1983 Index Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS of the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF DUBUQUE IOWA FOR THE YEAR 1983 CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1983 MAYOR JAMES E. BRADY COUNCIL MEMBERS THOMAS BEURSKENS ................. Council Member at Large JOHN KLAUER ........................ Council Member at Large WILLIAM HAMMEL ............................... First Ward LORAS KLUESNER .............................. Second Ward DONALD DEICH .................................. Third Ward RHONDA KRONFELDT ........................... Fourth Ward City Clerk .............................................. Mary A. Davis LEGAL DEPARTMENT Corporation Counsel ........................ Harley F. Stark, Jr. to 6-30 William G. Blum 8-1 Barry A. Lindahl Assistant City Attorney ......................... James A. O'Brien 8-1 CITY MANAGER W. KENNETH GEARHART Administrative Assistant ......................... GENT WITTENBERG Airport Manager. ~. THERON CLARK ................................. / .PAULINE JOYCE Budget Officer ..................................... Building Commissioner ................................ DAVID SHURTS Cable Franchise Administrator ................. MERRILL CRAWFORD 5-9 Ckief of Fife Department .................... ROBERT N. DUNPHY to 8-10 WILLIAM MILLER 8-11 Chief of Police Department ......................... ROBERT J. O'BRIEN City Assessor ......................................... FRANK FROST City Engineer ..................................... MICHAEL A. KOCH Civic Center Director ................................. ROBERT DRURY Community Development Director ........... DANIEL DITTEMORE to 1-21 JAMES A. BURKE 9-5 Coordinator, Office oI Disaster Services .................. ROBERT GOOCH Deputy Finance Director ................................ GERALD HIRD Development Planner ............................ ROBERT McKAY 11-21 Director of Public Works ......................... FRANCIS A. MURRAY Dock Cormmission Manager ............................. SHIRLEY LANG Electrical Inspector ............................... ROBERT McCARTEN Finance Director ..................................... A. G. HEITZMAN Food and Restaurant Sanitarian ..................... FRANCES KRINGLE Health Director ................................. ARTHUR J. ROTH, JR. Human Rights Director and EEO Officer ............ MATHIAS K. LORENZ Information Services Director ................. THERESA GREEN to 10-14 Library Director ................................. ELIZABETH MINTER Park and Recreation Director ....................... TERRY TRUEBLOOD Personnel Assistant ......................... DARLENE HANTELMANN Personnel Director ...................................... RANDY PECK Plumbing Inspector ................................... LOUIS MULLEN Street Commissioner.: ........................... MERLE FELDERMAN Transit Manager ................................ WILLIAM G. KOHLER Utilities Director ..................................... BARTON JONES Wastewater Plant Supervisor ......................... PAUL HORSFALL Water Plant Supervisor ...................................RAY ALLEN Regular Meetings of the City Council are held on the First Monday of each month at 7:30 P.M. INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page A Jan. 3--AIRPORTCOMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: ..... 7, 35, ·..80, 97, 144, 194, 210, 256, 270, 299, 327, 347, 354, 392, 405, 415, 425 " 10--Arterlal (Northwest) Paving & Intersection Improvements - contract, final estimates, etc ............................. 9, 10 " 10--Amendment of Application with DOT, USA, for Grant under UMTA .......... 10 17--AGREEMENT with Ia. DOT on Right-Of-Way Assurance Statement for Federal Aid Projects ............ ........... 15 " 17--Audits, of FY '83 by Helle, Klosterman & Co ................ 19 " 28--APPLICATION with EDA for Grant ..................... 21 " 28--Amendment to FrommeR Land Purchase Contract for pro- perty in Dbq. Ind. Center ................................ 22 Feb. 7--Atchinson, Lindy, Winter Wonderland I - North Wind Queen. 25 7--Agreement with Dbq. Met. Area Solid Waste Agency for 5 year extension of use of Dubuque Sanitary Landfili .......... 30 7--Annexation of Marshall Park .......... . ................. 30, 31 7--Arndid, Carol, applicant for Human Rights Corem ........... 33, 229 " 14--Airport Mgr. requesting to regulate all parking fees at Air- port ................................................. 41 " 21--Apartments Ltd., Cia,s "C' Beer & Liquor License & Ciga- rette Permit .......................................... 50, 207 "21--Academic Enrichment Class of Irving School submitting Sur- vey of the City ........................................ 51 "28--Ambniance Ordinance, New Ordinance Submitted by Mgr; Adoption ............................................ 53, 65, 78 Mar 12--Ambulence Fees, objections to raising same ................ 59 " 12--Asbary Library Fees - Motion to increase charges ........... 61 " 12--Animal Extricatlon- Fee Increased ....................... 63, 64 " 14--Agriculture (National) Week, Proclamation ................. 71 " 14--Asbury Road (2005), rezoning per request of Hiilcrest Fam. Serv ................................................. 73, 85 " 21--Ambulance Service P. Hearing cancelled, Proof of publica- tion ................................................. 87 A,p,r. 4--Art Assn. (Dbq.) Class "C" Beer & Wine License ............ 96 4--Assistant Chief Training Officer - Certification of List of Quali- fied Applicants by Civil Service Commission ................ 98 " 11--Ahmann, Rod, Youth in Government City Manager .......... 99 " 11--Architecturafiy Significent - Proper ty at 419 Bhiff St ......... 99 11--Art Assn. (Dbq.), Refund on Beer Permit ................... 105 18--Agreement - City of Dubuque, Iowa DOT re: Reconstruction of John F. Kennedy Read from Pennsylvania Ave. to University Ave ................................................. 111 " 18--Amendment to FY 1983 Budget & Date of p. Hearing ........ .................................................... 111, 120 " 18--Application to UMTA for two replacement buses and P. Hear- ing set ............................................... 111 " 18--Assessment s - Street - New policy ........................ 113 " 18--Appointments and Process for individuals for Task Force for Human Rights ........................................ 115 " 18--Astgen's Foods Ltd., Class "C" Beer and Cigarette Per- mits ................................................. 115, 206 2--Application (Section 5 Operating Assistance) to UMTA ...... 126 M,a,y 2--Application IOperating Assistance) to Ia. State Public Transit Division (Ia. DOT) ..................................... 126 2--Architecturafiy Significant Structures: - amendment to condi- tional use provisions of OR-1 Office Residential District which allows for usage in above ................................ 129 2--Acceptance of N/W Arterial, Stage I, Pretensioned - Pre- stressed Concrete Beam Bridge .......................... 137 2--Agreement signed between City & Dbq. Assn. of Pro. Fire- fighters .............................................. 139 2--Agreement between City & General Drivers & Helpers Union ... ...... 140 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page M,a,y 2--Agreement between City & Amnigamated Transit, Union ..... 140 2--Agreement between City & Dbq. Policemen s Protective Assn ................................................ 141 2--Agreement between City & International Union of Operating Engrs ............................................... 142 2--Audit Agreement with Helle, Klosterman & Co. for FY ending June 30, 1983 & 1984 ................................... 144 2--Annual Report (1983) of Peoples Natural Gas ............... 145 ,, 16--American Trust & Savings Bank, objecting to JFK Rd. Recon- struction Project ...................................... 151 ' 16--Arthofer, Charles, objecting to JFK Rd. Reconstruction ...... 151 " 16--Agreement (Project) re: $109,853 in Federal Assistance from Land & Water Conservation Funds for Ch. Schmitt Memorial Park & Recreation Complex improvements ................. 154 " 16--Agreement (Lease Option) re: Resolution re: Chaplain Schmltt Memorial Island ....................................... 154 " 16--Appel, FrederickR.,resignationfromDubuqueParkBoard... .................................................... 164, 165 June 6--America IHonor) Days, Proclamation ...................... 169 6--Asphalt Paving Project, 1983, Procedural Resolutions, Etc. ................................. 177, 178, 218-221,268, 419, 420 6--Adver rising, petition to sell same at bus stops .............. 181 6--Auditer - Gets list of Delinquent Refuse & Sewer Accounts .... .................................................... 184, 185 6--Angel Investment Co. (Casey's Store), Cigarette Permit and Beer Permit .......................................... 192, 414 6--Aithaue, Dennis A., Cigarette Permit, (2 outlets); Refund ..... .................................................... 192, 372 6--Arvanitis, George K. (Busy Bee), Cigarette Permit ........... 192 6--Airport Inn (Milton Schwartz), Class "C" Beer & Liquor Li- cense ................................................ 194 6--Audit of Bethany Home Submitted ....................... 195 6--April reports of Finance Dir. & Treasurer submitted ......... 195 6--Arensdorf, Garry J., Certified by Civil Service Comm. for Fire- fighter ............................................... 196 6--Application of American Central Airlines, Inc. for a certificate of Public Convenience & Necessity for Interstate & overseas Air Transportation before CAB .......................... 196 "20--Agreement - (Purchase of Services) with Chamber of Com- merce ................................................ 201 " 20--Agreement between City and Phone-A-Friend ............... 201 " 20--Agreement between City & Washington Neighborhood Tool Library, Inc .......................................... 202 " 20--Animal Shelter Services - Agreement with Dubuque Humane Shelter ............................................... 202 " 20--American Legion Post 6, Cigarette Permit.; Class "C" Liquor Loc. 207 .............................................. 209 " 20--Antbeny, Paul E., Cigarette Permit ....................... 207 Ju~,,y 5--Anglin, Keith, re: Lib. Ave. San. Sewer Project .............. 216 5--Asbury Rd., petitions objecting to 1983 Asphalt Paving Pro- ject ................................................. 219 " 5--Application for additional 25 units of Sec. 8 Mod. Rehab. Hous- ing 25 units of Sec. 8 Existing Housing. ................... 225 5--Abarnathy, Glen, Cigarette Permit ........................ 231 5--Andereen, John C., Cigarette Permit ...................... 231 5--Althaus, Dennis A., Class "C" Beer Permit ................. 232 July 18--Amtrak Railroad Service - Engineering Study authorized part. payment ............................................. 243 " 18--Alternate No. 1 Resolution in preference of for U.S. 20 (Dodge St.) .................................................. 249 " 18--Annexation - portion of Burden property ................... 253 " 18--Albert, Richard, re: petition of vacation of alley near 32nd & Central .............................................. 257 " 18--Alley, request etc. for vacation near 32nd & Central .......... 257 Aug 1--Audit of parking Ramp etc., report on implementation ....... 262 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Aug 1--Ambassador Ct., petition to get final coating of asphalt by S. Becben .............................................. 272 1--Analysis of Cable Rates by Touche, Ross & Co .............. 268 1--Applications for Four Mounds Task Force - referred to Park & Rec .................................................. 271 Aug 11--Armltage, Dick, re: Ind. Dev. Rev. Bonds for "The Brewery Project." . ........................................... 273, 276 Aug 15--Annexation re: Petition by Ia. National Guard for their proper- ty west of City ........................................ 285 " 15--Area Residential Care, dismissal of suit .................... 298 " 15--Anthony, Wayne, rights transferred to Herbet & Son, Inc ..... 299 Sept 6--Appraisni Findings for pricing of sites in Dbq. Ind. Center, ap- proved ............................................... 311 " 6--Aviation Assn. (Exp.) requesting permission to land & takeoff airplanes on NW Arterial ............................... 312, 342 6--Ai. rp!anes landing & taking off on NW Arterial, Request per- nusslon .............................................. 312 6--Agreement, Plat approved re: Alignment, release & Imposition of Easement Rights & Related Matters re: Riverfront develop- ment for Museum ...................................... 313 6--April Council Proceedings, Approved ...................... 327 6--American Central Airlines requesting to consider Tri-State Flight Services the new facilities are Airport ................ 329 6--Application of American Central Airlines, Inc. submitting a Certificate of Public Convenience & Necessity to engage in in- terstate & overseas air transportation ..................... 329 Sept 26--Agreement for eventual acquisition of City-owned property at 15th&Elm ........................................... 337 " 26--Alignment for a Comprehensive Environmental Assessment Study for the Cedar Cross Transportation Project ........... 338 26--Airport Commission - Ordinance Providing for appointment of Members ............................................. 344 26--Appeals, Stipulation of Settlement, to Dis. Court by Attorney Blum ................................................ 347 26--Army Corps of Engineers advising Deere & Co. has applied for cont. maintenance dredging ............................. 348 26--August reports of Fin. Dir. & Treasurer submitted ........... 348 Oct. 3--Airport Comm. applicants spoke to Council ................. 354 3--Annual Financial Report (1983) Submitted ................. 355 Oct. 17--Aizheimer's Disease Awareness Month, Proclamation ........ 358 17--Airport Comm. requesting amending of budget to include several unbudgeted projects at Airport .................... 364 17--Airport Mgr. Clark requesting adoption of resolution to pro- ceed with condemnation of Bradley property ................ 364 " 17--Ambniance Driver/Attendant - Repealing Ord. No. 65-78 which provided for an Entrance Exam. for same ............. 366 " 17--Airport Commission appointment of Arnold M. Honkamp ..... 369 " 17--Alley (One-Way), request to mark same between 1st and 2nd Sts.& Main & Locust ................................... 372, 408 " 17--August, List of Claims .................................. 372 " 17 --Annual Financial Repor t. proof of publication ............... 372 Nov 7--American Seating Co., awarded contract for Converting Ex- isting Bleachers to Electrical Operation ................... 376, 377 7--Albert, Glen requesting replacement of tile at Crescent Ridge. .................................................... 380 7--Assessment Schedule {Final) for Liberty Ave. Sanitary Sewer.. .................................................... 381, 384 7--Application for Calendar Year 1984 CD Block Grant Funds... 384 7--Application for IA CD Loan Program Application for Area Residential Care ....................................... 387, 437 7--Airport Office Building Construction... filing an Ia. CD Loan Program Application.; Disapproved ....................... 388, 427 7--Assessor, City re: stipulation of settlement of appeal to the District Court on property owned by Bradley Ltd ............ 395 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Nov 21--Asbury Road, property north of & west of Bonson, rezonlng re- quest per Burbach/Kitchen from P~3 to OR-1PUD ....... 399, 417, 418 ' 21--Aid Agreement (Mutual) With City & County for Disaster(s). · · 401 ,, 2 l_Adams, Michael D., appointed to Plumbing B°ard ........... 404 Dec. 5--Alley at 656 Levi, request to construct carport by A. Kerken- 411 bush ................................................. 5--Annual Contributions Contract Incurporaging Additional 25 Units Sect. 8 Existing Program Funds with 411 Contract ..... 412 5--Airport Commission sued by Beyer Aviation ............... 415 " 5--Airport Commission, investigation requested by Tri-State Security re: bidding procedure ........................... 415 5--Asbury Mayor requesting to place designation signing for their City at Dodge & Locust ............................ 416 Dec. 19--Asseesment Schedule for 1983 Asphalt Paving Project ....... 420, 431 ,, 19_Asbury Sewage Metering St ation Location, Quit Claim Deed' · 432 " 19--Alley (portion) Warranty Deed accepted from Lepport & 432 Kennedy ............................................. " 19--Agreement with IA. DOT on a right-of-way assurance for 433 Federal Aid Projects ................................... 435 "19--Atkinson, Jon, Class "C" Liquor License ............ '.ii i ii i 435 ,, 19_August Council Proceedings, Approved as Printed .... INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page B Jan. 3--Blum, Wm. G., appointed as Assistant City Attorney ........ 1,2 " 3--Benn, Herbert, re: clarification of NonConform. Uses Ord. (Don's Trans. Garage) .................................. 2 Jan. 10--Butler, Thomas requesting sufficient funding for Human Rights ............................................... 12 ' 10--Burden Estate, Attorney advising of extension of time ....... 12 Jan. 17--Barrett Vs. City, Case Dismissed ......................... 17 Feb. 7--Bertsch, Robert, Attorney, requesting Ord. to allow for erec- tion of planter & sign on Kerper .......................... 25 " 7--Brice, Petrides & Asso., Inc. re: contract for Cedar Cross Loca- tion Study ............................................ 27, 28 " 7--Block Grant Documents (CD), Publication of Notice of Availability ........................................... 32 " 7--Building Code Bd. of Appeals Appointment of G. Guy, Wm. Herrig & D. Thorne ..................................... 33 " 7--Bralg, Karla, applicant for Human Rights .................. 33, 229 " 7--Boardman, Art, applicant for Human Rights ............... 33, 229 7--Bemis, H. J. appointed to Transit Bd ...................... 33 " 7--Bridge Naming, New Bridge (151) across Mississippi ......... 35 ' 7--Budget - formalpresentation by Mgr. (of FY '84) ............ 36 Feb. 14--Burden property, discussion of acceptance of same, etc ...... 38, 41, 49 " 14--Blum, Brenda, Claim ................................... 39 " 14--Beck, Roger, Refund for Cigarette Permit & Liquor License... 39, 52 " 14--Buelow, Michael (for Park & Rec. Comm.) re: acceptance of Burden property ....................................... 41 Feb. 21--BUDGET Public Hearing, etc ............................ 43 " 21--Brockman, Francis L., tax exemption application for Jackson Park property ......................................... 49 " 21--Beurskens, Council Member, re: discussion of sale of FDR Park ................................................. 48 " 21--Bregman, Dr. re: comments about parks & Storybook Hill ..... 49 " 21--Brians, Inc., Class 'C" Beer Permit ....................... 50 " 21--Bluff (419), Petition of Ransdells & David Strom that property be designated as historically & architecturally significant.... 51, 82, 99 Mar 12--Board of Realtors requesting taxing bodies hold line on taxes.. 59 " 12--Bigelow. David E. objecting to Eagle Pt. Park User Fee ....... 59 12--Bishop, John E. objecting to Eagle Pt. Park User Fee ........ 59 12--Budget Publlc Hearing for 1984 .......................... 58-70 " 12--Baumhover, Al, commenting on Bus System ................ 60 " 12--Burden Property, Motion to add additional operating expense for next fiscal year ..................................... 61 " 12--Budget for FY ending 6/30/84, Adopted .................... 62 Mar 14--Board of Electrical Examiners - Ordinances providing for ap- pointments and terms of office ........................... 77 " 14--Bower, Michael P., Class "C" Liquor License and Cigarette Permit ............................................ 79, 207, 405 " 14--Bush, Bruce O., claim ................................... 80 Mar 21--Brehm, John G. & Jean L., Class "B" Beer Permit ........... 86 "21--Baldwin Dr. - request that it be completed, deferred .......... 88 Apr. 4--Bralg, Karla, opinion as to choosing Human Rights Commis- sioners ............................................... 94 4--Bodnar, Ann, opinion as to choosing Human Rights Commis- sioners ............................................... 94 4--Budget, Authorizing public notice of adoption of budget ...... 97 4--Basten, Francis, individual certified by Civ. Service Comm. for Fire Assistant Chief Training Officer ...................... 98 4--Board of Review resignation of James Curoe ................ 98 Apr. 11--Baird, Dr. John, Gave Invocation ......................... 99 " 11--Boys Club Week, Proclamation ........................... 99 " 11--Blaser, Karla, Youth in Government City Clerk ............. 99 " 11--Bush, Robert, reappointed to the Mechanical Bd ............ 104 " 11--Brashaw, Paul, reappninted to the Meehahical Bd ........... 104 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Apr. 11--Boffeli, Gary, Cigarette Permit ........................... 104, 231 Apr. 18--Bicycle Safety Week (Dubuque Optimist), Proclamation ...... 107 Apr. 18--Budget (1983), Publication of Proposed Amendment to same and Date of P. Hearing ................................. 111,120 " 18--Buses, application to UMTA for two replacement ones ....... 111 " 18--Bait Bucket, Class "C" Beer Permit ....................... 115 " 18--Botsford, Judith A. (Old Fashioned Saloon). Class "C" Liquor License .............................................. 116 " 18--Brimeyer, Donald, Class "C" Liquor License and Cigarette Permit .............................................. 116, 207 " 18--Baal, Henry, Claim, Flledanddenled ....................... 117,195 " 18--Bus Operator individuals certified by Civil Service Coronas- sion ................................................. 117 125 2--Basic Services, Rate Increase ete ......................... M,a,y 2--Blocker, John requesting approval of Specialty Shop at 372 Bluff ................................................ 126 " 2--Bhiff St. 1372), designate property as architecturally signifi- cant ............................................. 126, 149, 150 " 2--Bus Operator Civil Service Exam, Petition by several objec- ting to same .......................................... 131 2--Bridge (N/W Arterial) - Acceptance of same ................. 137 May ll--Bus Operator, Suspension by City Mgr. of D. Williams & J. Everts ............................................... 147 May 16--Buddy Poppies Days, Proclamation ....................... 148 " 16--Burlington, Congratulations via proclamation from Dbq. on their Sesquicentennial .................................. 148 ,, 16_Bertsch, Robert, objectingteassessmentforreconstructionof J. F. Kennedy Rd ...................................... 151 ,, 16_Bird Chevrolet Co., objecting to assessment for reconstructinn of J. F. Kennedy Rd .................... ................ 151 " 16--Bonds - Resolution fixing Date on Proposition of Issuance of $1,940,000 G.O. Bonds .............................. 151,169, 261 ,, 16_Baldwin, Michael, acceptanceofconditionsofWestsideComm. park ................................................ 158, 159 " 16--Botsfurd, Wayne & Judy, Cigarette Permit ................. 162 " 16--Beecher Co., Inc. (2 outlets), Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer Permit ............................................... 162 " 16--Barr & F. Enterprises, Inc., Cigarette Permit ............... 162 June 6--Burglary Prevention Month, Proclamation ................. 169 6--Byrne, Bill, requesting passage of Ordinance to reclassify pro- perties east of Radford Read and north of Pennsylvania Ave.. 170 " 6--Bus Stops re: petitlan to utilize as a means of selling advertis- ing for merchants and helping unemployed ................. 181 " 6--Business Licenses, Ordinances clarifying process by which they may be suspended or revoked ........................ 189 6--Busy Bee Cafe, Cigarette Permit ......................... 192 6--Bishops Buffets, Inc., Cigarette Permit .................... 192 6--Bus Depot (Union), Cigarette Permit ...................... 193 6--Brldge Restaurant & Lounge, Cigarette Permit ............. 193 6--Bethany Home submitting Annual Audit .................. 195 6--Buddy's, (by James T. Clark) refund for Liquor License ....... 196 20--Bonds (Ind. Development Revenue) for Frommelt Partnership Project .............................................. 198, 234 20--Baum, William J., Cigarette Permit and Liquor License ....... 206, 327 20--Birkett, James J., Cigarette Permit and Liquor License ....... 206, 232 20--Blalle, Joseph F., Cigarette Permit and Liquor License ....... 206, 435 20--Bakeland Donut ShoPs, Cigarette Permit~ ................. 20--Botsford, Wayne & Judy, Cigarette Permit ................. 20--Barton, Rebert, Cigarette Permit ......................... 20--Bauer, Daniel, Cigarette Permit .......................... 20--Burchette, Carol, Cigarette Permit ........................ 20--Bakeland Donut Shops, Cigarette Permit .................. 20--Bertjens, Thomas J., Cigarette Permit ..................... 20--Bitter, Attorney Joe. re: Jed Kiebel and requesting remedy for filling Bus Driver positions .............................. 210 207 207 207 207 207 207 210 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page June20--Bus Driver positions being filled, request for remedy. 210 July 5--Bradley St. re: 1983 Asphalt Paving Project ................ 219 5--Binff St. (Lower) re: Historic Preservation District .......... 224, 304 5--Block Grant Funds ..................................... 226-228 5--Bennett, Dave, appointed to Civic Center Commission ....... 229 5--Brockman, Ruth, appointed to Historic Pres. Commission .... 229 5--Beall, Elizabeth, applicant for Library Bd .................. 259 5--Buelow, Michael, appointed to Park & Rec. Corem ........... 230 5--Been, Richard, appointed to Park & Rec. Corem ............. 230 5--Bastlan, Sue, appointed to Park & Rec. Corem .............. 230 5--Blodgett, Brian, appointed to TV Cable Regulatory Commis- sion ................................................. 231 5--Bertolini, Angelina A., Cigarette Permit; Class "C' Liquor Li- cense ................................................ 231, 425 5--Brown, Wm. C. Publishing., Cigarette Permit ............... 231 July 18--Bernal, Brenda, objecting to Eagle Pt. Park vehicle entry fee.. 243 " 18--Brown, Lynn Marie, objecting to Eagle Pt. Park vehicle entry fee .................................................. 243 " 18--Breitbach, Shelly, objecting to Eagle Pt. Park vehicle entry fee .................................................. 243 " 18--Burden Property, acceptance of the Deed .................. 251 " 18--Burden Property, Designation as "Four Mounds." . ......... 252 " 18--Burden Property, Annexation ............................ 253 " 18--Burden Proper ty, Annexing Cer rain Territory .............. 254 " 18--Burd, Dale, Claim, Denial ............................... 256, 393 " 18--Bertsch, Gregory re: Proposed By-Pass .................... 257 Aug 1--Bechan, Sam, request help in completing asphalt streets for Embassy West & Ambassador Ct ........................ 262, 300 1--Blum, Wm., submitting proposal for Joint Legal Staff. ....... 262 1 --Blocklinger, T.J. re: Cedar Cross Highway Project ........... 271 Aug Il--Brewery Project - Ind. Devel. Revenue Bonds ............... 273, 277 " 11--Bonds - Brewery Project ................................ 273,277 Aug 15--Black Grant Documents - Authorizing Publication of Notice of Availability for Public Inspection ......................... 287 " 15--Block Grant Agreement lCD) with HUD, Authorized, (Jobs Bill) ................................................. 288, 299 " 15--Bonds, Issuance of $1,940,000 General Obligatinn ........... 288-295 " 15--Braun, Steve, appointed to Bal. of Elec. Examiners ........... 296 " 15--Barrell Tap, Class "C" Liquor License ..................... 298 " 15--Bainbridge, J.R. Class "C" Liquor License ................. 298 ') 15--Bowman, Dwaine D. Class "C' Liquor License and Cigarette Permit ............................................... 298, 391 " 15--Bar, The, Class "C" Liquor License ....................... 298 " 15--Beecher, Jeff, Claim; Dehial ............................. 298,328 " 15--Bhim, Attorney Wm., advising appeal by Area Res. Care has been dismissed ........................................ 298 " 15--Bait Bucket, Refund on Cigarette License .................. 299 " 15--Bridge (Jullen Dbq.) Ia. DOT notifying of repainting and clean- ing ete ............................................... 299 Se,pt. 6--Bibla Week, Proclamation ............................... 304 6--Blare, Al, questioned rezoning of 15th & Ehn Streets ......... 306 6--Ball Park Complex ICh. Schmitt Is.), Fencing Project ......... ........................................ 309, 310, 349, 350, 411 6--Black, Wm. M., development of museum ................... 313 6--Burlington Northern RR Co. - transfer of easements ete ....... 313 6--Bernal, Brenda, et all, petitioning for removal of vehicle entry fee .................................................. 313 6--B~rter of Dubuque, Inc., Class "B" Beer Permit ............. 327 6--Brooks, Thelma, Denial of Claim .......................... 328 Sept 26-Brown, Wm. C., issuance of Ind. Devel. Revenue Bonds ....... ................................. 333, 337, 358, 359, 397, 399, 401 " 26--Bonds (Ind. Devel. Revenue~ for Wm. C. Brown Co., Issuance.. ................................. 333-337, 358, 359, 397, 399-401 "26--Busch, Janet M., appointed to Housing Code Appeals Bd ..... 345 "26--Bottoms, Thonms, Claim; Clased ......................... 347,405 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Sept 26--Blum, Attorney advising of Stipulation of Settlement of Ap- peals to the Dis. Court of various properties owned by the City. Oct. 3--Blaachers, Conversion of Existing ones at Five Flags Civic Oct. 347 to Electrical Operation .......................... 351,352, 375, 376 3--Blum, Attorney, re: Stay as Corporation Counsel for time be- ing .................................................. 354 3--Blum, Attorney, re: Noise Complaint of Harold Helbing ...... 354 3--Burkholder, Michael, Claim, Closed ....................... 355,415 17--Bonds, - Issuance for Martin Luther Home Project .......... 362, 363 17--Budget Amendment request for Airport unbudgeted projects. 364 17--Bradley, Merlin & Dorothy, property condemned for Airport.. 364 17--BIF, a Div. of General Signal Controls, Inc. of West Warwick, RH, awarded contract for Computer Directed Information & Control System ........................................ 365 " 17--Black Grant Projects (CD), Publication of Environmental Find- ings ................................................. 367 " 17--Bainbridge, J.R., Class "C" Liquor License ................. 370 " 17--Bitter, Joe (Attorney) on behalf of John M. & Sharon K. Ginter, Suit ................................................. 371 17--Bitter, Joe (Attorney) on behalf of James Timmerman, Suit... 371 17--Bird, Dale & Jean L., Claim .............................. 371 17--Bergfeld, Janice, Denial of Claim ......................... 371 17--Bahl, Michael, Denial of Claim ........................... 371 17--Becket, Thomas J., Denial of Claim ....................... 371 17--Bush, Bruce, Denial of Claim ............................. 371 17--Brimeyer, Edward & Gladys, (Thru Attorney Naughten) threatening claim against Human Rights Commission ........ 371 " 17--Backes, Ronald J., Closing of Claim ....................... 371 " 17--Budget Public Hearings by City Mgr., Summaries ........... 372 Nov. 7--Block Grant - Filing of a Program Statement for CD ......... 384 7--Butler, Peter D., Claim .................................. 392 7--Bertjens, Thomas, Closing of Claim ....................... 393 7--Bergman, Milton & Dorenda, Settlement of Suit ............. 393 7--Bernal, Brenda, Fourth Ward Finalist in Primary ............ 394 7--Bradley Ltd., property, City Assessor submitting Stipulation of Settlement of Appeal to District Court .................. 395 Nov. 21--Burbach, Carl (& Dennis Kitchen), approving zoning reclassification, PUD designation & Preliminary Development review for property north of Asbury & west of Bonson! Asbury .............................................. 399, 418 " 21--Bluff St., consideration of bsing a "through" street .......... 403 Dec. 5--Beyer Aviation et vs. City Airport Commission, submitting "Complaint to Recover Money or Property & Motion for Con- tempt" as filed before Bankruptcy Court ................... 415 Dec. 19--Brooks, Rev. John, Gave Invocation ...................... 417 " 19--Bertsch, Robert, requesting favorable consideration for rezon- lng for Burbach ........................................ 418 " 19--Bauer, James E., Class "C" Liquor License ................. 435 " 19--Budget Request for Retired Senior Volunteer Program ....... 436 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Jan. 3--City Council, Regular Session ............................ 1 " 3--City Manager (W. Kenneth Gearhart), officially appointed .... 1 3--Corporation Counsel & Legal Staff, officially appointed ....... 1 3--City Clerk (Mary A. Davis), officially appointed ............. 1 3--Chaplnin Schraitt Memorial Island Subcommittee (Of Dock Comm.) Submitting Minutes: ............................ 7, 105 3--Chicago & N/W Transportation Co. giving Quit Claim Deed for property in 32nd St. area ................................ 6 3--Corps of Engineers submitting Notice of Report on Miss. River Navigation System adequate mooring facilities ............. 7 3--Civil Aeronautics Bd. submitting Notice of Ozark Air Lines, & Republic Airlines, Inc. re: Federal Aviation Act ............. 8 3--Compton, James, expressing interest in getting on H. Rights Corem ............................................... 8 Jan. 10--City Council, Special Session ............................. 9 10--Crescent Ridge, Cedar Cross Rd., Starlite Dr. & Crescent Ct. -objection by Mr. Polaean for street, sewer & water etc ........ 9 Jan. 17--City Council, Speciai Session ............................. 14 " 17--Children's Dental Health Month, Proclamation ............. 14 " 17--Carew, Attorney Allen, stating opinion on official newspaper for City .............................................. 14 " 17--Central Ave. - changing of parklng meter time between Main & Central .............................................. 15 " 17--CABLE TELE-PROGRAMMING COMM. SUBMITTING MINUTES: ............. 17, 80, 144, 194, 210, 270, 327, 347, 392, 415 " 17 --Connony, Ann C., Clalm ................................. 17 " 17--ClaimsformonthofNovember, 1982, proofofpublication ..... 17 " 17--Catholic Mother's Study Club objecting te fees for Eagle point Park ................................................. 18 " 17--Comm. Devsi. Block Grant application re: change in entitle- ment ................................................ 18 "17--Crescent Ridge traffic count ............................. 18 "17--COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION SUB- MITTING MINUTES: 17, 51, 80, 163, 194, 210, 298, 327, 357 " 17--City Mgr.'s response to questions of A. polaean ............. 19 Jan. 28--City Council, Special Session ............................. 21 " 28--ChavenelleRd.,Extension, re:relocationofJeld-Wen ........ 21 Feb. 7--City Council, Regular Session ............................ 25 7--Chi, Esther, Chair of H. Rights Corem, report on Yarger Report ............................................... 27 7--Cable TV Services re: authorizing solicitation for requests for proposals from qualified consultants re: Rate Increase for Group W ............................................. 27 7--Cedar Cross Location Study by Brice, Petrides & Associates, re: given authorization .................................. 27 7--Cedar Cross Extension to the SW ByPass, Motion made (not passed) to change designation on documents ................ 27 7--Cedar Cross Extension Corridor Location Study with Brice, Petrides & Associates, Inc., Contract for Professional Services. 28 7--Cedar Cross Extension Location re: Authorizing approval of Project Agreement No. 82-F-052 with Ia. DOT for Preliminary Engrg. & EnvironmentalAssessment otc .................. 28 7--CD Block Grant Project re: Publication of Notice of En- vironmental Review Findings ............................ 32 7--CD Block Grant Documents re: Publication of Notice of Availability for Public Inspection of Annual Performance Report ...... ~ · ....................................... 32 "7--Civic Center Commission appointment of Robert Hammel for unexpired term which will expire 6-29-83 ................... 33 7--Clancy, Rita M., Class "C" Liquor License and Cigarette Permit ............................................... 34, 207 " 7--Council Proceedings (Printed) for Oct. & Nov., approved ...... 35 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Feb. 7--CABLE REGULATORY COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: .............. 35, 80, 97, 144, 194, 210, 270, 327, 371, 392 " 7--CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION SUBMITTING MIN- UTES: 35, 80, 144, 210, 256, 327, 355, 435 " 7--Christensen, David, Claim, Denial ........................ 35, 97 " 7--Committee - request by Grant Co. to form same for naming new Hwy. 151 Bridge ................................... 35 " 7--C.D. Block Grant Entitlement funds for FY 1983, HUD acknowledging receipt of City's Submission ................ 36 7--County IDbq.) requesting suspension of taxes for one individual ............................................ 36 7--CIP - Budget - presented by City Mgr ..................... 36 7--CIVIC CENTER COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: ........................... 35, 97, 163, 194, 256, 298, 327, 371,392 7--Claims for month of Dec., Proof of publication .............. 36 7--Commendation by Council Member Hammel on union settle- ment, thus keeping Budget in line ......................... 36 Feb. 14--City Council, Special Session ............................. 38 ' 14--Connoily, Ann C., withdrawal of claim ..................... 