1919 October Council ProceedingsCITY COUNCIL (Official.) Regular session October 2d, 1919. Council met at 8:10 p. m. Mayor Saul in the chair. Present —Alds. Andresen, Burch, Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro- bel. Bids. Ald. Hird moved that all bids be opened. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that the bids for constructing a sement sidewalk abutting lots 4, 5, 6, Gilliam's Sub. north side of Aneglla street, be re- turned to bidders unopened. Car- ried. Bids for constructing sidewalks abutting the following lots: Lots 195 and 196a City, on the west side of Iowa street; abutting the south 1 -2 of 216 City Lot, on the east side of Iowa street; abutting Lot 22 J. P. Schroeder's Add. on the east side of Harold street; abutting Lots 4, 5, 6, Gilliam's Sub. on the east side of Angella street. Bid of G. L. Korman, cement sidewalk in lot 22 J. P. Schroeder's addition, east side of Harold street, cement sidewalk per square foot, fifteen cents (15c). Bid of G. L. Korman, cement sidewalk Lot 195 and 196 -a City, West Iowa St., cement sidewalk per square foot, fourteen cents (14c). Bid of C. B. McNamara Co.— South 1 -2 of 216 City Lot, cement sidewalk, 12 cents per square foot; bid of C. B. McNamara Co., side- walk on Lots 195 and 196, west side of Iowa St., sidewalk, cement, twelve cents (12c) per square foot. Bid of G. L. Korman, cement sidewalk in south 1 -2 of 216 City Lot east side of Iowa St., cement sidewalk, per square foot, fourteen cents (14c). Ald. Strobel moved that C. B. Mc- Namara Co., be awarded the con- tract constructing a sidewalk abutting South 1 -2 of 216 City Lot, on the east side of Iowa St., they being the lowest bidder. Carried. Ald. Hird moved that the bid of G. L. Korman for cement sidewalk abutting Lot 22 J. P. Schroeder's Add. on the east side of Harold St. be returned to the bidder, and the Recorder be instructed to re- adver- tise for bids. Carried. Ald. Andresen moved that C. B. McNamara Co., be awarded the con- tract for constructing cement side - walk abutting lot 195 and 196 -a City on the west side of Iowa St., they being the lowest bidders. Carried. Regular Session, October 2nd, 1919 421 Bids for constructing an eight - inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Leibnitz St. from the manhole at Clifford St. to a point 210 feet west: Bid of C. B. McNamara Co.— Eight -inch tile pipe per lineal foot, four dollars ninety -nine cents ($4.99); manholes each, sixty dol- lars., Ald. Frith moved that the bid of C. B. McNamara be returned, and the Recorder instructed to re-aa- vertise for bids. Carried. Bids for improving Alpine street from the north property line of West Third street to the south property line of Julien avenue, the street car tracks and one foot out- side thereof excepted. Bid of Wm. Horrabin, Des Moines, Iowa— Cement curbing per lineal foot, $1.20; cement guttering per square yard, $3.15; crushed stone, per cubid yard, $3.50; bitulithic on old macadam, per square yard, $2.64; bitulithic binder, per ton, ton, $15.00. Jas. F. Lee Paving Co.— Cement curbing per lineal foot, $1.08; ce- ment guttering, per square yard, $2.94; brick paving per square yard, $5.50; bitulithic on old base, $2.52; bitulithic binder, per ton, $12.75; crushed stone, per cubic yard, $3.00. Ald. Frith moved that Jas. F. Lee Paving Co. be awarded the con- tract for improving Alpine street, material to be bitulithic, they being the lowest bidders. Alderman Burch voted no. Carried. Bids for improving Cushing Place from the south property line of Va- leria street to the north property line of Kaufmann avenue: Bid of C. B. McNamara Co.— Grading in total, one hundred forty dollars ($140.00); combination curb and guttering, per lineal foot, nine- ty -nine cents (99c) ; macadamizing, per square yard one dollar ($1.00). Bid of John M. Kenety & Son — Grading in total, two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) ; combination curb and guttering, per lineal foot, one dollar and fifteen cents ($1.15); macadamizing , per square yard, one dollar and twenty -five cents ($1.25). Bid of N. J. Staner— Grading in total, two hundred forty -nine dol- lars ($249.00) ; combination curb and guttering per lineal foot, one and 15 -100 dollars ($1.15) ; macad- amizing, per square yard, one and 25 -100 dollars ($1.25). Bid of i ven- Ulrich Co.— Grading in total, $200.00; combination curb and guttering per lineal foot, $1.00; macadamizing, per square yard, $1.00. 422 Regular Session, October 2nd, 1919 Ald. Hird moved that all bids for improving Cushing place be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Car - reid. Ald. Hird moved that the bids submitted to him as chairman of the Public Grounds and Buildings Com- mittee for new doors at the Delhi Street Engine House be opened. Carried. Bid of Jas. A. Gregory —New doors to have transom over top with glass where sagment starts. Doors to be built same thickness . as pres- ent doors with plate glass; 6 lts. on each door. Doors to receive two coats of paint. Estimate, one hun- dred and twenty -seven dollars ($127.00). Bid of Henry Mueller —I, the un- dersigned, hereby agree to furnish two doors and one transom and transom bar, using old sash and old bardware, for the Delhi Street En- gine House for the Sum of one hun- dred and fifteen ($115.00) dollars. Add $6.00 for new sash. Bid of Albert Ney —For the sum of $186.00 (one hundred eighty -six dollars) I will furnish and put in place one double door with segment transom above for Engine House No. 4 complete except hardware. Doors to be about 9' 9" high and to be 2 3 -4 in two thickness, with 12 lts.. plate glass about four feet from floor. Segment transom 1 3 -4 thick, 12 lts. glazed D. S. A. One coat priming in and out. On motion of Ald. Hird all bids for new doors at the Delhi Street Engine House were referred to the Committee of the Whole. Bills. L. Daily, health $ 23 50 J. Scharry, health 50 00 R. Maloney, expense 44 80 E. T. Frith, health 1040 00 Byrne & Rath repair of Dodge St. and Grandview Ave., and 2d road 753 47 Robert McGivern, inspector on Cox St. 4 00 Robert McGivern, inspector on alley between Locust and Bluff Sts. from 7th to 8th St. 4 00 Robert McGivern, inspector Angella St. 8 00 Gibbs & Co., 2d road 484 92 Jas. F. Lee Paving Co , grading Thirtieth St. im- provement 225 00 J. Byrne, inspector on Kauf- mann Ave. 52 00 Jas. F. Lee Paving Co., im- proving Thirtieth St. 3376 18 On motion of Ald' Leist all bills properly O. K. were ordered paid and all others to be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of property owners ask- ing the City Council to place a light at the intersection of Thirty - First and Elm streets, presented and read. Ald. Frith moved to grant the prayer of the petition. Carried. Petition of the Dubuque Hotel Co., asking the City Council to allow them the privilege to extend the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul track now laying between First and Second, Main and Iowa streets, north about two hundred and fifty feet, directly in the rear of the Julien Dubuque Hotel, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Pla- mondon the petition was referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds. Petition of the Heeb Company asking the City Council for permis- sion to erect a coal receptacle un- der the sidewalk, and a coal hole through said sidewalk; also that the grade of the sidewalk be changed, enabling teams to pass over the same. Presented and read. Ald. Plamondon moved to refer the petition to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds. Car- ried. Petition of the members of the Dubuque City Fire Department by David Ahern, Chief, Patrick Mc- Manus, President, and Frank Motsch, Secretary, asking the City Council to grant them a uniform increase of pay of ten cents per hour, and submitting facts why they are entitled to the same. Presented and read. Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of allowing any one present to address the Council. Carried by the following vote: Yeas— Andresen, Burch, Frith, Hird, Leists, Plamondon, Strobel. Nays —None. Hon. M. C. Hatthews addressed the Council relative to the petition of the Dubuque City Fire Depart- ment, stating why they are entitled to the increase asked for. Ald. Frith moved to refer the pe- tition to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Agreement of Warren Brothers Company, Boston, Mass., stating that the price of material and serv- ice to any and all contractors who bid on Bitulithic paving on the provement of Alpine street from the north property line of West Third street to the south property line of Julien Ave. will be one dol- lar and eighty cents ($1.80) per square yard of finished pavement. Presented and read. On motion of Alderman Leist the Regular Session, October 2nd, 1919 agreement was made a matter of record. Petition of Thomas J. Melchior asking the City Council to notify J. F. Lee Company to repair the damage done to sidewalk at the cor- ner of Fifth and Clay streets, stat- ing that in putting curbing (corner of Fifth and Clay), southwest, Clay to Glover's alley, tore up big part of brick sidewalk and destroyed the bricks and never replaced them. Ald. Strobel moved that James F. Lee be notified to replace said sidewalk within five days. Carried. Petition of Mrs. J. L. Mullen ask- ing the City Council to repair the street and curbing in front of prop- erty at 66 -64 West Third street, pre- sented and read. On motion of Ald. Andresen the matter was referred to th First Ward alderman, with power. Communication of the City Water Works asking the City Council to discontinue as many of the Horse Drinking Fountains in the City as they think advisable. Presented and read. Ald. Plamondon moved that the communication be referred to the Committee of the Whole and representatives of the Water Works Department be present. Carried. Return of service notice served on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. notifying them to construct a sewer on their right of way on Rhomberg Ave. between Ninth and Tenth avenues. Presented and read. On motion of Ald. Strobel the no- tice was made a matter of record. City: Recorder Stuber presented and read the notice certified to by the publishers, of the City Council's intention to construct an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Henion street from the manhole in West Fourtenth street to the present man- hole in Henion sreet north of Picket street. On motion of Ald. Hird the notice was received and filed. City Recorder Stuber presented and read the notice certifid to by th publishers of the City Council's intention to levy a special assess- ment to pay for constructing an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Delhi street from the manhole at Delhi street and Asbury street to Finley street, James Street, con- tractor. On motion of Ald. Hird th notice was received and filed. City Recorder Stuber presented and read the notice certified to by the publishers of the City Council's intention to levy a special assess- ment to pay for improving the alley between West Second street and West Third street, from College ave- nue to Walsh street. J. M. Kenety & Son, contractors. On motion of 4 2 3 Ald. Plamondon the notice was re- ceived and filed. City Recorder Stuber presented and read the notice certified to by the publishers of the City Council's intention to levy a special assess- ment to pay for constructing an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in South Dodge street from the manhole at South Dodge street and Rush street to the intersection of South Dodge street and Grandview avenue, and south on Grandview avenue to Adeline street. G. L. Kor- man, contractor. On motion of Ald. Plamondon the notice was received and filed. City Engineer Cullen presented profile No. 1005 showing the grade of Henion street from the north curb line of West 14th street to sta- tion 3+62.5 B. M. stone step House No. 208 West 14th street; elevation, 170.25. On motion of Ald. Frith the profile was adopted and the Ordi- nance Committee instructed to draft an ordinance covering the same. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I am returning here- with contract to be signed by Na- tional Highway Marker Association; giving said National Highway Mark- er Association permission to main- tain highway markers on the streets in the City of Dubuque. You will kindly have this contract signed and made a matter of rec- ord. Respectfully submitted, M. D. COONEY, Assistant City Attorney. On motion of Ald. Frith the Mayor was instructed to sign the contract of the National Highway Markers Association. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I return herewith stipulation and agreement signed by John G. Helbig, covering installa- tion of filling tank in front of his place of business on Grandview ave- nue. I recommend that the same be made a matter of record. Respectfully submitted, M. D. COONEY, Assistant City Attorney. On motion of Ald. Strobel the re- port of the Assistant Attorney was approved. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I return herewith excavation bond of O. A. Papin, in the sum of $500.00. I find the same correctly executed in form. Respectfully submitted, M. D. COONEY, Assistant City Attorney. On motion of Ald. Leist the re- port of the Assistant City Attorney To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: I return herewith maintenance bond in the sum of $500.00 executed by Dubuque Elec- tric Company. The City of Dubuque has granted to said Electric Com- pany, permission to lay cables for the transmission of electricity under the sidewalk on South Main street, this bond to cover the maintenance of such sidewalk for the term of one year. I find the same correctly exe- cuted in form. Respectfully submitted, M. D. COONEY, Assistant City Attorney. On motion of Ald. Leist the report of the Assistant City. Attorney was approved. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: I return herewith bill of Dr. C. E. Loizeaux, in the sum of $24.00 for services performed for Melvin Leist, while in the employ of the City of Dubuque. In the com- munication to the City Council Dr. Loizeaux advises that said Leist contracted influenza while driving the city ambulance. If these are the facts the City of Dubuque is liable for medical services, and if after this information is obtained, you find that said Leist contracted influ- enza while driving the city ambu- lance, I recommend that the claim of Dr. C. E. Loizeaux, in the sum of $24.00 be allowed. Respectfully submitted, M. D. COONEY, Assistant City Attorney. On motion of Ald. Hird the re- port of the Assistant City Attorney was approved, and the Recorder in- structed to draw a warrant in the sum of $24.00 covering the same. To the Honorable Mayor and Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: The bond of W. J. Mauer & Company for excavating in the streets in the sum of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars has been examined by me and I beg to report that the same is properly executed in form and, it is herewith returned and may be placed on file. Respectfully submitted, M. H. CZIZEK, City Attorney. On motion of Ald. Strobel the re- port of the City Attortney was ap- proved. City Attorney Czizek stated that he did not have a written report prepared coercing the following bonds, but would report oraly, and stated that said bonds had been ex- amined by him and are properly ex- ecuted in form and recommended that they be placed on file. The Regular Session, October 2nd, 1919 4 bond of Jas. F. Lee Paving Co., con- tractor, for maintenance of improve- ment of Fifth street, from the east property line of Main street to the west property line of White street in the said City of Dubuque, in the sum of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dol- lars, per Block, for a period of one year. The bond of Jas. F. Lee Paving Co. for maintenance of improvement of Sixth street from east property line of Clay street to railroad tracks be- tween White street and alley be- tween White and Jackson streets in the said City of Dubuque, in the sum of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars per Block, for the period of one year. Bond of Jas. F. Lee Paving Co., for maintenance of improvement of Peru Road from the east property line of Couler avenue to a point about three hundred twenty feet east of Jackson street, in the said City of Dubuque in the sum of Five Hun- dred ($500.00) Dollars per Block for a period of one year. Bond of William Hoorrabin, of Iowa City, Iowa, for maintenance of improvement of Main street from the south property line of Thirteenth street to the north property line of Jones street, in the said City of Du- buque, in the sum of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, per Block, for a period of one year. Bond of Jas. F. Lee Paving Co. for maintenance of improvement of Third street from the west property line of Main street to the east prop- erty line of Locust street in the said city of Dubuque in the sum of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars per Block, for a period of one year. On motion of Ald. Hird the report of the City Attorney was approved. City Attorney stated that the Council had requested him to ascer- tain the cost of an appraisal of the holdings of the Dubuque Electric company, and that he had made in- quiries and find that the Raw Ap- praising company of Milwaukee are a reliable firm and will make a com- plete and thorough appraisal going into all minor details for the sum of $20,000.00, or they will make an appraisal that will answer the pur- pose not going into details for a price ranging from the maximum sum of $5 of ,000.00, $7,500.00 to the minmum sum Ald. Strobel moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of allowing any one present to address the Council. Carried by the following vote. Yeas — Aldermen Andresen, Burch, Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro- bel. Nays —None. Mr. Maynard of the Dubuque Elec- 9h� 424 Regular Session, October 2nd, 1919 was approved and the bond made a matter of record. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I return herewith the petition of Frank R. Lacy. In said petition he alleges that his homestead, being the south 147 feet of the west 1 -2 of City Lot 746 was returned for taxes for the year 1918 and valued by the City Assessor at $15,000.00 and that said property was raised by the Board of Equal- ization and that notice was not served on petitioner as required by the ordinances of the City of Du- buque. I recommend that this petition be referred to the City Auditor and if his return shows that the ordinances have been complied with, I recom- mend that the petition be received and filed. However, if his return shows that notices were not served as required by the ordinance, I rec- ommend that said property be as- sessed for the year of 1918 at $15,000.00 and that the City Treas- urer be instructed accordingly. Respectfully submitted, M. D. COONEY, Assistant City Attorney. • On motion of Ald. Frith the re- port of the Assistant City Attorney was approval. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I return herewith pe- tition of Frank R. Lacey, B. S. Lacy and C. W. Lacy. In said peti- tion of Frank R. Lacy, B. S. owners of the south ten inches of City Lot 77 and City Lot 77A; they further state that said property was returned for taxation for the year 1918 for the sum of $8,500.00 and that the south 19 1 -2 feet of the north 22 feet of City Lot 78 was returned for taxation in the year 1918 at $3,500.00 and that said two pieces of property were raised by the Board of Equalization from $12,000.00, as returned, to $12,780.00, and in said petition it is alleged that notice was not given as pro- vided by ordinance. I recommend that this matter be referred to the City Auditor, who was at that time clerk of the Board of Equalization, and if his return shows that notice, as provided by ordinance, was served on petition- ers, this petition be received and filed. However, if his return, as alleged by petitioners, does not show that proper notice was served, I recommend that the prayer of said petition be granted and that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept taxes for the year 1918 on the basis of a $12,000.00 valuation. In said petition he further asks that the taxes for the year 1918 be cancelled on Mineral Lots 300 and the undi- vided one -half of Mineral Lots 298 and 299, said property being situ- ated on an island in the Mississippi river commonly known as Ham's Island. He asks that this property be exempted from taxation for the reason that it is used solely for agricultural purposes. I recommend that this part of his petition be re- ceived and filed. Respectfully submitted, M. D. COONEY, Assistant City Attorney. On motion of Ald. Hird the re- port of the Assistant City Attorney was approved. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: On Augusts 7th, 1919, there was referred to our office, the petition of the Oriental Sweet Shop asking that thy be permitted to install in the side -walk in front of their place of business at 823 Main street, an ice -chute in front of said building. This was referred to us with the instructions by your Hon- orable Body to have proper stipula- tion and agreement drawn. As an opening in the side walk sidered a nuisance and if pedestri- ans were injured on said obstruc- tion the city would be liable in damages, and as the owner of said property has refused to sign said stipulation, I deem it advisable that the former action of your honorable body be rescinded and said petition- ers be not allowed to install ice - chute as requested in their petition. Respectfully submitted, M. D. COONEY, Assistant City Attorney. Ald. Strobel moved that the City Council rescind their motion of Au- gust 21st, 1919, granting the prayer of the petition of the Oriental Sweet Shop. Carried. On motion of Ald. Strobel the recommendation of the Assistant City Attorney was ap- proved. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: I return herewith the petition of the Dubuque Park Board, asking that the tax of 1919 be cancelled on Lot No. 2 of the sub- division of Lot No. 531 in Eagle Point or Ham's Addition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as the said prop- erty has been acquired for Park purposes. I recommend that the prayer of said petition be granted and the City Treasurer instructed accordingly. Respectfully submitted, M. D. COONEY, Assistant City Attorney. On motion of Ald. Leist the report of the Assistant City Attorney was approved. tric company addressed the council relative to the appraisal stating that he expected to go to Chicago the following day and would take the matter up with the heads of the company while there. Representatives of the Clayton B. Stiver company also addressed the council explaining that it was not necessary to get a detailed appraisal to ascertain the valuation of the property. Ald. Andresen moved that the matter be referred to the Committee - of the Whole, and the Committee ap- pointed to take care of the auditing of the Dubuque Electric Co. books be notified to be present, Carried. Communication of R. P. Marshall stating that the original warrant be- longing to the Sisters of the Visita- tion that had been lost and a dupli- cate warrant issued to cover same, had been found and requesting the Council to return to him the bond of $500.00 filed with the City Recorder, to secure the City against any loss, and cancel said duplicate warrant. Ald. Andresen moved that the Treasurer be instructed to renew Loan Warrant No. 3650 dated Oct. 3, 1907, in the sum of $500.00 and cancel Duplicate Warrant No. 4905 in the sum of $500.00 dated Sept. 4th, 1919, and return the bond of R. P. Marshall covering the same. Carried. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for labor on streets in the various road districts of the City of Dubuque for the last half of Sep- tember, 1919: Amount due laborers $1,089.24 Also submit payroll for labor on streets leading into the county for the last half of September, 1919, to be paid from the various wards por- tion of the County Road Fund: First County Road, amount due laborers $292.60 Fourth County Road, amount due laborers $315.80 Fifth County Road, amount due laborers $171.50 Also submit my payroll for labor for improvement of streets in the City of Dubuque for the last half of September, 1919, to be paid from the appropriations created therefore. Repair of Dodge St. and Grandview Ave., amount due laborers $123.80 Also submit payroll on streets de- stroyed by the flood of July 9th, 1919, to be paid from the fund cre- ated therefore: First District, amount due laborers 426 Regular Session, October 2nd, 1919 $242.46 Second District, amount due laborers 210.12 Fourth District, amount due laborers 129.30 Fifth District, amount due laborers 315.64 Respectfully submitted, JOHN SCHROMEN, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Frith the pay- rolls were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts and the report refered back to the Committee on Steets. Also submit payroll for labor on sewers in the City of Dubuque for the last half of September, 1919: Amount due laborers on sew- ers . $367.00 Respectfully submitted, JOHN SCHROMEN, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Plamondon the payrolls were received and war- rants ordered drawn to pay the vari- ous amounts and the report referred back to the Committee on Sewers. Chief of Police Giellis reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: I herewith submit the Police re- port for the month of September, 1919: Disorderly conduct 10 Disturbing the peace 4 Intoxication . 14 Petit larceny 1 Vagrancy 6 Violating speed ordinance 11 Violating traffic ordinance 2 Total 48 Residents arrested 35 Doors found open 28 Defective lights 29 Lodgers harbored 37 Meals furnished prisoners 9 Cost of food . $ 1.80 Sheriff dieting prisoners for September $ 7.20 Police court costs and fines collected $132.75 Patrol runs for prisoners 95 Prisoners transferred 8 Committee calls 2 Miles traveled 113 Ambulance calls 100 Also beg to submit pay roll for Policemen for the last half of Sep- tember, 1919: Amount due Policemen ....$2,095.77 Amount retained in pension fund . 42.46 Respectfully submitted, JOHN W. GIELLIS, Chief of Police. On motion of Ald. Andresen the report and payrolls were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts and the report Regular Session, October 2nd, 1919 referred back to the Polcie Commit- tee. Fire Chief Ahern reported as fol- lows : Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for the Fire Department for the last half of September, 1919: Amount due firemen $2,731.91 Pension Fund retained 49.07 Respectfully submitted, DAVID AHERN, Chief. On motion of Ald. Leist the pay- roll was received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts and the report referred back to the Fire Committee. Dubuque, Ia., Oct. 2nd, 1919. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Herewith find my re- port for the month of September, 1919, showing the receipts and dis- bursements for the month. R ecei pts. Tax receipts ...$ 4,890.72 Miscellaneous re- ceipts 10,749.70 Delinquent t a x penalties 1,029.00 Special ass es s- ments 19.15 Special sidewalk certificates 29.73 Interest on same 9.36 Special bonded assessments 7,680.56 Interest on same 666.10 Costs on same 2.00 Cash on hand Sept. 1, 1919.. Disbursements. Warrants re- deemed .......$40,546.69 Improvement bond coupons redeemed ... 598.33 Regular bond coupons re- deemed ....... 7,159.88 Improvement bonds redeem- ed 1,600.00 Library order s paid ... 652.80 Police pension orders paid 192.50 Park orders paid 2,024.74 Fire orders paid 383.00 $ Cash balance Sept. 30, 1919 25,076.32 336,717.72 $361,794.04 53,957.94 307,836.10 $361,794.04 (The above cash baiances include the balances in the improvement bond fund, the water works interest and sinking fund, the library fund, old water works debt fund, police pension fund, fire pension fund and the sinking fund (for amelioration of the city regular bonded debt), also excavation fund). Water Works Account. Cash on band Sept. 1st, 1919.$ 2,243.76 Deposits by trus- tees 17 711.82 Orders paid by City Treasurer. $12,303.74 Cash balance Sept. 30, 1919.. 7,651.84 Cash balance Sept. 30, 1919.. bonds 4 $19,955.58 Excavation Permit (Old). Cash balance Sept. 1, 1919...$ 150.00 Cash balance Sept. 30, 1919.. $ 150.00 Excavation Fund Account. Cash balance Sept. 1, 1919...$ 300.06 Cash balance Sept. 30, 1919.. $ 300.06 Excavation Permit (New). Cash on hand Sept. 1, 1919...$ 102.00 Permits granted... 68.00 $170.00 $ 170.00 $ 170.00 The following is a record of all interest coupons and bonds redeem ed by the City Treasurer, and cred- ited to him. • Interest. I m pr ovement bond coupons redeemed ......$ 598.33 Regular bond cou- pons redeemed. 7,159.88 Bonds ..... $ 7,758.21 Improvement s redeemed 1,500.00 Respectfully submitted, CYRIL D. LAGEN, Auditor. F. Gantert, Dep. The following tax list shows the appropriations and the amount of warrants drawn on each fund since the beginning of the fiscal year be- ginning March 1st, 1919, to Oct. 1st, 1919: Appropriation. Expended. For general ex- pense and con- tingent fund ...$71,790.84 $34,178.56 =1 428 Regular Session, October 2nd, 1919 For district road funds for cleaning and sprinkling and repairing streets: First dist. 10,047.12 10,034.62 Second dist. 17,950.16 12,876.79 Third dist. 13,332.04 13,300.71 Fourth dist. 13,912.04 11,159.71 Fifth dist. 12,188.14 12,044.25 For expense of fire dept. .. . 67,429.50 60,018.95 For expense of police dept. 55,000.00 33,830.56 For care, main- tenance a n d repair of sew- ers 9,500.00 8,420.17 For printing 2,500.00 2,458.23 For street light- ing 47,500.00 27,593.05 For interest on floating a n d bonded debt . 39,250.00 4,397.27 For expense of health 21,500.00 14,756.51 For grading streets and al- leys 3,500.00 2,341.80 For special bonded pav- ing 9,000.00 For interest on special bonded debt 8,000.00 For repair and rebuilding of sidewalks 1,000.00 736.28 For revision of ordinances 3,250.00 2,750.00 For library fund 1,500.00 1,500.00 For purchase of street flusher. 8,200.00 8,025.00 For purchase of fire apparatus 7,500.00 7,500.00 For purchase of fire hose 2,000.00 1,867.00 For bathing beach . 1,300.00 1,269.57 For the munici- p a 1 Athletic field 1,000.00 975.37 For the Visiting Nurse associa- tion. 1,200.00 700.00 For board of health for hire of nurse for parochial schools 1,200.00 700.00 For the park board . 1,000.00 1,000.00 For cement steps on North Main St. 850.00 850.00 For payment of construction of bridge at Cascade Cross- ing 2,760.00 2,760.00 For repair of en- gine houses . For repair of City Hall For cement steps from So. Bluff St. to Cleve- land Ave. park For cement steps from Grand- view Ave. Heights to Grandview Ave. For balance due on Vine street steps For repair of Dodge St. and Grandview Ave. For cement gut- ter on 17th St. east of the R. 1,800.00 1,112.40 1,000.00 740.62 1,500.00 1,500.00 150.00 150.00 50.00 5.16 867.11 R. tracks .. 1,026.84 33.86 For opening of Louisa St. 200.00 200.00 For balance on on sewer in Seminary St 325.00 For widening of Rosedale Ave. and W. Locust St. intersec- tion 400.00 For repair of curb and gut- ter on W. Lo- cust St. 615.26' 615.25 For 5 per cent due on Bee Branch sewer. 213.95 101.82 For Bee Branch sewer 5,091.19 5,064.63 For balance due for cement curb on 28th and Washing- ton St. 167.26 100.00 For balance due on Clifford St. steps 150.41 84.24 Emergency road fund . 