West 7th Street 0339 339 W. 7TH 0 -Wayne Ealers C- Schmitt Rfg & Const Joh <�k.il t /o, resheet, reroof, SF BP 31061 6/29/95 $8370.00 0-Woodward Comm. Inc. _. C- Tschiggfrie Excavat. demolish 3 story(bsmt) apt. bldg BP40421 7/2/99 n/a ............. F f _ _ - — p 7tr. 0 — .No c ins use Oes Jac ^ 0-Telegraph Eerald C-John Fischbach /Alterations to basement of M.F.Br.Bldg. B.P. 793 10-23-50 4,000.00 04Schueller Co. Repair porches to M.F.Br.Dwellg.B.P. 223 5-7-53 1,000.00 0-Alfred Schiltz B of A pet for var from the requirements of Art V Sec 5-106 & Art_V Sec 5-104 4 to a add of 1 3 room Apt. uranted DocKet d44