Clarke Drive 1897 1897 beainery 8t. 0- George setoff, L. Henschel -Ye Co, Hereof brick house B,1 399 3/3/36 100,00 0 -Owner. Genet. br, veneer edd, n..1 148 6/16/36 600.00 0- Steehli - ros, --rest 2 car var ee, S.F. 525 8/10/38 500.00 B,of A. Petn, for Extension of non eonoofming nse%, for addition to present garage. Granted Docket No. 3 - Vote 3 Ayes 1 Nay. Docket No. 44 Withdrawn • • 1897 Clarke Drive. B.of A. Petn, to extend non conforming use to Lot 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of Min. Lot 181, . Denied Docket No 67-67 O. John Ludescher C. Chas fleas New stoop front& remodle Int. Br. Bus. Bldg.B.P. 324 6 -1 -67 5,000.00 0. John Ludescher B of A petn for Var Art IX Sec (A) 3 & Art IV Sec 4(d) to change nonconforming use to apartments and waive lot areas to allow 4 - 2 bdrm & 1 - 1 bdrm apts on two lots. Granted. Docket 8 - 73. Clarke D 1$97 1$97 __ rive John Ludescher C. Charles Klaas :Remodel Interior Brk Bus Bldg - Convert to Apartnents B.P. 264 5/3/73 17,300.00