2 15 11 City Council Proceedings Official_Special CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS OFFICIAL The Dubuque City Council met in special session at 6:30 p.m. on February 15, 2011 in the Historic Federal Building. Present: Mayor Buol, Council Members Braig, Connors, Jones, Lynch, Resnick; City Manager Van Milligen Mayor Buol read the call and stated this is a special session of the City Council called for the purpose of discussing various City departmental budgets. DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REVIEW Fiscal Year 2012 Departmental Budgets were presented by staff from the following City departments: Water Department, Water Pollution Control Plant, Public Works Department, and the Engineering Department. City Council had discussion with staff following each presentation. Water Department: Water Department Manager Bob Green introduced staff and presented the Fiscal Year 2012 budget for this department. Responding to questions from City Council, Green stated that the department has made improvements to the Water Valve Box Maintenance Program; and fluctuations in the amount of additives is dependent upon the water quality at the time the additives are introduced, federal requirements, and new digital calculation equipment. Green added that the amount of Debt Service is related to water tower improvements in addition to the impact of the Water Meter Replacement Program. Water Pollution Control Plant: WPCP Manager Jonathon Brown introduced staff and presented the Fiscal Year 2012 budget for this department. Responding to questions from City Council, Brown stated that the remaining incinerator is working well and a contingency plan is in place should it fail before its scheduled replacement. He explained the benefits of the laboratory addition and that the projected rate increase will affect utility bills and not property taxes. Brown added that rates are affected by current energy costs and may possibly stabilize in the future. Public Works Department: Public Works Director Don Vogt introduced staff and presented the Fiscal Year 2012 budget for this department. Responding to questions from the City Council, Vogt stated that the status of removing ornamental trees planted along the riverfront is still unknown, and the department will review resurfacing Rockdale and Cedar Cross Roads. A device that measures the kilowatt usage of appliances is available to citizens through the Library. Street Maintenance Supervisor John Klostermann stated that heightened Corps of Engineers standards require the removal of all vegetation along the floodwall with certain exceptions, and replacement benches along the south floodwall are being considered. Van Milligen reiterated that the City has a $1 million contingency fund if needed to offset the possibility of increased fuel costs. Resource Management Coordinator Paul Schultz shared recycling statistics and described efforts being taken to encourage recycling. Engineering Department: City Engineer Gus Psihoyos introduced staff and presented the Fiscal Year 2012 Budget for this department. A video describing the operations of the traffic cameras and Traffic Center was presented. Responding to questions from City Council, Van Milligen stated that engineers are reimbursed for mileage when they use personal vehicles for work. Psihoyos stated that he will review the signalization at Rhomberg and Elm Streets; described the new style of catch basins, and that a second full-time engineer has been added to the Traffic Center. Traffic Engineer Dave Ness provided additional information related to the video storage and virtual server improvement package. Civil Engineer Jon Dienst stated that the Green Alley project will become an annual project beginning with Fiscal Year 2013 with the City continuing its current policy with respect to alley maintenance. Walt McFadden, 5580 Pennsylvania Avenue, asked if there are plans to extend sanitary sewer to annexed areas yet to be developed. Van Milligen and Psihoyos both stated that it has been the City’s policy to work with developers on extending service to annexed properties as plans for development become known. There being no further business, upon motion the City Council adjourned at 9:13 p.m. /s/Jeanne F. Schneider, CMC City Clerk 1t 2/23