Williams, Marian Ltr - Fire and Police ReductionsMarian Wiliams 1120 Savanna Dr. Dubuque,. IA 52003 I am here as a concerned citizen regarding cutting police and fire departments. A great concern originally was in closing the Grandview and Rhomberg Fire Stations. Now I just hope we have enough people to really man the fire stations as necessary. I understand we have several positions in both departments that have unfilled positions. If these positions are not filled that is about the same as a layoff. With several staff in the service now and some resigning, that leaves too many unfilled positions for the community. Plus, are we able to have the necessary support staff? Will the departments be able to fill those positions as necessary? The Fire Department and the Police Department need staff other than those in the cars or trucks. So does the public at large. What about ambulance services? Will there be enough staff to operate them as necessary? Unfortunately, I have had to use them twice and really appreciated the fact that there were knowledgeable personnel and enough staff to do what was necessary. On TV recently it was said that a layoff would hurt employees, their wives and children. It didn't mention the community at large. All aspects of a layoff must be considered. Another thing, home owners in the county pay higher insurance. Well, if we are operating with less staff in emergency vehicles, possibly our insurance will increase in the city limits, also. Most of us try to save a little money for emergencies. Better known as a 'rainy day fund'. When necessary we have to use it. At a later date we try to replace the money. Shouldn't it be the same with the City of Dubuque? Couldn't the money in the 'undesignated reserve fund' be used? I feel this is not only a rainy day but a rainy year and maybe it is time to use some of that money. Thank you for taking time to listen.