1919 Index Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE FOR THE YEAR 1919 The Telegrrph- Herald, Dubuque, Iowa CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1919 Recorder —JOHN STUBER. Treasurer— GEORGE D. WYBRANT. Assessor —PETER KIES. WM. P. ANDRESEN. ELECTIVE OFFICERS. Mayor —JAMES SAUL. Auditor —CYRIL D. LAGEN. Attorney —M. H. CZIZEK. Engineer— WALTER CULLEN. ALDERMEN -AT -LARGE J. H. STROBEL. ALDERMEN. LOUIS PLAMONDON, First Ward. I CHARLES LEIST, Third Ward. KENDALL BURCH, Second Ward. JOS. L. HIRD, Fourth Ward. E. E. FRITH, Fifth Ward. APPOINTIVE OFFICERS. Mayor Pro Tem —E. E. FRITH. Fire Chief —DAVID AHERN. Committee Clerk —J. W. LAWLOR. Chief of Police —JOHN GIELLIS. Electrician —W. P. HIPMAN. Street Commissioner —JOHN SCHRO- Market Master —CHAS. McCARTHY. MEN. Harbor Master —JAMES LYNCH. Sanitary Officer —OTTO NEUMAN. Finance — Frith, Andresen, Leist. Ordinance — Burch, Andresen, Hird. Streets — Frith, Burch, Plamondon, Hird, Police and Light — Andresen, Plamondon, Frith. Sewer — Plamondon, Strobel, Leist. Printing — Burch, Strobel, Leist. Claims — Hird, Frith, Burch. Fire — Leist, Burch, Pamondon. Markets— Strobel, Hird, Plamondon. Public Grounds and Buildings — Hird, Strobel, Burch. STANDING COMMITTEES. Delinquent Tax — Andresen, Strobel, Plamondon. Sprinkling — Plamondon, Frith, Andresen. Harbors — Leist, Burch, Hird. Supplies — Strobel, Hird, Plamondon. Electric Construction — Burch, Leist, Frith. Bathing Beach — Frith, Burch, Strobel. • Leist. Board of Health — Council Members —Mayor Saul, Alder - Andresen, Alderman Leist. Citizen Members —M. M. Hoffmann, A. Zillig. Health Officer —Dr. E. L. Reinecke. Meat and Milk Inspector —Dr. J. N. Graham. Sanitary Policeman —Otto Neumann. The Regular Meetings of the City Council are held the first and third Thursdays in each month, at 8:00 o'clock p. m. 1919 INDEX --Book 49 STIBJECT Page A Jan. 2 -Adams Co., petition of, relative to purchasing land 1 near Fourth Street Extension Feb. 6-- Athletic Field, report of 20, 57 '° 6- Allen, Emily, relative to old soldiers' exemption on taxes 21 20- Alpine Street and West Fifth Street, petition of Dubuque Automobile Club to widen street 28 20- American Trust and Savings Bank, relative to Assessment 33 " 20- Allison, Wm. B. Estate, relative to taxes 33 " 20- Appropriations for the year 1919 35,36, 57 Mar. 20- Ackles, Matt, petition of, relative to sweeping streets 52 " 20 -Alley first west of Elm Street from 27th Street to 28th Street, profile showing grade 55, 86, 121 " Alley first west. of Elm Street from 25th Street to 27th Street, profile showing grade 55, 87, 120 " 20 -Alley first east of Hill Street from Wooten Ave- nue to Bonson Avenue, profile showing grade 34, 55, 85, 121 " 20- Austin Scraper to be purchased 56, 196, 494 " 20- Alleys, cleaning of, bids advertised for 75, 89, 146, 163 " 20 -Ashes to be cleaned from all alleys 76 April 3- Angella Street, petition of property owners to have same improved 80 3- Athletic Field, list of bills due various firms 81, 96 17- Auditor of State, bill for examination of books and accounts 95, 192 " 17 -Alley between Locust Street and Bluff Street from Seventh Street to Eighth Street, resolution to improve 105 Profile, 105, 168, 190, 192, 195, 207, 211, 214, 240, 501, 521, 538, 540, 556 " 17- Auburn Avenue, to improve 117, 188, 309, 223, 307, 315, 336, 339, 343, 432, 508 May 1 -Alley between West Second Street and West Third Street, to improve...137, 164, 168, Profile 168, 172, 183, 423, 432, 436 15- Auditor, City, annual report of 145 IC 15- Angella Street, to improve 146, 147, 165, 172, 184, 448, 488, 506, 507 June 15- Angella Street petition, B. C. Scherr, Christ Kuehnle, John Oswald, reimburse for fire damage 168 " 15.Alley, vacation of, between Couler Avenue and Jack- son Street, 28th Street to Peru Road 172, 178 " 15- Angella Street, to improve 186, 208, 292, 345, 496 " 15 -Alley between West Second Street and West Third Street 186, 209, 373 " 15- Austin Western Road Machinery Co. notified to repair street roller 188, 278 15- American La France Fire F Co., report of Chief on Tractor 190, 194 " 15 -Alley first south of West Third Street from Col- lege Avenue to Walsh Street 192, 373, 414 July 3- Austin Western Road Machinery Co., reconsider action 225, 278, 283 " 10- Advertising for laborers, rid 40c per hour 226 " 17- Angella Street, ascertain cost of water main 228 " 17- Austin Western Road Machinery Co., pair of rollers 240 Aug. 1- Alpine Street, Engineer draws plans for improve- ment of 278, 369, 375, 405, 515, 552, 595, 599 7- Atlantic Avenue, advertising for bids, repair of 292, 302, 340 7- Alpine Street, resolution to improve 297, 369, 405, 419, 421, 451, 515, 585 1919 if Sept. di Oct. Dec. INDEX —Book 49 SUBJECT A 21—Assessor's completed and dyt roll taxes forBoard 1919 of Equal- ization 4—Alley, signed Windsor Avenue, tsouth property holders grade 18 —Alley between Willow Street and Green Street, relative to grading 16— Automating voting machines 18— Appel, Mrs. John, petition of, to cancel interest against property Page 1919 B 1 Jan. 2 —Bills allowed 1, 47, 161 308 11 2— Baptist Church, petition of, relative to taxes 345 If 2— Burden and Davis Avenues, petition of residents 1 347 asking for light 1 2 —Board of Health, report of 2 —Buo1, C. J., report of Committee of Whole, value 4 of Lot 10, Fairview Place reduced 8 16 —Bills allowed 604, 621 If 16— Beyhl, Martin, petition of, relative to cancelling 8 taxes for 1918 16— Brown, W. J., Agent, petition of, relative to reduc- g 25 ing assessment on Lots 1 and 1A, Leven's Add. 16— Burns, W. J. (by W. J. Brown), petition of, rela- tive to reduction of assessment of property on 9, 25 S. W. corner Eighth and Clay Streets 16— Bathing Beach Committee, report of, relative to 12 purchasing Lot 2 of 368, Ham's Add 16— Bathing Beach Committee, report of, relative to bill of Fred Menzel 6 —Bills allowed 6 —Board of Health, report of 6— Buettell, Emma L., tax petition received and filed 20— Burdt, Fred C., petition of, relative to soldiers' 28, 47 exemption of taxes 31 20 —Bids on street sprinkler and flusher 31 20 —Bids for widing, cleaning, oiling, etc., Town Clock 20 —Bids for printing Index and binding Council Pro- ceedings for 1918 20 —Bids for Street Signs 20 —Bids for Comfort Station, 18th Street and for 31 plumbing 31 di 20 —Board of Health, report of 37, 50, 75, 175 if 20 —Bee Branch Sewer to be extended , 41 Mar. 6 —Bills allowed 41 6 —Board of Health, report of 47 " 20 —Bills allowed 0 20 —Board of Health, report of 5 56 3 —Bills allowed 88 3 —Board of Health, report of 3— Bradbury, C. E., Deputy Recorder, salary increased to $110.00 per month 17 —Bills allowed 17 —Bill of State Auditors for examination of books and accounts 17— Bardon, Chas., application for driver of Street Flusher 17— Boothby, J. M., petition of, relative to taxes 17— Bille, Leon, communication relative to water pipe lines 17 —Board of Health, report of 1 —Bills allowed 1-- Beutin, Frank, communication of, relative to un- loading material on First Avenue 1— Burdick Enamel Sign Co., communication of, rela- tive to city returning samples 1— Brandel, Geo., petition of, relative to soldier's ex- emption of taxes 1— Baldwin, Mrs. Mary, petition of, relative to error 128, 144 in assessment for cleaning snow 134 1 —Board of Health, report of 141 15 —Bills allowed if " Feb. If „ „ April di May ft ft di INDEX —Book 49 SUBJECT Page 12 17 24 25 31 24, 31 89 94 95 95 96, 131 96 98 126 126 127 127 1919 B 15 —Board of Health, report of 145 15 —Board of Review, City Council not to ast as same 146 15— Bennett Street water plug to be placed at about 250 feet from Grandview Avenue 151 June 5 —Bills allowed 167 5— Becker, John G., petition of, to reduce assessment 167 5 —Board of Health, oil on sloughs 168 5— Baptist Church, petition of, relative . to cancella- tion of taxes 169 5— Bathing Beach, laying of gas mains 176 5 —Board of Health, regular session 176, 177, 208, 221, 222 5 —Bills allowed 187 19— Buckley & McCaffrey, petition of, to erect filling station 189 19— Bathing Beach, City Electrician to move pole 193, 209 19 —Board of Health, report of 193, 208 19— Building Ordinance, be prepared by City Attorney 193, 194 2 —Bills allowed 213 3 —Bills allowed 215 3— Breithaupt, Philip, bond of 216 14 —Bids for repairing streets damaged by flood 227 14 —Bids for repairing Kaufmann Avenue 227 17 —Bills allowed 229 17— Buddin, Mrs. Sophia, petition of, relative to taxes 230 17 —Ball, Martin C., petition to lower curb 230 17— Behrens, F. J., petition of, damage to property by . rain 230 17 —Board of Health, report of 239, 263 21 —Bills allowed 246 30— Banks, relative to taxing bank stocks 252 30 —Bills allowed 252 7 —Bills allowed 280 7— Brose, Chas., notice of claim 281, 446 7— Becker, Felix, commuiication of, relative to team hire 281 7 —Burt, Edward & Co., Chicago, relative to auditing Dubuque Electric Co.'s books 284 7— Burke, M. B., communication of, relative to con- vention of Iowa Association Chiefs of Police 284 7 —Board of Health, report of 292, 312 13— Buddin, Sophia, relative to having taxes cancelled 301 21 —Bills allowed 304 21— Burns, W. J. & Co., claim for damages 307 21 —Board of Equalization, appointed by Mayor Saul 308, 409 21 —Board of Health, report of 312 4 —Bills allowed 344 4— Breithaupt, Philip, excavation bond 347 16— Burch, Alderman, new chair for council chamber 365, 370 18 —Bills allowed 366 18 —Bills referred to Committee of the Whole 368 18— Brown, W. J., Executor for John Deery Estate, relative to overcharge in taxes 368, 431 18 —Board of Health, report of 374 18 —Bush, John D., notice to remove steps 375, 378, 442 Oct. 2 —Bills allowed 422 2 —Board of Health 430 2— Bills, Judges and Clerks', special election Septem- ber 15th, 1919 432 7— Burns, F. A., notified to remove wagons 437, 446 10— Bassler, A. J., petition of, relative to storm sewer, 22nd and Washington Streets 440 Ed July ff if id CC CC CC Aug. CC CC CC di CI Sept. id CI di id CI INDEX —Book 49 SUBJECT Page INDEX —Book 49 SUBJECT' B 16 —Bills allowed 16— Bevens, Mrs. J. J., petition of, relative to damage by storm 16 —Bee Branch Sewer, petition of residents to have same cleaned 16 —Board of Health, report of 21 —Board of Equalization, report of 6 —Bills allowed 6 —Board of Health 20 —Bills allowed 20 —Bohn, John, Inspector, sewer in Sheridan Street and Lawther Avenue, Committee of the Whole 20 —Board of Education, petition of, cancellation of taxes on Schmitt property 20— Blondin, Mary, report of City Assessor, exemption of taxes 20— Bathing Beach, report of 20 —Board of Health, report of 4 —Bills allowed 4— Bennett, Harry, petition of, relative to reduction of taxes 4— Brandel, George, petition of, relative to soldier's exemption of taxes 4 —Bush, Chas. T., writ of injunction restraining City Treasurer from selling at tax sale 4 —Bohn, John, Inspector, bill of 4 —Board of Health 18— Boraem- Kemper Lumber Co., bids on wood 18 —Bills allowed 18 —Base Ball, City League, petitionof, asking for use of Armiry for purpose of giving a fair 18 —Bell, Fred, remonstrance against cleaning snow 18 —Board of Health Page 443 445 445 449 452 -465, 480 493 501 510 512, 591 513, 589, 604 514 515 516 582 582, 621 583, 605 584 591 591 602 602 604 605 607 1919 C Jan. 2- Crunion, Mrs. E., petition of, relative to cancelling taxes 2- Cooney, M. D., reappointment as Assistant City Attorney 2- Comfort Station, 18th Street, City Engineer sub- mits plans 7, 27, 31, 35, 37, 40, 57, 75, 76, 79, 152, 430, 16- Council Proceedings for December approved 16 -Chas. Pape & Son, relative to plumber's bond 6- Correll, P. B., petition of, relative to soldier's ex- emption of taxes 6- Curtis, Dwight F., petition of, relative to soldier's exemption of taxes 6 -Corn Belt Packing Co., ordinance vacating streets and alleys for their use 6- Cascade Crossing, Street Committee report same accepted 6- Council Proceedings for 1918, Recorder instructed to advertise for bids for binding 10- Committee Clerk's salary to be raised to $125.00 per month 20- Council Proceedings for January, 1919, approved... 