Minutes Housing Comm 12 9 03DATE: TIME: PLACE: MINUTES OF HOUSING COMMISSION MEETING 9 December 2003 4p.m. Housing and Community Development Department Office Chairperson Kapler called the meeting to order at 4:06 a.m. following staff assurance of compliance with lowa Open Meeting Law. Commissioners Present: Bill Helling Danita Grant Harry Neustadt John Plein Char Eddy Jim Holz Dave Kapler Commissioners Absent: Gina Bell Dorothy Culbertson Dorothy Schwendinger, OSF Staff Present: David Harris Annie Tauke Joleen Patterson Tusdee Blus Officer Chris Gorre!l Janet Walker Officer Scott Simpson Public Present: None Review and certification of Minutes of 3 November 2003 Commission Meetin.q '"----'--',.,,~,,,,,,~ss~oner' ,_,~,~yc'~'~,, "*,, ,oved, to ap~,,,v,."-" ,,, th..-, 3 November 2003 Commission meeting minutes. Commissioner Holz seconded. Roll Call. All present in favor. Motion passed. David Harris requested that discussion of the Trust Fund Committee be added to the agenda under Old Business, Item C. This was done with the agreement of the Commission. Welcome: Dorothy Schwendin.qer, OSF, as New Commissioner It was noted that Commissioner Schwendinger could not be present. Correspondence / Public Input C.J. Noonan has requested a response to his letter to Chairperson Kapler. Chairperson Kapler stated that he has responded and will provide staff a copy of his response letter. Old Business Community Development CommisSion RepOrt: FY'04 Amendment /FY'05 Budget Aggie Tauke provided a packet of information for the Commission's review. Over $1 million is allocated for Housing activities, as well as several new programs. The Commission discussed the allocation of funding for historic directional signage in the downtown area. Commissioner Neustadt moved to recommend transferring the monies slated for historic directional signage in the amount of $19,500 to the Homeowner Rehabilitation Program. Commissioner Holz seconded. Roll Call. Commissioner Helling - Nay. All others present in favor. Motion passed. Staff was asked to compose a letter regarding this recommendation for Chairperson Kapler to sign. This will be delivered to the CD Commission meeting, with the recommendation to approve the recommended budget with the one amended item. Review of Appeals Process Janet Walker explained the Section 8 appeals process, first stating that the Section 8 Administrative Plan is our policy document. There are also federal regulations that must be adhered to regarding formal and informal review. We always allow ietters to be written by participants / applicants to the Commission to ask for exceptions to our policies. The Commission has raised the issue of the number of appeals allowed to participants. Janet stated that there are three opportunities for appeal currently: appeal to Janet; hearing with David; hearing with a Commissioner. In some instances, there may be an appeal to the full Commission. The question was raised as to how many times the Commission reversed David's decisions, and the answer is not very often. Commissioner Holz motioned to table the issue until the next meeting so that further discussion can be made with all Commissioners present. Commissioner Eddy seconded. All present in favor. Motion passed. Trust Fu_n_d Discussion There were two applications chosen as the final candidates - Four Mounds/Four Oaks/HEART project and the MAHP/Fondell project. The Trust Fund Committee decided to move forward with the Four Mounds project. The application for the funding in a total of $100,000 is due to the Iowa Finance Authority on December 15, 2003. The Committee is expecting to have a decision on their request in February 2004. New Business Section 8 Management (SEMAP) Program Rating SE.MAP is HUD's grading system for housing authorities. This is the second year in a row that Dubuque's Section 8 Program has received a 100% rating. Congratulations to all staff for their hard work. Proposal to Expand Operation Up-Keep Target Area and Increase Dollar Amount Joleen Patterson proposed 1) expansion of Operation Upkeep to be city-wide, based upon the income of applicants; and 2) an increase from $2,000 to $5,000 per household. The soume of the funds is a Block Grant; however, applicants will only be able to get funding from one source (either a Historic grant or this). Commissioner Holz moved to approve Joleen's proposal. Commissioner Plain seconded. All present in favor. Motion passed. Information Sharing Jasmine Fallen Commissioner Culbertson met with staff for the appeal hearing for Jasmine Fallen. Jasmine did not appear at the stated time, but arrived a half-hour late. She was therefore provided a letter of termination for having unauthorized persons living with her. However, Ms. Fallen has stated that she felt she was not late and that the meeting had actually been scheduled for the time she arrived. She has requested another chance for a hearing. The Commission asked if she had been asked to provide a copy of the written notification of her hearing, stating the later time, and staff assured the Commission that she had. HoWever, at this time, Ms. Fallen has not provided the documentation David also assured the Commission that he had made Ms. Fallen aware of the December 9 HoU~ n~commission Meeting at Which her request for another hearing would be heard. Commissioner Eddy stated that although meetings are ~,-,,' ~ Fa!!en ~n sometimes missed, it appears this one should have been ,.pu, to, ,t ..... ~' make sure that she did not miss it. Commissioner Grant moved to deny Ms. Fallen's request for another appeal hearing. Commissioner Helling seconded. All present in favor. Motion passed. Officer Scott Simpson Officer Simpson stated there have been a very Iow number of calls for service in the downtown area recently. Adiournment There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Eddy moved to adjourn. Commissioner Holz seconded. Motion passed by a voice vote. Meeting was adjourned at 5:06 p.m. Minutes taken by: Tusdee Blus Housing Department Secretary ~rtespe~,uu~y ou,~mltted ,~. Da'~d Harris Department Director