1913 February Council ProceedingsStreet Departments of the City of Du- buque with choice Upland and choice Timothy Hay and No. 1 White Oats for the term of one year from Feb- ruary 1, 1913. Such Oats and Hay to be delivered in such quantities' and such places as may be ordered by the City from time to time. All Hay and Oats to be weighed on the City Scales and deliv- ered at the expense of the contractor. The Oats to be figured at 35 pounds to the bushel. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check of $25.00 on some Dubuque bank as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if award_ ed. The City reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, January 28, 1913. J. J. SHEA, 1 -28 -3t City Recorder. Notice. Auction sale of Used City Property. On Eaturday, the 18th day of Jan- uary, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. .m. there will be sold at public auction at the City Hall to the highest bidder for cash the following articles wme=% have been in service in the Fire De- partment of the City of Dubuque: One Single Wagon. One Buggy formerly used by the Chief. Official Notices OFFICIAL NOTICE. Notice of Special Assessment. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a Special Assessment as provided by law will be levied at a session of the City Council to be held February 6, 1913, to pay for improv- ing Willow Street, from the alley east of St. Ambrose Street to Rose- dale Avenue, Thos. Hassett, Contrac- tor. Amount of Special Assessment $4,- 208.35, same to be assessed against the abutting property upon and along said Street. And that there is a plat and sched+ rle on file in the office of the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque showing the street on which said im- provement was made and the sep- arate lots and parcels of ground or specified portions thereof subject to assessment of sttch improvement, the name of the owner thereof' as far ati practicable, and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule are subject to public inspection. That any and all persons objecting to said Special Assessment or to, said plat must file hls or 'their objections in writing with the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Council to be held February 6, 1913, or to appear at said session of the Council to show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, .January 23, 1913, J. J. SHEA, 1 -23 -3t City Recorder. Notice to City Taxpayers. The tax lists for 1912 taxes of the City of Dubuque are completed and I am prepared to receive taxes. Ac- cording to Chapter 56, Section 20, of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, said taxes become delin- quent on February 1, 1913. GEO. D. WYBRANT, 1 -10 -1 mo City Treasurer. CITY COUNCIL. (Official.) Regular Session, February 6, 1913. Council met at 8:10 p. m. Mayor Lyons in the chair. Present — Aids. Andresen, Frith, Heim, McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis. Ald. Andresen moved that the - Council Proceedings for the month of December be approved of as printed. - Carried. BIDS. Bid for care of town clock: Bid of A. R. Staufenbeil & Son, $145.00. Ald. Frith moved that the contract be _awarded to A. R. Staufenbeil & Son, they being the only bidders. Car- - ried. Ald. Frith moved that the man with present contract be paid for care of town clock until new contract be- comes in force. Carried. Bids for furnishing hay and oats - for City horses: Bid of M. Stafford —Oats, 43 35 lbs. to the bushel; prairie hay, $14.90 per ton; timothy hay, $16.90 per ton. Bid of J. J. Nagle— Oats„ 49c, 35 lbs. to the bushel; wild hay, $16.50 per ton; timothy hay, $18.50 per ton. Bid of T. F. Kane —Oats, 47 35 • .lbs. to the bushel; upland hay, $17.00 per ton: timothy hay, $18.00 per ton. Ald. Saul moved that the contract be awarded to M. Stafford, he being the lowest bidder. Carried. Petition of H. Markey, relative to the City bearing an equal share with him in the costs of cases against the City, presented and read. On mo- tion of Ald. Frith, petition was re- ferred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of G. Metcalf et al, relative to placing an electric light on Grace Street at Grigg Place, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Wallis, pe- tition was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Communication of D. A. Gaumnita relative to disposing of the garbage, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Singrin, communication was re- ferred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Ernest Heer et al, rela- tive to acquiring a strip of land for outlet, running from the westerly end of Chestnut Street, northerly to West - Fourteenth Street, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Wallis, petition - was referred to the Committee of the Regular Session, Feb. 6, 1913 35 Whole to view the grounds. Petition of J. G. Helbing, relative to an erroneous return of $1,200.00 monied capital, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Andresen, petition was referred to the Delinquent Tax Committee. Petition of Captain H. G. Higbee, Co. A, 53rd Infantry, relative to the lease of Armory Hall, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Frith, peti- tion was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of C. H. Berg relative to deducting the amount of $1,200.00 on Lot 5 of the Sub. of Outlot 684, he be- ing an honorably discharged soldier of the War of the Rebellion, presented and read. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin, the prayer of the peti- tioner was granted. Petition of Mrs. T. Stoltz, relative to the valuation placed on the West- ern House property on Clay Street, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Frith petition was referred to the Delinquent Tax Committee. Ald. Saul moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of allowing Mr. Dennison to address the Council. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Frith, Heim, McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis. Nays- -None. Mr. Dennison addressed the Coun- cil. in reference to hill of Mr. Has - sett. Ald. Frith moved that the bill of T. J. Hassett for the sewer on West Locust Street be settled in the Com- mittee of the Whole and that the Committee Clerk be instructed to no- tify., Mr. Dennison to be present. Car- ried. Petition of A. R. Flick Box Co., relative to canceling all taxes on their plant in excess of $3,000.00, in accord- ance with the agreement entered in- to by the City Countil, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Frith, the prayer of the petitioner was granted. Petition of The Dubuque Sand & Gravel Co., relative to permission to use, for a period of five years, a space on the outer levee about opposite the end of Third Street Extension, pre- sented and read. Qn motion of Ald. Frith, petition was referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds. Petition of J. Rumple, guardian of the Elliott children, relative to can- celing taxes on Lots 1 and 9, Grigg's Sub., presented and read. On mo- tion of Ald. Andresen, petition was 36 referred to the Delinquent Tax Com- mittee. Petition of the Sisters of Charity, 1:S. V. M., relative to canceling the as- sessment against Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 179, and Lot 9, Smyth's Sub., for the sewer in Willow Street presented and read. On motion of Ald. Wallis the prayer of the petitioners was granted. Petition of Annie Kauffmann et a1, relative to canceling an assessment of $160.00 levied against the homestead of the late Bridget Whittemore pre- sented and read. On motion of Ald seated and read. On motion of Ald. Committee of the Whole. Petition of Jessie A -. Fern relative to an assessment levied against 1 property for the sewer . in Delhi Street presented and read. O'n motion of Ald. Frith petition was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Communication of C. H. Reynolds relative to the renewal of Bond No. 5007 —C., Mullen Bros., presented and read. On motion of Ald. Frith com- munication was referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque, Towa. Gentlemen: Having purchased the stock and good will at 497 Rhomberg Avenue, the undersigned' respectfully I •ctitions your honorable body that the consent formerly granted to Adam pecht for the sale and keeping for sale of intoxicating liquors at whole- sale and retail within the City of Du buque, and but recently transferred to Edward Berger, be transferred to himself to be held and maintained by himself subject to the laws of the Plate of Iowa and the Ordinances of the City .of Dubuque, and further pe- titions that you renew said consent for the ensuing year. Respectfully. FRANK ZANGERLE, Aid. Frith moved that the prayer of the petitioner be granted. Carried. Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa„ That consent formerly granted to Adam Specht and recently transferred to Ed. Berger, 497 Rhomberg Avenue, is here- by transferred and also renewed to Frank Zangerle to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors and deal therein in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. Unanimously adopted. Approved: M. E. LYONS, Mayor, Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. The annual report of the Board of Regular Session, Feb.. 6, 1913 Trustees of the Carnegie -Stout Free Public Library, together with that of" the Librarian for the year 1912, pre- sented and read. On motion of Ald. Frith the report was approved. BILLS. N. J. Staner, 5 per cent retained, Brunswick -Balke sewer ..$ 64 82 F. T. Frith, Health 216 00 E. T. Frith, Health 34 99 Ald. Saul moved all bills properly O. K. be paid. Carried. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: I herewith submit the pay roll for labor on streets during the last half of January, 1913: Amount due laborers on streets.$400 80 Amount , due laborers on streets leading into county .... 13 63 Amount due laborers on Mt. Carmel avenue .... .... 293 60. JOHN MAHONEY, 'Street Commissioner On motion of Ald. Saul the pay rolls were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay various amounts and re- . ports referred hack to the Committee on Streets. Also submit the pay roll for labor on sewer during the last half of Jan - uary, 1913: Amount due laborers on sewers.$224 60 JOHN MAHONEY, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Singrin the pay roll was received and warrants were ordered drawn to pay various amounts and report referred back to the Com- mittee on Sewers. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as follows: No the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the Last half of January, 1913: Amount due Firemen $1,777.26 One per cent retained for Pension Fund ...... . , , , 34.30 Respectfully submitted, J. R. REINFRIED, Chief. Approved by Committe on Fire. On motion of Ald. Singrin the pay roll was received, warrants were or- dered drawn to pay the Firemen and the report referred back to the Com- mittee on Fire. Chief of Police Raesle reported as , follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: I herewith submit the Police report for the month of Jan- uary, 1913: Assault to kill 1 Breaking and entering 1 )1 urbing the peace 7 itives 1 Incorrigible 1 Intoxication 83 Petit larceny 1 Vagrancy 10 Total 105 Residents arrested 25 Doors found open 29 Defective lights 57 Lodgers harbored 145 Meals furnished prisoners 7 Cost of food $ 1.40 Sheriff, dieting prisoners for month of January .... $12.37 Police court costs and fines col- lected $22,05 Patrol runs for prisoners 85 Prisoners transferred 1 Miles 'traveled 105 Also beg to submit the pay roll for Policemen for last half of January, 1913: Amount due Policemen $1,570.84 Amount retained, pension fund 32.16 Respectfully submitted, JOHN RAESLE, Chief of Police. On motion of Ald. Andresen the pay roll was received, warrants were or- dered drawn to pay Policenen and report referred back to the Police Committee, City Auditor Lagen reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Herewith find my re- port for the month of January. 1913, showing the receipts and dis- bursements for the month: Cash balance, December 30, 1912 ...... ....$ 10, 490.80 Receipts during month ... 151,256.24 Totals $161,747.04 DISBURSEMENTS. Warrants redeemed , $57,514.29 Improvement bond coupons redeemed 890.00 Regular bond coupons re- deemed 3,100.00 Water Works. bond coupons redeemed 67.50 Improvement bonds re- deemed Park orders redeemed 'Library orders redeemed Policemen Pension orders redeemed Firemen Pension orders re- deemed Total $72,640.96 Cash balance Jan. 31, 1913 $89,106.08 The above cash balance includes the balances in the Improvement Bond Fund, the Water Works in- terest and Sinking Fund, the Library Fund, Park Fu,nd, Old Water Works r.. Regular - Session, Feb. 6, 1913 9,106.04 1,531.28 280.60 67.50 83,75 37 Debt Fund, Police Pension Fund, Fire - Pension Fund and the Sinking Fund (for amelioration of the City Regular Bonded Debt). WATER WORKS ACCOUNT. ' Cash balance Dec. 31, 1912. $50,974.79. Deposited with City Treas- urer by Water Works Trustees . , . , 7,181:27 Total $58,156,06 Orders drawn on City Treas- urer by Water Works ' Trustees during month 4,477.84 • Cash balance Jan. 31, 1913.$53,678.22 EXCAVATION ACCOUNT. Cash balance Dec. 31, 1912.... $10.00 Cash balance Jan. 31, 1913.... 5.00 The following is a record of all in- terest coupons and bonds redeemed by the City Treasurer and credited to him: INTEREST. Improvement bond coupons. $ 890.00 Regular bond coupons 3,100.00 Water Works bond coupons 67.50 Total interest on bonds phid. 4,057.50 BONDS. Improvement bonds $9,106.04 Total bonds redhemecl 9,106.04 Also report there Is due the City Officers for the month of January, 1913, salaries amounting to $2,698.20. The following list shows the Ap- propriations and the amount of War- rants drawn on each Fund since the beginning of the fiscal year beginning March 1st, 1912 to Feb. 1, 1913: Appropriations. Expended General Expense and Contingent Fund ... ....$ 37,000.00 30,829.66 District Road Funds — Pirst District , 6,666.00 6,660.87 Second District.. 15,739.00 15,724.43 Third District . 9,595.00 9,578.85 Fourth District. 10,912.00 10,900.23 Fifth District .. 8,777.00 8,760.13 Fire Dept.. ..., 62,500.00 62,311.34 Police Dept. ... 41,000.00 39,116.06 Sewerage .. ... 5,500.00 5,060.98 Printing ... ... 2, 2 0 0.0 0 2,184.58 Street Lighting.. 27,500.00 22,860.8,4 Interest on Float- ing and Bond- ed Debt .. , . 42,000.00 32,675.84 Board of Health 7,500.00 7,256.02 Grading Streets and Alleys ... 4,500.00 4,474.00 Special Bonded Paving Interest on Spec- ial Bonded Debt „ ..... Improvement on Mount Carmel Avenue .. Repairing and re- building Side- walks ... .. , 2.500.00 136.80 3.800.00 1,000.00 461.90 1,000.00 865.98 38 Regular Session, Feb. 6, 1913 Improvement of Grandview Ave Five per cent re- tained on cer- tain improve- m ents .. .... Claims and judg- ments .... .. Levee Improve- ment Fund .. Balance due on widening Hill Street Amount due the Dubuque Na- tional Bank .. ,Storm water sew- er in Arling- ton, Grove and West Twelfth Streets .. ... Bee Branch sew- er north of 27th Street !Improvement of Kaufman Ave. Improvement of Eagle Pt. Ave. Payment of old . water works debt .... ..... Improvement of North First St. Widening South Dodge St. at intersection of Curtis St.. .. 'Sodding Grand- view Ave. .... Arching 13ee Pranch Sewer at 16th Street Arching Bee P ranch Sewer at 17th Street Widening 18th St. at bonier Avenue .. ... 'Widening or im- proving \Vest Locust St. and Arch St. .... .Improvement of Willow St.. .. 'Willow, St. Am- brose, Asbury and Rosedale Ave. sanitary sewer .... .. Park Fund .... Opening street and water way from Alpine to Alta Vista Sts. Twelfth, Thir- teenth a n d Fourteenth St. dumps ... Improvement on Villa Street .. Straightening and improving Cherry, Dela- 2.400.00 2,400.00 536.06 346.32 3,500.00 3,483.80 200.00 27.20 700.00 700.00 637.33 637.33 600.00 600.00 1,600.00 1,597.52 1,000.00 223.89 1,000.00 17.40 2,000.00 1,993.16 200.00 100.00 200.00 196.11 800.00 760.15 800.00 796.93 1,000.00 1,200.00 600.00 1,000.00 800.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,000.00 250.00 195.60 250.00 26.80 ware and Avo- ca streets .... Improvement of Fifth Ave. .. 200.00 191.20 I mprovement of Elm L. from Eagle Pt. _\ve. to Sanford St. 450.00 450.00 Total Appro- priations ... $313.512.39 Respectfully submitted, CYRIL D. LAGEN. A uditor. Moved by Ald. ' Heim the reports and pay roll be received and warrants be drawn for the various amounts and report referred back to Finance Committee. Carried. City Treasurer - Wybrant reporte 1 as follows: The following is a statement of the amounts advanced by me during the month of November, 1912, for which please have warrants drawn in my favor: Interest on warrants out- standing $540.00 Miscellaneous .... ..... 16.66 Also please order warrants drawn in my favor in amounts and against funds as follows, being special assess- ments levied against the City of Du- buque for improvements. SPECIAL BONDED PAVING FUND. Sewer in North Booth Street.$157.17 Improvement of North Booth Street 238.20 Improvement of Valeria Street 59.60 Grandview Avenue Parking.. 485.30 Total $970.27 Avenue $880.00 A $880.80 Appropriation - .Kaufmann Avenue 775.04 Appropriation -Sewer Rosedale, etc 800.00 Respectfully, GEO. D. WYBRANT, City Treasurer. Moved by Ald. Heim the report be received, warrants orderd drawn for the various amounts and report re- ferred back to Finance Cmmittee. Carried. City Electrician Hippman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my report of defective lights for month of January, 1913. I find from the re- port of the Police Department that the total hours that 57 lamps failed to burn would equal 1% lamps burn- ing for on month, or $8.75, Ald. Andresen moved that the re- port be received and the City Auditor be instructed to deduct $8.75 from 150.011 the Union Electric Co.'s bill. Carried. Following Weighmasters' reports on receipt were presented and read and on motion of AId. Frith were receiv- ed and filed: .Jos. Straney ...... .... .....$ 3.69 Ed. Norton 25.55 Louis Pitschner .. . ... 1.17 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Gentlemen: Please find Treasurer's receipts attached for money collected by me as follows: McNamara Contracting Co., for old curb stone taken from Fourth Ward, amount $30.00 Wilmer Cook, paving brick from Third Ward 40.12 Rolling gas trenches for Key City Gas Co 75.00 Respectfully submitted JOHN MAHONY, Street Commissioner. Ald. Saul moved that the report of - the Street Commissioner be received -and filed. Carried. Ald. Wallis moved that the money collected by the Street Commissioner be credited to wards where material was taken from. Carried. Dubuque, Ia., Feb. 6, 1913. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Your Committee on - Claims and City Attc"ney respectfully ■ report that there is now on file in the 'Clerk's office of the District Court of Dubuque County, the petition of Anna Plein, claiming damages against the city in the sum of one thousand dol- lars for injuries alleged to have been sustained by her on the 11th day of March, 1912, by reason of a fall on a sidewalk on Alta Vista Street in front of No, 484, due to an accumulation of snow and ice on said walk, and where- by she sustained a fracture of the bone in the left wrist. That. the attorneys representing the plaintiff have offered to accept in full settlement of the above claim the sum of two hunched and fifty dollars. We would therefore recommend that the City Attorney be authorized to affect . a settlement upon that basis the same to he paid after the annual appro- priation in March. Respectfully submitted, GEO. T. LYON, City Attorney. . JAMES SAUL, WM. P. ANDRESEN, JOHN HEIM, Committee on Claims. Dubuque, Ia.; Feb: 6, 1913. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Regular Session, Feb. 6, 1913 39 Gentlemen: The undersigned, Com- mittee on Claims and City Attorney, respectfully report that on April 25th, 1912, there was filed in the office of the Clerk of the District Court the peti- tion of John Lund, claiming the sum of one thousand dollars as damages for personal injuries sustained by him on March 14th, 1912, by a fall on the sidewalk on the corner of Seventh and Clay streets, said fall claimed to have been due to an accumulation of snow and ice upon the walk, and that he sustained a dislocation of his left shoulder and other injuries as a re- sult thereof. That the attorney representing said Lund has offered to accept a compro- mise of said claim in the sum of one hundred dollars in fuli payment. That the undersigned relieves that it is to the best interests of the city to accept such proposition and would therefore recommend that the City Attorney be authorized to effect a settlement upon that basis, the said amount to be paid after the annual appropriation in March. Respectfully submitted, GEO. T. LYON, ' City Attorney. JAMES SAUL, WM. P. ANDR.ESEN, JOHN HEIM, Committee on' Claims. Ald. Saul moved that the reports of the City Attorney and Committee on Claims be adopted. • Ald. Saul moved that the City Re- corder advertise for bids for binding the Council proceedings for the year 1912. 'Carried. Your Fire Committee would report that the fire escape ordered to be erected on the Eighth Street side of the Grand opera house has not been erected and that the sixty days al- lowed in our recommendation' of De- cember 5, 1912, has expired. We there- fore recommend that an additional period of fourteen days he allowed the owners to comply with the order of December 5, and that if the order is not complied with in that time that the gallery of said opera house be closed until the Jrder is complied with. We further recoriimend that the Chief of Police he instructed to enforce this order. Ald. Singrin moved that the report of the Fire Committee be adopted. Carried. Ald. Singrin moved that the Finance Committee be instructed to borrow money to pay the firemen for the last half of January and first half of Feb- ruary. Carried. Ald. Saul moved that the matter of insuring the auto fire , -:gme he left 40 in the hands of the Fire Committee with power. Carried. Ald. Wallis moved that the City Re- corder be instructed to advertise for bids for a new auto fire truck to be placed on the hill. Ald. Andresen amended Ald. Wallis motion to refer the matter of purchas- ing the auto fire engine to the Com- mittee of the Whole. Lost by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Frith. Nays —Alds. Heim, McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis. Vote on Ald. Wallis' motion: Yeas —Alds. Heim, McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —Aids, Andresen, Frith. Ald. McLaughlin moved to have two arc lights placed at the skating rink in the Ice Harbor. Carried. Dubuque, Ia., Feb. 3, 1913. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The Board of Health met in regular session Feb. 3, 1913. Chairman Andresen in the chair. Present —Mayor Lyons, Ald. Mc- Laughlin, Citizen R. Kolck, Dr. Palen, Dr. Kennedy, Sanitary Officer Lynch, Assistant City Attorney Willging. Minutes of the meeting of Jan, 2, 1913, read, and on motion of Ald. Mc- Laughlin were approved. Communication of Anna Smith rel- ative to wages of $30.00 for services 'rendered during a case of scarlet fever Presented and read. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin communication was received and filed. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the Clerk advertise for bids for care of the pest house, bids to be received un- til February 20, 1913, at 2:00 p. m. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the following bills were sent to the county tor payment: Meade & Sullivan Meade & Sullivan Clancy Transfer Co Whelan Bros Whelan Bros Whelan Bros F. A. Burns M. M. Hoffman R. W. Quinlan Union Electric Co W. B. Baumgartner Dr. E. L. Reinicke J. E. Robinson G. J. McCabe Ald. McLaughlin moved to adjourn. Carried. Ald. Andresen moved that the Board of Health be approved. Carried. J. J. SHEA, Clerk, $ 2.13 3.00 3.25 2.40 3.00 4.80 3.00 10.80 7.63 3.00 12.05 100.00 38 26 4.00 Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the proposed or- Regular Session, Feb. 6, 1913 dinance regulating Transient Mer- chants, would respectfully report that the ordinance as submitted has been declared unconstitutional by the City Attorney and we would therefore rec- ommend that the same be recived and filed. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. Isabella Metcalf, asking that the valuation of Lots 9 and 10 in Quig- ley's Subdivision be reduced from the amount as placed thereon by the City Assessor to that fixed by your hon- orable body for the taxes of 1911, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the City Treasurer be in- structed to accept the taxes on said lots on a basis of $1,000.00 valuation for the year 1912. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of lErs. Annie Andresen, owner of Lot No. 7, in East Dubuque Addition, ask - ing,that the taxes assessed against said lot be canceled on account of her pov- erty, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the City Treasurer be intsructed accordingly. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Adam Vogel, relative to the taxes on certain pieces of real estate owned by him in the city of Dubuque, would re- spectfully, recommend that said peti- tion be received and filed. ,TAMES SAUL. Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the proposed amendment to the ordinance regulat- ing street traffic, would respectfully recommend that said amendment be adopted. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the ordinance es- tablishing a grade on Fenelon Place from end to end of said street, would respectfully recommend that the pro- file of said grade be accepted and that the ordinance establishing the same be adopted. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the bill of T. J. Hassett for 5% retained on the Grand- view avenue and South Dodge street sewer, amounting to $206.82, would respectfully recommend that said hill be allowed after deducting therefrom the sum of $20.70 for labor perform- ed on said sewer by the city, and that a warrant far the balance, $186.12, be ordered drawn on the City Treas- urer in settlement of the bill. JAMES SAUL. Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referre' dthe bill of Kenety & Lee, amounting to $50.00 for the retaining of the brick intersection at Eagle Point Avenue and Queen Street, would respectfully recommend that said bill be allowed and that a war - rant in settlement thereof be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom were referred the bills of Ken - ety & Lee, for extra material and la- bor furnished in the improvement of Kaufman Avenue and Eagle Point Avenue, would respectfully recom- mend that said bills be referred to the City Engineer for a report theron. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the claim of C. B. McNamara & Co. for rebate of charg- es for rolling Glen. Oak Avenue, Wood street and alley between Thirty -sec- ond street and Millvil]e Road and also for removing stone from Franc Alt - man's lot on Couler avenue, amount- ing in total of $81.70., would respect- fully recommend that said .claim be not allowed. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, re- porting on the petition of George Ganshirt et al., asking for the widen- ing of Plocklinger Lane, would re- spectfully recommend that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare a plat showing the property necessary to be taken for widening said lane ten feet, and to submit such plat to the Committee of the Whole at the earliest possible date. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Holy Ghost church, by Rev. W. J. WePich, pastor, stating that Lot 4, in G. R. West's Addition, was pur- chased November 10th, 1911, to be used exclusively for religious and edu- cational purposes. and asking there- fore that said lot be ordered exempt from taxation from and after Jan- uary lst, 1912, would respectfully rec- ommend that the prayer of the peti- tioner be granted and that the City Treasurer be instructed accordingly. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Dubuque Altar Company. asking that its taxes for the year 1911 be accept- ed in accordance with the resolution adopted by the City Council on April 2nd, 1908, would respectfully report Regular 5e1sion, Feb. 6, 1913 41, that the reduction provided for by said resolution expired with the taxes for the year 1910, and we would there- fore recommend that said petition be- received and filed. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was refered the following peti- tions relative to back taxes, would re- spectfully recommend that the same be referred to the Committee on De- linquent Taxes: Mrs. Florence Hay-- Gen, Mrs. Anna Dietl, Mrs. Margaret Streletsky, the said committee to re- port direct to the City Council. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee. of the Whole, to whom were referred the notices of the Illinois Central Railroad Com- pany and the Dunlieth and Dubuque Bridge Company, stating that they had taken appeal to the District Court in and for Dhbuque County, from the action of the Board of Equalization in refusing to grant the reductions. asked for by said companies on the property known as the "Banana Cool- ing Plant" and the "Dunlieth and Dubuque Bridge,' would respectfully recommend that said notices, be re- ceived and filed. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Ald. Saul moved that the report of the Committee of the Whole be ap- proved. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow- ing: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN OP DINANCE RELATING TO STREET TRAFFIC, AND REGULATING THE USE OF THE STREETS, AL- LEYS AND PUBLIC PLACES OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE BY CARTS, DRAYS. HACKNEY COACHES, OMNIBUSES, CAR- RIAGES, WAGONS. MOTOR VE- HICLES, AND PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLA- TION THEREOF." Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the ordinance en- titled "an ordinance relating to street traffic and regulating the use of streets, alleys and public places of the City of Dubuque by carts. drays, hack- ney coaches, omnibuses, carriages, wagons, motor vehicles, and all other vehicles, and providing for a penalty for the violation thereof." be and the same is hereby amended by striking out all of Section 31 of said ordinance in its present form and inserting the following in lieu thereof: "Section 31. Every motor vehicle while in use on any street, alley or other public place of the city shall be provided with good and efficient brakes which shall at all times be in 42 Regular Session, Feb. 6, 1913 a proper and efficient working condi - tion, as shall also the steering gear of such motor vehicle be at all times in a proper and efficient working condi- tion. Every motor vehicle while in use aforesaid shall also be provided with a suitable bell or horn, and it shall be unlawful for a person to use any bell or horn which will not pro- duce an abrupt sound sufficiently loud to serve as an adequate warning of danger, and it shall be unlawful for any person operating any motor ve- hicle to make or cause to be made - any unnecessary noise with any such bell or horn, or to use the same ex- cept as a warning of said vehicle's approach. "Every motor vehicle while in use -on any street, alley or other public place of the city must exhibit after dusk or in any case during the per - iod from one (1) hour after sunset to one (1) hour before sunrise, one or more lamps showing white iight vis- ible within a reasonable distance in the direction toward which such ve- hicle is proceeding and also a red light visible in the reverse direction. While any motor vehicle is at a standstill on any street, alley or oth- er public place of the city during the hours aforesaid it must exhibit at least one light visible in the direction in which such vehicle is faced and a red Light visible in the reverse direc- tion "Section 31a. It shall be unlawful for any person or company owning or in charge of any motor vehicle to cause, suffer or allow smoke, steam, vapor, gas, oil, refuse or residue to escape therefrom in quantities in ex- 'cess of such amount as may be abso- lutely necessary for the successful - operation of such motor vehicle when it is in perfect working order and not preventable by the use of all ap - pliances and apparatus designed to - prevent the escape of said smoke, steam, vapor, gas, oil, refuse of resi- due. "It shall, be unlawful for any per- son or company owning or in charge -of any motor vehicle to cause, suffer or allow the same to make any un- necessary noise in any manner while •on any street, alley or other public place of the city. "It shall be unlawful for any per- son or company owning or in charge' -of any motor car to cause, suffer or =allow the same to be operated on any street, alley or other public place of the city without a muffler of such de- sign as to eliminate as far as pos- sible the noise caused by the engine explosions, or to cause, suffer or al- low such motor car to be operated - with said muffler cut out or not in operation." Section 2. This ordinance to be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and Times- Journal newspapers. Adopted February 6, 1913. Approved February 14, 1913. M. E. LYONS, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, Clty Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Times - Journal and Telegraph - Herald newspapers, February 15, 1913. J. J. SHEA, ' 2 -15 -1t City Recorder. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Alds. Andresen. Frith, Heim, McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis. Nays -None. Ald. McLaughlin Toyed to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the ordinance by its title., Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Andresen, Frith, Heim, McLaughlin. Saul, Singrin, \Acallis. Nays -None. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop- tion of the ordinance. Carried by the following vote: Yo s -A Ids. Andresen Frith, Heim, McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis. Nays -None. Ald. McLaughlin offered the fol- lowing: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE 1 S'iABLISHING A GRADE uN FENELON PLACE FEOM END TO END OF SAID STREET. Le it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grade on Fenelon fence from end to end of said street be and the same is hereny establishes: and adopted as shown by the profll o1 said street and grade prepared by the City Engineer and accepted by the City Council on the 5th day of July, 1912, being Profile No. 745. B. M. east end of Burch house, 3rd street, oa- posite James, elevation 266.363. Said grade begins at the east prop- erty line of Burch Street, which is Station 0, elevation south curb 259.6C, north curb 259.20; thence to station 3 -1 -35, west curb line of Summit Street, elevation south curb 248.60, north curb 249.90; thence to station 3 +59, east curb line Summit Street, elevation south curb 248.00, north curl 249.30; thence to station 9, elevation 225.00; thence to station 10, elevation south curb 220.10, north curb 220.90; thence to station 11. elevation south curb 214.08, north curb 214.60; thence to station 11 +78, west curb line of Raymond Place, elevation south curb 208.00, north curb 209.00; thenc to sta tion 12+03, elevation 207.60. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Du- buque Times - Journal and Telegraph - Herald newspapers. Adopted February 6, 1913. Approved February 14, 1913. M. E. LYONS, Mayor. Attest:. J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Times- Journal and Telegraph Herald newspapers, February 15, 1913. J. J. SHEA, 2- 15 -1t. City Recorder. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the reading just had be considered the first reading of the ordinance. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Alds. Andresen. Frith. Heim, McLaughlin. Saul, Singrin, Wallis. Nays -None. Ald. McLaughlin moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reading the ordinance by its title. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Alds. Andresen, Frith, Heim, McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis. Nays -None. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adop- tion of the ordinance. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Andresen. Frith, Heim, McLaughlin. Saul, Singrin, Wallis. Nays -None. City Recorder Shea presented and read the notice certified to by the publishers, of the Council's intention to levy a Special Assessment to pay for improving Willow Street, from the alley east of St. Ambrose Street to Rosedale Avenue, Thos. Hassett, Con- tractor. Ald. Heim moved that the notice be received and filed. Carried. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. That to pay for improving Willow Street from the al- ley first east of St, Ambrose Street to Rosedale Avenue, by Thos. Hassett, Contractor, in front of and adjoin- ing the same, a special tax he and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots and parcels of real es- tate hereinafter named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real es- .state, as follows: Owner. Description. Amt. .Sisters of Holy Ghost, Finley Add., E. 45 ft. Lot 24, 45.0 lin. feet cement curb and gutter at 55c, $24.75; 65 sq. yds. macadamizing at 60c, $39.00; extra expenses, $3.15 $ 66 90 Regular Session, Feb. 6, 1913 43 John Steinmetz, Finley Add„ Lot 25, 7L0 lin. ft. cement curb and gutter at 55c, $39.05; 102.56 sq. yds. ma- cadamizing at 60c, $61.54; extra expenses $4.98 105 57 John Steinmetz, Finley Add Lot 26, 71.0 lin, ft. cement curb and gutter at 55c, $39.05; 102.56 sq. yds. ma- cadamizing at 60c, $61.53; extra expenses, $4.98 105 56 John Kapp, Finley Add. Lot 27, 62.8 lin, ft. cement gut- tering at 24c, $15.07; 90.71 sq. yds. macadamizing at 60c, $54.43; 31.8 lin. ft, re- set curb at 30c, $9.54; ex- tra expenses, $4.40 83 44 John Kapp, Finley Add. Lot 28, 62.8 lin. ft. cement gut- tering at 24c, $15.07; 90.71 sq. yds. macadamizing at 60c $54.42; extra expenses, $4.40 73 89 John Kapp, Finley Add., Lot 29, 16.8 lin. ft. cement curb and gutter at 55c, $9.24; 62.9 lin, ft. cement gutter- ing at 24c, $15.10; 115.96 sq. yes macadamizing at 60c, $69.58; extra expenses, $5.58 99 50 A. A. Cooper, Sub. Min. Lot 179a, north side of Willow Street, Lot 5, 220.0 lin. ft. cement curb and gutter at 55c, $121.00; 317.78 sq. yds. macadamizing at 60c, $190.66; extra expenses, $15.41 327 07 A. A. Cooper, Sub. Min. Lot 179a, south side of Willow Street, Lot 5, 100.0 lin. -ft. cement curb and gutter at 55c, $55.00; 144.45 sq. yds. macadamizing at 60c, $86.67; extra expenses, $7.00 148 67 P. A. Ruly, Sub. Min. Lot 179, E. 150 ft. Lot 3, 150.0 lin, ft. cement curb and gutter at 55c, $82.50; 216.67 sq. yds. macadamiz- ing at 60c, $130.00; extra expenses, $10.50 .... 223 00 Thos. Westaby, Sub. Min. Lot 179 W. 50 ft. Lot 3, 50.0 lin, ft. cement curb and gutter at 55c, $27.50; 72.23 sq. yds. macadamiz- ing at 60c, $43.34; extra expenses, $3.50 .... 74 34 C. H. Reynolds, Sub. Min. Lot 179, Lot 2, 210.0 lin. ft. cement curb and gutter at 55c, $115.50; 314.0 sq. yds. macadamizing at 60c, $188.40; extra expenses, $14.70 318 60 Wm. J. Clark Est., Finley Add., Lot 177, 88.0 lin. ft. CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session February 20, 1913. (Official.) Council met at 8:35 p. m. Mayor Lyons in the chair. Present — Aldermen Andresen, Frith, jldm, McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin. Wallis. BIDS. Bids for binding Council Proceed - ings— Per book. Berg & Briggs $2.75 Telegraph - Herald 2.34 Mathis -Metz 3.75 Ald. Saul moved that the contract be awarded to the Telegraph - Herald, they being the lowest bidders. Car- ried. City Recorder Shea presented and read the notice, certified to by the publishers, of the Council's intention to improve Couler Avenue from the northerly lot line of Twenty- second Street to a point fifty feet north of the north line of Peru road,- also the remonstrance of Ben Weber et al Ald. Frith moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of hearing from the remonstrators on Couier Avenue. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Frith, Heim, McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Attorney Wells Rupert addressed the Council in behalf of the Confer Avenue remonstrators. Ald. Frith moved that the notice and remonstrance be referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole. Carried. Mr. Beaumont, signal man of the C. G. W. R. R. Co., addressed the Coun- cil in reference to erecting their new device for railroad crossings, stating they wished to place one on Lincoln Avenue for 60 days' trial. Ald. Frith moved to allow C. G. W. R. R. Co. to install new system on 60 days' trial. Aid. Saul amended Ald. Frith's mo- tion to refer the matter to the Coin - mittee of the Whole. Lost by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Saul. Nays —Alds. Frith, Heim, McLaugh- lin, Singrin, Wallis. Ald. Frith's motion carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Frith, Heim, McLaugh- lin, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —Alds. Andresen, Saul. Mr. Bledsoe - addressed the Council in reference to their equipment and process for Asphalt Streets. Regular Session, Feb, 20, 1913 45 Ald. Frith moved to refer the prop- osition of Mr. Bledsoe to the Commit- tee of the Whole and notify Mr. Bledsoe to be present. Carried. BILLS. J. Duggan, Mt. Carmel $ 2 30 Clancy Transfer Co., Mt. Carmel 8 00 Dubuque Powder Co., Mt. Car- mel ,.., 11 30 Jos. J. Bertsch, Sewers 6 50 F. Schloz & Son, Sewers 20 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co , Sewers ,,,, ,,,, 75 Klauer & Kress, Sewers ::5 C. Giese, Sidewalk 2 00 J. N. Graham, Sewers and Side- walk .... 2 00 F. Schloz & Son, Sidewalk 1 35 Gonner , Bros., Expense 75 50 Gonner Bros., Expense 51 50 J. W: Mills, Expense 1 30 J. W. Mills, Expense 1 30 Key City Gas Co., Expense 8 90 Key City Gas Co., Expense 4 00 Clancy Transfer Co., Expense., 14 00 Pauly Printing Co., Expense „ 3 50 Standard Office Supply Co., Ex- pense .. . 1 25 Union Printing Co., Expense ..,, 5 00 Peter Even, Expense 14 00 Niagara Falls Metal Stamping Works, Expense 40 85 Dubuque Advertising Co., Ex- pense 2 90 Midland Chemical 'Co., Expense 2 50 J. L. Kies, Expense $ 50 Martin & Strelau Co„ Expense 10 00 M, S. Hardie, Expense 5 70 Pier Bros., Expense 14 00 C. E. Fitzpatrick Co. Expense 2 40 Western Union Telegraph Co., Expense 1 00 E. H. Willging. Expense , . , , 5 00 J. Malloy, Expense 1 00 Klauer & Kress, Expense 2 20 Thos. Neary, Expense 50 L. Daily, Expense 51 00 Foley Hand Laundry, Expense 90 P. Briethaupt, Expense 2 40 J. R. Thomas, Expense , , , , 6 44 Nessler & Scheppele, Expense 2 50 A. E. Bradley, Expense 13 50 Curtis & Wunder, Plumbing Co., Expense 9 00 F. Beutin, Expense 1 00 Dubuque Industrial Corp„ Expense 375 00 Iowa Oil Co., Police 56 P. Breethaupt, Police 1 00 G. W. Healey & Son, Police 80 A. Zillig, Police 1 50 G. Chase. Expense 50 N, B. Schneider, Police 6 75 Collings & Pfiffner, Police 10 35 J. N. Graham, Police 3 00 Mettel Bros. Police , , 3 00 G. Ragatz & Son, Police , , , , 3 30 F. G. Becker, Police 14 08 F. G. Becker, Police 11 35 Ellwanger Bros., Police . 1 15 Spahn & Rose Lumber Co., Police 3 50 44 cement curb and gutter at 55c, $48.40; 137.77 sq. yds. macadamizing at 60c, $82.66; extra expenses, 137 22 $ 6.16 Wm. J. Clark Est., Finley Add., Lot 178, Lot 76.0 lin. ft cement curb and gutter at 550 $41.80; 109.77 sq. yds. macadamizing at 60c, $65.87; extra expenses, 112 99 $ 5.32 Wm. J. Clark Est., Finley Add., Lot 179, 72.0 lin. ft. cement curb and gutter at 55c, $39.60; 104.0 sq. yds. macadamizing at 60c, $62.40; extra expenses, 107.04 $5.04 ...... ... ........ Wm. J. Clark Est., Finley Add., Lot 180, 69.0 lin. ft. at 55c $27.95; 99.66 sq. yds. macadamizing at 60c, $59.79; extra expenses, $4.83 Wm. J. Clark Est., Finley Add., Lot 181, 75.5 lin. ft. cement curb and gutter at 55c, $41.53; 119,60 sq, yds. macadamizing at 60c, $71.76; extra expenses, '$5.29 St. Anthony's Church, Finley Add., Lot 20, 9.5 lin. ft. cement guttering at 24c, $2.28; 24.27 sq. yds. ma- cadamizing at 60c, $14.57; extra expenses, 67c City of Dubuque, 1331.8 lin, ft. cement curb and gutter at 55c, $732.49; 1933.73 sq. yds. macadamizing at 60e, $1,160.23; extra expenses, 1985 89 $93.17 ...... .... .... Regular Session, Feb. 6, 1913 102 57 118 58 17 52 $4208 35 Total 2,646.1 lin. ft, cement curb and gutter at 55c $ 198.0 lin, ft. cement gutter- ing at 24c 4,161.43 sq. yds. macadamiz- ing at 60c 31.8 lin. ft. reset curb at 30c Extra expenses Total $4208 35 All of which is assessed in propor- tion to the special benefits conferred. Ald. Heim moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Andresen, Frith, Heim, McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis. Nays -None. Adopted Feb. 6, 1913. Approved, NI. E. LYONS, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. 1455 36 47 52 2496 85 9 54 199 08 Ald. Wallis moved that the }natter of removing all obstructions on side- walks and streets be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Saul moved to adjourn. Car- ried. Adopted , 1913. Approved Mayor. Attest: City Recorder. 46 Regular Session, Feb. 20, 1913 Union Plumbing & Heating Co., Police 52 60 Klauer & Kress, Police 1 Oil M. O,Donnell, Police 15 42 Eichorn & Bechtel, Police 6 93 Dubuque Stove & Furnace Co., Police 3 00 F. G. Becker, Police 16 47 E. Norton, Police 5 60 Pier Bros., Police and Ex- pense .... .... 25 00 T. J. Mulgrew Co„ Police and Expense Key City Gas Co., Police and Expence, Fite 122 95 Iowa Telephone Co., Police, Expense, Fire Key City Gas Co., Police and Fire Union Electric Co., Lighting 2290 Union Electric Co., Lighting, J. P. Early, Levee Improve- ment N. J. Staner, 5% retained Clifford Street ,R. 'MaGiven;, Inspector G. Ragatz & Son, Fire G. Ragatz, Jr. Fire Union Electrie Co., Fire Union Electric Co., Fire Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., Fire 95 W. D. Deckert Co., Fire 1 45 F. M. Jaeger & Co. 10 Klauer & Kress, Fire 15 Ilopkins & Witty. Fire 1 00 d. N. Graham, Flre 22 00 G. liagatz Jr., Fire 8 12 E, P. Smith Electric Cont. Co.. Eire 75 Hawkeye Steam Vulcanizing Co., Fire Standard Oil Co„ Fire Slick - Ziepprecht Co., Fire National Refining Co., Fire 50 "Wunder lich & Wiederholt, Fire Collings & Pfiffner, Fire J. F. Ris & Bro. 13. C. Schell.. Fire Dubuque Auto & Garage Co , Fire Flick- Ziepprecht Co., Fire... Iowa Oil Co„ Fire Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co„ Fire Torbert Drug Co„ Fire F, G. Becker, Fire F. G. Becker, Fire Iowa Oil Co., Fire V. G. Becker, 1'1te 11 72 F, G. Becker, Fire 14 39 National Refining Co., Fire 18 00 Standard Oil Co,, Fire 17 79 F. G. Becker, Fire 24 39 Ellwanget Bros., Fire 18 30 Standard Oil Co., Fire 16 12 F, G. Becker, Fire 14 96 P. G. Becker, Fire.. 12 88 Ivey City Gas Co., Fite 24 50 W. B. Baumgarther, Fire 12 26 F, G. Becker, Fire 14 27 P. G. Becker, Fire 12 14 32 40 33 58 2 00 95 . 8 59 10 00 17 30 'fi 70 6 10 1 60 2 38 2 00 9 26 60 4 00 9 50 3 60 1 2. 1 00 5 35 2 00 5 60 5 00 10 8 12 97 27 61 19 00 F. G. Becker, Fire 18 06 W. D. Deckert Co., Sidewalks 140 12 W. H. Stewart, Sewers 34 00 Nutwood Livery, Health 12 00 J. Heim, Macadam 104 65 T. J. Mulgrew Co., Road, 4 25 F. G. Becker, Road 2 8a Dubuque Powder Co., Road 1 65 Dubuque Sand & Gravel Co , Road 35 Dubuque Sand & Gravel Co., Road 79 Times - oJurnal, Printing 91 22 Smith Morgan Prtg. Co., Printing 68 25• Labor Leader, Printing 12 50 National Democrat, Printing 12 50 Ald. Andresen moved all bills pro perly O. K„ be paid. Carried. On motion of Ald. Saul the bill of T. J. Hassett for 5% retained on Mt. Pleasant Ave., and West Locust St., sewer $269.44 was referred to the Committe of the Whole. Petition of J. Schromen relative to extending the Delhi street sewer 120 feet further west presented and read. On motion of Aid. Saul the prayer of the petitioner was granted under instructions of the City Engineer. Petition of the street foreman re- lative to an increase In salary pre- sented and read. on motion of Alt}: Saul petition was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of C. Sullivan, foreman of the sewer department, relative to an increase in salary presented and read: On motion of Ald. Frith petition was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of the Dubuque Bathing Beach Association relative to the management and also to an appro- priation of $2000,00 for the free - bathing beach presented and read. On motion of Ald. Singrin petition was referred to the Comrhitteo of the Whole. Petition of Emil Feigner and C. F: Deggendorf relative to an appropria- tion for the erection of a retaining wall along the south line . of West 15th street presented and read. On motion of Ald. Andresen petition was - referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds, Petition of Cummins Sisters Object- ing to the proposed opening of a passage way from West Chestnut street to West Fourteenth street pre - Sented arid read, Oh Motion of Ald. Wa111s petition was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of C. F. Weidlich, relative to placng the valuaton of Lot 76 and Lot 2 of 77 in Cox's Add, at $2500.00 presented and read. On motion of Ald. Wallis petition was referred to the Committee of the Wh„le. Petition of Dubuque Benevolent and Humane Society relative to an appro- priation of $300.00 to aid in its work presented and read. On motion of Ald. Wallis petition was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Mrs. M. Wiemold rela- tive to reducing the valuation on Lots 31 and 32, Levins' Add., presented and read. On motion of Ald. Andresen petition was referred to the Delin- quent Tax Committee. Petition of Mrs. A. Skemp relative to canceling the taxes levied on $900.00 moneys and credits presented and read. On motion of Ald. Andre- sen, petition was referred to the Com- mittee of the Whole. Petition of Mrs. Ann Murphy rela- tive to placing the valuation on the West 50 feet of Lot 39 in Union add., at $1000.00 for the year 1912, pre- sented and read. On motion of Ald. Andresen petition was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Mrs. A, Mollart, Execu- trix, relative to canceling the assess- ment of $700.00 moneys and credits for the year 1912, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Frith petition Was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Fischer & Co., relative to vacating streets and alleys adjoin- ing their property east of Bell Street, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Frith, petition was referred to the Committee of the Whole to view the grounds. Petition of Mrs. A. S. Heacock, rela- tive to reducing her taxes from $11.00 to $7.00, presented and read. On mo- tion of Ald. Saul, the prayer of the petitioner was granted. Petition of Fabian Beckett et al, relative to placing an electric light at the intersection of Avoca and Irving Avenues, also at the intersection of Avoca and Delaware Avenues, pre- sented and read. On motion of Ald. Frith, the petition was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Kenety & Lee, relative to preventing all excavations In al- leys where their contracts are in force, presented and read. On mo- tion of Ald. Wallis, the proper reso- lutions were ordered drawn up. Regular Session, Feb 20, 1913 47 Petition of J. Kinsella, City Car- penter, relative to an increase in sal- ary, presented and read. On, motion of Ald. Singrin, petition was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of A. Wombacher et al, relative to oiling Grandview Avenue, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Andresen, petition, was referred to the First Ward Alderman. Petition of the property holders on Grandview Avenura, ,relative to the proper grading and sodding of the center parking on that portion of the avenue that has recently been