1918 Index City Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE FOR THE YEAR 1918 The Telegraph-Herald, Dubuque, Iowa. CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1918 Recorder —JOHN STUBER. Treasurer —GEO. D. WYBRANT. Assessor —FRED J. HELLER. ALDERMEN-AT-LARGE. WM. P. ANDRESEN. • I J. H. STROBEL. ALDERMEN. LOUIS PLAMONDON, First Ward. CHARLES LEIST, Third Ward. J. J. McLAUGHLIN, Second Ward. I JOS. L. HIRD, Fourth Ward. E. E. FRITH, Fifth Ward. Finance — Frith, Andresen, Leist. Ordinance — McLaughlin, Andresen, Hird. Streets — Frith, McLaughlin, Plamondon, Leist. Police and Light — Andresen, Plamondon, Frith. Sewer — Plamondon, Strobel, Leist. Printing — McLaughlin, Strobel, Leist. Claims — Hird, Frith, McLaughlin. Fire — Lei st, McLaughlin, Markets — Strobel, Hird, Plamondon. Public Grounds and Buildings — Hird, Strobel, McLaughlin. Plamondon. ELECTIVE OFFICERS. Mayor —JAMES SAUL. APPOINTIVE OFFICERS. Mayor Pro Tem —E. E. FRITH. Fire Chief— DAVID AHEARN. Committee Clerk —J. W. LAWLOR. Chief of Police —JOHN GIELLIS. Electrician —W. P. HIPMAN. Street Commissioner —JOHN SCHRO- Market Master —CHAS. McCARTH MEN. Harbor Master —JAMES LYNCH. Sanitary Officer —OTTO NEUMAN STANDING Auditor —CYRIL D. LAGEN. Attorney —M. H. CZIZEK. Engineer— WALTER H. CULLEN. COMMITTEES. Delinquent TaR— Andresen, Strobel, Plamondon. Sprinkling — Plamondon, Frith, Andresen. Harbors= Hird, Leist, McLaughlin, Hird. Strobel, Hird, Hird, Plamondon. Electric Construction — McLaughlin, Leist, Frith. Bathing Beach — Frith, McLaughlin, Strobel. Board of Health — Council Members —Mayor Saul, Alder- man Andresen, Alderman Leist. Citizen Members —M. M. Hoffmann, A. Zillig. Health Officer —Dr. E. L. Reinecke. Meat and Milk Inspector —Dr. J. N. Graham. Sanitary Policeman —Otto Neuman. Regular meetings of the City Council are held the first and third Thurs- days in each month, at 8:00 o'clock p. m. 1918 Jan. Feb. A 3— Appeal bond of John• L. Heim 17— Adams, Anna G., relative to cancelling taxes 17— Adams, Eugene, relative to appropriation for Ath- letic Field 11 17— Aerial Ladder Truck 6, 9, 15, 20, 245, 247, 248 7— Attorneys' report 31 -32 28— Appropriations for year 1918 48 28— Appointive officers for the year 1918 79,81 Mar. 7— Auditor's report 59 7— Attorney reports 60 7— Assessor's report 60 21— Angella Street, to improve 65, 71 April 18—Auditor, petition of, relative to appointment of deputies 85 18— Accola, Margaret, petition relative to tax reduction 91, 304 May 2 —Alley rear of Third and Bluff Streets, relative to extending 120 2— Allen, Emma, petition of, relative to reduction of assessment 120, 305 20— American -La France Fire Engine Co., relative to representative addressing Council 143 June 6— Automobile for Fire Chief, Recorder instructed to advertise for bids 162, 203, 248 de 20— Arnold, Victor, petition of, asking permission to build residence at foot of 14th Street 165, 203 July 8— Altman, F. W., petition of, relative to tax reduc- tion 192, 203 8— Adams, Eugene, petition of, relative to wages of James Callaghan 193 Aug. 1— Automobile Club, petition of, relative to parking cars on 8th Street between Main and Iowa 211, 240 Sept. 5— Auditor, petition of, relative to paying officials twice a month 236 5— Assessment roll for the year 1918 completed 236 5— Andricks, Grace, petition by City Assessor relative to cancelling taxes 236, 300 19— American -La France Fire Engine Co., certificate showing delivery of aerial truck, etc 245, 247, 248 Oct. 3— American -La France Fire Engine Co., bid for two - wheeled front -drive tractor for small truck 259, 268 3— Aerial truck, bill to be presented to Dubuque Elec- tric Co. for repairing same 265 3— American Public Health Association, communica- tion of, relative to meeting at Chicago, Octo- ber 14 -17, 1918 266 Nov. 7— Auditor instructed to make list of amount of sal- aries for each department of the city 'for the year 289 29— Assessments, 10 per cent penalty to be deducted 305 Dec. 5— Ambulance being called unnecessary 305 It INDEX — Book 48 SUBJECT Page 2 10 -89 1918 B Jan. 3 -Bid for equipping the street car 'sprinkler into flusher, E. D. Etnyre & Co. 1 3 -Bills allowed and deferred 1, 10, 18, 19 3- Beutin, Frank, petition of, relative to opening North 1st Street 1 3- Bennett Street, relative to sidewalk 4, 7 3 -Bids relative to Aerial Motor Truck 6, 9, 15, 20 3 -Board of Health, report of 7 3 -Board of Water Works Trustees 8 17 -Bids for Council Proceedings, 1917 9, 20 17 -Buol, C. J., relative to special assessment 10 17- Beier, George J., ,relative to refund on sanitary sewer 17 -Ball, John et al, relative to poultry running at large 17 -Bills of Jas. Lee for grading W. 3rd Street 17 -Bids for street flusher 7 -Bids for Council Proceedings for year 1917 7 -Bills 7- Burke, J. C., caretaker First Ward Scales, asking $10.00 per month 7- Beckett, Fabian, petition relative to dance in Ar- mory Hall 7- Belmont Addition, plat of 7 -Board of Health 21 -Bills 21 -Bids, care of Town Clock by F. A. Nesler 21- Beyhl, Martin, petition relative to reduce taxes 21- Becker, J. G., petition relative to approp. for stair way on 17th and Madison Streets 42 28 -Bills 48 7 -Bills allowed 55, 56, 57, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103 7- Broderick, Dan, notice of claim 58 7- Benzer, L., resolution on entering military service of U. S. A. 7 -Board of Health report 21 -Bills allowed 21- Butler, Mrs. Mary M., grant soldier exemption 21- Bacher, Emil, change assessment on Pickett Street 21- Beier, George, cancel assessment for sewer in Windsor Avenue 32, 64, 122 21- Buehler, Mrs. Elizabeth, refund overpaid assess- ment 64, 90 21- Bishop, Wm, H., petition for injuries to wife 65, 137 21 -Board of Health report 67 4 -Bills allowed in April ' 77, 83, 89 18- Breithaupt, Philip, petition relative to permission to excavate on Hill Street 18 -Board of Health, report of 18- Beyle, Martin, petition of relative to tax reduction 2 -Bills 2- Boulevard lights on Main Stret, between 10th and 11th, petition of C. J. W. Saunders et al 2- Bissell, K. C., petition relative to tax reduction 2-Bradbury, C. E., relative to appointment as Dep- uty Recorder 2 -Board of Health, relative to appointment of members 2- Beutin, Frank, petition of, relative to use of River Street ff ft ft Feb. tt ft Mar. ff If If ft April May ft INDEX -Book 48 SUBJECT 84, 121 115, 224 Page 10 11 13 16 27 27 27 28 28, 34 33 41 41 41 61 62 63, 69 64 64, 88 88 90 115 115 116 120 120 1918 if tt tt ft ff tt June St ft IS at July INDEX -Book 48 B 2- Bergener, Chas. A., petition of, relative to reduc- tion of assessment 2- Bennett, H. L., petition of, relative to reduction of assessment 2- Brunskill, James, petition of, relative to reduction of assessment - 120 2- Bell's Sub., relative to vacating alley 122, 134, 140, 143 2- Bathing Beach, warrant ordered drawn for $750.00 in favor of Al. Rhomherg, balance due on pur- chase price 16 -Bills 16 -Berg, C. 11., et al., petition of, relative to donation for Memorial Day of $200.00 16- Bellevue Add., relative to vacation of streets and alleys " 16 -Board of Health, report of and appointment -of new members 16 -Budd, Bridget, petition of, relative to reduction of assessment 16- Bathing Beach, sewermen and carpenters instruct- ed to help place floats 20 -Bills 20- Burns, W. J. Gro. Co., notice of claim for damages 20- Barberry Bush, resolution ordering same removed 20 -Bee Branch Sewer, South, notice to contractors 20 -Bee Branch Sewer, North, notice to contractors 6 -Bids for construction of Bee Branch Sewer 6 -Bids for constructing concrete gutter on 17th Street, from R. R. tracks to Maple Street 6 -Bids for constructing cement steps at Vine Street 6 -Bills 6- Buettell, Emma L., report of City Treasurer rela- tive to assessment 6 -Board of Health, report of 20 -Bids for automobile for Fire Chief 20 -Bids for constructing steps at Vine Street 20 -Bills 20 -Byrne Bros., petition of, asking for permit to in- stall gasoline pumping station at 18th and Couler Avenue 165 20- Board of Health, report of 170 8 -Bills 192 8 -Bond of W. H. Cullen, City Engineer 193, 202 8 -Bond of Linehan & Molo for excavating 193, 202 8 -Board of Health, report of 196 18 -Bills 199 18 -Bonds of H. B. McC'arten, Edward T. Cleaver,- and Key City Gas Co 18 -Bonds of Nesler & Hammel, and Mullen Bros 18- Bathing Beach, to purchase Lot 2 of 368, Ham's Add. " 18 -Board of Health, report of Aug. 1 -Bills ff 1- Brewer, Chas., petition of, asking the City Coun- cil for permission to install gasoline pumping station 1- Banks, all in the city to be notified relative to taxes it 1 -Board of Health, report of 15 -Bills SUBJECT Page 120 120 123 132 133 134 137 137 138 139 140 144 154 154 157 157 157 157 161 162 164 164 164 201 , 201 203 203 211 212 219 219 222 1918 B " 