26,000.00 25.739.05 Also find my report for the last half of September 1919, showing the amount due city officers for salaries $1,723.47 And Amanda Beyer compensation law 17.54 Respectfully submitted CYRIL D. LAGEN City Auditor. By FRED GANTERT, Deputy. On motion of Ald. Frith the pay- rolls were received and warrants ord- ered drawn to pay the various amounts and the report referred back to the finance committee. City Treasurer Wybrant reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council; Gentlemen: I herewith submit my report of defective lights for the month of August 1919, I find from the report of the Police Department the 46 lamps failed to burn would equal 1 2 -3 lamps burning for one Regular Session, October znd, 1919 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is a statement of monies advanced by me during the month of September 1919, for which please order warrants drawn in my favor. Interest 011 warrants out - standing $1,536.90 Miscellaneous 16.13 Please order the following loan warrants renewed: Nos. 3515 and 3516 for $500.00 each and No. 3519 for $258.00 dated Sept. 6, 1906, interest at 5 per cent from Aug. 27, 1919; No. 1468 for $500.00 dated June 1, 1905, interest from Time 18, 1919; No. 3626 for $500.00, dated Oct. 1, 1903, interest from Sept. 4, 1919; No. 3618 for $500.00 dated Oct. 5, 1905 interest from Sept. 2, 1919, all in favor of Jos. K. Kauf- mann. No. 3624 for $500.00 dated Oct. 1, 1903, interest at 5 per cent from Sept. 4, 1919; No. 3646 for $440.00 dated Oct. 3, 1907 interest from Sept. 4, 1919; No. 3653 for $500.00, dated Oct. 3, 1907, interest form Sept. 19, 1919, and in favor of Julius Lipp- man. No. 3622 for $500.00 dated Oct. 5, 1905 interest at 5 per cent from Sept. 16, 1919 in favor of John C. Baynes. No. 3661 and 3662 for $500.00 and $300.00 respectively dated Oct. 3, 1907 interest at 5 per cent from Sept. 25, 1919 in favor of John Brady. No. 3909 for $500.00 dated Oct. 5, 1906 interest at 5 per cent from Sept. 27, 1919 in favor of John Flynn. Respectively submitted GEO D. WYBRANT City Treasurere. On motion of Ald. Frith the report of the City Treasurer was approved and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts and the report referred back to the Finance Com- mittee. On motion of Ald. Strobel the fol- lowing Weighmasters reports were made a matter of record. John Mahony $10.00 C. J. McCarthy 7.90 Louis Pitchner .38 City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: 4 month or $8.01. Also one Boulevard lamp for month $4.58. Respectively submitted WM. HIPMAN, City Electrician. On motion of Ald. Andresen the report of the City Electrician was approved and the Auditor intructed to deduct $12.59 from the Bill of the Dubuque Electric Company. Dubuque, Iowa, October 2, 1919 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentelmen: Your City Engineer to whom was referred the attached re- port of the Assistant City Attorney relative to the special assessment levied against lot 1 of McCoy's Sub., for the improvement of Hill street and Third street owned by heirs of A. W. Kemler Estate, stating that the City condemed 47 square feet of this„ lot for sidewalk purposes and for which no reduction has been al- lowed on their assessment and ask- ing to be granted a reduction on their assessment for the mentioned 47 square feet, would respectively report that after careful investi- gation that the A. W. Kemler Estate be allowed a reduction of $1.57 on the special assessment levied for the improvement of West Third street and $2.41 on the special asses- sment levied for the purpose of Hill street against lot 1 McCoy's Sub. Very respectively yours W. H. CULLEN City Engineer. On motion of Ald. Plamondon the report of the City Engineer was ap- proved and the Recorder instructed to draw a warrant in the sum of $3.98. Ald. Andresen moved that the Bonding Co. in which Chas. Pape & Son, plumbers, are bonded, be notified to have the street put in proper shape where excavation was made at Elm street and Rhomberg avenue within five days. Carried. Ald. Leist moved that C. B. Mc- Namara Co. be notified to clean the streets of all dirt that fall from wagons working on street improve- ment, said dirt on the following streets: Elevenh and Washington streets to Eleventh and Elm streets and to Twelfth street on Elm street, and east on Twelfth street to the east property line of A. Y. McDon- ald's at once. Carried. Ald. Plamondon moved that the City Carpenter be instructed to place a walk two planks wide over the city property to the steps at Grandview Heights. Carried. Ald. Andresen moved that the Street Commissioner be instructed to repair the sidewalk abutting the 43 Regular Session, October znd, 1919 park at Eighteenth street and Couler avenue. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that Fred Miller, contractor, be allowed the addition- al sum of $40.00 on his contract to cover extra expense of finishing the Eighteenth street comfort station with Elestic Stucco. Carried. Ald. Burch moved that the City Attorney be instructed to investi- gate the records and ascertain if the city have the right to make a fill on lower Seventh street, to take the place of the bridge that is located there at the present time. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that the Record- er be instructed to send a copy of the plumbing ordinance adopted September 30th, 1919, to each Alder- man. Carried. Ald. Hird moved that the Dubuque Electric company be instructed to repair the paving between their tracks and one foot outside thereof on Delhi street. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that the Du- buque Electric company be instruct- ed not to take up wood block paving when the streets are wet, and when they do take them up they are to be replaced with the proper filler. Car- ried. Ald. Plamondon moved that the Dubuque Electric company be in- structed to remove all old ties at the switch on Dodge street, and fill in between the tracks to the proper grade from said switch to the gas house. Carried. Ald. Burch moved that the Du- buque Electric company be instruct- ed to level their tracks on Alpine street. Carried. Ald. Hird moved that the Record- er be instructed to re- advertise for bids for removing the toilet at the •Fourth Street Engine House, under the supervision of the City Engi• neer. Carried. Your Committee on Streets would respectfully report that we have ex- amined the following streets and would recommend Edina street not to be accepted until the contractor removes the low spots and fixes the gutters, that Ida street not be ac- cepted until the sidewalks are graded and that the Seventeenth street gutters not be accepted. We would further recommend that Peru road from the east property line of Couler avenue to a point 320 feet east of Jackson street be ac- cepted and Thirteenth street from the east property line of Jackson street to the west property line of Washington street be accepted, Jas. F. Lee Paving Co., contractors; also we would recommend that the Jas. F. Lee Paving Co. be instructed to clear away the dirt and rubbish left by them after the completion of 30th street, Peru road and Main street. We would further recommend that the City Engineer be and he is here- by instructed to prepare a special assessment against the lots or par- cels of real estate subject to assess- ment for the improvement of Peru road and Thirtieth street and file the sauce in the office of the City Recorder who will thereupon publish the notice of said assessment as re- quired by ordinance. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Ald. Frith moved that the report of the Street Committee be ap- proved. Carried. Dubuque, Iowa, October 2, 1919. To the Honorable Mayor and City Louncil : Gentlemen: The Board of Health met in regular session October 1st, 1919. Chairman Saul in the chair. Present —Asst. City Atty. Cooney, M. M. Hoffman, Adam Zillig, Sani- tary Officer Neuman. Minutes of the special meetings of September 6th, 9th and 10th, pre- sented and read. On motion of Adam Zillig were approved as read. On motion of M. M. Hoffman the following bills were sent to the coun- ty for payment: F. Roesner .. $ 82 40 Dr. J. H. Schrup 20 00 Dubuque Electric company 3 00 Mrs. H. M. Huber & Son 100 00 George F. Kleih & Son 6 77 Adam Zillig 9 45 F. A. Burns 8 25 Resolutions ordering the following named parties to connect property with sanitary sewer were adopted. Mrs. Fred Keck, sub 1 of 1 of 7 M. lot 159 Lot 2, Sub 26 O'Neil's Sub. Lot 2; Theresa Voelker Sub. 1 of 66 Sanford's Sub. Lot 2, Sub. 25 and 26 Sanford's Sub. Lot 1 and 1; Norman Bull and Mildred Bull Lot 312 Woodlawn Park Add.; Tim Byron City Lot 559; Margt Donahue N. 2 -3 City Lot 558; W. J. Burns N. 1 -3 City Lot 556; Amelia Matthews S. 35 ft. City Lot 557; Godfrey Kum, S. 1 -3 City Lot 558; J. J. Robinson N. 1 -2 City Lot 588, City Lot 589a, S. 1 -2 City Lot 588; John Kenney City Lot 574 a,; James Allen City Lot 586, E. 1 -2 City Lot 587; Mike Adams N. 3 -4 S. 1 -3 City Lot 556; Catherine Doyle N. 1 -3. Sub. City 555 Lot 2, Lot 555 Lot 2, City Lot 554; Stanley Terris S. 2 -3 City Lot 554; Margaret Glass, Sub. 1 W. '12 of 41 Kelly's Sub. Lot 2, Sub. 2 W. 1 -2 of 41 Kelley's Sub. Lot 2; Bernard Glass Sub. E. 1 -2 of 40, Kelley's Sub., Lot 2 Sub. E. 1 -2 of 41 Kelley's Sub. Lot 2; Lena Thillrnan, Lot 46, Sanford's Sub.; Minnie Wheeler, Sub. 1 of 1 City Lot 2; Frank E. Kress, Lot 79, Glen- Regular Session, October znd, 1919 dale Add.; Catherine Deckert, N. E. 1 -4 Lot 36 L. H. Langworthy's Add.; Mary and Helen Meehan, S. 50 feet of City Lot 553; Wm. Mee- han, N. 20 feet of City Lot 553. Dubuque, Iowa, October 1, 1919. Sanitary report for the month of September. Diphtheria 12 Scarlet fever 1 Typhoid fever 1 Chicken -pox 1 Total contagious diseases 15 Houses fumigated 5 Rooms fumigated 37 Garbage calls 18 Vaults cleaned 15 Lots cleaned 1 Sewer connections made 58 Signs put up 8 All alley's on the level cleaned, Disenfected all ponds on 4th street Extension Other nuisances abated 20 Building permits granted, 19 esti- mated cost $37,640.00 Respectively submitted OTTO C. NEUMAN Sanitary Officer. Dubuque, Iowa, October 1, 1919. Sanitary report for the month of August. Contagious Diseases. Scarlet fever 2 Diptheria 3 Houses fumigated 5 Rooms fumigated 26 Garbage calls 23 Vaults cleaned 24 Sewer connections ordered 28 Sewer connection made 50 Back yards cleaned 3 Signs put up 3 Ash boxes removed 1 Manure boxes removed 1 Dead cat removed 1 Unsanitary house cleaned 1 All paved alley's in the city cleaned 12 Building permits granted, ap- proximate cost $26,810.00 Respectively submitted, OTTO C. NEUMAN Sanitary Officer Miss Gabriel R. N. reported as fol- lows: Report of the work done by the Dubuque Visiting Nurse Association, new cases, 65; nursing visits 704 made, cases carried over 99. Five nurses on duty for the entire month. Received aid from the County for one family. One patient at Finley hospital humanatarian fund. No con- tagious cases reported to V. N. A. office. Kathryne Gabriel, R. N., Supervisor. Mrs. Anna K. Dolan reported as follows: 43 Report of Parochial school Nurse September 2. —Oct. 1. 1919. Schools visited 10; children in- spected 2880; children advised to seek treatment, 51; children exclud- ed from school with sore throat 10; operative cases sent to hospital and treatment secured for same 3; cases fitted with glasses furnished by St. V. de Paul Sec., 3; health talks giv- en in school room 55; individual drinking cups recommended in two schools until further improvement on sanitary conditions can be made. Home visits 30; Sacred Heart school diptheria 1; St. Anthony school dip - theria 1. Respectively submitted. Anna K. Dolan. John Stuber, clerk board of health, reported of follows: Births reported for the month of August 1919, 73. Deaths reported for month of August 1919, 42. Ven- eral diseases reported for month of August 1919, 22. Births reported for month of September 1919, 42. Deaths reported for month of September 1919, 39. Venereal diseases reported for month of September, 1919, 19. Respectively submitted, JOHN STUBER, Clerk Board of Health. On motion of M. M. Hoffman all reports were received and filed. Adam Zillig moved to adjourn. Carried. JOHN STUBER Clerk of the Board of Health On motion of Ald. Leist the re- port of the Board of Health was ap- proved. Your Committee of the whole to whom was referred the communica- tion of W. J. Brown, executor for the John Deery Est., relative to an error in the assessment against the E. 1 -3 of Min. Lot 128 for the year 1918 along with the City Assessor's re- port, would respectfully recommend that they be referred to the City At- torney to report. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred the ordinance relative to the abolishing of the City Market, would respectfully recom- mend that it be received and filed. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred the petition of Edgar F. Theisen asking for a sol- dier's exemption from the taxes levied against his property for the time he was in service along with the City Assessor's report verifying the fact, would respectfully recom- mend that the Assessor's report be approved of and the taxes be ex- 432 Regular Session, October znd, 1919 empt for 1918 and the Treasurer in- structed accordingly. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred the remon- strance against the improving of Iowa street from Fourteenth street to Seventeenth street, would respect- fully recommend that they be re- ceived and filed. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred the proof of pub- lication of the notice of the Coun- cil's intention to improve Four- teenth street and Sixteenth street, would respectfully recommend that they be received and filed. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred the bids for the erection of comfort station at Phoe- nix park and Delhi Street Engine House, would respectfully recom- mend that they be received and filed. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Your committee of the Whole to whom was referred the petition of the Trustees of the Odd Fellows' Temple asking that the penalty against their property for being de- linquent in paying their taxes be cancelled, would respectfully recom- mend that said petition be referred to the City Attorney. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the checks of all but the low bid- ders of Rosedale avenue, Auburn avenue and Valeria street be re- turned. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred the bids for the construction of a sanitary sewer in South Dodge street, Rush street and Holley street, would respectfully recommend that said bids be re- ceived and filed and the checks re- turned to the bidders. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Your' Committee of the Whole to whom was referred the petition of the Traveling Men's Greater Du- buque club requesting that the city pay for the lighting of the boulevard lights from First street to Jones street on Main street, would respect- fully recommend that the prayer of the petition be granted, to take ef- fect October 1st, 1919. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred the bills of the judges and clerks of the special election of Sept. 15th, for $15.00 each, would respectfully recommend that the bills be allowed in the sum of $10.00 each and $1.00 extra to the person returning the ballot box and the Recorder be instructed to draw warrants for the same. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred the bills of the registration clerks of the special election of Sept. 15th, for $42.50 each, would respectfully recommend that they be allowed in the amounts of $30.00 each and the Recorder be instructed to draw warrants cover- ing the same. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred the bid of Mul- len Bros. for repair of the plumbing at the Fourth Street Engine House, would respectfully recommend that said bid be received and filed. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred the resolution calling for bids for the improvement of Fourteenth street, would respect- fully recommend that said resolu- tion be received and filed. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Ald. Frith moved that the various reports of the Committee of the Whole be approved. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that A. Frick be notified to install street signs according to bid submitted, within thirty (30) days or forfeit check submitted with the bid for same. Carried. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing an 8 -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in South Dodge St. from the manhole at S. Dodge St. and Rush street to the intersection of South Dodge street and Grand- view avenue and south on Grand- view avenue to Adeline street, G. L. Kormann contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the sev- eral lots, and parts of lots, and par- cels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Home Builder Co., Columbia Add., Lot 7, manholes and 48 lin. ft. 8 -inch tilt pipe at $0.94152, $45.19; interest at 6 per cent, 32c; extra expense at 14.36 per cent, $6.49; total $ 52 00 Eva Heil, Columbia Add , Lot 8, manholes and 48 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at $0.94152, $45.19; interest at 6 per cent, 32c; extra expense at 14.36 per cent, $6.49; total 52 00 Home Builder Co., Columbia Add., Lot 9, manholes and 48 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at $0.94152, $45.19; interest at 6 per cent, 32c; extra expense at 14.36 per cent, $6.49; total 52 00 Realty Investors' Corp., Co- lumbia Add., Lot 10, man- holes and 48 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at $0.94152, $45.19; interest at 6 per cent, 32c; extra expense at 14.36 per cent, $6.49; total 52 00 Realty Investors' Corp., Co- lumbia Add., Lot 11, man- holes and 48 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at $0.94152, $45.19; interest at 6 per cent, 32c; extra expense at 14.36 per cent, $6.49; total 52 00 Chas. Taylor, Columbia Add., Lot 12, manholes and 48 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at $0.94152, $45.19; interest at 6 per cent, 32c; extra ex- penses at $14.36 per cent, $6.49; total 52 00 Jno. J. McKeown, Columbia Add., Lot 13, manholes and 49 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at $0.94152, $46.13; interest at 6 per cent, 33c; extra expense at 14.36 per cent, $6.63; total 53 09 City of Dubuque, Grandview Park Add., Block 5 Lot 15, manholes and 25 lin. ft. 8- inch tile pipe at $0.94152, $23.54; interest at 6 per cent, 17c; extra expense at 14.36 per cent, $3.38; total 27 09 City of Dubuque, Grandview Park Add., Block 5, Lot 16, manholes and 25 lin. ft. fl- inch tile pipe at $0.94152, $23.54; interest at 6 per cent, 17c; extra expense at 14.36 per cent, $3.38; total 27 09 City of Dubuque, Grandview Park Add. Block 5, Lot 17, manholes and 25 lin. ft. 8- inch tile pipe at $0.94152, $23.54; interest at 6 per cent, 17c; extra expense at 14.36 per cent, $3.38; total 27 09 City of Dubuque, Grandview Park Add., Block 5, Lot 18, manholes and 25 lin. ft. fl- inch tile pipe at $0.94152, $23.54; interest at 6 per cent, 17c; extra expense at 14.36 per cent, $3.38; total 27 09 Thos. F. Kenneally, Grand- view Park Add., Block 6 Lot 13, manholes and 20 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at $0.94152, $18.83; interest at 6 per cent, 14c; extra ex- pense at 14.36 per cent, $2.71; total 21 68 Regular Session, October znd, 1919 433 Thos. F. Kenneally, Grand- view Park Add., Block 6 Lot 14, manholes and 25 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at $0.94152, $23.54; interest at 6 per cent, 17c; extra ex- pense at 14.36 per cent, $3.38; total 27 09 Thos. F. Kenneally, Grand- view Park Add., Block 6 Lot 15, manholes and 25 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at $0.94152, $23.54; interest at 6 per cent, 17c; extra ex- pense at 14.36 per cent, $3.38; total 27 09 Thos. F. Kenneally, Grand- view Park Add., Block 6 Lot 16, manholes and 25 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at $0.94152, $23.54; interest at 6 per cent, 17c; extra ex- pense at 14.36 per cent, $3.38; total 27 09 Mich. Quinlan, Grandview Park Add., Block 6, Lot 17, manholes and 25 lin. ft. fl- inch tile pipe at $0.94152, $23.54; interest at 6 per cent, 17e; extra expense at 14.36 per cent, $3.38; total 27 09 Mich. Quinlan, Grandview Park Add., Block 6, Lot 18, manholes and 25 lin. ft. 8- inch tile pipe at $0.94152, $23.54; interest at 6 per cent, 17c; extra expense at 14.36 per cent, $3.38; total 27 09 Anton Imhof, Grandview Park Add., Block 6, Lot 19, manholes and 25 lin. ft. fl- inch tile pipe at $0.94152, $23.54; interest at 6 per cent, 17c; extra expense at 14.36 per cent, $3.38; total 27 09 Anton Imhof, Grandview Park Add., Block 6, Lot 20, manholes and 25 lin. ft. 8- inch tile pipe at $0.94152, $23.54; interest at 6 per cent, 17c; extra expense at 14.36 per cent, $3.38; total 27 09 Mathilda Rastatter, Grand- view Park Add., Block 6, Lot 21, manholes and 25 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at $0.94152, $23.54; interest at 6 per cent, 17c; extra ex- pense at 14.36 per cent, $3.38; total 27 09 City of Dubuque, manholes and 500 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at $0.94152, $797.50; interest at 6 per cent, $5.72; extra expense at 14.36 per cent, $114.52; total . 917 74 Total $1629 59 872.2 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at $1.40 $1221 08 Regular Session, October 2nd, 1919 All of which is assessed in pro- portion to the special benefits con- ferred. Adopted Oct. 2nd, 1919. Approved Oct. 8th, 1919. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Recorder. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Alds. Andresen, Burch, Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro- bel. Nays -None. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing an 8 -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Delhi street from the manhole at Delhi and Asbury street to Finley street, by James Street, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the sev- eral lots and parts of lots and par- cels of real estate hereinafter nam- ed, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol- lows: Owner. Description. Amt. Mary F. Jacobs, Schuler's Sub., Lot 2, 44 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at $1.0639, $46.81; interest at 6 per cent, 33c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 47c; total $ 47 61 Geo. W. Brown, Schuler's Sub., Lot 3, 44 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at $1.0639, $46.81; interest at 6 per cent, 33c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 47c; total 47 61 Geo. W. Brown, Schuler's Sub., Lot 4, 44 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at $1.0639, $46.81; interest at 6 per cent, 33c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 47c; total 47 61 John Addyman, of Lot 222 Finley's Add., Lot 1, 59 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at $1.0639, $62.77; interest at 6 per cent, 45c; extra ex- pense at 1 per cent, 63c; total 63 85 Jos. L. Hird, of Lot 222, Fin - ley's Add., Lot 2, 8 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at $1.0639, $8.52; interest at 6 per cent, 7c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 8c; total 8 67 Jos. L. Hird, Finley's Add , Lot 223, 67 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at $1.0639, $71.28; interest at 6 per cent, 51c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 71c; total 72 50 Geo. M. Hahn, Finley's Add., Lot 224, 67 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at $1.0639, $71.28; interest at 6 per cent, 51c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 71c; total Frank Isborne et al, Finley, Waples & Burton's Add., Lot 14, 77 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at $1.0639, $81.92; in- terest at 6 per cent, 59c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 81c; total Frank Isborne et al, Finley, Waples and Burton's Add., Lot 15, 60 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at $1.0639, $63.83; in- terest at 6 per cent, 46c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 64c; total Mary J. Wade, Finley, Wa- ples and Burton's Add., E. 1 -2 Lot 16, 30 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at $1.0639, $31.92; interest at 6 per cent, 23c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 32c; total Sadie E. Luke, Finley, Wa- ples and Burton's Add., W. 1 -2 Lot 16, 30 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at $1.0639, $31.92; interest at 6 per cent, 23c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 32c; total Jos. L. Hird, Finley, Waples and Burton's Add., Lot 17, 60 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at $1.0639, $63.83; interest at 6 per cent, 46c; extra ex- pense at 1 per cent, 64c; total Sadie E. Luke, Finley, Wa- pies and Burton's Add., Lot 18, 60 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at $1.0639, $63.83; in- terest at 6 per cent, 46c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 64c; total Sadie E. Luke, Finley, Wa- ples and Burton's Add., Lot 19, 60 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at $1.0639, $63.83; in- terest at 6 per cent, 46c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 64c; total 435 72 50 83 32 64 93 32 47 32 47 64 93 64 93 64 93 $768 33 402 lin. ft. 8 -inch tile pipe at $1.68 $675 36 2 manholes at $40.00 80 00 Interest at 6 per cent 5 42 Extra expense at 1 per cent 7 55 $768 33 All of which is assessed in pro- portion to the special benefits con- ferred. Adopted Oct. 2nd, 1919. Approved Oct. 8th, 1919. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Recorder. � I 1 • 434 Regular Session, October 2nd, 1919 6 manholes at $32.50 195 00 Interest at 6 per cent 10 15 Extra expense at 14.36 per cent 203 36 Total $1629 59 All of which is assessed in pro- portion to the special benefits con- ferred. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas -Alds. Andresen, Burch, Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro- bel. Nays -None. Adopted Oct. 2nd, 1919. Approved Oct. 8th, 1919. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Recorder. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for improving the alley between West Second street and West Third street from College avenue to Walsh street, by J. M. Kenety & Son, con- tractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Owner. Description. Amt. M. L. and J. E. Kemler, Col- lege Sub., Lot 1, macadam- izing cost, $74.43; interest at 6 per cent, 53c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 74c; total $ 75 70 M. L. and J. E. Kemler, Col- lege Sub., Lot 2, macadam- izing cost, $80.82; interest at 6 per cent, 57c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 81c; • total 82 20 M. L. and J. E. Kemler, Col- lege Sub., Lot 3, macadam- izing cost, $64.66; interest at 6 per cent, 46c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 65c; total Etta Burke, College Sub., Lot 4, macadamizing cost, $75.43; interest at 6 per cent, 54c; extra expense at 1 per cent, '75c; total Maria E. Pape, College Sub , Lot 5, macadamizing cost, $75.43; interest at 6 per cent, 54c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 75c; total Margt. H. Burke, College Sub., Lot 6, macadamizing cost, $75.43; interest at 6 per cent, 54c; extra ex- pense at 1 per cent, 75c; total 65 77 76 72 76 72 76 72 Margt. H. Burke, College Sub., Lot 7, macadamizing cost, $73.29; interest at 6 per cent, 53c; extra ex- pense at 1 per cent, 73c; total Thos. Jacobson, Sub. Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, College Sub., Lot 1, macadamizing cost, $51.18; interest at 6 per cent, 37c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 51c; total Thos. Jacobson, Sub Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, College Sub., Lot 2, macadamizing cost, $46.89; interest at 6 per cent, 34c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 47c; total Thos. Jacobson, Sub. Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, College Sub., Lot 3, macadamizing cost, $46.89; interest at 6 per cent, 34c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 47c; total Lizetta Krakow, Sub. Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, College Sub., Lot 4, macadamizing cost, $46.89; interest at 6 per cent, 34c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 47c; total Roscoe C. Thomas, Sub Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, College Sub., Lot 5, macadamizing cost, $46.89; interest at 6 per cent, 34c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 47c; total Margt. Patterson, Sub. Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, College Sub., Lot 6, macadamizing cost, $46.89; interest at 6 per cent, 34c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 47c; total Wm. Kaiser, Sub. Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, College Sub., Lot 7, macadamizing cost, $46.89; interest at 6 per cent, 34c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 47c; total W. A. Norman, College Sub , Lot 13, macadamizing cost, $53.88; interest at 6 per cent, 38c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 54c; total W. A. Norman, College Sub , Lot 14, macadamizing cost, $53.88; interest at 6 per cent, 38c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 54c; total A. L. Rhomberg, College Sub., Lot 15, macadamizing cost, $59.87; interest at 6 per cent, 43c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 60c; total 74 55 52 06 47 70 47 70 47 70 47 70 47 70 47 70 54 80 54 80 60 90 $1037 14 1073.3 sq. yds. macadam at 95c per sq. yd. $1019 64 Interest at 6 per cent 7 31 Extra expense at 1 per cent 10 19 $1037 14 1 43 Regular Session, October 2nd, 1919 Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Burch, Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro- bel. Nays —None. Be It Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: That it is deemed necessary to construct a permanent sidewalk four (4) feet wide in front of Lots 32 and 33a, Stines Add., abutting on east side of Stafford avenue in the City of Dubuque, which piece of property is owned by Chas. Karsch, said side- walk to be built of cement (artificial stone) and to be completed not lat- er than the 16th day of October, 1919. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Aids. Andresen, Burch, Frith, Hird, Leists, Plamondon, Strobel. Nays —None. Ald. Frith offered the following: Whereas, The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Delhi street, hereinafter described has been completed, and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and expense of said improvement amount to $768.33. Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of con- structing a sanitary sewer in Delhi street from the manhole at Delhi street and Asbury street to Finley street, the Mayor be and he is here- by required to execute and deliver to the City Recorder, to be by him registered and countersigned, three bonds for two hundred and fifty dol- lars and one for eighteen and 33 -100 dollars, numbered 5788 to 5791, in- clusive, dated November 1st, 1919, payable on or before seven years after the date thereof, and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable semi - annually. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the fol- lowing vote. Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Burch, Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Strobel. Nays —None. Ald. Frith offered the following: Whereas, The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the improvement of the alley be- tween West Second street and West Third street from College avenue to Walsh street, hereinafter described has been completed, and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and expense of said improve- ment amount to $1,037.14, Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of im- proving the alley between West Sec- ond street and West Third street from College avenue to Walsh street, the mayor be and he is here- by required to execute and deliver to the City Recorder, to be by him registered and countersigned, four bonds for two hundred and fifty dol- lars each and one for thirty -seven and 14 -100 dollars, numbered 5783 to 5787, inclusive, dated November 1st, 1919, payable on or before seven years after the date thereof, and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable semi). annually. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Burch, Frith, Hird. Leist, Plamondon, Stribel. Nays —None. Alderman Frith offered the follow- ing: Whereas, The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the construction of a sanitary sewer in South Dodge street and Grandview avenue hereinafter de- scribed has been completed, and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and expense of said improve- ment amount to $1,629.59. Therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of con- structing a sanitary sewer in South Dodge street from the manhole at South Dodge street and Rush street to the intersection of South Dodge street and Grandview avenue and south on Grandview avenue to Ade- line street, the Mayor be and he is hereby required to execute and de- liver to the City Recorder, to be by him registered and countersigned, six bonds for Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars each and one for One Hun- dred Twenty -nine and 59 -100 Dollars, numbered 5777 to 5782A inclusive, dated Nov. 1st, 1919, payable on or before seven years after the date thereof, and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, pay- able semi - annually. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas — Aldermen Andresen, Burch, Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro- bel. Nays —None. Alderman Hird offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sani- Special Session, October 7th, 1919 tary sewer of eight inch tile pipe be constructed in Henion street from the manhole in West Fourteenth street to the present manhole in He- nion street north of Pickett street, according to the plans and specifica- tions of said sewer prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further Resolved, That said sewer shall be completed on or before the 1st day of December, 1919, and shall be paid for at the time and in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXIV of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of constructing sewers. The proposals for doing such work will be acted upon by the Council on the 16th day of October, 1919, and the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Ald. Hird moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas — Aldermen Andresen, Burch, Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro- bel. Nays —None. Ald. Strobel moved to adjourn. Carried. JOHN STUBER, City Recorder. Adopted , 1919. Approved Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. CITY COUNCIL 437 (Official) Special Session October 7th, 1919. Council met at 10:20 a. m. Mayor Saul in the chair. Present; —Alds. Andresen, Burch, Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon. Absent; —Ald. Strobel. Mayor Sand stated that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of ac- ting on resolutions of Emergency and Necessity to pay the expense of repairing streets, avenues, alleys and sewers of the City without delay, and acting on any other business that might properly come before a regular meeting of the City Coun- cil. Ald. Frith moved that all sewers be cleaned and opened at once, san- itary sewers first. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that the City Recorder be instructed to draw Loan Warrants in the sum of $950.00 pay- able to the Union Trust & Savings Bank to create an emergency fund to take care of the payrolls and bills for the last half of September 1919, caused by storm of July 9. 1919. Carried. Ald. Hird moved that the City Recorder be instructed to advertise for bids for the repairing of the ce- ment curb and gutter at the inter- section of Rosedale avenue and West Locust street. Carried. Ald. Leist moved that Frank Burns and the Jas F. Lee Paving Co., be notified through the Police De- partment to remove all wagons, steam rollers tar tanks, etc., from the streets on Sixteenth street, Eighteenth street and Nineteenth street at once. Carried. City Engineer Cullen submitted specifications for different concrete mixtures to be used for repairing streets, and explained the manner in which concrete headers are used where streets ar subject to a great deal of water running over them stat- ing that they should be 8 inches thick and placed 150 feet apart. Ald. Andresen moved that this plan of placing headers be used under the supervision of the City Engineer on the repair of Seventeenth street. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that headers be used on the repair of Hill street and Julien avenue under the supervision of the City Engineer but that the headers be alternated one of cement and one of brick to be placed 150 feet apart. Carried. 43 Special Session, October 7th, 1919 Ald. Leist moved that the matter of having a pole removed on West Eighth street above the Diamond House be left in the hands of the Second Ward Alderman. Carried. Ald. Leist moved that teamsters doing Emergency Work be paid at the rate of 90 cents per hour, and Foreman be intructed to see that said teamsters work nine hours per day. Carried. Alderman Frith offered the fol- lowing: RESOLUTION OF EMERGENCY AND NECESSITY. Whereas, on October 4th, 1919, the City of Dubuque was visited with an extraordinary, unusual rain storm, similar to the one experienced on July 9th, 1919; Whereas, 'said rain storm caused terrible force from the hills and ra- terrible forcef rom the hills and ra- vines on and through the streets, avenues, alleys and sewers and highways of the city, and Whereas, such flood caused im- proved and unimproved streets, al- leys and sewers to be torn up and destroyed, great ditches being washed in macadam streets, there- by rendering the streets impassable for traffic and dangerous for public use; and Whereas, it is necessary that said streets and sewers be repaired at once in order to avoid many actions for damages and also to make said streets passable by the public; and Whereas, the various road funds of the City of Dubuque are inade- quate to make the necessary re- pairs and to pay the expense of putting such streets and sewers in proper condition; and Whereas, this is an emergency measure, designed to remedy a con- dition which was unforeseen and could not be anticipated; Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Du- buque, in order to pay the expense of repairing the streets, avenues, alleys and sewers of the city with- out delay, the committee on finance, together with the Mayor, be and they are hereby directed to affect a loan with the banks of the city in such an amount as they deem nec- essary and advisable to pay the ex- pense of repairing the streets where they have been washed out by the rain storm of October 4th, 1919, and in order to secure said loan they are granted the authority hereby to pledge the credit of the city, said loan to mature on March 1, 1920, at which time the new fiscal year will commence. Dated this 7th day of October, 1919. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Burch, Hird, Leist, Plamondon. Nays —None. Nays —none. Absent —Ald. Strobel. Ald. Leist moved to adjourn. Car- ried. JOHN STUBER, City Recorder. Adopted , 1919. Approved Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. Special CITY COUNCIL (Official.) Special session October 8th, 1919. Council met at 7:55 p. m. Mayor Saul in the chair. Present —Alds. Andresen, Burch, Hird, Leist, Plamondon. Absent —Alds. Frith, Strobel. Mayor Saul stated that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of tak- ing action on the audit and appraisal of the Dubuque Electric Company's books and holdings, and acting on any other business that might prop- erly come before a regular meeting of the City Council. Ald. Hird moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of allow- ing anyone present to address the Council. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Andresen, Burch, Hird, Leist, Plamondon. Nays —None. Absent —Alds. Firth, Strobel. City Attorney Czizek explained to Messrs. Johnson, Roshek, and Quin- lan, the committee appointed to rep- resent the citizens of the city in the audit and apraisal of the Dp- buque Electric company's books and holdings, the action of the Council in the matter to date, stating that the agreement made with the Clay- ton B. Stiver company was to the effect that when they arrived to the point when they could go no fur- ther with their audit, which they thought would be a possibility, they would report the same, and that they would not submit a report unless they could submit an accurate one that could be presented in court if necessary. Mr. Quinlan addressed the Coun- cil stating that he did not approve of an audit at the present time at the present cost of materials; stat- ed that in his opinion the Council should take action at once placing the fares back to five cents, and then take all the time necessary to have an audit made if they see fit. Mr. Roshek addressed the Council stating that the Clayton B. Stiver Co. had reported to the Special Committee two days after they had started auditing the books that it would be necessary to have an au- praisal made of the Dubuque Elec- tric Company's holdings, before they could make a final report as the books did not show an inventory of the stock at any time but were in the form of a catalogue, and as purchases were made at different times they were added to this cata- logue, but there were no records made at any time showing any dis- Session, October 8th, 1919 439 posal of said stock by being dis- carded as of no value, or by being disposed of in any other manner, therefore the books show that all the stock ever purchased by said company is on hand at the present time. Mr. Maynard addressed the coun- cil, stating that the Dubuque Elec- tric Company were desirous of hav- ing this appraisal made, so that the public could know just what their holdings are, but was not in favor of the auditors taking their figures as a basis to work on as they did not think that would satisfy the people, also stated that the agree- ment was that a complete report be submitted or none and that that was to be conclusive, and that if the fare was put back at five cents wages of the street car men would nave to be set back. Mr. Hollenbeck, representing the street car men, addressed the Coun- cil, stating that the street car men were now getting 42 cents per hour and would not submit to a cut in wages. Ald. Hird moved that action be deferred as all of the Council were not present; also that representa- tives of the Clayton B. Stiver Co. and the Special Committee be pres- ent when action was taken.' Car- ried. Mr. Johnson addressed the Coun- cil, stating that he thought an audit and appraisal was the proper thing, and that the records of the Raw Ap- praisal company show they were a reliable firm and had been recog- nized as authority in a great many proceedings of the court. Mr. Johnson called for the records of the Council Proceedings of the meeting of October 2d, 1919. They were presented and read showing that representatives of the Clayton B. Stiver Company were present at that meeting. An attempt was made to locate the representatives of the Clayton B. Stiver Co. that they might be questioned relative to their audit, but they could not be located. The above mentioned parties ad- dressed the council at different in- tervals discussing the facts already stated. Ald. Andresen moved that a Spe- cial Council meeting be called for 2:30 p. m. Monday, October 13th, 1919, and that the Special Commit- tee on Auditing the Dubuque Elec- tric Company's books representa- tives of the Clayton B. Stiver Co. and officers of the Dubuque Electric Co. be notified to be present. Car- ried. 44 Special Session, October loth, 1919 Ald. Hird moved to adjonrn. Car- ried. JOHN STUBER, City Recorder. Adopted , 1919. Approved Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. CITY COUNCIL (Official.) Special Session, October 10th, 1919. Council met at 8:05 p. m. Mayor Saul in the chair. Present Alds. Andresen, Hird, Leist, Plamondon. Absent—Alds. Burch, Frith, Stro- bel. Mayor Saul stated that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of act- ing on bids for repair of various streets in the City, and acting on any other business that might prop- erly come before a regular meeting of the City Council. Bi ds. Ald. Andresen moved that all bids be opened. Carried. Bids for re- laying paving on Sev- enteenth street where ordered by the City Engineer. Bid of C. B. McNamara Co.: Brick paving, per square yard as per specifications, one dollar seventy -five cents ($1.75 concrete base and headers twelve dollars ($12.00) per cubic yard. Bid of J. M. Kenety Son: Cubic yard for concrete, thirteen dollars and twenty -five cents ($13.25) ; brick paving, per square yard, eighty -five cents (85c). Ald. Andresen moved that -the bids be referred to the City Engi- neer to report later in the evening. City Engineer Cullen reported that J. M. Kenety & Son were the low- est bidders. Ald. Andresen moved that the contract for re- laying paving on Sev- enteenth street be awarded to J. M. Kenety & Son, they being the low- est bidders. Carried. Bids for re- laying paving on Julien avenue and Hill street. Bid of C. B. McNamara Co.: Brick paving, per square yard as per specifications, one dollar seventy -five cents ($1.75) per square yard. Cement headers, $12.00 per cubic - yard. Bid of Oliver G. Kringle: Concrete per cubic yard, $12.00; re- laying brick paving per square yard, $1.8:. Ald. Hird moved that the contract be awarded to C. B. McNamara Co. for relaying paving on Julien avenue and Hill street, they being the lowest bidders. Carried. Petition of A. J. Bassler asking the City Council to have the storm sewer at Twenty Second and Wash- ington streets repaired at once as the same is broken and flooding his cellar. Presented and read. On motion of Ald. Andresen the Street Commissioner was instructed to have the same repaired at once. City Engineer Cullen reported as follows: To The Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Mayor Saul, Alds. Leist, Andresen and City Engineer Cullen examined the following sewers and culverts crossing the railroad tracks from Garfield avenue to Eleventh street and make the following recommen- dations: Construct a 6 -feet by 6 feet con- crete box culvert in Garfield avenue from Elm street to the Bee Branch sewer with proper inlets, also en- large the inlets at Rhomberg avenue and Elm street. Build a box sewer east of the rail- road tracks on the north side of Nineteenth street to connect with the present brick sewer, also drain from the south side of the street to the present sewer. To gutter on the south side of Eighteenth street so as to meet the bottom of the present sewer and to place a 20 -inch drain across the street from the north side of the street to the sewer on the south side. To enlarge the openings on Seven- teenth street, and to pave the bot- tom with cement. To enlarge the inlet on the north side of Sixteenth street. To construct a storm sewer from the west side of the railroad tracks on Fifteenth street to the river. To enlarge the inlet into the sew- er on the south side of Fourteenth street. To construct a storm water sewer in Thirteenth street from the west side of the railroad to the river. To construct a storm water sewer in Eleventh street. Ald. Hird moved that the recom- mendation of the Mayor and Sewer Committee be approved, the report be referred to the City Engineer to draw plans and specifications, and the railroad companies be notified to build their part of the sewer at once Carried. Ald. Burch entered and took his seat at 8:15 p. m. Ald. Hird moved to adjourn. Car- ried. JOHN STUBER, City Recorder. Adopted , 1919. Approved Attest: Special Session, October 14th, 1919 Mayor City Recorder CITY COUNCIL (Official). Special Session. 44 October 14th, 1919. Council niet at 8:15 p. m. Mayor Saul in the chair. Present —Alds. Andresen, Burch, Frith, Hird, Leist Plamondon. Absent —Alds. Strobel. Mayor Saul stated that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of act- ing on the audit and appraisal of the Dubuque Electric Company's books and holdings and hearing the report of the Auditing Committee, and acting on any other business that might properly come before a regular meeting of the City Council. The Auditing Committee renorted as follows: Dubuque, Ia., Oct. 14th, 1919. To the Honorable Mayor and mem- bers of the City Council: Inasmuch as the Stiver Audit Co. of Des Moines, Iowa, now auditing the books of the Dubuquqe Electric Company for the purpose of deter- mining whether or not the income of said Electric company from a five cent fare or the street car fares paid on the present seven cent basis is sufficient to meet the wage de- mand of its employes and yield an adequate return on the actual valua- tion of its property without a phys- ical valuation of said Electric com- pany's property we hereby recom- mend to the City Council that said physical appraisement be made within the next two months with the understanding that the said Elec- tric company shall pay the cost of making such . appraisal less twenty - Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) which amount shall be paid by the City of Dubuque. This recommenda- tion is made with the understanding that the present street car service shall be maintained without inter- ruption pending the outcome of the appraisasl above mentioned. Respectfully submitted, JAMES SAUL, J. J. ROSHEK, C. C. MEAD, A. C. JOHNSON. Ald. Andresen moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of allowing Mr. Maynard to address the Council on the report of the Committee. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas — Alds. Andresen, Burch, Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon. Nays —None. Absent —Ald. Strobel. Mr. Maynard addressed the Coun- cil, stating that he could not make Regular Session, October 16th, 1919 per cubic yard of reinforced con- crete, $23.75. Ald. Andresen moved that the con- tract be awarded to Even - Ulrich Co., they being the lowest bidders. Car- ried. Bids for constructing an eight - inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Hen - ion street from the manhole in West Fourteenth street to the present manhole in Henion street north of Picket street. There being only one bid presented, Ald. Hird moved that the bid be returned to the bidder un- opened, and the Recorder instructed to re- advertise for bids. Carried. Bids for constructing an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Leibnitz street from the manhole at Clifford street to a point 210 ft. west. There being only one bid presented, Ald. Andresen moved that the bid be re- turned to the bidder and the Record- er instructed to re- advertise for bids. Carried. Ald. Hird moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of allow- ing Mr. Bemis, representative of the Automatic Registering Machine Cor- poration, to address the Council. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Burch, Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon. Nays —None. Absent —Ald. Strobel. Mr. Bemis addressed the Council explaining the merits of the voting machine being demonstrated by him, read and left on file with the Re- corder the following proposal: City of Dubuque, Iowa. PROPOSAL. October 2nd, 1919. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Dubuque, Iowa: Gentlemen: '—We, the Automatic Registering Machine Corporation, hereby offer to sell to the City of Dubuque, fifteen (15) more or less which will provide for nine (9) po- litical parties of fifty (50) calf i- dates each, one row of fifty (50) devices for voting for persons not nominated, one row of "Yes" and "No" pointers of sufficient capacity to vote for twenty -five (25) constitu- tional amendments or other ques- tions, and a device for voting at primary elections, at the net price of Nine Hundred Thirty Dollars ($930.00) for each machine F. O. B. cars Jamestown, New York. We agree upon the acceptance of this proposal to enter into a con- tract with the City for said voting machines for shipment on or before the 1st day of February, 1920. We will guarantee that said mach- ines are so constructed that they will do the work for which they are designed in an efficient and correct manner when operated in accord- ance with the laws and printed in- 443 structions furnished for their use and that they have been duly approved by the Iowa State Board of Voting Machine Commissioners, and that the report of said Board, showing such approval, has been filed in the office of the Secretary of State of the State of Iowa. We agree to furnish with each machine, without extra charge a mechanical model which shall be a duplicate of a portion of the face of the machine, for the instruction of voters; also the printed matter necessary for the instruction of elec- tion officers for the first election at which the machines are to be used. We agree to send a representative at our own expense before the first election at which the machines are to be used, to instruct the person or persons who have charge of the machines in the preparation, use, and care of the same, so that the person or persons can properly in- struct the election officers. We will accept payment for said machines either in cash or in the valid negotiable bonds or certificates of indebtedness of the City in such amounts and payable on such dates as the City shall determine, bearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent. Interest to be payable semi- annual- ly, principal and interest payable with New York exchange, said se- curities to be delivered to us within fifteen days after the arrival of the machines. Respectfully submitted. Automatic Registering Machine Cor- poration. By R. D. BEMIS, Sales Agent. Ald. Frith moved that proposition be referred to the committee of the Whole, and the Board of Supervis- ors notified to be present. Carried. Mr. Fitzpatrick addressed the Council relative to his property on Rush street asking the Council to repair damage and remove cause. Ald. Plamondon moved that the contract for re- laying paving on West Third street be awarded to Oliver G. Kringle he being the lowest bid- der. Carried. BILLS. L. Daily, health 25.50 Joe Scharry, health 50.00 John Stuber, expense .35 Byrne & Rath, 1st and 2nd road 620.38 C. B. McNamara Co., cement gutter on 17th St. 939.72 C. M. McNamara & Co., 4th road Emergency fund 130.65 Robert McGivern, inspector Cox St., improvement 12.00 Jim Byrne, inspector Kauf- man avenue 50.00 Mullen Bros, expense 24.30 442 Regular Session, October 16th, 1919 any reply to the report until after he had taken the matter up with the officials of the company. Ald. Plamondon moved the adop- tion of the report of the Auditing Committee. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Burch, Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon. Nays —None. : Absent —Ald. Strobel. Ald. Burch moved that the motion made in a previous meeting of the City Council to notify Chas. Bush to move the steps in the alley enter- ing the building on Eighth street between Locust street and Bluff street be considered and referred back to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Burch moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of al- lowing Mr. Chas. Bush to address the Council. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Burch, Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon. Nays —None. Absent —Alds. Strobel. Mr. Chas. Bush addressed the Council, stating that the said steps were the only entrance to the upper floor of the building. Ald. Frith moved that the Com- mittee of the Whole view the grounds. Carried. Ald. Hird moved that the City En- gineer be instructed to draw plans and specifications for repairing the curb and gutter on Wood street the gutter to be six feet wide, and the Recorder instructed to advertise for bids for same. Carried. Ald. Burch moved that the Com- mittee on Streets be instructed to examine the condition of the con- crete on Leibnitz street and Heeb street. Carried. Ald. Leist moved to adjourn. Car- ried. JOHN STUBER, City Recorder. Adopted 1919 Aproved Mayor %crest City Recoraer. CITY COUNCIL (Official.) Regular session October 16th, 1919. Council met at 8:10 p. m. Mayor Saul in the chair. Present —Alds. Andresen, Burch, Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon. Absent —Ald. Strobel. Ald. Frith moved to defer action on accepting the Council Proceed- ings for the month of August, 1919. Carried. B ids. Bids for relaying paving on West Third street, were ordered by the City Engineer: Bid of C. B. McNamara —Brick paving per square yard as per speci- fications. One Dollar Seventy Cents $1.70 per square yard; concrete per cubuc yard, $12.00. Bid of Oliver G. Kringle, price per square yard for relaying paving $1.55. Ald. Plamondon moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of allowing Mr. Oliver G. Kringle to address the Council. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Burch, Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon. Nays —None. Absent —Ald. Strobel. Mr. Oliver G. Kringle addressed the Council stating that he under- stood what the contract called for - and intended to furnish all materials and do the work according to speci- fications including concrete headers for the sum of $1.55 per square yard. Bids for constructing cement curb and gutter at the intersection of Rosedale avenue and West Locust street: Bid of Even, Ulrich Co.— Combina- tion curb and guttering, per lineal foot, One and 95 -100 Dollars (11.95). Bid of Oliver G. Kringle— Combi- nation curb and guttering, per lineal foot, $2.85. Ald. Hird moved that the contract be awarded to Even, Ulrich Co., they being the lowest bidders. Carried. Bids for constructing an eight foot by ten foot reinforced box culvert on Lincoln avenue between Sixth avenue and Seventh avenue: Bid of Even - Ulrich Co. —We pro- pose to construct an 8 -foot by 10- foot reinforced box culvert on Lin- coln avenue between Sixth avenue and Seventh avenue for the sum of Eighteen and 95 -100 Dollars ($18.95) per cubic yard. Bid of C. B. McNamara Co. —Con- crete storm sewer Twenty -nine Dol- lars ($29.00) per cubuc yard. Bid of Oliver G. Kringle —Price 444 Regular Session, Clarence M. Traut, expense 4.45 Farley & Loetcher, expense 60.00 Ed. Millius, expense 1.00 Dubuque Paper & Supply Co , expense 4 .25 Roshek Bros Co., expense .. 7.50 C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., expense 269.75 Swift & Co., expense 8.50 Eichhorn & Bechtel, expense .50 Times Hotel Register Co., ex- pense 52.00 Pier Bros., expense 51.04 Eagle Point Lime Wks. ex- pense 34.85 Frank Boutin, expense 12.20 Fred Miller, expense 92.40 Telegrahp - Herald, expense. ..615.25 Union Printing Co., expense. 14.75 Pauly Printing Co., expense 12.50 Catholic Printing Co, expense 48.00 Frank Beutin, expense 71.50 Al. Hoge, expense 2.00 Western Union Telegraph Co., expense 1.00 A. E. Gemehle, expense .... 77.58 R. Herrman & Son, expense 15.00 E. P. Smith Electric Co , health 2.00 Peryon Pharmacy, health 27.05 Louis Prossel, sewers 16.08 F. M. Jaeger Hdw. Co., sewer 3 30 C. Schloz, sewer 1 80 Jos. J. Bertsch Co., sewer 8 00 Mettel Bros., sewer and 4th road . 5 45 T. Welsh, 4t road, emergency fund . 68 85 H. C. Milligan, 4th road emergency fund 34 A. E. Wunder, 5th road emergency fund 24 30 Dubuque Welding Wks , roads 1 00 The Smedley Co., 2nd and 4th roads 24 08 J. Heim, 5th road emergency fund 120 50 Stafford Grocery, 4th road emergency fund 1 13 , Dubuque Lumber & Coal Co , 5th road 42 Iowa Telephone Co., bathing beach, fire, police and ex- pense 59 97 T. J. Mulgrew Co., 2nd road emergency fund and ex- pense 31 80 Chicago Paving Laboratory, 2nd road 12 50 Frank Beutin, 4th road 75 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., roads 1 05 Klauer Mfg. Co., 4th road 26 40 Jas. A. Gregory, 4th road 4 50 Spahn & Rose Lumber Co , sidewalks and expense 114 40 Wm. Gere, repair of engine houses . 90 00 John L. Heim & Son, 5th road emergency fund 145 00 Rellihan & Mullen, police 2 75 October i6th, 1919 Eichhorn & Bechtel, police 3 64 J. F. Stampfer Co., police 2 35 J. W. Giellis, police 12 60 C. J. McCarthy, police 1 80 Peter Even c,.; Son, police 1 00 Iowa Oil Co., police 2 25 C. B. Scherr, bathing beach 2 90 Key City Gas Co., bathing beach 1 80 Dubuque Elecrtic Co., bath- ing beach 5 68 C. Schloz, bathing beach 4 00 F. W. Coates, bathing beach 4 64 Albert Nye, fire 3 56 Standard Lumber Yards Co., fire 108 87 Iowa Oil Co., police 9 41 Boyer Chemical Laboratory Co., fire 40 00 Frank Beutin, fire 129 00 Schaffer Bros. & Powell Mfg Co., fire 15 00 Iowa Oil Co., fire 21 25 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., fire 6 50 National Refining Co., fire 82 15 C. Schloz, roads 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, roads 7 50 D. & J. Hoerner, roads 4 75 Telegraph- Herald, printing 75 90 Times- Journal, printing 94 46 National Demokrat, printing 12 50 Labor Leader, expense and printing 43 90 Mole Sand & Gravel Co., 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th roads and ex- pense 85 95 Key City Iron Works, roads 8 35 National Refining Co., roads 36 50 Key City Roofing Co., ex- pense, sewer, 3rd, 4th, 5th roads 69 27 Leader Oil Co., roads 92 20 Standard Oil Co., roads 5 50 Leader Oil Co., roads 66 24 W. D. Deckert Co., roads 6 20 Austin Western Road Mach- inery Co., roads 158 63 Key City Gas Co., fire, police and expense 65 25 J. M. Kenety & Son., im- provement of Cox street 725 12 J. M. Kenety & Son, im- provement Angella street 443 68 James Street, constructing sanitary sewer in alley be- tween Queen street and Windsor avenue and Henry street to manhole in Wind- sor avenue 419 75 Jas. F. Lee Paving Co., im- proving Peru road .. 9501 11 Dorgan Ulrich Co., expense Dodge street and Grand- view avenue fund 3rd, 5th roads and 4th road county.1044 94 Dubuque Electric Co., police 75 bubuque Electric Co., light - 75 Electric Co., fire 23 52 Electric Co., light - 4091 92 ing Dubuque Dubuque ing On motion of Ald. Plamondon all Regular Session, October i6th, 1919 bills properly O. K. were ordered paid and all others to be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Mrs. Nora Corcoran Flynn calling the attention of the City Council to the damage done the Eugene Corcoran Estate by wa- ter flowing into the shop. Present - and read. On motion of Ald. An- dresen the petition was referred to the City Attorney. Ald. Frith moved that James F. Lee be allowed to use the roller for two hours Friday, October 17, 1919, Lost by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Frith, Hird. Nays —Alds. Andresen, Burch, Leist, Plamondon. Absent —Ald. Strobel. Petition of Mrs. I. J. Bevens call- ing the attention of the City Coun- cil to the damage done to Grove street and the retaining wall by the storm of July 9th, 1919, present- ed and read. On motion of Ald. An- dresen the petition was referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds. Communication of the Public Own- ership League kof Dubuque, Iowa, by John Montel, secretary, calling the attention of the City Council to the condition of Rhomberg avenue, between Reed street and First ave- nue, sating that the contractor should before his five years' guar- antee expires be compelled to re- pair and place it in a serviceable condition and not place more bur- den upon the city. Presented and read. Ald. Frith moved that the bondsmen of Jas. F. Lee be notified to repair Rhomberf avenue and Lo- cust street at once. Carried. Petition of C. W. Danglemeyer, asking the City Council to allow him the sum of $25.70 to cover the expense of rebuilding stone wall on his property at 1856 Washington street, said wall being caved in dur- ing the storm of October 4th, 1919. Presented and read. On motion of Ald. Leist the petition was referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the ground. Petition of H. Feldstein asking the City Council to pay him the sum of $300.00 for damage done to property and stock of groceries dur- ing the storm of Oct 4th, 1919. Pre- sented and read. On motion of Ald. Leist the petition was referred to the City Attorney. Ald. Leist moved that the Coun- cil reconsider their action on the petition of C. W. Danglemeyer re- ferring it to Committee of the Whole to , view the grounds. Car- ried. Ald. Leist moved that the petition of C. W. Danglemeyer be referred to the City Attorney. Carried. Communication of the National 445 Highway Marker Association stating that there was one clause in the contract submitted to them by the City of Dubuque that they did not feel justified in accepting "the para- graph beginning with the word AND, four lines from the last stipu- lation, wherein you say we accept service of notice and appearance of record, etc." Presented and read. On motion of Ald. Frith the com- munication was referred to'the City Attorney. Petition of the Voelker Realty Co., asking the City Council to grant them permission to construct a sani- tary sewer, at their . own expense and under the supervision of the City Engineer in Pfotzer street from the alley between Windsdr and Queen street westerly across Queen street into Audubon Addition to con- nect with the sewer previously con- structed in said Addition but for which no outlet could at that time be provided on account of objec- tions of cost of sewer in Queen street itself. Presented and read. Ald. Frith moved to grant the pray- er of the petition. Carried. Petition of Mullen Bros. asking permission of the City Council to excavate in Delhi street for the pur- pose of making water and sewer connections to Dr. J. Lyttle's new residence, corner Julien avenue and Delhi street. Ald. Hird moved that the prayer of the petition be grant- ed provided the proper bond be filed for same. Carried. Petition of Frank M. Jaeger ask- ing the City Council to allow him to install a "Bowser Gasoline Tank on Julien avenue between Alpine street and the alley between Alpine street and Nevada street" presented and read. Ald. Frith moved to re- fer the petition to the Second Ward Alderman with power. Carried. Communication of Morrison Bros. calling the attention of the City Council to the fact that the Bee Branch Sewer needs cleaning and in some places the obstructions and debris is piled up as high as five feet; stating that their property had been damaged to the extent of several thousand dollars each storm and something should be done with the sewer at once. Presented and read. On motion of Ald. Frith the communication was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of residents of the Third and Fifth wards asking the City Council to have the Bee Branch sew- er cleaned from Eagle Point avenue and Kniest street to the outlet in the vicinity of Garfield avenue and Kniest street, and all sewers lead- ing into same. Presented and read. 446 Regular Se October i6th, 1919 On motion the petition was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition by taxpayers asking the City Council to install an electric light on the Millville road and Fink street, presented and read. Ald. Frith moved to grant the prayer of the petition. Carried. Communication of property own- ers on Kaufmann avenue notifying the City Council that they will hold the City • of Dubuque responsible for any and all damage done to their sidewalk or curbing, etc., by reason of the tile sewer now being placed or to be placed between the curb and the sidewalk, stating that then3 are tons of dirt and rock piled on the sidewalks, presented and read. Ald. Andresen moved to refer the communication to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds. Car- ried. Notice of claim of Sarah E. Kem- ler in the sum of $5,000.00 for in- juries sustained to property known as No. 54 and 56 Walnut street, said damage caused by water overflow- ing property, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Andresen the no- tice was referred to the City Attor- ney. Original notice of suit of Charles G. Grose vs. City of Dubuque in the sum of $7,500.00 as damages on ac- count of the death of Ruth Bernice Grose in the Bee Branch sewer July 9th, 1919. Presented and on motion of Ald. Hird the notice was referred to the City Attorney. Original notice of suit of Albert G. Kenniker vs. City of Dubuqque in the sum of $15,000.00 as damage on account of the death of Bertha Ken. niker in the Bee Branch sewer July 9th, 1919, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Hird the notice was referred to the City Attorney. Return of service notice, notify- ing Frank Burns to remove wagons, etc., from the streets on 16th St., 18th St. and 19th St. presented and read. On motion of Ald. Leist the Chief of Police was instructed to see that the notice is complied with as it has not been at the present date. Return of service notice, notifying Jas. F. Lee Paving Co. to remove wagons, etc., from the streets on 16th St. 18th St. and 19th St., pre- sented and read. On motion of Ald. Leist the Chief of Police was in- structed to see that the notice is complied with as it has not been at the present date. Return of service notice, notifying Mr. A. Frick to install street signs' according to bid submitted within thirty (30) days or forfeit check submitted with bid. Presented and read. On motion of Ald. Andresen the notice was made a matter of record. Return of service . notice, notifying the Dubuque Electric Company to place a light at the intersection of Thirty -first and Elm streets, to re- pair the street between the rails and one foot outside thereof on Delhi street, not to take up the wood block paving when the streets are wet and when they are taken up to replace them with the proper filler, to remove all old ties at the switch on Dodge street and fill in between the tracks the proper grade from said switch to the Gas House to level their tracks on Alpine street, presented and read. On mo- tion of Ald. Burch the notice was made a matter of record. - Return of service notice, notifying the Fidelity & Deposit company of Maryland, bonding company provid- ing bond for Chas. Pape & Son, to have the street put in proper shape where excavation was made at Elm street and Rhomberg avenue within five (5) days from date of notice, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Hird the notice was made a matter of record. Return of service notice, notifying C. B. McNamara Co. to clean the streets of all dirt that fell from their wagons working on the street improvements, said dirt on the fol- lowing streets: 11th and Washing- ton to 11th and Elm and to 12th on Elm, east on 12th to the east prop- erty line of A. Y. McDonald's. Aid. Leist moved that the Chief of Po- lice be instructed to notify them to comply with this notice as it had not been done at the present date. Carried. Ald. Leist moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of allowing Mr. Lenihan to address the Council. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Andresen, Burch, Frith, Hird, Leists, Plamondon. Nays -None. Absent —Ald. Strobel. Mr. Lenihan addressed the Coun- cil representing C. B. McNamara Co., stating that the storms had washed some of the dirt on the streets and wanted to know how much they would be required to re- move. He was informed that they would be expected to remove a rea- sonable amount of it. City Recorder Stuber presented and read the notice certified to by the publishers of the City Council's intention to levy a special assess- ment to pay for improving Thirtieth street from the east property line of Jackson street to the west property line of Washington street, Jas. F. Lee Paving Co., contractor. On mo- Regular Session, October 16th, 1919 tion of Ald. Hird the notice was made a matter of record. Maintenance bond of Jas. F. Lee payroll for labor on streets in the block for the improvement of Alpine street from the north property line of West Third street to the south property line of Julien avenue, pre- sented and read. On motion of Ald. Hird the bond was referred to the City Attorney. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for labor on streets in the various road districts in the City of Dubuque for the first half of Octo- ber, 1919: Amount due laborers '$895.20 Also submit payroll for labor re- pairing streets damaged by the flood of October 4th, 1919, to be paid from the emergency fund created for that purpose: First district, amount due la- borers $529 70 Second district, amount due lyaborers 344 50' Third district, amount due laborers 845 50 Fourth district, amount due laborers 640 50 Fifth district, amount due la- borers . 794 80 Also submit payroll for labor on roads leading into the County for the first half of October, 1919, to be paid from the various wards' por- tion of the County Road fund: Fourth County, amount due laborers $ 23 20 Fifth County, amount due la- borers 21 70 Also submit payroll for labor for the improvement of Dodge street and Grandview avenue for the first half of October, 1919, to be paid from the appropriation created therefore from the expense fund: Amount due laborers $ 88 30 Respectfully submitted, JOHN SCHROMEN, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Frith the pay- rolls were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts and the report referred back to the Committee on Streets. Also submit payroll for labor on sewers in the City of Dubuque for the first half of October, 1919: Amount due laborers on sew- ers . $396 95 Respectfully submitted, JOHN SCHROMEN, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Plamondon the payrolls were received and war- rants ordered drawn to pay the vari- ous amounts and the report re- ferred back to the Committee on Sewers. 447 Chief of Police Giellis reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for the Police Department for the first half of uctober, 1919: Amount due policemen $2,170 23 Respectfully submitted, J OHN W. GIELLIS, Chief of Police. On motion of Ald. Andresen the payrolls were received and war- rants ordered drawn to pay the vari- ous amounts and the report re- ferred back to the Police Commit- tee. Fire Chief Ahern reported as fol- lows: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for the Fire Department for the first half of October, 1919: Amount due firemen $2693 15 Respectfully submitted, DAVID AHERN, Chief. On motion of Ald Leist, the pay- roll was received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts and the report referred back to the Fire Committee. City Auditor Lagen reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: Herewith find my re- port of salaries due City Officials for the first half of October, 1919: Amount due officers $1,723 52 Amanda Beyer (Compensa tion Law) 17 54 Respectfully submitted, CYRIL D. LAGEN, City Auditor. By FRED GANTERT, Deputy. On motion of Ald. Frith the pay- roll was received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts and the report referred back to the Finance Committee. On motion of Ald. Hird the fol- lowing Weighmastre's report be made a matter of record: R. Hay $ 2 68 Dubuque, Iowa, Oct. 15, 1919. To the Honorable Mayor and Mem- bers of the City Council. Gentlemen: Please have your City Treasurer instructed to allow an old soldier's exemption of $1,800.00 to Peter Ginter estate, as- sessesd to Edw. J. Ziegler, adminis- trator, on the 1918 tax on Lot 34, Bellevue Add., Mrs. Johanna Ginter being the widow of the late Peter Ginter, he being an old soldier. She therefore is entitled to the above asked for exemption on the above mentioned Lot on her 1918 tax. Respectfully yours. PETER J. KIES, City Assessor. 448 Regular Session, October i6th, 1919 On motion of Ald. Andresen the report of the City Assessor was ap- proved. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I am returning here- with stipulation and agreement of Wallis O. Martin, granting permis- sion to install gasoline pump at 126 Ninth street. I recommend that the same be made a matter of record. Respectfully submitted, M. D. COONEY, Assistant City Attorney. On motion of Ald. Leist the report of the Assistant City Attorney was approved. Dubuque, Iowa, Oct. 16, 1919. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I beg leave to report that the property of Frank R. Lacey was never raised or lowered by the Board of Equalization, neither did the said Frank R. Lacey petition the Board of Equalization for a reduc- tion of taxes at any time during the last four years. Respectfully submitted, CYRIL D. LAGEN, City Auditor. By FRED GANTERT, Deputy. Ald. Frith moved that the peti- tions be received and filed. Carried. October 17, 1919. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen: At the present term of the District Court for this Coun- ty it was deemed advisable by our office to effect settlements in the cases herein named. In making these settlements we are governed by the fact that we believe it to be more advisable to make a fair dis- position of these cases out of court rather than have the facts submit- ted upon trial. We have settled the case of Relli- han and Mullen against the City for the sum of $70.00 and costs. This action grew out of an injury to a horse belonging to the plaintiff wne:i said horse sustained its injury by stepping on a defective grate in the alley between Alpine and Nevada streets. The action was brought to recover $200.00 as damages. We ask that a warrant be drawn in fa- vor of M. C. Matthews, at'.irniy for plaintiff, in the sum of $.70.00 We have also settled the case of George Meyer against the City for the sum of $100. This case was a personal injury case. Plaintiff fell upon an icy sidewalk on Collier ave- nue, broke his arm and sued the City for $1500.00 damages. You will draw warrant in favor of I3. Stuart, attorney for plain. iff, in the sum of $100.00. We have also settled the case of Fred Schmidt against the City for the sum of $400.00 and costs. This was also a personal injury case. Plaintiff fell upon an icy sidewalk on Washington street, broke his hip, was confined for a period of six months or more, sustained perma- nent injury, incurred large indebt- edness, and sued the City for $7,. 500.00. We believe the settlement in this case, in view of the facts and the evidence, to be advantage- ous to the City. We ask that a war- rant be issued to Frantzen, Bonson and Gilloon, attorneys for plaintiff, in the sum of $400.00. We beg to advise that all of these cases have been settled only after full consideration of the facts and after arriving at the conclusion that a settlement was advisable. We therefore request that you approve our action and have warrants drawn for the various amounts and instruct the treasurer accordingly. Respectfully submitted, M. H. CZIZEK, City Attorney. On motion of Ald. Frith the report of the City Attorney was approved and warrants ordered drawn to cov- er the various amounts. Ald. Frith moved that the Record- er be instructed to draw loan war- rants in the sum of $3,700.00 in fa- vor of the Union Trust & Savings bank to create an emergency fund to take care of the payrolls and bills caused by the flood of October 4th, 1919. Carried. Your Committee on Streets would respectfully report that we have examined the cement gutters constructed in Seventeenth street and would respectfully recommend that they be accepted and a warrant be drawn in favor of the contractor for the payment of the same from the appropriation created therefore. We would also recommend that Angella street, from the end of the present improvement to the west curb line of Cox street and Cox street, from the end of the present improvement to the south curb line of Angella street, be accepted, J. M. Kenety & Son, contractors. We would further recommend that the City Engineer be and he is hereby instructed to prepare a spe- cial assessment against the lots or parcels of real estate subject to as- sessment for said improvements and file the same in the office of the City Recorder, who will thereupon publish the notice of said assessment as required by ordinance. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. On motion of Ald. Frith the report of the Committee on Streets was ap- proved. Your Committee on Sewers would respectfully report that we have ex- Regular Session, October i6th, 1919 amined the sewer constructed in the alley between Queen street and Windsor avenue, from Pfotser street to Henry street, and in Henry street from the alley between Queen street and Windsor avenue to the man- hole in Windsor avenue, and would recommend that it be accepted; Jas. Street, contractor. We would further recommend that the City Engineer be and he is hereby instructed to prepare a spe- cial assessment against the lots or parcels of real estate subject to as- sessment for the construction of said sewer and file the same in the office of the City Recorder, who will thereupon publish the notice of said assessment as required by ordinance. L. J. PLAMONDON, Chairman. On motion of Ald. Plamondon the report of the Committee on Sewers was approved. Dubuque, Iowa, Oct. 16, 1919. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Your Board of Health met in regular session October 16, 1919. Chairman Saul in the chair. Present —Alds. Andresen, Leist; Citizens, M. M. Hoffman, Dr. E. L. Reinicke, Asst. Attorney Cooney, Adam Zillig, Mrs. Dolan. Minutes of the meeting of October 2, 1919, presented and read, and on motion of Ald. Andresen were ap- proved as read. On motion of Ald. Leist the fol- lowing bills were sent to the "Coun- ty for payment: R. W. Quinlan $6 31 Resolutions ordering the following named parties to connect property with sanitary sewer were adopted: Dorothy and Wm. Haudenschield, Davis Farm Add., Lot 316; F. M. Jaeger, Jaeger's Sub., Lot 2; John Butler, East Dubuque Add., N. 1 -2 of Lot 98; Cath. Walsh, East Du- buque Add., S. 1 -2 of Lot 99; Mrs. Marg. Walsh, East Dubuque Add., Lot 100. Ald. Leist made a motion endors- ing the modern health crusade be- ing conducted by Mrs. Anna Dolan in the parochial schools. Carried. Ald. Andresen moved that the Clerk be instructed to advertise for bids for cleaning vaults. Carried. Ald. Andresen moved to adjourn. Carried. JOHN STUBER, Clerk of the Board of Health. On motion of Ald. Leist the re- port of the Board of Health was ap- proved. Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred the petition of the Dubuque Hotel Co., asking per- mission to extend the Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. Paul side -track from 449 the alley between First and Second streets to the rear of the Hotel Ju- lien, would respectfully recommend that said petition be received and filed. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred the petition of the Heeb Co., asking permission to construct a coal receptacle under the sidewalk on First street would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petition be granted, provided the work be done under the supervision of the City Engineer, E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that Rhomberg avenue from the end of the present improvement to the river be opened and that the parties now obstructing the street be notified to vacate at once. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans for the opening of a street from the end of the Rhom- berg avenue improvement to Lincoln avenue and that Alderman Frith be instructed to get a price on the property needed for such improve- ment. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. On motion of Ald. Frith the va- rious reports of the Committee of the Whole were approved. Alderman Frith offered the fol- lowing: Whereas, The contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the improvement of Thirtieth street hereinafter described has been completed, and the City Engineer has computed that the cost and ex- pense of said improvement amount to $3,409.70. Therefore, Bt it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to provide for the cost of im- proving Thirtieth street from the east property line of Jackson street to the west property line of Wash- ington street, the Mayor be and ue is hereby required to execute and deliver to the City Recorder, to be by him registered and countersigned, thirteen bonds for Two Hundred and Fifty -nine and 70 -100 Dollars, numbered 5792 to 5805 inclusive, dated November 15th, 1919, payable on or before seven years after the date thereof, and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable semi - annually. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Burch, Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon. Nays —None. 45 Regular Session, October Absent -Ald. Strobel. Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary to construct a permanent sidewalk four feet wide in front of Lot 13, East Dubuque Add., abutting on north side of Nine- teenth street in the City of Du- buque, which piece of property is owned by the C. G. W. R. R., F. B. Ross, Agent.; said sidewalks to be muilt of cement (artificial stone), and to be completed not later than the 1st day of November, 1919. Ald. Leist moved the adoption of •the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Alds. Andresen, Burch, Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon. Nays -None. Absent -Ald. Strobel. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for improving Thirtieth street from the east property line of Jackson street to the west property line of Washington street, by Jas. F. Lee Paving Co., contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Owner. Description. Amt. Peter J. Miller, Glendale Add., Lot 86, bitulithic paving and curb and gutter cost, $470.08; interest at 6 per cent, $3.37; extra expense at 1 per cent, $4.70; total $478 15 Peter J. Miller, Glendale Add., Lot 87, bitulithic pav- ing and curb and gutter cost, $178.31; interest at 6 per cent, $1.28; extra ex- pense at 1 per cent, $1.78; total 181 37 S. M. Langworthy Est., Glen- dale Add., Lot 88, bitulithic paving and curb and gutter cost, $97.26; interest at 6 per cent, 70c; extra ex- pense at 1 per cent, 97c; total 98 93 C. Haudenschield, Glendale Add., Lot 89, bitulithic pav- ing and curb and gutter cost, $45.38; interest at 6 per cent, 33c; extra ex- pense at 1 per cent, 46c; total 46 17 Emil Kiene, Glendale Add , Lot 90, bitulithic paving and curb and gutter cost, $26.26; interest at 6 per cent, 19c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 26c; total 26 71 16th, 19 A. L. Rhomberg, Glendale Add., Lot 91, bitulithic pav- ing and curb and gutter cost, $20.75; interest at 6 per cent, 14c; extra ex- pense at 1 per cent, 21c; total 21 10 Anna L. Pfiffner, Glendale Add., Lot 85, bitulithic pav- ing and curb and gutter cost, $470.08; interest at 6 per cent, $3.37; extra ex- pense at 1 per cent, $4.70; total 478 15 Mary Abitz, Glendale Add , Lot 84, bitulithic paving and curb and gutter cost, $178.31; interest at 6 per cent, $1.28; extra expense at 1 per cent, $1.78; total. 181 37 Jos. Prost, Jr., Glendale Add., Lot 83, bitulithic paving and curb and gutter cost, $97.26; interest at 6 per cent, 70c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 97c; total 98 93 Wm. Handel, Glendale Add , Lot 82, bitulithic paving and curb and gutter cost, $45.38; interest at 6 per cent, 33c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 45c; total 46 16 Geo. Ganschirt, Glendale Add., Lot 81, bitulithic pav- ing and curb and gutter cost, $26.26; interest at 6 per cent, 19c; extra ex- pense at 1 per cent, 26c; total 26 71 Susan Jakobi, Glendale Add , Lot 80, bitulithic paving and curb and gutter cost, $20.75; interest at 6 per cent, 14c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 21c; total 21 10 Henry Lemper, Glendale Add., Lot 150, bitulithic paving and curb and gutter cost, $470.08; interest at 6 per cent, $3.37; extra ex- pense at 1 per cent, $4.70; total 478 15 Anna L. Pfiffner, Glendale Add., N. 1 -2 Lot 151, bitu- lithic paving and curb and gutter cost, $102.45; inter- est at 6 per cent, 73c; ex- tra expense at 1 per cent, $1.02; total 104 20 John Oeth, Glendale Add , S. 1 -2 Lot 151, bitulithic paving and curb and gutter cost, $75.86; interest at 6 per cent, 54c; extra ex- pense at 1 per cent, 76c; total 77 16 S ophia Buelow, Glendale Add., N. 1 -2 Lot 152, bitu- lithic paving and curb and gutter cost, $58.68; interest at 6 per cent, 42c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 59c; total 59 69 Regular Session, October 16th, 1919 Emma Smith, Glendale Add., S. 1 -2 Lot 152, bitulithic paving and curb and gutter cost, $38.58; interest at 6 per cent, 27c; extra ex- pense at 1 per cent, 39c; total 39 24 R. and E. Langworthy, Glen - dgle Add., Lot 153, bitulith- ic paving and curb and gut- ter cost, $45.38; interest at 6 per cent, 33c; extra ex- pense at 1 per cent, 46c; total 46 17 Mary Krug, Glendale Add , N. 1 -2 Lot 154, bitulithic paving and curb and gut- ter cost, $14.26; interest at 6 per cent, 10c; extra ex- pense at 1 per cent, 14c; total 14 50 Anna R. Langworthy, Glen- dale Add., S. 1 -2 Lot 154, bitulithic paving and curb and gutter cost, $12.00; in- terest at 6 per cent, 9c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 12c; total 12 21 J. C. Bobzien, Glendale Add , Lot 155, bitulithic paving and curb and gutter cost, $20.75; interest at 6 per cent, 14c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 21c; total 21 10 J. C. Bobzien, Glendale Add , Lot 173, bitulithic paving and curb and gutter cost, $470.08; interest at 6 per cent, $3.37; extra expense at 1 per cent, $4.70; total. 478 15 C. Jakobi Est., Glendale Add., Lot 172, bitulithic paving and curb and gutter cost, $178.31; interest at 6 per cent, $1.28; extra expense at 1 per cent, $1.78; total. 181 37 C. Jakobi Est., Glendale Add., Lot 171, bitulithic paving and curb and gutter cost, $97.26; interest at 6 per cent, 70c; extra expense at 1 per cent, 97c; total 98 93 Voelker Realty Co., Glendale Add., Lot 170, , bitulithic paving and curb and gutter cost, $45.38; interest at 6 per cent, 33c; extra ex- pense at 1 per cent, 46c; total 46 17 Voelker Realty Co., Glendale Add., Lot 169, bitulithic paving and curb and gut- ter cost, $26.26; interest at 6 per cent, 19c; extra ex- pense at 1 per cent, 26c; total 26 71 Voelker Realty Co., Glendale Add., Lot 168, bitulithic paving and curb and gut- ter cost, $20.75; interest at 6 per cent, 14c; extra ex- pense at 1 per cent, 21c; total 21 10 $3409 70 484.9 lin. ft. combination curb and gutter at $1.20 per lin. ft. $ 581 88 802.98 sq. yds. bitulithic pav- ing at $3.45 per sq. yd 2770 28 Extra expense at 1 per cent 33 52 Interest at 6 per cent 24 02 $3409 70 All of which is assessed in pro. portion to the special benefits con- ferred. Adopted October 16th, 1919. Approved October 17th, 1919. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Recorder. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Alds. Andresen, Burch, Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon. Nays -None. Absent -Ald. Strobel. Ald. Burch moved that the City Engineer be instructed to report at the next Council meeting the names of all property owners on Grand- view avenue that have not made connections with the water, sewer and gas mains. Engineer Cullen stated that he was prepared to report at once, stat- ing that all but two property own- ers on Grandview avenue had com- plied with notices and made all con- nections, and that he had not been able to locate said two property owners. Ald. Burch moved that a contract be entered into with the Chicago Paving Laboratories for inspecting the improvement of Alpine street, the cost of same to be assessed to property owners subject to assess- ment for said improvement. Car- ried. Ald. Hird moved to adjourn. Car- ried. Adopted Approved Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Recorder. , 1919. 45 Mayor City Recorder 45 Special Session, October 21st, 1919 CITY COUNCIL (Official). Special Session October 21st, 1919. Council met at 9:50 p. m. Mayor Saul in the chair. Present -Aids. Andresen, Burch, Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro- bel. Mayor Saul stated that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of act- ing on the report of the Board of Equalization appointed to equalize and correct the assessment roll for the year 1919, and acting on any other business that might properly come before a regular meeting of the City Council. Ald. Frith moved to place the tax levy for the year 1919 at 15 mills. Lost by the following vote: Yeas -Alds. Frith, Hird, Strobel. Nays -Alds. Andresen, Burch, Leist, Plamondon. Ald. Burch moved to plave the tax levy for the year 1919 at 15 mills. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Alds, Andresen, Burch, Leist, Plamondon. Nays -Aids. Frith, Hird, Strobel. Dubuque, Ia., Oct. 21, 1919. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: Your Board of Equali- zation, duly appointed to equalize and correct the assessment roll for the year 1919, would respectfully report that we have performed that duty and would recommend that the assessment roll as prepared by the City Assessor be approved with the following changes submitted be- low: A. From. To. Abeln, A., office fixtures . Nothing $ American Security Co., office fix- tures Nothing Althauser, J o h n, stock and goods, merchandise and fixtures 10,250 Adams Co., mer- chandise 20,000 Adams Co., ma- chinery 15,000 Appel, John Jr , stock of goods and merchandise 500 Allendorf, Wm. S., barber shop fix- tures 400 Andresen, W m , barber shop fix- tures Nothing 100 100 12,000 24,000 18,000 800 600 200 Armitake, Jesse, barber shop fix- tures Nothing American Trust and Savings Bank stock and shares, reduced . 56,900 B. From. Bailin & Hansen stock of goods a n d merchan- dise $ 1,500 $ Baumhover, L. J , stock of goods and merchan- dise 4,500 Bassler Shoe Store, sotck of goods and mer- chandise Bechtel, H. C , stock of goods a n d merchan- dise 3,500 Bertsch, Jos. J , stock of goods merchandise 2,000 Bott Bros., stock of goods and merchandise 5,000 Berg & Arduser, stock of goods a n d merchan- dise Buechele, J. P. stock of goods a n d merchan- dise Beck, J. C., mer- chandise and fix- tures Frank Berg, mer- chandise and fix- tures Bade, F., mer- chandise and fix- tures 1,100 Baumgartner Ed , chandise and fix- tures 700 1,000 Bendel, Geo., mer- chandise and fix- tures 1,300 1,600 Bishof, John, mer- chandise and fix- tures 700 700 Burns, W. J. Co., merchandise and fixtures 2,780 Byrnes, Maurice, merchandise and fixtures Nothing 500 Bergner, C h a s., merchandise and fixtures 300 500 Buehler Bros , merchandise and fixtures 1,000 1,400 Baumgartner, W. B., merchandise and fixtures . .. 5,540 8,000 800 6,000 10,000 2,100 4,000 1,800 2,000 800 1,500 Byrne, Seymore & Duggan, m e r- 100 chandise and fix- tures 4,000 Briggs, B. B., mer- chandise and fix - 28,450 tures 300 Banner Dairy To. Lunch, merchan- dise and fixtures 2,500 Bennett Bros , merchandise and 4,000 fixtures 300 Brouillet, Chas. W merchandise and fixtures Nothing 6,000 Belsky Co., mer- chandise . Nothing Becker, Felix, mer- chandise . 3,950 1,000 Becker, Dr. Wm Nothing Bigelow, Dr. I. S , office fixtures Nothing Brownson, Dr. J 4,000 J., office fixtures Nothing Brownson, Dr. 0., office fixtures Nothing 4,000 Brown, W. J., of- fice fixtures Nothing Bush, J. D., office 10,000 fixtures Nothing Beeman, C. D., of- fice fixtures Nothing Bradley & Maclay, office fixtures Nothing Baule, J. M., stock of goods, mer- chandise and fix- tures 2,500 Bindorf, M., fix- tures and mer- chandise . Nothing Beach, James, & Sons, merchan- dise 17,710 Burke R., stock of 1,400 goods and mer- chandise . Nothing Buettel Bros. Co., stock of goods and merchan- dise 26,100 Becker - Hazelton Co., stock of goods and mer- chandise . 31,500 Breithaupt, John, 3,500 barber shop fix - tures Nothing Barnes, G. A. fix- tures, etc. Nothing Brown, Lacy & Clewell, fixtures, etc. . 600 Beiler, Ed., as- sessed to Emma C. Willmott, lots 4 -5 Grandview building 2,360 Special Session, October 21st, 1919 5,000 500 3,000 500 400 1,000 4,500 300 300 300 300 100 50 200 300 2,800 200 20,000 200 30,000 35,000 200 500 1,500 3,000 C. Cleaver, Wm. H , stock of goods and merchandise $ Cartigney, S a m, merchandise and fixtures Corrance, W m , merchandise and fixtures Cotta, F. M., mer- chandise and fix- tures Calloghan, Mary, merchandise and fixtures Catholic Printing Co., stock of goods, merchan- dise and machin- ery 5,000 Conzett, Dr. J. W , fixtures 500 Calhoun, Dr. J. E office fixtures Nothing Cantonwine, Dr. E A., office fixtures Nothing Costello, Dr. W. E., office fixtures Nothing Central Hotel, fix- tures 300 Chicago House, fix- tures ... Nothing Carr, Ryder & Ad- ams Co., mer- chandise . Cave Cigar Store, stock of goods and merchandise 2,500 Carlin, J., stock of goods and mer- chandise 200 Care y, Eugene, stock of goods and merchandise 500 Chalmers, John G., office fixtures Nothing Czizek, M. H., of- fice fixtures Nothing Cooper, A. A., Inc , Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 8, all of Block 7, Du- buque Harbor Co.'s Add., re- duced ... Cooper, A. A. Inc , Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 8, all of Block 7, Dub. Harbor Co. Add., bldgs. reduced Citizens' State Bank, stocks and shares reduced D. Daykin, Allan T., merchandise and fixtures ... .. , 453 From. To. 1,500 $ 4,000 440 500 1,660 2,000 1,400 1,400 500 1,500 205,260 6,000 600 300 500 300 600 100 245,000 4,000 500 800 500 500 14,780 13,000 5,600 5,000 87,110 43,550 From. To. 400 $ 500 454 Special Session, October 21st, 1919 Deckert, Catherine Mrs., merchan- dise and fixtures 450 Diebold, J., mer- chandise and fix- tures .. 300 Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co., merchandise and fixtures 6,000 Diamond, James, merchandise and fixtures 1,500 Dubuque Hide and Fur Co., stock of goods and mer- chandise 2,000 Dubuque Robe Tanning Co., stock of goods and merchandise 4,200 Dubuque H o u s e, fixtures Dubuque Realty Co., office fix- tures ... Nothing 300 Davis, G. H. & Co , stock of goods merchandise and fixtures Daveronas, Harry, fixtures Nothing Dubuque Altar Mfg. Co., ma- chinery Nothing Dubuque Biscuit Co., merchandise Dubuque Biscuit Co., machinery Dubuque Boat & Boiler Works, merchandise 10,000 Dubuque Boat & Boiler Works, machinery Dubuque Electric Co., plant and equipment, in- cluding fixtures, rolling s to c k, wire, overhead construction, etc.1,417,000 1,500,000 Deckert, W. D., stock of goods and merchandise 2,600 3,000 Dubuque Paper & Supply Co., stock of goods and merchandise ... 14,830 Doerrman, Fred, stock of goods and merchandise 200 Dubuque Steam Dye Works, fix- tures and ma- chinery Nothing Dubuque Laundry Co., fixtures and machinery 250 1,600 3,500 2,500 2,000 400 500 400 10,000 2,500 3,000 6,000 300 2,600 300 2,600 5,000 3,000 15,000 7,000 20,000 300 600 400 Dubuque Music House, stock of goods, merchan- dise and fixtures 2,500 5,000 Da1bkermeyer, Wm., stock of goods and mer- chandise ....... Nothing 200 Date, Win., barber shop fixtures ... Nothing 350 Donaldson, Matil- da, N. 23 ft. 2 in. of M. 1 -5 of City 451, building re- duced ... ...... 2,110 1,100 Dubuque and Wis- consin Bridge B r Co., bridge re- duced ... ...... 20,000 5,000 Dubuque National Bank, stocks and shares reduced.. 