1980 Index Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS of the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF DUBUQUE IOWA FOR THE YEAR 1980 CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1980 COUNCIL MEMBERS CAROLYN FARRELL, MAYOR JAMES E. BRADY D. MICHAEL KING JOHN L. FELDERMAN MICHAEL W. PRATT City Clerk .................. LEO F. FROMMELT; 5-1-80 MARY A. DAVIS LEGAL DEPARTMENT Corporation Counsel ......................................................... R. N. RUSSO City Sollcitor ...................................................... BARRY A. LINDAHL Ass't. City Solicitor .............................................. WILLIAM G. BLUM CITY MANAGER W. KENNETH GEARHART Assistant City Manager .................................. GENT WITTENBERG Administrative Assistant ................................ Z. D. HANTELMANN Airport Manager ...................................................... THERON CLARK Building Commissioner ......................................... RICHARD FEYEN Chief of Fire Department ................................ ROBERT N. DUNPHY Chief of Police Department ............................... ROBERT J. O'BRIEN City Assessor ..................................................... JAMES J. GREGORY City Engineer ....................................................... MICHAEL A. KOCH Civic Center Director ................................................ STEVE PETERS Community Development Director ..............DANIEL DITTEMORE Computer Programmer ............................................. ALAN GELHAR Coordinator, Office of Disaster Services ................ ROBERT GOOCH Deputy Finance Director ............................................ GERALD HIRD Director of Public Works ............................... FRANCIS A. MURRAY Director of Recreation ..................................... TERRY TRUEBLOOD Dock Commission Manager ...................................... SHIRLEY LANG Electrical Inspector ......................................... ROBERT McCARTEN Finance Director ....................................................... A. G. HEITZMAN Food & Restaurant Director .................................... REX BRAMMER Health Director ............................................... ARTHUR J. ROTH, JR. Human Rights Director & E.E.O. 0fflcer .....MATHIAS K. LORENZ -~Library Directory ....................... WILLIAM G. FULLMER til 7-13-80 Library Director ............... ELIZABETH DONNAN (Started 7-14-80) ~?ersonne] Director ........................................................ RANDY PECK Plumbing Inspector ............................... ALVIN "BUD" ANDERSON Program Planner ......................... ~ ....................... PAULINE J. JOYCE Sanitary Officer ...................................................... LaVERN GOERDT Street Commissioner ..................................... MERLE FELDERMAN Supt. of Parks ...................................................... RICHARD KRAMER Traffic Engineer ........................................................ STEVE JEPSEN Transit Manager ......... ~ ................................... WILLIAM G. KOHLER Regular meetings of the City Council are held on the First Monday of each month at 7:30 P.M~ INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Jan. Mar. Ap,? May 7 - American Trust & Savings Bank, Depository for City for 1980 ..... 2 7 -"Alien Address Report Month," Proclamation for January .......... 2 7-Ambulance License, request by Dubuque Medical Transport (Scott Neyens. Ted Pfiffner, Chuck Ukavitch) ............................... 6 7-Area Council of Governments - re: Council person(s) appoint- ments ............................................................................................... 6 7 - Army Corps of Engineers, permit for fill material for bridge con~ struction .......................................................................................... 8 7 - Arbor Oaks, street lighting provision ............................................8 7- Ambulance Study Task Force Minutes: 12-14 ................................ 8 7 - Airport Commission submitting Minutes of their meetings .......... ...... 8, 43, 62, 75, 145. 156, 182, 247, 277, 296, 309, 363, 375, 390, 443 7- Annual Report of Finance Dir. July 1,1978 to June 30,1979 .......... 8 7 - Ambulance Service discussion - various persons ........................... 9, 61 7 - Atkinson, Mrs. Thelma request ambulance service stay as is ....... 9 7 - Andresen, Thomas E, refund request $50 ...................................... 9 22 - Ambulance issue, re: discussion by Pat Dillon ................................ 14 22-American Legion Auxiliary re: selling poppies .............................. 19 22 - Albert, Cheryl. resignation ~rom North End Improvement Assn. 27 22 - Ambulance Study Task Force, resignation of Ann E. Sweeney .... 27 22-Area C, re: Sr. August Specht naming area as Chaplain Schmidt Memorial Park ................................................................................. 29 22 - Asbury Rd. & J.F.K. Rd. car damage claim .................................... 29 22 - A.B. Dick re: word processing equipment ...................................... 42 22-Ambulance Study Task Force, re: letter of Dbq. Federation of Labor ............................................................................................... 43 18--Allison & College Sts.: objection to "Reserved for Handicapped Sign .................................................................................................. 52 18 - Apartments Ltd., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ...................... 61 18- Andresen, Mrs. Richard, requesting ambulance service stay as is ....................................................................................................... 61 18 - Ames, Steve re: notice of claim of $100, car damage .......................62 18 -"AAUW Week: Action for Equity" Proclamation for week of 3-16 to 23 .................................................................................................. 65 3 - Area "C' re: naming of this area Schmitt Memorial Harbor .......... 65 3 - Admiral Sheehy Dr., re: naming road in Area "C". ........................ 65 3 - Ambulance Service, re: submission of Ord. pertaining to investi- gation of applicants and issuances of licenses .................................71 3 - Accident reports, re: setting guidelines ......................................... 72, 73 10 - Ambulance service, opinions of various petitioners ....................... 77 10 - Albert, Sheryl re: tank hazard on lower Dodge St ......................... 81 10 - Allendorf, Chris, objecting to high water rates .............................. 82 10-Assistant Mgr. position renamed to Administrative Assistant, plus salary cut .................................................................................. 84 10 - Alcohol program, contribution of $10,000 ....................................... 85 10 - Ambulance services, Ord. providing for fees ................................. 89 24 - American Bald Eagle Day. proclamation for March 30 .................. 99 24 -- Ambulance Study Task Force. re: terminating same .................... 99 24 - Area "C', renaming of area ............................................................. 108, 109 24 - Area "C" re: naming of area ............................................................ 109 24-Admiral Sheehy Dr., naming major road traversing through Area "C". ......................................................................................... 109 24-Architectural]Engineering firms contracted by City for 1976-80 report ............................................................................................... 110 24 - A & W (Transcalle, Inc.) claim of $517.68 ........................................ 118 7- Ambulance Licenses re: Ord. revising same .................................. 125 7 - Ambulance, clarifying definition .................................................... 126 7 - Attendant-Driver, clarifylng definition ......................................... 126 7-AsphaltPavingProjectNo. 1 ................. 134, 135, 159, 212, 213, 396, 397 7 - ABWA Scholarship Month. proclamation for month of May ......... 148 21- Architectural Barrier, re: concerning impeding mobility of elder- ly and handicapped .......................................................................... 152 21- Astgen's Food Ltd., Class"C' Beer Permit .................................... 155 5-American Trust & Savings Bank re: series of free concerts in parks ................................................................................................ 175 INDEX -- BOOK 110 INDEX BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page 1980 SUBJECT Page May 5- ASAP financial dtatement, eLc ....................................................... 5-- Ambulance license request of Dubuque Medical Transport ........ 19-- Annual Contributions Contract submitted by HUD ..................... 19--Alley, re: vacation of portion between University & Prysi .......... 19--Ames, Steve, denial of claim ......................................................... 19 -- Arnold, David J, claim of $18.76 for garbage can loss .................. 19 Andregg, Jerry Jr., claim filed ....................................................... 19 -- Asbury Jaycees, re: use of Asbury Rd. for "Asbury Days.". ....... 19 -- Amling, Rick, re: Ord. concerning individual prmlng .................... June 2- Arterial 561, appreciation to City Stafi' ......................................... 2--Airport, revision in parking fees .................................................... 2- Air-conditioning, re: Governing Ordinance ................................... 2 - A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co., cigarette license .................................... 2- A & W Restaurant, 2260 J.F.K. Rd.. Cigarette License ............... 2 -- AIthaus, Dennis, 25 Ruby St., Cigarette License .......................... 2 -- Arvanitis, George K., 1958 Central. Cigarette License ................ 2---AIber t, Dick, Cigarette License ..................................................... 2--Airport Commissioner Kopischke. Bond Termination ................. 2--Ames, Steve, discussion about denial of claim given by Corp. Counsel ............................................................................................ 229. 2- Asbury Springs Sub., re: approval of plat in area..~ ...................... " 16--Archdiocese of Dubuque, re: AccepLance of plat of property in Table Mound Township .................................................................. 16--Albert, Richard F., Cigarette Permit ........................................... " 16-- Adams, David, Cigarette Permit .................................................. 16- Adams, Charles, Cigarette Permit ............................................... 16-~American Snack, Ira!., Cigarette Permit ....................................... " 16~- Anthony, Paul E., Cigarette Permit .............................................. 16--Aquinas Institute, Cigarette Permit ............................................. 16- Art Association, Dubuque, Class "B" Beer Permit ....................... 16- Avenue Top, Cigarette Permit ...................................................... 16 Andregg, Jerry, claim denied ........................................................ 16 -- Ames, Steve, reaffirming denial of claim ...................................... 16-A.Y. McDonald's, re: concern of Couler Valley construction in regard to their offices ..................................................................... July 7-- Airport Capital Improvements. re: Budget Amendment ............. 7 -- Articles (~f Incorporation of Dubuque In Futuro Inc .................... 7 ~- Allendor f, Donald, appointment to TV Cable Comm .................... 7-- Austen, Ruben, appointed to TV Cable Corem ............................. 7-Andresen's United, Cigarette Permit ........................................... 7- Andresen Pipe Inn, Cigarette Permit ........................................... 7- Astgen's Foods I~td., (Oky Doky 11), Cigarette Permit ................ 7- Althaus, Dennis Albert, Class "C' Beer Permit ........................... 21--American Diabetes Unit, re: I.W.L Bike Ride ............................... 21 -- Agreement, re: City and Inland Molasses Co ................................ 4-- Airport Commission, resignation of Jim Gloor ............................. 4- Amvets Post No. 3, Class "C' Beer & Lkluor IAcense .................. 4--Alpine St., request for excavations at 96 and 796 ......................... 18--Airport Commissi~n, nominations of Phil Weber. Gary Newt. Wm. Schmid no appointment ....................................................... lg--Annual Performance Bond reports of Community Development. 18 -Audit of City by tIelle, Klosterman & Co. etc.. submission of Resolution covering ........................................................................ 2-Asb~ry, discussion of sewage rates in relation to City of Dubu- 2-Asbury Springs, Ltd. conveyance of property m Asbury Springs Sub. to City of Dubuque .................................................... 2- Ap(~l, Mrs. Kenneth receiving "Constitution Week" Proclama 181 187 191 194 200 200 200 201 202 203 216 217 226 226 226 226 226 229 248 241 244 245 245 245 245 245 245 246 246 247 248 253 273 274 275 275 276 276 276 276 297 ~ 300 308 309 309 331 334 334 342 346 351 355 359 361 361 Sept. Sept. 15--Agricultural & Horticultural List for City Tax Exemptions. t980 .................................................................................................. 364 Oct. 6--Assessment provisions, re: property on Hill St. donated to City. 369 6--Astrold, Cigarette Permit ............................................................. 375 20--Alia K Zazz. Inc. Class "C' Beer & IAquor License ...................... 390 Nov. 3--Assessments Schedule of for 1980 Asphalt Paving Projeci No. 1 ................................................................................................. 398 3--Andresen. James. Passing Score in Civil Service Fire Promo- tional Exam ..................................................................................... 410 Dec. 8--Angel Investment Co.. Class "C' Beer Permit ............................ 442 8- Adams. Gregory J.. Class "C' Beer & Liquor IAcense ................ 442 8-Asphalt Paving Project No. 1 11980~ Proof of Pub, of Notice of Filing of Final Plat & Schedule of Assessments .......................... 443 8 - Airport Comm. resignation of Eric Melson ................................... 47J 8 -- Airport Comm. appointment of C.J. May, Jr ................................ 471 8-Automotive Mechanic, re: certified list by Civll Service Corem. 473 INDEX - BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Jan. 7-- Brady, James E.. re: presentation of [}etition (125 sig.) that he be Mayor, 1980 ..................................................................................... 1 7--Brady, James E.. speaking for himself in seeking position of Mayor .............................................................................................. 7 -- B]um, Win, G.. appointed Assistant City Attorney for 1980 .......... 1 7-- Block Grant Project, re: A uthorizing Publication of Notice of En- vironmental Review Findings for Certain Comm. Devel. Block Grant Projects ................................................................................. 4 7 -- Bluff St., 409. re: Wayne Norman. Jr. requesting it be historically significant ...................................................................................... 6 7 -- B ver. E don. re: petition for same lighting system for Marquette PI ...................................................................................................... 6. 22 7 ~ Bleile. Joe. re: petition for same lighting system for Marquette PI ..................................................................................................... 7-- Bott, Roger, objecting to issuance of Lkluor License for Golden Prop. Corp ...................................................................................... 8 7 -- Bridge construction re: Public Notice of Army Corps of Engrs., permit for fill material ..................................................................... 8 7- Birch Acres Sub. re: s£reet lights ................................................... 8 7-- ButLers, Herbert. objecting [o any change in ambulance service. 8. 9 7-- Bellevue Addn.. re: tax sale on Lots 57 g: 58 ................................... 9 7 -- Brand£. Alfred, refund request ....................................................... 9 22 -- Berryman, Tom. re: report of the mlnibuses .................................. 14 22 BluffSt.,re:histericallymgnificantbuilding(409) .......................... 18. 35 22--Briee, Petrides ~ Assoc.. re: professional services concerning Corridor Location ............................................................................ 21 22- Breitbach. Agnes, re: plat approved by t' & Z ................................ 24 22 -- Bellevue Rd.. re: proper~y of Marie E. Ruble .................................. 25 22 -- Board way (& King) Sts.. re: vacation of nearby alley ..................... 27 22 -- Burke, Josephine, Class "C' Beer & Liquor License ...................... 28 Feb. 4-- Broadway St., re: vacation of nearby alley ..................................... 33 4-- Behnke. Michael F., re: petition for Street Light on Berkley St .... 35 4 -- Berkley St., re: street light petition ................................................ 35 4-- Budget Process, re: League of Women Voters request City open up process to citizens ....................................................................... 43 4--Bankruptcy Court of H.S.. re: Notice of Final Creditors. etc. (Gary Licht) ..................................................................................... 44 4-- Brandt, Alfred. re: refund request ................................................. 45 18-Barton-Aschman Associates, re: authorization for traffic & Park- ing analysis in downtown development .......................................... 50 i8-- Blackacre Properties. re: designation of properl.y at 425~441 Bluff (Hist. Sig,, ........................................................................................ 52 ii 18 -- Bluff St.. re: designation of historical significance, ete ................... 52 .. 18- Budget Procedures. re: City Mgr. submitting notices of Heamng. 53 18 -- Burke, Carl A. & Grace E., re: acceptance of Res. No. 508~/ ........... 60 18- Buechele, Marie E.. request ambulance serwce stay as is .............. 61 18 -- Brunskiil. Evelyn M., requesung ambulance service s~ay as is ..... 62 18- Bradley. Donald R., petition (459 sig.) for hospital based ambu- hmce service .................................................................................... 62 18- Bicycle Ordinance. requested revisions ......................................... 62 18- Bud;ret, re: submission 91 status on FY '81 Operating Budge~ ....... 62 3- Bahmng, Rev. F.C., re: naming Area "C' Schmitt Memorial Park .tt ......................................................................................... 65 3-- Bike A-Then, re: St, Jude's Children Hospital .................. ' .......... 67 3 -- Baule. Elizabeth A.. petition that Fire Station No. 5 stay open .... 74 77 3 Ball. Linda J.,refund request ......................................................... 76 I0 BudgetEst. FY7LS0te6-3081 rc:PublicHearing ..................... 77 10 -- Barrett, John petition against cut in Police ................................... 78 10 -. Burlington Northern, re: geeping Dock Office as is ........................ 79 10 - Board of Dock Commissioners. re: opinion on keeping Dock Office where it is ........................................................................................ 79 " 10 - Boland. Marlene. re: need larger room to conduct Pu bile ttearmg. 81 i0-- Budget Discussions re: various departments ........................... 80. 81. 82 11 -Building Dept., various departments ............................................. 84 11 - Building Comm.'s Salary Cut .......................................................... 84 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Mar. May June 11 --Budget, Operating for FY '8~, final approved ............................... 86 11--Building Official setting out authority powers & duty ................. 88 11 --Budget, Annual for FY '81, adopted .............................................. 95 24- Block Grant Applications, Amendment for FY '80 aodadoption of FY '81 ........................................................................................... 102 24- Block Grant Program, authorization .................................. , .......... 102 24 -- Blackacre Properties, acceptance by Partnership ........................ 107 24- Brehm, John G., Class "B" Beer Permit ........................................ 116 24-Bunds, Michael W, claim ................................................................ 118 24-Bean, Richard, claim ....................................................................... 118 10--Bradley, Linda M., City Clerk Position, re: letter of apprecia- tion/rejection ................................................................................... 122 7- Boys Club Week, Proclamation for 4-13 thru 4-19 ......................... 124 7 -- Brunskill Rd., re: zoning of area per P & Z .................................... 130 7 - Budget, discussion of approved FY '81 .......................................... 131 7-Bemis, Milton F., re: changing in starting time on Sat. for Key- line ................................................................................................... 132 7- Board of Dock Commissioners, re: Ordinance prohibiting swim- ming etc. in certain areas ............................................................... 132 7 - Blood Plant Road, re: Asphalt Paving Plan ................................... 134 7-Block ~rant Program of C.D., re: Public Notice, re: Radford Road Land Purchase ....................................................................... 139 7-Burroughs Corp., re: Agreement concerning computer eleva- tion ................................................................................................... 141 21- Bissell Harbor, re: prohibiting swimming, ice-skating, etc ........... 149 21--Blaser, David R., claim .................................................................... 156 21 - Buikeme, Orville, claim ................................................................... 156 5- Buhr, Gene, objecting to Hill St. assessments .............................. 159 5 - Bower, B., requesting 1980 Concrete Program be deleted ........... 162 5 - Budde case, re: Russo requesting direction ................................... 163 5-Barony Woods & Sherwood Park area case, Russo requesting direction .......................................................................................... 163 5- Bistro, re: transfer of Liquor License ............................................ 180 5-- Beechen, Co. Inc., Class "C' Beer & Liquor License ..................... 180 5-- Bainbridge, J.R., Class "C" Beer & IAquor License ...................... 180 5 -- Bethany Home, re: financial statement submission ...................... 181 § -- Bunds, Michael W., re: denial of car damage claim ........................ 182 19 - Bertech, Robert, as Atty. for H.R.W. Associates, re: request for additional time for final development plan .................................... 187 19 - Budget Amendment, proposed for FY 1980 .................................. 191 19 - Board of Supervisors, re: traffic signalization north of City ......... 198 19 -- Beck, Roger, cigarette license ........................................................ 198 19 -- Blaser, David, denial of claim ......................................................... 200 19--Ball, Linda J., refund request on unexpired Cigarette License. 202 19-Budget, re: Proof of P. Hearing of proposed amendment for FY 1980 .................................................................................................. 205, 200 19-- Bonds, re: issuance of $3,400,000 Corporate Purpose ................... 210 2 -Beecher Oil Co., 1691 Asbury & 2399 White: Cigarette Licenses. 226 2- Blelle, Joseph F., 2600 CentraI, Cigarette License ....................... 226 2- Benton, Brenda & Sonny, Cigarette License ................................ 226 2- Brade, Marian & Francis Henkel, Cigarette License ................... 226 2--Breitfelder, Fred J., claim .............................................................. 228 2--Building Codes & Permits, problems with Jack & Carole Hei- derscheit .......................................................................................... 229 2 - Burglary Prevention Month, Proclamation for June .................... 230 18--Byrne, James J., Archbishop, re: Acceptance of Resolution No. 196410, Prop. in Table Mound Township ........................................ 244 16-Board of Supervisors, re: meeting concerning signalization of U.S. 52, IA 3 and 386 and J.F.K. Road ........................................... 244 16 - Blakeman, Ron, Cigarette Permit .................................................. 245 16- Bauer, Daniel, Cigarette Permit .................................................... 245 16-Bertelina, Angelina A., Cigarette Permit ..................................... 246 16 - Big G Steak House, Inc., Cigarette Permit ................................... 246 16- Bracewell, Richard, Cigarette Permit ........................................... 246 16 - Bunker Hill Pro Shop ...................................................................... 246 16 -- Bishop Buffet Inc., Cigarette Permit ............................................. 245 16- Bridge Restaurant & Lounge, Cigarette Permit .......................... 245 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page July Aug. Sept. ()ct. 16- Blakeman, Ron, Class '~C' Beer & Liquor License ........................ 247 16--Burds. Michael W.. claim for car damages ..................................... 247 3--Beef Kill ine closing a~ Pack. re: critical to City residents. Mayor's comments .......................................................................... 256 7-- Bonds. re: Industrial Rev. for Cycare ............................................ 271 7 -- Blackacres Prop., re: demgnation of historical s~gnificance .......... 272 7--Bluff St. (425~44U, re: Blackacres Prop. designation of historical s~gnil'icance ...................................................................................... 272 7-- Budget Amendment, re: Airport Capital Improvements ............. 273 7-- Burbach. Carl. re: petition for sanitary sewer e×renmon ............ 273 7--Brady, Council Member, de]etlon from Dubuque In Futuro Inc. 274 7-- Bussan. Wills. resigning from Housing Comm .............................. 275 7--"Bistro" request to transfer Beer Permit ...................................... 275 7- Baum, Wm, J., Cigarette Permit ................................................... 276 7- Bradley, Dale, Cigarette Permit .................................................... 276 7-- Burke Leonard T., Cigarette Per,nit ............................................ 276 7- Blsu'o (The). Cigarette Permit ....................................................... 276 7- liirkett, James J.. Cigarette Permit .............................................. 276 7-- Birkett, James J,. Class "C" Beer ~ Liquor License .................... 277 7-Barnhart. Terry, claim ................................................................... 277 21 -. Bluff St.. 425-441. re: proof of publication of Notice of P. Hearing to declare arch. significant ............................................................. 284 21 -- Boiler/Burner Unit Replacement for City Hall ............................. 288 21 - Bus rides, free for City workers ..................................................... 294 21 - Bike Ride re: I.W.I. Diabetes Unit ................................................ 297 4--Bonds. re: $3,400,000 Corporate Purpose ............................... 301. 302. 312 4-- Brick replacement of City Hall. bidding procedures, ere .............. 303 4 -- Brice-Petrldes rep., re: P. Hearing on NW Arterial ..................... 304 4-- Bear's IOCO. Cigarette Permi~ ..................................................... 308 4- Billikas. Wm. N.. Cigarette Permit ................................................ 308 4- Bean Richard A., Notice of Suit .................................................... 309 4-- Building code, re: Public Hearing in Des Moines .......................... 310 4- Blind Association, re: banquet and request for Council participa- tion ...................................................................................................310 lg--Rlood Plant. re: Inland Molasses Co. Memorandum of Agree- menr. re: rezoning ........................................................................... 314 18-- Berry, Thomas R.. V.P. of Inland Molasses ................................... 315 18 -- BoilertBurner Unit Replacement for City Hall. Resolution of Ne- ('essity, etc ...................................................................................... 321 ~8- Brian Dr.. P & Z approving rezoning ........................................... 327 18-- Bainbridge, James R. Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............. 332 18-- Beck. Roger M.. Class "C' Beer & Liquor License ....................... 332 18--Brucck Rd.. (2995). request of Wayne Manternach to excavate for sewer hookups ........................................................................... 333 2-- Brauhn. Donna. objecting to sewer rate increase ......................... 342 2- Boardman. Kay, re: sewage rate increase ..................................... 342 2- Burbach. Carl. re: denial for sewer extension .............................. 345 2--Bertse~, Robert. rep. Carl l]urbach, opimon as to sewer exten- sion near Resurrection ................................................................... 346 2-- Barrett. Stella Martha. claim for personal injuries ....................... 349 15- Bellman. Rudy, opposing more truck traffic on Nemmer's pro- perty ................................................................................................ 355 15- Blum PI.. re: approval of plat .......................................................... 359 15--Brashaw. Paul appointed to Board of Heating, Ventil. & Air- Cond ................................................................................................. 361 15-- Raum, Wm. Class "C" Beer & IAquor License ............................ 362 15--Benton Food Management, Inc Class "C' Beer & Liquor License ............................................................................................ 362 15 - Bodish. Ann. suspension o1' real estate taxes ................................ 364 23 Betty & Nick's Tap, translbr of IAquor License ........................... 365 5 -- Burds, Michael settlement of claim .............................................. 377 6-- Bean. Richard A.. dismissal of ehdm .............................................. 377 6 -- Budget process, re: proof of pu blication of Notice of Hrg ............. 377 15~-BancNorthwest crc.. re: $3.400.000 Corporate Purpose Bonds. 379 15--l~eh, Carlton D.. re: $3.400.000 Corporate Purpose Bonds ........... 380 15-- Bonds. $3,400,000 Corpora£e Purpose, re: issuance, etc ............... 380 20- Bicycles. re: Ordinance regulating, ere .......................................... 390 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Oct. Nov. Dec. 20- Bracewell, Richard, refund of $75 .................................................. 291 20- Burke, Joseph A., refund of $211.25 .............................................. 291 20-Burke, Leonard, refund of $75 ....................................................... 291 3- Brooks, Rev. John of Immanuel United Church of Christ, Invo- cation ............................................................................................... 393 3-Bell St. Storm Sewer, re: approval of plans, date of hearing. etc ............................................................................ 406, 411, 414, 415, 428 3 - Bicycle, Motorized, Ordinance ....................................................... 408 3 - Brade, Marian Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .......................... 409 3- Bus Maintenance Facility Feasibility Study, submission ............. 410 3- Bitter, Attorney, re: claims for Terrance L. Sheller & Roger E. Simon ............................................................................................... 410 3 - Barrett, Stella, claim for personal injury ....................................... 410 3-Becker, Marie, refund request ....................................................... 411, 443 3 - Burbach, Carl, re: Bell St, Storm Sewer Project ........................... 411 17 - Bible Week, Proclamation for Nov. 23-30 ...................................... 412 17 ~ Burbach, Carl, re: objecting to Bell St. Storm Sewer ................... 414 17- Bicycle Ordinance ...........................................................................418 17- Bush, Robert, appointed to Mechanical Board .............................. 424 17-Bertsch, Robert, re: sanitary sewer facilities on Burbach, et al properties ........................................................................................ 426 17-Burbach, Carl J., re: sewer extension for property on Asbury. 426 8-Bucko's West, Cigarette License, & Class "C' Beer & Liquor License ............................................................................................ 441, 442 8--Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks, Class "C" Beer & Li- quor License ....................................................................................442 8 -- Bleile, Joseph F., Class "C' Beer & Liquor License ...................... 442 8-Bertolini, Angelina A., Class "C' Beer & Liquor License ............ 442 8 - Brandel, Mrs. Frances, re: "Euclid" Street name stay as is ......... 443 22- Buses, School, re: Discharging pupils ............................................ 467 22-Barton, Robert E., Certified Applicant for Automotive Me- chanic ............................................................................................... 473 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page C Jan. 7-- City Council- Regular Session ........................................................ 7 -- (;cowley, Peg, stating Council Member Farrcl] should be Mayor. 7-Cullen. J.P. & Sons, re: non-payment matter should concern Council ............................................................................................. 7- Community Development Block Grant Project, re: Notice of En- vironmental Review Findings ........................................................ 7-- Cooper Street Step Lighting, notice of no significant effect on the environment......., ............................................................................ 7--Conlon. Gary T. re: interest in purchase of Lot 13 in Jaeger's Sub q209 Peosta St.) ...................................................................... 7--Callahan, Barb, re: in favor of present lighting system of Mar- quette Place ..................................................................................... 7-Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Council, re: re- commendation of Mgr. of one official and one deIegate .................. 7 - Crime Commission, re: recommendation for one official and one delegate ........................................................................................... 7--City Mgr, re: appointments, re: DMATS, Chamber of Corn mcrce. Economic Development Council, Chamber of Commerce Convention and Visitors, N.E. Ia. Crime Comm., Area Council of Governments: ECIA ....................................................................... 7- City Mgr.. re: denial of petition of Wm. J. Hartmann, re: vacation o~ portion of Maple St ...................................................................... 7- Clarke Crest Estates Sub., provision for street lights ................... 7-Community Development Minutes: 12-11, 1 30, 2-12, 3-12, 4~9, 5q3,7-16. 10-14 ............................................. 8, 75, 117, 156, 247, 7- Council Proceedings for month of Sept., 1979 ................................. %-Corporation Counsel, re: dismissal of lawsuit by Antoinette Kime ................................................................................................ 7-- Corporation Counsel, re: denial of car damage claim of Greg H. Nauman ........................................................................................... 7-- Claims, ReceipLs. Disbursements for month of Nov., 1979 ............. 16- [~ity Council, Special Session .......................................................... 16-City Clerk Position, re: procedure package by City Mgr ............... 21 - City Council. Special Session .......................................................... 22- City Council. Adjourned Special Session ....................................... 22- Children's Dental Itealth Week, proclamation for week of 2-3 to 22- Community Development request for Mgr. to execute Agree- ment with HUD. re: residential Rehab~ program ........................... 22--Caliahan, Tom. objecting to taking out ornamental lighting on Marquette P[ ................................................................................... 22--Copperhead House, demolition permit ........................................... 22- Community, re: rental space agreement ........................................ 22- Code Supplements. adoption of d supplements .............................. ' 22 -- Community Development Comm., Richard Vorwald appt ............ 22 - Carroll, Robert. re: C.D. appt .......................................................... 22 - Connelly, George. house construction problem at 1750 Miller Rd. 22- Council Proceedings, printed, Oct. 1979 presented for approval... 22- Con]an. Terry. claim of $48 .............................................................. 30-City Council Specla[ Session .......................................................... Feb. 4 City Councih Adjourned SpecialSession ....................................... 4 Cost of Living proposal implemented, repealed, Ord. changing. 4 City Mgr.. re:office provision ......................................................... 4 -- Cooper St. Lighting Project, re: no significant effect ..................... 4-- Clarke, James. Cigarette License ................................................... 4-- C[anc], Rita, Beer & Liquor License .............................................. 4- Cable TV Comm. Meeting Minutes: 12-4-79; 2-5, 3 4, 4q, 6-2, 6-4, 8-5.99.10-7 1L4 ...................... 75, 117, 156, 228, 247, 349, 375, 4-Corp. Counsel re: case of Thomas J. & Ruth E. O'MMley now closed ['or want of prosecution ......................................................... 4 -- Corp. Counsel. ce: claims of Faber Music Co., Catherine M. Vogel, Gar~ Licht et al ................................................................................ " 13- City Council. Briefing Sesskm ......................................................... " 18--City Council, SpecialSession .......................................................... 332, 410 8 9 9 i1 11 12 13 13 14 18 18 19 21 27 27 29 29 29 31 33 36, 37 38 38 42 43 410, 443 1 1 3 4 4 6 6 6 6 44 44 46 47 INDEX - BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Feb. Mar. Apr. 18-Community Develop. Block Grant Documents, re: publication of notice of availability of same .......................................................... 51 18-Chipper, approve purchase for Street Dept .................................. 51 18 -- College St., objection of "Handicap" sign by Julia Schuster ........ 52 3 - Corp. Counsel, denial of pers. inj. claim of Catherine M, Vogel... 76 10-City Council, Special Session ......................................................... 77 10-Communlty DevcL Block Grant Program, proposed amend- ments to FY '80 Budget .................................................................. 77 10-Conticarriers & terminals, concern over proposed moving of Dock Office to City Hall .................................................................. 78 10-Cassville River Terminal, concern over moving of Dock Office. 79 10-Chamber of Commerce, general agreement with proposed bud- get .................................................................................................... 80 10-City Mgr.'s Budget, re: Donald Deick objecting to Systems Analyist position ........... : ................................................................. 80 10-Cheney, Sherry, of opinion that tendencyis to cut people doing the work .......................................................................................... 82 11--City Council, Adjourned Special Session .................................. ::. 84 11-Cowley, Edward T, against moving Dock Office .......................... 84 11-Civil Defense Budget, reduction of $3,392 ..................................... 84 11-City Council Budget, cut $1,000 ..................................................... 84 11-City Clerk's Budget, cut $10,000 .................................................... 84 Il-Committee for Civic Responsibility, re: challenge of right of Council to authorize Public funds for Dbq. Chamber of Com- merce ............................................................................................... 85, 94 11- Chamber of Commerce, $25,000 cut from their budget ................ 86 11-City Council Emergency Reserve Funds, provision of $10,509.00 ........................................................................................ 86 Il-Capital Improvement Program: Water Storage Tank, Water Main, Sewer Line, Industrial Center, NorthWest Arterial, West End Improvements ............................................................... 86 11--Community Development Dir, Ord. establishing same ............... 86 11- Capital Improvement Program, re: 5 Yr. Program Adoption ...... 94, 95 12-City Council, Special Session ......................................................... 99 12- Census Day in Dubuque, proclamation for A pril 1, 1980 .............. 99 12 - Clemens, Attorney, petition for refund portion of $3500 Investi- gation Industrial Bond Fee (Dubuque Supply Co.) ........................ 101 12- Canopy on Oky Doky & Iron Kettle ............................................... 104 12- Cooperhead PI., submission of final plat ........................................ 106 12-Clavenger & Lundh, service agreement about 18th St. Fire Sta- tion Renovation ............................................................................... 109 12-Carnegie-Stout Library, new library furnishings & equip- ment .......................................................................................... 110, IlL 112 12-Claims for Jan ................................................................................. 117 24-Councll Proceedings printed, Dec. 1979, approved ....................... 18 24-Cooper St. Steps Lighting, re: Proof of publication advising General Public that the Community Block Grant Group is apply~ lng for federal funds for same ........................................................ 118, 119 24-City Council, Special Session ......................................................... 120 31- City Clerk, reviewing & discussing applications .................... 122, 123, 147 31- Colbert, Sheila R., rejection letter for City Clerk position ........... 122 31-Conboy, Martin D., considered for interview for Clerk position. 123 31-City Council, Special Session ......................................................... 123 7- City Council Regular Session ......................................................... 124 7-Committee for Civic Responsibility, requesting chance to he heard and presenting petitions for change in government ........... 124 7--C-7 Commercial Dist., re: communication of P & Z submitting proposed Zoning Ord. amendments ............................................... 129 7-Cedar Cross Rd., Dr. Nemmer's submission of history of proce dures of zoning ................................................................................ 129, 130 7-Crescent Ridge, re: P & Z submitting Ord. I~r amendment of same ................................................................................................. 130 7-Chancy Road, 2300, site of new schonl administration building, re: driveway cut .............................................................................. 132 7-- Community Development Block Grant, 6th year., acceptance for processing ....................................................................................... 141 7-Computer Evaluation, re: agreement with Burroughs ................. 141 INDEX - BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Apr. 7Cullen. Kfibv. Carolan & Assoc. re: Engrg. Agreement for water well ........................................................................................ 143 7 - Civil Service Comm.. resignation of Frieda Luther ...................... 143 7- Clarke Crest Estates. re: DEQ construction permit for water & sewer ............................................................................................... 145 9- City Council, Special Session ......................................................... 147 9- City Clerk appointed. Mary A. Davis ............................................ 147 21 -- City Council, Special Session ......................................................... 148 21 --Curb Cut, Petition. Mgr. recommend denial. Council acceptas is. 148 21--Garew. Attorney, re: Dbq. Comm. School System. in favor of curb cut ............................................................................................ 148 21 --Code Supplement No. 5, covering adoption ................................... 150 21- Community Development Block Grant Projects. authorizing re- lease nf funds ................................................................................... 150 21--Community Development Block Grant Loan Guarantee for Rad- lord Road Ind. Land Acquisition .................................................... 153 21 Code Enforcement. re: Public Notice. re: City of Dubuque tending to file a request 5 days after receipt from HUD of ap- provea application for FY '80 Block Grant Funds ......................... 152 21 - Cystic Fibrosis. re: petition to roll keg from Buena Vista to Dbq. to raise money ................................................................................. 153 21 - Crawford & Co. Claim Adjustors re: claim of Orville Buikema. 156 May 5-City Conncil. Regular Session ........................................................ 159 5--Center sector, re: proof of publication of P. Hrg. to amend zoning ord., re: Center Sector properties ...................................... 169 5- City Mgr., re: awarding contract to Edwards Concrete Contrac- tors for construction of 18th St.. 7th & Dell St. Steps ................... 173 5--Corp. Counsel. re: clarifying meaning as to chief legal officer of City ................................................................................................. 174 5 -- Concerts. free. requesting to ~e put on by American Trust ....... 175 5-- Callaghan, Cara, re: issuance of ice-skating passes at Five Flags. 175 5 Crescent Ridge & Crescent Court. re: Petition fi>r street lights. 175 5- Colts Drum & Bugle Corps. re: Circus itt Riverside Bowl ............ 177 5~ City Mgr. requesting approval of capital project items in the amt. of $3.075.901J and authorization of proceedings leading to sale of bnnds .................................................................................... 178 5- City Mgr., re: procedure of Dbq. Medical Transport, re: ambu- lance license .................................................................................... 178 5-City Mgr., re: adoption of resolution, re: KirkGross Co. for put ch~tse of library furniture ............................................................... 178 5--Carnegie Stout Public Library, furniture purchase ..................... 178 5--- City Mgr,, re: filing approval of bond of Mary A. Davis ............... 179 5-Carnival request by Downtown Association ................................. 179 5 -- Clarke Crest Estates, sanitary sewer extensions, permit ............ 181 5-City Mgr., recommending filing of document relative to Ia. Natural Resources Councb. re: placement of Fill Materials on Harem Island ................................................................................... 182 5 Community Development Comm.. re: file request for BI. Grant Funds Ior Radford Road 5~ Comm. Block Grant Funds Agree- ment for 5th & 6th Year ................................................................. 182 19- City Council Speckd Adjourned Session ....................................... 