Cottage Place 0889 889 Cottage Place 0-Vince-Hirsch Erect S.F,Frame Dwellg.B.P. 612 8 - -52 7,500.00 0. Ralph Jungk C. Burke Altuna.tic Reside SF Frame Dwelling B.P. 856 10/17/73 1,075.00 0 -Ralph Jungk C- Geisler Bros. Co. Reroof SFFr Dwllg, B.P. 1094, 9/22/77 3400.00 Board of Adjustment Docket 13 -89 for variance in frt yd setback to allow carport 5' from frt prop. line. Approved with conditions 4/27/89 889 Cottage 0 -Ralph Jungk C -Gary Koch Const. erect wood carport, att. to SF res BP 16186 10/27/89 $1476.00