West 17th Street 0252 2 s "a; 17th t 0 2eter Konomos O- uelit .f a... _ ._. k ep- r, roof of brick a e11it ° 8 ... uB7 911143 100.00 C- Dnbngne Booting Co. Beroof M.1? Br€ck 7 e11g.B.P. 680 11- X10-48 - Repairs to oP poreh'of M.F.Br.Dwellg. B.P.`4.07 6 100.00 -30 -53 50.00 0. Hughes Apts. C. Dub. Insulation & Siding Reroof part mf br dw.B..4P_. 2.07..4/22/71235.00 . .