paved, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Frith, the petition was referred to Committee of the Whole. Bill of A. Gasser against T. J. Has - sett presented. On motion of Ald. Saul, bill was referred to the City Auditor to deduct same from T. J. Hassett. Ald. Wallis moved that a warrant in the sum of $100.00 be drawn in fa- vor of the Mayor for the purchasing of Lot No. 328 in Woodlawn Park Sub. Carried. Petition of taxpayers and residents of different wards, relative to holding a Special Election for the purpose of granting to the Union Electric Co. a franchise on West Locust Street, pre- sented and read. On motion of Ald. Saul, petition was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Notice of J. Phillips, relative to the overflow of water on Alpine Street, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Frith, notice was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Notice of suit of Edward W. Coyle against the City of Dubuque in the sum of $600.00 presented and read. On motion of Ald. Wallis notice was referred to the City Attorney. Notice of suit of T. J. Hassett against the City of Dubuque in the sum of $6,020.00 presented and read. On motion of Ald. Wallis notice was . referred to the City Attorney. City Engineer Baumgartner pre- sented a plat showing the widening of Blocklinger Lane. Ald Frith moved to refer the plat to a special commit- tee of three appointed by the Mayor. Carried. Mayor Lyons appointed Aids. Frith, Saul and Singrin as special commit- tee. Street Commissioner Mahoney re- ported as follows: 48 Regular Session, Feb. 20, 1913 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on streets during the first half of February, 1913: Amount due laborers on streets $ 238.65 Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit the pay roll for labor on streets leading into the county, the expense thereof to be paid from the County Road Rund: Amount due laborers $50.20 Also submit the pay roll for labor on Mt. Carmel Avenue: Amount due laborers $189.90 On motion of Ald. Saul, the pay rolls on streets were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls re- ferred back to the Street Committee. Also submit the pay roll for labor on sewers during the first, half of February, 1913: Amount due laborers on sew- ers $ Approved by Committee on Sewers. • Respectfully submitted, JOHN MAHONEY, Sti eet Commissioner: On motion of Ald. Singrin, the pay Toll on sewers was received and war- rants ordered thawn, to pay the var- ious amounts and the pay roll re- ferred back to the Sewer Committee. • Fire Chief Reinfrled reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: The following is the hay roll of the Fire Department for the first half of February, 1913: Amount due Firemen $1,771.10 Respectfully submitted, J. R. REINFRIED, Chief. Approved by Committee on Fire. On motion of Ald. Singrin the re- port was received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the firemen, and the report referred back to the Com- mittee on Fire. Chief of Police Raesli reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the Police Department for the first half of February, 1913: Amount due Policemen ....$1,633.10 Respectfully submitted, JOHN RAESLT, Chief. On motion of Ald, Andresen, the report and pay roll were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the Policemen and the report referred back to the Committee on Police and Light. Report of R. Hay, Weighmaster, for the months of December and January: Amount due City $5.36 Ald. Frith moved that the report be received and filed. Carried. Street Commissioner Mahoney re- ported that he collected $78.00 for rolling streets for Union Electric Co: Ald. Wallis moved that the report be received and filed. Carried. The monthly reports of December and January of Sidewalk Inspector Foley presented and read. On mo- tion of Ald. Frith the reports were referred to the Comrnitte of the Whole. City Treasurer Wybrant reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: At the session of the City Council on Feb. 6, 1913, there was levied for the improvement of Willow Street a special assessment against the City in the sum of $1,985.- 89. The appropriation for said im- provement amounts to $1,000.00, for which sum please ' have warrants drawn in my favor. 'I would respect- fully recommend that the balance of said assessment, amounting to $985.89, be provided for in the ap- propriations for the ensuing year, Ald. Wallis moved to refer the re- port to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Also City 'Treasurer Wybra.nt re- ported: On Dec. 7, 1908, there was sold at tax sale by the County Treasurer for the tax of 1906, Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Fairview Sub., said lots having been purchased by the City. These lots are known as the quarry on West Seven- teenth Street. Unless these lots are redeemed from said tax sale, the pur- chaser thereof will ask for a tax deed. I would respectfully recommend that a warrant in favor of the County Au- ditor in the sum of $38.89 be drawn to redeem said property. Ald. Wallis moved that the report be approved arid a warrant in the sum of $38.89 be drawn to cover came. Carried. Also, City Treasurer Wybrant re- ported, for the reason that there is no more space for Interest endorsement thereon, please order reissued the fol- lowing loan warrants, in favor of the Dubuque Firemen's Benevolent associ- ation: No. 6885, dated Jan. 5, 1899, amount $300.00, to bear interest from Dec.' 14, 1912. No. 10,450, dated Jan. 6, 1898, amount $450.00, to bear interest from - Dec. 13, 1912. No. 6190, dated Jan. 3, 1901, amount $500.00, to bear interest from Dec. 13, 1912. No. 6191, dated Jan. 3, 1901, amount $100.00, to bear interest from Dec. 13, 1912. Ald. Wallis moved that the report be approved and that warrants be ordered drawn to cover same. Car- ried. February 20, 1913. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: I herewith report tha; I have paid to John Murphy the sum of Four hundred dollars ($400), being, the purchase price agreed upon for Lot No. 2 of the subdivision of the .east half of lot one of Mineral lot on hundred fifty -eight (158), in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, according to the plat prepared by Eugene Andersor May 27th, 1912, one -half of which sum was provided by Bradley & Maclay, the other half by the City of Du- buque, and I return herewith war- ranty deed executed by John Murphy for said lot; also an agreement signed by the children of said John Murphy, and a waiver consenting to the pro- posed improvement of the street abut- ting said lot, and a plat sub - dividing the east half of mineral lot one hun- dred fifty -eight (158), and I would recommend that the plat and the deed be ordered filed with the proper county officers. (Encls. 4.) Respectfully submitted, GEO. T. LYON, City Attorney. Ald. Frith moved that the report be approved as read. Carried. City Engineer Baumgartner present- ed Profile No. 767 showing the grade 'of West Locust Street from Seminary Street to Alta Vista Street. Ald. Frith moved that the profile be accepted and the Ordinance Committee he instructed to draft an Ordinance covering the same. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Frith, Heim, McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Your Committee on Streets would Tespectfully report that we have examined the improvement on the west side of Elm Street from 24th to '27th Street, Wilmer Cook, contractor, and would respectfully recommend that said street be accepted. We 'further recommend that the City En- gineer be instructed to prepare a special assessment against the lots or parcels of real estate subject to assessment for said improvement and 'file the same in the office of the City Regular Session, Feb. 20, 1913 49 Recorder who will thereupon publish the notice of said assessment as re- quired by ordinance. JAMES 'AUL, Chairman. Ald. Saul moved that the report be approved. Carried. Your Committee on Police and Light, to whom was referred the matter of seeing what arrangements could be made with the Union Elec- tric company to have certain of the boulevard lamps kept burning all night, would respectfully state that on inquiry we find that the system under which the lamps are wired, is not adapted for closing off -any of the lamps, and that the cost of rewiring would render the proposition prohib- itive at the present time. We would further report that we had an interview with General Man- ager E. M. Walker of the Union Elec- tric company regarding all night and every night lighting. Mr. Walker submitted a proposition to keep every are lamp we now have in service lit all night and every night for the sum of $60.00 per Iarnp per annum, and to charge $12.00 per month for block where there are six lamps in the block, and $8.00 per block per month where there are bitt four lamps in the block; in other words, the Union Electric company will furnish all lights on the boulevard system at $2.00 per lamp per month from midnight to dawn. As the contract under which we are now working provides for a charge of $70.00 per arc lamp per annum for all night and every night lighting, we regard the reduction voluntarily proposed by the Union Electric com- pany, as being very advantageous to the city, and would respectfully rec- ommend that the same be accepted, Provided it be found possible to pro- vide funds therefor when making the appropriations. The additional ex- pense will add not to exceed $1,500.00 to the present appropriation. W. P. ANDRESEN, Chairman, Ald. Singrin moved to refer the re- port to the Appropriation Committee. Carried. Ald. Saul moved that the matter of disposing of fire horses be left in the hands of the Fire Committee with power. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that the Market - master be instructed to inspect mar- ket in reference to short weight in butter. Carried. Dubuque, Ia., Feb. 30, 1913. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The hoard of Health 50 Regular Session, Feb. 20, 1913 met in regular session Feb. 20, 1913. Chairman Andresen in the chair. Present —Mayor Lyons, Ald. Mc- Laughlin, Citizens, R. Kolck, W. Fos - selman, Dr. Palen, Dr. Kennedy, San- itary Officer Lynch, Assistant City At- torney Willging. Chairman Andresen stated that this meeting is called for the purpose of receiving bids for the care of the De- tention Hospital and any other busi- ness that might come before a regular session of the board. Minutes of the meeting of Feb. 3, 1913, read, and on motion of Ald. Mc- Laughlin were approved. Bid for care of Detention Hospital. Bid of J. E. Robinson: When not occupied by patients $5.00 per month and $5.00 per week for supplies and other necessaries. For care of Hos- pital and patients less than 6, $3.50 per day, over 6 patients and not more than 10, $4.50 per day, more than 10 patients $4.75 per day. This includes bid of man and wife. Ald. McLaughlin moved to award contract to J. E. Robinson. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin moved to have a warrant drawn • for the sum of $10.00 to pay for J. E. Robinson's bond. Carried. On motion of Ald. McLaughlin the following bills were sent to the county for payment: F. A. Burns $ 4.00 Clancy Transfer Co 2.00 Clancy Transfer Cp 3.25 Pier Bros... 25.98 Julia Healey 14.00 M. M. Hoffman 5.38 Dr. C. Palen 30.00 Union Electric Co 3.00 J. J. Murphy 15.00 Ald. McLaughin moved to adjourn. Carried. J. J. £'HEA,' Clerk. Ald. Andresen moved that the report be approved. Carried. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom were referred the objections of the Illinois Central Railroad Company and the Dunlieth and Dubuque Bridge Company against the assessment of their properties as returned by the City Assessor, would respectfully rec- ommend that said objections be re- ceived and filed. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Wilmer Cook, asking that he be com- pensated for the damage sustained by him by washouts on North Booth Street, occasioned by reason of the City's having delayed him in the fin- ishing of his contract for the improve- ment of said street for the purpose of constructing a sanitary sewer therein, would respectfuly recom- mend that the prayer of the petition- er be granted and that a warrant in the sum of $50.00 be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in full payment of the damages sustained Dy the pe- titioner. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the written opinion of the City Attorney relative to the right of the Dubuque Tele- phone Company to remove its poles from the streets and alleys of the City of Dubuque, would respectfully recommend that said opinion be re- ceived and filed. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom were referred the communica- tions of the Superintendent of the Il- linois Central Railroad Company and also the City Attorney, relative to ex- tra material that was manufactured but not used on the railroad crossing in the improvement of Third Street, would respectfully recommend that said communications be referred to the City Attorney. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the pay roll for the first half of July, 1912, relative to that portion thereof affecting the Union Electric Company for street sprinkling, would respectfully recom- mend that said pay roll be allowed and that warrants in favor of said company for sprinkling in the month of July 1912, be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the communica- tion of C. H. Reynolds, stating that bond No. 5007 -C, which was issued to Mullen Bros. for street excavations, has been renewed and is now in force, the bond being continuous and , re- quiring no other renewal than the payment of the premium thereon; we respectfully recommend that said communication be received and filed and that the City Recorder make a note on his book stating that said bond is still in force and effect. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the City Recorder be instructed to is- sue no permit for excavating in any street or alley to any person, firm or corporation unless they have complied with the terms of the resolution re- quiring a bond or deposit of money as a guarantee for the proper re- placement of the surface of the street or alley torn up by them in the pros- ecution of their work. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred to the petition of Thomas Hackney, asking that he be allowed an additional $5.00 per month on account of the extra labor required of him during the winter months, would respectfully recommend that said petition be received and filed. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Hugh Markey, asking that on account of the mutual interests involved, the city pay one -half of the costs in the cases of Markey vs. City of Dubuque, and Iviarkey vs. H. A. Schunk and James A. Pickley, would respectfully recommend that said petition be re- ceived and filed. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the claim of the Iowa Dairy Company for damages sustained by it by reason of a runaway team of the fire department running into one of its delivery wagons, would respectfully recommend that said claim be referred to the Committee on Claims and City Attorney. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Dubuque National Bank, asking that the value of real estate owned by the said bank in the amount of $6,986.51, and upon which it had paid taxes, be deducted from its as- sessment for the year 1911, would re- spectfully recommend that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the City Treasurer be instructed ac- cordingly. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom were referred the plans and specifications for temporary and per- manent sidewalks, would respectfully recommend that said plans and speci- fications be referred to a special com- mittee composed of the Chairman of the Whole, City Engineer and one oth_ er member to be selected by said chairman of the Committee of the Whole. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, re- Porting on the communication of the Dubuque Industrial Corporation rela- tive to excessive wharfage charges, would respectfully report that the city does not make any wharfage charges whatever, the only charge made by the city being for rental of the spaces exclusively occupied by the parties Regular Session, Feb. 20, 1918 . 51 owning either launches, ferries or steamboats. We therefore recommend that said communication be received and filed. Reporting further on this matter, we find that there are some parties occupying space who have paid no rental for the past year. 1 Ve respect- fully recommend that the proper au- thority, either the Wharfmaster, the City Treasurer or the City Attorney, be instructed to immediately proceed by legal means to collect such rental. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Emil Feigner relative to cleaning out the sanitary sewer on Lot 16, Fair- view Subdivision, would respectfully recommend that said petition be re- ferred to the chairman of the sewer committee. JAME'_=1 . SAUL, Chairman. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of the - Dubuque Police Force, asking that a Police Judge be appointed, would re- spectfully recommend that said peti- tion be received and filed. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Ald Saul moved that the report of the Committee of the Whole be ap- proved. Carried. Aid. Heim offered the following: Whereas, the contract for the con- struction of permanent sidewalks abutting certain property hereinafter described has been completed and the- CRY Engineer has computed that the cost and expense thereof amounts to $210.03, therefore Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that to pro- vide for the cost of constructing such permanent sidewalks, the Mayor be and he is hereby required to exe- cute and deliver to the City Recorder to be by him registered and counter- signed, three sidewalk certificates, numbered consecutively from 47 to 49, inclusive, and in the amounts set out below: No. 47, A. McDaniel's Sub., Lots 7 78 and 799, $132.70. No. 48, E. E. Jones' Sub., Lot 7, $45.53. No. 49, Union Add., Lot 72, $31.80. Said sidewalk certificates to be dated February 17th, 1913, to be pay- able in or before six years after the date thereof, and to bear interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable annually. Ald. Heim moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Frith, Heim, McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. :52 Regular Session, Feb. 20, 1913 Ald. Frith offered the following: Whereas, in the year 1910 the City .secured from. John Olinger an option on the property now known as Lin- coln Park, the price for same being $36,000.00, which amount it has been found impossible by the Park Commis- sion to raise with the present levy, and Whereas, it is deemed necessary for the best interests of the City to se- cure such plot for park purposes and there is now on foot a movement to secure $6000.00 by public subscription for the purpose of purchasing the •same, therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council •of the City of Dubuque, that a special committee he appointed by the Mayor to confer with Mr. Olinger relative to an extension of the aforesaid option 'under the most favorable terms ob- tainable. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Andresen, Frith, }Jelin, - McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Ald. Frith offered the following: Pe it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Couler Avenue from the northerly lot line of Twenty - second street to a point about fifty feet north of the north line of - Peru Road be improved by grading, to sub- grade, curbing or resetting curb where necessary and paving said por- tion of said street with creosoted - blocks on a cement concrete founda- tion, in accordance with the plans and specifications for such improvement prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and be it further Resolved, that said improvement shall be completed on or before the 1st day of August, 1913, and shall be paid for in the manner prescribed by Chapter XXXII. of the Revised Ordi- nance of the City of Dubuque for the payment of the cost of street im- provements. The proposals for doing said work - shall be acted upon by the Council on the 6th day of March, 1913, and - the City Recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days' notice by publication - asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of - the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Frith, Heim, - McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Ald. McLaughlin moved that when we adjourn we adjourn to February 28, 1913, at 2:00 p. m. Carried. Ald. Frith moved that the making of all appropriations be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Wallis moved that the Council rescind their action of canceling the assessment against Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 179, and Lot 9, Smyth's Sub., Sis- ters of Charity, B. V. M., owners, and to receive and file the petition. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - -Alds. Andresen, Frith, Heim, McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Ald. Wallis moved that the City En- gineer be instructed to prepare a grade on Center Street south of Delhi street. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Frith, Heim, McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Ald. Wallis moved to suspend the rules to allow Mr. Fairfield address the Council in reference to the pic- tures at the Penny Arcade. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Frith, Heim, McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Mr. Fairfield and Mr. Lowry ad- dressed the Council in reference to the pictures shown at the Penny Ar- cade. Ald. Saul excused at 11:15 p. m. Aid. Wallis moved that no license be granted to the owners of the Penny Arcade and the Chief be instructed to put them out of business. Ald. Frith amended Ald. Wallis' motion to refer the Penny Arcade matter to • the Committee of the Whole to investigate. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Andresen, Frith, Heim. Nays —Alds. McLaughlin, Singrin, Wallis. Absent —Ald. Saul. They being a tie vote, the Mayor voted yea. Ald. Frith moved to get out rock at 17th street quarry. Carried. Ald. Frith moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of allowing Mr. Clark to address the Council. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Frith, Heim, McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Mr. Clark addressed the Council in reference to the use of Tarvia on streets. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adjourn. Carried. Adopted , 1913. Approved Mayor. Attest: City Recorder. Adjourned Regular Session, Feb. 28, 1913 CITY COUNCIL. (Official.) Regular Adjourned Session, February 28, 1913. Council met at 3:00 p. m. Mayor Lyons in the chair. Present —Alds. Andresen, Frith, Heim, McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wal- lis. Mayor Lyons stated that this meet- ing is an adjourned meeting of the regular meeting of February 20, 1913, and is called for the purpose of con- sidering the appropriations for the en- suing year and any other business that might come before a regular ses- sion of the council. Ald. Frith moved to hear the report , of the Committee of the Whole on the appropriations for the ensuing year. Carried. Ald. Saul moved to defer action on the report of the Committee of the Whole until later. BILLS. Ellwanger Bros., Fire $ 1 M. Byrne, Fire 1 P. Heller, Fire 3 Roehl Furniture Co., Fire 51 Union Electric Co., Fire 5 G. F. Kleih & Sons, Fire 1 National Refining Co., Fire 6 Iowa Oil Co., Fire 19 Carr, Ryder & Adams Co , Fire 7 M. Stafford, Fire 120 Key City (1-as Co., Fire 26 Flick, Ziepprecht Box Co., Fire 6 F. G. Becker, Fire J. Butt, Fire Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, Fire Lagen, Peed & eBrwanger, Fire Wunderlich & Wiederholt, Fire J. N. Graham, Fire E. T. Frith, Health E. T. Frith, Health G. F. Kleih & Sons, Sewers Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, Sewers J. Butt, Sewers F. G. Becker, Police 'Tibey Bros., Grading Times - Journal, printing 'Smith - Morgan Ptg. Co., print- ing National Demokrat, printing National Demokrat, printing Thos. Connolly Est., police G. F. Kleih & Sons, police J. W. Graham, police Key City Gas Co., police fire 'G. F. Kleih & Sons, Branch J, Lies, Sidewalks and Bee 37 3 50 50 45 25 16 50 25 00 20 85 55 00 02 85 9 80 4 47 14 25 22 00 34 99 192 00 1 60 2 00 3 95 13 89 561 40 61 94 36 00 8 50 12 50 1 60 3 30 3 00 2 00 10 4 40 53 P. Heller, Sidewalk 13 25 G. F. Kleih & Sons, health 25 G. F. Kleih & Sons, road 1 30 Dubuque Powder Co., road 2 65 F. M. Jaeger & Co., road 60 G. F. Kleih & Sons, Mt. Car- mel and road Mathis- Gantenbein Co., police and expense P. Breithaupt, expense G. F. Kleih & Sons, expense J. J. Dunn, expense Burroughs Adding Machine Co., expense G. F. Kleih & Sons, expense L. Dailey, expense A. E. Gmehle, expense Western Union Telegraph Co , expense Union Electric Co., expense 2 Key City Gas Co., police, fire and expense 100 55 Union Electric Co., Iighting 2294 70 Union Electric Co., lighting 183 81 J. N. Graham, sewers and side- walks 2 00 Labor Leader, printing 12 50 Ald. Andresen moved all bills properly O. K.'d be paid. Carried. Communication of Lillian Weglau Alden, thanking the City employes for floral tribute in memory of her dear mother, presented and read. On mo- tion of Ald. Frith, communication was received with a vote of thanks and made a matter of record. Communication of Union Electric Co., relative to having the contractors do their part of the improvement on Couler Avenue, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Frith, communi- cation was received and filed. 3 10 9 2 2 6 3 12 85 1 98 40 75 10 70 00 75 45 00 62 Communication of Union Electric Co., relative to a certified copy, of their publication of the West Locust Street franchise, presented and read. On motion of Ald. Frith, communica- tion was received and filed. Notice of appeal against the Board of Equalization by the Dubuque & Dunlieth Bridge Co. presented and read. On motion of Ald. Singrin, no- tice was referred to the City Attorney. Notice of appeal against the Board of Equalization by the Illinois Central Railroad Co. presented and read. On motion of Ald. Singrin, notice was re- ferred to the City Attorney. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: I herewith submit the pay roll for labor on streets during the last half of February, 1913: Amount due laborers on streets $475 10 Amount clue laborers on streets leading into county. 77 10 Adjourned Regular Session, Feb. 28, 1913 55 that they are the owners of all the land abutting the streets so asked to be vacated and that said streets are not needed for public traffic, therefore Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the City Engineer be and he is hereby instruct- ed to 'make a survey and plat of that part of Fourth Street lying east of Bell Street, that part of Fifth Street lying east of Tower Street, and Tower Street from the alley between Fifth and Sixth : treets Southerly to the al- ley between Third and Fourth Streets, which streets it is proposed to vacate, the said plat to be filed in said engi- neer's office subject to public inspec- tion, and give the notice required by ordinance to all owners of property abutting said grounds proposed to be so vacated and to publish the notice required by ordinance of said proposed vacation. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Frith. Helm. McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Ald. Frith offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That is is deemed necessary and advisable to improve the alley between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues from Fengler Avenue to Ann Avenue, and it is here- by proposed to grade and macadamize said portion of said alley and to assess the cost of said macadamizing against the abutting property. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Andresen, Frith, Heim, McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Alderman Frith offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and he is hereby di- rected to prepare a plat showing gen- erally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on the alley between Rnomberg and Garfield Avenues from Fengler Avenue to Ann Avenue, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the en- tire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway company, the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such - improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the city recorder; that after the filing of said plat and esti- mate in his office the city recorder shall publish in three consecutive is- sues of a newspaper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimates are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind. of material to be used, and an esti- mate of its cost, and the time before• which objections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days, after the last publication of such no- tice, and after such publication shall have been made, the city recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids, Andresen, Frith, Heim,. McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Alderman Wallis offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to im- prove West Eleventh Street, from the present retaining wall about on the easterly line of the alley east of Ellen Corkey's Addition, westerly to the west line of South Grove Terrace, and it is hereby proposed to grade, to sub-\ grade, curb and gutter, and pave said portion of said street with asphaltic macadam on a cement concrete foun- dation, and to assess the cost of said grading, curbing, guttering, paving and foundation against the abutting prop.. erty. Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of" the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Frith, Heim,. McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —Non e. Alderman Wallis offered the fol- lowing: Re it Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the proposed improvement on West Eleventh Street, from the present re- taining wall about on the easterly line - of the alley east of Ellen Corkey's Ad- dition, westerly to the west line of South Grove Terrace, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway company, the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement 54 Adjourned Regular.Session, Feb. 28, 1913 Amount due laborers on Mt Carmel Avenue Amount due laborers on Villa Street 21 30 51 10 JOHN MAHONEY, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Saul, the pay rolls were received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay various amounts and reports referred back, to the Committee on Streets., Also submit the pay roll for labor on sewers during the last half of Feb- ruary, 1913: Amount due laborers on sew- ers $169 00 JOHN MAHONEY, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Singrin, the pay roll was received and warrants were ordered drawn to pay various amounts and report referred back to the Committee on Sewers. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the last half of February, 1913: Amount due Firemen $1,799 00 One per cent retained for Pension Fund .. 34 66 Respectfully submitted, J. R. REINFRIED, Chief. Approved by Committee on Fire. On motion of Ald. Singrin, the pay roll was received, warrants were or- dered drawn to pay the Firemen and the report referred back to the Com- mittee on Fire. Chief of Police Raesle reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: I beg to submit the pay roll for Policemen for last half of February, 1913: Amount due Policemen 81597.85 Amount retained, pension fund 32.68 Respectfully submitted, JOHN RAESLE, Chief of Police. On motion of Ald. Andresen the pay roll was received, warrants were or- dered drawn to pay Policemen and re- port referred back to the Police Com- mittee. City Auditor Lagen reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the Officers' Pay Roll for the month of February, 1913, amounting to $2699.35, On motion of Ald. Heim the pay roll was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay Officers ,and • report ' re- ferred back to Finance- Committee. • City Treasurer Wybrant reported as follows: The following is a statement of the amounts advanced by me during the month of February, 1913, for which please have warrants drawn in my favor: Interest on warrants outstand- ing .... $395.00 Miscellaneous .... 13.50 Respectfully submitted, GEO. D. WYBRANT, City Treasurer. Moved by Ald. Heim the report be received, warrants ordered drawn for the various amounts and report re- ferred back to Finance Committee. Carried. City Electrician Hippman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my report of defective lights for month of February, 1913. I find from the re- port of the Police Department that the total hours that 31 lamps failed to burn would equal I lamp burning for one month, or $5.00. Ald. Andresen moved that the re- port be received and the City Auditor be instructed to deduct $5.00 from the Union Electric Co's. bill. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the City Recorder certify to levy of 141 - mills to County Recorder for City's share of moneys and credits; if matter is not satisfactorily arranged City At- torney to enter suit. Carried. Ald. Wallis moved that the City At- torney be instructed to notify Iowa Telephone Co. to apply for a franchise in two weeks, if they ignore doing same that legal steps be taken for proper suit. Carried. Ald. Saul moved that the City At- torney be instructed to prepare an or- dinance for rental of harbor space, such rental to be spent on harbor im- provements, if legal. Carried. Ald. Saul moved that a warrant in the sum of $100.00 be drawn in favor of the Mayor for widening of South Dodge Street at the intersection of Curtis Street. Carried. Ald. Saul offered the following: Whereas, the - Fischer Investment Company and Fischer & Company de- sire the vacation of certain streets in Booth's Addition for use in connection with their proposed artificial ice and cold storage plants, and represents Adjourned Regular Session, Feb. 28, 1913 Street, and the kind of material to be used, and an estimate of the entire cost thereof, and the amount and cost of such improvement, and the amount assessable upon any railway or street railway company, the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the cost thereof and amount as- sessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting upon such improvement per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the of- fice of the city recorder; that after - the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the city recorder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a newspaper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat and esti- mates are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which 'objections thereto can be filed and the time fixed for hearing, which time .shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the city recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Wallis moved tne adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Andresen, Frith, Heim, McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Mayor Lyons appointed the follow- ing committee to confer with Mr. Ol- inger in reference to option on Oling- er Park: Aldermen: Frith, Heim, Singrin. Ald. Frith moved that Mayor Lyons be added on the Commitee to confer with Mr. Olinger. Carried. Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend the adoption of the following resolution: Be it Resolved by the City Council •of, the City of Dubuque, that the ap- propriations for the ensuing fiscal year for the different departments and purposes of the City be fixed as fol- lows: THE APPROPRIATIONS. For General Expense and Contingent Fund $ 38,000.00 For District Road Funds, for cleaning, repairing and sprinkling streets: First District .... 6,640.00 Second District 15,305.00 Third District 9,356.00 Fourth District 10,907.00 Fifth District 8,713.00 For Expense of Fire De- partment ... 63,650.00 For Expense of Police De- partment .... .... .... 43,000.00 For care, maintenance and repair of sewers For Printing For Street Lighting For Interest on Floating and Bonded Debt For Expense of Board of Health .... ...... For grading of streets and alleys For taking up improvement bonds issued for pay- ment of special assess- ment against parks, en- gine houses and other city property, and to take up bonds issued to pay street and sewer improve- ments where the assess- ments levied to pay same have been canceled by the City Council 5,000.00 For interest in Special Bonded Debt .... 3,000.00 For repairing and build- ing sidewalks ..... 1,000.00 For five per cent retained on certain improvements 225.00 For payment of claims and judgments 1,500.00 For Bathing Beach 1,000.00 Balance due in 1912 dona- tion for bathing beach 150.00 For Library donation 500.00 For improvement of Grand- view Avenue between West Third and Southern Avenue .... ..... 3,000.00 For improvement of Dodge and intersecting streets. 2,500.00 For improvement of Mt. Carmel Avenue . 1,500.00 For improvement of Ice Harbor .... ..... 300.00 For purchase of land and improving corner at Dodge and South Dodge Streets .... ...... 250.00 For widening and improv- ing Grandview Avenue east of Southern Avenue 400.00 For improving streets in- tersecting Cleveland Ave- nue 250.00 For improving Mt. Loretta Ave. and Valley Street 300.00 For opening of street and waterway from Alpine Street to Alta Vista Street which amount if not ex- pended for this purpose can be used for sewer on Alta Vista Street 2,000.00 For grading Public Market Place on Public Square in Dubuque Harbor Co.'s Addition .... .... 1,000.00 For constructing retaining wall at south end of al- ley between Wilson Ave- nue and Caledonia Place 500.00 For widening of street at Couler Avenue and 18th Street .... ....... 2,000.00 57 5,750.00 3,000.00 29,500.00 42,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 i56 Adjourned Regular Session, Feb. 28, 1913 per front foot, and to file such plat and estimate in the office of the city re- corder; that after the filing of said plat and estimate in his office, the city recorder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a newspaper pub- lished in this city, a notice stating that :such plat and estimates are on file, the location and nature of the im- provement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which objections there- to .can be filed, and the tune fixed for hearing, which time snail not be less than five days after the last publica- tion of such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the city recorder shall, at the next regular :session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a _printed copy of such notice accom- panying the same. Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Frith, Heim, McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Alderman Mrallis offered the follow- ing: ' Be it Resolved by the City Council .of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to im- prove South Grove Terrace, from the southerly line of West Eleventh Street to the southerly line or Wilbur Ave- nue, and it is hereby proposed to grade to sub- grade, curb and gutter with combination cement concrete curb and gutter, and pave said street with asphaltic macadam on a cement con- crete base and to assess tne cost of said grading, .curbing, guttering, pav- ing and foundation against the abut - ing property. Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Andresen, irrith, Heim, McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Aldeman Wallis offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generally the location, nature and extent of the - proposed improvement on South Grove Terrace from the southerly line of West Eleventh Street to the southerly line of Wilbur Avenue, and the kind of material to be used, and an esti- mate of the entire cost thereof, and - the amount and cost of such improve- ment, and the amount assessable up- • on any railway or street railway com- pany, the amount and cost thereof, to be paid by the city, if any, and the -cost thereof and amount assessable - upon each lot or parcel of land ad- jacent to or abutting upon such im- provement per front foot, and to file such plat and aslimate in the office of the city recorder; tnat after the fil- ing of said plat and estimate in his office, the city recorder shall publish in three consecutive issues of a news- paper published in this city, a notice stating that such plat and estimates are on file, the location and nature of the improvement, kind of material to be used, and an estimate of its cost, and the time before which ob- jections thereto can be filed, and the time fixed for hearing, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication or such notice, and after such publication shall have been made, the city recorder shall, at the next regular session of the City Council, notify the Council thereof in writing, with a printed copy of such notice accompanying the same. Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Frith, Heim, McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None. Aldermen Wallis offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to im- prove the westerly side of Grove Ter- race from the :iortherly line of the present retaining wall dividing the grades on said street, southerly to the northerly line of West Eleventh Street, and it is hereby proposed to grade to sub - grade, curb or reset curb where necessary along the westerly curb line, curb and gutter with combination cement concrete curb and gutter along the easterly side of said proposed im- provement, and pave said portion of said street with asphaltic macadam on a cement concrete foundation, and to assess the cost of said grading, curbing or resetting curb, guttering, paving and foundation against the abutting property. Ald. Wallis moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Frith, Heim, McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis. Nays--None. Alderman Wallis offered the fol- lowing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing generaly the location, nature and extent of the pro- posed improvement on the westerly side of Grove Terrace from the north- erly end of the retaining wall dividing the grades on said street, southerly to the northerly line of West Eleventh List of City Warrants. Dubuque, Iowa. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a com- plete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of January, 1913. SALARIES. M. E. Lyons, Mayor $116 65 Geo. D. Wybrant, Treasurer 133 30 F. M. Blake, Deputy 100 00 L. F. Kolfenbach, Clerk 75 00 Cyril D. Lagen, Auditor 116 65 Carl Weglau, Deputy 80 00 J. J. Shea, Recorder 116 65 P. J. Kies, Deputy 85 00 Fred J. Heller, Assessor .... 125 00 Harry Gleason, Ass't Assessor 91 65 Frank Kenneally, Ass't Assessor9l 65 Geo. T. Lyon, City Attorney 150 00 Edgar H. Willging, Ass't Rtty 85 00 Nettie Bentley, Steno. to Atty 20 00 Chas. Baumgartner, Engineer 166 65 John Daniels, . Ass't Engineer 110 00 Jos. Friedrich, Office Clerk En- gineer 75 00 Wm. Coleman, Rod Man, Engi- neer .. 65 00 John Lawler, Com. Clerk 125 00 John Mahoney, St. Com -.... 40 00 Wm. Foley, Sidewalk Tnsp 60.00 Patrick Hamel, Supt. Sprinkling 12 00 Edw. Norton, Market Master 65 00 Thos. Hackney, .Pound Master 45 00 Mrs. H. Kienig, Janitress 30 00 Dr. Chas. Palen, Health Officer 50 00 Jas. Lynch, Sanitary Officer 65 00 Dr. F. J. Kennedy, Meat and Milk Inspector 7500 Edward Daley, Wharf Master 45 00 William Andresen, Alderman -at- Large 25 00 Eugene E. Frith, Alderman Fifth Ward 26 00 John Heim, Alderman -at -Large 25 00 J. J. McLaughlin, Alderman Sec- ond Ward 25 00 James Saul, Alderman First Ward 25 00 Wm. Singrin, Alderman Third Ward 25 00 J. H. Wallis, Alderman Fourth Ward 25 00 FIRE PAYROLL LAST HALF OF DECEMBER, 1913. J. Reinfried $61 75 Wm. Hipman 49 00 M. Eitel 42 15 J. Essmen 43 62 A. Duccini 37 70 G. Peyer 40 68 N. Wagner 87 73 A. Heer 35 29 W. Kannolt 36 29 J. Flynn 42'13 T. Ryder 48 62 H. Cain 37 73 1VI. Kelley 40 68 F. Murphy 37 '72 List of Warrants 59' J. Bakey 35 29 Wm. Smith ' 35 29 Wm. McConnell 35 29 G. Gehrke 42 15 F. Kennedy 37 73 J. Smith 35 29 J. Keppler 35 29 D. Ahern 49 00 J. Benner 40 68 A. McDonnell 43 62 P. Zillig 35 29' M. Sweeney 35 29' J. McGloughlin 35 29. J. Connelly 35 29 Wm. Kennedy 37 24 J. Daugherty 35 29' J. Murphy 29 40 B. Kirch 35 29. R. Weston 42 15 J. Allen 37 73 M. Fahey 35 29 R. Kenneally 35 29• W. Ducey 42 15 F. Kenneally 37 73 E. McDermott 35 29' T. O'Brien 35 29 J. Roshin 42 15 F. Baumgartner ....... 23 11 J. Schoenberger 35 29' P. Klrch 35 29• J. Noonan 12 00' F. Mutch 30 00 Pension Fund retained 34 32 POLICE PAYROLL LAST HALF OF DECEMBER, 1913. John Raesle $ 53 90 E. Brunskill 31 85 Jas. Corcoran 34 30 Mike Connolly 34 30 John Cody 34 30. Nicholas Campbell ..... 31 85 Thomas Cain 23 29 Philip Dunphy 36 75 Wm. Donahue 34 30 Thos. Duggan ... 34 30. Patrick Fury 39 20 John Fox 36 75 Jas Flynn .... r. 34 30' Wm. Fox 34 30. Michael Fogarty 34 30 Theo. Ganahl 34 30 Ben Gray 34 30 John Hagen 31 85 Emil Kahn 36 75 Mike Kilty 34 30. James Keefe 34 30 John Kane 84 30 John Hop 34 30 Patrick Kenneally .... 34 30 Barney Ludescher 3430 Patrick McCollins ....... 84 39 Michael McCormick 34 '80 Henry Mueller 34 30 Hugh Markey 34 30 Patrick Mulligan ....... 89 20 John O'Brien 84 30 Michael O'Connor 39 20 Michael Ryan 34 30 ()us Raterman 34 30 Jos. Stoltz 34 30 58 Adjourned Regular Session, Feb. 28, 1913 For making provision to do away with the cross ' gutters on White and Jackson Streets ... , 1,500.00 For dumps in the Third Ward 400.00 For the cleaning and re- pairing of a storm sewer in Fourteenth Street.... 1,100.00 For the improvement of Angella Street .... 3,000.00 For widening and improv- ing Rosedale Avenue 1.350.00 For extension of Cox Street to West Chestnut Street For opening Vernon Street through Lot 1 of 9 in Mt. Pleasant Addition 250.00 For extending Martha Street through to North Booth Street ...... 300.00 For Storm Water Sewer in West Twelfth Street 400.00 For improvement of alley between Grace and Ben - nett Streets ...... For retaining wall on West Fifteenth Street .. For grading Pearl Street For sidewalk on Seminary Street abutting City property .... .... 90.00 For sidewalk on Bennett Street . .. 60.00 For construction of Bee Branch Sewer north of Twenty- seventh Street 6,01/0.00 For improvement of Couler Avenue, to be used for inspection and intakes and balance to apply on special assessment for street improvement from Twenty- fourth Street to the northerly end of the proposed improvement, and in case no contract is awarded, that said ap- propriation 'apply on the the Bee Branch Sewer north of Twenty- seventh Street .... ..... 2,000.00 For grading of Heeb Street 300.00 For improvement of Elm Street between Twenty - second and Twenty - fourth Streets .... .... For widening Blocklinger Lane from Couler Ave- nue to Broadway, pro- vided those desiring the improvement will contri- bute the balance neces- sary for the proposed widening otherwise the appropriation to go to the Bee Branch Sewer north of Twenty- seventh Street 1,200.00 250.00 350.00 300.00 150.00 500.00 Total appropriations ...$341,696.00 Ald.. Saul moved the adoption of the resolution of the Committee of the Whole. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Andresen, Frith, Heim, McLaughlin, Saul, Singrin, Wallis. Nays —None, Ald. Wallis moved to adjourn. Car- ried. Adopted , 1913. Approved , Mayor. Attest: City Recorder: Mike Stapelton 34 30 Patrick Sullivan 34 30 .John Spielman 34 30 Dennis Sheehan .... 34 30 Thos. Sweeney 39 20 Fred Spielman 31 86 Fred Seylor 31 85 'Chas. Truher 32 15 Frank Williams 36 63 Miss B. Brennan ...... 34 30 Mrs. K. Hibbe 34 30 Pension Fund retained 32 71 Dubuque, Iowa, January 2, 1913 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on streets in the :several Road Districts during the last half of December, 1912. 'T. Cahill, Health $23 40 J. Dobler, 2nd R 5 00 `G. Davis, 2nd R 7 50 .7. Egan, 2nd 1 8,0 G. Frost, 2nd 25 00 B. Glass, 2nd 5 40. F. Keck, 2nd 5 40 J. Kness, 13th St. Dump .... 12 00 J. Kinsella, 2nd 5 00 J. Mullen, 2nd 1 80 R. McCaffrey, 2nd 25- 00 C. O'Neill, 2nd 4 40 R. Rosemeier, 2nd 3 60 J. Ryan, 2nd 23 40 'G. Schultz, 13th St. Dump 3 20 A. Turner, 2nd 5 00 W. Williams, 2nd 2 00 John Calvert, 2nd 9 00 W. Cook, 13th St. Dump 11 50 J. Graham, 2nd 9 00 Dubuque, Iowa, January 2, 1913. 'To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on Sewers during the last half of December, 1912. D. Cunningham $23 40 W. Hennessy 29 00 H. Kunkel 23 40 1?. Luchterhand 23 40 S. Phillips 24 60 J. Rooney - 23 60 C. Ruesch 23 40 C. Sullivan 30 00 J. Tobin 29 00 Dubuque, Iowa, January 2, 1913 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on Mt. Carmel ace - nue during the last half of December, 1912. W. Burke, Sr. 21 60 John Burns 18 00 W. Burke, Jr. 8 00 W. Boyce 3. 60 P. Carney 23 40 Jos. Dougherty 3 60 W. O'Brien 25 00 J. Wickham 8 00 List of Warrants Jerry Sullivan 27 00 C. VanWie 31 50 FIRE PAY ROLL FOR FIRST HALF OF. JANUARY, 1913. J. Reinfried Wm. Hipman M. Eitel J. Essman A. Duccini G. Beyer N. Wagner A. Heer W. Kannolt F. Mutch J. Flynn T. Ryder H. Cain M. Kelley F. Murphy J. Blakey Wm. Smith Wm. McConnell G. Gehrke F. Kennedy J. Smith J. Keppler D. Ahern J. Penzer A. McDonnell P. Zillig M. Sweeney J. McGloughlin J. Connolly Wm. Kennedy J. Daugherty B. Kirch J. Murphy R. Weston 42 00 J. Allen 38 00 M. Fahey 35 00 R. Kenneally 35 00 W. Ducey 42 00 F. Kenneally 38 00 E. McD'ermott .,. .., ., 35 00 T. O'Brien 35 00 J. Roshin 42 00 F. Baumgartner 35 54 J. Schoenberger 35 00 P. Kirch 35 00 J. Noonan 2 00 POLICE PAY ROLL FOR FIRST HALF OF JANUARY, 1913. John Raesle $ 50 00 Ed. Brunskill 32 50 35 00 35 00 35 00 32 50 23 85 37 50 35 00 35 00 40 00 37 50 35 00 35 00 21 00 35 00 35 00 32 50 Jas. Corcoran Mike Connolly John Cody Nicholas Campbell .... . , , Thomas Cain Philip Dunphy Wm. Donahue Thos. Duggan Patrick Fury John Fox James Flynn Wm. Fox Michael Fogarty Theo. Ganahl Ben Gray John Hagen $ 62 50 42 43 38 40 38 35 35, 35 42 43 38 40 38 35 35 35 42 38 35 35 50 10 43 35 35 35 35 38 35 35 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 " 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Emil Kahn Mike Kil'ty J ames Keefe .. .... .. ........ John Kane John- Kop Patrick Kenneally Barney Ludescher Patrick Medollins 1y11chael McCortnick _Henry Mueller ........ ....... Hugh Markey ...... . . .. Patrick Mulligan ...... John O'Brien ....... Michael O'Connor ..... • ... 'Michael Ryan ...... ........ Gus Raterman Jo s. Stoltz . ....... . . . Mike Stapleton Patrick Sullivan. , , , ...... John Spielman. ........ . . . . . Dennis Sheehan 'Thos. Sweeney Fred Spielman Fred Seylor ....... , Chas. Truher Frank Williams , , , • Miss B. Brennan Mrs. K. Hibbe List, at Warrants 61: a7 50 as 00. as 0,0 35. 00, 2.8, 00. 3.5: 00. 3a 00, 35 00' 35 0.0, 3.5: 00 35: 00• 40 00 35 00 4,0 00 35, 0.0: 35, 00• 35= 00, 35.. 36 35. 3'5' 40 32, 21 3-2 35 35 35 00 00. 00 00 00 50 65, 50 00 00 00 Dubuque, Iowa, January 16, 1913. 'To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on Streets in the se- veral Road Districts during the first half of January, 1913. J. Alexander, Sidewalk 6 40 A. Allgeyer, Sidewalk 3 - 60 H. Burgwald, Sidewalks 4 80 Jas. Connolly, Villa St. Imp, 8 20 T. Cahill, Health 21 60 A. Coffee, Expense 2 20 D. Hatfield, Expense 2 20 J. H. Jackson, Sidewalks ,.., 2 60 J. Kness, 13th St. Dump $2.80. Sidewalk, $3.20 .... 6 00 P. Lenihan's Sons, Expense .. 5 50 D. O'Meara, Villa St. Imp. .... 2 50 Dubuque, Iowa, January 16, 1913. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen: I herewith submit, my pay roll for labor on Mt. Carmel dur- ing the first half of January, 1913. W. Burke, Jr. 5 40 John Burke 3 60 W. Boyce 20 80 J, Burns 20 80 W. Burke, Sr, 20 80 Jas. Campbell 12 60 P. Carney 21 60 F. Defontaine 6 4-0 Jos. Dougherty 20 80 W. O'Brien 25 00 J. O'Meara 5 40 W. O'Meara m Sheehan 9 40 60 J. Wickham 15 5 40 To E. Ap TD, O'Me ara 2 22 50 50 Dubuque, Iowa, January 16,. 1913. To the Honorable Mayor and City. Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: I herewith, submit my pay roll for labor on Sewer during the first half of January; 1913. D. Cunningham W. Hennessy H: Kunkel' F:, Luchterhand S. Phillips J. Rooney C. Ruesch C. Sullivan J. Tobin 21 2.6. 2,1 5 27 21 22 30 29 60. 6.0. 60, 40. 40: 50 6,0. 05 20 Bills • allowed in January, 1913. BILLS, Phil; Greenwald, macadam.. $ 9 40: Bti Glass, macadam 5. 74 P; Kramer, macadam 10 92 R. Rossmeyer, macadam 12 12 Mullen & Bagen, macadam 14 47' Fred Keck, macadam 7 87 D, McGrath, inspector 11 55 E. Ruff, inspector 7 70' E. T. Frith, health 208 00 E. T .Frith, health 34 90 Geo. D. Wybrant, Treas., Inet on Warrants outstanding 408 75 Geo. D. Wybrant, Expense and Sewerage ,.,. 10 64 Geo. T. Lyon, Atty., Expense in Kekevot and Post Case.. 30 20 P. Pfersch, Sidewalk 2 75 Peter Lang, Fire and Sidewalk 6 55 Key City Roofing Co., Fire and Sewers .... 414 A. A. Brown, Mt. Carmel 9 25 J. Duggan, Mt. Carmel .. ,.. 9 05 F. Schloz & Son, Sewers, Mt Carmel, Sidewalks .... 4 40 G. Ragatz & Son, Sewers 60 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co , Sewers 63 Lagen, Peed & Berwangea Sewers .... .... 8 50 Ellwanger Bros., Sewers 60 F. Schloz & Son, Sewers 20 J. N. Graham, Sidewalk and Sewers 2 00 Standard Lumber Yard Co , Sidewalk 9 05 Standard Lumber Yard Co , Sidewalk 54 40 Ellwanger Bros., Sidewalk .... 1 00 Jas. Lally, Fire 3 20 H. J. Deggendorf, Fire 55 93 J. Geisler & Son, Fire 45 Oi: Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co , Fire 65 G. A. Grimm, Fire 100 Ellwanger Bros., Fire 6 95 Iowa Oil Co., Fire 6 60 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co , Fire 20 00 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co , Fire 54 00 Key City Gas Co., Fire 5 45 Key City Gas Co., Fire 20 70 Standard Lumber Yard Co., Fire 2 0.0 62 Flick - Ziepprecht Box Co., Fire 2 00 F. G. Becker, Fire 44 95 F. G. Becker, Fire 25 14 F. G. Becker, Fire 36 30 F. G. Becker, Fire 8 65 F. G. Becker, Fire 17 60 F. E & Son, Fire 75 P. Heller, Fire 9 50 G. W. Healey & Son, Fire 26 00 M. Stafford, Fire 5 20 Robinson Fire Apparatus Co , Fire National Refining Co., Fire 17 00 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co , Fire 500 00 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co , Fire 350 00 F. G. Becker, Fire 12 87 F. G. Becker, Fire 13 02 J. F. Ris & Bro., Fire 75 P. Pfersch, Fire 1 65 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co , Fire .... 2 00 Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, Fire 6 90 Mettel Bros. Co., Fire .... .... 82 Mettel Bros., Fire .... 1 25 Union Electric Co., Fire 2 00 Collings & Pfiffner, Fire 9 35 C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., Fire 5 25 F. G. Becker, Fire 14 J. N. Graham, Fire 22 J. E. Hartig, Fire 1 Iowa Oil Co., Fire 9 Iowa Oil Co., Fire 10 G. Ragatz & Son, Fire 1 J. Newman & Son, Fire 1 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, Fire 7 F. M. Jaeger & Co., Fire 1 Standard Lumber Yard Co , Fire Standard Lumber Yard Co., Fire Standard Lumber Yard Co., Fire Hammel, Henker & Co., Fire and Police Key City Gas Co., Fire and Po- lice Union Plumbing & Heating Co., Police F. G. Becker, Police F. G. Becker, Police Standard Lumber Yard Co., Police .... Eichhorn & Bechtel, Police Standard Lumber Yard Co., Police J. N. Graham, Police Iowa Oil Co., Police H. J. Deggendorf, Police G. W. Healey & Son, Police Ellwanger Bros., Police Collings & Pfiffner, Police Labor Leader, Police and pense Dubuque Lumber & Coal Police and Expense Clancy Transfer Co., Police and Expense Key City Gas Co., Police, Fire and Expense Iowa Telephone Co Police, Fire List of Warrants EX- Co, 15 00 97 00 00 50 45 80 25 75 00 6 00 1 30 2 35 16 80 2 00 6 08 15 60 10 08 18 72 4 06 3 00 2 01 56 15 011 1 40 2 70 11 70 8 00 42 98 21 73 120 65 and Expense Dr. J. H. Schrup, Police Martin - Strelau Co., Expense H. B. McCarten, Expense Gonner Bros., Expense Gonner Bros., Expense J. E. Hartig, Fire and Ex- pense Metz Mfg. Co., Expense A. E. Stahel', Expense P. J. Seippel Lumber Co., Ex- pense J. W. Mels, Expense J. W. Mills, Expense R. Brown, Expense H. Brown, Expense C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., Expense C. L. Dambacher, Expense Berg & Briggs, Expense C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., Expense C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., Expense Standard Office Supply Co , Expense Foley Hand Laundry, Ex- pense 30 74 2 00 2 60 3 66 99 00 56 50 1 75 1 35 37 50 6 72 50 1 30 1 05 60 4 10 6 70 7 70 12 00 20 75 4 26 C. L. Dambacher, Expense 1 40 Martin - Strelau Co., Expense 13 50 F. Schloz & Son, Expense 1 85 Mathis -Metz Co., Expense 8 50 J. B. Hittell, Expense 5 00- Jas. Beach & Son, Expense .... 3 20 The Hoermann Press, Expense.. 6 5Q F. Beutin, Expense 14 00 Eagle Chemical Co., Expense 2 50 Armour & Co., Expense 1 00 Fred Wenzel, Expense 4 96 Union Electric Co., Lighting 500 00 Union Electric Co., Lighting 600 00 Union Electric Co., Lighting 500 00 Union Electric Co., Lighting 500 00 Union Electric Co., Lighting 294 70 Thos. Hassett, Spl. Bonded 500 00 Thos. Hassett, Spl. Bonded 500 00 Thos. Hassett, Spl. Bonded 600 00 Thos. Hassett, Spl. Bonded 500 00 Thos. Hassett, Spl. Bonded 500 00 Thos. Hassett, Spl. Bonded 500 00 Thos. Hassett, Spl. Bonded 50Q 00 Thos. Hassett, Spl. Bonded 100 74 Thos. R. Lee, Special Bonded 28 80 Thos. R. Lee, Special Bonded. 128 70 Thos. R. Lee, Special Bonded 42 53 Wilmer Cook, Spl. Bonded 500 00 Wilmer Cook, Spl. Bonded 500 00 Wilmer Cook, Spl. Bonded 600 00 Wilmer Cook, Spl. Bonded 500 00 Wilmer Cook, Spl. Bonded 20 01 Dub. Auto & Garage Co., Fire 100 78 Schrup Motor Car Co., fire 500 00 Schrup Motor Car Co., fire 500.00 Schrup Motor Car Co., fire 500 00 Schrup Motor Car Co., fire 500 00 Schrup Motor Car Co., fire 500 00 Schrup Motor Car Co., fire 500 00 Schrup Motor Car Co., fire 500 00 Schrup Motor Car Co., fire 600 00 Schrup Motor Car Co., fire 500 00 Schrup Motor Car Co., fire 500 00 Schrup Motor Car Co., fire 500 00 Schrup Motor Car Co., fire 500 00 Schrup Motor Car Co., fire, loan warrants ....... 500 00' Schrup Motor Car Co.', loan warrants ....... Schrup Motor Car Co., loan warrants ....... Schrup Motor Car Co., loan warrants ....... Schrup Motor Car Co., loan warrants . Schrup Motor Car Co., I'oan warrants ....... Official Notices fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, - .... 500 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 00 NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the City Council held Jan. 2, 1913, the following Special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinatfer described, and that in case of failure to pay the one - seventh part within the time pre- scribed by the ordinance governing same, all will become delinquent and 10 20 subject to collection by distress and sale. G. D. WYBRANT, City Treasurer. For improving Grandview Heights, Victoria Avenue, Linden Boulevard and the driveway connecting Grand- view Heights and Victoria Avenue. Owner. Description. Amount. Nic. Gonner, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 1 $167 22 E. W. Albee, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 3 83 60 E. W. Albee, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 4 83 60 E. W. Albee, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 5 83 60 E. W. Albee, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 6 83 60 E. W. Albee, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 7 123 15 Wm. Wimmer Grandview Heights Add., Lot 9 123 15 Wm. Wimmer Grandview Heights Add., Lot 10 83 60 J. F. Johannson, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 11 83 60 Alb. Kuhn, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 12 83 60 Leo F. Jaeger, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 13 83 60 Leo F. Jaeger, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 14 83 60 Alb. Kuhn, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 15 83 60 Alb. Kuhn, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 16 83 60 Math. Jacoby, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 17 108 24 John B. Gebhard, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 18 27 37 John L. Little, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 19 37 73 John B. Gebhard, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 20 62 26 Leo F. Jaeger, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 22 63 76 Leo F. Jaeger, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 23 35 80 Alb. Kuhn, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 24 37 73 Total ...... $6758 3i 63 Alb. Kuhn, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 25 99 87 Alb. Kuhn, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 26 85 18 Alb. Kuhn, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 27 83 60 Leo F. Jaeger, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 28 83 60 Alb. Kuhn, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 29 83 60 Alb. Kuhn, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 30 83 60 Alb. Kuhn, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 31 83 60 Alb. Kuhn, Grandview ' Heights Add., Lot 32 83 60' Alb. Kuhn, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 33 123 15. Alb. Kuhn, Grandview Heights Add., lot 35 123 13 Alb. Kuhn, Grandview Heights Add., lot 36 99 51 Willard F. Gray, Grandview Heights Add., lot 37 251 49' John L. Little, Grandview Heights Add., lot 39 94 89' John L. Little, Grandview Heights Add., lot 40 - 68 14' John L. Little, Grandview Heights Add., lot 41 68 14' Alb. Kuhn, Grandview Heights Add., ,lot 42 68 11 Alb. Kuhn, Grandview Heights Add., lot 43 6814 William F. Gray, Grandview Heights Add., lot 44 100 60 Alb. Kuhn, Grandview Heights Add., lot 45 259 02' John L. Little, Grandview Heights Add., lot 46 68 14 Alb. Kuhn, Grandview Heights Add., lot 47 6814- Alb. Kuhn, Grandview Heights Add., lot 4$ 6814 Alb. Kuhn, Grandview Heights Add., lot 49 6814 Alb. Kuhn, Grandview Heights Add., lot 48 50 9 Math. Jacoby, Grandview Heights Add., lot 51 291 60' Lawrence Gonner, Grandview Heights Add., lot 52 115 60 Alb. Kuhn, Grandview Heights Add., lot 60 424 50 Mb. Kuhn, Grandview Heights Add., lot 61 45168 Alb. - Kuhn, parking along Grandview avenue 237 27 Alh, Kuhn, balance grading as per agreement ...1197 12 For constructing a sanitary sewer in Rosedale Avenue from the sewer in front of Lot 1, Rosedale Addition to Willow Street, in Willow Street from Rosedade to St. Ambrose Street, in St. Ambrose Street from Willow Street to Asbury Street, in Asbury Street from St. Ambrose to Delhi Street. 64 Owner. Description. Amount. J. V. and S. P. Rider, Univer- sity Place, lot 10 $ 62 64 Paul Krocheski, University Place, lot 55 154 24 "Rose Morrison, Rosedale Add , No. 2, lot 3 27 25 _Rose Morrison, Rosedale Add , No. 2, lot 4 27 25 Rose Morrison, Rosedale Add , No. 2, lot 5 27 25 "Rose Morrison, Rosedale Add , No. 2, lot 6 27 25 'Rose Morrison, Rosedale Add , No. 2, lot 7 Rose Morrison, Rosedale Add , No. 2, lot 8 27 25 Rose Morrison, Rosedale Add No. 2, lot 9 35 4i B, rtha Willis, Rosedale Add , lot 1 C. A. Voelker, Rosedale lot 2 C. A. Voel ter, Rosedale lot 3 C. A. Voelker, Rosedale Iot 4 . C. A. Voelker, Rosedale lot 5 C. A. Voelker, Rosedale lot 6 •C. A. Voelker, Rosedale lot 7 C. A. Voelker, Rosedale lot 8 C. A. Voelker Rosedale lot 9 'C. A. Voelker, Rosedale lot 10 C. A. Voelker, Rosedale lot 11 C. A. Voelker, Rosedale lot 12 C. A. Voelker, Rosedale lot 13 0. A. Voelker, Rosedale lot 14 C. A. Voelker, Rosedale lot 15 C. A. Voelker, Rosedale lot 16 C. A. Voelker, Rosedale lot 17 C. A. Voelker, Rosedale lot 18 C. A. Voelker, Rosedale Add., lot 19 Carrie E. Mink, Rosedale Add., lot 20 - E. H. Haxmeier, Rosedale Add., lot 21 C. A. Voelker, Rosedale Add., lot 22 •U. A. Voelker, Rosedale lot 23 C. A. Voelker, Rosedale lot 24.. C. A. Voelker, Rosedale Add., lot 25 C. A. Voelker, Rosedale Add., lot 26 'C. A. Voelker, Rosedale Add., lot 27 .. ... 23 98 Add., Add., Add., A dd., Add., Add., Add., Add., Add., Add., Add., Add., Add., Add., Add., Add., Add., Add., Add., Official Notices 27 25 43 60 27 25 27 25 27 25 27 21 27 25 27 25. 27 25 27 '25 27 23 27 25 27 25 27 25 27 25 31 60 27 25 27 25 27 25 27 25 31 07 31 07 21 80 21 80 21 80 23 53 23 98 C. A. Voelker, Rosedale Add., lot 28 C. A. Voelker, Rosedale Add., lot 29 C. A. Voeiker, Rosedale Add., lots 31 and 32 C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park, lets 127 and 128 C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park, lot 177 Sisters of Charity, Smyth's Sub., lot 9 Sisters of Charity, M.. L. 179, lot 1. .......... .. A. A. Cooper, M. L. 179a, lot 5.. P. A. Ruley, Jr., E. 253 feet of M. L. 179, lot 3 Thos. Westaby, W. 50 ft. of M L. 179, lot 3 C. H. Reynolds, M. L. 179, lot 2. John Kopp, Finley Add., lot 29. Tobn Kopp, Finley Add., lot 28. John Kopp, Finley Add., lot 27. Finley Add., John - Steinmetz, lot 26 John Steinmetz, lot 25 Sisters of Holy Add., lot 24 Sisters of Holy Ghost, Finley Add., lot 23 Sisters of Holy Ghost, Finley Add., lot 22 Sisters of Holy Ghost, Finley And., lot 21 Wm. J. Clark Est., Finley Add lot 177 Wm. J. Clark Est., Finley Add., Lot 178 Wm. J. Clark Est., Finley Add., Lot 179 Wm. J. Clark Est., Finley Add., Lot 180 Wm. J. Clark Est., Finley Add., Lot 181 St. Anthony's Church, Finley Add., Lot 20 St. Anthony's Church, Finley Add., Lot 19 St. Anthony's Church, Finley Add., Lot 18 Mary C. Dunn, Finley Add , Lot 17 Mary C. Dunn, Finley Add , Lot 16 Clara W. Lattimer, Finley Add., Lot 15 Clara W. Lattimer, Finley Add, Lot 14 Eliz. Hird, Finley Add., Lot 13 Charlotte Willman, Finley Add., Lot 12 Mary T. Reilley, Finley Add , Lot 11 Mary T. Reilley, Finley Add , Lot 10 Germ. Pres. School, Finley Add., Lot 9 Germ. Pres. School, Finley Add., N. W. 11 ft. Lot 8 John R. Hilliary, Finley Add,. S. E. 55 ft. Lot 8 John R. Hilliary, Finley Add , Finley Add., Ghost, Finley 35 97 35 97 35 97 N. W. 6 ft. Lot 7 3 27 24 53 Rosana Lyons, Finley Add., S. E. 60 Lot7 64 58 E. E: McEvoy , Finley Add , 3270 Lot 6 35 97 64 58 E; E. McEvoy, Finley Add., N 6ft:Lot5 3 27 64 58 Geo. G. Lucke, Finley Add , S. Lot 32 70 27 25 Hy. Geiger ft. , Finley' 5 Add., Lot 4 36 97 .Julia O•'Hagan, Finley" Add , 70 35 Lot 35. 9'r Mary C asey, Finley Add., Lot 197 84 2 35 97 14715 .Louisa A. Pitschner, Finley Add., Lot 1 61 69 8175 Mary F'. Jacobs, Schuler's Sub., Sub. 1•, Lot 2 37 61 27 25 Eliz. Schuler, Schuler's Sub , 109 00 Sub. 1, Lot 1 47 41 37 39 Wm. J. Miller, Schuler's Sub , 35 97 Lot 5 22 89 35 97 Frank B. Hird, Finley Add , S. 36 ft. Lot 161 19 62 35 97' Mary A. Day, Finley Add., N. 30• ft. Lot 161 16 35 35 97 Eliz. Hocking, Finley Add , Lot 160 35 97 35 97 Barbara Kintzinger, Finley Add., Lot 159 35 35 9'7 Nic Glab, Finley Add., Lot 158 35 Nic Glab, Finley Add., Lot 157 35 35 97 :Nic Glab, Finley Add., Lot 166 35 Frank Scott, Finley Add , 35 97 Lot 155 35 Frank Scott, S. 1 -2 Lot 154 17 43 60 Dorothea Drost, N. 1 -2 Lot 154 17 Dorothea Drost, Lot 153 35 41 97 .Jas. Mullen Est., Finley Add , Lot 152 35. 97 39 78 Jas. Mullen Est., Finley Add , Lot 151 35 97 38 15 Helen S. J. Burke, Finley Add., Lot 150 35 97 3.6 51 Anna M, Kurz Est., Finley Add., Lot 129 46 87 121 81 •Germ. Orphan Asylum, Finley Add., Lot 130 35 97 35 97 Dornes & Bush, Finley Add , Sub, 128, Lot 4 50 18 35 97 Dornes & Bush, Finley Add , Sub. 128, Lot 3 27 25 35 97 Dornes & Bush, Finley Add , Sub. 128, Lot 2 Sub. 128, Lot 1 27 25 50 69 Dornes & Bush, Finley Add , 27 25 35 97 _Arthur McCann, J. Klein- 35 97 35 97 35 97 6 00 29 97 O o.a Notices 97 97 97 87 97 99 99 97 schmidt's Sub., Lot 8 26 98 City of Dubuque, J. Klein - schmidt's Sub. 800 00 Total $4985 24 For improving Grandview Avenue from a point opposite the southerly line of Lot 2 of Min. Lot 31, south -, erly to Southern Avenue. Owner. Description. Amount, P. Kenneally, Min. Lot 31, Lot 3 $ 922 26 - M. Enright Est., Min. Lot 32, Lot 1 1345 57 M. J. Connolly, Min. Lot 29, Lot 1; M. J. Connolly, Lot 24, Lot 2 2273 49, T,, Kavanaugh Est.,, Min,, Lot 24, Lot 3 33 7 97 Margt., Barrett, Min, Lot 24, Sub,. 1, Lpt 1 759 68 Geo., Robinson, Min. Lot 24, Sub. Lot 2, 745 40 Fred Faldorf, Min, Lot 2,9, Lot, 2; Fred Faldorf, Lot 25; Fred, Faldorf, Min. Lot, 24, Sub. 1, Lot 3 401 97 Mary O'Shea Est., Min. Lot 28, Lot 4 76,8, 27 Dennis Ryan, Min. Lot 28, Lot 2 622 94 Amos Paley, Grandview Heights 4dd., Lot 59 132, 10 Amos Paley, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 58 132 10 Amos Paley, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 57 120 10 Amos Paley, G r a n d v i e w Heights Add., Lot 56 120 10 Wm. Wimtner, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 56 120 10 Wm. Wimmer, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 54 120 10 Amos Paley, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 53 205 34 Nic. Gonner, G r a n d v i e w Heights Add., Lot 1 329 03 Alb. Kuhn, Grandview Heights Add., Lot 2 65 79 City of Dubuque, parking Grandview Heights Add. . 