Central Avenue 3095 3095 Central Ave, B,of, A. Petn. waive side & rear yard requirements for removal of shed and erect on same location. Granted on alley line, must be 3' from north lot line.Docket No.63 -63 0. Rudolph Schmitt C. Edward Tschiggfrie Erect$xf. Frame Shed B.P. 247 4 -24 -64 500.00 0- Steve Collins C- Top All New roof, sd, SF BP27350 11 -23 -94 $4250.00 O -Steve Collins C- Masters Siding & Insul. siding ,soffit,fascia, -csgs,SFfrm BP27922 2/14/95 $7934.00 - 3095 Central 0- Steve & Bonnie Collins C- Stackis Const. Inc. erect 24'x30' det. frm garage on slab, SF BP41482 4/17/200( — $8640:00 - --