Alta Vista Street 1450 0 Alta Vista St. 0 -Loras College C_Conlon Construction Co. Alterations to Interior of 4 story br. building. B.P. 728 11 0 }.z -54 5,000.00 0 -Loras College C— Montgomery _- ry ev, Co. Install E levator in Kean B all. B.P. B 347 (— - - -- - P � -58 18,000.00 0 —Loras College C- Conlon Const, Co, Erect S cience Hall B.P. 134 4 - 10 - 62 750 000.00 Erect Planetari C_Conlon Const. C um Building B,P. 516.5 -3-66 49,500.00 --- A1tInt masonry bldg B.P. 875 11/4/71 10,000.00 z I 1450 Alta Vista St. 0 -Loras e Colle - g C- Conlon Const, Co. Erect Indoor Swimming Pool B.P. 669 6 -10-66 524,000.00. iterations to Brk Bld (Keane)B.P.931/5/74 _A_500.00 • - - I 3 Rho'man Hall) 1450 Alta Vista Street Rel;Dious o£-.Mercy C._ Conlon Const,- LterInterior Brick Dormitory B.P. 930 11/13173 86,500.00 7- Lazes College C- DISCO__ Reside Educational Bldg, B.P. 722 7112177 3000.00 --------- - - - - -- c� 1450 Alta Vista - Loads Cb1 Y 5e (. - Conlon Const. co. Erect steel maint bldg B 1438,_11/6L78 __. 185,D00. sejoutta / , ! ■d „ " a0 4 ,4 y O -Loras College Roofing Reroof Joseph R 11 BP 896 7/25/79-$13690:00 - O- Loras--College C- Conlon Construction erect mas. & steel gymnasium BP 3348 5/28/81 $1008900.00 O -Loras College C- Sharkey Wrecking demolish mas. gymnasium off Henion BP 4413 - 6/11/82 D -Loras College altar renovation - chapel CBP6569C1 /3/84 $10,000.00 1450 Alta Vista S 0 Loras College C Signgraphics, Inc. install one 4'x6' non - illum. changeable copy display BP 8031 12/14/84 0-Loras College C- Conlon Const. . oral o ege . _ .. .• S36000.00 21-1-8/88----- —�- or• sc 199 rie� xcavat. —9 as C° e_________C_conl° Const erect add. & remodel inter. educat. facility BP 10875 /i$/86 , 1 1450 Alta Vista 6 0 -Loras College C- Disco. Bldg. Improve. alterto windows, co11 cge l tt60 11/10/86 0 C l r C on r t e inter. alter. to office /dormitory, BP 12383 8/21/87 0 -brae Cn11agP C- Conlon Coast. $22,000.00 demolish non - bear., construct new part for offices 0 Loras College C Conlon Const. install roof mtd. satellite comm. system, school bldg. BP 14020 7/25/88 $3500.00 reroof , oof school bldg. BP 15637 7/18/89 $16000.00 1450 Alta Vista 0 -Loras College C- Conlon Const. install satellite dish - school BP18097 2/18/91 $1800.00 0 -Loras College C -Owner alter. to inter., educat. bldg BP18606 5/22/91 $5500.00 0 -Loras College C- Conlon Const. install _sub-structure for future—bldg, school- BP]8963 7/16/91 N/A O -Loral College C- Conlon Const. erect super- structure - for - school facility -phase 2 of 3 BP19737 2/3/92 N/A 0-Loras College C- Conlon Const. finish inter. of new - add. - phase 3 of 3 school BP20039 _4/-1-6792__$1,210,000.00 - 1450 Alta Vista 0 -Loras College C -Larry Weitz Sign Syst. install -2 sets - cast - letters to newalumni - campus center BP21684 4/1/93 0 -Loras College C -Owner erect 10'6 "x28'frm addn_ to exist.nresshnx,no heat.noolba SCHool BP22206 6 -16-93 $4500-:00 - - 0- Loras College t/o reside v C- Carpenters Constr ( ) press box & 2 util u bldgs, 3 -23-95 9 sd BP 28470 $1700.00 0- Loras College C- - t/o slate, resheet, reroof BP 28585 328-95r Bros $183,000.00 - - 1450 ALTA VISTA 9 0- Loras College C- Giese Roofing Reroof, sd BP2 &942 4 -11 -95 $64,000.00 0- Loras College C: of Sneet /� reroo�sri— $P-29- eta 37 & 4- 2- 8- 95-- 57��QOn nn 0 -Lora s Colleg r remodel inter masnry off /resid bldg school — remodel inter, of mas. dormitor off. n,�00 Y/ BP34921 5/22/96 - I® 0 Loras College c. Conlon const. Co remodel auditorium & classrooms college BP35020 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r e m o d e l l inter. of 1st fir centralofficces, dorrm BP37054 5/27/97 $131,040.00 - -_ —__ 0 -toras College inter, renovations to Smyth Ha10lnoffice /classrooms BP37084 6/2/97 $30,400.00 - -- —_ -- 0Loras College - install -2 ident, monuments, college BP42462 1 0/11/2000 n/a • 1450 Alta Vista 11 install ftgs_ 8_ fndn _onlyfor_lutureaibra.��RPn�SRg 1 1/9/2000 n/a •