Minutes Long Range Pln 1 21 04 MINUTES LONG RANGE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION Wednesday, January 21, 2004 7:00 P.M. Auditorium, Carnegie Stout Library 360 W. 11th Street; Dubuque, Iowa PRESENT: Chairperson David Rusk; Commissioners Roy Buol, Rick Stein, Floyd Schneider, Charles Winterwood, Mike Pod:zen and Mary Lynn Neumeister; Staff Members Laura Carstens and Elizabeth Conlon. ABSENT: None. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: Staff presented a Certification of Compliance with the Iowa Open Meetings Law. MINUTES: Motion by Stein, seconded by Neumeister, to approve the minutes of November t9, 2003, as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. ACTION ITEM: AMENDED AND RESTATED GARFIELD PLACE URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA PLAN. David Harris, Housing and Community Development Director, explained the Amended and Restated Garfield Place Urban Revitalization Area Plan. Staff Member Laura Carstens noted the consistency of the proposal with the Comprehensive Plan. The Commission discussed the request, noting that this is an amendment of an urban revitalization plan they have supported in the past. Motion by Winterwood, seconded by Stein, that the Commission finds that the Amended and Restated Garfield Place Urban Revitalization Area Plan is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING: DOWNTOWN DUBUQUE MASTER PLAN. Chairperson Rusk reported the presentation to the City Council that he and the consultants will make at the February 2nd Public Hearing. He thanked both the Downtown Planning Committee and the Planning Department staff for their participation on the project. He also commented that Vision 2000, the Dubuque Comprehensive Plan, and Vision Downtown documents helped the Downtown Planning Committee bring the Downtown Dubuque Master Plan to fruition. He also thanked the local media and private donors for their support. Long Range Planning Adviso~ Commission Janua~ 21,2004 Page 2 Staff Member Carstens gave a PowerPoint presentation on the Downtown Master Plan, and answered questions from Commissioners. There was one public comment. Dan LoBianco, Executive Director for Dubuque Main Street, Ltd., stated that the DMSL Board of Directors endorsed the Downtown Master Plan, and were prepared to take the lead on the project with adequate support from the City. The Commission discussed the Downtown Dubuque Master Plan, noting it is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Motion by Neumeister, seconded by Stein, to recommend that the Downtown Dubuque Master Plan is consistent with [he Comprehensive Plan and be adopted by the City Council. Motion carried unanimously. LIAISON/SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS: Joint City/County Ptanninq Committee: Commissioner Neumeister reviewed the status of the Fringe Area Policy Agreement with Dubuque County. She discussed the outcome of the December 17, 2003 Committee meeting. Chairperson Rusk also reported that at the Dubuque County Planning and Zoning Commission meeting held on January 15, 2004, a vote on the Agreement was tabled to revise the agreement to include a statement that addresses conflicts between one city and another with overlapping two-mile areas in accordance with State taw. Commissioner Neumeister said that the result is that the Committee will be meetin9 again in February to vote on an amended Agreement. Downtown Plannin,q Committee: -This report had already been discussed. Enterprise Zone Commission: Commissioner Stein reported no activity. Bee Branch Stormwater Committee: Commissioner Winterwood updated the Commission on the Committee's work on possible solutions for the stormwater issue. He said the Committee will be working to determine an alignment for the stormwater facility. He also stated that there is a moratorium on new construction in the Bee Branch study area. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:09 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Conton, Assistant Planner Adopted