Berkley Place 0705 705 Berkley Place 0–Highland Construction Co. Erect S.F Srame Dwellg.B.P. 696 11 -5 -54 9,000.00 0 -0. L.'Tingler Construct open porch to rear of s.F.frame dwellg. B. P. 868 10 -17-60 95.00 O -Lee Ting2er C - MidState imp Reside SFFrame Dwllg, B.P. 947, 8/26/77 1200 .00 O C. L. T�mgler — G - Kac-- Co rre11 _ reroo S F frm dwllg BP5795 6/15/83 $700.00 705 Berkley Pl. 0-Robert Henry C-Owner install pool & deck 16x5 - SF - res BP - 6/T3/88 0-Shtrley Foster C -Zephyr Alum. Prod. install door hood & support columns SFdwllg BP21944 5/12/93 $1344.00 0- Shirley Foster C- Bel-Aire tio, reroof, sd, SF BP 28679 3 30 95 $1580.00 • • •