West 11th Street 0596 596 sr, lltu St® Sleet C - gym. Poinsett 0 -Refoth Furnace & Ietei Reroofing brick dwelling B.P. 1023 4/1/42 x+300,00 0. Russell Nash C. Beaver Roofing, Inc. Reroof SF Brk.Dwllg.B.P.393 5/31/74 995.00 0 -Steve Efken C- Owner t /o, reroof SF BP36118 10/3/96 $6000.00 Board of Adjustment Docket 30 -99 for Conditional Use Permit to erect fence 5' high in front yard in HPC distr. Approved w /cond. fence is open design 5 /27/99 • ... . ......... . x