Iowa League of Cities Human Development Committee Appointment4‘‘Wriirl IOWA LEAGUE °f CITIES February 7, 2011 Joyce Connors Council Member Dubuque 600 Edith Dubuque, IA 52001 Dear Joyce: This letter is to inform you that I have submitted your name for appointment to the National League of Cities Human Development (HD) committee. A description of the various policy committees is enclosed. Additional information, including the names of other members from around the country and recent activities of the committee is available on -line at: http: / /www.nlc.org/ inside _nlc /committeescouncils.aspx. While neither the National League of Cities nor the Iowa League of Cities reimburses you for participation in these committees, most of the committees meet in conjunction with NLC's annual meetings. The first meeting will be held during the upcoming Congressional Cities Conference in Washington, D.C. and the second is held at the November Congress of Cities in Phoenix. As the organization representing city interests at the national level, these committees provide invaluable assistance to the National League of Cities in identifying and prioritizing issues. I am sure that you will find participation in these groups to be valuable, rewarding and an opportunity to network with city officials from all over the country. If you have any additional questions or are unwilling to serve, please contact me either by email at alankemp @iowaleague.org or by telephone at (515) 244 -7282. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully, Alan W. Kemp Executive Director AWK:eb Enclosure w -7(tur 317 SIXTH AVENUE o SUITE 800 o DES MOINES, IOWA 50309 -4113 (515) 244 -7282 o FAX (515) 244 -0740 0 WEB SITE: www.iowaleague.org President Ruth Randleman Mayor, Carlisle Immediate Past President Dale Uehling Mayor, Ottumwa President -elect Kris Gulick Council Member, Cedar Rapids Executive Director Alan W. Kemp