76,800 38,400 Dubuque Savings Bank, stocks and shares reduced.. 89,610 44,790 E. E 11 i s Millinery Store, merchan- dise and fix- From. To. tures ... ......$ 900 $ 1,500 Eichhorn & Bech- tel, merchandise and fixtures .... 1,600 2,000 Egelhof & Son, merchandise and fixtures 500 1,000 Emerson, C. M , stock of goods, merchandise and fixtures 500 800 Even & Ulrich, stock of goods and merchandise 4,000 Enzler, Joseph A., merchandise 2,400 F. 2,300 1,870 From. Fuhrman 13 r o s stock of goods and merchandise $ 8,000 Forgrave B r o s., stock of goods and merchandise 5,000 Falkenhainer Chas merchandise and fixtures 1,600 Fettgather, J. J , merchandise and fixtures 1,200 Fischer, W. A., merchandise and fixtures ... 500 Flynn, John, mer- chandise and fix- tures ... Nothing Frater, A. & Co , stock of goods and merchandise 3,000 Frith, E. E., stock of goods and merchandise, etc. 2,100 600 3,000 Special Session, October list, 1919 Fosselman, Dr. A. N., office fixtures Nothing 300 Fritschel, Dr. G. C., office fixtures .. Nothing 300 Family Theatre, fixtures 300 500 Forward Land Co , office fixtures Nothing 100 Fitzpatrick, C. E , stock of goods, merchandise and fixtures 2,000 5,000 Farley, Loetscher Mfg. Co., mer- chandise 192,000 245,000 Fitzgerald, B. and F., stock of goods and mer- chandise 1,500 2,000 Frantz en & Bon - son, office fix- tures, etc, 400 1,000 Frohs, John, bar- ber shop fixtures Nothing 150 Fern & Grab ow, other personal property, re- duced 1,500 700 Federal Deposit & Trust Co., stocks and shares, re- duced 37,280 18,640 First National Bank, stocks and shares, reduced 279,000 139,500 G. Golden Eagle, M. Berk, prop., stock of goods and merchandise .... $ Gordon Cloak House, stock of goods and mer- chandise Grue, Ed., mer- From. 1,000 1,000 To. chandise and fixtures Gates Half Sole $ 12,000 Tire Station, merchandise and fixtures ....... 8,000 G e m Restaurant, fixtures Gengler, John G., 3,000 fixtures .... Grand Restaurant, fixtures Nothing 1,500 Gregorie Bros , merchandise and fixtures Nothing Geisler Bros., mer- chandise Goble, Dr. Melvin 500 D., office fixtures Nothing Goodman, Dr. Leo A., office fixtures Nothing 4,000 Gratiot, Dr. H. B., office fixtures Nothing Grand Opera House Co., fixtures Nothing 600 900 300 300 350 To. $ 5,000 5,000 700 1,000 400 1,000 500 500 500 100 300 500 1,500 Glab, Alois, mer- chandise and fix- tures Nothing 200 Glaser, A. L., stock of goods and merchandise 500 750 Glasser Tobacco Co., stock of goods and mer- chandise Glasgow Tai l o rs, stock of goods and merchandise Gatena, H., stock of goods and merchandise Grings, M. Leo, stock of goons and merchandise Nothing 100 Gottschall, G. P., barber shop fix- tures 200 300 Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co., stock of goods, merchandise and fixtures 750 2,000 H. 15,000 20,000 500 1,000 1,000 2,500 From. To. 455 Hopkins & Witty, stock of goods and merchandise. $ 7,500 $ 11,000 Haas, D. J., mer- chandise and fix- tures 1,400 2,000 Hartig, A. J., mer- chandise and fix- tures 2,500 3,000 Hartig Drug Co., merchandise and fixtures ... 3,000 3,500 Hill Side Pharma- cy, merchandise and fixtures .... 1,000 1,500 Heukels,' C. A., & Co., merchandise and fixtures .... 300 400 Hemmer, F., mer- chandise and fix- tures ..... 700 800 Hentrick, Fran k, merchandise and fixtures 400 500 Hillery, Jas., mer- chandise and fix- tures 300 400 Healy, Geo. W. & Son, merchandise fixtures 7,100 9,000 Hoerner, D. & J , merchandise and fixtures 3,200 4,000 Hass, Oscar, mer- chandise and fix- tures 200 800 Harwood, M L., merchandise and fixtures ......... 400 500 456 Special Session, October 21st, 1919 Heller, Christ, mer- chandise and fix- tures Nothing Hubert, F., mer- chandise and fix- tures 400 Harris & Co., mer- chandise ... 300 Hardie, M., stock of goods, mer- chandise and ma- chinery 3,700 Hoerman Press, stock of goods, merchandise and machinery .. 600 Haggerty, Dr. R. E., office fixtures Nothing Hoag, Dr. G E., of- fice fixtures 200 Holmes, Dr. H.L., office fixtures Nothing Horton, Dr. J. P , office fixtures Nothing Haisch, Dr. O. E , office fixtures Nothing Happe, Dr. F. A , office fixtures Nothing Harris, Dr. R. R , office fixtures Nothing Hartford, Dr. A. P , office fixtures Nothing Heles, Dr. J. B , office fixtures 200 Heller, Dr. A P , office fixtures Nothing Hamel & Henker, stock of goods and merchandise 4,900 Heironymus, E a r 1, fixtures and ma- chinery 100 Hill, Anna, lots 33 and 34, Quigley's sub. lots, reduced 1,180 Hird, Elizz., Lot 13, Finley Addition, Bldgs., reduced 3,370 From. India Tea Co , stock of goods, merchandise and fixtures $ 800 Iowa Coffin Co , machinery 900 Iowa Oil Co., stock of goods and mer- chandise 7,000 Iowa Dairy Co , merchandise 5,320 Iowa Trust & Sav- ings Bank, stock and shares, re- duced 376,200 J. From. 500 1,200 750 4,700 1,500 300 500 500 300 300 300 300 200 300 300 7,000 To. 200 600 3,070 $ 2,000 2,000 20,000 8,000 214,500 To. Jennie, H., mer- chandise and fix- tures ..... $ 1,400 $ 1,600 Jaeger, F. M., mer- chandise and fix- tures 7,500 10,000 Johannsen George, merchandise and fixtures 1,000 1,800 Johannsen M. J., merchandise and fixtures 1,000 1,500 Jacobson I. H. mer- chandise .. 1,300 3,000 Juergens John, stock of goods, merchandise and fixtures Nothing 300 Jewell Tea Co , stock of goods, merchandise and fixtures 1,920 2,000 Johannsen M. M. Candy Co., mer- candise and fix- tures ... 5,100 7,500 Jaeger & Kunnert, stock of goods and merchandise 3,560 5,000 John Wm., barber shop fixtures Nothing 100 K Kaep & Buechele, stock of goods and merchandise 8,500 10,000 Klauer George, stock of goods and merchandise 1,300 1,500 Kopp Mrs. A., stock of goods and merchandise 5,000 10,000 Kopald Ben, stock of goods and merchandise 1,000 3,000 Keating E., mer- chandise and fix- tures 1,300 2,000 Kies John L., mer- chandise and fix- tures ... 1,500 2,500 Kaufman G. F., stock of goods and merchandise 2,000 2,500 Kaufman & Graf, stock of goods and merchandise 600 800 Kunnert Bros., stock of goods and merchandise 760 1,000 Klein August, mer- chandise and fix- tures .. 200 400 Klein Frank, mer- chandise and fix- tures .. 200 400 Kress Geo., mer- chandise and fix- tures .. 200 400 Klauer & Kress, stock, of goods and merchandise $ 1,500 2,500 Kleith G. F. & Son., stock of goods and mer- chandise 3,000 Key City restur- ant, fixtures 300 Kassler & Co , stock of goods and merchandise 3,100 Kaehr Dr. A., of- fice fixtures Nothing Knapp Dr. H. G , office fixtures Nothing Knoll Dr. D. A., of- fice fixtures Nothing Keogh, Dr. J. V., of fice fixtures .. 200 Kinnier, Dr. L., of- fice fixtures Nothing Kresge 5 & 10c store. stock of goods, ' merchan- dise and fixtures 11,750 Key City Shoe Re- pair shop, fix- tures and ma- chinery Nothing Kretschmer Mfg Co., stock of goods and mer- chandise 57,000 Key City Harness & Saddlery Co., stock of goods and merchandise Nothing Klauer Mfg. Co., stock of goods and merchandise 35,000 Klauer Mfg. Co , machinery 5,000 Keller Herman, barber shop fix- tures .... Nothing Keppler John, bar- ber shop fixtures Nothing Keppler Joseph, barber shop fix- tures .. 200 Kiebler Bros., bar- ber shop fixtures Nothing Kane & Cooney, of- fice fiixtures.... Nothing Kintzinger Nick, fix- tures .. 500 Keck Rosa, lot 2 of Sub. 1 of 1 of 7 of Mineral lot 159, lot, re- duced 550 Kohlman, Leo, lot 349 H a m Add., building reduced 1,180 Kolf, A. & C., rais- ed 2,000 Leik Wm. m e r- chandise and fix- tures .... $ 1,500 L u x Clara, mer- chandise and fix- tures .... 400 Special Session, October 21st, 1919 6,000 400 15,000 300 100 300 400 500 14,000 300 60,000 300 43,400 6,000 300 200 250 300 500 1,250 50 1,000 3.000 $ 2,000 600 Levi James & Co., stock and goods and merchandise 70,000 90,000 Langdon John, stock of goods and merchandise 1,300 2,000 Lungwitz C. A. Co., stock of goods and merchandise 1,300 1,600 Lang Peter, stock of goods and merchandise 1,600 4,000 Lindenberg Louis, stock of goods and merchandise 1,500 3,000 Lagen & Fullerton merchandise and fixtures 300 500 Luther Frank, mer- chandise Nothing 100 Lang Dr. F., office fixtures Nothing 300 Leach Dr. Don., of- fice fixtures Nothing 600 Link Dr. Nicholas, office fixtures Nothing 200 Langworth Dr. Henry G., office fixtures Nothing 300 Lindsay Dr. Sam - u e 1, office fix- tures .... Nothing 300 Linehan Dr. Chas. M., office fix- tures .... Nothing 300 Linehan Dr. Lewis, office fiixtures.. Nothing 300 Loizeaux, Dr. Chas. E., office fixtures Nothing 300 Lynn Dr. C. E., of- fice fixtures .... Nothing 300 Little Star Theatre fixtures Nothing 300 Levenson Ben , stock of goods, and merchandise 100 500 Leman Di. Adolph, office fixtures Nothing 300 Langton T. and A , office fixtures Nothing 100 Lorenz Otto, office fixtures Nothing 250 Leader Oil Co , stock of goods and merchandise 10,400 20,000 Lorenz laundry, fixtures and ma- chinery 700 1,400 Lattner and Pais- ley, office fix- tures .... Nothing 500 Mc, McFarlane, Robt., merchandise and fixtures Mc Keown J. J., merchandise and fixtures 45;' 1,800 . 2,000 1,000 1,500 Special Session, Mullany and Stew- art office fix- tures .... Nothing 500 Murray P. C., of- fice fixtures .... 200 500 Motulsky Bros., stock of goods merchandise .. 8,000 14,000 Miller Mary, F., E. 1 -2 of lot 3 and W. 1 -2 of lot 3 of Sub. mineral lot 149, building, re- duced 460 100 N. Nessler F. A. & Son., stock of goods and mer chandise 2,000 4,000 Noesges Bros , merchandise and fixtures 1,300 1 600 Nachtman Aug merchandise and fixtures 600 800 New China Inn res- taurant, mer- chandise and fix- tures 800 1.400 Newburgh Co. The, stock o f goods, merchandise and fixtures Nothing 300 National Shoe Re- pair shop, fix- tures and m a- chinery Nothing 300 National Refining Co., stock of goods merchan- dise, etc. 12,040 16,000 Nagel J. J., office fixtures Nothing 100 Noonan C. J., barb- er shop fixtures. Nothing 100 Nelson & Duffy, of- fice fixtures Nothing 700 O. Olansky, Wm., stock of goods and merchandise $ Oriental Sweet Shop, merchan- dise and fixtures O'Hearn Bros , merchandise and fixtures P. Palace Clothiers, stock of goods and merchandise Pechang, N i c k, stock of goods and merchandise Palais Royal, stock of goods and merchandise ... From. 4,000 2,000 300 To. 7,000 3,300 500 6,000 7,000 1,000 4,000 6,000 10,000 October 21st, 1919 R. 459 Peryon, Ed, mer- chandise and fix- tures 1,000 2,200 Potterveld Drug Co., merchandise and fixtures .... 1,200 1,800 Petry, John, mer- chandise and fix- tures 600 800 Pegg & Knoern- shild, merchan- dise and fixtures 400 500 Papas, George, merchandise and fixtures 1,200 1,600 Petrakis, Chas , merchandise and fixtures 300 600 Pier Bros., stock of goods and merchandise 1,300 2,200 Pahlas, Dr. Henry M., office fixtures Nothing 300 Preitauer, Jacob, stock of goods; merchandise and fixtures 300 500 Princess Theatre, fixtures, etc Nothing 2,000 Palen, John, office fixtures Nothing 200 Paris Shoe Shop, fixtures and machinery 500 800 Pioneer Savings Bank & Trust Co., stocks and shares, reduced . 171,510 85,740 From. To. Roshek Bros. Co., stock of goods and merchandise. $126,160 $175,000 Rowan, J. J., stock of goods and merchandise .. 12,000 15,000 Ragatz, Geo. Jr , merchandise and fixtures 2,000 2,500 Ruegnitz, Bernard, merchandise and fixtures 1,300 2,000 R u p r e cht Bros , stock of goods, merchandise, etc 1,800 3,500 Rettemaier, Geo. Jr., merchandise and fixtures 700 800 Rath, Geo. C. & Son, merchandise and fixtures 2,400 3,500 Ris, F. C., mer- chandise and fix- tures . 2,000 3,500 Ris, J. F. & Bro., merchandise and fixtures 5,000 7,000 Rock, John, mer- chandise and fix- tures 500 800 Reinfried, F. L., merchandise and fixtures . Nothing 100 { 1 f . 1 l ti 45 Special Session, October 21st, 1919 McCoy T. F., mer- chandise and fix- tures .... 800 McEvoy Dr. Albert E., office fixtures Nothing McGuigan Dr. V. A., office fixtures 300 McParland Dr. J. F., office fixtures Nothing McQuire Dr. C. A., office fixtures Nothing McDonald A. Y. Mfg. Co., stock of goods and merchandise .. 106,500 McDonald A. Y. Mfg. Co., machin- ery 2,000 McCarten H. B., stock of goods and merchandise 400 McCullough M. J., office fixtures... Nothing McCabe H. F., of- fice fixtures .... Nothing M. Model Clothing store, stock of goods and mer- chandise 9,200 Meyer Jos., stock of goods and merchandise 2,500 Model Grocery, merchandise and fixtures 400 Murphy & Chald- ers, merchandise and fixtures 600 Metcalf D. and P , merchandise and fixtures 250 Miller A. 0., mer- chandise and fix- tures ... 300 Mathis Metz Co., stock of goods, merchandise and machinery .. 2,200 M o r g an Printing Co., stock of goods, Times Ho- tel Register and Pringl.ing C o. L d t., merchan- dise and machin- ery 5,000 M. Model Wall Paper Co., stock of goods, merchan- dise and fixtures $ 3,000 Meis Dr. W. A., of- fice fixtures .... Nothing Metcalf D. E. S., of- fice fixtures .... Nothing Mulfinger C. J , merchandise and fixtures 2,000 1,500 200 600 300 300 125,000 7.000 500 100 500 12,000 3,000 500 800 300 500 2,700 6.000 $ 3,500 300 300 3,500 Mathis Fuel Co., stock of goods and merchandise 1,100 2,200 Muntz & Baldwin, stock of goods and merchandise 500 1,000 Maguire Dr. J. 0., office fixtures .. Nothing 300 Meyers D. F. W., office fixtures .. 200 300 Michel Dr. Bern- ard A., office fix- tures 200 300 Model Pool Room, Geo. Miller prop. merchandise and fixtures Nothing 200 Merchants Hotel, fixtures 1,000 1,400 Murray Dr. John B., office fixtures 200 300 Meshinger Dr. John A., office fixtures 200 600 Myers Cox & Co , stock of goods and merchandise 38,150 10,000 Matz Ernie, stock o f goods a n d merchandise 500 800 Muntz Ed., office fixtures Nothing 100 Millius Edward A , stock of goods and merchandise Nothing 100 Martin H., office fixtures Nothing 200 Metropolitan Li f e Ins. Co., office fixtures 200 400 Murphy D., office fixtures Nothing 200 Muntz S. and Net- tie, stock of goods and mer- chandise 500 1,000 Metropolitan Shoe shining parlor, fixtures Nothing 500 Metz Mfg. Co., mer- chandise, stock of goods etc. 14,000 20,000 Mackert Albert, barber shop fix- tures .. Nothing 100 Maider R. E., barb- er shop fixtures. Nothing 100 Middendorf F. A., barber shop fix- tures ... Nothing 100 Minderfer Frank, barber shop fix- tures .. Nothing 250 Mueller, Adam, barber shop fix - tures .... Nothing 200 Matthews N. C., of- fice fixtures 200 500 Mitchel Henry, of- fice fixtures Nothing 500 rt t Tenner B., stock of goods and mer- chandise 1,200 Totten, Mrs. O. M , merchandise and fixtures 500 Traut, Clarence, merchandise and fixtures 400 Telegraph - Herald, Stock of goods, merchandise and Machinery 37,000 Times - Journal stock of goods, merchandise and machinery 25,000 Trilk, Mrs. Rose, office fixtures Nothing Trenkle, Henry, merchandise, fix- tures and mach- inery 1,900 Thill, Dr. H., of- fice fixtures 100 Ternes Land Co , office fixtures.: Nothing Traub & Feigner, office fixtures Nothing Tarkett, A., barber shop fixtures Nothing U. Urbach Bros., mer- chandise and fix- tures 15,000 United Tires Sales Co., merchandise and fixtures Nothing Union Printing Co , stock of goods, merchandise and machinery Upton's Laundry, fixtures and machinery 1,000 Union Trust & Savings Bank, stocks and shares reduced .. 268,930 V. Vey, Edward, mer- chandise and fix- tures 300 Van, Noy, fixtures 500 Voelker, J. A. & Son, merchan- dise and fixtures 800 Van V a l k e nberg, merchandise Nothing Voelker Realty Co , office fixtures Nothing Voss, Anton, bar- ber shop fixtures Nothing W. Walter, A. C., stock of goods and merchandise 5,500 Wolff, Nicholas, stock of goods and merchandise 600 Welty, Jacob, mer- chandise 200 Special Session, October 2lst, 1919 Warren, Louis, merchandise and 1,700 fixtures 880 1,000 Weirich, Peter J , merchandise and 600 fixtures 1,500 1,700 Weitz Bros., mer- chandise and fix - 500 tures 700 900 Whelan & Crahan, merchandise and fixtures, 1,150 1,500 50,000 Wodrich, J. F , merchandise and fixtures 500 600 Wissel Fred, mer- 30,000 chandise and fix- tures 400 600 200 Walsh Motor Co , Co., merchandise and fixtures 32,080 33,000 White Rose Cafe, 2,400 fixtures 200 500 Walker, Dr. J. M , 300 office fixtures Nothing 300 White, Dr. John 200 W., office fixtures Nothing 300 Wieland, Dr. F. W. 100 office fixtures Nothing 100 Woolworth, F. W 100 Co. 5 & 10c store, stock of goods, merchandise and fixtures 8,050 14,000 Western Grocer Co., stock of goods, merchan- dise and fixtures 153,400 5,000 Wilberding, Henry, fixtures and ma- chinery 300 Wunderlich & Wie- derholdt, mer- chandise Nothing Wombacher, Adam, 2,200 Barber shop fix- tures Nothing Y Young, Dr. E. W , office fixtures Nothing Z. Ziereis, J., mer- chandise and fix- tures 400 600 Zumhof, Wm., of- fice fixtures Nothing 100 Posted at City Hall Oct. 1st, at 1:15 p. m., 1919. Posted at Court House Oct. 2nd, 1919, at 11:30 p. m. E. E. FRITH, Chairman Board of Equalization. (Signed) JOHN STUBER, City Recorder, On motion of Ald. Frith the report of the Board of Equalization was 8,000 approved. Your Board of Equalization with whom was filed the petition of W. 800 J. Brown, attorney, asking a reduc- tion of taxes on Lots 1 and la, Le- 300 ven's Add., would respectfully re- 25,000 2,500 3,000 134,460 500 600 1,000 100 250 200 461 164,220 500 200 100 300 46o Special Sessio.i, October 21st, 1919 Reinicke, Dr. E. L., office fixtures Nothing Rowan, Dr. J. J , office fixtures Nothing Rider - Wallis Co , stock of goods and merchandise. 129,270 R 'e xX i e r Music House, stock of goods, merchan- dise and fixtures 8,750 Ryder, John and Philip, office fix- tures Nothing Ragatz, Geo. Jr , assessed to Con- rad Lange Es- tate, building re- duced on Sub. City 438 -439, Lot 6 Stampfer, J. F. Co., stock of goods and merchandise. Strayer, J. J. stock of goods and merchandise Schaetzle, George, stock of goods and merchandise Scheppele, E d , stock of goods and merchandise Staufenbeil, Karl, merchandise and fixtures Schaetzle, J o h n, merchandise and fixtures Schneider, J. C , merchandise and fixtures Schlueter, J. W , merchandise and fixtures Schmitt, Catherine F., merchandise and fixtures Schwietering, Ja- cob, merchandise and fixtures Schilling, Geo. H Jr., merchandise and fixtures Schanderl, J., mer- chandise and fix- tures Strobel, J. H. & Co., merchandise and fixtures, re- duced Scheppele Motor Co., merchandise and fixtures Schmitt, J., mer- chandise and fix- tures Smith, I. L., mer- chandise and fix- tures S. From. 300 300 148,000 12,000 100 950 100 To. $ 67,000 $ 90,000 13,000 18,000 1,200 1,800 1,200 3,000 4,700 10,000 1,000 1,500 1,200 1,500 900 1,200 340 500 1,500 3,000 500 600 200 300 4,500 3,000 1,300 2,000 1,000 1,500 200 400 Sylvandale Cafe, merchandise and fixtures Nothing 800 Sezer, Alex, mer- chandise, etc Nothing 1,000 Spellerberg, L. R , merchandise, etc Nothing 400 Siegel, A., stock of goods and merchandise 4,000 5,000 Schrup, Dr. J. H., office fixtures 100 300 Snyder, Dr. A , office fixtures Nothing 100 Sutter, Simon, merchandise and fixtures 200 500 Susmann, Henry, merchandise and fixtures 400 500 Snyder, Chas., mer- chandise and , x- tures Nothing 200 Second National Bank, stocks and shares, reduced.. 176,040 88,020 Schroeder, Dr. Jas. office fixtures Nothing $ 300 Sheridan, Dr. Phil, office fixtures 300 600 Sweeney, Dr. R. J , office fixtures 200 300 Spensley, H. B., of- fice fixtures Nothing 300 St. George Hotel, fixtures Nothing 500 Sheridan C and y Co., stock of goods, merchan- dise, etc. 13,700 15,000 Scardino, Vincent, fixtures and machinery 100 200 S c hwartsburg, Louis, fixtures and machinery 100 200 Seippel, P. J , Lumber Co., mer- chandise, etc 45,200 50,200 Spahn & Rose Lumber Co., mer- chandise, etc 22,000 25,000 Schobert, Wm , barber fixtures . 100 Smith John E., barber shop, fix- tures Nothing 100 Swift, Sam, barber shop fixtures 300 400 Spencer, J. H. and Anna, M. Lot 9 of Sub. City 667 building, reduce 1,680 950 Sharle, Theo., Lot 2 of Sub. 3 of Mineral Lot 113a, building, reduce 1,970 1,210 Schrup, John & Anna, N. 42 ft. of N. 2 -5 City Lot 435, building, re- duced 4,100 3,100 462 Special Session, October 21st, 1919 Special Session, October 21st, 1919 463 commend that said petition be re- ceived and filed. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization with whom was filed the petition of W. J. Burns by his agent W. J. Brown, asking for a reduction of taxes on Lot 252 and part of Lot 252a and 253, would respectfully recommend that said petition be received and filed, E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization with whom was filed the petition of Fred Budde Est., asking for a reduction of taxes on Lot 35 Dreibilbus Add., would respectfully recommend that said be received and filed. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization with whom was filed the petition of John Brosius asking for a reduction of taxes on South 1/2 of City Lot 486, would respectfully recommend that said petition be received and filed. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization with whom was filed the petition of Mar - garget Clark asking for a reduction of taxes on Lots 177, 178, 188, 189 Finley Add., would respectfully rec- ommend that said petition be receiv- ed and filed. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization with whom was filed the petition of A. W. Kemler Est., asking for a reduction of taxes on City Lots 281, 282, 648, 613 Union Add., Lot 182 Hodges Sub., S. 118 feet lot 12, Lot 14 A. McDan- iels Sub., E. % N. 88 feet of Lot 783 Littleton's and Sawyer's Add., Lots 3, 4, 5, E. 27 feet of Lot 6 Union Add., Lots 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, would respectfully recommend that said petition be received and filed. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization with whom was filed the petition of Fern & Grabow asking a reduction on tax- es on Riverview Roller Rink from $1,500.00 to $700.00 as they originally were, would respectfully recommend that they be given a reduction from .81,500.00 to $700.00. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization with whom was filed the petition of Leo Kohlman asking for a reduction on taxes on Lot 439 Ham's Add., would respectfully recommend that he be given a reduction on building from $1,180.00 to $1,000.00. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization with whom was filed the petition of Eliza- beth Hird asking for a reduction on taxes on Lot 13 Finley Add., would respectfully recommend that she be given a reduction on building from $3,370.00 to $3,070.00. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization with . whom was filed the petition of N. Kaufman Estate, asking for a reduc- tion of taxes on Lot 1 of 738, would respectfully recommend that said pe- tition be received and filed. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization with whom was filed the petition of John and Anna Spencer asking for a re- duction of taxes on Lot 9 of Sub. City Lot 669, would respectfully recom- mend that they be given a reduction on building from $1,680.00 to $950.00. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization with whom was filed the petition of A. A. Cooper Inc., asking for a reduction of taxes on N. 64.3 ft. Lot 73, would respectfully recommend that said pe- tition be received and filed. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization with whom was filed the petition of A. A. Cooper, asking for a reduction in taxes on Lots in Dubuque Harbor Add., Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 Block 8 and all of Block 7, would respectfully recom- mend that he be given a reduction on lots from $14,780.00 to $13,000.00. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization with whom was filed the petition of A. A. Cooper Inc., asking for a reduc- tion in taxes on property in Dubuque Harbor Add., Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 Block 8 and all * of Block 7, would respectfully recommend that he be given a reduc- tion on buildings from $5,610.00 to $5,000.00. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization with whom was filed the petition of A. A. Cooper Inc., asking for a reduction in taxes on Sub. City Lots 691, 700, 721, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Sub. City Lots 11 to 38 inclusive Sub. City Lots 39 to 42 inclusive Sub. City Lots 13 to 53 inclusive, Sub. City Lots 54 to 64 inclusive, would respectfully recommend that said petition be re- ceived and filed. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization with whom was filed the petition of Geor- gia Cooper asking for a reduction on taxes on Lots City N. 43.9 ft. 117, would respectfully recommend that said petition be received and filed. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization with whom was filed the petition of Rosa Keck asking for a reduction of taxes on Hot 2 of Sub. 1 of 1 of 7 of Miner- al Lot 159, would respectfully recom- mend that she be given a reduction on, Lots from $550.00 to $50.00. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization, with whom was filed a verbal petition by Miss M. Enright for Kate and Mary Enright asking for a reduction of taxes on S. 1 /2 of Lot 40 and all of Lot 41 in East Dubuque Add., would respectfully recommend that said petition be received and filed. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization, with whom was filed the petition of Anna Hill asking for a reduction of taxes on Lots 33 and 34 Quigley's Sub., would respectfully recommend that she be given a reduction on Lots from $1,180.00 to $600.00. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization. with whom was filed the petition of Ma- tilda Donaldson asking for a reduc- tion of taxes on N. 23 ft. 2 in. of Middle 1 -5 of City Lot 451, would respectfully recommend that she be given a reduction on building from $2,110.00 to $1,100.00. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization, with whom was filed the petition of Mary F. Miller asking for a, reduc- tion of taxes on E. 1 -2 of Lot 3 and W. 1 /2 of Lot 3 of Sub. Mineral Lot 149, would respectfully recommend that she be given a reduction on building from $460.00 to $100.00. E. E. FRITH. Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization, with whom was filed a verbal petition of Theo. Scharle asking for a re- duction of taxes on Lot 2 of Sub. of Mineral Lot 113 -a, would respect- fully recommend that he be allowed a reduction on building from $1,- 790.00 to $1,200.00. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization, with whom was filed the petition of John and Anna Schrup asking for a re- duction of taxes on City Lot N. 42 ft. of N. 2 -5 of Lot 435, would re- spectfully recommend that they be allowed a reduction on building from $4,100.00 to $3,100.00. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization, with whom was filed the petition of Du- buque-Wisconsin Bridge Co., asking for a reduction of taxes on bridge, would respectfully recommend that they be allowed a reduction on bridge from $20,000.00 to $5,000.00. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk, Your Board of Equalization, with whom was filed a verbal petition of Thos. Delaney asking for a reduc- tion of taxes on Sub. 1 of City Lot 598, Lot 2, would respectfully rec- ommend that said petition be re- ceived and filed. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization, with whom was filed a verbal petition of Phil Ryder asking for a reduction in taxes on N. 21.8 ft. 612, S. 43.4 ft. 613, would respectfully recommend that said petition be received and filed. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization, with whom was filed the petition of F. M. Clarke asking for a reduction in taxes on S. E. 12 1 -2 ft. 760a, McDan- iel's Sub., would respectfully recom- mend that said petition be received and filed. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization, with whom was filed a verbal petition of W. A. Smith, asking for a reduction in taxes on Lot 830, A. McDaniel's Sub. would respectfully recommend that said petition be received and filed. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization, with whom was filed the verbal petition of H. C. Gorr, asking for a reduction in taxes on Lot 1 Grandview Place Add., would respectfully recommend that said petition be received and filed. E. E. FRITH. Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization, with whom was filed the petition of Theresa Gielleson, asking for a re- duction of taxes on Lots 2 -3 Por- ter'sAdd., would respectfully recom- 464 Special Session, October 21st, 1919 mend that said petition be received and filed. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization, with whom was filed the petition of Mar- garet Ryan, asking for a reduction in taxes on Sub. 14 -15, Bush's Sub. S. 16 ft. Lot 10, would respectfully recommend that said petition be re- ceived and filed. E. E, FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization, with whom was filed the petition of S. D. Ryan, protesting against raise of taxes on City Lot 22, would respect- fully recommend that said petition be received and filed. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization, with whom was filed the petition of Mar- garet Glasser asking for a reduction 171 taxes on Sub. 1 of W. 1 -2 of 41, Kelley's Sub., Lot 2. Sub. 2 of W. 1 -2 of 41 Kelly's Sub., Lot 2, would re- spectfully recommend that said pe- tition be received and filed. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization, with whom was filed the petition of J. J. McDonnell asking for a reduction in taxes on City Lot S. 20.6 ft. of 69 and N. 28.3 ft. of 70, would respect- fully recommend that said petition be received and filed. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization, with whom was filed the petition of Pat McDonald, asking for a reduction in taxes on N. Middle 20 ft. of Lot 533, Middle 19 ft. of Lot 533, N. 10 ft. of N. Middle 20 ft. of Lot 534, N. 10 ft. of Middle 19 ft. of 634, would respectfully recommend that said petition be received and filed. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization' with whom was filed the verbal petition of Mr. H. Michel, representing the stockholders of the Pioneer Savings Bank and Trust Co., the American Trust & Savings bank and the Du- buque National bank, stating that the Dubuque National bank's capital stock was $109,524.00, real estate in city $13,520.00, real estate outside of city $29,460.00, and also that the bank had $328,358.00 government bonds that are non - assessable. Al- so submitting figures for the Pioneer Savings Bank & Trust Co., and the American Trust & Savings bank. Mr. N. Schrup appeared at a later meeting stating that he represented the Pioneer Savings Bank & Trust Co., also the America Trust & Sav- ings bank and its stockholders, stat- ing that they would be willing to pay taxes on one -half of their assess- ment as shown on the assessment roll for the year 1919. Would re- spectfully recommend that the Pio- neer Savings Bank & Trust Co. stocks and shares be reduced from $171,510.00 to $85,740.00. Also would respectfully recommend that the American Trust & Savings ban stocks and shares be reduced from $56,900.00 to $28,450.00. Also would respectfully recommend that the Du- buque National Bank stocks and shares be reduced from $76,800.00 to $38,400.00. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization, with whom was filed the verbal petition of Attorney L. H. Hurd stating that he represented the Citizens' State bank and each and all of the stock- holders of said bank, and objected to the assessment of the shares of stock of said bank, as made by the assessor for the year 1919, . for the following reasons: Assessment is too high, and is made illegal and void by reason the government bonds held by the bank are exempt from taxation by U. S. statute, and asked that the assessment be reduced by deducting therefrom the value of the U. S. government bonds held by said bank. Would respectfully recom- mend that assessment be reduced from $87,110.00 to $43,550.00. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization, with whom was filed the verbal petition of Mr. Nick Gindorf, representing the Union Trust & Savings bank and its stockholders, submitted his figures and stated that they would be willing to pay taxes on one -half of their assessment as shown on the assessment roll for the year 1919. Would respectfully recommend that the Union Trust & Savings bank stocks and shares be reduced from $268,920.00 to $134,460.00. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization, with whom was filed the verbal petition of Mr. Waller, representing the Fed- eral Deposit & Trust Co., and its stockholders, stated that they were willing to pay on the same basis as the Union Trust & Savings bank. Would respectfully recommend that the Federal Deposit & Trust Co. stocks and shares be reduced from $37,280.00 to $18,640.00. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization, with whom was filed the verbal petition of Attorney Glenn Brown, represent- Special Session, October 2lst, 1919 ing the Iowa Trust & Savings bank, and each and all stockholders of said bank who appear on the assessment roll, complained of and objected to the action of the assessor in assess- ing the stock of said Iowa Trust & Savings bank for the year 1919, and submitted figures. He appeared at a later meeting and stated that the bank was willing to pay taxes on a reduction from $376,200.00 to $214,- 500.00. Would respectfully recom- mend that the Iowa Trust & Savings bank stocks and shares be reduced from $376,200.00 to $214,500.00. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Your Board of Equalization with whom was filed the verbal petition of Attorney W. A. Smith represent- ing the First National Bank and also each and all of its stock holders and objected to the assessment of stock and shares of said bank as made by the Assessor during the year 1919 for the following reasons: That the assessment of the stock is illegal and void by reason of the fact that the Assessor took into account contrary to law U. S. Government Bonds owned by said Bank which are made exempt from taxation by U. S. Sta- tute, and asks that assessment be reduced by deducting therefrom the U. S. Government Bonds held by the Bank. Would respectfully recom- mend that the assessment be reduced from $279,000 to $139,500. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. Ald. Frith moved the approval of the various reports of the Board of Equalization. Carried. Your Committee on Streets would respectfully report that we have ex- amined the repair of Kaufman ave- nue from Couler avenue west and would recommend that the work be accepted and a warrant be drawn on the emergency fund in favor of George L. Korman, the contractor, for the payment of the same. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Ald, Frith moved that the report of the Committee on Streets be ap- proved. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that the Recorder be instructed to draw Loan War- rants in favor of the Union Trust & Savings Bank in the sum of $13,- 239.68 to create an Emergency Fund to pay the bill of George L. Korman, contractor, for repairing the paving on Kaufman avenue from Couler ave- nue to 1416 feet westerly. , Carried. Ald. Burch offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Recorder be and he is hereby in- structed to advertise for bids for con- nections for sewer and water to the curb line on Grandview avenue, the cost of the work to be assessed against the following described property: M. O'Shea, Sub. of Mineral Lot 145; Ed. Tressel, Lot 9 of Sub, of Grandview Place; W. W. Whelan, Lot 8, Sub. of Grand- view Place; J. E. McClain, Lot 7, Whelan's Sub.; T. J. and L. Paisley, Lot 4, 5 and 6, Whelan's Sub. Ald. Burch moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas — Aldermen Andresen, Burch, Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro- bel, Nays —None. Ald. Burch moved the City Council reconsider their action on the motion made at this session of the City Council as follows: "To place the tax levy for the year 1919 at 15% mills " Carried. Ald. Frith moved to adjourn. Car- ried. JOHN STUBER, City Recorder. Adopted , 1919. Approved Attest: 4 Mayor City Recorder 466 Special Session, October 22nd, 1919 CITY COUNCIL (Official). Special Session October 22, 1919. Council met at 8:00 p. m. Mayor Saul in the chair. Present; —Alds. Andresen, Burch, Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro- bel. Mayor Saul stated that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of mak- ing the tax levy for the year 1919, and acting on any other business that might properly come before a regular meeting of the City Council. Ald. Burch offered the following: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AND, CREATING A CITY SEW- ER DISTRICT AND MAKING PROVISION FOR A CITY SEWER FUND TO MAINTAIN THE SAME. Be it ordained by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Sec. 1 —That there be and there is hereby created a Sewer District in the City of Dubuque, which Dis- trict shall be taken to include all the territory lying within the cor- porate limits of the City of Du- buque. Sec. 2 —There is hereby created a fund known as "City Sewer Fund ", which shall be used for the main- taining, reconstructing or repairing any sewer within the limits of said City. Sec. 3 —That a tax not exceeding three mills on the dollar on the as- sessed valuation of all property within the City shall be levied for the City Sewer Fund, and such levy shall be made in the same manner and at the same time the annual levy is made each year. Sec. 4. —This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage by the City Council and officially published as provided by law. Adopted October 22d, 1919. Approved October 23 *d, 1919. JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Recorder. Published officially in the Du- buque- Times - Journal and Telegraph - Herald newspapers October 23d, 1919. 10- 23 -1t. City Recorder. JOHN STUBER, Ald. Burch moved that the read- ing just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Carried. Ald. Burch moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of reading the ordinance by its title. Carried by the following vote. Yeas; —Alds. Andresen, Burch, Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro- bel. Nays ; —None. Ald. Burch moved the adoption of the ordinance as read. Carried by the following vote. Yeas; —Alds. Andresen, Burch, Frith, Hird, Leist, Plamondon, Stro- bel. Nays ; —None. Ald. Frith moved that nothing be paid on the City debt during the year 1919. Ald. Andresen amended Ald. Frith's motion to levy 1 -2 mill for the City debt for the year 1919. Lost by the following vote. Yeas; —Alds. Burch, Andresen, Leist. Nays; —Alds. Frith, Hird, Plamon- don, Strobel. Original motion of Ald. Frith car- ried by the following vote. Yeas; —Alds. Frith, Hird, Plamon- don, Strobel. Nays; —Alds. Burch, Andresen, Leist. Ald. Andresen moved that a levy of 3 -4 mill be made for the Sewer Fund, making the total tax levy 15 1 -2 mills. Ald. Strobel amended Ald. Andre - sen's motion to make a total levy of 15 mills lost by the following vote. Yeas; —Ald. Frith, Hird, Strobel. Nays; —Alds. Andresen, Burch, Leist, Plamondon. Original motion of Ald. Andresen carried by the following vote. Yeas; —Alds. Andresen, Burch, Leist, Plamondon. Nays —Alds. Frith, Hird, Strobel. Ald. Frith moved that the City Water Works be instructed to lower their pipe in the sewer at Twenty Second and Washington streets, and that the Street Commissioner be in- structed to report any and all pipes that he may find running through storm sewers. Carried. Ald. Frith offered the following; Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the taxes for the year 1919 for the following purposes be levied as pro- vided by law on all taxable prop- erty within the limits of said City In the respective number of mills on the dollars on the assessed valua- tion of all taxable property in said City except as otherwise provided. General fund, 8 mills. Fire fund, 2 mills. Library fund, 1 -3 mill. Park fund, 1 -2 mill. Police pension fund, 1 -16 mill. Special Session, October 31st, 1919 Fire pension fund, 1 -16 mill. Road fund, 2 mills. Interest on floating and bonded debt 1 2 -3 mills. Special bonded paving, 1 2 -3 mills. Interest on special bonded debt, 1 2 -3 mills. Sewer district fund, 3 -4 mill. Grading fund, 1 -8 mill. Total, 15 1 -2 mills. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the fol- lowing vote. Yeas; —Alds. Andresen, Burch, Frith, Hird, Leist Plamondon, Stro- bel. Nays; —None. Ald. Frith moved to adjourn. Car- ried. JOHN STUBER, City Recorder. Adopted 1919 Aproved Attest Mayor City Recorder. CITY COUNCIL 4 (Official.) Special session October 31st, 1919. Council met at 3:50 p. m, Mayor Saul in the chair. Present —Aids. Andresen, Burch, Frith, Hird, Leist, Strobel. Absent —Ald. Plamondon. Mayor Saul stated that this meet- ing is called for the purpose of adopt- ing a resolution to adopt voting ma- chines, contract for the purchase thereof, and to provide payment therefor by cash or certificates of indebtedness, and acting on any oth- er business that might properly come before a regular meeting of the City Council. Ald. Frith offered the following: Whereas, We believe the adoption of Voting Machines in the City of Dubuque would be a benefit to the City of Dubuque on account of ac- curacy, saving of time and the cost of printing of ballots, and that the saving in election expense will in time pay for the machines and Whereas, The price of machines will be advanced 5% on Nov. 1, 1919, we deem it expedient to place the order before that date, to save the city the difference. Therefore, We the City Council of the City of Dubuque, do pass the fol- lowing resolution, subject to section 4 of the resolution: RESOLUTION. Resolution to adopt voting ma- chines, contract for the purchase thereof, and to provide payment therefore by cash or certificates of indebtedness. Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, State of Iowa, Section 1. That the Empire Vot- ing Machine as manufactured by the Automatic Registering Machine Cor- poration, be, and the same hereby is, adopted for use in elections in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Section 2. The Mayor of this City and the City Recorder be, and they are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to execute a contract with the Automatic Registering Ma chine Corporation (manufacturers of said Empire Voting Machines) for the purpose of purchasing Fifteen (15) Empire Voting Machines at the net price of Nine Hundred Thirty Dollars ($930) for each machine, F. O. B. cars Jamestown, N. Y., amount- ing in the aggregate to thirteen thou- sand nine hundred and fifty dollars ($13,950.00), in accordance with the terms and conditions of the proposal of said Company dated this 2nd day 468 Special Session, October 3ist, 1919 of October A. D., 1919, now on file with this Council. Section 3. The City agrees that on the acceptance of said voting ma- chine by this City Council to be made within fifteen (15) days after receipt of said machines in conformity with contract, the Mayor of City of Du- buque and the City Recorder shall be authorized and are hereby direct- ed to execute, issue and deliver to the Automatic Registering Machine Corporation (manufacturers of said Empire Voting Machine) a valid war- rant drawn on the General Fund of the City of Dubuque, State of Iowa; for the sum of Thirteen Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty Dollars ($13950). The City further agrees by its City Council to issue Funding Bonds of said City at the next regular meet- ing of said City Council after accept- ing machines in amount equal to and for the purpose of retiring the afore- said warrant and to deliver said bonds to said Company in lieu there- of. Said bonds to be dated April 1, 1920, shall bear interest at the rate of 5% payable semi - annually, on the first days of July and January, prin- cipal and interest payable at the of- fice of the City Treasurer, in the City of Dubuque, State of Iowa, with New York Exchange. Said bonds shall mature in approximate equal amounts in the following years, as shall be provided by the resolution to be passed at the forthcoming date of the Board above mentioned. Section 4. This resolution and con- tract to be null and void unless the County of Dubuque shall before Feb. 1, 1920, also purchase fifteen Voting Machines of this type, to be used jointly with these fifteen, in both City and County Elections, in the City of Dubuque. If County does pur- chase the above fifteen machines then they shall be in full force and effect.' Adopted this 31st day of October, 1919. JAMES SAUL, Mayor of Dubuque, Iowa. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Recorder. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Burch, Frith, Hird, Leist, Strobel, Nays —None. Absent —Ald. Plamondon. Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the resolution and proposal submit- ted by the Automatic Registering Machine Co. relative to the purchase of voting machines be adopted. E. E. FRITH, Chairman. Ald. Frith moved that the report of the Committee of the Whole be approved. Carried. Ald, Hird moved to adjourn. Car- ried. JOHN STUBER, City Recorder. Adopted , 1919. Approved , Mayor. Attest: , City Recorder. List of City Warrants To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of October, 1919: Salaries for the Last Half of September, 1919. Dubuque, Iowa. James Saul, Mayor $ 58 32 Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer 73 32 Louis F. Kolfenbach, Asst. 62 10 John Holland 52 50 Cyril D. Lagen, Auditor 64 16 Fred Gantert, 99eputy 55 00 John Stuber, Recorder 64 16 Chas. E. Bradbury, Deputy 55 00 Peter Kies, Assessor 68 75 Adolph Schmid, Deputy 57 50 Harry McCarthy, Deputy ... 57 50 M. H. Czizek, Attorney 82 50 M. Cooney, Asst. Attorney 62 75 Elsie Datisman, Stenographer 11 00 Walter Cullen, Engineer 91 66 I. J. Ryan, Asst. Engineer 68 75 J. J. Shea 62 50 John Fahey, Rodman 50 00 Al. Eitel 50 00 J. W. Lawler, Committee' Clerk 70 00 Chas. J. McCarthy, Market Master 42 50 Thos. Hackney, Poundmaster 37 50 Mrs. H. Koenig, Janitress 43 50 Dr. E. L. Reinecke, Health Officer 37 50 Dr. J. F. Graham, Meat and Milk Inspector 50 00 John Schromen, Street Com- missioner 23 00 James Lynch, Wharfmaster 42 50 J. Mahoney, First ward scales 32 50 Louis J. Plamondon, Alder- man First ward 12 50 K. Burch, Alderman Second Ward 12 50 Chas. J. Leist, Alderman Third Ward 12 50 Jos. L. Hird, Alderman Fourth Ward 12 50 E. E. Frith, Alderman Fifth Ward 12 50 Wm. P. Andresen, Alderman - at -Large 12 50 John Strobel, Alderman -at- Large 12 50 John Giellis, Chief of Police 75 00 Amanda Beyer, Compensation law 17 54 Police Payroll for Last Half of September, 1919. Edward Brunskill $ 48 97 Max Bemis 49 00 James Corcoran 49 00 John Cody 49 00 Nicholas Campbell 48 97 Wm. Carroll 48 97 Thomas Cain 48 97 List of Warrants 4 Tromas Connolly 48 97 Philip Dunphy 53 90 Thomas Duggan 49 00 Edward Daily 49 00 Adolph Dahl 41 62 Nicholas Ehlers 48 97 Patrick Fury 57 52 John Fox 49 00 Michael Fogarty 49 00 Theo. Ganahl 48 97 Ben Gray 48 97 John Kopp 49 00 John Kilby 48 97 Barney Ludescher 26 13 John McGrath 41 62 Hugh Markey 48 97 Otto Neuman 46 25 Alfred Noel 48 97 John O'Brien 53 90 Michael O'Connor 53 86 Charles Peters 41 62 Michael Ryan 49 00 Gus Raterman 45 69 Joseph Stoltz 49 00 Arthur Schroeder 48 97 Patrick Sullivan 53 86 Dennis Sheehan 48 97 John Spielman 49 00 Thomas Sweeney ... 53 90 Fred Spielman 51 42 George Stoltz 48 97 Charles Truher 49 00 Edward Vosverg 53 90 Frank Williams 49 00 Miss B. Brennan 49 00 Mrs. K. Hibbe 49 00 Police pension fund retained 42 46 Fire Payroll for Last Half of September, 1919. D. Ahern $ 73 50 J. Allen 49 00 P. Apel 6 59 M. Apel 42 50 L. Benzer 49 00 J. Benzer 49 00 A. Brewer 49 00 F. Baumgartner 51 95 F. Bennet 42 50 H. Cain 49 00 J. Connolly 49 00 J. Daugherty 45 74 W. Ducey 53 90 M. Eitel 66 65 J. Flynn 53 90 W. Gibson 57.50 G. Gehrke 53 90 W. Hipman 61 75 A. Heer 53 90 D. Harker 49 00 W. Kannolt 51 95 J. Keppler 51 95 W. Kinsella 52 30 F. Kenneally 53 90 R. Kenneally 49 00 T. Kennedy 49 00 M. Kelley 51 95 P. Kirch 49 00 M. Leist 39 10 F. Lonergan 49 00 F. Motsch 49 00 H. Miller 42 60 REPAIR OF DODGE STREET AND GRANDVIEW AVENUE. J. Thompson $ 7 20 W. Redman 27 20 W. Clark 23 20 J. Gribbens 11 60 B. Burd 7 20 T. Brown 7 20 M. Kiefer 7 20 F. Baltser 20 00 D. O'Meara 15 00 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for labor on streets destroy- ed by the flood of July 9th, to be paid from the fund created there- fore. FIRST DISTRICT. W. O'Brien $ 42 50 J. Thompson 21 60 W. Redman 12 40 W. Clark 7 20 J. Gribbens 3 60 B. Burd 15 60 T. Brown 10 80 M. Kiefer 14 40 P. Carney 3 60 M. Reckinger 5 20 F. Baltser 7 20 J. Malloy 3 60 G. Schultz 10 80 D. O'Meara 32 32 C. Van Wie 25 82 N. Evert 25 82 SECOND DISTRICT. G. Frost 42 50 W. Williams 38 40 H. Kunkle 32 00 D. Rosemyer 26 80 M. Hannon 10 40 J. Graham 33 32 M. Gierst 3 60 J. Rooney 15 60 J. Clow 7 50 FOURTH EMERGENCY. H. Martin 9 20 Jno. McGrath 9 20 J. Maus 2 00 J. Jackson 2 00 J. Jungwirth 3 60 W. Hird 20 00 W. Frost 18 00 Jeff McGrath 26 65 M. Ackels 26 65 D. McGrath, 12 loads rock 12 00 FIFTH DISTRICT. P. Horch 42 50 J. Long 10 80 A. Conrad 36 64 J. Berwanger 7 50 L. Schneider 21 20 V. Liek 24 80 A. Litz 25 20 J. Schneider 19 60 J. Bohn 26 80 F. Becker 23 20 C. Schnee 21 60 A. Hartman 14 40 List of Warrants 4 7 1 P. Mihm 19 60 P. Majarus 21 80 Dubuque, Iowa, Oct. 2, 1919. Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for labor on sewers in the City of Dubuque for the last half September, 1919. C. Sullivan $ 55 00 W. Burke 12 00 J. Tobin 39 00 T. Bannon 39 00 T. Hird 39 00 R. Smith 39 00 C. Albinger 39 00 H. Carney 39 00 G. Collett 33 00 F. Paar 33 00 Bills. L. Daily, health $ 23 50 J. Scharry, health 50 00 R. Maloney, expense 44 80 Robert McGivern, inspector on Cox street 4 00 Robert McGivern, inspector on alley between Locust and Bluff streets from 7th to 8th streets 4 00 Robert McGivern, inspector Angella street 8 00 Gibbs & Co., 2d road 484 92 Jas. F. Lee Paving Co., grad- ing 30th street improve- ment 225 00 J. Byrns, inspector on Kauf- mann avenue 52 00 E. T. Frith, health 500 00 E. T. Frith, health 500 00 E. T. Frith, health 40 00 Byrne & Rath, repair of Dodge street and Grand- view avenue, 2d road 481 58 Byrne & Rath, repair of Dodge street and Grand- view avenue, 2d road 271 89 Jas. F. Lee Paving Co., im- proving 30th street 500 00 Jas. F. Lee Paving Co., im- proving 30th street 500 00 Jas. F. Lee Paving Co., im- proving 30th street 500 00 Jas. F. Lee Paving Co., im- proving 30th street 500 00 Jas. F. Lee Paving Co., im- proving 30th street 500 00 Jas. F. Lee Paving Co., im- proving 30th street 500 00 Jas. F. Lee Paving Co., im- proving 30th street 376 18 Jno. F. Stemm, expense Spe- cial Election 30 00 George Miller, expense Spe- cial Election 30 00 Fred Bade, expense Special Election 30 00 John E. Strobel, expense Spe- cial Election 10 00 J. C. Gregoire, expense Spe- cial Election 10 00 47 F. Murphy 53 90 W. Meyer 49 00 G. Meyer 17 00 W. McClain 49 00 P. McManus 49 00 J. McGloughlin 49 00 Bert McCormic 19 80 J. Noonan 49 00 T. O'Brien 49 00 J. Rooney 49 00 W. Ryan 49 00 H. Rawson 51 95 L. Reuter 42 50 W. Smith 49 00 J. Stafford 49 00 J. Smith 52 30 M. Sweeney 51 95 Leo Sigmen 66 R. Tierney 49 00 H. Woodward 49 00 L. Wemett 49 00 N. Wagner 51 95 R. Weston 53 90 J. Walsh 49 00 Fire pension fund retained 49 07 Dubuque, Iowa, Oct. 2, 1919. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for labor on streets in the various road districts of the City of Dubuque for the last half Septem- ber, 1919: T. Kennedy, 2nd $ 39 20 M. Gierst, 2nd 34 00 J. Rooney, 2nd 1 20 J. Clow, 2nd 15 00 M. Hannon, 2nd 18 00 J. Graham, 2nd 29 14 W. Frost, 4th 25 20 R. Birner, 4th 39 60 P. Royce, 4th 12 00 J. Jungwirth, 4th 5 20 D. Rosemyer, expense 3rd. and Alpine 10 80 J. Rooney, expense 3rd and and Alpine 10 80 M. Hannon, expense 3rd and Alpine 3 60 J. Graham ,expense 3rd and Alpine 7 50 M. Boyle, expense 13th and Main 16 00 L. Horrig, expense 13th and Main 19 20 P. Matele, expense 13th and Main 10 00 P. Steffens, 2 00 J. Clow, expense 18th street wall 12 48 F. Burns, expense 18th street wall 10 82 J. Jungwirth, expense 18th street wall 1 60 P. Mihm, S. W. 7 20 P. Majarus, S. W. 7 20 J Bohn, S. W. 7 20 P. Majarus, S. W. 3 60 F. Becker, S. W. 7 20 F. Engle, 2d, 4th 23 00 W. Abel, 2d, 4th 20 00 List of Warrants J. Ackels, 2d, 4th 20 00 E. Stoltz, 2d, 4th 20 00 G. Norden, 2d, 4th 20 00 N. Hemmer, 1 -5 each 3 84 M. McLean, 2d, 4th 17 00 P. Ahearn, 2nd 42 50 J. Ryan, 2nd 37 50 J. Callahan, 2nd 6 54 T. Cahill, health 37 50 Dubuque, Iowa, Oct. 2, 1919. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for labor on streets leading into the County for the last half September, 1919, to be paid for from the various wards' portion of the County Road Fund. FIRST COUNTY. J. Thompson $ 14 40 W. Redman 7 20 B, Burd 14 40 T. Brown 10 80 M. Kiefer 14 40 W. Clark 7 20 J. Gribbens 7 20 D. O'Meara 15 00 P. Carney 25 20 M. Reckinger 25 20 F. Baltser 11 20 J. Malloy 25 20 G. Schultz 25 20 C. Van Wie 45 00 N. Evert 45 00 FOURTH COUNTY. G. Hird 42 50 H. Martin 30 40 Jno. McGrath 31 20 J. Maus 37 60 J. Jackson 37 60 J. Jungwirth 1 60 W. Hird 18 00 M. Corbett 3 60 Jeff McGrath 57 48 M. Ackels 55 82 FIFTH COUNTY. C. Kupperschmidt 10 80 J. Eberhart 21 60 C. Schnee 8 80 A. Hartman 12 40 J. Schneider 14 40 L. Schneider 10 80 V. Liek 10 80 F. Becker 3 60 J. Long 37 50 A. Conrad 30 00 P. Mihm 3 60 H. Lange 7 20 Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for labor for the improve- ment of streets in the City of Du- buque for the last half September, 1 to be paid from the appropria- tions created therefore. John Geillis, Chief of Police 75 00 Amanda Beyer, Iowa Work- ing Men's Compensation 17 54 Police Payroll for the First Half of October, 1919. Edward Brunskill $ 50 00 Max Bemis 50 00 James Corcoran 50 00 John Cody 50 00 Nicholas Campbell 50 00 William Carroll 50 00 Thomas Cain 50 00 Thomas Connolly 50 00 Philip Dunphy 55 00 Thomas Duggan 53 33 Edward Daily 50 00 Nicholas Ehlers 50 00 Patrick Fury 62 33 John Fox 50 00 Michael Fogarty 50 00 Theodore Ganahl 53 33 Benjamin Gray 50 00 Lee Golden 42 50 John Kopp 50 00 John Kilby 50 00 Bernard Ludescher 50 00 John McGrath 42 50 Hugh Markey 50 00 Otto Neuman 46 25 Alfred Noel 50 00 John O'Brien 55 00 Michael O'Connor 55 00 Charles Peters 42 50 Michael Ryan 50 00 Gustave Ratterman 50 00 Jos. Stoltz 46 66 Arthur Schroeder 50 00 Patrick Sullivan 55 00 John Spielman 50 00 Dennis Sheehan 50 00 Thomas Sweeney 53 33 Fred Spielman 52 50 George Stoltz 50 00 Charles Truher 50 00 Edward Vosberg 55 00 Frank Williams 50 00 Miss B. Brennan 50 0j Mrs. K. Hibbe 50 00 Fire Payroll for First Half of October, 1919. D. Ahern $ 75 00 J. Allen 50 00 P. Apel 50 00 M. Apel 42 50 L. Benzer 45 90 J. Benzer 50 00 A. Brewer 50 00 F. Baumgartner 52 00 F. Bennet 42 50 H. Cain 50 00 J. Connolly 50 00 J. Daugherty 50 00 W. Ducey 55 00 M. Eitel 67 00 J. Flynn 55 00 W. Gibson 50 00 G. Gehrke 55 00 W. Hipman 62 00 D. Harker 50 00 A. Heer 55 00 List of Warrants 473 W. Kannolt 52 00 J. Keppler 52 00 W. Kinsella 50 00 F. Kenneally 55 00 R. Kenneally 50 00 T. Kennedy 50 00 M. Kelley 52 00 P. Kirch 50 00 M. Leist 50 00 F. Lonergan 50 09 F. Motsch 50 00 F. Murphy 55 00 W. Meyer 50 00 H. Miller 42 50 W. McClain 50 00 P. McManus 50 00 J McGloughlin 50 00 J. Noonan 50 00 T. O'Brien 50 00 J. Rooney 24 25 W. Ryan 50 00 H. Rawson 52 00 L. Reuter 42 50 W. Smith 50 00 J. Stafford 50 00 J. Smith 50 00 M. Sweeney 52 00 R. Tierney 50 00 H. Woodward 50 00 L. Wemett 50 00 N. Wagner 52 00 R. Weston 55 00 .1. Walsh 50 00 Dubuque, Iowa, Oct. 16, 1919. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for labor on streets in the various road districts in the City of Dubuque for the first half October, 1919: W. Williams, 2nd $ 43 60 H. Kunkle, 2nd 29 20 D. Rosemyer, 2nd 13 60 M. Ablin, 2nd 3 60 M. Hannon, 2nd 14 40 M. Gierst, 2nd 11 20 T. Kennedy, 2nd 13 20 J. Graham, 2nd 28 80 J. McCollins, 2nd, wood to W 8th St. 4 00 .Jeff McGrath, 4th 7 20 M. Ackels, 4th 3 60 H. Martin, 4th 1 60 Jno. McGrath, 4th 1 60 W Hird, 4th 1 60 W Frost, 4th 11 20 • Birner, 4th 11 20 P. Royce, 4th 1 60 L. Horrig, expense wall 18th street 12 00 M. Matche, expense wall 18th street 12 00 N Steffens, expense wall 18th street 6 00 J. Murray, expense wall 18th street 6 00 J. Steffens, expense corner 13th street 12 00 D. Rosemyer, expense corner Alpine street 12 00 rg 47 John J. McDonald, expense Special Election 30 00 P. J. Norton, expense Spe- cial Election 11 00 W. B. Fischer, expense Spe- cial Election 10 00 Edw. Connolly, expense Spe- cial Election 10 00 W. W. Moffat, expense Spe- cial Election lb 00 Matt Daily, expense Special Election 10 00 Adam Doerr, expense Special Election 11 00 Geo. Berg, expense Special Election 10 00 John Apel, expense Special Election 10 00 A. W. Kemler Estate, reduc- tion allowed on special as- sessment for improvement of Hill street and West 3d street 3 98 Dr. C. E. Loizeaux, services rendered to M. Leist, ambu- lance driver 24 00 Visiting Nurse Association, appropriation 100 00 Parochial School Nurse, ap- propriation 100 00 Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer, interest on warrants out- standing 500 00 Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer, interest on warrants out- standing 500 00 Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer, interest on warrants out- standing 500 00 Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer, interest on warrants out- standing 36 90 Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer, miscellaneous 16 13 Jas. K. Kaufman, loan war- rant No. 5482, renewal of warrant No. 3515 500 00 Jas. K. Kaufman, loan war- rant No. 5483, renewal of warrant No. 3516 500 00 Jas. K. Kaufman, loan war- rant No. 5484, renewal of warrant No. 3519 258 00 Jas. K. Kaufman, loan war- rant No. 5485, renewal of warrant No. 1468 500 00 Jas. K. Kaufman, loan war- rant No. 5486, renewal of warrant No. 3626 500 00 Jas. K. Kaufman, loan war- rant No. 5487, renewal of warrant No. 3618 500 00 Julius Lippman, loan warrant No. 5488, renewal of war- rant No. 3624 500 00 Julius Lippman, loan warrant No. 5489, renewal of war- rant No. 3646 440 00 Julius Lippman, loan war- rant No. 5490, renewal of warrant No. 3653 500 00 List of Warrants John C. Baynes, loan warrant No. 5491, renewal of war- rant No. 3622 500 00 John Brady, loan warrant No 5492, renewal of warrant No. 3661 500 00 John Brady, loan warrant No 5493, renewal of warrant No. 3662 300 00 John Flynn, loan warrant No 5494, renewal of warrant No. 3909 500 00 Sisters of Visitation, loan warrant No. 5618, renewal of warrant No. 3650 500 00 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 5616, Emergency Fund 500 00 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 5617, Emergency Fund 450 00 Salaries for the First Half of October, 1919. James Saul, Mayor $ 58 33 Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer 73 33 Louis F. Kolfenbach, Deputy 62 10 John Holland, Clerk 52 50 Cyril D. Lagen, Auditor 64 17 Fred Gantert, Deputy 55 00 John Stuber, Recorder 64 17 Chas. E. Bradbury, Deputy 55 00 Peter Kies, Assessor 68 75 Harry McCarthy, Deputy 57 50 Adolph Schmid, Deputy 57 50 M. H. Czizek, Attorney 82 50 M. D. Cooney, Asst. Attorney 62 75 Elsie Datisman, Stenographer 11 00 Walter Cullen, Engineer 91 67 J. J. Ryan, Asst. Engineer 68 75 J. J. Shea, Clerk 62 50 John Fahey, Rodman 50 00 Al. Eitel, Rodman 50 00 J. W. Lawler, Committee Clerk 70 00 C. J. McCarthy, Marketmaster 42 50 Thomas Hackney, Pound - master 37 50 Mrs. II. Koenig, Janitress 43 50 Dr. E. L. Reincke, Health Officer 37 50 Dr. J. F. Graham, Meat and Milk Inspector 50 00 John Schromen, Street Com- missioner 23 00 James Lynch, Wharfmaster 42 50 John Mahoney, 1st Ward Scales 32 50 L. J. Plamondon, Alderman First Ward 12 50 K. Burch, Alderman Second Ward 12 50 Chas. J. Leist, Alderman Third Ward 12 50 Jos. L. Hird, Alderman Fourth Ward 12 50 E. E. Frith, Alderman Fifth Ward 12 50 Wm. Andresen, Alderman -at- Large 12 50 John Strobel, Alderman at- Large 12 50 P. Mihm 3 60 P. Majerus 4 40 L. Schneider 2 80 J. Schneider 3 60 J. Bohn 40 Dubuque, Iowa, Oct. 16, 1919. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for labor for the improve- ment of Dodge street and Grandview avenue for the first half October, 1919, to be paid from the appropria- tion created therefore from the ex- pense fund. N. Evert $ 8 10 D. O'Meara 9 90 C. Van Wie 13 50 F. Baltzer 10 00 J. Gribbens 8 40 W. Clark 12 80 B. Burd 7 20 W. Redman 2 40 M. Kiefer 6 00 T. Brown 10 00 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for labor on sewers in the City of Dubuque for the first half October, 1919. C. Sullivan $ 55 00 W. Burke 26 65 J. Tobin 39 00 T. Bannon 39 00 T. Hird 40 65 R. Smith 43 65 C. Albinger 39 00 H. Carney 39 00 G. Collett 39 00 J. Cunningham 36 00 Bills. L. Daily, health $ 23 Joe Scharry, health 50 John Stuber, expense C. M. McNamara & Co., 4th road emergency fund 130 Robert McGivern, inspector Cox street improvement 12 Jim Byrne, inspector Kauf- mann avenue 50 Mullen Bros., expense 24 Clarence M. Praut, expense 4 Farley & Loetscher Co., ex- pense 60 Ed. Millius, expense 1 Dubuque Paper & Supply Co , expense 4 Roshek Bros. Co., expense 7 C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., ex- pense 269 Swift & Co., expense 8 Eichhorn & Bechtel, expense Times Hotel Register Co., ex- pense Pier Bros., expense Eagle Point Lime Works, ex- pense Frank Beutin, expense List of Warrants 50 00 35 65 00 00 30 45 00 00 25 50 75 50 50 475 Fred Miller, expense 92 40 Union Printing Co., expense 14 75 Pauly Printing Co., expense 12 50 Catholic Printing Co., expense 48 00 Frank Beutin, expense 71 50 Al. Hege, expense 2 00 Western Union Telegraph Co , expense A. E. Gemehle, expense 1 77 R. Herrman & Son, expense 15 E. P. Smith Electric Co , health 2 00 Peryon Pharmacy, health 27 05 Louis Prossel, sewers 16 08 F. M. Jaeger Hardware Co., sewers 3 30 C. Schloz, sewers 1 80 Jos. J. Bertsch Co., sewers 8 00 Mettel Bros., sewers and 4th road 5 45 T. Welsh, 4th road emergency fund 68 85 H. C. Milligan. 4th road em- ergency fund 34 A. E. Wunder, 5th road em- ergency fund 24 30 Dubuoue Welding Works, roads 1 00 The Smedley Co., 2d and 4th roads 24 08 J. Heim, 5th road emergency fund 120 50 Stafford Grocery, 4th road emergency fund 1 13 Dubuque Lumber & Coal Co., 5th road 42 Iowa Telephone Co., bathing beach, fire, police and ex- pense 59 97 T. J. Mulgrew Co., 2d road emergency fund and ex- pense 31 80 Chicago Paving Laboratory, 2d road 12 50 Frank Beutin, 4th road 75 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., roads 1 05 Klauer Mfg. Co., 4th road 26 An Jas. A. Gregory, 4th road 4 50 Spahn -Rose Lumber Co., side- walks and expense 114 40 Wm. Gere, repair of Engine House 90 00 John L. Heim & Son, 5th road emergency fund 145 00 Rellihan & Mullen, Police 2 75 Eichhorn & Bechtel, Police 3 64 J. F. Stamnfer Co., Police 2 05 J. W. Giellis, Police 12 60 C. J, McCarthy, Police 1 80 Peter Even & Son, Police 1 00 Iowa Oil Co.. Police 9 41 Dubuque Exide Battery Sta- tion, Police 2 25 C. B. Scherr, Bathing Beach 2 90 Key City Gas Co., Bathing Beach 1 80 00 58 00 52 00 Dubuque Electric Co., Bath - 51 04 ing Beach 5 68 C. Schloz, Bathing Beach 4 00 34 85 F. W. Coates, Bathing Beach 4 64 12 20 Albert Ney, Fire 3 55 It 474 List of Warrants E. Engle, 2d, 4th 23 00 J. Ackels, 2d, 4th 20 00 G. Norden, 2d, 4th 20 00 W. Abel, 2d, 4th 20 00 E. Stoltz, 2d, 4th 20 00 M. McLean, 2d, 4th 17 0 P. Ahearn, 2nd 42 50 J. Ryan, 2nd 37 50 J. Callahan, 2nd 42 50 T. Cahill, health 37 50 R. Love, 2d, 4th, brooms 12 00 E. Hoag, grading 28 29 Dubuque, Iowa, Oct. 16, 1919. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for labor repairing streets damaged by the flood of October 4th, to be paid from the emergency fund created for that purpose. FIRST DISTRICT. W. O'Brien $ 42 50 J. Gribbens 33 60 W. Clark 32 40 B. Burd 32 40 M. Kiefer 32 40 M..Reckinger 32 40 T. Brown 28 80 F. Balzer 23 80 N. Streeter 25 20 P. Carney 14 40 D. O'Meara 72 90 C. Van Wie 81 00 N. Evert 72 90 SECOND DISTRICT G. Frost 42 50 W. Williams 8 80 D. Rosemyer 24 80 M. Gierst 30 00 M. Hannon 28 80 T. Kennedy 24 80 H. Fuhrman 23 60 E. Werner 25 20 P. Kremar 8 80 L. Noonan 10 80 M. Blustren 1 20 B. Steffen 3 60 J. Graham 35 10 J. Clow 63 90 J. McCollins 12 60 THIRD DISTRICT. C. Singrin 42 50 N. Spies 18 00 J. Cain 16 40 M. Boyle 18 00 Jno. McLaughlin 35 60 Jas. McLaughlin ........ 35 60 J. Malloy 33 60 J. Dellinger 32 00 J. Murray 33 60 P. Matche 37 60 G. Schultz 34 40 N. Steffens 33 60 J. Cunning 28 00 R. Lewis 28 40 P. Miller 7 20 C. Saling 28 40 L. Horring 30 00 J. Linehan 50 40 F. A. Burns 60 30 J. Kringle 50 50 H. Farmer 44 10 E. Hoag 22 50 S. Clark 22 40 Henry Borden 24 80 Harvey Borden 24 80 C. Ives 18 80 C. Garrett 19 20 J. Steffens 4 00 J. Willson 4 00 T. Barry 6 30 FOURTH DISTRICT. G. Hird 42 50 H. Martin 32 40 Jno. McGrath 34 40 J. Maus 28 40 J. H. Jackson 29 60 W. Frost 30 80 R. Birner 30 80 W. Hird 29 60 P. Royce 28 40 J. Garvey 28 40 S. Eustace 28 40 A. Zingle 18 00 T. Siege 27 60 P. O'Hern 22 80 L. Ferring 1 60 F. Wilkes 14 40 Jeff McGrath 77 40 M. Ackels 72 90 J. Bradley 62 10 FIFTH DISTRICT. P. Horsch 42 50 L. Schneider 36 00 J. Schneider 36 00 J. Bohn 32 40 P. Mihm 39 60 P. Majerus 39 60 A. Litz 36 00 F. Becker 32 40 V. Leik 31 20 J. Eberhart 30 80 H. Lange 30 80 J. Sinderhoff 78 00 G. Liebolt 24 00 A. Hartman 14 40 C. Schnee 14 40 J. Long 9 00 A. Conrad 81 00 Even- Uhlrich Co. 114 30 E. F. Frith 41 40 Dubuque, Iowa, Oct. 16, 1919. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my payroll for labor on roads leading into the County for the first half October, 1919, to be paid from the various ward's portion of the Coun- ty Road Fund. FOURTH COUNTY. T, Maus $ 11 20 J. Jackson 8 40 W. Hird 3 60 FIFTH COUNTY. $ 4 50 40 2 00 A. Conrad A. Litz F. Becker Dubuque Electric Co., street lighting Dubuque Electric Co., street lighting Dubuque Electric Co., street lighting Dubuque Electric Co., street lighting Dubuque Electric Co., street lighting Dubuque Electric Co., street lighting Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 6048 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 6049 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 6050 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 6051 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 6052 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 6053 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 6054 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 6055 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 6056 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 6057 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 6058 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 6059 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 6060 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 6061 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 6062 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 6063 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 6064 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 6065 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 6066 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 6067 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 6068 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 6069 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 6070 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 6071 Union Trust & savings Bank, Ioan warrant No. 6072 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 6073 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 6074 George L. Korman, repaving Kaufmann avenue George L. Korman, repaving Kaufmann avenue George L. Korman, repaving Kaufmann avenue List of Warrants 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 52 26 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 239 68 500 00 500 00 500 00 George L. Korman, repaving Kaufmann avenue 500 00 George L. Korman, repaving Kaufmann avenue 500 00 George L. Korman, repaving Kaufmann avenue , 500 00 George L. Korman, repaving Kaufmann avenue 500 00 George L. Korman, repaving Kaufmann avenue 500 00 George L. Korman, repaving Kaufmann avenue 500 00 George L. Korman, repaving Kaufmann avenue 500 00 George L. Korman, repaving Kaufmann avenue 500 00 George L. Korman, repaving Kaufmann avenue 500 00 George L. Korman, repaving Kaufmann avenue 500 00 George L. Korman, repaving Kaufmann avenue 500 00 George L. Korman, repaving Kaufmann avenue 500 00 George L. Korman, repaving Kaufmann avenue 500 00 George L. Korman, repaving Kaufmann avenue 500 00 George L. Korman, repaving Kaufmann avenue 500 00 George L. Korman, repaving Kaufmann avenue 500 00 George L. Korman, repaving Kaufmann avenue 500 00 George L. Korman, repaving Kaufmann avenue 500 00 George L. Korman, repaving Kaufmann avenue 500 00 George L. Korman, repaving Kaufmann avenue 500 00 George L. Korman, repaving Kaufmann avenue 500 00 George L. Korman, repaving Kaufmann avenue 500 00 George L. Korman, repaving Kaufmann avenue 500 00 George L. Korman, repaving Kaufmann avenue 239 68 47 Standard Lumber Yard Co., Fire 108 87 Boyer Chemical Laboratory Co., Fire 40 00 Frank Beutin, Fire 129 00 Schaffer Bros. & Powell Mfg Co., Fire 15 00 Iowa Oil Co., Fire 21 25 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., Fire 6 50 National Refining Co., Fire 82 15 C. Schloz, Roads, 2d 3d, 4th, 5th roads 7 50 D. & J. Hoerner, Roads 4 75 National Demokrat, printing 12 50 Labor Leader, expense 18 50 Molo Sand and Gravel Co., expense and 2d road 73 15 Key City Iron Works, 2d, 4th roads 3 34 National Refining Co., 2d, 4th roads 14 60 Key City Roofing Co., ex- pense, sewer, 4th and 5th roads 64 35 Leader Oil Co., 2d, 4th roads 36 88 Standard Oil Co., 2d and 4th roads 2 20 Leader Oil Co., 2d and 4th roads 26 50 W. D. Deckert Co., 2d and 4th roads 2 48 Austin Western Road Mach - ery Co., 2d and 4th roads 63 46 Key City Gas Co., Fire, Pol- ice and Expense 65 25 J. M. Kenety & Son, improve- ment of Angella street 443 68 James Street, constructing sanitary sewer in alley be- tween Queen street and Windsor avenue and Henry street to manhole in Wind- sor avenue 419 75 Dubuque Electric Co., Police 75 Dubuque Electric Co., Light- ing 75 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 5760 500 00 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 5761 500 00 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 5762 500 00 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 5763 500 00 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 5764 500 00 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 5765 500 00 Union Trust Bc Savings Bank, Ioan warrant No. 5766 500 00 Union Trust & Savings Bank, loan warrant No. 5767 200 00 M. C. Mathews, for injury to horse belonging to Relli- han & Mullen 70 00 H. Stewart, attorney, settle- ment of claim of George Meyers 100 00 Frantzen, Bonson & Gilloon, settlement of claim of Fred Schnidt 400 00 List of Warrants Byrne & Rath, 2d road 500 00 Byrne & Rath, 2d road 45 38 C. B. McNamara Co., cement gutter on 17th street 500 00 C. B. McNamara Co., cement gutter on 17th street 439 72 Telegraph - Herald, expense 500 00 Telegraph - Herald, expense 115 25 J. M. Kenety & S'on, improve- ment of Cox street 500 00 J. M. Kenety & Son, improve- ment of Cox street 225 12 James F. Lee Paving Co., im- proving Peru road 500 00 James F. Lee Paving Co., im- proving Peru road 500 00 James F. Lee Paving Co., im- proving Peru road 500 00 James F. Lee Paving Co., im- proving Peru road 500 00 James F. Lee Paving Co., im- proving Peru road 500 00 James F. Lee Paving Co., im- proving Peru road 500 00 James F. Lee Paving Co., im- proving Peru road 500 00 James F. Lee Paving Co., im- proving Peru road 500 00 James F. Lee Paving Co., im- proving Peru road 500 00 James F. Lee Paving Co., im- proving Peru road 500 00 James F. Lee Paving Co., im- proving Peru road 500 00 James F. Lee Paving Co., im- proving Peru road 500 00 James F. Lee Paving Co., im- proving Peru road 500 00 James F. Lee Paving Co., im- proving Peril . road 500 00 James F. Lee Paving Co., im- proving Peru road 500 00 James F. Lee Paving Co., im- proving Peru road 500 00 James F. Lee Paving Co., im- proving Peru road 500 00 James F. Lee Paving Co., im- proving Peru road 500 00 James F. Lee Paving Co., im- proving Peru road 500 00 James F. Lee Paving Co., im- proving Peru road 1 11 Dorgan- Ulrich Co., general fund, Grandview avenue and Dodge street Dorgan- Ulrich Co., general fund, Grandview avenue and Dodge street . .., Dorgan - Ulrich Co., repair of Dodg'• street and Grand- view avenue Dubuque Electric Co., fire Dubuque Electric Co., light- ing, parks, booster sign and boulevard Dubuque Electric Co., light- ing Dubuque Electric Co., street lighting Dubuque Electric Co., street lighting 500 00 225 37 54 65 23 52 128 30 398 75 50000 500 00 shall make an itemized statement of all certificates or permits issued during the month, and the amount of the fees received therefor, to the City Council, and pay over to the City Treasurer the amount of fees so received during the month, tak- ing duplicate receipts therefor, one copy of which shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk. DEFECTIVE PLUMBING —REM- EDY. Sec. 8. Whenever it shall come to the knowledge of the Inspector of Plumbing, or a complaint in writing shall be made by any person tnat the plumbing in any building causes a nuisance or is liable to breeds dis- ease, sickness, or injure the health of the occupants, or upon the re- quest of the owner or lessee, agent or occupant of any building fitted with plumbing prior to the passage of this ordinance, it shall he the duty of said Inspector to make an inspec- tion of the plumbing, drain rge and ventilation of any such building. and if found defective, he shall nrake a report in writing of his findings to the Board of Health, accompanied by proper plans' and drawings, where necessary, and suggest such changes as may be required to make the same sanitary. The Board of Health shall thereupon notify the owner, agent, lessee or occupant of such building, of the changes necessary to be made in the plumbing, drainage or ventila- tion, to make same sanitary. Such changes shall thereupon be made within the time fixed by the Board of Health, and upon refusal or neglect to obey such orders, the Board of Health shall proceed to have such changes made and such nuisance abated, and the expense thereof shall be recovered from the owner. lessee or occupant of such building, and may be assessed as a special tax against the property. Sec. 9. The Inspector of Plumbing shall not be interested directly or in- directly in a sewer or plumbing con- tract, or work, or profits connected therewith. Sec. 10. The salary of said In- spector of Plumbing shall be fixed by the Council. Sec. 11. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage by the city ccuncil and publication as provided by law. Adopted Sept. 30, 1919. Approved Oct. 1, 1919. (Signed) JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: JOHN STTTBER, City Recorder. Published officially in the Times - Journal and Telegraph- Herald news- papers, Oct. 2nd, 1919. JOHN STUBER, 10 -2 -1t City Recorder. Official Notices 479 Notice to Sidewalk Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the City Recorder's office, City Hall, by the City Recorder intil 8:00 p, m. Thursday, October 16, 1919, to be acted on by the City Council on said date, for constructing sidewalks abutting on the following lot: Abut- ting Lot 22, J. P. Schroeder's Add., on the east side of Harold street, Engi- neer's estimate 200 square feet of ce- ment sidewalk, in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXII and amendments thereto of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, work to be completed on or before the 1st day of November, 1919. Bidders must state price per square foot for cement sidewalk. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for ten per cent of the gross amount of the bid on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. Check and bid in separate envelopes. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, October 3d, 1919. JOHN STUBER, 10 -3 -3t City Recorder. Notice to Sewer Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the City Recorder's office, City Hall by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, October 16th, 1919, to be acted on by the City Council on said date, for the constr;rcction of an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Henion street from the manhole in West Fourteenth street to the pres- ent manhole in Henion street north of Pickett street in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engi- neer that said improvement will re- quire: 279 lineal feet of eight -inch tile pipe. 2 manholes. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXIV and amendments thereto of the Revised ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, work to be completed on or before the 1st day of December, 1919. Bidders must state price per lineal foot of completed sewer also price per manhole complete. Each bid must be accompanied by 1 ! II 47 PLUMBING OPDINANCES. Appointment of Inspector. An Ordinance entitled "An Ordi- nance to Provide for the Appoint- ment of an Inspector of Plumbing, and to Define His Powers." Be it Ordained by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, Ia.: Section 1. That the City Council shall in January of each odd num- bered year elect an inspector of plumbing, which said officer is here- by assigned to the Department of Public Affairs. Said Plumbing In- spector shall, when entering upon the duties of his office, file with the City Clerk his bond in the sum of $1,000 with surety or sureties to be approved by the Council, condition- ed upon the faithful performance of his duties. No one shall be so ap- pointed who has not been a practi- cal plumber of five years' experience and a resident of the city for three years prior to the appointment. DUTIES IN GENERAL. Section 2. It shall be the duty of the Inspector of Plumbing to super- vise the construction, maintenance and use of the plumbing, drainage and ventilation of all buildings, and water, sewer and out house con- nections, and service within the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and shall see that the same conform with the rules and regulations relative there- to, now or hereafter established by Ordinance or by action of the Board of Health. He shall approve or reject plans and specifications relative to plumb- ing, drainage and ventilation, ac- cording as to whether the same com- ply with said rules and regulations. He shall, in conformity with said rules and regulations, make the tests and inspections therein re- quired, issue proper permits and certificates to persons or corpora- tions entitled thereto upon the pay- ment of the fees hereinafter speci- fied, and he shall serve or cause to be served such notices as he shall deem expedient or necessary to se- cure an observance of and compli- ance with said rules and regulations, or as may be required thereby, and in general shall perform such du- ties as are imposed upon him by the Ordinances of the City and the Rules of the Board of Health. ENTERING PREMISES. Sec. 3. Whenever necessary in the performance of his duties the Inspector of Plumbing shall be en- titled to enter in the day time, any building or premises within the City of Dubuque, Iowa. He shall, how- ever, upon demand of the person in charge of the premises he desires to inspect, produce his credentials, which shall be signed by the Mayor Official Notices as presiding officer of the Board of Health. CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION. Sec. 4. The drainage of all build- ings, public or private, and the al- terations of the same shall be exe- cuted in accordance with the ordi- nances of the City of Dubuque. Be- fore any plumber, owner or lessee shall start any work, new or old, he shall submit to the Inspector of Plumbing a good plan of such work on blanks furnished by the Inspec- tor, and shall secure a permit from the Inspector of Plumbing for such work. The Inspector of Plumbing shall issue a permit for doing any such work if, upon examination of the plans, the same conform to the requirements of the ordinances of the City of Dubuque. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION. Sec. 5. On completion of any work the plumber shall notify the Inspec- tor of Plumbing, who shall within twenty -four hours, or as soon as pos- sible, make the final inspection of such work, and if found to comply with the ordinances of the City, shall upon request of the owner or agent make out a certificate show- ing that such work has been inspect- ed, and the result of such inspec- tions. INSPECTION FEES. Sec. 6. Before delivering a certi- ficate of inspection of, or a permit for, any system of plumbing, house drainage or ventilation, the Inspec- tor of Plumbing shall charge and collect from the person, firm or cor- poration procuring same, a fee of One Dollar each for the first four fixtures or openings, and for every additional fixture or opening, Fifty cents. KEEP RECORD. STATEMENTS. Sec. 7. The Inspector of Plumb- ing shall keep a daily record of his work, including therein a record of all notices served and applications received, permits and certificates is- sued and all matters which may per- tain thereto. The inspector of Plumbing shall keep in suitable form a record of all plans and specifica- tions examined by him, whether ap- proved or rejected, and whether for new buildings or old systems, and shall as soon as possible complete the records of plumbing or want of plumbing, sewer connections, etc., in each building in the city, with such explanations and notes appended thereto as will enable future Boards of Health to trace sources o °. filth and causes of sickness, enforce the best sanitary conditions and to preserve health, without re- examination or in- spection of plumbing, drainage and ventilation. At the close of each month he describing the plumbing and drain- age of said building on blanks pre- scribed and furnished for, that pur- pose by the Board of Health, show- ing the size and kind of pipes, the traps, closets, fixtures, etc., to be used, the same to be on file in the of- fice of the Inspector of Plumbing. Said drawings and description to be furnished by the owner or his author- ized agent, and shall be examined by the Inspector of Plumbing. If the same conform to the requirements of the ordinances of the City they shall be approved and permit issued. RULES FOR DRAWINGS FUR- NISHED. Sec. 3. Rules for drawings and specifications for darinage to be furnished on application at the of- fice of the Inspector of Plumbing. One vertical drawing will be suffi- cient for a building where it can be made to show alt work. If the work is intricate and cannot be shown by one drawing, two or more shall be made. TIME TO CONSIDER PLAITS. Sec. 4. Plans shall be approved or rejected within twenty -four hours, when practicable, and under no circumstancese will a delay be- yond five days be permitted. No portion of the plumbing or drain- age work of any building shall be executed until the above mentioned plans and specifications shall have been filed with and approved by the Inspector of Plumbing, and his written permit secured. PLANS MARKED —HOW. Sec. 5. All approved plans and specifications or description shall be permanently marked "Approved" and signed by the Inspector of Plumbing, and a memorandum of such approval endorsed upon the permit issued for the performance of the work. Such plans shall be permanently preserved in the office of the Inspector of Plumbing. NO CHANGE IN PLANS AFTER APPROVAL. Sec. 6. No changes or modifica- tions of plans, after approval, shall be made unless such changes or modifications be submitted to and authorized by the Inspector of Plumbing, and approved and placed on file as in the case of the orig- inal work. No additional fee shall be charged for approval of such new plans. INSPECTION. Sec. 7. The Inspector of Plumb- ing must be notified when work is begun, and when work is ready for inspection, by the plumber doing Official Notices 481 said work. All inside work must be left uncovered and convenient for examination until inspected and approved. No notice shall be sent for inspection until work is entire- ly ready therefor. In case of any violation of the regulation the ap- proval of said plans may be revoked by the Inspector of Plumbing, and upon notice of revocation being giv- en, all work under such plans shall cease. On completion of any work the plumber shall notify the Inspector of Plumbing, who shall within twen- ty -four hours or as soon as pos- sible . make the final inspection of such work, and if found to comply with the ordinances of the city, shall upon the request of the own- er or agent maye out a certificate showing that such work has been in- spected and the result of such in- spection. Sec. 8. The Inspector of Plumb- ing shall examine the work with- in twenty -four hours after being notified that it is ready for inspec- tion. All plumbing when placed in position must be tested by water test, in the presence of the inspect- or, and all defective joints made tight. Defective pope or fittings must be removed and replaced with sound pipe or fittings. When the entire plumbing work is completed, and before being used, it may be tested in the presence of the Inspect- or, by smoke or peppermint test, and upon satisfactory completion of said work the Inspector shall issue a cer- tificate of approval. WORK NOT DONE WITHIN SIX MONTHS. Sec. 9. If the work is not done under specifications as approved within six months from the date of approval, such plans must again be presented for approval, and plans shall be approved under the pro- visions of this ordinance upon con - dition only that such approval ex- pires by its own limitation within six months from the date thereof. TAPPING SEWERS — WHERE. Sec. 10. No person shall tap any public or private sewer at any other place than at the regular junc- tion built into the sewer for that purpose, without written authority from the City Engineer, nor shall any person make any connection with the public sewers of the city, except in the presence of the City Engineer or Inspector of Plumbing, or some person by them duly author- ized for that purpose. I: 480 a certified check of $50.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. Checks and bid in sep- arate envelopes. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, October 3rd, 1919. JOHN STUBER, 10 -3 -3t City Recorder. OFFICIAL NOTICE. Notice of Special Assessment. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a special assessment as provided by law will be levied at a session of the City Council of the city of Dubuque Iowa to be held Thursday October 16 1919 to pay for improving Thirtieth street from the east property line of Jackson street to the west property line of Washing- ton street. Jas. F. Lee Paving Co., contractor. Amount of special assessment "$3,409.70 same to be assessed against the property legally subject to assessment upon and along said street. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque, showing the street in which said im- provement was made and the separ- ate lots and parcels of ground or specified portions thereof subject to assessment for such improvement, the name of the owner thereof as far as practicable and the amount to be assessed against each lot or par- cel of ground which plat and sched- ule are subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons object- ing to said special assessment or to said plat must file his or their objec- • tions in writing with the City Record- er of said City of Dubuque on or be- fore said sessison of the City Coun- cil to be held Thursday October 16, 1919, or to appear at said session of the Council to show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should. not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, October 3, 1919. JOHN STUBER, 10 -3 -3t City Recorder. Notice to Sewer Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, October 16th, 1919, to be acted on by the City Council on said date, for the construction of an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Leibnitz street from the manhole at Clifford street, to a point 210 feet Official Notices west, in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engi- neer that said improvement will re- quire: 240 lineal feet of eight -inch tile Pipe. 2 manholes, The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as pre- scribed by Chapter XXXIV of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, work to be completed on or before the 1st day of December, 1919. Bidders must state price per lin- eal foot of completed sewer, also price per manhole complete. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check of $40.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. Checks and bid in separ- ate envelopes. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, October 3d, 1919. JOHN STUBER, 10 -3 -3t City Recorder. OFFICIAL NOTICE. To Whom it May Concern: The Board of Equalization will meet in an adjourned session on Monday, October 13th, 1919, at 7:30 p. m., where any person feeling ag- grieved by the assessment of his or her property, either real or personal, may appear before the Board and give reasons why such changes should not be made. JOHN STUBER, City Recorder. Clerk of Board of Equalization. 10 -9 -3t GENERAL PLUMBING ORDINANCE An Ordinance in Relation to Plumbing and Drainage in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Be it Ordained by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, Ia. PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE. HOW MADE. Section 1. The plumbing and drainage of all buildings, public or private, and the alterations of the same, shall be executed in accord- ance with the plans and specifica- tions previously approved in writing by the Inspector of Plumbing. PLANS OF DRAINAGE AND PLUMBING. Sec. 2. There shall be a separate plan for each building, public or pri- vate, accompanied by specifications MAIN WASTE PIPE. Sec. 21. Every vertical soil and main waste pipe shall extend at least one foot above the roof. No cap or cowl shall be attached to the top of such ventilating pipe. PIPES FOR FUTURE USE. Sec. 22. If soil or waste pipes are placed in buildings for future use, the necessary ventilating pipes shall also be put in and the work tested and inspected as if for immediate use. All openings not in use shall be closed by plugs screwed or calked in. HANGERS, RESTS AND SUP- PORTS. Sec. 23. —All horizontal lines of piping above ground must be prac- tically constructed to a uniform grade not less than a quarter (1 -4) inch fall to a foot and suspended with neat durable hangers of iron, steel or brass, placed not to exceed five (5) feet apart; same to be in place when roughing -in inspection is called for. Horizontal lines of lead work shall be supported under its full length with permanent supports, in such a manner as to prevent sagging of lead. Vertical lines of piping shall be supported on metallic and heavy cast iron rests on each floor, and must be plumb. Each stub vent or waste run through floor or wall must be securely stayed in its re- spective position. VENTILATION GENERALLY Sec. 24. Every branch or hori- zontal line of soil pipe, to which a group of two or more water closets are to be connected, and every branch line of horizontal soil pipe three feet or more in length to which a water closet is to be connected, shall be ventilated either by extend- ing said soil pipe undiminished in size to at least one foot above the roof, or by extending said soil pipe above the highest fixture, or by a ventilating pipe connected to the lead bend of the soil pipe under the closet of not less than two inches (2) in diameter and connected to a special air pipe, which shall be not less than four inches in diam- eter, or by connecting said ventilat- ing pipe with the main soil pipe, three feet or more above the high- est fixture. All vent pipes must be increased two sizes from where is passes through the roof, and must be extended at least three feet above any surrounding window or opening. Where rows of fixtures are plac- ed in line, fittings of not less than forty -five (45) degrees to the hori- zontal must be used in vent lines to Official Notices 4 prevent filling with rust or conden- sation; except on brick or tile walls where it is necessary to channel same for pipes, ninety (90) degree fittings will be allowed. Trapped vent pipes are strictly prohibited. No vent pipe from house side of any trap shall connect with ventila- tion pipe, or sewer, soil or waste pipe. Vent pipes from several traps may be connected together, or may be carried together, into the main vent lines above highest fixture, when the distance is not more than fifteen (15) feet to main vent. Branch vent pipes must be connect- ed as near to the crown of trap as possible. No re -vent shall be run directly horizontal from a trap over twelve (12) inches, nor more than two (2) feet for the re -vent of any closet bend. All re -vents must be run above the highest fixture, and all branches must be taken out and run not less than one (1) foot above the fixtures. Where a basin and bath are located on the same side of main soil or vent pipe the bath trap may be considered vented, pro- viding the basin waste enter the drum trap through 1 1 -2 inch waste trap and vent to basin. DURHAM SYSTEM. Sec. 25. The Durham System of house drainage may be used. All pipes must be galvanized iron. It shall comply with a special permit from the Inspector of Plumbing, and shall in all respects be subject to the approval of the Health Depart- ment. OVERFLOW SEDIMENT, SAFE REFRIGERATION. WASTE PIPES. Sec. 26. Over -flow pipes from fix- tures must in all cases be connect- ed on the inlet side of traps. Sediment pipes from range boil- ers must not be connected directly to any sewer, soil or waste pipe; same may empty into an open fix- ture. Safe and Refrigerator Waste Pipes —Safe waste pipes must not connect directly with any part of the plumbing system. Safe waste pipes must discharge over an open water- supplied, publicly placed, or- dinary used sink or floor drain, placed not more than three and one - half (3 1 -2) feet above the floor. The safe waste from a refrigerator must be trapped and must not dis- charge upon the ground floor, but over an ordinary portable pan, of some properly trapped, water sup- plied, sink as above. In no case shall the refrigerator waste pipe discharge over a sink located in a room used for living purposes. 482 GRADE OF SEWERS. Sec. 11. All house drains and sewer conections must have a fall from the house to the main sewer of at least one - fourth of an inch to one foot, unless by written permis- sion a less fall be allowed by the City Engineer. All sewer connec- tions from the house to main sewer shall be of vitrified or cement con - pipe and not less than four inches in diameter. WEIGHT OF PIPES. Sec. 12. —All soil, waste and vent pipes shall be of cast iron, lead, gal- vanized wrought iron or brass. No black iron pipe shall Le used in any part of the plumbing or drainage system within a building, or for ven- tilation pipes; chimney flues shall not be used for ventilators. All cast iron pipe shall be thoroughly coated, in- side and out, with coal tar or pitch, applied hot, by immersion. Such pipe shall be of uniform thickness, free from holes or other defects, and shall have an average weight of not less than specified below: 2 -inch pipe, 5 lbs. per lineal foot 3 -inch pipe, 9 lbs. per lineal foot 4 -inch pipe, 13 lbs. per lineal foot 5 -inch pipe, 17 lbs. per lineal foot 6 -inch pipe, 20 lbs. per lineal foot 7 -inch pipe, 27 lbs. per lineal foot 8 -inch pipe, 33 lbs. per lineal foot Sec. 13. All fittings used in con- nection with cast iron pipe shall be of corresponding weight and quali- ty; fittings for galvanized wrought iron pipe to be drainage pattern. WEIGHT OF LEAD PIPE. Sec. 14. When lead pipe is used for waste or vent pipe it shall have a weight of not less than specified below : 1 pipe, 2 lbs. per lineal foot 1 -inch pipe, 3 lbs. per lineal foot 2 -inch pipe, 4 lbs. per lineal foot 3 -inch pipe, 5 lbs. per lineal foot 3 -inch pipe, 6 lbs. per lineal foot 4 -inch pipe, 8 lbs. per lineal foot LENGTH OF PIPES. Sec. 15. When lead pipe is used to connect fixtures with soil or waste pipes, such branches shall be as short as possible. JOINTS —HOW FILLED Sec. 16. All joint in cast iron drain, soil and waste pipes shall be so filled with oakum and lead and calked as to make them gas and water tight. Wrought iron pipes shall be connect- ed by means of proper couplings with screw joints. All connections be- tween lead and cast iron pipes shall be made with suitable brass or extra heavy combination ferrules of same size of the lead pipe, put in the hub of the branch of cast iron pipe, and caulked with oakum and lead, the Official Notices lead pipe to be attached to the fer- rule by means of a wipe joint. PIPES —HOW CONNECTED. Sec. 17. Wrought iron pipes shall be connected with lead pipes by means of a brass or combination, soldering nipple or ground joint soldering union wiped to the lead pipe. All connections of lead waste and vent pipe shall be made by means of wipe joints. Where wrought iron is connected with cast iron pipe the cast iron fittings must be tapped and the connections made by a screw joint. No waste pipe to connect to lead bend under closet, unless approved by inspector. PIPES TO BE AS DIRECT AS POSSIBLE. Sec. 18. All drain, soil vent, waste and supply pipes shall be as direct and concentrated as possible and readily accessible for inspection and convenience in repairing. SIZE OF WASTE AND DRAIN PIPES. • Sec. 19. The least dimension of soil and drain pipes is four inches. The number of fixtures to connect in the different sizes of pipe shall not be more than the following table: Inches. 