Minutes Human Rights 11 10 03DUBUQUE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION MINUTES OF November 10, 2003 Judy Giesen celled the meeting of the Dbbuque Human Rights Commission to order at 4:18 p.m. on Monday, November 13, 2003, in Conference Room 2 at the City Hall Annex. Roll Call: Present: Evelyn Jackson Codne Murray Vincent Vanden Huevel Chuck Ryan Raydora Drummer Bill Ross Judy Giesen Penny Ehlinger Lou Oswald Staff: Kelly Larson Bill Blum Carol Spinoso Approval of Minutes Commissioner Murray moved to approve the October 13, 2003 meeting minutes as submitted. Commissioner Ryan seconded. All in favor. Review Plan of Action for Established Goals 1) Welcoming New Residents - Raydora, Corine, Chuck A cencem brought up dudng the last subcommittee meeting was the ongoing racism in the schools. While the group acknowledged that the schools have done a lot, they gave examples of continuing behavior. The next meeting is set for noon on November 25~. Both the Hispanic and Marshaltees communities will be represented at that meeting. 2) Human Rights in the Schools - Evelyn, Lou, Dave Patton The committee met with Kris Hall, me DCSD Equity Director. He stated that there are approximately 400 Africen Americen students currently in the school system. The junior high and high schools have student councils in place that deal with some of the student problems. They discussed possibly having a workshop for students in the spring that would address anger management, drugs/alcohol and eating disorders. The committee plans to meet with John Burgart, Lynn Devaney, and Betty Hogan from the school district. 3) Sexual Orientation - Bill, Judy, Vince The committee is working on an agenda for the November 19th meeting. Committee members serving with Bill, Judy, and Vince ara Tara Nelson, a Loras College student, Nancy Bickei, Terry Murphy, Kevin Menning, Fr. Rhomberg, Cathy Elwell, Kris Hall, Sid Scott, Sr. Jordan Dahm, Thom Determan, and Bob Dunn. 4) Disability Awareness/Education - Penny, Lou Lou and Bob Lehnhardt are preparing to visit three businesses to survey accessibility. They will then present an in-service to Commissioners. Members serving with Lou and Penny on this committee are Bob Lehnhardt, Bob Nesler, Jeanne Helling, and Sarah Davidson. Caseload Report Carol summarized the October Caseload Report. There were fifty intakes, five cases in backlog, nine cases in active investigation, no cases in mediation, one case in administrative review, no cases in administrative law judge review, two cases in the public headng process, five new cases were filed, and three cases were closed. The case synopsis involves disability discrimination in employment. Chairperson's Report Thom Determan was a recipient of a Friends of Iowa Civil Rights Award on October 23ra in Des Moines. Judy thanked Kelly, Bill Blum, Bill Ross and Evelyn for attending. Judy volunteered to send a letter, on behalf of the commission, to ARC congratulating them for their new complex that houses people with disabilities. Director's Report Kelly provided a written report highlighting past and future initiatives. Kelly reported that there are currently five applicants applying for membership to the Human Rights Commission. Applications are due November 24a. Ordinance Review - Article V Kelly reviewed Article V of the Human Rights Ordinance, Article VI "Fair Housing" will be reviewed at next month's meeting. .New Business Commissioner Murray reported that she was invited to attend a meeting initiated by the immigrant Rights Network to discuss concerns about prejudice treatment toward non-caucasiap individuals by some staff at the Social Security Office. Representatives from the Social Secudty office, and Cammie Dean were also present. Raydora stated that she has also experienced this sort of behavior when accompanying her international students to the Social Secudty Offices. Adjournment Commissioner Oswald moved and Commissioner Ross seconded to adjourn the meeting. All in favor. The meeting adjoumed at 5:29 p.m. Minutes approved as submitted: ~ Minutes approved as corrected: