections and payment hereon of said special tax, thhe faith and diligence of said City of Du- buque are hereby irrevocably pledged. In witness whereof the City of Du- buque by its City Council, has caused this bond to be signed by its Mayor and countersigned by its City Clerk, with the seal of said City a..xed this 20 day of August, A. D. 1921. Countersigned (SEOL) City Clerk FORM OF COUPON On the day of A. D., 19...., the City of Dubuque, Iowa, Special Session, July 21st, 1921 Mayor 171 protises to pay to the bearer, as provided in the bond the sum of at the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Dubuque being months interest due that day on its bond No dated December 20th, 1921. Mayor Countersigned City Clerk Be it further resolved that the Mayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby instructed to cause said bonds to be prepared and when so prepared to execute said bonds; and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to register said bonds in a book to be kept by him for that purpose, and to then deliver them to the City Treasurer who will also duly register them in a book to be kept by him for that purpose. Be it further resolved that the City Treasurer be and he is here- by instructed to sell said bonds in the manner provided for in Section 845 of the Code of Iowa, the pro- ceeds of said sale to be kept in a special fund to be known as Sewer Fund. Adopted: July 21st, 1921. Approved: M. B. ROONEY, L. H. BREDE, THEO GABRIEL. Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Rooney. Carried by the following vote. Ayes— Councilmen Brede, Gabriel, Rooney. Nays —None. Absent, Mayor Alderson, Council- man Melchoir. City Solicitor Czizek reported re- ported verbally that Geo. D. Lyon, Attorney for a Mr. Lightfoot, who was injured by falling on defective sidewalk on 6th street, offers to make a settlement with the City for $750.00 stating that in his opinion the claim was a just one and should it be taken into Court the City would probably be found liable. Councilman Brede moved that the City Solicitor be given power to set- tle this case and report back to the Council. Seconded by Councilman, Rooney. Carried by the following vote: Ayes — Councilmen Brede, Gabriel, Rooney. Nays —None. Absent, Mayor Alderson, Council- man Melchoir. The following bonds were pre- 172 Special Session, July 25th, 1921 sented, and on recommendation of \the City Solicitor, they being prop- erly executed, were ordered re- ceived and filed. Bond of Edel 011er for the operation of a display sign. Irwin R. Seubert, Plumbers bond. T. W. Ruete Drug Co. Bond for operating a display sign. Councilman Brede moved that the bonds being properly executed be re- ceived and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Rooney. Carried by the following vote: Ayes— Councilman Brede, Gabriel, Rooney. Nays —None. Absent Mayor Alderson, Council- man Melchoir. Councilman Brede moved to ad- journ. Carried. ' JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Adopted: Approved: Councilmen Attest: City Clerk. CITY COUNCIL (Official) Special session July 25th, 1921. Meeting called by order of Mayor Council met at 4:30 P. M. Mayor Alderson in the chair. Present, City Manager Carr, May- or Alderson, Councilmen, Brede, Ga- briel, Melchior. Absent, Councilman Rooney. Mayor Alderson read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and this meeting is call- ed for the purpose of considering for passage the resolution of necessity for constructing a sanitary sewer in Elm street from 20th to 21st street, and acting on any other business that mikht come before a regular meeting of the City Council. Notice of publication of resolution of necessity, certified by the publish- er, that it be deemed necessary and advisable to construct a 6 inch tile sanitary sewer in Elm street from 20th street to 21st street. Present- ed. There was no remonstrance. Councilman Brede moved that the notice be received and filed. Se- conded by Councilman Gabriel. Carried by theh following voter Ayes —Mayor Alderson, Council- men, Brede, Gabriel, Melchoir. Nays —None. Absent, Councilman Rooney. Resolution of Necessity of Sewer. Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that it be deemed necessary and advisable to construct a sanitary sewer in Elm Street; a 6 -inch tile sanitary sewer in Elm sereet from the sewer in 20th street to 21st street. Said sewer to be provided with manholes and any other appurten- ances that may be necessary. Said sewer to be constructed in accordance with the plans and spec- ifications prepared by the City Engin-. eer and now on file in the office of the City Clerk having been duly ap- proved by the City Manager and sub- mitted to the State Board of Health for its approval. That the cost and expense of mak- ing and constructing said sanitary sewer 'shall be assessed against the property abutting upon the same and also against all adjacent property benefitted thereby. Be it further resolved that the above and foregoing sanitary sewer is hereby proposed to be constructed as hereinbefore set forth, and that this proposed resolution except this paragraph, be and the same is here- by set down for further and final hearing, consideration and determi- nation at a meeting of the City Coun- cil to be held July 25th, 1921 at 4:30 o'clock P. M., and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to cause notice of the above resolution, and of the time and place when and where said proposed resolution will be considered for passage, and ob- jections to the passage thereof and to the construction of said sanitary sewer heard, to be given by publi- cation in the official newspapers of the City of Dubuque in the manner and for the time provided by law. The above resolution was approved and ordered placed on file for final action, and notice of the pendency thereof ordered given this 5th day of July, 1921. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, HARLAN G. MELCHIOR, M. B. ROONEY, THEO. GABRIEL, L. H. BREDE, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. The foregoing resolution of neces- sity was adopted and passed by the City Council and approved this 25th day of July, 1921. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, HARLAN J. MELCHIOR, 4 Councilmen. There being no remonstrance Coun- cilman Brede moved that the reso- lution be adopted. Seconded by Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Gabriel, Melchior, Brede. Nays —None. Absent, Councilman Rooney. A Resolution. Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that pursu- ant to a resolution of Necessity, pro- posed at a meeting of this Council on the 5th day of July, 1921 and duly passed and approved on the 25th day of July, 1921, it is hereby order- ed that the improvement described in said resolution of Necessity pro- viding for the construction of a six inch tile sanitary sewer in Elm street from 20th street to 21st street. be and the same is hereby ordered con- structed. Be it further resolved that the City Clerk be and he is hereby in- structed to advertise for proposals for the construction of the improve- ment above described, the said im- provement to be constructed in strict accordance with the plans and speci- Special Session, Jtily 25th, 1921 173 fications thereof, prepared by the City Engineer, and approved by City Manager and submitted to the State Board of Health for its approval, and now on file in the office of the City Clerk, the work to be completed on or before the 1st day of October, 1921. The cost and expense os said work as is by law assassable against the property abutting upon or adjacent to said improvement will be asses- sed and payment will be made to the contractor to the amount of the as- sessment out of the funds to be created by the sale of sewer bonds, to be issued in anticipation of the collection of said special assessment under the provisions of Chapter 8 Title V of the Code of Iowa, and amendments thereto; and any defic- iency between the amount of the contract price and the amount of said bonds will be paid from the pro- ceeds of a special tax to be levied under the provisions of Section 831 of the Code of Iowa, in anticipation of which bonds will be issued under the provisions of Section 912 of the Code of Iowa and Section 912A of the Code Supplement. This reso- lution being deemed of immediate necessity shall be in force and ef- fect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication as required by law. Adopted: July 25, 1921. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, HARLAN G. MELCHIOR, THEO. GABRIEL, L. H. BREDE, Councilmen Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Gabriel moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Brede. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men, Brede, Gabriel, Melchior. Nays, None. Absent, Councilman Rooney. Councilman Rooney entered at 4:40 o'clock and took his seat. Petition of Lentz and Neuwohmer, stating that they have been assessed for personal taxes for 1920 on a $700.00 valuation amounting to $9.80 this according to the report of the assessor had already been assessed to and paid by Ed Lentz, therefore it is an error and a double assess- ment and should be corrected. Councilman Gabriel moved that the taxes $9.80 to Lentz and Neuwohner be cancelled and the County Treas- urer be so instructed. Seconded by Councilman Brede. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- 1st day of September, 1921, such no- tice to be served by the Chief of Po- lice or a police officer and in the event of his failure to comply with this notice in the time set forth the Chief of the Fire Department shall be notified to remove or abate such building at once, and to asses the cost and expense of such work against the property. Adopted July 25th, 1921. Approved July 25th, 1921. JAMES ALDERSON, HARLAN G. MELCHIOR, M. B. ROONEY, THEO. GABRIEL, L. H. BREDE, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Melchior moved to adopt the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Brede. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney. Nays —None. A Resolution. Whereas, on July 6th, 1921, a reso- lution instructing Mrs. Harry Troy, the owner of tthe building on E. 20 ft. of E. 40 ft. of City lot 84, situated on the South side of 2nd. street to remove said structure by the 23rd day of July, 1921, or to appear be- fore the City Council on the 25th day of July, 1921 and show reason if any there be, why such structure should not be removed, and Whereas, said Mrs. Harry Troy has appeared before this Council and set forth his reasons why such build- ing should not be removed, and as a matter of public safety the same Whereas, this Council feels that should be removed without further delay, now therefore, Be it resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that said Mrs. Harry Troy be given notice to remove such building on or before the 1st day of September, 1921, such notice to be served by the Chief of Police or a police officer and in the event of his failure to comply with this notice in the time set forth the Chief of the Fire Department shall be notified to remove or abate such building at once, and to assess the cost and expense of such work against the property. Adopted July 25th, 1921. Approved July 25th, 1921. JAMES ALDERSON, HARLAN G. MELCHIOR, THEO. GABRIEL, M. B. ROONEY, L. H. BREDE, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Special Session, July 25th, 1921 175 Councilman Melchior moved to adopt the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Brede. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men, Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney. Nays —None. - The matter of thhe building, on City lot 195 owned by the Dubuque Hotel Co. and condemned by the Chief of the Fire Department was brought before the Council. The Chief reported that the Hotel Co. is repairing the building at the pres- ent time. Action deferred for in- vestigation. A Resolution. Whereas, on July 6th, 1921, a reso- lutioft instructing International Har- vester Co., the owner of the build- ing on Lott W. % Block 10 sub 1, Dubuque Harbor Co.'s Add., situated on the E. side of South Main street, to remove said structure by the 23rd day of July, 1921 or to appear before the City Council on the 25th day of July, 1921 and show reason if any there be, why such structure should not be removed, and Whereas, said International Har- vester Co. has appeared before this Council and set forth his reasons why such building should not be re- moved, and Whereas, this Council feels that as a matter of public safety the same should be removed without further delay, now therefore, Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that said In- ternational Harvester Co. be given notice to remove such building on or before the 15th day of August, 1921, such notice to be served by the Chief of Police or a police officer and in the event of his failure to com- ply with this notice in the time set forth the Chief of the Fire Depart- ment shall be notified to remove or abate such building at once, and to assess the cost and expense of such work against the property. Adopted July 25, 1921. Approved July 25th, 1921. JAMES ALDERSON, HARLAN G. MELCHIOR, THEO. GABRIEL, M. B. ROONEY, L. H. BREDE, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved to adopt the resolution. Seconded by Council- man Melchior. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men, Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney. Nays —None. 174 Special Session, July 25th, 1921 men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney. Nays —None. Communication of Warren Bros., stating that the prices to all con- tractors bidding on the Bluff street improvement, for asbestos bitulithic pavement will be 95 cents per square yard. Councilman Brede moved to re- ceive and file the communication. Seconded by Councilman Melchior. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney. Mays —None. A Resolution Whereas, on July 6th, 1921, a reso- lution, instructing A. W. Kemler Es- tate, the owner of the building on City lot 28 situated on the East side of Cenaral avenue to remove said structure by the 23rd day of July, 1921 or to appear •before the City Council on the 25th day of July, 1921 and show reason if any there be, why such structure should not be re- moved, and Whereas, said A. W. Kemler Es- tate has appeared before this Coun- cil and set forth his reasons why such building should not be removed, and Whereas, this Council feels that as a matter of public safety the same should be removed without further delay, now therefore, Be it resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that said A. W. Kemler Estate be given no- tice to be served by the Chief of Po- lice or a polic officer and in the event of his failure to comply with this notice in the time set forth the Chief of the Fire Department shall be notified to remove or abate such building at once, and to assess the cost and expense of such work against the property. Adopted July 21st, 1921. Approved July 21st, 1921. JAMES ALDERSON, HARLAN G. MELCHIOR, THEO. GABRIEL, M. B. ROONEY, L. H. BREDE, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Melchior moved to adopt the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Brede. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney. Nays —None. A Resolution. Whereas, the building situated on the rear of 678 Central Avenue, in the City of Dubuque and owned by J. H. Rhomberg being further as S. 8" City lot 289 -289A and lot 290 has been investigated by the Chief of the Fire Department, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has found said building to be in a dangerous and hazardous con- dition and a menace to public life and property, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has reported the conditions as existing, now therefore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that J. H. Rhomberg, owner of the building on S. 8" of City lot 289 -289A and lot 290 situatied on theh S. Cor. of of 678, Central avenue be notified to re- move the above descrobed building by the 12th day of August, 1921, or to appear before the City Council on the 12th day of August, 1921, at 4:30 p. m., and show reason if any there be why said building should not be removed. Beit further resolved that a writ- ten notice of the passage of this reso- lution together with a copy of the same be served on J. H. Rhomberg by the Chief of Police or a police officer appointed by him. Adopted July 25th, 1921. Approved July 25th, 1921. JAMES ALDERSON, HARLAN G. MELCHIOR, THEO. GABRIEL, M. B. ROONEY, L. H. BREDE, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN, STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Melchior moved to adopt the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Brede. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney. Nays —None. A Resolution Whereas, on July 6th, 1921, a reso- lution instructing J. H. Rhomberg, the owner of the building on the East side of Iowa street situated on the City lot 223 t oremove said structure by the 23rd day of July, 1921, or to appear before the City Council on the 23rd day of July, 1921 and show reason if any there be, why such structure should not be removed, and Whereas, said J. H. Rhomberg has appeared before this Council and set forth his reasons why such building should not be removed, and Whereas, this Council feels that as a matter of public safety the same should be removed without further delay, now therefore, Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that said J. H. Rhomberg be given notice to re- move such building on or before the 176 Special Session, July 25th, 1921 Action on the building of Mrs. Fri - dolin Heer situated on the West side of Central Avenue (No. 507) which was condemned, it being in a danger- ous and dilapidated condition, was deferred. A Resolution. Whereas, on July 6th, 1921, a reso- lution instructing Geo. Marshall, the owner of the building on Lot 7 of Wi /2 of Block 1 Dubuque Harbor Co.'s Add., situated on the E. side of South Main street to remove said structure by -the 23rd day of July, 1921 or to appear before the City Council on the 25th day of July, 1921 and show reason if any there be, why such structure should not be removed, and Whereas, said Geo. Marshall has appeared before this Council and set forth his reasons why such building should not be removed, and Whereas, this Council feels that as a matter of public safety the same should be removed without further delay, now therefore, Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that said Geo. Marshall be given notice to re- move such building on or before the 1st day of September, 1921, such no- tice to be served by the Chief of Police or a police officer and in the event of his failure to comply with this notice in the time set forth the Chief of the Fire Department shall be notified to remove or abate such building at once, and to assess the cost and expense of such work against the property. Adopted July 25th, 1921. Approved July 25th, 1921. JAMES ALDERSON, HARLAN G. MELCHIOR, THEO. GABRIEL, M. B. ROONEY, L. H. BREDE, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Gabriel moved to \adopt the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Brede. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men, Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney. Nays -None. A Resolution. Whereas, on July 5th, 1921, a reso- lution instructing D. E. Lyon Estate, the owner of the building in Lot 10 Lorimier's Sub and the E 14' of lot 6 Central add. situated on the North side of Robinson street to remove said structure by the 21st day of July, 1921, o rto appear before the City Council on the 21st day of July 1921, and show reason if any there be, why such structure should not be removed, and Whereas, said D. E. Lyon Estate has appeared before this Council and set forth his reasons why such build- ing should not be removed, and Whereas, this Council feels that/ as a matter of public safety the same should be removed without fur - ther delay, now therefore, Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that said D. E. Lyon Estate be given notice to re- move such building on or before the 1st day of September, 1921, such no- tice to be served by the Chief of Po- lice or a police officer and in the event of his failure to comply with this notice in the time set forth the Chief of the Fire Department shall be notified to remove or abate such building at once, and to assess the cost and expense of such work against the property. Adopted July 25, 1921. Approved July 26, 1921. JAMES ALDERSON, HARLAN G. MELCHIOR, THEO. GABRIEL, M. B. ROONEY, L. H. BREDE, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Gabriel moved to adopt the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Brede. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney. Nays -None. A Resolution. Whereas, the building situated on 578 Central Avenue, in the City of Dubuque and owned by M. Riley Esi tate, being further described as City lot 294 has been investigated by the Chief of the Fire Department, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has found said building to be in a dangerous and hazardous condition and a menace to public life and property, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has reported the conditions as existing, now therefore, Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that Mary Riley Estate owner of the building on City Lot 294 situated on the 578 Central Ave., be notified to remove the above described building by the 1st day of September, 1922 or to ap- pear before the City Council on the 1st Tuesday in September, 1922, at 4:30 p. m., and show reason if any there be why said building should not be removed. Be it further resolved that a writ- ten notice of the passage of this reso- lution together with a copy of the same be served on Mary Riley Estate by the Chief of Police or a police officer appointed by him. Adopted July 25, 1921. Approved July 25, 1921. JAMES ALDERSON, HARLAN G. MELCHIOR, THEO. GABRIEL, M. B. ROONEY, L. H. BREDE, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, C ity Clerk. Temporary repairs as outlined to be made and to be approved by the City Engineer. - Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Councilmen Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney. Councilman Brede moved to adopt the resolution. Seconded by Coun- cilmen Gabriel. Carried by the fol- lowing vote : Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Brede, Ga- briel, Melchior, Rooney. Nays -None. A Resolution. Whereas, the building situated on 600 Main street, in the City of Du- buque and owned by Fred Weigel Estate, being further described as S 44ft. of City lot 21 has been investi- gated by the Chief of the Fire De- partment, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has found said building to be in a dangerous and hazardous con- dition . and a menace to public life and property, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has reported the conditions as existing, now therefore Be it resolved by the City •Council of the City of Dubuque that Fred Weigel Estate, owner of the build- ing on S. 44 ft, of City lot 21 situated on the 600 Main street, be notified to remove the obove described build- ing by the 12th day of August, 1921, or to appear before the City Coun- cil on the 12th day of August, 1921, at 4:30 p. m., and hsow reason if any there be why said building should not be removed. Be it further resolved that a writ- ten notice of the passage of this reso- lution together with a copy of the same be served on Fred Weigel Es- tate by the Chiew of Police or a po- lice officer appointed by him. Adopted July 25, 1921. Approved July 25, 1921. JAMES ALDERSON, M. B. ROONEY, THEO. GABRIEL, HARLAN G. MELCHIOR, L. H. BREDE, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved to adopt the resoltion. Seconded by Council- Special Session, July 25th, 1921 177 man Melchior. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Councilmen Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney. Nays -None. A Resolution. Whereas, the building situated on Fifth and White Streets, in the City of Dubuque and owned by Kassler Hide & Fur Co., being further de- scribed as City Lots 308, 309 and 310, has been investigated by the Chief of the Fire Department; and, Whereas, the Chief of the Fire Department has found said building to be in a dangerous and hazardous condition and a menace to public life and property; and, Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has reported the conditions as existing; now, therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that Kassler Hide & Fur Co., owner of the build- ing on City Lots 308, 309 and 310, situated on the Fifth and White Streets, be notified to remove the above described building by the 12th day of August, 1921, or to appear be- fore the City Council on the 12th day of August, 1921, at 4:30 P. M., and show reason, if any there be, why said building should not be re- moved. Be it further Resolved, that a writ- ten •notice of the passage of this reso- lution together with a copy of the same be served on Kassler Hide & Fur Co. by the Chief of Police or a police officer appointed by him. Adopter -July 25, 1921. Approved -July 25, 1921. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. HARLAN G. MELCHIOR, THEO. GABRIEL, M. B. ROONEY, L. H. BREDE, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved to adopt the resolution. Seconded by Council- man Melchior. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Ayes -Mayor Alderson, Council- . - men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and Rooney. Nays -None. A Resolution. Whereas, the building situated on rear of 1332 Central Avenue, in the City of Dubuque and owned by Vic- toria Simones, being further describ- ed as Sub. 4, of the S. 2 -5 of City Lot 444, Lot 1, has been investigated by the Chief of the Fire Department; and, Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has found said building to be in a dangerous and hazardous 178 Special Session, July 25th, 1921 condition and a menace to public life and property; and, Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has reported the conditions as existing; now, therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that Victoria Simones, owner of the building on Sub. 4, of the S. 2 -5 of City Lot 444, Lot 1, situated on the rear of 1332 Central Avenue, be notified to re- move the above described building by the 12th day of August, 1921, or to appear before the City Council on the 12th day of August, 1921, at 4:30 P. M., and show reason, if any there be, why said building should not be removed. Be it further resolved that a writ- ten notice of the passage of this reso- lution together with a copy of the same be served on Victoria Simones by the Chief of Police or a police of- ficer appointed by him. Adopted -July 25, 1921. Approved -July 25, 1921. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. HARLAN G. MELCHIOR, THEO. GABRIEL, M. B. ROONEY, L. H. BREDE, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Melchior moved to adopt the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Brede. Carried by the following vote: Ayes -Mayor Alderson, Council men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and Rooney. Nays -None. A Resolution. Whereas, the building situated on 38 South Locust Street, in the City of Dubuque, and owned by E. Cor- coran Estate, being further described as City Lot 562, has been investigat- ed by the Chief of the Fire Depart- ment; and, Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has found said building to be in a dangerous and hazardous condition and a menace to public life and property; and, Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has reported the conditions as existing; now, therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that E. Cor- coran Estate, owner of the building at 38 South Locust street, situated on City Lot 562, be notified to re- move the above described building by the 12th day of August, 1921, or to appear before the City Council on the 12th day of August, 1921, at 4:30 P. M., and show reason, if any there be, why said building should not be removed. Be it further resolved that a writ- ten notice of the passage of this reso- lution together with a copy of the same be served on E. Corcoran Es- tate by the Chief of Police or a po- lice officer appointed by him. Adopted -July 25, 1921. Approved -July 25, 1921. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. HARLAN G. MELCHIOR, THEO. GABRIEL, M. B. ROONEY, L. H. BREDE, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Melchior moved to adopt the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Brede. Carried by the following vote: Ayes -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and Rooney. Nays -None. A Resolution. Whereas, the building situated on rear of 719, 737 and 747 Main Street and 151 Seventh Street, in the City of Dubuque, and owned by J. J. Keane, being further described as City Lots 59 and 60, has been inves- tigated by the Chief of the Fire De- partment; and, Whereas, the Chief of the 'Fire De- partment has found said building to be in a dangerous and hazardous con- dition and a menace to public life and property; and, Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has reported the conditions as existing; now, therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that J. J. Keane, owner of the building on City Lots 59 and 60, situated on the rear of 719, 737 and 747 Main Street and 151 Seventh Street, be notified to re- move the above described building by the 12th day of August, 1921, or to appear befoi e the City Council on the 12th day of August, 1921, at 4:30 P. M., and show reason, if any there be, why said building should not be removed. Be it further resolved that a writ- ten notice of the passage of this reso- lution together with a copy of the same be served on J. J. Keane by the Chief of Police or a police of- ficer appointed by him. Adopted -July 25, 1921. Approved -July 25, 1921. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. HARLAN G. MELCHIOR, THEO. GABRIEL, M. B. ROONEY, L. H. BREDE, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Melchior moved to adopt the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Brede. Carried by the following vote: Ayes -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and Rooney. Nays -None. A Resolution. Whereas, the building situated on 842 Iowa Street, in the City of Du- buque, and owned by J. H. Rhom- berg, being further described as City Lot 212, has been investigated by the Chief of the Fire Department; and, Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment- has found said building to be in a dangerous and hazardous condition and a menace to public life and property; and, Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has reported the conditions as existing; now, therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that J. H. Rhomberg, owner of the building on City Lot 212, situated on 842 Iowa Street, be notified to remove the above described building by the 12th day of August, 1921, or to appear be- fore the City Council on the 12th day of August, 1921, at 4:30 P. M., and show reason, if any there be, why said building should not be re- moved. Be it further resolved that a writ- ten notice of the passage of this reso- lution together with a copy of the same be served on J. H. Rhomberg by the Chief of Police or a police of- ficer appointed by him Adopted -July 25, 1921. Approved -July 25, 1921. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. HARLAN G. MELCHIOR, THEO. GABRIEL, M. B. ROONEY, L. H. BREDE, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Melchior moved to adopt the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Biede. Carried by the following vote: Ayes -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and Rooney. Nays -None. A Resolution. Whereas, the building situated on alley between Main and Locust Streets at First Street, in the City of Dubuque, and owned by J. J. Nagle, being further described as City Lot 565A., Und. 1 -2 Nagle Und. • 1 -2 W. J. Burns, has been investigat- ed by the Chief of the Fire Depart- ment; and, Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has found said building to be in a dangerous and hazardous con- Special Session, July 25th, 1921 179 dition and a menace to the public life and property; and, Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has reported the conditons as existing; now, therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that J. J. Nagle, owner of the building on City Lot 565A, Und. 1 -2 Nagle, Und. 1 -2 Burns, situated on the alley between Main and Locust Streets at First Street, be notified to remove the above described building by the 12th day of August, 1921, or to appear be- fore the City Council on the 12th day of August, 1921, at 4:30 P. M., and show reason, if any there be, why said building should not be re- moved. Be it further resolved that a writ- ten notice of the passage of this resolution together with a copy of the same be served on J. J. Nagle by the Chief of Police or a police officer appointed by him. Adopted -July 25, 1921. Approved -July 25, 1921. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. HARLAN G. MELCHIOR, THEO. GABRIEL, M. B. ROONEY, L. H. BREDE, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved to adopt the resolution. Seconded by Council- man Melchior. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and Rooney. Nays -None. A Resolution. Whereas, on July 16, 1921, a reso- lution instructing J. H. Rhomberg, the owner of the building on City Lot 257 and S. 11 feet of Lot 258, situat- ed on the west side of Central Ave- nue, to remove said structure by the 23rd day of July, 1921, or to appear before the City Council on the 25th day of July, 1921, and show reason, if any there be, why such structure should not beremoved; and, Whereas, said J. 11. Rhomberg has appeared before this Council and set forth his reasons why such building should not be removed; and, Whereas, this Council feels than as a matter of public safety the same should be removed without further delay; now therefore, Be it. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that said J. 11. Rhomberg be given notice to re- move such building on or before the 1st day of December, 1921, such no- tice to be served by the Chief of Po- lice or a police officer, and in the event of his failure to comply with are of him during the time he was laid up, and $35.00 for the Doctor for setting the brel1en ankle, presented. Councilman Brede moved that the petition be referred to the City Soli- citor. Seconded. by Councilman Mel- oilier. Carried by the following vote; yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and Rooney. Nays -None, Petition of John Murphy, asking for cancellation of taxes on property located at No. 46 Riker Street, and described as follows, Lots 1 of Sub. of Lot 42, Lot 2 of Sub. of 44, and Lot 43, in Oak Grove Add.; also Lot 181, in Union Add., stating that he is ill and almost totally disabled, has not been able to provide for himself or family for the last six months, and is entirely without means, and the little home he lives in is mortgaged, presented. Councilman Brede moved that the petition be referred to the City Manager to investigate. Sec- onded by Councilman Melchior. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men . $rede, Gabriel, Melchior and Rooney. Nays -None. Report of the City Water Works for the month of June presented. Councilman Brede moved that the report be received and filed. Second- ed by Councilman Melchior. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Alderson, Council- men. Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and Rooney. Nays -None. Report of City Auditor Gantert for the month of June presented. Coun- cilman Brede moved to receive and file the report. Seconded by Council- man Melchior. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and Rooney. Nays -None. Report of City Treasurer Puls for the month of June, 1921, presented. Councilman Brede moved to receive the report. Seconded by Councilman Melchior. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and Rooney. Nays -None. An Ordinance repealing an Ordi- nance entitled "An Ordinance provid- ing for the appointment of an In- structor of Plumbing, and to define his powers," the same having been adopted on ,September 30, 1919, pre- sented. Councilman Melchior mov- ed that this be considered the first reading of the Ordinance. Seconded Special Scssa, July 25th, 1921 181 by Councilman Brede. Carried 11y the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Aldersonp, Pennell' men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and Rooney, Nays -None. An Qrdinance repealing an Ordi- nance entitled, "An Qrdinance in re- lation to plumbing and drainage in the City of Dubuque, Iowa," the same having been adopted by the City of Dubuque on September 30, 1919, pre- sented. Councilman Melchior mqv- ed that this be considered the drat reading of the Ordinance. Seconder} by Councilman Brede. Carried by the following vote; Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Melchior, Gabriel and Rooney. Nays -None. Councilman Brede moved to ad- journ. Carried. Adopted ...._• Approved Attest: STUBER, City Clerk. City Clerk. Councilmen. 180 Special Session, July 25th, 1921 this notice in the time set forth the Chief of the Fire Department shall be notified to remove or abate such building at once, and to assess the cost and expense of such work against the property. Adopted -July 25, 1921. Approved -July 25, 1921. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. MAGNUS B. ROONEY, THEO. GABRIEL, HARLAN G. MELCHIOR, L. H. BREDE, Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Melchior moved to adopt the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Brede. Carried by the following vote: Ayes -Mayor Alderson, Council - men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and Rooney. Nays -None. Return Service of sidewalk notices, owners notified to construct new sidewalks, served on the following property owners, presented: Mary Cleaves, City Lot 105, E. 70 ft. of N. 23 ft, 10 in., Fifth Street. J. A. Cunninham, Lot 89, Burden Avenue. John Lagen, City Lot 98, Locust Street. M. J. Powers, City Lot 112, S. 1 -3, Locust Street. May Delaney, City Lot 105, W. 44 .ft. 6 in. of N. 23 ftt. 10 in. G. M. Staples, City Lots 199 and 200, Lot 3, Eleventh Street. A. A. Cooper (Inc.), City Lots 87 and 88, Locust Street. Lewis B. Deming, City Lot 635 of Lot 1, Locust Street. S. J. Goldthorpe, City Lot 753, S. E. 25x118 ft. Lot 85, Sixth Street. Mrs. K. P. Bissell, City Lot 466, S. 1 -5, Eleventh Street. J. E. and Thos. Melchoir, City Lot 238, Fifth Street. F. and M. Leonard, City Lot 635 of Lot 2, Locust Street. Sarah E. Kemler, City Lot 215A, Iowa Street. Anna L. Pfiffner, City Lot 85, Glen- dale No. 2. W. J. Burns and J. J. Nagle, City Lot 637, Und. 1 -2, Locust Street. John Appel, Jr., City Lot 243, Sixth Street. Z. B. Hoffman, City Lot 216, N. 1 -2, Iowa Street. Farley - Loetscher Mfg. Co., City Lots 312 and 313, White Street. J. A. Rhomberg, Smedley's Sub., Lots 9 and 10, Rhomberg Avenue. Eliz. and Madg. Pier, City Lot 249, S. 1 -2, Seventh Street. J. J. Grommersch, City Lot 319, Seventh Street. Sanlitary Milk Co., City Lot 318, Seventh Street. J. H. Rhomberg, City Lot 212, Iowa Street. J. R. Wallis, City Lot 752, W. 89 ft. and E. 25 ft. of N. 10 of City Lot 753. Dr. J. J. Brownson, City Lot 624, Locust Street. W. J. Burns, City Lot 637, Und. 1 -2 of City Lot 637, Locust Street. Dubuque National Bank, City Lot 627, Eighth Street. Orioles' Bldg. Assn., City Lot 441, S. 1 -2 of S. 1 -5, Sixteenth Street. C. A. Morris, City Lots 199 and 200, Lots 1 and 8, Iowa Street. N. J. Loes, City Lot 289, Seventh Street. J. H. Rhomberg, City Lot 216, S. 1 -2, Iowa Street. Kassler Fur Co. (Inc.), City Lot 309, Fifth Street, Councilman Brede moved to re- ceive and file the notices. Seconded by Councilman Melchior. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and Rooney. Nays -None. Return Service of Condemned Building Notices. Owners notified to remove buildings which are in a dangerous and dilapidated condition, served on the following property owners, presented. International Harvester Co., Sub. 1, D. H. Co. Add., Lot 2, W. 1 -2 Block 10. Mrs. Harry Troy, E. 20 ft. of E. 40 ftfl of City Lot 84. J. H. Rhomberg, City Lot 257 and S. 11 ft. of Lot 258. J. H. Rhomberg, City Lot 223. Geo. Marshall, Dub. H. Co.'s Add., Lot 7, of W. 1 -2 Block 1. C. Pfotzer and J. H. Rhomberg, City Lot 248. J. H. Strobel & Sons, City Lot 236 and S. 1 -2 of 237. Dubuque Hotel Co., City Lot 195. Fridolin Heer, W. 1 -2 of City Lot 239. James Gregory, Sub. 1, D. H. Co.'s Add., Lot 2, W. 1 -2 Block 10. A. W. Kemler Estate, City Lot 281. Councilman Brede moved to re- ceive and file the notices. Seconded by Councilman Melchior. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and Rooney. Nays -None. Petition of Nick Trost, stating that on February 6, 1921, while on his way to Church he slipped and fell on an icy sidewalk in front of the prop- erty located at No. 26- 27 -28 -29 Thirty - First Street, thereby breaking his left ankle, and now asks the City to pay him $500.00 damages, $250.00 wages for his daughter for taking 182 NOTICE OF RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY. Notice is hereby given by the di- rection of the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the following Resolution of Necessity is proposed for passage and adoption by said City Council, having been approved by said Council on the 5th day of July, 1921: Resolution of Necessity for Sewer. Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that it be deemed necessary and advisable to construct a sanitary sewer in Elm street, a six -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Elm street from the sewer in Rhomberg avenue to Lincoln ave- nue. Said sewer to be provided with manholes and any other appur- tenances that may be necessary. Said sewer to be constructed in accordance with the plans and speci- fications prepared by the City Engi- neer and now on file in the office of the City Clerk, having been duly ap- proved by the City Manager and sub- mitted to the State Board of Health for its approval. That the cost and expense of mak- ing and constructing said sanitary sewer shall be assessed against the property abutting upon the same and also against all adjacent prop- erty benefitted thereby. Be it further resolved that the above and foregoing sanitary sewer is hereby proposed to be constructed as hereinbefore set forth, and that this proposed resolution except this paragraph, be and the same is here- by set down for further and final hearing, consideration and determi- nation at a meeting of the City Council to be held the 25th day of July, 1921, at 4:30 o'clock p. m., and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to cause notice of the above resolution, and of the time and place, when and where said pro- posed resolution will be considered for passage, and objections to the passage thereof and to the construc- tion of said sanitary sewer heard, to be given by publication in the offi- cial newspapers of the City of Du- buque in the manner and for the time provided by law The above resolution was approv- ed and ordered placed on file for final action, and notice of the pend- ency thereof ordered given this 5th day of July, 1921. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, HARLAN G. MELCHIOR, M. B. ROONEY, THEO. GABRIEL, L. H. BREDE, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City ,Clerk. Official Notices The above resolution will be con- sidered by said Council for passage at a meeting to be held on the 25th day of July, 1921, at 4:30 o'clock p. m., in the council chamber, at which time the owners of property subject to assessment for the cost and expense of said improvement may appear and make objections to the contemplated improvement and the passage of said proposed resolu- tion may at that time be amended, or passed as proposed. Dated this 6th day of July, 1921. Published officially in the Tele- graph- Herald and Dubuque Times - Journal newspapers July 6th, 1921. JOHN STUBER, 7 -6 -2t. City Clerk. NOTICE TO SEWER CON- TRACTORS. Separate sealed bids will be re- ceived at the office of the City Man- ager, Dubuque, Iowa, until 2:00 p. m. Tuesday, July 19th, for supplying all necessary labor and material (ex- cept brick for manholes and catch basins and castiron pipe and spe- cials, catch basin and manhole cov- ers) for the construction of the fol- lowing storm sewer and sanitary sewer appurtenances. Certified checks in amount as called for in the specifications (ap- proximately 10 per cent of the cost) must accompany each proposal as a guarantee the contract will be en- tered into and bond furnished in case award is made to bidder. Payment to be made by the city on each contract in cash by the 10th of each month covering 70 per cent of the work performed up to the first of the previous month. Bal- ance of 