39 " 14--Code Supplement No. 16, Adopted ........................ 40 " 14--Comm. Development Block Grant Agreement with HUD, Ex- ecution of Same ....................................... 40 " 14--Clark, Thereon- Airport Mgr. - re: revising Airport fees: ...... 41 " 14--Comm. Development Block Grant Agreement with HUD in amount of $927,000 for calendar year of 1983 ............... 41 Feb. 21--City Council, Special Session ............................. 43 "21--Community Development Block Grant Funds, Publication of Notice of Public Hearing for use of same ................... 44 ,, 21_C.D. Staff and City Mgr. submitting Urban Revitalization Tax Exemption filed and requesting approval .................. 48 "21--Calts Drum & Bugle Corps. Pres. Ron Gantz, commenting on cost of keeping parks open and possible sale of FDR Park... 49 " 21--Children's Zoo Corem. member Randy Judge re: needing same kind of park/facility for zoo .............................. 49 " 21--Cartigny, Roger L., tax exemption application .............. 49 "21--Catholic Mother's Study Clubs protesting $1 Vehicle fee to enter Eagle Point Park .................................. 51 Feb. 28--City Council, Specini Session ............................. 53 "28--Chaplain Schmitt Harbor - Work Session after Council Meeting .............................................. 54 Mar. 7--City Council, Regular Session ............. ~ ............. 55 Mar. 12--City Council, Special Session ............................. 56 " 12--Community Development - Proof of publication, of Notice of P. Hearing for purpose of obtaining view of residents for Budget. 58, 60 " 12--Capital Improvement Budget - Notice of Hearing (Proof) ...... 59, 60 " 12--CD Dept., Public Hearing on Budget ...................... 59 " 12--Crimmins, Mary, objecting to Eagle Pt. Park User Fee,; comments on Airport Hangar ............................ 59 " 12--Chamhar of Commerce, Motion designated $30,000 to Economic Devel ....................................... 60 " 12 --CouncilMember Salariee, Raised .................. 61,69,70,85,95 12--Capital Improvement Program, Adoption .................. 62 12--Code of Ia. requested change by Dbq. Conference Bd. re: Tax Collection problem ..................................... 70 Mar. 14--City Council, Regular Adjourned Session ................. 71 14--Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer Project ........... 73-75, 100, 136, 137 14--Contract with Project Concern for Minibuses ............... 76 " 14--Chaplain Schmltt Mem. Island, Zoning .................... 76, 77 " 14--Council Proceedings for month of Dec., approved as printed... 80 " 14--Claims for month of Jan., proof of publication ............... 80 Mar. 21--City Council, Special Session ............................. 82 ,, 21.~Chaplaln Schmitt Mem. Island, application for matching funds for development ....................................... 85 A,p,r. 4--City Council, Regular Session ............................ 89 4--"Cancer Control Month", Proclamatinn .................... 89 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Apr. 4--Cherioli, Ethel, in support of Clarence Duffy on H. Rights Corem ............................................... 94 4--Carr, Richard. questioned specifics of Human Rights appoint- ments ............................................... 94 4--Crawford, Murray, objected to racial names in C. Duffy's newsletter ......................................... ;.. 94 4--Claims for month of February, 1983, Proof of publication ..... 97 4--Civil Service certifying Fire Dept. Promotional Listing for Assistant Chief Training Officer .......................... 98 4--Curoe, James P., resignation from City Bd. of Review ........ 98 4--Cable TV (Group W), Financial Report, for 1982 ............. 98 4--Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer Project, specific questions by Dr. Wm. Neumeister ................................... 98 Apr. 11--City Council, Special Session ............................. 99 " 11--Certificate of City Clerk stating notices were mailed to proper, ty owners for Cres. Ridge San. Sewer Project, Phase II ....... 100 " II--Coach House, questioned by Dr. Neumeister why sewer wouldn't extend that far ................................ 100 Il--Clark, Mrs. Maude objecting to Crescent Ridge San. Sewer Project, Phase II, assessment ............................ 100 " 11--Council Meeting dates changed back te twice a month, beginn- lng May .............................................. 104 Apr. 18--City Council, Special Session ............................. 107 " 18--Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island, Dock Chairperson giving report on same ........................................ 113 ' 18--Clarke Drive & Madison Hiil Corner, petition for stop sigu .... 113,138 " 18--CityIsland, solicitcompetitiveproposalsonbasisofqua]ityof attractiveness of a master on plan and capacity of developer to carryit out ........................................... 113 ' 18--Community Development Block Grant Project, authorizing publication of Notice of Environmental Review Findings ...... 114 " 18--Cni-De-Sac Construction re: notice of Environmental Review Findings for Certain C.D. Projects ........................ 114 " 18--Chi, Esther, appointment to Mayor's Task Force on Human Rights ............................................... 115 " 18--Civil Service Commission certifying list for Bus Operator positions ............................................. 117 M,a,y 2--City Council, Regular Session ............................ 1 I9 2--Child Abuse Prevention Month, Proclamation .............. 119 " 2--Clark. Gary, objecting to increase in Cable TV Rates ......... 125 " 2--Cable Television Subscriber Rates - Public Hearing - Discus- sions, Objections, Adoption ............................. 125, 160 2--Conditional Use Provisions of OR-1 Office Residential District, amendment ........................................... 129 2--Conditinnal Use Permit - Amendment to Section 6-106.5 Condi- tions & Restriction ..................................... 130 2--Civil Service Examination for Bus Operator .... Petitions concerning same ....................................... 131 2--Coalition for Human Rights, Petition of Kevin Magee ........ 131 2--Cable Televisions service, Ordinance prohibiting misappropria- tion ................................................. 131. 159 2--Capital Improvement & Renovation project (UDAG) - FDL Foods ............................................... 134 2--Community Development Block Grant Projects, Request for Release of funds for Dbq. Ind. Center West Cni-De-Sac Con- structinn ............................................. 135 2--Cul-De-Sac Construction (West) - Dubuque Ind. Center ....... 135 2--Compensation Package for Nonbargaining Unit Employees... Adoption ............................................. 142 2--Comm. Development BG Funds - HUD advising of allocation for "Jobs Biils". ...................................... 145 2--Cul-De-Sac Construction Project for Dbq. Ind. Center - No Significant Effect on Environment. Notice ................. 145 May 11--City Council, Special Session ............................. 147 May 16--City Council, Special Session ............................. 148 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page May 16--Congratulations to Burlington fram Dubuque on their Ses- quicentenninl Year ..................................... 148 " 16--Conservatinn Commission (Ia. State), Lease Agreement with City for E. B. Lyons Nature Preserve ...................... 149 " 16--Chew, Patrick C. & Nancy L., objecting to reconstruction of JFK Road ............................................ 151 " 16--Chicago NW RR Crossing- reconstruction of Peru Rd. at same. ................................. : ...... 152, 153, 175, 176, 247 " 16--Cable Car Square Assn. requesting to place planters in the 4th St. Cable Car Square Area ............................... 153 " 16--Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Park &Rec. Complex, Accepting a Project Agreement for Federal Financial Assistance through Land & Water Conservation Funds ....................... 154 " 16--Chaplain Schinitt Island Development Documents & Lease Option Agreement ..................................... 154 " 16--Cable Television Subscriber Rates, Change in Ordinance ...... 160 " 16--C,K. of Dubuque, Inc., Cigarette Permit ................... 162 " 16--Cremer Grocery Co., Cigarette Permit, Class "C" Beer Permit. 162 " 16--Curran, Velma, Cigarette Permit ......................... 162 " 16--Canfield Hotel, Inc., Cigarette Permit ..................... 162 "16--Caitham, Thomas S., Claim .............................. 163 " 16--Claims for month of March, Proof of publication ............. 163 " 16--Chamber of Commerce submitting quarterly report for third quarter of 1982-1983 ................................... 164 " 16--Commissinner of Insurance cer tifylng Merchants Bonding Co. (Mutual) is authorized to transact appropriate business of Fidelity & Surety Ins. in the State .................. ~ ..... 164 " 16--C.D. Director position, request by Dr. Neumeister that same not be filled ........................................... 165 June 6--City Council, Regular Session ............................ 169 6--Conditional Use Permit - Ordinance changing modification of condition or restriction under which permit is granted ........ 173 6--Conditinnal Use Permits, re: Historical or Architectually Significant Structures .................................. 174 6--Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island Irrigation System... con- structinn project ............................... 180, 222, 223, 341 6--Cable Car Square Assn. requesting to place planters in the 4th St. Cable Car Square area ............................... 181,182 6--Collection Accounts re: collect delinquent refuse accounts ..... 184 6--Corell, Mary, delinquent refuse account; delinquent sewer account .............................................. 185 6--County Auditor, delinquent refuse and sewer accounts cer~ tiffed for collection ..................................... 185 " 6--Cats, updating rabies vaccination requirements ............. 191 " 6--Casey's General Store, Cigarette Permit ................... 192 " 6--Creslanes Bowling, Inc., Cigarette Permit and Liquor License. .................................................... 192, 209 " 6--Chateau, The, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .............................................. 192, 194 " 6--Cummings, Florence, Settlement of Claim .................. 195 " 6--Claims for April, Proof of publication ...................... 195 " 6--Civff Service certifying list of Entrance Level Firefighters ..... 196 " 6--Clark, James T., refund on Liquor License .................. 196 " 6--Civff Aeronautics Bd. re: Application of American Central Airlines, Inc. for certificate of Public Convenience and necessi- ty for interstate and overseas Air Transportation ............ 196 June 20--City Council, Special Session ............................. 198 " 20--Chamber of Commerce - Purchase of Services Agreement with City ................................................. 201 " 20--Conventinn & Visitor's Bureau, Agreement Covering Same ete. 201 " 20--CD "Emergency Jobs Bill" funds with Hud- application ...... 202 " 20--Community Development Block Grant, Filing of Program Statement ............................................ 203, 271 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page June 20--CD Block Grant Projects, Publication of Notice of Environ- ment. Review Findings ................................. 203 20--Code Supplement No. 17 adopted ......................... 204 20--City Clerk Mary Davis Evaluation set out .................. 206 20--Corporatiun Counsel Harley Stark evaluation set out ......... 206 20--City Manager W. Kenneth Gearhart evaluation set out ....... 206 20--Cecbett, Earl F., Cigarette Permit and Beer Permit .......... 206, 290 20--Clarke College, Cigarette Permit .......................... 207 20--Councff Proceedings for February, approved ................ 209 20--Closed Session ................................ 211,300, 357, 408 June 25--City Council, Special Session ............................. 212 " 25--Contracts for City Appointed Staff (Gearhart, Stark) ........ 212 June 29--City Council, Special Session ............................. 213 "29--Contracts for Council Appointed Staff (Gearhart, Stark) ...... 213 July 4--City Council, Regular Session ............................ 215 Ju,!y 5--City Councff, Regular Adjourned Session .................. 216 5--Cheney Road from Penn. Ave. to Hillcrest, 1983 Asphalt Pay. Project .............................................. 219 5--Clarke Drive, 1983 Asphalt Paving Project ................. 219 5--Compten, James, appointed to Human Rights Commission .... 229 5--Charchill, Tom, applicant for TV Cable Regulatory Connn ..... 230 5--Cox, Chad, applicant for Park & Rec. Commission ........... 230 5--Cable TV Regulatory Commission appointments of Wm. Ternent and Douglas Hflby .............................. 230 5--Cable TV Teleprogramming Commission appointments of Brian Blodgett, Jim Meek and M. Lark Underwood .......... 231 5--Capital Tobacco Co., Cigarette Permit ..................... 231 5--Councff Proceedings approved as printed for March .......... 232 5--Community Development Projects, Proof of publication of Notice of Finding of No Significant Effect .................. 233 July 18--City Council, Special Session ............................. 234 " 18--Computer Directed Information & Control System Project (for Water Division) ............................... 242, 259, 260, 364 "18--Chamber of Commerce - Approving an Agreement for Economic Development Services as Administrative Agent for an Economic Development Steering Committee ............. 244 " 18--Cart, Tim, re: Alternate No. i for preference of improvement. 249 " 18--Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island - Resolution amending Res. No. 144-83 to revise Submission Deadline & other dates ....... 250 " 18--Court Officer Deed to Four Mounds ....................... 251,252 " 18--Civic Center Commission - Ordinance changed to have mem- hers for 3 Year Terms ................................... 254 " 18--ChamberofCommerce, Class"B"BeerPermitandrofund .... 256,299 " 18--Community Devalopment Director re: Snit of T-H concerning. " 18--Commercial Recreation District - re: Draft of proposal re: rezoning of Schmitt Island ...................... 257, 283, 306, 308 " 18--Center Grove Bridge, re: complaint @ overhanging branches.. 258 A,u,g 1--City Council, Regular Session ............................ 259 1--Continental Ill. NB & T & Assoc. ~ G.O. Bond issue awarded to them ................................................ 261 " 1--Corporatinn Counsel position, re: authorization to advertise an interim joint legel Counsal ............................ 262 1 --Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island, report on Soil Conditions. 262 1--CD Loan Program - re: Application for Jald-Wen Relocation. .................................................... 263 1--Contract with Touche, Ross & Co. for Cable Rate Analysis .... 268 1--Cable Rate Analysis, Contract with Touche, Ross & Co ....... 268 1--City Funds, re: Ordinance providing for Daffy Deposits ....... 269 1 --Columbkffle's Church ISt.~, Class "B" Beer Permit and refund. 270, 347 1--Certification re: U.S. Dept. of Interior approving Dbq. Historic Preservation Ordinance ................................. 271 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Aug 1--Cedar Cross Hwy. Project re: comments by T. J. Blocklinger. 1--61~s'i~r'f~-'r;~i~i~'~i'ii~io~i ~i~a.' '.'.','.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 1--Civil Service Comm. certifying Wm. T. Miller for position of Fire Chief. ........................................... Aug 11--City Council, Special Session ............................. Aug 15--City Council, Special Session ............................. 271 271 272 273 278 " 15--Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island, - change in Zoning, to provide for CR Commercial Recreation District ......... 283, 306, 308 ,, 15--CR Commercial Rec. District, adding to Code ............... 283,284 " 15--Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island - Zoning Change from HI to 284 " 15--Correctional Services Dept. - requesting rezoning of property at E. 15th & Elm Streets .................... 284, 300, 306, 337,413 ,, 15_Canopy request for D & D What Not at 1266 Central ......... 285,286 " 15--Calandar Year 1982 Grantee Performance Report, Notice of Availability ........................................... 287 " 15--CD Block Grant Documents, Publication of Notice of Availability ........................................... 287 " 15--CD Block Grant Jobs Bill Agreement with HUD; application 297 " " ' ' n e 298 " 15--CueMaster, Class C L~quorL .................... " 15--Coyle, Mary, Claim ..................................... 298 " 15--Catimllc Mothers Study Club requesting no collection of vehicle entry fee at Eagle Point Park in August ............. 299 , 15--Carthew, Dennis, refund request for Cigarette Permit ........ 299 " 15--Claims for June, Proof of publication ...................... 299 " 15--City Development Board - final for annexation of "Four 3OO Mounds" ............................................. Sept 5--City Council, Regai~ar Scesion ............................ 303 Se,pt 6_City Council, Adjourned Regular Session .................. 304 6--Chaplain Schmizt Memorial Island Park & Rec. Complex, Ballficids Perimetor Fence ................... 309, 310, 349, 350, 411 6--Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island Marker designation, dis- cussion eto ........................................... 312, 364 6--Clarke College Beer Permit Transferred .................... 326 6--Civil Constructors, Inc. - Claim by Parkson Corp ............ 328 6-- Cedar Rapids Telavision Co., requesting FCC to deny KDUB- TV's request for continued nondupllcation service ........... 329 6--Certificate of Public Convenience submitted by American Cen- tral Airlines ........................................... 329 " 6--City Development Board re: Annexation of Iowa National Guard property approved ............................... 329 6--Civil Service Commission certifying list of Police Entrance in- dividuals ............................................. 330 332 Sept 14--City Council, Special Session ............................. Sept 26--City Council, Special Session ............................. 333 " 26--Cedar Cross Transportation Project - Selecting an Alignment for Comprehensive Environmental Assessment Study ........ 338 " 26--Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island Park & Rec. Complex, Grading, Drainage & Roadway Base... Completion of Project. .................................................... 340, 341 " 26--Chl, Esther, clarified specifics of Mayor's Task Force on H. Rights Commission .................................... 342 "26--CivllConstructors, Inc., Suit ............................. 347 " 26--Colligan, Daniel M. & Mary V., Claim ...................... 347 ,, 26--Cross, Anita, Claim, Denial .............................. 347,371 ,, 26_Clauer, Garry F., Claim, Dismissal ........................ 347,405 " 26--Corpe of Engineers re: Decre's applied for continued maintenance dredging .................................. 348 ,, 26_Cable Regulatory Comm. resignation of Sr. Janet Dolphln ..... 348 Oct. 3--City Council, Regular Session ............................ 349 " 3--Convecalon of Bleachers to Electrical Operation at Five Flags. ................................................ 351, 375, 376 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Oct. 3--Central Market Permit Fees, Clarification (By Ord.) ......... 353 3--Corporation Counsel appointment - Discussion .............. 354 Oct. 8--City Council, SpecialSession ............................. 357 Oct. 17--City Council, Special Session ............................. 358 " 17--Clark, Thereon (Airport Mgr.) requesting to proceed with con- denmation of Bradley property ........................... 364 " 17--Condenmation 0f BradleY Proper ty - Airport ................ 364 , 17--CommunityDevciopmentBlockGrantProjects, publicationof Environmental Findings ................................ 367 " 17--Code Supplement No. 18, adopted ........................ 369 " 17--Churchill, Tom, applicant for TV Cable Reg. Commission ..... 369 " 17--Cable TV Regulatory Commission appointment of Mark J. Wlllging ............................................. 369, 370 17--Cock'nBull, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License ................. 370 " 17--Council Proceedings, approved as printed for May ........... 371 " 17--Caitham, Thomas S., Denini of Claim ...................... 371 17--Callahan, Helen A,, Denial of Claim ....................... 371 17--Cornish, Louis, Closing of Claim .......................... 371 Nov. 7--City Council, Regular Session ............................ 375 7--Creecent Ridge, petition for replacement of tile .............. 380 7--CD Block Grant, Authorizing the filing of Program Statement. 384 7--CD Block Grant Projects, Authorizing submission for request for release of funds ..................................... 385 7--CD Loan Program Application for Area Residential Care Project .......................................... 387, 388, 427 7--CD Loan Program Application for Airport Office Building Construction ......................................... 388, 427 7--Confidentiality in Closed Sessions, Discussed ............... 391 7--Conference Board Submitting Minutes .................... 392 7--CD Projects, No Significant Effect on Environment, Proof .... 393 7--City Primary Election Results ........................... 394 7--Chicago, NW Trans. Co., filed before ICC a proposal to acquire Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific RR ................. 395 7--Commercial Rec. offering for Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island ............................................... 395 7--Cedar Rapids TV re: KDUB-TV proceedings ................ 395 Nov 21--City Council, Special Session ............................. 397 " 21--Cedar Cross Road, Property south, rezoning from AG to C-7. ................................................ 398, 399, 417 " 21 --Central & 12th St., removal of stop sign, discussed ........... 403 "21--Century Plaza Res., Inc., Cigarette Permits; Class "C" Liquor License .............................................. 404, 405 "21--Cable Tel~Programming, Human Services Subcommittee., submitting Minutes .................................... 405 "21--CD Block Grant Program, Proof of publication on Notice of Env. Review Proc ...................................... 406 "21--City of Dubuque General Election Results .................. 407 " 21--Churchill, Tom, writo in votes listed ....................... 408 Dec. 5--City Council, Regular Session ............................ 409 5--Citlcerp. Inc. Credit Inc., Intercreditor Ageeemont with UDAG Grant Agreement ............................... 409 5--Carport construction request by A. Kerkenbush on city alley. 411 5--Contributions Contract, Execution of Annual, 25 Units Sec. 8 Funds ............................................... 412 5--Capltal Grant Project, 2 replacement Keyline Minibuses ...... 412 5--Cable TV - Touche Ross Report, Rate Increase .............. 413, 424 5--Clarke College, Class "B" Beer Permit ..................... 414 5--Council Proceedings of June, approved as printed ........... 414 5--Complaint to Recover Money or Property & "Motion for Contempt" as filed before Bankruptcy Ct. re: BEYER AVIA- TION ................................................ 415 Dec. 19--City Council, Special Session ............................. 417 " 19--County Conservation Society, Extension of Lease Agreement for River View Park .................................... 431 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Dec. 19--Code Supplement No. 19, adopted ........................ 433 19--Cable Regulatory Commission re: recommendations re: Cable Rate Increase request .................................. 434 19--Crane Enterprises, Inc., Cigarette Permit; Class "C' Liquor License .............................................. 434, 435 19--Ciaims for Oct., Proof ................................... 436 19--City Island Bridge, Iowa DOT notifying of wing dam con- struction ............................................. 437 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Jan. 3--Davis, Mary A. appointed officially and sworn in as City Clerk. 1,2 " 3--Don's Transmission, affect on business by new NonConform- ing Uses Zoning Ordinance .............................. 2 " 3--Deich, Council Member, submitting report on National League of Cities meeting. ...................................... 7 Jan. 10--Dniton, Father John, giving invocation .................... 9 Jan. 17--Dubuque Advertiser, discussion for official newspaper ....... 14 17--Dubuque Typographical Union, wishing that T-H be designated as official newspaper .......................... 14 " 17 --DOT (Ia.) Execution of Agreement on Right-of-Way Assurance Statement ............................................ 15 17--Dubuque Marina water requested for use for ice skating etc. by Winter Wonderland .................................... 20 Jan. 28--Dubuque Industrial Center - 2nd Phase, granting approval for Jeldwen relocation on Chavenelle Rd. extension ............. 21 "28--Dittemore, Daniel, of Chamber of C., requesting Council to proceed with Phase II of Dbq. Ind. Center improvement ...... 21 " 28--Dubuque In Futuro, Inc. requesting approval of Amendment to Frommelt Land Purchase contract ...................... 22 Feb. 7--DeLaney, Dan, Mgr. of Group W Cable, requesting rate increase .............................................. 27 7--Dubuque Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency and City of Dubuque Five Year Operating Agreement .................. 30 7--Dubuque Industrial Center, Phase II, publication of Environ- mental Assessment Review Finding ....................... 31, 32 7--Duffy, Clarence, appointed to 3 year term on Human Rights Commission .......................................... 33 7--Dean, Raymond. case dismissed .......................... 35 7--December reports of Treasurer & Finance Director. & Claims. 36 7--Dorweller, Delos, requesting enactment of Noise Ordinance... 36 7--Dubuque County Requesting tax suspension for individual in need ................................................. 36 Feb. 21--Dubuque Industrial Center Associated Sewer/Water Services Fac'dlties Project, acceptance of same ..................... 47 " 21--Dubuque In Futuro - approval of finni piat of property owned by them .............................................. 47 " 21--Dubuque Industrial Center First Addition - Approving Plat of Subdivision of Lot 1 .................................... 47 " 21--DOT (Ia.) notification of wing dam repair on Mississippi ...... 51 Mar 12--Dubuque Federation of Labor objecting to Eagle Point Park User Fee ............................................. 59 " 12--Dock Dept. Public Hearing at '84 Budget Adoption .......... 60 " 12--Development Services Public Hearing at '84 Budget Adoption. 60 " 12--Dog License Fee, Ordinance changed raising same ........... 66 " 12--Dubuque Conference Bnard requesting change in Code of Iowa to correct a property tax collection problem ................ 70 Mar 14--December Council Proceedings approved as printed .......... 80 Mar 21--Dubuque Industrial Center and Associated Sewer/Water Service Facilities, rescinding of Resolutions 37-83 & 38-83 ..... 84 " 21--Development of Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Park . . . Sub- mission of a request for Funds for Development under the Land and Water ConservaU~on Fund Program ............... 85 " 21--Duffy, Clarence - petition of Classie Hoyle to remove same from the Human Rights Commission; other discussion ....... ............................................... 87, 94, 95, 145 " 21--Donovan, Ward, - City Manager denying petition re: parking on 19th St ............................................ 87 A,p,r. 4--Dix, Rev. Wm., opinion as to racial jokes ................... 94 4--Dubuque Art Association, Class "C" Beer & Wine License .... 96 4--DOCK COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: ......... .......................... 97, 105, 163, 270, 298, 327, 355, 392, 435 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Apr. 11--Domeyer, Nell, Youth in Government Council Member ....... 99 " 11--DeLaney, Dan, Mgr. of Group W., re: Cable Rate Increase(s). .................................................... 103, 125 " 11--Dubuque Pawnbrokers submitting appeal to Council relative to revocation of their license ............................. 103, 109 " 11--Darby, Peter, appointment to Mechanical Board ............ 104 " 11 --Dorweiler, Deloc, in supper t of "Public Safety Director and 911 Emergency Phone No." . ............................... 105 " 11--Dubuque Art Association, Refund on Beer Permit ........... 105 " 11--Dully, Clarence, favorable comment by Val Pins ............. 106 Apr. 18--Dix, Rev. Wm., Gave Invocation ......................... 107 " 18--Dental Hygienists' Recognition Week, Proclamation ......... 107 " 18--Dubuque Optimists Bicycle Safety Week, Proclamation ...... 107 " 18--Dubuque Industrial Center West Cul-De-Sac Construction, Public Notice of No Significant Effect on the Environment .... 113 " 18--Dully, Clarence, re: formation of Mayor's Task Force concern- ing appointments to Human Bights ....................... 115, 131 " 18--Dubuque First China, Inc, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License and Cigarette Permit ................................... 116, 404 " 18--Dauner, Pauline, Suit ................................... 116 May 2--Dubuque County Historical Society requesting approval of designation of property at 372 Bluff as arcMtecturaliy signifi- cant ................................................. 126 2--Dubuque Ind. Center, West Cul-de-Sac Construction - Release of Funds ............................................. 135 2--Dubuque Industrial Center West Cul-de-Sac - Notice of Finding of No Significant Effect on Environment ............ 145 May 16--DubuqueFest (Sesquicentennial}, Proclamation ............. 148 " 16--Developer Designation etc. - Resolution approving minimum requirements criteria etc. for Ch. Schmitt Mem. Island ....... 154 " 16--DB & Q, Cigarette, Permit, Liquor License ................. 162,163 " 16--Dougherty, Barb & Patrick, Cigarette Permit ............... 162 " 16--Dubuque Golf & Country club, Beer & Liquor License and Cigarette Permit ...................................... 163, 206 " 16--DOT, letting guardrail & shoulder paving project on U.S. 52. 164 " 16--Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce, Quarterly raper t ...... 164 June 6--Delinquent accounts certified to Auditor for Sewer & Refuse CoLlection ............................................ 184, 185 6--Dubuque Industriai Center Fourth Addition - Approval of Plat ................................................. 189 6--Dog & Cat, updating rabies vaccination requirements, ate ..... .................................................... 191, 192 6--Daising, Lloyd IChateau), Cigarette Permit; Liquor License... .................................................... 192, 194 6--Deslgn Center, Inc., Cigarette Permit and Liquor License ..... 192, 414 6--Demmer, Mary (El Toro}, Cigarette Permit and Liquor License. ............. ~ ..................................... 193, 298 6--Dubuque Lodge 355 Loyal Order of Moose, Class "A" Liquor License .............................................. 194 6--Dubuque Ind. Center West Cul-de-Sac, Proof of publication of Notice of intent to file a request for release of funds for same. 195 6--Draft EIS for Dodge St. Improvements, revised version ...... 196 6--Dodge St. Improvements, Draft ElS - revised version sub- mitred ............................................... 196 6--Dubuque Golf & Country Cinb, request for fireworks display on July 4 ............................................. 197 June 20~Delinquent Charges for Water Services - Ordinance set out -failed ................................................ 204 " 20--Davis, Mary A. (City Clerk), Evaluation Set out ............. 206 " 20--Dory, Nelda I., Cigarette Permit .......................... 206 " 20--Dubuque Municipal Airport, Cigarette Permit .............. 207 " 20--Dunne, Wm., F., Cigarette Permit ........................ 207 " 20--Dunne, Phyllis Cigarette Permit .......................... 207 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page June20--Dubuque Invitational Softball Tourn., Transfer of Beer Permit ............................................... 208 " 20--DOT (Ia.) re: P. Hearing on improvements to US 20 between Concord St. & U.S. 61 connection ......................... 210 "20--Dodge St. Improvements from Concord to U.S. 61 connection -P. Hearing set by Iowa DOT ............................ 210 July 5--Dock Board - Ordinance delineating power s, membership, Mgr. ate .......................................... 228, 250, 263, 264 5--Duffy, Wm., Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License ...... .................................................... 231, 232 July 18--Deich, Council Member re: Discussion on removal of Park Entry Fees ........................................... 243 " 18--Dix, Wm., objecting to Eagle Pt. Park Vehicle Entry Fees ..... ............... 243, 330, 338, 348 "18--l~'g~ ~or~g ~ev~l~me~t' ~tee;i~g C~: (J.B. Marl- wether} re: City's financial condition ...................... 243 "18--Dock, Concrete Loading fur Mulgrew Authorized ........... 248 " 18--Dodge St. Improvement - Resolution Recommending Alte[- nate I ................................................ 249 " 18--Deed Acceptance for Burden Property ..................... 251 " 18--Draft of propoced Commercial Rec. District fur Schmitt Island. " 18-- let sid alkr irpr ecto rand ewA 258 A ,u,g. 1--Dubuque County Fair Week, Proclamation ................. 259 l--Deposit of City's funds - Daily - Ord. setting out ............. 269 1--Dolan, John J. & Dennis, Cigarette Permit ................. 269 1--Dubuque Historic Pres. Ordinance, US Dept. of Interior - for certification under provisions of Economic Recovery Tax Act. .................................................... 271 1--Dept. of Interior approving Dubuque Historic Preservation Ordinance ............................................ 271 1--Dee, Gosling & Co., Statement of Services for Parking Audit Report ............................................... 271 " 1--Dubuque County Institutional Accounts requesting tax sus- pension .......................................... 271, 299, 328 Aug. 15--D & D What Not, re: Zephyr Aluminum Prod. Constructing Canopy .............................................. 286 " 15--Dohrer, Mary, Claim; Settled ............................ 298,415 " 15--Dept. of Transportation (Ia.) notifying of repainting & repair of Julien Dubuque Bridge ................................. 299 " 15--Dept. of Correction Services petitioning acquisition of city- owned property adjacent to 15th & Elm Streets; (Rezoning)... ............................................ 284, 300, 306, 337 " 15--Dunphy, Fire Chief, submitting Annual Report for 1983 ...... 300 Sept 6--Dubuque Community Access Week, Proclamation ........... 304 " 15--Discontinuatlan of Rehabilitatinn Commission .............. 309,333 " 15--Dubuque County Board of Supervisors, request by S. Hinke to have Council support to them change in license for Hills & Dales ................................................ 311 " 15--Dubuque In Future requesting approvai of Appraisal Findings for pricing of site in Dubuque Industrial Center ............. 311 " 15--Dock Commission Minutes - stating of erroneous minutes re: placement of marker on Chaplain Schmitt Island ............ 312 " 15--Dock Board appointments, delayed ....................... 326 " 15--Dock Board resignation of Michael p. Keegan ............... 328,329 " 15--Development Board (City), notffying approval of annexation of Iowa National Guard property ........................... 329 " 15--Dock Board re: establishment of marker/memoriai on NE tip of Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island ........................ 330 Sept 26--Dubuque Symphony Orchestra, Proclamation .............. 333 " 26--Dock Board appointment of Rose Marie Montgomery ........ 345 " 26--Dubuque Motor Hotels, Inc., Class "B" Liquor License ....... 347 " 26--Deere & Co., notification of continued maintenance dredging. .................................................... 348 " 26--Dolphin, Sr. Janet, resignation from Cable Reg. Comm ....... 348 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Oct. 17--Day, Jane of St. Aibans, England, Thanking Dubuque on behalf of Friendship Force ............................... 358 " 17--Deferred Comp. Plan, Amending International City Manage- ment Assn. Retirement ................................. 365 - 17--Driver/Attendant for Ambulance Servlce, Changing of Ord .... .................................................... 366, 367 " 17--Doty, NeldaL.,Class C LlquorLlcense .................. 370 " 17--Dix, Leo, Denlal of Clalm ................................ 371 " 17--Deery, David, Denial of Claim ............................ 371 17--DYB, Inc. vs. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. vs. City, Suit. 371 Nov. 7--Deich, Don re: discussion of confidentiality at Closed Sessions. 391 7--Dietz, James L. rs. Human Rights Suit, dismissed ........... 393 7--Dock Bd., resignations by Sandy Sanderson & D. Sullivan .... 395 7--DOT (Ia.) re: Chicago & NW Transp. Co. has filed before the ICC a proposal to acquire the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific RR Co ......................................... 395 Nov. 21--Disposition of Interests in Certain Real Estate re: FDL, Inc., subordinating mortgage interest ......................... 397 " 21--Disaster, Mutual Aid Agreement, City & Other municipalities. 401 "21--DOT (Ia.) Submission of 5 Year Street Program ............. 402 " 21--Danner, J. A. resigning as Journeyman Plumber from Plumb- ing Board & requesting appointment as Master Plumber on same board, appointed .................................. 