1911 January Council Proceedings1911 Jan. Feb. Mch. Aug. Oct. f ir INDEX —Book 4 SUBJECT Z 19— Zillig, Peter, et al. (hose and truckmen), petition of, asking for increase of wages K .. . 27— Zwack, Anton, petition of, asking to be allowed to construct a sewer in Ries Street 16— Zahan, Martin, remonstrance against sidewalk on E. Grandview Avenue 30— Zwack, Michael, petition of, asking that crossing on Ries Street be improved 5— Zwack, Anton's sworn statement as to the cost of private sewer in Ries Street 5— Zwack, Anton, petition of, asking that Columbia Street be improved Page 6 49, 99 75 299 371, 424 371 Regular Session, January 5, 1911 431 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session, Jan. 5, 1911. (Official.) Council met at 8:15 p. m. Mayor Haas in the chair. Present — Alderman Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Saul, Singrin, Specht, City Attorney Lyon and Assistant City At- torney 1Villging. Absent —Ald. Sauer. Petition of Louis. Oberhoffer, ask- ing that the valuation on Lots 41 and 42, Blake's Add., for years of 1909 and 1910 be placed at $680.00 and the Treasurer be instructed to refund to him the excess of valuation of $680.00 for the year 1909, presented. On motion of Ald. McEvoy, referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of Kunnert Bros., asking that they be permitted to pay taxes on the valuation of $700.00 for year of 1909, presented. On motion of Aid. O'Rourke, referred to Committee of Whole. Petition of J. J. Grigg, admr., ask- ing that the taxes on Lot one (1) and nine (9), Grigg's Sub., be canceled, presented. On motion of Ald. Apel, prayer granted and Treasurer to be instructed. Petition of Nathaniel Green Cadet Company. Y, asking that permission be granted them to use the Armory for drills, presented. On motion of Ald'. Saul, referred to Committee of the Whole and to be considered at the sane time the petition of H. G. Hig- bee is considered. Petition of Michael O'Connor et al, asking that the salary of the Police he increased ten per cent, presented. On motion of Ald. Apel, referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of John Sexton, asking that the consent granted to W. J. Bilder- back to operate liquor store at No. 310 Main Street be transferred to him as purchaser and assignee, pre- sented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, prayer granted. Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, That consent is hereby given John Sexton to sell and keep for sale intoxicating liquors and deal therein in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as provided by law. That this Resolution of Con- sent is given to said John Sexton as the purchaser and assignee of the business of William J. Bilderback, lo- cated at No. 310 Main Street, and is in renewal of the Resolution of Con- sent heretofore adopted and now in force, consenting to the sale of in- toxicating liquors in the City of Du- buque, Iowa, by said William J. Bil- derbach at No. 310 Main Street, Du- buque, Iowa. Unanimously adopted. Dubuque, Iowa, Jan. 4, 1911. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I beg to report that the Tax List and Lot Book for the year 1910 have been completed and that the same have been turned over to the City Treasurer. Very respectfully, J. T. KELLY, City Assessor. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, re- ceived and filed. Bill of J. T. Kelly, $100.00; Frank Kenneally, $100.00; Allen Wiedner, $100.00, as per resolution of City Council passed Dec. 7, 1910, presented. On motion of Ald. Saul, warrants were ordered drawn and bills be paid. Renewal certificate of Chas. Pape Son for excavating bond, present- ed. On motion of Ald. Saul, referred to Committee of Whole and City At- torney. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Dubuque, Iowa, Jan. 5, 1911. Honorable Mayor and City Council of City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: On December 13th and 14th I appeared before the Supreme Court of the State of Iowa, for the purpose of submitting an oral argu- ment in the case of Mary Dempsey vs. City of Dubuque. My expenses for said trip amounted to $19.27. I have also paid for and on behalf of the City, the following amounts: Express on brief in the above en- titled case 360 Paid H. L. Bousquet, Clerk of Su- preme Court, for copy of opinion in Martin, Strelau vs. City 750 Paid for telegram to Farson, Son Company 30c Making a total of $20.67 that I have expended for and on behalf of the City. I respectfully request that a warrant be drawn in my favor cov- ering the same. Respectfully submitted, GEO. T. LYON, City Attorney. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, re- port was received and filed and war- rants ordered drawn. City Treasurer Wybrant reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: 432 Regular Session, January 5, 1911 Gentlemen: Below you will find statement of amount advanced by me during the month of December, 191u, for which please order warrants drawn in my favor: Interest on outstanding war- rants $392.50 Miscellaneous 16.92 Library Trustees' orders 948.63 Also please find attached my re- ceipt for $1,000.00, given as City's share of late improvement of Wind- sor Avenue, for which amount please have warrants drawn in my favor on appropriation for that purpose. Also please find attached my re- ceipts issued to Farson, Son & Co., as follows: Funding bonds $49,000.00 Premium 1,719.90 Accrued interest, Dec. 10th to Dec. 30th, 1910 122.50 Of this amount there was paid out as follows, for which please have warrants drawn in my favor: Martin- Strelau Co., judg- ment $42,715.36 Interest on judgment, July 10, 1905, to Dec. 30, 1910 6,336.07 Court costs 103.60 Balance 1,687.37 Also please have warrant drawn in my favor for $30.00, which amount I advanced for expenses of visit of rep - setentative of Farson, Son & Co. to Dubuque to close the bond deal, this amount including express charges for shipping' bonds to Chicago. Also referring to your 'instructions of Dec. 27, 1910, canceling the charges of $64.85 made against the Union Electric Co. for brick paving one foot outside of tracks on Clay Street between Tenth and Eleventh Streets, I would report that I have advanced that amount to the con- tractor and would ask that you have a warrant drawn in my favor for that amount, $41.87 to be drawn against the appropriation made for the pav- ing of the street and $22.98 to be drawn against the special bonded pav- ing fund. Yours truly, GEO. D. WYBRANT. Ald. O'Rourke moved that the re- port be received and warrants be drawn for various amounts, and the report be referred back to the Fin- ance committee and the surplus of funding bonds to be considered by the Committee of the Whole as to the placing of it in the sinking fund. Carried. City Auditor Lyons reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Herewith find my re- port for the month of December, 1910, showing the receipts and dis- bursements for the month: Total $ 41,945.50 Balance Jan. 1, 1911 $ 59,573.59 The above cash balance includes improvement bond fund, improve ment bond interest fund and library fund balahces. Waterworks Account - Waterworks balance, Dec.$29.533.54 1, 1910 Deposited with City Treas- urer by Waterworks Trus- 8 503.14 tees Total $38,036.68 Orders drawn on City Treasurer by Water- works Trustees .. 3,833.60 Balance Jan. 1, 1911 $34,203.08 Excavation Account - Balance Dec. 1st, 1910 $60.00 Permits redeemed by Treasurer 20.00 during December Balance Jan. 1, 1911 $40.00 Also, there is due the City Officers for the month of December, 1910, sal- aries amounting to $2,717.08. Also the following is a record of all' interest coupons redeemed by the City Treasurer during the past month and credited to him: Improveemnt bond coupons. $1,022.50 - Waterworks bond coupons.. 7,2 0 0.0 0 $8,222.5 bonds re- $4,649.95 3,000.00 Receipts - Balance Dec. 1, 1910......$ 28,634.76 - Receipts during month... 72,884.33 Total $101,519.09 Disburseemnts- Warrants redeemed $ 26,073.05 Improvement bond coupons redeemed 1,022.50 Waterworks bonds re- 3,000.00 deemed • • • • Water Works bond coupons redeemed 7,200.00 Improvement bonds re- deemed 4,649.95 Total Improvement deemed Waterworks bonds Total bonds redeemed..... $7,649.9 Also, the following list shows the appropriations and the amount of warrants drawn on each fund since the beginning of the fiscal year be- ginning March 1st, 1910, to January 1, 1911: Appropriations Expende 4 Expense $ 40,000.00 $ 30,009.98 Road -First Dis- trict 6,536.52 6,530.24' Second District .. 15,923.22 13.417.24 Third District ... 9,544.60 9,492.29 Fourth District . 10,843.04 9,893.31 Fifth District ... 