184 19- Uenter Sector, re: amend zoning map, Ord ................................... 184, 187 19-Cby Mgr., re: Dhq. Medical Transport Co. request for ambu- ante license ....................................................................................187 19 Cedar Cross Rd.. discussion of pros & cons of rezoning nearby property .......................................................................................... 187 19 Catfish Creek. re: preservation by Kerin Moldenhaucr & Jim Rooks .............................................................................................. 188 19- City Mgr., re: Transfer of Certain Comm. Develop. Block Grant Fnnds .............................................................................................. 189 19 Cily Mgr. submitting Res. authorizing Mayor ~o execute amend e{~ agreement with [DOT re: ln[ersection at Devon Dr. & I)ndge St. and Central Ave. & 22nd ............................................... . 189 " 19~ Central Ave. & 22nd St.. re: amended agreement with IDOT for improvements ................................................................................. 189, 190 " 19--City Mgr. submitting Proposed Budget Amendment for FY '80 and requesting Clerk to publish date of Public Hearing ............... 191 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page May June 19-City Mgr. submitting 1979 edition of the Uniform Mechanical Code ................................................................................................. 191 19-City Mgr. submitting Resolution approving execution of agree~ ment for Master Section 8 Annual Contributions Contract ......... 191 19-Chalrman of Energy Mgmt. Team, re: request that Mayor be authorized to execute a Grant application for Active Solar Energy Project for 32nd St. Fire Station ...................................... 192 19-City Mgr. submitting Ord. & Res. approving vacation of por- tions of Ethel St,, University Ave. & abutting alley and approv- ing sale of same ..............................................................................., 193 19-City Mgr., re: stop control for northbound & southbound vehicles on Pinard St. at E. 29th St ....................... , ........................ 195 19 - City Mgr. submitting Ord. repealing Sec. 25-65 of the City Code, re: Noise Control Testing Vehicles ................................................ 195 19- City Mgr., re: amendment of Ord. pertaining to traffic noise and placing in proper section of Code ................................................... 196 19- Comm. of P & Z recommending approval of Zoning Ord. amend~ ment for construction of garage in R-3, R-4, & R-5 districts ......... 197 19 - Comm. of P & Z recommending approval of request for prelimi- nary Devel. Pbm & PUl) Designation on Dock Prop. south of Plymouth Ct .................................................................................... 197 19-Comm. of P & Z approving final plat of"Milwaukee Innd. Tract No. 1.". ............................................................................................. 197 19- CK of Dbq. Inc., Cigarette License ................................................ 198 19- Cremer Grocery Co., Cigarette License ........................................ 198 19-Comm. of la. DOT, re: Public Hearing on improvement of 561. 199 19- City Mgr., re: disposition of items referred in 1979 ...................... 200 19- City Mgr., re: Teleprompter serving community ......................... 200 19- City Mgr., re: revised speed limits on major city streets ............. 200 19-City Mgr. submitting report of Treasurer & Finance Dir. etc. 200 19- Chesterman, Karen M., appointed Deputy City Clerk ................. 201 19 -- Comm. of Asbury Jaycees, re: Use of Asbury Rd. with "Asbury Days." . ............................................................................................. 201 2 -- City Council, Regular Meeting ....................................................... 203 2 -- City Mgr., re: transfer of funds, Celebrity Block request ............. 209 2-Comm. of P & Z recommending denial of request of L.J. & Con- nie Schiltz for rezoning classification of "Don A pts.". .................. 209 2- Comm. of Attorney Hughes, re: Schlitz rezoning request ............ 209 2-CorporatePurposeBonds, re:Issuanceof$3,400,000 ............ 210, 232, 311 2- City Mgr., re: proposed consultant contract for Downtown Dev. 212 2-City Mgr., re: update on building at 1750 Miller Rd. (Geo. Con- nelly) ................................................................................................ 212 2-Connelly, George, re: Mgr.'s update on disposition ...................... 212, 409 2- City Mgr., re: award of contract to Tri-State Paving Co. for 1980 Asphalt Pay. Project No. 1 ............................................................. 212 2- City Mgr., re: preh plans, specs., for lSth St. Fire Station ........... 213 2-City Mgr. submitting Res. authorizing pub. of Environmental Review Findings for St. Mary's St. Drainage Project, Removal ' of Arch. Barriers from 18th St. Fire Station, Tri-State Indepen- dent Blind Society ........................................................................... 214 2-City Mgr. requesting Mayor be authorized to sign Stipulation of Burg. Unit fi~r Operating Engrgs. to represent certain em- ployees ............................................................................................. 216 2- City Mgr., re: Ord. revision of parking fees at Airport ................. 216 2-City Mgr., re: denial of petition of Frank Hardie Adv. to install outdoor sign on Kerper Bird .......................................................... 217 2-Communication of Planning & Zoning, re; rezoning of portion of property in "Patricia Ann Acres" from R-3 to R 2 Residential District ............................................................................................ 224 2-- Center Sector, Amendment of Zoning Areas ............................... 225 2- City Hall, request to keep open Sat, mornings .............................. 226 2-Casey's General Store, 2699 R0ckdale Rd., Cigarette License. 226 2- Corbett's Cash Groc., 408 W. Locust, Cigarette License ............. 226 2- Country Pride Inn, 504 Central, Cigarette License ...................... 226 2- Clancy, Rita, Cigarette License ..................................................... 226 2- Canfield Hotel, Cigarette License ................................................. 226 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page June 2-Communication of Dubuque County Conservation Society re quesung City to accept offer of Twin Sisters' Partners Land do nation to City for open space use ................................................... 2-Conservation Society d)ubuque Countyt, re: Twin Sister's Part- nets Land donation ......................................................................... 2-Coinmunication of lIlll) advising of approval of application dated 3~10 80, re: llousine Assis£ance Payments .......................... 2--Cooper St. closing for Block Party ................................................. 2- Clarke Creste Estates re: suit of Ruff's because ol run-off .......... 2--Communication of Corp. Counsel. re: denial of Elaine Woodrum claim ................................................................................................ 2-- Communication of Corp. Counsel advisin~ nf dismissal of claim by Roger A~. Voss ............................................................................ 2--Communicatbm of City Mgr., re: report of meeting with Jack & Caro]e Iteiderschelt etc. for Building Code ~ Buildin~ Permits problems .......................................................................................... 2--Communication of Cit~ Mgr., re: authority to submil State. ments of Concern to Ia. League of Municipalities ........................ 2--Communication of City Mgr., re: payment of $5,898.15 to ftowel] lot attorney fees ............................................................................. 16-City Council, Special Scssbm ........................................................ f6- Coil 45 Drum & Bugle Curps Day. Proclamation for 6-27-80 ...... I6-Communication of City Mgr. recommending awarding contrael to Tschiggfrie Ex. Co. for St. Mary's St. Storm Sewer ................. 16- Communication of City Mgr. requesting Mayor ne authorized to execute a f'urchase of Services Agreement with Phone-A- Friend Ibr FY '81 for $18.260 .......................................................... 16- Communication of City Mgr. requesting Mayor be authorized to execute a Purchase of Services A~reement with Chamber of Commerce for $27.500 .................................................................... 16-Communicatiiin of City Mgr. submitting a Purchase of Services Agreement with Project Concern and requesting Mayor be au- thorized to execute contract ........................................................... 16 Chamber of Commerce. re: Purchase of Services Agreement. 16-Commtmication of City Mgr. for approval of Jayeecs to hold Fireworks Display .......................................................................... 16-- Climmumcanon of P & Z recommending Council approve reclas- sification of Inland Molasses Go. property from AG to fti ........... 16 Comm. of Attorney ltughes, re: rezoning of Inland Molasses Prop ................................................................................................. 16-~ City Mgr., re: CoIL Bargaining Agreement between City & Dbq. Assoc, of Professional Firefightcrs ................................................ 16--City Mgr.. re: Coll. Bargaining Agreemem between City & Int. tlnion of ()peratmg Engineers ....................................................... 16- City Mgr, re: Coll. Bargaining Agreemem between City & Dbq. Policemen's Protective Assu .......................................................... 16---City Mgr.. re: bidding procedure for construction of Devon Dr. & I)odge St. intersectinn ................................................................ 16 Cooper Street Steps Lightinm Fix. Date of Hearing & Neces- sity for Improvements ..................................................... 289. 240. 16-City Mgr.. re: approval of vacating alley near 693 Kaufman. as requested by Chris Smith .............................................................. 16- Comm. of P & Z submitting final plats for parcels of land along J.F.K. between Asbury ~ Penn ..................................................... 1 ti- Comm. of P & Z submitting amendment to Zoning Ord. for clari- fication of s~gn regulation ............................................................... 16 Corem. of P & Z recommending denial of rezoning request of J.P. Faley to rezone 3197 Killarney Ct, from R 1 Single Faro. Res, to R 4 Multiple Fam ................................................................ " Iii- Comm. of P & Z recommending rezoning of LETNA Prop, from AG to G-2, property in s/e corner of intersection of Radford Rd. az Penn. Ave .................................................................................... " 16-- Comm. of P & Z recommending approval of rezoning of LETNA Prop. from AG to PI for property located east of Radford Rd.. south of Penn. Ave. & west of proposed Northwest Arterial ltd. - 16 Co,nm. of P & Z approving final plat of Sub. of Lot 1 of Lot 7 of Nb] ~ nf SE~/4 Sec. 11 Old Highway 151 in Dbq. County .............. 227 227 227 228 228 228 228 229 229 229 230 230 235 235 235 235 235 236 236 236 236 236 237 238 269. 270 240 241 242 242 242 243 243 INDEX BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page June July 16- Civil Service Comm. appointment of Ann Smith .......................... 244 16- Cigarette Permits to 100 + businesses ......................................... 245 16- Carousel Snack Bar. Cigarette Permit .......................................... 246 f6- Clarke College, Cigarette Permit .................................................. 246 16- Clark Oil & Service Station. Cigarette Permit ............................. 245 16- Cue Masters Billiards Cigarette Permits ..................................... 246 16 - Capesins, Kenneth, claim for car damages .................................... 247 16- City Mgr.. re: release of funds to HUD for removal of arch, bar- riers: St. Mary's St. Drainage Project & Tri-State Independent Blind Society Energy Cons. Project .............................................. 248 16--City Mgr. submitting Resolution authorizing publication of the enwronmental Assessment Review Finding for "Operation Paintbrush.". ................................................................................... 249 16-Comm. Developmem Block Grant Agreement with Dept. of Housing & Urban Development in the amt. of $1,119,000 ............ 250 16-City Mgr. requesting approval to sign State Agreement for primary road extension maintenance ............................................ 251 16--City Mgr. submitting progress report on the upgrading of our telephone system ............................................................................ 251 16- CROP Organization, re: Hunger Walk .......................................... 251 17- City Council. Special Session ......................................................... 253 17-City Mgr. submitting various selections of an alternate for Highway 561 Transportation Facility ........................................... 253 17- Couler Valley construction, re: discussion ..................................... 253 3-City Council, Special Session ......................................................... 255 3-City Mgr. submitting Project Agreement to allow and permit the State to proceed with construction across City Island typing in the Miss. River on the east and Kerper Bird ............................ 255 3 -- Conlin, Mrs. Orlin J.. re: Fire Station #5 ........................................ 255 8--City Island. re: construction typing in Miss. River & Kerper Blvd ................................................................................................ 255 3- Columbkille's Parish, re: closing of Grandview Fire Station ........ 255 7- City Council. Regular Session ........................................................ 257 7- City Mgr., re: awardin~ contracts for 18th St. Fire Station ......... 265 7--City Mgr.. re: awarding contracts for 1)odge St. at Dewm Dr. Traffic Signal Improvements ......................................................... 265 7- Cyeare. re: Industrial Bonds request ............................................. 271 7 -- Comm. of Attorney Quann for Rick Kreiman, re: obtaining R.N. degree ....................................................................................... 271, 308, 325 7-City Mgr., re: Mr. Kreiman's request for trade time to obtain R.N. degree, be denied ............................................................. 271, 303, 325 7- Civil Defense Dir.. re: extension of Mutual Aid Agreement ........ 271 7-Comm. of P ~ Z. re: zoning amendments establishing a C-7 Comm. District ................................................................................ 271 7- City Mgr., re: George Connelly structure on Miller Rd ................ 272 7--Communications of lit. State Historical Dept., Dbq. County His- torical Society & Historical Preserwttion Comm., re: Bhlckacres Prop ................................................................................................. 272 7--City Mgr.. re: Economic Services Agreement between City & Dbq. Area Chamber of Commerce ................................................. 272 7-- Connelly, George, repair of structure ............................................ 272 7--City Mgr, re: Budget Amendment of $48,040 for Airport Cap. Improvements ................................................................................. 273 7 -- City Mgr., re: acceptance of agreement for purchase of Radford Road Ind. Center ............................................................................. 278, 274 7--Gyberski. Charles. resignation frora Cable T.V. Comm ............... 275 7--Cable TV. Comm. appointment of Don Allendorf & John Miller, 275 7-Creslanes, Inc.. C~garette Permit & Liquor License .................... 276, 277 7- City Mgr.. re: monthly reports of City Treas. & Finance Dir. for May .................................................................................................. 277 7--Civil Aeronautics Bd. Notice of application from Miss. Valley Airlines ............................................................................................ 277 7 City Mgr. requesting Mayor be authorized to sign agreement with State Dept. of ftealth to provide Rome Health Services to the elderly and Homemaker ltome Aid Services .......................... 278 7--City Mgr. submitting Res. authorizing request for release of ]unds for "Operation Paintbrush.". ................................................ 278 INDEX - BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page J~!y 7 -Capesius, Kenneth, settlement of car damage claim .................... 278 7- City Mgr. submittin, Res. authorizing Mayor to execute an An- nual Contributions Contract with the U.S. Dept. of HUD For new allocation for 40 umrs .................................................... 279 7-Contributions Contract, re: Authorizing Execution ..................... 280 7--Community Developmem Block Grant Projects (4th St. Storm Sewcr~. 7 City Mgr,, re: approwd of Five Flags Center & Miss. Valley fforkcy agreement. . ..... 7 ....................................... 281 -( ty Mgr., re: approv of Five Fla~s Center & Five Flags Theatre Co. agreement .................................................................. 28I - C~ty Clerk, re: costs lot special Election (6-3-8C ........................... 282 7-Comm. of Ia. DOT advising of receipt of Resolution. re: Locusl St. Freeway ..................................................................................... 282 7- Comm. of P & Z submitting amendment to Zomng Ordinances 282 7--Cky Mgr. submitting informatior on handicapped stalls in private parking lots ......................... ................................................. 282 - 21- City Council, Special Session ......................................................... 282 21--Cyeare Systems, Inc.. authorizing the execution m a memoran- dmn ol agreement for Ind. Development Revenue Bonds ............ 283. 285 " 21-- Comm. of P & Z submitting recommendation as [o rezoning of Inland Molasses PI ................................................................... 283 21 - Cty Mgr., re: procedures for the acquisition of parking meter replacement units. 21-- City Hall, tuckpointing, waterproofing etc.. re: bidding proce durc ........................................................................... 287 338. 339 " 21--C ty Ha B ~ er/Burner Unit Replacement ............................ 288. 321. 322 21 - City Mgr., re: acceptance of widening project on J.F.K. Rd ....... 289 .. 21 --Canopy at Kopple's Market. approval .......................................... 289 .. 21-- City Mgr., re: Don Junk. request to vacate portion of Disney St. 291 21-City Mur. submitting Ord.. re: overall height of vehicles per- mitted to park in munieial gara es g ................................................ 291 21--C~mm. of P & Z Comm. approving rezoniug request of R. tIenkel for property at 2017 Univerm[y ........................................ 291 21 -Comm. of P & Z Comm. approwng amendment m Zoning Ord. to allow printing & Publishing in C-4 district ........................ 292 21 Comm. of P & Z recommending amendment to Zoning Ord. for clarification of Front Yard & Side Yard definitions ...................... 292 gl -Comm. of P & Z recommending approval of final plat of "Mike arrlty t I ................... . ................. 292 21 Comm. t)f P & Z recommending approval of final plat of"Maple~ odd ! 1 ...................... " 21 Civic (enter Co-- ' ................................... 292 - · mm. appo ntments of John L Oehrle & J. Mcr- .. ritt....~ ...................................................................... 294 21 -- Cigarette license ~iscussion, re: Five Flags .......................... 294 " 21 - City Mgr. submitting Resolution lbr release of funds fbr 4th St. Peninsula Srorm Drain Projcc[ .......... . .................. 296 21 --Comm. Development Block Grant Project, re: 4th St. Peninsula Storm Drain Proj .......................... - ,' . : ' , · ,i ............................................ : .... 296 21 U4ty Mgr re request el lland~capped Persons, Inc. for sign daeemellt .......... . ....... ..... ' ............................................ 298 21 -- Cty M~r., re nformatmn on relerra s .... 298 2I -- City Mgr., r~: report ,,Il P.I). for July 4th F' ;~d;~;:'.j......jjjj:: ..... 298 " 21- Comm. 'Ktn Schromen expressing thanks for listening to July 4th traffk problems., .................................................................. 298 " 21--C mm. of DubuqueI, est 80 Organization, re: activities offered. 298 21 --C ~ msellor KDtJB-TV submitting reply ~o opposition in the pe Ution of KDUB-TV mr special relieL ";"'C'"; ...................... 298 21-G mm. of Ih mas ~. M tzer. re: I~.C.C.~ decision to grant "significantly viewed TV s[atmns Full local status ann ~o discon- untie ~roviding non-dup cat on status . , ~ ., · · ............................... 298 21 -(,t. nsus bffures prebmmary presented .................... 298 30 -City Council, Special Session ........... " ' . . ' ............................... ~ ........ 300 3 Corp Counsel. re: proposed form nf Agreement between City & l~?and Molasses Co Au~.. ......................................................................... 300 4 -(,ity Council. Regular Session. '. ................................................ 301 4 ~- Galdwell, Rev. Robert. Invocation ................ 301 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Aug. 4--Comm. of P & Z Comm., re: continuing hearing regarding the ,e, stablishmcnt of a C-7 Zoning Distr ct ................................ 301 4-C~7 Zoning District, establishment ................................................ 301 4--City Hall, bidding procedures for replacement of brick, tuck- pointing, e[c ................................ 4-City Mgr., re: Council advertise on 2 occasions an opportunity for ?. Hearing on design of NW Arterial from US 20 to Pennsyb 4- Corridor Location Public Hearing on NW Arterial ...................... 4 -- ' . . 306 Comm. of I & Z Comm. approving bnal plats of Lot 1-1-1 of"Fal- doffs Place & Twin Sister's Addn.". ............................................. 305 4- Comm. of Lyda Specht, re: Villa St. water run-off problem ......... 308 4 -- Corbett, Earl Glenn, Class "C" Beer Permit ............. 4 · , 308 -- Columbk lie s Sam~. Church, Class "B' Beer Permit .................... 308 4- Crane Enterprises, Cigarette Permit ............................................ 308 4-Comm, of City Mgr. submitting monthly reports fl)r June .......... 309 4-Comm. of State Bldg. Code Commissioner advising of Public Hearing, re: current building code .......................................... 310 4-Comm. of Db Assoc at on of B nd requesting Council Mem- bers to attend their banquet .......................................................... 310 4-Comm. of P & Z submitting amendments to Zoning Ord. includ- ing July 7 ......................................................................... " 18-City Council, Special Session ........................................................ 310 " 311 18-Cycare Systems. Inc. l reject - Ind. Development Rev. Bonds. 311 " 18-Comm. of P & Z submitting addendum to ()rd. regarding the proposed C 7 Co-mcrcbd District Amendments ........................ 316 18- C-7 District establishment, amendments ...................................... 316 INDEX - BOOK 110 980 SUBJECT Page Aug. 18--Comm. of I)ept. of Environmental Quality submitting Sewage and Water Construction Permit for "Twin Sister's Sub." .......... 333 18-City Mgr. submitting Resolution authorizing publicatior of Notice of Availability of Grantee Performance Reports .............. 333 18 - City Mgr. submitting Resolution to be forwarded to State Audi~ tot advising of City's audit by ttelle, Klosterman & Co ............... 334 '.'. 2] --City Council, Special Session ......................................................... 336 21 --Celotex, decrease in sewage rates ................................................. 336 Sept. 1-City Council. Regular Meeting ....................................................... 337 2--City Council, Regular Adjourned Meeting ................................... 338 2-Children's Education Workshop, re: request to close Main St. 340 2- Comm. of Dbq. County Conservation Society requesung Public Hearing be held o~ proposed channelization of Catfish Creek. 340 2--City Mgr. submitting Resolution directing a P. Hearing on de- sign of North-West Arterial Roadway .......................................... 340 2- Catfish Creek, re: Proposed channelization Public Hearing ........ 340 2-- City Mgr. advising of completion of St. Mary's St. Storm Sewer. 34] 2-City Mgr. deny sanitary sewer extension request by Carl Bur- bach ................................................................................................. 345 2-Curran. Velma. Cigarette Permit .................................................. 348 2-Council Proceedings, Aprit March ................................................ 349 2-Claims, list of receipts and expenditures, re: proof uf publica- tion ................................................................................................. 350 15--C ty Count , Special Session ......................................................... 351 15 - Constitution Week. Proclamation of Sept. 17 thru 23 ................... 351 15- CROP Hunger WaIk Day, Proclamation for 10-5 ........................ 351 15--General Service and Wholesale Commercial Strict c[assihcation amendment ................................................................................... 35l 15- Camilla Court residents against industrial development ............. 354 15- Correll. Mary, obJected to Cedar Cross Rd. alignment ................ 355 '.'. 15- City Mgr., re: Objection to Sagevillc annexation .......................... 358 15-City Mgr., re: acceptance of J. Rhomberg's offer of donation ~ff land. " 15- City Mgr, re' acceptance of amendments to agreement £o pur- chase real estate for Rad ford Ind. Projec~ ..................................... 369 15- Civil Service Commission appt. of Dolores Reihle. nomination ~)f Ronald L. T. Koerperich ................................................................. 361 15-- Catfish Creek. re: rehearing before the la. Natura~ Resources Counsel ................................................................................ 363 ] 5- Cah . M kc. appointed to Electrical Board of Appeals ................ 361 15--Cedar Rapids Television Station (KCRG to F.C.C.. re: special relief petition of KDUB and requesting denial, etc ....................... 363 15-City Clerk submission 1980 Ag. & Hort. List for City Tax Exem tons P ..................................................................................... 364 15--City Conncih Special Session ......................................................... 368 15- City Council, Regular Session ....................................................... 367 6- Contract. re: City & Governor's Highway Safety Office ............. 369 6-City Hall Handicapped Ramp, re: submission of procedures, etc. 370. 37I 6--City Mgr., re: City Hall Handicapped Ramp ................................. 370. 385 6- City Mgr.. re: selection of Consulting Engr. for Radford Rd ....... 372 6--City Mgr., re: HMTA application for $447.249 ............................. 372 6-City Mgr., re: Proposed Urban Revitalization Program .............. 373 6 - Cable TV. re: Teleprompter's procedure for renewing franchise. 376 6 -- Cable TV Commission, re: referrals of Communications of Coun- sels for KDUB for special relief, etc ............................................... 376 6 -- Catfish Creek channelization, re: Hearing in Des Moines. Natur- al Resources Council ....................................................................... 376 6-Claims. expenditures & receipts for Aug., proof of publication. 376 6 City Mgr. advising of decision of PER Bd.. re: City 6~ A.T.U. Prohib. Prac. Comphdnt ................................................................. 377 15 -City Council. Special Session ......................................................... 379 15-Corporate Purpose Bonds. re: Provision for Sale & Award. e~c. $3.400,000 ....................................................................................... 379 15 Continental Illinois National Bank & Trust ~o.. re: $3.400.000 Corp. Purpose ................................................................................. 380 ii 26-City Council, Special Session ......................................................... 385 20-Clin-Que Sub.. re: rezomng ............................................................. 388, 413 Oct. INDEX - BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Dec. Oct. Nov, 20-Cedar Cross Rd.. 365. re: rezoning request by Charles Mci)er mort ................................................................................................. 388 20 City Mgr- re: Plumbing Code revisions ........................................ 389, 436 20 -- City Mgr.. re: authorizing Clerk to publish Notice of P. tlearing on granting a permanent easement to Interstate Power Co ........ 389 20--CRy Mgr.. re: submission of Ordinance to regulate operation of motorcycles & motorized bicycles, etc ........................................... 389. 390 20 -- City Mgr., re: revized draft for DMATS Year 2000 Project ......... 390 20- ~urler. Michael. by father Arm)Id Curler. claim for personal in- lur~es ................................................................................................ 391 20- Curbings, re: objections by Handicapped Persons. Inc ................ 391 20- City Mgr., re: update on IDOT Preliminary 5 Year Trans. Plan. 391 3- City Council. Regular Session ........................................................ 393 3- Copper. DWV. re: proposed Plumbing Ord .................................. 393 3-City Mgr. submitting Res. approving Owner Certification of A.C. Pfohl PI ...................................................................................395 3--City Mgr. submitting proposed Consultant Contract Funding Agreement between City & Ia. Division of Historic Prcserva. tion. re: Lower Main St. Planing & Design Study ......................... 395 3--Consultant Contract Funding Agreement between City & Ia. Division of Historic Preservation. etc ........................................... ;t95 3- City Mgr., re: bidding procedures for Bell St. Storm Sewer ........ 406 3 -- City Mgr., re: Supplement No. 6 to Code of Ordinances ............... 407 3- City Mgr.. re: DMATS Year 2000 Projections .............................. 409 3 - Connelly, George, report on structure on Miller Rd ..................... 409. 419 3-- Crane Enterprises. Inc.. Class C Beer ~ Liquor License ............. 409 3- Clark. James T.. Class C Beer & Liquor License .......................... 409 3--Civil Service Promotional Examinations Results (Fire) ............... 4 l0 3--Cherrier, Wm. E., passing score in Fire Prom. Exam (Ass't. Chief/Training Officer) ................................................................... 410 3 Carner. Thomas L.. re: Suit by Dbq. Savings & Loan, etc ............ 410 3-Civil Service Comm. Minutes: 10-21.10 20 .................................... 410. 443 17-City Council, Special Session ......................................................... 412 17- City Mgr.. re: Bicycle, Roller Skate. Skateboard. etc. Ord ........... 418 17-- City Mgr., re: motorcycles & moped parking ................................ 17--Cullen. Kilby, Carolin & Assoc.. re: Engrg. Services Agreement for elevated storage facility ........................................................... 419 17 -- City Mgr., re: City's Acceptance of Warranty Deed for property needed for J.F.K. road widening .................................................... 419 17-- Cable TV Franchise, re: progress report by R. Reynolds ............. 424 17- Cody. John, appointed to C.D. Comm ............................................ 424 17-Community Development appts, of John Cody, Edna Thompson & Richard Vorwald ......................................................................... 424 17- Uarr. Charles F., appointed to Elcc. Board of Appeals ................. 424 17--Carew. Allan (Arty. I, requesting vacation of lot adjacent to 927 Victoria ........................................................................................... 425 17--Conlin. Orlin. by Atty. Carew. requesting vacation of lot adja cent to 927 Victoria ......................................................................... 425 17-City Mgr.. re: Jack &Gail Hancock petition to vacate portion of highway . ......................................................................................... 425 17--City-County Stree~ Name Task Force. re: Street Name con- flirts ................................................................................................. 426 17- Civil Aeronautics Bd., re: 60-day notice of Ozark Air Lines. Inc. 426 17- City Assessor (Acting), re: Appeals to District Ct. dismissed ...... 426 1 --City Council Meeting. Regular ....................................................... 427 8- City Council. Adjourned Regular Session ..................................... 428 8--City Mgr., re: contract for Bell St. Storm Sewer to Tschiggfrie Excavating ......................................................................................428 8--City Mgr.. re: Pre Design Project Agreement, re: Kerper Blvd. 428 8--City Mgr., re: Engineering Agreement with Terry A. Shuck, re: pool advice ....................................................................................... 429 8 City Mgr., re: Contract for Engrg. Services for Radford Ind. Center with Shivc-Hattery ............................................................ 429 8-Ci~y Mgr.. re: Ord. prohibiting interference with Policemen. Firemen. ere .................................................................................... 430 8- City Mgr., re: purchase of portable radios for Police .................... 431 8- City Mgr., re: Capital Assistance Application to UMTA ............. 433 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Dec. 8-- Cycare Systems, Inc., re: Issuance and Sale of Ind. Development. Rev. Bonds ...................................................................................... 435 8- City Mgr.. re: Five Year Street Construction Program ............... 437 8-City Mgr., re: completion of Dodge St, aL Devon Dr. Traffic Signal Improvements ..................................................................... 438 8--City Mgr., re: Cooper St. Steps Lighting Project ......................... 438 8-Cooper Stree£ Steps Lighting Project, acceptance, final estL ma~c. etc .......................................................................................... 439 8--City Hall Roof & Gutter Systems, re: accepting improvement. iimfl estimate ................................................................................... 439 8-City Mgr.. re: completion of Cb.y Hall Roof & Gutter Sys~e~n. 439 8--City Mgr.. re: completion of City Hall: replacement of brick~ tockpointiag, waterproofing & painting oi trim & doors ............. 440 8-- City Hail completion of replacement of b~ick, tuckpointing etc. 440 8 -- Clarke College, Class "B' Beer Permn ......................................... 441 8 ~ City Mgc., ~'e: purchase of 400 more parking me,ers .................... 443 8--City Clerk certificate: notices mailed to proper~y owners for 1980 Asphalt Paving Project .......................................................... 443 8-- City Mgr.. re: Oct. reports: Receipts & Disbursements & Claims 443 22-City Council. Special Session ......................................................... 445 22- Chaplain Schmit~ Memorial being moved, objections .................. 466 22--Crime Prevention Organization. re: establishment of Dbq. Crime Prevention Coalition ........................................................... 466 22- ~arneg~e Stout Public Library, re: Hist. Prcserv Covenant ....... 466 22- ~ity Mgr., re: providing funds for the Northeast In. Area Crime Commission ..................................................................................... 467 22- C~ty Mgr., re: School Bus Ord.. re: Discharging Pupils ................. 467 22--City Mgr., re: cstabl, of W. llth S~. Urban Revitalization area. 468 22--Cullen & Sons. re: completion of work on Wastewa~er Treat~ mcnt Plant. ~ acceptance ............................................................... 470 22--City Mgr., re: completion of WWT Facilities - Phase II - Con- tract IV and recommending acceptance ........................................ 470 22- City Mgr.. re: Street Lighting Pre)gram and modification ........... 471 " 22 Cicciarelli. Dr. Frank. resignation from PlumbingRd .................. 471 ~' 22--Chi, Esther. appointed to Hnman Rights Comm ........................... 471 ' 22- City Mgr.~ re: November reports ................................................... 473 · 22- Civil Serwce. re: certified list of automotive mechanics ............... 473 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Jan. Feb. 7--Davis, Mary A., appointed Deputy City Clerk for the year 1980· 1 7- Dubuque Bank and Trust Co., re: depository for City's funds for 1980 .................................................................................................. 2 7- Deich, Donald E., Sr. against H.R.W. rezonlng request ................. 3 7--Dubuque Medical Transport, re: ambulance license ...................... 6 7--DMATS, re: recommendation of City Mgr., re: Designate alter- nates ..................................................... . .......................................... 6 7 -- Deich, Donald Sr., opposing change in ambulance service ............. 7- Dubuque County Medical Society requesting if Ambulance Com~ mission be set up that reps be from I)ubuque County Medical Society ............................................................................................ 9 7--Dubuque Community School Suit against City dismissed (An~ toinette Kime) .................................................................................. 9 22-Dillon, Pat, re: 800 signed petitions for keeping ambulance set vice wlth City ................................................................................... 14 22--Dubuque County llistorical Society, support of historical desig nation for p~'opcr ty at 409 Bluff St .................................................. 18 22-DubuqueFest request permisskm to present City 6 photos of 1979 DubuqueFest .......................................................................... 18 22--Design Center Associates submit permit for demolition of garage west of Ryan House ............................................................. 18 22 -- Dubuque E vening Lions Club, re: sale of reflective house nos ....... 19 22-Derby Grange Rd., re: approval of plat of property owned by Agnes Breitbach .............................................................................. 24 22- Dodge St. & York Sts. reclassification of zoning from R-2 to OR-1. 26 22--DEQ, re: permit issuance for sewer & water mains in Oak Meadow First Addn ........................................................................ 28 22 - Dock Board MINUTES: 12-18-79, 1 4~80, 2 14, 3 19, 5-12, 5-29, 6-4, Corr. Min. of 5-29, 8-5, 9-9,10-1, 10-15, 104 ...................................... ............................ 29, 62, 75, 145, 228, 277, 309, 329, 375, 391, 425, 472 30- Dodge St., re: expressway discussion ............................................. 31 4--DOT Communication submitting supplemental statement for review etc. for US ~e20 in Dbq. County, Fro jeer F~20-9 .................... 42 4--Deppc, Agnes, request Area C be named Captain Schmitt Mere orial Park & heal'by road Admiral Sheehy Rd ................................ 43 4 Donahue, Elizabeth, request Area C be named Captain Schmitt Memorial Park & thc road Admiral Shcehy Rd ............................. 43 4- Dubuque Federation of Labor request ambulance service be left as it is ............................................................................................... 43 18 - Dodge St. (& York) relative to rczoning of property on the south~ east corner of York & Dodge from R-2 to OR-1 ............................... 47, 48 i8 -- Donovan Dr., re: request of Schilitz Develop. Corp. for reclassifi- cation of prop· on Pennsy. & Donovan Dr. from R-2 to C~2 ............. 48 i8-- Downtown Development Solicitation, re: City Mgr. submitting res. of proposals to enter a Developer Designation Agreement. 48 18--Dubuque Downtown Plaza, re: Downtown Urban Renewal Proj. 48 i8 -- Dali, Wm. J., re: urging rejection of the Task Force recommenda- tion that Mercy Health Center controlambulance service ............. 61 18--Dbq. Fed. of Labor urging that various agencies be able to voice their position on matters of budget at the time of group discus- sion ................................................................................................... 62 18 -- Dbq. Bicycle Club, re: revision of bicycle Ordinance ...................... 62 3--Dub. Supply Co., re: portion of refund of $3,500 paid to City for expense incurred in issuance of Industrial Revenue Bonds ........... 67 3 Dalton, Fr.,re:replacement ............................................................ 72 3 -- Deich, Donald E., re: objecting to any cuts in Police & Fire ........... 74 3--DOT, re: information to negotiating right oLway between rail roads & utilities, re: under Julien Dbq. Bridge ............................... 3 -- DOT, re: jurisdictional transh~rs, re: J unction of la. 386 Highway 52 and Ia. 3, etc ................................................................................. 75 3 -- DMATS submission of Year 2000 socio-economic forecast ............ 75 i0 Dcich, Dnnald, re: (Jify keeping ambulance service ....................... 77 i0 -- Di Pasquale, Pasquale, re: concern over cuts in Police & Fire ........ i0- Dock Office, re: ContiCarriers concern over moving of same ........ 78 INDEX - BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page May lO--Dubuque Twine Co.. re: offer space for Dock Office & request it stay in riverfront area ................................................................... 79 10--Dubuque Marina Inc. request Dock Office stay m same place 79 10- Dubuque Oil Tcrnfinal re: concern over Dock Office move ......... 79 10--Dubuque County Censer. Society object to moving Dock Office & dissolving Dock Corem .............................................................. 79 10--Dubuque Yacht Basin. re: mowng Dock Off. would be mistake 79 10-- Dub. Water Ski Cluh. re: list of reasons not to relocate Dock Of- rice .................................................................................................. 79 10-Dock Office, re: objections against mowng same out of river- front area .................................................................................... 79 117. 118 10-- Donlevy, Ray, request Youth Services be kept ............................ 80 10-Decih, Donald. objecting to Systems Analyst position; opimons on Police, Fire a Ambulance budgets, opinions on light~s~ ex- penditures; objecting to $141.000 to create new jobs ................... 80. 82 11 -- DubuqueFest, contribution of $3.000 ............................................ 85 11 -Dogs, New License Fees ................................................................ 89 ll--Dub. Chamber of Commerce re: Comm. of Comm. for Civic Re- sponsibility, re: challenge right of Council to authorize public funds for same, indicating a conflict of interest ............................. 94 12 - Dubuque Building, re: Ed Sheppley's statement of proposed use of Ind. Rev ....................................................................................... 24 -- Dubuque Supply Co.. re: Atty. Clemens' petition for refund por- tion of $3,500 investigation Ind. Bond Fee ..................................... 101 24--Dclaney, Wm., re: as Comm. of P & Z. signing Res.. re: open space program ................................................................................ 108 24--Dubuque Jaycees. Class "B" Beer Permit .................................... 116. 144 24- Dubuque Yacht Basin. Class "C" Comm. Beer & Liquor License. 116 24--Dubuque Building Trades. re: endorsing that all crafts actively support Radford Ind. Center ......................................................... 117 24--Developer Designation Agrcemenz. re: Downtown Urban Renewal Project la. R-15 ......................................................... 120 169. 170 31 --Davis, Mary A., re: interview for Gity Clerk position, interview & appointed .............................................................................. 122 147. 154 7-Driver, definition clarifying .......................................................... 126 7-Dual Purpose Patrol (;ar. definition clarifying ............................. 126 7- Dubuque Building Inc. re: Ind. Rev. Bond Finance Fee .............. 131 7- Dubuque Supply Co.. re: Ind. Rev. Bond Finance Fee ................. 181 7--Dub. Comm. School Dist.. re: requesting permission for streel cut ;ts driveway entrance, and recommend, of Mgr. to deny ....... 132. 148 7--Data Processing Programmer Analyst positkm, re: request to filling position 2 months early ....................................................... 141 7 Data Processing, re: proof of publ. of receipt of proposals lot Data Proc ........................................................................................14J 7- Dock Bd.. re: Ord. prohibiting swimming, ice skating, etc. in cer tain areas ........................................................................................ 148 21--Dubuque Marina Harbor. re: Prohibition el Swimming, ice. skating, etc ...................................................................................... 149 21--Dove Harbor, re: Ord. Prohibiting Swimming, ice-skating, e;c. 149 21--Dorothy. Robert re: submission of fina: plat of 160 Julien Dbq. Drive ................................................................................................ 150 21 -. Dub. Fed. of Labor endorsing Radford Ind. Center ...................... 156 5 Dubuque Visiting Nurse Awareness Week. proclamation for May 12 thru May 19th ................................................................... 159 5 -- Duggan, Mrs. Letha. objecung to Valley St. assessment ............. 159 5--Dancer, Abby McDonald. re: deletinn of '80 Concrete Program. 162 5-- I)ougherty, Wm. re: deletion of 1980 Concrete Program ............ 162 5 -- Downtown Urban Renewal Complex, proof of publication of vitation for Developmen; Proposals f(w construction of Retail Shopping Complex .......................................................................... 169 5--Developer Designation Agreement with City & Homart ............ 169. 170 5- Dubuque Packing Co. & Rowley Interstate. re: erecting sign ..... 175 5- Derks, Chris. re: request ice-skating passes at 5 Flags ................ 178 6- Duster Pl., re: vacation of right4)f-way .......................................... 176 5~- Dubuque Medical Transpor; request ambulance license ............. 178. 187 5-Davis, Mary A.. bond approved ..................................................... 179 INDEX -- BOOK 1980 SUBJECT ]'age May June July 5--Dbq. Oowntown Assn.. re: permission to have carnival on Ifrban Renewal Property ........................................................................... 179 5 D.B.Q. Inc., Class"C' Beer & Liquor License ............................... 180 19 Duster Pl. re: vacation of right of wa3 ......................................... 185 19-Dougherty. John. re: viewpoint about soil erosion ....................... 187 19 Dubuque County Conservation S.. re: th!dar Cross I)cve]op ....... 188 19 Duvcini. John. re: request b)r priwtte garage in res. zonings ....... 197 19--Dockal/Luksctich request [~r Pre. I)evelopment Plan & I'UI). re: property south of lqymouth Ct .................................................. 197 19 Dalsing, LIoyd, cigarettelicense .................................................... 198 ID--Do. Inc.. cigarette license ............................................................... 198 19--l)unu0 ue Packing Company, cigarette license .............................. 198 19 Dalsing, Lloyd Chtss C Beer & Liquor License ............................ 199 19--Dubuque Golf & Country Club. Chtss "A" Beer ~ Lbluor Li cerise ................................................................................................ 199 19 Dubuque Golf & Cnuntry ¢'Aub. fireworks dlsphty ........................ 201 19- Deputy City Ulerk Karen M. Chesterman appointed ................... 