20 -Cox Street, petition by C. B. McNamara to im- prove same 20- Curtis & Son, excavation bond 20-C. M. & St. P. R. R. Co. and C. G. W. R. R. no- tified to place watchmen at 13th Street and 16th Street crossings Mar. 6 -Cox Street, City Engineer instructed to estimate cost of proposed improvement " 20 -City Hall, bids for repairing Jail in basement " 20 -City employees granted a raise in salary " 20 -City Hall, bids for constructing cement steps April 3- Clark, Mrs. Margaret, petition of, relative to ex- emption of taxes 3 -Cox Street, petition of property owners to have same improved 80, 143, 172, 3- Chamberlain, Belle C., notice of claim for per- sonal injuries 17 -City Hall. new, to be voted on at time of voting for Municipal Lighting Plant May 1- Corell, P. B.. petition of, relative to Spanish- American War veteran exemption of taxes 1 -City Hall, all offices to be closed Saturday after- noons during May, June, July and August Cardiff Street, residents notified to keep back yards clean .1 -City employes, relative to housing at Court House 15- Committee of the Whole, to be called for meeting May 16th, 1919 15 -Clay Street, corners at west side at 17th street to be widened 15 -Clay Street, corner of 22nd Street, to be widened 15 -Cox Street, to improve 146, 147, 164, 184, 186, 489, 495, 15 -Clay Street, Street Commissioner instructed to repair 5 -City Attorney's report, 1917 to 1919 5 -City employees, pay their debts 19- Corcoran. James, petition of, relative to connect- ing with sewer 19 -City Water Works, communication of, relative to instructions tf Feb. ff ff ft ft if ft if ft if June „ INDEX -Book 49 SUBJECT Page 1 3 591, 620 8 12 18, 53 18, 52 23 24 24, 31, 39 27 27 29 33, 47 34 50 55 57 64, 176 80, 146 209, 489 81, 143 99, 106 128 133 133 134 145 146 146 505, 508 151 169, 194 178 188 189 1919 ff July ft et CC It if ft ft Aug. SI tf if ft ft ft Sept. INDEX -Book 49 SUBJECT Page C 19 -City Water Works, communication of, relative to 189 enlarging mains 19 -City Electrician, remove pole at Third and Alpine 193 Streets 19 -City Water Works, remove hydrant at Third and 193, 283 Alpine Streets 211 Community Building, Mayor's Proclamation 213, 432 2- Comfort Stations, bids returned 215 3- Cleveland Avenue Park, cement steps 219, 228 3 -Corn Belt Packing Co., ordinance 17- Council Proceedings for Month of May approved 228 17- Cutler, Ida McLean, petition of, relative to water 231 overflow Catherine Street, petition of, residents to have water 231 mains laid Curtis & Son, petition of, to excavate in front Fink's 231 Store, Couler Avenue 17 -City Water Works, communication to. remove 231, 283 water plug on Third and Alpine Streets 17- Cooper, A. A. Inc., petition and waiver, pertaining to sidewalk and retaining wall, Third Street 239, 282 from Main to Locust 18 -C. M. & St. P. R. R. Co., clean out culverts and drains 245, 284, 288, 300, 307, 517 18 -C. G. W. R. R. Co., clean out culverts and drains 245, 284, 288 30 -Clem to correspond with Davenport and other 252 cities relative to taxing bank stocks 30- Corcoran, Jas., relative to increased cost of sewer 253, 278 30 -City Engineer, new surveying instrument 253 30 -City Market, to abolish 30 -City Attorney, to draft Ordinance relative to abol- 253 ishing City Market 30 -Chief of Police, notify public relative to parking 253 cars 30 -City Hall, bids for painting and calsomining 268, 280 30 -City Water Works, readers wear badges 278, 281, 288 7 -City employees, asking to be paid weekly 282, 313 7-City Engineer, report relative to sewer, water and 285 gas connections in Grand View Avenue 7 -City Assessor's report, relative to Richard Waller .285 Estate 7 -City Assessor's report, Mettel Land and Security 285 Co., relative to taxes 7 -City Electrician's report, defective lights 288 7 -City Engineer's report, profile 288 7- Cushing Place, resolution to improve 296, 508 7 -C. B. & Q. R. R., notified to clean out culverts 300 -307 7 -City Water Works, to place water plug corner 300 Woodward Avenue and Seminary Street 21- Council Proceedings or month of June approved 303 21- Curtis, Mrs. Hattie, petition to lower curb for driveway 306 21 -C. M. & St. P. R. R. crossings 313, 346, 373, 374, 378, 517 21 -C. G. W. R. R. crossings 313, 346 21 -C. B. & Q. R. R. crossings 313, 346, 374, 378 21- Correll, P. B., petition of, relative to taxes 313 21 -City Engineer recommends inspector be appointed 314 2 -City Engineer to investigate railroad culverts and report to City Council 343, 441 4- Conen, S., petition to place barber pole, Main Street 344, 369 1919 SUBJECT C 4- Collier, J. C., chairman Main Street property owners, bill for inspecting 420 feet of Main 344 Street 4 -C. M. St. P. R. R., communication, relative to 345 culvert at Fourth Street 4- County Auditor's Report, transmitting the state- ment of the assessment and valuation of rail- roads and express companies in the City' of 346 Dubuque 4- Cushing Place, grade of 347, 369, 375, 404, 413, 421, 517 18- Curtis, Roy, appointed as member of Plumbing 366, 376 Commission 18- Council Proceedings for month of July, 1919, ap- 366 proved 24 -C. M. & St. P. R. R. be notified to construct 378, 423 sewer in Rhomberg Avenue 378 24 -City map, Recorder advertise for bids 29- Committee Clerk instructed to correspond with 385 brick manufacturers relative to brick deliveries Oct. 7 -City Engineer Cullen submitted specifications for 437 concrete mixtures 442 16- Council Proceedings for August, defer action 442, 487 16- Culvert, Lincoln Avenue, bids 466 22- City's debt, nothing be paid for 1919 495 6- Calhoun, Dr. C. E., petition, error in assessment 495 6 -C. G. W. R. R., sidewalk notice 509, 551 10 -City map, bid 20 -Corn Belt Packing Co., be instructed to construct 517, 585 sewer 20 -Cox Street, Street Commissioner be notified to 518 clean away dirt and rocks 518 20- Community Building 4 -Corn Belt Packing Co., petition of property own- 582 ers remonstrating against " fertilizing plant 4 -City Engineer's report, communication from Chi- cago Paving Laboratory relative to Grand View 584 bithulitic pavement 4 -City Manager Plan, petition of electors asking for 585 Special Election 4 -C. M. & St. P. R. R., return service relative to obstruction Bee Branch Sewer in rear of Even- 585 TJhlrich Co.'s sheds 8- Citizens State Bank, to make report on their Gov- 601, 605 ernment securities 602 18- Cousin, John B., bid on wood fl if if „ CC Nov. di CC Dec. CC CI INDEX -Book 49 Page 1919 SUBJECT D Jan. 2- Deming, J. K., Jr., City Assessor's report relative to cancelling taxes 3 16- Dolan, Mrs. Mary, petition of, relative to taxes to remain as a lien against property 9, 25 16- Delaney, Thomas, petition of, relative to reduction of assessment 9, 25 16- Dubuque and Wisconsin Bridge Co., relative to cancelling taxes 13, 177, 189 Feb. 6- Dubuque Commercial Club, communication of, rec- ommending appropriation for Bathing Beach 18, 57 6 -Doyle Hannah, relative to assessment 21 6- Doyle, Mary, petition of, relative to special assess- ment received and filed 25 20- Dubuque Automobile Club, petition of, relative to widening streets at Alpine and West Fifth Streets 28, 313 20- Davidsaver, Nicholas S., relative to, soldier's ex- emption on taxes 28, 99 " 20- Dubuque Electric Co., relative to Lighting contract 29, 37, 43, 54 " 28- Dubuque Electric Co., matter of sprinkling their part of the streets 37 Mar. 20- Dubuque Electric Co., report of Fire Chief relative to street car running over hose 53 " 20- Dubuque Electric Co. notified to repair Clay Street 55, 134 20- Dubuque Electric Co., notified to replace filler af- ter repairing streets 56, 430 20- Dubuque Lumber and Coal Co., bill of, for lumber at Bathing Beach 57 " 20- Detention Hospital, relative to Senate Bill No. 332, allowing an appropriation for purpose of building 64 20- Detention Hospital, advertising for bids to haul patients to same 77, 8 April 3- Dubuque Electric Co., communication of, relative to sprinkling streets 84, 145 " 3- Dubuque Electric Co., communication of, relative to wage scale for street ear employees 85, 99 17- Diamond Joe, petition of, relative to soldier's ex- emption of taxes 97, 132 May 1- Dubuque Radiator Works, petition of, relative to installing gasoline filling station 126 1- Dubuque Electric Co., communication of, relative to paving their portion of Main Street 127 15- Dubuque Electric Co., to be notified to sprinkle streets when necessary 145 1- Dubuque Electric Co., report of sub - committee on receipts and disbursements 151 15- Dubuque Electric Co., to be allowed to charge 6 and 7c fares 151, 152 1- Dubuque Electric Co., committee appointed to audit books 151 5- Dubuque Commercial Club. petition of, appropria- tion for Fourth of July celebration 168 5- Dubuque Electric Co., notice of City Council's in- tention to improve Main Street 168, 176, 189 5- Dubuque Electric Co., notice to wash globes 19- Dubuque Electric 'Co., notice to be present at meeting 3-Dubuque Eleetrie 'Co., notice to improve ePru road 3- Dubuque Electric Co., notice to begin work on Main Street 221, 223, 231 3- Dubuque Electric Co., cars not to stop on curve 225 ft ff it ft ft fd It ff Cf CC June IC July INDEX -Book 49 Page 176 189 215 1919 D 14— Dubuque Altar Co., objecting to Jas. F. Lee Co.'s Plant 17— Dubuque Police Association, petition to grant 8- hour shift 17— Dubuque Electric Co., petition to put cable under sidewalk 30 —Dee's Lye Works, City Attorney to ascertain if land belongs to City 1— Dubuque Electric Co., meter readers wear badges 1— Deming, J. K., claim for damages 7— Dubuque Savings Bank, communication of, sub- mitting copy of resolution 21— Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, relative to Labor Day parade 21— Dubuque Commercial Club, communication of, rela- tive to Fall Exhibition 21— Dysart, John, petition of, asking City Council to allow him $37.75 for replacing fence 21— Dubuque Electric Co., notified to move pole in front of Ludescher's on Julien Avenue Sept. 2— Dubuque Electric Co., to be notified to repair crossings 4— Dubuque Daily News, petition of, asking to be made one of the official newspapers - 4— Dubuque Park Board, communication of, relative to steps on Grand View Heights 16 —Delhi Street and Grand View Avenue, relative to having corers rounded 18— Dubuque Electric Co., notice of return service, relative to improvement of 15th Street 18— Dubuque Electric Co., notice to repair their part of Delhi Street 18— Dollon, Mr., addressed Council relative to damages done to his property by flood 24— Dubuque Electric Co., notified to move pole on 13th and Main