Minutes Library Bd 1 7 04 Carnegie-Stout Public Library Board of Trustees' Worksession Meeting Minutes of Wednesday, 3anuary 7, 2004 The Board of Trustees of the Carnegie-Stout Public Library (C-SPL) held a Planning Worksession in the Library Board Room at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, 3anuary 07, 2004. Board President Tom Tully; Board Vice President Michael Shubatt (arrived 4::[8 p.rn,); Board Secretary Mary Strom; Trustee Alan Avery (arrived at 4:32 p.m.); Trustee Jack Felderman; Trustee Sue Lindsay; Trustee Kristen Smith; Library Director Susan Henricks; Recorder Denette Kellogg Tully called the meeting to order at 4:09 p.m. "lVloved to adopt the meet~n9 agenda of January ,7, 2004." Mot/on: L/ndsay Second: Sm/th Vote: Aye -5' Nay- 0 Planning for January 26, 2004 Work Session with City Council - Tully asked that in preparation for the January 26, 2004 Work Session with the City Council the Board review and clarify specific issues in regard to the proposed Library renovation. Strom reported on the need to make the best use of the Library now. Felderman agreed that the Library should concentrate on utilizing the current Library but emphasized the need for adequate parking. Lindsay reported on the need to renovate the current building to make the best use of space and address the need to preserve the building as it building's condition is deteriorating. The Board agreed that the need for a branch library be kept as a separate issue at this time, and to focus only on the Library's proposed renovation to make better use of the space available and to restore the original Library. Tully suggested that the main issues to be reviewed include: Will the Council support a referendum to renovate the Library? What is the City Council's role in the use of the renovated facility? The Board noted the City Council's support for the project at meetings held with most Council members in January 2002. The Board discussed its next steps if Council approves asking the community to support a percentage of the project. The Board agreed to put together a plan to seek favorable public support. Avery confirmed that the plan then would be Library Board of Trustees Minutes of Jamtary 7, 2004 Board Plarming Work Session to run private and public funding together for the project, and the Board agreed. Tully reported on the tax credit plan in the State of Iowa to allow for tax credit for charitable donations amounting to 20% of their gift up to one half of a million dollars. Felderman reported that one question from the City Council might be the funding role and support for the project by the Library Board and the Library Foundation. Tully reported that the detailed information is part of the fund raising aspect. The Board agreed to reflect its support of the project by confirming that they will financially contribute to the project. The Board requested that Smith and Avery address the Foundation Board in regard to their support of the proposed renovation project. The Board agreed to invite the Library Foundation to its January 22, 2004 Board meeting to review funding the proposed renovation project, to discuss its support of the project, and the possibility of the Foundation giving annual sustaining funding for Library staffing. The Board discussed the need to address the shortage of staff to provide public service with the renovation, as the Library is understaffed at the current time. The Board agreed to investigate alternative funding. While working with the City Council to resolve the issue. Strom asked that information of the how the facility will change to meet the needs of the public be provided, if needed, at the meeting. Henricks reported that Capital Improvement Package (ClP) requests have been submitted for various building needs including interior and exterior upkeep. The Board agreed that the main focus of the meeting should be on the proposed renovation, but that information on the CIPs be available at the meeting. The Board discussed the need to report to the City Council on the commitment to the project in grant funds including the possibility of Endow Iowa funds and agreed to report on the potential for raising grant funds along with the fact that the Library has had preliminary positive feedback in reference to local foundation funding. Henricks reported that she would develop a list of funding resource grants for the proposed building renovation. The Board agreed to get an estimate from the Feasibility Consultant as to the estimated grant funds to be raised. The Board discussed the economy and the City budget being in a better financial state in three years which could allow for additional staffing. -2- Library Board of Trustees Minutes of January 7, 2004 Board Planning Work Session Shubatt reported a need to confirm the work session agenda items. The Board agreed that the meeting should be focused on the renovation project itself. Staffing issues and a branch library would only be addressed if questioned by the City council. If staffing issues are discussed, the Board agreed to report that staffing is a need for now and in the future, and that the Library and City Council need to work together on this consideration for staffing requirements. The Board agreed to review the possibility of a sustaining fund for staff, to suggest that they work together into solving the need for staffing, and to report community support for the need for staffing should the renovation move forward. The Board agreed to express, if questioned on a branch library, that it was told by City Manager a branch library would not be a possibility, and the Library Board has been addressing the need to utilize the current space more effectively along with the need to upgrade the current facility. The Board agreed to give positive feedback to suggestions of a City Council liaison on the Library Board if discussed. The Board agreed on the following tentative agenda for the meeting: 1) Provide the proposed renovation plans and give a five to ten minute presentation on what those plans consist of and what the enhancements for service are. 2) Approach the City Council to ask, "Will the Council support a bond referendum." Tully reported that the total project funding of 4.2 million dollars is needed but that the bond referendum total will depend on the estimated private funding from grants, foundations and private funding Tully reported that after the information is gathered from the Feasibility Consultant on estimated grant, foundation and private funding, the bond referendum amount could be estimated for the City Council. 3) What is the City Council's role in the use of the renovated facility? 4) How can the Library Board do a better job of communicating with the City Council? What type of communication is desired? The dralt agenda will be provided to Board members for confirmation of the agenda prior to the meeting. Tully reported that he would schedule a final Planning Committee meeting to review the final City Council work session agenda and review the needed information as discussed. -3- Library Board of Trastees Minutes of January 7, 2004 Board Planning Work Session 3. Communications/Public Comment - The Board agreed to review the Library Board terms that are scheduled to end in 2005 at a future meeting. 4. "Plot~on to adjourn." ~v/orion: Felderman Second: Avery Vote: Aye - 7; Nay- 0 The Board adjourned at 5:14 p.m. Mary Strom, Board Secretary -4-