2(11 19- Delos A. l)orwciler, relief from mdses on J.F.K. Road ................. 19 -l)lttemorc. I)an. appreciation extende¢~ h)r llcarin~ presenta non on ~61 ....................................................................................... 203 19--Dubuque Downtown Association, re: "Celebrity Block.". ............ 209 2--Don Apartments. rezoning denial .................................................. 2(19 2- Downtown Development, re: consultant contract ....................... 212 2- Design Center. [nc. 9th & Main. Cigarette License ..................... 226 2 Design Center. Inc. 200 Main St.. Cigare;;e License ................... 226 2- Dolter. Randa5 L. 910 Dodge St., C~garette License ................... 226 2- Donovan, Melvin I ,. C~garette License ......................................... 226 2 Doogc St. at Dcwm Drive Traffic Signalization .......................... 238. 239 16 l)onut Hut l,td.. 13 addresses}. (hgarette Permits ...................... 246 16 Dubuque Marina, Inc., Cigarette Permits ..................................... 246 16--Dubuque Mining Co.. (hgarette Permit ...................................... 246 16-- l:,unne, Wm. F., Cigarette Permit .................................................. 246 16--Dick and lean's Food Service. Cigarette Permil ......................... 24,5 16 Dunuque Building, Cigarette Permit ............................................. 245 16 Dubuque Golf & Country Club. (hgarette Perulit ........................ 245 Hi--Dubuque Municipal Airllort. Uigltrette Permit ............................ 245 I6 I)raegcr. Charles 1,3.. Cigarette Permit ......................................... 246 ltl Dubuque Art Assoriation. Cigarette Permu ................................ 246 16-- Dorweiler. Di,los A.. chdm for sign re[fiacement ............................ 247 3-- l)eich. Don. againsl dosing Fire Station #5 .................................. 255 3 I)ubuque Packing Co.. ri,: closing of Ileef Kill Line ....................... 256 7- Dodge St. itt I)ewm 1 )r. traffic improw,ments .............................. 267 INDEX -- BOOK 110 198g SUBJECT Page Aug. 18- Der weiler, Delos, re: objection to acceptance of improvement of Kennedy Rd .................................................................................... " 18- Dolan, Donald D., settlement of personal injury claim ................. " 18- Dubuque Kiwanis Club, re: Kiwanis Kid's Day Peanut Sale ........ " 18-Dept. of Environmental Quality submission of Sewage & water cons£ruction permit for Twin Sister's Sub .................................... ' 21 Dubuque Packing Co., re:decrease in sewage rates ..................... ' 21 - Dubuque Terminal, decrease in sewage rates; ............................. Sep,,t. 2- l)ubnqueFest '80, re: rcquest to close Main St ............................... 2-Dubuque County Conservation Society requesting P. Hearing to be held on proposed chaunelization of Catfish Creek ............... 2- I)orwciler, Delos, objecting to sewer rate increase ...................... 2--Delch, Donald, of opinb)n sewage plant never worked properly, against helping Dubuque Pack ....................................................... 2--Demmer, Mary L., Cigarette Permit, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............................................................................................ 2--Brian Durr, by Mary E. Duff, clabn for Pers. Inj .......................... 2-Dubuque Savings & Loan vs. Thomas Carner & City of Dubu~ que, re: foreclosure petition ........................................................... ' 15- Dock Commission approve Riverside Tractor Trailer lease ........ " 15- Duncan Industries, awarded contract for parking meters ........... " 15-- Dahm, Sister Jordan appointed to Housing Corem ....................... ' 15-Dubuque Motor Hotels, Ine., Class "B" Beer & Liquor License. " 15- Dub. County Conservation Society, re: application for rehearing regarding channclization of Ca£fish Creek fl~r N.W. Arterial Roadway .......................................................................................... ' 15-- l)uehr, Randy, claim of $125 Ibr personal prnperty damages ....... " 15--Dept. of Environmental Quality, re: waste water compliance report ............................................................................................... ' 1.5--Duh. Packing Co, objcctbms to sewage rate increase to aid same ........................................................................... , ..................... " 15- Donovan, Blanche, suspenskm of rea] estate taxes ....................... Oct. 6 Dubuque Familiesin Action, re: Ordinance regarding drug para phernalia and drug use ................................................................... 6-Drug Paraphernalia Ordinance: Discussion, etc ........................... 6 -- Dept. of Trans., re: Grant application with UMTA ....................... 6-- David, John Francis, Class "C" Beer Permit ................................. 6-- Departmental Expenditures, proof of pub]. for FY 1980 .............. 6 Dnchow, Frank R., claim for car damages ..................................... 6-- Dorweiler, Delos of $999 Ibr property damages ............................ 6--Die£z, James L., Notice of Suit vs. Dbq. Yacht Basin, Inc. et al for discriminatory practice ............................................................. " 15-Duff & Phelps, re: awarding bid of Corp. Purpose Bonds to Nnrthern Trust Co .......................................................................... ' 20--Dix, Rev. Wm., Invocation ............................................................. " 29- Dorwei]er, Delos, re: oh,iection to City Hall ffandicapped Ramp. " 20-- DMATS Year 2000 Project, re: City Mgr.'s revised draft ............ Nov. 3-- Dub. Diabetes Month, re: Proclamation for month of Nov ........... 3- Dub., City of, Assessment of'80 Asphalt Paving Project ............. 402, 3- DMATS Year 2090 Projections, revised dralt .............................. 3.- Doty, Nelda L., Class "C" Beer & Lkluor License ........................ 3 Du~dlr, Randy, denial of claim ........................................................ 17 Drug Paraphernalia Ordinance ............................................... 416, l?--Dnrrant Group. re: technical assistant in combined police/fire emergency communication center ................................................. 17- Dock Corem· resignation of Charles Eg~lhof ................................. ' 17 -Dock Comm. nomination of Robert D. McDonald, Vict ................. " 17- DubuqneFest '80, re: progress report ............................................ Dec. 8 Dodge St. at Devon Dr., re: completion of Traffic Signal provements ...................................................................... , .............. 8 Diamondakis, Mike, refund request ......... ~ ..................................... 8- I)raeger, Charles E., refund request ............................................. " 22-.Dubuque Crbne Frcvention Coalition ........................................... ' 22~Duecini, Gene, Cigarette Permit .................................................... " 22-Duchy, Ruth F., claim ..................................................................... 332 333 333 333 336, 342 336 340 340 342 342 349 349 349 353 361 362 363 363 364 364 370 370 373 375 376 376 376 376 380 385 385 390 393 403 409 409 411 441, 445 421 426 438 443 4~3 466 472 472 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page £ Jan. 7-- ~Eagle Point Water Works, re: comm. of Atty. Quanu requesting that the matter of non payment of amount due to J:P. Cul]en & Son on this project be referred to Council ...................................... 3 !' 7- Events Coordinator- Res. Establishing position at Five Flags ..... 3 7- Environmental Review Findings, A uthorizing pub]. of Notice for Certain Comm. Development Block Grant Projects: ..................... 4 7 ~ ECIA recommendation of Mgr., re: appts, which set ()ut they tend area campaign for appointment ...................................... 7-- Embassy West Sub. re: str ~et ghts ............... 22 -- Easement for gas line in Jaeger Sub. by petition of Giese Co ......... 22 -- Election of Mayor, Mayor Pro-Tom, etc ......................................... 22- Electrical Exam. Bd. I-8, 3 18, 0 13, 9 9, I l-I 2 ........... 29, 145, 228, 30- Lxpressway r( nt s, re: presentatmn nf It. Humphrey .................. 30 I~nergyConserwt~ n, re.l~rcewayProjectNo. 56 ...................... Feb. 4- Edith St., re: vacation of portion of Elbow St. crc ........................... 4- Easter War Cry, magaz'ne sale by Salvation Army ....................... 4-- ~]lection, re: Mayor and Mayor Pro-Tern ..................................... 4 Environmental Review Record, re: Radford Rd. Ind. Project ....... " 13--ExecutivcSesskm re:kd) rs£r tegy ....... 13- Ernzen, E., re. ambulance se 'v c .......... Mar. 3--Einck, Gregnry J., re: naming f Schmitt Memorial Park and Admiral Shcehy l)r ......................................................................... 65 3 -- Enz]er, L.J., re: Naming of Schmitt Memorial Parkand Admiral Sheehy Dr ........................................................................................ 65 3 Elbow St.,re. vacation St .... . 71 3 Eagles, Class C l~ccr&L~uorL~cense ............................. 73 3 -- Edisnn St. & Stafford, re: housing for elder]y& handicapped, ....ii 75 3 Employers Mutual Companles, liability carrier for J. Walsh ........ 76 4-- Etl el & Umvers~ty Sts., re: vacatmn .............................................. 109 " 24-Eighteenth St. Fire St tion, re: agreement with Clavenger & Lundh ........................................................................................... 109 " 24-. Edwards San tary Sewer, re: audit report ..................................... ll7 Ap.r. 7 -- Election, speckd (City). re: change in form of government ............. 124 ............................. t73 6 8 19 19 363, 443 31 31 36 36 38 40 46 62 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Sept. 15-Electrical Bd. of Appeals appointments of Faul Uhlrich. Walter Johnson. Mike Cahill ..................................................................... 361 15-. Eagles Store. re: elco. service excavation ..................................... 364 ' 23--Economlc Develop. Admin.. re: Offer of Grant for Federal Assis- tance to construct infrastructure Ibr industrial park ................... 365 ()ct, 6--Englneer for Radford Road. re: City Mgr.'s selection .................. 372 6 Easement, pcrmanem, requested by Interstate Fower Co ........... 389. 393 Nov. 3- Eightb Street (West] Sehe(hde of Assessments for 19811 Asphall Faving Froicct No. 1 ..................................................................... 398 3-- I~]gelho f, Charles, resignation of Dock Board ................................ 423 17- Electrical Board of Appeals appointment of Charles F. Cart ....... 424 Dec. 8--Engineering Agreement with Terry A. Shuck. re: swimming pools .................................................................................................429 8--Euclid Street name. ~e: Francis J. Brandelet et al objcc;~ng ~o change ............................................................................................. 443 " 22-- Electrical Examining Bd. appuintment of John Kivlahan ............ 471 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Jan. 7- Feldcrman, John L., sworn in as Council Member. ........................ 7-- Farrell, Carolyn, sworn is its Mayor for 1980 .................................. 7 - Frommclt, Leo F, appointed City Clerk for 1980 ........................... 7-First National Bank, designated as depusitory fl)r City's funds for 1980 ............................................................................................ 7 -- Five Flags Civic Center, Establishing position of Events Coordi- 7-Fourth Street t~eninsula, City Mgr. comnL submitting report covering verbal reports by Ed Ryan ............................................... 7~Fill Material, notice of U.S. Army Corps of Engrs. for bridge constr, material ............................................................................... 7--Five Flags Commisskm Minutes: 11-2, 12 10, 1 29, 1~33, 2d9, 5-11, 4-3.4-9.4q6,5 20,6q7,7 12,8-19,1023,11 17, Jury Committceof 128 .....8, 43, 62, 75, 117, 156, 182, 228, 277, 369, 363, 425, 7-Fire and Folice Retirement System, Treas. Gerald Hird submit 7 Fisch, James, lbr same ambulance service ..................................... 7 ~ Financial Statements submitted for Dec ........................................ 22 -- Fischer Bldg., re: Rental Space Agreement ................................... 22 -- Fischer Realty Co. rental space agreemenL for 1' & Z .................... 22-Freeway 561, re: Mayor executing agreement with IDOT con cerning 561 Bridge ........................................................................... 22- F uerste, Frederick & Marion, re: property at Dodge & York Sts. zoning change .................................................................................. " 30 Freeway 561, re: report of Bob tlumphrey of Iowa DOT. ............... Feb. 4--Friendship Force, petitkming free use ,,f Five Fhtgs & Eagle Point Park for Friendship Force ..................................................... 4-Frommelt, Shirley, Cig~trette License ............................................ 4Fransen, Lorraine A., Class C Beer & Liquor I Accuse ................... 4Faber Mush:Co., re:ehtim ............................................................... 4 Feld~rman, John 1,., requesting study of certain roadways to de~ ;ermine appropriate speed limits ................................................... 4 Five Ye~tr Capital lmpruvement I'rogram, re: setting date of 4- Fengler St. overpass, re: embankment which prohibits purchas ing Lot 13 in Jaegers Sub ................................................................ M;tr. 3 "Freedom of Information I)ay" Madison's Birthday, proclama- tion for 3 16 ...................................................................................... 8- Freund, George, re: naming of A rea C as Chaplain Schmitt Mem orial Park, ere .................................................................................. 8 ~ Frank Road, re: approving phtt of Northrange Fark No. 2 ............. 8 ~ Fuerste, Wm., re: representing 3 amhuhmce service applicants. 3--Friendship Force Exchange l)ir. Fhy3is Tahak, re: thanks for project consideration ...................................................................... 3 ~ Five Flags Orpheum Room, Special Session uf Council .................. 10- Five Year Capital Improvement l'rogram, re: Public llearing ..... 10 -- Fire Station Five, re: petitions against closing ............................... 10 - I, ransen, J.J., objecting to any cuts in manpuwer .......................... 10 Fritsch, Arnold, against 18% tax rate increase. ............................ 10- F jcl]man. Judy, re: appreciation by L. of W. Vo;ers ....................... II Flirt 4 & 5, re: restoring to Budget .................................................. 24--Fed. Rev. Sharing Funds, re: City Mgr. advising of regulations. 24 ~ Fens, Ronald, Class "C" Beer & Liquor l,icense ............................. Apr. 7- Fire Dept., opinions against cutting ............................................... 7 Fischer Companies, offer to purch~tse section o f Tower St ............ 7 Fremont & Cedar Cross ltd., re: Water main construction ............ 7 - Fautseh, Louis F., chtim ................................................................... 7 - Freedom Day, Frochtmation for May 14 ......................................... 7 Foster Grandparent l)ay, Proclamation Ibr May 7 ........................ May 5-- Freund, George, ohjection to assessment fl~r curbs & gutters ...... 5 -- Frazier, Ruth, objeclion to V alley S t. assessme n( ........................... 5 Fiseh, Robert, re: 1980 Concrete l'rogram dek.tion ....................... 5 ~ Frank llardic Advertising, Inc. request approval 5o erect strut ture on City lshmd ........................................................................... 5 Five Flags, re: Icc Skating passes ................................................... 443, 472 8 9 9 19 20 23 26 31 35 42 43 44 52 56 65 65 68 71 76 77 77 77 78 80 82 85 101 116 118 132 141 159 159 159 159 162 175 175 INDEX - BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECq Page May 5-Fire Escape, construction by Larry Hill ........................................ 5--Furniture. re: Carnegie Stout Library .......................................... 5 -- Ford. Mary Kathryn. Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............... 5--FCC re: notice re: KDUB-TV request for con;inued network nonduplication ................................................................................. " 19--Fucrste. Arty., re: disappom~men~ with Council's motion, re: petitioners for ambulance license .................................................. " 19-- Fire Station. 32nd St.. re: Solar Energy Projec; ........................... " 19-- Faldorf's Place. re: changing zomng from R-1 Single Fam. PUD ................................................................................................. " 19 Fens, Ronald J.. cigarette license .................................................. '~ 19-- Finance Director, submit, April rcpor; .......................................... " 19- Fidelity & Surety Insurance. by Merchants Mutual Bonding Co. " 19 Fireworks Display, Dbq. Golf & Country Club ............................. " 19- Flynn, Pat. re: Ordinance concernin~ individual pricing of items. " 19-Funds permanent transfer ............................................................ June 2- Frank Hardic Adv re: denial of sign on Kerper Blvd .................. 2- Fcnelon's IKen) Finer Foods Restaurant Inc.. 3130 Jackson St.. Cigarette License ........................................................................... 2- Firman (Mike) Ford. Inc.. 360(I Dodge, Cigarette License ............ 2-Fischer & Co. Inc.. 888 Locust. Cigarette License ........................ 2-- Fireworks Display request by Jayeees for Vet's Park ................. 228. 2--Flick, Robert J.. claim of $250.00 fi~r boat ;railer damages ........... " 16--"Faldorf's Pl.," rezoning portion .................................................... " 16 Firefi~n~ers. re: submission of Collective Bargaining A~ree- merit between City and Firefighters Assn .................................... " 16-- Fairy, Joseph ['.. rezoning reques;, re: Killarney Court .............. " 16-- Fnnke. Richard P.. Sec. of Archdiocese of Dubuque. re: accep; lng Rcsolutbm No. 196-80 acceptance nf plat of property in Table Mound Township .................................................................. 16 Ferring, Adella, CigarettePermit ................................................. 16--Foro, Mary K., Cigarette Pcrmi; ................................................... 16-- Fransen. Lorraine. Cigarette Permit ............................................ 16--Flexsteel Ind., Cigarette Pcrmlt .................................................... 16 Fitzg~bbons. Neldia. Cigarette Permit .......................................... 16 Fraternal Order of Eagles, Cigarette Permit ............................... July 3~-Fire Station g5. Discussion of Closing ........................................... 7- Fire Station remodeling (i 8th St .................................................. 7-- Fired Development Plato Extension of 6 Mos. for H.R.W ............ 7-Fenek)n's Market, Cigarette Permit ............................................. 7- Fischer Bowling Lanes, Cigarette Permit ..................................... 7-Fourth Street Storm Sewer ire: Environmental Revie~ Find- ings) Public Notice. ......................................................................... 280. 7 -- Five Flags Center & Five Flags Theater Co.. agrccmen; ............ 7--Five Flags Center & Mississippi Valley Ice Hockey, Inc .............. 7 -- Forget-Me-Not Drive. request ....................................................... " 21-- Fire & Police Retirement System Bd. of Trustee appointment Harlan Melchior. Jr ........................................................................ " 21-- Five Flag's Cigare;te Permit reques; ............................................ " 21- Fourth Street Peninsula Storm Drain Project, re: release of funds ................................................................................................ " 21 -- Fireworks Display, rt,: July 4th at Vet's Park ............................... " 21 - F.C.C.'s decision to grant"signlficantly viewed" TV stations full local status and to discontinue providing non-dupfication protec- Aug. 4- Faldorf's isl.. re: P & Z Comm. approving final plats .................... 4 - Flora l'om. re: report b~ Ia. State I)ept. of Health ........................ " 18-- Fabrion, Jfin. claim lbr prop. damages .......................................... " 18 FCC advising of a motion to conduct an investigation of possible Ex Farte Conlract (in behalf of petitions of KDUB TV Inc. for Special Relief and Petition lbr State o1' the lttdes as it affects IHtF Network-affiliated skations in markets, e;c ......................... Sef~t. 15 Fiscber. l'atty, againstfurtherdevclonmentonCedavCrossRd. 15 - Ferring, Ade]la A.. Cktss "B' Beer Permit .................................... 15-~ Ferry. Bernie. claim for sewer damaacs ........................................ Oct. 6- Financial Report for 1980, proof of publication ............................. 6--Freiburger Construction. re: e×cavation at 2520 Jackson St ....... 177 178 180 181 187 192 197 198 200 201 201 202 208 217 226 226 226 236 228 231 236 242 244 245 245 245 246 246 246 255 264 275 276 277 363 281 281 281 294 294 296 298 298 305 309 333 333 355 362 363 376 376 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Oct. 6 Feeney. Paul. chdm for sewer baek-updamages ........................... 376 6 -- FIoo~l. Rosalie Notice of Suit ......................................................... 376, 391 6-Fimmcial Rep, 1980, & for Fire & Police Retirement Systems. 377 15-Firsl Wisconsin National Bank of Mil., re: $3,400,000 Corporate Purpose Bonds ................................................................................ 379 15--First National Bank of Chicago & Bache Halsey Shields, Inc ...... 380 " 20--Fitzgibbons. Neldia J., refund of $75 ............................................. 391 Nov. 3-- Fire Promotional Exam Results (Civil Service) ............................ 410 3--Fire Equipment Operator, re: Civil Service Exam Passing Score~ Terrance Theis .................................................................... 410 3-Fire Assistam.c ChielYPraining Officer, re: Passing Scores - 7. 410 3--Flood. Rosalie, submission of Brief on suit, etc ............................. 411, 426 " 17--Francom. Thomas & Patricia A., Acceptance of Resolution No. 3394~0. and Resolution No. 340~80 .................................................. 422, 423 " 17-- Frommelt. Paul. appointed to Dock Corem ................................... 424 " 17 F.C.C. re: Memorandum ()pinion & Order, re: Special Relief for KDUB-TV ........................................................................................ 426 " 17-- Firearms. re: amending Code requested by L. Stoeckel .............. 428 Dec. 8--Firemen. re: Ord. prohibiting interfering with same .................... 430 8-Five Flags Theatre. re: rental agreement between City & Theatre Co ...................................................................................... 433 INDEX -- BOOK 110 980 SUBJECT Page G Jan. 7--Garw~y, Helen, B.V.M. Invocation ................................................ 1 7 -- Gearhart, W. Kenneth, appointed City Mgr. for 1980 ................... 1 7 Gomers, In(,., Class C Beer & L~quor License ............................. 7 7 -- Golden Prop. Corp. Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. requested, issued .................................... 7. 11 7 ~-"Great Riw~r Enwronmental Action Team. re: problems of man- agement of Upper Miss. River :md setting up meetings, etc .......... 8 7- Griebel, Harold, request ambulance service stay as ~s ................... 9 " 22 -- General Rev. Sharing lq'unds, proof of pubJ ..................................... 19 22- Goffinet, Glen & Mary, request vacation of alley near Hempstead St ......................................................................................................19. 56 22- Giese Co., re: Petition requesting easement for gas llne thru city pro~ ............................... 19 22-f~round Transportation Center re: availability of Planning l~unds ............................................................................................... 27 Feb 4 ...Grant Agreement with HUD for financial assistance .................... 39 zl-- Grabow, denial of claim ................................................................... 44 IS--Grice, V.J.. re: opinion that outside consultant business is over- 18--Grantee Performance Report. re: submission of Res. authorizing publlcat on 18 ~ Grice, V.J,, re: recommending keep Industrial area where it is ..... 53 " 18--Gies~ Co.. re: denial of petition to purchase Lot 13 in Jaeger's Sub ................................................................................................. 66 '.'.18- Galler. dustin, resignation from Cable q V Corem .......................... 59 18 -- Gerhard. Ed. supporting City ambulance past & present service. 61 Mar.'3--Gross, Terrv, ChairmanofB~he.A_ThonexpressmgapprecmBon.· ' ' ' ' 67 I0-- General I)r~vers & leq~crs Union request they not reduce police force. 10- G~eseman. Paula. of opmmn that raise in taxes, consideration be given police & fire ............................................................................ 81 10- ~iunta, Francis. objecting to Ynuth Services cut .......................... 82 24- Giunta, Francis & ArdeJle. Accept, of Ord ..................................... 24 - ~reenhouse Addn., re: audit report ......................................... 117 &pr. 7 - Garba~te Pickup, re: petition of Elsie M. Peterson et al to have once weekly ..................................................................................... f31 7--Grain termina, re: Fm(.her Co. offering to purchase section of Tow r St ................................................................................. 132 " 21 --(fill Mari]yn nominated to Rehah, Comm. INot appointed) ........... 156 May 5--GirlsClubWeek, pro] mationlorweekofMayll-17 ................... 159 ~-GlenCarr~sCubd..r v~catonoir~ffhtolwayIDusterPI ........... 176. 185 5 Gas Rate Increase ........................................................................... 5-Grimme. Gary R.. complaint, re: hunger, iob discrimination e~c. 18I 19-- Gruen Renort. ~motcd by K. Vickery, re: Cedar Cross Devel ........ 188 19 ~Garaffes. prlvaterequestlorsameinR~3. R.4, R.Szonin~ .............. 197. 230 19- Greiner. Robert, suit .......................................................................200 June 2--G .ncr l~ und, 1980 Budget Amendment ....................................... 206 2- Gencrai Corporate Purpose B~nds, Issuance $3,400,000 ............... 210, 211 2--G n. I)rlvers & II~ locrs ~ nlon. re: Mayor signing stipulation of flargaining If nit ............................................................................... 215 2 ~(dynn, John F Cg retie I~eense: Class "C" Beer (u Liquor Li- ens~ ................................................................................................ 926. 2-- Gross, Gertrude. Claim ............................................................. 16 ~ (]rah~w. Ralph, Cigaretie Perm t ....................... 16-- Grobstick, Robert, Cigarette Permi~ ............... 16 God father's Pizza. Cigarette Permit ............................. 16- Giunta, Marc(). Cigarette Permll ................................................... 10 -- (~eneral Cinema Cot )., Cigarette Pcrmil ....................... 16-- Governmcn!~, change in fnrm of, re: election results .............. July 3--Grandview~ireStationclosing re:dscuss n ............ " 3- Greincr, Rober t, denial of chfim .............................. ' " 21--Garrlty, M~chaelJ.& D~aneB. re Accept of Res .................. Au..g. 4-~ G]oor, Jim. Resignation from Airport Comln .................. 18- General Service & Wholesale District, establ~shn~ent, C 7 ........... 18 - Garage, old city, not renewing lease by Louis Mihalakis ............... 295 228 245 245 246 246 245 2~1 25~q 278 293 308 316 332 INDEX BOOK 110 1980 SIfBJECT Aug. 18-- Gould. Sr. Mary. chtim lbr P. Injury .................................... 33~ 18- Grantee Performance Reports, re: Notice of A wtilable of same. 333 Se~. 2- Glennon. Joe]. objecting to sewer rate increase ........................... 342 good homcsite on Nemmer's property ..................................... 355 15--George, Walter, V.P, of POM Ind. re: thc r parking meters ....... ,5- Grabow. Ralph, Class "C" Beer Permit. ........................................ 303 Oct. 6-Governor s H ghway S ty Of Ice, re: Contract between them e~ City .............................................................................................. 369 6--Grant, re: filing of application with UMTA. 373 20 - ~robstick, Robert, refund ¢~1 $7r~') ........ · ......... 391 Nov. 3 Gould, Sr. l famine, settlement ol c a m ........ 411 17--Graham. Tom, re: need for Drug Paraphermtlia Oral .................... 416 17 Grlce, Victor, nominated for Doc~ Comm. . ...................... 424 17-Gross. Raymond, fA, ss C Beer az Liguor License ..................... 42,q Dec. 22 -- Gaul, Peter. et ;ti, petitioning Ibr ad~ption of Drug. Par. ()rd ...... 445 INDEX -- BOOK 110 198o SUBJECT Page Jan. Feb. Mar. H 7- tt.R.W, question, move to reconsider action .................................. 2 7-Hyde, Brian, et al, petitioning for street lights on N. Burden St. 5 7--Ristorlcal Preservation Commission~ report requested of pcti~ t/on of Wayne A. Norman, Jr. (409 Bluff) ........................................ 6 7--tIartmann, Wm. J., petitioning vacation of portion of Maple St. 7 7 Hefting, Roger, reques£ing denial of Class C Beer & Liquor License for Golden Property Corp ................. : ................................ 8 7--Housblg Commission Minutes: 1242, 1-19, 2-19, 2-25, 3-18, 4.15, 5-20, 6-17, 7-15, 8-19, 9-10, 10-21, / 1-18 .............................................. .............................. 8, 43, 75, 117, 182, 228, 277, 309, 363, 376, 425, 443 22- Historical Preservation: support of historical preservation desig- nation of 409 Bluff ............................................................................ 18 22-Hist. Preservation Comm., re: arch· significance of the Ryan Garage .................................................................................. 18 22 Hmtonc I reservation Comm. no object,on to demohtlon permit for the Copperhead House at 447 Bluff ........................................... 18 22- Hempstead St., re: vacation of near by alley, for Glen & Mary Gol- f/net ........... 19 22--Rousing Inspector report on construction at 1750 Miller Rd., G¢~orge Connel]y prop ..................................................................... 29 22-ttenry, Bob, requesting Itl/ mailings have direction of "News 22- Human R ghts Corem sslon Minutes of 12-5-79, 2-22, 3-12, 4-23, 514,6-11 ..................................................................... 29, 117, 182, 228, 277 22- Itolz, ttelen, claim of $254.92 ........................................................... 29 22 - Itughes, Atty., re: claim of Lloyd Wagner ...................................... 29 22--flumphrey, Robert, proj. planning engr. of Iowa DOT, re: pro- gress report on Freeway 561 ........................................................... 31 4 - Ifayes, Clem, requesting vacation of portion of Elbow St .............. 36 4 /IUD communication advising of receipt of applicatkm for hous- ingof handicapped from Credo in Vit~t, Inc ..................................... 42 4-Highway 561 Bridge, re: Natural Resources Council, approving plans, et(! .......................................................................................... 43 4--ltlstorlc Preservation Cnmm. Minutes; I 8, 1-13, 2 12, 4-8, 5 1, 5~13, 5-20, 5-27, 6-12, 6-24, 9-9, 9-23, 10-28, 11-25 ............................... ........................................... 3, ll7, 156, 228, 247, 277, 309, 376, 425, 472 4 - Rolz, Helen M., denial of car damage claim ..................................... 44 13- Harem Island, discussion as to designation of 25 acres ................... 46 13- Ristoric Preselwation Committee, referral of designation of 42§-441 Bluff St ................................................................... 52 8 empstead &Lowe Sts.,re:vacationofnearby~flley ................ 56 18 Harem Island, re: designation of 24 acres 1'or parkffecreation·; ..... 56 18- Human Rights Comm., re: appt. ()fRick Reda/eh ........................... 69 8- ttuman R~ghts (,cram, re: appt. ol Rev. M~ rk Pries .................... 60 18 ~ c hZ, Theodore J. & Georgia A., C[ass"C' Beer Permit ............ 61 18 ~- flu her, Marcel[a, request ambulance servb:e stay as is .................. 61 18-. Haupert, Cletus, et al, petition am bulance service stay as is ......... 62 18 HiebeL Joseph, Adm. of Xavier Hospital, petition that ambu- lance service stay as is ..................................................................... 62 18 - Harl!ie, Connie G., et al, petitioning for hospital based ambulance service ............................................................................................. 62 18 Herzhcrger, M.D., Eugene E., re: request ambulance plan which provides for 2 fully equipped ambulances ....................................... 62 18- Hesse, Wm, re: bicycle ordinance revision .................................... 62 3-- Ha]bach, A.A., re: naming of Area C, Schmitt Memorial Park etc. 65 3 Ifistoric Frescrvatlon Comm. requesting to change name of the Third/A[plne H/stoNe Preservation District ................................. 66 3- Hansel Richard V. & Charlene L., re: conw, yancc of property in infants& transferserviecsofprivateambulanceconcerns ........... 71, 99 3 -~ Hayes, (Hem, petitioning for vacation of Elbow St ......................... 71 3--ItUD, re: revised aib)cation plan for Ia., re: changes in dwelling units etc ................................................................ .... 74 3 -- Ill D, re: Hous ng Ass stance I~ nnds currently ava/la blt .............. 74 1980 INDEX -- BOOK Il0 SUBJECT Page Mar. 3- HUD, re: acceptance of applications for Section 8 Housing .......... 74 3- Housing assistance, re: Section 8 Housing Program .................... 74 3 -- Handicap parking stall, re: Mrs. Schuster's request ..................... 75 3--H5~ St. (& West 5th), re: proposed channelizatkm & crosswalk improvements ................................................................................. 75 3--HUD, re: agrement for Public Body approval of Section 312 Rehab. Ioa~s approved ................................................................. 76 , 10--Hodges, Kenneth pet t on ng against closing Engine House #5. 77 " 10-- Hansen, Arthur, re: concern in reduction of police force .............. 82 10 -- Hindman, Ken, requesting Youth Services stay as is ........ 82 . 10-HousingServicesDivision, establishmentofsami ...................... 87, 88 ' 10-Hempstead Righ Schoo - State Football Champions, motion to match funds & construct signs on highway ................................... 99 " 24--Hancock, Jack & Ga5 request City consent to vacate a portion of right-of way & easement at Happy's Flace ............................... 101 " 24-- Happy's Place, re: vacate portion of right-of-way, etc .................. 101 . 24--Hillcrest Associates, re: acceptance of Warranty Deed ............... 104 " 24--Honkamp, Arnold, Commissioner of P & Z, re: signing Resolu- tion for open space program .................................................... 108 . 24--HammIsland, re: renaming area ................................................... 108, 109 " 24-- Housing Program. re: Section 8, re: Filing an Application for 45 units, etc ....................................................................................... 115 24--Human R ghts Corem ss oner Sandra]ee Scott resignation ......... 115 24- Hennen, Lavern Nicholas, Class "C' Beer Perm t ................. 116 24-- HUD, re Section 8 Pre m nary Proposal (Windsor Fark Apts.)· 117 24-- Hess, John E., c]aim of $174 ........................................................... 117 24--Huseman, Jane A., claim of $122.87 ................................. 117 24--HUD, Proof of pub catonannua report ...................................... 119 25-Hmnart Development Co., ~: p mnel giving oral presenta tion, declaring intent to enter into Developer Designation Agreement ...................................................................................... ~20 " 31- Highway 561, Status Report Giv ~n ............................................ 122 Apr. 7--Holocaust - Days of Remembrance of Victims of the HoIocaust Proclamation ................................................................ 7- Heatb Off cer, re: del n t on c arifying ........................................ 124 126 7--Housing Rehab. Comm., re: property at 599 W Pth .................... 127 7-Human Rights Comm. Ordnances, re: clarification & conlbr- ................................................. 127, 128 7-Housing Code Advisory & Appeals Bd., re: Ordinances, re: clar ii/cations & conIormance ................................................................ 127, 128 7-Hughes, Alfred E., Atty., re( nest hearing in support of P & Z Comm. for Nemmer's Prop ............................................................. 130 7--Hill Street, Asphalt Paving Project. . .............. 134 7- Helle, Klosterman, City audit undertaken .................................... 143 7-- Hazardous ~natcrials handling, re: proposed regulations ............. 145 7--HUD, re: 11th St. Neighborhood not receiving assistance ........... 145 7--Hanover, Marita, Claim .................................................................. 7--Hennessy, Mark, Claim. 145 21 - Historical Preservation Week, Proclamation for 5-11 thru 17 ..... 148 ' 21--HUD submitting Pre. Proposal for construction of Housing Units for Raven Oaks ............................................................... 148 " 21--HUD subm ttng Pre. Proposa for construction of Iiousing Units for Windsor Park .................................................................. 148 " 21--HRW request (i mo. extension for Final Development Plan sub ................................................................ 153 21--Hefel, Keith, request permission to roll empty keg down Cen tral for Cystic Fibrosis ................................................................... 153 " 21 - Huseman, Jane A., denial of claim ................................................. 106 " 21-- House, Robert F. refund request ................................................... 157 ' 21 - Hayes, Clem, re: p~tition for vacation of Eibo~ St ....................... 154 M!y 5-- Hurm, Thomas, objecting to Hill St assessml.nts ........................ 159 5-- Herbst, Virginia objecting to Hi[[ St. assessments ...................... 159 5 -- Hill St., re: 49% reduction of curb & gutter assessments ............ 159 5--Hill St., re: amendment of Necessity of Improvement for 1980 St. Paving Frogram ..................... 5--Harris Dr. Mary E Ch, re' Opin}~;~"i;"~"~"~;~]~'"~';~ ............. 160 · - not ob tained open space area, re: PI Dis.; rcquestb~g rejecting of re- zoning Cedar Cross Area to FI Ind. I)is ......................................... 163, 169 INDEX - BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page M,a,y 5-Hughes, Attorney request Cedar Cross Area be put in PI Dis. 169 5--Hansel, Jeff, advised no problems with Ind. devel, for Cedar Cross area .................................................................................. 169 5 - ttanse, R chard, favor ng C-3 Zoning for Cedar Cross area ........ 169 5 - Hein, John, objecting to Nemmer's Prop. being zoned LI ............ 169 5-Homart & City, re: Proof of Pub. of P. Hearing to consider au- thorization of the execution ora Developer's Designation Agree- ment, etc .......................................................................................... 169 5 - Hotel, Motel Tax Committee formed ............................................. 175 0 - Hayes, Clem, re: sale of Vacated property (Elbow St.) ................. 175 5 -- Hill, Larry R. & Diane R., fire escape ................................ 177 5-HRW Assoc ates request additional time to submit a final devel- opment plan for their property for 6 mos ...................................... 179 5-Haggstrom, Raymond & Kandis, cigarette license and Class C Beer Permit isued ......................................................................... 180 5-H ghway Safety Program f nancial statement etc. (ASAP) sub- mitted ..................................................................................... 181 5-Harem Is and, re: f materials ....................................................... 182 5 - Housing Code Advisory and Appeals Board of 243, 4-9 ............... 182 " 19-- Hayes, Clem, re: Vacating Elbow St, from Edith St. to Lot 164 in Belmont Addn ............................................................................. 184 " 19- ttRW Associates requesting additional time ................................ 187 ' 19--Itughes, Atty., speaking on behalf of Dr. Nemmers, re: applica- tion of PID District .............................................................. 187 ' 19-Hanse, Jeff, re: traff c prob em on Cedar Cross Rd ..................... 188 19 - Harris, Dr. Mary Ellen, re: Cedar Cross Area Development ....... 188 19-Henn, John for residential zoning on Cedar Cross Area devel. 188 19-- Eeiderscheit, Carole & Jack re: building codes and permits dis cusslon .............................................. ,, ' ..............................................188, 189 19- HUD submitting Section 8 Annual Contributions Contract ........ 191 ' 19-Human Rights Comm., re: nomination of Ruby Sutton, appt. of Nancy Wallace ................................................................................ 198 19- Haas, Thomas, cigarette license granted ...................................... 198 19- Helllng, Bette 0,, cigarette license ......................................... 198 19- Housing Rehab. Comm., Minutes of 4-22 ............................... 200 19 - Heat ng, Vent. A r-Cond. & Refrigeration Minutes of 4-7 ............ 200 19 - Hardie, Frank, claim of $35 for truck damage ............................... 200 19- Huber, Robert, re: Ordinance concerning individual pricing ....... 202 19-- Itughes, Atty., on behalf of Schiltz rezoning request ................... 209 June 2 - Human Rights Comm., re: resignation of Larry Torgler .............. 217 2 -- Heating, re: Governing Ordinance ................................................. 217 2-H.R.W., re: six-month extension .................................................... 225 2 - Happy's Place, Inc., 2323 Rockdale, Cigarette License ................ 226 2 -- Hines, Phyllis Kay, 1404 Pine St., Cigarette License ................... 226 2 - Holiday Oil Distributing, Inc. 400 Rhomberg, Cigarette License. 226 2- Holiday Oil Distributing, Inc. 605 Dodge St., Cigarette License. 226 2--Holiday Oil Distributing, Inc. 14th & Central, Cigarette License 226 2 -- Holiday Oil Distributing Inc. 1675 J.F.K., Cigarette License ...... 226 2- Hancock, Wm., Cigarette License ................................................. 226 2- Heinz, Wm., 3301 Pennsy]vanla, Cigarette License ..................... 226 2- Henkel James & Marian Brade, Cigarette License ..................... 226 2-Hennen, LaVern, Cigarette License ............. : ................................ 226 2 - HUD, re: Housing Assistance Payments ................................... ,.. 227 2--Heating, Ventilating, Air conditioning and Refrigeration Board of 5-8 .......................... 276 -- Herrig, James, requesting closing of Cooper St. for Block Party. 228 7- Howell, payment of attorneys fees ................................................ 229 7-Heiderscheit, Jack & Carole, meeting & report, re: Building Code & Permit problems ............................................ 229 7- Hand capped s gns, d scuss on ....................................................... 244 16--Raas, C.L., Cigarette Permit. 246 16- Hughes, Atty., re: rezonlng request for Inland Molasses CO ....... 246 16- Heinz, George & Ted, Cigarette Permit ....................................... 245 16- Herber, Art, Cigarette Permit ...................................................... 245 16-Hoffmaa, David H., Cigarette Permit ........ ~ .................................. 16 - Hartig Drug Co. (4 outlets) Cigarette Permits .............................. 245 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page June 16-Heron, Inc., Cigarette Permits 245 ' 16--Hoffman House Restaurant, C garette Perm t 248 " 16--Holiday Inn Motel Cigarette Perm t ..... ' ................................. 245 16 -- Heinz, Vawan (Oky-Doky), Class "C' Beer Permit., ..................... 246 " 16 - HUD funds, re: release of funds for St. Mary's St. Drainage Pro~ ject & Tri-State Independent Blind Society Energy Conserva- tion Project ....................... " ' ......... 248 " 16 -- Heron, Inc. Class C Beer & Liquor License ............................... 247 " 16- Hirsch, Terrence J., re: Special Election's results submitted for change in form of government ................................................ 251 " 16-Highway 561, re se ect on of preferred alternate & recommen- dation to IDOT ............................................................................. 293 July 7-Houtz, J m, re request ng City to approve "IndUcement Resolu~ tio. n for Industrial Bonds" for CyCare ...................................... 271 7- H~st. Pres. Comm. supporting "Blackacres Prop." designated of historical significance ............................................................. 272 7 -- Hca th prob em, re: open d tch n Asbury area ............................. 273 7-H.R.W. Associates granted six-month extension in which to sub- mit final development plan ............................................................. 274 7-Home Health Services to elderly and Homemaker Home Aid Services ..................................................................................... 278 7 - HUD release of funds (Operation Pa ntbrush) ..................... ; ........ 279 7- Housing Program Projects, re: HUD ................................... i ......... 279, 280 7 - HUD, re: Fourth Street Storm Drain Project ............................... 280 7 - Handicapped stalls in private parking lots .................................... 282 21- Hogan, Rev. Bob, Invocation .......................................................... 283 21- Hartig, Dave, re: rezoning Inland Molasses PI ....................... 283 21--Hughes, Al, Atty., re: Inland Molasses p ........................ 283 21- Historically sign f cant, re: 425-441 Buff St .................................. 284 21- Hiekson, Sonia, re: Acceptance of Ord. 51-80 .......... 290 21- Henkel, Richard, re: rezoning request for 2017 University .......... 291 21- Height requirements of municipal parking ramps ........................ 291 21-Historic Preservation Commission appointments of Wm. E. Wilkie & Karen C. Kumbera ................................................. 294 " 21- Herr g, Joseph, re: F ye Fags C garette Permit Renewal .......... 294 " 21 - Hafeman, Erwin J. & Alice, sewer damage claim ......................... 296 ' 21- HUD, re: 4th St. Peninsula Storm Drain Sewer Project ............. 297 " 21- Handicapped Persons, Inc., re: p aeement of signs ....................... 298 Au,g. 4 - Haas, Clair L., Class "C' Beer & Liquor License ................. 309 4 -- Health Dept., State, re: City Mgr.'s response to report on pools. 310 " 18-Hughes, Atty., for Inland Molasses in agreement with Memor- andum of Agreement .............................................................. 314, 354 " 18--HUD funds, re Acqu s t on of Land n the Radford Industrial Center Project .................................................................. 331 ' 18--He e, K osterman & Co., Cty and t & res. covering .................... 334 Sept. 2 - Hanson, Art, received proclamation of United Way Campalgn Time ....................................................... 2-Housing Service Center and C.D. ~ffic~, e'~'~ig~i~"~'i~"i~i] 838 ture, ere .................................................................................. 345 2- Holy Trinity Church, Class "B" Beer Permit ..................... '" 349 2- Happy's Place, Inc., Class "C' Beer & Liquor License ................. 349 ' 2- Higginbothman, Mrs. Daniel, claim ............................................... 349 " 15-Huewe, Sr. Helen, received Proclamation for CROP Hunger Walk Day ............................................................................... " 15--Hanse,Jeff, re opnonthat twoudbeamistaketozoneNem_ 351 mers property residential ................................................ 355 " 15-Heay, Jm, objectngto ndustra zoningofNemmersproperty 355 15--Highway 416, re: division of access(es) for Meadow Acres Sub. 360 ' 1~ -- Hughes, Daniel appointed to Bd. of E cc. Exam nets .............. 361 " 15--Heating, Ventilating and A r-Cond toning Board appointment of Paul Brashaw ............................................................ 361 " 15--Hous ng Comm ss on appo ntments of Sister Jordan Dahm, Charlotte G. Kelly, William J. Watters, and Marilyn Weydert. 361 Oct. 6 -- Hughes, Atty., requesting issuance of Industrial Rev. Bonds ...... 368 " 6~Hill St., re: donation of property communicated by Jack Rhom- berg .................................................................................................369 Nov. Dec. INDEX - BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Oct. $-Hammel, Wm.,re:DrugParaphernaliaOrdinance ....................... 370, 445 6-Handicapped Ramp, City Hall, re: Procedures & Resolu- tions .......................................................................................... 370, 371, 394 6-Housing Code Work session, re: notification by League of Ia. Municipalities ..................................................................................376 6 - Human Rights Comm. resignation of Rev. Mark Pries ................ 378 ' 15-Harris Trust & Savings Bank & Iowa - Des Moines National Bank & Associates, re: $3,400,000 Corporate Purpose Bonds ...... 380 ' 20- Handicapped Ramp, re: City Hall .................................................. 385, 394 " 20-He]ling, Anthony A, & Bette O, Class "B' Beer & Liquor Li- cense ................................................................................................ 390 20 -- Handicapped Persons, Inc. re: objections to "curbings.". ............. 391 20- HRW, re: request for waiver of Preliminary Plan Conditions for Hillcrest Shopping Center ........... ; ................................................. 391 3 - Hanten, Richard, dismissal of Civil Service Appeal ..................... 393 3 - Herrig, Win., re: amending proposed Plumbing Ord .................... 393 3 - Historic Pres. Comm., re: Mr. Kriviskey as prime contractor for study of Lower Main St .................................................................. 395 3-Hill St. Schedule of Assessments for 1980 Asphalt Paving Pro~ ject No, 1 ......................................................................................... 400 3- Henkel, James, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License...~ .................... 409 3--Hess, John E., Civil Service Commissioner, re: submission of Fire Promotional Exams ................................................................ 410 3- Honey, Herbert, claim for motorcycle damages ........................... 410 3-Holy Trinity Church, refund request ............................................ 411 3-- Homebuilers Assn., Dubuque Independent~ re: Plumbing Code. 416 ' 17 - Hess, Bill, re: for Drug Paraphernalia Ord .................................... 416 " 17 - Housing Code, re: Ordinance repealing Chap. 20 & providing for new Chap. 20 .............................................................................421, 441, 445 ' 17- Halverson, Bruce, appt. to Mechanical Bd ..................................... 424 " 17 -- Hartig Drug Co. (4 outlets) Class "C" Beer Permit ....................... 425 ' 17--HousingComm. AppealsBd. Minutes: 9-10,10~21,11-18 .............. 425, 443 " 17- Housing Comm. Review Minutes: 9-10 .......................................... 425 " 17--Hancock, Jack & Gaff, re: vacation of portion of highway near Happy's ........................................................................................... 425 17 - Hilby, re: sewer extension, property on Asbury .......................... 426 8-Herrig, Wm., re: Plumbing Code, request Uniform Code be utilized ............................................................................................. 437 8- Hill St. property, acceptance of gift to City by A. Rhomberg ...... 437 8 -- Hoffman, David H., Class "C' Beer & Liquor License .................. 442 22 - HD & R, ret payment approved by Council ................................... 470 ' 22 - Harrmann, Terry, re: organization of Dubuque Crime Preven- tion Coalition ................................................................................... 466 " 22-Historic Preservation Covenant, re: Carnegie Stout Public Library ............................................................................................ 466 " 22-- Human Rights Comm. appts, of Richard Riedl, Ruby Sutton & Esther Chi ....................................................................................... 471 ' 22- Hughes, Atty., re: suit of Julian Nemmers ................................... 473 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page I Jan. 7--Iowa Dept. of Agriculture, re: Memorandum of Understanding for inspecting all food service, vending & hotel operations, etc ..... 5 7-Informatlon and Referral Service Reports: Nov., Jan., July & Aug ............................................................................................... 8, 62, 376 " 22 - Iowa State Historical Dept., re: support of Bluff St. Bldg. being declared historically significant ...................................................... 18 ' 22 -- Industrial development, r e: resolution ........................................... 20 " 22 -- Ia. Dept. of Trans., re: agreement concerning 561 Bridge .............. 23 ' 22 -- Ia. Dept. of Trans., re: public transit div. re: Planning Funds for a Ground Transportation Center ...................................................... 27 ' 22 - Inns of Iowa, Ltd. Class "B" Beer & Liquor License ...................... 28 " 22 -- Ia. Dept. of Trans. decision, re: Junction of highways (Ia. 386, US 52 etc.), classified as trunk system .................................................. 29 " 22 - Ia. Dept. of Trans., re: offering Lot 2 in Kerrigan Hts. for sale ....... 29 ' 30 - Ia. Dept. of Trans. Engr. R. Humphrey, re: Freeway Project No. 561 .................................................................................................... 31 Feb. 18 -- Ia. Natural Resources Council, re: Permit for filling area .............. 56 " 18 - Ia. DOT, re: Draft Environmental Statement on Dodge St. west from Grandview Ave ....................................................................... 57 Mar. 3-Iowa DEQ, re: max. contaminant level in drinking water start dards ................................................................................................ 75 ' 11- Information Referral Services, contributions of $16,600 ............... 85 ' 12-Indus. Rev. Financing Fee of $3500, from Ed Sheppley, re: Dbq. Bldg .................................................................................................. 98 " 24 -- Industrial Rev. Bond Fees, Ord. revising same .............................. 101 " 24- Iron Kettle & Oky Doky, re: canopy erection ................................. 104 ' 24 -- ./owa DEQ submission of Wastewater Survey Compliance sampl- ing ....................................................................................................117 " 24 -- Israel, Alan H. Developer of Windsor Park Apts ........................... 117 ' 24 -- Iowa DEQ submission of amendment to Ia. Code, re: chemicals in drinking water ................................................................................. 117 Ap.r. 7- Iowa DOT, re: Transit Mgr. application for financial assistance. 124 7- Indus Rev. Bond Finance Fee, re: waiving same for Dbq. Supply Co ..................................................................................................... 131 7 - Ice Skating, Ice Fishing, Ordinance prohibiting etc ....................... 132, 149 7-- Inns of Iowa, Ltd., Cigarette Permit ............................................... 144 7 - Internorth Co., name change from Northern Natural Gas Co ....... 145 7-Interstate Power Co., re: filing rate schedules with the Comm. 145 7-Iowa DEQ, re: issuance of construction permits for sanitary sewer and water main extensions for Clarke Crest Estates .......... 145 " 21--"Insurance Women's Week," proclamation for May 19 thru 23 ..... 148 " 21-- Iowa DEQ, re: issuance of water and sewer permits for Terrace Heights ............................................................................................ 156 ' 21-- Iowa DEQ recommendations, re: Water Treatment Plant ............ 156 21- InMan, Marge, 1980 Concrete Program should be deleted ............ 162 M,a,y 5 --/ce Skating Passes, request of Chris Derks & Cara Callaghan ...... 175 5-Iowa Dept. of Environmental Quality, re: sanitary sewer exten- sion permit to Clarke Crest Estates ............................................... 181 5--Iowa Natural Resources Council Order No. 80-99 approving placement of Fill Materials on Hamm Island .................................. 182 19 -- Invocation given by Fr. Wm. Schwartz .......................................... 184 " 19 -- Iowa St. Standard runoff, re: possible rezoning of Schlitz prop ..... 187 " 19 - Ia. 3, Ia. 386, J.F.K. & U.S. 52, re: traffic signalization .................... 198 ' 19 -- Iowa DOT, re: P. Hearing on improvement for HWY 561 .............. 199 ' 19 - Iowa Oil Co., Cigarette Licenses (2) ................................................ 226 June 2 - Ingles, Joan & Lori Ann, suit of $5,000 against City ....................... 228 ' 16 -- Inland Molasses Co., re: rezoning request from AG to HI .............. 236 " 16 - Imperial Lanes, Cigarette License ................................................. 245 " 17- IDOT, re: selection of Hwy. 561 route, etc ...................................... 253 " 17 -- Ia. DOT, re: Agreement No. 80-12-059;re: grading activities....,.. 255 July 7 -- Iowa State Hist. Dept., re: supper ting Blackacres Prop. being de- clared of historical significance ....................................................... 272 7 - Iowa Inn, Cigarette Permit ............................................................. 276 " 21 - Inland Molasses, re: proof of publication of notification of p. Hear- ing of possible rezoning ................................................................... 283 INDEX - BOOK 110 SUBJ~C~Y~ July 21-Inland Molasses Plant discussion of odor problem, possible re- Page zoning ....................................................................................... " 283 21--Indus. Deve. Rev. Bonds, Ser es 1980 CyCare Systems, Inc.). 286 ' 21 - I°wa Oil Co-, Jackson St. IOCO, Cigarette Permit ........... 295 " 21 - Imperial Lanes, Inc., Class "C" Beer & Linuor Lio~n ............ "21 -- Inland Molasses Co., rez0ning discussion ~nd ~/~--se...~ ............ 295 · _ _emen ............ 300, 302 Aug. 4--Ia. State Dept, of Health submitting report on conditions found etc. at Flora Pool and Municipal Pool .......................................... 309 ' 18- Indus. Devel, Rev. Bonds, Ser es 1980 CyCare Systems) ............ 311 " 18- Inland Molasses Co., Memorandum of Agreement with City, re: rezoning .......................................................................; ....... " 18-Inland Molasses Co. rezoaing0r{ nance ................... ' ....... [' [ 314 " 315 21-- Inland Molasses Co,, decrease in sewage rates ............................. 336 Sept. 15-Ia. Natural Resources Counsel, re: rehearing regarding chan- nelization of Catfish Creek etc .............................................. 363 Oct.6-Inland Mo asses, re request for ssuance of $1,000,000 Ind. Revenue Bonds ............................................................................... 368 6-Inland Mo]asses, re: authorizing the execution of a Memoran- dum of Agreement ........................................................................ 368 6 - Investment p ann ng, Inc. $535.75 proper damage claim ............. 376 15-Inland Molasses, re: issuance of $1,000,000 PrincipaI Amount of Industrial Revenue Bonds ....................................................... 385, ' 20--Interstate Power Co., re: permanent easement by City ............... 387, 412 " 389, 393 20-IDOT, re: update on Preliminary 5 Year Transportation Plan. 391 ' 20-Iowa State University, re: Urban Storm Water Management Study ............................................................................ 394 NOv. 3-I no s Centra Gu f Ra road, re: agreement, re: Bell St. Storm Sewer ................................................................................. 407 3--Iron Kett e De T F.M. Co., re: C ass B Beer Permit .............. 409 17--Indus. Devel. Rev. Bonds, re: request by John Walsh in amt. of $430,000 ........................................................................................... 416 De,,c. 8- Immanual United Church of Christ, re: demolition perm t .......... 428 8- Ingles, Donald, Cigarette Permit ......... ~ ......................................... 441 INDEX -- BOOK 110 i980 SUBJECT Page J 7-- Jaeger s Sub., re: Gary Conlon s nterest j~,,~. , . 22-- JumorAchievementWeek,'Proclaraatmn for t 20tol-26 .......... 13 " 22~J°gie~ski, Mary, presentationof6photographsofDubuqueFest for Five Flags .......................... 22 -- Jaeger Sub., re: easement for gas line ............................................. 19 " 22-- JFK Fast Foods, Class "B' Beer Permit, Cigarette Permit ........... 28, 226 " 22 -- Jacks°n St- re: claim against City by Lloyd Wagner concernlng car struck by Police car .................................................................. 29 ' 30 - Julien Dubuque Bridge, re: discusslon concerning freeway direc. tlon (Pr, oj. 561) ...............................................................................31 Feb. 18--JaegersSubd, re:dena ofGiesePet tiontopurchaseLot13 ...... 56 " 18-- Jaeger-Burke Plat approval by P & Z ....................................... 59 " 18 - Jaeger, Louis J. & Rita M, re: acceptance of Res. No. 50~80 ......... 80 Mar. 3 -- J.F.K. Rd., re acceptance of Warranty Deeds of property needed in wide, ning project ................................................................... 89, 104 3- Junnie s Lounge, Class "C" Beer & Liquor L tense .................. 74 3 - Julien Dub. Bridge, re: right-of-way between railroads & utilities 75 ' 24 -- January reports submitted ............................................................. 117 Apr. 7 -- Jullen Dub- Dr., re: Asphalt Paving Project No. 1..k ....................... 134 " 7 -- Jaycees Beer Permit, transfer to Town Clock Sq ........................... 144 " 21- Ju]ien Dub. Dr., submission of final plat ........................................ 150 " 21-James, Lawrence, objectingtoH St. assessments.....~ ................ 159 May 5- Justmann, C. Robert, submission of rescue plan for Old Red Brick Rd. (Walnut St.)..., ................................................................. 162 5-J&RCInc.,C ass C Beer& L quorLicense, Cigarette License. 180, 226 June 2 -- Jepsen, Steve, appreciation for Hearing presentation on 561 ....... 203 --Junme s Lounge, Ltd., Cigarette Permit ....................................... 226 2-Jaycees request to transfer Beer Permit from 1923% Main to Theisen Store, and to McAleece Field ............................................ 227 2 -- Jaycees request for fireworks display at Vet's Park ...................... 228, 236 " 16--June"Burglary Prevention Month." · 230 " 16 - Julien Dub. Dr. Ext., re: Inland Molasses rezoning request ........... 236 " 16--Jaycees request to transfer Beer Permit from Main St. to Vet's Par,k ..................................................................................... 245 ' 16 -- JaY s Quality Meats & Beverages, Cigarette Permit ..................... 245 " 16- Juergens, Judith, Cigarette Permit ............................................... 245 ' 16 - Joter, Inc., Class "C' Beer & Liquor License .................................. 247 Ju,!y 7 -- Johannsen, Maynard J., claim for moped damages ........................ 277 7 -- Junk, Don D, request vacatlon of pot tion of Disney St .................. 281, 291 " 21-- Julien Dub. Dr., re: Inland Molasses Place possible rezoning ........ 283 Aug. 4-- J°nes, Jack, re: request to excavate at 96 AIpine St ....................... 309 4-Jones, Wm. B., submitting report on Mayor's Sum~ner Youth Employment Progra~n ....................................................... 309 4 - Jaeger He ghts, re: rezon ng Lot 21 ....................................... 3~, 352, 353 Sep, t. 2- Jackson Tuckpointing, awarding Of contract for City Hall work. 339 2 -- Jerry Lee James, Class "C' Beer & Liquor License ..................... 349 2-Jolles, Wm., submission of fina] report on Mayor's Summer Youth Employment Program ................................................. 350 2 -- Johnaon, Wa ter, appo nted to E cc. Bd. of Appeals ....................... 361 ' 15-- James, Jerry Lee, Cigarette Permit ............................................... 362 " 15 - Juergens, Judith, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ...................... 362 Oct. 8- Jackson Park Area, re: submission of Proposed Urban Revitali- zationProgramandsettingofP. Hearing ................................ 373, 374, 412 6 - Jackson St., excavation by Freiburger Construction .................... 376 15 - Junior High/Middle School Student Council Week, Proclmnation for Oct. 19-25 ............................................................................ 385 Nov. 17- Jaeger, Lou s J. & R ta M., Accep. of Res. No. 339-80 & Res. No. 340d~0 ......................................................................................... 422, 423 ' 17 -- Jaeger He ghts Subd. No. 2, approving of plat ............................... 422 " 17-JacksonPark, establishmentofrevitalizationarea, Ord ......... 412, 441, 468 De, c. 8 - Junk Dealer, re: Ordinance ............................................................ 431 8--Jack Jones Excavat ng Co., re: repair broken water serv. on Jackson ..................... " ' ...................................................................... 444 22 -- Jones, Wm. B., petitioning against drug paraphernalia ord .......... 445 " 22 - James, Jerry Lee, Class "C' Beer & Liquor License ...................... 472 INDEX - BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page 22 -- Kress, Ltd. Class "C" no~, ~., . ~ · ............ ' ' s n ~errlganl~eights for Bain, also house at 974 Montlee]]o Dr ....................... ', .......... ' 22-KDUB~TV, re:requestofBobHenr that ' Dept."in relevant correspondence...Y. ......... .p.~.o_p.1;.e.l..n..c.I..u..d..e. ~..N..e .w.s Feb. 4- Keyline, re: Amendatory Agreement with UM~I A.....:....: ........... 4 - King's Grove Addn., re: vacation of alley ................................. 4-Kaufman Elaine E., res gnation from Rehab, Comm. & Comm. Devel. Comm ...................................................................... 18 - Kruser, Merlin, re: reduction of llen and proceeding of sa e of Lot 161 .................................. :";] ..................................................... 18- Kessler, ThomasE.,Cass ,C, ,,BeerPermit ................................. 18- Kirchberg, Gerald C., C ass C Beer & L quor License ................ ~8 - Kruser, E.G., request am bulance service stay as is ........................ .. 18 - Kaiser, Jacob J., request ambulance service stay as is .................. 18 - Koeller, David L., refu nd request (Liq nor License) ........................ 18 -- Koeller, Donna, claim .......................................................... 18-Kunke Parr c a, su taga nstC ty .................................................. Mar. 3 - Keyline Transmit Bd., re: discontinuance of service in W. 11th St. Area ..................... 3- Key Knolls Sub., re: eonveyanee of real estate from HWR ............ 3 - K.C. & S. Co., Class "C' Beer & Liquor License ......... 3- K.D.&S. Co., re: contract regarding Piekett's Beer .......... : ............ 3 - Keyline, January Earnings Statement ..................................... 3-Kohn, Brian J., claim .......................................................... 3 - Kringle, Ann & Leo J., cia m ....................................................... 10- Kisting, Robert M., objection to any reduction in po ce officer . 10 - Kisting, Virginia V., objection to red uction in police officers......~. 10- Klauer, John, re: full time City Attorney ............................. 10-- Korman John, re not curt ng poi ce force ...................................... 10--Klauer, John, re: keeping Fire Station #5; increase in Dog License fee ..................... 10 -- Klauer, John, re: City get out of eharity business ........................... 10- Kies, Vi, re: Dubuque Girl's Club Assistance ............................. l0 - Klauer Mfg. Co., re Qu t C a m Deed to K auer Mfg. Co ................ 11 - Katuin Bros., re: Dock Office stay where it is .............................. 24 -- Kruser Merline, re acceptance of $328 for demolition work ......... 24 -- Knapp, Win, A., as Chairman of P & Z,re: Resolution ................... 24- Konrady, Sheila A., ciaim .................................................. 24 -- KI uck, David M., claim .................................................................. 24 - Kramer, Gene, refund request ..................................................... 24 - Kopp, Eugene, refund request 24 - Kiene, Em lo B, Cit" ~'~ '- '-; .................................................... · z ~s~rs~ position, re:letter of regret/appree tion ........................................................................................ Apr. 7-Kauer JohnP-,pettonngforchange ngovernment ................. 7 - Kopischke, G.L., resign,~tion as A rport Commissioner ................ 7 - KC Council #510, Class C' Be,er & L quor License ................... 7 - Kersch Jeannine A., Class "C' Beer & L quor License ................. 7 - Keyline Earning Statement for 2-80; ........................................ 7 - Kohn, Brian D., denial of c aim ........................................... 21 -Kiss Your Baby Week, Proclamation for 5-11 thru 5-17...:...::.. 21 - Keyline Operations, re Proof of Pub. of Not ce of Hearing ............ 21 - Key-Way, Inc. Class "C" Beer Permit ......... 21 - Kruse, Dan, appt. to Airport Commission ...................................... K Jan. 7--Klauer John, re:opinionthat " 7-I(i~ n a~' ~ , ~, C.M. BradyshoudbeMayor .......... 1 · ---~-~, ~. ~,~enae~, ~ylayor Pro-Tern for 1980 ........... 7-Key City Bank & Trust Co. depository of City's'~'~'~'~'f~"~' 2 " 7- Kaufman Ave. (693), Ross & Mary Morley, by Atty. Van Etten, request portion of alley be vacated ............................................. 9 7 - Kirmse, Mrs. R:, request ambulance service stay as is ............. 9 7 - Kime, Antoinette, lawsuit dismissed .......................................... 9 22 - Kan fman Ave. (693),re: vacation of alley nearby ................... 18 22 - Koch, Wm., re: N.W. Arterial ................................................... 21 22 - Klauer, Peter W., re: rezonlng of prop. at 1075 University ............ 26 22 - King & Broadway Sts., vacation of alley ......................................... 27, 33 28 29 29 38 33 42 55 61 61 61 61 62 62 62 67 69 74 74 75 76 76 78 8O 80 81 81 82 82 82 84 102 108 118 118 118 118 122 124 143 144 144 145 145 148 149 156 155 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Apr. 21 -Konrady, S helle A., denial of claim ................................................ May 5 -- Koch, Mike, re: alternates to 1980 Street Program ...................... ' 5 -- Kennicker, Jaekie, objecting to Valley St. assessments ............... 5-- Kronfeldt, Hhonda, re: should delete 1980 Concrete Program ..... 5 ~ KirkGross Co., re: purchase of library furniture .......................... 5 - KDUB-TV, re: notice from FCC in the matter of the Petition for special relief for continued network non-duplication protection, also for special relief submitting petition to stay Pendente Lite. 5-Kruser, Merlin, advising of no objection to vacation of Lots 128A and 161A ............................................................................. 5--Kuehn, Eugene, adv s ng Counc on behalf of father-in-law (Clem Hayes) that they had no intention of stopping access to street ...................... 5--Kuhle, Fram cigarette license ....... ; ............................................ 5--Klauer JoAnnH.,grantedCass C Beer&LiquorLieense ..... 5--Kennedy Rd. Completion Project, re: West Side Bus. & Prof. June 2 - Kane St., 1717, possible rezonlng from R-2 to R_4, denied ............ 2 -- Keyline, role in hiring personnel by Transit Trustee Bd .............. 2--Kerper Blvd., re: denial of Hardin's request for outdoor sign thereon ...................... 2--Kruse, Edward, pe~'iti;;}~' '~t'"~ig~ Market people to use restrooms .................................................... 2--Kessler, Thomas E., 1993 Asbury Rd., Cigarette License ........... 2-Kopple's Market, Inc., 1098 University, Cigarette License ......... 2-Klauer, James J., Cigarette License .............................................. 2-Kopischke, Gerald, termination of Bond as Airport Commis- sioner ................................. 2--Kaufman Ave., re: vacation of nearby alley .................................. 2--Kennedy Rd., re: final plats for parcels of land between Asbury & Pennsylvania Ave ......................................................... 2 -- Killarney Court, re: rezoning request ................................. ~JJ.....ill 16- Kennedy, WiIfred J., Cigarette Permit ......................................... 16- Klauer, Joann H., Cigarette Permit ........................................ 16- Krajnovich, Elizabeth, Cigarette Permit .......... 16-Kegger, The, Cigarette Permit .......................... ' ........................... 16 -- Kingt of Clubs, Cigarette Permit .................................................... 16-K-Mart, Cigarette Permit .................................................. 16-Kresge's, Cigarette Perm t ............................ 16-Knights of Columbus, Cigarette Permit ........................................ 16--Kachevas, James, Cigarette Permit .............................................. 16-Ken's Union "76,' Cigarette Permit .............................................. 16-Kwik Foods Texaco Station, Cigarette Permit ............................. 16--Kelly's Cove, Cigarette Permit ...................................................... 16-Krajnovich, Elizabeth, Class "C' Beer & Liquor License ............ 16--Kennedy, Wilfred, Class "C' Beer & Liquor License ................... 16-Kennedy Road, Sign Replacement Claim ...................................... July 3-Kerper Blvd., re: construction tying in Miss. River Bridge across City Island ................................................................... 7 -- Kolfenbach, Rev. Edgar C., gave invocation ............................... 7- Kaufman, north, re: vacat on of aey ............................................. 7 -- Kreiman, Rick, re: request to obtain R.N. degree .................. 271, 7- Keyline buses, re: free ride for city employees ............................. 7 -- Kopples Market, re: construction of canopy ................................ 7--Key Knolls Sub., re: Final Deve opment Plan extension of 6 mo. time for H.R.W ....................................................................... 7 -- Kennedy Crc e, re: Fna Deve opment Plan extension of 6 mos. time for H.R.W ................................................................................ 7--K of C, re: Tootsie Roll Candy Drive .............. 7 - Kirehberg, Gerald, refund request on Liquor i~i~g~i':i::iii:i::ii:il 7 -- Key-Way, Inc., refund request of Class "C" Beer Permit ............. 7- KDUI~-TV, re: petition requesting network non-dup cat on ....... 21~ Kennedy Road widening project, re: acceptance .......................... 21-- Kopple's Market, re: approval ....................................................... 21-- Kopple, Harry, re: Acceptance of etd. No. 51-80 .......................... 21-- Kumbera, Karen C., appointed to Human Rights Comm ............. 156 159 159 162 178 181 184 184 198 198 199 201 209 217 217 226 226 226 226 229 240 241 242 245 245 240 245 275 277 277 277 277 289 289 290 294 275 255 257 259 303, 325 274 274 245 245 245 245 245 245 246 246 247 247 247 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page July 21 - KC & S Co. Inc., Cigarette Permit... .............................................. " 21- Koos, Cletus, personal injury claim ............................................... " 21- KDUB~TV, re: submitting reply to opposition in the Petition for special relief .................................................................................... Aug. 4- Krelman, Rick, re: denial of City Mgr. on proposed trade time for R.N. Degree ................................................................................ 303, 4-Kersch, Jeanninc A., Cigarette Permit ......................................... 4--Klauer, James J, Class "C' Beer & Liquor Permit ...................... 18-Kennedy Rd. improvements, objections to say by D. Dorweiler. " 18 - Kiwanis Kid's Day Peanut Sale ...................................................... Sep, t. 2 - Klauer, John, re: sewer increase for citizens to aid the Pack ....... 2 - Kennedy Rd. widening project, acceptance of plats ..................... ' 15- Knob Hill residents against any further industrial development of Nemmers prop ............................................................................ " 15-Koerperich, Ronald L.T., nomination for Civil Service Comm. " 15- Kelly, Charlotte G, appointed to Housing Corem ......................... " 15-Kopple's Market, Class "C' Beer Permit ...................................... 15 - Kiebel, Jane, objecting to sewage increase rates ......................... 23- Krajnovich, Elizabeth, re: transfer of Liquor License.' ................. Oct. 6-KDUB-TV, re: their Counsel submitting petitions, replies etc., concerning special relief ................................................................. Nov. 3- Key Club Week, re: Proclamation for Nov. 9-15 ........................... 3-Kunau, Charles, dismissal of appeal & resignation ....................... 3--Kriviskey, Mr., re: prime contractor for Lower Main St. study. 17--Koecke, Calvin, re: Jackson Park Revitalization Plan .................. 17 -- Klauer, John, re: Drug Ordinance .................................................. 17- Kivlahan Construction Co., re: Memorandum of Agreement ...... 17--KDUB-TV, re: Memorandum Opinion & Order, re: Special Relief ............................................................................................... Dec. 8--Kerper Blvd., re: Pre-Design Project Agreement with IDOT ..... 8- Kivlahan Project, re: Fixing Hearing for Ind. Devel. Rev. Bonds. 8- Kachevas, Inc., Class "C' Beer & Liquor License ......................... 8 - Kivlahan, John, appointed to Elec. Examining Bd ........................ " 22 -- KDUB-TV, re: copy of request for expedited action to F.C.C ...... ' 22 - Kress, Rick P., certified applicant for Automotive Mechanic ...... 295 296 298 325 308 309 332 333 342 346 354 361 361 363 364 365 376 393 393 395 412 416 41~6 426 428 434 442 471 473 473 INDEX - BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page L Jan. 7 -- Lindahl, Barry, appointed City Solicitor for 1980 ........................... 1 7-Local 94, UAW, Class "B" Beer Permit .......................................... 7 " 22- Lions Club, re: their request to sell reflective house nos ................ 19 " 22 -- LETNA Corp, re: real estate o~ned by them ........................ 200 " 22 - Lubbers, Margaret, c aim, sett ement .......................................... 29, 182 " 22-Langman, Harold, claim denial 29, 44 Feb. 4 - League of Women Voters urging Council to open budget process to citizens ...................................................................................... 43 4 - Licht, Gary,et al, re: Notice from Bankruptcy Court ..................... 44 " 13 - Labor Strategy~ re: Public Employer ............................................. 46 " 13-Loan & Capital Grant Contract, re: undertaking downtown Ur- ban Renewal Project ........................................................... . 49 " 13 - Lorenz, D. Ra ph, re: address ng Council objecting to treatment by Legal Dept ............................................ "18 - Legal Dept., re: Complaint by D.R. Lorenz...ii .... :::i:iiiiii.~::iii'. 51 - . 51 18 - Lowell Sts., re: vacation of nearby alley ......................................... 56 ' 18 -- Library Furniture, re: submission of preliminary plans, etc ......... 57 18 - Luedtke, & Gatch, approval of final plat by P & Z: ......................... 59 18 - Leitner, Harold, request ambulance service stay as is ................... 61 Mar. 3-Langworthy Historic Preservation District, Ord. establishing, 66 3-Langworthy House (Octagon House), re: naming district after them ........................ ;:";] ................................................................... 66 3-LuckyStores, Class C BeerPermit ............................................. 73 3 - Liebold, Thomas, objecting to Mayor trave ag to Des Molnes to oppose legislation to reduce real estate tax ......... ~ .......................... 76 3-Loans, Section 312 Rehab., re: HUD approval thanking Council. 76 " 10- League of Women Voters, re: appreciation for allowing citizens to become involved in budget process ............................................ 80 " 10 -- Legal Dept., re: full-time Attorney request by j. Klauer ............... 80 " 10- Lucy, Nicholas, objecting to increase in reserved spaces for park- ing; also objecting to increase in taxes for homeowners as com- pared to business ..................................................................... 82 " 11- License Fees for Dogs, changing amount ................................ 89 " 24--Library Furniture & Equ pment, special Council Meeting, Ne- cessity for Improvement, Ordering Construction, Awarding Contracts, err .......................................................................... 99-114, 178 " 24 - Locust Street Park ng Ramp, audit report .................................... 117 " 24 - Leifker, David, opposing cuts in police & fire ......................... 118 Ap..r. 7-Loyalty Day, Proclamation for May1 .......... : 7 - Law (Respect for Law Week Proc amatiou for .................................. Week of May 1-7 124 124 7- L reuse Officer, re: clarifying del n t on ......................................... 126 7-Langworthy Dis., re: proof of pubL of P. Hearing regarding change of name ........................................................................ 130 " 7- L nk, John A. & Esther M., de very of Warranty Deed to City. 142 7- Luther, Frieda, resignation from Civi Serv ce Corem .................. 143 7-League of Ia. Municipalities, re: Senate Joint Resolution Consti- tution, Spending Limit Proposal, etc ....................................... 143 7-Liquor Centre Bd. affrm ng denial of Liquor License to Ebe- nezer,/nc .................................... ; ...................................................148 7 -- Lyons Nature Center, J m Rook s presentation ............................ 148 7 -- Leonard Oil Co., Class "C" Beer Permit .......................................... 155 7 - Lighthouse Corp., request Liquor License refund ......................... 157 5 - Lang, Charlotte, request 1980 Concrete Program be delted ......... 162 5 - Leifker, David, re: questions on Cedar Cross zoning ..................... 169 5- Lehman, Thelma T., Class "C' Beer & Liquor License, Cigarette Permit ....................................................................................... 180, 332 5--League of Ia. Mun c pa ties, re: input request on League Policy Development ................................................................................... 181 5--Leifker, David, re: concern of erosion/contamination of Catfish Creek ............................................................................................... 187 " 19-- Landwehr, Mary Ellen, object to Ind. DeveL of Cedar Cross Rd. area .................................................................................... 188 ' 19-Lc fker, Dav d, trees being cut down & eventually having to be replaced on Cedar Cross Rd. area ................................................... 188 May INDEX - BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page May 19 - Larsen, Beverly A., Cigarette License, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............................................................................................ 198, 199 ' 19--Leifker, David, re: Budget Amendment ........................................ 201 June 2--Landfill Fund, re: Budget Amendment ......................................... 208 2 -- Lucky Stores, Cigarette Licenses (3 outlets) ................................ 226 2- Leonard Oil Co., Cigarette License ............................................... 226 2-Liberty Restaurants, Cigarette License; Class "C" Beer & Li- quor License ....................... 2 - Legion Post No. 6 Class "C';'~'~ ................................................... 226, 309 & Liquor License .................... 227 2 -- League of Ia. Municipalities, re: statement of concern ................. 229 2-LETNA Prop., re: rezoning request .............................................. 242, 243 " 16- Love, Kenneth J., Cigarette Permit .............................................. 245 " 16 - Loras College, Cigarette Permit, Class "B" Beer Permit ............. 245, 390 Ju,!y I ' · 7 - ~.H. Langworthy s Addn., re: vacation of nearby alley ............... 259 7 -- Letna Prop, re: sale of Radford Rd. Inc. Property to City ........... 273, 359 7- Lehnhart, Robert, appointed to TV Cable Comm ......................... 275 4:-Locust St. Freeway, re: Ia. DOT receipt of Res. wi,th selection. 282 4--Luksetich, Thomas A., re: partner in Twin Sister s Sub. Con- tract Purch./Devel .......................................................................... 307 2 -- Lagerstrom, Elaine, re: impact of City sewer rate increase ......... 342 2-Link, John A, & Esther M., conveyance of property in West- view Shopping Center to City ........................................................ 347 15 - L.eifker, David, re: against Ind. Devel. of Nemmer's prop. for vironmentai reasons ....................................................................... 355 15- Lime Rock Springs Co., re: petition for voluntary annexation to Sagevil]e .......................................................................................... 388 15 - Lange, Elsie, suspension of real estate taxes ................................ 364 15- Loras College, re: parade & fireworks permit .............................. 364 6 - League of Ia. Municipalities, re: housing code work session ........ 376 0-Legislators, re: Mgr. submitting summary of comments ............. 377 3--Leyden, Mary L. & Agnes Marie, re: assessment 1980 Paving Project ............................................................................................. 400 3 -- Lightle, Laurence & Phyllis, re: assesment 1980 Paving Project. 400 3-Lower Main Street Planning & Design Study, re: Consultant Contract Funding Agreement ....................................................... 395 ' 17-Lang~ Ken, re: Plumbing Code ....................................................... 416 " 17- Lucky Stores, Inc. Class "C" Beer Permit ..................................... 425 , 17- Lechnir, John S., claim ................................................................... 426 17 - Leibold, Thomas F., re: Appeals to District Court dismissed ...... 426 8--Lange, Kenneth, request Dbq. Homebuilders group be allowed input into Ordinances ................................................................. ::_ 437 8 - Lucky Stores request transfer of Beer Perinit ............................. 441 8- Library Bd. of Trustees Meeting of 10-9, 10-14, 10-30, 11-13 ......... 443, 472 ' 22 -- Lair, Mike, against Drug. Ord ........................................................ 445 " 22 -- Licensing Fee for rental Houslng, re: Ord. final adopted ............. 465 ' 22--Love, PhiIlip R., Cigarette Permit, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............................................................................................ 472 Oct. INDEX -- BOOK 110 1960 SUBJECT Page M Jan. 7 -- Milbrandt, Paul, re: opinion that selection of Mayor should be up to Council ........................... " 7 - Mayor Pro-Tern, D. Michael King appointed for 1980 .................... " 7 - Morley, Ross & Mary, request vacation of portion of alley at 693 Kaufmann ........................................................................................ 7 - Marquette Place, re: street light furnishing ................................... 7- Maple St., re: City Mgr,'s denial of vacation of portion .................. 7-Mississippi River, re: problems of management of Upper Miss. River, ere .......................... " 22--Minibus operation breakdown submitted by Dbq. Transit Trustee Bd ........................................................... ' 22 -- Mozena'McNamer petition, re: hist. desig.'of bi(~g.'~'~({~ l~i~: , 22 - Miller, Beverly, R., Class"C' Beer Perm t .......... "22 - Monticello Dr. 974 ,re: house for sale by Ia, DOT. Feb. 4 -- Magson, Willard W, re: sellinglot in King's Grove Addn .............. 4- Mayor & Mayor Pro-Tem, election concerning .............................. 4 - Miehe, Ben, resignation frmn Rehab. Corem .................................. 4 - M.K.C. Ltd. Inc., Cigarette License ................................................ " 18 - Mental Retardation Month ~ March Proclamation ......................... 18- Memorial Day Parade, petition requesting permission for same.. " 18 - Miller, John F., appointed to Cable TV Corem ............................... Mar. 3 - Madis°n's Birthday - Freedom of Information Day, proclamation for 3-16 ............................... 3--Manternaeh, Rev. Albert, re: naming Area "C' Schmitt Memor- ial Park & Admiral Sheehy Dr ........................................................ 3-Mercy Health Care, re: concern for high risk infants & private ambulance service ........................................................... 3-Mo denhauer, Kef n, re: concern over care & control of Catfish Creek ............................................................................................... 74, " 10 - Meyer, Tom, spoke to CIP program ............................................... " 11- Miscel. Pub. Improvements budget increased by $7500 ................ "11- Mayor's Summer Youth Program, cont. in amt. of $2,000 .............. 24 -- Municipal Garage Addn., re: audit report ...................................... " 24-Morrocco, re: Not. of expir. & for taking tax deed on Lot 2 Diebold's Pi ...................................................................................... 24-Morano, Frank, re: Letter of rejection/apprec, for City Clerk position .............................. Apr: 24- Marco's Inc. Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ............................... May 5-- Murray, Francis, re: submission of various alternatives, re: 1980 Street Program ....................................................... 5 -- Malone, Charles, objecting to Hill St. assessments.....:::.... 5 -- Murphy Park Rdway - re: amendment for Nec. for Improvement, re: 1980 St. Program ................................................................ 5--Ma, James R., stat ng 1980 Concrete Program should be delted. 6 -- Mott, Ken, objecting to definite spot zon ag .................................. 5 -- Motel - Hote Tax Committee formed ............................................. 19 - Miracle Car Wash, Cigarette License ................................... 19-Manemann, He eh, c a m ................................................................. 19 - Milwaukee Ind. Tract No. 1 - approval of final plat ......................... June 2--Murray, Frank, extension of apprec, given for work on Hgt. for 2- Mech. Contractors, re:regis. & exam. required ............................. 2- Meyer, Catherine, Cigarette License ............................................. 2-Mulgrew Oil Co., Cigarette License ............................................... 2 - Miller, Beverly, Cigarette License ................................................. 2 - Moracco Supper Club, Cigarette License ....................................... 2 - Mechanical Code ............. - Market peop e request to use City Hall restrooms on Sat. a.m. 2 -- Meyer, Catherine, Class "B" Beer Permit.. .... " 16--Mescher, Vincent W.,Cigarette Permit ......................................... ' 16--Millman, Norene, Cigarette Permit .............................. ; ................ ' 16-Marry, Milton, Cigarette Permit ...................... . .............. " 16-McCann, M kc, C garette Perm t ................................................... 6 6, 18 7 8 14 18 28 29 34 38 42 42 47 52 59 65 65 71 188 82 84 85 117 118 122 135 155 159 159 160 162 163 175 198 200 197 213 217 226 226 226 226 217 226 227 245 245 246 246 INDEX -- BOOK 110 ~ SUBJE~ June 16- Midway Motor Lodge, Cigarette Permit ...................................... Page 16--Manemann, Helen, claim settlement ........................................... July 3- Miss. River Bridge, re construct on on C ty Island ...................... 7--"Mentally Handicapped Week" proclamation for week of Aug. 18, 1980 ..................................................................................... 7--Mutua A d Agreement, re: C v Defense Director addressing Council ............................................................................................. 7 - Miller, John F;, appt. to Cab e T.V. Corem ................................... 7-Magi Tavern, l~he. Cigarette Perm t. 7 - Merchants Hotel, Cigarette Perm t ............................................ Morette 76 Service. Cigarette Permit ................... 7-Montgomery Ward & Co., Cigarette Permit. 7- Mr. S, teak, Cigarette Permit ....................... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 7 - Mare s Big Boy, Cigarette Permit.,,. ........................................... 7- Miller. John George, Sr., Class ,C Beer Permit. 7--Moore, Kenneth L., claim of $§0,000 .....................[[[[[[:[[[[]]]iJJJJJjjj[[ 7-Mi?. Valley Airlines. re: exemp, for the 60-90 day notice re~ qmrement ........................................................................... 7--Miss. Valley Ice Hockey, re agreement with I~ ire Flags ............ 21- Miller, M chad. opinion as to Inland Mo asses possible rezoning. 21 -- Meters, Parking, acquisition - replacement ............................. 21-Municipal parking ets, re: overa he ght requirements, ere ....... 21 - Mike Garrity Pl., approval by P & Z Comm & Coune ................ 21 - Maplewood Pl., re: approval of final plat ................................. 21-Moped and motorcycle park ng ...................................................... 21- Merritt, Jacqueline appo nted to Civ e Center Corem ................ 21-Melchior, Harlan. Jr.. appointed to F re & Police Retirement 246 247 255 257 271 275 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 277 277 281 288 287 291 293 293 294 29,1 System Bd. of Trustees .... ~'; ..................................................... 21 -- ~illitzer, Thomas E.. re: F.C.C. s decision to grant significantly 294 ewed television stahons full local status .............................. Aug. 4- Mister, Donut, Cigarette Permit ................................................... 298 " - 308 4-Mayor s Summer Youth Emp oyment Program, report by Wm. Jones ................. " 309 18 -- Memorandum of Agreement, re: Inland Molasses Go. & City, re: rezoning ......................................................................... " 18-- Meters, parking, objection by Delos Dorweilerl ................. 314 18--Mihalakis, Louis, Pres. of Ecology Control Corp'.i';;[I~;i';;;;~: 320 mg lease of old City ;~arage ............................................................ 18- Murphy, Ann M., settlement of P.I. claim ................................... ~ 832 18--Manternaeh. Wayne, request to excavate 350 Edith St. & 2990 383 Brueck Rd ..................................................................................... 833 " 21 ~ Murray, Frank p. Works D r., re: sewage decrease in rates to 4 Dubuque companies ............ ; ................................................ Sept. 2--Main St. closing for DubuqueFest 80 ............ 336 " 2 .............................. 340 --Murray, Frank, d seuss on of City's viewpoint regarding rate schedule increase .......................................................................... 842 2- Mayer, Marayne, c a m of $67 for sewer damage .......................... 350 2- Mayor's Summer Youth Employment Program, final report ...... 15 ~- Mulgrew, Mary Leu, opposed to Ind. zonin~ for Nemmers prop. 3~8 15 - Moldenhauer. Kerin. opposed to Ind. zoning for Nemmers prop. 358 15- Meadow Acres, re: P & Z approve final plat ................................. 