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 Water Closets- 90 40 25 12 Slop Sinks - 130 70 40 25 10 3 Urinals - 130 70 40 25 10 3 Floor Wash - 90 40 25 15 Laundry Trays - 130 70 40 25 10 Floor Drains - 130 70 40 25 10 Kitchen Sinks - 130 70 40 25 10 Hotel Sinks - 130 70 40 25 10 Wash Basins 350 175 100 60 30 Bath Tubs - 160 80 50 25 10 Shower Baths - 160 80 50 25 10 3 1 Sitz Baths - 160 80 50 25 10 3 1 Drinking Fountains - 350 175 100 50 20 8 3 1 Bar Wastes - 200 100 60 30 15 6 3 1 CURVED FITTINGS —WHEN USED. Sec. 20. All changes in direction of cast or wrought pipes shall be made with curved fittings. All con- nections shall be made with "Y" branches and one - eighth bends, if possible, or with sanitary "T's." 3 3 3 3 8 3 1 3 1 .... 4 The branches on vertical lines must be made by "Y" fittings, and carried to the safe with as much pitch as possible. Where there is an offset on a refrigerator waste pipe, there must be clean-outs to control all the horizontal parts of the pipe. In tenement and lodging houses the refrigerator waste pipe must ex- tend above the roof, not less than two (2) inches, nor the branches be less than one and one- quarter (1 1 -4) inches, each refrigerator branch or waste must be separately trapped. Lead safes must be grad- ed and neatly turned over beveled strips at their edges. Same shall be tested and approved. CLEAN OUTS. Sec. 27. —A clean -out shall be placed where the main drain leaves the building. Also place a clean - out on each horizontal run where most accessible. On long runs of horizontal soil or drain pipe clean - out shall be placed every fifty foot on straight runs and at every change of direction. All clean -outs on drains or waste pipe under the cellar floor shall be brought to a floor level with "Y' and one - eighth bend. Clean -outs shall be of heavy cast iron or brass, with brass screws. All clean -outs shall be of same diameter as the pipe into which it is inserted, provided, how- ever, that no clean -out need have a larger diameter than four (4) inches. Clean -outs with covers at- tached by means of brass bolts will be permitted. Sec. 28. Every water closet sink, urinal, basin, wash tray, bath tub, or set of tubs, and hydrant waste pipes and all other fixtures shall be separately trapped. Urinal platforms, if connected to drain pipes, shall be also properly trapped, and a supply of water so arranged as to always maintain the seal of said traps. In no case shall the waste from the bath tub or other fixtures be con- nected with the water closet trap. Traps shall be placed as near the fixtures as practicable, and in no case shall a trap be more than two feet from the fixtures, except for frost proof closets. Each and every trap shall be provided with suitable accessible openings for cleaning pur- poses. NO TRAPS ON MAIN SOIL PIPE. Sec. 29. There shall be no trap placed on main soil or drain pipes. All concealed traps shall be drum traps of not less than four inch diameter, with clean -out above the floor. Sec. 30. Vent pipes outside of wa- ter closets shall not be less than Official Notices one and one - fourth (1 inches for twenty (20) feet, and one and one- half (1 inches for fifteen (15) ad- ditional feet; two (2) inches for forty (40) additional feet, and three (3) inches for sixty (60) additional feet. Where two (2) fixtures con- nect into one (1) vent pipe, such connection shall be of not less than one and one -half (1 inch pipe. Where three (3) or more fixtures connect, such connections shall be not less than two (2) inch pipe, but all pipes for water closet traps shall not be less than two (2) inches bore for fifty (50) feet or less, and of not less than three (3) inches bore for more than fifty (50) feet. There shall not be more than six (6) water closet vent openings con- nected into a two (2), inch pipe. SIZE OF TRAPS AND WASTE BRANCHES. Sec. 31. The size of traps and waste branches for a given fixture shall be as follows, provided the style of trap to be used in connec- tion with the kitchen and pantry sinks shall be Drum, "S" or "1 -25," to be selected by the owner of the property. KIND OF FIXTURES. Size in Inches Trap Branch Water Closet 4 4 Slop Sink 2 2 Pedestal Urinal 3 2 Floor Wash 4 4 Floor Drains 2 2 Yard Drains or Catch Basins 4 4 Urinal Trough 2 2 Laundry Trays (2, or 3) 4 x 8 inch, drum trap 4 2 Kitchen Sinks (small), for dwelling 1 1 % . Pantry Sinks, 1 1 Pantry Sinks 1 1% Kitchen Sinks (large) ho- tels, restaurants ,grease traps or Catch, Basin 2 Wash Basin (one only) 1 1 Bath Tubs, 4x8 inch drum trap 4 Shower Baths, 4x8 inch drum trap 4 1 Sitz Bath, 4 x 8 inch drum trap 4 1% Drinking Fountains 1 1 Soda Fountains, 4 x 8 inch drum trap. 4 2 Bar Wastes, 4 x 8 inch drum trap, 4 2 Fountain Cuspidors 1 11 /z, ANTI - SYPHON TRAPS. Sec. 32. Anti - syphon traps of a form approved by the Board of Health may be used under bar -room fixtures, center lavatories, in barber shops and in the extensions or re- pair or plumbing previously install ed, or in other contingencies where in the opinion of the Inspector of Plumbing a vented trap would be ineffective by reason of the Brea: number of turns in direction, or other insurmountable obstacles. WATER CLOSET'S. Sec. 33. No water closet shall be supplied directly from the house supply pipe, but shall be supplied with water from a special tank or cistern not used for any other pur- pose, and shall in all cases be sep- arately and independently connected with the main drain pipe of the house. The flush pipe shall not be less than one and one - fourth inches in diameter. No range closets will be permitted. Nothing in this sec- tion shall be (constructed) con strued to bar out flushometers, or like improved flushing devices. GREASE TRAPS. Sec. 34. All kitchen sinks and dish washers in restaurants, hotels and eating houses must be connect- ed through a grease trap or catch basin of approved pattern. Same must have a cold water jacket or cooling coil to congeal the grease. INSPECTION OF SCHOOL BUILDINGS'. Sec. 35. It shall be the duty of the Inspector of Plumbing to in- spect the sanitary condition of the plumbing system of all schools with- in the city at least twice a year. CERTAIN CLOSETS PROHIBITED. Sec. 36. No pan, plunger or wash- out closet shall hereafter be placed in any building, nor shall any old pan, plunger or wash -out closet be replaced by a new one, nor shall any hopper closet be placed in any building. SEPARATE CLOSETS FOR EACH FAMILY. Sec. 37. In tenement houses there shall be a separate water closet for each family. RAIN WAT 'ER LEADERS. Sec. 38. Before any rain water leaders shall be connected with the house sewer a permit must be ob- tained from the Inspector of Plumb- ing. When within the house, the rain water leaders must he of heavy cast iron with leaded joints or galvanized wrought iron. The rain water lead- ers shall never be used as soil, waste or vent pipe, nor shall any soil, waste or vent pipe be used as a leader. When outside of a house, it must, if of sheet metal, with slip joints, connected to sewerage through catch basin. CLOSETS —HOW LOCATED. Sec. 39. All water closets shall be located in a well ventilated Official Notices 4 apartment with a window of at least four square feet leading directly to the open air, or an air shaft of the same dimensions. The space in and around the water closets, wash bowls, sinks or bath tubs, shall not be enclosed by woodwork, but shall remain open and exposed to view. STEAM, EXHAUST AND BLOW - OFF PIPES. Sec. 40. No steam, exhause or blow -off pipe shall be connected with any public dram or sewer. Such pipes shall discharge into a tank or condenser approved by the Inspector of Plumbing, the waste from which may be discharged into the house drain, as directed by the Inspector of Plumbing. Outlet for city steam shall be provided with a water seal and a valve or cock of suitable form where cooling coil discharges into the house drain. WATER CLOSET APARTMENT. Sec. 41. In tenement houses, lodg- ing houses, factories, work shops and all public buildings, the entire water closet apartments and side walls to a height of six (6) inches from the floor, except at the door, must be made waterproof with as- phalt, cement, tile or other water- proof material, as approved by the Health Department. In tenement houses and lodging houses the wa- ter closets and urinal apartments must have a window or windows opening into the outer air, of suf- ficient size, all of which shall be shown on plans, and shall be sub- ject to the approval of the Health Department. Except that tenement or lodging houses, three stories or less in height, may have such win- dow opening on a ventilating shaft not less than ten square feet in area. In all buildings the outer par- tition of such apartments must ex- tend to the ceiling, or be indepen- dently ceiled over, and these parti- side partitions must include a win- dow must be air tight. The out er opening to outer air on the lot whereon the building is situated, or some other approved means of ven- tilation must be provided. When necessary to properly light such apartments, the upper part of the partition must be of glass. The in- terior partitions of such apartments must be dwarf partitions. Water closet apartments must not be placed in a dining room, kitchen or sleeping apartment, nor be placed in any room or compartment which has not direct communication with external air, either by window or air shaft, of at least four square feet. And when any window ventil- ating any water closet compartment or bath room opens directly into a vent shaft, no window of any room. 486 other than water closet compart- ment, bath room, or hall shall open into such vent shaft. LESS POOLS AND PRIVY VAULTS. Sec. 42. No privy vault or cess pool for sewerage shall hereafter be constructed in any part of the city where a sewer is at all accessible. which shall be determined by the Health Department; nor shall it be lawful to continue a privy vault or cess pool on any lot, piece or par- cel of ground abutting on or con- tiguous to any public sewer within the city limits, when in the opinior, of the Health Department same is a nuisance. The Health Department shall have the power to issue no- tice, giving at least thirty days' tome to discontinue the use of any cess pool or privy vault, and have it cleaned and filled up. No connec- tion for any cess pool or privy vault shall be made with any sewer; nor shall any water closet or house drain empty into a cess pool or privy vault. IN DISTRICTS' WHERE NO SEWER EXISTS. Sec. 43. In rural districts, or dis- tricts where no sewer exists, privy vaults shall not be located within two (2) feet of party or street line, nor within thirty (30) feet from any dwelling. Before any privy vault shall be constructed, application for permission therefor shall be made to the Health Department, and such privy vault shall have eight (8) inch walls, constructed of hard burned brick or stone, laid in cement mor- tar, or of concrete, with bottom and sides cemented so as to be water tight; size to be not less than four (4) feet in diameter and six (6) feet deep. TERMS USED. Sec. 44. The term "private sew- er" is applied to main sewers that are not constructed by and under the supervision of the City Council. The term "house sewer" is ap- plied to that part of the main drain or sewer extending from a point five (5) feet outside of the outer wall of a building, vault or area, to its con- nection with public sewer, private sewer or cess pool. The term "house drain" is applied to that part of the main horizontal drain and its branches inside the walls of the building, vault or area, and extending to and connecting with the house sewer. The term "soil pipe" is applied to any vertical line of pipe extending through the roof, receiving the dis- charge of one or more water clos- ets, with or without fixtures. The term "vent pipe" is applied Official Notices to any special pipe provided to ven- tilate the system of pining, and to prevent trap syphonage and back pressure. FLOOR DRAINS. Sec. 45. Where floor or cellar drains are used, they shall be se constructed that they may be closed gas tight, independent of the water seal; or if a water seal fixture is used, there shall be a valve or cock, having a waterway of the full size of the waste pipe, put into said waste as close to the fixtures as possible. Where a trap is used as such drain, it shall in no case be smaller than four (4) inches, With four inch iron body, brass screw and ferrule or clean -out plug. REGISTERED PLUMBERS'. Sec. 46. Every person engaged in the plumbing business in the City of Dubuque as a master plumber, and every person coming from oth- er places for the purpose of con- tracting for and doing plumbing work in the City of Dubuque, as a plumber, shall appear in person at the office of the Board of Health and register his name and business upon a form prescribed by the Board of. Health, and receive a certificate of registry, upon presenting satis- factory proof that he is a bona fide master plumber. It shall be unlaw- ful for any person other than a reg- istered plumber or person employed by a registered plumber to carry on or engage in the plumbing business, or make any connections with drains, soil or waste pipe, or any pipe connected therewith. CERTIFICATE —WHEN TO ISSUE. Sec. 47. Before any such certifi- cate of registry shall issue, the ap• plicant shall file with the Board of one thousand dollars, running to the City of Dubuque, with sureties to be approved by the Board of Health, conditioned for the faithful perform- ance of all duties required by the ordinances, rules or regulations of the City or the Board of Health, and to repay the city all damages by reason of neglect or incompet- ency in the performance of work, or arising out of the careless guard- ing of excavations made or to be made, or failure to put all streets, alleys, avenues or public places, op- ened for the purpose of making con - Health a bond in the penal sum of nections or repairs in sewer, water pipes, in as good condition as be- fore breaking up or opening, or damage by other causes growing out of the negligence or carelessness or • neglect of duty of said registered plumbtr. The registered plumber giving such a bond shall be exempt from giving other bond to the city, relative to excavating in a street, alley or public place. SMALL HOUSES —NOW BUILT. Sec. 48. In small houses already built, where it may be necessary to place closets in cellar, the vent from same may be run on outside of building, said vent to be of four inch cast iron soil pipe, standard weight, to a point at least three feet above any adjacent window or open- ing. This part of ordinance not to aply to any building hereafter con- structed. But in no case shall the vent be less than four inches for water closets where it is run on outside of building. RULES OF BOARD OF HEALTH TO REMAIN IN FORCE: Sec. 49. Nothing herein shall be construed as annuiing any rules or regulations relating to plumbing mdae by the local or State Boara of Health, but all the provisions of this ordinance shall be so con strutted and interpreted as to con- form to said rules and regulations adopted by the said Board of Healtu. or either of their. PLACE OF MEETINGS'. Sec. 50. The Board of Examiners shall meet at the City Hall for the transaction of its business. Sec. 51. This ordinance shall be n force and effect from and after "ts passage by the City Council and 'iublication as required by law. Adopted September 30, 1919. Approved October 1, 1919. JAMES S'AUL, Attest: Mayor. JOHN STUBER, Recorder. Published officialy in the Times - Journal and Telegraph - Herald news- papers, October 2, 1919. JOHN STUBER, City Recorder. 10 -2 -it. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will he received at the City Recorder's office, e, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p, m, Friday, October 10th, 1919 to be acted on by the City C3.uncil on said date for re- laying paving on Julien Avenue and Hill Street, where ordered by the City Engineer; the City to furnish the missing brick and bring the street to sub gra'le, in ac- cordance with the plans and specifi- cations prepared by the City Engi- neer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. The work to be paid for by the City when completed and accepted. Work to be completed in twenty working days after the coulract is entered into. Official Notices Bidders must state price per cubic yard for concrete base, and price per square yard for laying brick paving. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $500.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into it awarded. Check and bid in separate envelopes. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, October 7th, 1919. 10 -7 -3t. 10 -7 -3t. 4 JOHN STUBER, City Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will he received at the City Recorder's office, City Hall, by the City Recorder entil 8:00 P. m, Friday, October 1.0th, 1919 to be acted on by the City Council on said date for re- laying paving on, Sev- eilteelith Street where ordered by the City Engineer, the City to fur- nish the missing brick and b; the street to sub grade, in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. The work to be paid for by the City when completed and accepted. Work to be completed in fifteen working days after the contract is entered into. Bidders must state price per cubic yard for concrete base, and price per square yard for laying brick paving. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $500.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. Check and bid in separate envelopes. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, October 7th, 1919. JOHN STUBER, City Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the City Recorder's office City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, October 16th, 1919, to be acted on by the City Council on said date for constructing an eight foot by ten foot reinforced box culvert on Lincoln avenue be- tween Sixth avenue and Seventh avenue, in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engi- neer that said improvement will re- quire: 125 cubic yards of reinforced con- crete. 488 Work to be paid for by the city when completed and accepted. Work to be completed on or be- fore the 20th day of November, 1919. Bidders must state price per cubic yard for work complete. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $500.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. Check and bid in separate envelopes. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, October 12th, 1919. JOHN STUBER, 10 -12 -3t City Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the City Recorder's office, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, October 16th, 1919, to be acted on by the City Council on said date for re- laying paving on West Third street, where ordered by the City Engineer, the city to furnish the missing brick and bring the street to sub - grade, in accordance with the plans and speci- fications prepared by the City Engi- neer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. The work to be paid for by the city when completed and accepted. Work to be completed in twenty working days after the contract is entered into. Bidders must state price per cubic yard for concrete and price per square yard for paving. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $500.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. Check and bid in separate envelopes. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, October 12th, 1919. JOHN STUBER, 10 -12 -3t City Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the City Recorder's office, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, October 16th, 1919, to be acted 011 by the City Council on said date for construct- ing cement curb and gutter at the intersection of Rosedale Avenue and West Locust street, gutter to be four feet wide, in accordance with the plans and specifications pre- pared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Re- corder. It is estimated by the City En- gineer that said improvement will require: Official Notices 153 lineal feet combination ce- ment curb and gutter. The work to be paid for by the City when completed and accepted, to be completed on or before the 15th day of November, 1919. Bidders must state price per lineal foot for combination curb and gut- ter. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $25.00 on some Dubuque Bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. Check and bid in sep- arate envelopes. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, October 13th, 1919. JOHN STUBER, 10 -13 -3 City Recorder. Notice to Sewer Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder, until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, November 6th, 1919, to be acted on by the City Council on said date, for the construction of an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Leibnitz street from the manhole at Clifford street, to a point 210 feet west, in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engi- neer that said improvement will re- quire: 240 lineal feet of eight -inch tile pipe. 2 manholes. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as pre- scribed by Chapter XXXIV of the Revised Ordinance of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, work to be completed on or before the 1st day of December, 1919. Bidders must state price per lin- eal foot of completed sewer, also price per manhole complete. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check of $40.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. Checks and bid in separ- ate envelopes. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, October 18th, 1919. JOHN STUBER, 10 -18 -3t City Recorder. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESS- MENT. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a special assessment as provided by law will be levied at a session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to be held Thursday, November 6th, 1919, to pay for improving Angella street from the end of the present improve- ment to the east property line of Cox street. J. M. Kenety & Son, con- tractors. Amount of special assessment, $503.37; same to be assessed against the property legally subject to as- sessment upon and along said street. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque, showing the street in which said im- provement was made and the sep- arate lots and parcels of ground or specified portions thereof subject to assessment for such improvement, the name of the owner thereof as far as practicable and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule are subject to public in- spection. And that any and all persons ob- jecting to said assessment or to said plat must file his or their objections in writing with the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque on or be- fore said session of the City Coun- cil to be held November 6th, 1919, or to appear at said session of the Council to show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, October 18th, 1919. JOHN STUBER, 10- 18 -3t. City Recorder. Notice to Sewer Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the City Recorder's office, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m, Thursday, November 6th, 1919, to be acted on by the City Coun- cil on said date, for the construction of an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in Henion Street from the manhole in West Fourteenth Street to the present manhole in Henion Street. north of Picket Street in ac- cordance with the plans and specific - cations prepared by the City Engi- neer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City En- gineer that said improvement will require: 279 lineal feet of eight -inch tile pipe, 2 manholes. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXIV and amendments thereto of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, work to be completed on or before the 1st day of December, 1919. Bidders must state price per lineal foot of completed sewer also price per manhole complete. Official Notices 489 Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check of $50.00 on some Dubuque Bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. Checks and bid in separ- ate envelopes. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, October 18th, 1919. • JOHN STUBER, •10 -18 -3t City Recorder. Official Notice. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESS- MENT. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a special assessment as provided by law will be levied at a session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to be held Thursday, November 6th, 1919, to pay for improving Peru road from the east property line of Couler avenue to a point about three hun- dred and twenty feet east of Jack- son street. Jas. P. Lee Paving Co., contractors. Amount of special assessment, $9,606.22, same to be assessed against the property legally subject to as- sessment upon and along said street. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque, showing the street in which said im- provement was made and the separ- ate lots and parcels of ground or specified portions thereof subject to assessment for such improvement, the name and owner thereof as far as practicable and the amount to be assessed against each lot or par- cel of ground, which plat and sched- "u1e are subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons ob- jecting to said special assessment or to said plat must file his or their objection in writing with the .City Recorder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Council to be held November 6th, 1919, or to appear at said session of the Council to show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, October 18th, 1919. JOHN STUBER, 10- 18 -3t. 'City Recorder. Official Notice. NOTICE OF SPE ASSESS- MENT. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a special assessment as provided by law will be levied at a session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to be held Thursday, November 6th, 1919, to r 49 pay for improving Cox street from the end of the present improvement south to the south property line of Angella street. J. M. Kenety & Son, contractors. Amount of special assessment, $830.08, same to be assessed against the property legally subject to as- sessment upon and along said street. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque, showing the street in which said improvement was made, and the separate lots and parcels of ground or specified portions thereof subject to assessment for such improve- ment, the name of the owner thereof as far as practicable and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule are subject to public in- spection. And that any and all persons ob- jecting to said special assessment or to said plat must file his or their objections in writing with the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Council to be held November 6th, 1919, or to appear at said session of the Council to show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, October 18th, 1919. JOHN STUBER, 10- 18 -3t. City Recorder. Official Notice. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESS- MENT. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a special assessment as provided by law will be levied at a session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to be held Thursday, November 6th, 1919, to pay for constructing an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer in the alley between Queen street and Windsor avenue from Pfotzer street to Hen- ry street and in Henry street from the alley between Queen street and Windsor avenue to the manhole in Windsor avenue. James Street, con- tractor. Amount of special assessment, $469.49; same to be assessed against the property legally subject to as- sessment upon and along said street, alley and avenue. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque, showing the street, alley and ave- nue in which said sewer was con- structed and the separate lots and parcels of ground or specified por- tions thereof subject to assessment for such improvement, the name of the owner thereof al; far as practica- Official Notices ble and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule are subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons ob- jecting to said special assessment or to said plat must file his or their objections in writing with the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Council to be held November 6th, 1919, or to appear at said session of the Council to show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, October 18th, 1919. JOHN STUBER, 10- 18 -3t. City Recorder. NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACT- ORS AND PLUMBERS. Sealed proposals will be received at the City Recorder's office, City Hall by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, November 6th, 1919, to be acted on by the City Council on said date for installing Sanitary Sewer connections and wa- ter connections from the mains to the back line of the curb stone on Grandview avenue on the following described property: M. O'Shea, Sub. of Mineral Lot 145; Ed. Tressel, Lot 9 of Sub. of Grandview Place; W. W. Whelan, Lot 8 Sub. of Grand- view Place; J. E. McClain, Lot 7, Whelan's Sub.; T. J. and L. Pais- ley, Lots 4, 5 and 6, Whelan's Sub.; to be done under the supervision of the City Engineer; work to be started at once. The work is to be paid for when said work is completed and as pre- scribed by chapter XXXII and amendments thereto of the Revised Ordinance of 1901 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Work is to he com- pleted within ten days after the con- tract is awarded. Bidders must state price per lin- eal foot for completed sewer, con- nections from the main to the back line of the curb stone; also price per lineal foot for water connections from the main to the back line of the curb stone. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, October 23d, 1919. JOHN STUBER, 10- 23 -3t. City Recorder. NOTICE TO PLUMBERS. Sealed proposals will be received at the City Recorder's Office, City Hall, by the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, November 6th, 1919, to be acted on by the City Council on said date, for moving the Toilet at the Fourth Street Engine Official Notices Notice to All Citizens The burning of leaves and rubbish of any kind is strictly prohibited on all streets and alleys of the City of Dubuque particularly because of the damage done by said fires to asphalt and bithulithic pavements. This notice must be lived up to and will be strictly enforced. Signed JAMES SAUL, Mayor. House to another location in the building, in accordance , the plans and specifications repared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder. Carpenter work to be done by the City. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and accepted by the City Council. Bidders must state price in total for all labor and materials usea. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, October 24th, 1919. JOHN STUBER, 10- 24 -3t. City Recorder. Official Publication. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AND CREATING A CITY SEW- ER DISTRICT AND MAKING PROVISION FOR A CITY SEWER FUND TO MAINTAIN THE SAME. Be it ordained by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Sec. 1 —That there be and there is hereby created a Sewer District in the City of Dubuque, which Dis- trict shall be taken to include all the territory lying within the cor- porate limits of the City of Du- buque. Sec. 2 —There is hereby created a fund known as "City Sewer Fund ", which shall be used for the main- taining, reconstructing or repairing any sewer within the limits of said City. Sec. 3 —That a tax not exceeding three mills on the dollar on the as- sessed valuation of all property within the City shall be levied for the City Sewer Fund, and such levy shall be made in the same manner and at the same time the annual levy is made each year. Sec. 4. —This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage by the City Council and officially published as provided by law. Adopted October 22d, 1919. Approved October 23 *d, 1919: JAMES SAUL, Mayor. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Recorder. Published officially in the Du- buque- Times - Journal and Telegraph - Herald newspapers October 23d, 1919. 10- 23 -1t. City Recorder. JOHN STUBER, Notice to Vault Cleaners. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder, City Hall, up to 2:00 o'clock p. m. Thursday, November 6th, 1919, for cleaning vaults in the City of Du- buque, Iowa, for the season of 1919. Bidders must state price per cubic foot below the bluffs and the price per cubic foot on the bluffs. The City reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, October 181h, 1919. JOHN STUBER, 10- 18 -3t. City Recorder. 491