15— Beach, 15th and Elm Streets, bill of Michael Mul- len referred to Committee of the Whole 224 Sept. 5 —Bills 235 5 —Board of Health, report of 239 5 —Barr, Elmer R., petition of, relative to tax reduc- tion - 240 5— Beutin, Frank, notified to cut road to conform with Eagle Point Bridge 240 5 —Board of Equalization appointed by Mayor 241 19 —Bills 242 19 —Ball, Stella, notice of claim for personal injury 242, 243, 286 19— Bodish, John, petition of, relative to reduction in assessment 244, 267 19— Banks, report of City Treasurer as to unpaid taxes 245 19— Breson, Marie and W. J., settlement of personal injury claim 245 3 —Bills 259 3— Benzer, Joe, to be paid same as drivers of other fire auto engines 265, 284 3 —Board of Health, report of 265 Oct. 11 —Board of Health, report relative to Spanish Influenza 268 " 11 —Bills 268 17 —Bills 269 17 —Board of Health, report of 272 18 —Bills 274 18 —Board of Equalization, official notice of changes made in assessments 281 Nov. 7 —Bills 283 7— Brown, W. J., agent, Lot 1 -1A, Leven's Add., peti- tion relative to tax reduction 284, 300 7— Burns, W. J., petition of, relative to taxes 284 7— Blake, Nellie, petition of, relative to taxes 284, 300 7— Blocklinger, Dr. A. H., bill of, for services render- ed William Meyers 286 7 —Board of Health, report of 287 21 —Bills 291 21— Bathing Beach Committee, report for season 1918 298 21 —Board of Health, report of 299 29 —Buol, C. J., petition of, relative to taxes 304, 349 29— Beach, James & Sons, report of Board of Equal- ization 5" —Bills 344 5— Brown, A. A., petition of, relative to damages sus- tained to property on Hallowe'en night '345 5 —Board of Health, report of 347 19 —Bills 351 if Oct. If „ if Dec. INDEX —Book 48 SUBJECT Page 306 if if 1918 3— Committee of the Whole, petition of Interstate Mercantile Co. relative to collecting delinquent taxes 1 3 —City Treasurer, relative to outlawed taxes 4, 7 3— Committee of the Whole 7, 13 17 —Camp Street, vacation of 11, 13 18— Czizek, in regard to resignation 12 7— Committee of the Whole 33 7— Committee on Claims and Attorney, Chas. Kram- bach, R. W. Kemler and John Philips 32 7 —City Carpenter, increase in wages 33 19— Chicago, Milwaukee & . St. Paul R. R., changing terminal 40 19— Curtis; A. & Son, bond of 31, 42 27— Canvass of votes -. 44, 45 27— Committee of the Whole, fixing appropriation for ensuing year 48 Mar. 7— Conley, Mrs., guardian of Seeck children, cancel- lation of taxes 58 7— Chairs, relative to repairing of same for Council Chamber 62 7— Committee of the Whole, fixing salary of Roller - men and Sanitary Officer; also salary list of officials 7— Comfort Stations, Engineer to prepare plans 21 —Corn Belt Packing Co., vacate streets 21— Clark, Margaret;• reduce taxes 21— Calvert, Lillie M., notice of claim 21 —Cox Street, to improve 21— Committee on Claims and Attorney, Blanche Mc- Cann 21— Committee on Claims and Attorney, Christine Shargitz 21— Committee of the Whole, report on Kaufmann as- sessment 21— Culbertson, Jos. M., relative to personal taxes 21— Committee on Streets, ,port of April 3— Committee to canvass,, ,/port of April 1st 18 —Cain, Bart, petition of, relative to increase in salary May 2— Calvert, Lily M., relative to claim for personal damages - 120 2 —C. M. & St. • P. R. R., instructed to open Rhom- berg Avenue crossing at Eagle Point 121, 139, 211 16— Country Club Co., petition of, relative to tax re- duction 133, 300 16— Carnegie -Stout Public Library, relative to appro- priation 133 2 —Cora Street, an ordinance changing the grade of same 136, 156, 202, 218, 225 2— Cullen, Walter, relative to appointment as deputy 138 6— Catholic Printing Co., petition of, asking permis- sion to excavate 6 —Corn Belt Packing Co., petition of, asking permis- sion to operate a packing plant in the old Dubuque Brewing and Malting Co. building 6— Casey, Thomas, et al., petition of, relative to re- duction in assessment 6 —Clay Street property owners, petition of, relative to proper paving Jan. Feb. If if June INDEX —Book 48 SUBJECT C Page 62 62 64 65, 89 65 66, 70 66 66 67 31 66, 120 75 85 157, 197 157 158, 197 163 1918 CI if July Aug. C 6 —City Hall offices to close at 1:00 P. M. Saturday during June, July and August 20 —City Hall steps to be repaired 20 —C. M. & St. P. R. R. Co. notified to place new bell at crossing at 4th Street 20 —C. M. & St. P. R. R. Co., Committee of the Whole, to meet with, relative to crossing at Eagle Point 20— Cullen, Walter, relative to appointment as City Engineer 20— Council Meeting changed from July 4th, 1918, to July 8th, 1918 20— Cadalac Automobile Agent addressed Council 18— Carniege -Stout Library, certificate of library tax levy 18— Cleaver, Edward T'., relative to bond of 18 -C. M. & St, P. R. R. notified to remove timber at 17th Street 1 —C. M. & St. P. R. R. Co., employes remonstrance of, relative to the increase in gas rates 1— Citizens State Bank notified to pay taxes 200, 219, 273, 5— Carney, E., petition of, relative to improvement of Klingenberg Terrace 5—Courtney, Dan, petition of, relative to reduction in assessment • - 5— Clifford Street Steps to be constructed 19— Cooper, A. A., petition of, relative to error in assessment 19— Connolly, Edward F., petition of, relative to prop- erty of James O'Connor and P. H. Halpin 19 —City Hall, walls in hallway to be re- decorated 3— Clark, Margaret, original notice of suit to restrain sale of property on Grove Terrace 3 —Clay Street, Dubuque Electric Co. notified to re- pair same between car tracks 18 —Cook, Wilmer, awarded contract for constructing sanitary sewer in Seminary Street Nov. 7— Czizek, M. H., City Attorney, warrant in favor of, to deposit with Clerk of Federal Court in case of City of Dubuque vs. Dubuque Electric Co 7— Committee of the Whole, report of, referred back to the Committee of the Whole 21— Coyle, Edward W., personal injury claim settled for $75.00 on recommendation of City Attorney 21— County Auditor, report of, relative to valuation of express companies, railroad companies, tele- graph lines and telephone lines in the city 21— Crotty, Susan, petition of, relative to taxes 5 —City Hall vestibules to be built at entrance 5— Cisterns, a charge of $3.00 to be made to fill same 19 —Corn Belt Packing Co., ordinance granting right to operate Sept. CC CC It IC Oct. CC CI Dec. If IC I INDEX —Book 48 SUBJECT Page 1918 INDEX —Book 48 SUBJECT D Jan. 17— Dubuque Commercial Club, appropriation for 163 Municipal Dock 170 " 17— Dubuque Visiting Nurses Association, relative to appropriation 171 " 17— Dubuque Electric Co., relative to discussion of boulevard lights " 17— Dubuque Electric Co., relative to one -man car 197 " 17— Dubuque City Bonds for sale Feb. 7— Dubuque Benev. & Protective Association, asking 172, 193, 202 donation " 21— Dubuque Park Board, petition relative to appro- 172 priation 172 ' 21— Dubuque Commercial Club, petition relative to ap- r 200 27— Delegates and Comm t ee Bathing Beach 201, 297 Mar. 7— Dubuque Roofing Co., lower curbing on South Main St. 204 7— Dubuque Electric Co., change in rates on Boulevard lights 212 " 7— Dubuque Commercial Club, warrants drawn on 294, 304, 305 Municipal Docks 7— Dubuque Athletic Field, pay statement of Spahn & 239 . Rose Lumber Co. 7— Dubuque Benevolent and Humane Society, oiling 240 streets - 240, 242 7— Dubuque Moose Club, petition relative to reduction of taxes 244, 267, 301 21— Desmond L. and Nellie O'Connor, vacate alley Wilson Avenue 245, 264 " 21 —Diet1 Anna, reduce taxes 247, 257,259 Apr. 3— Division Street, relative to grade 4— Dubuque Commercial Club, asking for donation 261. of $250.00 for Mississippi Valley Water Way Association 265 13— Detention Hospital, notice to bid for hauling pat- ients to same 275 " 18— Dubuque Trades & Labor Congress, petitions rela tive to the appointment of John Schromen on Street Commissioner 2S7 " 18— Dubuque Electric C'o., petetion of, relative to turn- out on Dodge Street 289 18— Detention Hospital, relative to bids for conveying contagious disease patients to same 29 . " 18— Batisman Chas. A., relative to reduction of taxes " 18— Dawson Margaret, relative to reduction of taxes " 18— Dubuque Sanitary Mnfg Co., petition of asking for 298 \ - sidetrack 301 May 2— Dubuque Lumber & Coal Co., instructed to move 347 fence and lumber off Rhomberg Ave. at 10th 348 Ave. — Dubuque Automobile Club, petition of relative to widening streets 2— Dubuque Moose Club, petition of, asking for can- cellation of assessment " 16— Dubuque Commercial Club, petition of, relative to tax reduction " 16— Dubuque Moose Club, petition of, relative to carnival " 16 —Deeds of Catherina Rhomberg et al., to the City of Dubuque 355, 356, 361 Page 11 11 11 15 20 28 41, 133, 166 42 46, 47 58 58 58 64 65 58 65, 75, 122 65, 121 75 78 75 84, 138 84 89 89 89, 