859 15 ~ May, C.J., nominated for Airport Gomm 363 15--Mazm'ek. Evelyn, suspension of real es;ate [axes ........................ 864 Lq--Master Planning Process Report, re Pool 11 ............................... 864 Oct 6- Molly Maguires, Inc.. Cigarette Permit and Class "C' Commer- cial Beer & Liquor License ............... ; ............................ U";,' ...... 373. 374 6--Monday Company, The. Cigarette lermit and Class C Beer Permit, ....... ; ................................................................................... 373, 874 6 -- Murphy, Orwlle p.. Class "C" Beer & IAquor License ............ ' 378 390 391 39fi 408 410 " 20 -- Motorcycles & motorized bicycles, re: Ordinance regulating ...... 20 -- Municipal pool, re: claim for personal injury (M. Curler ...... Nov. 3- Miehe Ben, re: Pr jeer subcontractor for Lower Main St. area. 3- Motorcycle Ordinance .................... : .............. ~ ...................... 407. 3-M er Wm. T.. pass n§ score on Asst. Chiefflraining Officer Exam .............................................................................................. INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT~-~~-~ -- Page Nov. 3--Miller James C, pass ng score on A~'~ t~- 3--Munz, David J., claim for false arrest.......[i..[ .......... ][ .................... It--Mechanical Systems claim settlement ........................... lY--Motorcycles & Mopeds, re: downtown parking ............................ 17 Mechanical Bd. appt. of Robert Bush ........... 17 - Mechanical Bd. app,!. ,o,f Bruce Halverson ......................... 17 - M.K.C. Ltd., Class C Beer & Liquor License ..... ~i.."~[" ' 8-M~Na, Inc., Class "C" Beer & Liquor L cense ......................... 8- Moracco, The, Inc, Class "~q" n,,, .~. r · ·. 8-Maggie, Jeffrety T, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........... 8 - Meters, Parking, purchase of additional 400 ..................... 8-Miss. Valley Airlines, re: suspend service notice .......................... 22 - Mdoy, Harold, re: Schmitt Memoria be eft as is ......................... 22-Melson, Erie, resignation from Airport Corem ............................. 22 - Miller, James, appointed to Rehab. Corem ................................. 22--May C.J, Jr., appointed to A rport Corem ................................... 410 410 411 419 424 424 425 442 442 442 442 443 444 466 471 471 471 INDEX - BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Feb. 18-McCarthy, Atty. Leo, re: reznning request for Schlitz Develop- ment Corp., etc ................................................................................ 48 Mar. 10-McCauley, Joann, re:objectingtoClosingFireStation#5 ............ 78, 81 " 10 - McCauley, Mike, question cut in fire protection ............................. 81 " 10 -- McFadden, Lillian, re: water expansion in Radford Rd. area ......... 82 Apr. 21--McAleece Fields, Class "B' Beer Permit. (Resurr. Men's Service Club) ................................................................................................. 155 ' 21-- McFarland, Mike, appointed to Playground & Rec. Comm..~ ........ 156 " 21- McKernan, Pattie J, claim ............................................................ :. 157 M,a,y 5 - McCarron, objecting to Valley St. assessments ............................. 159 5 - McCallister, of opinion no understands C~70rd ............................. 163 5 - McGinnls, Joseph, re: transfer of Liquor License .......................... 180, 275 June 17-McDonald's, A.Y., re: concern of Couler Valley construction in path of office .................................................................................... 253 " 17- McDonald, Bruce, concern of highway location .............................. 253 Sept. 15-- McGinnis, Joseph, Class "C' Beer & Liquor License ..................... 365 ' 15- McClean, Herbert J., Settlement of claim ...................................... 363 Oct. 20 - McDermott, Charles, re: denial of rezonJng request for 365 Cedar Cross Rd .......................................................................................... 388 N, ov. 3 - McEImeel, Mathilda, Assessment for 1980 Asphalt Pay. Proj. #1. 400 ' 3 -- McGraine, G, & B., Assesment for 1980 Asphalt Pav. Proj.#1 ...... 400 3 - McClaln, T. & H., Assessment for 1980 Asphalt Pay. Proj. ~1 ....... 400 3 - McCoy, Wm. E, Assessment for 1980 Asphalt Pay. Proj.#1 ......... 401 3 -- McDonough, R. & E., Assessment for 1980 Asphalt Pay. Proj. #1. 401 3 - McGrane, R. & Mary A., Assessment for 1980 Asphalt Pay. Proj. #1 ...................................................................................................... 403 3 - McDermott, M, & B., Assessment for 1980 Asphalt Pay. Proj. #1. 403 3-McCarron,M.&M.,Assessmentfor1980AsphaltPav. Proj.#t... 404, 405 " 17 - McDonald, Robert D., nominated for Dock Comm ......................... 424 Dec. 8 - McGinnis, J., Class"C' Beer & Liquor License .............................. 442 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Jan. 7- North Burden St., re: petition of Brian Hyde requesting Street Light ................................................................................................ 5 7- Norman, Wayne A, re: petition for designation of 409 Bluff be declared historically, etc., significant .......................................... 5, 6, 18 7--National Foundation of March of Dimes, request permission for Parents March & Walkathon .......................................................... 6 7--Neyens, Scott, request ambulance license for Dbq. Med. Trans. 6, 187 7 - N.E. Ia. Crime Comm. recommendation of City Mgr. for I elected official and 1 alternate ..................................................................... 6 7-Nauman GregH. denialofc a m .................................... 9 " 22 - Northwest Arterial, re: design contract from Dodge to Penn ....... 21 " 22 -- North End Improvement Assn, re: resignation of Cheryl Albert. 27 " 22-Nolan, TerryJ. claim, denial ............................................ 29, 44 Feb. 4--Natural Resources Council, re: approving plans, spec., re: 16th St. & Hwy. 561 Bridge ...................................................... 43 " 13-- National Engineer's Week, Proclamation for Feb. 17 to 23 ............ 47 18--Northeast Ia. Crime Comm., re: submission of Res. giving local governments more control of Crime Comm. program ................... 52 18-Neuwoehner, Robert F., petition (90 sig.) for hospital based am~ bulance service ................................................................................ 62 Mar. 3-NorthrangeParkNo. 2, approvingplatetc .................................... 67, 68 " 10 - Nursing Program, re: budget cuts, various opinions ..................... 81 " 11-Northwest Arterial Expenses reduced .......................................... 86 " 24-NorthrangeParkNo. 2, re:waterpressure .................................... 101, 142 ' 24 - Northwest Arterial, re: Project Agreement .................................. 110 " 24 -- Noonan, Jack W., Cigarette License .............................................. 116 " 24 - Neilson Gary C ass"B" Beer Perm t 116 Ap, r. 2- Nagle, Larry M., City Clerk position interview ............................. 122, 123 7 - Native American Day, Proclamation for 4-15~80 ............................ 124 7 -- Neyens, Scott, Notice of Suit, re: ambulance license request....:.. 126 7- Nemmers, Julian G., re: giving history of procedures in proposed use of the PID Dis. for Cedar Cross Rd. area .................................. 129, 130 7 - Northern Natural Gas, re: name change to InterNorth Inc ........... 145 7 -- Nash, Russel, re: 11th St. Neighborhood not receiving revitaliza~ tion assistance ................................................................................. 145 M,a,y 5-- National Music Week, Proclamation for May 5 .............................. 159 5 -- Nash, Russell, request deletion of Walnut St. rebuilding .............. 162 5 - Nemmers Proper ty, re: addendum clarifying zoning ..................... 169 5--Nemmers, Dr.,requestareabeputlnPIDis.,NotAg ............. 169, 187, 188 19--Neumelser, Dr., re: Nemmer's property, re: difficulty of trans- portation for industrial zoning ........................................................ 188 ' 19- Noel, Alfi~, Pres. of Tri-State Indep. Blind Sec, re nvitation for Council to view facilities, etc ........................................................... 189 " 19 - Noise Control Testing Vehicles, re: repealing part of Ord. & pro riding new & request for enforcement .................................... 195, 196, 201 19 - Nash Finch Co., Cigarette License ................................................. 198 19 - Neeleon & Mary L. Ness, Cigarette License .................................. 199 10 - Nonbargaining Unit employees, FY'80 Comp. Package ................ 238 16 -- Nabors Drug, Cigarette Permit ......................................................245 16- Nativity Church C ass "B" Beer Perm t ..................................... 246 7- Noonan, John W., Cigarette Permit: .............................................. 276 21-Nosier, Jim & Tom, opinions, re: Inland Molasses rezoning .......... 283 21-- Nesler,,JameS C. & Marg., Acceptance of Res ................ 293 4--Nurses trainihg, request of Rick Kreiman to use trade time .. 303 4 -- NW Ar te, rial, re: P.Hearing ........................................................... 304, 340 18- Nemmer s Prop., re: Residential zoning discussion ....................... 336 15-Nemmer's property, proofs of pub]icatlon of P. Hearings to es~ tablish a PI classification, an AG classification, and R-3 classifica- tion, etc ............................................................................................ 354 ' 15 - Nemmers, Dr. Julian, stating LI zoning still best for his property 355 5--Nemmer s property rezon rig, three Ordnances concermng, cussion of small 3-acre section ......................................................... 356 361 June July Sept. " 15-- Newt, Gary, appointed to Airport Comm ....................... " 15- N.W. After a[Roadway, re: Dub. Court. Censer. Soc., re: rehear- ing before the Ia. Nat. Resources Coun., re: channeSzatlon of Cat- fish Creek ......................................................................................... 363 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Oct. 6 --"Natlonal School Lunch Week," Proclamation for Oct. 13-17 ....... 367 6-NemmeFs Property, final adoption of Ordinance establishing R-3 Residential and AG Agricultural ............................................ 367 6-Nowack, David, Cigarette Permit ................................................. 378 6- Nativity Church, refund request of $225 on Beer Permit ............. 376 6--Natural Resources Council advising on Hearing in Des Moines, re: channelization of Catfish Creek ................................................378 " 15-Northern Trust Co., Chicago, re: bid on Corporate Purpose Bonds .............................................................................................. 379 1§-Northern Trust Co., award ng of bid of Corp. Purpose Bonds. 380 ' 20- Nabors Drug, Inc, Class "C" Beer Pa, " 20-NashFinchCo.,CIass C BeerPermit ....................................... ii 390 390 " 20- Neuberger, Gerald, claim ............................................................... 391 Nov. 17 -- North-West Arterial, re: approving proposed design .................. 420 Dec. 8 -- Noonan, Beverly L., Cigarette Permit, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ..................................................................................... 441, 442 8 - Nemmers, Ju inn G., Not ce of $1,000,000 Suit ............................. 443, 473 " 22 - Navy League, re: objection to Chaplain Schmitt Memorial being moved ............................................................................................... 466 " 22-Northeast Ia. Area Crime Commission, re: City providing funds .................................................... ...... ........................................ 407 22-Newman, Timothy R., certified applicant for automotive mechanic .......................................................................................... 473 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page O ,/an. 7-0liver, Paul, expressed desire that Council Member Brady be Mayor ......................................... " 22 - Ordinance No. 1-80, An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, iowa, Providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, enacting a new sec- tion 4 104.4) of Article IV in lieu thereof, to provide for parking of operable automobiles as a conditional use in an office-residential district ............................................................................................. 13 " 22-Ordinances(4) mentioningcompeasationofMayorandCouncil Members, salaries of officers and employees, election of Mayor and Mayor pro-tern and providing for office of City Manager ........ 19 " 22 - 0rdinance No. 7-80 revising "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubunue, Iowa "hq, ,~ ,~ · ~ , -~ -~c.assny~ng property at 1075 University Ave. from R-3 ResidentiaI District Classification to OR-1 Office Residential District Classification ............................... 26, 47 ' 22--Oak Meadow First Addition - relative to constructlon of sewer and water mains ....................... ' 22- Oswald, Leonard, claim in amount of $330.59 for car damage ........ 29 Feb. 4--Office Education Association Week -- Proclamation declaring same for Feb. 10-16, 1980 ................................................................. 33 4- 0ydinancc No. 2-80 Vacating a portion of a 20 foot wide alley run- mug between King St. and Broadway St ........................................ 33 4 - Ordinance No. 3-80 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by Amending Ordinance No. 19-77 and Amen- ding Ordinance No. 20-77 by striking therefrom the provisions relating to cost of llving increases ............................................ 36, 37 4-Ord nance No. 4-80 Amend ng the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa and enacting a new Section 2 68 of Article III, Division 1 in lieu thereof prey dng for the bi weekly payment of sa aries of officers appointed by the City Council ........................... 37 4-Ordinance No. 5-80 Amending the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa and enacting a new Section 2-81 to Article III, Division 2, n eu thereof providing for the election of a Mayor and a Mayor pro tern ...................................................................... 38 4-Ord nance No. 6-80 Amend ng the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa and enacting a new Section 2-104 to Article III, Division 3, in lieu thereof providing fi~r an office for the City Manager .......................................................................................... 38, 39 4 - Office of City Manager and hours of business, stated at City Hall, ere .................................................................................................... 39 4-Oswald, Leonard, advisement of Corp. Counsel that no liability .exists on the part of the Cty relative to going over railroad cross~ ~,n,g .................................................................................................... 44 4 - 0 Malley, Thomas J. & Ruth E., relative to Corp. Counsel advis- ing their case praying for deletion or reduction from a proposed special assessment is now closed for want of prosecution (1977 Wilbur St.) ...................................................................... 18--Ordinance No. 8 80 Providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Ia., be amended by revising Appendix A thereof by reclassifying property at the southeast corner of Dodge & York Streets from R-2 Residential District Classification to OR~1 Of- fice Residential District Classification ........................................... 48 18- Oak Grove Addition relative to approval of plat ............................ 58 " 18 -- 0swald. Earl, recommending ambulance service stay as is ........... 61 Mar. 3~Ordinance No. 9 80 Providing that Ordinance No. 47-79 be amended by revising the Preamble thereof, and by adding a new Section to be numbered Section 3, changing the name of the West Third/Alpine Historic Preservation District to the Langworthy Historic Preservation District ........................................................ 66 3-0ctogan House, or Langworthy House, relative to Ordinance changing name of District to Langworthy Historic Preservation District ............................................................................................. 66 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Mar. 3-Ordinance No. 10-80 Providing for the Repeal of Ordinance No. 29-29 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa and declaring same to be null and void and of no effect concerning designating of historic pre servation districts on several properties abutting Bluff St .......... 69 3- An Ordinance enacting a new Section 18-32 of Division 2 of Arti- cle II in lieu thereof to provide for the investigation of appli- cants, and issuances of licenses, read first time ............................ 71 3--Operation New View, relative to communication of Mgr. co~n- municating name ....................................................................... 72 3- Ordinance No. 11-80 Providing that Code of Ordinances; Cty Of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by enacting a new Section 25-43 of Article III of Chapter 25 in lleu thereof to establish when acci- dent ~'eports are required ............................................................... 72, 73 " 11-Ordinance No. 12-80, An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, 10wa, Providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by enacting a new Division 8, co~nprised of Section 2-172 thereof Providing for the creation and fixing re- sponsibilities of an office of Director of Community Develop- ment ..................... 11--Ordinance No. 13-80, An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Pro- viding that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa be Amended by Repealing Subsection (b) of Section 2-169 thereof and enacting a new Subsection (b) of Section 2-169 in lieu thereof providing for the creation and fixing responsibilities of a Public Works Director .................. II- Operation Paint Brush Budget money of $7500 transferred to Miscellaneous Public Improvements ....................................... ; ..... 84 ll -Operation New View, contribution of $5000.00 ............................. 83 . 11 ~ Ordinance No. 14-80, An Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordi~ nantes of the City of Dubuque, Iowa by enacting a new Section 20-2.01 of Article II in lieu thereof providing for the establish- ment of a Rousing Services Division .......................................... 87 ' II - Ordinance No. 15-80, An Ordnance Amending the Code of Ordi~ nantes of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by enacting new Subsec- tions {a) and (d) of Section 7-33 and Section 7-37 of Division 2 in lleu thereof providing for license fees for dogs ............. 89 ' 11 - Ordinance No. 16-80, An Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordi- nances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by enacting new Sections 18-52 and 18-53 of Division 5 of Art'~le II m lleu thereof provid- big for ambulance fees ................................. 4 ........................... 89, 90 ' Il-Ordinance No. 17-80, An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa by Enacting a New Section 36-147.t' of Division 3 of Article IV thereof to provide for the installation of remote readers on all water meter installations in new and remodeled structures ........ 91 ' 11--Ordinance No. 18-80, An Ordinance Amending the Code of Or- dinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, enacting a new Section 36-161 of Division 4 of Article IV in lieu thereof to provide for revision of water rates .................................................................................. 91, 92 ll - Ordinance No. 19-80, An Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordi- nances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, Enacting a new Section 36-56 of Division 4 of Article II in Iieu thereof to provide for revision of Sewer Rates & Charges ................................................................. 92 ' Il--Ordinance No. 20-80, An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa by Repealing Ordinance No. 29-29 of the City of Dubuque, Iowa and Declaring Same to be Null and Void, (establishing re- stricted residential districts ...................................................... ;.. 100 " 24--Ord nance No. 21-80, An Ordnance of the City of Dubuque, Inwa Amending the Code of Ordinances, of the City of Dubuque, Iowa by enacting a new subsection (c} to Section 29-2 of Article I thereof, providing for industrial revenue bonds ......................... 101 " 24--Organizational l~ra n ng Sess OhS, retaining of Lylc Sumek for this purpose. 24--Ordlnanee No. 22-80, Author~zlng Powers Construction Co., 3065 Foothill, Dubuque, Iowa to construct canopy on storefront of Oky Doky and Iron Kettle .......................................................... 104 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Mar. 24--Oky Doky and Iron Kettle, relative to canopy erected, per Ord. ~N,o. 22 80 ............................................ " 24--OBrlen, James, Partner in Blackacre Properties, re: Accep- tance of Resolution No. 75-80. ........................................................ 107 " 24- Open Space Program, re: Opinion of P & Z ................................... 107 " 25-Oral Presentation by Project Mgr. of Homart on downtown de_ velopment ........................................................................................ 120 ' 25- Open Meetings Law, re: interviewing for City Clerk .................. 122 Apr. 7-Ordinance No. 23-80 Amend ng the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by enacting a new Section 18-32 of Divi- sion 2 of Article II in lieu thereof providing for the investigation of applicants and the issuance of I tense (ambulance) .................. 125 7--Ord nanee NO. 24-80 Amend ng the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Ia., by enacting a new Section 18-16 of Division 1 of Article II in lieu thereof to define m~u anee and to del ne "Patient." 7-Ordinance No. 25-80 Providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Ia., be amended by enacting a new Subsection (e) of Section 21-23 in lieu thereof providing for meetings of the Human Rights Commission ............................................................ 127, 128 7--Ordinance No. 26-80 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Ia. by enaetlng new Subsections (31, (f), (gl and (h) of Section 20-2.03 thereof providing for thc required atten- dance of members at meetings, providing for the filing of min- utes of meetings with City Counell and by establishing proce- dure governing the actions of the Housing Code Advisory and Appeals Board ................................................................................. 128 7--Ordinance No. 27-80 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by Amending Ordinance No. 47-79 by Revising the Preamble thereof and by adding a new Section thereof to be numbered Section 3, Providing for the change of the West Third/Alpine Preservation District to the Lang- worthy Historic Preservation District ...................................... 130, 131 7--Operat ng Budget, 1981, communication of Mgr. showing ap- proved documentation .............................................................. 131 " 21- Ord nanee No. 28-80 Amend ng the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Ia., by Enacting a new Section 26-125 to Divi- sion I of Article VI thereof to prohibit swimming or ice skating in the areas hereinafter designated under the jurisdiction of the Board of Dock Commissioners of the City of Dubuque, Iowa and providing for penalty for violation thereof .................................... May 5 ' 149 --0 Connor, Bernie, objecting to paving of Hill St ........................... 5 ' · · 159 -- 0 Br~en, James, objecting to definite spot zoning ......................... 163 Ordinance No. 29 80 Prowdmg that the Code of Ordinances be amended by revising Appendix A thereof by enacting a new Section 1-101.5.3 of Article 1 Adding "PI Planned Ind. District" and enacting a new Section 4-121 of Article IV, prescribing a General Statement of Intent, Establishment of PI Planned Ind. District, principal permitted uses, accessory uses and struc- tures, procedure, lot and bulk regulations, and district stan~ dards, and further by repealing certain provisions of Section 5 104.4 of Article V and enacting new provisions thereof regard lng off-street parking and loading space requirements for the PI Planned Industrial District ...................................................... 129. 163-168 5- O'Brien, Attorney, stated opinion no reason to change from C-7 Zoning to LI Ind ........................................................................ 169 5--Ordinance No. 30 80 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa by repealing the definition of City Attor ney as set out in Section 1-2 of Chapter I of thc Code of Ordi nances and enacting a new Definition of Corporation Counsel in lieu thereof ......................................... 5-Ordinance No. 32 80 approwng vacatmn of Elbow St. from the N.P.L. of Edith St. to the North p. L. of Lot 164 in Belmont Addn. now platted as Lots 128 & 161A in the amount of $1000.00 plus publication and filing fees .................................... ~... 176, 184 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page May 5-An Ordinance No. 33-80 vacating a right o1 way across Lots 1-3 and 2-3 of Duster Place and Lots 7 and 8 in Glen Carris Subd. and directing Clerk to publish notice of intent to dispose of interest ............................................................................................ 176, 185 5--Ordinance No. 31-80 Authorizing Larry R. & Diane R. Hill revoeabIe permit and autbority to construct Class C Fire Escape ............................................................................................. 177 5- Optimist Club, Evening, issued Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 180 " 19--An Ordinance of tbe City of Dubuque, Ia. providing that the Code of Ordinances, be amended by revising Appendix A there~ of by reclassifying property located north of U.S. Highway 20 from AG Agricultural District to C-3 Arterial Bus. Commercial District, Sly 550' of Lot 1 of NWl/4 of SW~h of Sect. 28 T89N, R2E .................................................................................................. 187 ' 19- Ordinance No. 41-80 providing that the Code of Ordinances, Ci- ty of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof to amend the Zoning Map with regard to properties in the Center Sector of the Territory involuntarily annexed to the City of Dubuque ............................................................... 130, 169, 187, 224 19--Ordinance No. 37-80 vacating a portion of University Ave. & Ethel Ave ........................................................................................ 194, 203 19-Ordinance No. 38-80 vacating an alley south of Ethel Ave. be- tween University & Prysi St .......................................................... 194 " 19-Ordinance No. 34-80 Providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, be amended by adding a new Subsection to Section 25-210 providing that northbound and southbound vehicles on Pinard St. shall stop before entering the intersec- tion of 291h St .................................................................................. 195 " 19-Ordlnance No. 30-80 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by Repealing Section 25~65 of Article IV thereof and declaring same to be null and void and of no effect. 195, 196 " 19 -- Ordinance No. 36-80 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Enac- ting a new Section 26-145 of Article VII of Division I in lieu thereof providing that control of traffic noise shall be governed and regulated by the provisions of Chapter 25, Article IV ........... 196 " 19--Ordinance No. 42-80 Amending the Zoning Ordinance by enact- ing a new Section 4-106.4 of Article IV in lieu thereo£ to allow a private garage to be constructed as a separate conditional use in an R-3, R-4 and R-5 Residential District ......................................... 197, 230 19-Ordinance Nh. 43-80 Amending Zoning Ordinance by reclassify- ing property described as Lot 1 of Subdivision of Lot 1 of 1 of "Faldor f's Place" in the City of Dubuque from R-1 Single Family Residential Dis. to R-I Planned Unit Development Dis ................ 197, 231 " 19--Offing, Eugene A., cigarette license .............................................. 198 June 2-Ordinance No. 44-80 Amending the Code of Ordinances by re- classifying portion of property in Sec. 28 T89N R2E of 5th P.M. from AG to C-3 (Schlitz Dev. Corp.) ...................... ~ ........................ 210, 257 2--Operating Engineers, re: Authorizing the Mayor to sign Stipulation of Burg. Unit ................................................................ 216 ' 2-Ordinance No. 39-80 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Re- pealing Subsection (d) of Section 4-29~z of Article II in Chapter 4 thereof and enacting a new Subsection (d) of Section 4 in lieu thereof to provide for a change from $1.00 per day to $2.00 per day rental in Lot No. 2 .................................................................... 216 2--Ordinance No. 40-80 Amending Sections 19-1 and 19-2 of the Code of Ordinances by repealing sucb Sections and Enacting new Sections 19-1, 19-2 and 19-3 in lieu thereof pertaining to re- vising and re enacting a Mechanical Code for the City of Dubu- que, Ia., regulating the installation, maint, and use of heating, ventilating, air-conditioning and refrig, systems within the City of Dubuque, Providing for the issuance of permits and collec- tions of fees therefor, Providing for the registration and exam- ination of Mechanical Contractors and providing for penalties for vlolations of said Ordinance ...................................................... a91, 217 2--Ordinance No. 45-89 providing that the Code of Ordinances be amended by reclassifying portions of property in "Patricia Ann Acres" from R-4 Residentia] to R-2 Residential ............................ 224, 258 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page June 2-Ordinance No. 50-80 Amending Ordinance No. 72-79 providing for the six month extension of H.R.W. to 12-3 80 ................... 225, 244, 274 2- Osco Drug, Inc. Cigarette License ................................................. 226 " 16-Operating Engineers, re: submission of Collective Bargaining Agreement between City and Union ............................................. 236, 237 " 16--Ordinance No; 46-80 Vacating an alley north of Kaufmann Ave., abutting Lots 7 and 18 of the Subd. of Lots 164 and 166A in L.H. Langworthy's Addn ........................................................................ 240, 259 " 16- Ordinance No. 47-80 of the City of Dubuque Providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Ia. be amended by revis- ing Appendix A thereof by repealing Sections 5-105.3, 1), 2) and 7): 5-105.10 and Table 5-105.2 Maximum Number of C-3 off- premise signs and maximum number of C-4 on-premise signs, of Article V and enacting new Sections 5-105.3, 1), 2) and 7); 5-105.10 and Table 5-105.2 maximum number of C~3 off-premise signs and maximum number of C-4 on premise signs, of Article V in lieu thereof, to clarify the distinction between regulations for on-premise and of Lpremise signs ............................................. 242, 260 " 16- Ordinance No. 48 80 of the City of Dubuque, Ia. providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Ia. be amended by revising Appendix A thereof by reclassifying hereinafter de- scribed Property at the Southwest Corner of the Intersection of Radford Road and Pennsylvania Ave. from "AG" to C-2 ............. 242, 262 16-Ordinance No. 49-80 of the City of Dtlbuque, Iowa, Providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, by reclassifying property consisting of 137 acres more or less and being com- prised of the southwesterly portion of LETNA Properties Farm at Pennsylvania Ave. at Radford Road from AG to PI ................. 243; 263 " 16-O'Hara, Dick, Cigarette Permit ........................................ 245 " 16--Otting, Eugene A., Class "C" Beer & Liquor I cense ................ 246 " 16-Operation Paintbrush, re: Notice of Finding of No Significant Effect on the Environment for same, release ~ff funds, proof of pub. etc ..................................................................................... 250 278, 297 July 7- Ordinance No. 54-80 Amending the Code of Ordinances by pro~ riding that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof by enacting a new Section of Article I adding C-7 General Service and Wholesale Commercial District to the List of Commercial Districts established by the Ordinance, and further, by enacting a new Section 4-122 of Article IV, creating the C-7 General Ser- vice and Wholesale Commercial District, prescribing therein, a General Statement of Intent, Principal Permitted Uses, Pro- hibited Uses, Schedule of District Regulations and District Standards;ere ........................................................................... 272, 301, 316 7-Ordinance No. 51-80 Authorizing Strub Construction to con- struct a canopy at Koppie's Market at 1098 University ............... 274, 289 7-Oberbroeckling, Gary, Cigarette Permit ...................................... 276 " 21-Ordinance No. 53 80 of the City of Dubuque, Ia. providing that t~e. Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Ia. be amended by re- wsmg Appendix A thereof, by reclassifying Lot I of Inland Molasses Pi. in the City of Dubuque, Iowa located on Julien Du- buque Drive. Ext. from AG to H_i ........ 284, 316 " 21-Ordinance No. 02-80 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Ia., by repealing Section 25-290 of Article VIII of Division 2 thereof and enacting a new Section 25-290 of Arti cie VIII of Division 2 in lieu thereof, providing for the height of vehicles authorized to park in the municipal parking ramps ........ 291 " 21--Ordinance No. 55 80 amending Code of Ordinances by reclassi- fying property at 2017 University Ave. from ID to R-3 ................ 292, 323 " 21-- Ordinance No. 57~80 Amending Code of Ordinances by enacting a New Section 4 115.2 6) of Article IV thereof, to allow printing and publishing as a principal use in a C 4 General Commercial · District ...................................................................................... 292, 325 " 21-Ord nance No. 56 80 Amend ng Zoning ()rd. by enacting new definitions of Yard, Front and Side, of Article XI in lieu thereof, to ~larify the definition and application of front and side yard re qulrements and corner lots. INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page July 21- Oehrle, John L., appointed to Civil Center Commission .............. 294 Aug. 4- Office of Planning and Programming, re: Public Hearing on cur- rent building code .......................................................................... 310 4--Odor, Inland Molasses Co. problem addressed in Mem. of Agreement ...................................................................................... 314 18-An Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by repealing Section 25~167 of Article VI of Chapter 25 thereof and enacting a new Section 25467 of Article VI of Chapter 25 in lieu thereof to establish the privileges of authorized emergency vehicles ...................................................... 326 ' 18-Ordinance No. 63-80 Providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque be amended by revising Appendix A thereof by reclassifying Lot 21 of "Jaeger Heights" from R-2 Residen- tial District classification to R-3 Residential District classifica- tion ................................................................................................... 327, 353 ' 18-An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, Providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof by establishing a C-7 General Ser- vice and Wholesale Commercial District classification on certain properties in the Center Sector of the territory involuntarily annexed to the City ......................................................................... 328 18 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances be amended by revising Appendix A there- of to ameod the Zoning Map to establish an an AG Agricultural District classification on specifically described property in the Center Sector of the territory involuntarily annexed to the City of Dubnque, Iowa (Nemmer's Property) ........................................ 329 ' 18-- An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa amending the Code of Ordinances by revising Appendix A thereof, by amending the Zoning Map to establish a PI Planned Industrial District classi- fication on specifically described property in the Center Sector of the territory involuntarily annexed to the City of Dubuque, Iowa (Nemmers Property) .............................................................. 330 " 18-An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by repealing Subsection (a) of Section 3641.1 of Division 1 of Article II thereof and enacting a new Subsection (a) of Section 36-11.1 of Division I of Article II in lieu thereof requiring the giving of 10 days notice of violation and with exception thereto ..................... 330 21 - An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, amending the Code of Ordinances by revising Appendix A thereof, to amend the zoning map to establish an R-3 Residential District on property described as "That part of Lot 1 of I of 1 of 'Cedar Ridge Farm' lying north of Cedar Cross Road;" etc. (Nemmer's Property). 336 Sept. 2- Ordinance No. 60-80 Amending the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Ia. by Repealing Section 36-56 of Division 4 of Article II "Rates" and enacting a new Section 36-56 of Division 4 of Arti- cle II in lieu thereof to provide for revision of sewer rates and charges ............................................................................................ 343 2-Ordinance No. 61-80 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Ia. by enacting a new Division 3 of Article IV Comprlsod of Sections 33 90, 33-91 and 33-92 thereof providing for the repair of sidewalks .............................................................. 344 2- Ozark Airlines, Notice of Intent to stop non-stop service ............ 350 " 15 Ordinalme No. 62-80 Providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Ia. be amended by revising Appendix A there- of, to amend the Zoning Map to establish a C-7 General Service aod Wholesale Commercial District Classification on certain properties in the Center Sector of the Territory involuntaril~ annexed to the City of Dubuque ............................................ i.~ ..... 351 " 15--An Ordinance Providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuqtm, Iowa, be amended by Revising Appendix A thereof to amend the Zoning Map to establish a PI Planned Industrial Dis- trict classification on the specifically described property within the annexed territory known as the Center Sector ...................... 366 1980 INDEX -- BOOK 110 susa----- Page Sept. 15--Ordinance No. 64-80 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Ia. by Enacting a new Section 37-63 to Article III of Chapter 37 thereof to provide for Penalty for failure to comply, after service of second week removal notice served by the City of Dubuque ............................ ............................................ 361 " 15 - Oberembt, Charles, appointed to Board of Electrical Examiners. 361 ' 15--Olde German Bank, transfer of liquor license ............................... 362 Oct. 6-Ordinance No. 65-80 Providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Ia. be Amended by Revising Appendix A thereof to amend the Zoning Map to establish R~3 Residential and AG Agrlcultural District classifications on the Nemmer's property in the Center Sector of the Territory Involuntarily annexed to the City of Dubuque, Iowa .......................................... 367 6 - O'Hara, J & p,, Class "B" Beer Permit ....................................... ~:. 376 6- Oberbroeckllng, Gary, refund request on Cig. License ................ 376 6 - Operating Engrs., re: no change in certification ........................... 377 " 20- An Ordinance Amending Chapter 30 of the Code of Ordinances by repealing Chapter 30 and enacting a new Chapter in lieu thereof pertaining to revising and reenacting a Plumbing Code for the City regulating the erection, installation, alteration, repairs, relocation, replacement, addition to, use or main- tenance of Plumbing Equipment and systems within the juris- dictional limits of the City providing for the issuance of permits and collection of fees therefor providing for the ficensing of plun!bing contractors and journeymen and providing for the Ii censmg of plumbing contractors and journeymen and providing for penalties for violation of said Ordinance ................... 389, 393, 416, 437 " 20 - Ordinance No. 66-80 Amending Code of Ordinances by Adding a new Section 25-190 to Artlele VI et Chapter 25 thereof provid lng for the regulation of motorcycle and motorized bicycles operation within the City of Dubuque, Ia ...................................... 390, 408 No,v. 3 Operating Room Nurses Day, Proclamat on for Nov 3 ' · .14 ............ 393 --OD wd, Parr ck, re awarding contract for City Hall Handi- capped Ramp ...................................................................... 394 3- Ord nonces, Supp ement No. 6 ....................................................... 408 " 17--Ordinance No. 74 80 estabfishing the Jackson Park Urban Revi- talization Area .......................................................................... 412, 441, 468 " 17--Ordinance No. 67-80 Providing that the Code o[ Ordinances, Ci- ty of Dubuque, Ia. be Amended by Revising Appendix A there- of, also known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" by reclassifying specific property in Clin-Que Inc. Addition from C-3 Arterial Business Commercial District Classification to C-7 General Service & Wholesale Com mercial District Classification ........................................................ 414 17- An Ordinance Providing to amend the Code of Ordinances by in- stituting a new Article in Chapter 26, said Article to be num- bered Article VIII, with intent to use or deliver Drug Parapher- nalia, prohibiting the use, delivery or possession with intent to use or deliver drug paraphernafia or the advertisement of Drug Paraphernalia .......................................................................... 416, 441, 445 " 17-Ord nonce No. 68 80 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by Adding a new Section 25-245 to Arti- cle VII of Chapter 25 thereof governing and controlling use of certain vehicles, conveyances, and recreational equipment on Town Clock Plaza, in Municipal Parking Garages and Parking Lots and Elsewhere in the City of Dubuque ................................ 17- Ordinance No. 7L80 Repea ng Chapter 20, Code of Ordinances, 418 and enacting a new Chapter 20, in lleu thereof, providing for Housing Code. ~ ...................................................................... 421, 441, 446 " 17--Ordinance No. -80 Providing Schedule of Fees for licensing rental housing ........................................................................... 421, 441, 445 " 17- Ozark Air Lines, re: 60 day Notice ................................................. 426 Dee. 8--Ordinance No. 69~80 Providing that the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be Amended by enacting a new Sec- tion 26 5 of Article I of Chapter 26 in lieu thereof to prohibit in- terference with policemen, firemen and threatening policemen. 430 INDEX . BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Dec. 8-Ordinance No. 70-80 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Ia., by adding a New Division 3-A of Article II of Chapter 26 Providing for the Regulations of Private Haulers of Sewage and Sewage Disposal in the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant .................................. ; 432 8 ~ Osco Drug CO., Cla~'~ ....... C eer Permit .......................................... 442 ' 22-Ordlnance No. 73-80 Providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, la., be amended by revising Section 25-187.1 of said Code; Providing that words in Subsection (a) of Section 25.187.1 be deleted and providing that Subsection (c) of Section 2§487.I be repealed ........................................................................ 467 INDEX -- BOOK 110 SUBJECT P Ja.n. 7-- Pratt, Michael W., sworn in as newly elected Council Member ..... 7- Polsean, Alfrod, of opinion that C.M. Brady should be Ma or ...... 7-"Prayer for Christian Unity Week, Proclamation for ~eek of 1-18 thru 1-25, 1980 ....................... 7 -- Peosta St. (1209), re: Gary Conlon interest in purchase .................. 7- Parents March, re: National Foundation March of Dimes, :[-15 30. May 5 - Peekosh, Paul, objection to street assessments for Hill St ............. 2 6 7-Pfiffner, Ted, re ambulance license request for Dubuque Medical 6 Transport ................................................... 7 -- Pusateri Bros, Class "B" Beer & I ...... T. . ......................... 6, 187 7 - Peoples Natural Gas, increase n rates eft. 12-27 79 ....................... 8 7'Police & Fire Retirement Systems, act. & valuation summary and assumptions by Gerald H/rd Treas .................................... 8 " 22 - Public Hear rig, re: resuRs of 1-3 Hear ng, re: Budget .................... 19 " 22 P&Z I - , re: renta space agreement ................... . ................. 19 ' 22 -- Park Bd. Minutes submitted ................... ....... ........................................... 29, 62, 117, 156, 182, 277, 296, 332, 425, 443 " 22 - Planning nod Zoning Comm. Minutes Submitted .......................... ................... 29, 75, 62, 117, 182, 200, 247, 332, 363, 376, 391, 425, 443 Feb. 4 - Pr°°f °f Pub-, re: Notice of Vacation & Sale of alley between King & Broadway .............. 4-Poppy~Sale of VFW ............... ; ............ 4 -- Parade re9uest by St. Patrick s I)ay Comm ......................... 36 4- People's Natural Gas, Notice of Rate Changes ............................... ....................................................................... 43, 74, 181, 391, 443, 473 4 - Pluemer, Daniel J., settlement o£ claim ..................................... 44 4 - P & Z, re:copy of recent zoning amendments ........................ 44 4-P & Z, re denial of Sch tz Deve op Corp. for reclassification on property on Penn. & Donovan Dr from R-2 to C-2 ........................ 48 4 - Pennsylvania & Donovan Dr., re: rezon ng request by Schiltz ...... 48 ' 4 -- Park Dept., re: approval of chipper purchase ................................ 51 " 18 - Pries, Rev. Mark, appo nted to Human Rights Corem ................... 60 " 18 - Pautvein, Adele, request ambulance service stay as is .................. 62 Mar. 3 -- Pfaff, Robert A., Pres. of Nor thrange Ass ...................................... 68 " 10 - Police Officer Reduction, oppositions etc ....................................... 78 " 10 - Pillsbury Co., request Dock Office stay near that area...: ............. 79 " 10- Polsean, Alfred, opinion that prom scs at times of annexation not kept, speaks to CIP program ........................................................... ' 10- Police Dept. add $51,616 to budget ............................................... 82 ' 85 10 - Public Works D rector, Ord. Estab shing ...................................... 87 " 24 - Ph°ne A Friend Appreciation Day, Proclamation for 44_80 .......... 99 24 -- Patient, clarifying definition ........................................................... " 99 24- Powers Construction, re: erect canopy over Iron Kettle ............... 104 ' 24-Pihart, Lester J., Sec. of P & Z, approve Res. on open space pro. gram ..................................................................................... " 24- Palmer Drug Class C Beer Perm t 108 . 4-- 1 rakers Brewery, interest m Dock Off ee if moved ........... 117 24--PhlmbingBd.ofExaminersM nutes 117, 145, i'~i"~ 332, 376 " 24 - Police, against cutting force ......................................................... 118 " 24- Petorson, Jean E., d sappo nted n Council handling of Civic af fairs ........................................................................ 