Minutes Comm Devel. Adv 3 10 04 MINUTES OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: TIME: PLACE: March 10, 2004 6:30 p.m. Carnegie Stout Library 360 W. 11th Street / Dubuque, Iowa 52001 Chairperson Maloy called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. following staff assurance of compliance with Iowa Open Meeting Law. Commissioners Present: Commissioner Absent: Paula Maloy, SVM Dave Oliver Harry Neustadt Chuck Isenhart Tom Wainwright David Shaw Jim Giesen Walter Pregler Staff Present: Aggie Tauke Kris Neyen Jerelyn O'Connor Public Present: Molly Casey - Boys/Girl Club Joe Noll / Mary Richards - Downtown Neighborhood Council Cinda Welu - Broadway Extended Neighborhood Beverly Berna - North End Neighborhood Association David Fisch - Valley View Neighborhood Association Certification of Minutes. January 14, 2004 Commissioner Giesen moved to approve the January 14, 2004 meeting minutes as submitted. Commissioner Pregler seconded. Roll call. All present in favor. Motion passed. Public Input None. New Business Neighborhood Grants- Review and Approve Jerelyn O'Connor stated that the application due date for the large grants was March 1, 2004. She reviewed the grant review committee's recommendations, which included the following: Valley View Neighborhood Association ($1,410) for a neighborhood beautification/clean up project; Downtown Neighborhood Council ($5,000) reading program at the Boys/Girls Club; North End Neighborhood Association ($4,995) for summer youth academic, cultural enrichment and recreational activities (in conjunction with the Dubuque County Extension Partners in Learning Program at Comiskey Park and Audubon); and Broadway Extended Neighborhóod ($4,375) "Together We Prepare" Program in cooperation with the Dubuque Chapter of American Red Cross. She also requested that because there are still remaining funds in that program, that the application period remain open for other neighborhood associations to apply. Molly Casey, representing the Boys/Girls Club, stated that their funding request is more of an enhancement of an existing program that is helping young people learn to read. Joe Noll and Mary Richards spoke in support of the Downtown Neighborhood Council's request. Cinda Welu, representing the Broadway Extended Neighborhood, stated that she feels their grant will help bring the neighbors together. Beverly Berna, representing Dubuque County Extension, stated that there are enough children needing summer activities that additional programs will not cause a problem. David Fisch, representing the Valley View Neighborhood Association, stated that the Valley View Neighborhood now has its own website at www.geocities.com/wnaoo. He also stated that last year they had approximately 50 volunteers to help with the neighborhood clean up project and is optimistic for this year's clean up. Joe Noll thanked the Commission for volunteering their time and efforts. Chairperson Maloy thanked the staff for assistance. Consolidated Plan Process Aggie Tauke stated that Consolidated Plan requires identifying how the CDBG funds will be spent based on prioritizing the needs, identifying obstacles, establishing goals, objectives and strategies to meet the needs of the community for homeless, special needs populations, housing and community development. She reported that a request for proposals will go out by June, with a consultant on board by July to help analyze the collected data. She will be bringing additional information to the Commission as it is obtained. Information SharinCl YES/HEART Memo Aggie reviewed the differences between the YES (Youth Empowerment Services) and the HEART (Housing Education And Rehabilitation Training) Programs. 2nd Quarter CDBG Report Aggie reviewed the report. The Commission noted that the Housing Rehab Services and Staff and the Housing Planning/Administration Services and Staff had inadvertently been reversed for the 2nd quarter. Aggie will revise the report. cp2 Expenditure Report Aggie reviewed the expenditure of the cp2 grants. The FY03 grants were completed on December 31, 2003, and progress is being made on the FY04 cp2 grants. CDBG Timeliness Update Aggie reported that the next drawdown of CDBG funds will allow the City to meet the HUD timeliness requirements prior to the May 1 deadline. Adiournment There being no further business, Commissioner Giesen moved to adjourn. Commissioner Pregler seconded. Motion passed by voice vote. Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Minutes taken by: Kris Neyen Rehabilitation Specialist Respectfully submitted by: Aggie Tauke Community Development Specialist KLN