Clarke Drive 2011 2011 Seminary St. i 0 -John Mootz Erect Conc. Block Garage B.P. 157 5 -21 -51 198.00 0 -John Mootz Construct open front porch to S.F.Frame Dwellg. B.P. 424 6 - -54 50.00 B.of A. Petn. to waive lot area requirement to subdivide into 2 lots granted. Garage must be removed. Docket No. 17 -56 Erect Conc.B1. Garage B.P. 765 10 -23 -56 400.06 • • 2011 Clarke Drive 0- P_erwin Rupp. Const, stoop over cellar entrance to S.F. Fr.Dwellg, B.D, 576 9_1_70 2.00.00 Reroof Part SF Fr Dwllg B.P. 498 7 -11 -72 80,00 0- Merwin Rupp Reside Reroof SF Fr Dwllg, B.P. 676, 7/9/76 1300.00 0- Merwin Rupp C- Bullock Garages erect 22x26 det. gar. BP 5931 7/8/83 $5695.00 2011 CLARKE DR O-Merwin Rupp C- Owner t /o, reroof dwllg & det gar, SF, sd BP 32297 8/25/95 $2025.00 O- Merwin Rupp C- Owner siding(v),soffit,close in one window, SF BP37634 8/18/97 $3000.00 O- Merwin Rupp C- Owner alter pitch of 6x12 roof over bsmt stairs SF BP38267 2/12/98 $375.00 0- Merwin Rupp C -Owner t /o, reroof 12x12 section of roof SF BP39824 3/18/99 $500.0