7- Person, definition clarifying ........................................................... 126 126 7-Pfiffner, Theodore, A., Notice of Suit, re: City's refusal to issue ambulance lie .................................................................................. 126 7--PI P armed Ind. & C-7 Comm. Districts, re: comm. ofP & Z sub- mitting prop. Ord. and Ord. adopting ............................................ 129, 163 7-Peterson, Elsi M., pet t on Council to establish garbage pick up once per week ....................................................................... 131 7 - Peep es Natura Gas, re: name change of Northern Natural Gas. Co. to InterNorth Inc ....................................................................... 145 7- Proof Of pub. of Statement of Receipts & Disbursements for 2-80. 146 " 28 ~ Prayer, Day of Repentance, Proclamation for 4_29 ........................ 148 ' 28- Plelmling, LUcile M., chdm .............................................................. 156 159 INDEX - BOOK 110 June July 1980 SUBJECT Page May 5-Pittsburgfl-Des Moines Steel Co.'s bid for $561 Miway Bridge approved by Courts ........................................................................ 163 5 -- Polsean. Al. objecting ~o expansion dne to additional traffic ....... 163 5-P & Z comm. recommending clarifying zoning of Center Sector property by an addendum relative to Nemmer's proper~y .......... 169 5--Playground & Rec. Comm. Minutes: ............................................. .................................... 29. 41k 75. 117. 145, 228. 277. 349, 376, 443. 472 5-Proof of Pub. of proof of claims & disbursements for month of March. 1980 .................................................................................... 183 5--Proof of publication, of Pub. Notice of Intent of Comm. Devel Comm. to file a request for Block Grant Funds for Radford Road Land Purchase, Comm. Block Grant Agreement applications for 5th and 6th Years ............................................................................ 182 19 - Peery, Sam. not support of Ind. Development on Nemmer's Pro- perky ................................................................................................ 188 19-Patrick. Linda. expressed worry about truck traffic on Cedar Cross Rd .......................................................................................... 188 19- Pyrsi. St. & University Ave., re: vacation of nearby alley ........... 194 19 -- Pinard St.. re: stopping northbound & southbound vehicles ........ 195 i9 - Planned Unit Development, re: reclassifying "Faldorfs PL". ...... 197 " 19- Palmer Drug, Cigarette License .................................................... 198 " 19- Petition of Dbq. Golf & Country Club, permission for fireworks display ............................................................................................. 201 " 19- Petition of Roberi J. Schulte Co. excavation at 2475 University Ave .................................................................................................. 201 19 -- Petition of Linda J. Ball, re: $25 cig. license refund ...................... 202 2 - Proof of pub. of Notice of P. hearing to amend Budget for FY '80 205 2 -- Parking Fund. re: 1980 Budget Amendment ................................. 207 2 -- Petition of John S. Sloan. re: Celebrity Block ............................... 209 2-Patricia Ann Acres, re: rezonmg from R-4 to R-2 ......................... 224, 258 2-- Petition of Edward M. Kruse et al requesting City Hall be left open on Sat. mormngs between 7 and no~n for restroom facili- ties for people on Market ............................................................... 226 2 -- Perkins Cake & Steak. Cigarette License ..................................... 227 2 - Proof of Pub. of Notices of Receipts & Expenditures etc. for 4-80 228 2--Petition of Dbq. Jaycees. re: fireworks display at Vet's Park for July 4 ............................................................................................... 228 2--Petition of James W. Herrig requesting closing Cooper St. for Block Party .................................................................................... 228 2 -- Proof of pub. of Notice of Intent to file a request from HUD for approved application for FY '80 Block Grant Funds ..................... 229 2 -- Printed Council Proceedings for months el Jan. & Feb.. 1980 ..... 299 16--Proof of pub. of Notice of Meeting to provide for issuance of $3,400,000 Corporate Purpose Bonds ............................................ 232 " 16-Phone-A-Friend. re: Purchase of Services Agreement $18.260. 234 " 16--Project Concern. Purchase of Services Agreement authorized. 235 " 16--Policemen's Union. re: Acceptance of Prop. Agreement be- tween City & Police Union ............................................................. 237 " 16 - Powers Pi. in City, approving plat ................................................. 241 " 16 -t?tition of Handicapped Persons, Inc., re: Handicapped Park ng s~gns ................................................................................................. 244 16- Parochette Eat.. Cigarette Permit ................................................ 245 16- Pride Service. Inc.. Cigarette Permits .......................................... 245 16--Ponderosa Steak House. Cigarette Permit ................................... 246 16 -- Pfohl. Becky, claim .......................................................................... 247 16 -- Petition of CROP Organization, re: hunger walk .......................... 251 3-Peosta Channel Bridge, construction & removal of old. authori- zation .............................................................................................. 255 3- Petition of St. Columbkifle's. re: closing of Grandview Fire Sra. tion ................................................................................................... 255 3-- Petition of Mrs. Orlin J. Conlon, re: Fire Station No. 5 ................ 255 7--Petition of Jim Houtz. requesting City to approve an "Induce menl Resolution for Industrial Bonds f. ................................. 271. 284. 285 7 -- Pratt Council Member. added to Dubuque In Future. Inc ........... 274 7--Petition of David Webber & Joseph McGinnis d/b/q Bistro re- questing transfer of Beer Permit from 951 Main to T.C.P ........... 275 7--Pusateri Peppe Pizza, Cigarette Permit ....................................... 276 INDEX -- BOOK 110 SUBJECT July 7-- Proof of pub. of List of Receipts & Expenditures for Mai .......... 7- Petition of K of C. re: Tootsie Roll Candy Drive .......................... 7--Paint Program Operation Paintbrush ......................................... 7-- Proof el pub. of Notice el Finding of No Significant Effect on th~ Environment for: Removal of Arch. Barriers tlSth St. Fire Sra. non: St. Mary's St. l)l'ainage Pcoiect. TrLState [udependcnt Blind Society Energy Censer. Project~ .......................................... 7-Petition of I)AV Auxiliary, re: Forget Me Not Drive ................... 7 Petithm of Don I). Junk. re: vacation el portion of Disney St ....... 21-- Petition of Para Edah] re: West 1 ! th St. Neigh borhood ............. 21 -- Parking meter replacements, re: procedures ................................ 21 --Parking ramps, re: height adjustments ......................................... 21- Printing, publish, re: a]lowing in (:-4 district ................................. " 21 - Petition (verbal) of C.M. Brady, re: motorcycle ~ moped parking 21--Parklns Mildred M.. c a m ................... " 21-Petition of I.W. I [fait of American Diabetes Assn.. re: Bike Ride ................................................................................................. " 21--Population. re: preliminary census figures ................................... Aug. 4- Petition of Attorney Ilugbes. re: C 7 District Establishment ..... 4~-Polsean. re: Crescent Ridge Problems .......................................... 4- Painting of trim & doors of City HaIL bidding procedures ........... 4-Plymouth Ct. ~ Prince Phillip Dr,, re: reconstruct intersection. re: within acceptance el plat. of Twin Sisters Sub ....................... 4- Ptaszenski, Robert J. chdm .......................................................... 4 Pool. Municipal, re: claim el Mary Shears ................................... 4 -- Petition of Jack Jones & Sons, re: excavating at 96 Alpine St ..... 4-Petition el Robert J. Schultc. re: excavating at 796 Alpine St 4--Pools. MPnicipa] & Flora Park. re: repor~ ny Ia. State I)ep~. of Health on conditions ....................................................................... 18-Prouf of pub. of Notice el P. Hearing of intention to Issue Ind. Development Rev. Bonds (CyCarc Sys£ems Inc. Project~ ............ 18- Principal permitted uses. C-7 General Scl'vice ~ Wholesale Dis trier .................................................................................................. 18 -- Printing, publishing as a ~rincipa] permitted usc in a C-4 Gener~ al Comm. I)istrmt ............................................................................ 18- Petition of Riverside Tractor Tra3er Co.. re: leasing City pro pertj ................................................................................................ - 18-Proof of Pub. of List of Expenditures & lteceipts and list of claims for June. Advising of Intent to file a request for release of Block Grant funds for 4th St. Peninsula Storm l)rain Project; Advising of Intent to file a request for release of Block Gran~ funds for "Operation Paintbrush - 18-Petitio~ of Dubuque Kiwanis Club requesting to conducl Kiwanis Kid's Day Peanut Sale ..................................................... 18- Peanut Sine. request of Dubuque Kiwanis Club .......................... 21 Proclamation proclaiming week of Sept. I 6 tis "Union Label Week." ............................................................................................. Sept. 2--Proclamation proclaiming Sept. 4 Nov. 15 as "United Way Cam- paign Time.". ................................................................................... 2--Petition of Staff Eoordinator of l)ubuqueFest '80 relluest~ng to address thc Eounci] regarding the ch)sing of Main St .................. 2-- Proof of pub. of Notie, of Opportunity fl~r P. ltearing on design of Northwest Arterial .................................................................... 2 Putchio. Charbls. objection to sewer rate increase ....................... 2--Polsean. Al. of opinion Citj should not annex what they can't provide with sewer services ........................................................... Subd. to City ................................................................................... 2- Powers. Phihp A. & Martha A. conveyance of deliw~ry of war ranty deed properlff iii Asbury Springs Sub. to City of Dubu- 2 Polsean. A. re: petition answered by City Mgr. ........................... 15 - Pnlscan. Al. against truck traIfic on Nemmcr's l'roperw ............ 15--Peery, Sam. blind corner problem on Nemmcr's prop. should be dealt with first ................................................................................ 15 Patrick, Dr, John opposing further indus, devc], of Ncmmer's prop.. POM Ind., re: their parking meter advantages ................. 277 277 278. 279 282 281 281 286 286 291 292 294 296 297 298 301 303 303 306 309 309 399 309 309 311 317 325 327 333 333 333 336 338 340 34(I 342 346 346 347 350 355 355 358 INDEX - BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Sept. 15 .-- P & Z approve final plat of"Meadow Acres" for Althaus/Seippel " lb--Patters, Mary, claim ............................ . .... ' i5--P mng, Luce, dena of personal injury claim ........................ ' 15- P & Z, re: amendments to Zoning Ordinances ............................. Oct. 6-Pleiness, Robert C., Invocat on ...................................................... 6-Productivity Improvement Week, Proclamation for Oct. 6-12. 6-. Petitions by Mr. Bud Ross, re: Drug Paraphernalia Ord .............. 6 - Pfohl Place, A.C., re: Acceptance of Warranty Deed by City ...... 6 - Pizza Hut, Class "B' Beer Permit .............. 6- Ptaszenski, Robert J., denial of claim ............................................ 6--I'ER Bd, re: decision on Prohibitive Practice Complaint ........... 6-PER Bd., no change of cert f cat on regarding representation of Int. Union of Operating Engrgs ..................................................... 6- Pries, Rev. Mark, resignation from Human Rights Comm ........... 20- P & Z, re: rezoning of Clin-Que Sub. from C-3 to C-7 ..................... 20 ~ P & Z, re: deny zoning request of Char es McDermott ................. 20-PlumbingCode, rcvisionsetc ....... ,',";F'"'": ................. 389, 393, 416, 20--Parochett Enterpr scs, Inc. Class C Beer & Liquor License. 20- Parkings, Mildred M., settlement of claim ................................. 20- Parker, Wm. R. $75 refund on cigarette license ............................ 20--P & Z, re: HRW Associates request for waiver of Preliminar Plan Conditions for dFK Hillcrest Shopping Center .................. ~ 3- Pfohl Place, A.C., re: Approval of Owner Cer ti£ieate ................... Page 359 363 363 364 367 367 37O 372 375 377 377 377 377 388 388 437 390 391 391 Nov. 391 895 3- Printed Council Proceedings for May & June ............................... 410 t - 1 otter, 1 rank It., Passing Score m Fire Promotmna Exam ......... 410 ' 17-Paraphernalia Ordinance, re: Corp. Counsel communication, ere ........................................ 41 "17-Priebe, Rory, formerdruguseri'~'~'i~i~'~'~t' ........................ 6, 441, 445 " 416 17 Pohce/Flre Combined Emergency Com~.Center ........................ 421 ' 17- P & Z approving plats in M.L. 494 & Lot 1 of 2 of 1 of "Colonial PI. and Jaeger Hgts. Sub. No. 2 ..................... ~ ................. 421 " 17-p & Z approvngpat of Sub, of Lot 6, BIock6in Sherwood Park." , .................... " ' .................................................................. ; ..... 423 17 -- Pfohl, re: sewer extension for property on Asbury ...................... 426 Dec. 8- Pre-Design Project Agreement, re: Kerper Bird ......................... 429 8-Policemen, re: Ordinance prohibiting interference with same. 430 8 - Police, re: purchase of portable radios ........................................... 431 8- Pawnbroker's, re: Ordinance ................. 8 Plumbm's Unio- ..... ' ............................ 431 - ' -, re: ~mnorm Code should be used .................... 437 8-~ Parking meters, purchase of add tona[ 400 .................................. 443 8-Petltion of West Side Bus. & Profess. Association, re: disap- proval of requiring raised median on Kennedy Rd. as condition of approval of C~6 zoning. .; ~- Plnmbing Board Minutes of 10-30 .................................................. 443 ~-' tP,~J~ fi~dr, er.'2~r~ttlProgram & Sewers ......................... 443 466 - ' g . 'g 'onofDr. Cieeiarelli ................. 471 INDEX -- BOOK 110 Jan. .................................................................... 271. 303 INDEX -- BOOK 110 [980 SUBJECT Page Jan. 7 - Russo, Romolo N., apptd. Corporation Counsel for 1980 ................ 1 7 -- Ryan, Ed, reports, re: 4th Street Peninsula .................................... 5 7--Rchman John C are£tePermt 7- River (Great River Environmental Action Teaml, re: upper Mis- sissippi River problems and meeungs set up ................................. 8 7- Rights of Redemption, Notice of Expiration of same from tax sale on Lots 57 and 58 in Bellevue Addn ................. 9 7 - Robinson, Robert R., Refund Request of $30 for unexpired Cigar- ette Permit ...................................................................................... 9 22--Rehab. Program, re: authorization of City Mgr. to approve Sec- tion 321 Rehab. Loans. 14 ' 22 - Ryan Bldg. demolition request permit for garage at 1375 Locust. 18 22 -- Rental Space Agreement, re: Fischer Building .............................. 19 " 22-- Radford Industrial Center Land Acquisition, re: confirmauon of final acquisition award and Federal Aid Requirement .................. 20 ' 22-- Right-of-way Assurance for federalaid prelects ............................ 22 22--Rub[e. Marie E., property approved by P & Z in Mosalem Town- ship ............................................................. : ........................... 25 22- Rosenwe g, re: Ord. vacating portion of 20 alley ............................ 27 22 -- Rarer th, re: Ordinance vacating portion of 20' alley ....................... 27 22 -- Richter, Geraldine D. Class "C' Beer & L'quor L~cense ............... 28 22--Recreation Commission Minutes: 12-10-79: 12-18-79:1 I4: 2-11. .................................... 29. 43. 7,5. 117. 145. 228. 277. 349, 376. 443. 472 2 - Radlord Road, re: car damage c a m of Leonard Oswald ................ 29 3(I-Railroads, discussion in connection with Project No. 561 (IDOTI 31 Feb. 4 Rosenweig, Duane, re: vacation between King & Broadway St 33 4-Rafoth, Russell & Eleanor, re: vacation ~)f alley between King & Broadway Sts .................................................................................. 34 4- Radford Road Industrial Project, re: Mgr.'s resolution as part of process ~o gain Comm. Dev. Block Grant Funds for purchase of ]and. ................................................................................................. 39. 40 4- Rebab. Commission, re: resignation of Ben Miehe, Elaine Kauf- man ~ R,M. Struh 18--P~development Proposals, re: downtown Urban Renewal Pro- ject ................................................................................................... 49 [8 -- R.N. Russo, contlnuation cer [if[cato of official bond .............. 52 18-- Revenue Sharing Funds, re: Public Hrg. Date ............................... 53 18 -- Rockdale Rd., re: Jaeger Burke Ph approved by P & Z .................. 59 18- Redalen, Rick. appointed to Human Rights Corem ........................ 59 18 -- Riverboat Museum Comm. submimng Minutes: 1-17 ................... 62 [8 - Riecb~nann. Kay, claim .................................................................... 62 3- Rossiter. Paul, re: naming of Chaplain Schmitt MemoriaI Park & Admiral Sheehy Dr ................ 65 3 - Rad ford Rd. [nd. Park Land Purchase, re: Finding of No Signifi- cant Effect ere. and filing of application fl)r Ioa~ guarantee ........... 65, 153 3- Ra loth. E., re: conveyance of prop.in Key Knolls Sub .................... 69. 70 3-- River l, rom Sub., re: conveying land from ThermoKing Sales to City .................................................................................................. 72 3-Ba3roads. re: DOT, re: Negotiating right-of-way between them & utilities ....................................................................................... 75 3 ~ Rece pts& D sbursements, Jan. proof of publ ............................... 76 3 -- Revenue Sbaring monies, re: usage ............................................... 77. 181 l0 - Reid, Terry. petition against closing Fire St. No. 5 ........................ 78 tO -- Rotb. Wm.. request Council Meetings be held at Five Flags ......... 82 " 24--Restricted Residential District. re: declaring them to be null & void. 24- -Rockda]c Rd. re: request of ttancock's tn vacate portion of right- 10 Resurrection Church, petition for extension of Sanitary Sewer. 102 24- Rick, Randall Rd.. Cigarette License, Class 'C" Beer & Liquor License ............ . ' ................................................................................ 116 24-- Riverside Bowl, question wisdom of moving Dock Office ............. 118 4 -- Regan, [ orr~e E., letter of rejeet~on/apprec at,on for C ty C erk position '" · ............ 122 Mar. INDEX -- BOOK 110 198(I SUBJECT Page Apr. 7 Roof & Gutter Froject tbr City HalI, Resolutions, c~e ........... 132. 133. 170 " 7 Radford Rd., re:~ e[ease of funds lbr and purchase ................... 138 " 21-Rooks. Jim, presentation on Nature Center 148 21 Raven 0ak~ Apts., IIUD submitting Sec. 8 Pre Proposal ............ 148 21 - Bchabi]itatior Ix)ar & Gram Frogram in C.D. Project Area. re: , funds ........................ 21 Rhomberg, Jack, re: submission of gift of parcel of land on east side of Hill St. .. ' ................................... .,.....-.., ............. 154 358 3§9. 369 21--Resnrrecuon Men s Service Cub. (, ass 'B" Beer Permit for McAleece Field ............... 21 Run for Dubuque request by Rec. Corem ........ ' ........ 155 21--Radford lndnstrial Center endorsed by Dbq. Federatio~ ol Labor ............................................ 4 ..................................................156 May 5-- Russet[, Larry, objecting to Il[Il St. assessments 159 " 5- Reilly, I)anie] J re: objecting to PI zoning of Cedar Cross area. 159 5- Rooks, James D. re: objecting to PI zoning of Cedar Cross area 159 5--Rowiey Iuh, rstate ~ I)bq. Packing (Jo.. re: I'etition of Hardie 5-- Rusch, Reinhardt R,, denial of personal injury chdm .................... 182 " 19--Reilly, Dan. for res[den[ia rather khan ind. develop, of 19--Rnoks. Jim. re: preservation el (,athsh Greek. letter red by Kerin Moldenhaucr. 19-Rehau. Comm.. re: Ann Scbroeder as liason member to CD Comm. 19-Biverside Bowl, Cigarette License. Cb[ss "C' Beer & Liquor License ................................................. 19- Robert s Food Service, Ciffarette License ................. 199 2- Refrigeration, re: Governing ()rd ......... 217 2-- R & 8 Enterprises, Inc.. Cigarette License. ................................ 226 2-Ruegnltz Drugs, (,Iff rette Lleenst Rick, R,md,dl, C~garette Incense ................................................... 227 2- Roeth, Delores E., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .................... 227 2-Russ, Carl F. ~z Irene, Suit because of run-off ay Clarke Cresl Estates. 16--Radford Rd.. re: nearby zoning change request from AG to C-2. 242. 262 16- Rehab. Comm. appointment of Wm. Rih~y Waugh ....................... 244 16- Ring, Richard, Cigareae Permit. 245 16- Regal 8 Inn, Cigarette Permit. 245 16--Rumphf's, J.W., Cigarette Permil .................. 246 " 16--Reds[one. The. Cigarette Permit. Class "C' Beer & Liquor License. 16 Roeth,?olores, Cigarette Permit ............................................. 246. 832 16-Road Extension Maintenance Agreement. re: approval to sign 246 July 7- · ' . .................. 251 R, dfc d Inc Cent r, re. accept ncc o Agreement to purchase 7 Resurrection .... : .......... : .......................................... '~ ..................... 237. 359 Men s Ncrwee Club, re: refum] request .................. 277 2 Ra itora, I)ennis. rt,: opinion on Inl nd Mohtsses PI. possible zen ...................................................................................... 831 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Sqpt. , ' · 2 -- Randall s transfer of Beer Permit, Issuance ............................ 348. 349 · 2- Ryan, Marguerite B. claim ............................................................ 349 15-- Respect Life Week, proclamation of Oct. 5 thru Oct. 12 ............... 33I 15-Reihle. Dolores, appointed to Civil Service Comm ....................... 361 15- Rehab. Comm., re: conduct study .................................................. 362 I5- Roerig, Karen & Michael. re: objection to sewage rate increase. 364 " 15-Rock Island Dis. Corps of Engineers, re: master Planning Pro- cess report for Pool 11.. · ..... 364 Oct. 6--Reisner. Helen. Proclamauon for National School Lunch Week received by same ............................................................................ 367 6-- Ross. Bud. re: petitions for Drug Paraphernalia Ordinance ......... 370 6-- Radford Industrial Center Project, re: consulting Engineer ....... 372 6 - Russed, Charles. $61.80 car damage claim .................................... 376 6- Rev. Sharing Funds, proof of puN. of Notice of P. Hearing ......... 377 3--Russo, re: appeals of Police Dfficers C. Kunau & Richard Hah- ten.... ......................................................................... 393 3--Re h e. Do ores. Cha rperson of Civil Service Comm., re: Sub~ mission of Results of Fire Promotioltal Exams ............................. 410 17-Roller Skate Ord ........................................................... 418 7-- Renta lions ng, re: Ordnance ....................................................... 421 17--Reynolds, Rex. re: progress report on new Cable TV Franchise. 424 17- Ray, Rev. James. appointed to Human Rights Comm .................. 424 17- Revco Discount Drug Stores, Cigarette License ......................... 424 17- Rehab Commission (Housingl Minutes of 10-2 .............................. 428 17--Resurrection, re: sewer extension for prop. on Asbury ............... 426 8- Radford Industrial Center, re: contract for Engineering Service 429 8- Radios, portable purchased for Police ........................................... 431 8-Rhomberg, Anthony & Mary Lonergan, re: acceptance by City of gift of Hill St. property, e[c ........................................................ 437 8-Roof & Gutter System, City Hall, re: final est. & accepting provement ................................................................................ 439 8- Revo Discount Drug Centers of Ia.. Inc. Class "C" Beer Permit. 442 8- Richman. John, Class "C' Beer & Liquor License ........................ 442 22--Rogers, Bob, support of Drug Ord ................................................. 445 22- Rental Housing, Licensing Fee, Ord. final adopted ...................... 465 22 - Rehab. Comm. appointment of James Miller ................................ 471 22~Riedl, Richard. reappointed to IIuman Rights Comm .................. 471 22--Reiter. Robert M. claim ................................................................. 473 22--Riniker. Michael J. Certified applicant for Automotive Mechanic. ........................................................................................ 473 NOV¸ Dec. INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page · Jan. 7 Resolution No. L80 Providing for thc appointment of a City Manager, City Clerk, Deputy City Clerk, Corporation Counsel, City Sol'c'tor. and Assistant City Solicitor, providing for their bonds and fixing their salaries ........................................................ 7--Resolution No. 2 80 Designating the. Official Newspaper of the CityofDubm ue I w 7-Resolution No. 3 80 l)emgnating American Trust & Savings Bank, Dubuque Bank & Trusl Co., First National Bank ot Dubu- que amt Key City Bank & Trust Co. as depositories for year of 1980. 7- Resolution No. 4~8i1 Establishing the Position of Events Coordi- nator for the Five Flags Civic Center· .. 7-Resolution No. 5~80 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Envi- ronmental Review Findings for Certain Community Develop- menr Block Grant Project .............. . ............................. 7--Res tion N . 6~80 Authm. z ng de ivery of Warranty Deed by Weaver Enterprises, Ltd., and authorizing City Clerk to record sa d Warranty Deed ........... -Reso u.on No. Cigarette Papers to John Riahman and Bob Spiegel ...................... 7- Resoluthm No. 8-80 Approving t Class "B" Be r Permit Lo Loca 94,~ UAW ........................................ ~ . '; ..................... ?--B. esolution No. 9 80 Apl)roving a Class (,' Beer and Liquor License issued m Pusateri Bros., David a. Ungs, Paul Seholl- meyer, Robert p. Spiegelhalter, and Corner's ................................ 18- Resolution No. 10~80 A uthomzing Issuance of Class "C" Beer and Liquor License to Go[den Property Corporation, 2120 Dniversity 22--Resohltlon No 11-80 Auflmrlzing Execution of an "Agreement 1ur Public Body Approval of Se~ Lion 312 Rehabilitation Loans," and Designating an OIficial Authomzed to Approve Such Loans on Behalf of the Pu bile Body 22--Resolution No. 12-80 Authorizing the Ex mutnm of Lease Exten stuns lbr Suites 48{t and 411 in the Fischer Building ....................... 22- Resolution Nn 13 80 Providing for the initiation of proceedings ~o acquire certain herenlafter described real estate for industrial development put ms 22-Res Ilutlon No. 14-80 Resolution for ~xectltl n of Design Con tract lot North West Arterial Road .. . 22--Resolution No. 5 80 Authorizing adoptmn of amendments/sup plcments of Code of Ordimmces ...................................................... 22--Resolution No. 16-80 rdative to Final Estimate and Contract for the Water Treatment Plant Expansmn & Water Plant Solids Handling etc ................................................................................ 22-Resolution Nc}. 17 80 Accepting Improvement for thc construe tion and expansion of Water Treatment Plant and Water Plant Solids Handling Fac3ities 22--Resolution No. 18 811 Approving right of-way assurance state- mere. lot federal aid projects ........................................................ 22 Resulut~on No. 1980 Authorzing the Mayor to Execute an Agreement with the Iowa Department of Transportation on Issues Rehttivc to tile Freeway 581 Bridge ..... " 22-Resolution No. 20-80 Approving the Plat of the Suhdivlsion of Lot l ~f Lot I ol I,ot I of Northeast One Quarter of Southeast One Quarter, Section 8, Township 89 North, Range 2 East of 5th Prim!ipal Meridian and the Subdivmnm o/Lot l of Lot 1, Except the East 20 leer al S uth l 2 Feet, of Northwest One Quarter of Southeast Om>Quarter, Section 8, Township 89 North, Range 2 East f 5th I pa Merldnm. Each being in 1)nbuque Town ship, l)nbuque County, Iowa .......................................................... 22-. Res nuuon No. 21 80 Approving the plat of the Subd. of the Southwest One-Quarter o[ Southeast Dne-Quarter, Section 6, Township 88 North. Ratine 2 East of 5th Prin. Meridian; and of the Subd. of Lot I r)f Lot 1 of Southeast One Quarter of South- S{ (tlon I, 1 ownsh p 88 North, Rt nge 3 1, asr 2 5 7 7 11 14 19 20 21 21 22 22 22 23 24 INDEX - BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page of 5th Principal Meridian; and of the Subd. of the Northeast One-Quarter of Northwest One-Quarter, Section 7, Township 88 North, Range 3 East of 5th Principal Meridian, Each being in Mosalem Township, Dubuque County, Iowa ................................. 22-Resolution No. 22-80 Authorizing sale of Cigarettes for Robert W. Wagner, 2600 Dodge St ................... : ........................................ " 22-Resolution No. 23-80 Authorizing Class "B" Beer Permit for JFK Past Food Inc. (also Sunday Sales) 2075 John F. Kennedy Road; Class "C" Beer Permit for Beverly R. Miller (Also Sunday Sales - 260 Southern Ave.); Robert W. Wagner (also Sunday sales) 2600 Dodge St,; and TFM Co. (also Sunday Sales) 51 West 32nd St ............................................................................................. " 22-Resolution No. 24~80 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" (Hotel- Motel) Beer and Liquor License to Inns of Iowa, Ltd., 3434 Dodge, and Class "C" (Commercial Beer and Liquor License to Marie B. Becker, 206 W. 3rd; Josephine Burke - 1445 Central; TFM Co. 1236 Iowa St., Kress Ltd., 1701 Asbury ......................... Feb. 4-Resolution No. 25-80 Authorizing execution of the Agreement pertaining to the Assistance Application with the Urban Mass Transportation Administration ..................................................... 4-Resolution No. 26-80 Authorizing disposal of Lots 9-A, 20-A, 21~A and 21-B in King's Grove Addition in the City of Dubuque, to Duane C. Rosenweig, Russell and Eleanor Rafoth, and Willard W. Magson ......................................................................... 4- Resolution No. 27-80 Designating as Historically and Architec- turally Significant the Property Hereinafter Described, 409 Bluff Street ..................................................................................... 4-Resolution No. 28-80 Direction to repeal Cost of Living proposal 4-Resolution No. 29~80 Authorizing publication of Notice of Envi- ronmental Review Findings for Certain Community Develop~ ment Block Grant Project .............................................................. 4-Resolution No. 30-80 Authorizing Submission of a Request for Release of Funds for Certain Community Development Block Grant Projects ................................................................................ 4 - Resolution No. 31-80 Authorizing issuance of cigarettes and cig- arette papers, to Target Store Inc., Warren Mall, Richa?d Win- sor& James Clark, 253 Main St ..................................................... 4 - Resolution No. 32-80 Granting of Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License to Dorothy Shaffer (Sun. Sales) 1103 Iowa; Rita Clancy, 201 E. 22nd; Lorraine A. Fransen, 1100 Lincoln Ave ...... 18 - Resolution No. 33-80 Authorizing the Solicitation of Formal Pro- posals for Designation as Developer for Certain Land in the Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15 ............................. 18--Resolution No. 34-80 Authorizing Acceptance of a Planning Ser- vices Agreement with Barton-Aschmann Associates .................. " 18 -- Resolution No. 35-80 Authorizing publication of Notice of Avail- ability for Public Inspection Certain Community Development Block Grant Documents ................................................................. " 18--Resolution No. 36-80 Authorizes the Northeast Iowa Crime Commission to act in its behalf in criminal justice planning, sub- mitring applications for federal and state funds, administering training programs and administering grant funded programs for the years 1980, 1981 and 1982 and any future years ............... " 18--ResoIution No. 37-80 setting the date of Public Hearing on the Fiscal Year 1981 Budget for the City of Dubuque ......................... " 18- Resolution No. 38-80 Setting the Date of Public Hearing on the Five Year Capital Improvement Program .................................... 18- Resolution No. 39-80 Setting the Date of Public Hearing on the Use of Revenue Sharing Funds included in the Fiscal Year 1981 Budget for the City of Dubuque ..................................................... " 18- Resolution No. 40-80 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Public Hearing for the Purpose of Amending the Community Develop- ment Block Grant Budget for Fiscal Year 1980 ............................. " 18- Resolution No. 41-80 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Public Hearing for the Use of Community Development Block Grant Funds in Fiscal Year 1981 ............................................................... 25 28 28 28 33 34 35 36 39 40 41 43 48 50 51 52 53 53 54 55 INDEX BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Feb. 18--Resolutlon No. 42 80 I)csignating 24 Acres of I,and on Harem Island South nfl he 561 Mississippi River Bridge for Recreation- al/Park or Commercial Recreation (i.e. Hotel Motel. Commercial Campgrounds) Purposes ................................................................ 66 18 - Resolution No. 43-80 Determination of final cost of construction of Engine House #3 32nd & Central. Dubuque. Iowa. with M.P. Kluck & Son Inc. P,O. Box 1045. Highway 20 West. Dubuque, Ia~ - determination of cos; is $374.441.009. and shall be paid frmn the Community Development Fund of the City of Dubuque ........ 57 18 Resolution No. 44 80 Accepting Improvement for Engine ttouse #3 at 32nd and Central ................................................................ 57 18- Resolution No. 45-80 Prefiminary approval for furnishing and in- stalling furniture and equipment in the Carnegie-Stout Library, in the estimated amount of $266.000 .............................................. 57 18-Resolution No. 46 80 Necessity for Improvement - for the fur- nishing and installing library furniture and equipment in Car- negro Stout Library ........................................................................ 58 18--Resolution No. 47 80 Fixing Date of Hearing for anyone to make objection to the proposed plans and specifications and proposed form of contract, to the cost of the nnprovemen~ and the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to cause a notice of the time and place of such hearing ................................................................ 58 " 18-Resolution No. 48 80 Approving the Plat of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Lot 24 of Oak Grove Addition ill the City of Dubuque. Iowa ........ 58 " 18-- Resolution No. 49-80 Approving thc phtt of the Subd. of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 3 of the Southeast One-Quarter, Section 12. Town- ship 88 North. Range 2 East of 5th Principal Meridian. Being in Table Mound Township, Dubuque County, Iowa .......................... 59 " 18- Resolution No. ~0-80 Approving Plat of the Subd. of Lot 2 of Lot l of Colonial Phtcc in Table Mound Township, Dubuque County, Iowa. Now ill thc City of l)ubuque. Iowa: and of the Subd. of Lot I of Mineral Lo~ 494 in Northwest ()ne Quar;er, Section 1. Township 88 North. Range 2 East of 5th Principal Meridian. Being in Table Mound Township, Dubuque County, Iowa, Now in the City of Dubuque, Iowa .......................................................... 5Il 18-Resolution No. 51 80 Granting permit tn sell Cigarettes & Cigarette Papers to Theisen's Store. 2900 Dodge St .................... 61 18-Resolution No. 5280 Granting Class "C' Beer Permit to Thomas E. Kessler 1993 Asbury Rd., Theodore J. & Gcorgm A Heinz 1278 Central Ave. ant TFM Corporation 1545 S Grandview Ave .............................................................................. 60 18--Resolution No 53-80 Granting Class "C" /Commercial) Beer az Liquor License to William "Tony" Urbain 2186 CentraL. Gerald C. Kirchberg. 3203 Jackson St.. Thc Apartments Ltd.. Kennedy Mall ................................................................................................ 60 Mar 3 Resolution No. 54-80 Approving the Plat of "Northrange Park No. 2" in thc City of Dubuque. Iowa .............................................. 67. 68 3--Resolution No. 55-80 Accepting delivery of Warranty Deed by Richard V. & Charlene L. Hansel and Woodrow H, & Henrietta Wcnkstern. ~ Eleanor J. Rafoth. conveying proper~y in Block 21-A in Key Knolls Subdivision ...................................................... 68. 69 3-Resolution No. 56 80 Accepting delivery of Warranty Deed by Richard V. & Charlene L. Itansel & Woodrow H. m Henrietta Wenkstern. & Eleanor J. Rafoth. conw~ylng property in Block 21-A in Key Knolls Subdivision ...................................................... va 3--Resolution No. 57 80 Accepting of Warranty Deed by Richard V. ~ Charlene L. Hansel conveying to City o1 Dubuque, real estate in Block 22 in Key Knolls Sub ............................................. 70 3-Resolution No. 58 80 Accepting of Warranty Deed by Richard V. m Charlene L. Itansel & Woodrow H. ~ Henrietta Wenk- stern. ~ Eleanor J. Rafoth. conveying property to City o/Dubu- que, in Key Knolls Subdivision ...................................................... 71 3- Resolution No. 59 80 Accepting quit Claim Deed by Thermo- King Sales & Services Inc. to thc City of Dubuque, of part of River Front Sub.. along with affidavit ........................................... 72 3-- Resolutmn No. 60 80 Approving issuance of Class "C" Beer Per mit to Luck3 Stores. Brian J. Vincent. Will Co., Inc ..................... 73 INDEX - BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Mar. 3 - Resolution No. 6180 Approving issuance of Class "C" (Commer- cial) Beer & Liquor License to Fraternal Order of Eagles #568, James Robert Winders, Junnies Lounge, Ltd., K.C.&S. Co., Inc. 73, 74 ' I0-Resolution No. 62-80 Approving execution and delivery of Quit Claim Deed conveying Lots 8 and 9 in Block 1 in River Front Sub. No. 5 to K]auer Mfg ................................................................ 82 ' 11- Resolution No. 63-80 Termination of Youth Services Bureau ...... 88 " Il--Resolution No. 64-80 Adoption of Five Year Capital Improve- ment Program ................................................................................. 94, 95 " 11 -Resolution No. 6,5-80 Adopting the Annual Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1981 ............................................................. 95 12- Resolution No. 66~80 Authorizing the Execution of a Memoran- dum of Agreement with Dubuque Building Limited.., ................ 96 " 24- Resolution No. 67-80 That Resolution No. 119-79 adopted by the City Council on May 21, 1979 establishing the Ambulance Study Task Forceand Resolution No. 241-79 adopted by the City Coun- cil on Sept. 17, 1979 both be and the same are hereby repealed, and the existence of the said Task Force is hereby terminated. 99 " 24--Resolution No. 68-80 Hereby Agreeing to accept the sum of $325.00 from Mr. Merlin Kruser for payment as the correct amount for demolition work heretofore referred and performed on Lot 161, Belmont Addn .............................................................. 102 24-Resolution No. 69-80 Authorizing the Filing of An Application for a Community Development Block Grant ................................. 102 ' 24 - Resolution No. 7080 Authorizing the Filing of an Amendment to the Fiscal Year 1980 Application for a Community Develop- ment Block Grant for the City of Dubuque .................................... 103 " 24 - Resolution No. 71-80 Authorizing the execution of an agreement with Lyle J. Sumek to provide the City of Dubuque with an organization development/training program ................................ 103 " 24-Resolution No. 72-80 Accepting delivery of Warranty Deed relative to property from Hillcrest Associates, for widening of J.F.K. Road project ......................................................................... 104 " 24 -- Resolution No. 73-80 Approving the Plat of Lot 2 of Lot i of Lot 2 of Westview Shopping Center Place Except the South 150' of the East 300' of Lot I of Lot 2 of Westview Shopping Center Place. 106 ' 24-Resolution No. 74-80 Approving the Plat of the Subdivision of Lot 1 of Lot I of the East 291.8' of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of the South- east One-Quarter of the Southeast One-Quarter of Section 21 Township 89 North, Range 2 East, 5th Principal Meridian in the City of Dubuque, Iowa .................................................................... 106 ' 24-:Resolution No. 75-80 Approving the Plat of the Subdivision of the North 21'4" of Lot 612, and the South 43'4" of Lot 613, in the Origblal Town of Dubuque, Iowa, hereinaRer known as Lots 1 and 2 of Gooperhead Place in the City of Dubuque, Iowa ............. 107 ' 24-Resolution of the Planning and Zoning Commission, re: Open Space Plan. ....................................................................................... 107, 108 " 24-.Resolution No. 76-80 Authorizing designation of Harem Island as Chaplain Scbmitt Memorial Island and road through area as Admiral Sheehy Drive .................................................................... 109 " 24- Resolution No. 77-80 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Engineering Service Agreement for Remodeling of the 18th Street Fire Station ......................................................................... 109 " 24-Resolution No. 46.80 Necessity for IMprovement for the fur- nishing & installing of library furniture and equipment at Car- · negie Stout, Record of Final Adopt ............................................... 110 " 24--Resolution No. 7980 Ordering Construction for library furni- ture & equipment ............................................................................ 111 " 24 -ResoluGon No. 80-80 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specs.; .................................................................................... 111 " 24 -- Resolution No, 81-80 Awarding Contract, re: library furnishings 112 ' 24-- Resolution No. 82~80 Awarding Contract; re: library furnlshlngs 112 " 24- Resolution No. 8380 Awarding Contract, re:library furnishings 113 " 24-. Resolution No. 8480 Awarding Contract~ re: llbrary furnishings 113 24- Resolution No. 85 80 Awarding Contract, re: library furnishings 114 " 24- Resolution No. 86-80 Awarding Contract, re: library furnishings 114 INDEX -- BOOK 110 ~980 S11BJECq Page Mar. 24-Resolution of Governing Body of Applicant No. 8780 Authoriz- ing Filing of Application with the Economic Development Ad- ministration, U.S. Department of Commerce, United States of America~ for a Grant Under the Terms of Public Law 89-136, as Amended ......................................................................................... 114, 115 " 24-Resolution No. 8880 Authorizing the Filing of an Application for Forty-Five Chits to be Le~tsed in the Section 8 Existing ftousing Program ........................................................................... 115 ' 24--Resolution No. 89-86 Granting permit fur sale of cigarettes to Jack W. N0onan, Randall R. Rk:k, Michael ti. Weber ................... 116 " 24 Resolution No. 9080 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit - Richard Winsor, St. Patrick's Parish Corp., Dubuque Jaycees, Gary Niclson & Dwaine D. B~wman and John G. Brehm; and Class "C" Beer Permit to LaVern Nicholas Hcnnen, Earl Schumacher, Palmer Drug Co ............................................... 116 " 2d--Resolution No. 9186 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Com- mercial Beer & Liquor License to Randall R. Rick & Michael B. Weber, John W. Noonan, Pgmald Fens, Dubuque Yacht Basin, Inc..: .................................................................................................116 " 25--Resolution No. 92 80 A Resolution Declaring the Intent t0 Enter into a Developer Designation Agreement for the Downtown Ur ban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15 .................................................... 120 Apr. 7-Resolution No. 93 80 A Resolution Directing the City Clerk to transmit petition for change in government to the Commis- sioner of Elections ........................................................................... 124 7-Resolution No. 9480 A uthorizing the City of l)uhuquc to apply Dr $166,704 to be used for operating assistance for the Transit Dept ...................................................................................... 125 7-Reso ut on No. 95 80 Authorizing the sah! of Certain Real Pro perty ()wired by the City of l)ubuque, with the Cnndition that Said Real Property will be Rehabilitated in Accordance with the Property Rehabilit~ttion Standards of the Hill Neighborhood Improvement Plan .......................................................................... 127 7--Resolution No. 86-80 PreSminary Estimate in the amount, of $66,000.00 for construction of new Roof & Butter System for City tiall .............................................................. ; ...................... 7 --Resolution No. 97-80 Necessity for Improvement for New Roof & Gutter for City llall .................................................................... 132, 170 7- Resolution No. 98-80 Fixing Date of ltearing, re: Roof & Gutter for City Hall .................................................................................... 138 7- Resolution No. 9986 Approval of Preliminary Estimate, in the Amount or $42,614.21 lbr construction of 18th, 7th and Dell Street Steps .................................................................................... 133 7-Reso]utlon No. 100-80 Necessity for I~nprovcment, re: 18th, 7th and Dell Street Steps ...................................................................... 133, 172 7--Resolution No. I01 8(I Fixing Date of ttcaring, re: construction of 18th, 7th and I)e]l Street Steps .................................................. 134 7 Resolution No. 162-80 Approval of the City of l)ubuque 1980 Asphalt Paving Project Nh, 1 ......................................................... 134 7--Resolution No. I03 80 Preliminary Estimate for construction of City of l)uhuque 1981) Asphalt Paving Project No. l .................... 134 7-. Resolution No. 10480 Necessity for IMprovement of Asphalt Paving Project No. l ....................................................................... 135 7--Resnlution No. ~05-80 Fixing Date of IIcaring Ior 1980 Asphalt Paving Project.......: ........................................................................ 136 7-Resolution No. 11)6 80 Determinat0)n of the scheduh~ of the pro posed assessments for the City of l)ubuquc 198(I Concrete Pay lng with Integral Curb Project No. I. (Walnut St. Irom thc N.P.L. of Ilniversity to thc S;P.L. of Loins) .................................. 136 7-Resolution No. 107 80 Preliminary Estimate for City of Dubu que 1980 Concrete Paving with Integral Curb Project No. 1 (Walnut ti) Loras)..~ ......................................................................... 137 7-Resolution No. 10880 Necessity for Improvement for 198(I Aspha]t Paving Project .................................................................. 137 7-Resolution No. 109-80 Fixing Date of IIearing for Asphalt Pay lng Project No. 1 ............................................................................. 