Central Avenue 2981 2981 Cenral Ave. / 0-Holy Ghost School C -Willy Construction Co. Erect School Buildirng B.P519 7 -23 -56 300,000.00 C -Willy Const. Co. Partial Completion of 2nd floor of School Bldg., B.P._4 30 6-9 -60 22,000.00 Cdilly Const. Co. 38,000.00 Completion of 2nd floor of School Bldg. B.P. 174 4 -19-62 2981 Central Ave Erect Steel & Mas Parish Center, B.P. 1384, 11/16/77 -_ 130,000.00 0-Holy Ghost School C -James Kress shingle part of school roof BP 6118 8/18/83 $2200.00 0 -Holy Ghost Church C- James - Kress partial reroof_- church BP 7491 8/7/84_$1200.00 0 -Holy Ghost School C- Geisler Bros. reroof school bldg. BP 9957 4/30/86 $16379.00 0 -Holy Ghost Church C -St. Columkille's Church - erecttemporary sign - BP 14170 8/18/88 l 2981 Central 0 -Holy Ghost Church C -St. Columkille's Church erect temporary sign BP 15760 8/9/89 N/A Board of Adjustment Docket 36 -90 for Conditional Use -- Permit to allow group day care for 40 children; Appproved w /conditions 7/26/90 0 -Holy Ghost Parish C- Rafoth Sheet Metal install rubber roof "system on gymnasium, school BP37567 8/6/97 $22397.00