403,404 "21'Dock Board appointments of Don McMullen & Allen Gourley. .................................................... 403, 404 ...... n 405 " 21--Do, Inc.,Class C LlquorLlce se ..................... Dec. 5--Davies, Bob re: Correctional Services requesting permission for 15th & Elm property to be considered for Urban Revit. District .............................................. 413 5--Dodge & Locust, Mayor of Asbury requesting destination sign- lng be placed there ..................................... 416 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Jan. 3--Expansion of Non-Conforming Uses Ordinances ............. 2 Jan. 17--ELECTRICAL EXAMINING BOARD SUBMITTING MIN- UTES: ................................. 17, 87, 194, 270, 347, 405 " 17--Edwards Property - P & Z advising that it is reverting back to R-2 Single Family Residential District ..................... 18 " 17--Entitlement of C.D. funds, amount changed; executed ........ 18 ' 17--English Mill Road Traffic Count .......................... 18 " 17--Eagie Point Park, obi ection to charging admission ........... ................................ 18, 51, 59, 201, 243, 299, 313, 330 Jan. 28--EDA, submission of 2nd phase of Dbq. Ind. Center, recommend- hig that Council approve application to same ............... 21 Feb. 7--Environmental Assessment Study re: Cedar Cross Extension Location Study ........................................ 28 7--Engineering Contract with Greenhorne & O'Mara, Inc. for eer- vices with installation of heat recuperator at WWTP ......... 29 7--Environmental Assessment Review Finding for Dubuque Ind. Center, Phase II ....................................... 31 " 7--Environmental Review - Findings for Certain C.D. Block Grant Project .............................................. 32 Feb. 21--Engineer's Week (National), set out by proclamation ......... 43 Mar 12--Elliott, Richard, objecting to Eagle Pt. Park Fee ............ 59 " 12--Eberhardt, Auleen, objecting to Eagle Pt. Park User Fees ..... 59, 299 " 12--Eagie Point Park, Motion to keep it "free". ................ 61 Mar 14--Engineerlng Dept. Award by Iowa Concrete Assn ........... 71 " 14--Electricdi Examining Board, Ord. providing for appointments &torms of office to same ................................ 77 " 14--Elec. Appeal Board, Ord. providing for term of Office for ap- pointments ........................................... 78 " 14--Eagies (Fraternal Order o9, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. Apr. 11 --Emergency Phone No., approvalby D. Dorweiler ............ 105 Apr. 18--Environmental Review Findings for C.D. Projects (Dbq. Ind. Center West Cul-De-Sac Construction) ..................... 114 " 18--E.B. Lyons Prairie-Woodiand Preserve & Nature Interpretive Center, Leased to Ia. State Conservation Corem ............. 128, 149 May 2--Evening Optimist Club of Dubuque - Class "B" Beer Permit. .................................................... 143 May 11--Everts, J., Suspension as Bus Operator .................... 147 May 16--Edwards Pre-Cast Concrete Co. (D. James & Patricia Edwards), re: approval of plat of Patricia Ann Acres ......... 158 ' 16--Ellis, Victorina, Cigarette Permit ' 162 June 6--Embassy West, Subd. of Lot 5, Block 3, Plat approved ....... 186 6--Ernst, Daniel P., Applicant for P & Z ...................... 192 6--El Toro, Cigarette Permit ............................... 193 June 20--Eberhardt, Auleen C., objecting to vehicle entry fees at Eagle Point Park ............................................ 201 6--Emergency Jobs Bills funds with HUD ........ 202, 226, 271,288, 299 6--Environmental Review Findings for projects funded under "Jobs Bills". ......................................... 203 6--EDA, Offer to Grant ................................... 205 6--Evainations of City Appointed Staff (Clerk, Mgr., Attorney). 6--Eagies (Fraternal Order of), Cigarette Permit ............... 207 6--Extension of Time for KDUB, before FCC .................. 210 July 5--Ehlers, Jerome, applicant fur TV Cable Regulatory Coram .... .................................................... 230, 369 5--Edens, Tammy A., Class "C" Liquor License ............... 232 July 18--Engineering Study authorized for Amtrak Railroad Service... 243 " 18--Economic Development Steering Comm. (J. Meriwether) re: City's financial condition ................................ 243 " 18--Entry Fees at Eagle Point Park - Objections, Discussion ...... ..................................... 59, 201, 243, 299, 313, 330 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page July 18--Economic Development Services - Agreement with Chamber of Commerce as Administrative Agent for Econ. Development. Steering Committee .................................... 244 Aug 1--Embassy West Drive & Embassy West Court, petition to get final coat of asphalt by Sam Bechen etc ................ 262, 300, 348 1--East 4th St. Peninsula Ave. - re: relocation of Jeld-Wen Loan Application ........................................... 263 1--Everts, Jeff, affirmation of Suspension .................... 268 1--Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 re: US Dept. of Interior . ,, · ,, 271 approving Dbq. H~st. Pres. etd ........................ 1--Elm (15th), request for rezoning (Dept. of Corr. Services) ...... ........................................ 284, 300, 306, 337, 413 Aug 15--Ege, Clara, plat of property south of JFK approved .......... 295 " 15--Electrical Examining Board appointments of Michael Sieler, Steven Braun, Richard F. Wagener, Wm. C. Weltnauer & Charles B. Oberembt ................................... 296 ,, 15_Electrical Bnerd of Appeals appelntments of Davld W. Grothe, Paul J. Uhlrich & Walter H. Johnson, James A. Coeley & Donald H. Pfohl ....................................... 296, 297 Sept 6--Experimental Aviation Assn., requesting to land & take off airplanes on NW Arterial ............................... 312, 342 6--Easemente (Transfer) in Mun. Ice Harbor area between Burl- ingten N. RR & City for riverfront development Imuseum etc.) 313 6--Edens, Tammy A., Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License .............................................. 327 6--Entrance Exams for Police Dept., names certified by Civil Ser- vice Comm ........................................... 330 " 26--Environmental Assessment Study for Cedar Cross Transpor- tation Study, Selection of an Ailgnment ................... 338 "26--Emergency Repair of Storm Sewer at 14th & Central & White.. 340 Oct. 17--Environmental Findings for several C.D. Block Grant Project publication, proof ........................ .'.: ........... 367, 406 ' 17--Eberhart, Lon B., applicant for Airport Comnnsmon ......... 369 " 17_Educational Access TV Censor tium, Minutes Submitted ..... 371 Nov 7--Election, Municipal Primary., results of same ............... 394 "7--Election, Municipal General., resnits of same ............... 407 Dec. 5--Elks, (Benev. & Protective Order), Class "C" Liquor License... 414 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page F Jan. 7--Fitzsimmone, Paul, applicant for Housing Code Appeals Board. 7 7--Fire & Police Retirement Pension Systems appointment of Thomas W. Hopper .................................... 7 7--Fulton Arms Apt. Bldg., Claim, Closed .................... 7, 371 Jan 17--Federal Aid Projects, Mayor executing Agreement with IDOT for right of way assurance statements ..................... 15 " 17--Fransen, Lorraine A., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License and Cigarette Permit ....................................... 17, 193 Jan 28--Frommelt Ind. Inc., and Dbq. In Future - Amendment to Con- tract for Purchase of Real Estate in Dbq. Ind. Center ......... 22 Feb. 7--Feldman, Don, applicant for Civic Center Corem ............. 33 7--Fire Engine Co. #3, request by W. Pregler that consideration be given same ........................................... 36 7--Fifth grade students of Hoover submittla~ comments on "User Fees" etc ....................................... 36 Feb. 14--Four MOunds, discussion of accepting Burden Property etc... 38, 41 " 14--Fees at Dubuque Municipal Airport, request for Airport Comm. to regulate same ................................ 41 " 14--Farrell, Carolyn, spokeinfavorofacceptingBurdenproperty.. 41 Feb. 21--Five Year Capital Improvement Program, Setting date of Public Hearing ........................................ 43 "21 --Fee discussion re: Eagle Pelnt Park ....................... ................................... 18, 51, 201,243, 299, 331,330 Feb. 28--Fuerste, Attorney Wm., spoke against new Ambulance Ord... 53 Mar 12--Fjelhnan, Judie - on behalf of League of Women Voters - com- menting on various facets of the Budget Process and Depts... 59 " 12--Freund, George, objecting to Eagle Pt. Park User Fee ........ 59 " 12--Fire Dept. - New Service Charges fur Opening Vehicle or Struc- ture; Retrieval or Extrication of Domesticated Animals; for Pumping or Removal of Liquids from any Building or Excava- tion ................................................. 63 12--Fire Dept. - Providing for Standby Fire Equipment Service for a Fee (Helicopter Landing $100 Per Hr.) .................... 64 12--Fees raised for Ambulance Service ........................ 65 Mar 14--FAUS Award, given to Engineering Dept .................. 70 " 14--FDR Park- opposition to sale of same ..................... 80 A ,p,r. 4--Fair Housing Month, Proclamation ....................... 89 4--Frommelt Industries - Amendment to Memorandum of Agr~- ment, (Reecheduling of P. Hearing & Extension of Mem. of Agreement.) .......................................... 90, 91 " 4--Frommelt Industries Inc., re: Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, Series 1983 - Changing Project Designation thereof .... .................................................. 92, 93, 119 " 4--Fink, Douglas, Cigarette Permit & Beer Permit .......... 96, 115, 207 " 4--Frommelt, Mildred, Claim ....... ~. ...................... 97 " 4--February, 1983, Proof of Publication of List of Claims ........ 97 4--FDR Park, comment by Dr. Neumeister as to time to rent crop land ................................................. 98, 106 4--Financial Report for Group W Cable for 1982, Submitted ..... 98 Apr. 11--Fillmore - possible zoning change immediately west. (North Sector) ............................................... 103 " 11--Flexsteel, zoning change pessible. (Nor th Sector) ............ 103 " 11 --Fisch, Mrs. Rosella, elaim; Denial ......................... 105,371 " 11--Feldman, Elmer, suit with DB & T ........................ 105 Apr. 18--Fens, Ronald (Ron's Barrel Tap), Class "C" Beer & Liquor License, Refund ....................................... 116, 347 M,a,y 2--Funds, Transfer of re: Budget ............................ 122 2--Family Home, re: Ordinance allowing as a permitted used in certain districts ....................................... 130, 171 2--FDL Foods, Inc. re: Supplemental Loan Agreement for Loan of UDAG Funds ..................................... 132, 133, 134 2--Firefighters, Agreement between City etc .................. 139 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page May 2--Foothill Rd., property between that & Fire Station, owned by Powers Construction, reverted to former R-5 Multi-Family Construction .......................................... 146 May 16--Foster Grandparent Day, Proclamation .................... 148 ,, 16_Federal Assistance under Sec. 9a of Surface Trans. Assist. Act. 148 " 16--First National Bank of Dubuque, Petition objecting to reconstruction assessment for J.F.K. Road ................. 151 16--Fourth Street Cable Car Square Area, Petition for planters in that area ............................................. 153 16--Federal Assistance from Land & Water Conservation Fund for Chaplain Sehmitt Memorial Park & Rec. Complex ........... 154 ' 16--Fenelon Finer Foods, Inc., Cigarette Permit ................ 162 " 16--Ferring James, Cigarette Permit, Class "B" Beer Permit ...... .................................................... 162, 194 ' 16--FDR Park, Dr. Neumeister commending City for work done... 165 June 6--Family Beer Store, Cigarette Permit ...................... 192 6--Fischer & Co., Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License .... .................................................... 193, 209 6--Firefighters List certified by Civil Service Commission ....... 196 6--Federal government help with Human Rights, discussion ..... 196 6--Fireworks Display request by Dbq. Golf & Country Club ...... 197 June 20--Frommelt Partnership Pruject - Issuance of Industrial Devel- opment Revenue Bonds ............................. 198, 234.236 ,, 20--Fees at Eagie Point Park, Objection against ................ ................................. 201, 243, 299, 313, 330, 338, 348 " 20--Finnin Ford, Inc, (Mike), Cigarette Permit .................. 206 ,, 20--Fortmann, Caral, Cigarette Permit; Refund ................ 207,392 " 20--Fraternal Order of Eagles, Cigarette Permit ................ 207 ,, 20_Fehruary Council Proceedings, approved as prlnted .......... 209 "20--Fitzsimmons, Atty. Paul filing claim on behalf of J. Rose ...... 210 " 20--Fireworks Display petition by Jaycees ..................... 210 Ju,!y 5--Feldman, Don, applicant for Civic Center Corem ............. 229 5--Field, Marylynne, applicant for Civic Center Corem .......... 229 " 5--Fitzpatrick, John M., Cigarette Permit, Class "C" Liquor License .............................................. 231,232 " 5--Fens, Ronald J., Cigaret~ Permit, Refund ................. 231,347 5--Flexsteel Ind., Cigarette Permit .......................... 231 5--FDL Foods, Inc., Cigarette Permit ........................ 231 July 18--Flesberg, Rev. Evon, Gave Invocation ..................... 234 , 18--Ford, Cathy, objecting to Eagle Pt. Park Entry Fee .......... 243 " 18--Frye, Lincoln, objecting to Eagle Pt. Park Entry Fee ......... 243 " 18--Fulimer, Chris, objecting to Eagle Pt. Park Entry Fee ........ 243 " 18--Financial Condition of City, re: Dbq. Economic Development Steering Committee .................................... 243 " 18--Fees, Reduction in Garbage & Rubbish when Head of House- hold is 65 ............................................. 244, 245 " 18--Four Mounds - Acceptance of Deed for Burden Property ...... 251 " 18--Four Mounds - Providing for Designation (by Ordinance) ...... 251 " 18--Four Mounds Task Force, Park & Rec. Conun. advising of for- mat(on ............................................... 255, 271 ,, 18_Fitzgerald,s Bar X Ltd., Cigerette Permit and IJ. quor Lieens~55,. 258 " 18--Formosa Enterprises, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License ......... 256 " 18--Flahar Investment, City Assessor advising of settlement of Appeals of their various properties ........................ 257 Aug 1 _Four H (4-H) King & Queen Introducod - receivi~4; of Proclama- tion .......................... ....................... 259 1 --Fire Dept. authorized for repair of Snorkel Unit ............. 262 " 1--Funds of City, Ordinance providing for Daily Deposit ........ 269 ,, 1_FCC re: KDUB's Petition of Extension of Waiver etc ........ .. 271 1--Fire Chief, certified by Civil Service Comm. to be Wm. T. Miller ................................................ 272 1--Fifteenth & Elm Streets, request for rezoning (Dept. of Corr. Services) ................................. 284, 300, 306, 337, 413 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1~3 SUBJECT Page Aug 15--Four Mounds, re: City Development Board advising map & resolution has been approved for annexation ................ "--15Fire Dept. Annual Report submitted by Fire Chief Dunphy .... Sept 8--Fencing Project at Ch. Schmitt Mem. Island Ball Park Com- 3OO 3OO plex ..................................... 309, 310, 349, 350, 411 6--Feldernmn, John, requesting approval of Appraisal Findings for pricing of sites in Dubuque Ind. Center ................. 311 6--Freund, George, re: Erroneous Dock Comm. Minutes & place- ment of marker on Ch. Schmitt Mem. Island ................ 312 6--Financo Report, Street, for FY 1983, Approved ............. 325 6--Family Mart, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit .................. 327 6--Fire Pension Fund & Retirement System, Financial Report .... 330 " 6--Financial Report for Police & Fire Retirement Systems ....... 330 Sept 26--Four (4) H Week, Proclamation ........................... 333 "26--Falb, Mark, for Wm, C. Brown Co. requesting issuance of Ind. Devel. Rev, Bonds ..................................... 333 "26--Fourteenth & Central & White, Emergency Storm Sewer Repair ............................................... 340 "26--Family Mart, Inc., Cigarette Permit ....................... 346 "26--FM Aceess Comm. of Cable Comm. Tele-programming Comm. Minutes Submitted .................................... 347 "26--Fnger, An(co, Claim Denied .............................. 347 Oct. 3--Five Flags Civic Center, Conversation of Existing Bleachers to Electrical Operation ............................ 351, 352, 375, 377 3--Fees for Central Market, Clarified by Ordinance ............. 353 3--Financial Report (Annual) for 1983, submitted .............. 355 Oct. 10--Friendship Force by Jane Day of St. Alhans, England, - Thank you .................................................. 358 10--Frieburger, Wm., Applicant for Airport Commission ......... 369 10--FDL Foods,/nc. Cigarette Permit4 Class "C" Beer Permit ..... 370 10--Foht, Carolyn, Cialm ................................... 371 10--Frommelt, Mildred, Claim; Settloment ..................... 371,393 10--Fisher, Arthur O., Denial of Claim ........................ 371 10--Fiedler, Timothy, Denial of Claim ......................... 371 Oct. 17--Fink, Elmer & Sharon, Cieeing of Claim .................... 371 "17--Feltes, Michael, Ciosing of Cialm ......................... 371 " 17--First & Second Sts.- Alley, request to "sign" correctly ....... 372 " 17--Financial Report (city Annual), Proof of publication ......... 372 Nov 7--Final Assessment Schednie for Liberty Ave. Sanitary Sewer... .................................................... 381-384 " 7--FDL Foods, Inc., construction of conduit under E. 16th St .... .................................................... 389, 390 Nov 21--"Family Week", Proclamation ........................... 397 "21--FDL Foeds, Inc. - suberdinatlon of real estate lien - Resolution declaring the intent of the City to Dispose of Interests in Cer- tain Real Estate .................. : .................... 397, 409 " 21--Five Year Street Construction Prngram, submitted to Ia. DOT. .................................................... 402, 416 " 21 --Fritseh, Arnold, Cialm; Denial ........................... 405,436 Dec. 19--Final Assessment Schedule for 1983 Asphalt Paving Project. .................................................... 420-431 " 19--Federal Aid Projects, Mayor to execute Agreement with Ia. DOT on right-of-way assurance statements ................. 433 ' 19--Fuller, Gloria A., Claim ................................. 436 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Jan. 3--Gearhart, W. Kenneth, officially appointed City Mgr., and sworn in by Mayor ..................................... 1, 2 3--Guy, Gerald reappointed to Housing Code Appeals Bd. 7 3--Glover, Lois, claim; settlement ........................... 7, 81 3--Glover, Lois, response by Mgr. to petition and upkeep etc. on 8 Riverview St .......................................... 3--Grant under UMTA, Filing of Amendment with DOT, USA, 10 (Keyline) ............................................. 11 3--Gomer's, Inc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............. Jan. 28--Grant, Filing of Application with EDA, U.S. Dept. of Com- merce, re: Phase II of Dbq. Ind. Center .................... 21 Feb. 7--Greenhorne & O'Mara, Inc. re: contract for services associated with the installation of a heat recuperator at WWTP ......... 29 7--Guy, Gerald, appointed to Building Code Board of Appeals .... 33 7--Grantee Performance Report, notice of Availabifity of same... 32, 80 7--Gagne, Michael J., claim, Denial .......................... 35, 105 7--Grant County Clerk submitting certified copy of Resolution concerning formation of committee to name Hwy. 151 New Bridge ............................................... 35 Feb. 14--Governor - Petitioned for relief - Resolution Declaring Support 38 for Homes or Properties Extension ........................ " 14--Grant Agreement by HUD, for Dubuque's 9th Year CD Block 40 Grant (927,000), approved ............................... Feb. 21--Gantz, Rom Pres. of Dubuque Drum & Bugle Corps., re: sale of 49 FDR Park ............................... ,' ',; ......... " 21--Goetzinger, James W., Cigarette Permit Class C Beer & Li- quor License and Cigarette Permit ........................ 50, 207 Mar 14--Garner, Judy, Claim .................................... 80 Apr. 4--George, Maggie, questioning criteria for H. Rights appoint- 95 ments ............................................... 4--Goldstein, Hank, questioning criteria for H. PAghts appoint- 95 ,, ments ............................................... 4--Group W Cable submitting Financial report for 1982 ......... 98 Apr. 11 --Goffinet, Kelly, Youth in Government "City Council Member. 99 " 11--Gotten, Bill, Youth m Government "City Council Member.' 99 " 11--Gotten, Herman, septic tank opinion re: Cres. Ridge San. 100 Sewer Project, Phase II ................................. ,, 11_Gerstkamp, Norman, objeeting to Cree. Ridge Sna. Sewer Pr°' 100 ject, Phase II ......................................... 103 ,, ll_Group W Cable TV re: Cable Rate Increases ..... " ll--Group W Cable TV, request by C. Smith to bloc~ orr au ~ 106 channels ............................................. Apr. 18--Grant Application with UMTA for two new buses ........... 112, 412 " 18--Girl Scouts requesting waiving of Entrance Fees to Eagle 113 Point Park ............................................ " 18--Ginter, Donna M., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License & M,a,y 2--Group Homes - allowing same as a permitted use in ce ' 130 ing districts ........................................... 2--Genaral Drivers & Helpers Union, Agreement with them & 140 City ................................................. 2--Geraghty, Eileen, Claim; Denial .......................... 144, 164 2--Garland House, nominated for National Register of Historic 145 Places ............................................... May ll--Grant for Park & Recreation Dept. to plant trees etc ......... 147 148 May 16_GirlScout Olympic'sDay, Proclamation ............... ~A'~. ,,oo ,, 16--G.0. Bond Issue, for $1,940,000 .................. " 16--Golf & Country Club, Class "A" Beer & Liquor License ....... 163 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page May 16--Grain trucks parking on Korper Blvd., obj eetion ............. 163 June 6--Gerdeman, John W. & Mary, Delinquent Refuse Collection Charges .............................................. 185 6--Golf & Country Club, Petition to display fireworks ........... 197 June 20--Grant request for "Jobs Bills" Funds .............. 202, 226, 271,288 "20--Gearhart, W, Kenneth, City Mgr., Evaluation set out ........ 206 "20--Ginter, Harriet J., Cigerette Permit & Beer Permit .......... 206,208 "20--Gerhard, Cur tis, Cigarette Permit & Liquor License .......... 206,256 "20--Grandview Drug Co., Cigarette Permit .................... 206 "20--Giunta, Marco, Cigarette Permit ......................... 207 June 25--Gearhart, W. Kenneth, renewal of contract ................. 212, 213 Ju,!y 5--Gonid, Wm., appninted to Library Bd ..................... 229,230 5--Gross, Robert & Patrick, Cigarette Permit ................. 231 5--Graham, Robert J., Claim, Denial ..................... 232, 233, 328 July 18--Gillenwater, Julie, objecting to Eagle Pt. Park Vehicle Entry Fee .................................................. 243 " 18--Garhage & Rubblsh Fees, Reduction when head of household is 65 etc ................................................ 244, 245 " 18--Grandview Ave., sidewalk repair projeet by DOT ............ 258 A,u,g 1--Gearhart, W.K., report on "Parking Audit". ............... 262 1--Goldtharpe, Cindy L., Claim ............................. 270 Aug 15--Grantee Performance Report 1982, Notice of Availability ..... .................................................... 287, 329 " 15--Grant Documents, CD, Publication of Notice of Availability for Public Inspection ................................... 287 " 15--Grothe, David W. appointed to Elee. Bd. of Appeals .......... 296 " 15--Gross, Robert R. & Patrick C., (Sport Page), Class "C" Liquor License .............................................. 298 " 15--Gatena, Alfred M., Claim ................................ 298 Sept 6--Gene's, Cigarette Permit ................................ 326 Sept 26--Gourley, Allen J. Applicant for Dock Bd; Appointed ......... ................................................ 344, 403, 404 " 26--Glover, Thomas W., Claim ............................... 347 " 26--Guttenberg Mayor Karen Merrick requesting matching funds for OPP .............................................. 348 Oct. 3--Great River Road Commission - Authorizing Participation of City in 1984 Louisiana World Exposition .................. 353 Oct. 17--Granger, Sandy re: Noise in Dubuque Humane Shelter area... 365 " 17--Ginter, JohnJ.&Sharon, byJ. Bitter, Snit ................. 371 " 17--Gruber, Paul, Denial of Claim ............................ 371 Nov 17--Gatena, Alfred, Claim .................................. 406 ' 17--General MunicipalElections Results ...................... 407 Dec. 5--GroupW'srateincrease, TouchaRossRepert ............... 413,434 5--Goetzinger, James, dissatisfaction with Housing Dept ....... .................................................... 415, 437 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Ja,,n. 3--Human Rights appointments tabled ...................... 7 3--Housing Code Appeals Board appointments of Gerald Guy & 7 Hugh Richardson ...................................... 3--Hopper, Thomas W. appointed to Police & Fire Retirement 7 Pension Boards ........................................ 3--HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION SUBMITTING MIN- UTES: ............... 7, 35, 80, 144, 163, 232, 328, 392,405, 415, 435 3--HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION SUBMIT- TING MINUTES: ..................... 7, 17, 80, 210, 232, 328, 371 3--Human Rights Office, support offered by League of W. Voters. 8 " 3--Human Rights Comm., James Compton requesting appoint- 8 ment ................................................ Jan. 10--Howard John Co., Issuance of Liquor License, Cigarette Per- 11, 16 mit .................................................. " 10--Human Rights office, support offered by Thomas Butler et al.. 12 " 10--Hammer, Attorney David L. re: Elizabeth Burden estate being 12 offered to City ......................................... 10--Hanger, H.L. petition that Telegraph Herald be official " 12 newspaper ........................................... Jan. 17--HOUSING COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES ·. · . 17, 35, 38, 51, 80, 97, 163, 232, 270, 828, 355, 435 ................. 17 " 17--Haigh, Dorothy, claim .............. , .................... Jan. 17--Helle, Klosterman & Co., Audits of FY 83 Submitted ........ 19 25 Fe,,b. 7--Hindman, Rev. Kenneth, Invocation ....... :.; ....... ; .... 7--Holocaust, Days of Remembrance of the Vxctxms, Procmma- 25 tion ................................................. 25 7--Hockey (Youth) Week, Proclamation ...................... 7--Human Rights Comm., Study of yarger Pay Classification 27 Report ................................................ 7--Heat Reeuperator at WWTP, installation, approval of Engrg. 29 Cont ................................................. 7--Herrig, Wm., appointed to Bldg. Code Bd. of Appeals ........ 33 7--Hummel, Robert, appointed to Civic Center Corem ........... 33 7--Human Rights Comm, appointments of S. Tabak, D. Simon & C. Duffy ............................................. 33 " 7--Haferbecker, E. & M.L., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License and 34, 207 Cigarette Permit ....................................... 7--HOUSING CODE ADVISORY & APPEALS BD. SUBMIT- TING MINUTES: .............................. 35, 144, 270, 392 e Wholesale Grocery Co Inc., Claim Closed ......... 35, 371 7--HUD - receipt of City's submission of CD Block Grant Entitle- ment Funds for 1983 ................................... 36, 83 7--Hwy. 151 Bridge, Grant Co., requesting committee to name 35 new bridge .......... : ................ : ................ " 7--Hummel, Council Member, commended umons for settlements 36 & very little increase ................................ . ' ' Feb. 14--Homes or Properties Extension, Petitioning the Governor for . 38 relief .......................................... 40 " 14--HUD, CD BlockGrant Agreement ........................ 14--HUD, Acceptirg CD Block Grant Agreement with same, in " 41 amt. of $927,000 ....................................... Feb. 21--Historicel Pres. Comm., petitions requesting Jackson Park 46 Pres. District ......................................... 21--Historical Pres. Comm., Ordinance amending His. Pres. Ord. ' 48 providing for update on Rehab. review standards ............ 2 l_Hawkeye Inn, Refunds request on Cigerette License ......... 52 21--Hist. places (National Register), "Old Main District" placed " 52 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Feb. 21--Hawkeye Inn, (Jerry Turner) Cigarette Permit .............. 50 Mar 12--Hnggins, Ruth, connnenting on Bus System ................ 60 " 12--Hangur at the Airport, motion adding to Budget ............ 61 " 12--Helicepter Landing - Fire Dept. Standing By - Charging, Ord. 8-83 ................................................. 64 Mar 14--Hillcrest Family Services property rezoned to ID Institutional. .................................................... 73, 89 " 14--Historic Preservation Commission - revision of Rehabilitation Guidelines ............................................ 75 " 14--Hopkins, Michael J., Cigarette Permit; Class "C' Liquor License. and Cigarette Permit ............................ 79, 206 " 14--Heinz, Theodore J. & Georgia A., Class "C" Beer Permit and Cigarette Permit ....................................... 79, 231 Mar 21--Heathcote, Genevieve Day, Proclamation .................. 82 "21--Hash, Valney, Class "C" Beer Permit ...................... 86 " 21--Hennen, LaVern N., Class "C' Beer Permit, Refund .......... 86,372 "21 --Hoyle, Classie G. requesting resignation of Mr. Clarence Duffy from Human Rights Comm...: .......................... 87, 94 Apr. 4--Hail, Joann, re: C. Duffy's appointment to Human Rights Comm ............................................... 95 4--Hantlemann, Darlene, re: Youth in Government Program ..... 97 Apr, 11--Haggetrom, Raymond L. & Kandis., Class "C" Beer Permit... 104 " 11--Hantelmann, Mr s. Thomas, clalm, Settlement .............. 105,117 June 6--"Honor Americe Days", Proclamation ..................... 169 6--Hummel, David & Barbara, delinquent refuse account ........ 185 6--Haggstrom, Raymond L. & Kandis L., (Kegger), Cigarette Per- mit .................................................. 193 6--Hartig Drug Co., (3 outlete), Cigarette Permits .............. 193 6--Hy-Vee Food Stores, Inc., Cigarette Permit & Beer Permit .... .................................................... 193, 232 6--Heinz, Vivian, Cigarette Permit .......................... 193 6--Hennen, LaVern, Cigarette Permit, Refund ................. 193, 372 6--Hardee's Drive-Inn, Cigarette Permit ..................... 193 6--Human Rights Commission Chairperson advising of investiga- tion etc. into getting contract with federal government which would give them financial help with certain cases ............ 196 6--Housing Code Appeals Bd. resignation of Sol Kessler ........ 197 6--Human Rights Commission resignation of Marianne Kessler. 197 June20--Hickey, Mary, objection to charging vehicle fees for Eagle Point Park ............................................ 201 "20--HUD-ApplicationforCD Emergency Jobs Bill funds ...... ........................................ 202, 226, 271, 288, 299 20--Humane Society - Agreement with City .................... 202 20--Haas, Clair, Cigarette Permit, Refund ..................... 206, 347 20--Heron, Inc., Cigarette Permit & Liquor License ............. 206, 209 20--Hlatt & Schroeder Tap, Inc., Cigarette Permit .............. 206 20--Hoffmann, David H., Cigarette Permit .................... 206 20--Holiday Oil Dist. Inc., Cigarette Permits (3 outlets) .......... 206 20--Hoffman House Restaurant, Cigarette Permit .............. 207 20--Holiday Inns, Inc., Cigarette Permit ...................... 207 20--Howard Johnson Co., Cigarette Permit .................... 207 20--Heinz Convenience Stores, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit ....... 209 20--Hearing (Public) held by Ia. DOT re: proposed inprovement on U.S. 20 between Concord & U.S. 61 connection .............. 210 Ju,!y 5--Henry, Walter, re: Lib. Ave. San. Sewer Project ............. 216 5--Hoyle, Classie, objecting to Asbury St. Improvement assess- ment ................................................ 218 5--Historic Preservation Commission re: Lower Bluff St. Hist. Pres. District ......................................... 224, 304 5--Housing - Moderate Rehab. Application & Section 8 Existing Housing App ......................................... 225 5--Hummel, Robert, appointed to Civic Center Commission ...... 229 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page j~y 5_Henkais, Francis, appointed to.Ci.vic Center. Commissio?;~ .... 229 5--Historic Preservation Conumselon appointments ox ~xaren Smemo, Donald Osborne and Ruth Brockman ............... 229 5--Hickey-Bunting, Marien, applicant for His. Pres. Corem ...... 229 5--Human Rights Commission appointments of James Compton. 229 5--Hilby, Douglas appointed to TV Cable Regulatory Corem ..... 230 " 5--Hoverman, Sr. Carol, applicant for TV Cable Tale- 231 Programming Corem ................................... " 5--Hancock, Wm., Cigarette Permit ......................... 231 5--Human Rights Annual Report for 1982 submitted ........... 232 5--Herkes, Vivian L., Claim, Denial ...................... 233, 328, 354 ' 5--Hubert, Pamela, Claim .................................. 233 July 18--Helbing, Harold Objectin~g to Noise problem with Swiss Valley FarngHilldaie Dairy ................................ 243, 300, 406 Aug 1--Howell, Gregory R., Claim; Settlement: ................... 270, 393 A,u,g 15--Hoffman, Dave re: rentalproperty fee ..................... 285 15--Hammel, David J., applicant for Elec. Examining Bd ......... 296 " 15--Heim, Al, Claim, Closed ................................. 298,415 ' 15--Horsfall, Paul, Claim ................................... 298 " 15--Herbst & Son, Inc., received transfer of rights etc. of Wayne Anthony & Wayne Motor Sales .......................... 299 Sept 6--Hinke, Stan, requesting Council give letter of support for change in licensing of Hills & Dales ....................... 311 6--Hills & Dales, re: Proposed Licensing change ............... 311 " 6--Human Rights Commission, Ordinance providing for meetings ............................ ; ................ 325 6--Haiy Trinity Parish, Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 327 6--Happy's Place, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License .............. 327 6--Hiatt & Schroeder Tap, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License ...... .. 327 6--H.H. of Dubuque, Inc., Class "B" Liquor License ............ 327 Sept 26--Historic Preservation Commission, Ordinance providing for appointment of members ................................ 342, 343 ,, 26_Human Right s Commission, Ordinances Providing for appaint" ment of members ...................................... 343, 344 "26--Historic Preservation Corem. appointment of Winnie Thomp- 345 son .................................................. " 26--Housing Commission appointments of Elizabeth A. Schuck (refused) and phil Wulfekuhle ................. ~ .......... 345 " 26--Housing Code Appeals Bal. appointment of Janet M. Busch... 345 ,, 26_Heathcote, Genevieve, appointed to Transit Bd ............. 345 " 26--Hart, Mrs. Hazel, Claim ................................. 347 ,, 26_Housing & Urbon Devel. (HUD) advising application for Sec. 8 Mod. Rehab. Program has not been funded ................. 347 ,, 26_Honigrnan, Al, conunents on various subjects ........... 348,372,408 Oct. 3--Helling, Anthony A. & Betto O., Class "B" Liquor License .... 354 3--Hnnkamp, Arnold, applicant for Airport Commission; ap- pointed .............................................. 354, 369 3--Helbing, Connie, Claim ................................. 355 3--Housing & Urban Development (HUD) commending City on commitment of minority enterprise development ............ 355 Oct. 17--Harley, Rev. Jack, Gave Invocation ..................... :. 358 " 17--Health Care Revenue Bonds, Issuance (Martin Luther Home.) 362 " 17--Humane Shelter Area, Noise problem with dogs ............. 365 " 17--Hellert, F.M., applicant for Airport Comm ................. 369 " 17 --Hittenmiller, Janet, Denial of Claim ....................... 371 " 17--HUD (Housing & Urban Development) approval of Sec. 8 Ex- isting Program Application .............................. 372 Nov 7--Hartlg Durg Co., Class "C" Beer Permits (4 outlets) .......... 391, 392 Nov 21'Home Health Care Week (National), Proclamation .... 397 " 21--Hoffmann, Paul E., D.D.S., appointed to Plumbing Board ..... 404 Dec. 5_Haynie, Ken, Bonding Counsel, speaking to 15th & Elm Urban Revit. - Dept. of Corr. Services project ..................... 413 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Dec. 5--Hoffman, David H., Class "C" Liquor Store ................ 414 5--Housing Dept., Dissatisfaction by James Goetzlnger ........ 415, 437 5--Hosch, Terrance J., Claim ............................... 415 Dec. 19--Harbor, request to use for Ice Fisheree .................... 419 " 19--Hillcrest Road, warranty deed for portion of public alley from Leppert & Kennedy .................................... 432 " 19--Human Rights Comm. resignatinn of Dean A. Miller ......... 436 "19--Healey, Pamela, Claim .................................. 436 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page I Jan. 17--Iowa DOT, Execution of Agreement re: Right-Of-Way Assurance Statement for Federal Aid Projects .............. 15 " 17--Iee Skating, petition of J. Schublin to use ice near Dbq. 20~ Marina ............................................... Feb. 7--Iowa DOT re: Project Agreement - approval re: Cedar Cross Alignment Preliminary Engineering & Environmental Assess- 28 went Study ........................................... 7--Iowa DOT re: Project Agreement for improvement to be made 29 on 32nd Street ........................................ 7--Inn's of Iowa, Ltd., Class "B" (Hotel/Motel) Beer & Liquor License .............................................. 34 Feb. 21--Irving School Academic Enrichment Class submitting Survey. 51 Mar 14--Iowa Concret~ Assn. ~rese~ting City Engrg. Dept. with award. 71 Mar 21--Iniand Molasses, petition by Herbert Larsen et al for in- vestigation into odor problems along Julien Dubuque Drive... 82 Apr. 4_Industrial Revenue Bonds for Frommelt Industries .......... ............................................ 90, 91, 92, 93, 119 M,a,y 2_iowa DOT, Application for Operating Asslstance ............ 126 2--Iowa State Public Transit Division - submission of Operating Assistance Applicatlon ................................. 126 2--Iowa State Conservations Commission - re: Leasing of E. B. Lyons Prairie-Woodland Preserve ........................ 128, 149 May 16--Insurance Women's Week, Proclamation ................... 148 ,, 16_iowa DOT advising of proposal to let guardrafl & shoulder PaY' lng project on U.S. No. 52 ............................... 164 ,, 16_imperial Lanes, Inc., Cigarette Permit and Liquor License .... .................................................... 162, 270 " 16--Insurance Commissioner certifying Merchants Bonding Co. is authorized to transact appropriate business of Fidelity & Sure- 164 ty Ins ................................................ June 6--Industrial Park Pretreatment Program, Ordinance providing for rules and regulations ............................. 183, 314-325 June 20--Industrial Development Revenue Bonds - Frommelt Partner- ship Project .......................................... 198, 234 " 20--Information & Referral Service (Phone-A-Friend), Service Agreement with City ................................... 201 ,, 20_iowa DOT advising of p. Hcoring on proposed improvement of US 20 between Concord & U.S. 61 connection ............... 210 July 18--Iowa St. Parking Ramp Joint Repairs & Boliard Replacements, Project ...................................... 239, 240, 279, 280 " 18--Information & Control System (Computer Directed) for Water Division .............................................. 242 " 18--Isenhart, Bud, objecting to Eagle Point Vehicle Entry Fees... 243 " 18--Iowa DOT advising of proposals re: sidewalk repair project on 258 Grandview ........................................... Aug 1--Iowa CD Loan Program Application, filing, for proposed relocation of Jeld-Wen .................................. . 263 Aug ll--Ind. Devei. Revenue Bonds - The Brewery Project ........... 273-277 Aug 15--Iowa DOT re: letter of inter~st for willingness to become pilot City for study; ........................................ 284 " 15--Iowa National Guard re: voluntary annexation of property west of City ....................................... 285,329 ,, 15_iowa Oil Co., Cigarette Permit; Iowa Oil Co., IUniversity Ave.) Class "C" Beer Permit .................................. 297 " 15--Iowa Oil Co. (University & Jackson St.), Class "C" Beer Per- mit .................................................. 297 " 15--Iowa Dept. of Transportation re: cleaning & repalnting of handrails etc. on Julien Dubuque Bridge ................... 299 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Aug 15--Inland Molasses Co. Blood Drying Odor Problem re: Managers report ............................................... 300 Sept 6--Iowa Public Works Assn. naming Frank Murray as "Man of the Year". ........................................... 304 0--Ice Harbor re: transfer of easements otc .................... 313 " 6--Iowa Dept. of Water, Air & Waste Management submitting in- spection report for WWTP .............................. 330 Sept 26--Industrial Devel. Revenue Bonds for Wm. C. Brown Co ....... ........................................ 333-337, 358, 399-401 ,, 26_Iowa Oil Co., Cigerette Permit; Class "C" Beer Permit ........ · . ............................................... 345, 346, 413 Oct. 17--Iowa Best PCC Municipal Concrete Paving Award, presenta- tion of Radford Rd. Ind. park pictures ..................... 358 ,, 17_International City Management Assn. Retirement Corp. Defer' red Comp. Plan, Amendment ............................. 365 Nov 7--Iowa CD Loan Program Application, filed for Area Residential Care ................................................. 387, 388 7--Iowa CD Loan Program Application, filed for Dubuque Municipal Airport ..................................... 388, 389 7--Iowa DOT advising Chicago & NW Transportation C. has fried before the FCC a proposal to acquire the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific RR ................................... 395 Dec. 5--Intercreditor Agreement with Citicorp Ind. Credit, Inc., re: UDAG Grant Agreement ............................... 409 5--Ind. Rev. Bonds, Correctional Services .................... 413 5--Investigetion of bidding procedures re: Airport Corem ....... 415 Dec. 19--Ice Flaheree, request to use Marina by Winter Wonderland II. 419 ,, 19_iowaDOTRight.of-WayAssuranceStatementforFederalAid Projects .............................................. 433 " 19--Iowa DOT notifying of wing dam construction .............. 437 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page J Jan. 17--Jaycee Week, Proclamation .............................. 14 Jan. 28--Jeld-Wen, request of Phase II Project of Dbq. Ind. Center, - ox- tension of Chavenelle Rd., for relocation of JeldWen .......... 21 Feb. 7--JFK Fast Foods, Inc., Class "B' Beer Permit ............... 34 7--Jones, Darrel F., Suit, Settlement ......................... 35, 406 Feb. 21--Jackson Park Historic Preservation District, Established by Ordinance ......................................... 46, 107,108 " 21--Jackson Park - Approving Tax Exemption Applications sub- mitred by Property Owners .............................. 48 " 21--Judge, Randy, member of the Children's Zoo Comm., needing same klnd of park if they close FDR ....................... 49 " 21--J.R.R. Enterprises, Class "B" Beer Permit ................. 50 ,, 21 _January, Transit Earrdnge & Statisticai Statement .......... 51 Mar 14--Junnie's Lounge, Ltd, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ....... 79 " 14--January, List of Clalms, Proof of publication ................ 80 Mar 21--Jaycees, Dbq., Class "B" Beer Permit ..................... 86 " 21--Jonathan Lane to Roosevelt - Baldwin Dr., City Mgr. deferred request of W. Pregler at this time ......................... 88 Apr. 11--Johnson, Ron, re: Crescent Ridge San. Sewer Project, Phase II. 100 Apr. 18--John F. Kennedy Road Reconstruction - Beginning Procedures etc .......................................... 109, 110, 111,151 M,a,y 2 --Jasari, Sam, Cigarette Permit ............................ 143' ~4074 2--January Proceedings, approved as printed ................. 2--Jaeger, Edward, Claim, Denial ....................... 145, 195, 210 2--JFK Road- property east of between r?othi.[1 & ~ire.~tat!on, reverted to former R-5 Multi-Family Remdentlai Cmssmcat~on. 146 May 16--J & RC, Inc., Cigarette Permit ........................... 162 " 16--James, Jerry Lee, Cigarette Permit ....................... 162 June 6--Julien Motor Inn, Cigarette Permit ....................... 192 6--Jo-Ter, Inc. (Bridge Res.), Cigarette Permit, Class "C" Liquor License ....................... . ...................... 193, 194 June 20--Jobs Bills (Emergency) - Application for CD Jobs Bills with HUD .................................... 202, 226, 271,288, 299 " 20--Jobs Bills Act - Notice of Environmental Review Findings 203 publication ........................................... " 20--Jack's Tap, Cigarette Permit ............................ 208 .... k 210 ,, 20_Jaycees requesting F~reworks Dmplay at Vet s Par ......... July 5--Jackson Park - designation of Historic Pres. Comm., appoint- ment of Ruth Borckman ................................ 229 5--Junnie's Lounge, Cigarette Permit ........................ 231 257 July 18--Justmann, Helen, settlement of claim ..................... ,, 18_Jackson Park, request to have enforcement of Ordinances ..... 257 " 18--June Monthly reports of Fin. Dir. & Treasurer .............. 258 262 A,u,g 1--Joint Legal Counsel proposal ........................ 1--Jeld-Wen Fiber Products Co. ~ ~iling ~f Loan Application for relocation ............................................ 263 Aug 15--Jackson Tuckpointing Co., awarded contract for Ia. Street Parking Ramp - Joint Repairs & Bo]lard Replacements ....... 280 ,, 15_JFK Road. approval of finai plat of property as requested bY 295 C. Ege (property south of Kennedy Read) .................. " 15--Johnson, Walter, appointed to the Electric Bd. of Appeals .... 297 " 15--Jackecn St. IOCO, Class "C" Beer Permit .................. 297 ,, 15_Julien Dubuque Bridge, notice of cleaning and repainting ..... 299 299 ,, 15--June, Proof of publication of List of Clai.ms ................. Sept 6--Jamiecn, Wm., re: Dept. of Corr. Serwces request for zoning change at 15th & Elm ................................... 306 6--Jamec, Jerry J., Class "C" Liquor License .................. 327 6--July, Earnings Statement & Stats submitted by Transit Bd. 328 6--Johnson, Kyle R., Certified by Civil Service Comm. for Police Officer ............................................... 330 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Sept 26~luly List of Claims, Proof of Publication ................... 348 Oct. 17--Juergens, Doug., Claim ................................. 371,406 "17--Johnson, Patricia, Denial of Claim ........................ 371 " 17--Jaeger, Agnese, Denial of Claim .......................... 371 Dec. 5~Iune Council Proceedings approved as printed .............. 414 Dec. 19--July Council Proceedings, approved as printed .............. 435 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page K Jan. 10_Keyline Operating Assistance Grant with UMTA ........... 10 Jan. 17--Kresge's, Refund on Cigarette License ..................... 17 Feb. 7--Kerper Blvd., re: authorization to erect planter and sign for 25 Thermolyne Corp ...................................... 7--Kessler, Dr, Marianne, submitting H. Rights comm. report on {ne nit{es etc of Yarger Pay Classification Report ............ 27 q . '. "" 't 34 " 7--Kopp's Market, Inc., Cigarette Pernut, Class C Beer Per.m~. Feb. 21--Kopp, Lyle, re: P & Z Corem. approving rezoning requesc ~or property on Kennedy Rd ................................ 45, 71 "21--Knights of the Square Table opposing closing of Storybook 49 " 21--Kramer, Tom, ch{ira, settlement .......................... 51, 81 " 21--KC & S Co., Inc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License and Cigarette Permit ....................................... 79, 193 "21--Klauer, Robert D. claim for Elizabeth Robinson ............. 80 Apr. 4--Kopp & Treanor, Class "C" Liquor License ................. 96 Apr. 11--Kutech, Tom, Youth in Government "Mayor". ............. 99 11 _Kruse, Kari, Youth in Government Corporation Counsel .... 99 · ' ' 105 ll--Kmghts of Cniumbus Council//510, Class "C' Liquor L~cense.. ',i 11--Kersch, Jeannine A., Class "C" Liquor License .............. 105 Apr. 18--Kennedy Road, Reconstruction procedures, Etc ............. __~ , . ........................................... 109, 110, 111, lei 18--Kllnkhammer, Carol, requesting installation of street light at 113 Peru Rd. & Walker St ................................... " 18--Kluesner, Loras - designated on Mayor's Task Force (for H. 115 Rights.) ............................................. ,, 18 _Kimball, Randniph, Claim, Denial ......................... 117,371 " 18--Kruse, Douglas J., Certified by Civil Service Commission for 117 position of Bus Operator ................................ " 18--Kiebel, Jed, Certified by Civil Service Commission for position 117 of Bus Operator ....................................... May 2--Kronfeldt, Rhonda sworn in as Mayor Pro-Tern for next 8 mos. 119 2--Keyline - Applications to UMTA and IDOT ................. 126 2--Kjeseth, Thor, petitioning displeasure at Mr. Duffy's appoint- 145 ment to Human Rights Comm ........................... 2--Kennedy Road property of Powers Construction reverting back to former R-5 Multi-Family Residential District ......... 146 May 16--Keyline Transit, Proof of publication of Notice of P. Hearing for project for financial assistance from UMTA for acquisition of lift, equipped mini-buses for Keyline ..................... 148 " 16--Keyline Operating Assistance, re: Proof of publication on Notice of P. Hearing to consider projects for financial ass{star,ce from IA DOT State Transit Assist. for $61,500 to 148 be used for Keyline ..................................... " 16--Key City Investment Co., objection to assessments for JFK 151 Reconstruction ........................................ " 16--Kopp, Lyle & Grace, objecting to assessments for JFK 151 Reconstruction ........................................ " 16--Kunnert, Susan, for Cable Car Sq. Assn., requesting to place 153 planters in the 4th St. Cable Car Area ..................... " 16--Kevin McGiffin's Kitchen, Inc., Class "B" Beer Permit ....... 162 " 16--Kerper Blvd., objectlon to grain trucks lining up ............. 163 June 6--Keyline Transit System, Proof of pub. re: Notice of Hearing to consider a project for which Federal Operating Assist. under Section 5 of UMTA is being sought ....................... 169 6--Knapp, Win, A., applicant for P & Z Commission ............ 192 6--Klauer, James J., Cigarette Permit and Liquor License ....... 193, 270 6--KDUB TV advising of Motion for Ext. of Time before FCC be 195 extended for 3 weeks ................................... 6--Knowles, Michael G., Certified by Civil Service Comm. for 196 Firefigliter ........................................... INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page June 6--Kuehn, Ronald A., Certified by Civil Service Comm. for Firefighter ........................................... 196 6--Kessler, Sot & Marianne, submitting resignations from Hous- ing Code Appeals Bd. & Human Rights Commission ......... 197 June 20--Kennedy, Wilfred, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License. .................................................... 206, 209 " 20--Krajnovich, Elizabeth M., Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License .............................................. 206, 209 " 20--Kachevas, James, Cigarette Permit ....................... 207 " 20--Kehl, Robert J., Cigarette Permit ......................... 207 " 20--Kiwanis Tournament, - Tranfer of Beer Permit to McAleece Field ................................................ 208 " 20--KDUB-TV, Extension of Time before FCC ................. 210 " 20--Kiebel, Jed, re: remedy to fill positions for Bus Driver ........ 210 " 20--Kurt, Larry (Attorney) for Edward Jaeger Claim ............ 210 Ju,!y 5--Kerech, Tom applicant for Park & Rec. Comm ............... 230 5--Kef{ach, Max, applicant for Park & Rec. Comm .............. 230 5--Kamp, Mary Leu, Cigarette Permit and Liquor License ....... .................................................... 231, 414 5--Knourek, Pamela, Class "C" Liquor License ................ 232 5--KDUB-TV re: petition for waiver of FCC's rule re: duplicate programming of KCRG ................. 233, 271, 300, 329, 395, 406 July 18--Kennedy Court homeowners requesting Water service exten- sion ................................................. 236 " 18--Kucera, Patricia resigning from Park & Rec. Comm .......... 257 Aug 1--Kronfeldt requesting authorization to advertise for Corp. Counsel with interim Joint Legal Counsel .................. 262 Aug 15--Korbel, Elaine, re: Findings of Study for Keyline ............ 284 " 15--Krayer, Bob, re: Findings of Study for Keyline .............. 284 " 15--Keyline, "Findings of Study" presented by League of W. Voters ............................................... 284 " 15--Kennedy Road (South of), approval of final plat as requested by C. Ege ............................................. 295 " 15--Kersch, Jeannine A., Cigarette Permit ..................... 297 " 15--Kamentz, Shirley, Class "C" Liquor License ................ 298 " 15--Klein, Jane re: Noise complaint near Hilldale ................ 300 Sept 6--Knourek, Pamela, Cigarette Permit & CLass "C" Liquor Li- cense ................................................ 326, 327 6--Kopp, Gene, Cigarette Permit ............................ 326 6--Kenniker, Tam{e, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........... 327 6--Kennicker, Robin M., Claim; Denial ....................... 328, 371 6--Keeper{ch, Jody, Claim; Denial ........................... 328, 371 6--Kintzinger, David for Hi{da Welcher t, Claim ................ 328 6--Keegan, Mike, resignation from Dock Bd ................... 329 Sept 26--Kef{y, Charlotte, applicant for Housing Commission ......... 345 " 26--Kecech, Tom, applicant for Transit Bd ..................... 845 "26--Kramer, Joseph, recommended by United Labor Part. Comm. for Zoning Bd ......................................... 344 "26--Kramer, Joseph L., reappolnted to Zoning Bd. of Adjustment. 345 "26--K-Mart Corp., Cigarette Permit .......................... 345 " 26--Kenniker, Tam{e, Cigarette Permit ........................ 345 "26--Kopp's Plaza 20 Foods, Inc., Cigarette Permit .............. 345 " 26--Kopple's Market, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit ............... 340 " 26--Koppee, Ron, objecting to Eagle Pt. Vehicle Entry Fees ...... 348 Oct. 3--Kelley, Steve, applicant for Airport Corem ................. 354, 369 3--Kopp, Eugene L., Class "C" Liquor License ................. 355 Oct. 17--Kratoska, Richard of Shive-Hattery presenting Radford Rd. Ind. Pictures .......................................... 358 " 17--Klauer Mfg. Co., Amendment of Option Agreement with City. ................................................ 361, 379, 380 " 17--Kiernan, James - Claim Settled ........................... 371 371 393 " 17--Kelly, Wm., Claim Settled ............................... Nov 7--Kemp, James R., Claim closed ............................ INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Nov 21--Kitchen & Burbach, request for rezoning classification of pro- petty located north of Asbury Rd. & west of Bonson/Asbury Rd .................................................. 399,418 ,, 21_Klauer, John, requesting diecussion of removal of traffic lights & possibility of through streets & stop signs at various places. 403 "21--Klcin, Mary J., Claim~ '. ·. '.'. ' ............................. 405 ,, 21 --Kuhle, Tony by Jeffrey, Claim; Denied ..................... 405,426 Dec. 5--Kirkhridge, Sandra, re: Voices for Life invitation to Council... 410 5--Kerkenbush, Alfred, requesting to put carport on City alley near Levi St .......................................... 411 5--Keyline, Capital Grant Project for two replacement handi- capped minibuses ...................................... 412 Dec. 19--Knanedy, Deborah L., Warranty Deed given for property north of Hillcrest Road ...................................... 432 " 19--Kacbevas, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License .................. 435 " 19--Kunech, Father, of St. Pat's requesting that they not take away traffic lights at 15th & Central ...................... 436 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Jan. 3--Legal Staff appointed officially (Stark, Lindahl & Blum) ...... 1 3--Lindahl, Barry A. appointed as City Solicitor ............... 1 3--League of W. Voters advising of support for H. Rights Office.. 8 Jan. 10--Love, Phillip R., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............ 11 Jan. 17--LIBRARY BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: ........... .................................... 11, 17, 80, 116, 194, 210, 328 " 17--Lindahl, Barry (As City Solicitor) advising of dismissal of Snit in case of Barrett vs. City ............................... 17 " 17--Left turn lanes on Peru Rd., Roosevelt St., & Sheridan Rd. discussed by City Mgr .................................. 17 " 17--Letter to Al Polsean by City Mgr. answering objections ...... 18 Feb. 7--Landfill - Agreement with Dbq. Mot. Area Solid Waste Agency for administration etc. of Landfill ......................... 30 7--Lambert, Cberie, applicant for Civic Center Comm ........... 33 7--Lang, Charles E., applicant for Human Rights Corem ........ 33, 229 7--Luster, Dennis J., applicant for Human Rights Comm ........ 33, 229 7--Lindahl, City Solicitor advising of dismissal of cases of Angela Pitz & Raymond Dean .................................. 35 Feb. 14--Lucky Stores, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permits ................. 39 " 14--Larsen, PhillpW., Claim, Closed .......................... 51, 371 " 14--Letters from Academic Enrichment Claes at Irving submitting their survey .......................................... 52 Feb. 28--Licensing of Ambulances - New Ordinance submitted ........ 53 Mar 12--Leagne of Women Voters - by J. Fjellman, voicing opinions on various depts. & projects of the City's 1984 Budget .......... ................................................... 58, 59, 60 ' 12--Lihrary Service Contract with Asbury, increased ............ 61 Mar 14--Levitt, Common Stock Trust (Long John Silvers), Class "B' Beer Permit ........................................... 79 " 14--Lynch, William J., Class "C" Beer and Liquor License ........ 79 " 14--League of Women Voters, Petition opposing sale of FDR Park. 8O Mar 21--Larsen, Herbert A. petitioning for investigation of noxious odors in Jullen Dbq. Drive area, esp. from Inland Molasses .... 82 " 21--Land and Water Conservation Fund Program...Resolution authorizing Submission of a Request for Funds for Develop- ment of Outdoor recreation (Chaplain Schroltt Memorial Park). 85 A,p,r. 4--Leonard, Father Wm., Gave Invocation .................... 89 4--Leonard, Wilbur, stated Mr. C. Duffy should be given a chance on the Human Rights Corem ............................. 94 4--Leonard Oil Co., Class "C" Beer Permit .................... 96 4--Link, Kenneth, Certified by Civil Service Comm. as to Assis- tant Chief Training Officer .............................. 98 Apr. 11--Lyons, Janie, Youth in Government Council Member ......... 99 " il--License Revocation & appeal by J. Shutters, Dbq. Pawnbrokers .......................................... 103 " 11--Loras College, Transfer of Beer Permit .................... 104 Apr. 18--Lihrary (National) Week, Proclamation .................... 107 May 2--Lyons Nature Preserve - Leased to State Conservation Com- mission .............................................. 128, 149 2--Lease - EB. Eyons Prairie-Woodland Preserve & Nature Inter- pretive Center to Ia. State Conservation Commission ........ 128, 149 2--Lees, Mel, Petition re: Civil Service Exam. for Bus Operators.. 131 2--Loan Agreement (Supplemental~ for Loan of UDAG Funds to FDL Foods, Inc ....................................... 132 2--Langman Construction Co. - Awarded contract for Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer, Phase II Project .................... 137 2--Lindahl, Barry, advising of dismissal of lawsuit by Louis & Pat Miller ................................................ 144 2--Langworthy (10901 - Garland House, considered for nomination to National Register of Historic Places .................... 145 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page May 16--Liberty Restaurants, Inc., Cigarette Permit and Liquor Li- cense ................................ : ............... 162, 270 ,, 16_Love, Kenneth, J. & Harold J., Cigarette Permit and Liquor Li' cense ................................................ 162, 209 ,, 16_Lucky Stores, Inc., (3 outlets), Cigarette Permits and Becr Per- mit .................................................. 162, 392 " 16--Larsen, Beverly A., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License and Cigarette Permit ...................................... 163, 207 " 16--Leifker, David A., re: grain trucks parked on Kerper Blvd ..... 163 June 6--Liberty Ave. Sanitary Sewer Project, procedural decuments. ......................... 178, 179, 216, 267, 217,218, 380-384, 415 6--Ligrand, Alvin & Constance, Delinquent Refuse Collection Aects ................................................ 185 6--License & Appeal Procedures, Set out in Ordinance for Suspen- sion & Revocation of Same .............................. 189-191 6--Leonard Oil Co., Cigarette Permit ......................... 193 June 20--Latimer, John, Cigarette Permit .......................... 206 ,, 20--Lombardi-Schuster, Patricia, Cigarette Permit .............. 207 ,, 20--Litigation, Closed Session on same ................ 211,300,357,408 Ju,!y 5--Lange, James, objecting to Lib. Ave. San. Sewer ............ 216 5--Lyness, John A., objection to Street Assessment ............ 218 5--Lower Bluff St. Historic Preservation District, Establishment ete .................................................. 224, 304 " 5--Library Bd. appointments of W. Gould, L. Stecker & D. Mortensen ........................................... 229, 230 5--Ludwig, Sara J, Applicant to Historic Pres. Commission ...... 229 " 5--Loras College- 3 outlets, Cigarette Permits ................. 231 July 18--Lender-Loan Agreement with Frommelt Partnership ......... 234 ,, 18--Lorus Blvd. (620-628), Rezoding frum ID te R~4 ......... 238,239,278 ,, 18--Lighting (St.) & Traffic Signal Repair Project s .............. 240,241 " 18--Lindauer, Jane, objecting to Eagle Point Pk. Vehicle Entry Fee .................................................. 243 " 18--Loading Dock at Mulgrew Ice Plant, Authorized ............ 248 A,u,g 1 _Lindahl, Barry, submission of Joint Legal Staff proposal ...... 262 1--Legal Staff proposal of Joint Corporation Counsels otc ....... 262 1--Loan Appkcat~on to Ia. CD Loan Program for Jold-Wen .... 273 1--Lange, Jeffrey J., Claim, Closed .......................... 270, 415 Aug 11--Long, John re: The Brewery Project (Ind. De~. Revenue Bonds .................... , ................ ,; .......... 273 Aug 15--League of Women Voters re: Findings of Study on Keyllne. 284 " 15--Love, Harriet G., Claim ................................. 298 ,, 15_Lease. Wayne Anthony & Wayne Meter Sale righte have been transferred & assigned to Herbst & Son, Inc ................ 299 Sept 6--License change approval request for Hins & Dales Child Care Center ............................................... 311 " 6--Legislative Statements submitted to League of Ia. Municipalities ......................................... 326 Sept 26--Love, phillip R., Cigarette Permit ......................... 346 Oct. 5--Lovewell Fencing, Inc., awarded contract for Converting Ex- isting Bleachers to Electric at Five Flags Civic Center ........ 351 5--Louisiana World Exposition, Authorizing Participation ...... 353 Oct. 17--LaRue, David of Tri-State Vietnam Vets. Assn. re: Chaplain Schmitt Mem. Island Memorial .......................... 363, 364 " 17--Lenten, Verlandra, Claim; Settlement ..................... 371,393 " 17--Lindecker, Brenda, Denial of Claim ....................... 371 Nov 7 _Loan Program Application (Ia. C.D.} for Area Residential Care Project .............................................. 387 7--Loan Program Application (Ia. C.D.) for Airport Office Bldg. 388 Construction ......................................... ~ 7 --Leafy, Mary, Denial of Claim ............................ 393 Nov 21--Lender Loan Agreement, execution with DBQ & T & Wm. C. Brown Co ............................................. 399-401 " 21--Locust & Iowa Sts., discussion of removal of traffic lights, replace with Stop Signs ................................. 403 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Nov 21--Loras College, Class "B" Beer Permit ..................... 404 Dec. 5--Levi St., 656, request to A. Kerkenbush to construct carport on City alley ............................................ 411,412 Dec. 19--Lease Agreement with Dbq. County Conservation Society for Riverview Park ....................................... 431,432 " 19--Leppert, Richard & Frances, real estate (aliey north of Hillcrest Rd.), given to City ..................................... 432, 433 " 19--Lamplighter Lounge, Cigarette Permit, Class "C" Liquor Li- cense ................................................ 434, 435 " 19--Local 94, UAW, Class "B" Beer Permit .................... 435 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page M Jan. 3--Missizsippi River, re: Corps of Engrs. Notice: Adequate Moor- 7 ing facilities for watercraft .............................. Jan. 10--Meyer, Richard & Mary, Cialms, 2; Disposition .............. 12, 39 Jan. 17--Main St. & Central Ave., meter time change ................ 15 " 17--METER PARKING TIME CHANGE for E. side of Main St. between 11th & 12th Sts.& south side of 12th St. between 15 Main & Central Ave ..... :,..,,. ........................... " 17--Mil(er, Beverly R., Class C Beer Permit and Cigarette Per- mit .................................................. 16, 162 Feb. 7--Marshal(Park, Annexation .............................. 30, 31 7--Moser, Fred, applicant for Human Rights Corem ............ 33, 229 Feb. 14--MECHANICAL BD. SUBMITTING MINUTES: .......... · .38, 232, 347 ,, 14_Mateus, Edward J., disposition of Claim ................... 39 " 14--Morgan, Rebecca, Claim; Closed .......................... 39, 393 " 14--Murphy, Alys Petersen, recommending acceptance of Burden 41 property ............................................. 43 Feb. 21--Mental Retardation Month, Proclamation .................. 49 ,, 21_Marehall Park, dispositinn discossion ..................... " 21--Macker, Mrs. May L. objecting to $1 park fee ............... 51 "21--Mineral Lot 39 in Mt. Loretta area, property offered to City to 51 purchase ............................................. "21--Mississippi River City Island Crossing, wing dam repair pro- 51 ject notification ....................................... " 21--Main (Old) District, placement on National Register of Hist. 52 Places ............................................... Mar 12--Menke, Carolyn objecting to increase in Ambulance Fees ..... 59 " 12--Mather, David, objecting to Eagle Pt. Park User Fee ......... 59 " 12--Manternach, Tom, stating Airport needs more hangar space; commenting on other project s ............................ 59, 60 " 12--Metsker, Alice, comments on bus system ................... 60 ,, 12_Mayor,ssalary-diecusslons, motions, finalchange. '.~'11'~,'~0, 85, 95 Mar 14--Municipal Paving Award & FAUS Award given to City Engrg. 71 Dept ................................................ " 14--Minidius Operations re: execution of contract with Project 76 Concern ........................................... 80 " 14--Mull(n, Para, Claim ...................................... . ernut. ,, 14_Meyar, Dennls J., Class "B" Beer PermR and Cigarette P .................................................... 86, 207 Apr. 4--Memorandum of Agreement, Execution of same w)th From- melt Ind ............................................ 90, 91, 92 4--Magce, Kev(n, re: C. Duffy's appointment te Human Rights Comm. & criteria for commissioners .................... 94, 115,131 " 4--Mi(let, James C., certified by Civil Service Comm. for Fire .... 98 Ass't Chief Training Officer .............. . ........... 98 4--Meter investigation, comment by Dr. Neume~ster Apr. 11--Minnesota Plywood, question why sewer didn t come that fa 100 " il--Meeting dates for City Council, change .................... 104 ,, 11_Mechahical Board re-appnintments of Paul Brashaw and Peter 104 Darby ............................................... Apr. 18--Michalski, Ann, supporting Jackson Park His. Preservation 107 District .............................................. ,, 18_Madison Hill Corner, request for stop sign ................. 113,181 " 18--Master Plan, re: City Island, discussion .................... 113 " 18--Marco's Inc., Class "C" Liquor License .................... 116 ,, 18_Mayor,s Task Force on Human Rights, Established .......... 115 2--Mayor Pro-Tern Rhonda Kronfeldt sworn in ..... ~.. ........ · 119 M,a,y 2 _Misappropriation 0 f Cable,,?,r,~cec, Ordinance defimng ...... 131 2--Morine, Edward F, Class B Beer Permit ................. 143 " 2--Miller, Parr(cia, diem(sealol lawsuit ....................... 144 May 16--Management Week, Proclamation ........................ 148 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page May 16--Miller, Rev. Robert W., Gave Invocation ................... 148 " 16--Mini-buses, UMTA funding te help Keyline with same ........ .................................................... 148, 412 16--Marion Realty Co. & Midwest Developers, objecting to reconstruction of JFK Road, ............................ 151 16--Meyer, Herman J., Cigarette Permit ...................... 162 16--Mirecla Car Wash, Inc., Cigarette Permit .................. 162 16--March, Proof of publication of List of Expenditures & Claims. 163 " 16--Merchants Bonding Co. (Mutual), Commissioner of Insurance certifying that same is authorized to do business in tho State. 164 June 6--Martln, Dr. Ray, Gave Invocation ........................ 169 6--Markus, Sara Lynn, Declared SesquicentennialBaby ........ 169 6--Merfeld, Nicholas & Marie, Delinquent Refuse Account ....... 185 6--Monday Co., Cigarette Permit and Beer Permit ............. 192, 327 6--Marc's Big Boy Corp., Cigarette Permit .................... 193 6--Meyer, Catherine, (Meyer's Tap), Cigarette Permit and Beer Permit ............................................... 193, 208 6--Moose (Dubuque Lodge 355 Loyal), Cigarette Permit ......... 194 6--Meisenburg, James, Claim, Denial ........................ 195, 328 June 20'Mescber, Vincent, Cigarette Permit ....................... 206 20--Murphy, Wm. & James, Cigarette Permit .................. 206 20--Municipal Airport (Dbq,), Cigarette Permit ................. 207 20--Marty, Milton, Cigarette Permit .......................... 207 20--Millman, Norecn, Cigarette Permit ........................ 207 20--Mi-Lo, Assoc., Cigarette Permit .......................... 207 20--MiNa, Inc., Cigarette Permit and Liquor License ............ 207 20--Moracco Supper Club, Cigarette Permit and Liquor License... .................................................... 207, 414 "20--Miller, John G. Sr., Class "C" Bcer Permit ................. 208,209 J~y 5--Murphy, Bernard, applicant for Library Bd ................. 229 5--Mortensen, Duane, appointed to Library Bd ................ 229, 230 5--Mechanical Bd. - Designation that it be filled by a Mechanical Engineer ............................................. 230 5--Meek, Jim, appointed to TV Cable Tela-Programming Comm. 231 5--Mole Oil Co., Cigarette Permit ........................... 231,404 5--Morett, Merlin, Cigarette Permit ......................... 231 5--March Council Proceedings approved as printed ............. 232 5--Mare, Jerry, Claim; Denial .............................. 233, 328 5--Menadue, Pat (or M/M James), Claim ...................... 233 July 18--Manternach, Tom, objected to Peru Road Watermain Project, 236 " 18--Michalski, Ann, objecting to Eagle Point vehicle entry fee ..... 253 " 18--Met(wether, J. Bruce, re: Dubuque Economic Development Steering Comm. re: City financial condition ................. 243 " 18--Mulgrew Oil Co. - construction of Concrete Loading Dock authorized ............................................ 248 " 18--Mechanical Bd. - appointment of Thomas D. Walsh .......... 255 " 18--Meggison, Jack & Win(fred, Claim; Denial .................. 256,393 " 18--Michaelski, Ann, requesting enforcement of Ordinances near Jackson Park ......................................... 257 A,u,g 1--Manager of Dock Division, Ordinance setting out ........... 265 2--May, Joseph C., Claim, Denial .......................... 1270, 328 2--May list of Claims, Proof of publication .................... 271 2--Miiler, William T., certified and approved for Fire Chief posi- tion ................................................. 272 Aug Il--Memorandum of Agreement re: Brewery Project Ind. Dev. Rev. Bonds ........................................... 273-277 A,u,g 15--Mentally Handicapped Health Week, Proclamation .......... 278 15--Mitchell, Wm., appointed to Electrical Exam. Bd ............ 296 " 15--Mangeno, Zella E., Class "C" Liquor License, Transfer; Cig- arette Permit ..................................... 298, 391, 404 Sept 6--Murray, Frank, "Man of the Year" Award .................. 304 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Se,pt 6--Museum Development on River front ...................... 313 6--Manuni (procedural) for Parking Division, submitted ......... 329 6--Marker/Memorial of NE tip of Ch. Schmitt Memorial Island, Discussion ........................................... 330, 364 Sept 26--Memorandum of Agreement with Wm. C. Brown Co. lind. Devel. Revenue Bond Issue) ............................. 334 " 26--Milwaukee Road Reorganization, Reaolution ............... 339 " 26--Mayor's Task Force, report on criteria for appointments to H. Rights Corem ......................................... 342 26--Montgomery, Rose Marie, appointed to the Dock Board ...... 344, 345 26--Meteker, Alice, applicant for Transit Bd ................... 345 26--Mihaiakes, Phillip J., Cigarette Permit and Liquor License.... 346, 414 26--Moldenhauer, Robert, Cigarette Permit .................... 346 26--Mnigrew Off Co., Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer Permit .... 346 26--Merrick, Karen, Mayor of Guttenberg requesting matching monies to OPP ........................................ 348 Oct. 3--Minorlty Enterprise Development Week in Dubuque, Prc- clamation ............................................ 349 3--Market Stalls, Issuance of Permits (By Ord.) for Central Market .............................................. 353, 354 3--Murphy, Wm. C., Class "C" Liquor License ................. 355 3--Minority Enterprise Development re: HUD commending City for commitment ....................................... 355 Oct. 17--Misslssippi Queen Riverboat, giving of .proclamation & paperweight to Mayor .................................. 358 " 17--Mar tin Luther Home Project, Issuance of Health Care Facility Revenue Bonds ........................................ 362 " 17--May Council Proceedings, approved as printed .............. 371 " 17--Main&Locust, Ailay, requeetteclmngemarkiv~;teavoidcen- fusion ............................................... 372, 408 Nov 7--Municipal Airport Office Construction Project, Filing of IA. CD Loan Program Application .......................... 388, 389 7--Mueller, Marie, Denial of Claim ........................... 393 7--Murphy, Ed, Denial of Claim ............................. 393 7--Maker, Helen, Denial of Claim ............................ 393 7--Mullin vs. City et al, Case Settled ................ ~ ........ 393 7--Manning, Barbara, At Large Finalist in Primary Election; Winner in General ..................................... 394, 407 Nov 21--Melby, Rev. Gerald, Gave Invocation ...................... 397 " 21--Mutual Aid Agreement with Dubuque County & Municipali- ties ................................................. 401, 402 "21--Main, (and 12th St.) request for removalof Stop Signs ........ 403 "21 --Manternach, Thomas & Cecelia, accept conditions of approval of plat of Lot i-D of Terrace Heights Subd .................. 402 "21--Mole OflCo., Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 404 Dec. 5--Maas, Bonnie, Denial of Claim ........................... 415 5--Mlllin, Virgil & Mabel, Denial of Claim ......... . ............ 415 Dec. 19--Marina, Dubuque, request to use Harbor for Ice Fisheree ..... 419 " 19--Millman, Norena J., Class "C" Liquor License ............... 435 " 19--Mayere, Barbara, Claim ................................. 436 " 19--Milier, Dean A., Resignation from Human Rights Dept ....... 436 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Feb. 7--McEvoy, Edward, applicant for Civic Center Corem .......... 33 Sept 8--McCarthy, Leo, for Frommalt Industries Ind. Development Revenue Bonds.., .................................. 90 198 8--McDonalds A.Y. s), drilling their own 'well", questions by Dr. Neumeister ............................. 98, 106 May 2--McDonald, Frances D., Clalm; Denial ...................... 145, 195 May 16--McDermott, Larry, accepting West side Park Comm. Park Con- ditions ............................................... 158, 159 " 16--McNamer, Martin, accepting Westside Park Comm. Park Con- ditions ............................... ,;.; ............ 158, 159 " 16--McGinnis Joseph & David Wetter) Class C Beer & Liquor License; Cigarette Permit ........................... 163, 346, 414 June 6--McFadden, Walter P. & Mary Leu, objecting to rezoning E. of Radford Rd. & N. of Pennsylvania Ave. as requested by Northrange Assoc ..................................... 170 June 20--McCann, Mike, Cigarette Permit ......................... 207 "20--McConnell, Freida, Claim, Closed ......................... 210,393 "20--McClean, Herbert L., Claim .............................. 210 "20--McMahan, Michael, Claim; Settlement .................... 210, 393 J~y 5--McEvoy, Edward, applicant for Civic Center Comm .......... 229 5--McDonald, A. Y., Cigarette Permit ........................ 231 Aug 1--McAipine, Rev. Larry, Invocation ........................ 259 Se,pt 6--McKim, Rev. Donald, Invocation ......................... 304 6--McGinnis, Joseph, Transfer of Liquor License .............. 326 6--McKernan, Daniel J., Claim, Denial ....................... 328, 393 Sept 26--McMulien, Don, applicant & appointed to Dock Bd .......... ................................................ 344, 403, 404 Dec. 5--McKay, Thomas, Attorney, speaking on behalf of FDL Foods. .................................................... 409 " 5--McGovern, Dixie, Denialof Claim ......................... 415 Dec. 19--McCarthy, Leo, re: Group W Rate Increase ................. 434 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Jan. 3--Newspaper designation for 1983, discussion etc ............. 2 3--Northwestern Transportation Co. (Chicago), Quit Claim Deed tot property near 32nd St ............................... 6 3--Natlonai League of Cities Convention report by C. Member D. Deich ................................................ 7 3--Non-Conforming Uses Ordinance - adopted re: Zoning Ord .... 2 Jan. 10--North-West Arterial, Stage I, P.C.C. Paving & Intersection Improvements re: Acceptance of contract, awarding to Tschiggfrie and Final Est. ete ............................ 9, 10 3--Neyens, Steven K. & Leslie E., denial of claim ............... 12 Jan. 17--November, 1982, Proof of publicetion of list of clalms ......... 17 Feb. 7--Natinnai Distributive Education Clubs of America Week, Pro- clamation ............................................ 25 7--Nicholson, Daniel, applicent for Human Rights Corem ........ 33, 229 7--Norman, Bill, applicant for Human l~ighte Corem ............ 33, 229 7--November Printed Council Proceedings, approved ........... 35 7--Neyens, Scott, Claim ................................... 35 Feb. 21--Nutritlon INatlanal) Month, proclamation .................. 43 "21--Newspaper ISceqnicentennial) introduced by C.M. Klauer ..... 43 "21--Neumeister, Wm., re: discussion of Burden property & FDI~ Park ................................................. 49 "21--Neuhaus, Gerald & Phyllis, re: possible sale of property in Mt. Loretta area .......................................... 51, 87 , 21--National Register of Historic Places, City Mgr. recommending "Old Main District" be placed on same .................... 52 Feb. 28--Neyens, Mr. objecting to new ambulance ordinance .......... 53 Mar 14--Norman, Wayne requesting rezoning of property of U.D. located north of Highway 20, west of Collins St. and east of Princeton PI .......................................... 72 M,a,r 21--Nesler, James objecting to odor problem of Julien Dbq. Dr .... 82 21 --Nesler, Tim, objecting to odor problem on Julien Dbq. Dr .... 82 "21--Noonan, John W., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License and Cigarette Permit ....................................... 87, 206 " 21 --Nabors Drug Store, Cigerette Permit ...................... 86,193 "21--Nineteenth St., denying by Mgr. of petitinn of W. Donovan for restricted parking ..................................... 87 4--North Sector Zoning ......................... 95, 102, 103, 123, 124 A,p,r. 4--Neumeister, Dr. Wm,, comments as to Crescent Ridge Sewer, A. Y. McDonald's well, meter & ramp investigation, rental of FDR crop land .................................. 95, 98, 100,106 Apr. 11--Nelson, Don, re: Cres. Ridge San. Sewer Project, Phase II ..... 100 " ll--North End Wrecking Co. area zoning change ................ 103 Apr. 18--Nanghton, Dennis, in support of Jackson Park Historic Pres. District .............................................. 107 "18--Nash, Ruth re: Jackecn Park His. Pres. District in favor of any" thing to help historical flavor & tourism .................... 107 M,a,y 2--Nurse's Day, Proclanmtion .............................. 119 2--Northrange Associates, Inc. requesting rezoning for property north of Pennsylvania & east of Radford Rd ................ 129, 170 2--Nagelmaker, Bruce, Petition re: Bus Civil Service Exam ...... 131 2--N/W Arterial, Stage I, Pretensinned-prestressed Concrete Beam Bridge, Acceptance of same ........................ 137 2--Non-Bargeining Unit Employees - Adoption of 1984 Compen- satinn Pkg ............................................ 142 2--Natinnal Register of Historic Places, nomination of 1090 Langworthy (Garland House) ............................ 145 May 16--Neumeister, Dr., commended City on work done on FDR Park. 165 June 6--NorthrangeSubdivlsinnNo. l, Platapproved ............... 187 6--Nash Finch Co. (Warehouse Market), Cigarette Permit and Beer Permit .......................................... 193, 392 June 20--Nowack, David J., Cigarette Permit ....................... 206 " 20--Ninatecn Thir ty-Threc (1933), Inc., Cigarette Permit ......... 208. INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page June20--Nites of the Square Table, Inc., Class "B" Beer Permit; Transfer; Refund .................................. 208, 326, 355 Ju,!y 5--Nelson, Arvid, objecting to Liberty Ave. Sanitary Sewer ...... 216 5--Nauman Nursery, Contract for Ch. Schmitt Mem. Island Rec. Complex Underground Irrigation System .................. 224 July 18--Nnise Problem objection by H. Helbing re: Swiss Valley/ Hilldale ...................................... 243, 300, 354, 406 " 18--Nichnla, Elaine, objecting to Eagle Pt. Park vehicle entry fee. .................................................... 243 " 18--Newt, Marine Boat Store, Cigarette Permit ................. 255 " 18--Neflson, Eugene A., re: proposed by-pass ................... 257 Aug 1 --Neumeister, Dr., suggestions as to Parking Audit ........... 272 Aug ll--Niebel, John re: Ind. Devel. Rev. Bonds "The Brewery Project". ............................................ 273 Aug 15--National Guard requesting annexation of property west of City; approved ........................................ 285, 329 " 15--Notice of Availability for Public Inspection Certain CD Block Grant Documents, Publication ........................... 287 " 15--Nativity Church, Class "B" Beer Permit; Refund ............ 297,347 15--North, John, Clahn ..................................... 298 " 15--Naughton, Attorney Dennis, advising rights of Wayne Anthony & Wayne Motor Sales have been transferred otc. to Herbst & Son, Inc ...................................... 299 Sept 6--Nederhoff, Dale, re: Correctional Services Facility at 15th & Elm ................................................. 306 6--NW Arterial, request by Aviation Assn, to land & take off planes ............................................... 312, 342 6--Northern (Burlington) Railroad Co. re: transfer of easements by Ice Harbor ......................................... 313 Sept 26--National 4~H Week, Proclamation ........................ 333 "26--Nash, Ruth, applicant for Zoning Bd. of Adjustment ......... 345 Oct. 3--Natinnai YWCA Teen Week, Proclamation ................. 349 Oct. 17--Nolse objection by Sandy Granger at Dubuque Humane Shelter area ........................................... 365 " 17--Naughton, Attorney Dennis, for Edward & Gladys Brimeyer re: claim against Human Rights Conunissinn ............... 371 " 17--Neumelster, Dr, Bill, objecting to assessments for those on Crescent Ridge ................................ 372, 408, 416, 437 Nov 7--New Harbor Development Co., Class "C" Liquor License, Cig- arette Permit ......................................... 392, 404 7--Nichols, Howard, Closing of Claim ........................ 393 7--Nemmers Case, re: petition of Shnla Sorenson ............... 395 Nov 21--National Home Health Care Week, Proclamation ............ 397 "21--Natural Gas (Peoples), reclassify property south of Cedar Cross Rd. from AG to C-7 ............................... 398, 399 Dec. 5--NW Arterial Construction Schedule as it relates to 5 Year Street Construction Program ............................ 416 Dec. 19--Naderman, Gerald M., Claim ............................. 436 " 19--Nichols, Daniel & Jeremy, Lawsuit dismissed ............... 436 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page O Jan. 3--ORDINANCE NO. 1-83 Revising Appendix A by Repealing Article II and Enacting a new Article II in lieu therof which establishes provisions to allow the expansions of Non- 2-6 Conforming Uses ..................................... 8 , 3--Ozark Air Lines, re: Notice by CAB ....................... Jan. 10--Operating Assistance Grant - technical amendment, with 10 UMTA ................................ :: new Jan. 17--ORDINANCE NO. 2-83 Amending the Code by adding a Subsection to District C of Section 25~326 of Said Code, to Limit Parking to Ten Hours at any one time on the South Side of 12th St. between Main St. & White St. to provide for the Establishment of Parking Meter Districts in the City ........ 15 " 17--O'Connor, Thomas, Hammer, Bertsch & Norby vs. Fischer In- vestment Co. et al & City directing plats, easements, & spec. warranty deeds be deposited in court ...................... 17 Feb. 7_Office Education Aesoclation Week, Proclamation ........... 25 7--ORDINANCE NO. 3-83 Authorizing Thermolyne Corp. to con- 25 struct a Planter & Sign ................................. " 7--October Printer CouncilProceedings, approved ............. 35 Feb. 14--ORDINANCE amending the Code of Ordinances by repealing Section 4-14 entitled "Time & Fee Schedule" of Article 1¥~ of Chapter 4 of said Code and enacting a new Section 4-14 to Arti- cle 1¥2 of Chapter 4 in lieu thereof providing for authority for the Airport Comm. to determine rates and regulations for park- lng at the DUBUQUE MUNICIPAL AIRPORT· INet 41 ~°DP~Ned~I~ ~(~' ~'~ ~r~ ~ ~he Code be Amended Feb. 21-- . ' .................. by revising Appendix A thereof, by repealing Article X Schedule of Fees, and Enacting a new Article X Fees, Pro- riding for the Establishment of Zoning Application Fees by · 45, 56 Resolution ........................................... ,, 21_ORDINANCE NO. 5.83 Providing that the Code of Ordinances of the City be amended by revising Chapter 34 thereof, enact- lng a New Section 34-19 of Article II in lieu thereof, providing for the Establishinent of Subdivision Plat Review Fees ....... 45, 57 ' 21--ORDINANCE NO. 13-83 Providing that the Code of Or- dinances be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, by reclassifying Lot 1 of 2 of 2 and Lot 2 of 2 of 2 of the W V~ of NW ¼ of NW ~/~ of Section 27 T89N Range 2 East Of 5th P.M. IProperty on J. F. Kennedy, Rd) from R-5 to C-3 ............. 45, 71 Feb. 21--ORDINANCE NO. 14-83 Amending Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map by reclassifying Lot 1 of 1 of Steffen's Place and that southerly portion of Lot 1 of 2 of Mineral Lot 156 exten- ding from the north right of way line of Lombard St. from R- Single Family Residential Dis. to ID Institutional Dis ........ 46, 72 " 21--ORDINANCE NO. 21-83 Establishing the Jackson Park His- teric Preservation District ........................... 46, 107, 108 ,' 21--ORDINANCE NO. 15-83 Amending Code of Ordinances by enacting new paragraphs (b) of Section 19V~ 6.1 and 19V~ 6.2 in lieu thereof to provide for revision of the Rehabilitation Guide- ... 48, 75, 76 ,, 2 l_Oberbroeckli~g, David F. & Joanna K., C~garette Perrmt, C 50 "C" Beer-Wine License ................................. Mar 28--ORDINANCE_---- Amending Code of Ordinances by enacting a new Article II comprised of Section 18-16 thru Sec- tion 18-27 of Div. I and Sec. 18-40 thru Sec. 18-55 of Division 2 providing for AMBULANCE SERVICE, and licensing thereof· (Not adopted) ......................................... 53, 78 Mar 12--ORDINANCE NO. 6-83 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Enacting Section'31-18 of Article III of Chapter 31 providing for Service Charges by the Police Dept ..................... 63 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Mar 12--ORDINANCE NO. 7-83 Amending Code of Ordinances by Enacting a new Section 14-26 thereto providing for Service Charges by the Fire Dept. ($15 for opening Motor Vehicle or Gaining Entrance to Any Structure; $15 for Retrieval or Ex- trlcation of Domesticated Animals and $50 Per Hour for Pum- ping or Removal of Liquids from any Building or Excavation. 63 " 12--ORDINANCE NO. 8-83 Amending the Code by Enacting a new Section 14-27 Providing for Standby Fire Equipment Ser- vice for a Fee (Helicopter Landing $100 per Hour or Fraction thereof and $50 for each additional Hour or Fraction thereof), (effective 7-1-83) ....................................... 64 " 12--ORDINANCE NO. 9-83 Amending the Code by Adding a new Unnumbered Paragraph to Section 18-52 thereof providing for a new Schedule of Ambulance Fees and Charges Effective 7-1-83 ................................................ 65 " 12--ORDINANCE NO: 10-83 Amending tbe Code of Ordinances by Enacting a New Section 7-33(a) in lieu thereof providing for Dog License Fees ...................................... 66 " 12--ORDINANCE NO. 11-83 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Enacting a New Section 36-161 of Division 4 in lieu thereof to provide for revision of WATER RATES ................... 67 " 12--ORDINANCE NO. 12-83 Amending the Code by Enacting a new Section 36-56 of Division 4 in lieu thereof to provide for a Revision of Sewer Rates and Charges ...................... 68 " 12--ORDINANCE NO. 20-83 Amending the Code by Enacting a new Section 2-21 in lieu thereof to provide for the Compensa- tion of the MAYOR and CITY COUNCIL MEMBER 154200 for Council and $5500 for Mayor) ........................ 70, 85, 95 Mar 14--ORDINANCE NO. 19-83 Amending the Code of Ordinances by conditionally approving the preliminary development plan and reclassifying property of Hilicrest Family Services from R-2 Single Family Residential and R-3 Multi-Family Residential to ID Institutional District ............................... 73, 89, 90 " 14--ORDINANCE NO. 16-83 Amending the Code by Enacting a new Section 13-106 in lieu thereof providing for the term of Of- rice for Appointments to the Board of Electrical Examiners... 77 " 14--ORDINANCE NO. 17-83 Amending the Code of Ordinaness by Enacting a New Section 13-44 in lieu thereof providing for the term of Office for Appointments to the Electrical Appeal Bd. 78 Mar 21--Odor problem on Jniien Dubuque Drive, petition for investiga- tion by Herbert Larsen ................................. 82 "21--ORDINANCE NO. 18-83 Amending the Code by revising Sec- tion 25-210(b) Providing that Eastbound and Westbound Vehicles stop before entering the intersection of 27th and Washington Streets .................................... 83 " 21--Outdoor Recreation Area - Development of same, Submission of request for Funds under Land and Water Conservation Fund Program (Ch. Schmitt Memorial Island) ............... 85 " 21--Offer of Gerald Neuhaus to sell Lots 27 & 28 of M.L. 39 to the City, Mgr. declining offer ................................ 88 Apr. 4--Osterkamp, Linda, re: C. Duffy appointment to H. Rights ..... 94 Apr. 11--O'Hara, Michael, Youth in Government Council Member ...... 99 " 11--ORDINANCE NO. 22-83 Amending Zoning map with regard to properties in the North Sector of the territory involuntarily annexed to the City .................................... 103, 123 " 11--ORDINANCE NO. 23-83 Amending Zoning Map with regard to properties adjacent to the North Sector in the City ........ 103, 124 " 11--O'Brien, Robert J, objecting to financial system for street maintenance .......................................... 106 Apr. 18--Optimist Bicycle Safety Week, Proclamation ............... 107 " 18--Olinger, Dona J., Class "C" Liquor License ................. 116 " 18--Old Fashioned Saloon, Class "C" Liquor License ............ 116 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Apr. 18--Operators IBus) - Individuals Certified by Civil Service Comm. 117 " 18--Ohnesorge, James, certified by Civil Service Comm. for Bus 117 Operator ............................................. May 2--ORDINANCE NO. 26-83 Amending the Code by enacting a new Subsection (a), (b), (f), Ig) and (i) of Section 36-183, pr~ viding for monthly subscriber rates for Cable Television ...... ................................................ 125, 160, 161 2--Operating Assistance Application to Ia. State Public Transit 126 Division ......................................... 2--Operating Assistance Application to UMTA Keyline Transit 126 Funding) ............................................. 2--ORDINANCE NO. 27-83 Amending Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map by reclassifying properties east of Radford Rd. & north of Pennsylvania Ave .............................. 129, 170 " 2--0P~1 Office Residential District - P & Z recommending an amendment to cenditional use provisions of same ............ 129 2--ORDINANCE NO. 30-83 Amendirg Zoning Ordinance by enacting a new Section 4-109.4(3) of Article IV in lieu thereof to allow adaptive uses as a conditional use in historic or architec- turally significant structure in the OR-1 Office Residential Dis- .. 129, 174 trict ............................................... 2--ORDINANCE NO. 29-83 Amending Appendix A of the Code by enacting a new Section 6-106.5 of Article VI in lieu thereof to clarify that any modification of the condition or restriction under which a conditional user permit is granted shall require the submittal and approval of new conditional user permit .... 130, 173 2--ORDINANCE NO. 28-83 Amending Appendix A of the Code by eracting a definition for ' Developmentally Disabled and "Family Home" in Article XI "Definitions" and enacting a new definition of"Group Home" of Article XI in lieu thereof all to allow family homes for a maximum of 8 developmentally disabled individuals as a permitted use in the R-1 thru R-5 Residential District & OP~i and OR-l(a) Office Residential Dis- tricte ....................................... : .....~ ~. 130, 171 2--ORDINANCE NO. 25-83 Amending the Code of Ordinance y enacting Section 36-190 to Division IV of Article V defining misappropriation of Cabld Services ....................... 131,159 2--ORDINANCE NO, 24-83 Amending the Code by revising Sec- tion 25-210(b) of Code to Provide that Eastbound vehicles must stop before entering the intersection of Clarke Dr. & Madison 138 2--Operating Engineers - Accepting Agreement between them & 142 ,, City ....................... ,; ' ;, ....................... 2--Optimist Club (Evening), Class B Beer Permit ............ 143 May 16--Oberembt, Charles B. & Marflyn A., objecting to assessments 151 for JFK Road reconstruction project ...................... " 16--Olinger, Ronald W. & Dona J., Cigarette Permit ............. 162 June 6--Owens, Noland M., petition to sell advertising on bus benches 181 & enclosures etc ....................................... 6--ORDINANCE NO. 31-83 Authorizing Cable Car Square Association to Construct Twelve Flower Planters in the Cable Car Square Area .......................... ;. '. .........~ 182 6--ORDINANCE NO. 46-83 Providing for establishing Rules Regulations for the Industrial Park Pretreatment Program.. · ·.. 183, 287, 314-325 .......................................... Collection 6--Ostert, James E. & Judith A., Delinquent Refuse 184 Account .............................................. " 6--ORDINANCE NO. 32-83 Amending the Code by Enacting a new Section 22-19 thereto to provide for a Procedure for Suspensi°n °r Revocati°n °f Licensea and Appeal pr°cedure~'. 189, 190 2--ORDINANCE NO. 33-83 Amendiv4~ the Code by enacting a new Section 24-10 to Article I of Chapter 24 in lieu thereof to provide for Suspension or Revocation of Business Licenses.&. 190, 191 Appeal Procedures ................................... INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page June 6--ORDINANCE NO. 34-83 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Enacting a new Section 7-45 in lieu thereof providing for the vaccination against Rabies for Dogs & Cats ................ 191, 192 6--Office Grill, ~igurette Permit ............................ 193 6~)ky Doky #~, Vivian Heinz, Cigarette Permit ............... 193 6--Oky Doky, #6 &//9, (TFM Co.), Cigarette Permit, 2 outlets ..... 193 6--Oeth, Peter & Dennis Slowey (Hardees), Cigarette Permit ..... 193 6--Otting, Eugene A., Cigarette Permit IDip Tap) .............. 193 6--Oharbroeclding, Merlin & Karen, Claim .................... 195 June 20--ORDINANCE Amending the Code by enacting a new subsec- tion (d) to Section 36-164 thereof providing for the assessing of delinquent Water Service Charges - FAILED .............. 204 "20--OfferofGrant, nottoexceed$438,200fromEDA ............ 205,206 " 20--O'Cnanell, Judy, Cigarette Permit ........................ 206 "20--Olinger, Dona, Cigarette Permit ..................... ..... 207 ' 20--Oberbroeckling, Dave & Joanna, Cigarette Permit ........... 208 ' 20--Oeth, PeterJ.,Class"B"BeerPermitandCigarettePermit... .................................................... 298, 231 " 20--Ottlng, Eugene, Cigaretto Permit ......................... 209 Ju,!y 5--Olsen, Dorothy re: Liberty Ave. San. Sewer ................. 216 5--ORDINANCE NO. 43-83 Providing that the Code be amended by enacting a new Section 6.4 of Chapter 19~/2 to provide for the establishment of the Lower Bluff St. Historic Preservation District .............................................. 224, 304 5--ORDINANCE NO. 39-83 Amending the Code by enacting a new Ch. 9V2 etc. establishing a Dock Bd. and delineating its membership, establish office of Dock Division Manager ....... ............................................ 228, 250, 263, 267 5--Osborne, Donald appointed to Historic Preservation Comm... 229 5--O'Hara, Richard F., Cigarette Permit ...................... 231 July 18--ORDINANCE NO. 41-83 Amending the Zoning Map by reclassifying property at 620-628 & 636 Loras from ID Institu- tional Dis. to R-4 Multi-Fam. Res ......................... 239, 278 " 18--Otterbeck, Mr. objecting to Eagle Pt. Park Vehicle Entry Fees. 243 " 18--ORDINANCE NO. 35-85 Amending the Code by enacting a new Section 17-36(a) 12) providing for a Reduction in Garbage and Rubbish Fees when the Head of the Household is 65 years or older .............................................. 245 " 18--ORDINANCE NO. 36-83 Authorizing Mulgrew Oil Co. to con- struct a Concrete Loading Dock at the Mulgrew Ice Plant ..... 248 " 18--ORDINANCE NO. 37-83 Amending the code by enacting a new Section 27-91 providing for the designation of the Burden property ............................................. 252 " 18--ORDINANCE NO. 38-83 Amending the Code by enacting a new Subsection Id) to Section 10¼-27 providing for three year terms for members of the CIVIC CENTER COMMISSION... 254, 255 ' 18--Optlmist Club IEvening), Refund for Beer Permit ............ 257 Aug I--ORDINANCE NO. 40-83 Amending the Code by enacting a new Section 2-73 providing for Daily Deposits of City Funds. 269 Aug 15--ORDINANCE NO. 44-83 Amending Appendix A of the Code by adding CR Commercial Recreation District to the list of Comm. Districts; prescribing therein a general purpose & description, principal permitted uses etc. and further providing for inclusions of "CR" to the list of district subject to the schedule of off-street parking & loading requirements and to provide regulations for signs in that district ................ 283, 306 " 15--ORDINANCE NO. 45-83 Amending Zoning Ord. by reclassify- ing property on Chaplain Schmitt Mem. Island from HI Heavy Ind. to CR Comm. Rec. Dis. Classification ................. 284, 306 " 15--ORDINANCE NO. 48-84 Amending the Zoning Ordinance & Map by reclassifying property at the SE corner of 15th & Elm from "HI-Heavy Ind. Dis. to "OR-1 Office Residential Dis- trict.". ...................................... 284, 306, 337, 338 INDEX -- BOOK 113 { 1983 SUBJECT Page Aug 15--ORDINANCE NO. 42-83 Authorizing Zephyr Aluminum Pro- ducts, Inc. to construct a canopy at 1266 Central (D & D What Not Shop) ............................................ 286 " 15--Oberembt, Charles B., appointed to the Elec. Exam. Bd ....... 296 " 15--Odor Problem report by Mrg. re: Inland Molasses Blood Dry- ing Co ............................................... 300 Sept 6--ORDINANCE NO. 47-83 Amending the Code by Enacting a New Section 21-23(a~ in lieu thereof providing for Meetings of the Human Rights Commission .......................... 325 6--Olde German Bank, Transfer of Liquor License .............. 326 6--Olde German Bank, Cigarette Permit ...................... 326 6--OkyDoky #27, refund on Unexpired Beer Permit & Cigarette License .............................................. 329 Sept 26--October as Dubuque Symphony Orchestra Month, Proclama. tion ................................................. 333 "26--ORDINANCE NO. 53-83 Amending the Code by reclassifying property at 2124 White St. from R-4 Multi-Family Residential to C-4 Gen. Comm. Dis .............................. 333, 359-360 " 26--ORDINANCE NO. 49-83 Amending the Code by Repealing Section 19~4-31B~ and Enacting a New Section 19~A-31b~ in lieu thereof providing for the Appointment of Members to the Historic Preservation Commission ........................ 342 "26--ORDINAHCE NO. 50-83 Amending the Code by Repealing Section 21-18 thereof and enacting a New Section 21-18 in lieu thereof providing for the Appointment of Members to the Human Rights Commission .............................. 343 "26--ORDINANCE NO. 51-83 Amending the Code by Enacting a Section 4-28 thereof providing for the Appointment of Members to the Airport Commission ...................... 344 Oct. 3--ORDINANCE NO. 52-83 Amending the Code by Repealing Section 24-27 thereof and enacting a new Section 24-27 thereof providing for the Issuance of Permits for Market Stalls ....... .................................................... 353, 354 Oct. 17--ORDINANCE NO. 56-83 Amending the Code by revising Ap- pendix A thereof by amending the approved Preliminary Development Plan to allow campus improvements within the University of Dubuque Institutional District ........... 360, 377-379 " 17--Option Agreement between City & Klauer Mfg. Co. - extension of date for which construction must commence .............. 361,379 ' 17--ORDINANCE NO. 54-83 Repealing Ordinance No. 65-78 which provided for an Entrance Examination for Ambulance Driver/Attendant ...................................... 366 " 17--ORDINANCE NO, 55-83 Amending the Code of Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Ia., by Repealing Section 27-4(d) thereof and enacting a new Section 27-4(d) in lieu thereof providing for the Prohibition of the Consumption of Beer in Certain Parks. .................................................... 368 " 17--O'Mara, J & P., Class "B" Beer Permit .................... 370 " 17--O'Rourke, W.E., petitioning for correct signage for one-way alley ................................................. 372, 408 " 17--One-Way ALley between First & Second Ste. and Main & Locust. petition for proper signage ........................ 372 Nov 7--ORDINANCE NO. 57-83 ~,uthorizJng FDL Foods, Inc. to con- struct I and ~ inch buried steel Conduit under E. 16th St. near Hickory St ........................................... 389 7--ORDINANCE NO. 58-83 Amending the Code by Repealing Section 11~-31 through 11~-51 comprising Divisions 1 and 2 of Article II thereof providing for the Dissolution of the Rehabilitation Commission .............................. 390, 391 7--O'Mara, Thomas, Denial of Claim ......................... 393 7--O'Donnell, Wm., Denial of Claim .......................... 393 Nov 21--ORDINANCE NO. 59-83 Amending the Zoning Ord. to reclassify portions of property located south of Cedar Cross Rd. from AG to C-7 ................................ 398, 399, 417 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Nov 21--ORDINANCE NO. 60-83 Amending Zoning Ordinance by reclassifying certain portions of property located north of Asbury Rd. and west of Bonson/Asbury Rd. intersection from R-3 to OR-1PUD Office/Res. Planned Unit Development His- trict ,, ~. ~ ' 'A" '~ .... : ..................................... 399,418 z ~ --~pera~lon: Hew View, request for J. Klauer's replacement ..... 403 "21--Oky Doky ~6, Class "C" Beer Permit ...................... 404 "21--October Claims, Proof .................................. 436 "21 --OPP advising inan approval for ARC Project ............... 437 "21~OPP advising loan disapprovnl for Airport Office ............ 437 INDEX -- BOOK 113 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Jan. 3--Police Retirement Pension Bd. appointment of Thomas Hopper .............................................. Jan. 10--Polsean, Al petitioning about Cres. Ridge sewer, water etc .... " 10--PARK AND RECREATION COMM. SUBMITTING MIN- 7 9, 35 UTES: ............ 11, 35, 38, 80, 97, 163, 232, 256, 328, 371, 392, 435 10--PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: ... .................................... 11, 17, 80, 270, 328, 355, 435 10--Polsean, Al objecting to Trenkle Parking Lot being used by city officials .......................................... 12 Jan. 17--Parking meter time change on east side of Main St. between 11 th & 12th & 12th St. between Main & Central & White ...... 15 " 17--Patricia Ann Dr. re: Edwards property reverting to R-2 Single Fem. Res. Dis ......................................... 18 17--Polsean, Al, response to letter - by City Mge. on various objec- tions raised by Mr. Polsean .............................. 18 " 17--Peru Rd., City Mgr. recommending against installation of left tornlanes ............................................ 18 " 17--Plannlng & Zoning Comm. advieing that Edwards property reverting back to its former R-2 Single Family District Classification ......................................... 18 "17--PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: ........... 18, 51, 80, 97, 144, 210, 256, 328, 347, 392, 435 Jan. 28--Phaee II of Dbq. Ind. Center Project requested for Jeldwen relocation ............................................ 21 Feb. 7--Pries, Rev. Mark, re: report on Yargar Pay Classification Report ............................................... 27 " 7--Pay Classification Report... report of inequities & discrepan- cies set out by Human Rights Commission ................. 27 7--Project Agreement with Ia. DOT for improvements on 32nd St ................................................... 29 7--PLUMBING BOARD Submitting Minutes: ............... .................................... 35, 38, 80, 163, 210, 298, 405 Feb. 14--Properties (or Homes) Extension, petitioning Governor for relief ................................................ 38 ' 14--Petitioning Governor (organization of H.O.P.E.) for relief- Homes or Properties Extension .......................... 38 " 14--Plaza 20 Foods, Refund request for unexpired Cigarette Per- mit .................................................. 39 " 14--Poire, Mary, Class "C" Liquor License; Refund .............. 39, 372 " 14--Parking Fees, Ordinance submitted to give control of same to Airport .............................................. 40 Feb. 21--Pleiness, Pastor Robert of Bible Baptist Church, Gave Invoca- tion ................................................. 43 "21--Public Hearing for FY '84 Budget, setting of date ........... 43 "21--"Port of Dubuque Visitor", a Sesquicentennial Paper, in- troduced by Council Member John Klauer .................. 43 " 21--P&ZComm. submittedOrdinancesfuramendmentstoZoning Ord. & Subd. Regulation Fee Schedule ..................... 44 " 21--Plat Review (Subdivision) Fees, establishment of same by Or- dinance .............................................. 45, 57 " 21--p & Z Comm. approving rezoning request of Lyle Kopp fur pro- perty on Kennedy Rd ................................... 45 " 21--P&ZComm. advisingofapprovalofpreliminarydeveinpment plan and reclassification of property North of Hwy. 20, west of CotUns St ............................................. 45 " 21-Preliminary Development Plan & Reclassification of Property located north of Hwy. 20., west of Callins St ................ 45 " 21--Plat (final) of Dubuque In Futoro in Dbq. Industrial Center, final approval of same .................................. 47 Feb. 28--Pfiffner, Mr., objectlng to new Ambulance Ordinance ........ 53 Mar 12--Planning and Zoning Fees, Adoption of Official Schedule ..... 57 " 12--Police Dept. - New Charge for opening car Doors ............. 63 " 12--Pumping Liquids etc. out of basement, Ordinance Chg. fee for same ................................................ 64 1983 SUBJECT Page Mar 14--Planning and Zoning approving request of Hincreat Fem. Ser- vices for preliminary development plan and zoning reclassifica- tion for 2005 Asbury Rd ................................ 73 " 14--Project Concern, Mayor authorized to execute contract cover- ing mini-bus operations ................................. 76 Mar 21--Parking restriction denied for 19th St. as requested by W. Donovan ............................................. 87 "21--Peters, LaVerne G., claim, Denial ......................... 87, 195 88 "21--Progier, Walter request daaled re: Baldwin Dr. eampletinn .... Apr. 4--Planning & Zoning Commission for action of zoning of North Sector ............................................... 95 4--Pitz, Richard, Cigarette Permit ........................... 96 4--Patrick's (St.), Class "B" Beer Permit ..................... 96 4--Petorson, Elmer P., Claim Denied ......................... 97 Apr. 11--Petitlans of individuals objecting to Cres. Ridge San. Sewer Project Phase II ....................................... 100 11--Publlc Safety Director, support of same by D. Dorweiler ...... 105 11--Pins, Vel, opinion on Mr. C. Dully on Human Rights Comm... 106 A,p,r. 18--Professinnal Secretaries Week, Proclamation ............... 107 18--Peckosh, Paul re: Jackson Park Historic Pres. District ....... 107 18--Park, (Jackson) Historic Pres. District, set up ............... 107 18--Pawnbrokers License revocation, appeal, etc ................ 109 18--Petition of Judy Tigges, Girl Scouts re: waiving park fees ..... 113 18--Peru Rd. & Walker St., petition for St. light ................ 113, 146 " 18--Policy on St. Assessments, approval of new one ............. 113 " 18--Pitz, Rich H. (Bait Bucket), Beer Permit issued .............. 115 May 2--Plamuing & Zoning approving rezoning of Northranga Assoc. Inc. property located north of Pennsyl. Ave. & east of Radfurd Read ................................................ 129 " 2--Pennsylvania (north of), rezoning change .................. 129, 170 " 2--P & Z recommending amendment to cond. use provisions of OR-1 Office Res. Dis. re: arch. significant structures ......... 129 " 2--P & Z recommending amendment to Sec. 6-106.5 Conditions & Restriction on Cond. Use Permit of Zoning Ordinance ........ 130 " 2--Petitinns of Bus Operators re: Civil Service Exam ........... 