304 90 121 121 122 133, 300 133 134 1918 D 16— Dubuque Park Board, annual report of 16— Dubuque Electric Co., communication of relative to "Lightless nights" 16— Dubuque Electric Co., instructed to repair streets June 6— Dubuque Packing Co., petition of, relative to vacat- ing alley July 18— Dubuque Electric Co., relative to operating One - Man Cars - Aug. 1— Dubuque Realty Co., petition of, relative to re- moving water fountain at 8th and Hill Streets 1— Dolan, Mary, petition of, relative to tax reduction 1— Dubuque Electric Co., bill for July 1918, referred to Committee of Whole 15— Dubuque Electric Co., employes, communication relative to strike Sept. 5— Dubuque Electric Co., communciation relative to bill for month of August .., IC 5— Dubuque Park Board, communication relative to tax levy 5— Dubuque Electric Co., communication relative to two and one half cent fares " 19— Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, communica- tion of, relative resolution against the Dubuque Electric Co.,. abolishing one half fares " 19— Division Street, engineer presented profile show- • ing grade Oct. 3— Deming, J. K., petition of, relative to assessment of Nellie G. Provoost 3— Dubuque Electric Co., notified by Council to repair streets between car track on Clay Street 3— Dubuque Electric Co., to be presented with bill for damages sustained to the Aerial Truck, by being struck by Street Car " 17— Dubuque Commercial Club, petition of, relative to reduction of taxes ( 17— Dreyhouse, John, bill of, for work at City Hall ` 17— Dubuque Electric Co., one man cars being operated to be investigated by Committee of Whole Nov. 7— Dubuque Electric Co., bill for month of July, 1918, not correct " 21— Donaldson Matilda, petition of, relative to taxes " 21— Dubuque College and Seminary, petition of, relative to taxes " 21— Dubuque Star Brewing Co., petition of, relative to taxes " 21— Dubuque Electric Co., notified to enforce law rela- tive to spitting on street cars " 21— Dubuque Country Club, petition of, relative to re- duction on assessment " •29— Dubuque and Wisconsin Bridge Co., petition of, relative to taxes 29— Dillon, Wm., relative to assessment Dec. 5— Dubuque Poultry Association, petition of, rela tive to using the Armory 5— Dubuque National Bank report of City Attorney, relative to bond 5— Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, relative to market ordinance Ci IC Cf CC INDEX —Book 48 SUBJECT Page 135 136, 347 138, 163 158 204, 219 212 211 • 220 223 235 235, 300 236, 247 244 249 260, 349 265, 271 265 272 274 285 292, 304 293, 304, 305 294, 304 300 133, 300 306 306 345, 357 347 349 1918 E Jan. 17 —Even, Peter, bid for street flusher Feb 7 —Eagle Point Bathing Beach Committee, petition relative to appropriation 7—Eulberg, Geo. A., vs. John Trexler and Josephine Trexler, (F'orcloseure) Mar. 7— Enright, Mary and Kate, reduce taxes 7— Electrian to remove pole at West Seventh and Hill Streets 62 13— Embalmers, notice • for bids for fumigating 72 21 —Eagle Street, accepted 66, 73 21— Eagle, H. A., injured' on steam roller 31 22 —Eagle Street, notice of special assessment 72, 81, • 136, 167, 168 — 2— Eicliman, Walter, petition of, relative to install- ing gasoline station 2— Enzler, Katie, et al., petition of, relative to reduc- tion of assessment 2— Eberhait. L., petition of, relative to reduction of assessment 20— Electors Notice, for primary election 6— Eichorn, L. et al, relative to placing a light on Lawndale Avenue July 18 —Eagle Street Property Owners, petition of, rela- tive to reductior on assessment Sept. 5 —Elk's Home Building Association, petition relative to reduction of assessment " 19— Enright, Mary and Kate, petition of, relative to tax reduction Oct. 17— Elliott Children, petition by John Rumple, guardian, relative to . cancellation of interest on property of Nov. 7— Engineer to measure are ways in alley between Main Street and Locust Street 21— Eagles Fraternal O- , r of, petition of, relative to taxes 21— Express Companies, valuation of, in city CC CC May. CC CC June CC CC SUBJECT INDEX —Book 48 Page 16 28 32 58, 137 115, 135 120 121 153 158 200 239 245, 306 270 289 292, 348 298 1918 Jan. IC Feb. Mar. Apr. F 3— Firemen's Union, petition of, salary increase 1 3— Faldorf, Fred N., petition, relative to asse,>ment 1, 348 3— Frantzen, J. P., appeal bond 3— Fitzpatrick, J. C., Munsell, F. K., Kemps, Theodore, Glen Brown, et al., by P. C. Murray, petition 2 relative to special assessment 3— Faherty, Eva W., relative to special assessment of 4 a sanitary sewer 10 17— Forward, Dr. C. P., relative to bill 7— Friedlein, N. F., petition of, relative to asking ex- 27 emption of taxes 7— Federal Deposit & Trust C'o., petition of, rela- 7 2 tive to Mrs. Wheat 53 7 7— First Ward Voters 5g 239 7— Farley, Mrs. J. T., reduce taxes 59 7 —Fire Payroll 66 21 —Fire Payroll 4— Fitzpatrick, J. C., relative to special assessment 82 for Kaufmann Avenue 18— Fumigator, official, contract awarded to John C 89 Voelker May 2— Fischer, Mrs. A., petition of, relative to reduction 121 of assessment 138 16— Fahey, John, relative to appointment June 6— Flynn, Neva, petition of, relative to damages by 158 water " 20— Fischer & Co., petition of, asking City Council to notify all R. R. Companies to repair cross- 166 ings " 20—Fire Department, petition of, relative to two pla 166, 247, 248, 295 toon system July 18 —Fire Chief instructed to go to factory and drive new automobile back at expense of Schrup 203 Motor Co., Aug. 1— Fountain at Eighth and Hill Streets, petition of, Dubuque Realty Co. asking for same to be re- 212, 348 moved 19— Friedrich, Jos., petition of, relative to cancelling 2 interest 244, 267 19 —Fire Truck, Recorder instructed to advertise for bid for two - wheeled tractor to be used as 249, 258, 269,'268 small truck 19 —Fire Apparatus to be sold at public auction, Re- 249, 257, 281 corder instructed 258 19 —Fire Horses to be sold at auction 3— Firemen, no more men to be hired unless approved 263 by Council 3— Fourth Street Engine House, proposed elimination 265, 283 of same 18— Finance Committee, all funds referred to same 274 with power Nov. 7— Federal Deposit & Trust Co., petition by Maryland 283, 347 Casualty Co., relative to new bond 294, 307 21- Friedlein, N. F., notice of appeal 21 —Fire Department, recommendation of Chief Ahern 295 to adopt two platoon system 307 29— Frantzen, J. P., petition of, relative to taxes Sept. It " Oct. „ ff INDEX —Book 48 SUBJECT Page Cn Jan. 3— Gmkle, A. E., petition of, relative to delinquent taxes collected 3— Grundy & Hird, et al., petition of, relative installing electric light 17— German Trust & Savings Bank, relative to bonds 17— Grass, John, claim for personal injuries 17— Gleason, Harry, relative to resignation 17— Graham, Susan, relative to appointment 7— Grommerch, Nicholas, petition of, relative to taxes 7 —Graf, Wm., petition relative to special assessment 7— Grass, John, notice of claim 7— Gieger, O. W., 21— Geothe Avenue and Lawther Avenue, relative to grading alley between Apr. 18— Gantert, Frederich, relative to appointment as deputy auditor 2— Gantebein, Chris., relative to personal injury claim 2— George Henry A., petition of, relative to damages caused by overflowing of sewer 2— Giellis, John, relative to appointment as Chief of Police " 16 —Golf Club, petition of, relative to tax reduction ff 20— Gunther, Peter, relative to assessment June 6— Grandgenet, Nick, petition relative to wages July 18— Gantert, Fred, petition of auditor, relative to in- crease in salary Sept. 5— Guaranteed Tire Service Co., petition of, rela- tive to installing free air and water service at 241 Main street 19— Gniffke, Henry B., petition of, relative to error in taxes 19 —Graf, William, petition of, relative to cancellation of interest Oct. 3— Glover, H. B., petition ( J. K. Deming relative to tax reduction 3-- Ginter, Mrs. Peter, petition by assessor to allow soldiers exemption from taxes 17— Gilloon, Frank, appointment as assistant city at- torney 21— Grundy & Hird, petition of, relative to taxes 21— Gengler, John G., petition of, relative to placing Manhole in sidewalk Q ft ft ft IC Feb. fit Mar. May CI ft CC CC It If CC INDEX —Book 48 SUBJECT 7 Page 1 2 10 11 12, 12 2� 28, 137 42, 246 58 64 85 116, 202, 246 116, 167 119 133 140, 267 157 200 235 243 244, 306 260, 306 261 272 292 292, 304 1918 May If June July Aug. If Sept. Oct. if Nov. Dec. INDEX —Book 48 SUBJECT H Jan. 3— Hammel, A. L., petition relative to damages 3 —Heim, John L., appeal bond 3 —Hilby Edward, appeal bond Feb. 18 —Hess, Otto F., petition relative to taxes 7— Hackney, Tom, and driver, increase in wages Mar. 7— Harbor Master's report Mar. 21— Hendricks, G. J., reduce assessment on Hill Street " 21— Hemmer, Elizabeth, reduce taxes " 21— Hemansader, Anna A., notice of claim 21— Harbor Committee to expend $150.00 Apr. 18 —Hill Street, relative to excavate at 78 " 18— Houpes, Wm., & Chas. Dillion, petition of, relative to stopping overflow of water" on O'Connor's sub. 18— Huber, Theresa, relative to cancel taxes 18— Handel, Joseph, relative to cancel taxes 18--- Hospital property, relative to staking out road 18— Humane Society, petition of, relative to oiling streets 18 —Heeb Street, relative to improvement 2— Hippman, Wm., relative to bond 2— Hogan, Maude, petition of, relative to tax reduc- tion 2— Hughes, Wm., petition of, relative to reduction of assessment 16— Harper, Mary, petition of, relative to sewer on Picket Street 16— Hollnagel estate, petition of, relative to tax reduc- tion 6— Horchem, B. J., petition of, relative to wages for Nick Grandgenet 20 —Hird, Ald. Jos., notice of claim for damages by water 18 —Hird, Norman, petition of, relative to removing gasoline tank at Seventh and Loucust Streets 1 —Hart Street and Francis Street Crossings, petition - of C. P. Mettel et al., relative to repairing • same 1— Street Railway Employees Amalgamated Associa- tion of Communication relative to strike 5— Hammel, A. L., petition of, relative to excavating in Windsor avenue 5— Hogan, Sarah, petition of, relative to installation of sewer 3— Hammond, W. A., petition of, relative toe con- structing an approach to building at corner Bluff and Julien avenue 3 —Hurd, L. G., original suit, to restrain sale of prop- erty on Grove Terrace 3 —How, Harriet L., petition relative to tax reduction 7— Hussman, Mrs. Ida, by Louis F. Metz, guardian, petition of, relative to taxes 7 —Hird, Jos. L., petition of, relative to tax reduction 21— Henkel, Jacob, notice of appeal 21— Hilby, Edward H., notice of appeal 29 —Hug, Anna, petition of, relative to taxes 19— Hassett, Thos., petition of, relative to cancelling assessment Lot 2 Harpers Sub. Page 1 2, 137 2 41, 240 33 61 64 64 89 65, 115 67 84 84 88 89 90 90 92 116, 135 121 121 133 137 157 166, )223 202 211 223 235, 247 240 261 261 260, 306 284, 301 288, 306 294, 307 294, 307 305 351 1918 INDEX —Book 48 SUBJECT I Jan. 3— Interstate Mercantile Agency, relative to collect- ing delinquent taxes Feb. 7 —Iowa Telephone Co., petition of, release of bond fOr Rhomberg Avenue May 2— Independent Order of Odd Fellows, petition of, relative to tax reduction June 20 —Iowa Highway Commission, communication relative to use of bituminous products Oct. 17 —Iowa Telephone Co., relative to bond of Nov. 7 —Iowa Telephone Co., relative to excavating in Rhomberg Avenue and Kniest Street Page 1 27, 89 116 166, 239 271 283 1918 Feb. If Aug. INDEX —Book 48 SUBJECT J 18— Jansen Avenue, improvement of 19 —Jumbo Fire Engine — Muntz addresses Council; Council phones in regard to repairs 19— Jewelers, notice to, sealed proposals 21--Julien Avenue and Alpine Street, relative to wid- ening of May 2 —Jess, J. F., petition of, relative to reduction of assessment 2— Julien Avenue Property Owners, remonstrance of, relative to paving from Alta Vista to Alpine 2— Jansen Avenue Property Owners, petition of, re- monstrating against proposed change 2— Jansen Avenue Ordinance, relative to changing the 122, course of June 6— Jackson Street Property Owners, remonstrances against improvement 1— Jones, Robt. and Harchovec, petition of, relative to sewer on Seminary Street Page 39,54, 57 40 53 41,90 120 121 122 139, 154, 240 163 219 1918 Jan. Feb. Mar. If K 3— Kennedy, Sarah, relative to taxes 17 —Kies, Peter, relative to resignation 17 —Kies, Peter, relative to appointment 23— Kaufmann Avenue, relative to selling bonds 7— Kuehnle, Edwin C., petition of, relative to Race Street 7— Xrumbach, Chas., claim of, storm sewer defective 7— Kemler, R. W., claim of, storm sewer defective 7 —Kelly Avenue, to repair 21 —Katz, Hedwig, notice of claim 21— Kaufmann Avenue, Property Owners, relative to reduction of apecial assessment April 18— Kammueller, a F., petition of, relative to removal of cover on storm sewer on Kaufmann Avenue " 18— Kavanaugh, J. J., petition of, relative to retouch- ing pictures in Council Chambers " 18— Kolfenbach, Louis F., relative to appointment as Deputy City Treasurer " 18— Kolck, Richard, relative to resignation " 18— Norman, Geo., petition of, relative to improving Roseline Avenue " 18 —Key City Furniture Co., petition of, relative to re- duction of taxes " 18— Klingenberg Terrace, relative to remonstrance to improve May 2— Keller, Elizabeth, petition of, relative to damage by blasting 2— Keatly, Ella E., petition of, relative to reduction of assessment 2— Kutsch, V., petition of, relative to reduction of assessment 2— Kohlman, Leo F., petition of, relative to reduction of assessment 16 —Karn, Chas. E., petition of, relative to installing Gasoline Station 16— Kenneally, R. J., petition . of, relative to salary dm'ing illness 16— Kabat. J., petition of, relative to reduction of assessment 16— Kringle's Sub., Notice •of Special Assessment on Lots 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 June 6— Keating, E. C., petition of, asking for permission to install Gasoline Filling Station at 385 West 5th Street 6—'Key City Gas Co., petition of, relative to increase in rates Aug. INDEX —Book 48 SUBJECT 1— Kenkel, Ernest A., et al., remonstrance of, against assessment for improvement of Klingenberg Terrace Aug. 1 —Kurt, F. N., petition of, asking City Council to build retaining wall to protect his property Page 10 12 12 14 28 32 32 58 65, 140 67, 75 84 84 85 89 89, 90 90 115, 137 120 120 121 133, 161 134 137 154 157, 201 158, 200, 212, 244 6— Kolfenbach, Louis F., petition of, City Treasurer, 161, 203 relative to increase in salary of 20— Kemler, R. W., petition of, relative to Wall on 166, 219 Walnut Street " 20— Klingenberg Terrace, relative to improv't...167, 185, 198, 203, 212, 216 July 18— Kretschmer & Lee, communication of, relative to bonds of H. B. McCarten, Edward T. Cleaver, and Key City Gas Co 201 18 —Key City Gas Co., relative to bond of 201, 297 212 212, 239 1918 Sept. Nov. Dec. INDEX —Book 48 SUBJECT K 5— Klingenberg Terrace, relative to issuing bonds 19— Kuntz, Mrs. Geo., petition of, relative to cancelling taxes 19 —Key City Gas Co., rate to be fixed by 244, 249, 259, Council 7— Kretschmer Mfg. Co., petition of, relative to taxes 21— Keffler, D., petition of, relative to taxes 29— Knights of Columbus, petition of, relative to taxes 5— Kingsley, Mrs. William, petition of, relative to tax reduction 19 —Key City Gas Co., petition of, relative to fixing the price of gas Page 221 244, 289, 301 347, 349, 360 283, 301 293 305, 349 345 352 1918 Jan. Id Feb. . Mar. 3 —Love, R. J., relative to having taxes remitted 7 17— Loetscher, A. A., relative to cancelling special assessment - 11,43 17 —List of city warrants issued in December, 1917 17, 18 ' 17 —Lee, Jas.,• bill for grading West 3rd Street 13 18— Luther, F. C., petition relative to reduce assessm't 41, 142 1 —L ee, John M., notice of suit 28 —List of city warrants issued in January, 1918 50, 51, 52 7— Luchterhand, F. C., et al., reduction on Windsor 58 Avenue assessment 21— Lonergan, Mary, reduce taxes 64, 89 21— Linehan & Molo, et al., oiling streets 65 Mar. 21 —List of city warrants issued in February, 1918 68, 69 Apr. 4— Liquor, relative to discharge of city officials under 82 influence of same 4— Light, relative to placing on Sixth and Clay Sts. 82, 123 18— Lippert, Mrs. Mary, petition of relative to remit- tance of taxes on Litton & Sawyers Add. 85, 121 18—Langworthy, E. estate, remonstrance to special assessment . 90 18 —List of city warrants issued in March, 1918 93, 94, 95, 100, 101 May 2— Lights, relative to placing new ones 123, 138, 123 id 2— Lights, at First and Bluff Streets June 6 —Lee, Jas., F.,. petition of, relative to bill for labor 157 at Athletic Field 6— Lynch, James T., report of City Attorney, relative to bond of 162 July 2— License fee for carnival 187 8 —La Page, Mary, petition of, relative to tax reduc- 192, 240 tion 8 —Le Van, A. J., bond no longer in force 194, 202 8 —Lacy, Frank R., notice of appeal from, special assessment 193 8— Linehan & Molo, bond of 193, 202 -8— Leibnitz Street, petition of property owners, rela- tive to changing name 197 18— Lawler, J. W., petition of, relative to leave of ab- sence, also extra months salary granted 200 18— Lagen, Cyril D., petition of, relative to increase in salary of Fred Gantert 200 18 —List of city warrants issued in July, 1918 204 1 —Light at Auburn and Hall Streets, to be moved 220 1 —List of city warrants issued in August, 1918 2— League of Iowa Municipalities, communication, 235 relative to sending delegate to covention 5 —Lee, John, relative to bidders bond. on North Street 240 5— Lights, to be placed on Lawndale Avene, R. R. Crossing, North Cascade Road at Twenty -First and Couler Avenue and at Twenty- Second and 240 Wasington Streets 5 —Light to be placed on Rosedale Avenue 240 19 —Loes, Leo., notice of, claim for damages to wagon 244, 286 and horses 19 —List of city warrants issued in September, 1918 250 3 —Lee, P. J., et al., petition of, by attorneys original notice to restrain sale of property at Grove 261 Terrace 3 —Lee, James F., notified by council to repair streets on Rhomberg Avenue and South Locust Street 265 if If if if df Aug. If Sept. Oct. id INDEX —Book 48 SUBJECT L Page 1918 ft Nov. ft Id Dec. INDEX -Book 48 SUBJECT L Page 3— Lights, city electrician instructed to have, in- stalled all that have been recommended by 265, 357 council 3— Lagen, Mrs., Treasurer, instructed to accept $100 267 every year until special assessment is paid 11— McNulty, Francis J., resolution, by council relative 268 to death to he sent to family 17 —Love, R. J., petition of, . relative to cancelling 270, 289, 301 taxes 17 —Lee, James T., and bondsman, notified to repair Rhpmberg Avenue and South Locust Street 272 within ten days 276, 279 17 —List of city warrants 18— Liberty Tractor Co., petition of, relative to vacat 290, 301, 352 ing streets 300 21 —Lacy, Mae R., relative to taxes 308 29 —List of city warrants issued in November, 1918 5— Lawson Edith, property, to be purchased for the opening of Louisa Street 5— Louisa Street, the Edith Lawson property to be purchased for opening of said 'street 5 —Light to be placed on Julien Avenue and Center Place 349 349 ' 347 1918 Mar. Apr. Mc 7— McFadden Bldg. Co., cancel assessment on Lot 1 of Sub. 529 and 530 21— McGovern, John F., assessment on Delhi Street 21— McCraney, James, et al., permission for building to, fish 18— McCarthy, Chas., petition of, relative to increase in salary May 2— McNulty, F. J., relative to bond 2— McGrath, petition of, relative to reduction of assess- ment 16— McNamara Co., notified to repair streets 16— McNamara. Co., notified to fill ditch on Fifth Avenue June ' 6— McGivern, Robert, petition of, asking for reduction of assessment 6— McCarthy, Chas. J., city attorney, report relative to bond of 20— McDonald, A. Y., Mnfg. Co., petition relative to pavement 20— McNulty, F. J., petition of, relative to leave of absence and granting extra salary 8— McNamara & Co., bill of 18— McCarthy, D. H., addressed council relative to side- walk at Eighth and Bluff Streets 18— McCarten, H. B., relative to bond of 18— McDonald, J. C., personal injury claim Aug. 1— McKenzie, J. M., petition of assessor relative to his taxes Sept. 5— McEvoy, Ed., petition of, relative to vacating alley Oct. 17— McPoland, Roger, petition of, relative to cancelling special assessment 17-- McGlashan, R. E., petition of, relative to construct- ing an approach for automobile Nov. 21— McLaughlin, Mrs. Maude, city treasurers report relative to taxes 29— McLean, relative to taxes 29— McNamara, C. B. & Cp., awarded contract to con- struct North Cascade bridge El ft it July gt gf „ INDEX —Book 48 SUBJECT Page 57 64, 87 64, 76 85 116, 235 120 138, 163 139 158, 203 162 166 172 197 199, 204 201, 297 202 214, 275 240, 270 270 300 304 •305 1918 CC CC Feb. If CC CC CC INDEX —Book 48 SUBJECT M Page Jan. 3 —Mall, Hugo F., Lantsky, Albert C., relative sewer assessment on 26 Sixteenth, Michel's sub. ..... ,.••.•• 4 3— Michels sub, relative to sidewalk 5, 6, 7 17— Muntz, Ed., relative to vacating of Camp Street 13 7 —Moose Lodge, asking permission of Armory Hall 2? for dance 7— Mullin, James L., et al., asking 1 /3 reduction on 27 special assessment, West Third Street " 7— Miller, Mary F., petition relative to special assess- .28 ment 28 ' 7— McDonald, J. C.. notice of, claim for injuries 53 " 19— Mayor's Proclamation, primary election 58 Mar. 7 —Moose Club, cancel taxes Apr 1— Mayor's Proclamation, relative to election of city 72 officials " 3— Munsell, K., accept $200.00 as special assessment, 75 Kaufman Avenue 75 3 —Main Street, construct cement steps 3 —Mayor 4— Mississippi Valley Water Ways Association, asking for donation of $250.00, presented by ,Dubuque 78, 288, 301 Commercial Club 4— Morning Sun Avenue, relative to vacation • of 78, 122, 140, 153 " 4 —Muntz Motor Co., relative to build for repair 78, 139 " 4— Mullen Bros, relative to renewal of bond 88, 113 " 18— Market Stands, relative to sale of " 18— Miller, David, ordered to connect Lots 67 and 68 89 Ea. Dub. Add. to sanitary sewer May 2— Martin, M. ll., petition of, relative to oiling West 115 Fourteenth Street . 2— Milligan, Ed. E., petition of, relative to reduction 115 of assessment 2— Macher, E., et al., petition of relative to reduction 120 of assessment 2— Minges, Mrs. C., petition of, relative to reduction 120 of assessment 2 —Muntz Edward, petition of, relative - to reduction 120 of assessment 2— Mettel Bros., petition of, relative to construction 121 of steps . " 2 —Moose Club, petition of, asking for cancellation of 122 assessment " 16— Mehan, Helen, et al., petition of, relative to sewer 133, 133 " 16— Memorial Day, relative to donation of $200.00 133 " 16 —Moose Club, petition of, relative to carnival " 16— Market, cleaning around, recorder to advertise for 138, 155 ,157 bids June 6 —Mount Pleasant Home, petition of, relative to main- 162 taining a contagious ward on third floor 6 —Meat and Milk Inspector, notified to publish copy 162 of reports 187, 162 July 2— Municipal Dock, relative to rent of " 8— Midland Chemical Co., petition of, relative to in- 193, 287 stalling air tank 8— Murphy, David, communication, relative to plumbers ecavation bonds 18— Muntz, Edward, petition of, relative to claim for $290.00 for land taken off property on South 200, 288, 301, 348 Alta Vista Street 301 297 18—Mullen , Mullen Bros., bonds of 201 18— Moore, H. S., notice of claim for damages 1918 INDEX —Book 48 SUBJECT " 18 —Maus, M. et al., notified by chief of police to vacate at Bathing Beach on Rhomberg Ave and Front Street " 18— Mueller, J. P., awarded contract for sidewalk on Burns Street Aug. 1 —Mayo Foundation, bill of 1— Mettel, C. P.,- et al,, petition of, relative to repair- . ing crossings on Hart Street and Francis Sts. " 15— Mullen, Michael, bill for labor at Beach, Fifteenth and Elm Strees, referred to Committee of Whole Sept. 19— Meehan, Mary, petition of, relative to taxes " 19— Malloy, James, settlement of, personal injury claim " 19— Mayor, appointed delegate to attend meeting of American Public Health Association at Chicago, October, 14 -17, 1918 Oct. 3 —Madl, Joe, treasurer instructed to cancel interest and cost on special assessment on Couler Avenue " 17— Maxwell, Amanda C., petition of, relative to ex- tension of time to connect with sanitary sewer Nov. 7— Meyers, William, warrant for personal injury paid to Dr. A. H. Blocklinger " 21— Mozena, John, notice of appeal " 21— Miller, W. H., notice of appeal " 21- Meyer, Matilda, notice of appeal " • 21 —Metz, Louis, relative to taxes " 21— Murphy, Catherine, petition of, relative to connect- ing with sanitary sewer " 29 —Mercy Hospital, St. Joseph's, petition of, relative to taxes Dec. 5— Mayagues City of, petition of, asking for donation to relief fund Page 203 211, 224 211 224, 283 245 246 266 267 270, 289, 301 286 294, 307 294, 307 294, 307 301 301 305, 348 345 1918 CC CC If if Mar. Cf IC CC IC CC CC May „ CC CC IC CC if CC I NDEX —Book 48 SUBJECT , Page N Feb. 7— Nagle, J. J., petition of, relative to purchase of 27 Camp Street. 53 7— Notice to Vault Cleaners, sealed proposals 7— Neumann, Otto, sanitary officer, placed on police 33 pay roll 33 21— Nesler, F. A. & Son, hid, town clock 41 11— Notice to voters of the First Ward 53 11— Notice to jewelers, relative to town clock 71 13— Notice to improve Angella Street 13— Notice for bids to hawl patients to Detention 72 Hospital 13— Notice to Licensed Embalmers, relative to bids for 72 fumigating 64, 272 21— Neenan, Herbert J., grant soldier exemption 64 21— Noesges Bros., install gasoline tank 21— Notice to Physicians, relative to reporting con- 70 tagious disease 71 21— Notice of Registration 22— Notice Official, relative to special assessment for 72 improvements on Eagle Street 73 " 28— Notice to Waterworks Bond Holders 73 22— Notice of assessment of Viola Street 78 Apr. 4— Nesler & Hammel, relative to renewal of bonds 4— Notice of Special assessment for sidewalks, Rhom- berg Avenue. 18 —Noel, Frank, relative to reduce taxes 20— Notice of vacating alleys, Bells Sub., from West 153, 155 Eighth to Wilson 153 20— Notice to Electors, for primary election 20— Notice of vacating, Bellevue Add., Morning Sun 153, 156 Avenue and Short Street 154 20— Notice of right of way, Jansen Avenue 154 20— Notice of special assessment, Kringle's Sub 20— Notice to contractors,' Relative to constructing 154 Bee Branch Sewer south 20— Notice to contractors, Relative to constructing 154 Bee Branch Sewer north 20— Notice to contractors, Relative 'to constructing 155 cement gutter, Seventeenth Street 20— Notice to contractors,' Relative to ∎constructing 155 cement steps Vine Street 20— Notice, relative to changing grade of Cora Street 156 June 6— Notice to automobile dealers and manufacturers 185 " 20— Notice to sidewalk contractors, for bids on North Street 20— Notice of special assessment, for improvement of Klingenberg Terrace 20— Notice to sidewalk contractors, for bids on Burns Street 20— Notice to sidewalk contractors, for bids on 186 Fourth Street Extension 201, 297 July 18— Nesler & Hammel, bonds of 240 Sept. 5 —North Street, bidders bond of John Lee 19— Noxious Weeds, Street Commissioner, notifed to 247 have cut 19 —North Cascade Crossing, resolution ordering a temporary bridge to be constructed 248, 284, 298, 305 19— Notice of Registration, for draft into army, 256 September 12, 1918 Oct. 17— Neumeister, Otto J. petition of, relative to ad- 270, 348 justment of assessment 81 89 185 185 185 1918 N Nov. — Notice to taxpayers, relative to penalties on de- linquent special assessments — Notice of special assessment to pay for sanitary sewer in Seminary Street — Notice to contractors, relative to bid for construct- ing temporary bridge at North Cascade Cross- ing 19— Notice to parties wishing to have cisterns filled 19— Notice to property owners, to clean Ice and Snow off sidewalks 19— Notice vacation, Elm Street, from Twenty- Seventh to Twenty- eighth and Washington Sts., from Twenty- seventh to Twenty- eighth 19— Notice of special assessment for constructing sanitary sewer in Seminary Street Dec. CI CI INDEX -Book 48 SUBJECT Page 311 311 312 361 361 361 361 1918 INDEX. -Book 48 SUBJECT Page 0 Jan. 3- Oxford Heights, relative to sidewalk 6, 7 3- Ordinance Standard Oil C'o., relative to granting pipe line - 6, 21 3- Officers reports 3, 4, 12 7- Official notice relative to taxes 20 17- Ordinance, ralt4ve to vacation of Camp St. 11, 13, 21 17- Ordinance, relative to one man cars 15, 21 17- Official notice, sidewalks must be cleaned 20, 22 17- Official notice, relative to special assessment for cleaning side walk, hauling ashes 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 Feb. 7- O'Donnell, Frederick, asking a soldiers exemption 27 7- 011er, Edwin, petition relative to valuation 28 " 14- Ordinance, granting Roshek Bros. a bridge - 38, 39, 54 14- Official notice, relative to Jansen Avenue 54 Mar. 7- Ordinance, salaries of officers and appointees 61, 70 Apr. 18- O'Connor's Sub., petition by Houpes & Dillon, relative of over flow of water 84 18- O1ler, Edel, petition of, asking for tax reduction 90 18- Ordinance, relative to poultry running at large 91 2- Ordinance, changing the course of Jansen Avenue 122 2- Ordinance, vacating parts of Morning Sun Avenue, Short Street, etc. 122 2- Ordinance, vacating alley Bell's Sub 122 16- Ordinance, improving Eagle Street 136 16- Ordinance, changing the grade of Cora Street 136 16 -Odd Fellows' Bldg., petition relative to taxes 137 16 -Ohde, Chas, estate, relative to assessment 140 6 -Otto Ernistine„ petition of, relative to tax re- 162 duction 6- Official notices for month of July, 1918 210 1- O'Brien, James, report of assessor, relative to bis taxes 214, 275 1- Ordinance relative to destruction of noxious weeds 215 15- Official notices for April, 1918 229 19- O'Meara, Mrs. Michael, petition of, relative to taxes 245 19- O'Connor, James, petition of, by Ed. F. Connolly, relative to property 245 19- Official notices for September, 1918 256 Oct. 3- Ordinance to establish the rate of. gas at $1.10 259, 349, 360 11- Ordinance, relative to spanish influenza 268 11- Official notices for month of October, 1918 280, 281, 282 21- O'Meara, Mrs. Petition of relative to taxes on Lot 66 Union Add. 292 25- Ordinance, amending an ordinance providing for the assessment and collection of taxes, and city may buy in property 303, 311 Dec. 19- Ordinance, granting right for the Corn Belt Pack- ing Co. to operate 355, 361 if Ci May CI IC CC June IC Aug: Sept. Id id Jan. if Feb. Ci if fd di June July INDEX -Book 48 SUBJECT P 3- Petition of Wm. P. Slattery, relative to taxes 7- Primary election, judges and clerks 7 -Pay roll and report of 17-Proceedings for month of December approved of 17 -Pape & Son, relative to bond for excavating 7- Philips, John, claim of (defective storm sewer) 11- Proclamation of mayor on primary election 27- Primary election, relative to canvassing vote for February 25, 1918 • Mar. 7- Police report and pay roll CC 7- Police pay roll Apr. 1- Proclamation of mayor, relative to election of city officials 3 -Park Board, relative to construct cement steps on Main Street 18- Police, petition of, relative. to vacation 18 -Puls, Otto F., relative to appointment as , deputy city treasurer 18 -Pond, Dr. A. M., petition of, relative to reduction of taxes 18- Putnam, Mrs. Ellen E. White, petition of, relative to cancel interest on special assessment 18- Potter, Airs. E. M., petition of, relative to injuries 18- Poultry, relative to ordinance 18- Police and Fire Commission, session to examine applicants May 2- Piekenbrock, F. J., relative to bond 2 -Pear Street, relative to improvement of, and re- monstrance - 2- Penning, Nick, petition of, relative to reduction of assessment 2- Peters, Mrs. Anton, petition of, relative to reduc- tion of assessment 2 -Peter Even & Son, warrant ordered drawn in favor of, in sum of $7,095.25 for payment of Street Flusher and Sprinkler 2- Pitchner, A., petition of, relative to tax reduction 2- Patrol House, Thirteenth and Washington Street, relative to, painting and papering 16- Police Chief, annual report of 16- Police Department, relative to purchasing light- weight uniforms 20- Pleasant Street, petition of Joseph Welu, relative to opening ' 20- Payroll, city employees, police 20- Payroll, streets 6- Payroll, city employees, police and fireman' 6 -Pape, Chas. & Son, report of, city attorney relative • to bond 6- Polsean, T. A., petition of, relative to improvement of Pine Street 6- Papin, 0., and Emile Hintrager, petition of, rela- tive to taxes 20- Payroll, police, fireman and laborers 8- Plaister Winona, notice of claim for damages 8- Police Chief, instructed to enforce automobile ordi- nances " 18- Police Chief, instructed to notify Mr. Maus, et al., to vacate at Rhomberg Ave. and Front Street Aug. 1- "Police Iowa Chiefs Association ", communication of, relative to convention at Ft. Dodge, Iowa Page 1 28 28, 29, 42, 43 9 11, 31 32 53 44, 45 59 66 72 75 85, 248 85 89, 115 90 90 91, 113 104 116, 135 120 120 120 121 122 123 136 138, 170 140, 162 and fireman, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149 147 159, 160 162 162 163 166, 167 193, 235 198 212 1918 Sept. di IS Oct. SI if Nov. Dec. fit INDEX —Book 48 SUBJECT P 5— Paisley, Louisa C., et al., petition of, relative to drainage system on Locust Street 5 —Park Board Communication, relative to levy 5— Payroll 5— Profile, Queen Street, presented by City Engineer 1— Provoost, Nellie G., and Sarah M., et al., petition of, by J. K. Deming, claiming error in taxes 18— Pioneer Savings Bank & Trust Co., recorder in- structed to notify them to report all Water Works Bonds held for the year 1913 18— Police and Fire Commission, notice of meeting 7— Patrol House, relative to changes 21— Pfotzer and Rhomberg, petition of, relative to taxes 29— Penalty of 10% to be deducted from assessments 5— Poultry Association, petition of, relative to using the Armory 5— Potter, Mrs. E. M., petition of, relative to per- sonal injuries sustained February 27, 1917 Page 235 235 236 • 241 260, 306 275, 285 • 282 289, 301 294, 304 - 305 345 345 1918 INDEX —Book 48 • SUBJECT Q Apr. 18— Quinn, Messrs.,' petition of, relative to appoint- ment of John . Schriner Sept 5 —Queen Street, profile prevented by city engineer Page 84 241 1918 Jan. Feb'. Cf Mar. CI Apr. CC if May ■ 3 -Ryan, Dennis, petition relative to delinquent taxes 1 3- Reports of Officers, for last half of December, 1917 3- -Ryan, Dennis, petition, relative to special assess-, 38 ment 38 17- Ryder, Thomas J., relative to appointment 12 17- Resolution to tax levy 17- Report of Officers for first half of January, 1918 11, 12 7- Report of Officers for last half of January, 1918 29, 30 7- Resolution, relative to special assessments, clean- 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 sidewalks 14- Roshek Bros., relative to bridge across alley 38, 38 21- Report of Officers for first half of February, 1918 42, 43 28- Report of Officers for last half of February, 1918 48, 49, 59 7- Rhomberg, A. L., cancel taxes 66 21- Report of Officers for first half of March, 1918 71. 21- Registration notice 4- Rouch, W. H., relative to assessment for sewer 78 in Cora Street 4 -Ruh, Andrew, relative to assessment for improve- 78 ment Delhi Street 78 79 4- Report of Officers for last half of March 81 4- Rhomberg, A. J., relative to special assessment 85 18 -Ross, Frank B., relative to bond 85 18- Report of Officers for first half of April, 1918 88 18- Ruprecht, Julia A., case of 89 18- Roseline Avenue, relative to improvement 2 -Rupp, August, petition of, relative to personal 116, 138 injury 2- Roshon, C. A., petition of, relative to tax reduction 138 2- Report of Officers for the last half of April, 1918 116, 117, 118, 119 2- Report of Committee on Streets, relative to 120 Kringles Sub. 2- Ryder, J. P., petition of, relative to reduction of 120 assessment 2- Rhomberg Avenue, C. M. & St. P. R. R., instructed 121 to open crossing at Eagle Point 122 2- Russo, F. W., petition of, relative to tax reduction 2- Rhomberg, Al., warrant ordered drawn in favor of, for $750.00 balance due on purchase of Bathing 123 Beach property 16- Rhomberg, J. H., petition of, relative to reduction 133 of assessment 16- Rhomberg, Catharina, et al., relative to deed of, 134 property to City of Dubuque 16 -Rand, W., petition of, relative to taxes on Odd 137 Fellows Bldg. 138 16 -Ryan, J. J., relative to appointment 1918 138 16- Report of officers for the first half of May, June 6- Reifstack, A. W., petition of, relative to condition 157, 248, 285 of sidewalk 6- 'Report' of Officers for the last half of May, 1918 159, 160 8- Ryan, J. J., petition of, relative to leave of absence, 220 also appointing Frank Ryan to fill vacancy 193, 198, 220 8- Report of Officers for the last half of June, 1918 18- Reynolds, communication of, relative to bonds of of Nesler & Hammel, and Mullen Bros 18- Report of Officers for the first half of July, 1918 18- Rusch, W. G., petition of, relative to reduction of assessment 1- Report of Officers for the last half of July, 1918 15- Report of Officers for first half of August, 1918 CC ft CC If July Aug. INDEX -Book 48 SUBJECT R Page 201 201 203 212 223 1918 Sept. ft ff ft if fd CC Cf INDEX -Book 48 SUBJECT R 5- Report of Officers for last half of August, 1918 5- Rotary Club and Commercial Club, petition of, relative to enforcing smoke ordinance 5- Rauch, J. W., et al., petition of, relative to using alley between Lemon St. and Davenport St. 19 -Ryder Bros., petition of, claiming an error in assessment 19- Report of Officers for last half of September, 1918 19- Registration Notice, for draft in army September 12, 1918 Oct. 3- Registration Clerks, relative to appointment 3- Report of Officers for last half of September, 1918 3- Rhomberg Avenue, Jas. F. Lee, notifed to repair s treets 17- Rumple, John, guardian for Elliott children, peti- tion of, relative to cancelling interest on prop- erty of 17- Riley, Joseph R., petition of, relative to cement walk laid by the Telephone Co. 17- Rhomberg, A. -L., petition of, relative to cancelling taxes for Detention Hospital 17- Report of Officers for first half of October, 1918 18- Report of Officers for first half of October, 1918 18- Registration Notice .. 18- Registration Clerks, notice to Nov. 7- Russell, Anna, petition of, relative to taxes 7- Report of Officers for last half of October, 1918 7- Reinfried, Jos. R., resolutions of sympathy to be drawn up 21- Reynolds, Mrs. 0., petition of, relative to taxes 21- Rhomberg, J. H., petition of, relative to taxes 21- Report of Officers for first half of November, 1918 21- Railroads, valuation of, in city 21- Ruchte, Anna, petition of, relative to re- valuation of property Dec. 5- Rhomberg, A. L., taxes to be cancelled on Lots 614, 615 Ham's Add. 5- Report of Officers for last half of November, 1918 19- Report of Officers for first half of December, 1918 Page 236 239 240 244, 267 245 256 261, 271 262 265 270, 289, 300 270, 349, 352 271, 289, 301 271 275 280 282 284, 300 285 289, 301 292 294, 304, 305 295 298 300 345 346 354 1918 3- Slattery, Wm. P., petition relative to taxes 3- Standard Oil Co., ordinance, relative to granting 621 pipe lines 9, 26, 27 " 17- Seventeenth Street property owners, petition 10 " 17- Schargitz, Fred, relative to claim for damages 11 " 17- Schwinn, Phil, relative to resignation 13 " 17 Salaries, relative to increase 20 " 17- Street Flusher, relative to sealed proposals for 17- Special Assessement Notice, relative to cleaning side walk 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 34, 35, 36, 37, 104 105, 106, 1 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113 7- Sanitary Officer, placed in police pay roll 61, 62 7- Salaries of Officers and Appointee, ordinance 41 7- Schmidt, Anton, pet, relative to special assessment 7- Strinsky, Frank, remonstrance in regard to special assessment 7- Signal Lights, petition of, relative to West Third and Alpine Streets Mar. 7- Steiner, Chris, reduce taxes " 21- Schmidt, Emil, adjusting assessment Lot 122 Finley Add. 66, 1 65, 89 65, 138, 141 21 -Star Taxi Co., installing gasoline tanks 21- Smith, Henry, notice of claim 41 21- Street Payroll 66 21- Sewer Payroll 66 21- Street Committee, Viola and Eagle Street accepted 21- Sidewalks, Lots 395, 396 and 397, Ham's Add., ac- 66, 73, 80 cepted 0 21- Seventeenth Street, assessment for improvement 8 43 21- Shargitz, Christine, personal injury claim 21- Salaries of Officers and Appointees, repealing or- dinance 21- Salaries of Officers and Appointees, ordinance April 3 -Saul, Mayor, address to Council 4- Standing Committees, appointment of 4- Sidewalks, special assessment of, on Rhomberg Avenue 18 -Storm Sewer, relative to removal of cover on Kaufmann Avenue 18- Sheppley, E. H., petition of, relative to refund of 84, 300, 356 special assessment 18- Schmitt, Melchior, notice of claim, relative to overflow of water in L. H. Langworthy's Add. 18- Smith, Samuel, awarded contract for cleaning vaults 18- Sewer, Sanitary, relative to connect Lots 67 and 68, East Dubuque Add. 18- Sisters of St. Francis, petition of, relative to tax reduction 18- Sewer, Sanitary, petitioh of property owners ask- ing for, between Rhomberg and Lincoln Ayes. 18- Street Flusher, proposal to make one out of street car sprinkler 18- Sewer, Sanitary, relative to bids in Heeb street 18- Sidewalks, resolution to constructs on North Street, 92, 185, 188 Quigley's Sub. and Bush's Sub. 92 18- Sewer, Bee Branch, relative to extension of same 92 18- Steps, instruction, Dodge to Burns Streets 115 2- Staner, N. J., report relative to work on Heeb St 2- Saunders, C. J. W., et al., relative to Boulevard lights between 10th and 11th Streets on Main 115, 347 Jan. Feb. ft if If if CI ft if CC May INDEX -Book 48 SUBJECT S Page 1 34 41 58, 162 70 70 76 78' 81 84 85 89 89 89 90 90 90 1918 it ft fi ff if ff CC July INDEX -Book 48 SUBJECT Page S 2- Sisters of St. Francis, petition of, relative to tax reduction 2- Schmitt, Mary C., petition of, relative to reduction 115, 239 of assessment 116, 135 2- Stuber, John, relative to bond 2- Schromen, John, relative to bond and appointment 116, 123, 137, 161 2- Schmidt, Anton, petition of, relative to reduction of assessment - 2- Street Flusher and Sprinkler, relative to warrant ordered drawn for $7,095.25 in favor of Peter 121 Even & Son for payment for same 2- Sidewalks, resolutions adopted, ordering walks in 122 front of Linehan Park Add 2- Sidewalks, cleaning snow, special assessment of 123, 131 2- Sewer, South Dodge and Bluff Streets, petition of 133 Helen Mehan et al 16- Sewer, Picket Street, petition of Mary Harper rela- tive to same 16 -State Street property owners, petition of, relative changing grade 138 16- Schmidt, Adolph, relative to appointment of 16- Sidewalks, resolutions adopted ordering walks on- (ringle's Sub., Lots 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 138, 141 16- Street Flusher and Sprinkler, relative to place to 138 house same 16- Scharle, Barbara, petition of, relative to tax re- 137 duction 20- Schneider, J. C., asking for excavation permit 140 20 -Short Street, vacation notices 20- Sewer, Bee Branch, South, notice to contractors 154, 157, 298 20- Sewer, Bee Branch, North, notice to contractors 154, 157, 298 20- Seventeenth Street Cement Gutter, notice to con- 155, 157 tractors 155, 157 20 -Steps on Vine Street June 6- Schmitz, Anthony, et al., petition of, asking to have name of Leibnitz Street changed to Lib- 158 erty Street 6- Sidewalks, return of service, North Street and Burns Streets, Bush's Sub 158, 185, 192, 203, 247, 257, 284 6- Staner, N. J., bid on Vine Street Steps returned... 163, 170 20- Sidewalks on 4th Street Extension, resolution or- 1 dering walks built 163, 166, 186, 203 20- Schmitt, Melchoir, claim of further damages on Heeb Street 20- Schmidt, Adolph, relative to extra salary granted 172 8 -Sewer in Seminary Street, petition relative to open- ing same 8- Scheppele Motor Co., petition of, relative to with- 193 drawal of bid on Fire Chief's .car 8- Sidewalk resolutions, Gilliam's Sub., Angella St 198 " 18 -Sewer gang, petition of, relative to increase in wages 18- Schrup Motor Co. awarded contract to furnish 203 automobile for Fire Chief .Aug. 1- Schroeder, Arthur, Council granted an extra 216 month's salary 1- Stoltz, Geo., Council granted an extra month's salary . 1- Sidewalk resolutions adopted ordering walk in front of property on Herold Street and North 218, 224 Street 115, 137 120 ' 133 133 166 192 200 216, 227 1918 15- Sewer, Sanitary, in Queen Street, relative con- 223, 224, 238, 241, 242, 256, 259 struction of 15- Sewer, Sanitary, in Grandview Avenue, relative to 223 construction. of 5 -Steps in Clifford Street 240, 242, 249, 357 5= Spellerberg, R. L., petition of, relative to light of W. Eleventh St. 240 19 -Sewer in Seminary Street, resolution ordering same constructed 248, 257, 262, 267, 269, 275, 280, 298, 353, 361 19- Sidewalk resolution adopted ordering walks on 249, 256 Herold Street 19- Staner, N. J., awarded contract to construct ce- 249, 258 ment steps on Clifford Street 19- Sidewalks, resolution adopted ordering walks on Grand View Heights 245 Oct. 3- $hiras; O. P., petition by J. K. Deming relative to 260, 306 tax reduction '3 -South Locust Street, Jas. F. Lee notified to repair street 265 " 11- Spanish Influenza Ordinance, relative to 268, 280 Nov. 7- Schneider, Augusta, petition of, relative to taxes 284, 300 7- Specht, Matilda, relative to tax reduction 289, 301 " 21-Sisters of the Holy Ghost, petition of, relative to taxes and payment for property condemned at Arch and St. Ambrose Streets 293, 304, 347 21- Streff, W. S., petition of, relative to taxes 293 21 -Star Brewing Co., petition of, relative to taxes 294, 304 29- Straub, Mr., relative to assessment 305 29- Schrup, H. L., relative to assessment 305 29 -St: Joseph's Mercy Hospital, petition of, relative to taxes for the year 1918 305, 348 Dec. 5- Sussman, Henry and Magdalena, petition of rela- tive to damages sustained to property Novem- ber 11th, 1918 345 5 -Spahn -Rose Lumber Co., to be notified to remove lumber from sidewalk 348 11- Schwinn, Phil., report of City Attorney relative to bond 347 19- Seventh Day Adventists, petition of, relative to cancelling taxes 351 19- Semper, Mollie A., petition of, relative to personal injury 352 19 -Sewer in Henion Street reported by City Attorney as being too small 357 if Sept. It „ if If ff 11 ft „ INDEX -Book 48 SUBJECT S Page If Mar. If April INDEX -Book 48 SUBJECT T Jan. 3- Telegraph- Herald relative to numbering houses 3- Traut, Louisa M., petition of, relative to taxes Feb. 3- Telegraph- Herald, petition relative to directories 3- Teamsters' Local, No. 567, petition of, relative to wages 7- Trexler, John and Josephine, relative to fore- closure 21 -Town Clock, bid for care of 7- Treasurer's reports 21 -Teal, Elizabeth and John, accept $60.00 for taxes 21- Thedinga, Clara B., overflow of water 3- Twelfth Street, relative to improvement of 18- Treasurer, petition of, relative to appointment of deputies 18- Trades & Labor Congress, petition of, relative to one -man car 18- Trewin, C. B., petition of, relative to tax. reduc- tion May 2- Trueb, Anna, Mary and Mrs. J. T. Knoernschild, petition relative to tax reduction Aug. 1- Tuberculosis Hospital, City Engineer instructed lay out road Sept. 5- Twaites, John W., petition of, asking of taxes 5 -Tax levy by Dubuque Park Board, communication relative to 5- Tibey, .J., petition of, relative to bill for rolling Cora Street Nov. 7 -Tax Levies for 1918 21- Telegraph and Telephone Companies, valuation of in City 25 -Tax Ordinance, amending an ordinance for the assessment and collection of taxes, and City may buy property 25 -Tax list of 1917 to be sold at tax sale 19-Tire Service Co., application to install free air and water service to Page 1 1 41 42 32. 41 60 64, 91 65 82 85 90 120 120 219 cancellation 235, 239, 289, 301 235 239 289 298 303, 311 313 353 dI 1918 May June Dec. 2 —Ungs and Pfohl ers relative 6 —Union Trust & taxes 5 —Union Trust & bond INDEX —Book 48 SUBJECT U Streets, petition of property own - to reduction of assessment Savings Bank, petition of, relative • Savings Bank, report relative to Page 120 157, 273, 349 347 t918 V Jan. 17 Vacation, relative to Camp Street, Elks. 19 -25 20 Mar. 21— Vogel, A. J., et al., grade alley between Goethe and Lawther Avenue 64 " 21 —Viola Street accepted 66, 73, 81 " 21 —Viola Street, notice of special assessment 73, 81, 167, 168 April 18— Vaults, cleaning of; to advertise for bids 88 " 18— Voelker, John C., relative to awarding contract to convey contagious disease patients to Deten- tion Hospital 89 18— Voelker, John C., relative to awarding contract for fumigating 89 18— Voelker Realty Co., petition of, relative to vacation of streets 91,122 16— Voelker Realty Co., petition of, relative to con- necting with gas main 134 20— Visiting Nurse Association, relative to appropria- tion 140 20— Vacation notice, Bell's Sub. from West 8th to Wil- son Avenue 153 20— Vacation notice, Bellevue Add., Morning Sun and Short Streets 153 20 —Vine Street Steps 155, 163 18 —Viola Street property owners, petition of, relative to reduction of assessment . 200 5 —Venn, Jess, petition of, relative to tax cancellation 235 5-- Voelker, C'. A., petition by City Assessor relative to cancelling taxes on Grandview Heights 236 19— Voelker Realty Co., petition of, relative to error in assessment for improvement of Klingenberg Terrace 245, 283, 300 Dec. 5— Voelker Realty Co., petition of, relative to refund - of taxes on receipt No. 5198 for the year 1915 345 6— Vestibules to be built at entrances' of City Hall 347 ft May CC IC July Sept. it INDEX —Book 48 SUBJECT Page SUBJECT Page 3—WestabY's Sub., relative to sidewalk assessment 5, 7 7— Worst, Mrs. Ida, petition of, relative to remittance 28 of taxes 28, 85 7 —Water Works reports 41 21 —West 3rd Alpine Street, widening of same 41 21 —West 5th and Alpine Streets, widening of same 43 21 —West 3rd Street, assessment for improvement of 43 ' 7— Weighmaster reports 7 —West 7th and Hill Streets, relative to City Engi- 62 neer removing pole 21 —West Locust property owners, reduction on special 65, 75, 87 assessments 73 28 —Water Works bond holders, notice to 18— Windsor Avenue property owners, relative to spe- 87 cial assessments 18— Woodward, Harvey, relative to resolution to pay 88 full month's time, etc. 116, 135 2— Wybrant, Geo. D., relative to bond 2 —White Street property owners, petition of, relative 121 to reduction of assessment 2 —West Locust Street from 17th Street to Hodgon Avenue, proof of publication and remonstrance 122 against improvement of 2— Wattles, Mrs.. L. H.., petition of, asking for can- cellation of assessment for cleaning and re- 122 pairing sidewalks 18 —West 3rd and Hill Streets, petition of property 133 owners, relative to widening June 6 —Welu, Joseph, petition of, relative to opening 162, 140 Pleasant Street July 8 —Witt alley ba relative to grade of ck of property at No. 14 and 16 West 14th Street 193, 200, 218 18— Welty, Joseph, et al., relative to reduction of as- 200 sessment on Eagle and Viola Streets 224 Aug. 15 —Water Works, r ep on of, to June 30th, r o f Sept. 5— Weltry, 239 assessment 19 Weitz, Peter E., petition of, relative to damage to 244, 267 property of Weitz Bros. 19 —Water Works, annual report of Trustees for year 247 ending May 31st, 1918 19 —Water Works Board instructed to install sewer from Water Level to Kaufmann Avenue sewer 248, 261 Oct. 3—Waller, for Old t Assessor, asking exemption on taxes 265 17— Women's Relief Corps petition of, asking for the 270 use of the Armory Hall 17 —Wolf, Mary M., petition of, relative to water flow- 270 in; on li'r property 17— Waples L. H., petition of, relative to objections... 270, 348, 352 21— Wallis, John Ryder, petition of, relative- to taxes... 294, 307 21— Wright, Frank C., notice of appeal 21- -Water Works Quarterly Report, from July 1st to 294 September 30th, 1918 21— Weitz, Mary E., relative to Old Soldiers' exemp- 295 tion 1918 Jan. EC Mar. 'April May CC CC if di CC INDEX —Book 4$ w 1918 if di CC CC 21—Water Works, $5,000.00 tc be paid back to them 29— Wasser, Mrs. Josephine, relative to taxes 29— Walch, L. A., report of Board of Equalization 29— Washington Street property owners notified to pay assessment INDEX —Book 48 SUBJECT w s Page 302 304, 306 306 357 1918 INDEX —Book 48 SUBJECT Page Y Feb. 17 —Young Women's Christian Association, petition of, relative to exemptiftn of taxes Sept. 19 —Young Women's Christian Association, petition of asking for use of the Armory Nov. 21 —Young Women's Christian Association, petition of, relative to taxes 27 243 292, 348