West 3rd Street 0988 988 W. 3rd St. O. Dubuqeu Dental Clinic C. American Medical Bldg.Guilc Erect 2story Br.Ven.Dental Clinic Bldg.B.P. 647 9 -11 -69 C -Giese Roofing Co. 185,000. 00. Reroof -brk bus bldg B.- P..875-- 10 -21 -7s 9200 .-00 0 - West 3rd Dental Clinic C - Strub Const. -- Alteration to interior of brk off. -bldg, B.P. 1250, 0 -Dr. Donald Degnan C -Dick Loetscher 10/2/78 l000. inter. remodeling, off. bldg. BP 12980.1/11/88 $5000.00 0 -Roger Nemmers C -dim Steil Const. remodel inter., partition walls comm. bldg. BP16998 6/1/90_$6000.00_ 988 West 3rd _ 0 -West 3rd Dental Ct. C -Giese Roofing Co. _nero_of off. hid_g B219l_61 R/23/9.1-_$13Z5-0_.-00 0,R-o_gPr J. Nammers C -I arry Weitz SiginSys. inst. one 4'6 "x4 "0" non- illum. tenant sign on back — BP21t0 9718792 N/A 0 - -Dr M h el E-ufts G- -3okua -S cheme+- -Schwan-anger remodel interior (partitions) office BP27645 12/27/94 - 133711070 - 0 - - D - West-Thax-d-- Den#,al- Assoc -. install 7'hx5'w dbl sides non- illum.'Sign 8P39971.11/17/98