Minutes Conference Bd 2 17 04 City Conference Board Meeting Feb. 17,2004 In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 441.16 of the 2001 Code ofIowa, the Dubuque City Conference Board met in the Dubuque County Supervisors Chambers, 4th Floor Court House, 720 Central Ave., Dubuque, Iowa at 4:00 p.m. The purpose ofthe meeting is the presentation and explanation of the Dubuque City Assessor's budget for fiscal year 2004 and to set the budget for public hearing. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Terry Duggan at 4:00 p.m. Roll call was taken. Those present were: City Council: Mayor Terry Duggan Roy Buol Joyce Connors John Markham School Board Donna Bauerly Karen Behr Supervisors: Eric Manternach Donna Smith Jim Waller Also present were John & Mary Ellen Ganshirt along with City Assessor, Rick Engelken and Deputy Assessor Kim Reittinger. The first order of business was to approve the minutes of March 14, 2003 along with the minutes ITom the December 3, 2003 minutes of the City Conference Board. Mr. Waller made a motion to approve the minutes with a name correction made to the December 3m minutes. Mr. Markham seconded the motion. All members present voted "Aye." Motion carried. Mr. Engelken then made presentation of the 2004-2005 proposed City Assessor's Budget. Mr. Engelken explained the differences in the expenditures for 2003 - 2004, budgeted and estimated expenditures for the 2004 - 2005. The printing fund did increase; this is due to each property owner was notified of their new assessment. Mr. Engelken is requesting a 3.5% increase for himself and his deputy. Ms. Smith made a motion and seconded by Ms. Behr to meet on Tuesday March 9th in the Supervisor's Chambers of the Court House at 4:00 p.m. for the purpose of a public hearing on the city assessor's budget. All members voted "Aye." Motion carried.