Streets 29— Dubuque Electric Co., relative to appraisal 2— Dubuque Hotel Co., petition to extend C. M. & St. P. tracks 2— Dubuque Park Board, relative to taxes on Lot 531, Ham's Add. 2— Dubuque Electric Co., maintenance bond 2— Dubuque Electric Co., relative to Appraising Co 2— Dubuque Electric Co., Maynard addressed Council 2— Dubuque Electric Co., to repair tracks on Delhi Street 2— Dubuque Electric Co., to repair tracks on Dodge Street 2— Dubuque Electric Co., to level tracks on Alpine Street 16— Dangelmeyer, C. W., petition of, relative to dam- age by storm 16— Dubuque Electric Co., notified to place light at 31st and Elm Streets 16— Dubuque Hotel Co., petition of, relative to C. M & St. P. R. R. tracks Nov. 6— Dubuque Electric Co., lay conduit pipes to park - ings on Grand View Avenue 6— Dawson, Mrs. Margaret, petition for remission of taxes CC CC IC CC Aug. CC IC CC CC CC CC IC CC Oct. CI ft CC CC CI CC CC IC IC INDEX —Book 49 SUBJECT Page 227 231 239 253 278, 288 281, 495 285 306 306 306 319 343, 346 517, 345, 516 345 365 369 ; 374, 378 375 379 385, 439 422 424 425 425, 441 425 430 430 430 445, 499 446 449 494 495 1919 D 6— Dubuque Tanning and Robe Co., petition of, rela- tive to damage by water 6— Dolan, Mary A., petition of, for remission of taxes *— Dubuque National Bank, loan warrants, Emergency Fund 20— Deputies and appointive officers employed in City offices, petition for increase in salary 20— Delinquent tax list for 1918 and prior years Dec. 4— Dubuque College, 14th Street, petition for cancel- lation of taxes 8— Dubuque National Bank, to report on Government securities 18— Duggan, M., bdi on wood Ci CC IC INDEX —Book 49 SUBJECT Page 495 495 500, 591 513 557 -580, 635 583 601, 604, 605 602 1919 F Jan. 16-Fischer, Add., to he u Mrs,, pr hased for Bathing being if 368 Ham's Add Beach pur- poses ' 12, 191 6- Federation of Labor, notified to be present at dis- 17, 57 cussion of contract for street lighting 6- Feller, Rev. J. W., petition of, relative to tax re- 18, 89 duction on Grace Methodist Church 6 -Fifth Ward residents, petition of, relative to pro- posed removal of Rhomberg Avenue Engine 19 House 6- Fritschi, Anna, petition of, relative to retaining 25 wall, received and filed 6 -Fire Fighters Union, City, communication of, rela? 28, 34, 57 tive to increase in salary 20- Fluckinger Motor Car Co., bid on Street Flusher 31, 40, 48, 177 and Sprinkler 20- Firemen, petition of, relative to double platoon 34, 42 system 32 20 -Fire Engine House at 18th Street, to be repaired Mar. 6- Firemen's Association, Dubuque Veteran, commun- 42, 67 ication relative to hand engine 53 20 -Fire hose damaged by street car 54 20 -Fire Chief, report of, relative to placing hydrants 20- Fourth Street Dump, Superintendent to receive in- 58 crease in salary 20 -Fifth Street, resolution to improve 141, 150, 16Q, 292, 309, 316 61, 84, 90, 100, 115, 117, 123, 128, 138, 77, , 88 20- Fumigator, official bids advertised for April 3- Fuller, Wm. G., petition of, relative to appointment 80 146 as City Carpenter °' 3 -Fire hose, Recorder instructed to advertise for 88, 123, 733 bids for $2,000.00 worth May 1 --Fire Fighters Union, City, petition of, relative to 127, 151 annual vacations 145 15 -Fire Chief, annual report of June 5- Fielden & Bonz, petition of, to install gasoline 167 filling station 5 -First Baptist Church, petition of, relative to can- 169 cellation of. taxes 5- Fitzpatrick, John, petition of, relative to water 188, 443, 599 overflowing property 19 -Fire Chief's report on American La France Fire 190, 194 Engine Co. tractor 215 3- Farley & Loetscher Co., petition to excavate 3-- Fengler, Mrs. Alice M., petition of, relative to 215, 499 tar Avenue, repair work 227, 241, 307, 308, 310, 493, 517 14 -Fifth 17- Flynn, Nora C., petition of, relative to damage by 230, 445, 499 rain 17 -Faig, John, petition of, remonstrance against Leib- 231 nitz Street improvement 18- Finance Committee, relative to borrowing money to create Emergency Fund for storm of July 9, 244 1919 7 -Fifth Avenue, profile 288, 307, 308, 310, 316, 333, 342, 493, 617 7- Fourteenth Street, resolution to improve...294, 307, 309, 316, 338, 432 7- Fifteenth Street resolution to improve 294, 331, 348, 359, 362, 307 21- Fritch, Mrs. P. W., claim against J. M Kenety...... 21- Fidelity and Deposit Co. (Bonding Co.), notice to 307 finish work on Heeb Street 309, 316, 341 21- -Fifth Street, resolution „ CC CC IC July ft Ci Aug. IC INDEX -Book 49 SUBJECT Page 1919 E Jan. 2- Evans, Mrs. C. . J., petition of, relative to bill for 1 repairing sewer Feb. 6 -Edina Street, petition of property owners rela Liv 501, 521, 540, 554 to improving same 6 -Elks Home Building Co., petition of, relative to 18 the amount of assessment 6 -Elm Street, petition of property owners relative to sewer from 32nd Street south to 28th Street...19, 55, 88, 94, 120, 264 6- Engine House, Rhomberg Avenue, petition of Fifth 19, 56 Ward residents relative to proposed removal of 6- Electrician, City, report of 56 2 20- Engel, H. A., resignation of, as Roller Engineer... 20- Engine House at Eighteenth Street, bids for ma- 60, 57 terial to repair same 10- Engel, H. A., bill of, referred to Committee of the 51 Whole - 10- Engel, Fred, petition of, relative to appointment 52 as Roller Engineer 20 -Edina Street. resolution to improve 55, 59, 75, 84. 87, 102, 113, 116, 121, 125, 140, 369, 430, 501, 536 31- Excavations in streets and alleys, Recorder in- 64, 94, 119, 133 structed to adertise fovr bids 17- Engineers Shireman and Engle, petition of, rela- 96 tive to increase in salary 296 10- Emergency a[3 Necessity, resolution to create fund 17- Enright, Miss M. et al., addressed Council, sewers 228, 230 16th Streetc, etc. 239 17- Eitel, Al, appointment of 244 18- Emergency Fund created 252 30- Emergency pay roll 278 1- Evans, Mr., permission to move Municipal Dock 21- Emergency Fund, pay roll, streets damaged by 308, 438 flood July 9. 1919 21- Emergency Fund, loan warrants to be drawn to 314 create fund 314 16- Election, Special, Alderman Second Ward 369 18 -Edina Street, waiver of property holders 18- Emergency Fund, loan warrants to be drawn to 370, 437 ,438 fund 6- Eberhardt, L., petition of, for allowance for dam- 495 age by water 20- Eisbach, Peter, notice of return service relative 514 to sidewalks 514 20- Emergency Fund, loan warrants to be drawn 517 20- Engine House, Delhi Street, constructing doors 607 Dec. 18- Emergency Fund, loan warrants to be drawn 23- Election, Special, petition for, Manager Plan and Electrict Light and Power Plant to be owned by 621, 638 City IC Mar. IC April July Aug. Sept. Nov. INDEX -Book 49 SUBJECT Page 1919 G Jan. 16- Glasser obacco Co., report of City Assessor rela- tive to cancelling personal tax 16 -Glab, Nic Estate, report of City Assessor relative to cancelling personal taxes Feb. 6- Gmehle, A. E., petition of, relative to appointment as delinquent tax collector Id 6 -Glab, Frank, petition of, relative to soldier's ex- emption of taxes 6 -Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, petition of by J. W. Feller, relative on Street to a reduction nsher and 6 -Gibbs & Company, bid Flusher 20- Grace, M. J., Clerk of District Court, warrant or- dered drawn for $6.65 Mar. 20- Gantert, Fred, bond, of May 1- Gross, Miss Katie, petition of, relative to error in assessment for cleaning s to ,revision of 1 -Grade Book of the City, same 1- Graham, Dr. J. N., raise of salary to $100.00 per month 15 -Grand View Avenue to improve from Delhi Street to 181, to Dodge Street 20- General Expense Fund, part of same to be used - for the improvement of Grand View Avenue and Dodge Street, Julien Avenue, Fourth District and and Fifth Districts 5 -Green Street, petition of Geo. Oakley to establish grade 5 -Grand View Avenue, property owners notified to connect with gas, sewer and 185ater mains 3, 8i334, It ft ft June GC July 3 -Gross Bros., petition to lower curb 3 -Great Western R. R., report of City Attorney 3 -Green Street Ordinance 3 -Grand View Avenue, Resolution 17 -Grand View Avenue, remonstrance, Mr. Barnes et al 18 -Grand View. Avenue, remonstrance, report of Com- mittee of the Whole View Avenue, resolutions 1 -Grand View Avenue, bids for improving 21 -Gas connections, Grand View Avenue, bids 21 -Glen Oak Avenue North, petition of property own- ers to open street 21- Grode, Jacob, petition to excavate to make con- nections with sewer Sept. 4- Gmehle, A. E., petition of, appointment delinquent tax collector 4 -Gibbs & Co., petition to Council to endorse pur- chase of road oil 12 -Grand View Avenue, relative to putting on an inspector 16 -Grand View Avenue and Delhi Street, relative to rave corners rounded 18 -Gibbs & Co., communication relative to car load of road oil 29 -Grand View Avenue and Delhi, relative to round- ing corners Oct. 16 -Grand View Avenue, Engineer's report on water, 451, gas and sewer connections not made CC tt Aug. ft ft „ It dt INDEX -Book 49 SUBJECT Page 12 12, 25 17 18 18, 89 31 33 55, 144 128, 144 133, 141, 161 133 194, 204, 216 153 167, 190 337, 338, 490 215 218 220, 262 224, 225 228, 301 244, 281, 302 244, 265, 266 279, 302, 385 303, 337, 338 306 306 344 345 364, 385 365 373 385 490, 493, 494 1919 F 21 -Fifth Street special assessment 4- Fourth Street Engine House, avert si g for bid 43 490, to move toilet 34 360, 404 4- Fifteenth Street, grade of with City 24 -Fire Chief, notify theatres to comply Ordinance Oct. 2 -Fire Engine House, Delhi Street, bids for repoiring 2- Firemen, petition for raise in salary 16- Feldstein, H., petition of, relative to damages by storm 16- Frick, A., be appointed to install street signs ac- 446, 517, 585 cording to bid submitted 16-Fidelity shape, Deposit elat relative notified excavation street on by Chas. Pape Nov. 6 -Fifth Ward tax payers, petition of, relative to cleaning Bee Branch Sewer 6- Fitzpatrick, John, notice of claim for damage by water 6 -First National Bank, loan warrants, Emergency Fund 20- Fraternal - Order of Eagles, petition of, relative to reduction of taxes 20- Friedman, Win., notice of claim, damages to wagon and harness 26 -Fuel Administration, conference with Fuel Commis - missioners Dec.. 8 -First National Bank, to report on Government securities Sept. If n it ft IC ft INDEX -Book 49 SUBJECT Page 317 493, 517 378 422 422 445, 499 446 494 495 500 513 513 541 601, 605 1919 Nov. „ Dec. It It q INDEX —Book 49 SUBJECT G 6— Grundy & Hird, petition to withhold property from tax sale 6— Grace, M. J., warrant for court costs 20— Greenwald, Chas., petition of, soldier's exemption on taxes 18— Grigg, J. J., remonstrance against repairing and cleaning snow off of sidewalk 18 —Groff, Barbara, assessment levied for cutting weeds 18— Grandview Avenue sewer connections, W. S. Gow contractor 30— Gribben, John, personal injury claim Page 1919 H 494 Jan. 2— Hassett, Thomas, Engineer's report relative to re- 3 500 port for improvement of Villa Street 16— Heller, Fred J., (City Assessor), relative to bond 12, 21 513 16— Hartig Drug Co., bill allowed for supplies for 13 ambulance 605 Feb. 6— Helbing, Conrad F., petition of, relative to tax re- 17 607 duction 6— Hille, George J., petition of, relative to soldier's 17 exemption of taxes 62 6— Hickey, Mary, notice of claim for personal injuries 19 99 607, 638 sustained by fall 6 —Hill Street and West Third