Carter Road 2129 2129 Carter Road 0 H 1]crest Builders, Inc, Erect S.F.Frame Dwellg.B.P. 228 5 -8-57 21,000.00 0 —Earl Prey Erect fttached garage to rear of S.F.Frame Dwellg. B.P. 744 10 -24-58 950.00 0- Donald Feltes C- Masters Home Improve. siding, SF frm dwllg BP19576 11/15/91 $2400.00 0- Donald Geltes C -Owner tear off reroof det garage sf Bp25411 9/27/94 $225.00 2129 Carter Road 0- Don Feltes C- Warren Amling New roof, SF, sd BP 25614 10/3/94 $2100.00