137 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Apr. 7-Resolution No. 110-80 Authorizing Submission of a Request for Release of Funds for Certain Community Development Block Grant Projects (Radford Road) ...................................................... 138 7-Resolution No. 11180 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Availability for Public Inspection Certain Community Develop- ment Block Grant Documents ........................................................ 140 7--Resolution No. 112-80 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Availability for Public Inspection Certain Community Develop- ment Block Grant Documents ........................................................ 140 7--Resolution No, 113-80 Final Estimate for construction of water main on Fremont Ave. and Cedar Cross Read, costing $80,207.95 ........................................................................................ 141 7- Resolution No. 114-80 A Resolution Accepting Improvement for construction of water main on Fremont and Cedar Cross Road~ 141 7 - Resolution No. 115-80 Acceptance of delivery of warranty deeds by John & Esther Link and TFM Co. (Thompson's Food Market) ............................................................................................ 142 7 ~- Resolution No. 116-80 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Engineering Service Agreement for Engineering Services in the Design of Water Well No. 10 ................................................... 142 7-Resolution No. 117-80 Opposing the Passage of Senate Joint Resolution 2001 by the Iowa General Assembly ........................... 143 7- Resolution No. 118-80 Granting Cigarette License to Inns of Ia., Ltd ................................................................................................... 144 7- Resolution No. 119-80 Authorizing issuance of Class "C' Beer & Liquor License to KC Council #510, Jeannine A. Kersch ............. 144 7-Resolution No. 120.80 Authorizing issuance of a Class "B" Beer Permit to Dubuque Jaycees ........................................................... 144, 145 " 21--Resolution No. 121-80 Adopting Supplement No. 5 to the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, covering 12-19-78 thru 6-18-79. 150 " 21-Resolution No. 122.80 Approving the Plat of the Subdivision of Lot 2 of 2 of 1 of I of 2 of Mineral Lot 14 in the City of Dubuque, la ...................................................................................................... 150 " 21-Resolutlon No. 123.80 Authorizing Submission of a Request for Release of Funds for Certain Community Development Block Grant Projects ................................................................................ 150 " 21-- Resolution No. 124-80 Authorizing the Filing of an Application for Loan Guarantee for Radford Road Industrial Land Acquisi- tion ...................................................................................................153 ' 21 - Resolution No. 125-80 Appointment of Mary A. Davis is appoint~ ed City Clerk of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, effective 5-1-80, salary fixed by the Council ............................................................. 154 ' 21-Resolution No. 126-80 issuance of Class B & Class C Beer Per- mits to Resurrection Service Club (McAleece Fields); Asten's Foods; Kay-Way Inc.; Leonard Oil Co.; Walgreen Co ................... 155 21 --Resolution No. 127-80 Authorizing Mgr. to issue Liquor License to: Windsor Tap Company, Marco's Inc ........................................ 155 May 5--Resolution No. 128-80 Amending No. 104~80 (Resolution of Ne- cessity for the City of Dubuque 1980 Asphalt Paving Project No, 1 .............................................................................................. ,. 159 §-Resolution No. 129-80 Decision of Council upon Objections to Plans, Specs. Form of Contract & Cost of Improvement 11980 Asphalt Paving Project No. i) ........................................................ 5- Resolution No. 130.80 Ordering Construction for 1980 Asphalt Paving Project No. 1 ....................................................................... 161 5--Resolution No. 131-80 Authorizing Execution of Redeveloper Designation Agreement with Homart Development Co .............. 169 5--Resolution No. 132-80 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specs, form of contract and cost of improvements, new roof & gutter system for City Hall ............................................ ~... 171 5-Resolution No. 138-80 Ordering Construction for new roof & gutter system for City Hall ............................................................ 171 5 -- Resolution No. 134~80 Awarding contract for new roof & gutter system to Giese ............................................................................... 172 5-Resolution No. 135-80 Ordering Construction for the 18th, 7th and Dell St. Steps.....~ ...................................................................... 173 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page May 5-Resolution No. 136-80 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specs. Ibrm of conLrac~ and cost of improvements, re: 18th. 7th & Dell St. Steps ............................................................... 173 ~-Resolution No. 137-80 Awarding con~rac~ Ior lgth St.. 7th & Dell St. Steps to Edwards Concrete Contractors ......................... 174 5-Resolution No. 138-80 Terminating the Ad Hoc fIotel and Motel Tax Committee .............................................................................. 175 5--Resolution No. 139-80 Approving Plat of Vacated Elbow Street from thc N.P.I.. of Edith St. to the N.P.L. of Lot 164 in Belmon~ Addn ................................................................................................ 175 5--Resolution No. 140-80 Approving Award of Contract for Mis- ccllancous Furniture for the Carnegie Stout Library .................. t78 5-Resolution No. 141-80 Authorizing Execution of the Agrecmem with the UMTA ............................................................................. 179 ,5--Resolution No. 142 811 Granting Cigarette License to: Kandis L. & Raymond L. Haggs~rom ............................................................ 180 5--Resolution N~. 143 80 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit to Ewmlng Optimist Club IMcAleece Recreation Area and Class "C" Beer Permi~ to Raymond L. and Kandis L. Ita~ gs~rom. Beecher Co. Inc. IAsbury & White Sts ........................... 180 5-Resolution No. 144-80 Authorization for issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor License for Kathleen M. Walsh, D,B.Q. Inc.. Thelma T. Lehman. d & RC Inc. J.R. Bainbridge, Mary Kathryn I"ord. Judith Ann Schiel ................................................................. 180 19--Resolution No. 145 80 Approving of disposal of interest of the City of Dubuqne. Ia. in tile vacated portion of Elbow S~. as se~ out. which is now platted and known as Lot 128A and 161A m Belmont Addn. to Clem Hayes Ior sum el $1,000.00 ..................... 185 19- Resolution No. 140-80 approval of proposal to vacate and release the right of way across Lot t of Lo~ 3 and Lot 2 of Lot 3 in Duster Place and Lots 7 ~ 8 of Block [I in Glen Carris Subd. in the City of Dbq ............................................................................... 186 " 19--Resolution No. 147 80 Directing the Transfer of Certain Com- munity Development Block Grant Funds ...................................... 189 " 19--Resolution No. 148-8~ Authorizing Execution of Agreement Number 1IST~20 9(36' - 4A-gl Between the City of Dubuque, Iowa and the 1DOT Providing for TraB'ic Signal Improvements at Dodge St. ~ Devon Drive gt Limited Geometric & Traffic Signal Improvements at Central Ave. & 22nd St ......................... 190 19-Resolutinn No. 149-80 Authorizing Execution of an Agreemem between thc City of Dubuque, Ia. and the Ia. DOT Providing for a Positiw~ Guidance Demonstra~lou Project a~ or Near thc In ~erseetlons o[' Dodge. Bhlff & Locust ............................................. 190 19--Resolution No. I50 811 Directing the City Clerk to Publish Pm- posed AmendmenL ~o the FY '80 Budget and (late of t'. Hearing, 191 19 Resolution No. 151 80 Authorizing Execution of Annual Contri buttons Contract Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program. 192 19--Resolution No. 152 60 approval of proposed plans, specs, etc. for St. Mary's Storm Sewer in the est. amt. of $33,499.,54 ................. 192 19--Resolution No. 153 80 Necessity Ibr Improvement of St. Mary's Storm Sewer ................................................................................... 192. 233 19 Resolution No. 154 86 Fixing Date of Hearing for St. Mar~ 's St. Storm Sewc~. .................................................................................. 193 19-~Rcsolution No. 155.80 Approving Plat of Vacated Portion oi University Ave. and Ethel Ave ..................................................... 193 19--Resolution Nh. 156-80 Approving Plat of Vacated Alley South of Ethel Ave. between Uniw~rsity & Prysi Sts ................................. 194 19-Resolution No. 15%80 Approving the Plat of tile Subdivision of "Milwaukee Industrial Tract No. 1.". ............................................ 198 19--Resolution No. 158 80 Cigarette Licenses ..................................... i9--Resolution No. 159-80 Granting Beer Permits .............................. 199 19--Resomtion No. 16080 Granting (:lass "A" Ileer t~ Liquor License and Class "C" Commercial Beer & IAquor License ......... 199 19--Resolutkm No. 161-80 appointment of Deputy Cit~ Clerk Karen M, Chesterman .............................................................................. 201 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page June 2-Resolution No. 162-80 Approving disposition of vacated portion of University Ave. and Ethel Ave. (known and platted as Lot A and Lot B of Mineral Lot 242 in the City of Dubuque) to Calista Ann Steger for $329.00 ................................................................... 204 2-Resolution No. 163410 Approval of vacation of portion of alley south of Ethel Ave. between University Ave. & Prysi St. (known as Lot C of Mineral Lot 242 in the City) to Calista Ann Steger .............................................................................................. 205 2 -- Resolution No. 164~80 Amending the Current Budget for the FY '80 ..................................................................................................... 206 2 - Resolution No. 165-80 for the Permanent Transfer of Funds ....... 208 2--Resolution No. 167`80 Approval of Agreement between Trkla, Pettigrew, Allen and Payne (Consultants) for downtown devel- opment ............................................................................................. 212 2--Resolution No. 168-80 Awarding Contract to Tri-State Paving Co. for 1980 City of Dubuque Asphalt Paving Project No. 1 ........ 213 2--Resolution No. 170-80 Necessity for Improvement~ re: 18th St. Fire Station ..................................................................................... 213, 264 2-Resolution authorizing dismantling of George Connel]y pro- perty ................................................................................................ 212 2-Resolution No. 171-80 Fixing Date of Hearing, re: 18th Street Fire Station remodeling ................................................................. 214 2-Resolution No. 172-80 Authorizing publication of Notice of En- vironmental Review Findings for Certain Community Develop~ ment Block Grant Projects ............................................................. 214 2-Resolution No. 173-80 Authorizing the Mayor to Sign the Stipu- lation of Bargaining Unit ................................................................ 215 2--Resolution No. 174-60 Authorizing the Mayor to sign the Stipu- lation of Bargaining Agreement .................................................... 216 2-Resolution No. 175`80 Granting Cigarette Permit to 75+ busi- nesses ............................................................................................ ~. 226 2-Resolution No. 176-80 Issuing Class "B" Beer Permit to Catherine Meyer ............................................................................. 227 2--Resolutlon No. 177410 Issuing Class "C" Beer & Liquor License to Dubuque Post No. 6 (American Leagion); Dolores E. Roeth. 227 2-Resolution No. 178-80 Authorizing the City Council to Termi- nate the Bond Issued by Hartford Accident and Indemnity Co. No: N4223847, for Gerald Kopischke as Airport Commissioner effective April 7, 1980, in the amt. of $1,000 .................................. 229 16- Resolution No. 179-80 Initiating Proceedings in Cnnnection with the issuance of $3,400,000 Corporate Purpose Bonds in the City of Dubuque, Iowa ............................................................................ 232 16-Resolution No. 180`80 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specifications, form of contract and cost of improvements, St. Mary's Street Storm Sewer ..................................................... 234 ' 16-Resolutlon No. 181-80 Ordering Construction for St. Mary's Street Storm Sewer ........................................................................ 234 " 16-- Resolution No, 182-80 Awarding Contract for construction of St. Mary's St. Storm Sewer, to Tschiggfrie Construction ................ 235 " 16-Resolutlon No. 183`80 Accepting the Proposed Agreement be- tween the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and the Dubuque Association of Professional Firefightors, Local #353, and Authorizing the Mayor to Sign Said Agreement ..................................................... 236 " 16-Resolution No. 184`80 Accepting the Proposed Agreement be- tween thc City of Dubuque, Iowa, and the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local #758 and Authorizing the Mayor to Sign Said Agreement ................................................................. 237 ' 16-Resolution No. 185-80 Accepting the Proposed Agreement be- tween thc City of Dubuque, Ia. and the Dubuque Policemen's Protective Assn. and Authorizing the Mayor to sign Said Agreement .................... ~ ................................................................. 237 16--Resolution No~ 186-80 Adopting the FY '81 Compensation Pack~ age and Wage and Salary Schedule for Nonbargaining Unit Employees ....................................................................................... 238 " 16-- Resolution No. 187-80 Approval of preliminary plans, specs., etc. for construction of Dodge St. at Devon Drive Traffic Signals ...... 238 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page June 16- Resolution No. 188 80 Necessity for hnprovemcnt for construc. tion of Dodge St. at Devon Drive Traffic Signal Improvements. 238, 267 " 16-Resohltion No. 189`80 Fixing Date of Hearing, for objections etc. to construction of Dodge St. at I)evon Drive Traffic Signals. 239 " 16 Resolution No, 190`80 Preliminary est, for phms, specs, etc. in the amt. of $7,048.25, fl)r construction of Cooper Street Light- " 16-Resolution N 191 80 Nec~ s~tv for Imnr~,']~'"";'"'~"~ .......... 239 Street Steps Lighting ..................................................................... 239, 269 ' 16-Resolution No. 192 80 Fixing Dato of Ilcaring lbr Cooper Street Steps Lighting ................................................................................ 240 " 16-Resolution Approving Phil of Vacated Alley North of Kauf- mann Ave. Abntting Lots 7 and 18 of the Subdivision of Lots 164 and 166A in L.tl. Langwortby's Addn .................................... 240 " 16-Resolution No. 194-80 Approving the phil of thc Subdivision of Lot i of block 5 of Ashury Springs Subdivisi~ n ............................ 241 ' 16--Resolut on No, 195-80 Approving the final Plat of the Subdivi- sion of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot I of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Powers Place ill thc City of Dubuque la ............................... 241 ' 16- Resolution No. 196 8(I Approving Phtt of the Subdivision of Lot 1 of Lot 7 of Northeast One-Qnarter of Southeast One-Quarter, Section 11, Township 88 North, Itangc 2 East of 5th ! rlnclpal Meridian, being in Table Mound Township .................. 248 " 16--Resolution No. I97`80 Granting of Cigarette Permit to 100 ~ businesses. - ' ..................................................................................... 245 16--Resobltion No. 19880 Granting of Class "B" Beer Permit to Nativity Church and Dubuqu9 Art Association; also Class "C" Beer Permit to Vivian lieinz (Oky-Doky) and Earl Schumacher & E, Thomas Schumacher .............................................................. 246 " 16-Resolution No. 19980 Granting Class "C' Beer & Liquor License to 12 out]ets ............................ 247 16-Resolution No. 200`80 Authorizing submission of a Request for Release nf Funds fnr Certain Community Development RIock Grant l rojects ............................... , ................... 248 " 6- Reso ut on No. 2 -80 Authorizing Publieatbm of Notice of Envi ronmcnt Review Findings Ibr Certain Community Development Block Grant ', jec s - ' .............................................. 250 16--Resolution No. 262`80 Authorizing the Execution of a Commu- nity Development Block Grant Agreement with Department of Housing and I/rban Development ................................................. 250 " 16-Resolution No. 203`80 Selecting a Preferred Alternate for 561 and Submitting a Rccomnlendation to thc Iowa l)epartmcnt of q~ 'anspor tatlon ......................................... . ........................ 253 16--Reso ut on No. 204-80 Anthorizing Mayor to execute a supple~ mental agreement for the City of I)u bnque iden t fl'led as la. DOT Agreement No. 80q2`859, re: grading activities for the 561 Facility across City Island, the construction of a new Peosta Channel Bridge and removal of existing bridge ............................ 255 July 7 Resolution No. 205 80 Approving disposal of interest of the City of Dubuque, Ia, in the vacated pot tiou of an alley north of Kauf- man Ave. to (,hrtstopher A. & MaryBeth Sm th .......................... 260 7-Resolutkm No. 206 80 l)ecision of Council upon objections to phlns, specs., form of contract and cost of bnprnvements, re: 18th St. Fire Statkm .................................................................. ; .... 264 7--Resolution No. 207 80 Ordering Construction for I8th St. Fire Statkm Remodel ............................................................................. 265 ' 7- Resolution No. 208 8(I Awarding Contract for 18th St. loire Sta tion Remodeling ...................................... . ...................... 265 7.-Rcso ut on No. 20 Award ng Contract (Eleclrical) to Uhlrich Elec. for 18th St./"ire Station Remodeling .................................... 266 7-Resolution No. 21(I-80 Awarding Contract (Swift Plumbing & Heating) for lSth St. Fire Station Remodeling ............................. 266 " 7-Resolution No. 21 I 80 Decision of Council upon objections to eons. of i)odge St. at l)ewm Dr. Traffic Signal improvements ..... 267 7-Resolution No. 212 Ordering Construction, re: Dodge St. at Devon Dr. Traffic Signal Imprnvemcnts ....................................... 268 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980: SUBJECT Page July 7-Resolution No. 213-80 Awarding Contract to Westphal & Co. Inc. for Dodge St. at Devon Dr. Traffic Signal Improvements. 268 7--Resolution No. 214-80 Decision of Council upon objections to phms, specs., form of contract and cost of improvements, re: Cooper Street Steps Lighting...: .......... ~ ......................................... 269 7--Resolution No. 215-80 Ordering construction for Cooper St. Steps Lighting ................................................................................ 270 7-Resolution No. 216-80 Awarding Contract for Cooper St. Steps Lighting to Eichman Elec. Inc ........................................................ 270 7-Resolution No. 217~80 in support of the Dubuque CountyfMuni- cipal Mutual Aid Agreement ......................................................... 271 7-Resolution No. 218~80 Approval of agreement between City of Dubuque, Ia. and Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce ............ 272 7 - Resolution No. 219-80 Authorizing Acceptance of an agreement to Purchase Real Estate for the Radford Industrial Center ......... 273 7--Resolution No. 220-80 Granting permit to 25 businesses to sell cigarettes ........................................................................................ 276 7-Resolution No. 221-80 Authorizing issuance of Class "B' Beer Permit to Dubuque Capital Co. and DO II Dennis Slowey & Peter Oeth; and Class "C" Beer Permit to Dennis Albert Althaus; John George Miller, Sr .................................................... 276 7--Resolution No. 222-80 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" Beer & Liquor License to Hoffman Rouse Restaurants, and Class "C" Beer & Liquor License to James J, Birkett Parochetti Enter- prises, Inc., Fischer Bowling Lanes, Thomas & Daniel Smith and Creslanes Bowling, II~c ............................................................ 277 7- Resolution No. 223 80 Authorizing submission of a Request for Release of Funds for a Certain Community Development Block Grant Project (Operation Paintbrush) ........................................... 278 7.-Resolution No. 224-80 Authorizing Execution of Annual Contri- butions Contract ............................................................................. 280 7 - Resolution No. 225-80 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Envi- ronmental Review Findings Ior Certain Community Develop- ment Block Grant Projects (4th St. Storm Drain Project) ............ 280 " 21--Resolution No. 226-80 Designating as Architecturally Signifi- cant the Properties Hereinafter Described, Pursuant to the Re: quiremcnts of Ord. No. 32.75 (425~441 Bluff St.) ............................ 284 " 21- Resolution No. 227-80 Authorizing the Execution of a Memoran- dum 9f Agreement with CyCare Systems, Inc .............. ~ .............. 285 " 21 - Resolution No. 228~80 Fixing a Date for Hearing on Proposed Im dustrial Development Revenue Bonds, Series 1980 (CyCare Sys- tems, Inc. Project) ........................................................................... 285 " 21-Resolution No. 229~80 Preliminary approval for the proposed plans, specs., etc. for the acquisition of parking meters, equip- ment, etc .......................................................................................... 287 " 21 - Resolution No. 230-80 Necessity for Improvement lbr the acqui- sition of parking meters, etc ........................................................... 287, 356 " 21--Resalution blo. 231-80 Fixing Date of Hearing for objectors for proposed improvement may appear to make objection to acqal- sition etc. of parking meters ............................................... j~...¢~.... 287 21 -Resolution No, 232-80 Pre]imlnary approval for proposed plah§, specs., etc. Ior the City Hall Boiler/Burner Unit replacement ..... 288 21 Resolution No. 233-80 Necessity for Improvement for City Hall Boiler/Burner Replacement ........................................................... 288, 321 " 21-Resolution No. 234-80 Fixing Date of Hearing for City Hall Boiler/Burner Unit Replacement (City Hall) ................................. 288 " 21 - Resolution No. 235-80 Final Estlmate of Kennedy Road Widen- ing Project is $1,208,667.78....: ........................................................ 289 " 21--Resolution No. 236~80 Accepting Improvement of Kennedy Road Paving Project ......... ,~. ........................................................... 289 " 21.- Resolution No. 237-80 Approving the plat of "Mike Garrity Pl." 292 " 21 - Resolution No. 238~80 Approvlng plat of "Map]ewood pi." in the City (d' Dubuque, Ia ......................................................................... 294 " 21 --Resolution No. 239-80 Granting Cigarette Permit to KC & S Co. 295 ' 21-~Resolution No~ 240-80 Granting Cigarette Permit ta Kevin Schlosser & Ia. Oil Co. Jackson St. IOCO ...................................... 295 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page " 18 ltesolution No. 264 80 Class "(7' Beer & l,iquor License to Redstonc, Inc., James R, Bablbridge, Roger M. Beck, Raymond Gross ............................................................................................... " 18-ttesolution No. 26680 Authorizing Publication or Notice of Availability tel Public Inspection Certain Community Devch~p ment Block Grant l)ocuments ........................................................ 333 INDEX - BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Aug. 18-Resolution No. 265-80 for Approval of the City of Dubuque, Iowa Financial Audit ~'or the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 1979 through June 30, 1980 .......................................... : .......................... 334 Sept. 2 Resolution No. 267-80 Ordering Construction for the replace- ment of brick, tuckpointing, waterproofing, and painting of trim and doors of City fIall ..................................................................... 338 2-Resolution No. 2684]0 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specs., form of contract, and cost of improvements to re- placement of brick, tuckpointing, waterproofing and painting of trim and doors of City Hall ............................................................. 339 2--Resolution No. 269.80 Awarding Contract to Jackson Tuck- pointing Co. Inc. of Dubuque, Ia. for the replacement of brick, tuckpointing, waterproofing and painting of trim and doors of City Hall .......................................................................................... 339 2- Resolution No. 2704]0 Providing for a Public Hearing on Plan Design of North-West Arterial ...................................................... 340 2--Resolution No. 271-80 Final Estimate of improvement of St. Mary's Street Storm Sewer ........................................................... 341 2--Resolution No. 272-80 Accepting Improvement for St. Mary's Street Storm Sewer ........................................................................ 341. 2 -- Resolution No. 273-80 Acceptance of delivery of Warranty Deed by Thompson Food Markets, re: Westvlew Shopping Center Place, to City of Dubuque ............................................................... 346 2 - Resolution No. 274-80 Acceptance of delivery of Warranty Deed by Asbury Springs, LTD., Powers Land Co. and David J. Powers and Paul W. Powers, to City of Dubuque (property in Asbury Springs Subd. No. 4) .......................................................... 346 2 -- Resolution No. 275-80 Acceptance of delivery of warranty deed by John A. Link and Esther M. Link, conveying property in the Westview Shopping Center Pl. to the City of Dubuque ............... 347 2-Resolution No. 276 80 Acceptance of delivery of warranty Deed by Philip A. and Martha F. Powers conveying to City of Dubu- que property in Asbury Springs Sub ............................................. 348 2-Resolution No. 2774]0 Approving of lease between Riverside Tractor Trailer, Inc. and City of Dubuque .................................... 348 2-Resolution No. 278-80 Cigarette Permits issued to Velma Cur- ran, Mary L. Detainer ..................................................................... 348 2 - Resolution No. 279-80 Authorization of Class "B' Beer Permit to Holy Trinity Church and Class "C" Beer Permit to Randall's In- ternational Inc ............................................................................ ~.~t. 348 2 - Resolution No. 280-80 Authorization of Class "C" Beer & Liquor License to Mary L. Demmer, Jerry Lee James, Happy's Place, Inc., Melvin A. Spiegelhalter Windsor Tap Co .............. 349 ' 15-Resolution No. 281410 Approving Lease Agreement between Board of Dock Commissioners and Riverside Tractor Trailer, Inc ....................................................................................................354 " 15-Resolution No. 282-80 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specs., form of contract and cost of improvements, re: parking meters, equipment, etc .......................................... 357 " 15-Reso ut on No. 283-80 Ordering purchase of parking meters, equipment and/or services .................................................... 367 15-Reso ut on No. 284-80 Awarding contract for the Parking Meters and Associated Security System to Duncan Industries of Elk Grove, Illinois ....................................................................... 358 15- Resolution No. 286-80 Authorizing Acceptance of Certain Amendments to an Agreement to Purchase Real Estate from Letna Properties Partnership for the Radford Industrial Center Project ............ ., ............................................................................ 359 ' 15--Reso ut on No. 286-80 Approving the plat of Lot 1 and Lot 2'~f "Blum Place" in the City of Dubuque, Iowa .......................... 359 " 15 -- Reso ut on No. 28%80 Approving the plat of "Meadow Acres" in Section 36, Center Township, Dubuque County, Iowa ................. 360 . 15 - Resolution No. 2884]0 Cigarette Permits to Jerry L ,J,a,,m, es ........ 362 " 15 - Resolution No. 289-80 Authorizing issuance of Class B Beer & Liquor License to Dubuque Motor Hotels, Inc.; Class "C' Beer & I,iquor License, to William Baum, Benton Food Management, Inc., Stamos P. Sfikas, David J. Wetter-Joseph M. McGinnis, Judith P. Juergens .......................................................................... 362 l/ INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Sept. 15-Resolution No. 290 80 Authorizing issuance of Class "B' Beer Permit to Adella A. Fcrring, T. L. Investments, Inc.; Class "C' Beer Permit to Ralph Grabow and Kopple's Market, Inc ............. 362 " 23-Resolution No. 291.80 Authorizing the Mayor to Accept an Of- fer of Grant from the Economic Deve]. Admin., U.S. Dept. of Commerce ....................................................................... 365 " 23--Reso ut on No. 292-80 C garette Permit to Da e Winter .............. 365 Oct. 6 Resolution No. 294-80 Authorizing the Execution ora Memoran- dum of Agreement with Inland Molasses Company ..................... 368 6-Resolution No. 293-80 Accepting an Offer to Donate Property, re: Jack Rhomberg's Communication ............................................ 369 6--Resolution No. 295.80 Ratil~ing the Execution of a Contract with the Governor's Highway Safety Office .............................. 370 6--Resolution No. 296-80 Approving of proposed plans, specs., etc. in the amt. of $10,000 for City Hall Handicapped Ramp ............... 371 6-~solution No, 297-80 Necessity for Improvements for City Hall Handicapped Ramp ......................................................................... 371, 385 6 - Resolution No. 298-80 Fixing Date of Hearing for City Half Han- dicapped Ramp ................................................................................ 371 6 -- Resolution No. 299-80 Accepting of Delivery of Warranty Deed of Lot 2 A.C. Pfohl Place, by City of Dubuque .............................. 372 6-Resolution No. 300 80 Authorizing the Selection of Shive-Hat- tery and Associates as Engineering Consultant for the Radford Industrial Center, and Instructing the City Manager to Prepare a Suitable Form of Contract and Scope ol Services for such Work ................................................................................... 372 6-Reso ut on No, 30L80 Authorizing the Filing of an Applicatb)n with the Dept. of Transportation, United States of America, for a Grant Umler ~he Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended ...................... ~' ......................................................... 373 6- Reso ut on No. 302 8 ~ nding tha~ thc Rehabilitation and Con servation of thc Jackson Park Area is Necessary in the Interest of tho Public Health, Safety and Welfare of the Residents of the City .................................................................................................373 6--Resolution No. 303.80 Acknowledging a Proposed PLan for the Jackson Park Urban Revitalization Area, and Providing for a Public Hearing ...................................................................... 374 6--Reso ut on No. 3044]0 C garette Permits issued to Molly Maguires, Inc., Ray Gross, The Monday Company ....................... 374 6--Resolution No. 3054]0 Cigarette Permit to David J. Newark d~/a Astroid .......................................... : ........................... 375 6-Reso ut on No. 306.80 Issuance of Class 'B' Beer Permit to P za Hut & J & p O'IIara, Inc.; Class "C" Beer Permit to John Francis Davis~ Jr., and The Monday Company ............................. 375 6--Resolution No. 307 80 Class "C" Beer & Liquor License to v6le P. Murphy, Molly Maguirn, Inc., Linda L. Sheldon ............... 375 6--Resolution No. 308-80 Approving of Financial Report of Dubu que, Ia,, Fire & Police Retirement Systems for FY ending 6-304]0 ............................. ~ ................................................. 377 6--Reso ut on No. 3 9 8 rovbfing for the Sale and Award el' $3,400,000 Corporate Purpose Bonds and Approving and Au thorizing the Agreement of Snch Sale and Award ....................... 379 " 15-Resolution No. 31080 Providing for the Issuance of $0,400,000 Corporate Purpose Bonds and Providing lbr the Levy of Taxes plans, specs., form of contrac~ and cost of improvements (City Hall Handicapped Ramp) .......... : ..................................................... 385 " 20--Resolution No. 312.80 Ordering Construction (City Hall Handi capped Ram ~ .... ·... 386 20--Resolution No. 313.80 Directing Publication of Nntice of Inten- tion to Issue, and Calling a Public Hearing on the Proposals Issue Not to Exceed $1.000,000 in Aggregate Principal Amount of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (Inland Molasses Co. Project) of the City of Dubuque, Iowa ........................................... 386 " 20~Resolution No. 31480 For the Pub]bmtion of a Public Notice Granting an Easement to InLerstate Power Co ............................ 389 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Oct. 20-Resolution No. 315-80 Issuance of Class "B' Beer & Liquor License to Anthony A. and Bette O. Helling, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License to Alia K Zazz. [nc. and Parochetti Enterprmes. Inc .................................................................................................... 390 " 20--Resolution No. 316-80 Issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit to Longs College, and Class "C" Beer Permit to Nabors Drug. Inc.. Nasa Finch Co., Transport Sales Co .............................................. 390 Nov. 3-Resolution No. 317~80 Approval of proposal to grant a perma- nent easement ta Interstate Power Co.. across City Proper~y for the relocation and installation ol an electric transmission ...... 393. 394 3-Resolution No. 318-80 Awarding Contract for City Hall Handi- cap Ramp to Patrick T. O'Dowd ..................................................... 394 3--Resolution No. 3]9-80 Authorization to Execute an Agreement with Ia, State University for Continued Participation m the Se- cond Year of the (own Urban Storm Water Management Pro~ gram ............................................ . ...................... 3 . , ......... 394 --Resolution No. 32080 Endorsement of Owners Certificate of the plat of A.C. Pfohl Place by City Mgr. & City Clerk ................ 395 3--Resolution No, 321-80 Authorizing Execution of a Project Agreement with the Division ol Historic Preservation of the Ia. State Historical Department for CostSharing un Lower Main Street Area Preservation Planning Project, and Approving the Expenditure of Block Grant Funds and the Acceptance of a Con- tract with Bruce M, Kriviskey, A.I.C.P. for project ..................... 396 3--Resolution No. 322-80 Final Estimate of the City of Dubuque 1989 Asphalt Paving Project .......................................................... 396 3--Resolution No. 323-80 Accepting Improvement and Directing the Clerk to Publish Notice. re: 1980 Asphalt Paving Project ..... 397 3-Resolution No. 324-80 Adopting the Final Assessment Schedule for the City of Dubuque 1980 Asphalt Paving Proiect Number ()ne including Certain Information required by the Code of Ia.~ specifically, the number of annual instaIIments into which assessments are divided, the interest on all unpaid instaIlmem~s. the time when the assessmenL~, are payable and directing the clerk Lo certify the final schedule and to publish notice thereof· 397 3-Resolution No. 325-80 Approval of preliminary Plans. Specs.. eLc. for construction of the Bell Street Storm Sewer on 4th Street Peninsula ............................................................................ 406 3--Resolution No. 326-80 Necessity for Improvements (Bell St, Storm Sewer] .................................................................................. 406. 414 3 -- Resolution No. 327 86 Fixing Date of Hearing~ re: Bell St. Storm Sewer ............................................................................................... 406 3--Resolution No. 328-80 Authorizing Mayor to execute agree- mem. re: construction of the Bell St. Storm Sewer ~ file with Illinois Central Gulf Railroad & Dbq. County Recorder ............... 407 3 -- Resolution No. 329-80 Adoption of Supplement No. 6 to Code of Ordinances ..................................................................................... 407 3- Resolution No. 330-80 Authorization o( Class "B" Beer Perml~ ro T.F.M. Co. (Iron Kettle Deli) .......................................................... 409 3-Resolution No 33180 Issuance of Class "C' Beer e~ Liquor License to Nelda L. Duty, Crane Enterprises, Inc., Lowrie E. Smith. Marian grade & James Henkel, James T. Clark ............... 409 17--Resolution No. 332-80 Relating to the Holding of a Public Hear- ing and Approving Proceeding with the Issuance and Sale of Not to Exceed $1.000.000 Aggregar~ Principal Amount of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (Inland Molasses Co, Project) of the City of Dubuque. Ia ................................................ 412 17- ResoIution No. 333-80 Decision of Council upon objections to p~ans, specs·· form of contract & cos~ of improvements, re: Bell St. Storm Se~ ~r .............................................................................. 415 17--Resolution No. 334-80 Ordering Construction for Bell St. Storm Sewer ............................................................................................... 415 " 17--Resolution No. 3354]0 Authorizing the Execution of a Memoran dum of Agreement with Kiv[ahan Construction Co., Inc ............. 416 17- ResoIution No. 336-80 Authorizing the City Mgr. to Execute an Engineering Services Agreement for Executing a Contract for Design of a One Million Gallon Water Storage Tank .................... 419 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Nov. 17--Resolution No. 337-80 Acceptance of Delivery of Warranty Deed by Woodland Arms, Inc ........................ . .... 420 17 -- Resolution No. 368~80 Approving Proposed Design of the North West Arterial, Phase I (U.S. 20~Dodge St. to Pennsylvania Ave.~ 420 17--Resolution No. 339-80 Approving the plat of the Subdivision of Lot 2 of Lot J of Mineral Lot ]94 in the Northwesl One-Quarter. Section l, Township 88 North. Range 2 East of the 5ti: Principal Meridian. Beln~ in Table Mound Township, Dubuque County, Iowa, Now in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and of the Subdivision of Lot 1 of Lot 2 ol' Lo~ I of "Colonial Place" in Table Mound q'ownship, Dubuque County, Iowa, Now in the City ol Dubuque, Iowa ............................................................. ~', .......................... 42l 17--Resolution No. 340-80 Approving the plat of Jaeger Heights Subdivision No. 2" in the City of Dubuque, Iowa ....................... 422 17--Resolution No. ~]41-8 Approv ng thc pat of the Subdivision of Lot~ 6. Block. ii in "Sherwood, Par~" ~n Section 10. Dubuque qownsh~p, Dubu( ue County Iowa 423 17--Resolution No. 342-80 Cigarette License ro Revco Discount Drug Centers of Ia .................................................................... 424 " 17-- Resolution No. 348-80 Class "C' Beer Permit Issuance to: Har- tig Drug Co. (3), Lucky Stores. Inc., T.F.M. Co. Oky Doky #6 ...... 425 17--Resolution No. 344~80 Issuance of Class "C" Beer c~ Liquor License to Town Clock Inn. Inc.. M.K.C. Ltd., Raymond Gross· 425 Dec. 8--Resolution No 345-80 Awarding Contract for Bell St. Storm Sewer to Tschiggfrie Excavating ................................................. 428 8--Resolution No. 346-811 Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Pre- g Design Project Agreement with IDOT . ............ -- Resolution No. 347 80 Authorizing the City Mgr. to Execute an 429 Engineering Agreement with Terry A. Shuck, Structural Engi- neers,/nc. Des Moines Ia.. · .................. 429 8-Resolution No. 348-80 Approving a Contract wit~ SAlve- Hattery & Associates for Engineering Services for the Radford Industrial Center. · ' ............................................ : ............................. 430 8 -- Resolution No. 349 80 Preliminary approval ut plans, specs·, etc. for Water Supp?~Wel] No. l0 ........................................... 432 8--Reso ut on N . 3.)0~80 Necess ty for Improvements. re: Water S~pply We(( No.r,10 ........................................................ 432. 433 8 ~- Reso ut on N(. 3a -80 ~ x l g Date of Hearing, re: Water Supply ......................................................... 433 8--Resolution No. ~t'SD Authorizing the Filing of an Application with the Dept. of Transportation, United States ~f America, for a Gran~ Under the Urban Mass Transportation Act ol 1964. as Amended ................. 433 ResOlution 8 No. 353-80 F~xmg a Date for ]~Iearing on Proposed In? 434 dustrial Development Revenue Bonds. Series 1981 (Kiv]ahan Project) .............................................................................. 434 8- Reso ut on No. 354 80 Author z ng th~, issuance and Sale of Ind. Development Revenue Bonds, Series 1980 ICyCare Systems, Inc. Project) in the Principal Amount of $!.090.000 the Execu- tion and Delivery of an Indenture o~ Trusl to Secure Said Bonds, and the Execution and Delivery ol' a Loan Agreement with CyCare Systems Inc ........ · ............ 435 8- Resolution No. 355-80 &pproving a Tcntatiw~ ~"we~Year~ Street Construction Program and Submitting Same to the Ia, Dept. of Transportatmn. 8--Resolution No. 35680 Acceptance (~i' Warranty Deed of proper- ty on Hill St. (Gift ol Anthony Rhomberg & Mary Lonergan Rhomberg ...................................... . .................................. 437, 438 8--Reso ut on No. 357 8 Accept ng Improvement, re: Dodge St. at Devon Drive Tral'fie Signals. ................ 438 8-Resolut~o~ No. 35880 ~inal Estimate· re: Dodge St. at Devon 8--Resolution No 3,)9-g0 Ac(eptmg Improvement re: Cooper Lighting Prolec~ .............. . .- · ... 439 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Dec. 8-Resolution No. 360-80 Final Estimate, re: Cooper St. Steps Lighting Project ............................................................................. 439 8-Resolution No. 361410 Accepting Improvement, re: Roof & Gut- ter System for City Uall .......................................... : ........ 439 8- Resolut on No. 362-80 Fna Estimate, re: City Hall Roof & Gut- ter System ........ ., ................................................................. 440 8-Resolution No. 363~80 Accepting Improvement, re: Replace- ment of Brick, Tuckpointing, Waterproofing & Painting of Trim & Doors of City Hail .......................................................... 440 8 - Resolution No. 364-80 Final Estimate, re: Replacement of Brick, Tuckpointing, Waterproofing & painting of Trim & Doors of City Hall .......................................................................................... 440 8- Resolution No. 365-80 Cigarette Licenses issued to: Bucko's West, Inc., Beve,r, ly L. Noonan, Dona d Ingles .............................. 441 8--Resolution No. 366-80 Issuance of Class "B' Beer Permit to Clarke College; Class "C' Beer Permit to Angel Investment Co., Osco Drug, Inc., Earl Tegeler, Revco Discount Drug Centers Inc ..................................................... ;;";; ............................ 441 8-Reso ut on No. 367-80 Issuance of Class C Beer & Liquor License to Gregory J. Adams & Jeffrey T. Maggio, plus 11 other businesses, .................................... ;;";; ............................ 442 8-Reso ut on No. 368~80 ISsuance of Class C Beer & Liquor License to MiNa, Inc., Bucko's West, Inc., Beverly L. Noon ........ 442 " 22-Resolution No. 369-80 Authorizing Mayor to Execute a Cove- nant with the Iowa State Historical Department for Grant-iw Aid Assistance for the Carnegie Stout Public Library ............... 466 " 22- Resolution No. 370-80 Prov dng funds ($1,746) for the Area Ad- ministration for the Northeast Iowa Area Crime Commission. ~67 ' 22-Resolution No. 371-80 Finding that the Rehabilitation and Con- servation of the Hereinafter Described Properties, Comprising the West Eleventh Street Area is Necessary in the Interest of the Public ttealth, Safety & Welfare of the Residents or, the City 469 " 22 - Res°lution No. 372-80 Acknowlcdglng a Proposed plain f0r the West Eleventh Street Urban Revitalization Area, ~nd Provid- ing for a Public Hearing .................................................................. 469, 470 " 22-Resolution No, 373-80 Accepting Improvement, re: Work done at Wastewater Treatment Facilities - Phase II Contract IV with J.P, Cullen & Son Construction Corp ............................................ 470 " 22-Resolution No. 374-80 Approving final cost of J.P. Cullen & Son Construction Co., re: Wastewater Treatment Facilities - Phase II, Contract IV .................................................................... 471 22-Reso ut on No. 375-80 C garette Permits to Phillip R. Love & Gene Duccini ....................................................................... 472 " 22--Reso ut on No. 376-80 Issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit to UA W Local 94 .................................................................... 472 "22- Resolution No. 377-80 Issuance of Class "B" Beer & Liquor Li- cense to Design Center, Inc.; Class "C" Beer & Liquor License to Jerry Lee James, Phillip R. Love .............................................. 472 INDEX -- BOOK 110 i980 SUBJECT Page $ :Jan. 7-- Stewar t, Terry, re: desirous of C.M. Brady being Mayor .............. 1 " 7 -State Historic Preservation Officer Anderson, re: historical sign. of lower Bluff St .......................... , 7 - Spiegel, Bob, Cigarette License ......................................... 7 7 - Scholbneyer, Paul, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .................... 7 " 7 -- Spiegelhal/er, Robert, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .............. 7 7-Street Lights, re: installation for Arbor Oaks, Birch Acres, Clarke Crest & Embassy West ....................................................... 8 7 -- Schillig, Mrs. Verne, re: ambulance service should remain same. 9 7--Saunders, Thomas, claim ................................................................ 9 7 - Sheridan Village Housing Prj., re: release of funds from HUD ...... 10 " 22 - Street lights, re: provision for on Marquette pi: ............................ 18 ' 22 - Salaries of Mayor, Council Members, Officers, Employees, etc .... 19 " 22-Sweeney, Ann, resignation from Ambulance Study Task Force. 27 ' 22-Specht, Sr. August, re: naming of Chaplain Schm~tt Memeria Park & Admiral Sheehy Rd ............................................................ 29 " 22-Schmitt (Chaplain)Memorial Park, re:naming ......................... 29, 65, 109 " 22-Sheehy(Admiral)Rd. namlngofsame ............................................ 29, 109 " 22 -- Sievers, 1,eanne, re: naming Area C 29 4 -- Shamrocks for Dystrophy Day, proclamation for 3-15 80 .............. 33 4- St. Pat's Day Pahade .......................... ~ ........................ 7, .......... 36 4 - Sa vat on Army, re: perm ss on to se I Easter War Cry ............. 36 4 -- Strub, R.M., resignation, fr,o,m Rehab. Corem ................................. 42 4- Shaffer, Dorothy, Class 'C Beer & Liquor License ...................... 43 18 - S]attery's Sub., re: changing of zoning ord ..................................... 47 18- Schiltz Development Corp., re: denial by P & Z for zoning change 4-Schuster, Juha C., objechon to sign: "Reserved for Handicap" at Allison & College Sts ................... mme appropriateness ..................................................................... 