Atlantic Street 1334 1334Ikt1en_tic _' 0 R.lw, 7ohnsoa C dub. &f Co . RerooP fr, dwell, $.F. 236 7/2/43 168.00 D- Merlin Geasheker n Add. to rear .F:Fr, C- basso `Cons t: of S "Co liwellg.B.P. 638194-57 900:00 C- Dubuque Insulation & Siding Co. Reside 5 F Frame Dwe11g,B P. 771 o 6_60 Benner 0- Mrs. Lorraine B 1, 40000 Reside C- Bubuoue Insulation & Siding C Part of 3,F.Frame Dwe11g.B,P. 853 9 -17-62 650.00 1334 Atlantic 0-Sally Lessei C-Steve Lugrain _ _ __ frm dwllg BP 536o 6/6/89 $1465-.00 _ - -