8,333.88 8,303.34 Fire 48,000.00 40,093.79 Police Sewerage Printing Street Lighting Interest Board of Health Grading Special Bonded Paving .... Special Bonded Debt and Interest Mount Carmel Ave- nue Grading Sidewalk Repair- ing Bluff Street Exten- sion Bee Branch Sewer, Third Ward, Du- buque Packing plant Improvement of Windsor Avenue. Bee Branch Sewer, Third Ward -18th street Bee Branch Sewer, in Fifth Ward Improvement of Grandview Ave Eagle Point park Clay Street Im- provement Heeb Street Grad- ing Improvement of Valley Street Impro.v ement of \ \Ti11ow Street ... Opening of Booth and Spring Street Twenty - seventh Street Storm Sewer Improvement of Althauser Ave. Improvement of Seventh Ave. Firemen's Pension Policemen's Pension Opening and Grad- ing alley between Clark and An- gella Streets .... Opening of Cedar Street . Part cost of Car Street wall New Street Sweep- er .... Ninth Ave. Sewer. On motion of Alcl. O'Rourke, the report was approved and referred to the Committee on Finance. Regular Session, January 5, 1911 36,500.00 29,378.28 6,000.00 4,174.14 2,500.00 1,695.06 27,000.00 20,263.15 40,000.00 26,337.09 7,000.00 4,709.06 6,000.00 2,145.85 4,000.00 986.34 4,000.00 2,500.00 249.35 1,000.00 998.29 5000.00 491.57 2,500.00 2,335.48 1,000.00 2,500.00 1,587.67 5,000.00 4,796.36 2,500.00 1,800.00 3,000.00 2,995.85 1,200.00 1,168.13 300.00 291.35 200.00 199.91 1,500.00 1,498.48 500.00 499.75 1,300.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 2 500.00 875.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 500.00 600.000 317.00 311.99 280.00 256.66 800.00 800.00 $305,578.26 Respectfully, M. E. LYONS, Auditor. 483 Fire Chief Reinfried reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the last half of December, 1910: Amount due Firemen $1,604.00 One per cent. retained for Pension Fund .... 3 1.7 5 Respectfully submitted, J. R. REINFRIED, Chief. Approved by Committee on Fire. On motion of Ald. Singrin, the re- port was received arid warrants or- dered drawn to pay the Firemen and the report referred back to the Com- mittee on Fire. Chief of Police Reilly reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and CRY Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the police report for the month of Decem- ber, 1910: Assault and Battery Breaking and Entering Disturbing the Peace Disorderly Conduct Forgery Fugitive from Justice interfering with Officer Intoxication Petit Larceny Vagrancy 2 1 6 1 1 1 2 35 2 8 59 30 193 12 466. Collected $14.70 $2.40 4 48 2 44 58 pay roll for Po- licemen last half of December, 1910: Amount due Policemen $1,318.90 Amount retained, Pension Fund. 27.08 THOS. REILLY, Chief of Police: On motion of Ald. Specht, the report and pay roll were received and war- rants ordered drawn to pay the Po- licemen and the report referred to the Committee on Police and Light. Doors Found Open Lodgers Harbored Meals Furnished Defective Lights Police Court Costs Cost of Food Ambulance Calls Miles Traveled Transfer of Prisoners Patrol Runs Miles Traveled Also beg to submit To the Honorable Mayor and CRY Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the pay roll for labor on streets during the last half of December, 1910: Amount due laborers on streets...$347.30 Amount clue laborers on Mt. Car- mel Avenue 422.80 Amount due laborers grading various streets . 92.00 434 Regular Session January 5, Approved by Committee on Streets. Respectfully submitted, JOHN MAHONEY, Street Commissioner. On motion of Ald. Saul, the pay rolls on Streets were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts, and the pay rolls and report referred back to the proper committees. Also submit the pay roll for labor on sewers during the last half of Decem- ber, 1910: Amount clue laborers on sewers..$232.70 On notion of Alcl. Singrin, the pay roll on sewers was received and war- rants ordered drawn to pay the var- ious amounts and pay roll referred back to Sewer Committee. City Electrician Hipenan reported as folows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my report of defective lights for the month of December, 1910. I find from the reports of the Police Department that the total hours that 466 lamps failed to burn would equal 91i lamps burning for one month, or $47.50. Respectfully submitted, WM. HIPMAN, City Electrician. On motion of Ald. Sauer, the re- port was received and the City Auditor to be instructed to deduct from the Union Electric Company's bill for the month of December, 1910, the sum of $47.50. Following Weighmasters' reports of receipts were presented and read and on motion of Ald. Specht were re- ceived , and filed: Louisa Pitchner $ 1.80 Joseph Straney 3.30 Edw. Norton .... 28.00 Report of Sidewalk Inspector P. J. Royce presented. On motion of Ald. Sauel referred to Committee of Whole. To the Honorable City Council: The Board of Health met in regular session December 30th, 1910. All mem- bers present. Bid for care of Detention Hospital opened, as follows: When there are no patients in the Detention Hospital, $5.00 per month. When there are less than six patients in the Detention Hospital, $3.50 per day. When there are over six patients in the Detention Hospital, $4.25 per day. When there are over ten patients in the Detention Hospital, $4.75 per day. The bid includes services, man and woman, to care for male and female patients, as requested in advertise- ment, the contract awarded to M. E. King, on above terms. We recommend to your Honorable Body, to instruct 1911 the Ordinance Committee to draft an Ordinance prohibiting the spitting on sidewalks. The following bills were certified to and sent to the county for payment: John Knoernschield, $5.00; N. B. Schneider, $5.00; Adana Zillig, $1.35; M. E. King, $$.00; John Schaetzle, $3.25; John Knoernschield, $5.00; W. H. Rhomberg, $3.33; F. A. Burns, $9.50; E. A. Linehan, $1.00; Nutwood Livery, Co., $3.00; E. T. Frith, $1.00. There was also a bill from J. W. Neumeister, but on account of it be- ing over a year old, and no way to verify the same, it was returned to him as disallowed. Respectfully, JOHN O'ROURKE. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke the report be approved as read. Carried. Moved by Ald. Saul that the commu- nication of Ernst Stahele in reference to care of Town Clock be taken from the Committee of Whole. Carried. Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the con- tract to care for Town Clock be award- ed to Mr. Stahele. Carried. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that the Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings have modern lights placed in matron's quarters; also the Iowa telephone. Carried. Moved by Ald. Saul to adjourn. Car- ried. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. Adopted 1911 Approved Attest: , Recorder Mayor Regular Session, January 19, 1911 435 CITY COUNCIL. (Official.) Regular Session January 19, 1911. Council met at 8:35 p. m. Mayor Pro Tem Saul in the chair. Present — Alderman Apel, O'Rourke, Sauer, Singrin, Specht, City Attorney Lyon. Absent —Ald. McEvoy. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke -the Conn- -ell proceedings for the month of De- cember be approved as printed. Car- ried. Mayor Haas entered at 8:50 and - took the chair. BILLS. Tibey Bros., 5% retained on improvement of St. Am- brose Street $ 65 93 O'Farrell Contracting Co , grading Grandview Ave. 378 04 J. M. Kenety, overhaul of sur- plus dirt from 7th St. and Bluff St., 2nd Road District 144 37 Iowa Telephone Co., tele- phone service 13 75 'Union Electric Co., light for December, 1910 2253 85 E. T. Frith, hauling garbage, November, 1910 374 40 Key City Gas Co., light for various departments 106 75 W. D. Deckert, supplies Bldff Street Extension and Road Department 3 30 - T. J. Mulgrew Co., wood for Mt. Carmel Ave. 7 50 F. M. Jaeger & Co., powder caps, etc., Fire Dept. and Mt. Carmel Ave. 25 60 H. Magdal, iron plate, Road Dept. 4 20 `Wm. Marshall, repairs, Road Dept. 2 00 G. F. Kleih, supplies, Road Dept. 1 25 F. Schloz & Son, repairs and supplies, Road Dept. 1 00 - Linehan & Molo, waste and cement, Road Dept. 19 04 Conlin & Kearns, coal, 2nd Road District 3 45 Key City Roofing Co., cement, Road and Sidewalk Depts. 2 55 Peter Lang, supplies, Side - walk Dept. and City Hall. 2 75 'G. F. Kleih, supplies, Side- walk Dept. 1 45 F. Schloz & Son, supplies and repairs, Fire and Sewer Departments 3 10 'C. E. Fitzpatrick Co., office supplies 13 40 Jas. Beach & Son, soap for City Hall 4 00 :M. O'Donnell, shades for As- sessor's office 25 -Foley Hand Laundry, towel service 4 00 Geo. P. Rose, repairing type - writer 2 00 J. J. Dunn. subpoena fee 1 00 Adana Zillig, drug supplies, City Hall and Police 2 65 Klauer & Kress, repairs, Re- corder's office 75 Key City Gas Co., coal and gas mantles, Fire and Po- lice Depts 43 95 Dr. II. J. Hagerty, veterinary service, Police, Fire and Sewer Depts. 