Chaney Road 1935 f 1935 Chaney Road 0— Thomas L. Hickson Erect S.F.Frame Dwellg. B.P. 136 4 -5 -54 8,000.00 B.of A. Petn, to waive 12 of required side yard Attached garage with breezeway. Granted Docket No. 27 -59 0— Thomas L. Hickson Const. attached garage to side of S,F,Frame Dwellg. B.P. 541 8 -1 -59 1,000.00 0 -Mrs. Thomas Hickson C -Burke Alumatic siding, soffit, fascia SF frm dwllg BP 4254 5/13/82 $3000.00 r mmammimmm ,.o 1935 Chaney Rd. 0 -Mrs. Thomas Hickson C- Geisler Bros. Co. reroof SF frm dwllg BP 4748 8/5/82 $2200.00 0- Sonia Hickson C- InterState Reroof, sd, SF - BP29457 5 -2 -95 $3500.00 0- Sonia Hickson C -Burke Aluminum Siding, trim, sd, SF BP 30741 6/15/95 $2534.00