Street, petition to 26 widen corner received and filed 26 6— Hogan, Sarah C., relative to report of City Attorney 20— Hydrant at West Third Street, petition of citizens 28 relative to same being a nuisance 20 —Heer, Fred, petition of, relative to lowering curb 28 at Pahl's Bakery 20— Humane Society, petition of, relative to approa- 33, 89 priation for 1919 Mar. 6 —Heim, Thos., petition of, relative to appointment 42, 134 as City Carpenter 20— Heckman, Lieut. W. J., petition of, relative to sol- 51 dier's exemption 20— Hendricks, Geo. J., petition of, relative to appoint- 52, 134 ment as City Carpenter 60, 103, 134 20 —Heeb Street, resolution to improve April 3— Hammel, A. L., petition of, relative to excavating 80 in Rhomberg Avenue ” 3— Hannon, M., petition of, relative to hauling dirt , 80 146 from the streets May 1Higley, Howard and Henry, petition of, relative to 127, 191 remittance of taxes " 1— Huntington, Mrs. Mary, petition of, relative to er- 128, 143 ror in assessment for cleaning snow " 15— Herron, Edward W., Cashier Water Works Depart- 143 ment, bond of June 5— Harold Street, petition to construct sanitary sewer 168 " 5— Horrabin, Wm., petition to sublet contract 168, 168, 191 " 5— Hamel, A. L., bond of 168, 191 " 5 —Hill, M., bond of 191 168, " 5— Holland, bond of 169 " 5— Herron, Edward W., bond of 188 " 19— Harper, Mary, petition to connect with sewer " 19— Hemmer, N. G., petition of, for positon on Street 188 Flusher 190 " 19 —Heim, John, remonstrance, Peru Road " 19— Heilberger, Mary, notice relative to widening 207 White Street 216 July 3— Heller, Fred, resignation " 3 —Heeb Street, Staner notified to finish work 221, 307, 442 " 21— Hollnagel, Mrs., relative to sidewalk washed out 246, 293 by storm Aug. 1— Hucksters notified by Market Master to be present at Committee of Whole Meeting, August 4th, 278 relative to City Market " , 7— Helbing, John G., petition of, to install gasoline 281, 423 tank " 7 Holly Street( profile 288, 298, 311, 314, 335, 341 " 21— Hempstead Street, profile 309 Sept. 4— Harold Stret, sewer bids 344 if if eg INDEX —Book 49 SUBJECT Page 1919 H 4— Horrabin, Wm., maintenance bond, Main Street 4— Henry, Street, grade of 4— Henion Street sewer, resolution 12— Hamel, A. L., petition to excavate at 2022 Couler Avenue Oct 2 —Heeb Co., petition of, relative to coal receptacle under sidewalk 2— Henion Street, grade of 2— Highway Marker Association, report of Ass't City Attorney 7 —Hill Street, repair of 16 —Heeb Co., petition of, relative to coal receptacle under sidewalk Nov. 6— Hanley, Rev. J. J., petition of, relative to damages to automobile 6— Handley, Mary, report of M. D. Cooney 20 —Hill, M. A., notice of claim, damage to Ford truck 20 —Hill Street, repair of 4 —Hug, Anna, petition to cancel taxes 4 —Heim, John L., petition of, to reduce assessment for improvement Peru Road 4— Hoefflein, Mrs. Pauline, petition to install gasoline tank filling station 4— Hoefflein, Mrs. Pauline, petition to drop curb for drive way 18— Hargus, Lilian L., remonstrance against repairing and cleaning snow off sidewalk 18— Hintrager, Emile, assessment levied for cutting weeds CC CC ft Dec. t i CC CC INDEX —Book 49 SUBJECT Page 347, 425 347 360 364 422 423 423 437, 440 449, 512 495 500 513 515 582 582 584 584 605 607 1919 I Feb. 6 —Iowa Telephone Co., relative to bond 26, 133 April 3 —Ida Street, to imprvoe 93, 143, 150, 152, 162, 172, 174, 178, 186, 208, 369, 501, 521, 533, 539, 544 3— Interlocking Cement Block Co., cancellation of taxes 191 7 —Iowa Street, resolution to improve 296, 307, 309, 333, 340, 432 7 —I. C. R. R. Co., notice to clean out culverts 300, 307, 313 13 —Iowa Association Chiefs of Police 301 21 —I. C. R. R. Co. crossings 313, 346, 375, 378 21- Inspector on City work, City Engineer recom- mends one be appointed 314 21— Inspector, salaries 314 Sept. 4 —Iowa Telephone Co., bond 347 18 —Ida Street, waiver of property holders 369 Nov. 24 —Iowa Telephone Co., petitionof, asking permis sion to place underground conduits in streets 520 tg Aug. tg Ct INDEX —Book 49 SUBJECT Page 1919 May June if CC July CC Oct. Nov. 15— Julien Avenue and Alpine Streets, southwest cor- 146 ner to be widened 15— Julien Avenue, to improve from Alta Vista Street to Alpine Street 149, 190, 196, 207, 211, 214 19— Jewell, H., petition of, to run bus line 188 19— Jacksonville (Florida) City Council, asking cd- 189 operation relative to price of gasoline 189, 219 19— Junck, Robert I., excavation bond 227, 437, 440, 219 14— Julien Avenue, repair work 229, 240, 266 17— Julien Avenue, bids for repair 18— Jackson, Florida, communication relative to gaso- 244 line prices 16— Jaeger, Frank M., petition of, asking Council to 445 install gasoline tank 515 20— Julien Avenue, repair of. INDEX —Book 49 SUBJECT J Page 1919 Jan. if If Cf .f CC Aug. if CC Sept. CC IC if INDEX —Book 49 SUBJECT K 2 —Key City Gas Co., report of Committee of the Whole, relative to Ordinance establishing the price of gas 16 —Key City Gas Co., petition of citizens relative to fixing the rate to be charged for gas 16 —Key City Gas Co., agreement of, relative to rate to be charged for gas 16 —Kies, Peter, appointment of, as Deputy Assessor 16 —Key City Gas Co., relativeto bond 16 —Katz, Hedwig, relative to settlement of personal injury claim for $200 Feb. 6— Kessler, Mrs. Louis S., petition of, relative to tax reduction 6— Kenneally, R. J. (fireman), petition relative to pay- ing substitutes 20— Kearney, Chas. Dr., petition of, relative to soldier's exemption of taxes " 20— Kolfenbach, Louis F., Treasurer's Clerk, bond of April. 3 —Kurt, Frank N., petition of, relative to retaining wall on Klingenberg Terrace 17— Keller, Mrs. Elizabeth, petition of, relative to dam- age done property by blasting at Walsh's stone quarry 17 —Keck, Rosa, petition of, relative to tax reduction 17— Kuttler, Anna, petition of, relative to old soldier's exemption of taxes May 1— Kemler, J. E., petition of, relative to reduction of assessment 1— Klingenberg Terrace, improvement of, from Klein Street to Rosalind Street June 5— Kolfenbach, Louis bond of " 19— Kaufmann Avenue, sewer be extended July 3 —Kies, Peter, appointed Assessor' 3 —Kies, Peter, bond approved " 17— Kaufmann Avenue, bids for repairing " 17— Kemler, Sarah E., petition of, relative to retaining wall, West 11th and Walnut Streets " 17— Kaufmann Avenue, storm sewer " 18— Korman, G. L., contract awarded, repaving Kauf- mann Avenue 1 —Key City Gas Co., meter readers to wear badges 7— Kennicker, Albert G., notice of claim 7— Klauer Mfg. Co., remonstrating against sidewalk 7 —Key City Gas Co., petition of, relative to meter readers 13— Kemler, A. W. Estate, relative to widening corner at Hill and W. Third Streets 4— Kenety & Son, bid on Rosedale Avenue 4 —Kies, Peter J., City Assessor, bond 4 —Key City Gas Co., contract awarded, Grand View Avenue, gas mains 4— Kringle, Oliver G., bids for sewer and water mains Grand View Avenue rejected 4— Kuehnle, F O., petition of, for opening Race Street 12— Korman, G. L., to be notified to place lights on Kaufmann Avenue where repair work is going on 12— Kemler Estate, report of City Attorney Oct. 2— Kemler Estate, report of City Engineer 16— Kaufmann Avenue, petition of residents, relative to damage by flood 16— Kemler, Sarah E., notice of suit for damages Page 4, 10, 16 9 10 11 12, 21 12 17 26 28, 47 33, 47 80 96 96, 134 97, 132 127 136, 148 168, 191 194 216 231 229, 364 231 244, 517, 607 244, 266 278 281, 464 283 288 301 343 347 355 355 355 364 378 429 446, 517 446 1919 Jan. 2- Light, petition of residents on Burden and Davis 1 Avenue asking for same ,. 2- Liberty Tractor Co., Ordinance vacating streets for 7, 22, 26 their use " 16- Linehan, Dr. LewiA, petition of, relative to soldier's 9, 25 exemption from taxes 14 16 -List of City Warrants drawn in January, 1919 Feb. 6- Lattner, S. B., referee Estate Richard Waller, 18 relative to cancelling personal taxes Liepe, Siena, notice of claim for personal injuries 18, 96 sustained by fall 20, 56 6- Library Trustees, annual report of 6- Lynch, James, Sidewalk Inspector, report of, rela- 20 tive to error in assessment 6- Longueville, Attorney, to revise City Ordinances 5 d n c 5133, 141, 144, 161 10- Lawler, John, Committee Clerk, salary raised to 27 $125.00 per month 20- Library, Public, petition of, relative to appropria- 28, 56, 97, 282 tion for 1919 20- Lippert, Mary, petition of, relative to tax reduction 28, 52 28- Louisa Street, warrant ordered drawn in favor of 35,191 Mayor Saul to pay for opening same 28, -List of City Warrants drawn in February, 1919 38, 39 20 -Long, Conrad Estate, petition by Mrs. W. H. Rie- 52 man asking for tax reduction 20 -Lee, James F., notified to repair Rhomberg Ave- 55 nue and Locust Street 65 55 20 -List of City Warrants drawn in March, 1919 April 3 -Light to be placed at Grant Avenue and 11th Street 80 " 3 -Light to be placed at intersection of Rhomberg 88 Avenue and C. G. W. tracks ' 3 -Love, Robt., to be paid $15.00 for making a street 89 broom 96 17- Light, petition for, at 17th and Washington Streets 98, 132 17- Lagen, Cyril D., relative to bond 17- Lights to be installed on recommendation of the 99 Committee of the Whole 17- Leibnitz Street, resolutionsto improve...104, 150, 164, 172, 175, 183, 186, 209, 314, 369, 442, 591, 604, 605, 607, 620, 628 17 -Light to be placed on Sixth Street between Fourth 106 Street and railroad tracks 17 -List of City Warrants drawn during the month of 107-113 April, 1919 118 17- Langworthy Avenue, grade established 119 17- License, City, notice from whom required May 1- Light, petition for, on Rhomberg and Lincoln 128 Avenues 131 1 -Lee, James, settlement of case vs. City of Dubuque 1 -Light to be placed at the intersection of Sanford 133 Avenue and Queen Street 1 -Light to be placed at intersection of 17th Street 134 and Washington Street Light to be placed at intersection of Curtis street and 143 South Booth Street 1- --List of City Warrants drawn during month of May, 154 1919 168, 191 June 5- Linehan & Moto bond. of " 5- Liberty Tractor Co., petition to connect with sewer 176 " 5- Locust Street, repair of IC ft IC Cf Mar. If It INDEX -Book 49 SUBJECT L Page 1919 K Nov. 20-Korman, G. L., bills for sewer in Lincoln Avenue, Committee of the Whole 20- Knochel George, notice of claim for damage to automobile 4- Kaufman, Jos. K., petition of, relative to assess- ment on Rosaline Street 4- Kiesel, Geo W., report of Assesso'r 18 -Kapp, John, relative to cutting weeds Dec. CC H INDEX -Book 49 SUBJECT Page 512 513 582, 607 589 605 1919 L 5— Lincoln Avenue, improvement of, from C. G. W. R. R. tracks to First Avenue 5 —Light to be placed at intersection of Dodge and Alpine Street 5 —Light to be placed at Bluff Street steps 5— Lincoln Avenue property owners notified to con- nect with gas, sewer' and water mains 5 —Light to be placed at intersection of Sanford Ave- nue and Washington Street 5— Louisa Street, opening of 5— Lawson, Edith, proposition relative to opening Louisa Street 19 —Light to be placed at Auburn Avenue and Delhi Streets 19 —List of City Warrants issued for month of June, 1919 July 3— Linwood Cemetery Association, tive to establishing grade 17 —Light to be placed at 16th and Elm Streets 17 —Light to be placed at 19th and Washington Streets (Petition) 17 —Loyal Order of Moose, communication of, relative to Carnival 17 —Light to be placed at Atlantic Avenue and Willow Street 21-- „ Longueville, Oliver, draw warrants in his favor for revision of Ordinances 21— Longueville, Oliver, vote of for work 21 —List of City Warrants drawn for 1919 21— Laborers wanted 7—Lacy, Frank R., petition Lawther Avenue, a property owner addressed Council relative to sewer 7— Loizeaux, Dr. C. E., bill Melvin Leist 7— Lawlor, Mrs. J. W. and family, acknowledgment... 