Library Bd Update 12 18 03Carnegie-Stout £~u, a~, Boa. ~ ??om *he X4eefi:tk' o;~ The art sub-committee has met end discussed the library's participation in the Grand Excursion during three days at the end of June 2004. Library owned artwork would be displayed as well as the art of 4 - 5 local artists. The library owns original plates of Kate Van Duzee's works which will be used to reproduce note cards, post cards, or possibly higher quality reproductions suitable for flaming. This will be determined in future meetings. Four alternatives for Sunday staffing were presented for consideration. The goal is to increase staffing on Sundays to provide the same level of service patrons have access to Men-Sat without staff having to work 7 days in a row once a month; all of this done within the current budget allowence. Two alternatives were eliminated. One plen is in place now: hire an on-call library assistant to work at the busiest times (including every Sunday) end pay this salary out of savings realized from other budget line items, end hire on-calls to cover for regular staffusing the overtime savings to also pay for the on call personnel. This option will be reviewed in March to evaluate success. If deemed successful, a determination must be made as to how to fully fund this position next year. (Possibly, through closing 4 Sundays a year.) Staff'mg shortages in general were discussed, particularly creative ways to staff that may exist. One such idea was asking the Foundation to support one position (similar to an "endowed chair" in academia.) The Foundation will be approached with this idea, however it is likely that the idea will not be considered as it is outside the Foundation mission statement The second phase of the Volunteer report was presented. The board would like to pursue finding a volunteer who is interested in heading the Volunteer program at the library. Additionally, we will begin to recruit additional volunteers by contacting the Ftiends of the Library and asking to see their membership lists. Budget on target; 42% of the year lapsed, 43% of the budget expended Evaluations have been scheduled for all library staff that have not had a performance appraisal this year. The director's evaluation will take place in February 2004. Statistics in nearly every area were down (visits, circulations, reference questions) over last month. It is believed this is because the library was closed two days in November. This is the first time the library has closed for Veterans Day end the day al~er Thanksgiving. This was implemented to match library closings to those of the City as a cost savings. Libracy Anecdotes A young adult patron went to Wal-Mart to the department which stocks yarn and related items. She asked for a pattern to make gloves. She was told Wal-Mart didn't carry patterns~ but to go to the library because "The library has the best collection of patterns, and I'm sure you'll find something there!" A patron telephoned the reference desk to ask if we could find the zip code for Jamaica in the West Indies. What seemed a fairly straightforward question was not. Resources indicated that Jamaica did not use zip codes, or postal codes. The librarian thought to confirm this through the Post Office. When the post office employee was asked, her response was: "Call the library." ~o, Jamaica doesn't use zip codes.) Dubuquer and library lover Fran Kennedy has joined the ranks of successful children's authors with her book The PicMe Patch Bathtub. The nationally known clfildren's book publisher, Tricycle Press plans to market the book in May of 2004. Fran brought her copy of the book in for library staff to read which is not only a great story, but contains beautiful illustrations. Fran told us that she spent many hours researching facts for her book at the library. For instance, when her character finally earned enough money for her own bathtub Fran wanted her to celebrate with a bubble bath. Fran's research at the library revealed that while bubble bath was available at that point in history, it was only the very wealthy who had access to it so it was highly unlikely the protagonist in the story would have had access to the bubbly liquid. Library Board 2f'Trustees Tom Tully, Board President Michael Shubatt, Board Vice-President Mary L. Strom, Board Secretary J.L. Felderman Sue Lindsay Kristen L. Smith Alan Avery Susan Henricks, Director