485 30 Total $10,025 61 For constructing a sanitary sewer in Delhi Street from a point opposite the line dividing lots 4 and 5 in Hughes' Sub., westerly to the present sewer in Grandview avenue: Owner. Description. Amount. Louisa Mulgrew, Hughes' Sub., 5. E. 1 -2 lot 4 $ 27 25, Jessie A. Fern, Hughes' Sub., N. W. 1 -2 lot 4 27 25 Maria Trimpler, Hughes' Sub , Sub. 5, lot 2 69 75 Geo. Boxleiter Est., Motor Sub , lot 7 68 8• Buol and Loetscher, Loetscher & Trueb Sub., lot 2 46 53 Mrs. C. and Francis M. Whelan, Loetscher & Trueb's Sub., lot 1 102 90 Martha Bentley, Boxleiter's Sub., Sub. 2 of 1 of 1, lot 2 74 99 Theresa McDonald, Boxleiter's Sub., Sub. 2 of 2 of 1, lot 2 75 76 Finley Hospital, Finley Home Add., lot 1 130 80 Total $624 03 NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the City Council held on Jan. 16, 1913, the following special assessments were levied on the rem estate hereinafter described, and that in case of failure to pay the one • 66 seventh part within the time prescrib- ed by the ordinance governing same, all will become delinquent and subject to collection by distress and sale. G. D. WYBRANT, City Treasurer. For the construction of cement side- walks in front of and adjoining the . property described: Owner. Description. Amount. P. Meehan Est., Union Add., lot 72 $ 31 80 Wm. F. McCann, E. E. Jones' Sub., lot 7 45 53 P. W. Crawford Est., A. Mc- Daniels' Sub., lots 778 and 779. 132 70 For cutting weeds by the city, in front of and adjoining the property described, during the months of June. July, August and September, 1912: Owner. Description. Amount. June 17 —Wm. Lawther, Cox's Add., 2 of 1, lot 91 $4 50 June 17 —Wm. Lawther, Cox's Add., 2, lot 92 4 50 July 3— Harriett P. Chamberlain, Woodlawn Park, lots 51 and 52 4 50 July 8 —J. S. Stevens, Julia Lang- worthy Add., lot 22 4 00 July 8 —Geo. W. Schrup, Union Add., lot 157 3 OC July 8 —C. G. Meyers, Union Add., lot 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 3 06 July 13— Bradley & Maclay, Union Add., 2 of 2, lot 158 5P July 13 —Wm. Crabtree, S. M Langworthy's Sub., lot 11 1 50 July 19 —J. W. Powers Est., S. 44.6 ft. of City lot 344 1 00 July 19 —Nick Glab, Finley Add , lots 156, 157, 158 1 00 Ju13' 19 —W. G. Cox, Min. lot 2 of lot 90 ..... .. 3 50 July 24— Fisher's Ins. Co., Oak- land Park Add., lot 15 2 00 July 27 —Henry Riker's Est., Far - ley's Sub, lot 14 4 00 Aug. 24 —Jas. Brayton or Allison, Coxe's Add., lot 40 2 00 Aug. 24 —Otto Frenzel, S. 1 -2 of J. King's Add., lot 8 50 Arug. 24— Lillian Sylvester, E. Langworthy's Add., lots 45 and 46 4 00 Sept. 16 —Frank Hammel, City lot 2 of lot -670 3 a0 For cleaning ashes and rubbish by the city, in front of and adjoining the property described, during the month of May, June, July and August, 1912. Owner. Description. Amount. May 4-0. E. Wales, Prospect Hill Add., lots 25 -26 ..$1,00 May 4 —Geo. W. Kiesel, Grace Provost, und. 1 -2 of city lot 7.. 1.50 May 4 —Jno. Flynn, E. 40 ft. of City lot 44 .... .75 May 8 —D. Linehan Est., M. 1 -3 of City lot 749 1.50 May $ —J. V. Ryder, City lot 71 1.50 May 9— Celina Levi, N. 1 -3 of City Official Notices lot 24 1.54 May 10 —Jas. Mullen Est., City lot 181 3.50 May 14 —Mary E. Waller, City lot 300 .... . .... 1.50 May 14 —Mrs. Headford, Farley's Sub., lot 10 .... 2.00 May 14 —Joe Nagel, E. 40 ft. Far- ley Sub., lot 9 1.00 June 9 —Wm. Lawther, N. 1 -2 of City lot 167 .25 June 9 —Grace A. Provost, S. 1 -2 of City lot 35 .25 June 9— Bosserman & Ives, City lot 65 .25 June 9— Reeder Langworthy, S. 20 ft. of City lot 65 .25 Aug. 5 —Mrs. Geo. Salot, N. 112 of City lot 249 .50 Aug. 5 —Ed. Muntz, S. 1 -2 of City lot 250 .50 Aug. 5 —J. V. Rider, S. 55 ft. of City lot 468 .75 A ug. 5 —J. L. and L. Horr, N. 1 -2, M. 1 -5, City lot 458 2.00 Aug. 5 —Jos. Rowan, N. 2 -5 of City lot 458 .... 25 Aug. 5 —Chas. J. Young, S 1 -2 of City lot 480 .75 Aug. 8 —Mae H. Peabody Est., City lot 755 1.21 Aug. 8 —Anna Hemmer, City lot 296 Aug. 8 —Ellen Sullivan, Cox's Add , lot 17 .... .... 1.00 2- 17 -1t. .50 Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow- ing: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN OR- DINANCE RELATING TO STREET TRAFFIC, AND REGULATING THE USE OF THE STREETS, AL- LEYS AND PUBLIC PLACES OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE BY CARTS, DRAY', HACKNEY COACHES, OMNIBUSES, CAR- RIAGES, WAGONS. MOTOR VE- HICLES, AND PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLA- TION THEREOF." Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the ordinance en- titled "an ordinance relating to street traffic and regulating the use of streets, alleys and public places of the City of Dubuque by carts, drays, hack- ney coaches, omnibuses, carriages, wagons, motor vehicles, and all other vehicles, and providing for a penalty for the violation thereof," be and the same is hereby amended by striking out all of Section 31 of said ordinance in its present form and inserting the following in lieu thereof: "Section 31. Every motor vehicle while in use on any street, alley or other public place of the city shall be provided with good and efficient brakes which shall at all times be in a proper and efficient working condi- tion, as shall also the steering gear of such motor vehicle be at all times in a proper and efficient working condi- tion. Every motor vehicle while in use aforesaid shall also be provided with a suitable bell or horn, and it shall be unlawful for a person to use any . bell or horn which will not pro- duce an abrupt sound sufficiently loud to serve as an adequate warning of danger, and it shall be unlawful for any person operating any motor ve- hicle to make or cause to be made any unnecessary noise with any such bell or horn, or to use the same ex- cept as a warning of said vehicle's approach. "Every motor vehicle while in use on any street, alley or other public place of the city must exhibit after dusk or in any case during the per- iod from one (1) hour after sunset to one (1) hour before sunrise, one or more lamps showing white light vis- ible within a reasonable distance in the direction toward, which such ve- hicle is proceeding and also a red light visible in the reverse direction. While any motor vehicle is at a standstill on any street, alley or oth- er public place, of the city during the hours aforesaid it must exhibit at least on light visible in the direction in which such vehicle is faced and a red light visible in the reverse direc- tion. "Section 31a. It shall be unlawful for any person or company owning or in charge of any motor vehicle to cause, suffer or allow smoke, steam, vapor, gas, oil, refuse or residue to escape therefrom in quantities in ex- cess of such amount as may be abso- lutely necessary for the successful operation of such motor vehicle when it is in perfect working order and not preventable by the use of all ap- pliances and apparatus designed to prevent the escape of said smoke, steam, vapor, gas, oil, refuse of resi- due. "It shall be unlawful for any per- son or company owning or in charge of any motor vehicle to cause suffer or allow the same to make any un- necessary noise in any manner while on any street, alley or other public place of the city. "It shall be unlawful for any per- son or company owning or in charge of any motor car to cause, suffer or allow the same to be operated on any street, alley or other public place of the city without a muffler of such de- sign as to eliminate as far as pos- sible the noise caused by the engine explosions, or to cause, suffer or al- low such motor car to be operated with said muffler cut out or not In operation." Official Notices 67 Section 2. This ordinance to be in. force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its ' publication one time in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald and Times- Journal newspapers. Adopted February 6, 1913. Approved February 14, 1913. M. E. LYONS, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque Times- Journal and Telegraph - Herald newspapers, February 15, 1913. J. J. SH, 2 -15 -1t City Record AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GRADE ON FENELON PLACE FROM END TO END OF SAID STREET. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That a grad a on Fenelon., 'Place from end to end of said street, be and the same is hereby established and adopted as shown by the profile of said street and grade prepared by the City Engineer and accepted by the City Council on the 5th day of July,. 1912, being Profile No. 745. B. M. east end of Burch house, 3rd street, op- posite James, elevation 266.363. Said grade begins at the east prop- erty line of Burch Street, which i Station 0, elevation south curb 259.60, north curb 259.20; thence to station. 3- { -35, west curb line of Summit Street, elevation south curb 248.60, north curb 249.90; thence to station. 3+59, east curb line Summit Street, elevation south curb 248.00, north curb 249.30; thence to station 9, elevation 225.00; thence to station 10, elevation . south curb 220.10, north curb 220.90; thence to station 11, elevation south curb 214.08, north curb 214.60; thence to station 11 +78, west curb line of Raymond Place, elevation south curb 208.00, north curb 209.00; thenc to sta- tion 12+03, elevation 207.60. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council . and- its publication one time in the Du• buque Times - Journal and Telegraph - Herald newspapers. Adopted February 6, 1913. Approved February 14, 1913. M. E. LYONS, Mayor. Attest: J. J. SHEA, City Recorder. Published officially in the Dubuque: Tines- Journal and Telegraph Herald newspapers, February 15, 1913. J. J. RHEA, 2- 15 -1t. City Recorder. Notice to Contractors. t proposals will be received at the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the City Recorder, until 8:00 p. m Thursday, March 6th, 1913, for the .creosoted wood block paving of Couler Avenue, from Twenty- second Street to 50 feet north of Per Road, except where paved with brick, in accordance with the plans and specifications pre- pared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Re- corder. It is estimated by the City Engineer that it will require: 1050 lineal feet new curb stone fur- - nishing and setting. 867 lineal feet resetting old curb stone. 20,949 square yards 5 -inch concrete, sand, paving with creosoted wood block 3 inches in depth and asphalt!. filler. 5351 square yards 5 -inch concrete, 'sand, creosoted wood blocks 3 inches in depth, asphaltic filler, occurring be- tween lines one foot outside of ex- terior' rails. and limits of improvement. The work to be paid for when said work is completed and as prescribed by Chapter XXXTI. of the Revised Or- dinances of 190' of the City of Du- buque, work to be completed on or before the 1st of August, 1913. Bidders will state in ,writing, and - also in figures the price per lineal foot for furnishing and setting curt) stone, the price per lineal foot for re- setting old curb stone, the price per square yard for creosoted wood block pavement having a 5 -inch concreta foundation using block 3 inches m depth, the price per square yard for creosoted wood block pavement oc- curring inside of the area enclosed by lines drawn one foot outside of the exterior rails of all car tracks and the limits of the improvement: to have 5 inches concrete under ties and con- crete between ties, see section, using blocks 3 inches in depth. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check of $500.00 on some Du- buque bank as a guarantee that a -contract will he entered into if award- ed. check and bid in separate envelope. The City Council reserves the right - to reject any and all bids, or parts of 'bids, which may not he deemed ad- vantageous to the C'tv, or to permit - the Union Electric Co. to improve that portion of the street assessable to them. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, February '21st, 1913. J. J. SHEA, 2- 21 -3t. City Recorder. OFFICIAL NOTICE. Notice of Special Assessment. Notice is hereby given to all con - cerned, that a special assessment as Provided by law will be Ievied at a Offf,ci.oL Notices session of the City Council to be held March 6th, 1913, to pay for improving the westerly side of RI street from Twenty- fourth street to 'twenty-sev- enth street,. Wilmer Cook, contractor. Amount of special assessment, $2,- 272:27. Same to be assessed against the abutting property upon and along said street. • And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office or the City Re- corder of said City of Duouque show- ing the street on which said improve- ment was made and the separate lots and parcels of ground or - specified por- tions thereof subject to assessment of such improvement, the name of the owner thereof as far as practicable and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground' which plat and schedule are subject to pub lie inspection. That any and all .persons objecting to said special assesment or to said plat must file his or their objections in writing with the City Recorder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Council to be held, March 6th, 1913, or to appear at said session of the Council to show cause if any you have why said assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, February 21st, 1913. J. J. SHEA, 2 -21 -3t City Recorder. Wanted. Triple Combination Motor Pumping Engine. Sealed proposals win ne received at the office of the City Recorder until 8:00 p. m. Thursday, March 6th, 1913, for a Triple Combination Motor Pump- ing Engine, the same to have a car- rying capacity of 1,200 to 1,500 feet of 2i- inch hose. The bidder to furnish a complete specification or the engine he proposes to furnish, and the bid must be accompanied by a certified check of $500.00 as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, February 21st, 1913. J. J. SHEA, 2 -21 -4t City Recorder. Notice to Printers. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder up to 8:00 p. m. Thursday, February 20th, 1913, for printing the index and binding in books of 25 copies of the Council Proceedings for the year 1912. Sample and description of the work can be seen in the office of the City Recorder. Bidders must state price per book. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, Febru- ary 11th, 1913. J. J. SHEA, 2- 11 -3t. City Recorder. Official Notices Official Notice. NOTICE OF THE COUNCIL'S IN- TENTION TO IMPROVE COULER AVENUE FROM THE NORTHER- LY LOT LINE OF TWENTY -SEC- OND STREET TO A POINT FIF- TY FEET NORTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF PERU ROAD. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Dubuque to improve Couler Avenue from the northerly line of Twenty - second Street to a point fifty feet north of the north line of Peru Road. That a plat of said improvement is now on file in the office of the City Recorder. It is estimated by the City Engi- neer that said improvement will re- quire 20,949 square yards creosote wood block paving, 5,351 square yards creosote wood block paving in tracks, 867 lineal feet of curb reset, 1,050 lineal feet of new curb, mak- ing a total estimated cost against abutting property owners of $71,- 515.50. Any person having objection to said improvement is hereby notified to appear before the City Council at its next regular session to be held February 20th, 1913, or to file his or their objections in writing on or be- fore February 20th, 1913, with the City Recorder. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, February 4th, 1913. J. J. SHEA, 2 -4 -3t. City Recorder. Notice. Bids will be received at the office of the City Recorder up to 2:00 p. m. Thursday, February 20, 1913, for tak- ing care of the Detention Hospital and such patients as may be confined therein, and to furnish the necessary and needful assistance, and nurses to properly treat such patients. All bids submitted must be for the performance of such duties as are set out in the specifications on file in the office of the City Recorder. The duties of this position require the services of a man and woman, preferably a man and his wife, and each bid must be for the services of both. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, February 7, 1913. J. J. SHEA, Clerk to the Board of Health. Notice. To Whom It May Concern: Friday, February 28th, 1913 being the close of the present fiscal year for the City of Dubuque, you are hereby notified that all claims against the city must be filed with the CitY Recorder on or before noon of Thurs- day, February 27th, 1913. J. J. SHEA, 2 -18 -4t City Recorder. 69 Notice to Those From Whom a City Locense is Required. Office of Chief of Police, Dubuque, Iowa, Jan. 4, 1913. To All Whom It May Concern: All auctioneers, pawnbrokers, junir dealers, hotel, restaurant and eating house keepers, owners of bowling ai- peddlers, porters, transient merchants, street venders, vault cleaners. scav- engers, teamsters, expressmen and owners of hacks, omnibuses, car- riages, drays and owners or harborery of dogs, and all other parties requir- ing a city license. You and each of you are hereby notified that said licenses are now past due and if not paid immediately you will be prosecuted in accordance with the ordinances of the city of Dubuque. J. RAES•LE, 2- 6 -10t. Chief of Police. NOTICE. Auction Sale of Horses. On Saturday, the 1st day of March, 1913, at 9 o'clock a. m., there will be sold at public auction at the City Hal Ito the highest bidder for cash two horses which have been in the service of the Fire Department of the City of Dubuque. J. J. SHEA„ 2- 28 -1t. City Recorder.