1912 Index Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE FOR THE YEAR 1912 Telegraph - Herald Printers and Binders <4 7 4 1 7 _, DUBUQUE CITY OFFICERS FOR YEAR 1912 Mayor —M. E. LYONS Recorder —J. J. SHEA Treasurer —GEO. D. Auditor —CYRIL D. LA WYBRANT. GEN. ALDERMEN -AT -LARGE JOHN HEIM —Fifth Ward. I WM. P. ANDRESEN —Third Ward. ALDERMEN. JAMES SAUL —First Ward. J. J. McLAUGHLIN— Second Ward. WILLIAM SINGRIN—Third Ward. Mayor Pro Tern—JAMES SAUL. Fire Chief— JOSEPH REINFRIED. Chief of Police —JOHN RAESLE. Committee Clerk —J. W. LAWLOR. Electrician —WM. P. HIPMAN. Sidewalk Inspector —WM. FOLEY. Finance. Heim, Wallis, Frith. Ordinance. McLaughlin, Wallis, Singrin. Streets. Saul, Singrin, Frith, McLaughlin, Wallis. Police and Light. Andresen, McLaughlin, Frith. Sewer. Singrin, Heim, Andresen. Printing. Saul, McLaughlin, Wallis. Claims. Saul, Heim, Andresen. Fire. Singrin, Wallis, Frith. Markets. Frith, Singrin, Wallis. ELECTIVE OFFICERS. Attorney —GEO. T. LYON. Engineer —C. H. BAUMGARTNER. Assessor —FRED J. HELLER. J. H. WALLIS — Fourth Ward. E. E. FRITH —Fifth Ward. APPOINTIVE OFFICER& STANDING COMMITTEES. Street Commissioner — JOHN MA- HONEY. Market 'Master— EDWARD NORTON. Harbor Master — EDWARD DALEY. Superintendent of Sprinkling —PAT- RICK HAMEL. Public Gronuds and Buildings. Frith, Singrin, Heim. Delinquent Tax. Wallis, Frith, Saul. Sprinkling. McLaughlin, Saul, Frith. Harbors. Wallis, Saul, McLaughlin. Supplies. Andresen, McLaughlin, Saul. Electrical Construction. Wallis, Singrin, Heim. Board of Health. Council members, Mayor Lyons; Al- dermen Andresen and McLaughlin; citizen members, W. C. Fosselman, Richard Kolck. Health Officer —Dr. Chas. Palen. Meat and Milk Inspector —Dr. Frank J. Kennedy. Sanitary Policeman —Jas. T. Lynch. Regular meetings of the City Connell are held the first and third Thurs- days of each month at 8:00 o'clock p. m. 1912 INDEX -Book 42 SUBJECT Page A Jan. 4- Auburn Avenue, to levy special assessment 2 4 -Alley between Grace and East Streets, vacating of 4 " 4 -Alley between East Street and Louisa Street, va- cating of 4 4- Alderman Saul stated that there was about $3,000.00 available for county road fund 18 " 9- Appointments of the Board of Public works 20 " 9- Appointment of the Levee Improvement Com- mission 20 " 18- Artus, Mrs. Lena, Petition asking that Lot 83, East Dubuque Add., be placed at $3.500.00 26, 64 Feb. 1- Auburn Avenue, from Delhi to West Fourteenth Street, improvement has been completed 58 " 15- Advertising for Automobile Fire Engine 61, 65 Mch. 29- Anglin, George, protest against Sanitary Seewr in Foye Street 114 April 4- Ahern, John, petition of, asking that Treasurer be instructed to accept Special Assessment 131, 145 " 5- Appointments of various officers 139 " 5- Andresen, Alderman, moved that Chief of Police notify the Public to remove all ashes from the alleys 140 " 18 -Apel, John, petition of, asking that City Treasurer be instructed to credit him with $127.79 143 " 26- Alderson, Dr. J., term of, Water Works Turstee, ex- pired on the 20th 151 " 26- Angella Street, improvement of 153 May 16- Alleys, Foremen of several wards instructed to keep alleys clean 176 " 27- Auditor to furnish the City Council with Ordin- ance Books 181 " 27- Assessements providing for the collection of Spec- ial Assessments about to be outlawed 183 " 27- Angella Street, improvement of 184 June 6 -Alley between West 16th and Montrose Terrace, to grade said alley and brick pave 211, 266, 283, 315, 319, 349, 417, 431, 454 " 6 -Alley between Alta Vista and Belmond Street to grade and macadamize 212, 288, 300, 449, 469, 488 " 10- Asbury residents, petition of, asking Council to have. U. E. Co. extend its car lines 216 " 20- Auditor's Office, new chair needed 223 " 20 -Arc lights on 15th and 16th and Main Streets moved to West Locust and Seventeenth Street and Belmont, between Rose and W. 14th Street 225 26 -Alley between Alta Vista and N. Booth Street, from Martha to West 14th Street, to improve 227, 229, 288, 300, 449, 469, 489 July 5- Appel, J., petition of, asking for credit on Special Assessment levied against him 246 Aug. 15 -Alley between Main and Iowa Streets, to brick pave 316, 350, 362, 380 If 15 -Arch Street, to improve 317 " 15 -Alley between Main and Locust Street, to brick pave 318, 350, 363, 380 It 15- Automobile Fire Engine, to vote open ballot 320 " 23- Automobile, to purchase for Fire Chief 321, 322 It 23- Automobile Fire Engine, changes to be made 321, 446, 453 1912 28— Attorney's report in regards to Waterworks 28 —Alley between Louisa and Hall Street, to vacate Nov. 7— Agreement entered into by and between C. M. & St. P. R. R. Co., I. C. R. R. and C. B. & Q. R. R. 430, Cos. and C. B. McNamara & Co. 21— Automobile Fire Engine, Council to purchase to be placed at Delhi Street Engine House 21 —Ashes and Rubbish, Chief of Police to instruct Po- licemen to arrest all persons caught throwing rubbish in alleys Dec. 5 —Arch and West Locust Street, widening and im- proving of, City to purchase lot 7 in Smyth's Subdivision 5— Andresen, Mrs. Annie, petition of, asking to have taxes cancelled 19— Abstract of Title and Deed of F. A. Grings for lot 7 of Smyth's Sub. 19— Attorney's report on claims of M. NI. Kearney and Joseph Weitz C C it INDEX —Book 42 SUBJECT A Page 323 327 443, 483, 506 447 453 470, 482 465 482 483 1912 4 —Bills allowed and referred 4— Barnes, Job, petition asking that Treasurer be instructed to make deduction on the south 25.6 and City Lot 107, north 20 feet Lot 108 and Lot 104 4— Belmond Avenue, to levy special assessment 4— Blocklinger Lane, to levy special assessment 4— Brown, J. F., bill for extra work on W. 14th Street 4— Blocklinger Lane and Broadway, special tax to be levied on lots and parts of lots for sanitary sewer 4 —Bill allowed to Kenety & Lee 9— Becker, Frank, stating he was prepared to remove a large bluff • •' 18 —Bills allowed 18 —Boone Commercial Association of Boone, Ia., receipts of $50.00 presented 18 —Board of Health Report 18 —Bills certified and sent to County for payment 18 —Bills allowed 18- -Bills 18— Blocklinger Lane and Broadway, for constructing Sanitary Sewer 18 —Bids for taking care of Detention Hospital 18 —Bids to printers on Book " 18 —Bids for construction of Sanitary Sewer on Nevada Street 18 —Bids for construction of Fire Escapes Feb. 1— Bradley, Wm. L., petition asking that Nevada Street be graded 1 —Board of Health Report 1— Belmond Street, from Rose to West Fourteenth Street, to provide cost for constructing Sanitary Sewer 15— Brink, P. H., petition asking that taxes be cancelled 15— Bulkley, Representative of Ohio, providing for a coinage .• 15 —Bonds of Levee Improvement Commission 15— Braun, Christ, petition stating that he had ex- tra expenses for material on Seventh Ave. 15 —Bill of James Lynch, inspector Eagle Point sewer 28— Brunswick - Balke- Collender Co., petition asking to fill Jackson Street 29 —Bills 29 —Bills 1 —Bills 7 —Bids for improving Jackson Street and bid for con- struction of sewer on North Glen Oak Ave. 7 —Bill allowed 7— Brinkmueller, Mrs. Kathl, petition asking that taxes be cancelled 7 —Board of Health report 21 —Bids for the construction of Sanitary Sewer in Queen Street 21 —Bills 21— Blumenthal, Mrs. Sarah, assignment of Jan. It tif CC it IC If Mch. ft IC It INDEX —Book 42 SUBJECT Page B printing and binding Index 1 1,68 1 2 5 6 18 19 25 27 28 28 29 34, 35 38 41 42, 45 42, 45 42, 45 45, 103 57 59 61 67 63 65, 94 68 95, 217, 380, 440 102 73 ✓ 75 80 91 93J 94 106 106 107 1912 If it IC id May CC CC CI IC CI it if IC INDEX —Book 42 SUBJECT B 21— Bulford, C. G., petition of, asking to be granted consent 21— Braun, Chris, allowing $125.00 for extra labor and material on Seventh Avenue 21 —Bills referred to Committee of the Whole April 4 —Bids for changing the Matrons' quarters 4 —Bills for rent of buildings for election 4— Bizanz, Mary, petition of, asking that taxes be can- celled 4— Blitsch, Katharine, petition of, asking that taxes be cancelled 4 —Bonds of Joseph P. Scanlon, C. Sass and J. Alder- son 4 —Bills sent to the County " 18 —Bids for construction of sewer on Willow Street " 18 —Bills " 18— Boulevard Lights on Clay Street " 18— Beutin, Frank, petition of, asking for an extension " 18 —Bonds of Park Commissioners " 18 —Bills allowed " 18 —Bee Branch Sewer, from 27th Street north, City En- gineer to prepare plans and specifications 26— Blake, Nettie, petition of, asking that taxes be can- celled " 26— Brown, W. J., petition of, asking to allow Mr. Touk- ras to continue his shoeshining business 26— Baumgartner, C. H., petition of, asking Council to approve his appointing J. A. R. Daniels, J. Fred- ricks and W. Coleman 26 —Bill of E. J. Voggenthaler for erections of fire es- capes 26 —Board of Health report 2 —Bids for cleaning Market Square 2 —Bids for sweeping and hauling sweepings of brick paved streets 2 —Bills from the Committee of the Whole 2— Belmond Street, to install electric lamp 2 —Bonds of Park Commissioners and Curtis & Wunder, plumbers 2 —Bills 16 —Bids for Veterinary Surgeon services 16 —Bids for furnishing beds and mattresses 16 —Bids for constructing sewer in Wood Street 16 —Bids for the extension of Bee Branch Sewer 16 —Bills 16 —Board of Health report 16 —Bill of the Labor Leader June 6 —Bids for sodding of Grandview Avenue 6 —Bids for Storm Water Sewer on Arlington Street 6 —Bills 6 —Bonds of Officers and Plumbers 6— Brunswick- Balke- Collender Co., Engineer instructed to give grade for 6 -foot sidewalk 10 —Bids on North Booth Street Sewer 10 —Bills from the Committee of the Whole 10— Brick, Committee Clerk, to order carload 20 —Bids on Couler Avenue Sewer from 25th to 32nd Streets Page 107 109, 173 109 131 131 131 131, 222, 376 131 134 141 141 143,.225 142 143 145 148 151, 376 151, 176 151 151, 176 152 163, 167 163 166 169 170 170 171 , 171 171 171 171 174, 210 175 205 205 205 209, 295 215 216 217 219 220 1912 July if If CC Aug. if CC IC CC if INDEX —Book 42 SUBJECT B 20 —Bids on 16th and 17th Streets Bee Branch Sewer 20 —Bids on Paving Kaufmann Avenue 20 —Bills 20 —Bills returned from the Committee of the Whole 5 —Bids for improving Valeria Street 5 —Bids for improving Wooten Avenue 5 —Bids for constructing Sewer in Wooten Avenue 5— Breithaupt, Philip, petition of, asking to have as- sessment cancelled 5— Beutin, F., Petition of, asking for an extension of time on Columbia Street 5 —Bills allowed 5 —Brick driveway at Central Engine paired 18 —Bills allowed 18— Barnes, Geo., addressed Council in regards to prop- erty owned by Mrs. Bebman 18— Bosserman, Ella E., petition of, asking to have $15.00 accepted in full payment on Special assess- ment 18— Brunswick- Balke- Collender Co., asking when street west of factory would be filled and graded 18 —Bills allowed from Committee of the Whole 18 —Bonds of Police and Fire Commissioner 22 —Bids on improving Grandview Avenue 22 —Bill of Kenety & Lee, 5 per cent retained on Bluff Street 2 —Bids on Eagle Point Avenue, brick paving 2 —Bush, J. D., petition of, asking to have curbstone sloped in front of Ferguson - Kegler Co. 2— Bathing Beach Association, petition of, asking Coun- cil to appropriate $150.00 2— Burke, James, petition of, asking to have interest cancelled on special assessment 2— Bradstreet Co., petition of, asking Council to en- force Ordinance pertaining to building permits 2— Burnsdorf, E., petition of, asking to have shoe shin- ing parlor removed on 7th and Main Streets . 