131 " 2--Poficemen's Protective Assn. re: Accepting Agreement with City ................................................. 141 " 2--Peoples Natural Gas submitting their 1983 Annual Report .... 145 " 2--Powers Construction property on JFK Road reverting back to R-5 Multi-Family Residential Classification ................ 146 May ll--Park & Recreation Dept., re: Grant for planting trees etc ...... 147 May 16--Pofice Week, Proclamation .............................. 148 " 16--Pier, MaryJane, objectingtoassessmentforreconstructinnof John F. Kennedy Rd ................................... 151 " 16--project Abandoned- Reconstruction of J.F. Kennedy Read .... 151 " 16--Peru Rd. at abandoned Chlcagn NW RR Crossing, documents. .................................................... 152, 153 " 16--Price, Jane, clarifying objectives in putting planters in 4th St. area ................................................. 153 " 16--Planters in 4th St. Cable Car Sq. Area...requested etc. ordinance permitting. .................................. 153, 182 " 16--Patricia Ann Drive, approval by P & Z of property to the south of Patricla Ann Dr. and east of Edwards Rd ................ 156 " 16--Patricia Ann Acres #2, approval of plat .................... 156 " 16--Patricia Ann Acres Block 7, approval of plat ................ 157 " 16--P & Z Comm. approving final plat of Westsida Commercial Park ................................................. 158 " 16--Pfab, Cfifford, Claim; Denial ............................. 163,328 " 16--Parada - Sesquicentennial Comm. requesting Mayor, Council Members etc. to participate .............................. 164 " 16--Park Bal. resignation of Frederick R. Appel ................. 165 June 6--Permit, Conditional Use, conditions under which it is granted etc .................................................. 173 6--Peru Rd. Reconstruction at Abandoned Chicago & NW RR Cross. between Jackson & Sheridan Rd., Procedural Resolu- tions etc .......................................... 175-176, 247 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page June 6--Petition of Dennis R. Schilling & Noland M. Owens re: utilizing bus benches & enclosures for advertising .................. 181 6--Pretreatment Program, Industrial Park ................ 183, 314~325 6--Pollack, John H. & Helen I., Delinquent Refuse Account ...... 185 6--Plat approved for Embassy West Lot 5, Block 3 ............. 186 6--Plat approved for Northrange Sub. No. 1 .................. 187 6--Plat (Final) of Dbq. Ind. Center 4th Addn., approved ......... 189 6--Procedure for Suspension or Revocation of Licenses & Appeal Procedures, set out ..................................... 189 6--Parking, request to delete or modify same on City streets ..... 192 6--Planning & Z. Comm. appointments of R. Reiter& Ed Rosenow ............................................. 192 6--Palmer, Richard (Palmer Drug), Cigarette Permit ............ 193 6--Puppett Inn, Cigarette Permit, Class "C' Liquor License .................................................... 193, 194 6--Pregler, Walter, re: possible change in Ordinance affecting parking in bus stops .................................... 196 6--Parking in bus stops, discussion of possible change .......... 196 6--Parade route for Sesquicentennial Parade, approved ......... 197 June 20--Peru Road Water Main - procedural Resolutions otc .......... ............................................ 199, 200, 236-238 "20--Purchase of Services Agreement with Chamber of Commerce. 201 "20--Phone-A-Friend, Inc. Service Agreement with City .......... 201 " 20--P & Z approving final plat of "Evelyn Tharp Place" (on Peru Rd.) ................................................. 205 20--Plat approved of Evelyn Tharp Place ...................... 205 20--Perkins Restaurants, Inc., Cigarette Permit ................ 206 20--Poller, Joseph, Cigarette Permit .......................... 206 20--Pride Service Inc., Cigarette Permits (2 outlets) ............. 206 20--PRz, Richard, Cigarette Permit ........................... 207 20--Poire, Mary, Cigarette Permit, Refund .................... 208, 347 20--Ponderosa, Cigarette Permit ............................. 208 20--Pusateri Bros., Class "B' Beer Permit ..................... 208 June 25 --Parking Audit reviewed ................................. 212 Ju,!y 5--Pickel, JoAnn, re: Lib. Ave. San. Sewer .................... 216 5--Park & Rec. Commission appointments of M. Buelow, D. Willoughby, & S. Simon ................................. 230 July 18--P & Z re: rezoning of 620-628 & 636 Loras Blvd .............. 238 " 18--Parklng Ramp (Ia. St.) Joint Repairs & Bollard Replacements. ............................................ 239, 240, 279, 28Q " 18--Park Fee (Eagle Point) Objections to Vehicle Entry Fee Discussion otc ..................................... 243, 299, 313 " 18--PublicPark-deslgnationof"FourMounds". ............... 251 18--Park & Rec. Dept. formation of Four Mounds Task Force . .. 266 " 18--Park & Recreation Comm. resignation of Patricla Kucera ..... 257 " 18--P & Z Comm. re: rezoning of Schmitt Island & review of draft of Commercial Rec. Dist ................................ 257 " 18--Polsean, Al, objectlng to branches at Center Grove Bridge .... 258 Aug 1--Parking Audit - report on implementation by City Mgr. & P. W. Dir ............................................... 262 1--Parking Audit Statement submitted by Dee, Gosling & Co .... 271 1--Petition of Dubuque County Institutional Accounts request- lng tax suspension for i individual ........................ 271,299 1--Parking Audit, comment by Dr. Neumeister ................ 272 Aug 15--P & Z Comm. recommendations for Ch. Schmitt Mom. Island. 283 " 15--Pilot City for Iowa DOT Study re: Buses ................... 284 " 15--P & Z Comm. rezoning of property near 15th & Elm (Dept. of Corr. Services) ........................................ 284 "15--PlatapprovedofpropertysouthofKennedyRd.,asrequested by C. Ego ............................................. 295 " 15--Pfohi, Donald H., appointed to Elec. Bd. of Appeals .......... 297 "15--Painting etc., notice by DOT of Bridge Repair ............... 299 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Sept 6--Perimeter Fencing Project (Ch. Schmitt Mem. Island Park & Rec. Complex) re: procedural resolutions otc ................ 310 " 6--Prlcing of Disposition Sitein Dbq. Ind. Center .............. 311 6--Plat of Agreement re: Alignment, Release & Imposition of Easement Rights between City, Burlington N. RR & Dbq. County Historical Society re: Riverfront Museum otc ........ 313 6--Parkson Corp. requesting full payment as subcontractors for Civil Constructors ..................................... 328 6--Parking Division IProcedural Manual~ Submitted by Public Works Dir.. 6--Police Offico'r E~fi~ ~.'i~fii~dfi~fs' ~;gi~i~fi'fi~'~i~i~ 329 Service Corem ......................................... 330 6--Police Pension Fund & Police Retirement System, Financial Report ............................................... 330 Sept 26--Polsean, Al, re: septic system ............................ 338 "26--Petltlon of 1,064 signatures requesting Wm. Dix be allowed to address Council re: issue of Eagle Point Park Users Fee ....... 338 "26--Park & Rec Complex (Ch. Schmitt Mem. Island), Grading, Drainage & Roadway Base- Completion of Project .......... 340, 341 " 26--Park & Rec. Complex (Ch. Schmitt Mem. Island) Underground Irrigation System- Completion of Project .................. 341,342 " 26--Pizza Hut of Dubuque #2, Class "B" Beer Permit ............ 346 Oct. 3--Productivity Improvement Week, Proclamation ............. 349 " 3--Permits for Market Stalls at Central Market, Ordinance clari- fying ................................................ 353 Oct. 17--Pictures presented by Shive-Hattery re: Radford Road Ind. Park ................................................. 358 " 17--P & Z re: approval of amended Preliminary Development Plan to allow for campus improvements at University of Dubuque.. 360 " 17--Preliminary Development Plan - amended - for University of Dubuque ..................................... 360, 377, 378, 379 " 17--Prohihitlan of consumption of Beer in cer rain parks, deletion of University Park from City books ......................... 368 Nov 7--Pins, Tharsella, Denial of Claim .......................... 393 7--Petesch vs. City, Case settled at no cost .................... 393 7--Primary Election Results ............................... 394 7--Plumbing Bd. resignation of Robert G. Steichen ............. 395 7--Proposals for commercial rec. offerings at Ch. Schmitt Mem. Island, status ......................................... 395 Nov 21--Peoples Natural Gas, rezoning for property south of Cedar Cross Road from AG to C~7 .......................... 398, 399, 417 " 21--PUD Designation & Prelimlnary Development Plan Review, re: request of Burbach/Kitchen ............................. 399 "21 --Plat approval of Subd. of Lot 1-D of Terrace Hgts. Subd ...... 402 " 21 --Phimbing Board resignation of Joseph A. Danner ........... 403 "21--Plumhing Board appointmente ........................... 404 Dec. 5--Pro-Life meeting, Councilinvited by S. Kirkbridge ........... 410 Dec. 19--Peterson, Judy, re: Rate Increase of Group W. .............. 434 "19--Plein, Larry, Claim ..................................... 436 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Jan. 3-Quit Claim Deed for parcels of property acqnired from Chicago & Northwestern Transportation Co. in 32nd St. area ......... 6 May 16--Quade, Barbara E., Claim, Denial ......................... 163, 393 " 16-Quarterly report for 3rd quarter of 82-83 - submitted by Economic Development Dept. of Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce ............................................ 164 Dec. 19-Quit Claim Deed for Asbury Sewage Metering Station ........ INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page 3--RESOLUTION Designating the Official Newspaper - Discus- sinn etc .............................................. 2, 14 3--Richardson, Hugh, appointed to Housing Code Appeals Bal... 7 3--Rivervlaw St., petition by L. Glover for upkeep etc ........... 8 3--Republic Airlines Inc. re: CAB submitting Notice. 8 Jan. 17--Roosevelt St. re: addition of left turn lanes ................. 18 , 17--Right-of-Way Assurance Statement for Fed. Aid Projects re: Mayor to execute Agreement with IA. DOT ................ 15 Feb. 7--Rate Increase re: Evainatinn of same for Cable TV Services .... request by Mgr. to hire consultant etc. to evaluate same ...... 27 7--Rundle, Floyd G., applicant for Civic Center Corem .......... 33 7--Ray, Rev, James, applicant for Human Rights Corem ........ 33 7--Redalan, Rick, applicant for Human Rights Corem ........... 33, 229 7--Rescb, Kenneth E., Claim & Settlement .................... 35, 97 Feb. 21--Regulations Fee Schedule (Subd.) Ordinance submitted pro- riding for amendments to same .......................... 44, 57 "21--Reclassification of property located north of Hwy. 20, west of Collins St ............................................. 45, 72 " 21--Rehahilitation Review Standards. . .Ordinance amending Historical Preservation Ordinance for update on same ........ 48 " 21--Ransdoll, Mark & Mary requesting building at 419 Bluff be designated as historically and architecturally significant ...... 51,99 Mar 12--Realtors (Bd.) requesting taxing body hold line on taxes ...... 59 12--Ross, David objecting to Eagle Pt. Park User Fee ........... 59 12--Rosolutinn providing for adoption of Annual Budget ......... 59 12--Ruprecht, Jim, commenting on Cable TV Dept .............. 60 12--Rate Increase, Sewer ................................... 61 12--Retrievai of Animals, Fee Charged ........................ 63 12--Removal of liquids from building, fee charged etc ............ 64 12--Rate Increase, Ambulance ............................... 65 Mar 14--Ross, Matt, of Iowa Concrete Paving Assn., presenting Awards the City had earned via Engrg. Dept ............... 71 " 14--Rezoning of property on Kennedy Road...per petition of Lyle Kopp, from R-5 Mniti-Family Residential to C-3 Arterial Business Commercial District ............................ 71 " 14--Rezoning of property north of Hwy. 20, west of Collins St. and east of Princeton Place and McCormick St. from R-2 Single F. Residential to ID Institutional District .................... 72 " 14--Rehab, Guidelines for Historic Preservation Comm., Ordinance providing for revision of same ............................ 75 " 14--Rebinson, Elizabeth, Claim; Denial ........................ 80, 415 Mar 21--Russeli, Gordon, re: Dubuque Industrial Center Contract ..... 84 " 21--Roosevelt Road, deferring request of W. Pregler that Baldwin Dr. be completed from Jonathan Lane to Roosevelt by City Mgr ................................................. 88 Apr. 4--Rezoding of Property at 2005 Asbury Rd. from R-2 Single Family Residential District & t~3 Multi-Family Residential District to ID Institutional District ....................... 89 " 4--Ramirez, Shimon, opposed to Mr. C. Dully on H. Rights Connn ............................................... 95 " 4--Rosenow, Ed, in favor of Mr. C. Dully staying on H. Rights Comm ............................................... 95 " 4--Remp, Investigation of Fees, comment by Wm. Neumeister... 93 Apr. 11--Ray, Chuck. re: Crescent Ridge San. Sewer Project, Phase II. ......... 100 "11--1~1~ ~.'(~r~'~,'~iscu~i'o~ ~ ~i~ ~ ~ ~G... 103 " 11--Revocation of license of Dubuque Pawnbrokers (J. Shutters); appeal ................................................ 103, 109 Apr. 18--Reconstructinn of John F. Kennedy Road...procedural resolu- tions etc .............................................. 109-111 18--Report by Dock Chairperson Sullivan on development of Chaplain Schmitt Island ................................ 113 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1988 SUBJECT Page Apr. 18--Ron's Barrel Tap (Ronald Fen), Claes "C" Beer & Liquor License .............................................. 116 " 18--Rapp, Mrs. Rosemary, Claim, Denial ...................... 117, 415 " 18--Reising, Lester, Certified by C. S. Comm. for Bus Operator .... 117 M,a,y 2--Rate Increase for Cable TV Basic Services ................. 125,434 2--Renier, James, requested no increase in Cable Rates for those who do not have converters .............................. 125 2--Rezoning re: North Sector and properties adjacent to North Sector ........................................... 123, 124, 125 2--Rezoning re: Northrange Associate for property north of Penns. Ave. & east of Radford Road ....................... 129, 170 2--Radford Rd. - east of and north of Pennsylvania - rezoning .... 129, 170 2--Revenue Sharing Funds - Proof of publicatlan re: adopted City Budget showing intended uses of Gen. Rev. Sharing funds .... 145 May 16--Rundle, Floyd G., Proclamation .......................... 148 " 16--R & S Investment, objecting to assessment for JFK reconstruction ........................................ 151 ,, 16--Reconstruction of J. F. Kennedy Road - Objections, Abandon- ment ................................................ 151' " 16--Richardson, Bob, objecting to assessment for JFK Read ..... 151 16--Rolle, Ed, must get in with improving Dubuque (re: JFK reconstruction) ........................................ 151 ,, 16--RR Crossing (reeanstruction of Peru Rd. at ahandoned Ckicage Northwestern) - proceduralresolutlons etc ................. 152, 153 " 16--Richardson, Mary, Cigarette Permit ...................... 162 " 16--Ring, Richard J., Cigarette Permit ........................ 162 " 16--Resurrection Men's Service Club, Class "B" Beer Permit ..... 162 " 16--Riveraide Bowl, Inc., Cigarette Pern~t ..................... 162 " 16--R. C. & Jerry Turner, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ....... 163 " 16--Real Estate Taxes Suspended ............................ 164 June 6--Radford Industrial Park Water Storage Facility Project, Ac- ceptance of Project .................................... 183, 184 6--Refuse Collection Accounts (Delinquent), Certified to County Auditor .............................................. 184 6--Revocation of License & Appeal Procedure, Ordinance Pro- vlding for same ........................................ 189 6--Revocatlon of Business License & Appeal Procedure, Ordi- nance Providing for same ............................... 190 6--Rabies vaccination requirements for Dogs & Cats, updated .... 191 6--Raiter, Richard, appointed to P & Z Commission ............. 192 6--Rosenow, Ed, appointed to P& Z Commission .............. 192 6--R & S Enterprises, Inc. (Union Bus Depot), Cigarette Permit. 193 6--Revea Discount Drug Centers of Iowa (2 outlets), Cigarette Permits ................. : ............................ 193 6--Rainbo Oil Co., (Kwikstop Food Mart), Cigarette Perndt ...... 193 June 20--Randalls Foodarama #1 & #2, Cigarette Permits ............. 208 "20--Redstone, Inc., Cigarette Permit ......................... 208 " 20--Roeth, Delores, CigarettePermit;Class"C"LiquorLieense.-. .................................................... 208, 209 " 20--Revco Discount Drug Center of Ia., Inc. IWarren Plaza), Class "C" Beer Permit ....................................... 209 " 20--Riverside Bowl Inc., Class "C" Liquor License .............. 209 "20--Roee, Jacqueline, Claim ................................. 210 July 5--Rec. Complex of Ch. Schmitt Island - Underground Irrigation System Project ................................. 222-224, 341-342 5--Rehab. Housing (Sec. 8), Application for Additional Units ..... 225 5--Rundle, Floyd G., applicant for Civic Center Corem .......... 229 5--Ryan, James, applicant for Library Board .................. 229 5--Regulatory Connnlasion (TV) appointments of Ternent & Hllby ................................................ 231 July 18--Railroad (Amtrak) Service ~ Engineering Study authorized .... 243 " 18--Richards, Richard, objecting to Eagle Pt. Park vehicle entry fee .................................................. 243 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page July 18--Reduction in Garbage & Rubbish Fees when head of household is 65 etc .............................................. 244, 245 ' 18--Rubblsh Fees reduced when head of household is 65 etc ....... .................................................... 244, 245 " 18--Resurrection Church Sanitary Sewer, Final Estimate et c ...... ................................................. 245-247. 329 " 18--RR Crossing at Peru Road · Reconstruction Project .......... 247 " 18--River City Pavlng Co., Awarding of contract for Peru Read Re. construction .......................................... 247 " 18--Randall's International, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit ......... 256, 327 Aug 1--Report by City Mgr. on Soil Conditions at Chap. Schmitt Memorial Island ....................................... 262 1--River City Paving, Inc., awarded contract for 1983 Asphalt Paving Project ........................................ 268 Aug 15--Rental Property Fees and penalties, Petition of Dave Hoffman. .................................................... 285 " 15--Richardson. Mary M., Class "C" Beer Permit ............... 297 " 15--Ryan House, Class "C" Liquor Lieanse .................... 298,370 " 15--Rieken, Leona, Claim., Deniai ............................ 298,328 Se,pt 6--Rehabilltation Commlasion, Discontinuatlon ....... 309,333,390,391 6--Reynolds, James re: Erroneous Dock Minutes & placement of marker on Chaplain Schraitt Memorial Island ............... 312 6--Riverfront Museum Complex - transfer of easements between Burlington N. RR & City ................................ 313 6--Roharts Food Service, Inc., Cigarette Permit ............... 326 " 6--ReiBy, Mrs. Ray, Claim; Denial ........................... 328, 371 Sept 26--Raft System, Resolution re: Retention (Milwaukee Road) ..... 339 " 26--Ruegnitz Drug Store, Cigarette Permit .................... 346 "26--Rehab. Program (Sec. 8 Moderate), not funded this fiscaiyear.. 347 "26--Ryan, James T. submitting document re: Emhassy West Subd. street & sidewalk completion ............................. 348 Oct. 17--Radford Rd. Industrial Park pictures presented by Shlve- Hattery .............................................. 358 " 17--Ratirement Corporation Deferred Comp. Plan, Amending Int. City Management Assoclatio~ ........................... 365, 366 " 17--Rainbo Oil Co., Class "C" Beer Permit ..................... 370 Nov 7--Revco Discount Drug Centers of Ia., Class "C" Beer Permits. .................................................... 392 7--Remakel, Michael, Closing of Claim ....................... 393 7--Ruper t, Colleen, Denial of Claim .......................... 393 Dec. 5--Riley, Father Leo, Invocation ............................ 409 5--Rate Increase report by Touche Ross re: Group W ........... 413 5--Richman, John, Class "C" Liquor License .................. 414 Dec. 19--Rivervlew Perk, Lease Agreement with Dubuque County Con- servation Society ...................................... 431,432 " 19--Right-of-way Assurance Statement for Federal Aid Projects, Agreement with Iowa DOT .............................. 433 " 19--Robinson, Linda, Class "C" Liquor License ................. 435 " 19--Retlred Senior Volunteer Program, request for Money ........ 436 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page ReSolutions Jan, 3--1-83 Providing for the appointment of a City Manager ........ 1 3--2-83 Providing for the appointment of a Corporation Counsel and Legal Staff ........................................ 1 3--3-83 Providing for the Appointment of a City Clerk .......... 1 3--4-83 Acceptance of delivery of Quit Claim .................. 6 Jan. 10-5-83 Execution of supplemental contract for uncompleted por- tions of N/W Arterial, State I. P.C.C. Paving & Intersection Improvement ......................................... 9 ' 10--6-83 Acceptance of improvement for N/W Arterial Stage I, P,C.C. Paving & Intersection Improvement ................ 10 " 10--7-83 Final Estimate and approval of payment etc, for N/W Arterial State I, P,C.C. Paving & Intersection Improvements.. 10 " 10--8-83 Authorizing the Filing of an Amendment to an Applica- tlan with the DOT, USA for Grant under UMTA ............ 10 " 10--9-83 Authorization of issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses ............................................. 11 Jan, 17--10-83 Designating Newspaper to be Utilized by City of Dubuque ............................................. 14 " 17--11-83 Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Agreement with Iowa DOT on Right-Of-Way Assurance Statement for Federal Aid Projects .......................................... 15 " 17--12-83 Granting permit to sell Cigarettes ................... 16 " 17--13-83 Authorization issuance of Class "C" Beer Permits ...... 16 " 17--14-83 Authorizing issuance of Class "C' (Connnerclal) Beer & Liquor License ........................................ 17 Jan. 28--15-83 Authorizing Filing of Application with EDA, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, USA, for Grant under Terms of Public Law 89-136, as Amended .................................... 21 " 28--16-83 Approving an Amendment to a Contract for Purchase of Real Estate with Frommelt Ind., Inc ...................... 22 " 28--17-83 Authorization of issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .............................................. 22-23 Feb. 7--18-83 Contract for Professional services associated with the Cedar Cross Extension Corridor Location Study with Brice, Petrides & Assoc., Inc., Waterloo, Iowa .................... 27, 28 7--19-83 Authorizing Approval et Project Agreement No. 82-F-052 with the Iowa DOT for Preliminary Engineering and the Environmental Assessment Associated with the Cedar Cross Extension Location Study ......................... 28 7--20-83 Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Project Agreement with the Iowa DOT for Improvements on the 32nd St. Viaduct Crossing ............................................. 29 7--21-83 Operating Agreement Between the Dubuque Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency and the City of Dubuque, Iowa ........................................ 30 7--22-83 Petitioning the Annexation of Property Known as Mar- shah Park to the City of Dubuque, Iowa .................... 30 7--23-83 Annexing Certain Territory Known as Marshall Park to the City of Dubuque, Iowa ............................... 31 7--24-83 Authorizing Pub~icatinn of Notice of Environmental Review Findings for a Certain Community Development Block Grant Project ......................................... 32 7--25-83 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Availability for Public Inspection Certain Community Development Block Grant Documents ...................................... 32 7--26-83 Cigarette Permit to Kopp's Market .................. 34 7--27-83 Class "B" Beer Permit to JFK Fast Foods, Inc ......... 34 7--28-83 Class "C" (Connnercizl) Beer & Liquor License to Rita Clancy and Earl & M.L. Haferbecker; Class "B" Beer & Liquor License to Inns of Iowa Ltd .............................. 64 Feb. 14--29-83 Declaring Support for "Homes or Properties Extension and Petitioning the Governor for Relief". .................. 38 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Feb. 14--33-83 Class "C" Beer & Liquor License to 2 outlets ........... 39 " 14--32-83 Class "C" Beer Permit to 2 outlets ................... 39 " 14--31-83 Adopting Supplement No. 16 to the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa ............................. 40 " 14--30-83 Authorizing the Execution of a C.D. Block Grant Agree- ment with the Dept. of Housing & Urban Development ....... 40 Feb. 21--34-83 Setting the date of Public Hearing on the FY 1984 Budget for the City of Dubuque .......................... 43 "21--35-83 Setting the Date of P. Hearing on the Five Year Capital Improvement Program ................................. 43 " 21--36-83 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Public Hearing for the Use of Community Development Block Grant Funds ...... 44 " 21--37-83 Approval of City Mgr. for contract for Dbq. Industrial Center and Associated Sewer/Water Service Facilities and Treasurer authorized to pay from EDA Grant, Sewer Const. funds & Watermain Cons. funds .......................... 47, 84 " 21--38-83 Approval of payments in amto. of $1,392,127.88 he paid from EDA Grant, Sewer Construction Funds & Watermain Const. Funds for Dubuque Industrial Center & Associated Sewer/Water Facilities .................................. 47, 83 " 21--39-83 Approving the Plat of the Subdivision of Lot I of Dubuque Industrial Center First Addn. in the City of Dubuque, Iowa ........................................ 47 "21--40-83 Approving Tax Exemption Applications Submitted by Property Owners in the Jackson Park, W. 11th St. and Washington St ........................................ 48 " 21--41-83 Cigarette Permits to 3 outlets ....................... 49, 50 "21--42-83 Class "B" and Class "C" Beer Permits to 1 outlet each. 5O "21--43-83 Class "C" Beer-Wine License to David & Joanna Oberbroeclding and Class "C" Beer & Liquor License to 3 outleto ............................................... 50 Mar 12--4~1-83 Adopting an Official Schedule of Planning and Zoning Fees ................................................. 57 " 12--45-83 Adopting the Annual Budget for the Fiscai Year Ending June 30, 1984 ......................................... 62 " 12--46-83 Adoption of Five Year Capital Improvement Program. Sewer, Phace II ....................................... 74, 101 " 14--48-83 Prollmlnary Approval of Plans for Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer, Phase II ................................ 74 " 14--49-83 Schedule of Proposed Assessment for Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer, Phase II ................................ 74 "14--50-83 Fixing Date of Hearing for Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer, Phase II ....................................... 75 " 14--51-83 Stating Intent that Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island be used exclusively for commercial recreational and wetlands purposes; Directing P & Z Commission to study and make recommendation regarding a change of zoning from heavy in- dustrial to a classification that would okay the intended com- mercial recreation usage ................................ 77 " 14--52-83 Cigarette Permit for Michael J. Hopkins .............. 79 " 14--53-83 Class "B" Beer Permits for Ellis I. Levitt etc. and Class "C' Beer Permit for Will-Co-Inc. & Theodore & Georgia Heinz. " 14--54-83 Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses .................... 79 Mar 21--55-83 Authorizing the Filing of an Amendment to Section 5 Application {IA-05-0033) with the Dept, of Transportation, USA, for a grant under UMTA Act of 1964, as amended ...... 82 "21--56-83 Repealing Resolutions 37-83 and 38-83 concerning ente~ lng contract with Gordon Russell, Inc. for Dubuque Industrial Center & Associated Sewer/Water Service Facilities ......... 84 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Mar 21--57-83 Authorizing Submission of a Request for Funds for Development of Outdoor Recreation (Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Park) Under the Land and Water Conservation Fund ................................................ 85 "21--58-83 Cignrette Permits to Sordahl Enterprises & Nabors Drug Stores ............................................... 86 " 21--59-83 Class "B" Beer Permits & Class "C' Beer Permits Issued to @ 6 outlets ................................... 86 " 21--60-83 Issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor License to 2 outlets. 87 Apr. 4--61-83 Authorizing the Execution of an Amendment to a Memorandum of Agreement with Fronnnelt Industries, Inc. 91 4--62-83 Fixing a Date for a Second Hearing on Proposed In- dustrial Development Revenue Bonds, Series 1981 (Frommelt Industries, Inc. Project) and changing the project designation. .................................................... 92, 93 4--63-83 Cigarette Permits to 3 outlets ....................... 96 4--64-83 Authorizing Class "C" Beer & Liquor License & Class "C" Beer & Wine License ................................ 96 4--65-83 Authorizing ~ssuance of Class B & Class C Beer Per- mits ................................................. 96 Apr. 11--66-83 Designating as Architecturally Significant the Property Located at 419 Bluff St. & Hereinafter Described Pursuant to the Requirements of Appendix A of the Code ............... 99 " 11--67-83 Decision of Council upon Objection to Plans, Specs., Form of Contract & Cost of Improvement re: Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer, Phase II ................................ 101 " 11--68-83 Ordering Construction for Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer, Phase II ....................................... 102 " 11--69-83 Cigarette Permits to two outlets ..................... 104 " 11--70-83 Class "C" Beer Permits to one outlet ................. 104 11--71-83Class C Liquor License to two outlete .............. 104,105 Apr. 18--72-83 Necessity for Improvement for Reconstruction of John F. Kennedy Road from Penn. Ave. to University ............ 109, 151 " 18--73-83 Preliminary Approval of Plans, Etc. for reconstruction of John F. Kennedy Road from Pennsylvania Ave. to University Ave ................................................. 110 " 18--74-83 Schedule of Proposed Assessments for the Reconstruc- tion of John F. Kennedy Road from Penn. Ave. to Univerai.ty Ave ................................................. 110 " 18--75-83 Fixing Date of Hearing for Reconstruction of John F. Kennedy Road from Penn. Ave. to University Ave ........... 110 " 18--76-83 Authorizing Executlan of Agreement between the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and the Iowa Dept. of Transportation, Relating to the Reconstruction of J. F. Kennedy Road from Penn, Ave. to University ................................ 111 " 18--77-83 Directing the City Clerk to Publish Proposed Amend- ment to the FY '83 Budget and Date of P. Hearlng ........... 111 " 18--78-83 Authorizing the Filing of an Application with the Dept. of Transportation, USA, for Grant under UMTA of 1964, as Amended ............................................. 112 " 18--79-83 Policy for Street Assessments - setting out assessment policy be adopted as a guideline for assessment associated with reconstruction and rehabilitation activities and that a Ronback amount of 20% be affirmed on all assessments associated with reconstruction for the FY '84 Street Program, and the rollback amount to be received and approved annually by City Council. 113 " 18--80-83 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental Review Findings for Certain CD Block Grant Project (Dubu- que Ind. Center West Cul-De-Sac Construction) ............. 114 " 18--81-83IssuanceofClass C BeerPermiteto3outiats ........ 115 " 18--82-83 Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses for five outlats ....... 116 " 18--83-83 Issuance of Cigarette Permits to one outlat ............ 116 " 18--84-83 Issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor License to two outlets ............................................... 116 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page May 2--85-83 To Proceed with the Issuance and Sale of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, Series 1983 (Frommelt Partner- ship Project). 119 2--87-83 Permanent Transfer of Funds... ~ ................... 122 " 2--88-83 Submission of an Applicatlon for Operating Assistance with the Iowa DOT .................................... 126 " 2--89-83 Authoriz ng the Filing of an Application with the U.S. Dept. of Transportation ................................. 127 2--90-83 Declaring City Council Intent to Lease E. B. Lyons Preserve and Nature Center to the State and Authorizing Public Hearing ................................ 128 2--91-83 Authorizing findor~om~nt of UDAG G'rant ~gr~m~ Between the City of Dubuque, Iowa and the U.S. Dept. of Housing & Urban Development .......................... 132 2--92-83 Approving a Supplemental Loan Agreement Providing for the Loan of Urban Development Action Grant Funds to FDL, Inc ............................................. 132 2--93-83 Authorizing submission of a request for Roleaee of Funds for a Certain Urban DevelOpment Action Grant Project ....... 133 2--94-83 Authorizing Submission of a Request for Release of Funds for Certain Comm. Development Block Grant Projects,. 135 " 2--95-83 Awarding Contract for Crescent Ridge Sanitary Sewer Phase II to Langman Construction Inc. of Rock Island, Ill. in the amount of $148,70L51 ............................... 137 2--96-83 Final approval of Northwest Arterial, Stage I Preten- sioned Concrete Beam Bridge ............................ 137 2--97-83 Payment of $571,208.19 for N/W Art. Pretensioned- Prestressed Concrete Beam Bridge be paid from General Obligation Bonds ...................................... 138 2--98-83 Accepting the Agreement between the City of Dubuque, Iowa and the Dubuque Association of Profess. Firefighters, Local #353 & Authorizing the Mayor to sign Agreement ...... 139 2--99-83 Accepting the Agreement between the City of Dubuque, Iowa and the General Drivers & Helpers Union, Local #421. and Authorizing the Mayor to sign said Agreement .......... 140 2--100-83 Accepting the Agreement between the City of Dubuque, Iowa and the Amalgamated Transit Union, Division #329, and Authorizing the Mayor to sign said Agreement ..... 140 " 2--101-83 Accepting the Agreement between the City of Dubuque and the Dubuque Pelicemen's Protective Assn. and Authoriz- ing the Mayor to sign said Agreement ..................... 141 2--102-83 Accepting the Agreement between the City of Dubu- que, Iowa and the International Union of Operating Engineers Local #748, and Authorizing the Mayor to sign said Agree- ment ................................................ 142 2--103-83 Adopting the Fiscal Year 1984 Compensation Package for Non bargaining Unit Employees ....................... 142 2--104-83 Granting Cigarette Permits to Sam Jasarl ............ 143 2--105-83 Granting Class "B" and Class "C" Beer Permits ....... 143 2--106-83 Granting Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........... 144 May 16--107-83 Approval of Lease Agreement between the City of Dubuque, Iowa and the Iowa State Conservation Commission. .................................................... 149 " 16--108-83 Designating as Architecturally significant the Property located at 372 Bluff St. 150 May 18--109-83 Fixing Date for a Meeting on the Proposition of the Is- suance of $1,940,000 General Obligation Bonds (for an Essen- tial Corporation Purpose) of Dubuque. Iowa and Providing for Publication of Notice Thereof ............................ 151 18--110-83 Necessity for Improvement for Reconstruction of Peru Road at Abandoned Chlcage & Northwestern RR Crossing .... .................................................... 152, 175 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page May 16--111-83 Preliminary Approval of Plans, Etc. for the Reconstruc- tion of Peru Read at the Abandoned Chicago & North Western 1~3 RR Crossing & North Western RR Crossing ................ " 16--112-83 Fixing Date of Hearing for reconstruction of Peru Road at the Abandoned Chicago & NW RR Crossing. ............. 153 " 16--113-83 Authorizing and Direetioning the Mayor to act on behalf of the City of Dubuque, Iowa by Accepting a Project Agreement for Federal Financial Assistance through the Land & Water Conservation Fund for a proposed Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Park & Recreation Complex ..................... 154 "16--114-83 Approving the Minimum Requirements, Competitive Criteria, Offering Documents & Procedures for Disposition of a Protion of Chaplain Schr~dtt Memorial Island; and (2) Soliciting Proposals to Enter Into a Developer Designation and Lease Option Agreement.... ................................. 154 " 16--115-83 Approving the Plat of "Patricia Ann Acres in Subdivi- sion No. 2'. .......................................... 156 " 16--116-83 Approving the Plat of "Patricia Ann Acres Block 7" hi the City of Dubuque Iowa ............................... 