Central Avenue 2920-2930 2921 Central Ave. 0 -Holy Ghost Parish. C -B. A. Schueller. Alterations to brick church. B.P. 492 8/7/39 100.00 0 -Holy Ghost Parish C- Conlon Construction Remodel int brk /fr church BP 2306 7/21/80 $28000.00 0- Holy Ghost Church C -Owner remodel int. of mas. & frm church - install bathroom BP 5401 3/18/83 $100.00 0 -Holy Ghost Church C -Owner erect temporary sign BP 13333 4/19/88 0 -Holy Ghost Church C -Owner erect temporary sign BP 15044 4/17/89 2921 Central Ave. 0-Holy Ghost Church C-Owner temporary sign BP 15933 9/14/89 0 -Holy Ghost School C- Rafoth Sheet Metal reroof school BP22873 10/1/93 $19500.00 0 -Holy Ghost Catholic C -Owner Build 10x12 grotto, stone, new,Church BP 30597 6/12/95 $1194.00 0- Holy Ghost -- Parish £- Holy Ghost Parent Assoc. erect temporary sign _8P39466.10/21/98 n/a 2921 Central Ave. 0-Holy Ghost Church C-Owner -- aract -- taporary - s - ign -- B - Pi - O - &2 -- i - i - /t/s9 - n/r- - HUt5rtflUst t Church TC-Ihe Power of Prayer e_nact_temparas4n_BP41755. 6/21200Chia- . 2930 Central Ave. 0- - Sanitaryy Toarel Service — C -D3 C - 0 - Bull ling Improv. reroof &flashingCommLaundromat BP22283 6 -28 -93 $3148.00 2930 Central Ave. 0-Earl E. lt. Donald C- Conlon Const. 6o. Remodel Interior of 2 Story Brick Building. B.P. 325 6 -4 -58 1, 0. Joe Mc Donell C. Beaver Roofing Co. Reroof Br. Bus. Bldg. B.P. 228 4 -22 -64 462.00 0 -Carl Hirsch C- Beaver Roofing Reroof Brk Bus Bldg, B.P. 1179, 11/17/76 2000.00 o - John.. Hirsch -. _... Alteration to brk MF & Bus Bldg, B.P. 981, 8/9/78 300. 2920 -30 Central Ave 0 -Jack Hirsch Alteration to Brk Bus . &_ME_Dwllg,_B.P.__1084, 9/20/77 500.00 2920 - 2930 Central 0 -Jack Hirsch C- Mid -State Co. reroof MF brk dwllg BP 6769 4/11/84 $800.00 0 -Jack Hirsch C -Owner replace stairs & reside, MF res BP 11644 4/22/87 $1200.00 0 -Jeff Avenarius C -Frank Timmerman panel, inter. comm. bldg 3P19278 9/10/91 $1500.00 I ,