2— Buehler, Mrs. Elizabeth, petition of, asking to have taxes reduced 2 —Bills allowed 2 —Bill of C. B. McNamara, grading Grandview Avenue 2 —Bids for beds for Fire Department 2 —Bill of E. J. Voggenthaler 2 —Bids for painting and papering Council Chamber 2 —Board of Health report 15 —Bills allowed 15 —Ball, Martin, petition of, asking to have Special As- sessment cancelled 15— Burns, W. J., petition of, asking to have Wilson Avenue improved 15— Blausch, F. M., petition of, asking to have West Locust Street, from Rosedale Avenue, improved 15 —Bill of Municipal Examiners 15— Blake, Wm., notice of Claim 15 —Bills allowed 28— Bridge Co. report, referred to proper Committee 28 —Bill of the Dubuque Telephone Co. House to be re- Page 220 220, 225, 226 220 224 245 245 245 246, 442 246 247 257 260 260 260, 441 261 265 265 269 269 291, 385 291, 409 291 291 291 291, 417, 438 293 298 298 298 298 312 314, 357, 285 314 3i4 314 315 315 322 323 1912 Sept. 5— Bendel, G. petition of, asking that special assess- 352 ment be cancelled 352 5— Braun, C., notice of Claim. 357 5 —Bills allowed 357 5 —Beds donated to St. Vincent de Paul Society 361 5 —Board of Health report 367 11— Barbara Asphalt Co., relative to new make of brick 19 —Bills allowed 367 37 19 —Bids on papering and painting Matrons' Quarters 378 19 —Bills allowed from the Committee of the Whole ... 19— Brinkmoller, Mrs. Katherine, petition of, asking that 95, 217, 380, 440 her taxes be cancelled , 405 Oct. 1 —Bids for furnishing coal for City 3— Brown, Mrs. W. R., waiver.in regards to sewer be- 405 tween Milwaukee and Diamond Avenues 3— Beckett, Fabian, petition of, asking U. E. Co. to ex- 406 . tend car line 406 3— Blake, Anna, notice of Claim 409, 410 3 —Bills allowed 410 3 —Board of Health report 17— Ballard, Mrs. Wm., petition of, asking to have taxes 411 cancelled 17— Brayton, Mrs. J. A., petition of, asking to have 411, 438 her assessment reduced 17 —Board of Library Trustees announce that there is 414 a vacancy caused by the death of B. W. Lacy... 415 17 —Bills allowed 17 —Bill of Kenety & Lee, balance due for improving 417 Bluff Street " 17 —Bills allowed from the Committee of the Whole 430 Nov. 7— Bitter, Albert, notice of claim 435 7 —Bills allowed 435 7 —Board of Equalization, report on changes made .. • 440 7 —Boat Houses, City Attorney instructed to push cases 440 7 —Board of Health report 447 21 —Bills allowed 447 21 —Bills of John Drehouse and J. G. Wimmer 453 21 —Bill of City Water Works allowed 465 5 —Bills allowed 465 5 —Board of Health report 480 19 —Bills allowed 19— Bleakley, John L., communication of, relative to bill for examination of finances and accounts of 481 the City ... 19— Boyle, Edw., petition of, relative to erecting a 481 sheet iron addition to Dreamland Theatre CC if Cf CC if IC IC IC C I CC CC if CC CI Dec. IC INDEX —Book 42 SUBJECT B Page 1912 Jan. 4— Cement sidewalks, to levy special assessment 4— County Road Fund, $3,000.00 available 4 —Cook, William, bill for improving Harvard Street, Special tax be levied 4 —City Treasurer instructed to collect from County Treasurer money available for county road fund 4 —City Engineer to prepare a Special Assessment for the construction of Mt. Pleasant Avenue sewer 4— Chairman of Harbor and Sewer Committee be in- structed to purchase snow scraper 4 —City Treasurer instructed to deduct 12 feet of curb from Special Assessment of lot 136 9— Carney, Frank, petition of, asking to inspect sidel- walk in front of lot 7 9 —City Engineer, report on proposed grade on Grand- view Avenue 9 —City Engineer presented plans and specifications for the improvement of North First Street .... 18— Collis, Geo., petition asking that Lot 16 be as- sessed - 18 —City Engineer, petition asking that Wm. Ducey be allowed $28.93 and T. J. Donahue be allowed $38.25 on Special Assessment 18— Communications on boulevard system and street lighting 18— Clifford Street, improvement of, N. J. Staner, con- tractor 18— Casey, Mrs. Mary, petition asking that Special As- sessment to remain in lien without interest 18 —City Recorder reports that he notified railroads on gates Feb. 1— Cunningham, John A., petition asking removal of shoe shining stand on 7th and Main Streets .... 1 —City Water Works Trustees report 1— Crawford Estate would pay in full settlement for special assessment 15— Communication on patent Fire Alarm Boxes 15 —Carey Eugene C., petition asking that assessment be reduced 15— Communication from the C. G. W. R. R. on the im- provement of Twenty - seventh Street 29— Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad, petition asking that Nineteenth Street, between Sycamore and Ash Streets, be vacated 29 —City Electrician report 7 —City Engineer presented the following profiles 7— Custer Street, from Algona Avenue to Auburn Ave- nue, establishing a grade 7— Claims for damages against City 7— Communications of John Deery relative to the num- bering of houses 7— Chicago Great Western Railroad, petition relative to an error in the special assessment levied against company 21— Communication from Upper Mississippi River Im- provement Association 21 —City Engineer to be instructed to measure macadam CI CI CC CI CI if if CC CC Mch. CC IC CC INDEX —Book 42 SUBJECT Page C 1 18 11 18 18 19 19 19 20 21 26 26 27 28, 49 29, 376 31 45 60 .60 62 62 62 76 76 98 101, 103 96 103 103 112 1912 21 —City Attorney be instructed to amend Ordinance providing for the removal of all dirt, filth and ashes 29— Communications from American Cane Growers As- sociation relative to the free sugar bill 29—Conlin. & Kearns, petition of, relative to house boats on river front . April 4— Connolly, Margaret H., petition of, asking that Spec- ial Assessment be cancelled 4— Claims allowed 18— Clark, Mrs. W. J., petition of, asking to be granted complete exemption from taxation 18 —Clay Street Merchants, petition of, asking the City to pay share of the Boulevard Lighting 18 —Civic Organizations, petition of, asking that garbage collections be made by the City 26 —City Engineer and City Assessor be and they are hereby instructed to divide the City and have the same appear in next assessment May 2— Clarke, F. J., petition of, asking that tax be cor- rected 2— Communication of the Davenport Machine and Foundry Co. 2— Communication of the Indian Refining Co. 2— Couler Avenue, to construct a Sanitary Sewer, from 25th to 32nd Streets 16 —Civic Division of Women's Clubs, petition of, asking that Lots 49 and 50 in Corriell's Dubuque be ac- quired by the City 16 —City hire man to repair brick streets 27— Considine, Mrs. Catherine, petition of, asking to have her assessment corrected 27 —Claim deed, running from City of Dubuque to Mar- garet Streletzky 27— Council Room, to be wall- papered 27— Couler Avenue, north of Millville Road, grading of sidewalk June 6 —Civic Division of Woman's Club, petition of, asking to have a public Water Fountain on Julien Ave- nue and Hill Street 6 —City Engineer, peptition of, asking to have salary in- creased for office clerk 6 —Cox Street, the Committee of the Whole to view grounds on proposed grade 10— Cleveland, Mary, petition of, asking to have her as- sessment reduced July 18 —Cook, Wilmer, petition of, asking for compensation on N. Booth Street improvement 18— Cooper, A. A., petition of, asking Council to take proper action in prevention the overflow on 2nd Street 18— Carnegie -Stout Free Library, asking Council to levy 5 -12 of a mill on taxable property 18— Couler Avenue, from 22nd to 24th Streets, to brick block pave 266, 288, 18— Crawford, P. W., Estate, to construct sidewalk.... 2— Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co., petition of, asking Council to arrange proper drainage.. IC CC CC CC CC fC CC CC Aug. INDEX —Book 42 SUBJECT Page C 112 115 116 131 134 142, 217 143, 225 148 153 166, 175 166 166 167, 214, 432 176 181 182, 224 182 182 183, 264 205 209, 224 215, 327 217 261 261 261 292, 299, 314 267 291, 378 1912 INDEX —Book 42 SUBJECT . C " 15— Carney, Mr., Treasurer instructed to accept Special Assessment " 28 —Cox Street, O'Farrell Contracting Co., to grade sain portion Sept. 5— Connolly, P. J. et al, petition of, asking City to con- nect St. 'Ambrose Street with Kaufmann Avenue " 5 —C. M. & St. P. Railway Co., in regards to 3rd Street brick paving if 5- -Closs, Nick, Estate, ordered to connect with sewer " 11— County Road Fund to be divided equally between 1st, 4th and 5th Road Districts " 19— Columbia Street, improvement of " 19 —Cook, Wilmer, asking for an extension of time on Valeria Street Oct. 17— Cooley, Clara A., remonstrating against granting an Ordinance to the street railway company Nov. 7— Crunnion, Liza, relative to having taxes cancelled 7— Cooley, Harlan W., petition of, asking to have taxes reduced Dec. 5- Couler Avenue, to improve with creosoted blocks, from 22nd Street to a point fifty feet north of north line of Peru Road " 19— Coyle, Edward, notice of Claim Page 316 327 352 353 364 372 375, 412, 441 380 411 430 438 471 482 1912 Jan. 4— Dillon, T., stating he was ready to pay $210.18 settle- ment of Special Assessment for improvement on Grandview Avenue 4— Dubuque Park Board, on the Ordinance of Nov. 11, 1911 Feb. 1— Deputy Assessors, increase in salary " 1— Dawson, Mrs. M., petition asking that taxes be can- celled 15— Dubuque Benevolent and Humane Society, petition asking for a repetition of the approriation 15— Biscuit Co., petition asking that action be taken on its petition of March 14, 1911 " 28— Dubuque Levee Impl•ovement Association, petition asking for an appropriation for the use of Levee improvement 28— Dubuque Lumber Co., petition asking an appropria- tion be made for the grading of Lincoln Avenue Mar. 7— Donath, Fred, petition asking that taxes be can- celled 21— Davis, G. E., petition of, asking that he be granted the same consideration as was accorded Mr. Schepple on Bluff Street improvement 21— Dubuque Lumber Co., petition of, asking that City Treasurer be instructed to accept taxes 21— Dubuque Benevolent and Humane Society, petition of, asking for an appropriation April 26— Dehing, John, petition of, asking to be allowed $2.00 a day for cleaning alleys 26— Dehing, John, be given contract to clean around market May 2 —De Lorimer, Mary, petition of, asking exemption on taxes 27— Dorgan Place property owners, petition of, asking City to lay brick sidewalk across the alley June 6— Doran, M. A., petition of, asking for consent to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors 6— Dubuque National Bank, asking to have assessment corrected 20— Drexel, John, asking for consent to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors July 5— Dehing, John, asking for payment of bill for clean- ing alleys for seven days and around market 5 —Delhi Street, from Asbury to O'Hagen Street, to im- prove 22— Casey, Mary, petition of, asking to have taxes can- celled Aug. 28— Dubuque Bridge Co., report Sept. 5— Duccini, Alex, petition of, asking City to defray his hospital and doctor expenses 5— Dubuque Advertising Co., petition of, asking to have taxes reduced 5— Delaney, E. J., petition of, asking to have taxes can- celled 19— Delehanty, Richard, petition of, asking for consent to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors 19— Drehouse, John, given work of cleaning chimneys 25— Dorgan Place property owners, asking for removal of fences If INDEX —Book 42 SUBJECT D Page 1 19 45, 55, 86 45, 217 61 73 73 94, 112 107, 145 107 109 151, 167, 173 153 165, 176 182 206 206 222 245 257 269 