Ciapalo, N, Ltr - Chestnut St.Page 1 of 1 Jeanne Schneider From: To: Sent: Subject: "Nancy B. Ciapalo" <nciapalo@juno.com> <rbuoll@mchsi.com>; <aeml0@mchsi.com>; <danielenicholson@mchsLcom>; <jmarkham@comerenergy.com>; <jconnors63@mchsi.com>; <patriciacline@mchsi.com>; <jschneid@cityofdubuque.org>; <ctymgr@cityofdubuque.org> Wednesday, October 08, 2003 9:12 AM Chestnut Street Dear Mr. Mayor & Members of the City Council, Thank you for your recent action regarding the Chestnut Street reconstruction. We are pleased that our neighborhood will remain as it is. It is reassuring to know that the City Council CAN and DOES respond to the requests of local neighborhoods. Thank you again. Cordially, Nancy B. Ciapalo 1209 Highland PLO. 10/8/2003