30 per cent to be paid after completion and final acceptance of the work. Storm sewer to be built in Lincoln. Ave., from Farley St. (formerly Mid- dle Ave.) to Ann St., and in Ann St., from Lincoln Ave. to Lake i Peosta. Approximate quantities as follows: 745 ft. of 54 -in., 445 ft. of 42 -in., 335 ft. of 36 -in., 300 ft. of 12 -in., 85 ft. of 15 -in., 130 ft. of 42 -in. corru- gated pipe, 70 ft. of 60 -in. under R. R. tracks, 5 manholes, 32 catch basins, etc . ton St. (formerly Second Ave:), from Lincoln Ave. to Lake Peosta. Approximate quantities as follows: 780 ft. of 36 -in. sewer, 100 ft. of 24 -in. corrugated pipe, 200 ft. of 12 -in. sewer, 3 manholes, 8 catch basins, etc. Storm water sewer to be built in Lincoln Ave., from Humboldt St. to Kniest St., also a sanitary sewer in Lincoln Ave., to be relaid as a 15- inch sewer from Johnson Ave. to Elm St. Both of these jobs to be covered under one proposal. Ap- proximate quantities as follows: 1,314 lin. ft. of 24 -in., 465 lin. ft. of 18 -in., 275 ft. of 12 -in., 5 manholes, 25 catch basins, about 850 lin. ft. of 15 -in. sanitary sewer to be relaid, to- gether with appurtenances. In all of these sewers of a size of 36 -inch or larger where no material is specified, proposal will be consid- ered for reinforced concrete pipe, reinforced concrete, built in place or double ring segment block. Specifications, bidding sheets and any further information regarding any of these pieces of work can be obtained at the office of the City Engineer. The city reserves the right to re- ject any or all proposals. JOHN STUBER, 7 -3 -10 City Clerk. Notice to Sewer Contractors. Sealed bids will be received at the office of the City Manager, Dubuque, Iowa, until 2 o'clock p. m., Thurs- day, July 21st for the furnishing of all labor and materials necessary for the construction of a 6 -inch sanitary sewer on Seventeenth street from Catherine street to Cox street. Distance approximately 785 lineal feet three manholes required. Bidders must state unit price per cubic yard for the rock excavation. Certified check to the amount of two hundred ($200) as a guarantee that the contract will be entered into when awarded must accompany the bid in a separate envelope. Complete plans and specifications are now on file in the office of the City Clerk. Proposal blanks and further information can be secured at the office of the City Engineer. The above work to be paid for when same is completed in the man- ner as prescribed by Ordinance No. 45 of the Revised Ordinances of 1919, City of Dubuque, Iowa. Work to be completed on or before the fifteenth day of September, 1921. The city reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. JOHN STUBER, 7 -6 -13 City Clerk. Notice to Contractors. Sealed bids will be received at the office of the City Manager, Du- buque, Iowa, until 2 o'clock p. m. Thursday, July 21st, for the furnish- ing of all labor and materials neces- sary for the resurfacing of Bluff street from the north property line of Eighth street to the intersection of Bluff street and Locust stree. Approximately 7,158 sq. yds. of bituminous wearing surface is re- quired, together with other work in connection with this improvement. Official Notices 183 Certified check in the sum of five hundred dollars ($500) as a guaran- tee that the contract will be entered into when awarded must accompany the bid in separate envelope. Complete plans and specifications are now on file in the office of the City Clerk. Proposal blanks and further information can be secured at the office of the City Engineer any time prior to receipt of bids. The above work to be paid for when completed and in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance No. 44 of the Revised Ordinances of 1919, City of Dubuque, Iowa. Work to be completed on or before October 1st, 1921, The City reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. JOHN STUBER, 7 -6 -13 City Clerk. OFFICIAL NOTICE. To Sarah E. Kemler: You are hereby notified that the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, did on the 5th day of July, 1921, adopt the 'following resolution: Be it Resolved by the City Coun- col of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary to construct a permanent sidewalk in front of city lot 215A, abutting on Iowa street in the City of Dubuque, which piece of property is owned by Sarah E. Kemler; said sidewalk to be built of cement (artificial stone), and to be completed not later than 27th day of July. 1921. You are further notified that in case of failure to construct the above mentioned sidewalk within fifteen days from service hereof, the same will be done by the city and the cost thereof be assessed against the abutting property. JOHN STUBER, 7 -10 -2t City Clerk. OFFICIAL NOTICE. To F. and M. Leonard: You are hereby notified that the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, did on the 5th day of July, 1921, adopt the following resolution: Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary to construct a permanent sidewalk in front of city lot 635A of lot 2, abutting on Locust street. in the City of Dubuque, which piece of property is owned by F. and M. Leonard; said sidewalk to be built of cement (artificial stone), and to be completed not later than the 27th day of July, 1921. You are further notified that in case of failure to construct the above mentioned sidewalk within fifteen days from service hereof, the same will be done by the city and the cost 184 thereof be assessed against the abut- ting property. JOHN STUBER, 7 -10 -2t City Clerk, OFFICIAL NOTICE. To Anna L Pfiffner: You are herby notified that the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, did on the 5th day o, July, 1921, adopt the following resolution: Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: That it is deemed necessary to construct a permanent sidewalk 4 feet wide in front of city lot 85, abutting on Glendale No. 2 street in the City of Dubuque, which piece of property is owned by Anna L, Pfiffner; said sidewalk to be built of cement (arti- ficial stone), and to be completed not later than the 27th day of July, 1921. You are further notified that in case of failure to construct the above mentioned sidewalk within fifteen days from service hereof, the same will be done by the city and the cost thereof assessed against the abutting property. JOHN STUBER, 7 -10 -2t City Clerk. OFFICIAL NOTICE To Grace Provost. You are hereby notified that the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, did on the 5th day of July, 1921, adopt the following resolution: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That it is deemed necessary to construct a per- manent sidewalk in front of City lot 637 Und. 1 /2 abutting on Locust street in the city of Dubuque, which piece of property is owned by Grace Provost, said sidewalk to be built of cement (artificial stone), and to be completed not later than the 1st day of August, 1921. You are further notified that in case of failure to construct the above mentioned sidewalk within fifteen days from service hereof, the same will be done by the city and the cost thereof be assessed against the abutting property. JOHN STUBER, 7 -13 -2t City Clerk. OFFICIAL NOTICE. To A. W. Kemler, Estate. You are hereby notified that the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, did on the fith day of July, 1921, adopt the following resolution: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Whereas, the building situated on the east side of Central avenue, in the city of Dubuque and owned by A. W. Kemler Estate being further described as City lot 281, has been Official Notices investigated by the chief of the file department, and Whereas, the chief of the fire de- partment has found said building to be in a dangerous and hazardous condition and a menace to public life and property, and Whereas, the chief of the fire de- partment has reported the condi- tions as existing, now therefore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that A. W. Kemler Estate, owner of the build- ing on City lot 281 situated on the east side of Central avenue, be noti- fied to remove the above described building by the 27th day of July, 1921, or to appear before the city council on the 1st day of August, 1921, at 4:30 p. m., and show reason if any there be why said building should not be removed. JOHN STUBER, 7 -13 -2t City Clerk. Notice of Resolution of Necessity. Notice is hereby given by the di- rection of the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the following Resolution of Necessity is proposed for passage and adoption by the said City Council, having been ap- proved by said Council on the 21st day of July, 1921: Resolution of Necessity for Sewer. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That It be deemed necessary and advisable to construct a sanitary sewer in Pickett street; an six -inch tile sani- tary sewer in Pickett street from Cornell street westerly for a dis- tance of about 200 feet. Said sewer to be provided with manholes and any other appurtenances that may be necessary. Said sewer to be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the of- fice of the City Clerk, having been duly approved by the City Manager and submitted to the State Board of Health for its approval. That the cost and expense of making and constructing said sani- tary sewer shall be assessed against the property abutting upon the same and also against all adjacent prop- erty benefited thereby. Be it further Resolved, That the above and foregoing sanitary sewer is hereby proposed to be construct- ed as hereiubefore set forth, and that this proposed resolution except this paragrah, be and the same is hereby set down for further and final hearing, consideration and de- termination at a meeting of the City Council to be held Aug. 12, 1921. at 4:30 o'clock p. m. and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to Cause notice of the above resolu- tion, and of the tine and place when and where said proposed resolution will be considered for passage, and objections to the passage thereof and to the construction of said sanitary sewer heard, to be given by publica- tion in the official newspapers of the City of Dubuque in the manner and for the time provided by law`. The above resolution was ap- proved and ordered placed on file for fiiiat aetid i, a$d notice of the peii- dene'y thereof ordered given this 21st day of July, 1921. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Approved: HARLAN G. MELCHIOR, M. B. ROONEY, L. H. BREDE, 'I'HEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. The above resolution will be con- sidered by said City Council for pass- age at a meeting to be held on the 12th day of August, 1921, at 4:30 o'clock p. m., in the Council Cham- ber, at which time the owners of property, subject to assessment for the cost and expense of the said im- provement may appear and make ob- jections to the contemplated im- provement and the passage of said proposed resolution may at that time be amended and passed, or passed as proposed. Dated this 22nd day of July, 1921. Published officially in the Tele- graph- Herald and Times - Journal. newspapers, July 22nd, 1921. 7- 22 -2t. JONH STUBER, City Clerk. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE .ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON BLUFF STREET FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF EIGHTH STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF TWELFTH STREET AND ON BLUFF STREET FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF FOURTEENTH STREET TO A POINT 498 FT. NORTH. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Sec. 1. That an ordinance estab- lishing a grade on Bluff street from the north ,property line of Eighth street to the south property line of Twelfth street and on Bluff street from the north property line of Fourteenth street to a point 498 ft. north, be and the same is hereby es- tablished and adopted as shown by Profile No. 1025 as prepared by the City Engineer. B. M. on the water table at the northwest corner of Eleventh and Main streets, elevation 49.03. Said grade begins at the north property line of Eighth St. which is Official Notices 185 station 0', east curb elevation 63.6, west curb elevation 64.8; thence to station 1+80', south curb line of Robinson street, east curb elevation 63.5; thence to station 2. north curb line of Robinson street, east curb elevation 63.5; thence to station 2+ 57, the south property line of Ninth street, east curb elevation 62.6, west curb elevation 63.2; thence to sta- tion 3 +21, north property line of Ninth street, east curb elevation 62.4, west curb elevation 63.1; thence to station 5+78.6, south property line of Tenth street, east curb elevation 62.25, west curb elevation 63.05; thence to station 6+42.6, north property line of Tenth street, east curb elevation 62.7, west curb eleva- tion 63.4; thence to station 9, south. property line of Eleventh street, east curb elevation 68.2, west curb eleva tion 69.2; thence to station 9 +64, north property line of Eleventh street, east curb elevation 69.3, west curb elevation 69.9; thence to sta- tion 12 +20.04, south property line of Twelfth street, east curb elevation 71.2, west curb elevation 71.7; thence to station 0, the north property line of Fourteenth street, east curb eleva- tion 77.7, west curb elevation 78.8; thence to station 2 +70, the south property line of Fifteenth street, east curb elevation 73.5, west curb elevation 75; thence to station 3 +34, north property line of Fifteenth St., east curb elevation 72.8, west curb elevation 73.9; thence to station 4 +98, the end of the brick pavement, east curb elevation 69.9, west curb elevation 71.1. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect 10 days from and after its final passage by the City Council and its publication in the official newspapers. Passed first reading July 5th, 1921. Passed second reading July 21st, 1921. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Approved: M. B. ROONEY, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL. 7- 22 -1t. Councilmen. OFFICIAL NOTICE. Notice of Special Assessment: Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a special assessment as provided by law will be levied at a session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to be held August 12, 1921, to pay for construct- ing a six -inch tile sanitary sewer in Chestnut street from the end of the present sewer westerly for a dis- tance of about two hundred feet, Wm. Singrin, contractor, Amount of special assessment, $587.02, same to be assessed against the property legally subject to as- 186 Official sessment upon and along said street. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City of Dubuque, showing the street in which said sewer was constructed and the sep- arate lots and parcels of ground or specified portions thereof subject to assessment for such improvement, the name of the owner thereof as far as practicable and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule are subject to public in- spection. And that any and all persons ob- jecting to said special assessment or to said plat must file his or their objections in writing with the City Clerk of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Coun- cil to be held August 12, 1921, or to appear at said session of the Coun- cil to show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, July 22, 1921. JOHN STUBER, 7- 22 -2t. City Clerk. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON WEST SEVEN- TEENTH STREET FROM THE WEST CURB LINE OF CATHER- INE STREET TO THE EAST CURB LINE OF COX STREET. Be it ordained by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Sec. 1. That an ordinance estab- lishing a grade on West Seventeenth street from the west curb line of Catherine street to the east curb line of Cox street, be and the same is hereby established and adopted as shown by the profile prepared by the City Engineer, being profile No. 1026. B. M. on the door sill of 223 West Locust street, elevation 69.82. Said grade begins at station 0, west curb line of Catherine street, south curb elevation 123.1; thence to station 0 +15, west curb line of Catherine street, north curb eleva- tion 124.6; thence to station 0 +50 south curb elevation 127.8, north curb elevation 128.2; thence to sta- tion 2 +10, west alley line, south curb elevation 150.9; thence to sta- tion 3, south curb elevation 166.7, north curb elevation 166.4; thence to station 3+60, east curb line of Pierce street, south curb elevation 173.5, north curb elevation 173.4; thence to station 3+90, west curb line of Pierce street, south curb elevation 177, north curb elevation 176.8; thence to station 4 +50, south curb elevation 181.5, north curb elevation 181.5; thence to station 5. south curb elevation 184.3, north curb ele- vation 184.3; thence to station 5 +50, south curb elevation 185.8, north curb Notices elevation 185.8; thence to station 6, south curb elevation 186.2, north curb elevation 186.2; thence to sta- tion 6+50, south curb elevation 185.9, north curb elevation 185.9; thence to station 7, south curb elevation 185, north curb elevation 185; thence to station 7 +65, east property line Cox street, south curb elevation 181, north curb elevation 181. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect 10 days from and after its final passage and adoption by the City Council and its publica- tion in the official newspapers. Passed first reading July 5th, 1921. Passed second reading July 21st, 1921. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Approved: L. H. BREDE, M. B. ROONEY, THEO. GABRIEL, 7- 22 -1t. Councilmen. A Resolution. Whereas, the building situated on 630 Main street, in the City of Du- buque and owned by Gert and Anna E. Ryan being further described as S% of 22 City lot has been investi- gated by theh Chief of the Fire De- partment, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has found said building to be in a dangerous and hazardous con- dition and a menace to public life and property, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has reported the conditions as existing, now therefore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that Gert and Anna E, Ryan owner of the building on S% of 22 City lot situated on. the 630 Main street, be notified to remove the above described building by the 12th day of August, 1921, or to ap- pear before the City Council on the 12th day of August, 1921, at 4:30 p. m., and show reason if any there be why said building should not be removed. Be it further resolved that a writ- ten notice of the passage of this reso- lution together with a copy of the same be served on Gert and Anna E. Ryan by the Chief of Police or a po- lice officer appointed by him. Adopted: July 25, 1921. Approved: July 25, 1921. JAMES ALDERSON, HARLAN G. MELCHIOR, THEO. GABRIEL, M. B. ROONEY, L. H. BREDE, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved to adopt the resolution. Seconded by Council- man Melchior. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Councilman Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney. Nays —None. A Resolution. Whereas, the building situated on 500 Main street, in the City of Du- buque and owned by Gert and Anna E. Ryan being further described as Und. of S. 21 feet of City lot 17— Mrs. H. Bowers Und. 1 / z of S. 21 feet has been investigated by the Chief of the Fire Department, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has found said building to be in a dangerous and hazardous condition and a menace to public life and property, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has reported the conditions as existing, now therefore Be it resolved by the City Coun- Special Session, July 25th, 1921 186a cil of the City of Dubuque that Gert and Anna E. Ryan owner of the build- ing on Und. of S. 21 feet of City lot 17 —Mrs. H. Bowers Und. % of S. 21 feet situated on the 500 Main street, be notified to remove the above de- scribed building by the 12 th day of August, 1921, or to appear before the City Council on the 12th day of Au- gust, 1921, at 4:30 p. m., and show reason if any there be why said building should not be removed. Be it further resolved that a writ- ten notice of the passage of this reso- lution together with a copy of the same be served on Gert and Anna E. Ryan by the Chief of Police or a police officer appointed by him. Adopted July 25th, 1921. Approved: July 25th, 1921. JAMES ALDERSON, HARLAN G. MELCHIOR, THEO. GABRIEL, M. B. ROONEY, L. H. BREDE, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved to adopt the resolution. Seconded by Coun- cilmanMelchior. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Councilman Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney. Nays —None. A Resolution. Whereas, the building situated on S. W. Corner of 7th and White streets, in the City of Dubuque and owned by Sanitary Milk Co., being further rescribed as lot 317 and 318 and the N 16 feet of lot 316 has been investigated by the Chief of the Fire Department, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has found said biulding to be in a dangerous and hazardous con- dition and a menace to public life and property, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has reported the conditions as existing, now therefore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that Sani- tary Milk Co., owner of the building on City lot 317 and 318 and the N 16 feet of 316 situated on the S. W. cor- ner 7th and White streets be notified to remove the above described build- ing by the 12th day of August, 1921, or to appear before the City Coun- cil on the 12th day of August, 1921, at 4:30 p. m., and show reason if any there he why said building should not be removed. Be it further resolved that a writ- ten notice of the passage of this reso- lution together with a copy of the same be served on Sanitary Milk Co., 186b Special Session, July 25th, 1921 by the Chief of Police or a police officer appointed by him. Adopted July 25th, 1921. Approved: July 25th, 1921. JAMES ALDERSON, HARLAN G. MELCHIOR, THEO. GABRIEL, M. B. ROONEY, L. H. BREDE, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Melchior moved to adopt the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Rooney. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Councilmen Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney. Nays —None. A Resolution. Whereas, the building situated on S. W. corner of 7th and White streets in the City of Dubuque and owned by Anton Zwack being further described as City lots 314 -315 and S. W. 26 feet of 316. S. 9 feet of 316 City lot has been investigated by the Chief of the Fire Department, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has found said building to be in a dangerous and hazardous con- dition and a menace to public life and property, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has reported the conditions as existing, now therefore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that Anton Zwack, owner of the building on City lots 314 -315 and S. W. 26 feet of 316 and S. 9 feet of 316 situated on the S. W. corner 7th and Iowa street, be notified to remove the above de- scribed building by the 12th day of August, 1921, or to appear before theh City Council on the 12th, day of August, 1921, at 4:30 p. m., and show reason if any there be why said building should not be removed. Be it further resolved that a writ- ten notice of the passage of this reso- lution together with a copy of the same be served on Anton Zwack by the Chief of Police or a police officer appointed by him. Adopted July 25th, 1921. Approved: July 25th 1921. JAMES ALDERSON, HARLAN G. MELCHIOR, THEO. GABRIEL, M. B. ROONEY, L. H. BREDE, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Melchior moved to adopt the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Brede. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Councilmen Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney. Nays —None. A Resolution. Whereas, the building situated on the rear of 678 Central avenue, in the City of Dubuque and owned by J. H. Rhomberg being further described as S. 81 City lot 289, 289A and lot 290 has been investigated by the Chief of the Fire Department, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has reported the conditions be in a dangerous and hazardous con- dition and a menace to public life and property, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has reported thh conditions as existing, now therefore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that J. H. Rhomberg owner of the building on S. 8 feet of City lot 289 -289A and 290 situated on the rear of 678 Central avenue be notified to remove the above described building by the 12th dey of August, 1921, or to appear be- fore the City Council on the 12th day of August, 1921, at 4:30 p. m., and show reason if any there be why said building should not be removed. Be it further resolved that a writ- ten notice of the passage of this reso- lution together with a copy of the same be served on J. H. Rhomberg by the Chief of Police or a police offi- cer appointed by him. Adopted July 25th, 1921. Approved: July 25th, 1921. JAMES ALDERSON, HARLAN G. MELCHIOR, THEO. GABRIEL, M. B. ROONEY, L. H. BREDE, Councilmen, Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved to adopt Councilman Melchior moved to adopt the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Brede. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson,Councilmen Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney. Nays —None. A Resolution. Whereas, the frame porch situated on the rear of 850 Central avenue, in the City of Dubuque and owned by A. W. Kemler Estate being further described as City lot 282 has been investigated by the Chief of the Fire Department, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has found said building to be in a dangerous and hazardous con- dition and a menace to public life and property, and Whereas, the Chief of the Fire De- partment has reported the conditions as existing, now therefore Be it resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that A. W. Kemler Estate owner of the building on City lot 282 situated on the rear of 850 Central avenue be notified to re- move the above described building by the 12th day of August, 1921, or to appear before the City Council on the 12th day of August, 1921, at 4:30 p. m., and show reason if any there be why said building should not be removed. Be it further resolved that a writ- ten notice of the passage of this reso- lution with a copy of the same be served on A. W. Kemler Estate by the Chief of Police or a police officer Special Session, July 25th, 1921 186c appointed by him. Adopted: July 25t1i. 1921. Approved: July 25th, 17921. JAMES ALDERSON, HARLAN G. MELCHIOR, THEO. GABRIEL, M. B. ROONEY, L. H. BREDE, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Melchior moved to adopt the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Brede. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Councilmen Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Rooney. Nays —None.