322, 356, 406 352, 378 352, 384 352, 384 374 376, 453 385 1912 Oct. 3— Dubuque Boys' Welfare Association, petition of, ask- ing for use of 3rd floor for one year 3— Dubuque Bridge Co., annual report 17— Donaldson, Matilda, asking to have her taxes can- celled 17— Dubuque Motor Boat Club, asking for additional space of seven feet on the outer Levee 17— Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge Co., asking for reduc- tion •pn valuation placed on its property Nov. 7— Dubuque Boat & Boiler Works, petition of, relative to the use of 3rd Street extension 429, 7— Dubuque Industrial Corporation, relative to rates charged for wharfage to steamboats 7— Dietl, Anna, petition of, relative to taxes 7— Dreamland Theatre, ordered closed by Fire Chief 7— Dolan, Mary A., petition of, relative to having taxes cancelled 21— Dubuque Poultry Association, petition asking for use of Armory 21— Dubuque Altar Co., petition of, in regards to taxes 21— Dubuque Lumber and Coal Co., petition of, relative to maintaining sidetrack across 9th Avenue Dec. 5— Dubuque German College, petition of, asking to have property free from taxation for 1911 and there- after if INDEX —Book 42 SUBJECT D Page 406 406 411, 440 411, 471 41,6, 438 430, 471, 486 429 429 430 430 448 448 448, 471 465 1912 CC CC INDEX -B3ok 42 SUBJECT E Page Jan. 4- Electrician Hipman's report " 18- Election of Park Commissioners Feb. 1- Elwell, F. J., petition asking that Louisa Street be improved by grading " 15- Eisenegger, John, petition asking for the comple- tion of Bee Branch Sewer Mch. 7 -Eagle Point Avenue, from Kniest Street to Johnson Avenue, establishing 9. grade " 21- Erpelding, John C., petition of, asking to be granted consent to sell and keep • for sale intoxicating liquors April 18 -Eagle Point Avenue, from Windsor Avenue to C. G. W. R. R. tracks, improvement of by brick pav- ing 146, 176, 226, 261, 267, 281, 293, 314, 439, 472, 488 May 27 -Eagle Point Avenue from Johnson Avenue to Wind- sor Avenue, profiles showing proposed grade ... 182, 183 June 6 -Elm Street, from Eagle Point Avenue to Twenty - fourth Street, to improve 213, 349, 435, 468 July 5- Eagles Building Association, petition of, asking to have taxes of 1911 put on a basis of $2,500.00 246, 416 " 18- Electrician to remove pole in front of Ferguson - Kegler Co., Aug. 2- Eighteenth Street, to widen Sept. 5 -Elm Street, from 24th to 27th Streets, to improve 362, 412, " 11- Engineer and Stoker of extra roller discharged " 19- Erpelding, John, petition of, asking for consent to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors Nov. 7- Equalization Board submitted the list of changes in assessments for 1912 7- Engineer to prepare grade on Union Avenue 7- Engineer to set stakes showing grade on Glen Oak Avenue Dec. 5- Electrician to remove broken pole at corner of Car- diff and West 3rd Street 5- Electrician instructed to find out why arc light at 28th and Washington has not been burning 5 -Elm Street Commissioner to notify proper author- ities to remove gate post, also to lower track and planking in between tracks at 24th and Elm Streets " 19 -Eagle Point Avenue, resolution adopted not to ex- cavate or tear up street for five years 4 29, 88 46 61 101 107 265 299 417, 429 367 374 438 442 442 469 469 471 486 1912 Jan. 18- Firemen, petition asking for ten per cent increase " 18 -Fire report - roll Feb. 1 - Finance Fire pay Com mittee to borrow money to pay firemen " 15- Fuhrman, Mrs. Mary R., petition asking that City allow her for the destruction of peach trees " 28- Flick, A. R., petition asking City Treasurer to ac- cept taxes Mch. 29- Fly�.n, Timothy, petition of, asking that assess- ments be cancelled " 29 -Fire Chief, petition of, asking for additional pay for the member whose duty it is to make daily report, etc. April 4 -Fire Committee purchases beds and paint to paint fire apparatus " 18- Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co., asking for permission to have sidetrack extended " 18- Flynn, John J., petition of, asking that assessment be reduced May 16 -Fire House, 9th Street, boiler needs repairs " 16 -Fire keys, placing them on poles in glass frame " 16- Fenelon Place, from Raymond Place to Burch Street, improvement of " 27 -Fire horses wanted June 6- Frith, Alderman, moved that filling be done by hand July 18- Ferguson - Kegler Mfg. Co., Electrician to remove pole Aug. 2- Fowler, J. W., notice of Claim 2 -First Road District, to credit with $1,113.93 for ma- cadam used in other Road Districts " 23 -Fire Automobile Engine, Special Meeting called in regards to changes to be made Sept. 11- Fisher, C. H., petition of, asking to have taxes ac- cepted " 11 -Fifth Avenue, to improve by brick paving " 18- Felgner, Emil, waiver for a change in the plans in the improvement of West Fifteenth Street 19 -Fire Chief, recommending Baltes Kirch as driver of Automobile Fire Engine " 25- Frost, Jos. Jr., relative to being over- assessed . Oct. 17- Feigner, Emil, petition of, asking to have manhole on Lot 17, Fairview Sub., flushed " 17 -Fifth Road Fund credited with $54.60, macadam sold to W. Cook Nov. 7- Fritche, S. et al, petition of, asking to have Atlantic Avenue curbed, guttered and macadamized 7 -Fire Chief report, relative to closing Dreamland Theatre 7 -Fire Chief to notify all Theatres to keep chairs, etc., out of aisles 7- Fitzpatrick, T. J., petition of, asking when City Council would meet to consider assessments 7- Fourth Ward scales to be repaired 5- Frohs, Chris, notice of Suit 5- Finance Committee to borrow $20,000.00 5 -Fire Committee purchased 1000 feet of hose and have ordered a cement wash rack installed at Central Engine House IC CC (f Dec. Cc INDEX -Book 42 SUBJECT F Page 26, 54 27, 63, 86 32 48, 64 62, 103 73 114 116 134 145 151, 167 175 175, 219, 223 180, 206, 254 201 209 • 265 292, 441 29,9 321, 446 367, 384 370 374, 384 374, 453 380 411 418 430 430 430 138 440 465 468 469 • 1912 INDEX —Book 42 SUBJECT F 5 —Fire Committee reported they had examined Opera Houses 5 —Fire Chief instructed to stop erection of frame building back of Dreamland Theatre. 16— Frommelt, F., petition of, relative to having alley graded from Reed to First Avenues Page 469 469 481 1912 Jan. Feb. INDEX —Book 42 SUBJECT C 4— Grandview Avenue, to levy Special Assessment . 10 —Gates to be erected on Railroad Crossings, Special Session 1— Gmehle, A. E., collecting delinquent taxes 1— Griffin, Mary, claim for personal injuries 1— Grandview Avenue, from Dodge to S. Dodge Streets, improvement has been completed " 15— Grutz, Mrs. Margaret, petition asking to grant her a soldier's widow exemption " 15— Graee, M. J., petition asking to accept payment on Special Assessment " 28— Gibbs, Chas., petition asking assessment be can- celled " 29— General Expense and Contingent Fund Mch. 7 —Glen Oak Avenue, from West Fourteenth to north end, establishing a grade " 29— Gibbs, Chas., petition of, asking that his taxes be cancelled April 18— Grandview Avenue, from the end of present im- provement to Southern Avenue, improvement of May 2— Graham, Ed. F., petition of, asking for the con- struction of Sanitary Sewer in Booth Street .. " 16— Grode, Jacob J., petition of, asking for a Sanitary Sewer from Elm to Washington Streets " 16— Galliart & Son, petition of, asking to have Julien Avenue and Hill Street oiled " 16 —Golf Club, petition of, asking to have Grandview Avenue oiled June 20— Ganshirt, G., petition of, asking to have Blocklinger Lane improved " 20— Gonner, L., petition of, asking to improve alley be- tween N. Booth and Alta Vista Streets July 5— Gibson, G. W., petition of, asking to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors 5— Grandview Avenue, be improved by grading, curb- ing and guttering .254, 5 —Grove Terrace, south from West Eleventh Street to Wilbur Avenue, to improve 255, 5 —Grove Terrace, from retaining wall to West Elev- enth Street, to improve 256, 302, Aug. 2 —Glab, Nicholas, petition of, asking to have assess- ment cancelled 2 —Gold Street, to improve " 28— Gasoline Tanks to be removed from sidewalks " 28— German College, asking Council to vacate alley between Louisa and Hall Streets Sept. 5 —Gas Heater, to purchase for Delhi Street Engine House " 25 —Gongs installed in connection with telephone boxes " 25— Gniffke, H. B., petition of, asking to have assess - ment reduced • Nov. 21— Gasser, Albert, bill against J. F. Brown for material on West 14th Street Sewer " 21— Gasser, Albert, bill against T. J. Hassett withdrawn Dec. 5— Germania Stock Co., petition of, asking that City Treasurer receive one -half of taxes for 1911 . . 5— Grandview Heights, improvement accepted by Street Committee " 19— Gilmore, J. B'., petition of, relative to placing an electric light on Vernon Street " 19— Grings, F. L., sold Lot 7 of Smyth's Sub. to City Page 2 21, 53, 175 45, 73, 76 45 58 61 62 73 77 98 117 149 166 173 173 173 222 222 246 268, 288, 468 301, 349, 367 349, 363, 417 291, 384 300, 357, 406 322 327 361 383, 409, 440 384 452 452 465 468 481 470, 482 1912 Jan. IC INDEX —Book 42 SUBJECT H Page 4 —City Electrician Hipman reports on lights 4 4— Harvard Street, to levy Special Assessment 2 4— Hoist, B. P., bill for payment expenses in suit against- the State Executive Council 6 18— Herron, H. L., petition asking that light be placed on Fourteenth Street and Julien Avenue 26 18 —Hahn, Mrs. Emma, notice of claim 74 18— Hammond, W. A., petition asking for improvements on Clifford Street 28 Feb. 1— Hammel, August, petition asking to accept taxes 46 1— Hassett, T. J., bill for sewer in West Locust Street and Special Tax be levied on lots hereinafter named 49 1— Harvard Street, from Alta Vista to Yale Streets, im- provement has been completed 58 15— Hanson, Jacob, bill for work done for F. Brown • 61, 64 di 28— Hassett, T. J., petition asking that the amount for rolling Langworthy Avenue be cancelled 73 28— Heacock, Mrs. Elizabeth, petition of, asking a re- duction be made on her taxes 74 Mch. 21 —Hurd, Lenihan & Kiesel, petition of, asking that warrants be drawn for the' amount due the Na- tional Meter Co. 107 21— Hygiene Committee, petition of, asking for change 107, 134 in collection of garbage " • 21— Higbee, H. G., petition of, asking that Central En- 384 gine House be placed in good condition 21 —Heim, . Louis S., petition of, asking to be granted 107 consent 21— Hassitt, Thos., petition of, asking that he be al- 108 lowed compensation for the extra expense 21 —Heim, Joseph P., and Richard Delehanty, asking to 114 be granted consent to sell intoxicating liquors 29 —Hill, Anna, offering to donate to the City portion 116, 117, 210 of lot 161 in O'Hare's Sub. 29— Hygienic Committee, petition of, relative to the in- stallation of a bath tub in Matrons' Quarters 116, 134 April 18 —Hawe, Emma M., original notice for damages sus- 143, 263 tain'ed by falling on sidewalk 18— Hassitt, T. J., be paid amount due him for the con- struction of sewer in Mt. Pleasant Avenue 145, 166, 452 18 —Heim, Alderman, moved that the Committee of the 150 Whole visit the Brunswick -Balke Sewer May 2— Hassitt, T. J., petition of, asking 5 per cent retained 166 on sewer in Grandview Avenue 2 —Hurd, Lenihan & Kiesel, petition of, in reference to 166, 175 a bill of the Robinson and Cary Co. 215 June 6— Horses, two, to advertise, for Fire Department 20 —Hurd, L. G., petition of, in reference to the ineffi- ciency of the tiles at the intersection of Chestnut Street 5— Health report 5— Healey, G'eo. W., given contract