Minutes Five Flags 11 17 03Five Flags Commission Meeting November 17, 2003 PRESENT: Rod Bakke, Cindy Fuller, Gary Dolphin and Mark Nauman ABSENT: Mike Brannon STAFF PRESENT: Gil Spence, Paula Wolfe and Mary Hunt PUBLIC PRESENT: Ted Scherr The Commission meeting convened at 4:30 p.m. at the Managers Office at Five Flags Center. Chairperson Rod Bakke presided. Approval of Minutes: Gary Dolphin moved to approve the October 20, 2003 Five Flags Commission Minutes. Seconded by Cindy Fuller. Motion carded. Manager's Report: Manager Wolfe reported that the ticket office was very busy once again throughout this month. Along with steady ticket sales, the facility generated high revenues with $44,000 worth of billings, largely due to back-to-back concerts of Diamond Rio and REO Speedwagon, the DSO Opera and the Quad City Mallards exhibition game. Five Flags is gearing up for the DSO Holiday Pops events and the Lcd Line COncert. Sesame Street is selling well, and the Five Flags is the top ticket sales pe~ormance for the Hadem Globetrotters tour. The Nutcracker is already in profit margin. Canadian Brass is the only holiday show lagging behind in ticket sales, however, the Western Dubuque Band is selling the tickets to increase sales. Cindy Fuller had a concern about why hot dogs were not being served at the High School Hockey games and the need to have the Nacho cheese machine working. Old Business: Five Flags Historic Plaque wording was discussed among the commissioners. Mark Nauman moved to have Manager Wolfe get a quote on the description that Cindy Fuller brought to this meeting, Gary Dolphin seconded. Motion carded. New Business: Commission members discussed the new FY05-Civic Center Operating Budget. Gary Dolphin approved the FY05 Fiscal Year Operating budget presented, Mark Nauman seconded. Motion carded. Manager Wolfe informed the commission that she had traveled to Chicago to view Celebration on Ice, and felt it was a good show for Five Flags to seE-promote. This show will be coming to Five Flags in January 2004. v~r~th no further business to discuss, Mark Nauman moved to adjourn at 5:30, Gary Dolphin seconded. Motion carded. Meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Rod Bakke, Chairperson