21— Lincoln Avenue sewer, bids for 21— Library Board, communication of 21— Leibnitz Street, resolution to construct sewer 21 —List of City Warrants drawn for month of August 4— League of Iowa Municipalities, relative to send ing delegates to annual meeting 4 —Lee, James F. Paving Co., maintenance bond, Peru Road 4 —Lee, James F. Paving Co., maintenance bond, Fifth Street ... 4 —Lee, James F. Paving Co., maintenance bond, Third Street 4 —Lee, James F. Paving Co., maintenance bond, Sixth Street 4— Lawther Avenue, grade of 4 —Lee, James F. Paving Co., Avenue 4 —Lee, James F. Paving Co., to repair Locust Street 4 —Lee, James F. Paving Co., contract for raising street intersections along Main Street 18— Lavery Mrs. John J., petition of, relative to con- necting her property on Grand View Avenue with sewer, water and gas mains CC CC CI If CC ff (1 ” Cf It Aug. fi " ft SI SC Sept. ft fi di „ fa INDEX —Book 49 SUBJECT thanks petition between 14th of, rela- extended him month of July, for medical services for to repoir Rhomberg Page 179, 288 184 185 185 185 185, 191 185, 191, 219 196 197 215 229 231 239 243 252 252 254 262 for remission of taxes 283, 424, 520, 589 284, 288, 309 284 284, 285 303, 311 313, 604 314 321 346 347, 425 347, 425 347, 425 347, 425 347 355, 369 355, 369 385, 355 368 1919 L 24— Lattner, S. B., petition of, for cancellation of taxes on Waller Estate 24 —Levi, James & Co., petition to bridge alley on Seventh Street between Main and Iowa 21 —List of City Warrants for month of September Oct. 2— Light, petition for, at 32nd and Elm Streets 2— Loizeaux, Dr. C. E., bill for services performed for M. Leist 2— Lights, petition of Traveling Men's Greater Du- buque Club 7 —Lee, James F. & Co., notified to remove wagons, tanks and steam rollers 16 —Lee, James F. & Co., relative to use of street roller 16— Light, petition of residents asking for light on Millville Road and Fink Street 16 —Lee, James F. & Co,. maintenance bond, Alpine Street 16 —List of City Warrants issued for month of October 6 —Luke, Miss Sadie E., petition of, not to assess her for sewer 6 —Lee, James F. & Co., maintenance • bond, Apine Street 20 —Lee, James F. & Co., bills Second Road referred to Committee of the Whole " 20 —Loes, Dr. A. M., bills Second Road referred to Committee of the Whole' 20— Lewis, Harry L., petition to connect property with storm sewer 20 —Light to be placed at intersection of Angella and Cox Streets 20 —List of City Warrants issued during month of November Dec. 1 —Lee, James F. J Co., petition of, asking for ex- tension of time on Grand View Avenue Linehan, Dr. Lewis, petition of, for soldier's exemp- tion of taxes 4— Lehner, Casper, petition of, for permission to put steel door in sidewalk 18 —Light to be placed in Marquette Place, petition of residents 18 —Light to be placed at intersection of Seventh and Locust streets 30 —List of City Warrants issued during mbonth of December CC CC Nov. IC fd CC If if SC SC INDEX —Book 49 SUBJECT Page 377 378 395 -402 422 425 • 432 437, 446 445 446 447 469 -477 494 499 512, 591 512 513 518 542 581, 604 583 583 604 607 622 1919 M Jan. 2 —Metz, Louis F., guardian of children of George Schlegel, petition of, relative to cancelling taxes 16— Mueller, Wm. J., petition of, relative to soldier's exemption of taxes 16 —Mt. Pleasant Home, petition of, relative to can- celling assessment 16— Mayagnes, P. R., City of, petition by Mayor A. Galanes asking for contribution 6— Muntz, Otto S., petition of, relative to bill for re- pairs on Fire Engine 6— Milligan, Ed. E., tax petition received and filed 6— Madden, Miss B., petition of, relative to special assessment, received and filed 6-- .Mulgrew, Thos. J. Co., petition of, relative to use of Charter Street 6— Milwaukee Shops employees, petition of, relative to gas rates 20— Meyer, Stanley N., petition of, relative to soldier's exemption of taxes 20— Midwest Auto Supply Co., petition of, relative to over - hanging sign 20— Madison Street Stairway, report by Park Board Mar. 6 —Mt. Pleasant Home, petition of, relative to can- celling assessment on Lots 55 to 63 inc., Rose- dale Add. April 3— Municipal Electric Light and Power Plant, peti- tion of residents to hold Special Election to vote on same 3 —Main Street, to improve 58, 91, 103, 114, 122, 125, 127, 132, 134, 140, 501, 521, 17— Marshall, George, claim of, for rent of building at 52 South Main Street 17— Machinists, International Association of, petition of, asking the Council to appoint a union ma- chinist as superintendent of the Water Works... 17— Martin- Strelau Co., petition of, relative to vacat- ing strip of land being a portion of Pine Street 17— Mundt, Wallie, petition of, relative to appointment as city carpenter 17— Market stands to be sold May 3, 1919 May 1— Martin, Wallace 0., petition of, relative to install- ing a gasoline filling station 1— Miller, Mary F'., petition of, relative to reduction in assessment 1— Master Plumbers, petition of, relative to sanitation 15— Memorial Day, relative to donation for observance of same " 15— Mayor's Proclamation, relative to welcoming home of the 168th Regiment of Rainbow Division June 5— Meyer, Stanley, petition of, relative to soldier's ex- emption of taxes 5— Meehan, Mary, claim for damages to property by flood 5— Wallie, Mundt, to be taken off pay roll 5— Market, bids for cleaning 19— Mettel Land & Security Co., petition of, to correct error in taxes 19— Mayor's Proclamation, relative . to Community Building July 10— Magdal, pump water out of basement CC Feb. CC CI CC CC CC CC CC CC INDEX —Book 49 SUBJECT Page 1, 12 9 9, 26 13 19 25 25 25 25 28 ,52 28, 57 34 42 81 522, 539, 555 95 95, 134 96 96 ,134 117 128 128 143 143 162 169 169, 500 176 176, 187 189 211 226 1919 M 30 —Main Street, no parking of cars where street im- provement is being done 30— Markers, Chief of Police to place on streets 7— Mettel Land & Security Co., relative to personal tax 7— Masters, George, petition of, asking for position of plumbing inspector 21 —Main Street property owners, petition of, to have pavement raised 4 inches at S. W. corner 10th and Main Streets 21— Marquette Place, petition of Voelker Realty Co , Engineer to prepare grade 21— Mueller, Fred, notified to commence work on 18th Street Comfort Station 21— Mayor's Proclamation, Special Election 4— Miller, Mary F., petition of, relative to reduction in taxes 4 —Mayor given power to regulate traffic on Main Street while improvement on street is going on 4 —Mayor Saul and City Attorney appointed to attend annual meeting of Iowa League of Municipalities 29— Maynard, Mr., of Dubuque Electric Co., relative to making an appraisal Oct. -2— Melchior, Thos. J., relative to repair of sidewalk by Jas. F. Lee Paving Co. 2— Mullen, Mrs. J. L., petition of, relative to repair- ing curb at 64 -66 W. Third Street 2— Mauer, W. J. & Co., excavation bond 2— Marshall, R. P., communication relative to loan warrant (Sisters of Visitation) lost 16— Mullen Bros., petition of, asking permission to ex- cavate in Delhi Street 16— Morrison Bros., communication of, calling attention of City Council to needs of cleaning Bee Branch Sewer 16— Meyer, George, suit for damages settled Nov. 6— Martin, Mary A., petition of, relative to damages to property by flood 6— Mullen Bros., petition of, to connect Magdal build- ing with Pine Street storm sewer 6— Mullen, Michael, bond of 20— Muntz, Ed., petition of, relative to special assess- ment 20— Maloney, Miss Kate, notice of claim for damage by flood 20 —Mt. Pleasant Home, petition of, for reduction of special assessment 20— Memorial Building 20— Moulders' Union, petition for use of Armory Hall Dec. 1— Market Master, petition to increase price of meals for prisoners 4— Meyer, Mrs. Henry, petition of, for cancellation of taxes 4 —Mt. St. Joseph's College, petition of, for cancella- tion of taxes 4— Municipal Wood Yard, to establish 18— Murphy, Jerry, bid on wood 18— Miller, John, bid on wood CC Aug. iC CC Sept. IC IC CC CC IC CC CC CI INDEX —Book 29 SUBJECT Page 253 253 285 288, 516 306 306 313 332 355 355 355 385 422 423 425 426 445 445, 516 • 448 494 495 495, 590, 606 512, 541, 591 513, 589 516 518 519 581 583 583 583 590, 600 601 602 INDEX —Book 49 SUBJECT Page MC Jan. 16— McNeice, Samuel, petition of, relative to exemp- tion from taxes 9, 25 " 16— McCarthy, .. Harry J., appointment of, as Deputy Assessor 11 Feb. 6— McFadden Building Co., petition of, relative to tax reduction 17, 57 " 6— McNamara, C. B. Co., Recorder instructed to re- ceive a certified check for $1,000.00 in place of bond for constructing North Cascade Crossing Bridge 25 " 6— McPoland, Rodger, petition of, relative to special assessment 26 Mar. 20— McNamara Co., City Attorney instructed to see if contract to keep Clay Street is still in force 55 April 3— McClain, W. A., petition of, relative to tax exemp- tion 80 " 3— McConnell, James R., notice of claim for personal injuries 80 May 1— McCarron, H. S., application of, as driver of one of street fiushers 127 " 1— McClain, Nathan, report of City Attorney relative to soldier's exemption of taxes 132 June 5— McEvoy, J. W., bond of 168, 191 5— McConnell, James R., claim for personal injury 169 July 17— McEvoy, addressed Council relative to tunneling streets 231 Aug. 7— McGregor, Mr., addressed Council 281 " 23— McLaughlin, J. J., meeting called to draft resolu- tions on his death 320 Sept. 1— Mayor's Proclamation, Special Election 409 Oct. 2— McNamara Co., C. B., notified to remove dirt from streets 429, 446 " 6— McNamara Co., bill not properly O. K.d 494, 512, 540 Nov. 20— McEvoy, J., addressed Council relative to water mains on Dodge Street 513 " 20— McNamara Co., report of City Engineer, allow in- terest on Seventh Street improvement 514 20— McEvoy, John, addressed Council relative to abol- ishing horse drinking fountains 518 Dec. 4— McClain, George E., petiton of, relative to sol- dier's exemption of taxes 583, 605 " 18— McGuire, J. G., bid on wood 602 " 18— McClain, Mrs. Catherine, granted exemption of taxes 607 1919 0 Jan. 2-Ordinances, relative to establishing the price of 4, 10, 16 gas Streets 2-Ordinance, from 27th vacating to28 h Streets for Liberty Tractor 7, 22 Co 16- Olinger, John, petition of, relative to reduction in g 52 assessment Feb. 6 -Odd Fellows Building, petition by D. W. Rand, 18 relative to tax reduction 6- Ordinance vacating streets and alleys for the Corn 23, 265 Belt Packing Co. 6- Ordinances of City to be revised by Attorney 29, 47, 49, 133, 14a Longueville 6- Ordinances of the City, resolution to revise same 49 127 May 1- O'Meara, petition of, relative to remitting taxes April 3- Ordinance establishing grade in alley first east of 85, 121 Hill Street from Wooton Avenue to Benson 86 3- Ordinance establishing grade on 28th Street 3-- Ordinance establishing grade on alley between 86, 120 Washington Street and Elm Street...... between 3 -O W Washington a Str et and o and Street from 25th Street to 27th Street 121 87, 3- Ordinance establishing grade on Edina Street 87, 120 88 3- Ordinance establishing grade on Elm Street 110, 117 3- Ordinance establishing a grade on Fifth Street 3- Ordinance establishing a grade on Sixth Street 100, 116, 117 3- Ordinance establishing a grade on Auburn Avenue 3- Ordinance establishing a grade on Langworthy 118 Avenue 3- Ordinance granting the Dubuque Electric Co. to 152, 163 • charge 6 and 7c street car fares June 5- Oakley, George, petition of, to establish grade on 167, 262 Green Street 174, 206 5- Ordinance establishing grade on Ida Street 174, 205 5- Ordinance establishing grade on Rosaline Street 174, 205 5- Ordinance establishing grade on Third Street 5- Ordinance establishing grade on Leibnitz Street 175, 206 19- Ordinance establishing grade on alley first south 192, 205 of West Third Street 19- Ordinance establishing grade on alley first west of 192, 204 Locust Street 219 3- Ordinance, Corn Belt Packing Co. 220 3- Ordinance, Green Street 220, 262 3- Ordinance, Peru Road 21- Ordinance providing for assessment of property for taxation, levying taxes thereon and collecting 58, 246, 270, 412 the same 228, 265 17- Ordinance, Corn Belt Packing Co. reconsider 21- Ordinance No. 88, an ordinance adopting the re- vision of the ordinance known as Revised OrdIh- 251, 268 antes of 1919 252 21- Ordinance, advertise for bids for printing 262 21- Ordinance, grade on Peru Road 1- Ordinance, repealing an ordinance providing for 277 the appointment of a Maret Master 1- Orwinance, prohibiting the selling of food com- 274 431 modities from stands 291 7- Ordinance, establishing grade in 30th Street 21- Oriental Sweet Shop, petition of, asking for per- 306, 424 mission to make opening in sidewalk " „ it CS ft CA IC Id IS July If " Aug: CC INDEX -Book 49 SUBJECT Page 1919 CC If di Sept. iC CC CC Oct. INDEX -Book .49 SUBJECT 21- Ordinance establishing grade in Lawther Avenue 21- Ordinance establishing grade on Sheridan Street 21- Ordinance establishing grade on Lincoln Avenue 21- Ordinance establishing grade on Holly Street 21- O'Meara, Mrs. Michael, relative to taxes 4- Osborne, A. L., petition of, to construct concrete driveway 4 -Odd Fellows Hall Assn., petition of, relative to taxes 4- , Ordinance establishing grade on Woodworth Street 4- Ordinance establishing grade on Leibnitz Street 4- Ordinance establishing grade on Hempstead Street 4- Ordinance establishing grade on Valeria Street 4- Ordinance establishing grade on Seminary Street 4- Ordinance establishing grade on Rosedale Avenue 4- Ordinance establishing grade on Auburn Avenue 12- Ordinance for assessing property for taxation 18- O'Donnell, Michael, appointed member .of Plumb- ing Commission 18- Ordinance prohibiting taking of water from hy- drants without permit 18- Ordinance establishing grade on 16th Street 18- Ordinance establishing grade on 14th Street 18- Ordinance establishing grade on Iowa Street .18- Ordinance establishing grade on alley first south of Windsor Avenue 18- Ordinance establishing grade on Cushing Place 24- O'Connor, John, relative to cutting weeds 24- Ordinance establishing grade on Leibnitz Street 24- Ordinance establishing grade on Lawther Avenue 24- Ordinance establishing grade on Henry Street 24- Ordinance establishing grade on 15th Street 30- Ordinance, plumbing 22- Ordinance establishing and creating a City Sewer District and making provision for fund to main- tain the same • 22- Official notices for month of October Nov. 20- O'Toole, John, petition of, for soldier's exemption from taxes • 20- Ordinance establishing grade on Henion Street Dec. 18- O'Connell Bros., bids on wood " 18- Orvis, John G., petition of, asking City Council to cancel penalties ff if IC CC If It if 309, 331 310, 330 311, 331 311, 330 313 345, 432 351, 408 351 352, 407 '352, 408 353, 407 353, 407 354, 408 364 366, 516 370, 371, 371, 372, Page 344 414 414 416 415 372, 416 373, 415 378 379, 406, 417 379, 417 380, 418 380, 418 386 -394 466, 491 478 -491 513, 589 541, 556 602 604 1919 16 -Pond, A. M., petition of, relative to cancelling taxes 16- Police Association, petition of, relative to increase of salaries 16 -Pape & Son Chas., relative to plumber's bond 12, 21, 168, 191. 16- Potter, Mrs. Eva, relative to personal injuries re- 12 ceived by a fall Feb. 6 -Pine Street, petiton of, property owners relative to 19 placing water plug at 27th Street 6- Police, Dubuque Association, petition of, relative to 19, 58 increase in salary 6 -Park Board, communication of, relative to appro- 19, 56, 97 priation for 1919 20- Pahl's Bakery, petition by Fred Heer to lower curb 28 at same 20- Parochial School Nurse, petition to have same 28, 57 appointed 20- Packard Motor Car Co., bid on Street Flusher and 31 Sprinkler 20 -Peter Even & Son, bid on Street Flusher and 31 Sprinkler 33, 47 20 -Puls, Otto F., Deputy Treasurer, bond of Mar. 6- Plumbers' Association, petition of, relative to ad- opting rules and regulations governing installa- 42 tion of sewers and general plumbing work April 17 -Pine Street and 13th Street, petition of property 96 owners relative to drainage 98 17- Policemen to wear summer caps 17- Police and Fire Commissioners, notice to appli- 120 cants for examination May 1 -Puls, Otto F., resignation of, as Assistant City 131 Treasurer 1- -Peru Road, to improve 136, 178, 189, 190, 195, 207, 210, 214, 215, 240, 430, 489, 496, 503, '507 June 5 -Peed Bros., petition of, to install gasoline filling 167 station 215; 281, 283 3 -Park Board, communication of 215 3- Plumbing code and licensing plumbers 262 3 -Peru Road, 'estimate, grade and ordinance 226 10- Photographs to be taken, damaged places 17 -Pape, Chas., petition of, to tunnel on Rhomberg 281, 364, 369 Avenue 17- Pleasant Street, draining of water 369 240 30 -Pay roll, laborers, Emergency Fund 30- Proclamation, Mayor Saul, meeting Commercial 263 Club 281, 313 7 -Park Board, communication of 7- Petition of City employees asking to be paid 232 weekly 286, 423 7- Papin, L. 0., bond of 4 -Park Board, communication of, relative to Grand 345 View Heights, cement steps 365 16- Police Department, relative to 8 -hour shift 366, 376 18- Plumbing Committee, appointed 18- Pi Scales r corner Delhi e and t Asbury � air City Streets 368 24- Potter, J. M., petition of, for cancellation of pen- 378 alty on 1914 taxes 30- Plumbing Ordinance 386 to 394 inc., 430, 478, 378 2 -Pape, Chas. & Son, relative to excavation in Elm Street Jan. I' 11 11 If If July Aug. 11 Sept. If 11 11 Oct. INDEX -Book 49 SUBJECT Page 9, 26 9 429 1919 P 16-Public Ownership League, communication of, rela- tive to condition of street at Rhomberg Avenue and Reed Street Nov. 6 -Pier Bros., petition of, relative to vacation for alley 20 Police Department, petition of, relative to raise in salary 20- Powers, Mrs., petition of, to reimburse her for damage done to property by flood 20- Petition of property owners for erection of school house, corner 12th and White Streets 4 -Pay rolls last half of November 4- Plumbing Inspector, report of 18 -Pier, Magdaline, bill for municipal bond issued Feb 20, 1858 18- Pitchner, Chas., relative to cutting weeds 18- Publishers' certified notice, cutting weeds 18 -Pay rolls for first half of December 18- Perrot, Mary, remonstrance against cutting weeds It Dec. le INDEX -Book. 49 SUBJECT Page 445 494 513 513 520 585 589 604 605 605 606 607 1919 INDEX -Book 49 SUBJECT Page Aug. 7 -Queen Street property holders, petition for sewer 281, 449 " 21- Quarter Master, Chicago, U. S., relative to food... 313 1919 INDEX -Book 49 R SUBJECT Page Jan. 2- Robinson, W. J., Pastor of First Baptist Church, petition of, relative to remittance of taxes 1, 47 " 2- Report of Officers for last half of December, 1918 1, 3 2- Realty Improvement Co., report of City Assessor relative to cancelling taxes 3 " 16- Rhomberg, A. L., petition of, relative to correcting assessment, Lot 4 of M. Lot 144 9 " 16- Report of Officers for first half of January, 1919 10 Feb. 6- Rauch, W. H., petition of, relative to correcting error in assessment 17 II 6 -Rand, D. W., petition of, relative to tax reduction on the Odd Fellows Building 11, 56 If 6- Russell, Mrs. Anna, petition of, relative to remit- tance of taxes paid 18 If 6- Report of Officers for the last half of January, 1919 21 if 6- Roshon, C. A., tax petition received and filed 25 " 20 -Riley Bros. Oil Corporation, communication of, rela- tive to road oil 29, 56 " 20- Report of Officers first half of February, 1919 32, 37 Mar. 6- Report of Officers last half of February, 1919 44 " 20- Roseline Avenue, petition of property owners to have street improved 51 " 20- F-Rider, Ellen A., petition of, relative to cancelling taxes 52 " 20- Report of Officers first half of March, 1919 53 " 20- Rosalind Avenue, resolution to improve 60, 92, 146 April 3- Rosencrans, Ida E., notice of claim forpersonal injuries 81 II 3- Report of Officers last half of March, 1919 81, 82, 83 3- Recorder, Deputy, salary increased to $110.00 per month 89 3- Rosaline Street, to improve 92, 93, 103, 115, 126, 128, 133, 148, 165, 172, 174, 183, 186, 188, 210, 515, 552, 585, 592, 599 17- Report of Officers first half of April, 1919 97 17 -Ross, Frank B., relative to bond 98, 132 May 1- Roberts, Albert J., petition of, relative to soldier's exemption of taxes 127, 191 II 1- Report of Officers last half of April, 1919 128, 130 1- Reinecke, Dr. E. L., salary to be raised to $75.00 per month 133 II 1- Rhomberg Avenue at the Five Points, Street Com- missioner to replace curbing 133 1- Roller Engineer's salary to be raised to $100.00 per month 133 1 -Ryan, J. J., appointed as Assistant City Engineer 140 " 15- Relihan & Mullen, petition of, relative to permis- sion to excavate 143 " 15- Report of Officers first half of May, 1919 144 " 15- Rhomberg Avenue, James F. Lee notified to repair same 145 June 5- Rosecranz, Ida E., suit for injuries 168 " 5- Rellihan & Mullen, bond of 168, 177, 191 5- Rhomberg, J. H., petition of, relative to assessment 168 II 5- Russell, Mrs. Anna, relative to refund of taxes 169 5- Report of Officers, last half of May 170, 171, 172 If 5- Rhomberg Avenue, repair of 177 5- Republic Street Flusher 177 if 19- Report of Officers first half of June 190 July 2- Report of Officers last half of June 213, 216, 217, 218 3- Rhomberg Avenue, regulation plate 221 1919 " 3- Rosedale Avenue, resolution 224, 307, 309, 313, 315, 336, 339, 343, 432, 437, 488, 591, 621 " 17- Rooney, Mary A., relative to assessment regutter- 230 ing Julien Avenue 230 " 17- Report of Officers first half of July ., 21-Revised Ordinances, advertise for printing same 252, 266, 267, 280 " 30- Revised Ordinances, specifications for printing and binding approved Aug. 7- Reece, C. W., communication of relative to hous- ing law " 7- Report of Weighmasters 7- Report of City Electrician relative to defective lights 7- Report of Officers last half of July " 21- Report of Officers first half of August 7- Revised Ordinances, contract awarded Sept. )2- Railroad crossings, railroad companies notifier to construct " 4- Rhomberg, A. L., petition of, relative to cancella- tion of taxes 4- Report of City Electrician 4- Report of City Assessor 4- Report of City Weighmasters 4- Report of City Attorney 4- Report of Officers last half of August 2- Recorder instrurted to return all checks to bidders on contracts that have not been awarded' 4- Resolution to construct sidewalk, Schroeder's Add. 12- Railroad crews to be arrested for blocking streets 12 -Reed Avenue Sewer 18 -Ryan, Mrs. Margaret, petition of, relative to re- duction of taxes 18-Reid, L. F., petition of, relative to pop corn stand 18- Rhomberg Avenue, petition of property holders to extend street " 18- Report of Officers first half of September, 1919 Oct. 2- Report of Officers last half of September, 1919 " 16- Report of Officers first half of October, 1919 " 16- Report of City Attorney tt " 16- Rhomberg Ave suit Avenue, to improve m to e Ri e er led " 16- Rhomberg Avenue, to improve to Lincoln Avenue... Nov. 6- Roesner, F., petition of, to withhold his property from tax sale 6- Report of Officers, last half of October, 1919 6- Report of City Attorney 6- Rellihan & Mullen, be notified to finish work oh 18th Street Comfort Station 20- Russell Anna P., petition of, claim for interest on taxes 20- Report of Officers for first half of November, 1919 Dec. 4- Report of Officers for last half of November, 1919 4 -Ruh, Andrew, petition of, forcancell'ation of taxes 18- Report of Officers 18 -Ring, Andrew, remonstrance against cutting weeds ff CC fg CC CC Cf CC ff INDEX -Book 49 SUBJECT R 253, 267, Page 313 281 287 288 288 308 313 343 345, 617 346 346 346 346, 347 348 355 356 363 364 368 368 369 370 426 447 448 448, 500 449 449 ,494 496 499 501, 514, 591 512 514 585 590 606 607 1919 S Jan. 2- Schlegel, George, children of, petition of, relative • to taxes 2- Sisters of Holy Ghost, deed of Sub: of Lots 37 and 38 of Finley's Add. to the City of Dubuque 2- Semper, Mrs. Mollie A., report of City Attorney relative to personal injury claim 2- Sewer, sanitary, to construct in Seminary Street 6, 194, 195, 294, 307, 16- South, F. M., report of City Assessor relative to old soldier's exemption of taxes Feb. 6- Steps, cement, petition of property owners relative to building at Bluff Street and Cleveland Avenue 6- Sewer, sanitary, petition of property owners to construct in Elm Street from 32d to 28th Streets 19, 27, 49, 76, 84, 94, 221, 6- Schublin Katherine, relative to old soldier's ex- „ SI Mar. emption 6- Street signs, Recorder instructed to advertise for bids 24, 31, 39, 153, 432 6- Seventh Day Adventists, petition of, relative to, taxes 6- Scheppley, Mrs. E. H., petition of, relative to spe- . _- cial assessment 10- Street Sprinkler and Flusher : - ,; Recorder er instructed ted 27, 31, 40, 48 to advertise for bids . . 20- System Federation of abor, petition of, relative to 27, 167 electric light contract 20- Seeck, A: W. Estate, petition by Mrs. Connelly 28, 57 relative to tax reduction 20- Street Scraper, report by A. Robinson relative to 29 the condition of same .... 20- Schrup Motor Co., bid on Street Flusher and 31 b'prinkler . . . 30- Steps, Madison Street, Report of Park Board rela 33 tive _ .............:... . 28- Sewer, Bee Branch, to be extended 37,50, 75 6- Sewer, petition of property owners to construct in Sheridan Street ....• ..,.,- . ,:,.:..:,.;42, 182, 270, 288, 341 6 -Sewer laborers, petition of, relative to increase in wages 42, 57 6- Shireman, Donald J., petition of, relative to ap- 42, 57 pointment as Roller Engineer 20_ Sewer, petition of, property owners to construct in Lincoln Avenue .,.. , ... • 52, 182, 215, 269, 501 20- Street Scraper to be purchased 56 20- Street laborers and ward foremen granted an in- 58 313 crease in wages - 20 -Sewer resolution to construct hi Heeb Street . 58, 59 20 -Sixth Street resolution to improve 61, 84, 89, 100, 102, 113, 116, 118- 122, 125, 140, 312, 336 20- Seventh St resolution to improve • -62, 91, 9 114, 128, 133, 138, 141, 145, 150, 160, 162,, 177, 354, 377, 381, 382, 402, 412 31- Steps, cement, bids for constructing at City Hall 64 April 3- Smith, Mrs. Mary A., petition of, relative to exca- vating at 41 S. Locust Street.. • 79 3- Spellerberg, R. L., petition of, to have . trees- 80 trimmed on Walnut and W. 11th Streets 3- Special election, petition of residents to hold same to vote on Municipal Electric Light and Power 81 Plant CC ff IC IC IC IC gf .. if INDEX -Book 49 SUBJECT Page 1, 12 2 2 337, 385, 517 12 19 264, 305, 507 20 26, 42, 56 26 1919 CC CC If If ff CC If fl If INDEX -Book 49 SUBJECT Page S 3- Street improvements, only four different kinds of 88 materials to be specified 89 3 7.Street broom, price for making to be $15.00 95 17- Seventh Avenue, petition of residents to improve 17- Sullivan, Mrs. Catherine, petition of, relative to tax reduction 17- Street improvements, pitch filler and Tarvia pene- 99 tration to be included in specifications for work 17- Sewer, sanitary, in South Dodge Street and Grand View Avenue, resolution to construct 101, 116, 128, 139, 141, 161, 374, 419, 423, 432, 436 17- Sewer, sanitary, in Sheridan Street, resolution lu t o 303, 515, 553 construct 17- Sewer, sanitary, in Elm Street 113, l 119, ion 2to 215, 221, 232, 305, 507 • struct May 1- Spies, Mike, notice of claim for personal injuries 126, 189 sustained 1 - Service Motor Truck oC., communication of, re 127 tive to aviation landing field 7- Scharping, Otto, petition of, relative to Spanish- 127 American war veteran exemption 133 1 -Sewer to be finished at the Water Level 1- Sewer, sanitary, Engineer instructed to make sur- vey and plat through Bush property from Ju- 134 lien Avenue to West 14th Street 1- Sewer, sanitary, to construct in Rosaline Street, 138, 147 Klingenberg Terrace and Klein Street 1 -Shea, J. J., appointed at Clerk in City Engineer's 140 office 184 1 -Shea, J. J., Clerk in Engineer's office, salary raised 1- Schmid, Adolph, appointed as Rodman in City 140 Engineer's office 150-Steff en, Henry, petition of, relative to excavat- 143 ing on Rhomberg Avenue 143 15- Street Sweeper, one to be ordered on trial 15- Street Commissioner instructed to widen street 151 corner 20-Sewer, 300.00 be paid out of Expense • 153 for construction June 5- Sewer, sanitary, in Leibnitz Street, petition for 168, 194, 314, 337, 362, 369, 375, 377, 384, 385, 402, 405, 411, 413, 421, 443, 480, 488, 493, 519, 553 5- Scherr, B. C., et al, petition to reimburse damage 5- South Locust Street, repair of by fire 177 5- Sewer, Delhi Street, resolution to construct 181, 231, 243, 264, 267, 280, 301, 374, 413, 423, 435, 185 5- Sewer, Dock Street, Engineer to survey 188 19- Specht, Peter, petition to improve alley 19- Standard Oil Co., petition to operate service sta- tion 19 -Saul, James, Mayor, communication relative to Lib- rary Board 19- Spies, M., notice of suit for personal injuries .... 19- Schwinn bond 19- Smith, Mary A., exacavation bond 19- Stoltz, Edward, appointed City Carpenter 19- Sewer, Kaufmann Avenue, be extended 19- Sewer, Woodworth Street 194, 195, 336, 362, 377, 384, 19- Sewer, Hempstead Street 194, 195, 336, 362, 377, 384, 96 168 189 189 189, 126 189, 219 189, 219 193 194, 607 385, 402, 411 385, 402, 411 1919 July CI 19 -South Locust Street, between Jones and Dodge Streets, grading and guttering 2- Scales, First Street, Mayor appointed weighmaster 2- Street Flusher, to be run nights 3-- Sidewalk, Smedley's Sub., petition of residents 3- Staner, N. J., be allowed 30 days to start work on 221 Heeb Street 221 3- Seventeenth Street, regulation plate 3- Sewer, Rush and Holly Streets, resolution 223, 298, 307, 432 " 10- Scanlon, address to Council relative to water run- 226 ning over his lot 227 " 14- Standard Oil Co., stipulation and agreement 227 14- Staner, N. J., Council ratify action of Ald. Hird " 17- Sewer, Seminary Street, remonstrance of property owners 228, 307, 315, 384, 385, 402, 411, 517 17 -State Housing Commissioner, C. W. Reese, com- 231 munication of 17 -Sewer in Elm Street, notice to levy special assess- 232, 240, 305 ment 17- Schmitt, Adolph, appointment of 305 17- Steffen, Henry, petition of, asking permission to 239 excavate 17- Steps on corner Third and alley between Main and 239, 240 Locust Streets, petition to remove 17- Sidewalk, Kniest Street and Garfield Avenue, Lot 240, 313 22, Smedley's Sub. 240 17 -Storm sewer, Kaufmann Avenue 17- Sewer, Lincoln Avenue, resolution 241, 288, 300, 303, 354, 501 17- Sewer, Valeria Street, resolution 242, 299, 234, 369, 361, 362, 377, 403, 410 17- Seventeenth Street, cement gutters 243, 268, 280, 448 30-Sweper and Roller, meet with Committee of Whole 253 relative to increase in salary Aug. 7 -Sewer in Queen Street, petition of p 359, ho dens 362, 405, 449, 495 7- Sparks, George, notice of claim 281, 355 7 -State Housing Law communication 281 7- Stiver, Clayton B. Co., Inc., communication of, relative to auditing Dubuque Electric Co.'s b oks 283, 284 7- Sewer, Lawther Avenue 284, 332, 359, 361, 362, 377, 403, 411, 515, 553, 600, 605, 612, 619, 628 7- Second National Bank, communication submitting 285 copy of resolution 7- Sixteenth Street, resolution to improve 295, 307, 308, 315, 337, 362, 405, 432 7- Sewer, alley between Queen Street and Windsor Avenue 299, 334, 359, 361, 377, 405, 411, 502, 490, 508 7- Sewer in Holly Street, resolution 298, 307, 314, 335, 341, 343 13- Specht Estate, heirs petition relative to alley east 301 of Kline Street 21 -Sewer in Lincoln Avenue, Dock to First Avenue, bids 303, 340, 354, 501, 521, 535, 540, 553, 591, 605, 610, 620, 628 21 -Sewer in Lincoln Avenue, First Avenue to ec 01a621, 533, 539, 555 Avenue 21 -Sewer in Sheridan Street, bids 303, 340, 362, 515, 585, 594, 599 21- Sewer, water and gas connections, Grand View 303, 334, 337, 364 Avenue, bids 309 21- Seminary Street, profile 310 21- Sheridan Street, ordinance establishing grade 312, 336, 357, 359 21 -Sixth Street, special assessment 21- Sidewalk, 13th and Main Streets, corner to be 312 rounded 312, 363 21 -Sixth Street Bridge CC if If CI If if If Cf Ci CC IC Ci fi if IC CC CI if CC CI CC INDEX -Book 49 SUBJECT S Page 196 213 213 215 1919 Sept. If df id 21- Smedley Co., relative to sidewalk 21 -Sewer in Seminary Street, resolution 316, 336, 354, 362, 377, 384, 385, 402 2Strobel, motion for special meeting be called for September 12, railroad companies representa- tives present 2 -Sewer in Holly Street, bids 343, 377, 384, 385, 2 -Sewer in Harold Street, bids 4- Straub, Jos. W., petition to repair alley west of Windsor Henry, petition to e excavate 1596 Rhom- 4- Steffen, nry, p berg Avenue 4- Standard Oil Co., petition to allow installing of boulevard light at 11th and Clay Streets 4-St boulevard light at t allow installing of Second and Locust St Street 4- Schromen, John, Street Commissioner, bond 11- _Spellerberg, R. L., petition of, for light on W 11th Street 11- Scheppele, Mr:, remonstrated against improvement of 15th Street 11- Sidewalk, Sehroeder's Add., resolution to construct 369, 417, 421, 479 11- Sidewalk, Gilliam's Sub„ resolution to construct 356, 369, 417, 421 11- Sidewalk, Lots 195 and 19366, 369, struct 417, 421, 515, 552, 585, 593, 598 11- Sidewalk, S. %/ of 216 City Lot abutting east side 356, 369, 421 Iowa Street, resolution to construct 11 -Sixth Street, Street Commissioner be instructed to 360, 363 roll lower end 11 -Sewer in Henion Street 360, 416, 423, 437, 443, 479, 493, 519, 554 12 -Sixth Street Crossing, relative to placing watch- man 12- Sewer, Elm Street and Rhomberg Avenue, be 364 cleaned 364 12- Sewer, Reed Avenue east to river 365, 409, 419 16- Special election, Alderman Second Ward 18 -Saul, James, Mayor, appointed chairman Plumbing Commission 18- Schlueter, Jos. F., notice of claim for injuries 18- Schlueter, Leo B., notice of claim for injuries... 