for furnishing beds for Fire Department 5— Health report 15— Haupert, J., petition of, asking to have coal weighed on City Scales . Sept. 5— Hassett, T. J., petition of, asking for use of rock crusher CC if CC CC CC It July Aug. if CC 221, 322 250 298 298 313 352, 385 1912 INDEX —Book 42 SUBJECT H, 5— Hannig, Albert, petition of, relative to Special As- sessment Harbor Master to remove all boat houses between the Hight bridge and end of Harbor 7— Hemmelder, Mrs. M., petition of, asking for an ex- emption of taxes 7— Hackney, Thos., petition of, relative to raise in salary 21— Hayden, Florence M., petition of, asking to have taxes cancelled Dec. 5 —Holy Ghost Church, petition of, asking to have taxes exempted on lot 4 in G. R. West Add. 27— Heller, Fred, petition of, recommending. as deputies Frank Kenneally and Harry Gleason - Nov. Ca Page 352, 378 361 429 430 448 465 493 1912 Feb. Mch. Sept. Nov. INDEX —Book 42 SUBJECT I 15 —I. C. R. R. Co., remonstrance against the proposed brick paving on Jackson Street and 7th Street 24— Indian Refining Co., communications relative to oil contract 5 —I. C. R. R. Co., complaint against assessment of Ba- nana Cooling Plant 7 —Iowa Dairy Co., notice of Claim 7 —I. C. R. R. Co., notice of appeal against the assess- ment returned by City Assessor 15— Industrial Corporation, petition of, relative to tax levy Page 65 107 356, 417 430 430, 438 444 INDEX —Book 42 SUBJECT J Feb. 15— Judges and Clerks for the coming primary and reg- ular 'election 15— Jackson Street, to be improved by grading and re- setting curb and brick paving 28— Jungwirth, Joseph, petition, asking that special as- sessment for the construction of sewer in Glen Oak Avenue be cancelled Mch. 7— Jordan, Anna M., petition asking that assessed val- uation be reduced 21— Jones, Rudolph, petition of, asking that Sanitary Sewer in Lincoln Avenue be extended April 5— Jackson Street, relative to the improvement of May 16— Julien Avenue, from west line of Bluff Street to the west line of lot 1 of 1 of 5 of city lot 654, im- provement of " 27— Julien Avenue and Hill - Street, June 10— Jackson Street, from Seventh to Eighth Streets, Special Assessment " 10 —July 4, 1912, Regular Meeting, changed to July 5, 1912 July 22— Julien Avenue, from Alta Vista to brick gutter Aug. 15— Jaeger, Martin N., petition of, asking to shut off by curbing the water in Langworthy's Add. " 15— Julien Avenue, to improve from Alta Vista to Al- pine Streets Sept. 5— Jungk, Phil, ordered to connect with Sanitary Sewer Nov. 7— Jackson Street, to appropriate $375.00 to grade up- per Jackson Street 11 Page 62 65, 89, 95 73, 117 94, 374 106 140, 176 178, 246 widening of 183, 257, 258 216,225 219 to Alpine Streets, 273, 349, 417, 431 313 314, 319 364, 374, 454 442 1912 Jan. 4-Kolfenbach, Louis, salary to be fixed at $75.00 per month 9- Kenety & Lee, bill for extra work and material furnished on Tenth, Twelfth and Fifte'enth and Bluff Streets 20, 27 18- Kretschmer Mfg. Co., petition asking that the fix- ing the valuation of their property 27, 54, 57, 86 Feb. 1- Kemler, Julie A., petition asking that assessment for sewer be cancelled 45 1- Kaufmann Avenue, proposed grade of, from Couler Avenue to Kane Street 49, 87 15- Klussman, Mrs. Katie, petition asking that she be granted the exemption on taxes 61 15- Klein, Theo., petition asking that City accept the principal due for the improvement on Clifford Street 61, 103 28 -Kopp, John, petition asking an appropriation be made for the improvement of Willow Street ... 28- Kolck, Richard, petition asking assessment be cor- rected 73, 116 28 -Kaep & Buechle, petition asking that Transient Merchants' License be raised Mch. 7- Kemler, R. W., petition asking that assessed valu- ation be reduced 94, 7- Klein, Geo., claiming damages 95, 263 7- Kniest Street, from Lincoln Avenue to Eagle Point Avenue, establishing a grade of 100 7- Kemler, Julia E., petition relative to Special Assess- ment 21-Kenety & Lee, refusing to accept the $98.00 for ex- tra labor on Bluff Street 109, April 4- Kruse, Mrs. Emma, notice of Claim 131, 206 18- Kaufmann Avenue, to brick pave 146, 178, 184, 257, 269, 282, 362, 416, 4 475 26- Klauer Mfg. Co., petition of, asking that Chicago Great Western Railway Co. be permitted to run spur of track 16- Kinney, Clara P., petition of, asking Treasurer to accept taxes 16- Kampmann, G. H., petition of, asking the privilege to grade East Street from Center to Bennett Streets 27- Klingenberg Terrace, from N. Main Street to Klein Street, profiles showing proposed grade June 6- Kaufman Avenue, from Couler Avenue to Cushing Place, to improve by grading and brick paving 213, 226, 246, 447, 488 20- Kenneally, M., petition of, asking to have electric lamp placed on Villa Street July 5- Kaufman Avenue, from Couler Avenue to Cushing Place, to brick block pave 146, 178, 184, 257, 269, 282, 362, 416, 470, 475.. 18- Kassler, M., notice of Claim 22- Koerner, Walter, petition of, asking to have taxes reduced 22 -Knox Automobile Co., communication of 2- Kuehnle, Chris, notice of Claim 15- Korman, Geo., asking for an extension Street CC IC CC May CC CC Aug. INDEX-B ook 42 SUBJECT Page K on Willow 5 73 73 265 102 114 151, 175 173, 322 173 182, 183 222 261, 374, 377 269 269 292 314 Sept. Oct. Nov. CI Dec. id INDEX -Book 42 SUBJECT K 15- Kutch, V., petition of, asking to have assessment cancelled 6- Kearney, M., notice of Claim 5- Kleih, Mrs. Christina, ordered to connect with Sani- tary Sewer 11- Kemps, T., petition of, asking to have Special As- sessment on Kane Street cancelled 1- Kaufmann Avenue, from Cushing Place to Hemp- stead Street, to improve by brick block paving 403, 412, 17- Keating, R. F., petition of, relative to purchasing the east 86 feet of alley, first north of West Third Street 7- Knights of Columbus, petition of, relative to taxes 7- Krumbach, Chas., remonstrance against waterway from Alpine to S. Alta Vista Streets 7- Keckevoet, J., petition of, asking to be allowed to fence in a part of Ice Harbor 5 -Kopp, John, et al, petition of, asking to have an electric light placed on Willow Street 19- Kaufman Avenue, resolution adopted, street not to excavate or tear up for a period of five years Page 314 353, 483 365 367 417, 429, 430 411, 470 430 430 430 465 486 1912 Feb. CC it CC iC May ft June if July INDEX —Book 42 SUBJECT L Jan. 4— Lacy, Brown & Lacy, communications from, claims and collections on City Water Works 4 —Lyon, Geo. T., City Attorney, in compliance with your request to increase salary of the clerk of the City Treasurer 4— Langworthy Avenue, to levy Special Assessment 18 —List of City warrants 18 —Labor on Streets, pay roll 1— Lynch, James, inspector of Eagle Point Sewer 1— Lambert, R. W., claim for personal injuries 1— Langworthy Avenue, from S. Hill Street to James Street, sewer has been completed 15— Lewis, E. R., petition asking that assessment be cancelled Mch. 7 —Lacy, Brown & Lacy, asking that warrants be drawn in favor of Westinghouse Airbrake Co. and E. P. Smith Electric Co. 7— Laube, W. C., petition asking that valuation for as- sessment be reduced 21 —Luz, John Henry, petition of, asking West Fifteenth Street be improved 21— Lochner, Philip, petition of, asking permission to move a frame building 29 —Lee, James, petition of, asking that special assess- ment be cancelled April 18— Lippman, M.,_petition of, asking that Mrs. Leonard be allowed some compensation for use of her building 18 —Levee Commission, petition of, on property adjoin- ing the Mississippi River, from Seventh Street down 18— Lagen, C. D., petition of, asking City Council to ap- prove of his appointing Carl O. Weglan 18— Lincoln Avenue, from Seventh to Ninth Avenue, im- provement of 146, 221, 26 —Lyon, Geo. T., petition of, asking the Council to ap- prove of his appointing E. H. Wilging Assistant City Attorney 26—.st of City warrants 2 —Lang, Louisa, petition of, asking for the grading of part of Wilour Avenue 2— Lampe, R. J., petition of, objecting to the Sanitary Sewer in Wood Street 2 —Lyon, City Attorney, petition of, asking for an in- crease in salary for the assistant City Attorney 16— Litscher, John, petition of, asking that taxes be ex- empted 16— Lattner, S. B., and L. Gonner, petition of, asking that Martha Street be improved 27 —List of City warrants 6 —Light between 6th and 7th Streets, be removed 20— Lange, J. W., petition of, asking to have garbage collections extend to Angella, Aatherine and Pierce Streets 26 —List of City warrants 18— Lehman, Mr. A., petition of, asking Council to ac- cept $25.00 on Special Assessment 18 —Lyon, Geo. T., City Attorney, report on sewers which have no water Page 1 2 1 32, 79 33, 35 45, 94 46 59 64 95 102, 115 107, 131 - -107 114 143 143 143 224, 267, 281 151 166 166 169 173, 323 173, 265 192 209 222, 323 231 261, 453 262 INDEX —Book 4 SUBJECT L 22 —List of City warrants 2— Lutheran Church, asking for gates on Lincoln Avenue 15— Leopard, J. J., petition of, asking for an extension of time 28 —Lute, C., petition of, asking to lay sidewalk on Leib- nitz Street 28 —List of City warrants Sept. 19 —Laz, Henry, waiver for a change in the improve- ment of West Fifteenth Street Oct. 3 —Lee, Thos. R., petition of, asking for an extension of time on Julien Avenue brick gutter 17 —Love, R. J., petition of, asking to have taxes can- celled 17— Liest, Chas. J., petition of, asking for consent to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors .... 17 —Lacy, B. W., a member of the Board of Library Trustees " 17 —List of City warrants Nov. 7— Ladies' Toilet, to install on first floor of City Hall 21 —List of City warrants Dec. 19 —La Boiteaux, C. L., petition of, relative to having assessments modified against his property 19 —Leik, Mrs. Wm., petition of, asking that Special As- sessment against her property be cancelled " 19 —List of City warrants „ Aug. CC " IC • Page 273 291 314 322 329 374, 384 405 411, 470 411 414 440 455 481 481 Jan. 4— Motulsky Bros., petition of, asking City Treasurer be instructed to accept taxes for year 1909 with- out interest 4— Murray, Wm., bill for cement sidewalks, special tax be levied 18— Martin, Ed., petition asking that shoe shining stand on Seventh and Main be removed 1— Muekel, J. G., petition asking that a sewer be con- structed on Lincoln Avenue 15 —Motor pumping engine and hose wagon, bids to be opened March 1st Mch. 7— Melendy, R. P., asking that he be relieved from further service on new Motor Fire Engine 7— Mollart, Geo., petition asking taxes be cancelled ... 