157 " 16--117-83 Approving the Plat of "Westside Commercial Park" in Dubuque County ...................................... 158 " 16--118-83 Granting Cigarette Permits to about 30 outlets ....... 162 " 16--119-83 Granting Class "B' Beer & Class "C" Beer Permits .... 162 " 16--120.83 Grantlng Class "A" Beer & Liquer License to Dubuque Golf & Country Club & Class "C" Beer & Liquor License to @ 6 outlets ............................................... 163 May 26--121-83 Authorizing Acceptance of an Agreement Providing for Loan Guarantee for Acquisition of Existing Frommelt Proper- ty ................................................... 166 June 6--122-83 Instituting Proceedings to Take Additional Action for the Issuance of $1,940,000 G.O. Bonds .................... 169 " 6--123-83 Decision of Council upon Objections to Plans, Specifica- tions et. for Reconstruction of Peru Read at the Abandoned Chicago & NW RR ..................................... 176 " 6--124-83 Ordering Construction of Reconstruction of Peru Road at Abandoned Chicago & NW RR Crossing ................. 176 ' 6--125-83 Necessity for Improvement for 1983 Asphalt Paving Project ........................................... ~ .. 177,220 " 6--126-83 Preliminary Approval of Plans Etc. for 1983 Asphalt Paving Project ........................................ 178 " 6--127-83 Fixing Date of Hearing for 1983 Asphalt Paving Pro- ject ................................................. 178 " 6--128-83 Necessity for Improvements for Liberty Ave. Sanitary Sewer ............................................... 178, 216 " 6--129-83 Preliminary Approval of Plans, Etc. for Liberty Ave. Sanitary Sewer ........................................ 179 " 6--130-83 Fixing Date of Hearing for Liberty Ave. Sanitary Sewer ................................................ 179 " 6--131-83 Necessity for Improvement for Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island Recreation Complex- Underground Irrigation System .............................................. 180, 222 " 6--132-83 Preliminary Approval of Plans for Chaplain Schrn~tt Memorial Island Irrige~ion System Project ................. 18~ 6--133~83 Fixing Date oI Hearing and Authorizing Advertisement for Proposals for Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island Recrea- tion Complex - Underground Irrigation System ............. 181 6--134-83 Accepting Improvement for Industrial Park Water Storage Tank ......................................... 183 6--135-83 Final Estimate for Industrial Park Water Storage Tank ................................................ 184 6--136-83 Authorizing the City Manager to Collect Delinquent Refuse Collection Account~ in Accordance with Section 17-37{d) of the Code of Ordinances ........................ 184 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page June 6--137-83 Authorizing the Coliection of Delinquent Sewer Ac- counts in Accordance with Sections 36-55 and 36-59 of the Code of Ordinances of the City ........................... 185 6--138-83 Approving Plat of the Subdivision of Lot 5, Block 3 of "Embassy West" in the City of Dubuque .................. 186 6--139-83 Approving the Plat of the Subdivlsion of Lot 2 of Southeast One Quarter, Section 20, Township 89 North, Range 2 East of Fifth Principal Meridian ........................ 187 6--140-83 Approving the Plat of Northrange Subdivision No. 1 in the City of Dubuque .................................... 187 6--141-83 Approving the Plat of "Dubuque Industrial Center Fourth Addition" in the City of Dubuque .................. 189 6--142-83 Cigarette Permits to @ 100 outlets .................. 193 6--143-83 Class "B' Beer Permit to James L. Ferring (Ted's Tap). .................................................... 194 6--144-83 Class "A' Beer & Liquor License to one outlet and Class "C" Beer & Liquor License to 4 outlets ................ 194 June20--145-83 Fixing a Date for Hearing on proposed Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, Series 1983 (Frommelt Partner- sh~p Project) ...................................... ~. ~. 198 "20--146-83 Necessity for Improvement for Peru Road Watermain. ................................................. 199-200, 236 20--147-83 Preliminary Approval of Plans for Peru Road Water- main ................................................ 200 20--148-83 Fixing Date of Hearing and Authorizing Advertisement for Proposals for Peru Road Watermain .................... 200 20--149-83 Approval of an Agreement between City and Phone-A- Friend, Inc. Information and Referral Service ............... 201 20--150-83 Approval of an Agreement between City and Washington Neighborhood Tool Library ................... 202 20--151-83 Authorizing the filing of a Program Statement for a C.D. Block Grant for City ............................... 203 20--152-83 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental Revie~w Findings for Certain C.D. Block Grant Projects ....... 203 20--153-83 Adopting Supplement No. 17 to the Code of Ordinances. 203 20--154-83 Approving the Plat of the Subdivision of Lot 1, Lot 2, and Lot 3 and Lot 4 of "Evelyn Tharp Place" in Mineral Lot 324 in the City of Dubuque .............................. 205 "20--155-83 Cigarette Permite to @ 100 outlets .............. 206,207,208 " 20--155A-83 Claee "B" Beer Permit and Class "C" Beer Permit .... .................................................... 208, 209 20--155B-83 Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses ................. 209 5--156-83 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specifica- tions etc. for Liberty Ave. Sanitary Sewer .................. 217 ,, 5--157-83 Ordering Construction for Liberty Ave. Sanitary Sewer. 218 5--158-83 Amending Resolution No. 125-83 - Asphalt Paving Pro- ject ................................................. 220 " 5--159-83 Decision of Council upon objections to Plans, Specifica- tions etc, of 1983 Asphalt Paving Project .................. 221 5--160-83 Ordering Construction of 1982 Asphalt Paving Project. 221 5--161-83 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specifica- tions, form of contract...etc, for Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island Recreation Complex, Underground Irrigation System. 223 5--162-83 Ordering construction for Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island Recreation Complex, Underground Irrigation System.. 223 5--163-83 Awarding contract for Chaplain Schmltt Memorial Island Recreation Complex Underground Irrigation System No. i to Nauman Nursery ............................... 224 5--164-83 Authorizing Mayor to execute Application for Addi- tional 25 Units of Section 8 Mod. Rehab. Housing & 25 Units of Section 8 Existing Housing .............................. 225 July INDEX -- BOOK 115 1983 SUBJECT Pa~e July 5--165-83 Authorizing Submission of a Request for Release o! Funds for Certain CD "Jobs Bille' Projecte ................ 226 5--166-83 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits {@ 25) ...... 231 5--167-83 Authorizin~ Issuance of Beer Permits, 2 outlets ....... 331 5--168-83 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses to 3 outlets .................................... 232 July 18--169-83 Authorizing issuance & sale of Ind. Deval. Rev. Bonds FROMMELT PARTNERSHIP PROJECT in principal amount of $3,000,000 ................................. ~ . 234 ,, 18_170.83 Decisiou of Council upon obi ections to plans, sPesifice' tions etc. for Peru Road Watermain ....................... 237 " 18--171-83 Ordering Construction of Peru Road Watcrmdin ....... 237 ,, 18_172.83 Awarding Contract of Peru Road Watermaln Project to W. C. Stewart & Co .................................... 238 " 18--173-83 Necessity for Improvement for Iowa Street Parking Ramp - Joint Repairs & Bonard Replacements .............. 239, 279 ,, 18_174.83 Preliminery Approval of Plans, Etc. for Iowa St. Park' ing Ramp- Joint Repairs & Boliard Replacements ........... 289 ,, 18_175.83 Fixin~ Date of Heering and Authorizing Advertisement for Proposals for Iowa Street Parking Ramp - Joint Repairs & Bollard Replacements .................................. 240 " 18--176-83 Necessity for Improvement for 1983 Street Lighting & Traffic Signal Improvements ............................ 240, 281 " 18--177-83 Approved Est. Cost of 1983 Street Lighting & Traffic Signal Improvements .................................. 241 " 18--178-83 Fixing Date of Hearing & Author/zing Advertisement for Proposals for 1983 Street Lighting & Traffic Signal Im- provements ........................................... 241 " 18--179-83 Necessity for Improvement for Computer Directed In- formation & Control System ............................. 242, 259 " 18--180-83 Preliminary approval of plans etc. for Computer Directed Informatiou & Control System ................... 242 - 18_181.83 Fixing Date of Hearing for Computer Directed Informa- tion & Control System .................................. 242, 243 " 18--182-83 Approving Agreement for Economic Development Ser- vices with Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce as Ad- ministrative Agent for an ED Streeting Committee .......... 244 " 18--183-83 Accepting Improvement & Directing Clerk to Publish Notice re: RESURRECTION CHURCH SANITARY SEWER ............................................. 246 ,, 18_184.83 Final Estlmate City of Dubuque for RESURRECTION CHURCH SANITARY SEWER ......................... 245 " 18--185-83 Adopting the Final Assessment Schedule for RESUR- RECTION CHURCH SANITARY SEWER ................ 246 ' 18--186-83 Awarding Contract for Reconstruction of Peru Road at abandoned Chicago NW Railroad Crossing ................. 247 " 18--187-83 Recommending Alternate No. i for Improvement of Dodge St. {U.S. 20} ................................... :. 249 " 18--188-83 Amending Resolution No. 114-83 to Revise tho Subnns- sion Deadline & Certain Other Dates Relevant to the Disposi- tion of a Portion of Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island ........ .................................................... 250, 251 " 18--189-83 Accepting Court Officer Deed to "FOUR MOUNDS". 251 " 18--190-83 Petitioning the Annexation of Property to the City of Dubuque IBURDEN PROP.) ............................. 253 " 18--191-83 Annexing Certain)Territory to the City of Dubuque, Iowa ................................................ 254 " 18--192-83 Authorizing Cigarette Permits to 2 outlets ........... 255 " 18--193-83 Authorizing Beer Permits to 2 outlets ............... 255, 256 " 18--194-83 Authorizing Class "C" Liquor License to 2 outlets ..... 256' Aug 1_195-83 Decision of Council upon objeetions to Plans, specifica' tlons etc. re: Computer Directed Information & Control System .............................................. 260 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Aug 1--196-83 Ordering Construction of Computer Directed Informa- tion & Control System .................................. 260 1--197-83 Directing Sale of $1,940,000 GO Bonds .............. 261 1--198-83 Authorizing the Fi]/ng of an Iowa CD Loan Program Application ........................................... 263 1--199-83 Awarding Contract for Liberty Ave. Sanitary Sewer to R. J. Schnite Co. Inc .................................... 267 1--200-83 Awarding Contract of the 1983 Asphalt Paving Project to River City Paving Co ................................. 268 1--201-83 Cigarette Permit to J. & D. Dolan ................... 269 1--202-83 Issuance of Class "B" & "C" Beer Permit ............ 270 1--203-83 Issuance of Class "C" Liquor License to 3 outlets ...... 270 Aug 11--204-83 Regarding the Issuance of Not to Exceed $1,000,000 in Aggregate Principal amount of Ind. Dev. Rev. Bonds (The Brewery Project) of the City & Authorizing Execution of a Mem. of Agreement .................................... 273 Aug 18--205-83 Decision of Council upon Objections to Plans, Specs. etc. for Iowa Street Parking Ramp - Joint Repairs & Bollard Replacements ......................................... 279 " 18--206-83 Ordering Construction of Iowa Street Parking Ramp -Joint Repairs & Bollard Replacements .................... 280 " 18--207-83 Awarding Contract for Iowa Street Parking Ramp Joint Repairs & Bollard Replacements to Jackson Tuckpoint- lng Co., Inc ........................................... 280, 281 " 18--208-83 Decision of Council upon Objections to Plans, Specs. etc. for Contract & Cost of Improvement for 1983 Street Lighting & Traffic Signal Improvements ................... 282 " 18--209-83 Ordering Construction for 1983 St. Lighting & Traffic Signal Improvement ................................... 282 " 18--210-83 Awarding Contract for 1983 St. Lighting & Traffic Signal Improvement to Westphal & Co., Inc ................ 283 " 18--211-83 Annexing Lot 2 of Lot 1 of the SE One-Quarter of the SW One-Quarter of Section 29, Townskip 89 N, Range 2 East to the City ............................................ 285 " 18--212-83 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Availability for Public Inspection Certain CD Block Grant Documents ....... 287 " 18--213-83 Authorizlng the Execution of a CD Bleck Grant Agree- ment with Dept. of HUD ................................ 288 " 18--214-83 Authorizlng & Providing for the Issuance of $1,940,000 GO Bonds and Levying a Tax to Pay Said Bonds ............ 288 " 18--215-83 Approving Plat of the Subd. of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of the SW One-Quarter of the SW On~-Quarter of the NW One-Quarter of Sec. 10, Township 89 North, Eange 2 E of the Fifth Principal Meridian ............................................. 295 " 18--216-83 Cigarette Permits issued to 3 outlets ................ 297 " 18--217-83 Issuance of Beer Permits .......................... 297 " 18--218-83 Issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses ............... 298 Sept 6--219-83 Autberizing tbe Setting of a P. Hearing on tbe Disconti- nuing of the Rehabilitation Commission ................... 309 " 6--220-83 Necessity for Improvement of Ch. Schmitt Mem. Island Park & Rec. Complex, Ballfields Perimeter Fence ............ 310, 349 6--221-83 Approval of Prelim. Estimates of Plans, Specifications for Ch. Schmitt Mem. Island Bec. Complex Ballfields Perimeter Fence ....................................... 310 " 6--222-83 Fixing Date of Hearing and Authorizing Advertisement for Proposals for Ch. Schmitt Mem. Island Park & Rec. Com- plex, Ballfields Perimeter Fence .......................... 310 " 6--223-83 Approving Appraisal Findings & Recommendations for the Pricing of Disposition Sites in the Dbq. Ind. Center ....... 311 " 6--224-83 Approving Plat of Agreement re: Alignment, Release & Imposition of Easement Rights & Related Matters .......... 313 " 6--225-83 Approving the City of Dbq, FY 1983, Street Finance ~ Report ............................................... 325 " 6--226-83 Issuance of Cigarette Permits ...................... 326 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Se,pt 6--227-83 Issuance of Class "B" & "C" Beer Permits ........... 327 6--228-83 Issuance of Class "B'~ & Class "C" Liquor License to eeverai outlets ........................................ 327 Sept 14--229-83 Issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit to St. Anthony Church ............................................... 332 " 14--230-83 Authorizing the Executlan of a Memorandum of Agree- ment with Wm. C. Brown Co ............................. 334 " 14--231-83 Fixing a Date for Hearing on proposed Ind. Develop. Revenue bonds, Series 1983 (Wm. C. Brown Co. Publishers Project) .............................................. 335, 336 " 14--232-83 Selecting an Alignment for a Comprehensive En- vironmental Assessment Study for the Cedar Cross Transpor- tatinn Project ......................................... 338, 339 " 14--233-83 Relating to the Milwaukee Road Reorganization ....... 339 14--234-83 Authorizing Emergency Storm Sewer Repair at 14th & Central & White ....................................... 340 " 14--235-83 Acceptance of Ch. Schmitt Memorial Island Park & Rec. Complex Grading, Drainage & Roadway Base Project .... 340 " 14--236-83 Authorizing payment for the Chaplain Schmitt Mem. Island Park and Rec. Complex, Grading, Drainage & Roadway (Base) ................................................ 341 " 14--237-83 Acceptance of Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island Rec. Complex- Underground Irrigation System ................. 341 " 14--238-83 Authorizing payment for Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island Rec. Complex- Underground Irrigation System ....... 341, 342 " 14--239-83 Authorizing Ieeuance of Cignrette Permits ........... 345 " 14--240-83 Authoriz{ng Issuance of Claee "B" & "C" Beer Permite. 346 " 14--241-83 Authorizing Issuance of Class "B" and Class "C" Li- quor Licenses ......................................... 346, 347 Oct. 3--242-83 Decision of Council upon Objections to Plans Specs. etc. for Ch. Schmitt Mem. Island Park & Rec. Complex, Ballfields Perimeter Fence ....................................... 350 3--243-83 Ordering Construction for Ch. Schmitt Mem, Island Park & Rec. Complex, Balifields Perimeter Fence ............ 350 3--244-83 Awarding Contract to Lovewell Fencing, Inc. for Ch. Schmitt Memorial Island Park & Rec. Complex, Balifields Perimeter Fence ....................................... 351 3--245-83 Necessity for Improvement for Converting Existing Bleachers to Electrical Operation (Civic Center) ............. 351, 375 3--246-83 Preliminary Approval of Plans, Etc. for Converting Ex- isting Bleachers to Elec. Operation for Dubuque Five Flags C~nter {Civic Center) ................................... 352 3--247-83 Fixing Date of Hearing & Authorizing Advertisement for Proposals for Converting Existing Bleachers to Electrical Operation at Five Flags Civic Center ...................... 352 3--248-83 Authorizing the Participation of the City of Dubuque in the 1984 Louisiana World Exposition ...................... 353 3--249-83 Issuance of Class "B" & Class "C" Liquor Licenses. .................................................... 354, 355 Oct. 17--250-83 To Proceed with the Issuance and Sale of Ind. Dev. Rev. Bonds Series 1983 IWm. C: Brown Co., Publishers Project) in an aggregate principal amt. not to exceed $3,000,000 ......... 358 " 17--251-83 Amendment to Option Agreement between City and Klauer Mfg. Co ........................................ 361 " 17--252-83 Authorizing the issuance and Sale of Health Care Facili- ty Revenue Bonds, Series 1983 (Martin Luther Home Project) in the aggregate prificipni amt. of $1,500,500 to finance various things ............................................... 362 " 17--253-83 Ordering Condemnation of Merlin & Dorothy Bradley property near Airport .................................. 364 " 17--254-83 Awarding Contract to BIF, A Division of General Signal Controls, Inc. of West Warwich, R.I. for Computer Director Inf. & Control System for the Water Division ........ 365 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Oct. 17--255-83 Amending the International City Management Assn. Retirement Corporation Deferred Comp. Plan ............... .................................................... 365, 366 " 17--256-83 Authorizing publication of Notice of Environmental Review Findings for Certain CD Block Grant Projects ........ 367 " 17--256-83 Adopting Supplement No. 18 to the Code of Ordinances of the City ............................................ 369 " 17--258-83 Issuance of Cigarette Permits to FDL Foods, Inc ...... 370 " 17--259-83 Issuance of Class "C" Liquor License ................ 370 " 17--260-83 Issuance of Class "B" & Class "C" Beer Permit ....... 370 Nov 7--261-83 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specs, etc. for Converting Existing Bleachers to Elec. Operation (Five Flags.) .............................................. 375,376 7--262-83 Ordering Construction of Converting Existing Bleachers to Elec. Operation (Five Flags) ................... 376 7--263-83 Awarding Contract to American Seating Co. for Con- verting Existing Bleachers to Elec. Operation (Five Flags Civic Center) ............................................... 377 7--264-83 Amendment to Option Agreement between the City & Klauer Mfg. Co ........................................ 379 7--265-83 Accepting Improvement & Directing Clerk to Publish Notice for Liberty Ave. Sanitary Sewer .................... 380 7--266-83 Final Estimate for Liberty Avenue Sanitary Sewer .... 381 7--267-83 Adopting the Final Assessment Schedule for Liberty Avenue Sanitary Sewer ................................. 381 7--268-83 Authorizing the Filing of a Program Statement for a CD Block Grant .......................................... 384 7--269-83 Authorizing Submission of a Request for Release of Funds for Certain CD Block Grant Projects ................ 385 7--270-83 Authorizing the Filing of an Ia. CD Loan Program Ap- plication for Area Residential Care Relocation Project ........ 388 7--271-83 Authorizing the Filing of an Ia. CD Loan Program Ap- plication for the Dubuque Municipal Airport Office Construc- tion Project ........................................... 388 7--272-83 Issuance of Cigarette Permits to Dwaine Bowman ..... 391 7--273-83 Issuance of Class "C" Beer Permits to @ 6 outlets ..... .................................................... 391, 392 7--274-83 Issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses to 2 outlets ..... 392 Nov 21--275-83 Declaring the Intent of the City of Dubuque, Ia. to Dispose of Interests in Certain Real Estate, re: FDL Foods, Inc .................................................. 397 " 21--276-83 Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Ind. Development Revenue Bonds (Wm. C, Brown Co. Publications Project), in the principal amt. of $2,500,000, and Lender Loan Agreement etc .................................................. 399-401 "21--277-83 Approving a Mutual Aid Agreement wlth the Dubuque County and other Municipalities of Dubuque ............... 401,402 " 21--278-83 Approving a Tentative Street Construction Program and Submitting Same to the Ia. DOT ...................... 402 " 21--279-83 Approving Plat of the Subdivision of Lot 1-D of Terrace Heights Subdivision ................................... 402, 403 "21--280-83 Issuing Cigarette Permits to 4 outlets ............... 404 " 21--281-83 Issuance of Class "B" & Class "C" Beer Permits ...... 404 " 21--282-83 Issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses to 5 outlets ............................................... 405 Dec. 5--283-83 Authorizing the City to enter into an Increditor Agree- ment with Citicorp Industrial Credit, Inc. in connection with UDAG Grant Agreement ............................... 409 5--284-83 Accepting Improvement for Ch. Schmitt Mere. Island Park & Rec. Complex Ballfields Perimeter Fence ............ 411 5--285-83 Final Estimate for Ch. Schmitt Mem. Island, Park & Rec. Complex Balifields Perimeter Fence ................... 411 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Dec. 5--286-83 Authorizing the Execution of Grant Agreements with the DOT, USA, for Grants under the UMTA of 1964, as amended ............................................. 412 5--287-83 Authorizing the Execution of Annual Contributions Contract Incorporating Additional 25 Units Section 8 Existing Program Funds with 411 Unit Contract .................... 412 5--288-83 Issuing Cigarette Permit to 1 outlet ................. 413 5--289-83 Issuing Class "B" & CLass "C" Beer Permit .......... 414 5--290-83 Issuance of Class "B' & Class "C" Liquor License ..... 414 Dec. 19--291-83 Accepting Improvement for 1983 Asphalt Paving Pro- ject ................................................. 419 " 19--292-83 Final Estimate for 1983 Asphalt Paving Project ....... 420 " 19--293-83 Adopting the Final Assessment Schedule for the 1983 Asphalt Paving Project, Etc ............................. 420 " 19--294-83 Extending the Lease Agreement with the Dbq. County Conservation Society for River View Park for a Period of One Year ................................................ 431, 432 " 19--295-83 Acceptance of Quit Clalm Deed by City of Asbury ..... 432 " 19--296-83 Acceptance of Warranty Deed conveying real estate to City, property described as Lot 2 of 1 of Block 1 of Sunset Park #3 ................................................... 432, 433 " 19--297-83 Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Agreement with the Ia. DOT on Right-of-Way Assurance Statement for Federal Aid Projects .......................................... 433 " 19--298-83 Adopting Supplement No. 19 to the Code ............ 433,434 " 19--299-83 Issuance of Cigarette Permit to Crane Enterprises, Inc. 434 " 19--300-83 Issuance of Class "B" & Class "C" Beer Permits ...... 434,435 "19--301-83 Issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses ............... 435 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page $ Jan. 3--Stark, Harley F. Jr., appointed as Corporation Counsel & 1 ~swornin ...................................... 1,2,206,212,213 Jan. 0--oewer & Water problems in Crescent Ridge, spoken to by Al Polsean .............................................. 9 " 10--Starlite Dr. area re: sewer & water problems etc ............. 9 " 10--Supplementel contract for N/W Arterial, Stage I, P.C.C. Pay- lng & Intersection improvemen,~s.,,. ....................... 9 " 10--Sincere Enterprise, Inc., Class C Beer & Liquor License ..... 11 " 10--Stangi, Gerald, denial of claim; Settlement of claim ......... 12, 105 " 10--Schoen, Dulane objecting to increase in tv rates ............ i 12 Jan. 17--Swartz, Rev. Dave, Gave Invocation ...................... 14 " 17--Spiegelhalter, RobertP.,Class"C"Beer&LiquorLicenseand Cigarette Permit ....................................... 17, 208 " 17--Sheridan Rd. re: instaliation of left turn lanes on same ........ 18 " 10--Septic problems of A1Palsean on Crescent Ridge ............ 19, 338 " 10--Sewer line of al Poleean, respons by City Mgr ............... 19 " lO--Schublin, Jaha, forWinterWonderland, requestingpermission to use ice near Ice Harbor for iceskating etc ................. 20 Jan. 28--Second Phase of Dbq. Ind. Center Project requested (for Jeld- Wen) ......................... "28--Scharma.., rili, rlaut Mgr. of Jeld-Wen, 21 m area west of Chavenelie Rd. extension ................... 21 Feb. 7--Sign...and Planter erection request (and Ordinance) for Ther- molyne Carp .......................................... 25 7--South-West By-Pass re: motion to change designation of Cedar Cross Extension (name only) on required documents ......... 27 7--Schaub, Helen, applicant for Civic Center Camm ............ 33 7--Schuster, Edward J., applicant for Human Rights Camm ..... 33, 229 7--Simon, Dave, appointed to Human Rights Camm ............ 33 7--Smith, Maurice, applicant for H. Rights Camm .............. 33, 229 7--Straatmeyer, Gene, applicant for Human Rights Camm ...... 33, 229 7--Students (Sth Grade) from Hoover School submitting com- ments on "User Fees". ................................. 36 Feb. 14--Support for "Homes or Properties Extension". Petitioning the Governor for Relief .................................... 38 " 14--Smith, Robert J, Refund request on Liq. Lic ................ 39 " 14--Shaffer, Dorothy, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License and Cigarette License ................................... 39, 207 " 14--Supplement No. 16 to Code of Ordinances, edopt~... [... [.. 40 Feb. 21--Sesquicentennial Newspaper-first issue introduced by J. Klauer .............................................. 43 "21--Subdivlsion Regulations Fee Schedule, p & Z Comm. eubmit~ ting Ordinances providing for amendments to same .......... 44 "21--Subdivision Plat Review Fees, changing Ord. establishing Subd. Regulations in City ............................... 45 "21--Sewer/Water Service Facilities - completion for Dubuque In- dustrial Center ........................................ 47 " 21--Styer, Harold, commenting on possible sale of FDR Park ..... 49 "21--Sterybook Hill, discussion of closing FDR Park et c .......... 49 "21--Strom, David requesting that building at 419 Blaff be designed as architecturally and histericaliy significant ............... 51, 82 Mar 12--Salaries of Mayor and Council Members Raised ......... 61, 69, 70, 95 " 12--Service Charges - Opening Vehicles etc. put into effect (Police~. 63 " 12--Service Charges - Fire Dept. (Extricating Animals - Pumping out Liquids Etc.) ...................................... 63 " 12--Service Charges- Helicopter Landing Standby .............. 64 'f 12--Stendby Cha.rges for fire Equipment ...................... 64, 65 " 12--Service Charges. Ambuhince Fees ........................ 65 " 12--Sewer Rates & Charges, Revised by Ordinance .............. 68 Mar 14--Steffen's Place, reclassification of Lot 1 of 1 etc. - Zoning Ord. change ............................................... 72 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1983 SUBJECT Page Mar 14--Stockel, Luvern H., Claim ............................... 80, 97 Mar 21--Stop Sign at intersection of 27th & Washington Ste .......... 83 "21--Sewer/Water Services Facilities for Dubuque Industrial Center ............................................... 84 "21--Sordahi Enterprises, Inc,, Cigarette Permit, Class "C" Beer Permit ............................................... 86, 193 "21--Schunmcher, Earl E., Class "C" Beer Permit and Cigarette Permit ............................................... 86, 206 Apr. 4--Saunders, Don, for Hillcrest Services, requesting rezoning for specific reasons ....................................... 89 4--Smith, Steve, Cigarette Permit. (2) ....................... 96, 208 4--St. Patrick's Corp., Class "B" Beer Permit; Transfer; Refund. ................................................. 96, 297, 392 Apr. Il--Social Work Week (Professional), Proclamation ............. 99 " 11--Sewer assessments for Crescent Ridge San. Sewer Project, Phase II, discussion & objections ......................... 100 " 11--Schmitt, Kevin, objecting to sewer assessments on Cres. Ridge ................................................ 100 " ll--Shutters, John, d/b/aDubuquePawnbrokers, re:revocatinnof his license ............................................ 103, 109 " 11--Schedule of regular City Council Meetinge, changed .......... 104 " 11 --Shanahan, Francis J., Cigarette Permit .................... 104,208 " ll--Shanahan DX, Refund on Cigarette Permit ................. 105 " il--Street Maintenance, petition by R. O'Brien et al objecting to placing financial burden on abutting property owners ........ 106 " 11--Smith, Christian, objecting to "R" rated channels on Cable TV. 106 Apr. 18--Secreteries Week (Professional), Proclamation .............. 107 " 18--Specini Ar ts Week (Very), Proclamation ................... 107 " 18--Stop Sign request for Clarke Dr. (at Madison Hill) ........... 113,138 " 18--Street Light installation request for corner of Peru Rd. & Walker St ............................................ 113, 146 " 18--Street Assessment new policy, adopted .................... 113 " 18--S & T Furniture Store, Cigarette Permit ................... 116 May 2--Smith, Christian, objecting to signal transmission on subscriber tv channels .................................. 125 2--Specialty Shop- 372 Bluff St., Architecturally Significant ..... 126 2--State Historical Preservation Office - requesting designating of 372 Bluff as His. Sign ................................ 126 2--State Public Transit Division re: Operating Assistance Ap~ plicatinn ............................................. 126 2--stere Conservation Commission re: Leasing E. B. Lyons Prairie-Woodland Preserve .............................. 128 2--Stahi, Carol re: Bus Civil Service Exam .................... 131 2--Sani, Richard C., Petition re: Bus Operator Civil Service Exam. 131 2--Supplemental Loan Agreement for Loan of UDAG Funds to FDL Foods, Inc ....................................... 132 2--Sanitary Sewer Phase II Project - Crescent Ridge ............ 136 2--Spielman, Charles J., Class "B" Beer Permit, transfer & re- fund.: ........................................... 143, 208) 257 2--Schiel, Judith Ann, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License and re- fund ................................................. 144, 299 2--State Review Bd.- Reviewing of Langworthy House for Na- tional Register ........................................ 145 2--Steicklein, Kenneth, Refund for Cigarette License ........... 145 2--Schroeder, Jerome P., Claim; Denied ...................... 145,393 May 11--Suspension of two Bus Operators by City Mgr. (Williams & Everte) .............................................. 147 May 16--Sesquicentennial DubuqueFest Week, Proclamation ......... · 148 " 16--Sesqnicentennlal Year at Burlington, Congratulations from Dubuque ............................................. 148 " 16--Surince Transportation Assistance Act of 1982, Proof of pub. on Notice of P. Hearing to which Fed. Assist. is being sought for completion of program activities carried out by DMATS. .................................................... 148 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page May 16--Securities Bldg. Corp., Objection to assessment for JFK reconstruction ........................................ 151 " 16--Sieg-Dubuque Co., Objection to assessment for JFK reconstruction ........................................ 151 " 16--Smith, C.E., objection to assessment for JFK Reconstruction. .................................................... 151 " 16--Subscriber rates for Cable Televisinn, raised ................ .................................................... 160, 161 " 16--Savary, John L. Cigarette Permit and Liquor License ........ .................................................... 162, 209 " 16--Sesquicentenhial Committee requesting Council & staff to par- ticipate in parade ...................................... 164 June 6--Sesquicentennini Baby, Declared - Sara Lynn Markus ........ 169 6--Sewer, Liberty Avenue, Documents Submitted .............. ........................................ 178, 179, 216, 380, 381 6--Schilling, Dennis R. petition to utilize existing benches and glass-enclosed bus stop locations as a means of selling adver- tising etc ............................................. 181 6--Selling advertising at bus stops etc., petition ............... 181 6--Storage Facility for Radford Rd. Industrial Park ............ 183, 184 6--S~)wer Accounts, Delinquent, Certified to Auditor ........... 185 6--Suspension or Revocation of Licenses & Appeal Procedures... 189-191 6--Saturday Parking- Petition of John Klauer to change ........ 192 6--Slowey, Dennis (Hardee's), Cigarette Permit ................ 193 6--Spiegel, Robert, Cigarette Permit and Liquor License ........ 193, 414 6--Schwartz, Milton E., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License (Airport Inn) and Cigarette Permit ............................... 194, 346 6--Sceqnicentennini Parade route approved ................... 197 June 20--Supplement No. 17 to Code, adopted ...................... 203 " 20--Stari~, Harley F., (Corporation Counsel) - Evaluation set out. .................................................... 206 "20--Street, J.D. & Co., Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer Permit. .................................................... 206, 209 "20--Sandidge, JudithM.,CigarettePermitandLiquorLicense....207,355 "20--Schollmeyer, Wayne M., Cigarette Permit & Liquor License. .................................................... 207, 209 "20--Schumacher, Earl E. & E. Thomas, Cigarette Permit; Class "B" Beer Permit ...................................... 207, 209 " 20--Schuster, Patricia Lombardi, Cigarette Permit .............. 207 " 20--Sheldon, Linda L., Cigarette Permit ....................... 207 "20--Sinnard-Wnish, Linda, Cigarette Permit; Refund ............ 207,406 " 20--Sears-Roebuck Co., Cigarette Permit ...................... 208 "20--Smith, Daniel & Thomas, Cigerette Permit and Liquor License. .................................................... 208, 209 " 20--Softball Tournament requesting transfer of Beer Permit ...... 208 "20--Skiwey, Dennis J., Class"B" Beer Pernut' and Cigarette' Per- mit ........................ ,: .,., ........ 208, 231 "20--Splagelhalter, Melvin A., Class C ~e~ & ~i~h~r I~i~;e. i.. 209 June 25--Stark, Harley F., renewal of contract ...................... 212 June 29--Stark, Harley F., termination of contract ................... 213 July 5--Schmaltz, Marcella A., objecting to assessment of 1983 Asphalt Paving Project ................................. 219 " 5--St. Anthony's Church, objecting to assessment of 1983 Asphalt Paving Project ................................. 219 " 5--Stokesberry, Albert, objecting to Stewart St. Assessment .... 218 " 5--Schmitt Memorial Island Underground Irrigation System .... 222, 223 5--Schaub, Helen, applicant for Civic Center Commission ........ 229 5--Smemo, Karen M., Appointed to His. Preservation Corem ..... 229 5--Smith, Margaret M., Applicant for His. Preservation Comm... 229 5--Schublln, John A., Applicant for His. Preservation Corem ..... 229 " 5--Sand, Virginia A., Applicant for His. Preservation Connn ..... 229 5--Sterr, Richard, Applicant for Library Board ................ 229 " 5--Stecker, Leland, appointed to Library Board ............... .................................................... 229, 230 5--Sand, Virginia, applicant for Library Board ................. 229 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page J~y 5--Schetgen, Ralph J., applicant for Park & Rec. Corem ......... 230 5--Simon, Sue, appointed to Park & Rec. Corem ......... 230 5--Sunnycrest Manor, Cigarette Permit ...................... 231 July 18--Stewart, W. C., contract for Peru Road Watermain Project .... 238 " 18--Street Lightlng & Traffic Signal Improvement s Project ...... ............................................ 240, 241, 280, 281 " 18--Swiss Valley Farm/Hilldale Dairy - Noise Problem (Objection by H. Helbing) ................................ 243, 300, 354, 406 " 18--Study (Engrg.) re: Amtrak RR Service ..................... 243 " 18--Schueller, Dehra, objecting: to Eagle Pt. Park Vehicle Entry Fees ................................................. 