22 40 Ellwanger Bros., repairs and supplies, Police, Fire and Sewer Depts. 6 25 F. G. Becker, coal, Fire, Po- lice and City Hall 41 94 Linehan & Molo, rope for Sewer Dept. and coal for Fire, Police and City Hall 88 18 Geo. W. Healey & Son, sup- plies, Fire and Police Depts. 19 25 Mettel Bros., feed, Fire and Police Depts. 15 24 Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, horseshoeing, Sewer and Fire Depts. 12 20 Collings & Pfiffner, horse - shoeing, Fire and Police Depts. 19 75 Peter Even, coal, Fire, Police and City Hall 53 34 E. L. Lembke, pad for Fire Dept. 50 Martin - Strelau, coal, Fire Dept. 16 85 M. Stafford, feed, Fire Dept 2 50 J. J. Nagle, feed, Fire Dept 669 86 Pier Bros., coal, Fire Dept 20 70 Geo. C. Deyoe, horseshoeing, Fire Dept. 4 75 Metz Mfg. Co., repairing lad- der for Fire Dept. 2 70 Smedley Steam Pump Co , brake shoes, Fire Dept. 1 35 Conlin & Kearns, coal, Fire Dept. 20 35 McClain Bros., feed, Fire Dept. 1 66 National Refining Co., oil for Fire Dept. 8 50 Walter Baumgartner, nails, Fire Dept. 1 00 Chas. E. Berry, harness sup= plies, Fire Dept. 6 19 Iowa Oil Co., oil, Fire Dept 4 50 P. Linehan's Sons, coal,- Fire Dept. 19 97 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 1 plumber's friend for Fire Dept. 75 Butt Bros., repairs for Fire Dept. • 2 50 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horseshoeing, Fire Dept. 8 80 Vollweider & Heim, horse - shoeing, Fire Dept. 3 10 Union Electric Co., city fire alarm 2 00 F. A. Miller, brooms for Fire 436 Regular Session, January 19, 1911 13 50 Dept. F. A. Burns, coal for Fire Dept. 17 Clancy Transfer Co., coal, Fre and Police Depts. 36 Frank Beutin, coal, Fire and Police Depts. 36 Gow & Curtis, repairs and supplies, Police Dept. and City Hall 29 55 G. F. Kleih, supplies for Sewer Dept. and City Hall 5 35 Key City Gas Co., arc rental and inspection, Police and Fire Dept. 2 00 Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies, Matron's quarters 5 46 Thos. Reilly, telephone and telegraphic message 85 McCollins Transfer Co., wood for City Hall and Police Dept. 19 91 Ernest Besser, sawing wood 3 75 J. L. Kies, drug supplies, Po- lice and City Hall 1 40 J. J. Nagle, feed, Police Dept. 47 12 American Ever -Ready Co., supplies for Police Dept. 4 00 Times - Journal, printing for December. 1910 51 93 Telegraph - Herald, printing for November and Decem- her, 1910 Labor Leader, printing for December, 1910 National Demokrat, printing for December, 1910 Thos. Allen, boots for Sewer Dept. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke that war- rants be drawn on Treasurer and all bills properly O. K.'d be paid and others be referred to Committee of the Whole. Carried. 85 83 03 79 87 12 50 12 50 13 50 The following bills were referred: TJr_ion Printing Co. $19 00 Standard Office Supply Co. 11 00 Smith - Morgan Printing Co 65 75 Union Printing Co. 47 25 J. B. Workmann 20 13 Lagen, Peed & Berwanger .. 1 50 PETITIONS. Petition of Sarah E. Rice, asking that her homestead be exempt from taxation, presented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to Commit- tee of the Whole. Petition of Anne B. Ryan by J. J. Murray, her agent, asking that the taxes for year of 1910 on personal property be canceled and she be al- lowed to pay $434.00 in full of her taxes presented. On motion -of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to Committee of the Whole and Mr. J. J. Murray be notified to be present. Petition of Henry Riker, asking that the City Treasurer be instructed to accept taxes on the valuation of $1,500.00 on the South One -half of Lot 99. On motion of Ald. Saul, prayer granted. Petition of John J. McO'Donnell, asking that the City Treasurer be in- structed to accept taxes on North 28.3 feet of City Lot 70 on a basis of $2,000.00 valuation for year 1910. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, prayer granted. • Petition of P. Domenig, asking the City to pay him the sum of $13.60 damages to his property on account of the sewer in Johnson Avenue be- coming clogged up, presented. On motion of Ald. Saul, referred to the chairman of the Committee on Sew- ers. Petition of Marie MarUny, asking that the taxes on her home be can- celled, presented. On motion of Ald. Singrin, prayer granted and Treas- urer to be instructed. Petition of Ancient Order of Hi- bernians, asking for the use of Arm- ory Hall on the night of March 17th, 1911, for the purpose of holding a dance. On motion of Ald. Saul, re- ferred to Committee of the Whole. • Petition of Peter Zillig et. al (Hose - and Truckmen), asking for an in. crease of 10 per cent in their wages, presented. On motion of Ald. Saul, referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of J. P. Early, asking that he be given some of the insurance, presented. On motion of Ald. Saul, . referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Mina Brachtenbach, asking that the taxes on South 48: feet of Lot 75 in L. H. Langworthy's Add. be either canceled or allowed to remain a lein on the property, pre- sented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke, referred to Committee on Delinquent Taxes. Petition of Margaret Riede, asking for a reduction of taxes, presented. On motion of Ald. Specht, referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of Albert H, Wheeler et al, asking permission to, use the Arm- ory Hall Feb. 11th to 25th or April 17th to 29th for the purpose of hold- ing a fair, presented. On motion of Ald. Saul, referred to Committee of - Whole. Petition of Mrs, .H. E. Hillard, ask- ing that the taxes for year 1909 .against South l4 Lot 498, City, now - charged as a lein against said prop- erty be canceled, presented. On mo- tion of Ald. Singrin, prayer granted. Petition of Dubuque Sand & Grave'_ Co., asking the privilege of using a space 100 feet in lenghth along the levee front for a period of five years, presented. On motion of Ald. Saul, referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of F. H. Weihe & Co. asking for an additional line of insurance, presented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke referred to Committee of the Whole. Petition of Frank Kenneally et al (city firemen) asking for an increas^ of 10 per cents in their wages pre- sented. On motion of Ald. Singrin re- ferred to Committee of the Whole. Moved by Ald. Singrin that the bids for veterinary services be taken from the Committe of the Whole. Carried. Moved by Ald. Singrin that the con- tract for veterinary services bo award- ed to Dr. J. Graham. Carried. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: The undersigned, Com- mittee on Claims and City Attorney, would respectfully report that we have investigated an accident which oc- curred to Miss Antoinette Kopsa, De- cember 11th, 1910, and found that the injury consisted of a dislocated ankle. There has been no claim filed but we recommend an adjustment on the basis of Seventy -five dollars ($75.00) as the matter of filing a claim was omitted pending an investigation of the facts. Respectfully submitted, PETER APED, JAMES SAUL, Committee on Claims. GEO. T. LYON, City Attorney. Moved by Ald. Saul report be ap- proved and a warrant be drawn in favor of the mayor for same. Carried. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: Attached please find profile of grade on Grandview avenue from Station 60,- to 67, the red lines, grade adopted March the 2d, 1891. Blue line shows change which I recom- mended to you for adoption. Respectfully, C. H. BAUMGARTNER, City Engineer. Moved by Ald. Saul the grade be adopted as shown and the ordinance committee be instructed to draft the proper ordinance. Carried. Regular Session January 19, 1911 437 Chief of Police Reilly reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of Police Department for the first half of January, 1911: Amount due Policemen ..$1349.93 Respectfully submitted. THOMAS REILLY, Chief. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following is the pay roll of the Fire Department for the first half of January, 1911: Amount due Firemen $1582.50 Respectfully submitted, J. R. REINFRIED, Chief. Approved by the Committee on Fire. On motion of Ald. Singrin, the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the firemen, and the re- port referred back to the Committee on Fire. On motion of Ald. Specht, the re- port and pay roll were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the - Policemen and report referred to the Committee on Police and Light. Street Commissioner Mahoney re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit the pay roll for labor on streets during the first half of January, 1911: Amount due laborers on streets..$428.70 Also due laborers for grading Mt. Carmel avenue, 8474.90. Also due laborers for grading, first half of January, $64.40. Also due laborers on streets leading into the country the first half of Jan- uary and to be paid from county road fund, $53.60. Approved by Committee on Streets. On motion of Ald. Saul the pay rolls on streets were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts and the pay rolls and report referred back to the proper commit- tees. Also submit the pay roll for labor on sewers during the first half of Jan- - uary, 1911: Amount due laborers on sewers..$193.56 Respectfully submitted, JOHN IsrAHONEY, Street Commissioner. Approved by Committee on Sewers. On motion of Ald. Singrin report re- ceived and the various amounts be paid and report referred back to Com- mittee on Sewers. Report of Street Commissioner Ma- 438 Regular Session, January 19, 1911 Regular Session, January 19, 1911 439 honey of the receipt of $16.00, rolling for Union Electric Co., read. On mo- tion of Ald. O'Rourkee received and fled. The following weighmasters' reports read: Robert Hay, for December re- ceipts $3.84 Frank Ducey, total receipts 3.00 On motion of Ald. Specht reports re- ceived and filed. Quarterly report of City Water Works presented. On motion of Ald. O'Rourke referred to special auditing committee previously appointed. Moved by AId. O'Rourke that the City Recorder advertise for bids fe" binding the council proceedings for year 1910. Carried. Ald. Singrin offered the following: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE Granting A. F. Heeb Permission to Maintain a Pri- vate Sewer in Rock Street, in the City of Dubuque, to Connect Lots No. 30 and 31, in Farley's Subdiv- ision, With the Sanitary Sewer in Julien Avenue, and Regulating Such Permission. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That permission be and the same is hereby granted to A. F. Heeb of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to maintain a private sewer in Rock Street, in said City. to connect Lots No. 30 and 31 in Farley's Subdivision to the City of Dubuque with the sanitary sewer in Julien Avenue, said sewer having already been construct- ed at the private expense of said A. F. Heeb, and consisting of eight -inch tile pipe, laid at a depth of about five feet, in the middle of said Rock Street, the permission herein granted being subect to the following condi- tions: Section 2. The said City of Du- buque does not assume any obliga- tions to repair or maintain said sewer, but all expenses incident to such re- pair or maintenance shall, at the op- tion of said City, be chargeable to the said A. F. Heeb, and should the city at any time find it necessary or ad- visable to order a new sewer in said Rock Street, consent to the laying of the private sewer herein referred to shall not be deemed to be a waiver on the part of said city on the right to make assessment for said new sewer in any lawful manner. Section 3. Said A. F. Heeb shall. by accepting the terms hereof, at all times hold said City safe and harm- less from any damages, costs or ex- penses to which the city may be sub- ject, in any manner whatsoever, by reason of the existence and mainten- ance of the said sewer herein referred to. Section 4. The City of Dubuque may at any time grant the right to any other person or company to con- nect with said private sewer, upon the latter paying to the said A. F. Heeb the proper proportion of the cost of construction and maintenance of said sewer then due, any parties making subsequent connections to re- imburse, in turn, the said A. F. Heeb and parties having made prior con- nections according to the just pro- portions then due said A. F. Heeb and parties having made such prior con - .iections, the intention hereof being to reimburse those having paid for the cost of said sewer in such just and fair proportions as the then total number making use of said sewer bears to the cost of the sewer, no one to be reimbursed, however, in an ex- cess of the actual expense advanced. Section 5. That said A. F, Heeb shall be entitled to the benetfis of the Provisions contained in Section 4 hereof only on his written acceptance of the terms of this ordinance, and on filing, within twenty (20) days from the time this ordinance goes in- to effect, in the office of the City Re- corder of said city, an itemized sworn statement of the actual cost of the construction of said sewer. Failure to file such statement shall be deemed to constitute a waiver of said bene- fits, and shall entitle any person or company to make connections with said sewer without cost, provided due consent to such connection be first ob- tained from said city. Section 6. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Times - Journal and Telegraph - Herald. offic- ials newspapers, and its written ac- ceptance, duly indorsed hereon, by the said A. F. Heeb. Adopted , 1911. Approved , 1911. Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. The provisions and terms of the above ordinance are hereby accepted and agreed to, this clay of , 1911. Moved by Ald. Singrin be consid- ered the first reading. Carried. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke, the or- dinance be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the action of the City Council of De- cember 1, 1910, in accepting the im- provement of Grandview Avenue from South Dodge Street southerly to the south line of Mineral Lot 31, the O'Farrell Contracting Co., contractor, be rescinded. Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the improvement on Grandview Ave- nue from South Dodge Street south- erly to the south line of Mineral Lot 31, The O'Farrell Contracting Co , contractor, be accepted subject, how- ever, to the conditions hereinafter named, anti, that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare a special assess- ment against the lots or parcels of real estate subject to assessment for said improvement and that in pre- paring the bill for the amount clue the contractor for said work, he deduct, in addition to the regular five per n cent. guaranty, the sum of 3 hate' F �j• -f. Hundred Dollars ( $50.00) to pay for any unfinished grading and for the reconstruction of any defectively con- structed portions of said street. We further recommend that the City Recorder be instructed that up- on the filing of said assessment in his office, he publish the notice of same as required by ordinance. Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the action of the City Council of De- cember 15th, 1910, in accepting the 'sanitary sewer constructed in Grand- view Avenue and in South Dodge Street by Thomas Hassett, be res- - cinded. Your Committee of the Whole wo uld respectfully recommend that -the sanitary sewer constructed in Grandview Avenue from Dodge Street to South Dodge Street, thence in South Dodge Street northerly to Dodge Street, Thomas Hassett, con- tractor, be accepted subject to the conditions hereinafter named, and that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare a special assessment against the lots or parcels of real es- tate subject to assessment for said im- provement and that in preparing the bill for the amount due the contrac- tor for said improvement, he deduct, in addition to the regular five per cent. guaranty, the sum of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00), to pay for the proper relaying of any defectively constructed portions of said sewer. We recommend that the City Re- corder be instructed that upon the fil- ing of said assessment in his office, he publish the notice of same as re- quired by ordinance. Your Committee of the Whole, to - whom was referred the petition of Katharine Rush asking that the spec- ial assessment levied against Lots 23, 24, 25, 26 and 82, in McCraney's Addi- tion for the improvement of Dock Street and Garfield Avenue be ac- cepted in full in the sum of Fifty Do]- lars, would respectfully recommend that said petition be not granted and that the City Recorder be instructed to notify the petitioner that the City will accept 25 per cent of the amount of the original assessment in full set- tlement thereof. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of John L. McNulty asking that the City accept the sum of $175.00 in full settle- ment of the special assessment levied against Lot 235 in Glendale Addition for the improvement of Twenty -sev- enth street, would respectfully recom- mend that the prayer of the petitioner he granted and that the City Treasur- er be instructed to reduce said assess- ment to the above stated amount and to accept the same in seven install- ments. Your Committee of the Whole, re- porting on the bill of James Lee & Son for the balance of five per cent due him on his contract for the improve- ment of West Locust Street, would re- spectfully recommend that said bill be allowed and that a warrant in the sum of $257.93 be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in settlement of the same. Your Committee of the Whole, re- porting on the bill of J. F. Kenety for overhaul from Bluff and Seventh Streets, would respectfully recommend that said bill be allowed in full in the sum of $144.37. Your Committe of the Whole would respectfully recommend that seven more men be added to the sewer force immediately, and that they be employ- ed until March 1, 1911, in such work as may arise and in the judgment of the Committee on Sewers become neces- sary. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the receipt of Charles Pape & Son from the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland for premium on Plumber's License Bond, would respectfully recommend that the same be approved. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of Morris Tatelman, asking that the un- earned amount of the license paid by him for pawn broking be returned to him because he has discontinued the business here, would respectfully recommend that the prayer of the pe- tioner he granted and that a warrant 440 Regular Session, January 19, 1911 Special Session, January 24, 1911 441 in the sum of $37.50 be ordered drawn in his favor on the City Treasurer. Your Committee of the Whole, to whom was referred the petition of W. S. Wright asking that the assessment levied against Theodore Trieloff for personal property, which assessment was added to the assessment against Lot 13 in Concord Sub., be canceled be- cause said lot is vacant property and said Trieloff had his residence else- where, would respectfully recommemi that the said petition be received and filed. Your Committee of the Whole. to whom was referred the list of special assemment proposed to be levied for the brick - paving of Seventn Street, from Clay to Main Street, would re- spectfully recommend that the same be approved and that the resolution levy- ing the said assessment be adopted. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Moved by Ald. Saul the adoption of the various reports of Committee of the Whole. Carried. Alderman Sauer offered the following: Whereas, the ordinances pertaining to city licenses as they now appear of record show a conflict in the date of the termination of licenses for differ- ent occupations, and Whereas such conflict in date renders it difficult to keep a proper record of the expiration of licenses; therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the Or- dinance Committee and City Attorney be and they are hereby instructed to revise Section 36 of Chapter XXVI of the Ordinances of the City of Dubuque so as to read that all licenses for whatever purpose issued shall expire on 31st day of December in each year. Moved by Ald. Sauer the adoption of resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Apel, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays —None. Ald. O'Rourke offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for brick paving on Seventh street, from the west line of Clay street to the east lot line of Main street, by J. M. Kenety, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is here- by levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate here- inafter named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Celina Levi, city lot No. 1 -3 lot 24, 308.33 sq. yds. brick paving, $607.41; extra expense, $12.33; total .... $619 74 Thos. Connolly Est., city lot 177, 12 lin. ft. new curbing, $8.40; 52 lin. ft. curb reset, $10.40; 307 sq. yds. brick paving, $604.79; extra expense, $12.28; total 635 87 S. J. Goldthorpe, city lot No 38 8 -12 ft. lot 219, 263.57 sq. yds brick paving, $519.23; extra ex- pense, $10.54; total 529 IT H. Pfotzer and J. 11. Rhomberg, city lot 248, 259.33 sq. yds. brick paving, $5.10.88; extra expense, $10.37; total $521 25- John Pier, city lot So. 1 -2 lot 249, 40.1 lin. ft. new curbstone, $28.07; 259.33 sq. yds. brick pav- ing, $510.88; extra expense, $10.37; total 549 32 Bertha Delcker, city lot east 40 ft lot 218, 124.77 sq. yds. brick paving, $245.80; extra expense, $4.99; total .... 250 79 Glab and Fosselman, city lot W 40 ft. and M. 20 ft. lot 218, 138.80 sq. yds. brivk paving, $273,44; extra expense, $5.55; total 278 99• Dub. Brg. & Mltg. Co., city lot 176, 12 lin. ft. new curbstone, $8.40; 307 sq. yds. brick paving, $604.79; extra expense, $12.28; total $625 47 Finley Hospital, city lot 25, 308.33 sq. yds. brick paving ,$607.41, extra expense, $12.33 619.74 All of which is assessed in propor- tion to the special benefits conferrdd. Moved by Ald. O'Rourke the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Apel, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nays —None. Moved by Ald. Apel the assessment of Mrs. - Josephine Lahey be reduced from $1,200 to $800 and the Treasurer be so instructed. Carried. Moved by Ald. Saul to adjourn. Car- ried. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. Adopted 1911' Approved Mayor Attest: , Recorder CITY COUNCIL. (Official.) Special Session January 24th, 1911 Council met at 9:10 p. m. Mayor Haas in the chair. Present — Aldermen Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht City Attorney Lyon and Assistant At- torney Willging. Mayor Haas stated that this meet- ing was called for the purpose of having the Brunswick, Balke, Collen- der Company locating here and any other matter which may properly come up before a regular session of the Council, may come before this session of the Council. Ald. Saul, Chairman of the Com- mittee of the Whole, reported as fol- lows: Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that the ordinance entitled An Ordinance in relation to the taxes of the Bruns - dick, Balke, Collender Company" be adopted. Your Committee of the' Whole would respectfully recommend that the City Council of the City of Du- buque do bind itself to furnish sewer extension for the Brunswick, Balke. Collender Company. Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend that such amount of Road Oil as may, in the Judgment of the Alderman of the Second Ward, be required for use on Seventh Street be purchased, the cost thereof to be paid from the balance now in the Second Road District Fund. JAMES SAUL, Chairman. Ald. Saul moved the adoption of the various reports of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Ald. Singrin moved that the Ordi- nance be read. Carried. Ald. McEvoy offered the following: AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE I\ RELATION TO THE TAXES OF THE BRUNS- WICK, BALKE, COLLENDER COMPANY. Whereas, negotiations are now pending between the Dubuque Indus- trial Corporation, the Chicago Great Western Railroad Company, and The Brunswick, Balke, Collender Com- pany, by which the said Brunswick, Balke, Collender Company is to re- move its wood working factory now located at Chicago, Illinois, to this City, and to establish and maintain at this city a large wood working fac- tory, furnishing employment to a large number of men, and, Whereas said factory is to be lo- cated on land now owned by the said Chicago Great Western Railroad Company, and heretofore used by it in connection with its division termi- nals at Dubuque. said land being sit- uated partly within and partly out- side the present limits of the City of Dubuque, and being a tract of approx- imately thirty -five acres, and com- prizing a part of lot one (1) of the subdivision of Mineral Lot Three Hundred Sixty Three (363) within the City of Dubuque, and a part of lots two (2) of three (3) and of two (2) of one (1) of the South East quarter (S. E. 1 -4) of the South East quarter (S. E. 1 -4) of Section Eleven .(11), and of lot one (1) of the North East quarter (N. E. 1 -4) of the South East quarter (S. E. 1 -4) of Section Eleven (11), all in Dubuque Town- ship outside of the present city limits of the City of Dubuque, and all of said land has heretofore, for the pur- poses of assessments and taxation, been included with the other property of said Railroad Company, and has not been separately assessihle, and, Whereas by way of assisting said Brunswick, Balke, Collender Com- pany on account of the expense inci- dent to removing said factory to this - city, the said Dubuque Industrial Cor- poration has provided for a substantial amount of cash to be contributed by citizens of this city towards the cost of the new factory buildings so to be constructed, and the said Railroad Company has agreed to donate the said land on which said manufacturing p'ant is to be located, the title to said land for a term of years to be held by said Dubuque Industrial Corporation, and it is a settled policy of this city to en- courage the establishment and main- tenance here of manufacturing plants giving employment to its citizens, and, Whereas it has not yet been deter- mined what portion of the said manu- facturing plant so to be established on said lands will be within and what por- tion will be without the limits of this city, and it is believed that during the next ten years the st of Fifteen Thousand $15,000.00) Dollars should be a sufficient valuation for taxation pur- poses of the entire property, real and personal, used in connection with said manufacturing business at said loca- tion, and that for said period the val- uation for city taxation of such part of said property as may be located within the limits of said city should be such portion of said sum of $15,00.00 as the value of that part thereof within the limits of the city, when compared with the entire valuation of said property, 442 Special Session, January 24, 1911 bears to the said sum of $15,000.00, and, Whereas it is contemplated that it Will take all of this year 1911 to con- struct said factory, Now Therefore, Be It Ordained, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That for the period of ten years commencing with the present year 1911, and provided that during that said period the property herein men- tioned shall be used for manufacturing purposes as herein contemplated, the valuation for the purposes of city taxation of that part located within the limits of the City of Dubuque and subject to city taxation of the property owned or used by the said Brunswick, Balke, Collender Company in connection with its manufacturing plant located on the lands hereinbefore referred to, including the lands, buildings, mach- inery, tools, appliances, equipment, fix- tures, stocks of material, and manu- factured product, and all other of said property shall be as follows: For the year 1911 it shall be exempt from taxa- tion and for the succeeding nine years the valuation and assessment shall be for such amount only as that portion of said property located within the limits of the City of Dubuque, when compared - with the entire valuation of said property, bears to the sum of $15,000.00, and said property shall for said years - be exempt from taxation for any amount in excess of the amount herein provided. Section 2. This ordinance shall he in force and take effect from and after its passage by the City Council and its publication one time in the Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal, the official newspapers of the city of Dubuque. Adopted, January , 1911. Approved, January , 1911. Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. Moved by Ald. McEvoy that the reading just had be considered its first reading. Carried. Ald. McEvoy moved that the rules be suspended for the purpose of read- ing the ordinance by its title for the second time. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Aids. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin and Specht. Nays —None. Ald. McEvoy then moved that the Ordinance be now adopted as read. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Alds. Apel, McEvoy, O'Rourke, Sauer, Saul, Singrin, Specht. Nayes —None. Ald. Singrin moved to adjourn. Car- ried. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. By Geo. H. Ellwanger, Deputy. Adopted 1911 Approved Attest: Mayor Recorder List of City Warrants. Dubuque, Iowa, Jan. 1, 1911. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a com- plete list of all warrants issued .by ine during the month of December, 1911: SALARIES FOR OFFICERS. D. J. Haas, salary, Mayor $116 65 'Geo. D. Wybrant, salary, Treas- urer 133 30 F. M. Blake, salary, Deputy Treasurer ... 100 00 Louis F. Kolfenbach, salary, Clerk to Treasurer 60 00 M. E. Lyons, salary, Auditor 116 65 'Geo. J. Vogel, salary, Dept. Aud- itor 80 00 Otto P. Geiger, salary, Recorder 116 65 Geo. H. Ellwanger, salary, Dept Recorder 85 00 Jos. T. Kelly, salary, Assessor 125 00 Al. H. Wledner, salary, Depty Assessor ... Frank Kenneally, salary, Depty. Assessor . , Geo. T. Lyon, salary, Attorney... 150 00 Edgar H. Willging, salary, Asst. Attorney Miss Nettie Bently, salary, sten- ographer to Attorney Chas. Baumgartner, salary, En- gineer 166 65 Jos. Friedrich, salary, Clerk to Engineer 75 00 Walter Cullen, salary, Rod Man 60 00 Thos. Reilly, salary, Chief of Po- lice 100 00 John W. Lawlor, salary, Com- mittee Clerk 125 00 .John Mahoney, salary, Street Commissioner 60 00 P. J. Royce, salary, Sidewalk In- spector 60 00 - Geo. Miller, salary, Supt. of Sprinkling 36 00 Ed. Norton, salary, Market Mas- ter 55 00 Mrs. Koening, salary, Janitress 30 00 Al. Moyer, salary, Pound Master 45 00 'Thos. Cahill, salary Park Custd. 40 00 Chas. McManus, salary, Park - Custd... 40 00 Jos. Straney, Sr., salary, Park Custd 16 00 Dr. Chas . Linehan, salary, Health Physician 50 00 Paul Bewer, salary, Sanitary Po- lice . 66 00 - Dr. F. J. Kennedy, salary, Meat and Milk Inspector 75 00 .John H. Carroll, salary, Harbor and Wharf Master 35 110 Peter Apel, salary 25 00 Edw. McEvoy, salary 25 00 'John O'Rourke, salary 25 00 - Edw. Sauer, salary 25 00 Jas. Saul, salary 25 00 List of Warrants 83 30 83 30 85 00 20 00 443 25 00 25 00 FIRE. Wm. Singrin, salary Robt. Specht, salary J. Reinfried.. $ 61 75 Win. Hipman 49 00 M. Eitel .... .... ...... 38 23 J. Essman 40 67 A. Duccini 35 78 J. Flynn 37 73 G. Byer...... .. 35 78 A. Beer 32 34 Wm. Kannolt..... 32 34 B. Kirch 32 34 J Daley 38 23 T. Ryder.. .... 40 67 H. Cain.... ........... 35 78 M. Kelly.... 37 73 F. Murphy. 35 78 J. Bakey 32 34 Wm. Smith.... ....... .. 32 34 Wm. McConnell 27 45 G. Gehrke.. .... 38 23 T. Kennedy.... .... 35 78 J. Smith 32 34 J. Keppler. 32 34 D. Ahern 49 00 J. Benzer A. McDonnell.... 37 73 40 67 P. Zillig 32 34 M. Sweeney... 32 34 J. McGloughlin .... .. 32 3 4 J. Connelly 32 34 W. Kennedy 29 89 J. Daugherty .... ........ 27 45 J. Murphy.. .. 24 50 R. Weston 38 23 J. Allen 35 78 M. Fahey 32 34 R. Kenneally 32 3 4 VTm. Ducey.. .... .... 38 23 F. Kenneally... 35 78 E. McDermott.... .. 32 34 T. O'Brien 27 45 J. Roshin .. .... .... 38 23 F. Baumgartner.. ..... 35 78 J. Schoenberger .. 32 34 P. Kirch .. ... ........ .... 29 89 Firemen Pension Fund 31 90 POLICE. Louis Blocklinger $ 29 70 James Corcoran 31 85 Michael Connolly.. .. 31 83 John Cody 31 85 Phillip Dunphy 31 98 Wm. Donahue.... . 32 00 Thomas Duggan 31 83 Patrick Fury ..... .... 29 69 John Fox... .... 31 85 James Flynn.... .... 29 70 Wm. Fox 29 38 Ben Gray.. 31 83 Emil Kahn 31 83 Michael Kilty 31 83 James Keefe.... 31 8 5 John Kane 31 87 John Kop .... .... 27 Patrick Kenneally.... 31 85 Barney Ludescher.... 31 85 Charles Leist 34 30 Patrick McInerney 31 83 Patrick McCollins .. ...... 31 85 Michael McCormick.. 31 85- 444 List of Warrants List of Warrants 446 Henry Mueller.. ...... 27 53 E. Norton, (use of horse) .. 10 60 Hugh Markey 31 83 LABOR -- GRADING WILLOW ST. Patrick Mulligan. 36 75 J. Alexander .... .. ........$ 19 80 John O'Brien 31 83 S. Bastien .. .. .... ........ 5 40 Michael O'Connor .... 36 73 J. C'ostello.... 3 60 John Raesle .... .. ........ 36 75 M. Carney.... .. 19 80 Michael Ryan ... ...... .... 31 83 S. Eustice.... .. .......... 7 20 Gus Ratermann... .... .... 31 83 C. Ge imer .. .... .......... 19 80 Joseph Stoltz ... ....... .... 31 85 J, Hillary .... 5 40 Michael Stapleton.. ..... .. 31 83 J. Hoskins 16 60 Patrick Sullivan.... .. .... 31 83 W. Hird 12 60 John Spielman.. .... ...... 31 83 E. Herbst 16 20 Dennis Sheehan.. .. 29 70 M. Kiefer 8 40 Thomas Sweeney.. ...... .. 36 75 J. Martinek .... .... 19 80 Frank Williams.... ..... .. 27 66 p, McPoland .... ...... 8 00 Louts Zemanek... ....... .. 29 38 J. McGrath 21 60 Michael Fogarty... 29 68 J. O'Halloran 21 20 Theo. Ganahl 29 3S John Parker. 12 60 Miss Brennan .. .... ....... 31 85 John Powers..... 21 60 Mrs. Hibbe 31 85 W. Robinson 9 00 Police Pension Fund. 28 15 p, Reilley 18 00 LABOR ON STREE7DS. Frank Siege 25 00 J. Brouillette, 2nd $ 13 60 P. Smith .... .......... .... 14 40 J. Cashman, 2nd 3 60 J. Sloan .... .... .......... 21 60 J. Connolly, 2nd, $10.80 10.80 W. Tobin 21 60 J. Callaghan, 2nd 21 60 John Egan, 2nd 12 60 G. Frost, 2nd .... ..... 25 00 F. Frick, 3rd 3 60 E. Fitzlaff, 2 -3 -4 each$5.00 15 00 B. Glass, 2nd 15 40 M. Hannan, 2nd 13 40 J. Hanson, sidewalk 75 J. Jellison, sidewalk.... .... 7 50 F. Keck, 2nd .... .. ........ 18 00 P. Kreamer, 2nd.... ....... 2 80 J. Kness, 3rd.. .. 8 20 P. Kenneally, Health 21 60 J. Kinsella, 2 -3 -4 each $5.00 15 00 R. LoVe, 2nd 2 00 T. Lonergan, 2nd...... 14 40 R. Lengle, sidewalks.. 6 75 R. McCaffrey, 2nd 17 00 C. O'Neill, 2nd 10 80 M. Quinlan, 2nd .... 2 80 P. Reddin, 2nd 12 40 J. Ryan, 2n0 21 60 H. Rowland, 2 -3 -4 each $7.50 $22 50 J. Singrin, 3rd.... 25 00 A. Turner, 2 -3 -4 each $5.00 15 00 H. Weber, sidewalk.. 7 20 P. Weirich, sidewalk.. 7 20 TEAMS. John Calvert, 2nd 35 50 Josh Calvert, 2nd.... 40 50 Jas. Graham, 2nd 30 00 J. Haaudenschield, 3rd.. 12 50 John Long, sidewalks.. 12 00 M. Markham, 3rd 9 00 C. Van Wie, Bluff St. Exten- sion John Ward, 3rd.. LABOR ON SEWERS. D. Cunningham.. ... $ A. Hird W. Hennessy.. A. Kaesbauer F. Luchterhand J. Rooney J. Scheuer .. .... S. Sullivan .... .... C. Specht TEAMS. M. Ackels .... .. 31 50 33. Costello 41 50 J. Kdan.. 49 50 J. Landholdt 49 50 Jeff McGrath .... ...... 49 50 P. S. Norton 47 00 John Powers .... .... 49 50 A. Siege 54 00 LABOR ON MT. CARMEL AVE. W. Burke $ 10 80 P. Carney .... .. 3 60 Ed. Magner .... .... 10 80 C. Van Wie 900 LABOR —GRADING VARIOUS ST. J. Biocker P. Carney. J. Duggan W. Hird.. J. Hird .T. Haupert N. Herman T. McNulty D. McPoland .... .. ........ W. O'Brien .. .... ......... . John Parker.. .... \V. MTalker P. Weirich............ $ 9 00 10 80 10 80 8 20' 9 65 9 80 5 40 9 00 3 60 25 00 9 00 9 00 11 55 TEAMS. M. Ackels 31 50 J. Linehan 20 00 John Long 13 50 W. Ruesch 24 50 2 00 C. Van Wie 27 00 2 00 Eugene Burke, macadam, Road No. 2 $ 27 75 21 60 Fred Genzler, macadam, Road 21 60 No. 2 38 48 21 60 Petrick Wheland', macadam, 21 60 Road No. 2.. .... ...... 19 81 15 80 Tom Kenneally, inspection 21 60 Grandview avenue sewer... 5 78 21 60 E. T. Frith, removing dead 27 50 animals .... ......... 3 00 30 00 Geo. D. Wybrant, treasurer, 00 005 ............ ... uea -aBm ulpun ;s ;no uo ;saaa ;ul Geo. D. Wybrant, treasurer, intereston outstanding war- rants .... ... 500 00 Geo. D. Wybrant, treasurer, intereston outstanding war- rants .. .. .... .... 165 00 Geo. D. Wybrant, treasurer, postage, express charges, etc 18 27 Geo. D. Wybrant, treasurer, livrary orders 500 00 Geo. D. Wybrant, library orders 362 46 O'Farrell Contracting Co. first estimate Bee Branch, 18th street 500 00 O'Farrell Contracting Co. first estimate Bee Branch, 18th street 500 00 O'Farrell Contracting Co. first estimate Bee Branch, 18th street 500 00 FIRE. J. Reinfrled -- $ 62 00 Wm. Hippman... ....... 50 00 M. Eitel 38 00 J. Essman 41 00 A. Duccini 35 00 J. Flynn 38 00 G. Byer 35 00 Wm. Kannolt 33 00 B. Kirch 33 00 A. Heer 33 00 J. Daley 38 00 T. Ryder 41 00 H. Cain 35 00 M. Kelley.. 38 00 F. Murphy 35 00 J. Bakey 33 00 uTm, Smith 33 00 Wm. McConnell 33 G. Gehrke 38 T. Kennedy 35 J. Smith 33 J. Keppler 33 D. Ahern.. 50 J. B enzer 38 A. McDonnell 41 I'. 7i1llig 33 M. Sweeney 33 J. McGloughlin 33 J. Connelly 33 Wm. Kennedy.... ..... 30 J. Daugherty 30 J . Murphy 25 R. Weston 38 J. Allen 35 M. Fahey 33 R. Kenneally 33 Wm. Ducey .... .... 38 F. Kenneally.. 35 E. McDermott .... ..... 33 T. O'Brien .... .. .. 30 .T. Roshin.... 38 F. Baumgartner 35 J . Sehoenberger.... .. 33 P. Kirch 30 EXTRA. N Januinat $ Wm. Kleis treasurer, 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D. Muere 2 50 B. Mass 2 50 L. Myer 2 50 L. Zinn 2 50 POLICE. Louis Blocklinger $ 19 50 James Corcoran... ...... 32 50 Michael C'onnolly.. . 32 50 John Cody 32 50 Philip Dunphy... .... 35 00 William Donahue 28 16 Thomas Duggan..... 32 50 Patrick Fury 32 50 John Fox 32 50 James Flynn .... .. 32 50 William Fox 30 00 Michael Fogarty.... 32 50 Theo. Ganohl ... ...... 30 00 Ben Gray... 32 50 IOmil Kahn. 32 50 Michael Kilty .... ..... 28 16 James Keefe ...... .... 32 50 John Kane ...... .... 32 50 John Kop.... 28 00 Patrick Kenneally.... 32 50 Barney Ludescher 32 50 Charles Leist ...... .... 35 00 Patrick McInerney.. .... 32 50 Patrick McCollins...... 32 50 Michael McCormick.. .... 32 50 Henry Mlueller.. 32 50' Hugh Markey 32 50 Patrick Mulligan 37 50 John O'Brien 28 16 Michael O'Connor.... 37 50 John Raesle .... .... 37 50 Michael Ryan ... ...... 32 50 Gus Raterman 32 50 Joe Stoltz.... 32 50 Michael Stapleton 32 50 Patrick Sullivan 30 33 .Tohn Spielman 32 50 Dennis Sheehan 32 50 Thomas Sweeney.. .... 37 50 Frank 1V111iams.. .. 47 66 Louis Zemanek.. .... 28 00 Miss Brennan.. 32 50 Mrs. Hibbe 32 50 LABOR ON STREETS IN THE SEVERAL, ROAD DISTRICgrS• J. Alexander, 4th $ 1 80 S. Bastien, 4th 1 80 J. Connolly, 2nd, $5.80, Gra , $5.80; Bluff Ex., $2.80 14 40 J. Callaghan, 2nd 25 20 J. Egan, 2nd 8 00 G, Frost, 2nd.. 25 00 E. Fitzla.ff, 2 -4, $5.00 10 00 B. Glass, 2nd 7 20 C. Geimer, 4th 2 60 M. TTannan, 2nd 4 40 .T. Hill. Bluff St. Ex 1 00 .T. Jellison, S. W 10 80 F. Deck, 2nd' .... .. 19 80 P. Kreamer, 2nd 2 80 J. Knees. S. W 1 80 .T, Kinsella. 2 -4. $5.00_ 10 00 P. Kenneally, Health.. 23 40 T. Lonergan, 2nd 13 60 2 50 R. Lingle, S. l�T. 2 25 2 50 R. Love, Exp 2 60 446 R. McCaffrey, 2nd 11 80 John McGrath, 4th.... 80 C. O'Neill, 2nd.. .... 3 60 H. Rowland, 2 -4, $3.19 6 38 Jas. Ryan, 2nd 23 40 F. Siege, 4th 17 30 J. Tobin, 4th 9 20 A. Turner, S. W., $9.00, 2 -4, $2.12 13 24 John Calvert, 2nd 20 50 Josh Calvert, 2nd 11 00 J. Kean, 4th.... .. 4 00 M. Markham, S. W 4 50 GRADING. J. Blocker .. .... .. $ 14 P. Carney.... 7 Jerry Cahill .. 1 J. Duggan 8 J. Eberhardt. 3 F. Frick J. Gronau W. Hird J. Hillary... Ned Hird Jas. Bird... J. Haupert John Johnson H. Kunkel J. Kness .... ........ F. Lillie.... .... .......... Ed. Malloy .... ........ T. McNulty.. ... D. McGuiness J. McLaughlin. McPoland ... . J. O'Halloran. John Parker.... ...... John Singrin ...... .... W. Walker P. Weirich TEAMS. M. Ackels.. ... J. Linehan M. Markham Jeff McGrath �V. Ruesch C. Van WTie LABOR — GRADING MT AVENUE. W. Burke W. Boyce.. .......... Ben Burd Peter Carney J. Donahue.... . H. Kunkel T. Hackney.. Ed. Magner D. McGuinness W. O'Brien Geo Reynolds... ... W , Sheehan.... J. Wickham.... ...... ... . J. Mulligan.... .. W. Woods WILLOW STREET. J! Alexander.. .. $ Steve Bastian.... ....... Steve Eustice ... .. C. Geimer J. Hoskins.. .... J. Hillary M. Kieffer.... .. . ...... $ List of Warrants 1 14 3 1 17 3 9 1 '7 1 9 7 1 18 16 3 7 25 8 25 40 50 15 50 54 00 18 00 29 00 18 00 CARMFL 14 7 7 12 10 7 5 14 3 25 10 7 7 22 18 1 1 3 1 3 3 1 40 20 00 20 60 40 60 60 60 80 30 60 60 00 20 80 00 20 80 80 20 60 20 00 20 00 40 20 20 60 80 20 80 40 60 00 80 20 20 50 00 00 80 60 80 60 80 80 John McGrath .... ...... 6 J. O'Halloran.. .. ....... 3 J. Powers 7 P Reilley 5 W. Robinson .. ........ 4 John Sloan 5 F. Siege 7 Jas. Tobin ...... .. ...... 5 W. Tobin 4 B. Costello 13 P. S. Norton 18 J. Powers 13 A. Siege 13 LABOR ON SEWERS. D. Cuuningham.. .. $ 23 40 A. Hircl 23 40 W. Hennessy.... 23 40 A. Kaeshauer ., 23 40 F Luchterhand.. .... 23 40 J. Rooney .... 23 40 J. Scheuer 23 40 C. Sullivan.... 27 55 C. Specht 30 00 E. Norton, (Use of horse) 13 00 BILLS. 20 60 20 40 60 40 70 40 60 50 00 50 50 Albert Schuster, inspector 7th Avenue $ 9 63 W. Clark, inspector Bluff St 7 70 C. W. Katz, inspector Bee Branch sewer, 18th St. 23 10 E J. Voggenthaler, repairs and supplies for Road Dept. 22 54 W. B. Baumgartner, supplies for Road and Fire Depts. 5 60 Key City Roofing Co., supplies for Sewer and Fire Depts 21 13 Geo. Ragatz & Son, supplies and repairs for Road Dept. 2 76 Frank Beutin, coal for Road • Dept. 8 82 F. G. Becker, coal for Road Dept. 8 46 Key City Iron Works 3 71 F. Schloz & Son, repairs, 2nd District 20 Peter Hanson. supplies for Road Dept 40 W. D. Deckert Co., supplies for Road Dept.... 1 03 Standard Oil Co., oil for Road Dept Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., supplies for Fire Dept. 9 65 Peter Even, coal for Fire Dept. and City Hall 28 33 Pier Bros., coal for Fire Dept , City Hall and Police Dept 37 06 Michael Mullen, repairs and supplies, Fire and City Hall 8 05 Geo. W. Healey & Son, sup- plies for Fire Dept. 7 85 Standard Lumber Co., shav- ings for Fire Dept. 22 60 Iowa Oil Co., oil for Fire Dept. 12 10 J. J. Nagle, feed for Fire and Police Depts. 247 76 Union Electric Co.. power for City firm alarms 2 00 John Kriebs, . repairs, Fire Chief's harness 1 95 Clancy Transfer Co., coal for 83 Fire Dept. 22 64 J. J. Rowan, supplies for Fire Dept. and Recorder's office 25 85 Sprengelmeyer Bros., com- forters for Fire Dept. 17 00 Ruegnitz & McFarland, toilet paper for Fire Dept. 4 75 MTalsh Safety Lock Snap Co , hose patches for Fire Dept. 3 75 Morrison Bros., repairs on steamer Olinger as per con - ti act 305 00 Key City Gas Co., coke for Fire Dept. 15 10 A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co , Washers for Fire Dept. 1 60 Noel & Wagner, straw for Fire Dept. 2 70 McCollins Express & Trans- fer Line, coal, Fire Dept. 26 34 Dubuque Mattress Co., cot- ton tops for Fire Dept. 2 20 Vollenweider & Heim, horse - shoeing for Fire Dept. 3 60 T. W. Ruete Drug Co., drugs for Fire Dept. 2 00 Torbert Drug Co., drugs for Fire Dept. 2 87 Fischer & Co., coal for Fire Dept. 24 24 Spahn -Rose Lumber Co., lum- ber for Fire Dept. 6 13 Mettel Bros., feed for Fire Dept ... 1 25 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. 