21 —Mayor to notify proper parties for the removal of obstructions in alleys 29— Mettel, John P., petition of, asking that grad of alley between Francis Street and Valeria Street remain the same 29— Mutschler, Fred J., petition of, asking that taxes be cancelled 29— Mettel, Michael P., petition of, asking for Sanitary Sewer in Seminary Street 29 —Madl, Mrs. J., petition of, asking that taxes be cancelled 29— Mayor, proclamation April 4 —Mayor Haas made the following remark 4 —Mayor Lyons, address " 18— Mullen, C. E., statement of expense incurred by fall on icy sidewalk on Rose Street 18 —Metz Mfg. Co., petition of, asking that it be grant- ed extension of the exemption 18— Metcalf, Mrs. Isabella, petition of, asking that as- sessment be lowered May 2 —Mt. Pleasant Avenue and West 14th Street, to con- struct Sanitary Sewer 16— Memorial Day Committee, asking for the appropria- tion of $200.00 May, Miss Helen, petition of, asking to have taxes re- mitted 16 —Merz Street, from Althauser Avenue to Riverview Street, Engineer to prepare profile showing pro- posed grade 27— Meyer, Wm., petition of, asking for consent to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors June 10— Murphy, Mrs. Ann, Delinquent Tax Committee granted her petition of 1911 " 20— Murphy, J., City Attorney to prepare deed for trans- fer of strip on Nevada Street July 5 —Mayor Lyons appointed to consult Water Works Co. to ascertain reason why water has not been turned on at the Brunswick- Balke- Collender Co. 18— Montel, John, asking Rhomberg Avenue to be cov- ered with oil 18— Milligan, H. C., notice of Claim 18— Matron Quarters, alterations to be made 18— Mentel, Joseph, Engineer instructed to give grade on Valeria Street INDEX—B Dok 42 SUBJECT 1, 94, 217 7 27, 103 45 65, 89, 91, 95 114 130 135 136 143, 263 145 145 173, 217 178, 257 182 217 257, 323 261 261 265 1912 18— Meyer, C. H., to construct sidewalk on Angella Street 15— Mueller, E., petition of, asking to have Grove Street repaired 15— Mullany, J. I., petition of, asking to have arch. light on West Locust Street 15— Moore, H. S., petition of, asking to have assessment against his property annulled 15— Mussehl, Wm., notice of Claim 23— Meeting called, relative to the proposed changes on Robinson Automobile Fire Engine Sept. 5— Murphy, Mrs. Mary A., petition of, asking to have taxes cancelled It 5 —Milk Ordinance Committee ordered to look into the milk inspection 19 —Maus, Ed., petition of, asking for consent to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors Oct. 3— Mathis - Gantenbein Co., petition of, relative to vacat- ing part of alley in Block 17 and to use Cypress Street 3— Minges, Laura, petition of, asking to remit assess- ment 3— Mussehl, Wm., notice of Claim 3— Market Master instructed to hire man to clean windows • 3— Martha Street, Alderman Wallis presented a con- tract and agreement for a piece of ground run- ning across lot 33 in Mt. Pleasant Add. Nov. 15 —Mayor Lyons, address on Tax Levy CI Aug. CC CC " CC CI INDEX —Book 42 SUBJECT M Page 268 313 314 314, 417 315 321 352 366 374, 385, 403 405, 470 405 406, 441 410 410 445 1912 CC INDEX —Book 42 SUBJECT Mc Jan. 4— McNamara & Co., bill for improving Auburn Ave- nue and Delhi Street, Special Tax to be levied 4— McNamara & Co., bill for improving Belmond Street, Special Tax to be levied 4— McNamara & Co., bill for improving Grandview Avenue, Special Tax to be levied " 18— McFadden Bldg. Co., petition asking assessment of improvement of lot 1 be cancelled " 18— McHugh, Mary T., petition asking assessment to be cancelled Mch. 7— McDonald, A. Y., stating that they are going to erect a new building adjoining their factory " 21— McClain, W. A., petition of, asking that assessment be cancelled " 21— McNamara & Co., asking that they be reimbursed for the expense for repairing rock crusher " 29— Maclay, John H., wavering all objections in making improvements on Nevada Street May C— McNamara & Co., petition of, asking for an exten- sion of 15 days for the completion of Kaufmann Avenue Sewer 2— McLaren, James, petition of, a defective sidewalk on Glen Oak Avenue June 6— McParland, J. F., petition of, asking to have Fen - elon Place improved " 10— McDonald, A. Y., petition of, asking to depress 12th Street for building a sidetrack July 18— McCann, Wm. F., to construct sidewalk Aug. 15— McNamara, C. B., petition of, asking Council to grant them rolling on Couler Avenue Sewer free of charge " 15— McLaughlin, Maud, petition of, asking to have taxes on lot 314 remitted Sept. 25— McKeown, John J., petion of relative to the con- struction of a Sanitary Sewer in the east side of Grandview Avenue Nov. 7— McDonald, A. Y., petition and Ordinance relative to sidetrack on 12th Street 7— McNamara, C. B., petition of, asking that amount due the City for rolling Couler Avenue Sewer be cancelled " 7— McNamara, C. B., agreement with different R. R. Co, 430, " 21— McNamara, C. B., bill for rolling certain Streets .. Page 7, 8, 9 10, 11 12, 13, 17 26, 103 29 95, 265 107 109 115 166 166 207 216, 265 267 314 314 380 439 442 443, 483, 506 448 1912 Jan. 18— Nevada Street, Sanitary Sewer to be constructed " 18— Notice of Special Assessment " 18— Notice of Special Assessment on West Locust Sewer " 18— Notice to Sewer Contractors for construction of Sanitary Sewer on Nevada Street " 18— Notice to Contractors for the construction of and erection of Fire escapes " 18— Notice to those whom a City License is required Feb. 1— Norton, Chas., petition asking_ an appropriation be made to complete Bee Branch Sewer Mch. 7 —Noel & Wagner, petition asking City Treasurer to accept taxes 7 —North Glen Oak Avenue, from Julien Avenue to West Fourteenth Street, establishing a grade 7— Nevada Street, from Langworthy Avenue to Dodge Street, that it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve 21— Notice of Special Assessment for removing snow and ice from sidewalks by the City 29— Notice of Walter E. Wendt and Trexler Livery Co vs. City of Dubuque 29— Notice of Mary Griffin vs. City of Dubuque 29— Notice of City Council's intention to construct sewer in Asbury Street " 29 —Noel & Wagner, petition of, asking that their as- sessment be reduced • 29— Notice to Sewer Contractors, sealed proposals will be received on Kniest Street Sewer " 29— Notice to Sewer Contractors, sealed proposals will be received on Queen Street Sewer " 29— Notice to Sewer Contractors, sealed proposals will be received on Asbury Sewer " 29— Notice of the City Council's intention to improve Nevada Street from Langworthy Avenue to Dodge Street April 18— Neumeister, J. W., petition of, asking that alley be opened between 25th and 27th Streets " 18— Norton, Mrs. Dan, petition of, asking that City Treasurer be instructed to accept taxes " 26— Notice to property owners to remove dirt and filth which their property may abut " 26— Notice of Council's intention to construct Sanitary Sewer in Wood Street " 26— Notice to Teamsters, sealed proposals will be re- ceived for cleaning around the Market House " 26— Notice to Teamsters, sealed proposals will be re- ceived for sweeping brick paved streets and haul- ing sweepings " 26— Notice to Plumbers, sealed proposals will be 're- ceived for altering Police Matron Quarters " 26— Notice to Water Works Bond Holders " 26— Notice to Sewer Contractors, sealed proposals will be received for Sanitary Sewer in Asbury Street May 2 —North Booth Street and West 14th Street, to con- struct Sanitary Sewer 2— Nevada Street, from Julien Avenue to Martha Street, to open and extend It CC IC ft INDEX —Book 42 SUBJECT N Page 29, 251 38 42 42 42, 45 44 45 '94 95 104 108, 110, 123 115 115 115 117 125 125 129 130, 131 142, 167 143, 376 161 161 161 162 162 162 162 168 169 If It If CI It INDEX —B3ok 42 1912 SUBJECT N Page " 27 —Nott Fire Engine Co., in reference to purchasing a Motor Pumping Engine 182, 206 " 27— Notice to Veterinarians 201 " 27— Notice to Furniture Dealers t 201 " 27— Notice of City Council's intention to improve Grandview Avenue 201 " 27— Notice of City Council's intention to improve Kaufmann Avenue 201 " 27— Notice to Sewer Contractors, construction of Sani- tary Sewer in N. Booth Street 201 " 27— Notice of Council's intention to improve Wooten Avenue 202 " 27— Notice of Council's intention to construct Sanitary Sewer in Couler Avenue, from 25th to 32nd Streets 202, 243 " 27— Notice of Special Assessment for the improvement of brick paving Jackson Street 202 " 27— Notice to Sewer Contractors, construction of Storm Sewer in Arlington Street and Highland Place 202 " 27— Notice to Sewer Contractors, construction of Sani- tary Sewer in West 14th Street, from Mt. Pleas- ant Avenue to Wood Street 203 " 27— Notice to Contractors, construction of Stone Arch Storm Water Sewer from 27th Street north 203 " 27— Notice to Painters and Paperhangers 203 June 6— Notice to improve Kaufmann Avenue, from Couler Avenue to Cushing Place 205, 242 6— Notice to construct sewer in Couler Avenue, from 25th to 32nd Streets 205 6— Notice to improve Grandview Avenue 205 6— Notice to improve Wooten Avenue, from S. Hill Street to McClain Avenue 205 6— Nagle, J. J., petition of, asking to have sewer ex- 206 tended in Arlington Street 6— Nevada Street, from Langworthy Avenue to Dodge 104, 210, 257, 274 Street, improvement of 10— Notice of Council's intention to improve Valeria Street, also remonstrance of Susie Weland et al 20— Notice of Council's intention to improve Lincoln Avenue 221- 20— Nevada Street, City Attorney to prepare deed for 223 the transfer of strip from J. Murphy 26— Notice of Council's intention to improve Julien Ave- 239, 246 nue by brick paving 26— Notice of Special Assessment to pay for Sewer in 239 Nevada Street 26— Notice to Sewer Contractors, on Wooten Avenue 240 Sewer 26— Notice to Contractors, for the improvement of Val- 240 eria Street 26— Notice of Special Assessment on Middle Avenue 241 Sewer Notice of Contractors, on Bee Branch. Sewer, on 241 16th and 17th Streets 26— Notice of Council's intention to construct Sewer in 241, 246 20th Street 26— Notice of Council's intention to improve Fenelon 241, 246 Place 1912 26— Notice to Contractors, to improve Wooten Avenue 26— Notice of Council's intention to construct Sewer in Arlington Street 26— Notice of Council's intention to improve Lincoln Avenue 22— Notice to property owners along Kaufmann Avenue 22— Notice to owners and users of Automobiles 22— Notice to Painters and Paperhangers 22 —No *ice of Special Assessments of Sewers in Nevada Street and Middle Avenue Aug. 2— Notice of Claim of J. W. Fowler 2— Notice of Claim of Chris Kuehnle Oct. 3— Norton, Ed., petition of, asking for an increase in salary 3— Notice of Claim of Anna Blake 3— Notice of Claim of Win. Mussehl 3— Nagle, Joseph J., notice of right of way Nov. 7 —North Booth Street, improvement accepted by Coun- cil Dec. 5— Notice of Suit for $20,000.00 for the death of C. Frohs 19 —North -end Skaters, relative to free skating rink .. 19— Notice of Claim of Edward Coyle 19— Notice of Claim of Joseph Weitz 19— Notice of Special Assessment on Kaufmann Avenue 19— Notice of Special Assessment on Grandview Avenue 19— Notice of Special Assessment on Vernon Street 19— Notice of Special Assessment on Third Street 19— Notice of Special Assessment of Rosedale Avenue Sewer " 19— Notice of Special Assessment on Grandview Heights 19— Notice to City Tax Payers 19— Notice of Special Assessment of Delhi Street Sewer If July If ff If If If ff If INDEX —Book 42 SUBJECT N Page 242 242, 246 243 281 281 282 292 292 406 406 406 406, 441 438, 473, 488 465 481 482 483 513 514 513 514 515 515 515 516 1912 . SUBJECT Jan. 4— Ordinance, establishing grade on Grace and East Streets 4— Officers, report of 4— Ordinance creating a Board of Public Works 18— Ordinance on intoxicating liquors 18— Officers' Pay Roll 18— Official Notices 18— Ordinance for the vacation of Street between Grace Street and alley north of Feb. 1— Ordinance in relation to the taxes on Kretschmer Mfg. Co. 1— Ordinance providing for the election of Park Com- missioners 1— Ordinance fixing the compensation of members of the Fire Department 1— Ordinance establishing a grade on Kaufmann Avenue 15— Oberhoefer, Louis, notification on Special Assess- ment 15— O'Meara, Ellen, petition asking that taxes be al- lowed to remain as lien without interest 28— Oberhoefer, Louis, petition asking to reduce valu- ation on lots 41 and 42 and cancel personal tax Mch. 7— Ordinance establishing a grade on North Glen Oak Avenue, from West Fourteenth to north end of Street 7— Ordinance establishing a grade on Queen Street, from Eagle Point Avenue to Edward Street 7— O'Laughlin, Margaret, notice of Claim 7— Ordinance establishing a grade on Sanford Street, from Prince to Queen Streets 7— Ordinance establishing a grade on Kniest Street, from Lincoln Avenue to Eagle Point Avenue .. 7— Ordinance establishing a grade on Prince Street, from Eagle Point Avenue to Sanford Street . 7— Ordinance establishing a grade on North Glen Oak Avenue, from Julien Avenue to West Fourteenth Street 7— Ordinance establishing a grade on Eagle Point Ave- nue, from Kniest Street to Johnson Avenue . 7— Ordinance establishing a grade on Custer Street, from Algona Avenue to Auburn Avenue 7— Ordinance fixing the compensation for the mem- bers of the Police Department 7— Ordinance to restrain Cows, Horses and Fowl from running at large in the City 21— Officers' Reports 21— Ordinance for the vacation of 19th Street between Sycamore and Ash Streets 29— Ordinance in relation to the licensing of Transient Merchants 29— Ordinance establishing a grade on Sanford Street, from Prince to Queen Street 29— Ordinance establishing a grade on North Glen Oak Avenue, from W. Fourteenth Street to north end of Street INDEX —Book 42 Page 4, 5 2 5, 43 28 32 39, 43 73, 167 98, 263 100, 128 100 101, 128 101, 127 102, 127 103, 170 109, 265 115 125 29— Ordinance establishing a grade on North Glen Oak .Avenue, from Julien Avenue to W. Fourteenth Street 29— Ordinance establishing a grade on Queen Street, from Eagle Point Avenue to Edward Street .. 29— Ordinance establishing a grade on Kniest Street, from. Lincoln Avenue to Eagle Point Avenue April 18— Orioles, petition of, asking to be granted permis- sion to hold Carnival on Sixth Street " 18— Ordinance prohibiting children from being on the Streets during certain hours 16— Ordinance establishing a grade on Wood Street 27 —Oak Grove Addition, City Treasurer instructed to accept Special Assessment levied against lot 13 27— Ordinance granting Union Electric Co. to extend its line of Street Railway into Eagle Point Park 27— Ordinance establishing a grade on Wooten Avenue 27— Ordinance establishing a grade on Eagle Point Ave- nue, from Johnson Avenue to Windsor Avenue 27— Ordinance establishing a grade on West 14th Street, from center line of North Booth Street to center line of North Glen Oak Avenue " 27— Ordinance establishing a grade on Klingenberg Terrace, from North Main Street to Klein Street 27— Ordinance establishing a grade on Wood Street, from Rosedale Avenue to south end of Rosedale Addition June 6— Ordinance establishing a grade on Couler Avenue, from 25th to 32nd Streets 6— Ordinance establishing a grade on Couler Avenue, from 30th to 32nd Streets 20— Officers' Reports 20— Ordinance establishing a grade on Julien Avenue, from Bluff Street to a point 167 feet west thereof 20— Ordinance establishing a grade on Lincoln Avenue, from 7th to 9th Avenues 20— Ordinance establishing a grade on West 7th Street, from Prospect Street to Needham Place 5— Ordinance prohibiting children from being abroad on the Streets 22— Ordinance establishing a grade on Merz Street, from Althauser Avenue to Riverview Street 22— Ordinance establishing a grade on Nevada Street, from Dodge Street to Langworthy Avenue 22— Ordinance establishing a grade on Arlington Street, from Prairie Street to Highland Place 22— Ordinance establishing a grade on Delhi Street, from Asbury Street to O'Hagen Street 22— Ordinance establishing a grade on West Seventh Street 22— Ordinance establishing a grade on 20th Street, from Railroad Tracks to alley between Jackson and Washington Streets 22— Ordinance establishing a grade on Fenelon Place Aug. 2— Officers' Reports 2— Ordinance establishing a grade on Park Avenue 2— Ordinance establishing a grade on Couler Avenue, between 22nd and 24th Streets CC May CC IC CI CI CC CI CI IC July IC CI CC CC INDEX —Book 42 SUBJECT O Page 126 126 127 142, 151 150 180 183 185, 187, 199 189 190 190 191 203 214 214 223 228 229 229 258, 264 270 270 271 271 272 272 273 293 296 296 1912 , CC Ci CC CC CC Sept. Cc CC If CC CC Oct. INDEX —Book 42 SUBJECT O 2— Ordinance establishing a grade on West Fifteenth Street 2— Ordinance establishing a grade in alley between Montrose Terrace and West 15th Street 28— Ordinance establishing a grade on Third Street 28— Ordinance establishing a grade on Vernon Street 28— Ordinance establishing a grade on West Eleventh. Street 28— Ordinance establishing a grade on Julien Avenue, from Alpine to Alta Vista Streets 28— Ordinance relating to the obstruction of streets, al leys and sidewalks, regulating excavation therein 28— Ordinance establishing a grade on Grove Terrace 28— Ordinance establishing a grade on Grove Terrace, south 28— O'Farrell Contracting Co., allowed to grade portion of Cox Street 5— Ordinance establishing a grade on the alley be- tween Main and Locust Streets, from 2nd to Sev- enteenth Streets 5— Ordinance establishing a grade on the alley be- tween Main and Iowa Streets, from 2nd to 15th Streets 11— Ordinance establishing grade on James Street, from West 3rd to Peabody Avenue 25— Ordinance establishing a grade on Delhi Street, from Allison Place to Grandview Avenue 25— Ordinance establishing a grade on Elm Street, from 22nd to 24th Streets 25— Ordinance establishing a grade on Wilson Avenue 25— Ordinance establishing a grade on Gold Street 25— Ordinance establishing a grade on Fifth Avenue 1— Ordinance Committee instructed to draft Ordinance compelling Automobile drivers to stop when pas- sengers are getting on and off the Street Cars Nov. 7— O'Meara, Mrs. M., petition of, asking to have her taxes remain a lien on her property 7— Ordinance establishing a grade on westerly side of Elm Street, from Twenty - fourth to Twenty -fifth Streets 21 —Odd Fellows' Temple, petition of, asking to have taxes placed at $10,000.00 " 21— Ordinance granting C. M. & St. P. Railway Co. to construct a sidetrack on 12th Street Dec. 5 —Opera Houses inspected by Fire Committee 5— Ordinance granting C. M. & St. P. Railway Co. permission to construct a sidetrack across Ninth Avenue " 19— Ordinance of U. E. Co., West Locust Street car line Page 297 297 324 324 325 326 325 326 327 327 357 359 371 381 381 382 382 383 404 429 439 448 451 469 478 484 1912 9— Pierce, Frank G., stating that the Temporary Tax Commission had fixed Jan. 11 for hearing 18— Paisley, T. J., petition that Council accept $196.56 for full settlement of Special Assessment 18— Pfotyer, Mrs. Edward, petition asking that valua- tion of lot 45, Stafford Add., be reduced 18— Peaslee, Angie H., petition asking to cancel assess= ment 18— Police Report 18 —Plans and specifications for, filling North First Street 18— Petitions asking for Electric Lamps 18— Prince Street Sanitary ,Sewer to be constructed 18— Public Comfort Stations 18— Police Pay Roll 1— Policemen, petition asking for an increase in salary 1 —Puls, Mary, petition asking to accept taxes 1— Public Library Trustees' Report 28 —Park Board, petition asking an appropriation be made to pay Catherine Rhomberg 28— Phillips, T. F., petition asking an appropriation be made for the improvement on Kaufmann Avenue 29— Public Grounds and Building Committee recom- mended that Matrons' Quarters be changed 29— Public notice on Special Assessments 29— Primary Election 7— Prince Street, from Eagle Point Avenue to Sanford Street, establishing a grade of 7— Police Department, fixing the compensation for the members 4— Preamble from Dubuque Industrial Corporation ... 4— Plein, Anna, notice of Claim 4 —Poll Books found as follows 18 —Park Board, petition of, asking that City have dirt taken from Streets hauled to Market Square 18 —Park Board, petition of, asking City Council to adopt an Ordinance granting U. E. Co. per- mission to extend car line May 2 —Park Board, petition of, asking for $200.00 for the sodding of Grandview Avenue 2 —Pine Street, City Engineer to prepare a profile showing proposed grade thereof 2— Police Call Boxes, to install buzzars 16 —Park Board, petition of, asking that when laying curb provisions be made for the construction of Driveways 16 —Park Board, petition of, asking for cement side- walks from Delhi Street to Southern Avenue 16— Patrol House, new sink and closet was needed 6— Pfiffner, Mary C., petition of, asking to have her as- sessment corrected 6 —Park Board, petition asking Council to take action against private Driveways on Grandview Avenue 6— Proceedings for the month of April approved of 20 —Park Board, petition of, asking for $25.00 to finish sodding Grandview Avenue 20 —Park Avenue, Council appropriates $200.00 for grading Jan. H CC If Feb. CI Mch. CC April CC IC CC IC June CC CC CC INDEX —Book 42 SUBJECT P • Page 19, 05 26 26 26, 64 27, 63 29 29 30 31 33 45, 64 46 60 73 73 77 84 90 102, 116 131 131 134 143, 441 144, 182 166, 182 167 169 173 173 175, 214 206, 417 206, 323 215 223 223 1912 July Aug. Sept. Oct. Dec. INDEX —Book 42 SUBJECT 5 —Poor, Mrs. Martha, presented to Council American Flag 5 —Park Avenue, from Grandview to Bradley Avenues, to improve - 2 —Park Board, petition of, relative to the taxes levied for Park purposes .. 5 —Park Board, petition of, asking City to donate Horses 11— Pappus, G., petition of, asking permission to erect Shoe Shining Parlor at 13th and Clay Streets 19— Paisley, T. J., remonstrating against proposed route of proposed Street Car line to West Locust Street 19— Police instructed to ring Curfew Bell 3— Pfotzer, Henry, notice of right of way 17 —Park Board, petition of, relative to the levy of taxes for Park purposes 19 —Park Board, communication of, in regards to lights in Jackson and Washington Parks 352, 378 367, 378 374 378 406, 441 1912 INDEX —Book 42 SUBJECT Q Jan. 18 —Queen Street, Sanitary Sewer to be constructed Mch. 7 —Queen Street, from Eagle Point Avenue to Edward Street, establishing a grade of June 26— Quince Street, from Cleveland Avenue to Rush Street, to prepare profile showing grade Page 30, 88 99 229 1912 Jan. 4— Reinfried, J. R., petition of, asking that his salary be increased $10.00 per month 4 —Fire Chief Reinfried reports on Fire Department pay roll 4 —Chief of Police Reilly, police report Dec., 1911 4— Report from Alderman Singrin that they inspected Brunswick - Balke - Collender Sewer 4— Report from Alderman - Singrin that they exam- ined Sewer on Mt. Pleasant Avenue and West Lo- cust Street 18— Raine, Geo. W., notice of Claim 1 —Rice, Sarah E., petition asking to accept taxes 1— Reports of Officers 15— Racine Sattley Co., stating they were ready to pay tax for years from 1906 to 1912 Mch. 7— Rumple, John, petition asking that taxes be can- celled 7— Reports of Officers 21— Rhomberg, Catherine, petition of, asking that West 7th Street be graded 29— Rumple, John, guardian for Maud Grant and K. and V. Elliott, petition of, asking that taxes be can- celled 29— Registration Notice 4— Reports of Officers ._ 4— Rhomberg Estate, warrants ordered drawn for bal- ance due 18— Reports of Officers, appointing Officers 18— Reilly, Sarah E., petition of, asking that assessment be cancelled 2— Reports of Officers 2 —Ryder Subdivision, plat of 2— Reports of Committees 16— Reports of Officers 6— Rhomberg, A. L., petition of, asking to have taxes cancelled 6— Reports of Auditor Lyons and Treasurer Wybrant, annual report 20— Reports of Officers 5— Rhomberg, A. L., petition of, asking to have gutter at West Seventh