18- Schet eh, Russel E 52 ,, g - ., request ambulan e serwce stay as ~s ............ 61 18 - Start, Mary G., request ambulance service to stay as is ................ 62 Mar. 3-Sigworth, Rev. Anthon, re: naming Schmitt Memorial Park & Admiral Sheehy Rd ....................................... 3- Sehfltz Devel. Corp., re: list of 5 sign. effect on enwronment on Radford Rd ...................................................................................... 66 3--Steger, Calista, re: vacation of areas on Ethel St. & University Ave ............ .~ ................................................................. 67, 154 3-S afford & Ed son Sts., re: housing construction for elderly & handicapped .................................................... : ............... ' 10- Systems A~nalyst, re: objection of position by D~i~'~e,ch .......... 75 10-- e: why cut Police & Fire when City admn. al~ ' 81 10-Schumacher, Jack, re: officers will quit force if cnt to one-man 10--Schmeiche], Roy, question increase in adm, yet decrease in Police & Fire .................................................................. 81 " 10- Schmidt, Rev. Carl, re: gratitude for 28 yrs. of nursing service ..... 81 ' 10-Schreiber, Jim, re:opinion ~ elimination of F re Station #5 ......... 81 " ~ 0 -- Scott, I)r., re: Public Health Servic ~s .................. 81 " 10-- Sewer Rates &Charges, estab shing same ................................... 92 " 12-Sheppley, Ed, re: proposed use of Ind. Rev. Financing for Dubu que Building ..................................................................................... 96 " 24-Society for Automotive Engrs. 75th Anniversary Celebration, ~roclamation for 4 24-80 .................... 24 -- Sewer, request for extension by Res. Church .....~ ........................ 102 24- Sumek, Lyle, retained for Organizational Training Sessions ........ 102, 103 24-- Scott, Sandralee, resignation as Human Rights Corem ................. 115 24 St Patrlck'sPar~shCorp.,Class B BeerPerm~t ........................ ~4 -- Schnmacher, Earl, Class "C' Beer Permit ........................... 116 24- Seventeenth St. Storm Sewer, re: audit reports ............................ 117 24-- South Fork Sanitary S~ .... ~ ,', 24 -- Scheffer t, Joseph E., claim ................ . .... 1 ! 7 24- Sweeney, James, refund request .................................................... 118 INDEX - BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Pag~ Mar. 24--Sadleir, Edmund L., Corp. Arch. of Homart Develop. gave oral presentation on downtown development ..................................... 24- S egert, Betty J., letter of appreciation/rejection sent for City Clerk job .......................................................................................... ' 24- Stevens, John E, letter of appreciation/rejection sent for City Clerk job ...................................... , ................................................... " 24-Sfieber, Joseph E., interview etc. scheduled for position of City May, ]980......2 ................................................................................ 7 -- Swimming, submission of Ord. prohibiting ................................... 132, 7--Steps, 18th, 7th and Dell Sts. construction of same, ere ............... 7 -- Sewer & Water, re: extension of same to Clarke Crest Est ......... " 21--Strueber, June E., objecting to proposaI by Alan Israel to de- velop Iow-income hoasing units at Windsor Ave., also concern over traffic ....................................................................................... " 21 -- Strueber, Pat, et al petition against prop. development of Wind_ sor Park Apts .................................................................................. ' 21- Schmitt Harbor, swimming, ice-skating prohibited in same ........ ' 21- Schfltz Development Corp., re: comm. of P & Z etc., re: zoning change from AG to C-3 ................................................................... ' 21- Streinz, Joe, etc., re: claim .............................................................. May 5 - Small Business Week, proclamation for May 11 (week) ................ 5-Senlor Volunteer Day, Proclamation for May 6 ............................ 6 -- Skemp, Charlie, object to expansion .............................................. 8 -- SteBen, Wilfred, re: street lights on Crescent Ridge, rte ............ 5-Starlite Dr., petition for street lights ............................................ 5 -- Schroeder, Ann, re: representing Rehab. on C.D. Comm ............. 5-Sehiel, Judith Ann, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .................. 19 -- Schwartz, Fr. Wm, invocation ....................................................... 19- Sehfltz, Dick, re: rezoning to C-3 Arterial Business District ........ 19 - S£arlite Dr.: discussion of pros & eons of zoning of nearby Nem- mers property ................................................................................. " 19-Sorenson, Sheila, objecting to Ind. zoning for Nem~ners pro- perty ................................................................................................ " 19--Swaim, Kurt, attorney for Blind Society, re: benefits of organi- zations and invitation to Council to visit facility, ere .................... ' 19-Solar Energy Project for 32nd St. Fire Station ............................. " 19-St. Mary's Storm Sewer, re: need & Resolution of specs. & necessity, Fixing Date of Hearing ................................................. 192, 19-- Schroeder, Ann as liason member to C.D. Corem:, ........................ 19 - Sutton, Ruby, re: nombmtion for Human Rights Comm ............... 19- Sehiel, Judy, cigarette license ........................................................ 19- Shaffer, Dorothy, cigarette license ................................................ 19 Spielman, Charles J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................. 19- Stonskas, Robert, Class "C' Beer & Liquor License .................... 19--Spoerre, Mary, $70 claim ................................................................ 19 -- Speed limits, re: study of major streets ......................................... 19- Sehulte, Robert J., excavation request for 2475 University ......... 19--Steger, Calista Ann, re: Proof of publication of Notice of P. Hearing of vacation of property, Resolutions approving.......203, 204, 2- Sewer Fund, Budget Amendment, for I980 .................................. 2--Slosh, John S., re: "Celebrity Block.",~ ........................................... 2 -- SchiBz, L.J. and Connie, re: rezoning Don Apartments ............ 2- St. Mary's Street Drainage Project, re: notice of Environmental Review Findings for Project .......................................................... 2- Savary, John L., cigarette license .................................................. 2- Schute, Donald J., cigarette license ............................................... 2- Sl]kas, Statues, cigarette license .................................................... 2-Sheldon, Linda L., cigarette license ............................................... 2- Simon, Kenneth L., cigarette license ............................................. 2 -- Sutter, cigarette license ................................................................. 2 Sears Roebuck Co., cigarette l~cense ............................................. 2~-Schumacher, Earl, cigarette license .............................................. 2- Sirloan Stockade, Inc., cigarette license ........................................ 2- Schromen, Ken, concern of traffic jam again if fireworks display held at Vets Park ............................................................................ June 122 122 122 147 124 149 133 145 148 148 149 154 157 159 159 175 175 179 180 184 187 188 188 189 192 193 198 198 198 199 199 199 2O0 20O 201 205 207 209 209 214 ' 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 228 }980 INDEX -- BOOK 110 SUBJECT Pag_~e July Aug. June 2-Southwood, Brian, explaining possible solutions to traffic con cerns at Vet's area .......................... ' 16-St. Mary's St. Storm Sewer, Necessity for Improvement Res. No. 153-80, Final Adoption, Decision of Council upon objections, and Ordering Construction ............................................................ 233, " 16-Smith, Christopher, requesting vacating of alley beside 693 Kaufmann Ave ................................................................................ 16 -- Signs, off-premise and on-premise, Ordinance changing same ..... 16- Sutton, Ruby, appointed to Human Rights Commission .............. 16- Smith, Ann, appointed to Civil Service Commission .................. 16--Schwartz, Milton E., cigarette permit ......................................... ii 16--Smith, Lowrie, cigarette permit .................................................... 16- Spechtenhauser, Robert J., cigarette permit ............................. i6-Spiegelhalter, Melvin A., cigarette permit ....................... i....... 'i 16-- Streett & Co. J.D, cigarette permit ............................................. 16- Sunnycrest Manor, c garette permit ............................................. 16- Schiel, Judith Ann, cigarette permit ............................................. 16 - Schueller, Mrs. Rita, cigarette permit ........................................... 16--Sexton, Darlene, cigarette permit ................................................. 16--Shanahan, Francis J., cigarette permit ......................................... 16- Smith, Steve (2 outlets), cigarette permit ................................... 16- Spiegelha tel Robert, c garette permit ........................................ 16- Stampfer's Dinette, cigarette permit ............................................ 16- Stewart, Gary, cigarette permit .................................................... 16- Stonskas, Rob~ert, cigarette perm t ........... 16-- Schumacher, Earl & E., Class "C" ]leer Permit...][]2]]]]]i [[[[]]][ 16-Spiegelhalter, Melvin, Class "C' Beer & Liquor License ............. 16--Schwartz, Milton Pl., Chtss "C" Beer & Liquor License ................ 16- Savary, John L., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ...................... 16- Schollmeyer, Wayne Paul, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ...... 16- Spoerre, Mary, claim denied .......................................................... 16 - Siegworth, Steven, claim of $250.00 for broken water main ........ 16-Spielman, Charles J., refund requested of $225.00 ....................... 16--Sioux City and Siouxland Committee, re: support of opposition to the manner of implementation of Section 504 of the 1974 Rehab. Act by UMTA ..................................................................... 16-Schlosser, Kcvin, cigarette permit ................................................ 16-~avc-U-More Foods, cigarette permit ......................................... 16- St. Mary s St. Dra mtge Project, re: release of funds by IIUD ..... 16- State Agreement for prbnary road extension maintenance ........ 3 -- Schfltz, Vern., stated two man stations for Fire Dept.'s works in other places ..................................................................................... 3--Schrieber, Jim, re: no standard operating procedure for two- man I we Stations, Umon against this .................................... 7--Sch tzDeveo mentCo ' ' · P . rp.,re, rezomngotpr perty from AG to 7 ~ Signs, re: Ordinance amending same ............................................. 7-Smith, Christopher A. & Mary Beth, re: vacation of alley north of Kaufmann Ave ............................................................................ 7 .Swift Plumbing & tleating, re: contract lbr 18th St. Fire Station 7--Sanitary Sewer Extensiun, re: Carl Burbach request (Asbury 7- Strub Construct on, re: erect a canopy at Ki pple s Market ......... 7-Scho!lmeyer, Wayne P., cigarette permit .................................. 7- Shot rower Inn, e garette permit .................................................. 7-South End Beer Store, cigarette permit ....................................... 7--Smlth, Thomas & Daniel, Class "B" Beer & Liquor License ........ 7-Smith, Daniel & Thomas, cigarette permit ................................... 7 -- Sanders, Thomas J., denial of motorcycle damages claim ............ 21 -Schroeder, Clare, re: foul odors from Inland Molasses Phmt ....... 21 --St. Fatrick's Parish. request refund .............................................. 4-State Operating Assistance, Transit Fund ................................... 4 -- Speeht, Lyda, re: Vilht St. water rumoff problem ......................... 308, 4--Sexton, Darlene E., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ................. 4 -- Sauser, Ruth O. & Wm. J., claim of $2800 ti)r property damages. 4 -~ Shears, Mary, claim of $70 for personal injury .............................. 4 -- Schulte, Robert J., request to excavate at 796 Alpine .................. 228 234 240 242 244 244 245 245 245 245 245 245 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 248 249 249 248 251 255 255 257 260 259 265 273 274 276 276 276 277 276 278 283 298 303 332 309 309 309 309 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Sept, Oct. Nov. 4- Sewer damage suit, by Richard A. Bean ....................................... 309 4 - State Health Dept,'s report, re: pools and City Mgr. response .... 310 18--Swift Bros. Mechanical Contractors Inc.~ re: contracL for City Hall Boiler Burner Unit Replacement ........................................... 322 I8- Sumek. Lyle, re: Mgr. authorizing year agreement ..................... 325 18 -- Street Finance Report. FY '80. submission by City Mgr .............. 327 18-S.W, Neighborhood, re: addressing Council relative ~o Nemmer's rezoning ......................................................................... 329 18 -- Schmid, Wm. nominated for Airport Comm.. not appointed ....... 331 18 Scott. Terry A. claim for sewer back-up damages ....................... 333 18 -- Sewer damage claim of TelTy A. Scott .......................................... 333 21--Sewage rate discussion and proposed decrease for 4 compames within City ...................................................................................... 336 2--St. Mary's St. Storm Sewer. Final Est. and accepting improve- ment ................................................................................................. 34t 2 -- Sewer rate increase, submission of Ordinance by Mgr ................ 342 2 -Sewer rate increase, objection by Delos Dorweiler. Al Engfing, Al Polsean. Charles Putchic. John P, Klauer, Donald Deich. Joel Glennon. Richard Vorwald. Kay Boardman. Frank Shepherd. Elaine Lagerstrom. John Sullivan ................................................. 342 2--Sullivan. John, of opinion his salary had not increased the way sewage rates were .......................................................................... 342 2-Shepherd. Frank. against increase in utility fees. mentioning difficulty within living m presenL budget, and also worried about elderly, e~c ............................................................................ 342 2-- Sidewalks. re: repair ....................................................................... 345 2- Spiegelhalter. Melvin A.. Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........ 349 2 -- Specht, Lyda M., claim of $100 for property damage ................... 349 2- Street lighting requests, re: disposition ........................................ 350 15--Schneider. Jerome. of opinion roads & bridges inadequate for residential zoning for Nemmers Oroper~y ..................................... 355 lS--Sorenson, Richard, industrial zoning of Nemmer's property would be poor planning ................................................................... 355 15--Sorenson. Sheila. of opiniot residential districts established near Nemmer's properly and should stay residential .................. 355 15 -- Setter, Robert. of opinion Dr. Nemmer's should not bear brunt of mistakes, re: zoning ................................................................... 355 15- Smith. Vincent. stating Dubuque's motto "A Place to Live'. re: Nemmer's prop ............................................................................... 355 15--State of Iowa. City Development Board. re: voluntary annexa- tion petition by Lime Rock Springs Co., to City of Sageville ....... 358 15-- Sageville, request by Lime Rock Springs Lo annex ~o same ......... 358 [5 -- Seippe] Rd,, approval of nearby plat of "Meadow Acres.". .......... 360 15--Schmidt, Robert. appointed to Airport Corem .............................. 36] 15 - Schiel, Judith. ce: Olde German Bank transfer of Liquor License 362 15 Sfikas. Statues P.~ Class "C' Beer & Liquor License .................... 362 15--Schmidt. John, claim of $176.13 for car damages .......................... 363 15--Schulte. Robert J.. re: excavation on Hillcrest North. for new Eagles Store .................................................................................... 364 15~ Sheldon. Linda L- Class "C" Beer & Liquor License .................. 375 6 -- St. Columbkille's Church refund request on Beer Permit ............ 376 6 ~- Schmid. Mrs. Bernadine. claim of $~00 for personal injuries ........ 376 20 -- Schroeder. Ann. re: suit by Dbq. Bank & Trust Co. eLc ................ 391 3- Smith, Ann, Civil Service Commissioner. re: suhnfission of Fire Prom. Exam Results ....................................................................... 410 3--September. Monthly reports & Receipts & Expenditures sub- mitted .............................................................................................. 410 3-- Shaffer. Terrance L.. claim for $10,000 .......................................... 410 3- Simon. Roger E.. claim for $5.000 ................................................... 410 3 Sageville. re: dismissal of voluntary annexation petition ............. 411 17- St. Patrick's Parish. re: Jackson Park Urban Revitalization ....... 412 17-- Skateboard Ord ............................................................................... 418 17 - Sherwood Park. re: approval of plat of specific lot ........................ 423 17- Street Name conflicts ..................................................................... 426 S - StoeckeL Lawrence. re: amending Code of Ordinance regarding "Firearms." . .................................................................................... 428 8- Swimming pool consultan~ authorization, e~c ............................... 429 INDEX - BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Dec. 8-Shuck, Terry A., Structural Engineers, re: Engineering Agree- men~, re: swimming pools ............................................................... 8-Shive~Hattery & Associates, re: contract for services for Rad ford Ind. Center .............................................................................. 8--Second Hand Dealers, re: amended Ordinance ............................. 8--Sewage & Sewage Disposal, re: new division in Ordinance, re: private haulers ................................................................................ 8- Street Construc~mn Program (Five Ycar~ submission ................ 8-Schnee, Steven T., Class "C" Beer ~: Liquor License ................... 8- Spiegel, Robert, Class "C" Beer & Liq nor License ....................... 22--Strom, David s~rongly for proposed Drug Ord ............................ 22--Stree~ program, re: discussion & questions by Al Polsean .......... 22 -- School buses discharging pupils, re: change in Ordinance ............ 22--S~reet Lighting Program & modification, submission by Mgr .... 22-Sutton, Ruby, appointed to Human Rights Corem ........................ 429 429 431 431 437 442 442 445 466 467 47l 471 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page T Jan. 7 -- Tschudi, Joseph, request James Brady be appointed Mayor ........ 1 7- Telegraph Herald, Official Newspaper of City ............................... 2 ". 22-TransitTrusteeAuthorityMinutes:11-7,11.8,11_19,11_28,12_13, 1-10, 1-31, 2-14, 3-13, 44, 5-8, 6-2, 6-13, 6-12, 7-10, 8-14, 9-11, 10-9, 11-20, Earnings Statements for April, May, June, July, Aug., Sept, Oct ................. 8, 29, 43, 62, 75, 117, 145, 156, 182, 200, ....................................... 228, 247, 277, 296, 309, 349, 363, 376, 391, 472 " 22-Thompson, Mrs. Edna, re: with 186 letters request ambulance service stay as is .................................................... . .......... 14 " 22-- TFM Co., Class "C" Beer Permits 2 .............. 28 " 22 - Table Mound Township, re: Ia. DOT & Offering Lot 2 in Kerrigan Hgts; ...................................................... ;' ............................... 29 Feb. 4-Tabak, Phy s, re: request free use of I4ire Flags for Friendship ~orce ................................................................................................ 35 4 - target Store, Inc. Cigarette License .............................................. 42 18 - Town Clock Plaza, re: downtown urban renewal project area ....... 60 18 - TV Cable Comm. resignation of Justin B. Galler ............................ 59 18 - TV Cable Comm. appointment of John F. Miller ............................ 59 18 -Thelsen's Store, cigarette license ................................................... 61 18 -- Thielen, Mary, request ambulance service stay as is ..................... 61 18- Transamerlcan Insurance Services, re: for Sandra Jellison claim. 62 Mar. 3- Thermo King Sales & Service Inc., re: Quit Claim Deed in River h'ront Sub. to City ............................................................................ 72 3-Tabak, Phyllis, appreciation as Exchange Dir. for Friendship Force ................................................................................................ 80 ' 10--Thoman, Carl, opinions about cutsin budget ................................. 81 10 -- Trenkle Bldgs., re: Alfred Polsean concern .................................... 81 10 - Thillman, John, objecting to giving Chamber of C. $50,000 ........... 82 10~Takos, Peter, reQuest City develop priority (budget) .................... 82 10 -- Thermo King Sales & Service, re: conveying Lots to Klauer Mfg. "I 1 ~ Translt Mgr. ~lary Cn~ 82 - 85 ,, 24-Thompson, J.~., Accept. of Ord ................................. 105 ,, 24-- Transcalle Inc. claim (A & W) .......................................................... 118 24~Thompson Food Markets, Inc., $1fi0 refund ................................... 118 A~. 7 ~ Transit Mgr. submit application te IDOT, re: financial assistance. 124 7 ~ Thompson's Food Market, re: giving property to City .................. 142 " 21-Tool ]ending Library, re: ~equest for release of funds (Block Grant Project) ................................................................................. 151, 152 21-terrace Heights Moble Home Park, permit by Ia. DEQ for sewer, water ....................................................................................1~6 21 ~ Rhompson, Rev. Rick, invocation ................................................... 159 5- Teleprompter Cable TV. re: present informat on on new s stem 181 19~ ~r State Bhnd S( c ety,re nwtat~on to wew ~ac t es ere ............ 189 19 -- Traffic signallzation, re: U.S. 52, IA 3 & 386 & j.F.K ...................... 198, 244 19 - Tegelcr, Ear], Class "C" Beer Permi~ ............................................. 199 19-- Teleprompter, 1979 Financial Statement ....................................... 201 19 - Twin Sisters Sub., re: open space preservation ............................. 201 2 -- Trust & Agency Funds, 1980 Budget Amendment ........................ 203 2--Trkla, Pettigrew, Allen & Payne, Inc., consultants for downtown ~velopment ............................................ ~ ............................... 212 2~qr-State Ind. B nd Soc. Energy Conservation Society, re: Notice of Environmental Review Findings, release of funds by , HUD. "7 .........................................; .............................................. 2 ~ransit ~rustee Bd., re: role in hiring personnel ................... 214, 248 . 217 2 -- l orgler, Larry, resignation from Human Rights Corem ................ 217 -TFM Co., c~garete hcense ............................................................... 226 2- Tschiggfrie, Raymond L., cigarette license...~ ................................ 227 2 ~ q w'n S~sters Partner s Land donation, re: Dbq. Co. Conservation Society requesting C~ty accept offer ........ . ............. 227 I6- Twin Sister's Sub~ "Faldorf's Iq.' rezonlng .................................... 231 " 16-Tschiggfrle Excavating awarded contract for St. Mary's St. Storm Sewer ................................................................................ " 16 -~raffic SignMs: Dodge St. at Devon Drive ............................. 235 ', 238, 239 16--- Target Store, c garette perm t ........................................ ~ .............. 246 M,a.y June INDEX - BOOK 110 SUBJECT Page " 16--Telep,h. one system, update .................. ' ............................... 246 250 · July l-Total Structures, re: contract for 18th St. Fire Station ................ 265 7 - Transit Board, re: city employees ride buses lree ........................ 274. 294 7-TV Cable Comm.. re: appointments of John Miller and Don Allendorf. 7-Teleprompter Corp. reQuesting petition for relief filed by 277 KDUB~TV Inc. be denied requesting continued ne[work non- duplication. ...................................................................................... 277 " 21-Tuckpointing/waterproofing City Hall, submission of bidding ..................................................................................... 287 21--Television sratlons, re: full local status and non-duplication ser- vices ................................................................................................. 298 21-- Traffic problems, re: Vet's Park 4th of July fireworks ................. 298 Aug. 4--Trade time, re: Rick Kreiman's request to facilitate his getting H.N. degree ............. , ........................................................................ 303 4- Transit System, re: FY 81 State Operating Assistance Contract 303 4- Tuckpointing of City Hall, bidding procedures ................. 303 " 4, --~Twin, Sister~ ~ddn., approving final p ars by p & Z Comm ......... 305. 306 a- ~egeler, Ea,rI (2 outlets), cigarette permits ................................... 308 18-Twin Sister s Sub., re: Sewage & Water Construction permit 333 Sept. 2-Thompson Food Market, del very of warranty deed, re: West. mew Shopping Center to Cty 15--~.I. Investments, Chtss "B" Beer Perm ~ 846 -- , ' .......................... 362 15 I'V Cabh. Comm.. re. referral of communications of KDUB. CRG, etc .................................. 15- Tax Suspensions, 4 petitions submitted by Leo Ungs .................. 364 Oct. 6- Trick or Treal Night, Proclamation for Oct. 31 ............................. 367 6--Teleprompter Cable TV. re: procedure for renewing franchise. 376 6- q rans[ Union, re: decision of PER Bd. in Prohib. Practice Com- plaint .................... ?- q ransport Sales Co., Class "C" Beer Permit .................... 377 ............. 390 ~0-Transportation Plan (6 Year) of IDOT, re: update ........................ 391 Power ~o. & City ................................ ; ...................................... 3-~h~'s,m~rrance, Passing Score on liire Prom. Exam for Fire 393 q p nt Opt .................. ' ..................................................... 410 3--Teleprompter Corp., re: copy of registration Statement ............. 410 17- l~hompson, Edn.a,, ?pointment to C.D Corem ............................. 418 424 17-TFM Co C ass C Beer Perm t .................................................... 425 17- Town Clock hm, Inc. Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ................ 425 Dec. 1--Tsch'ggfr,e Excavat ng, re: awarding of contract for Bell St. 8--Traffic Signal Improvements, re: Dodge St. at Devon Drive. completion. 8- Tegeler, Earl, Class "C" B ;;'3' ~;~'~¥i ............................................. 438 8-- l~homan Sr. M. Rosabc, claim . 442 444 INDEX - BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page 0 Jan. 7-- Uskavitch, Church, request for ambulance license for Dbq. Medi- cal Transport ............. ~'";; .............................................. 6 126, 187 7-UAW, Lorn 94, Cass B BeerPermt;cigarettelicense .............. 7, 226 7--Ungs, David A., Class "C' Beer & Liquor License, cigarette license .............................................. .............................................. 7, 245 " 22.- University Ave. (1075), re: rezoning request of Peter W. Klauer property ......................................................................................... 26, 47 Feb. 4-UMTA, re:requestofKey netoprovideforanadditional$4,526. 33 4 -U.S. Dept. of Housing & Urban Devel., re: requesting release of funds for Radford Road Project ............................................... 41 " 18 - Urban Renewal p an,re: Loan & Capital Grant Contract .............. 49 " 18-United Food & Commercial Workers on record to keep ambu- lance service in City as is ................... : ............................................. 61 Mar. 3 - Unit.ed Labor Particlpation Corem,, re:comm, recommending the naming of Area "C' Schmitt MemorialPark & the road be named Admiral Sheehy Dr ......................................................................... 65 3- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, re: establishing maxi- mum contaminant level ........................................... 75 ' 24-Unversty&Ethe Sts.,re:vacationofprop.etc ............ 109, 193, 194, 203 Ap,~'. 7-UniversityAve.,re:Aspha]tPavingProjeet ................................. 135, 160 7 - UMTA, re: max. payment of $363,998 for operating expenses ...... 179 7 - Urban Renewal Area, re: Carnival request ................. : .................. 179 May 19-UniformMech. Code.,1979edition, recommendingadoption ........ 191, 218 ii 19 - University Ave. & Prysl St., re: vacation of nearby alley .............. 194 ,, 19 - US 52, IA 3, 336 & J.F.K., re: traffic signalization .......................... 198 . , 19 - UAW, re:individual pricing Ordinance .......................................... 202 19- Unlt pricing, re: requests for Ordinance clarification ..................... 202 June 16 - Ungs, David, cigarette permit .............. . ................ 245 16 -- University of Dubuque, cigarette permit ....................................... 245 16 -- Upper Krust, cigarette permit ....................................................... 246 I6-UMTA, re: Sioux City requesting support of opposition to the manner of implemention of Section 504 of the 1975 Rehab. Act ..... 243 Ju,!y 7 - Uhlrich Elco. Co., re: Contract for 18th St. Fire Station ................. 265 7 -- Union Cigar Store, cigarette permit ............................................... 276 7- University Ave. (2017), re: rezonlng request of Richard Henkel. 291 Aug. 18 - Union Label Week, proclamation for week of Sept. 1_6 .................. 336 Sept. 2- United Way Campaign Time, proclamation for Sept. 4 through Nov. 15 ...................................................................... 338 , 2-Uh r ch,Pan J., appo nted to Elec. Bd. of Appeals ........................ 361 15 - Ungs, Leo, re: 4 petitions for suspension of Real Estate Taxes ...... 364 Oct, 6-- UMTA application for $447,249 ...................................................... 372, 373 6- ,Urban Revitalization Program, re: submission of same concern- lng: Jackson Park Revitalization ........................................... ; ........ 372 16 - United California Bank & Associates, re: $3,400,000 Corporation Purpose Bonds ................................................................................. 380 Nov. 3 -- Urban Storm Water Management Study, re: Ia. Sta~e University 394 3 - Udelhofen, Gerald L., passing score in Fire Promotional Exam .... 410 3- UMTA, re: proof of publication, re: P. Hearing to consider pro~ ject for Federal Operating Assistance .............................. 414 Dec. 8-UMTA, re: f ng of app cat on w th Dept. of Trans. for grant ...... 433 8 -- Ungs, David A., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ......................... 442 " 22 - UAW Local 94, Class "C" Beer Permit ........................................... 472 INDEX -- BOOK 110 Feb, SUBJECT Page 7 - Vorwald. Richard. expressed desire that Council Member Brady be Mayor .......................................................................................... 1 7-Van Etten, Attorney, for R. & M. Morley, request vacation of alley at 693 Kaufmann Ave ............................................................. 6. 18 7 - Vacation alley iportion)at 693 Kaufmann by Boss & Mary Morley 6 7-Vacation portion of Maple St.. recommendation of City Mgr. Lo deny same ............................................................................... 7 Vacation of alley beside 693 Kaufmann Ave.. re: comm. of'~}~ Mgr. and as requested by Arty. Van Etten ..................................... i8 " 22-- Vacation of alley adjoining 2301Hempstead St., petition of Glen & Mary Goffinet .............................................................................. 19. 33 22- Vacation of 20' alley between King & Broadway Sts ...................... 27 22 - Vorwald. Richard. appointed to C.D. Corem ................................... 27 4 - VFW. re: petition for annual poppy sale ......................................... 36 4 - Vacation of portion of Elbow S~., requested etc .............................. 36 4 -- Vogel. Catherine M., claim .............................................................. 44 18 - Vacation of alley at intersection of Hempstead & Lowell Sts ........ 56 Mar, 3 -- Vacation of Elbow St., re: recommendation of Mgr.e~c ................. 71 3 -- Vincent, Brian J.. Class "C" Beer Permit. cigarette license ........... 73. 226 3 - Vogel. Catherine M., denial of personal injury claim ...................... 76 ' 24 -- Victor Gruen Plan, re: Rec~reation & Open Sp ~ce Plan ..... 108 " 24-VacatorofUnversity&Ethel, eomm.aboutsame ................ 109. 203. 204 Apr. 7 -- Vickery, Keith. of opinion that Cedar Cross Rd. should definitely be residential .................................................................... 130. 169. 188 " 7 - Valley Street re: Aspha t Pay ng Project ....... 2 ............................ 135. 160 June -Vacation of A ey south of Ethel Ave. between University & Prysi Sts .......................................................................................... 204 2- Ventilating, re: governing Ord ........................................................ 217 2 - Vet's Park, re: Jaycees to hold Fireworks Display there ............... 228. 298 2 -- Vandermillen, Henry, claim ............................................................ 228 2 - Voss, Roger A., Small Claims Dismissed ....................................... 228 2-Vet's Park. re: transference of Beer Permit from Main St. by Jaycees ............................................................................................ 245 July 3- Vacation of alley north of Kaufmann Ave ....................................... 259 4 -- Villa St., waLer run off pl.oblem ...................................................... 308. 332 4 -- Vos. Rev. Thomas, Invocation ......................................................... 31] 18 -- Vickery, Keith, re: rezoning of Nemmer's property ....................... 311. 355 Sep.,t. 2- Vorwald, Richard. objection to increase in utility rates ................. 342 15 ~ Vollbrecht, Bob, re: POM's Parking meter's advantages ............... 358 Nov. 3-- Valley Street Schedule of Assessments for 1980 Asphalt Paving Project .................................................................................... 404 17 -- Vorwald, Richard. appointed to C.D. Corem ................................... 424 17- Victoria [9271. re: request vacation of nearby lot ............................ 425 INDEX - BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Jan. 7-Water Treatmem Plant and Solids Handling Facilities re: Comm. of City Mgr. and Public Works Dir recommending adop- tion of resolutions approving final est ............................................. 7-Weaver Enterprises, Ltd., re: conveym~ real es~,a~e ~)n J.F.K, Rd. to City ........................................................................................ 7 - Walkathon - request by National Foundation March of Dimes to conduct ............................................................................................ 7-West 11th St. Neighborhood request P. Hearing on ambulance situation ........................................................................................... 7- Welter, Herbert, objecting to giving Mercy ambulance service and request right to vote on this matter ......................................... 7-- Word Processing Equipment, re: proof of Pub. of Notice to Ven- dors of receipt of proposals ............................................................. 22- Water Treatment Plant, re: final est .............................................. 22 - Wagner, Robert W.. cigarette permit, Class "C" Beer Permit ...... ' 22- Wagner, Lloyd (by Atty. Hughes) claim in an undetermined ams. for being struck by police car .......................................................... Feb. 4--Word Processing Systems recommendation that City Mgr. be autl?rized to enter into an agreement with A.B. Dick for lease of 4-Winsor, Richard, cigarette license. Class "C" Beer Permit. 4 -- Walsh, CIiff, re: renaming area Captain Schmitt Memorial Park etc ..................................................................................... 7' 43 " 18-Wh ppo, Dorothy ct a petition Council that ambulance servme stay as is ........................................................................................... 61 ' 18 - Weber, St. Margaret with petition for hospital based ambulance. 62 " 18- Wemett, Donald, claim ............ 2 ......................................................62 Mar. 3-Women's History Week. proclamation declaring same for 3-5 through 3-8 ....................................................................................... 65 3--Waltz, Hank, re: naming area Captain Schmit~ Memorial Park and road Admiral Sheehy Rd .......................................................... 65 3--West Third/Alpine Dis., re: Ordinance changing name to Lang- worthy Historic Pres .................................................................. 66. 130, 131 3 - Warranty Deeds, acceptance of parcels of property acquired for J.F.K. Road Widening .................................................................... 69 3 - Wenkstern, Woodrow H. & Henrie~ta~ re: conveyance of proper- ty to the City ....................................................................................69. 70 3-- Will Co., Inc., Class "C' Beer Permit .............................................. 73 3 - Winders, James R., Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ................... 74 3 -- West 5th (& Hill St.~. re: proposed channelization & ~rosswalkim- provements at this intersection ...................................................... 75 3 -- Walsh, James, clain~ ........................................................................ 76 3--WilIiams, Marion. request adequate Police protection from the , Cty ..................................................................................................81 3- Wet tzberger, Richard Jr., questions about long range City plan, police & fire protection .................................................................... 81 3 - Water Storage Tank, expenses under CIP ..................................... 86 3 -- Water Main - Ind. Cen~er- CIP $9250.00 ......................................... 86 3 - West End Improvements expenses In amt. of $157,000 ................. 86 3 -- Water Meter Installations, giving specifications ........................... 91 3 -- Water Rates, Ord. 18-80 Es~.ablishing same ................................... 91 " 24-- Wahlert High School Boys Basketball Team. congratulations ex- tended by Mayor Farrell ................................................................. 99 " 24--Wahlert High School Basketball Champions offered ma~ch~ng funds from citizens to construct signs on highways entering City, honoring them & Hempstead .......................................................... 99 " 24--Westview Shopping Center. re: final plats for land for J.F.K. Road Wodeningsubmitted ....................................................... 105. 106, 346 24--Weber, Michael B., cigarette license. Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ........................................... ,, · ................................................. 116 24--Wastewater Survey Compliance Sampling, submission by Ia. DEQ. ,, ' .............................................................................................. 117 24--Windsor Park Apts., re: comm. from HUD, etc.. re: preliminary prop., objections, etc ....................................................................... 117. 148 3 5 6 9 9 10 22 28, 245 29 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980~ SUBJECT Page Mar. 3 -- Water· drinking, re: submission bf amendment concermng same of la. DE~ ..................... II 7 b-Winsor, Richard, refund request ................................................... 118 3 -- We blen. W.H., against curt ng po ce & f re orces ...................... 118 Apr. 7- West 8th St., re: Proof of Pub of sale of prop. of home ai 599 W~ 8th St ...................... 127 7--West 8th St.. Asphalt Paving Pla~., ii::::iiiiiii: 134. 160 7 -- West Locust St., re: Asphalt Paving Plan ..................................... 135. 160 7- West Third St.. Asphalt Paving Plan ............................................ 135 7- Woodland Dr.. re: Asphalt Paving Plan ........................................ 135. 160 7 - Water Well No. 10, re: authorization of Engineering Services .... 142 21 --Warning signs installed by Dock Comm.· re: prohibit swimming etc ............................ ;j..;; .................................................................. 148 · 21-Walgreen Co., Class C Beer Permit.. cigarette license ............. 155 198 " 21--Windsor Tap Co.. Class "C" Beer & Liquor License, cigarette permit ........................ 155 245, 349 " 21-Whean. Ted request no further cuts be made in Police & Fire " 21-Water lreatmcnt Plant. operating successfully, re: Comm· of Ia. DEQ ............................................................................................ 156 May 5- Walnut St., re: submission el rescue plan for ()Id Red Brick Rd. by C. Robert Justmann .................................................................. 162 $-Weiner, Ronald. J. & IIelen. request deletion from 1980 Con crete Pav nfl Project ...................................................... 162 5-Wetter. David. re: transfer of Liquor License from Bistro ~o T.C.P. -- alsh, Kathieen M., Class C Beer & L~quor License, cigarette permit ............ : ................................................................................. 180. 245 5- Woodrum. E/amc. claim, denial of claim ....................... 182. 228 t9 -- Windman. Gai]. e~ al, petition opposing zoning a3owing commer- cial development on Nemmer's pc(p ...... 188, 355 19 -- Wallace. q om, settlement of cia m .. 200 19-- Wenzel ~rowing Service, claim ..................................................... 200 " 19--West Side Bus. ~ Prof. Ass, re: Kennedy Rd. Completion Pro- ject ................................................................................................... 201 June 2- Water Fund, Amendment to 1980 License .................................... 227 2- Weber, Mike. Cigarette License .................................................... 227 2--Walsh. Rosemarie, claim ................................................................ 228 16- Waugh, Wm. Riley, appointed to Rehab. Corem ........................... 244 16- Willenborg, Bernard. cigarette permit & Liquor License ............ 245. 246 16 -- Winders, James R.. clgaretl.e permit ............................................. 245 16-- Wong, Chuck, cigarette permit ...................................................... 245 16 -- Wareco. cigarette permit ............................................................... 245 16 -- West Dubuque Tap, cigarette permit .......................................... 245 16- Wm. ~. Brown Co.. cigarette permit ............................................. 245 15- Woolworth's Store, c~gare~c permit ............................................ 246 16 -- Walsh, John J., car damage claim, set fiement .............................. 247. 41l I6- Winders. Randy J., claim, denial .................................................... 247, 278 July 7-- Westpha] Co., awarding of e[ec, contract for Dodge St. & Devon Dr. Traffic Signal Improvements ................................................... 268 21-- West Eleventh St. Neighborhood, petition of Pam Edahl ............ 286 21-Waterpro f ng/tuckpomtmg City Hall. re: bidding procedures, 18- Wholesale & General Service District Est.. C-7 ............................ 316 18-- Weber, Phil, nominated fl~r Airport Comm ................................... 331 Sept. 15--Wallis. James.. questioned nec. traffic plans for Nemmer's land develop ............................................................................................ 355 t5 -- Weed removal notice, penalty, etc. amended ................................ 361 15-- Watters, Wm. J.. appointed to Housing Comm ............................ 361 .. 15-- Weydert. Marilyn, appointed to Housing Corem .......................... 361 15 -- Wetter, David J., Class "C' Beer & Liquor License ..................... 361. 442 Oct. 6-Woodyard, Michael D., claim ......................................................... 376 20- Weidemann· Thomas, claim ........................................................... 391 INDEX - BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Nov. 17-Walsh, John, request consideration for issuance of Ind. Devel. Rev. Bonds ...................................................................................... 416 " 17--Water Storage Facility, re: Engrg. Services Agreement with Cullen, Kilby, Carolan, etc .............................................................. 419 Dec. 8-Wastewater Treatment Plant, re: Ord. adding regulations for private haulers of sewage ............................................................... 431 8-Water Supply Well #10, re: bidding procedures, necessity for improvements, etc .......................................................................... 432 , 8 -- West Side Bus. & Profess. Assoc. of Dubuque, re: raised median on Kennedy Rd. as condition for C-6 Zoning, objecting ................ 443 8--Weimerskirch, Virgil, claim .......................................................... ~ 444 ' 22- West 11th St. Urban Revitalization Area, establishment, ere ..... 469 . 22-Wastewater Treatment Plant, re: Consent Decress submission by Corp. Counsel ............................................................................. 470 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Feb. 18-Xavier Hospitalpetitionlng£okeepambulanceasCity basedser- viced ................................................................................................. 62 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Y Jan. 22--York St. (& Dodge), re: Zoning Ord. change, reclassification of property from R-2 to OR-1 ..........................................................26, 47, 48 Mar. 11- Youth Services Bureau~ termination .............................................. 88 ' 24- Yunker, Chris, Coordinator of P. Affairs of Homart D. Co. gave oral presentation on downtown development..; ............................. 120 July 21-Yard,definitionoffront&side ................................. 292, 323, 324 Nov. 3 - Youth Appreciation Week, proclamation for Nov, 9-15 ................. 393 INDEX -- BOOK 110 1980 SUBJECT Page Jan, 7--Zurchek John. petition I'or present lighting system for Mar- quette PI .......................................................................................... 6. 18 Feb, 4--ZoningAmendments. uptoJan. 22, presented .............................. 44, 156 13-Zoning Adjustment Minutes Submitted: 11-15-79: 2~28-80. 3-1~. 4-17.4~28.5-15.6-19.7-17.7-31,8-21 .................................... 62. 247, 376, 443 Mar, 31--Zimmer. Richard. re: letter of appreciatiodlrejection for City Clerk position ..................................................................................122 May 5-- Zimmer, Richard. resignation from Civil Service Commission ..... 180 Sept. 15 - Zwack. Joseph, rep. proper ty owners, re: Denying Nemmer's re_ ques~ Lo stay Industrial zoning ........................................................ 355 15 - Zoning Bd. of Appeal: appointment of Joe W. Holdiman ............... 362