22 65 John Butt, repairs for Fire Dept. 2 90 Collings & Pfiffner, horse - shoeing for Fire Dept. 25 40 Lagen, Peed & Berwanger, horseshoeing for Fire Dept. 16 35 Dubuque Lumber Co., coal for Fire Dept. 25 25 Conlin & Kearns, coal for Fire Dept. 33 20 E. R. Elvidge, supplies for Fire Dept. 2 00 Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for Fire Dept. 4 38 F. Beutin, coal for Fire Dept. 17 10 Klauer & Kress, repairs and supplies for Sewer and Road Depts. and City Hall 11 58 H. B. McCarten, repairs on water fountain 4 50 A. E. Gmehle, commission, collecting delinquent taxes. 34 50 Western Union Telegraph Co., clock service for October and November .... 2 00 Iowa Telephone Co., tele- phone service for Novem- ber 10 45 Union Printing Co., printing Register books 31 75 Foley Hand Laundry, towel service 4 00 F. Mertz, making keys for City Hall 1 00 Midland Chemical Co., 100 lbs. sweeping waxoleum 2 50 List of Warrants 447 Hoermann Press, printing bill heads Geo. Masters, gas mantels County Recorder, recording fees J. Scherrer & Co., repairs, Engineer's office F. A. Burns, wood for Police Dept. and City Hall F. G. Fecker, coal for Police, Fire and City Hall E. Besser, sawing and carry- ing in wood, City Hall Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for Sewer Dept. and City Hall Jos. J. Bertsch Co., boots for Sewer Dept. T. J. Mulgrew Co., tile pipe and cement, Willow St. John Butt, repairs, Willow St. F'. Schloz, repairs, sidewalk and Mt. Carmel A. A. Brown, repairs, Mt. Carmel Willmer Cook, grading Wil- bur Ave. Key City Rubber Stamp Works, 1 rubber stamp for Board of Health O'Farrell Contracting Co , 5% retained on sewer in al- ley between Jackson and Couler Avenue and Peru Road F. Schloz & Son, supplies for Bee Branch sewer, 18th St. 134 22 50 69 12 12 90 3 50 75 13 00 44 05 5 50 1 43 12 00 288 08 10 95 7 90 6 00 241 50 20 59 14 45 50 Willmer Cook, grading, Mar- tha St. Smith- Morgan Printing Co , printing Labor Leader, printing National Demokrat, printing James Gregory, roof Armory Hall .. .... .. $500 00 James Gregory, roof Armory Hall .. .... .. $500 00 James Gregory, roof Armory Hall.... .... .. 497 00 Union Electric Co., light for November $500 00 Union Electric Co., light for Novemver 500 00 Union Electric Co., light for Novemver 500 00 Union Electric Co., light for Novemver 500 00 Union Electric Co., light for November.. .. ........ 253 85 Martin & Strelau, coal for Police and City Hall 66 64 J. B. Workman, collecting ommitted taxes 30 46 Klauer & Kress, stove and supplies for Police Dept 27 75 Great Western Remedy Co , stock feed, Fire Dept 50 00 Pier Bros., coal, Police Dept `19 39 Collings & Pfiffner, horse - shoeing, Police Dept.. 6 50 Eichron & Bechtel, supplies, Police Dept .. .... 3 79 17 50 50 448 Mettel Bros., feed Police Dept. 4 25 S. C. Dike, repairs, Police Dept ... .. 6-0 American Elver Ready Co., supplies, Police Dept.. .... 4 00 Ed. Norton, feeding prisoners 1 80 Keyt City Gas Co., care of 2 00 gas arcs Metz Mfg. Co., repairs, Police 65 Dept.. • Geo. Masters, supplies, City Hall 20 A. E. Bradley, repairs, City 3 80 H all ......• Roy Kimbal, to use of launch and 3 men in Harbor 10 00 Lester Smith, breaking ice in Harbor. 4 00 Times - Journal Printing for November 84 28 Key City Gas Co., light, var- ious Depts 94 95 D. J. Has, mayor, settlement of Ida Philabaum case 325 00 Mathis Metz Co., printing 79 50 bonds etc. Eagle Point Lime Works, macadam furnished to City 37 00 O'Farrell Contracting Co., re- pairs, Althauser Aveue wall 250 00 Mathis Metz Co., printing, 6 75 Police Dept I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all war- rants issued by me during the month of December, 1910. OTTO P. GEIGER, City Recorder. Official Notices Notice to Those From 'Whom a City License is Required. Office of Chief of Police, Dubuque, Ia., Jan. 12, 1911. To All Whom It May Concern: All auctioneers, pawnbrokers, junk dealers, hotel, restaurant and eating house keepers, owners of bowling alleys and of billiard and pool tables, etc., owners of theaters and shows, peddlers, posters, transient merchants, street venders, vault cleaners, scavengers, teamsters, expressmen and owners of hacks, omnibuses, carriages, drays and owners or harborers of dogs, and all other parties requiring city licenses: You and each of you are hereby noti- fied that said licenses are now past due and if not paid immediately you will be prosecuted in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Du- buque. THOS. REILLY, 1- 12 -10t. Chief of Police. Notice of Special Assessment. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a special assessment as provided by law will be levied at a session of the City Council to be held February 2, 1911, to pay for the con- struction of a sanitary sewer in Grandview avenue and South Dodge street from Dodge street and Grand- view- avenue to South Dodge, thence down South Dodge to Dodge. W. T. Hassett, contractor. Amount of special assessment, $4306.61, same to be assessed against the abutting property upon and along said streets. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque, show- ing the streets in which said sewer was constructed, and the separate lots and parcels of ground, or specified portions thereof, subject to assessment for such improvement, the name of the owner thereof as far as practic- able, and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule are subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons ob- jecting to said special assessment or to said plat must file his or their ob- ection in writing with the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Coun- cil, to be held February 2, 1911, or to appear at said session of the Council to show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, January 20, 1911. OTTO P. GEIGER, l0 -t. City Recorder. Notice of Special Assessment. Notice is hereby given to all con- cerned that a special assessment as provided by law will be levied at a session of the City Council to be held February 2, 1911, to pay for the im- provement of Grandview avenue from Official Notices its intersection with South Dodge street to the south line of Lot 31, by the O'Farrell Contracting Co., con- tractors. Amount of special assessment, $5029.43, same to be assessed against the abutting property upon and along said avenue. And that there is a plat and sched- ule on file in the office of the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque, show- ing the street in which said improve- ment was made, and the separate lots and parcels of ground, or specified portions thereof, subject to assessment for such improvement, the name of the owner thereof as far as practic- able, and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, which plat and schedule are subject to public inspection. And that any and all persons ob- jecting to said special assessment or to said plat must file his or their ob- jection in writing with the City Re- corder of said City of Dubuque on or before said session of the City Coun- cil, to be held February 2, 1911. or to appear at said session of the Council to show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Dated at Dubuque, January 20, 1911. OTTO P. GEIGER, 1 -20 -t. City Recorder. Notice to Printers. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder up to 8:00 p. m. Thursday, February 2nd, 1911, for printing the index and bind- ing in books of 25 copies of the coun- cil proceedings for the year 1911. Sample and description of the work can be seen in the office of the City Recorder. Bidders will state the price per book. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, January 23, 1911. OTTO P. GEIGER, 1 -23 -3t City Recorder. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the City Council held on aJnuary 19, 1911, the following special assessment was levied on the real estate hereinafter described, and that in case of failure to pay the one - seventh part within the time pre- scribed by the ordinance governing same, all will become delinquent and subject to collection by distress and sale. GEO. D. WYBRANT, City Treasurer. For brick paving on Seventh street, from the west line of Clay street to the east lot line of Main street: Celina Levi, city lot No. 1 -3 lot 24 • $619 74 Thos. Connolly Est., city lot 177 635 87 S. J. Goldthorpe, city lot No 38, 8 -12 ft. lot 219 529 77 H. Pfotzer and J. H. Rhom- berg, city lot 248 521 25 John Pier, city lot So. 1 -2 lot 249 549 32 Bertha Delcker, city lot east 40 feet. lot 218 250 79 Glab and Fosselman, city lot W. 40 ft. and M. 20 ft. lot 213 Dub. Brg. & Mltg. Co., city lot 176 625 47 Finley Hospital, city lot 25 619 74 278 99 Total 1- 26 -it. 449 $4,630.94 Notice to City Taxpayers. The tax lists for 1910 taxes of the City of Dubuque are completed and I am prepared to receive taxes. The taxes for 1910 become delinquent on March 1. 1911. GEO. D. WYBRANT, 1 -21 -1 mo City Treasurer.