and Hill Streets repaired " 5— Reports of Officers " 18— Reports of Officers Aug. 2— Reports of Officers " 15— Ruhland, Henry, petition of, asking Council to open • alley from Mt. Pleasant to Wood Street " 15— Reports of Officers " 15— Robinson Co. awarded Automobile Fire Engine Con- tract Sept. 5— Rieckens, H. D., petition of, asking to have arc light placed on Union Avenue " 5— Reports of Officers 5— Rasmussen, Mr., to move boat house at Eagle Point " 11— Reynolds, C. H., ,petition of, objecting to having al- leys paved along residence district 19— Reports of Officers 25— Registration Clerks appointed 25— Roesch, Katherine, notice of, relative to declaring deed of vacation on Broad Addition null and void Ci CC CC Feb. CC CC CC April May IC June July CC INDEX —Baok 42 SUBJECT R Page 1 3 3, 4 18 18 46 47 61 94 95 107, 117 116 128 132 134 143 151, 167 163 169 170 173, 207 206, 322 209 223 247 262 293 314 315 320 352 353 361 367 375 381 381 1912 Oct. CC CC Nov. Dec. CC CC INDEX —B3ok 42 SUBJECT R 3— Ruete, T. «W., petition of, asking Council to place their assessment at $8,000.00 3— Republican Registration Clerks appointed 3 —Right of Way notice to J. J. Nagle and Henry Pfot- zer 3— Reports of Officers 17— Reports of Officers 7— Reports of Officers - 21— Reports of Officers 5— Rhomberg, T. E., petition of, asking to have the personal tax of the Richardson Shoe Mfg. Co. for 1904 cancelled 5 —Real Estate Board of Dubuque, petition of, asking to have a complete revaluation for purposes of assessment 5— Reports of Officers 19— Reynolds, C. H., communication relative to the Bond of Mullen Bros. for excavating 19— Referendum Vote, petition of property owners on U. E. Co. franchise on West Locust Street 19— Reports of Officers Page 406, 438 406 406 407 415 435 451 465 465 467 481 482 1912 Jan. 4- Street Commissioner Mahoney's report " 4- Sullivan, Patrick, Policeman et al, petition asking to be allowed three days overtime per month 4- Salary of Clerk in City Treasurer's office 4- Staner, N. J., bill cement sidewalks, Special Tax to be levied 4- Sewer, Sanitary, in Mt. Pleasant Avenue and West 14th Street accepted 4- Street Commissioner asked as to rolling of Tenth, Twelfth and Fifteenth Streets 9- Sommerfeld, Mrs. P. H. E., petition of, asking as- sessed valuation on south one -half of lot No. 220 be reduced 9- Street Commissioner's report on streets leading into County " 18- Staheli, Ernest, petition asking to take care of Town Clock for 1912 " 18- Staner, N. J., petition asking for an extension of 90 days on Sanitary Sewer between Garfield and Rhomberg Avenues 18 - -St. Joseph College, remonstrance against the pay- ment of Special Assessment " 18- Street Commissioner's Report " 18- Staner, N. J., improvement on Clifford Street " 18 -Sewer in Nevada Street Feb. 1- Straney, Joseph, petition asking for salary " 1- Sanner, Barbara, petition asking to accept taxes 1- Suess, Christina, petition asking that assessment be cancelled 1- Sewers, Special Assessment be levied 1- Sidewalks, certificates ordered issued " 15- Stock, Mrs .Eva, petition asking to make proper al- lowance on her taxes " 15 -Smith Jennie, notice claiming damages " 15- SchepPley, E. H., petition asking that assessment levied against Lot 767 and 768 be accepted " 15- Sewer, Sanitary, in North Glen Oak Avenue 63, " 15- Skemp, Mrs. Celia, agreement to pay any assess- ment against lot 8, Fengler Addition " 15- Sewer, Sanitary, to be constructed on Queen Street 66, 95, 104, 125, " 15- Sewer, Sanitary, to be constructed in Kniest Street, from Eagle Point Avenue, Prince Street and San- ford Street 66, 95, " 15- Sewer, Sanitary, to be constructed on West Four- teenth Street and Wood Street " 15- Sewer, Sanitary, to be constructed in North Glen Oak Avenue 63, 67, 86, 90, 95, 250, 284, 292, 305, " 28- Special Session for the purpose of canvassing vote of Primary Election " 28- Sisters of St. Francis petition asking that lot 7 and lot 620 City be exempted from taxes " 29- Street Commissioner's report Mch. 7- Smith, W. H., stating he was ready to pay taxes " 7- Street Commissioner instructed to investigate side- walk on Glen Oak Avenue " 7- Sanford Street, from Prince to Queen Streets, es- tablishing a grade of INDEX -Book 42 SUBJECT S Page 4 1 5 7 18 18, 20 19, 265 20 26 26 27, 54 27, 63 28, 49 29, 251 45, 64 46 46 46 58 61 63 64 250, 284 65 250, 284 112, 283 67 328, 336 69 73 76 94 98 99 1912 7- Soldiers and widows of Soldiers, petition asking to be exempt from taxation for 1911 7- Spielman, Mrs. Anna, petition asking that grade on Columbia Street be changed 7- Sidwalk, specifications for sidewalk construction 104 7- Sewer, Sanitary, to be constructed in Kniest Street 104, 125, 283, 292, 309, 328, 336 21- Standard Office Supply Co., petition of, asking to erect a frame addition 21- Street & Steuck awarded contract to construct San- itary Sewer on Queen Street ....112, 249, 284, 292, 305, 328, 336 29- Street Commissioner reports that he measured ma- cadam as instructed 29- Scharle, Frank D., petition of, asking that alley west of Francis Street, between Eagle Point Avenue and Hart Street, be opened to the width as called for 115, 167 29- Sewer; Sanitary, to be constructed in Asbury Street 116, 129, 486 29- Smith, Anna, petition of, asking that valuation on lots 9, 10 and 11 be reduced 116 April 4- Simplot property conected with storm water Sewer 134 18- Streckfus Steamboat Line, petition of, asking for a renewal of lease 142, 183, 217 18- Standard Lumber Co., petition of, asking to be granted rebate of the taxes charged against then 143, 175, 182 18 -Shea, J. J., petition of, asking City Council to ap- prove hi?.; appointing Peter J. Kies as his deputy 143 18 -Sewer in Arlington ,Street and' Highland Place 148, 219, 257, 264 18- Sidewalks, City Engineer to set stakes showing the lines and grades of sidewalks on Grandview Avenue 150 26- Sewer, Sanitary, in Wood Street 161, 298 May 2- Sewer, Sanitary, in North Booth Street and West 14th Street 168, 183, 298, 435, 454 2- Sewer, Sanitary, in West 14th Street and Mt. Pleas- ant Avenue 168, 298, 350, 377 16- Spencer, J. H., petition of, asking City Council to acquire ground adjoining strip now occupied by City stairway 173, 323, 385 16 -Sewer to construct culverts on Bee Branch Sewer over 16th Street and 17th Street 175, 375 16- Sewer, Sanitary, to construct in Algona Avenue 179 16 -Steam Rollers put in operation May 20 181 27- Stines, F. C petition of, asking to have are light placed on corner of 17th and Locust Streets 182 27- Streletzky, Margaret, Claim Deed running from City of Dubuque to M. Streletzky 182, 224 27- Sewer, Sanitary, to be constructed in Twentieth Street 184, 218, 257, 289, 360, 412, 441 27- Sewer, Bee Branch, for the completion of, north of 27th Street 185, 264, 265 June 6- Street Commissioner instructed to put in post dam- aged by Fire Department at 14th and Clay Streets 215 10 -Sewer in Middle Avenue, report from the Commit- tee of the Whole 216, 274 10 -Sewer in Nevada Street, report from the Commit- tee of the Whole 216 10- Sewer, Sanitary to be constructed in Wooten Ave- nue 217, 360, 412, 440 CC IC C C CC CC CC CC si INDEX -Book 42 SUBJECT S Page 102 103 107 113 1912 CC CC CC CC Aug. CC INDEX —i33ok 42 SUBJECT S Page 10— Sidewalk and water pipe on 9th Street, be repaired 219, 223 26— Sewer, Sanitary, to be constructed in Delhi Street 228, 289, 292, 301, 469 July 5 —Sewer in Kaufmann Avenue, from Cushing's Add. to Kane Street, accepted ...250, 284, 306, 328, 336 5— Schilling, E. J., contractor, repairs on sidewalk in front of Ninth Street Engine House 250 5— Sprinkling contract, not doing as agreement or con- tract reads 250 5— Sewer, Sanitary, in Lincoln Avenue, Special Assess- ment levied 252 5— Sewer, Sanitary, to be constructed in 20th Street 256, 268 5— Sewer, Sanitary, to be constructed in Walnut Street 258 18— Spielman, Anna, asking Council to erect a retain- ing wall at north end of Columbia Street 261 18— Schepple, Mary P., waiver signed, owner of lots 49 and 50 in Corriel's Subdivision 261 18— Sidewalk on Couler Avenue north of Peru Road in- spected 264 18— Sidewalk, to construct in front of lot 7 of E. E. Jones' Sub., owned by Wm. F. McCann .... • • 267, 405 18— Sidewalk, to construct on P. W. Crawford Estate 267, 405 18— Sidewalk, to construct on C. H. Meyer property .. 26 18— Sidewalk, to construct on P. O'Shea property on Grandview Avenue 268 18— Sidewalk, to advertise for bids on sidewalk of lot 72 Union Add. 268, 405 22— Sewer, Special, Assessment in Kaufmann Avenue 250, 283, 292 2 —St. Peter's Church, petition of, asking for gates 291 2— Smith, Lester, petition of, asking Council to estab- lish ferry landing at the foot of 2nd Street 292, 361 2— Sidewalk, to construct on west side of Main Street on Jas. H. Sullivan property 303 2— Sidewalk to construct on west side of Main Street on D. H. Waples property 303 2— Sidewalk, to construct on Dodge Street on P. Meehan Estate . 304 2— Sidewalk, to construct on 11th and Iowa Streets on Henry Frederick property 304, 385 15— Spencer, J., petition of, alley between Louisa and Hall Streets vacated 314, 323 15— Sutherland, D., petition of, asking to be exempted from paying his express license • • ... 314, 417 Sept. 5— Schneider, H. F. C., petition of, asking for privilege of laying cement sidewalk on West 11th Street.. 352 5— Stoltz, Mrs. T., petition of, asking to have her prop- erty assessed at a fair valuation 353, 384, 465 5— Sewer, Sanitary, in Couler Avenue, from 25th to 32nd Streets 205, 242, 360, 453 " 11— Sidewalk, to be constructed on Fifth Avenue . 370 19— Sisters of Charity, B. V. M., remonstrating against extension of car line going up Thirteenth Street 374 19— Sewer, Sanitary, in Delhi Street, from Hughes' Sub. to the intersection of Grandview Avenue 19— Sidewalk to be constructed on 25th and Jackson Streets on J. H. Rhomberg property 19— Seventh Avenue, U. E. Co. doing brick paving be- tween tracks .. 375, 376, 405, 411 376 378 1912 Dec. Oct. 3— Special Assessments on Streets and Sewers here - before levied and now delinquent be adjusted.. 17— Siegworth, Christina, asking to have assessment re- duced Nov. 7— Sisters of Charity, asking to be granted permit to erect a frame building 21— Sutherland, D., petition of, a:.kinc to have taxes cancelled 5— Street sprinklers to be housed in the Pond for the Winter 19— Seminary Hill residents, petition of, relative to ex- tending car line along Seminary Hill and Madison Street 19— Street Commissioner reported he collected $12.50 for rolling trenches constructed by Street & Steuck 19 —St. Ambrose Street, from Willow Street to Arch Street, to improve 27— Saloon petitions and resolutions 30— Saloon petitions and resolutions .. CC CC CC INDEX —BJok 42 SUBJECT S Page 410 411, 438 430 448 469 481 483 487 493 506 1912 July Aug. Sept. CC CC INDEX —Book 42 SUBJECT T Page Jan. 4 —Tibey Bros., bill, macadamizing on Delhi and As- bury Streets 6 4 —Tibey Bros., bill, grading Grandview Heights 6 Feb. 29— Traut, Louisa M., petition asking Council to accept $166.50 for construction of sewer in West Locust Street 76 Mch. 21— Tschiggfrie, Mrs. Annie, petition of, asking to can- cel Special Assessment • . 106 21— Tschirgi, petition of, asking that City pay amount per contract 107, 322 " 21— Tibe Bros., bill for grading Delhi Street • • 109 " 29— Traut, Louisa M., petition of, asking that assessment levied against her be reduced 117 April 26 —Team Owners' Association, petition of, asking that they be paid 55c per hour 151, 167, 206, 224 June 6 —Third Street, from east line of Iowa Street to the westerly end of the present brick paving, to brick pave ..211, 314, 319, 349, 353, 430, 439, 443, 465, 490 5 —Tibey Bros. awarded contracts of Wooten Avenue Sewer and improvement 257 18— Telephone Co., Chief of Police instructed to stop company from removing poles 266, 269, 270, 316, 452 2— Tibey, Ed., petition of, asking for electric light.... 291 2— Telephone Co. to occupy alleys and streets without franchise 296 5— Thiede, C., petition of, relative to laying cement sidewalks on the east side of Fifth Avenue 352 5— Thore, M., petition of, asking to have his assess- ment accepted 353 25— Telephone Co. to be instructed to apply for a fran- chise Nov. 7— Telephone Co., relative to agreement to install gongs 7— Toilet for ladies, to install on first floor 11 —Tax Levy, Special Meeting called 384, 452 440 440 443, 444 1912 Mch. 29— Urbach, Abe, petition of, asking that valuation on lots be reduced April 18 —Union Electric Co. granted permission to erect sign across Fourth Street May 16 —Union Electric Co., Recorder to notify them to re- pair defective brick between their tracks July 5 —Union Electric Co., in regards to sprinkling 18 —Union Electric Co., Council awarded $200.00 for grading on Seventh Avenue . Aug. 2 —Union Electric Co., stating that they would do brick paving on Eagle Point Avenue Sept. 5 —Union Electric Co., petition and ordinance in refer- ence to extending car line out West Locust Street 353, " 19 —Union Electric Co., paving between tracks and one foot outside of tracks on Seventh Avenue Nov. 7 —Union Electric Co. to repair switch on Eagle Point Avenue 7 —Union Avenue, City Engineer to prepare grade 5 —Union Electric Co., communication in regards to West Locust Street car line extension 353, 5 —Union Electric Co., bond for excavating CI Dec. CC INDEX —Book 42 SUBJECT U Page 114, 265 150 181 250 266 292 465, 481, 484 378 442 442 465, 481, 484 465 1912 INDEX -133ok 42 SUBJECT V Page Mch. 7- Voggenthaler, E. J., addressed the Council stating that his bid was for one the escape 94, 176 " 29- Viaduct over Catfish Creek at Rockdale April 18 -Vogt, Max, petition of, asking that sidewalk be con- structed " 18- Valeria Street, from Kaufmann Avenue to Cushing Place, improvement of 146, 177, 180, 219, 257, 469, 489 18-Villa Street, improvement of 148 May 16- Voggenthaler, E. J., bill for constructing fire escapes 176, 298 June 20- Vogel, Geo. J., petition of, in regards to preparing annual State report . 222 20 -Villa Street, to have electric lamp placed 222 July 5- Vernon Street, to improve 254, 314, 319, 349, 469, 492 Nov. 21- Vogel, Adam, petition of, relative to reduction of taxes 117 142 448 1912 SUBJECT Jan. 4- Weighmaster's report " 18 -Water Works Trustees' report 29 Feb. 1- Weland, Susie, petition asking that she be exempt from taxation 1- Wendt, Walter E., claim for personal injuries 15- Wieser, Andrew, petition asking to make deduction on his assessment 15- Wilkinson, Mrs. W. W., remonstrance against Spec- ial Assessment Mch. 21- Wunderlich, Frank H., claim for personal injuries " 29- Warrants issued in March April 18- Weirich, P. J., remonstrance against sewer on Sem- inary Street 18- Weitz, Joseph, notice of Claim for damages sus - tained by fall on sidewalk 18- Willow Street, improvement of 148, 289, 292 26- Wybrant, Geo. D., petition of, asking to approve of his appointing Frank D. Blake and Louis Kolfen- bach May 2 -West 14th Street, to construct Sanitary Sewer 2 -West 14th Street and Mt. Pleasant Avenue, to con- struct Sanitary Sewer " 16- Waller, J. R., petition of, asking to have Lots assessed as ordered in 1911 173, 323 " 16- Wooten Avenue from South Hill Street to Mc- Clain Avenue, improvement of .....179, 180, 218, 222, 281 16 -Wood Street from Rosedale Avenue to south end; of Rosedale Avenue, imropvement of 180 27 -West 14th from North Booth to North Glen Oak Avenue, profile showing proposed grade 182 June 6 -West 15th Street from Cornell Street to the east- erly line of Lots 9 and 3 in Morgan's Sub, to improve 212, 282, 314, 318, 349, 449, 469, 487 20- Wybrant, Geo., petition of, asking City to buy new . safe 222 July 5 -West 11th Street from present retaining wall to Grove Terrace South, to improve .... • • ....255, 303, 350, 362, 367 5- Walser, John, petition of, asking to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors 245 5- Wooten, Avenue, contracts awarded to Tibey Bros. 257 5 -Weeds to be cut by property owners ........ ••... 259 July 18- Woodrich & Son, asking to be allowed permission to use south half of 9th Street between Jackson and Washington Streets 261 18- Wooten, Edna, settlement of claim 264 2- Welty, Jacob, petition of, asking to have special assessment cancelled 292, 357, 470 2- Willow Street, to improve 301 15- Winkelhouse, F., petition of, asking to have spec- ial assessment cancelled 313 " 15- Wilson Avenue, to improve .316, 377, 405, 429, 468, 491 15 -West Locust Street, to improve 317, 375 Sept. 5- Wieland, F. W,. asking City for sum for transpor- tation to Washington and return 353, 385 5- Walton, C. W., in reference to arc light on 17th and West Locust Streets 353 5- Wolff, Nick, ordered to connect with sanitary sewer 365 Aug. CC If INDEX -B, ok 42 w Page 4, 76 46 46 61 62, 145 108 118 142 143 151 168 168 • 1912 INDEX —Book 42 SUBJECT Page w Y " 11— Wells, Wm., appointed engineer of extra roller 367 " 11— Wilson, Ernest, appointed stoker of extra roller 367 if 19— Waiver of Emil Feigner, Henry Luz and Peter Klauer 374, 384 19 —Water way, City Council to acquire Lot 7 in Mar- tin's Dubuque and Lot 53 in Oxford Heights 377 Oct. 1— Wieland, Nick, asking for a permit to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors .. 403 " 3— Waiver of Mrs. W. R. Brown in regards to sewer in alley between Milwaukee and Diamond Aves. 405 " 3— Wallis, Alderman, presented contract and agree- ment for a piece of ground on Martha Street.... 410 " 17— Weston, R., petition of, asking to be reimbursed the suns of $24.00 by the City 411 " 17— Weland, F. D., petition of, relative to constructing sidewalk on Valeria Street 411 " 17— Welty, John, petition of, asking for consent to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors 412 Nov. 7 Waiver of Chas. F. White in regards to sewer in alley between Walnut and Race Streets 429 " 21 —West Locust Street residents asking for an exten- sion of car line 453, 465 " 21— Wimmer, J. G., bill allowed.... • • ... • .............. 453 Dec. 19— Weitz, Joseph, claim for injuries received on Kauf- mann Avenue 483 INDEX —Book 42 1912 SUBJECT Feb. 28 —Young Men's Christian Association, petition asking to pay the assessment for paving 9th Street.... Dec. 5— Young, Chas. J., petition of, in regards to taxes... Page 73 465 1912 INDEX —:B aok 42 SUBJECT Z Jan. 4 —Zust, Mrs. C., petition of, asking that moneys and credits assessed against L. Zust Estate be reduced . Feb. 1— Zwack, Anton, bill for putting in new crossing at Ries Street and Stafford Avenue Page 1, 64 54 CITY COUNCIL. (Official.) Regular Session, Jan. 4, 1912. Mayor Haas in the chair. Council met at 8:50 D. m. Present —Alds. E. E. McEvoy, J. W. McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Sin - grin, Specht and City Attorney Lyon. Ald. Specht moved that action on the council proceedings for the month of December be deferred until next meet- ing. Carried. BILLS. N. J. Staner, cement sidewalk $ 23 97 Tibey Bros., macadam curb and gutter, Penn avenue 76 59 N. J. Staner, improving Clifford street 315 42 Wm. Murray, cement sidewalks 22 00 Jas. Lynch, inspector, Rhomberg avenue sewer 19 25 N. J. Staner, cement sidewalks 63 58 Wm. Murray, cement sidewalks 14 08 Wm. Murray, cement sidewalks 21 22 Wm. Murray, cement sidewalks 56 76 John Dehring 14 00 Wm. Murray, cement sidewalks 14 21 Wilmer Cook, improving Har- vard street 916 34 T. J. Hassett, improving Lang - worthy avenue 2074 93 E. T. Frith, garbage .. 182 00 Bills referred: N. J. Staner $1192 72\ E. T. Frith 34 99 Ald. O'Rourke moved that all bills properly O. K. be paid. Carried. Petition of Patrick Sullivan ,et al (policemen) asking to be allowed (3) three days overtime per month pre• sented. On motion of Ald. Specht re- ferred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Timothy Dillon stating that he was ready to pay the city the sum of $210.18 in full settlement of special assessment for the improve- ment of Grandview avenue, also sani- tary sewer in Grandview avenue, pre- sented. On motion of Ald. Singrin re- ferred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Motulsky Bros., asking that _the City Treasurer be instructed to accept the taxes for year of 1909 without interest. On motion of Ald. J. W. McEvoy referred to the Delin- quent Tax Committee. Petition of Fire Chief J. R. Reinfried asking that on account of the increas- ed duties of the department secretary his salary be increased $10.00 per month. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke referred to Committee of the Whole. Regular Session, January 4, 1912 1 Petition of Job Barnes stating that he is an honorably discharged soldier and asking that the treasurer be in- structed to make deduction as provid- ed by law on the south 25.6 feet of City Lot 107, north 20 feet Lot 108 and Lot 104 in Woodlawn Park presented. Ald. E. E. McEvoy moved that the prayer be granted. Carried. Petition of Mrs. C. Zust that the moneys and credits assessed against the L. Zust estate be canceled on ac- count of the same having been di • vided, presented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke referred to the Committee of the Whole. Communication from Lacy, Brown & Lacy stating that they had for collec- tion two claims against the city, in- curred by the old Water Works Trus- tees, in favor of the Westinghouse Air Brake Co. for $115.25 with interest from Jan. 10, 1907, and E. P. Smith Electric Contract Co. for $1340 with interest from August 19, 1907, and de- sired that the council take some ac- tion on said claims. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the council place itself on record as waiving the statute of limi- tation and agreeing to pay same out of the next appropriation. Carried. City Recorder Geiger presented and read the notice, certified to by the publishers, of the city council's inten- tion to levy a special assessment for the construction of cement sidewalks No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room objecting, the notice was on motion of Ald. E. E. McEvoy received and filed. City Recorder Geiger also presented and read the notice, certified to by the publishers of the city council's in- tention to levy a Special Assessment for the improvement of Langworthy a enue from Hill Street to James Street by T. J. Hassett, contractor. No remonstrance being filed and np one in the room objecting the notice was ,on motion of Ald. Specht, received And filed, City Recorder Geiger also presented and read the notice, certified to by the publishers of the city council's in tention to levy a .Special Assessment or the improvement of Behr Street from Rose Street to West Four - itrenth Street, C. B. McNamara & Co., contractors. No remonstrance being filed and no one in the room objecting the notice was on motion of Ald. E. E. McEvoy received and filed. City Recorder Geiger also presented and read the notice, certifed -to by the publishers of the city council's in- tention to levy a Special - Assessment