1879 March Council ProceedingsMarch 3, 1879. Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill petitions read and referred to committee on delinquent taxes 1878 Ann Stewart remit tax C E Plumbe reduce apessment Rachel Davis to remit tax Mrs Dabrock to remit tax Mary Boyle to remit tax Theo Buchsle to reduce apessment Adam Pier guardian of children of late Peter Pier to remit tax Mary Glenn to remit tax Mary Sear asking to have her tax canceled Rose Cadman asking to have her tax canceled H S Hetherington petition, trustee, moneys and credits apesed in 1869 to Geo W Burton Alex Simplot petition erroniously assessed Howard & Hoyne petition per J H Keenan paid ernest moneyon their stock of goods apessed March 3, 1879. Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill petitions referred: W W Pyne apessment George H Brooks apessment on Malt House Mary Semper nuisance abated at 2104 white street known as E Hemmings Dairy petitions read and referred to committee on streets: A Pfiffner change of grade on 14th J H Roe construct proper gutter cropings on SE corner of 13 and Iowa Streets NW corner 15 and Iowa and NE corner of Iowa and 13th streets Joseph Moore for Ann Dowling improving 17th street Dr Walter Hay remonstrating against laying of sidewalk on 14th street Fire Department compensation false alarms John McCoy bill J K Graves Hose Co bill March 3, 1879. Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill Referred to the Mayor and Finance Committee N Jaqunot bill M Y Johnson letter in relation to compensation J Hogan Ed Langworthy Esq in relation to sale of 10 lots to City Petitions referred to City Attorney: Louis Meisch J B Bennett Simplot resolution claim Dr Wooten in relation to Hill Street John Kaep petition received and filed F Fritsche petition building fame building in fire limits received and filed Acting street commissioner M Dowling assessments due laborers and teams and macadamizing stone Bills of Bowan and Carney referred Hay Scales N C Ryan weigher of hogs hog report received and filed March 3, 1879. Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill Received and filed Andrew Homer Police Justice P Even southern ave scale Woodmeasurer Waring Auditor Brandt Recorder Quigley Billiard Licenses Pork Packers Licenses Express Wagon Licenses Peddlers Licenses Opera House LIcenses Received and filed and expense ordered paid Marshal Deckert salaries due the Police Force for month of February 1879 Market Master Pier Central Market Scales, feeding, calaboose March 3, 1879. Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill Received and filed Frank Fosselman fifth ward scales Charles Pitschner west dubuque scales Lamplighter O'Halleran gas lamps lighted Chief Engineer of Fire Department C W Schreiber Reports adopted petition of Martin Scheidecker petition of Dr J P Porter petition of J Trexler petition of Mrs. Walker agreement between Ann Beckert and city of Dubuque March 3, 1879. Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill Reports adopted Anna Beckert Mrs. Munsell Bill of Daul Rierdan P Goan Bill of Farley Loetscher Co. James Lally Street Commissioner Change of Grade on Ellis Street - Resolution adopted Printing Ham & Carver Key City Gas Co Globe Gas Light Co March 3, 1879. Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill Jackson Street change of Grade from 7th to 8th resolved Reports adopted Maria Driscoll Beata Spielmann Mary Trausch Johannah Broderick R S West Mary Siege Mary Enright March 3, 1879. Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill Reports adopted Herman Tenhaaf Mrs. C Schuler Ann Sullivan S M Langworthy Elizabeth Spahn Philip Sand J R Scott Andrew Treadway & Sons James Schunk March 3, 1879. Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill Special Committee of Alds Linehan, Brown, Herod, O'Neill and Lillig Reports adopted - Farley Loetscher & Co John McCoy Turner Life Saving Company Schriber & Strinsky John Butt & Bros John McCoy John Pickey Hansen & Linehan Petition of G B Hamilton money paid for the purchase of the home of the Friendlep property sale is claimed to have been illegal suit appealed to to the supreme court court has decided in favor of the city City Attorney has given his opinion Mr. Hamilton cannot receive against the City any amount whatever Committee cannot recommend payment of the claim the claim be not allowed report adopted March 3, 1879. Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill Petition of T O Sullivan in relation to abstract of tax books 1857 to 1875 contract was afterwards drawn to include the year 1876 reasonable compensation for extra year $250 extra J J Linehan M Brown John O'Neill moved the report be adopted Petition of T O Sullivan Minority report March 3, 1879. Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill investigate the claims of Mr T O Sullivan against the City of Dubuque find that Mr. Sulliven entered into a written contract with City of Dubuque to prepare a set of abstract books said books now completed and the work giving general satisfaction recommend that mr. Sullivan be paid such sum as the terms of said contract calls for his claims for services in the recorder's office beg leave to report adverse to the prayer of petitioner minority report not adopted majority report adopted adjourned until 2 o'clock pm council met at 2 o'clock pm Mayor Knight in chair, present all aldermen Eagle Point Tax payers Frank eade J Spiening C Yangen F Muschel Johanah Specht G Neminand H W Sanford B Strutermann curbing on Eagle Point Ave March 3, 1879. Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill Petition of Otto Klein Petition of Chas W Ware and Maurice O'Connor, sinking artesian well in Jackson Square - matter indefinitely postponed Communication of Chief Engineer Schrieber in regard to the steamer J K Graves Judges and Clerks Election to be held April 7 1879 were appointed: First Ward - Judges Thomas Finn, Owen Reynolds, N C Ryan, H Nitingale Polls Montana House Second Ward - Judges Patrick McMahon, George Mehl, Philip Pier, C F Hobbs Polls Court House Third Ward - Judges Joseph Traut, M Morgan, John Trexler, B B Provost Alternate Clerks - M Hoar and William Rebman Polls Central market House Fourth Ward - Judges N A Mills, J C Longererville, C C Seward, G R Foster Polls Tom McCoys builidng corner of Bluff and Eighth Streets price not to exceed five dollars for each polling place March 3, 1879. Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill Fifth Ward Judges Jacob Swagler, Bush, Duncan, Peter Elwanger, F Mertz Polls Iowa Brewery Five dollars allowed for each judge and clerk of elections Claims presented and ordered paid: John W Taylor Jr. Ins Gibbs & Co Ingram Kennedy & Day Schreiber & Strinsky John Trexler E J Holmes F Mertz B D Linehan J Maclay Key City Gas Co Asa Roberts William Clark F H Finker P Klauer T E Frith Dubuque Wateer Co M M Walker Dave Rierdan Amerian District Telegraph Co T O'Sullivan Lous Peil William Yates S M Langworthy D W Linehan William Stoltebein P Klauer J K Graves Hose Co F Mertz J W Newburg Mrs Simon H Martin Smith & Plaister Insurance T W Ruete Andrew Treadway & Sons William Dunnebecke Resolved that the services of William Dunnebecke, Assistant Treasurer be dispensed with March 19, 1879. Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill Read the Finance report and to hear report of Committees Finance Committee submitted their annual report Receipts and Disbursements Taxes and Interest Licenses Rest of City Property John D. Bush City Banks City Scales Police Justices fines collector Sundry sources Balance March 1 1879 Funded debt principal and interest Borrowed money REfunded Taxes and License Judgements Engineers Department Fire Department Gas Police Department Printing Special Assessments Water Department Impounding animals General expenses Road fund expenses Balance March 1st 1879 Report received filed adopted March 19, 1879. Knight, Altman, Brown, Bush, Doerfler, Fay, Herod, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill Reports adopted Mayor and Finance Committee - letter of M Y Johnsen Mr Hogan Committee on Claims - petition of H Brooks The mayor and Finance commitee - bill of Nick Jaquinoh March 21, 1879. Knight, Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Fay, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill Hear George Burden's sworn statement on appeal from the assessment Mr Ware petition of Richards and Burden not granted Petition of George Burden was not granted Mrs Eliza Burden Petition of B B Richards was not granted Petition of W W Pyne Delinquent Tax Committee - petitioner Mary Lear petition of Rose Cadman March 21, 1879. Knight, Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Fay, Linehan, Lillig, McCann, O'Neill Petitions adopted Theo Buechele Adam Pier Peter Pier Mary Boyle Margaret Glennon Mrs Dabrocks Mrs R Davis C E Plumbe Ann Stewart