18- Schlueter, Jos. Sr., Jos. F., Frank J. and Carl, claim for damage and injuries 18 -Sewer hose to be moved from 18th Street to. 4th Street Fire House 18- Sidewalk, notice to Wm. 1. Bradley to construct, Lots 39 and 40 on Main Street 18- Scanlon, Joe, appointed member of Plumbing Commission 24 -South Alta Vista Street, relative to rounding corners 24-- Sidewalk, corners Third and Clay Streets be rounded 24- Starter, N. J., notified to, begin work on Julien Avenue at once 24- Stirer, Clayton B. Co., City Attorney instrtteted to obtain fi gures relative to apPraiail►g Do /n1011e Electric Co, a 11oldiegs Oot. 2-- 1Sidewalk, Harold Street 2Sidewalk, west side Iowa. Street, Lette 195 and 196% '4 If 14 11 44 If „ di 0 INDEX -Book 49 SUBJECT S Page 313 343 343 402 344 344 345 345 347 355 356 363 366 369 369 369 374 375 376, 378 379 379 384 385 421 421 INDEX -Book 49 1919 SUBJECT S 2-Stiver, Clayton B. Co., representative addressed Council 2- Steps, Grandview Heights, plank walk to be placed 2- Sidewalk at 18th Street and Couler Avenue, Street Commissioner to repair 2- Seventh Street, relative to making fill an lower Seventh Street 2- Sidewalk, resolution to construct, Lots 32 and 33a, Stine's Add 7- Seventeenth Street, repair of 16- Schmitt, Fred, suit for damages settled 16- Sidewalk, resolution to construct in front of Lot 13, East Dubuque Add. Nov. 6- Staner, N. J., bill for brick not properly o. k 6 -Storm sewers, Committee of Whole to inspect all 6- Street Flushers, to be placed 6- Sidewalk, notice to construct in front of Lots 1 of 2 of Brownson & Stewart's Sub. 20- Standard Oil Co., Emergency Fund, bill not pro- perly o. k.'d 20- Seippel Lumber Co., petition of, to investigate sewer on Dodge Street 20- Stocks, Anna D., petition of, to reimburse her for damage to property by flood 20- Street, James, petition of, for extension of time to construct sewer in eibnitz and Seminary Streets 4- Standard Oil Co., bill 18- Smith, Joe, bid on wood 18 -Sewer caretakers, petition of, for raise in wages 18- Spanish War veterans, petition of Fitzhugh Lee Camp to increase exemption on taxes 18- Scherrer, Frank, Assessor's report relative to sol- dier's exemption, taxes 18- Sidewalks, resolution to pay for cleaning snow and repairing 18- Streets to be set aside for children to coast on if if Dec. if If Mar. Aug. Page 80, 426 429 430 430 436 437, 440, 487, 501 448, 500 450, 495 494, 516 501, 517 502 506, 514 512 512 513 582 591 602 603 605 , 605 614, 629 620 Feb. 6-Town Clock, Recorder instructed to advertise for bids to wind, clean, etc. 24, 31, 39 6- Twelfth Street, resolution to improve same re- ceived and filed 26, 180, 231, 242. 262, 269, 279, 355, 403 20- Times - Journal awarded contract to print Index and bind Council Proceedings for 1918 20- Treasurer's Office to have new card index system 20- Teamsters' petition relative to increase of wages 20Twenty- eighth street, profile showing grade 20 -Third Street, resolution to improve 63, 105, 106, 143, 150, 161, 163, 167, 174, 335, 356, 359 April 3-Twaites, George and Joe, petition of, relative to cancelling taxes " 17 -Tank to store road oil, Mayor and Ald. Frith to purchase May 1- Thorne, Mrs., petition of, relative to reduction of assessment 15- Treasurer, City, annual report of June 5- Trewin, C. B., relative to special assessment 5- Thirtieth Street, resolution to improve 180, 231, 242, 264, 267, 279, 291, 338, 446, 480 1- Twelfth Street, bids for improving 279, 301, 355, 378, 381, 410 13-- Thorne, Mrs., petition of, relative to special as- sessment 31 34, 42, 56 52, 89 55, 86, 120 146 99 128 145 177 301 Sept. CC CC CI CC tc CC IC Dec. INDEX —Book 49 SUBJECT Page T 13— Thirtieth Street, Committee of Whole report 301, 338, 449, 450 4— Theisen, Edgar F., petition of, for soldier's exemp- tion 344, 431 4— Trewin, C. B., petition of, to construct concrete driveway 344 4— Traveling Men's Greater Dubuque Club, relative to boulevard lights 345 4 —Tire Service Co., petition of, to install an air station 345 4— Temple Hall (Odd Fellows), petition of, relative to taxes 345 4— Tinkham, Helen, report of City Assessor to allow exemption of taxes, she being soldier's widow 346 4 —Third Street, notice of special assessment 356, 359 Oct. 2— Traveling Men's Greater Dubuque Club, petition of 423 22 —Tax levy for 1919 466 20— Twelfth Street, Street Commissioner to remove dirt and rocks 518 4— Treasurer's report 582 4— Twaites, John, petition of, for cancellation of taxes 583 4— Tegeler, Ulrich G., petition of, for cancellation of taxes 583 INDEX —Book 49 SUBJECT U Feb. 20— United Catholic Charities, petition for schoolnurse June 5 —Union labor, petition to employ " 30 —Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrants, Em- ergency Fund Aug. 21 —U. S'. Quartermaster, communication of, relative to canned goods Nov. 6— United Tire Sales Co., petition of, remonstrating against assessment of Board of Equalization Page 28 177 253, 291, 448 313 495 1919 March - Vaults, cleaning of, bids advertised for Feb. 6 -Vogt, Simon et al, petition of, relative to sanitary sewer in Elm Street 6- Visiting Nurse Association, petition of, relative to appropriation for 1919 6 -Venn, Jess, relative to old soldier's exemption on taxes 6- Voelker Realty Co., petition of, relative to error in special assessmenf on Klingenberg Terrace April 3- Vaults, bids for cleaning May 1 -Van Wie, Clark, to be allowed $100 for loss of team 1 -Vey, Mrs. Brown, petition of, relative to stone wall 5- Vollenweider, Wm., petition to cancel special as- sessment 5- Voelker Realty Co., petition of, improvement Audu- bon Add. 14- Voelker, John A., relative to assessment on At- lantic Avenue 230, 17- -Valeria Street, relative to water mains 17- Valeria Street, 231, 241, 30'?, 309, 335, 339, 21- Voelker Realty Co., petition of, to prepare grade for Marquette Place 21- Vollenweider, Wm., petition of, asking special as- sessment be cancelled Sept. 2- Visitation Sisters, petition of, relative to loan war- rant 16- Voting machines Oct. 16- Voelker Realty Co., petition of, asking permission to construct sewer in Pfotzer Street 16 -Vault cleaners, advertising for bids Nov. 6- Voelker Realty Co., petition of, relative to making sewer connections, Lot 6, Sidonia Hosford's Sub. 24- Voggenthaler, E. J., bills for repair of engine houses be paid Ci di June July CC Aug. IC INDEX -Book 49 SUBJECT V Page '75 19 19, 56 21 25 89, 135 134 96, 134 167 167, 294 228 242, 334, 508 343, 432, 508 306 314 345 443, 467 445 491, 554 494 541 1919 w 2- Wiedman, Martha, report of City Assessor relative to cancelling taxes 16- Woodmen of the World, Camp No. 78, petition of, 9, 26 relative to holding carnival, May 26 -31, 1919 16 -Wolf, Josephine and Mary, petition of, relative to 9, 25 reduction in assessment 16- Wenzel, Fred, bill allowed for Work at Bathing. Beach 16 -Water Works, report of Special Committee on re- 12 port from April 1 to September 30, 1918 6- Wright, Chas., addressed Council relative to Mu- 17 nicipal Electric Plant 6- Wagner, Mrs. Pauline, petition of, relative to taxes 17, 56 6- Worst, Mrs. Ida, petition of, relative to taxes 17, 56 6- Watters, George, petition of, relative to reduction 17 in assessment 6- Waller, Richard Estate, petition by S. B. Lattner, 18, 188 relative to cancelling personal tax 6 -Water Works, Quarterly report of, October 1 -31, 1918 21 6- Wiesser, Andrew, relative to assessment 6 -West Third and Hill Streets, petition to widen cor- 26 ner received and filed 28 -Water Works, funds left over to be transferred to 35, 106, 143, 173 ' the General Fund Mar. 6 -West Second Street, report of Street Commissioner 47 relative to improvement blast and quarry rock 55, 144 20- Woodson, P. $'., bond Of April 3- Welsh, Tom, petition of, relative to permission to 80 98, 99, 132 3 -White Street, Mayor t6 appoint committee to iii - vestigate opening from 29th Street north 88, 106, 134, 135, 161, 172, 173, 178, 207, 286 17- White- Phillips Co., Davenport, to communica- tioin of, relative to Liberty Memorial 13 ends 96, 198 17 -Water Works quarterly report 1- Warren Bros. Co., communication of, relative to patent on bitulithic paving 128 1 -Water Works TrusteeS, app6intfderlt" of Phil 128 Schwind 1 -West Third and Alpine Streets at northeast corner 135, 146 to be widened 1 -West Fifth and Alpine Streets at southWest cor- 136, 146 ner to be widened 189 June 19- Wunder, A. C., excavation bond 215 July 3 -Welu, Joe, notice of claim 240 " 17 Warren Bros., agreement 244 18 -Welu, Joseph, claim for damages 30 -West Locust Street, repairing curb 252, and gutter 301, 379, 442, 488 7- Wilcomb, O. V., Major, Signal Corps, communica- tion relative to canned meats and food stuffs 284 now on sale by U. S. Government 7- Warren Bros., communication of, relative to bitu- 284, 422 lithic paving . 7- Waller, Richard, heirs of, relative to personal tax 285, 313 7 -White Street, widening of, bills for jury 286, 313 7 -White Street, widening of, jury's report 286. 313 7- Weighmaster's report 287 7 -Wood Street, adv. for bids 302, 340, 442, 509, 510, 540, 551, 307 21- Whelan, L. J., claim for damages Jan. Feb. If CI „ if CC if If IC di May CI ft if Aug. it if ff If INDEX -Book 49 SUBJECT Page 3 12 20 1 INDEX —Book 49 W " 21 —Water Works quarterly report 308, 359, 360 " 21 —Water Works annual report 308, 359 " 21— Woodworth Street profile 309 " 21— Waller, Richard state, petition of S. B. Lattner, 346 relative to cancellation of taxes 346 " 21— Waller, Richard Estate, report of City Attorney Sept. 4— Wilkinson, Mrs. W. W., petition of, for reduction 355 of taxes " 18— Woodmen of the World, petition for Armory Hall 368 for drill team " 18 —Water Works, communication of, relative to fire 369 hydrant on 27th Street " '18 —Water Works notified to place hydrant, Ris Street 374 and Stafford Avenue If 24 —Water Works, extend mains to lower Third Street 378 24 —West Fourth and Pauline Streets, relative to 379 rounding corners If 29— Walker, Mr., U. S. Government Revenue Depart- ment, addressed Council relative to narcotic 384 drugs Oct. 2 —Water Works, communication of, relative to horse 423 drinking fountains 438 if 7 —West Eighth Street, remove pole 442, 443, 438 16 —West Third Street, bids to repair " 22 —Water Works be instructed to lower pipe at 22d 466 and Washington Streets 506 22 —Water Works property at Water Level, to be sold Nov. 6 —Water Works, communication of, notice of eaten- 513 tion of water mains on Elm Street August " 20 —Water Works quarterly report for July, 514 and September Dec. 4 —Water Works, Board of Trustees, report of in- 584 crease in water rates 4 —Water Works, to furnish tile pipe as per agree- 592 ment for sewer in Kaufmann Avenue 602 " 18— Wille, Anton, bid on furnishing wood " 18 —War veterans, petition for soldiers' exemption on 604 taxes " 18— Waller, Mary E., petition of, asking Council to ac- 604 cept quarter of assessment 18 —Water Works, petition of, to instruct City employes 604 relative to fire hydrants 613, 604 " 18— Weeds, resolution to pay for cutting INDEX —Book 49 Z Nov. 20— Ziegler, Clarence, petition of, relative to error in special assessment 512, 541