243 " 18--Steering Comm. of Dbq. Economic Dev. - J.B. Meriwether, re: City's financial condition ................................ 243 " 18--Sewer, Resurrection Chnrch Project ...................... 245,246 " 18--Schmitt Mem. Island - Revision of Submission Deadline & Other Dates for developers .............................. 250, 251 " 18--Schuelier Bree., Claim; Closing ........................... 256,393 " 18--Schmitt Island, re: rezoning & review of draft of Comm. Rec, District .............................................. 257 " 18--Sidewalk repair project by Ia. DOT on Grandview ........... 258 A,u,g 1--Speer Financial, Inc. re: G.O. Bond Issue of $1,940,000 ....... 261 1 --Snorkel Units - Repair Authorized for Fire Dept ............. 262 1--Soil Conditions on Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Islands - report. 262 1--Schmitt Island - Soft Condition report ..................... 262 1--Schulte, R.J., awarded contract for Liberty Ave. Sanitary Sewer Project ......................................... 267 1--Suspension of J, Everts, affirmed ......................... 268 1--St, Columbklile's Church, Class "B" Beer Permit, Refund ..... 270, 347 1--Statement of Services of Dee, Gosling & Co., submitted ....... 271 Aug 15--Schmitt Memorial Island, recommendations for zoning ....... ............................................ 283, 284, 306, 308 " 15--Sewers & Sewage Disposal titled "Ind. Pretreatment Pro." - Ordinance. ........................................... 287, 314 " 15--Sisler, Michael, appointed to Electrical Examining Board ..... 296 " 15--Schrobiigen, Thomas J., Class "C" Liquor Permit ........... 298 " 15--Shaw, JoAnn, re: Noise Complaint re: Hilldale Dairy ......... 300 Sept 6--Schmitt (Ch.) Island re: Ballfields Perimeter Fence Project .... ................................................ 310, 349, 350 6--Sigwarth, Msgr., re: erroneous Dock Minutes & placement of marker on Ch. Schmitt Mem. Island ....................... 312 6--Schmitt Island (Chap.) re: nmrker/memorial discussion etc .... ................................................ 312, 330, 364 6--Schromen, Ken, requesting permission to land & take off airplanes on NW Arterial ................................ 312 6--sehroeder, John L. re: zoning of property .................. 313,372 6--Street Finance Report for FY 1983, Approved .............. 325 6--Spiege!haiter, Melvin, Class "C" Liquor License ............. 327 6--sehroeder (& Hlatt) Tap, Class "C" Liquor License ............ 327 6--Sincere Enterprises, Inc., Refund of Liquor License .......... 329 6--Stark, Harley F., Jr., advising of his intent not to proceed with a Hearing. ............................................ 330 Sept 14--St. Anthony's Church, Issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit .... 332 Sept 26--Square Dance Week, Proclamation ........................ 333 " 26--Stockel, Lawrence re: request for rezoning at 2124 White St... 333 " 26--Selecting an Alignment for a Comp. Environmental Assess- ment Study for Cedar Cross Trans. Project~ ................ 338 " 26--Storm Sewer Emergency Repair at 14th & Central & White .... 340 "26--Schmltt Island re: completion of Park & Rec. Complex, Gra& lng, Drainage & Roadway (Base) .......................... 340, 341 " 26--Schmitt Island re: completion of Rec. Complex Underground Irrigation System ...................................... 341 " 26--Sprinkler System for Ch. Sehmitt Mem. Island, finished ...... 341 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Sept 26--Schuck, Elizabeth A., appointed to Housing Comm. (Later refused appointment) ................................... 345 "26--Schrobiigen, Thomas, Cigarette Permit .................... 346 " 26--Shetler, Harry, Cigarette Permit and Liquor License ......... 346,405 "26--Smith, Lowrie, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor Lieense.... 346, 392 " 26--Sunshine Mart of Dubuque, Ltd., Cigarette Permit .......... 346 "26--Stipulation of Settlement of Appeals to the Dis. Court of various properties owned by the City, advised by Attorney Blum ................................................ 347 Oct. 3--Schaal, Joan, re: concerns with Swiss Valley Trucks going through the dusty Chateau parking Lot ................... 355 3--Swiss Valley Trucks, objections @ going thru Chateau Parking Lot .................................................. 355 Oct. 17--Substance Abuse Prevention Week, Preelamation ........... 358 " 17--Shive-Hattery & Aseec. presenting commemorative pictures of Radford Road ......................................... 358 " 17--Supplement No. 18 to the code, adopted .................... 369 " 17--Standard Federal Savings & Loan Assn., Claim ............. 371 " 17--Sorenson, Richard & Shula re: Nemmer's Lawsuit, Data con- cerning their attorney .................................. 372, 395 " 17--Section 8 Existing Program Application, HUD notifying of ap- proval ............................................... 372 Nov 3--Steimel, Father Paul, Invocation ......................... 375 " 3--Schedule of Assessment for Liberty Ave. Sanitary Sewer ..... .................................................... 382, 383 3--Streif, Lloyd M., Claim .................................. 392 3--Swan, George, Claim ................................... 892 " 3--Smith, Charles, Closing of Claim .......................... 393 3--Sherman, Roger, Closing of Claim ......................... 393 3--Steger, Norbert, Denial of Claim .......................... 398 3--S/;one, Michael, Denial of Claim ........................... 393 3--Sisler, Madonna, Denial of Claim ......................... 393 3--Stonakas, Robert, Denial of Claim ........................ 393 3--Sauser, Mary, Denial of Claim ............................ 393 3--Schnbert, Fred, Settlement of Claim ...................... 393 3--September List of Claims, Proof of publication .............. 393 3--Sanderson, E. A. (Sandy), resignation from Dock Board ....... 395 3--Sulllvan, Richard, resignation from Dock Board ............. 395 3--Steichen, Robert, resignation from Plumbing Board .......... 395 3--Schmitt (Ch.) Memorial Island, status of proposals for commer- clol rec. offering. ...................................... 395 Nov 21--Street Program (Five Year) Submitted to DOT .............. 402 "21--StopSigns, discussionofdeletionoftrafficllghtandinstalllng of signs .............................................. 403 "21--Schwartz, David, applicant for Plumbing Board ............. 404 " 21--Sunshine Mart of Dbq. Ltd., Class "C" Beer Permit ......... 404 "21--Spechtenhauser, Sally L. & John G., Claim ................. 405 "21--Strief, Lloyd M., Claim .................................. 406 "21 --Schmitt Memorial Island (Ch.), re: zoning of surrounding water area ................................................. 408 Dec. 19--Schedule of Assessments for 1983 Asphalt Paving Project .... .................................................... ~20-431 ,, 19--SewageMeteringStationLocation(Asburyi, QuitClaimDeed. "19--S~ie~ ~. '1~ ~ ~ ~el ~: '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. 433432 " 19--Schubert, Fred, Claim .................................. 436 " 19--senior Volunteer Progcam, requesting $3000 ............... 436 " 19--St. Patrick's Church requesting no change in traffic light at 15th & Central ........................................ 436 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page T Jan. 3--Tobin, Father Neff, Gave Invocation ...................... 1 3--Telegraph Herald · Discussion as to designating it as official newspaper ............................................ 2, 12, 14 3--Thlrty-Second St. area (Quit Claim Deed from Chicago/NW for nearby property) ...................................... 6 3--Tschiggfrie Excavating, Contract awarded for N/W Arterial, Stage I, P.C.C. Paving & Intersection Improvements ........ 9 3--TV Rates, Dulane Seheen petitioning against increase in rates. 12 3--Trenkle Parking Lot, A1 Polsean objecting to city official usage ................................................ 12 3--Telegraph Herald, Petition of H.L. Hangar requesting designa- tion of same as official newspaper ......................... 12 3--Timmerman, Peter & Joyce, Claim ........................ 12 Jan. 17--Typngraphical Union (Dbq.) requesting T-H be designated as official newspaper ...................................... 14 " 17--TFM Co., Class "C" Beer Permit ......................... 16 " 17--Turner, Jerry G, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........... 17 " 17--Traffic Count set out as to English Mill Rd., & Crescent Ridge. 18 Jan. 28--TFM Co. (1236 Ia. St.), Class "C" Liquor Lic ................ 23 Feb. 7--Tbermolyne Corp. requesting and getting authorization te con4 struct a Planter & Sign. ~ acceptance of Ordinance ........... 25, 26 7--Thirty-Second St. re: Project Agreement with Ia. DOT for ira- provements ........................................... 29 7--Thome, David, appointed to Building Code Bd. of Appeals .... 33 7--Tabak, Sol, appointed to Human Rights Corem .............. 33 7--Transit Board appointment of H. J. Bemla ................. 33, 34 7--Tkiltgen, Ron C., applicant for Transit Bd .................. 33, 345 7--TRANSIT BD. Submitting Minutes ................... 35,210, 270 7--Trimble, Paula, claim Denial ............................. 35, 328 7--Trafflc Noise problem submitted by Delos Dorweiler ......... 36 7--Tax Suspension request, submitted by Dubuque County ...... ......................................... 36, 164, 271, 299, 328 Feb. 14--Timmerman, Peter & Joyce, disposition of claim ............. 39 Feb. 21--Tax Exempt applications - approval of same in Jackson Park, W., 11th St., & Washington St. Urban Revitalization Areas... 48 " 21--Turner, Jerry, Cigarette Permit .......................... 50 "21--TRANSIT BD. Submitting Earning Statement & Statistics. ·. ................. 51, 80, 87, 97, 144, 194, 210, 270, 328, 371, 392, 415 " 21--Tax Collection problem - Petition of Dbq. Conference Bd. re- questing a change in Ia. Code ............................ 70 A,p,r. 4--Taylor, John, comment r~: ,C,,. Dully on H. Rights Corem ...... 94 4--Treanoc (& Kopp), Class' C Liquor License ................ 96 4--Telegraph Herald vs. City et al submitting Petition of Man- damus for production of public records .................... 97 Apr. 18--TV CAble Rate Increase, requested by Group W ............ 112 " 18--Thul, Joyce petitioning to change yield sign to Stop Sign on Clarke Drive .......................................... 113 " 18--Tigges, Judy, for Girl Scouts, requesting waiving of Eagle Point Park Fees for their Group .......................... 113 " 18--Task Force designated for Human Rights Corem ............ 115, 342 " 18--Tabak, Sol, designated to be on Task Force for H. Rights Comm ............................................... 115 " 18--Timmerman, Ronaid, Cigarette Permit ..................... 116 " 18--Transit Dept. Bus Operators certified by Civil Service Comm.. 117 May 2--Transfer of Funds, re: Budget ............................ 122 2--TV Cable Basic Service Fees, Increase ..................... 125 2--TV Cable ~ervices, Ordinance prohibiting misappropriation... ' 131 2--Transit Union, Agreement with City ...................... 140 May 11 --Trueblood, Terry, re: Grant for the Park & Rec. Dept ......... 147 May 16--"Transportetion Week", Proclamation .................... 148 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page May 16--Transportation Act (Surface) Proof of publication on Notice of Public Hearing to consider project for which Fed. Assistance Act of 1983 is being sought .............................. 148 " 16--Transit Assistance for Keyline ........................... 148 " 16--Tressel, Allen C., Cigarette Permit ........................ 162 " 16--Tschiggfcie, Raymond, Cigarette Permit ................... 162 " 16--Tegeler, Earl, Class "C" Beer Permit ...................... 162 June 6--Thomas, Vernon & Dorothy, Delinquent Refuse Collection Ac- count ................................................ 184 6--Trausch Baking Co., Cigarette Permit ..................... 193 6--TFM Co., Oky Doky's (2 outlets), Cigarette Permit ........... 193 6--Transpor t Sales Co. (Kwikstop), Cigarette Permit ........... 193 6--Tindell, Marionette, Cigarette Permit.; Class "C" Liquor License .............................................. 193, 194 6--Ted's Tap (James L. Ferring), Class "B" Beer Permit ......... 194 June20--Terrace Heights Mobile Home Park to Ken. Rd.- Peru Rd. Water Main Project ................................ 199, 236, 237 20--Tool Library, Service Agreement with same ................ 202 20--Tharp (Evelyn) Place, approval of final plat by P & Z ......... 205 20--Trans~Miss Investments, Inc., Cigarette Permit ............. 206 20--Tegeler, Earl, Cigarette Permit ........................... 207 20--Target Store Inc., Cigarette Permit ....................... 208 20--Town Clock Inn, Cigarette Permit ........................ 208 20--Tri-State Independent Blind Society, Cigarette Permit ....... 208 20--Turner, Jerry, Cigarette Permit .......................... 208 June 29--Termination of contract of Corporation Counsel H. F. Stark... 213 Ju,!y 5--Ternent, Wm., appointed to the TV CAble Regulatory Comm.. 230 5--TV Cable Regulatory Comm. appointments of Wm. Ternent & Douglas Hflby ........................................ 230 5--TV Cable Tele-Prngramming Comm. appointments of Blodgett, Meek & Underwood ............................ 231 5--Tbeieen's Stores, Cigareete Permit ........................ 231 5--Tap, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License ....................... 232 July 18--Traffic Signal Improvements (1983 St. Lighting) Project ...... ............................................. 240-241,281-283 " 18--Telegraph Herald suit re: apointment of CD Director ........ 256 Aug 15--Transit Study - Dbq., a Pilot City, for Busing etc., by Ia. DOT. 284 Sept 6--Terhune, Scott, re: Dept. of Correct. Services rezoning & building at 15th & Elm .................................. 306 6--Transfer of Easements in the Mun. Ice Harbor area between Burling. NRR and City (re: devel, of riverfront museum com- plex) ................................................. 313 6--Transit Bd. delaying appointments (By Council.) ............ 326 6--Tri-State Flite Services, petitlon by American Central to give them new airport fac'dities ............................... 329 6--Ternent, Allen A., Certified by Civil Service Comm. for Police Officer ............................................... 330 6--Theisen, Steven J., Certified by Civil Service Comm. for Police Officer ............................................... 330 6--Trusteee (Bd.) re: Financial Report of City's Police Pension Fund, etc ............................................. 330 Sept 26--Trick or Treat Night (Oct. 31), Proclamation ................ 333 " 26--Task Force (Mayor's) re: Human Rights Commission appoint- merits ............................................... 342 "26--Thompson, Winnie, appointed to Historic Pres. Commission... 345 "26--Transit Board appointment of Genevieve Heathcote ......... 345 "26--T.I. Investments, Class "B" Beer Permit .................. 346 Oct. 3--Teen Week (National YWCA), Proclamation ................ 349 Oct. 17--Tri-State Veterans Memorial Assn., re: Chaplain Sehmitt Memorial Island Assn., re: Marker ........................ 363, 364 " 17--Transport Sales Co., Class "C" Beer Permit ................ 370 " 17--Timmerman, James P. (By J. Bitter), Suit .................. 371 Nov 7--Tully, Michael, Claim, Settlement ........................ 393,406 Nov 21--Terrace Heights Subdivision, Approval of Plat of Subd. of Lot I-D .................................................. 402 INDEX ' BOOK 113 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Nov 21--Traffic Lights, Diecusslon of removal on 12th at White, Cen- tral, blain; Locust & Iowa & install "Stop Signs" etc ......... 403 " 21--TFM Co., Oky Doky #6, Class "C" Beer Permit .............. 404 " 21--Town Clock Inn, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License ............. 405 " 21--Thul, Joyce, Settlement of Claim ......................... 406 Dec. 5--Touche Ross Report re: Group W's rate increase request ...... 413 5--Tri-State Security Specialists re: investigation of bidding pro- cedures at Airport ..................................... 415 Dec. 19--Tegeler, Earl, Class "C" Beer Permit ...................... 435 " 19--Trimble, Paula, Claim .................................. 436 1983 SUBJECT Page 0 Jan. 10--UMTA, Technical Amendment to Section 5 Operating Assistance Grant for Keyline ............................ 10 Feb. 7--User Fees, comments submitted by Hoover Fifth Graders ..... 36 7--Union Commendation by Council Member Hammel, keeping budget in line ......................................... 36 Feb. 21--University of Dubuque request - approval of P & Z Comm. ad- vising of approval of preliminary development plan and reclassification of property located north of Hwy. 20, west of Collins St ............................................. 45, 72 " 21--Urban Revitalization Tax Exemptions- Submission of same for Jackson Pk, W. 11th St. & Washington St ............... 48 Feb. 28--Uskavitch, Mr., objecting to new Ambulance Ordinance ...... 53 Mar 12--User Fees - Eagle Pt. Park, discussion etc ................. 59, 60, 61 Apr. 18--UMTA Assistance Application for two replacement buses for Key]ine .............................................. 111,112 May 2--UMTA - Application for Section 5 Operating Assistance ...... .................................................... 126, 169 2--UMTA - Application to same for SecUlon 9A ................ 127 2--U.S. Dept. of Transportation - Filing of Application to same... 127 2--UDAG Grant Agreement between City & US Dept. of HUD... 132 2--UDAG Funds (Loan) to FDL Foods, Inc. for renovation & Capital Improvement Project ............................ 132, 409 2--UDAG- Request for Release of Funds for Certain Urban Development Action Grant Project ....................... 133 2--US Dept. of HUD advising City may expect an anocation of $290,000 in additional CDBA Funds for "Jobs Bills". ........ 145 2--UMTA ~ financial assistance for lift equipped mini-buses ...... 148 2--U.S. Highway 52, Ia. DOT letting guardrall project .......... 164 2--Ungs, Leo, from County submitting petition for suspension of taxes ................................................ 164 June 6--Underground Irrigation System of Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island Recreation Complex., Procedural Resolutions ......... 180 6--Union Bus Depot (R & S Enterprises), Cigarette Permit ....... 193 6--User Fees investigation for Human Rights ................. 196 June 20--Ungs, David, Cigarette Permit and Liquor Liconse .......... 207, 435 " 20--US 20 improvement between Concord & U.S. 61 connection, Public Hearing by Ia. DOT .............................. 210 Ju,!y 5--University of Dubuque Student Union, Cigarette Permit ...... 231 5--United Auto Workers Local 94, Cigarette Permit and Beer Permit .............................................. 231,435 July 18--Underground Irrigation System re: Chaplain Schmitt Mem. Island ............................................... 222-224 " 18--Underwood, M. Lark, appointed to TV Cable Tele- Programming Corem ................................... 231 Aug 15--Uhlrich, Paul J.. appointed to Elec. Bal. of Appeals ........... 296, 297 Sept 6--Union Label Week, Proclamation ......................... 304 Sept 26--United Labor Participation Comm. endorsing reappdintment of J. Kramer to Zoning Bd. of Adjustment .................. 344 " 26--U.S. Army Corps of Engrs. advising Deere & Co. has applied for cont. maintenance ................................... 348 Oct. 17--University of Dubuque, amended Preliminary Development Plan ................................................. 360 " 17--University Park - deletion from City parks in which the con- sumption of Beer is prohibited ........................ 368, 377-379 Dec. 5--UMTA-GrantAgreementsfortworeplacementminibuees... 412 5--Urban Revitalization District, re: 15th & Elm Property ....... 413 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page ¥ Jan. 3--VanVors, Gloria, claim, settlement ........................ 7, 97 Feb. 7--Viaduct Crossing re: Project Agreement with Ia. DOT for 32nd St ................................................... 29 Apr. 18--Victim Rights Week, Proclamation ....................... 107 " 18--Vohinteer Week, Proclamation ........................... 107 June 6--Vaccination requirements updating for Dngs & Cat s ......... 191 June 20--Vincent, Brian, Cigarette Permit ......................... 208 "20--Villnge Investments, Cigarette Permit ..................... 208 "20--Veterans Memorial Park, Jaycees requesting to hold Fireworks ............................................ 210 July 18--Vacation of alley request by R. Albert (alley near 32nd & Cen- trai) ................................................. 257 Sept 6--Vocation Rehabilitation Month, Proclamation .............. 304 Dec. 5--Voices for Life, by S. Kirkbridge, inviting Council to pro-life meeting .............................................. 410 5--Vacation of alley near Levi St. for A. Kerkenbush ............ 412 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page W Jan. 3--WeeteideEnterpriees, Inc.,refundforLiquarLicenee ........ 8 Jan. 10--Winter Wonderland Proclamation ................ 9 " 10--Water & Sewer Problems in Crescent Ridge area - Al Polsean speaking te ........................................... 9 Jan. 17--White St., parking meter time change between Main & White.. 15 " 17--Waternmin on Cres. Ridge, City Mgr. responded to questions by A. Polseen ......................................... 19 " 17--Winter Wonderland director requesting permission to use water near Ice Harbor for ice skating & ice fishing ........... 20 Feb. 7--Wintar Wonderland I North Wind Queen introduced by John Schublin ............................................. 25 7--Wiliging, Mark, Chairperson of Cable Reg, Comm., r~: request for consultant to evaluate fee increase for Group W .......... 27 7--Wastewater Treatment Plant, re: approval of Engrg. Contract for heat recuperator .................................... 29 " 7--Wilcox, Tom, Refund Request for Cigarette Permit .......... 35 Feb. 21--Washington St. Urban Revitalization Areas .... Tax Exemp- tion(s) for Property Owners in area Transmitted to City Tax Assessor ............................................. 48 "21--W. 11th St., Owners Submitted Tax Exemption Application and Authorization of Transmittai of Approved Ones to the Ci- ty Treasurer .......................................... 48 "21--Welsh, Mary, tax exemption application ................... 49 " 21--Wing dam repalr pruject on Mississippi, undertaken as set nat by Iowa DOT. ........................................ 51 Mar 12--Water Rates, Revised per Ordinance ...................... 67 Mar 14--Weidenbacher, Rev. Robert, Invocater for Council Meeting .... 71 " 14--Wili-Co-Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit ....................... 79 " 14--White Pine Group of the Sierra Club opposing sale of FDR Park.. 80 Mar 21--Winders, James R., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License and Cigarette License ...................................... 87, 346 A,p,r. 4--Wlmley, O.C., re: C. Duffy's appointment to Human R. Corem 94 4--Weli, (water), opinion from Dr. Neumeister re: A. Y. McDonald's own we][[ in Dubuque Ind. Park ................ 98, 106 Apr. 11--Welu, Michael, "Youth in Government Council Member". .... 99 " 11--Wernimont, James M. & Rhonda H., petitlan against estimate of assessment for crescent Ridge San. Sewer, Phase II ........ 100 " ll--Weet Side Bus. & Pro. Assn., re: Kennedy Rd. Reconstruction Project Assessment .................................... 106 Apr. 18--Wild, Bob, in favor of Jackson Park Historic Pres. District .... 107 " 18--Wilkie, Rev. Wm., in favor of Jackson Park His. Pres. District. 107 " 18--Walkar St., re: PetRion for Street light there, at Peru Rd ..... 113,146 " 18--Wareco System of la., Class "C" Beer Permit ............... 115 " 18--Wheelhouse ID. Brhneyer), Class "C" Liquor License ......... 116 " 18--Weber, Gerry, Denial of Claim ............................ 117 M,a,y 2--Woedman, Mark, re: Petition for Bus Civil Service Exam ..... 131 2--Welbes, Lyndeen, Petition for Bus Civil Service Exam ....... 131 May 11 --Williams, Danny, Suspended as Bus Operator ............... 147 May 16--Wais, Thomas & Marian, objection to assessment tot JFK reconstruction ........................................ 151 " 16--Weet Side Bus. Assn. objection to assessment for JFK reconstruction ........................................ 151 " 16--Wright, Warner, objection to assessment for JFK reconstruc- tion ................................................. 151 " 16--Waish, Jim, objectlan to assessment for JFK reconstruction.. 151 " 16--WestsideConnnerclalPark(inCounty)approvingfinalplat... 158 " 16--Walgreen Co., Class "C" Beer Permlt and Cigarette Permit... 162, 207 " 16--Wagner, Mary Ann, Cigarette Permit ..................... 162 " 16--Waish, Kathleen M., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........ 163 " 16--Wetter, David, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License and Cigarette Permit .......................................... 163, 346, 414 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page May 16--Williams, Marilyn, requesting $100 for special recognition to be given volunteers for assisting children .................. June 20--Wheeler, Msgr. David, Gave Invocation ................... " 20--Water Main · Peru Road from Terrace Heights to Kennedy 165 198 Road ................................................ ............................................. 199-201,236-237 " 20--Washington Neighborhood Tool Library, Inc., Service Agree- ment with City ........................................ 202 " 20--Water Servies- Ordinance authorizing certification of delin- quent charges to Auditor. - ORDINANCE DID NOT PASS... 204 " 20--Walsh (Linda Sinnard), Cigarette Permit ................... 207 "20--Wong, Dick Zee, Cigarette Permit ........................ 207 "20--Ward, W. C., Cigarette Perwlt ........................... 207 "20--Waters, Ronald, Cigarette Permit ......................... 208 Ju,]y 5--Wilkie, Rev., applicant for Historic Pres. Comm ............. 229 5--Willoughby, David, appointed to Park & Rec. Comm.. 230 " 5--Walsh, Thomas D., applicant to Mechanical Bd.; Appointed... .................................................... 230, 255 July 18--Wolf, Janaan, in support of Peru Watermain Project ......... 236 " 18--Water Division- Computer Directed Information & Control System ...................................... 242, 259, 260, 365 Aug 15--Westphal & Co., Inc., awarded contract for 1983 Street Lighting & Traffic Signal Improvements ................... 283 " 15--Winter, Kip, re: "Findings of Study" for Keyline ............ 284 " 15--Women Voters League re: "Findings of Study" of Keyline ..... 284 " 15--Wagener, Richard F., appointed to the Electrical Examining Bd... ~ .............................................. 296 " 15--Weitnaur, Wm. C, appointed to Electrical Examining Bd ..... 296 " 15--Wood, Tami, Claim Closed ............................... 298,415 " 15--Wayne Motor Co., rights assigned to Herbst & Son, Inc ...... 299 Sept 6--White, John, presenting Frank Murray with "Man of the Year" award .......................................... 304 " 6--Waltz, Hank re: erroneous Dock Comm. minutes, & placement of n~arket on Ch. Schmitt Mem. Island ..................... 312 6--Wetter, David, Transfer of Liquor License .................. 326 6--Welchert, Hjlda, Claim Denied ........................... 328, 426 6--Wflsey, Michael A., Certified by Civil Service Comm. for Police Officer ............................................... 330 6--Wastewater Treatment Plant, inspection report by Ia. Dept. of Water, Air & Waste Management ......................... 330 Sept 26--Waller, Rev. Richard, Gave Invocation .................... 333 " 26--Women's Health Week, Proclamation ..................... 333 " 26--White St. (2124) Rezoning from R-4 to C~4 (requested by L. Stockel) .......................................... 333, 359, 360 " 26--Wm. C. Brown, Memorandum of Agreement ................ 334 "26 --Wulfekuhlo, Phil, appointed to Housing Commissinn ......... 345 " 26--Watters, William applicant for Housing Commission ......... 345 " 26--West Dbq. Jaycees, Class "B' Beer Permit ................. 346 " 26--Winders, James R., Class "C" Liquor License ............... 347 Oct. 3--Whlte Cane Day, Proclamation ........................... 349 3--World Exposition (Louisiana, 1984), City's Participation ...... 353 Oct. 17--Willging, Mark J., appointed to TV Cable Regulatory Comm.. 369, 370 Nov 7--Western Casualty & Surety Co., Claim .......... . .......... 393 7--Waddick, Don, Denial of Claim ........................... 393 Nov 21--White at 12th, discussion of removal of traffic lights ......... 404 "21--Willenborg, Harlan J., applicant for Plumbing Bd ........... 404 " 21--Water, Air & Waste Management Comm. re: P. Hearing con- cerning WWTW construction Grants Priority System & Pro- ject Priority List proposed for FY 84 ...................... ;/06 Dec. 19--Winter Wonderland II request to use Harbor for Ice Fishereee. 419 " 19--Warranty Deed for portion of public alley north of Hillcrest Rd .................................................. 432 " 19--Weydert, Ireneus B., suggestion for downtown area .......... 436 "19--Wing Dam Constructinn notificatinn by Ia. DOT ............ 437 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page X INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Y Feb. 7--Youth Hockey Week, Proclamation ....................... 25 7--Yarger Pay Classification Report, re: report from Human Rights Comm. on inequities etc ........................... 27 Apr. 4--Youth in Government Program Set Out .................... 97, 99 Apr. 18--YWCA - "National YWCA Week", proclamation ............ 107 " 18--Yen Ching Restaurant (Dubuque First China, Inc.), Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .................................. 116 May 2--Yarger Pay Study Implementation, approval of same with Compensation Plan for Non-Bargeinlng Unit Employees ...... 142 May 16--Yiannis, Nick, objecting to assessments for JFK reconstruc- tion ................................................. 151 Aug 15--Yager, Lillian & Ray, Claim, Denial ....................... 298, 347 Oct. 3--YWCA Teen Week (National), Proclamation ................ 349 Nov 21 --Yeargla, Richard, Refund on Beer Permit .................. 406 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Z Jan. 3--Zoning Ordinance, Anowing Expansion of Non-Conforming Uses, adopted ......................................... 2 17--Zoning change - Edwards property reverting to former R-2 Single Family Res. District .............................. 18 Feb. 21--Zoning Ordinance Change, Amendments to Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations Fee Schedule ................. 44, 57 "21--Zoning App]icatlon Fees, Enactment of Establishment of same ............................................... 44, 56 " 21--Zonlng Re) request of Lyle Kopp for property on Kennedy Rd., approved by P & Z; ordinance adopted ..................... 45,71 " 21--Zirkelbach, Dennis J. & Sandra J., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. Mar 14--Zoning c~ ~ ~r~ ~ ~;~rsit~ ~' D~.' ~rol~'~ 50 Single Family to ID Institutional ......................... 72 " 14--Zoning change of property located at 2005 Asbury to ID In- stitutional (per request of Hillcrest Faro. Services) ........... 73, 89 " 14--Zoning change that would be best for Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island - for commercial recreational purposes ....... 77 , 14--ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT SUBMITTING MIN- UTES: ................ 80, 117, 194, 233, 256, 328, 347,392, 405, 435 Mar 21--Zasada, Eugene H., Claim, Denial ......................... 87, 97 Apr. 11--Zoning Change - North Sector properties .......... 102, 103, 123, 124 " 11--Zoning Change - Propertlas adjacent to North Sector ..... 102,103,124 May 2--Zoning Change, approval by P & Z for Northrange Associates, Inc. for property located north of Pennsylvania and east of Radford Rd ........................................... 129 2--Zoning Ordinance amendment to Section 6-106.5 Conditions & Restriction on Conditional Use Permit ..................... 130 2--Zoning reversion to former R-5 Multi Family Residential of property owned by Powers Construction, east of JFK between Foothill & Fire Station .................................. 146 May 16--Zwack, Attorney Joseph, objection to assessment for JFK reconstruction ........................................ 151 June 6--Zoning Ordinance change by reclassifying per tion of proper ties located east of Radford Rd. & North of Pennsylvania Ave. fromAG to R-2 & C-3 ................................... 170 6--Zoning Ordinance change by enacting new subsections of Sec. 4 by adding "Family Home" and definition for "Developmen- tally Disabled" & "Group Home". ........................ 171 6--Zoning Ordinance change clarifying any modification & condi- tion or restriction under which a Conditional Use Permit is granted etc ........................................... 173 6--Zoning Ordinance change to establish new requirements and procedures for granting Conditional Use Permits for adaptive uses m Hist. Or Arch. Significant Structures in OR-1 Office Res. Dis ........................................ : ...... 174 June 20--Zayre Snack Bar Corp., Cigarette Permit ................... 208 July 18--Zoning change at 620-628 & 636 Loras ................. 238, 239, 278 Aug 15--Zirker, Bishop Eugene, Gave Invocation ................... 278 " 15--Zoning recommendations for Chaplain Schmltt Memorial Island ............................................... 283, 284 " 15--Zephyr Aluminum Products: Construct Canopy at 1266 Cen- tral (D & D What Not) .................................. 286 " 15--Zirkelbach, Dennis J. & Sandra J., Cigarette Permit .......... 297 " 15--Zoning, (Dept. of Corr. Services), for 15th & Elm ......... 300, 306, 337 " 15--Zoning mattar (2250 Roosevelt Rd.) request by Jolm Schroeder .................................................... 313, 372 Sept 26--Zoning change at 2124 White St. from R-4 to C-4 ............ ................................................ 333, 359. 360 " 26--Zoning Bd. of Adjustment recommendation for J. Kramer by United Labor Part. Comm ............................... 344 INDEX -- BOOK 113 1983 SUBJECT Page Sept 26--Zoning Board of Adjustment appointment of Joseph Kramer. 345 Nov 21--Zoning request of Peoples Natural Gas to reclassify property south of Cedar Cross Rd. from AG to C-7 ................... 398 " 21--Zoning of Water Area around Chaplain Schmltt Mem. Island, report ............................................... 408 " 21--Zoning request by Burbach, Kitchen to reclassify property at 3860 Asbury from R-3 to OR-1 PUD ...................... 417, 418 Regular Session, January 3,1983 1 CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Regular Session, January 3, 1983. Council Met at 7:30 p.m, Council Chambers, City Hall. Present--Mayor Brady, Council Members Beurskens, Deich, Hammel. Klauer, Kluesner, Kronfeldt, City Manager W. Kenneth Gearhart, Cor- poration Counsel Harley F. Stark, Jr. Mayor Brady read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and this Meeting is the REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING of the City Council called for the pur- pose to act upon such business which nmy properly come before the Council. Invocation was given by Father Nell Tobin, Pastor of Sacred Heart Catholic Church. RESOLUTION NO. 1-83 Resolution Providing for the Appoint- ment of a City Manager BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBU- QUE, IOWA: That W. Kenneth Gearhart shall be appointed City Manager for the City of Dubuque, Iowa, in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in an employment agreement executed and approved on the 12th day of April, 1982. Passed, adopted and approved this 3rd day of January, 1983. James E. Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Deich moved adop- tion of the R6solution. Seconded by Council Member Kronfeldt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem- bers Beurskens, Deich, Hammel Klauer, Kluesner, Kronfeldt. Nays--None. RESOLUTION NO. 2-83 Resolution Providing for the Appoint ment of a Corporation Counsel and Legal Staff BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBU- QUE, IOWA: That Harley F. Stark, Jr., shall be appointed Corporation Counsel for the City of Dubuque, Iowa, in accordance with the terms and conditions contain- ed in an employment agreement ex- ecuted and approved on the 28th day of June, 1982. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Barry A. Lindahl is appointed Ci- ty Solicitor and William G. Blum is ap- pointed Assistant City Attorney for the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Passed, adopted and approved this 3rd day of January. 1983. James E. Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Deich moved adop- tion of the Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Beurskens. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Mem- bers Beurskens, Deich, Klauer. Nays--Council Members Hammel, Kluesner, Kron£eldt. RESOLUTION NO. 3-83 Resolution Providing for the Appoint- ment of a City Clerk BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBU- QUE, IOWA: That in accordance with Chapter 372.13(3) of the Code of Iowa, 1981, Mary A. Davis shall be appointed as City Clerk for the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the purpose to perform the duties of said position as required by State and City Law, subject however, to the right of the Council to declare said office vacant or remove the of- ficial therefrom at the pleasure of the Council with or without cause, and said official to be paid the compensa- tion as provided in the budget. Passed, adopted and approved this 3rd day of January, 1983. James E. Brady Mayor ATTEST: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Deich moved adop- tion of the Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Klauer. Carried by the following vote: