1879 August Council ProceedingsRegular Session August 4, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill report on J Zanmeister petition grading Nevada street and improving alley south of Julien Avenue Petitions of Genl G W Jones & E Mobley Cox Street deeded right of way to city referred Petition of John Hodgen 14th street referred Petition of J T Howard ccoal gas lamp on corner of 16th and Iowa streets referred Petition of V J Williams recommending Joseph Watry for position of patrolman referred Regular Session August 4, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill City Assessment Roll for 1879 completed and delivered to the City Auditor received and filed Petition of George Burden referred Petition of Chas Jones permission to use mineral shaft on 14th Street referred Petition of Patrick Reilly alley between Hazell and Park Streets referred Petition of Mrs. Bridget Keogh referred Petition of R Strobel referred Petition of Jacob Seeger stating he had purchased lot 240 in 1862 and paid all the taxes that appeard in the City tax books against said lot. The City Treasurer July 25th 1870 sold said lot for the tax of 1857 to Wm Hintrager for $66.20. After I found out my lot was sold which was October 2nd 1874 I petitioned the City Council and stated the facts in the case and the Council then ordered the sale cancelled and drew an order in favor of Wm Hintrager for the money he had Regular Session August 4, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Peter J Seeger with 10% interest from date of purchase amount $87.30 supposed this settled the matter and heard nothing further about it till the 25th day of July last, when I was notified by the City Treasurer that said Hintrager held a certificate of purchase against said lot for the tax of 1857, and was demanding a deed, and he was compelled by law to execute it to him on that day. As I could not help myself I was compelled to make terms with said Hintrager and pay him $100.00 above the amount previously offered him by the city and placed in the treasury to his credit. I am not to blame in the matter and think the council has done what it could to protect me thus far but this loss to me is occassioned by the acts of the former officers of the city. I ask the council to indemnify me against it by refunding me the $100.00 I was compelled to pay said Hintrager. Referred Petition of Geo R Clark Main Street referred Petition of A Graham illegal tax sale to Wm Hintrager of fa sidewalktax on Mineral Lot No 77 in 1870 referred Petition of J F Bates referred Petition of mrs. Catherine C Wood referred Petition of J P O'Brien Rock Street referred Petition of Mrs. Sarah J Mahegan referred Regular Session August 4, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Petition of Joseph Pazandak water marina extended to 15th street and fire plug placed on said street referred Petition of Margaret and John Graff saloon license laid on table Petition of J A Parker remonstrating against the council giving to T B cleaver permission to build a slaughter house in R R Addition referred Petition of mrs. H B Glover and other ladies asking to have the name of Fenelon Street changed to that of Fenelon Place referred Petition of J Strain paving on the levee referred Petition of Mary Fallon referred Petition of Joseph Gehrig license hotel private boarding houses equal and exact justice received filed Petition of Bridget Brannon Quigley's addition referred Regular Session August 4, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Petition of Sisters of Charity by W J Knight Seminary Street referred Remonstrance of H F Webb alley between Alpine and Nevada Streets and between Julien Avenue and Fifth Street received and filed. Petition of Agnes Turner referred Report of Street Commissioner Dowling fending of sidewalk in front of Tim Kanes property repairing third street bridge seventh street bridge sixth street bridge 54 barrells of lime in disinfecting the alleys throughout the city referred Petition of E B Chandler of Chicago asking permission to put in five fire alarm boxes of the latest improvement free of cost to the city referred Street commissioner Dowling reported sum of $2249.70 expended laborers teams masons and carpenter work rock and expense in hauling received and filed Regular Session August 4, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Mr. Thelan pay same as Mr. O'Dea four foremen paid sume of $1.50 per day Amend Amendment that the action of the street committee in regulating the wages be endorsed moved that the matter be laid on the table adjourned until 2 o'clock p.m. Council met as per adjournment at 2 o'clock p.m. all present Mr. Tschirgi Jr City Engineer 2nd quarterly report in the erection of buildings referred to enforce the ordinances H C Deckert city marshal submitted report on policement neglecting duty received and filed H C Deckert submitted the following report the undersigned must respectfully report that he was instructed by your honorable body to remove or have removed that portion of the Morter building of the Hill and West Dubuque Street Railway Co now being upon a portion of what is known as Forrest Lane. when the time came to remove said obstructio off from said street his honor the Mayor requested that nothing further be done in the previous until after this meeting of the council, hence I have not removed said obstruction and will await further directions from your honorable body. Regular Session August 4, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Petitions of S P Hough & Co by M H Moore received and filed Communication from the Secretary of the Interior Washington D.C. in relation to the taking of the tenth cencus referred A communication from His Excellency Governor Geer of Iowa asking the city councili to forward him a statement of the indebtings of the city and state of taxation for the use of the next general assembly referred Marshal Deckert policemen appointed Lamplighter O'Halloran reported Chs Pitschner report west dubuque scales Frank Fosselmann report 5th Ward scales Wood inspector WAring reported Regular Session August 4, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Market Master Welter reported market scales rent of stands boarding prisoners and strangers at calaboose Auditor Brandt reported salaries city officers and fire department Marshal Deckert reported salaries police force N C Ryan reported 1st Ward scale Recorder Quigley number and amount of licenses issued livery stable auctioneers dog exhibition teams and expense butcher's pork packer's saloon peddlers map city Regular Session August 4, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Mr. Tschirgi Jr City Engineer referred petition of John Deery and L N Converse Clark Street west Locust to 17th Street Marshal Deckert reported sidewalks Adam Jager cows and hogs Tom Upton referred to committee on ordinance adopted Bill of Dr. Waples for services in attending Mr. Berg by order of D Hoffmann acting marshal referred Police Jutice Jennings reported Nuisance on Lots 531 and 532 1/2 owned by Bishop Hennessey and his brother David notice to abate nuicance and both refuse to do so Regular Session August 4, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Bond of residents of West Hill replacing sidewalk on Bluff Stree tExtension approved Mr. A'Hern compensation for broken leg caused by defective sidewalk unable to make settlement report adopted Petition of James Haggerty asking for compensation for a broken leg report adopted Petition of B B Richards report adopted Communication of the Dubuque County Bank in relation to claim against the City adopted Petition of Patrick McNamara adopted Remonstrance of Margaret Jordan against improving Washington Street report adopted Petition of John Kieffer report adopted Regular Session August 4, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill reports adopted Petition of W H Peabody macadomizing guttering and curbing 14th Street Cox Street from Walnut Street James Sloan Petition of Joseph Pazandak improving alley between Jackson and Washington streets and 10th and 11th streets Petition of Henry Grimme Remonstrance of David G Scott against improving 14th Street Resolution of Ald Brown in relation to improving Water Street. Report adverse to the resolution, the J C R R Co having consented to put a few car loads of cinders in said street which will answer every purpose Petition of R Nolte Petition of C H Berg Petition of A O'Hare Regular Session August 4, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Reports adopted Petition of Peter J Zangmeister Nevada Street and Julien Avenue committee on markets repair scales committee on public grounds and buildings bill of G Kirmse & Co committee on printing registration of births and burials bill of Ham and Carver bill of Times Company bill of the Telegraph Co Lot book paid Palmer Winall & Co bills of R Watkins and Morris & Beatty Regular Session August 4, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill reports adopted Bill of Key City Gas Light Co bill of Globe Gas Co Petition of J P O'Brien Rock Street and Julien Avenue Petition of John W Schultz Broad Street Report of Justice Horner change for docketing allowed under ordinance Petition of C Mullin premise compliance of Mr. McDonald has added ten feet to the height of his chimney which we think will abate the nuisance complained of Regular Session August 4, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill reports adopted Petition of Henry Lilly examined the charges by taking statement charge is sustained officer striking the said Lilly over the head with his billy without any real cause of danger to himself charge of intoxication was made by the officer violations of one of our city ordinances committee would therefore report against refunding the fine and costs committee would furrther state that complaints are made to them daily that parties arrested by our city officers are not taken before our Police Justice as the ordinance requires but is handed over to some other peace officer and taken before one of the justices of the peace and tried under the state law. Your committee recommends this charge be referred to a committee for investigation to report to this council. referred to committee on police Petition of Mrs. mary Mix Petition of Mrs. M Shannon Petition of G B Hamilton Petition of Ann Redfern Regular Session August 4, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill reports adopted Petition of Bell Gold Mining Company Petition of E M Woodworth Petition of Solon Langworthy Petition of W L Bradley & Co Petition of Mrs. M Lear Petition of Geo Zumhof Petition of Peter Klein prohitib farmers and others from selling meat unless licensed the same as regular butchers majority of your committee report in favor of granting teh prayer of petitioners and that an ordinance be passed that no fresh meat shall be sold at the market from the 1st of May until October Alds Leckie and Jones submitted the following minority report We a minority of the commmittee appointed to consider the petition Regular Session August 4, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill of the Peter Klein et al asking for protection in the sale of fresh meats by farmers during a portion of the year report tht they are opposed to prohibiting the sale of any produc brought to our city by farmers at any time of the year, for the following reasons. First the city council has no authority or power to prohibit the sale of farm products but may regulate the sale of the same and secondly if it had the power we are opposed to it using that power as prohibiting the sale of any article by any class of citizens tends to encourage monopolies and is against the best interest of the citizens of Dubuque and would therefore recommend that the petition be received and filed. mayor declared the minority report adopted Ordinance on oils Ald Leckie submitted an ordinance entitled an ordinance to regulate the sale and inspection referred Ordinance on sidewalks laid over until next session under the rules on motion adjourned until 8 o'clock pm Evening Session August 4, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill John Bell receipt Regular Session August 4, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Ald O'Neill presented the following which was referred to the committee on Police and Gas Be it resolved by the City Council of Dubuque that the committee on Police and Gas be and they are hereby directed to cause a globe bas lamp to be placed on the SW corner of John Street and 5th Streets Ald Jones submitted the following which was adopted Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the alley between Washington and Jackson and from10th to 11th Streets be graded and macadamized referred to committee on Police and Gas Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the Committee on Police and Gas directed to have a lamp placed on 3rd street between St Mary's and Burch Street The resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque tht to pay for laying a plank sidewalk on the north side of fifth street from Hackets nursery to the fourth ward school house by James Crawford Contractor special tax be levied Wm Kelley Lot 6 of Lot 7 of Min Lot 79 O P Chandler Lot 16 of Minl Lot 79 Rose Carlin Lot 17 of Minl Lot 79 H S Hetherington Lot 19 of Minl Lot 79 Geo W Martin Lot 13 Martins Dubuque Regular Session August 4, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Adopted resolved to pay for macadamizing alley from 7th to 8th streets between White and Jackson streets by James G Carney Contractor special tax be levied Andrew Reily 354 City A Cain S 50 3/12 ft of Lot 355 City Adrew Reilley N 11/12 ft of 355 City Estate R Waller S 29 ft of 356 City A Cain N 22 2 ft of 356 City John Hodgden S 34 ft of 357 City Est R Waller N 17 2 ft of 357 City B A Campbell 358 City B A Campbell 369 City B A Campbell 370 City B A Campbell 371 City Farley Loetscher & Co 372 City Farley Loetscher & Co 373 City Ald Herod submitted the following which was adopted by the full vote of the council. Resolved 14th Street between Walnut Street and 100 feet west of Cox street Regular Session August 4, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill M Tschirgi Jr Profile of Nevada Street Grade of Nevada Street declared official grade resolved adopted resolved change of grade of 14th street as shown be adopted as official grade F Weigle John Flynn Wm C Wilkinson Geo W Jones Wm H Peabody John Goldthorp Simon Treanor Richard Cox Regular Session August 4, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Investigate charges vs P Fay Chief FD Ald Lickie submitted the following which was referred to one Alderman from each ward Whereas certain charges of mismanagement of the Fire Department at the fire of the Key City Barrel Factory and L D Randall & Co collar factory in the night of July 22, 1879 by Peter Fay chief of Fire Department has been published and also charging that he is incompetent to manage said department and whereas believing that said charges of incompetency are entertained by many of our large property owners, justice to the said Fay and the citizens of Dubuque demand that an investigation be made into said charges; therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that a committee of five one from each ward be appointed by the mayor to investigate said charges and report to this council. Resolved Arched Sewer on Hill Street Garrigan property resolution adopted Recorder be instucted to notify teh petitiones of the action taken in regard to their petition Amend resolution by substituting the city treasurer instead of recorder resolution as amended was adopted following submitted which was adopted an order Regular Session August 4, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill an order be drawn Dubuque County Bank Finance Committee be instructed to borrow three thousand dollars $3000.00 for the City of Dubuque resolved and adopted Water District 1879 remain in force same map answering the purpose property in said district is subject to water tax resolved and adopted committee on Fire has been informed that at the last fire in said city the water was reduced in the reservoir of the water company such reducing of the water in said reservoir in the extinguishing of a fire such as referred to is dangerous to the interest of said city should be thoroughly invested by this council be it resolved that a committee be apointed to examine into the supply of water together with the conditions and capacity of the reservoir of said water company Resolved whereas at the late fire on Iowa street between Third and Fourth streets our fire apparatus proved inefficient Regular Session August 4, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill we are liable any day to have a fire of the same magnitude. Therefore be it resolved that the comittee on fire be instructed to negotiate for the purchase of a new steam fire engine to be added to our fire dpeartment and also that a proper building be constructed in which to place the same. prepare ordinance in reltion to appointment of police resolved by city council ordinance to amend chap 31 of revised ordinance police and night watchmen resolution adopted Treasurer communication tax for stamps received filed resolved and adopted finance committee settle with Wm Hentrager taxes of M S Robinson Treasurer Report G W Burton city Marshal reported nuisance on lots 531 and W 1/2 of 532 be it resolved be filled in adopted Regular Session August 4, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Nuisance on Lot 521 City marshal reported Nuisance on Lots 531 and N 1/2 of 532 resolved be filled in abstract of title of lots 255 and 256 in Davis Farm Addition to the City of Dubuque referred Marshal to proceed to collect licenses due from hotels and boarding houses adopted H J McNulty city attory presented written opinion in relation to licensing hotels and boarding houses Attorney's opinion on licensing hotels Petition of Joseph Gehrig city charter in subdivision 18 of section six of the charter of dubuque Regular Session August 4, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Attorney's opinion the power to tax and regulate hotel keepers and other boarding houses under said subdivision of section the city of Dubuque passed are ordinance Chapter 23 in the fourth section of which chapter they fix a license for hotel keepers and other boarding houses at the sum of $15.00 per annum with a penalty for the noncompliance with said ordinance. Upon the above law and ordinance I have come to the conclusion and hold the law to be that hotel keepers are compelled to pay the license fixed at $15.00 per year. Equalization Committee appointments Policement Carney and Pickley be discharged from duty, moved to amend resolution and proceedings in the case be laid on the table without taking action nothing done adjourn until Tuesday, August 5 1879 at 7 1/2 o'clock p.m. Regular Session August 5, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Open and reed bids for street work adopted Referred to street committee adopted report on bids for street work 3rd St from Hill to Alpine streets Spear and Lee Martin and Strain George Reynolds rejected bids of Spear and Lee and George Reynolds award to Martin and Strain although not the lowest it is the only one in form Washington Street from 10th to 15th Streets J E Foy James G Carney Martin & Strane Geo Reynolds rejected awarded to James G Carney adopted Petition of H M Kingman owner of city bonds issued March 1858 Nitengale Bonds On motion this petition was recieved and filed and recorder instructed to notify Mr. Kingman that the city to pay said bonds adopted Adjourned Regular Session August 5, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Remonstrance of Geo Fengler building of a slaughter house by Mr. Cleaver at Eagle Point reference to the committee on police Lay sidewalk on Seminary Street resolved and adopted Claims read and ordered paid B Sheridan T O Sullivan Peter Hansen Morrison Bros T W Ruete D W Linehan James Kelley James R Day L H Langworthy Jacob Bode & son Carsen McElrath Morrison Bro Mrs. Patrick McMahon Schrieber & Strinsky Lagen & Clair Key City Gas Light Co Wm Foy John Palls N H Theadinga M O'Loughlin Wullweber Bros M Morgan H Freeman Peter Vogal F E Moser T W Ruete Henry Stecher T O'Sullivan N H Theadinga John Schwink John McCoy Morrison Bros Mrs. P McMahon Andrew Treadway & Sons T F Koepfli J K Graves Hose Co Sol Turck Hose Co Fifth Ward Hose Co Key City Hook and Ladder Co Chs McMaster Arnold Tschirgi American Dist Telegraph Co Regular Session August 5, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Bills paid T E Frith Healy Bros W K De Lenmier Dubuque Water Company N H Theading T J & D L Connell Burch Babcock & Co M Downey M A Herbert T J Paisley Andrew Treadway & Sons N H Theadinga Dr Staples Bill from A Y McDonald referred reconsider action of council in relation to building arched sewer on Hill Street motion lost Special Session August 18, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Object to be in relation to the filling in 3rd street petition B J Oneill asking that a portion of the filling on 3rd street be used in filling hole Alpine street referred Petition of N Palen recommend Peter Mersch as policeman received filed Petition of M Cosgrove special assessment tax referred Petition of S M Langworthy ordinance in relation to transient merchants selling lumber in city nd pay neither taxes or licenses referred communication from Mayor Bush in relation to licenses issued by his order and treasurer refusees to receive the money and receipt for some without the council order him to do so referred Drum Corps Petition of Samuel Martins old market house corner of Jones and Main Streets removed grain and pork market petition referred declared adopted Special Session August 18, 1879 Present Mayor Bush, Aldermen Altman, Brown, Doerfler, Herod, Jones, Leckie, Lillig, Linehan, McCann and O'Neill Mayor appointed the following aldermen A communication from the mayor of Quincy, Illinois inviting the council of Dubuque to send deligates to that city to attend a convention in the improvement of the Mississippi River to be held October 15, 1879 referred Ald Brown submitted resolution to improve 14th street referred Petition of German Bank asking council to cancel the tax against the rhomberg distillery received and filed