Bennett Street 1844-1846 18 _ —1: 6 lies ett a O. Richard Esser C. Giesler Rfg � StBing_Co, Reside 2F Fr Dww11.g B 399 6/13/72 B o£ A get for var of Sec _3200.00 Sec 3(B),Art II to waive side_y_ard regw.rement of 6t to a11ow reection of add 21 ntoreguired ide yard. Denied Docket 31 -75 Erect add to 2fefr dwllg B.P. 665 2 Sept 75 1000 00_ 0- Richard Gotz C -Owner replace porch deck, drywall, 2F res BP 13533 5/25/88 $500.0 - 0-Mary Gotz drywall ceilings, 2F dwllg BPe13725 6/8/88 $112.00 1844 -46 Bennett 0- Richard Gotz C -John Duggan tear -off, sheeting,- reroof 2F frm dwllg BP18310 4/2/91 $2600.00 •